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Reshma Saujani’s Plan for New York in Congress












I am running to bring new ideas and new leadership on

behalf of New Yorkers to Congress.

This document highlights my new ideas to advance

prosperity, security, and opportunity for all New Yorkers.
Equally important, it is a reflection of the diverse
dialogue I have had with people across the 14th District.

As you read this document, I hope you are inspired to join our efforts and get involved.
If you disagree with a policy position, I encourage you to send me a note online or come
to an event to share your perspective with me. In this district, which exemplifies the
dynamism and vibrancy of this nation, no voice should go unheard. As your
Congresswoman, I intend to be both a fierce advocate and an active listener.

After all, I believe this election is about the type of leader we want representing us in
Congress. This district’s constituency has grown more diverse and the challenges we
face as a country have become more complex. From fixing our broken immigration
system to enacting smart financial regulation, we need an advocate who intimately
understands the issues and will be a national voice for New York in Congress.

I believe my experiences and new ideas make me that new leader for New York.
Together, we can lead New York and America forward.


Reshma Saujani

“In its many incarnations over the past 400 years -
from Dutch colony to global financial capital - New
York City has always been a place of possibility,
innovation, and imagination. That's why, in the wake
of the Great Recession, our sustained economic
crisis calls for an audacious economic vision.

New York has always been a city of innovation - from

the art, music, and culture inspired by our streets, to
the incredible architecture of our skyline. Now is the
time to regain our historic identity as an economy of
innovation, by investing in the dreamers and doers
of tomorrow.”

- Reshma Saujani



 Provide immediate relief for families and small businesses

 Spur innovation and entrepreneurship

 Promote New York’s businesses abroad


Unemployment remains high
Over a year after Congress passed the Stimulus plan, unemployment remains high and
many qualified New Yorkers are out of work. Economists on both sides of the aisle agree
that Congress should have passed a stronger economic stimulus. I believe there is a
series of policies we can implement now to provide economic relief for families and
build a foundation for a new economic future for New York and America.

New York has become unaffordable for families and businesses

Residential neighborhoods and small businesses are increasingly being driven out by
skyrocketing costs and increasing bureaucracy. We need to provide more resources and
encourage efficiency to unlock the full potential of our entrepreneurs and business


Today, unemployment is higher in New York City than anytime since 1993, and
underemployment nationwide is at a staggering 17 percent. I am running for Congress
because I believe that at this critical crossroads for our nation, I have the right ideas to
put us back on a track towards growth and prosperity in the next decade.

Boost small business growth and encourage entrepreneurship:

For each new small business hire, I propose an expansion of President Obama’s proposal
for a $5,000 employer tax credit. Often times, early hires are the biggest hurdles for
micro-enterprises but are the most critical to creating a foundation for sustainable
growth and long-term employment opportunities. Therefore, I propose helping our
entrepreneurs take that first step towards long-term growth with a $10,000 tax credit
for each new hire in micro-enterprises with less than five employees. Similarly, I propose
a $7,500 tax credit for every new hire in a business less than 3 years old and with less
than twenty-five employees.

Help parents save for their children’s education and invest in America’s future:
We need to provide immediate assistance to help New York families save for their
children’s education, for the sake of our families and our national economic future. I
propose creating a new tax-deductible investment vehicle that enables parents to save
and promotes enrollment in science, technology, engineering, and math programs. If a
student enrolls in a technical degree program, each dollar used to pay for it from the
saved funds will be matched by the federal government through loan forgiveness.
Together, we will send our children to college and enable them to dream big and build
the future of America.

Support tax cuts for 95% of Americans and unemployment support

I support President Obama’s tax cuts for 95% of hard-working Americans. I also believe
it is crucial that we pass extensions for unemployment benefits to ensure that those
hardest hit by this economic crisis and the long-term unemployed receive desperately
needed support.

Make New York a more competitive and hospitable place to do business

From the clothing manufacturer to the Garment district to the shopkeeper in Murray
Hill to the entrepreneurs in Union Square, New York is simply becoming too expensive.
We must alleviate cost and financing barriers to create an environment for small
business owners to grow and hire. I propose a new rental tax credit for business owners
who are operating and serving prohibitively high cost areas to help them weather this
difficult economic environment. We must expand loan guarantees and credit lines
available to small businesses by bolstering community banks and encouraging small
business loans. Also, I support eliminating capital gains taxes on investments in micro-
enterprises to empower entrepreneurs with innovative new business ideas.


