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A Research Study Presented to the High School Faculty of

Pilgrim Christian College in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement in Research II


Lyle Precious L. Cinco


Mr. Gaspar S. Cantere Jr.

Research Adviser

Mrs. Pemenorejoan M. Calumpang, RN, MHSS

Research Instructor


February 2013



Water is essential to sustain life, and a satisfactory supply, which is adequate, safe and

accessible, that must be available to all. One needs water in order to survive and according to

World Health Organization (WHO), water intended for human consumption should be both safe

and wholesome. With this, several water treatment methods and techniques have been made in

order to make water safe to drink. One of these techniques is using portable water filters which

remove some types of infectious agents from drinking water (Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention, 2006). As observed in the country, some people who cannot afford drinking water,

such as mineral water, that can be delivered and supplied to their homes use the dispenser with

mineral stone water filter cartridges instead. With this, they can save a lot of money since all it

requires is to pour tap water into the dispenser to be filtered for drinking.

However, some have been questioning whether drinking water from the said filters is

potable or not. This gave the researcher the push to undertake this research study. The

researchers primary goal is to determine whether the water that has undergone filtration using

the mineral stone water filter cartridge is microbially safe in terms of total coliform and

Escherichia coli (E coli), which are commonly used as microbial indictors of drinking water

quality, regardless of the factors that the water dispensers may possess, such as length of usage

time, structure of the water dispensers and filters. It is hoped that this study would make the

public be aware that exposure to disease-carrying pathogens potentially indicated by the presence

of coliform bacteria and E. coli that may cause serious infections to exposed people who

consume water that is not microbially safe.


What encouraged the researcher to pursue in finishing this research work was the goal to

gain awareness of drinking clean/potable water that is free from pathogenic agents among the

people and the goal to safeguard the health of the public, especially the researchers family who

has been currently using water dispensers with mineral stone water filter cartridge. Also, the aim

to determine whether the water from the said dispensers is microbially safe, in terms of the

presence of total coliform and E. coli, challenged the researcher to undertake this study. The

researcher liked to conduct a research study that could serve as an eye-opener, not only to the

researchers family and the people who drink water from the water dispensers but also to the


With this motivation, the researcher is urged to determine whether the water from the

water dispensers with mineral stone water filter cartridge passed as potable water in terms of its

total coliform and E. coli presence based on the Philippine National Standards for Drinking

Water, Dept. of Health 2007 and the researcher is also urged to accomplish the goals of this

research study which can benefit to the public.



Water is one of the basic human needs for one to survive in this world. Each person on

Earth requires at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking, and simply

keeping themselves clean. Other than that, water is essential to sustain life, and a satisfactory

supply, which is adequate, safe and accessible, that must be available to all. According to World

Health Organization (WHO, 2011), water intended for human consumption should be both safe

and wholesome. This has been defined as water that is free from pathogenic agents, free from

harmful chemical substances, pleasant to taste, i.e. free from colour and odour, and usable for

domestic purposes.

Access to safe drinking-water is essential to health, a basic human right and a part of the

effective policy for health protection. Also, improving access to safe drinking-water can result to

tangible benefits in health (WHO, 2011). Every effort should be made to achieve a drinking-

water quality that is safe and potable. Without ample safe drinking water, communities cannot be



In the Philippines, coverage and quality of water supply and sanitation suffer from low

investment rates, many small supply systems, a fragmented sector structure, and increasing

pollution of water resources. And for many years now, water assessment has always been a

major concern. Today, we are confronted with the principal difficulty of accessing to suitable

water for drinking (Wikepedia, 2012).

