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Address : (Recent/Postal)
Research Group of Applied Geology,
Faculty of Science and Technology of Earth (FITB),
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung, Indonesia

(62) (22) 250 2202, (62) 811221412 (mobile)

(62) (22) 2502197

Occupation : Lecturer, Researcher
Sex : Female
Nationality : Indonesia

1984 - 1990 : Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia. B.Sc. (Geology), First Class Honour.
1994 : University of Auckland, New Zealand. Transitional Certificate (Geology and
1995 - 1997 : University of Auckland, New Zealand. M.Sc. (Geology), First Class Honour.
2000 - now : University of Auckland, New Zealand. Ph.D. (Geology), finishing.

1991 - now : Lecturer (Geology). Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia.
1996 - 2000 : Laboratory assistant. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Geology, University of Auckland, New
1996 - 2001 : Laboratory assistant. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Geology, University of
Auckland, New Zealand.
1996 : Laboratory assistant. Differential Thermal Analyser (DTA), Geology, University of
Auckland, New Zealand.
2001 - 2002 : Laboratory assistant. Fluid Inclusions (FI), Geology, University of Auckland, New
2000 - 2003 : Laboratory assistant. Petrography, Geology, University of Auckland, New Zealand.
2001 - 2003 : Laboratory assistant. Electron Microprobe (EM), Geology, University of Auckland, New
2002 : Laboratory assistant. Wet chemistry analyses, Geology, University of Auckland, New
2004 : Earth scientist. Upgrading of information and manajemen system of reservoir data
from Kamojang geothermal field.
2006 : Earth scientist. Reservoir simulation of Kamojang and Lahendong geothermal fields.