By pursuing an aggressive, active innovation strategy, New York City will become a hub
of entrepreneurship and new industry development. We must enact a smart Innovation
Strategy to become a global magnet for innovation to attract and retain the world’s best
talent in New York City.

Create a National Innovation Fund via a new public-private partnership

I propose creating a public-private partnership between the government and the private
sector, allowing both to invest in emerging industries and next-generation sectors
critical to our national economic future, such as clean energy, biotechnology, and
broadband expansion. Additionally a National Innovation Fund will eanble
entrepreneurs access the capital, resources, and mentorship they need to unleash their
full potential and create jobs.

Expand small business grants for innovation, research, and technology

It is critical that we harness the huge pool of engineering, science, and technology talent
available in our district to promote new business development. I propose doubling the
$2B in grants awarded to our entrepreneurs through the Small Business Innovation
Research (SBIR) Program and Small Business Technology Transfer program through the
Small Business Administration.

Provide new resources for entrepreneurs

I propose creating an online collaboration portal that will provide online resources to
simplify and streamline government research and technology grant applications. In
addition, I believe New York should sponsor innovation forums for local academics,
engineers, business development professionals, and investors. Lastly, we need stronger
partnerships to promote entrepreneurship through local university programs.

Extend loan forgiveness for science and technology students who join start-ups
In a district home to some of the nation’s top academic and research facilities, we must
incentivize our best and brightest to do more than swap financial derivatives, and
instead build our nation’s future economy right here in New York City. I propose a
$15,000 student loan credit for math, science, or engineering students who go to work
for a clean-tech, bio-tech, or high-tech start-up in New York for at least 3 years.

Re-invest in the building blocks of innovation

We need to re-invest in the building blocks of innovation to guarantee American
leadership in the 21st century economy. In the last forty years, federal funding for
physical, mathematical, and engineering sciences has declined by half, as a percent of
GDP. I propose that we return federal R&D spending to 3% of GDP by 2020.


New York City is not only an economic hub domestically, but a global economic center.
We must take the lead in creating the foundation of the new 21st century economy. We
must also make it easier for our businesses to reach every corner of the globe in order
to promote growth, new hires, and greater revenue for our city.

Establish a new 21st Century Jobs Corps

I propose creating a 21st Century Job Corps that will restore prosperity by creating over
half a million jobs. These are quality jobs paying salaries over $75,000 –in many cases
higher – with solid benefits. This program will give educational grants of up to $1,500 to
unemployed Americans to receive training in emerging fields like solar panel installation
and maintenance, building retrofits for energy efficiency, and broadband expansion. I
propose placement in these specific industries because research has shown that the
only barrier to sector growth is the inexistence of a technically skilled workforce.

Create a revamped New York City Export Office

We operate in a global marketplace and we need to ensure that we are providing the
tools and resources that our businesses need to compete in markets abroad. I propose a
comprehensive revamp in the way we support New York businesses internationally.
First, we need to help businesses identify attractive markets abroad. Second, we should
appoint City Economic Ambassadors (CEAs) in major global cities abroad to promote
New York business. Lastly, we need to provide more affordable financing options to
allow businesses to expand their sales across borders.

“This city of immigrants is the most vibrant in
America, and arguably the most influential economy
in the world. I see it everyday in the faces of our
educators, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, artists, and
activists across New York's 14th District, from the
East Village and Upper East Side to Astoria.

That's why, as we emerge from the Great Recession,

revamping our broken immigration system is more
important than ever. We don't need more promises
that immigration reform will be addressed in the
future. We need elected officials and advocates to
roll up their sleeves and work together now, for the
sake of our competitiveness, our national security,
and our city.”
- Reshma Saujani



 Enact comprehensive visa reform to ensure our competitiveness

 Create a legal pathway to citizenship to address our fiscal crisis

 Protect our citizens through new security and safety programs

 Strengthen our families and neighborhoods


Our broken immigration system is hurting our economy
As we emerge from the worst financial crisis in decades, the case for immigration
reform is stronger than ever. If we fail to bring the nearly twelve million illegal
immigrants in our country out of the shadows, we will lose billions in critical tax revenue
and $1.5 trillion in productivity to our GDP. Our economy simply cannot afford more
broken promises for reform, we need action now.

Immigration reform is critical to our safety, security, and families

Our nation was built on the value of cultural inclusion and preserved through vigilance
for our collective security. Today, a broken immigration system threatens both. Right
now, illegal immigrants who have information about crimes are scared to come forward
to help our police officers. Meanwhile, New York’s share of security funding has
declined while our need for security is only increasing.


Congress must work with the President to overhaul our immigration policies, which
have resulted in turning away the best and brightest from our borders, endangering our
security, and hurting our families.

