Statement by Robert John Robertson

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Due to the factual information I have provided involving my case with the TRB, I will

not be consenting to their agreement! A 5 year cancellation (Ill be 69) and not
taking into consideration the time of suspension already incurred, is totally
unacceptable. To make a decision without my statement on file is also not
acceptable, and considering the documentation they are calling an investigation was
directed by the VSB to have a negative slant in order to deflect responsibility for
hiring me away from them and on to me is a total miscarriage of justice!

ALL my documentation will be provided to the writers at the Vancouver Sun and the
Richmond Review who would have a readership most affected by my case.

Re: TRB comments:

A: One of the student was particularly vulnerable

B: You continued with the relationship after you resigned from the RSB

C: You had not demonstrated remorse.

The problem with not having my statement and relying solely on the investigation
by the VSB which they forged to include a lot of erroneous information, anyone who
reads that document would have a rather dark view of me as opposed the real me
which has taken over 40 years in the making!

One lawyer called me a liar and called into question my remembering that the
investigative information was sent to Victoria as REQUIRED!

The office of the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation publishes the following
statement: Ensuring that concerns about the competence and conduct of certificate
holders are addressed independently, fairly, expeditiously and in the public interest.

They have not met these criteria in my case! In fact, we now have a Commissioner,
one Hon . Bruce M. Preston declaring that "I had not demonstrated remorse!". A
statement from a man ignorant as to my 40 years of restitution for my drug and
alcohol induced stupidity! What gives him the right to make such a statement
without having all the facts that relate to my case!

I have already been put through a procedure that I was told by the RCMP, my
lawyer, and the Richmond School Board would deal with my indiscretions!
Richmond School Board officials said "Your a young man with your whole future
ahead of you! Get a job in another school district and keep your nose clean!". The
RCMP had similar advise and I certainly listened to them as well. All I was told by
my lawyer was that I had to wait to hear from Victoria. He told me they could take
up to 6 months to make a decision and it could be cancellation, suspension, or no
action taken.
From recent Resolution Agreement Draft:

Background and Facts:

9. At the time of Robertson's resignation from the RSB, teaching certificates could
only be cancelled by regulation under the Public Schools Act, R.S.B.C. 1960, C.319.
Under that statute, the Lieutenant Governor in Council had the authority to suspend
or cancel a teacher's certificate for cause. For reasons the available documentary
record does not disclose, the Lieutenant Governor in Council did not suspend or
cancel Robertson's certificate of qualification.

I waited for the last decision from the Ministry of Education and when nothing came
to me, I took to heart what I was advised my lawyer, the RCMP, and the Richmond
School Board officials who spoke with me.

The rest is documented history! I spent 13 substituting and had excellent reviews! I
was told I would NEVER get a full time job because of my indiscretions and I was OK
with that as I was working with the airlines. 5 years after Gail Fosbrooke told me
this, I was summoned to a meeting at Van Tech High School where some principals
who were very supportive of me and my work, offered me a job running an
Alternative Rehab Program for "at risk youth".

My blood boils when I read that section by the Commissioner "failed to

demonstrated remorse!". An absolutely ridiculous statement by someone in his
position but again, a statement that would be easily made if one only had the VSB
investigative report.

I spent 13 substituting and coaching for the VSB. They entrusted me to run an
Alternative Rehabilitation program for "at risk youth", and I did so successfully for
17 years without even the hint of an indiscretion. Foundation school was a flagship
program for the VSB! School officials from Australia, Europe, Canada, and the US
were brought to my school as part of the tour to show them how successful kids
could be in school.

We raised a lot of money over those 17 years and plowed it right back into our
school to make it better as my VSB budget was a miserable $2000 a year. I even
went to Premier Glen Clark to attempt to get the government to properly fund
Alternative Programs. We used the proceeds of our fund raising for new text books
(VSB only gave us 20 year old books to use in the program). Some of the very best
principals in Vancouver came to my aid to get this job at Foundation. I had every
right to assume that because of my impeccable record with the VSB and the facts of
my indiscretions were known by many, that this is why I was entrusted to take the
position of Head Teacher at Foundation Alternative. I was a CLEAR CASE of putting
me in the position of dealing with students who had drug and alcohol issues as well
as a variety of abuses and learning disabilities. For someone to say I demonstrated
no remorse" shows how little the person knows about my successes which were a
direct result of turning my remorse over my indiscretions into something pro-active
for kids!
For 17 years we raised money and did volunteer work around the Province! We
cleared power lines, seeded, planted trees, removed noxious weeds for BC Hydro,
Trans-Mountain Pipeline, Terasen Gas, and WestCoast Energy. I set up volunteer
programs at Louis Brier old folks home where many Holocaust victims were living
out their final days. I did the same for the Italian community and for local
elementary schools in our area. We also did environmental cleanup on Mears Island
for a local native band and for cattle ranchers in the interior. I used funds for the
betterment of our students education as many had great hidden talents! I sent 3 of
our students on a week trip in the Gulf Islands with Jane Goodall. I had my students
attend EVERY "Green Thumb" production on everything from drug abuse to every
form of sexual abuse possible. I made myself available to my students 24/7/365! In
doing so I was able to prevent a few suicides of my students by having someone they
could call when their lives were spiraling out of control and suicide seemed like the
only option. I hope that the person who says I was not remorseful reads fully into
my teaching history while both substituting and teaching at an Alternative
Rehabilitation Program.