One way to determine whether water is potable or not is to have the assurance that water

is microbially safe for drinking. Microorganisms are found everywhere in our environment. They

are common in the air, soil, water and in the habitats of our daily lives. A few microorganisms

called pathogens can cause disease in humans. Whether or not a pathogen is successful in

causing disease is related to the health of the individual and the state of his or her immune

system, as well as to the number of pathogen cells required to make the person ill. When human

fecal wastes are concentrated in the environment, we assume, for our own protection, that the

risk of transmission of pathogens may increase, even though we may have no direct evidence of

the presence of a specific pathogen. It is for this reason that we monitor the quality of our food

and water, and establish personal hygiene and public policies that attempt to prevent

contamination in the first place since pathogens are transmitted from one organism to another by

direct contact, or by contamination of food or water (Michigan Water Science Center, 2007).

The main source of pathogens in drinking water is through recent contamination from

human or animal waste, from improperly treated septic and sewage discharges, leaching of

animal manure, storm water runoff, and domestic animals or wildlife (New Nouveau Brunswick,



Assurance that water is microbially safe for drinking has traditionally been determined by

measuring bacterial indicators of water quality, most commonly total coliforms and Escherichia

coli (E. coli). For more than 100 years, the microbial safety of drinking water has primarily been

determined by testing for bacterial indicators of faecal pollution, mainly Escherichia coli (E

coli) and total coliforms. These indicators are used to assess the potential public health risk of

drinking water, and their presence or absence are key elements of most drinking water quality

guidelines, water supply operating licences and agreements between bulk water suppliers and

retail water companies (Health and Medical Research Council, n.d.).


Escherichia coli is a subset of the total coliform group that can ferment lactose at higher

temperatures. It is present in large numbers in the normal intestinal flora of humans and animals,

where it generally causes no harm. However, in other parts of the body, E. coli can cause serious

disease, such as urinary tract infections, bacteraemia and meningitis (WHO, 2008). Since

Escherichia coli is considered the most suitable index of faecal contamination, it is the first

organism of choice in monitoring programmes for verification, including surveillance of

drinking-water quality. The presence of E. coli provides evidence of recent faecal contamination,

and detection should lead to consideration of further action, which could include further

sampling and investigation of potential sources such as inadequate treatment or breaches in

distribution system integrity (Dr. Melita Stevens, et al., 2003)


Total coliform bacteria are a broad class of bacteria, many of which live in the intestines

of humans/animals and it also includes organisms that can survive and grow in water. Total

coliform is a microbial contaminant whose presence is a potential indicator that disease-causing

organisms may be in tap water. It can be used as an indicator of treatment effectiveness and to

assess the cleanliness and integrity of distribution systems and the potential presence of biofilms.

Total coliforms should be absent immediately after disinfection, and the presence of these

organisms indicates inadequate treatment. The presence of total coliforms in distribution systems

and stored water supplies can reveal regrowth and possible biofilm formation or contamination

through ingress of foreign material, including soil or plants (WHO, 2008). Total coliform

bacteria are not likely to cause illness, but their presence indicates that your water supply may be

vulnerable to contamination by more harmful microorganisms (New Nouveau Brunswick, n.d.).



No organism fulfils all the criteria for an indicator organism, but the coliform bacteria

fulfil most. The coliform group of bacteria (also called as total coliforms) is defined as all the

aerobic and facultative anaerobic, gram-negative, nonsporeforming, rod-shaped bacteria that

ferment lactose with gas formation within 48 h at 35oC. This definition includes E. coli, the most

numerous facultative bacterium in the feces of warm-blooded animals, plus species belonging to

the genera Enterobacter, Klebsiella, and Citrobacter.

Total coliform could be considered as part of natural aquatic flora because of their

regrowth in water. Because of this characteristic, their detection in water supply may mean false

positive for fecal contamination. Another way by which false positive can occur is when the

bacteria Aeromonas is present in the sample. Aeromonas can biochemically mimic the coliform

group. False negatives can occur when coliforms are present along with high populations of HPC

bacteria. The presence of HPC bacteria may restrict the activities of coliform group bacteria.

Thermotolerant fecal coliforms are a subgroup of total coliforms that are differentiated

from the total coliforms through laboratory examinations using elevated temperature (43 to

44.5oC). Although fecal coliforms provide stronger evidence of fecal contamination than total

coliforms, they could not be distinguished as human or animal origin. E. coli is the indicator

organism of choice for fecal contamination.


