Work Breakdown Structure

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BTMR4043 Project Management 2017/18 (Assignment)

Est. Level
WBS # Task Description of Task Owners
of Effort
All task management and management
L-1 Initiation
Assigning stakeholders involving in the Project
L-1.1 Assign Key Person
project Manager
Development of WBS, work package
identification, schedule formulation,
staffing projection, resource estimation.
L-1.2 Prepare Project Plan Followed by development of a detail
project plan that list all the key resources,
task, milestones, dependencies, and
Meeting upon receiving Letter of Award Project
L-1.3 Kick-off Meeting
after completing tendering process Manager
Handling all purchasing and acquisition of
L-2 Procurement
Visit project location for surveying and Manager
L-2.1 Site Acquisition
value analysis Procurement
Contracting Preparing labors and workforce needed to Procurement
Workforce run the project Mngr
Gathering information to supply and
Acquire Suppliers Procurement
L-2.4 manufacture the said products requested in
and Manufacturers Mngr
BOM from engineers
Finding the most efficient and reliable Procurement
L-2.5 Sourcing
source of materials Mngr
Preparing Purchase Procurement
L-2.6 Releasing purchase order to stakeholders
Order Mngr
L-3 Designing Design and product development stages
Selecting Choosing the right components and sub-
L-3.1 Mech Mngr
Components products involve in this projects
Rough quick design on the project's
L-3.2 Appearance Sketch Mech Mngr
product to be release for approval purpose
Allowing clients to check and revise the Project
L-3.2.1 Submission to Client
project's product first look Manager
Appearance Revise Project
L-3.2.2 Meeting on detailed revising information
Meeting Manager
Designing mechanical components
L-3.3 Mechanical Design Mech Mngr
involved in the product to develop
Low Level Control Designing the autonomous part of the
L-3.5 LLC Mngr
Design product
Designing electrical components involve
L-3.7 Electrical Design LLC Mngr
in the product
Interface Software Software user interface and experience
L-3.8 IT Mngr
Design designing (UI/UX)
Detailed Drawing Engineering drawings for manufacturers to
L-3.9 Mech Mngr
Submission/Approval product the assemblies
BTMR4043 Project Management 2017/18 (Assignment)

Develop Bill of Generate and release BOM to procurement Mech Mngr

Material (BOM) team LLC Mngr
Build and test first working unit of the Mech Mngr
L-3.11 Prototyping
product LLC Mngr
L-4 Production Producing the actual products
Product Specification Checking final specifications release by
L-4.1 Mech Mngr
Confirmation manufacturers to produce the product
Manufacturing Specify any specific process to be operate
L-4.2 Mech Mngr
Process Requirements by the manufactures
for Supplier
Involving engineers to check the produced
Preliminary Review
L-4.3 part at production floor to gauge the Mech Mngr
on Supplier Quality
quality produce by the manufacturers
Provide Purchase Releasing purchase order to Procurement
Order manufacturers/suppliers Mngr
Pre-assembly for Test Assemblies of sub-assemblies to examine
L-4.5 Mech Mngr
Fit the fit produced by manufacturers
In-House Quality In-house QA to ensure it passes certain
L-4.6 Mech Mngr
Check standards
L-5 Logistics Handle supply chain matters
Shipment of Raw Supply Chain
L-5.1 Handling container for product shipments
Materials Manager
L-5.2 Custom Clearance Resolve any matters regarding customs Port Manager
Supply Chain
L-5.3 Supply Chain Storage Handling warehouse matters
Prepare documents for customs or Supply Chain
L-5.4 Documentation
shipment purpose Manager
Ensure safe packaging to reach the project
L-5.5 Packaging Services
location without damage
L-6 Monitoring Actual operating of the product
Install the product at the project location.
L-6.1 Installation Involving testing and commissioning the
Any prerequisite tasks to be done before
L-6.2 Site Preparation Site Manager
arrival and installation of products
L-7 Administrations Handle indirect tasks for the project N/A
L-7.1 Accounting Handle financial matters on the projects N/A
Performance outcome upon completion of General
L-7.2 Performance Test N/A
projects Manager
Public relation with stakeholders or
L-7.3 Human Resource HR N/A
involved individual
L-7.4 Travel Management Plan and prepare travel documents Admin N/A
BTMR4043 Project Management 2017/18 (Assignment)

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