Communication Projects

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Challenges in Leading

Project Management Teams

Melania Coman
Fire-fighting Project Manager
What Id like you to get out of this...

A couple of concepts...
Your set of 5 main values...
How they affect your communication and your
The 2 things that stand in your way
How you fool everybody through assertive &
effective communication
Rules for Communication in Projects
Some fun
A couple of concepts...

Value / Values
Your set of 5 main values...

determine our
inner motivation

Goals which are

aligned to our
values propel us
Values & Your Professional Life in the
Wonderful World of Project Management
Andrew Carnegie
The ability to make people get
along together
Zig Ziglar
Motivation is not permanent.
Neither is bathing...
John F. Demartini
Fill your day with top priority
The 2 Things that Always Stand in Your
The EGO Me! Me! Me!
Its the illusion we create about the fact that were
important (Unique, yes... Irreplaceable, no.)
Ego kills vulnerability, which is one of the smartest
ways of leaders
Its an illusion deriving from uncertainty
Fear kills initiative, which is one of the few ways of
progress (what if... questions)
What Youre Going To Do To Move
Cultivate a healthy Ego, by answering the
question: Is this situation worth (fill in the
attitude / emotion)?;
Approach situations as an adult;
Find and use your assertive rights (e.g. I have
the right to say no and not explain why);
Reflect on whether you want to be right or
whether you want to be happy
Tools & Tips for Communication
Management Within Projects - Meetings
School projects / Work projects they all involve
the same things
Set and objective & make an agenda (so you have
something to stick to)
Focus on solutions, rather than problems
Brainstorm you never know...
Take notes and have some MoMs (minutes of
meetings) ready within a reasonable timeframe
(usually the next day)
Cover yourself with the Law of Legitimacy
Tools & Tips for Communication
Management Within Projects - Phone
Oral communication (especially face to face)
rocks... Except when it doesnt.
Keep phone conversations short and on subject
Make a checklist
Be as clear as possible
Take notes
Send an email Following our phone conversation
today ...[state issues discussed or conclusions reached]...
Kindly confirm / decide / blablabla
Tools & Tips for Communication
Management Within Projects - Emails
Written communication has its perks... It somehow
never really goes away...
Which is why you need to focus and be very clear
in what you are asking
Communication ring for accountability
TO field for responsibility
Coordinate subject with content
KISS (Keep It Short & Simple!)
Make it SMART (like the objectives)
Set deadlines for everything

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