In water, coliform bacteria have no taste, smell, or colour. They can only be detected

through a laboratory test. The Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline for total coliforms is

none detectable per 100 mL. The Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guideline for Escherichia

coli (E.coli) is none detectable per 100 mL. Maximum Acceptable Concentration for Drinking

Water = none detectable per 100 mL This means that in order to conform to the guideline:

For every 100 mL of drinking water tested, no total coliforms or E.coli should be detected.

When drinking water is tested for total coliforms and E.coli and the water is safe to drink, the

results may be presented in a variety of formats:


0 colony forming units per 100 millilitres (0 Colony Forming Unit/100 mL)

Less than 1 colony forming unit per 100 millilitres (< 1 CFU/100mL)

Non-detected (ND)

Zero (0) most probable number per 100 millilitres (MPN/100 mL) only when a bacteria

count is requested E.coli in drinking water indicates the water has been contaminated with fecal

material that may contain disease causing microorganisms, such as certain bacteria, viruses, or

parasites. The health effects of exposure to disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites in

drinking water area varied. The most common symptoms of waterborne illness include nausea,

vomiting, and diarrhea. Infants, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems may

suffer more severe effects. In extreme cases some pathogens may infect the lungs, skin, eyes,

nervous system, kidneys, or liver and the effects may be more severe, chronic, or even fatal. You

should not assume that your water is safe to drink just because it has not made you sick in the

past. If bacteria are present in your water, there is a risk that it could make you ill.


If your test results found bacteria to be present, your water is not safe to drink. Retest

your water to confirm the original results. Boil your water while you are waiting for your test

results, or use another source for drinking, preparing infant formulas, preparing juices and ice

cubes, washing fruits and vegetables, cooking, and brushing your teeth. To destroy pathogens,

bring water to a rolling boil for one minute. You do not usually need to boil water for other

household purposes. Those who can avoid swallowing the water may shower, bathe, and wash

using the well water. Toddlers and infants should be sponge bathed. Dishes and laundry may be

washed in well water either by hand or machine.

If E. coli is present in the water, it means there has been recent fecal contamination and

other pathogens may be present. Investigate the source of the bacteria and take corrective


If E.coli is absent, but only total coliforms are present, it could mean that a layer of

bacteria may have developed within your well or plumbing system. This layer of bacteria is

called a biofilm. It may also mean that surface water may be getting into your well which

increases the risk of animal waste contaminating your water sooner or it means that later your

well water may come from an aquifer that contains bacteria which could happen when

groundwater comes from a shallow source.

With these related literatures and studies, the researcher was able to determine and learn

discussions of facts and principles to which the study is related. It aided the researcher in

understanding more the problem and the significance of the topic, which also helped the

researcher to finish this challenging work of research.


This research study contains independent variables and the dependent variable of the

study. The water filter dispensers that were used in this study as independent variable. The water

that was used in the dispenser was tap water. Three 100 mL water samples from each of the three

water filter dispensers namely, M-bio, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter dispenser were

tested for E.coli and Total Coliform presence, since E.coli and Total Coliform are the most

common microbial indicators in assuring that water is microbially safe for drinking.

The presence of Total Coliform and E. coli indicates that your water supply may be

vulnerable to contamination by more harmful microorganisms. E. coli and Total Coliform

bacteria presence served as the dependent variables of the study. E. coli and total coliform test

results were then compared to the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, Dept. of

Health 2007.

Water samples from:

1) M-bio water dispenser

Presence of E. coli bacteria
2) Water Quantity water
and Total coliform content

3) Keosan water dispenser

Independent variable Dependent variable

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of Independent and Dependent Variables


Escherichia coli (E coli) This outbreak receive much media coverage. Most outbreaks have

been caused by a specific strain of bacteria. When drinking water contains E-coli, it indicates

recent fecal contamination.

