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Unit: Exploring Cities

Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems

West Kowloon Cultural District Evaluation
Student Name & Class
Year Level

Unit Title/number Exploring Cities. Unit #1

Key Concept Systems
Related Concept Processes, Sustainability, Innovation
Global Context Globalization & Sustainability
SOI Cities face both threats and opportunities as they work towards
becoming a sustainable system that supports human society.

Criterion A: Knowledge & Understanding

Assessment Criterion B: Investigating
Criteria Criterion C: Communicating
Criterion D: Critical Thinking

Criterion A B
Grades awarded/8
Teacher Feedback

Next steps in learning (include strengths & areas for improvement)

Student Reflection
Strengths /weaknesses and learning goals

Other Feedback (parent/peer)

West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Assessment

Key Concept: Systems Global Context: Globalization & Sustainability

AIMS: To evaluate the government plan for the redevelopment of WKCD.

To improve the plan based on individual research.
Unit: Exploring Cities
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems
TASK: Create a research question about the redevelopment of WKCD and then attempt to
answer it in a report format following the guidelines below.
Your answer cannot be more than 1200 words in total. 1,000 words for sections 1-2 &
and a 200 word conclusion.
Your action plan can be no longer than 5 pages.
Diagrams, graphs, illustrations and maps must be included.
In-text referencing and a bibliography must be included.

Criterion A: Knowing & Understanding

You will be need to use the terminology learnt about cities, the concept of systems and
possibly your understanding of urban stress throughout your report, not just in terms of What
makes a city?, but also in terms of What makes a city sustainable?.
1. What makes a city? possible terms population size & density, high-rise buildings,
large volume of traffic, central business district (CBD), lack of green space, integrated
transport system, etc.
2. What makes a city sustainable? possible terms system with inputs, processes and
outputs, waste management, recycling, use of renewable energy, e.g. solar panels,
wind energy, biogas for transportation, positive energy buildings, greening of buildings,

Section 1 Criterion B: Investigating

You have been supplied with the current government plan for the WKCD site and additional
links. You need to complete the following tasks for this criterion.


1. Create a research question. It should be fairly broad. You must be able to answer it in
your conclusion.
2. Your Action Plan must demonstrate your ideas for planning, your secondary research,
your plan for your questionnaire and how you will present your data.
3. What is the geography of the site (hilly/flat/harbor/rivers/direction it faces)? Which
areas surround the WKCD site?
4. Investigate what functions and services are included in the WKCD site redevelopment.
Are there any conflicts of space?
5. What do people want in Hong Kong? Use the results from your questionnaire to
identify the needs of the Hong Kong population. You need to include your knowledge of
the demographic structure of the Hong Kong population, and summarize all of your
research (about 500 words).

CRITERION C: Communicating

You need to present your information in a well-structured style. You need to present
your information visually.
1. The relevant results from your questionnaire need to be graphed.
2. Your improvements need to be clearly and carefully annotated and illustrated on the
map. Use colour coding or symbols and key.
3. You need to present your report in a structured report style.
Unit: Exploring Cities
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems
4. All secondary sources need to be referenced using APA in text referencing and a
5. Additional sources can be included in an appendix (not included in the word count.)
6. Your appendices should include a clean (not recorded on) questionnaire, your actual
questionnaire results (however they look) and a full list of results i.e. actual figures and

Section 2 Criterion D: Thinking Critically


1. How would you evaluate the Governments design for the WKCD site?
2. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the WKCD plan?

3. Which aspects of the plan do you think are a good idea and which are not?
4. Your opinions need to be based on the evidence from your research in Criterion B,
has the plan met the changing demographics of the HK population?
5. What about urban sustainability?
6. Is it functional, aesthetic and does it represent the heritage of Hong Kong?
7. Based on your evaluation, you need to make recommendations for improvements
to the plan.
8. What would your priority be for the WKCD site and why?
9. You need to back your ideas up with good reasoning based on your investigation in
criterion B (about 500 words).

