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College of Engineering


Olongapo City



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TITLE: 5. Latent Heat of Evaporation the amount of

EVAPORATION & energy expended by a unit mass of water

while passing from liquid to vapor state at
EVAPOTRANSPIRATION constant temperature
6. Saturation Vapor Pressure the partial
pressure exerted by the water vapor at
saturation state.
The main objective of this report is to explain the
7. Equilibrium State when the vapor
concepts of and the differences between
pressure of air above the free surface of
evaporation and evapotranspiration.
water is already equal to the saturation vapor
8. Phytometer a device used to measure
Evaporation and transpiration are two of the most
transpiration. It is a large vessel filled with
important and most complicated phases of
soil in which one or more plants are rooted.
hydrologic cycle. These phases redistribute the
9. Transpiration Ratio the amount of water
heat energy between surfaces and atmosphere.
transpired by a plant in its growth to produce
Estimates in evaporation and evapotranspiration are
a unit weight of dry matter exclusive of roots
required in the design of reservoirs, irrigation,
10. Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) the
systems, scheduling and frequency of irrigation and
evapotranspiration which would occur if there
water balance and simulation studies.
was always an adequate water supply
available to a fully vegetated surface
11. Pan Coefficient the ratio of reservoir
1. Evaporation the process by which water
evaporation to pan evaporation
from water from liquid or solid state passes
12. ISI Standard Pan also known as modified
into the vapor state and is diffused into
class A pan.
13. Polar Compounds these are chemicals
2. Sublimation the process by which water is
that can act as evaporation suppressors.
converted from solid state to vapor state
14. Consumptive Use (CU) is the
without passing through liquid state
evapotranspiration from an area plus the
3. Transpiration the process by which water
water used directly in the metabolic process
passes from liquid to vapor state through
of building plant tissue.
plant metabolism
4. Evapotranspiration (ET) the process by
which water is evaporated from wet surfaces
and transpired by plants together
Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 1

b. Hortons Equation
Evaporation: E = 0.4 ( e e )
Factors Affecting Evaporation Where:
1. Radiation = function of wind velocity
2. Temperature =2e .

3. Wind
4. Atmospheric Pressure For large areas:
5. Quality of Water 1
E = 0.4 ( e e )((1 P) + P( )
6. Size of Water Surface h

7. Nature of Evaporating Surface Where:

= fraction of the time during which the
Estimation of Evaporation wind is turbulent
1. Empirical Equations = relative humidity expressed in
2. Balance Water Method fraction
3. Energy balance Method
4. Mass Transfer Method c. Meyers Equation
5. Combined Energy-Budget and Mass E = C(e e )(1 + 0.06125V)
Transfer Approach Where:
= evaporation in mm/month
List of empirical equations that are suggested to = saturation vapor pressure in mm of
estimate evaporation from free-water surface: mercury corresponding to the mean
a. Fitzgeralds Equation monthly temperature of air
E = (0.4 + 0.124V)(e e ) = actual vapor pressure in air based
Where: on mean monthly temperature and
= evaporation in mm/day relative humidity
= saturated vapor pressure at the = monthly mean wind speed at the
temperature of the water surface in mm surface in kph at 10m above the ground
of mercury = 15 for small shallow ponds; 11 for
= actual vapor pressure of air in mm of large or deep water bodies
= mean wind speed at the surface in d. Rohwers Equation
kph E = 0.771(1.465 0.000732P )(0.44
+ 0.07334V)(e e )

Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 2


Where: . =
= evaporation in mm/day
= mean barometric reading in mm of
0.46 = = 11.62
mercury 25.27
Fitzgeralds Equation:
e. Lake Mead Equation = (0.4 + 0.124 )( )
E = 0.0331V(e e )[1 0.03(T T )] = (0.4 + 0.124 25.27)(22.43 11.62)
Where: = . /
= ave. air temperature. in
= ave. water surface temperature in Evaporation loss for one week = 7 15 10

= .

Example 1. The following meteorological data

Hortons Equation:
pertain to a large reservoir with the waterspread
= 0.4 ( )
area of 15 km. The data represents the average . .
= 0.4 [2 e (22.43 11.62)
values for the day:
= . /
Water Temperature: 24 .
Evaporation loss for one week = 7 15 10
Air Temperature: 26
= .
Atmospheric Pressure: 752mm of mercury
Meyers Equation:
Wind Speed at 0.5m above ground level: 25.3kph
E = C(e e )(1 + 0.06125V)
Relative Humidity: 46%
Estimate the average daily evaporation from the
Since it is a large water body and since the
reservoir and also the evaporation losses from the
evaporation is estimated for one day, the value of C
reservoir for a period of one week using empirical
formulae. may be taken as . The velocity to be used in this

equation is the velocity at 10m above ground level.

