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Exam Revision

Treaty Of Versailles: 1919

Peace treaty that outlined terms for Germanys surrender at the end of WW1.
Terms included: Pay the Allies (British, France, USA) 6.6 billion (reparation) they
lost much of their empire and land to new countries like Poland. Germany forced to
take the blame of the War.

The Great Depression: 1929-1939

Started in October 1929 with the Wall Street crash in NY USA. It impacted the
whole world- particularly Germany which was already struggling to rebuild after
war and pay reparations to France and Britain. Australia struggled too -especially
city worker who lost their jobs in factories as they closed down- forced to work for
dole, ask for sustenance payments (Susso), take kids out of schools because parents
couldnt afford to send them, forced to live in tents and make-shift shacks called
Shantytowns. (Happy Valley-Sydney.) People in the countryside could survive off
the land.

Rise of Nazi - Road to WW2

People looked for ways out of the Depression. Willing to listen to the extreme views
for a fix to their extremely crappy life. Extreme political views: Left
wing/communism = everyone is equal not good for the wealthy. All wealth is
shared. Fascism = One leader, very anti-immigration, discriminate against
differences. In Germany Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party were voted in He is a
fascist. He blamed the Jews and Allies for the Treaty of Versailles and Great
Depression. Hitler was anti-Semitic. He used the Jews as a scapegoat. Once in
power, Hitler started breaking the terms of the treaty. He took over Austria and
Czechoslovakia and re-built his armed forces and stopped paying reparations. The
Allies allowed this because they didnt want another war so they used
appeasement to avoid contact. When Hitler tried to further his luck by incasing
Poland in 1939 but the Allies declared War. When Hitler was in power in 1933, he
started to systematically decrease the rights of the Jewish, n=banning them from
Government jobs like teaching, taking away citizenship rights He also had an Anti-
Jewish art shows to show the Germans how evil Jews are. Things started to get
worse for the Jews when they were made to wear the Yellow Star of David (symbol
of Judaism) on their clothes. In 1938 Jewish shops were being vandalized and
smashed with Jewish synagogues (Jewish churches) burned down during a night of
rioting lead by Nazi members.

World War 2 1939 1945

Once Germany invades Europe it captures 9 million Jews. First Jews are rounded up
and shot in mass graves. By 1941 Germany decides a better way to slaughter so
many people is by gassing thousands in one go in death camps and then cremating
their bodies.
Australia at War
First fought in North Africa against the Germans and Italians.
Held port town in Tobrook in Libya in 1941 for 9 months.
Defeated Germany at El Alamein in Egypt in 1942.
The entire AIF 8th Battalion was captured by the Japanese at the Fall o
Singapore Feb 1942.
The Japanese bombed Darwin in Feb 1942.
The Japanese invaded Papua New Guinea in 1942. Japan was defeated on
the Kokoda track after a 9-month battle.
Prisoners of War were soldiers captured by enemy. Japan captured the most
POWs. The Japanese made the prisoners do large tasks of slave labor,
building railway lines, treating them badly (think back to your essay.)
Aussies POWs relied on friendship to survive put on shows to boots
morale, helped injured mates by covering for them, sold stuff on the black
market to pay for medicine snuck into prison camps.

End Of WW2 (Nuclear Bomb)

USA drops a uranium nuclear bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. This kills
150,000 instantly and another 200,000 people by radiation sickness and
water. Radiation leads to cancer and birth defects.
The First bomb was dropped on the 6th of August 1945
Second plutonium bomb was dropped on the 9th of August 1945
Japan surrendered on the 15th of August 1945.

Indigenous Australia
Kevin Rudd apologized to the Stolen Generation in 2008
Day of mourning remembers white invasion of Australia. (26th Jan
Australia Day)
Terra Nullius = land belonging to no one = unoccupied, a law the British
used to claim Australia.
Tent embassy in 1972, Indigenous used a tent in front of parliament to
protest land rights.
Eddie Mabo fought for land rights and Native Title (for natives to be
recognized as owning the land first)
150 words on your digital history (10 Marks/15%)

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