The VSB turned on me and TOTALLY DISREGARDED everything I had done in

Vancouver. The indiscretions in Richmond, to the best of my knowledge, had been
dealt with by the RSB, RCMP, and Victoria. The VSB was now in an awkward position
and because they hired me, they now had to do whatever they could to discredit me
even though I gave them 30 years of exemplary service! Before signing my contract,
I even brought up the discussion about my indiscretions to the HR officer in charge
of signing me and was told to my face "That does matter now".

Now there is the matter of my "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms",

particularly the concept of "Self-Crimination". I asked to have legal council present
at the initial meetings at the VSB. I was denied that right by Nancy Stair, the
employee assigned to deal with my case. The first meeting was a complete disaster.
The Union rep protested and protested to about everything that was said and how it
was said but he could only protest and call for recesses! Had I had legal council, the
concocted investigation would have been torn to shreds with rebuttals and there
would have been documentation of my responses! At the second meeting it was
even worse. At one of the recesses that the Union rep called, Fraser Ballentine, one
of the VSB panel members was visibly upset with the panel members and left the
proceeding, never to return. On his way out, he said to me "Bob, get yourself the
very best lawyer you can because I have NEVER seen them go after anybody like
they are going after you!"

The next meeting I had lawyer Alan Black attend with me. As we exited the
elevator at the VSB offices, we were seen by Nancy Stair who quickly ducked into
the room where the panel members were and was overheard to say "Its Robertson
and he has a lawyer with him!". The meeting was cancelled and as a result of NOT
BEING ABLE to call into question their "investigation report", an obviously weighted
document in their favor has moved on to the TRB.
I would quote from the "Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms" Self-crimination
13: A party or witness in any proceedings has the right not to have any
incriminating evidence so given used to incriminate that witness in any other
proceedings, except in a prosecution for perjury or for the giving of contradictory

The line of questioning and insinuations they made in these meeting did not comply
with any rule of law! The ex-RCMP officer said to me "It was at this point you
intentionally ran Donna over....Wasn't it" That was mild compared to some of the
things he said trying to get me to incriminate myself with things in his investigation!
He said "I hunted down a girl who now lives in the Caribbean that says she has sex
with you! You had sex with her didn't you?" I answered truthfully that I had no idea
whom he was talking about! He went on and on about this girl and me having sex
with her. I kept telling him I had no idea who she was and I did NOT have sex with
the person he was describing. When I pushed him for more information, he went on
a tirade about how she had told the RCMP that she did have sex with me but later
dropped her statements when the RCMP quizzed her further. She was just feeding
off the frenzy that was the investigation of the time! Mr. Cotter then said "But I don't
believer her retracting her statement! She had sex with you didnt she!".

EVERYTHING I said to counter their investigation fell on deaf ears. They NEVER
wrote down anything I said or anything explained to counter their ridiculous claims.
Again, having a lawyer present would have ensured that such a document that they
called an investigation would not have moved forward in the way it was
represented. It was clearly a document to tarnish me. The VSB found themselves in a
predicament because they hired me and now were looking at a way to get rid of me
and "misrepresentation" was NOT going to work because everyone was fully aware
of my indiscretions.

This brings me to me next point about my case that no one wants to discuss! These
are the issues of physical confrontation and verbal threats from the Superintendent
of the RSB, Cory Holob, who had an affair with a woman on the Mediterranean
cruise that I knew about and his veiled threats to destroy me if I made any mention
of them as it would kill his wife who was home receiving chemo-therapy for cancer
and the issue of the practicing homosexual Associate Superintendent, Ernie Ball,
who came to my workplace at the Keg'n Cleaver in Richmond, waited around till
after closing and then accosted me in the restaurant trying to kiss me, fondle my
genitals, and demanded I sleep with him for him getting me a job with the Richmond
School Board. I believe that because of these situations, these two men did
something to the paperwork regarding my indiscretions which was passed on to the
Ministry and to HR at the VSB.

