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How to Use a Pendulum

Following are Dowsing instructions as they appear on our Wallet Cards, each comes
with a Dowsing chart. Our Pendulum Dowsing Wallet Cards are available at stores who
carry our other fine Dowsing products. Search our database now to find a store near
you. Enjoy reading some ideas on how to use a "Pendulum"!


How to use your Pendulum - Basic information

For personal use only - 2001,2002,2003 Andrs Nvai

Hold the Pendulum comfortably in the fingers of your writing hand, with the chain
and Bob hanging free over the center of the chart. Relax. Take a deep breath and
relax even more.
Get in touch with the playful, child part of yourself. Begin speaking directly to
your "inner Child." Say: "Subconscious", or say "(your name), show me your 'Yes'."
The Bob will start to move in any direction: back & forth, diagonally or in a
circle. Whatever movement you get is your Yes direction from now on. Its O.K. if
your hand moves. Relax your arm.
If it does not move say Inner Child, (or Subconscious) please say Yes louder,
and move more so I can see it clearly.
If it still does not move, relax and be patient. Stop. Take a breath and relax.
Visualize. Talk to your Inner Child. Explain to him/her that the Pendulum is a way
you two can be in constant contact with each other. Demonstrate. Get agreement on
using the Pendulum in your inner visualization.
Ask for your Yes direction again. When there is a definite movement (which is the
same each time you ask for Yes), then you can continue.
Ask for your No direction the same way. Then ask for your Maybe direction.
Relax. (The Bob must move, if it stays still it means nothing at this point.)
Once you are satisfied that you have a definite and different movement for each of
the 3 answers (Yes, No, Maybe), then begin to experiment with your new Life
Skill! A new world will open to you.
Ask simple Physical questions. (Avoid Emotional Issues and questions about the
Future until you are much more skilled or have a friend do it for you. Avoid using
the word "should", instead ask "is this (or that) in my best (or highest)
interest?") Example: Is it in my best interest to eat this cake? or Is this the
best car for me?
Above all: Be Playful. Relax. Have Fun. Soon you will be comfortable Asking Your
Inner Child for answers to all of your daily questions.
Once you have these basics, you may wish to clear yourself or say a Prayer or set
an Intention before Dowsing (for example: I ask that this work be in the Light of
GOD and in the Highest Interest of All concerned.)
This skill takes 2 minutes to learn, and benefits you for Life! You can always ask
your Pendulum (really the Inner You) about your next learning steps such as
Dowsing Workshops or Books!


Doorways to Intuition through Pendulum Dowsing

For personal use only - 2001, 2002, 2003 Andrs Nvai

Let us say you or a friend have an Issue, Question, or Problem. When Pendulum
Dowsing, you can divide the information you get into arbitrary categories or chunks
in order to create a "map", or "picture" of the situation. Use this chart. As your
Intuition opens up, more and more information becomes available to you earlier and
earlier in the process.
Write out the situation and question precisely. Phrase carefully. Add today's date.

Place the Pendulum over the bottom center of the chart.

Ask: "Concerning (say your question), what is, what is the #1 category responsible
for... "or" ...involved in this situation?". "What is the #2...?", etc.

To fine-tune this process, use in combination with the Percentage Chart (item
#PWC804) to discover what percentage of each situation is Physical, or Emotional,
etc. For example, a problem may be 0% Physical, 80% Emotional, 10% Mental, and 10%
Karmic. This begins to give you a clearer picture of possible remedies.

Physical - Situation is primarily from or rooted in the physical plane. Chakras and
Dimensions: 0, 1 & 2
Emotional - Situation has to do with feelings: anger, resentment, jealousy, joy,
compassion, fulfillment, etc. Chakras and Dimensions: 3 and 4.
Mental - Situation has to do with how you think about something; your mental
attitude, judgments, decisions, choices. Chakras and Dimensions 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10;
13; & 16.
Karmic - Concerning results of your actions, usually past, but could be future;
"What ye sow, so shall ye reap"; "What goes around comes around," i.e. your issue
could be rooted earlier in this life or in a past life. Life's purpose issues.
Spiritual - Item at issue has to do with: Spiritual Work completed or neglected;
unexplored potentials; Assistance from other, usually Higher Realms or need for
Other - Sometimes answers are outside the options you have created. "Other" allows
you to go beyond the envelope.


Quantifying Your PENDULUM DOWSING for Clearer Results

For personal use only - 2001, 2002, 2003 Andrs Nvai

When Pendulum Dowsing you are working initially with simple "Yes" or "No" answers.
And since you often have complex questions, you need to find "handles" or
'doorways" into your Intuition. One of the first of these techniques is quantifying
your questions or answers; giving them a number or a size. So, for example, if you
find two brands of Vitamin C, both of which dowse as good for you, you can ask how
many percent better one is than the other. Note: When using such a chart either a)
State your Intention: Which level you want to work with ("ones", "tens",
"hundreds", etc.) or b) Ask: "From which level are the answers coming?" (For
example, "Is this 5 or 50?"

