A Year Away 8e

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Holiday hlde An extended period of praznik

leisure, spent away from

Folks fk parents roditelji

Experience ksprns Practical contact with and iskustvo

observation of facts or

Aware w Having perception of a svjestan

situation or fact

Side sd position closely adjacent strana

to someone

Life lf The period between the ivot

birth and death

Ahead hd Further forward in space ispred

To plan plan To Decide on and make planirati

arrangements for in

Reason riz()n explanation for an action razlog

or event.

Friend frnd A person with whom one prijatelj

has a bond of mutual

Theory ri a system of ideas teorija

intended to explain

Reality ralti The state of things as they stvarnost

actually exist

Disagreement dsrimnt Lack of consensus or nesloga


To happen hap()n To take place dogoditi

To arrive rv To reach a place at the doputovati

end of a journey

To discover dskv Find during a search otkriti

Honest nst truthful iskren

Discuss dsks To talk about sth raspravljati

Money mni A current medium of novac
exchange in the form of

To suppose spz Think something is true pretpostavljati

but without lack proof

Whole hl Entire cijelo

Idea d A thought to a possible idea

course of action

Sensible snsb()l Practical razuman

Diet dt The kinds of food a dijeta

person habitually eats

A break brek A pause in work or during odmor

an activity

Body bdi The physical structure, tijelo

including the bones, flesh,
and organs

Vitamin vtmn Any of a group of organic vitamin

compounds important for
our health

Mineral mn()r()l A solid, naturally minerali

occurring inorganic

Chips tps A long piece of deep-fried pomfrit


Burger b hamburger burger

Natural nat()r()l not made or caused by prirodno


To Relax rlaks To Make or become less opustiti se


Pig p hoofed mammal with svinja

sparse bristly hair and a
flat snout

Hygiene hdin Conditions to maintaining higijena

health and preventing

Matter mat To Be important or znaiti


Stress strs Pressure exerted on a stres

material object

Everyday vrde daily svakidan

Home hm The place where sb lives dom

as a member of a family

Family famli A group consisting of two obitelj


Selfish slf lacking consideration for sebinost

other people

Mate met Friend prijatelj

Effort ft determined attempt napor/ pokuaj

space spes Having free or available prostor


Like lk similar to voljeti

Dislike dslk Feel distaste ne voljeti

Self-catering slfketr offering facilities for

people to cook their own

Apartment ptm()nt Flat used on holidays apartman

To cook kk To prepare food by kuhati

mixing ingredients

To wash w To clean with water and prati


Care k The provision of what is panja

necessary for the health

Attention tn()n Notice taken of someone pozor

or something

To miss ms Feel sadness at no longer nedostajati

being able to enjoy the
presence of

Mile ml A unit of linear measure milja

Email imel Messages sent by e-mail

electronic from one
computer to other one via

Sms sms a system enabled mobile poruka

phone users to send and
receive text messages
(short message service)

Possible psb()l Able to be done or mogunost


Arrange ren(d) To organize or make rasporediti

plans for (a future event)

Afraid fred frightened bojati se

message msd A verbal, written, or poruka

recorded communication
sent to somebody

wobbly wbli Not sure, worried nesiguran

DIY diw The activity of uradi sam
decoratingor sth else at
home by oneself (DO IT

ASAP esepi AS SOON AS to prije



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