Again, I converted the remorse I felt over the situation into a positive action and
have done more good, and helped more at risk students and students with serious
problems than anyone I know! I have devoted my life to such endeavors. In my 7
years in China I have set up volunteer programs for students to work at BOTH the
local migrant workers school (not funded by government) and the local orphanage. I
raised money for reconstructive facial surgery for a number of girls who had hair
lips and a boy with a huge birthmark on his face. I have taken an entire
kindergarten in the village under my wing and supplied them with new desks,
clothing, writing slates, medical attention, got our Richie rich students to provide
each child with a Christmas box filled with necessities, acted as Santa Claus for the
school and did a picture taking session as many of the mothers have no pictures of
their children, provided a Thanksgiving dinner for the kindergarten kids and their
parents! At the migrant workers elementary school, I raised money to provide the
students who live in the dormitory, 80 mattresses and linen sets as they were
sleeping in plywood bunks. Not a day goes by that I have not turned my remorse for
actions into something positive. Someone saying I showed no remorse infuriates
me because they obviously have no information on what I do!

On the comment that I portrayed myself as a victim in the VSB investigation.

Again, because they have NOT been provided any true information from the VSB,
they view the VSB investigation as the gospel truth even though it is quite evident
that it was orchestrated to make me look really bad. What dirt they could throw into
the mix they did and what extras they could make up, they threw in as well. There
was a mention of me blackmailing the Superintendent of Schools in Richmond, Cory
Holob as a result of the situation mentioned earlier. Back to the victim situation,
was I not a victim when Donna stole the keys to my hotel in London in front of many
witnesses like Robyn Innis, and Randy Lowe and returned to my room where I was
passed out and took advantage of the situation? Was I not a victim when Donna held
my head in her lap when I was semi-comatose and enticed 3 of her girlfriends to
fondle me and do whatever they wanted to me because Donna said Do what you
want to him, hell never remember anything in the morning. Was I not the victim
when Donna appeared at my apartment in Vancouver with a girlfriend of hers and
convinced my landlord, Mr. Kalmusky, to let her in to my apartment. I called my
friend Teri Yano to come and protect me from her as I had memories of other things
she had done to me. Teri came, stayed in my apartment but when she fell asleep,
Donna picked the lock on my bedroom door and came in and took advantage of me
again and left me with an STD! The commissioner called Donna vulnerable. I
hardly see it that way. She was more like a psycho-sexual predator. She was
EXTREMELY promiscuous and was having sex with many people when she was
going out with me. Every time I got close to exposing her infidelity, she claimed she
had been raped! She claimed this on two occasions when I was calling her
disappearance into question yet every time I attempted to take her to the hospital to
get checked out or to the RCMP to file a report, she refused to go. On the issue of her
drug and alcohol use, she was a frequent user well before I met her and it was
rumored that she was involved in the big Richmond sex scandal involving the
firemen in the hall directly across from her house.

The commissioner states that I had a duty to avoid putting yourself in a position
where that could happen. I was a chronic alcoholic! Many times I could not even
cash out my till at work and after work, sat in the bar spending all my tips on
copious amounts of alcohol. I would wake up in my car, in horse stalls on the flats off
Marine Way, in peoples basements, and even woke up on the 4th floor of the
Sandman in Richmond where I must have scaled the outside balconies to get there. I
was told I leapt off the tallest mast on one of the Tall Ships in Vancouver Harbour
and barely missed hitting the side of the ship before hitting the water! I have
absolutely no recollection of the event! Unfortunately, there were far too many of
these situations and when people found me in a semi-comatose state, they often did
some pretty embarrassing things to me like shaving off my pubic hair as an example.
After these events, when I felt I was going to pass out, I hid anywhere I could so
people could not find me! How does a person in such a state avoid putting
themselves in a position where people can take advantage of the situation?