Chromogenic Substrate Test - This method is used for testing Coliform and E. coli which is

also known affectionately as the "Presence/Absence Method" because of the type of result that is


Microbial Contamination - growth of harmful microorganisms in an item used

as food, making it unfit for consumption.

Microbiological Quality Water containing variety of microbial contaminants.

Potable water In this study, this refers to the drinking water taken from the three water

dispensers namely, US Pure, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter.

Standards in drinking water In this study, First Analytical Services and Technical

Cooperative or FAST laboratory will based the laboratory test results on the Philippine National

Standards for Drinking Water, Dept. of Health 2007, which is designed to guide the Waterworks

Officials, Developers and Operators of Water Supply Systems both Government and Private

entities, health and sanitation authorities and the general public and all other concerned.

Tap water Water supplied to a tap (valve) inside the household or workplace. It is a principal

component of indoor plumbing. In this study, this refers to the tap water from the citys water

system managed by Cagayan de Oro Water District.

Total coliform bacteria This are commonly found in the environment which brings

pathogens. In this study, this refers to the coliform bacteria found in the water samples from the

three different water dispensers namely, M-bio, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter


Water filter This removes impurities from water by means of a fine physical barrier. In this

study, this refers to the three equipments with mineral stones to purify water, in which the water

samples will be taken from namely, M-bio, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter dispensers.


Figure 2: Data Gathering Procedure


The study aimed to determine the presence of Total Coliform and E. coli in drinking water

from three different water dispensers with mineral stone water filter cartridge namely, M-bio,

Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter, regardless of the factors that the water dispensers may

possess, such as length of usage time, structure of the water dispensers and filters.

Specifically, the study tried to answer the following questions:

1) Is E. coli present or absent in water samples obtained from:

a) M-bio water dispenser?

b) Water Quantity water dispenser?

c) Keosan water dispenser?

2) Is Total Coliform present or absent in water samples obtained from:

a) M-bio water dispenser?

b) Water Quantity water dispenser?

c) Keosan water dispenser?

3) What are the implications of E. coli and Total Coliform to human health?


This research study has the following assumptions:

1. Water dispensers with mineral stone water filter cartridge namely, M-bio, Water

Quantity, and Keosan water filter, can filter out Total Coliform and E. coli


2. Each water sample obtained from the three water dispensers does not contain

Total Coliform.

3. Each water sample obtained from the three water dispensers does not contain E.


4. Each water sample obtained from the three water dispensers is safe and potable to



In this study, the researcher sought to determine whether water from the water filter

dispensers with mineral stones namely, M-bio, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter

dispensers is microbially safe in terms of the presence of Total Coliform and E. coli bacteria.

The study is beneficial to the following:

1. Community: If the researcher does prove that water from the said dispensers is potable

and safe, then the public will be aware and can assure themselves that drinking from the

filters is safe. Then they can save a lot of money.

2. Health safety: This study may lead the people to be aware of the microbial presence,

specifically E. coli and total coliform from the water they drink since the presence of coli

form is a sign that the water may contain fecal pathogens, including noncoliform

pathogens such as other forms of bacteria, viruses, or protozoa which may cause infection

resulting in diarrhea, cramps, nausea, jaundice, headaches, and fatigue.

3. Household users: If the researcher does prove that water from the said dispensers is

potable and safe, then the study can lead them to save a lot of money and water filter

dispensers which can be very convenient than the ones you order/inquire from the water

refilling station.

4. Future researchers: This research study can be used as a branch or related study for

future research works which are concerning about drinking water, water filter dispensers,

bacteria presence, specifically E.coli and total coliform, in water.


The study covered three 100 mL water samples, each from the three water filter

dispensers with mineral stone water filter cartridge which can purify water namely, M-bio, Water

Quantity, and Keosan water filter dispensers, regardless of the factors that each dispenser possess

such as length of usage time, and structure of the water dispensers and filters. Also, all water

filter dispensers used in this study are currently used in residential areas and the water used in

each dispenser is tap water. The E. coli and total coliform test was done in First Analytical

Services and Technical Cooperative or FAST laboratory and its results were compared to the

Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, Dept. of Health 2007.