Percentage Chart for Pendulum Dowsing

After a while you'll be able to look at your Pendulum and, for example, you will
instantly Know/Intuit that the angle is close to, or about 96%! In other words, as
you get used to the different angles you'll need the chart less and less. Or let's
say the answer looks to be about 40%-45%, yet you want to know exactly. Tell your
Inner Child/Subconscious that each forward/back movement of the Pendulum is "1" and
that when it's finished counting it should change to a Left/Right movement. Thus to
get your exact number start a little below what you think the number might be, say
"38", then count each time the Pendulum swings Back and Forth: "39", "40", "41",
"42" and then it goes sideways. Now you know the exact number is 42 (or 42%). As
with any new skill, the more you practice, the better and faster and more Intuitive
you become!

Who Ya Gonna Call? "A" (When Pendulum Dowsing)

For personal use only - 2001, 2002, 2003 Andrs Nvai

The single most important question (and the one most neglected) in Pendulum Dowsing
is who you're talking to! Almost all Dowsers assume they know. Yet when asked they
say "My Soul", "The Angels", "GOD". Actually, the Subconscious/Inner Child, which
is like the telephone switchboard operator, is responsible for connecting you to
other parts of yourself, and to other Beings. If you have a good relationship with
your Inner Child all goes well. If, however, you skipped lunch for that "very
important meeting" your Inner Child/Body may be unhappy or even angry and
uncooperative! Keep your Inner Child/Body happy at all times! Talk to him/her
daily. Share views, negotiate disagreements, keep your promises! As you work with
these various Parts-of-Self and with Higher Beings you will get to "sense" or
"feel" their presence even before the Pendulum begins to move! Soon you will also
know who handles what kinds of questions (Example: Basic Self knows about
Survival/Food/Shelter/Career while High Self is interested in the Big Picture: Your
Life's Purpose, Karma, Spiritual Life, etc.)

Elementals = Earth, Water, Fire, Air

Devas = Fairies, Elves - Baby Angels
Basic Self = Low Self, Subconscious, Inner Child, The Body
High Self = Superconscious, Soul
Guides = Spirit Guides - Once Incarnate
Consulting Guides (G+) = Specific Knowledge and Skills (Doctors, Lawyers)
Oversoul = The Soul of your Soul
Other = State who you want or ask who it is

Write the date and your question carefully phrased. (Use "Is it in my Best Good?"
or "... in my Highest Interest to..."; avoid conditional words like "Should").
Subconscious is like a computer & takes every word literally; it doesn't understand
irony, joking, or slang. You may have to define what you are referring to by
holding a mental image for your Subconscious.

Ask: "May I speak to High Self?"

"Is this High Self?"

"Are you telling the Truth?" (If not, find out what's going on)

"Is there anything in the way of 100% Truth?" (If Yes, find out what. Deal with

When all is clear, ask High Self who would be best to answer your question. The
Pendulum will point to single Beings like Guides, or to groups of Beings. There may
be several Groups answering (Example: Elementals, Devas, and Low Self are Group A,

Ask your original question of each part or each group and note the answers, writing
"A1" as "Answer #1 of Group A", "A2" as "Answer 2 of Group A", etc. Then "B1" is
Answer #1 of "Group B" etc. Write A1, A2, B1, etc. next to the option the Pendulum
points to!

Who Ya Gonna Call? "B"
For personal use only - 2001, 2002, 2003 Andrs Nvai

If you have a question or a request that goes beyond the abilities, area of
expertise, or area of responsibility of the Parts and Beings above then this Group
may be of assistance. Before you proceed - a request and a caution. First the
request: Kindly be respectful, thoughtful, considerate and honoring of these Great
Sacred Beings. For example: If you feel you are on a "Mission From GOD" and need
help, by all means call the ArchAngel Michael. But if you're simply upset about
your new boyfriend, it's a job for your Inner Child, Your High Self and your
Guides. Second, the caution: Always clear yourself by a.) setting your Intention
and b.) Saying a Prayer or Invocation before Dowsing. And even after clearing use
judgment and discernment with any answers you get. Be especially cautious with
Extra-Terrestrials and Extra-Dimensionals. Many are Loving and Benevolent yet some
are not, in spite of how "nice" they may appear. When in doubt call the Angels or
whomever you pray to, for assistance. If unsure, don't go there!... Wait till
you're more experienced.

ArchAngels = Creator Sons

Angels = God's Messengers & Assistants
Ascended Masters = Our "Elder" Brothers & Sisters of Light
Extra-Terrestrials (Et's) = Benevolent or Malevolent
Extra-Dimensionals (Ed's) = Benevolent or Malevolent
Other = State who you want or Ask who it is


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