Retain foreign students who receive advanced STEM degrees

The decline in the number of foreign graduate students studying science and
engineering who remain in the United Sates following graduation has led to increased
dependence on outsourcing and contracting of STEMS research and development and a
decrease in domestic investment in such activities. Highly skilled and educated
immigrants have historically been among the primary drivers of economic development
in the United States. I propose automatically granting green cards – pending appropriate
background checks, to foreign students who graduate with an advanced degree in
science, technology, engineering or math in the top 10% of their class.

Enable American companies to better access highly skilled workers

I propose raising the cap on H1-B visas from 65,000 to 200,000 in order to provide
American companies with access to highly skilled workers and prevent outsourcing of
high-tech and other skilled jobs.

Facilitate access to critical seed capital for entrepreneurs

The EB-5 visa enables immigrants to invest in early stage American start-ups to create
American jobs. I propose raising the cap on EB-5 visas from 10,000 to 17,000 and the
amount of visas reserved for targeted employment areas from 3,000 to 5,000.

Implement a new ‘start-up visa’ to encourage entrepreneurship and innovation

From 1995 to 2005, over 25 percent of technology companies started in the US had a
key immigrant founder. I propose we implement a ‘start-up visa’ for immigrant
entrepreneurs who raise $250,000 from a registered venture capital firm or $100,000
from a registered angel investor and hire at least 5 American workers while generating
profit and sales of $1M after two years.

Expand access to nurses working in disaster areas

The United States suffers from a shortage of qualified nurses. According to the
American Association of Colleges of Nurses, the US nursing shortage is projected to
grow to 260,000 registered nurses by 2025. Under current law, only 500 non-immigrant
visas are issued for petitioners for entrance under this program per fiscal year.
I propose lifting the cap on the number of visas that can be issued under this program in
the event that a local or state official declares a state of emergency.


The economics of immigration reform are simple: moving illegal immigrants from our
under-the-table economy to our above-the-table economy is smart fiscal policy for the

Create a legal pathway to citizenship for economic security

Creating a pathway towards legal status for the twelve million illegal immigrants in the
US today would boost GDP by $1.5 trillion over the next ten years. We need to change
the language around immigration reform away from criminalization and towards a
secure, common sense approach to cultural inclusion and economic competitiveness

Implement a guest worker program that helps businesses and protects US jobs
I propose we implement a guest worker program, which would add $792 billion to GDP
over the next ten years. In doing so, we must ensure that immigrant workers are paid a
fair wage – to prevent American wage depression – and prioritize targeted employment
areas in which there is a worker shortage.


We must make certain that immigration reform legislation is matched with restored
vigilance and increased counter-terrorism resources.

Empower law enforcement authorities with more resources

I believe immigration reform can provide for our collective security by ensuring an
orderly entry into our country and protecting those who are here. We must ensure that
law enforcement personnel at our ports, bridges, tunnels, and borders have the funding
and resources they need to keep our citizens safe and secure.

Allow illegal immigrants to share information with law enforcement

I propose we immediately pass provisions to enable illegal immigrants who have critical
witness information to safely come forward and share it with law enforcement
personnel. When the security of our citizens is in question, we cannot afford to allow a
broken immigration system to prevent law enforcement from accessing the evidence
and information they need to keep us safe.


Immigration reform is central to our values of cultural diversity and inclusiveness. Our
reform efforts must therefore strengthen our families and neighborhoods, which add
tremendous value to our culture and economy.

Pass the DREAM Act to create a pathway for driven undocumented children
Today, 3.1 million American children have at least one parent who is in the US illegally.
When these parents are deported, either their families are torn apart or their children –
whom US taxpayers have heavily invested in through education and public services – are
taken back to their home country. I support the DREAM Act, which offers a citizenship
track to hard-working, undocumented children who graduate from US high schools and
pursue college or military service. We must create a pathway to citizenship for these
families without disrupting American children and jeopardizing their potential to
contribute to our country.

Immediately enact the Uniting American Families Act

In Congress I will fight for the immediate passage of the Uniting American Families Act,
which would allow US citizens in same-sex couples to sponsor their partners for legal
immigration status. Estimates suggest that nearly 36,000 of same-sex couples are at risk
of being separated because one partner is not a citizen. I strongly believe that these
couples should be afforded the same rights as heterosexual Americans who can apply to
sponsor their partners.

“Going forward, it's so important that we achieve
more than reasonable financial industry regulation.
We also need financial industry participation to
create new jobs in emerging industries.