The design that was used in this research study is the descriptive design. Descriptive

design is a scientific method that involves observing and describing the behaviour of a subject

without influencing it in any way. It is concerned with the description of data and characteristics

about a population; in this study, it refers to the water from the dispensers. This design seldom

involves experimentation as they are more concerned with natural occurring phenomena than

with the observation of controlled situations (Valdez, n.d.). This study made use of the

descriptive research because the bacterial presence, specifically in E. coli and total coliform, was

determined from the water of the water filter dispensers and the results were compared to the

standards for drinking water, determining whether the water passed to be drinkable or not.


The researcher collected the water samples from Water Quantity at the Cinco residence

and Keosan Water dispenser at Lim residence, located at Julio Pacana St. Puntod Cagayan de

Oro City. The researcher got the water sample from M-bio water dispenser at the Lopez

residence, located at Manuel Vega St. Consolacion Cagayan de Oro City. The water samples was

then tested for E. coli and Total Coliform at the laboratory in First Analytical Services and

Technical Cooperative or F.A.S.T laboratory, Recto St. corner Camp Alagar Road, Brgy.

Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City Philippines 9000.


The sampling used in this research study is convenience sampling since this sampling

method in which units are selected based on easy access or availability. Three 100 mL water

samples were obtained, each from the three water filter dispensers with mineral stones which can

purify water namely, M-bio, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter dispensers, which are the

easiest and quickest access and all are currently used in residential areas, specifically in Lim

residence, Cinco residence, and in Lopez residence. The E. coli and total coliform test was done

in First Analytical Services and Technical Cooperative or FAST laboratory using Chromogenic

Substrate Test (Presence-Absence Method) and its results were compared by the Philippine

National Standards for Drinking Water, Dept. of Health 2007.


There are several methods for testing of Total Coliform and E. coli. The method currently

used and the most familiar is the Chromogenic Substrate Test. This method is also known

affectionately as the "Presence/Absence Method" because of the type of result that is generated.

This method is very accurate in determining the presence or absence of both coliform and E.coli

bacteria. Special enzymatic substrates are added to the samples that are received and the bottles

are incubated for twenty-four (24) hours. After twenty-four (24) hours, the samples are examined

for any color change in the sampling bottle. Coliform bacteria in this technique are defined as the

bacteria possessing the enzyme 13-D-galactosidase.

This enzyme cleaves the chromogenic substrate used and results in release of the

chromogen, causing a distinct color change in the sample. E.coli bacteria are identified because

they have an enzyme that results in the release of a fluorogen in the presence of the fluorogenic

substrate. The fluorogen can be viewed when observed under long-wavelength ultraviolet light.

One advantage to running this type of test is that there is no interference from other types of non-

coliform bacteria (National Testing Laboratories, n.d.).


This research study used certain materials for it to be executed. These are the following

instruments that were used in the data collection:

1. Three water filters with mineral stone water filter cartridge

2. Three newly purchased 350 mL (or not less than 100 mL) mineral water bottles

3. Marker for labelling the samples as 1, 2, and 3.

4. Tweezers

5. Cotton balls

6. Isopropyl alcohol (70% solution)

7. Ice cooler

8. Ice


1. The researcher sent a letter of permission to the High School Principal for the data

gathering approval.

2. The researcher refilled the water filters with tap water and waited until the water

is filtered and ready to be collected.

3. Before obtaining the samples from the water filters, the researcher first

sterilized/cleaned the inside of the mouth of the faucet of the water dispenser by

using cotton balls clamped by a pair of tweezers and dipped into 70% solution of

Isopropyl alcohol.