Section 3 Conclusion
1. You need to draw together your information (synthesize) and answer your research
question using the key evidence you have collected in your investigation (no more
than 200 words).


MYP Criteria A- Knowing & Understanding TSC

0 The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student: I use limited or incorrect terminology
i. uses limited relevant terminology associated with cities.
ii. demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding I show a basic understanding of the
of content and concepts with minimal descriptions concepts systems, sustainability,
and/or examples. processes and innovation in relation to
cities with brief explanations.
I use few or no examples.
3-4 The student: I sometimes use accurate and/or
i. uses some terminology accurately & appropriately appropriate city terminology.
ii. demonstrates adequate knowledge and I show some understanding of the
understanding of content and concepts through concepts systems, sustainability,
satisfactory descriptions, explanations and processes and innovation in relation to
examples. cities through satisfactory explanations
and/or examples.
5-6 The student: I sometimes use accurate and appropriate
i. uses a range of terminology accurately & city terminology.
appropriately I show clear understanding of the
ii. demonstrates substantial knowledge and concepts systems, sustainability,
understanding of content and concepts through processes and innovation throughout my
accurate descriptions, explanations and examples. explanations in relation to cities, using a
Unit: Exploring Cities
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems
range of examples.
7-8 The student: I consistently use a wide range of
i. consistently uses a range of terminology accurate and appropriate city terminology.
accurately & appropriately I use fully developed explanations and
ii. demonstrates detailed knowledge and detailed examples throughout of the
understanding of content and concepts through concepts systems, sustainability,
thorough, accurate descriptions, explanations and processes and innovation in relation to
examples. cities.
Unit: Exploring Cities
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems


0 The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student: I have a research question and describe
i. Formulates a research question that is clear or its relevance.
focused and describes its relevance. My action plan is limited or I do not follow
ii. formulates a limited action plan to investigate a it.
research question or does not follow a plan. I collect information that is not relevant to
iii. Collects and records limited information, not the research question.
always consistent with the research question. I evaluate very little about the process and
iv. Makes a limited evaluation of the process and my results.
results of the investigation.
3-4 The student: I have, and can describe my clear &
i. Formulates a research question that is clear and relevant research question.
focused and describes its relevance in detail. My action plan is submitted but it is
ii. formulates and somewhat follows a partial action incomplete in parts.
plan to investigate a research question. I show evidence of research from more
iii. uses a research method(s) to collect and record than one source.
mostly relevant information. My information partially answers the
iv. evaluates some aspects of the process and research question
results of the investigation.
5-6 The student: I have, and can explain my clear &
i. Formulates a clear and focused research question relevant research question.
and explains its relevance. My action plan submitted covers all of the
ii. formulates and follows a substantial action plan to key steps of the task.
investigate a research question. My evidence is from a variety of
iii. uses research method(s) to collect and record appropriate sources
appropriate, relevant information. My information answers the question.
iv. evaluates the process and results of the
7-8 The student: I have, and can justify my clear & relevant
i. Formulates a clear and focused research question research question.
and justifies its relevance. My action plan is thorough, detailed,
ii. formulates and effectively follows a followed and strategic.
comprehensive action plan to investigate a research My evidence is from a wide range of
question. sources.
iii. uses research methods to collect and record My information thoroughly answers the
appropriate, varied and relevant information. question.
iv. thoroughly evaluates the investigation process
and results.
Unit: Exploring Cities
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems


0 The student does not reach a standard described by
any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student: I have few or very poorly presented maps
i. communicates information & ideas in a limited way, and graphs.
using a style that is limited in its appropriateness to the My map is badly annotated with very little
audience and purpose. information expressing improvements.
ii. structures information and ideas according to the I have a limited structure with no clear
specified format in a limited way. headings or paragraphs making it difficult to
iii. documents sources of information in a limited way. follow the flow of the report.
I have or inaccurate or no bibliography and
no in-text referencing.

