2018 Syllabus

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English I
Contact Information:
Email: romerom@lisd.net
Website: mrsromerofm9.weebly.com
Phone: 972-219-6143
Room: 9221
Conference: 2nd Period
Tutorials: Mornings Tuesday-Friday from 7:50-8:05
Afternoons - Monday-Thursday 3:35-4:00

Supplies Needed in Class Each Day:

Post-it Notes
No. 2 pencil with eraser
Blue/black and red ink pens
Composition Notebook (100 sheets, 200 pages, wide ruled, any color/design)/Spiral
Loose leaf paper (college ruled or wide ruled)
3-ring Binder ( can be used for other classes)
Charged iPad (a cellphone is not an acceptable substitute for technology)
Headphones or earbuds
SSR novel

Course Description: This course provides the opportunity for students to expand their skills in writing and reading
through an integrated study of composition, including grammar and mechanics, and literature. It provides students with
the skills essential for reading and writing success in high school. Students in English I will learn critical thinking skills in
analyzing language and will learn to express their thoughts in clear, coherent writing. The course is divided into two 9-
week, skills based units. The first 9 weeks focuses on the reinvigoration of readers and writers. During this time, students
will read from a variety of short stories, poetry, drama, and nonfiction selections. Writing will be expository in nature. The
focus of the second 9 weeks is on building reading and writing stamina. During this unit, students will apply their skills
with more complex reading selections, and complex writing tasks.

Grading Policy:

60% Major Grades

30% Minor Grades
10% Daily
*There will be a Non-graded category in the Skyward system. This will show a grade, but it will not count towards the
actual grade earned in the class. Non-graded assignments are used as students are learning new skills, or as
pre-assessments before we begin learning a new skill. These non-grades are a way to observe how a student is doing
towards the mastery of a skill.

Reassessments: Students have the opportunity to attend tutorials and then be reassessed on a major grade within one
school week of the posted failing grade. The highest possible grade for a reassessment is 70%. After one week,
reassessment will not be granted. It is the students responsibility to schedule an appointment for reassessment.

Absences and Make-up Work: Students who are absent are encouraged to attend tutoring to receive their missed
assignments. Students will receive a zero in the grade book until the missed work is submitted.

Unplanned absences The grace period allowed for work missed during an unplanned absence is 1 day for each
day of absence. Tests/quizzes missed during an unplanned absence must be completed in tutoring the day the student
returns to school or it is considered late.

Planned absences (i.e., field trips, athletic events) Students absent for any kind of school business must receive
and submit daily work and major grade assignments on or before the missed class or the assignment will be considered

Late Work: Work will be accepted one day after it is due for a maximum of 70% credit. After one day, late work will
receive a maximum of 50% credit. Work is considered late if it is not submitted when requested, or if it is submitted with
no name.

Academic Dishonesty:

Includes but is not limited to the following behaviors:

Verbal/Nonverbal communication during quizzes or tests,

Using technology during quizzes or tests,
Sharing the contents of quizzes or tests,
Plagiarism of published works,
Sharing of homework or in-class assignments,
Copying another students work, and
Allowing another student to copy your work.
The consequences of Academic Dishonesty will be aligned to school and district policy. APs will be notified
immediately in cases of Academic Dishonesty.


1st offense- warning

2nd offense- teacher detention, parental notification
3rd or major offense- office referral, parental notification

*Repetitive behavior issues will result in immediate office referrals.

**We will use technology on a regular basis. Multiple technology infractions could result in loss of
technology privileges.

*Donations: Our classrooms are not supplied with tissues, hand sanitizer, or cleaning wipes. In an
effort to cut down on absences due to illness, donations of these items are greatly appreciated.
Acknowledgement of Syllabus

Please Return by Friday, September 1, 2017

I have read and understand the syllabus for Ms. Romeros English 1 Class.

Student Name: _____________________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Name(s): ______________________________________________________________

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature(s): ____________________________________________________________

I would prefer to be contacted by: Email Phone





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