4. After the faucet was cleaned and free from blackish/brownish grime, the

researcher purchased a new 350 mL (or not less than 100 mL) mineral bottled

water that was never been opened. The researcher then emptied the bottle.

5. The researcher directly refilled the bottle with the water from the water filter,

which served as the sample of the study.

6. The researcher closed the cap of the bottle tightly then label the bottle with its

corresponding sample number (e.g. Sample 1, Sample 2)

7. The researcher directly placed the bottle inside a refrigerator or an ice cooler to be


8. After all samples have been collected, the researcher placed the three water

bottles inside a portable cooler with ice inside.

9. The researcher brought the ice cooler and turned over the water samples directly

to FAST laboratory for analysis on Total/ Fecal Coliform with E. coli using

Chromogenic Substrate test (Presence-Absence)

10. After four days, the researcher got and received the test results from FAST




Under this chapter are the findings, analysis, and interpretation of the results of the Total

Coliform and E. coli test of water samples obtained from the water dispensers namely, M-bio,

Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter dispensers, using the Chromogenic Substrate test

(Presence-Absence Method). The test was done and the results were given by F.A.S.T.

Laboratory. Also, the results were compared to the Philippine National Standards for Drinking

Water, Dept. of Health 2007 (PNSDW).

Water Sample Total Coliform

per 100 mL

Sample 1 Positive


Sample 2 Positive

(Water Quantity)

Sample 3 Positive


Table 1: Results of Analysis on Total Coliform

Table 1 indicates the Total Coliform test results of Chromogenic Substrate test (Presence-

Absence Method) on the water samples that the researcher sent to F.A.S.T. Laboratory. The table

shows that all samples are positive in Total Coliform test. Clearly, all water samples contain

Total Coliform and according to F.A.S.T. Laboratory, all samples have exceeded the standards of

Total Coliform based on the PNSDW. This may mean that disease-causing organisms may be in

the water.

Water Sample E. coli

per 100 mL

Sample 1 Negative


Sample 2 Negative

(Water Quantity)

Sample 3 Negative


Table 2: Results of Analysis on E. coli

Table 2 shows that the water samples that the researcher sent to F.A.S.T. Laboratory are

negative in E. coli test. This means that all samples do not contain E. coli. This may also mean

that there is no faecal contamination in the water.

Water Sample Conformance


Sample 1 FAILED


Sample 2 FAILED

(Water Quantity)

Sample 3 FAILED


Table 3: Conformance to the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water, Dept. of Health 2007

Based on the conformance to PNSDW shown in table 3, the results exceeded the

standards for drinking water. With this, we can say that all water samples did not pass to be


The three samples may share the same factors, such as the source of water, the mineral

stone water filter cartridge, and the structure of the water dispenser, which may led all samples to

have similar results of Chromogenic Substrate test (Presence-Absence Method). From the results

of analysis, we can say that the water obtained from water dispensers with mineral stone water

filter cartridge is positive in Total Coliform test and negative in the E. coli test. We can also say

that the water filtered from the dispensers is not potable since it did not pass the standards of

drinking water based on the conformance to PNSDW. Also, according to National Testing

Laboratories, if E.coli is absent, but only total coliforms are present, it could possibly mean that a

layer of bacteria called biofilm may have developed within the plumbing system.



In conclusion, this research study has been successful in achieving to answer its statement

of the problem which is to determine whether Total Coliform and E. coli content is present in all

water samples from the water dispensers namely, M-bio, Water Quantity, and Keosan water filter

dispensers or not

Therefore, as found from the test results of F.A.S.T. Laboratory, the research assumptions

were realized. All water samples obtained from the water filter dispensers contain Total Coliform

and all do not contain E. coli as determined by Chromogenic Substrate test (Presence-Absence

Method). This means that the mineral stone filter cartridge can filter out E. coli bacteria and

could not filter out Total Coliform. With these results, the water from the water dispensers is not

drinkable since it has been proven that, based on the conformance to PNSDW, the results of

analysis on Total Coliform and E. coli test did not pass the standards for drinking water since the

standards requires the water to have the absence of both Total Coliform and E. coli. According to

National Testing Laboratories, these results may mean that a layer of bacteria called biofilm may

have developed within the plumbing system, where the tap water was obtained from.