On the comment that I continued to see Donna until January, it took that long for
there to be a good enough situation that she had created herself to allow me the
opportunity to break away from her without suffering huge consequences for doing
so (she threateded suicide if I left her)! As she was the instigator of our breakup by
lying to BOTH her mother and myself as to her whereabouts one weekend, the
breakup could be justified without her usual rants and raves and threats of suicide!
As it turned out, I had one more tirade to put up with when I broke off with her over
her sleeping with another teacher, Bob Jolly. I was at her grandmothers hiding when
she arrived there in Bobs corvette after spending the night with him in his Marpole
apartment. I broke up with her on the spot yet she showed up the next day at my
home in Vancouver where she created a real disturbance! She kicked doors,
screamed and yelled in the street and banged her fists on my door, which infuriated
my landlord who threatened to call the police! I finally convinced her to let me give
her a ride home. She ranted and raved and screamed all the way back to her home in
Richmond. She made a few attempts to step out of my car while traveling over the
Oak Street Bridge and actually got her foot to touch the bridge deck. At her home I
continued to try to calm her down and after a time when she appeared to be calm, I
drove away. As I did so, she jumped in front of my car and I hit her! The way this
reads in the VSB report is TOTALLY incorrect and I offered a polygraph to clear it up
as it was one of those things that they kept throwing up in my face in their
interviews to make me look like a despicable person!

I have thousands of pictures to back up my statement from all those 13 years of

substituting, 17 years as Head Teacher at Foundation Alternative Program, and for
over 7 years in China.

The documentation clearly demonstrates that I have dedicated my life to making

amends for my drug and alcohol induced stupidity and that I fully accepted the
consequences at the time for these actions.

I am now over $200,000 in debt and as a result can only wait until the actions have
been taken by the TRB, after which time I must take their decisions to a court of law
and present ALL my documentation and my statement as to what happened and
provide them with a polygraph of any part that can not be corroborated if people
that were involved have passed. I intend to get a lawyer to sue the Vancouver School
Board and the two officials of the Richmond School Board for their parts in creating
and or doctoring documents that pertained to my case. My goal will be to sue for 12
years of salary and 12 years of BCTF Pension contributions and lawyer fees.

On a final note, BEFORE someone makes the comment As a teacher, you should
have known better! I submit the following in the hopes that sponsor teachers are
selected for their abilities to mould and mentor new teachers instead of signing up
so that the practicum teachers take some of their work load away!

My 3 practicums were in Richmond. My first mentor, Rod, was seeing a grade 11

student from the school. We would drive down to Brighouse for lunch in his
convertible Camaro with his girlfriend right beside him. My second practicum saw
me with a mentor, Marilyn, who, after I taught my lessons, took me into her girls
counselor office to discuss how my lesson went. Prior to commencing the
conversations, she would pour me and ice cold martini out of the thermos from
under her desk. For my last practicum, I was assigned to Charlie. Her was dating
Linda, a GRADE 8 STUDENT at his school. They went out for years and after she
graduated, they were married (I attended the wedding). Linda went on to get her
degree in Education and is teaching in Delta I believe.

I know you have a mandate to go back and reprimand me as if this happened

yesterday and by todays standards. I went through a process in 1976 that I was told
would deal with my drug and alcohol induced stupidity. Everybody dealt with me,
INCLUDING the Ministry of Education. As proven, they had the documentation and
did not act on it. How long was I expected to wait until they acted? Obviously 30
years is a ridiculous period of time. In that time, I have, contrary to recent remarks
made by the TRB, shown my remorse for this situation through a process of making

My Facebook is open to the public at Robert J Robertson. If you care to see how I
have made amends for my actions, I invite you to go through the years of pictures
which document my efforts to improve the lives and conditions for at risk youth.
My 30 years with the VSB are irreproachable! My years in China, the same. I have
tirelessly worked to raise money and contribute my own funds to a variety of
situations to make things better for kids! These include: raising funds for facial
reconstructive surgery, approaching the owners of KFC and McDonalds to hire
orphans (with or without completed facial reconstruction), bought a faade for the
front of the local kindergarten so the kids could be proud of their school and made it
more inviting to them, raised thousands to support a troupe of deaf, blind, and
handicapped performers, started volunteer programs for students to attend migrant
workers schools, convinced local restaurants to provide food and gifts to children
and Christmas and Thanksgiving, provide necessary medical treatment at no cost to
kindergarten children in the village, raising funds for warm winter coats and gloves,
personally buying new plastic tables for the kindergarten as they got splinters in
their arms from the old wooden desks, bought 40 writing slates for students to
practice writing on (They have no blackboard.they wrote on their table tops),
raised funds to buy 80 mattress and linen sets for migrant workers kids who live on
the school grounds, used all of my supplied school lunch money to buy water, juice,
fruit, and school supplies for the migrant workers elementary and kindergarten

Enjoy viewing how someone has spent their entire adult life showing remorse by
positive action and making amends for mistakes made 39 years ago! I dont believe
there would be a judge anywhere who would deny I have clearly made reparation
for my earlier drug and alcohol induced stupidity!

Bob Robertson

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