2000 : N.R. Herdianita, K.A. Rodgers and P.R.L. Browne. Routine instrumental procedures
to characterise the mineralogy of modern and ancient silica sinters. Geothermics, 29,
2000 : N.R. Herdianita, P.R.L. Browne, K.A. Rodgers and K.A. Campbell. Mineralogical and
textural changes accompanying ageing of silica sinter. Mineralium Deposita, 35, p.48-
2001 : K.A. Campbell, K. Sannazzaro, K.A. Rodgers, N.R. Herdianita and P.R.L. Browne.
Sedimentary facies and mineralogy of the Late Pleistocene Umukuri Silica Sinter,
Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 71, 5, p.727-
2001 : N.R. Herdianita, P.R.L. Browne and K.A. Rodgers. Styles of hydrothermal alteration
in the Darajat geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia: a progress report. Proceeding
23rd NZ Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland, p.119-124.
2003 : N.R. Herdianita, J.N. Moore, D.I. Norman, P.R.L. Browne and S.F. Simmons.
Paleohydrology of Darajat geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia: how the vapour
system can be built up from the water. Proceeding 24th NZ Geothermal Workshop,
University of Auckland.
2005 : N.R. Herdianita and B. Priadi. Surface Manifestation of Gunung Kendang-Angsana
Geothermal System, Garut-Pamengpeuk, West Java. Unpublished Research Report,
Institute of Technology, Bandung. (In Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2005 : B. Priadi and N.R. Herdianita. Cl, As dan Hg Fluid Contents in Geothermal Systems
for Identification of Environmental Hazard in Epithermal Systems (Case Study in West
Java). Unpublished Research Report, Institute of Technology, Bandung. (In Bahasa
Indonesia with English Abstract).
2006 : N.R. Herdianita and B. Priadi. Surface Manifestation of Gunung Kendang-Angsana
Geothermal System, Garut-Pamengpeuk, West Java. Jurnal Geoaplika, Vol.1, No.1
(in press, in Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2006 : N.R. Herdianita, D.J. Puradimaja, H. Silaen, L.M. Hutasoit and P. Sumintadireja.
Studu of Groundwater System and Salt Water Intrusion in Aquifer System of Coastal
Alluvial Deposit. Case Study : North Coast of Indramayu, Kawasan Pantai Utara
Kabupaten Indramayu, Propinsi Jawa Barat Indonesia. Unpublished Research
Report, Institute of Technology, Bandung. (Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2006 : N.R. Herdianita and H. Silaen. Groundwater System and Salt Water Intrusion of
Indramayu Coastal Aquifer, West Java. Persidangan Bersama Geosains UKM-ITB
2006, p. 34-35
2007 : N.R. Herdianita and B. Priadi. Concentration of Cl, As, Hg and Base Metals of Cu,
Pb, Zn in West Java Geothermal Systems: to Identify the Natural Contaminations
within Epithermal System. Jurnal Geoaplika, Vol. 2, No. 1, p. 19-34 (Bahasa Indonesia
with English Abstract).
2007 : N. R. Herdianita and A.M. Ramdhan. Surface Manifestation of Cidanau Geothermal
System, Anyer-Banten. Unpublished Research Report, Institute of Technology,
Bandung (Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2007 : A.S.S. Mubandi and N.R. Herdianita. Characteristics of Surface Hidrothermal
Alteration in Cisolok-Cisukarame, Sukabumi-West Java. Unpublished Research Report,
Institute of Technology, Bandung (Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2007 : N.R. Herdianita and T. Julinawati. Hydrogeochemistry of Thermal Waters at Cidanau
and Surrounding, Anyer, Banten Indonesia. Jurnal Geoaplika, Vol. 2, No. 3, p. 105-
119 (Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2008 : N.R. Herdianita and B. Priadi. Arsenic and Mercury Concentrations at Several
Geothermal Systems in West Java, Indonesia. ITB Journal of Science, Vol. 40 A, No. 1,
p. 1-14.
2008 : N.R. Herdianita and B. Priadi. The Chemical Compositions of Thermal Waters at
Ciarinem and Cilayu, Pameungpeuk, West Java Indonesia. ITB Journal of Science,
Vol. 40 A, No. 1, p. 49-61.
2008 : N.R. Herdianita and T. Julinawati. Hydrogeochemistry of Thermal Waters at Cidanau
Area and Surrounding, Banten Indonesia. Proceeding of the 37th Geological Annual
Meeting, Bandung.
2008 : N.R. Herdianita, H. Silaen and D.J. Puradimaja. Groundwater System and its
Interface with Salt Water in Indramayu Coastal aquifer, West Java Indonesia. Poster
presebted at the 37th Geological Annual Meeting, Bandung.
2008 : N. R. Herdianita. Surface Manifestation of Gunung Kromong Geothermal System,
Cirebon-West Java. Unpublished Research Report, Institute of Technology, Bandung
(Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
2008 : N. R. Herdianita. Application of chemical and stable isotopic groundwater tracer
technology to reconstruct groundwater hydrodynamic on volcano aquifer system. Case
study: Ciremai, Majelengka-Kuningan, West Java. Unpublished Research Report,
Institute of Technology, Bandung (Bahasa Indonesia with English Abstract).
August 2000 : One-hour seminar. Review in the Darajat geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia.
Department of Geology, University of Auckland.
July 2001 : One-hour lecture. Vapour dominated geothermal system. Geothermal Institute,
University of Auckland.
Nov 2001 : A workshop talk. Style of alteration in the Darajat geothermal field, West Java,
Indonesia. The 23rd Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland.
August 2002 : Two-hour lecture. Vapour dominated geothermal system. Geothermal Institute,
University of Auckland.
August 2002 : One-hour seminar. Paleohydrology of the Darajat geothermal field, West Java,
Indonesia. Department of Geology, University of Auckland
Nov 2002 : A workshop talk. Paleohydrology of the Darajat geothermal field, West Java,
Indonesia. The 24th Geothermal Workshop, University of Auckland.
August 2004 : Training. How to Teach Effectively (Applied Approach). Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Nov 2004 : Training. Ethos 21 : Eight Proffesional Work Ethos (by J. Sinamo). Institut Teknologi
Bandung and Darma Mahardika Institute.
Feb 2005 : Workshop. Effisiensi of Energy and Assessment of Alternative Energy. Institut
Teknologi Bandung.
April 2005 : Training. Emotional Intelegence : Know Yourself, Choose Yourself and Give Yourself
to Pursue the Best Carer in Your Life (by H. Kosasih). Institut Teknologi Bandung and
Prime Consulting.
Sep 2005 : Seminar on Indonesian Mineral and Coal Discoveries : New Discoveries on
Indonesian Mineral and Coal Deposits. Indonesian Association of Geologist (IAGI),
Nov 2006 : One-hour seminar. Hydrothermal alteration and paleohydrology of the Darajat
geothermal field, West Java, Indonesia. Chevron Geothermal & Power, Jakarta.

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