Solution. The saturation vapor pressure This can be obtained from power law:
corresponding to water temperature of 24C can be
obtained from Table 2.1 as 29.831mb or 10 .
=( )
29.831/1.33= 22.43mm of mercury. Similarly, the .
saturation vapor pressure corresponding to air = 25.3 20 = 39.653 /

temperature of 26C is 33.608mb or 33.608/1.33 =

25.27mm of mercury. E= (22.43 11.62)(1 + 0.06125 x 39.653

Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 3


= . / Errors in Pan Evaporation

1. Films of dust, oil from sprays, the oily

Evaporation loss for one week = 7

15 10 secretion of insects alighting on water, birds
bathing in pans, and screen covers placed
= .
over the pans to keep out the birds can
Rohwers Equation:
cause systematic errors in observation.
E = 0.771(1.465 0.000732P ) (0.44
2. The evaporation from water in which some
+ 0.07334V) (e e )
solutes are present is less than the
E = 0.771(1.465 0.000732 x 752) (0.44
evaporation from fresh water.
+ 0.07334 x 25.3) (22.43 11.62)
= . /
Methods Reducing Evaporation
1. Reducing Surface Area The volume of
Evaporation loss for one week = 7 15 10
water lost as evaporation is directly
= . proportional to the exposed waterspread
area. Therefore, the evaporation can be
Lake Mead Equation: reduced by reducing the surface area.
E = 0.0331 x 25.3 (22.43 11.62) [1 0.03(2)] 2. Mechanical Covers this method applies
= . / only to small reservoirs. The covers include
Evaporation loss for one week = 7 15 10 roofs, floating rafts and wind breaks, floating
wax blocks, floating lightweight concrete
= .
3. Suppression of Evaporation by Surface
Measurement of Evaporation
Films certain chemicals known as polar
Evaporation measurements are also required to
compounds can act as evaporation
validate the empirical equations that are developed.
suppressors. These substances possess
Evaporation is usually measured either by:
molecules which have great affinity for water
1. Atmometers
at one end and other end repels water.
a. Livingstone Atmometer
b. Piche Atmometer
2. Evaporation pans or evaporimeters
Factor Affecting Transpiration
a. Sunken Pan
1. Plant Factors
b. Floating Pan
2. Soil Factors
c. Surface Pan
3. Climate Factors

Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 4


Measurement of Transpiration Estimation of Evapotranspiration from

It is not possible to measure transpiration in Climatological Data
appreciable area under normal conditions. a. Blaney-Criddle Equation
Therefore, the measurement is generally restricted
to small samples under laboratory condition. 100
= monthly mean temperature in F
Phytometer is most common measurement of
transpiration. It is a large vessel filled with soil in = monthly daylight hours expressed as

which one or more plants are rooted. percent of the daylight hours of the year

Evapotranspiration: is obtained from the expression:

Measurement of Evapotranspiration
1. Water-budget Method also known as
= 100

inflow outflow method. This is suitable for
evaluating evapotranspiration of large area
such as watersheds over relatively long

periods of time. = 100
365 12
2. Field Experimental Plots In this method,
a field plot is chosen and the amount of The value of depends on the latitude of the place
water added to the irrigation plot under and the month of the year which can be obtained
observation by way of precipitation and from Table7.4
irrigation are measure along with runoff.
3. Soil Moisture Depletion Studies The
studies involve measurement of soil moisture
from various depths at as frequent intervals
of time as possible throughout the growth
period of the crop.
4. Lysimeter Method also known as
evapotranpirometer. It consists of a circular The monthly consumptive use is then obtained as:

tank about 60 to 90 cm in diameter and =

180cm deep. It is filled with soil and Where:

individual crops or natural vegetation, for = empirical crop coefficient

which the evapotranspiration is required, are


Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 5


The values of depends on the month and the Temperature in Nov = 20.2C = 68.36F
. .
place. Average values of for some selected crops = = = 5.182 inches
are given in Table 7.5. These values maybe used in
the computations in the absence of more reliable
Evapotranspiration in May = 0.85 x 5.182 inches
values which can be obtained only from local
= 4.404 in. or 11.19 cm
experimental data.

b. Thornthwaite Equation
= = 1,2, .12

= mean monthly temperature in C

Example 2. The mean monthly temperature in May The twelve monthly heat indices are then

and November at a place of Latitude 20N is 28.4C added to obtain the annual heat index . That
and 20.2C respectively. Determine the
evapotranspiration for sugarcane crop at this place
for these two months.

Solution. From Table 7.4 for a place of latitude The monthly potential evapotranspiration
20N (PET) for any month is then calculated from
in the month of May = 9.14 and equation:
in the month of Nov = 7.58 10
= 1.5 ( )

From Table 7.5, the value of crop coefficient for
= 6.75 10 7.71 10 + 1.792 10
sugarcane in the month of May is 0.90 and in the
+ 0.49239
month of November, it is 0.85.

12 30 ( 31)
Temperature in May = 28.4C = 83.12F
. .
= = = 7.597 inches c. Christiansen Equation
= .
Evapotranspiration in May = 0.90 x 7.597 inches Where:
= 6.837 in. or 17.37 cm

Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 6


= daily solar radiation at the top of the

atmosphere converted into equivalent depth
of evaporation in mm
= derived from series of climatic
= units in mm/day

d. Penman Equation

Evapotranspiration Control
Evapotranspiration maybe possibly reduced from a
region through the following measures:
1. By destroying the unwanted plants that
transpire efficiency.
2. By breeding plant varieties that transpire less
3. By reducing air movement over a crop by
wind breaks of interplanted rows of taller
4. By applying chemical antitranspirants
5. By placing watertight moisture barriers or
water-retardant mulches on the soil surface
6. By appropriate land use changes in the
catchment which increase streamflow

Reported by | Estacio, John David R. & Vitug, Celine 7

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