Based on the findings, the following implications were outlined:

1) People who currently use the water dispensers should make their preventive measures,

such as periodic cleaning of water filters and dispensers, because water that obtained

from the water filter dispensers may contain bacteria that may cause diseases to the


2) Future researchers should study the cause of bacterial presence, specifically E. coli and

total coliform, in water before it was filtered and determining which factor of the

dispensers, such as length of usage time, structure of the water dispensers and filters, that

may have cause the contamination of water. The researchers may also study concerning

about an alternative water filter that can prevent bacteria accumulation in water and

which can benefit to the community since it can be a money-saver. They could also

propose a study on the effects that the water dispensers have been causing to the users.

They may also consider the microbiological quality of the water from the plumbing




Run for Right to Drink Safe Water. Philippine Daily Inquirer. 22 August, 2011.

New Nouveau Brunswick. Facts on Drinking Water. (n.d.).

Department of Health: Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water 2007. Manila:

Office of the Secretary, 09 March, 2007.

Dr. Melita Stevens, Dr. Nicholas Ashbolt and David Cunliffe. Review of Coliforms As

Microbial Indicators of Drinking Water Quality: Recommendations to Change the Use of

Coliforms as Microbial Indicators of Drinking Water Quality. Australian Government:

National Health and Medical Research Council., April 2003.

Temgoua, Emile. Chemical and Bacterialogical Analysis of Drinking Water from

Alternative Sources in Dschang Municipality, Cameroon. Dschang, Cameroon: Journal of

Environmental Protection., 2011.

National Testing Laboratories. Testing for Bacteria. New Delhi. (n.d.)

World Health Organization. Guidelines for drinking-water quality [electronic resource]:

incorporating 1st and 2nd addenda, Vol.1, Recommendations. 3rd ed. Geneva,

Switzerland: WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data., 2008.

World Health Organization. Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality 4th ed. Geneva,

Switzerland: WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data., 2011.



Washington State Department of Health. (n.d.). Coliform Bacteria in Drinking Water.

Retrieved from


National Development and Reform Commission. (2003, June). Common Tap Water

Contaminants. Retrieved from

National Academy of Sciences. (2006). Why Is Safe Water Essential?. Retrieved from

Michigan Water Science Center. (2007, December). Fecal Indicator Bacteria and Sanitary

Water Quality. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2010). Water Sanitation Health. Retrieved from

Washtenaw Country Michigan. (1998, September). Coliform Bacteria and Drinking

Water. Retrieved from


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2006, May 27). Water Treatment Methods.

Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2012, December). Water Supply and Sanitation in the Philippines. Retrieved from









M-Bio Water Filter Dispenser

Water Quantity Water Filter Dispenser

Keosan Water Filter Dispenser

Cotton balls clamped by a pair of tweezers and dipped into 70% solution of Isopropyl alcohol

Cleaning the inside of the mouth of the faucet of the water dispenser by using cotton balls

clamped by a pair of tweezers and dipped into 70% solution of Isopropyl alcohol

Black grime from the faucet

Black grim from the faucet

Samples 1, 2, and 3

All water samples inside the ice cooler



Name: Lyle Precious L. Cinco

Nickname: Prang-prang

Current Address: #006 Julio Pacana St. Puntod Cagayan de Oro City

Age: 16

Date of Birth: April 22, 1996

Place of Birth: Maria Reyna Hospital, Cagayan de Oro City

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Church Affiliation: Protestant

Citizenship: Filipino

Language/Dialects Spoken: Visayan, Tagalog, English

Email Address:

Contact Number: 09267955424

Name of Father: Carlyle D. Cinco

Occupation: Manager

Name of Mother: Leah L. Cinco

Occupation: Housewife


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