3-4 The student: My ideas and information are occasionally

i. communicates information & ideas satisfactorily by organized.
using a style that is somewhat appropriate to the I include maps and graphs that are
audience and purpose. appropriate and adequate, but limited in
ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is either number or style.
somewhat appropriate to the specified format. My annotations are brief with simple
iii. sometimes documents sources of information using descriptions OR they exceed the word limit
a recognized convention. of the 1200 word task.
My work follows a structure and can be
I have included a bibliography, but no in text
5-6 The student: My ideas and information are organized.
i. communicates information & ideas accurately by I include a range of appropriate maps and
using a style that is mostly appropriate to the audience graphs showing a range of information.
and purpose. My annotations show information clearly and
ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is are within the word limit of the task.
mostly appropriate to the specified format. I have structured my report following the
iii. often documents sources of information using a format of the task.
recognized convention. My sources are documented with some in-
text referencing and a bibliography.
7-8 The student: My ideas and information are consistently
i. communicates information & ideas effectively & well organized.
accurately by using a style that is completely I include a wide range of appropriate maps
appropriate to the audience and purpose. and graphs showing flair and individuality.
ii. structures information and ideas in a way that is My information is consistently well
completely appropriate to the specified format. communicated throughout with appropriate
iii. consistently documents sources of information using report presentation skills.
a recognized convention. I have structured my report well with
headings, labels sub headings showing the
organization of the task.
My sources are all well documented use the
APA format for both in-text referencing and
my bibliography.
My capitalization is completely accurate
Unit: Exploring Cities
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability Key Concept: Systems
(CT = Critical Thinking)
0 The student does not reach a standard
described by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student: My interpretation of the plan and the data is
i. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual limited.
representation & theories to a limited extent. My comments are descriptive and very little data
ii. summarizes information to a limited extent has been used as evidence.
to make arguments. My answer is from one perspective only, with
iii. describes a limited number of little, if any attempt at looking at evidence from a
sources/data in terms of origin & purpose & range of views.
recognizes few values & limitation. I have little synthesis, i.e. I have used only 2
iv. identifies different perspectives & minimal pieces of evidence on which to base a judgment.
implications. I have little evaluation showing the strengths or
weaknesses of the plan.
3-4 The student: My interpretation of the plan and the data is
i. analyses concepts, issues, models, visual adequate.
representation & theories. I use some data as supporting evidence and
ii. summarizes information to make show an understanding from more than one
arguments. point of view.
iii. analyses and/or evaluates sources/data I have evidence of analysis and evaluation
in terms of origin & purpose & recognizing through use of SEEP,
some values & limitations. strengths/weaknesses/hats etc. (CT tools).
iv. interprets different perspectives & some I make supported arguments using some
of their implications. evidence (more than 1 or 2 pieces of evidence)
on which to base a judgment.
5-6 The student: I have a clear interpretation of the plan.
i. discusses concepts, issues, models, visual I use information from a range of sources to
representation & theories. support my argument/s.
ii. synthesizes information to make valid I show a range of perspectives stated and
arguments. understood using both primary & secondary data
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a & evidence.
range of sources/data in terms of origin & I make good & appropriate use of CT tools
purpose & recognizing values & limitations. making clear evaluative points.
iv. interprets different perspectives & some
of implications.
7-8 The student: I have a thorough interpretation of the plan.
i. completes a detailed discussion of I use information from a wide range of sources
concepts, issues, models, visual to synthesize ideas and support my arguments.
representation & theories. I show a wide range of perspectives i.e. age
ii. synthesizes information to make valid, groups, genders & socioeconomic groups.
well-supported arguments. I use a wide range of CT tools & apply them well
iii. effectively analyses and evaluates a wide in my evaluation of my evidence, which is based
range of sources/data in terms of origin & on both primary & secondary sources.
purpose & recognizing values & limitations.
iv. thoroughly interprets a range of different
perspectives & some of implications.

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