Instead of incentivizing risky derivatives and

complicated financial instruments, Congress should
encourage patient capital. We need to work with
Wall Street to move high finance away from
unsustainable short-term thinking, and toward long-
term investments in clean-tech, biotech, nanotech,
health-tech, and new media. That's how we'll create
sustainable economic growth and jobs for Wall
Street and Main Street.”
- Reshma Saujani



 Address systemic root causes of the recent financial crisis

 Enact a smart regulatory framework to protect taxpayers and consumers

 Incentivize long-term growth and investment in next generation industries


The most egregious regulatory failures have not been addressed in reform
Nearly two years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers and after multiple
Congressional committees and bills, we still have not addressed the most serious
regulatory failures that enabled this crisis. The conflicts of interests and lack of
transparency that prevented us from acting sooner still need to be addressed in reform

Many in Washington do not understand the issues being debated

Through committee hearings and witness testimony, it is increasingly clear that many of
our elected officials do not have the experience or understanding of the complex inner-
working of the financial system and existing regulatory architecture in our country. We
need leaders who understand the system so we can ensure that we have proper
regulation that protects investors and consumers while charting a path for stable, long-
term growth


Enacting comprehensive financial regulation starts with addressing the key underlying
causes of the recent financial crisis. Ultimately, we had a system that was rife with
conflicts of interests and a lack of transparency, and o f these issues must be addressed
to achieve real, sustainable reform.

Create a clearinghouse for Credit Ratings Agencies

One of the most apparent systemic breakdowns leading up to the recent financial
meltdown was the faulty AAA ratings assigned to junk assets. Under the current-issuer
pay model, ratings agencies are paid by the same financial institutions whose assets are
being rated. This problem has persisted for over a decade, as ratings agencies issued
investment grade ratings for both Enron and Lehman just weeks before they each
collapsed. Under this system, ratings agencies have often competed based on their
willingness to alter their ratings, instead of the integrity of their analysis. I propose we
create an SEC regulated clearinghouse that a financial institution would have to go
through to have their assets rated. Properly regulated, this clearinghouse would remove
the conflict of interest inherent in the current model and better protect investors

Enhance transparency and accountability

Over the past two decades, we have had a financial system that prospered in part by re-
packing complicated, toxic risk instead of making sound investments. Unregulated
derivatives, like mortgage-backed securities were bundled, packaged, and hidden
through complex financial instruments and unclear practices. In the end, we had an
unsustainable ecosystem that benefited those “in the know” and asked taxpayers to
foot the bill when the system collapsed. I support proposals to bring light to the
shadowy practices of derivatives trading by creating a clearinghouse for them to be
listed and exchanged.


This debate is about eliminating the bad lending practices, encouraged by loose
regulation, which together have conspired against the entire economy. It's about
creating a new regulatory framework that empowers Wall Street to generate growth
and jobs in New York City and across America.

End the policy of “Too big to fail”

The taxpayers had to bail out large financial institutions because we had an archaic
regulatory framework in which several of the largest firms could not wind down under
normal bankruptcy procedures. I propose that we mandate that large financial holding
companies maintain “living wills” that ensure that in the case of failure, they have a plan
to wind down and repay creditors, without shifting that responsibility to taxpayers.

Create a systemic risk regulator

During the recent financial crisis, we did not have sufficient oversight to identify early
warning signs of failing financial institutions and systemic implications. I support efforts
to institute a systemic risk regulator that can identify failing institutions and instruct
them to take prompt corrective actions.


For decades, the financial services community primarily played the role of chief lender
to America’s budding entrepreneurs and corporate innovators. Recently, the industry
has lost its way, investing in short-term risk instead of long-term growth. We need to
create the investment climate the gets Wall Street back to investing in the future of

Create public-private partnerships via the National Innovation Fund

Our national resources are stretched but our need to actively invest in next generation
industries, such as clean-tech, bio-tech, and nano-tech, has rarely been greater. Moving
forward, we’re going to have to leverage smart public-private partnerships to provide
incentives for financial intermediaries to invest in the future innovators of America.

“A strong economy in the 21st century starts with
strong schools. Period. And no investment offers a
bigger return than ensuring our children have the
education they need to succeed. I believe that
education reform is the key to long-term economic
success for New York City and for America.

In Congress, I will push for smart, effective school

reform that prepares students to succeed in the new
- Reshma Saujani



 Enable educators to succeed with better professional development programs

 Create an accountability system with multiple indicators

 Promote innovation and educational entrepreneurship

 Invest in kids, parents, and communities


Our current education system is broken and failing our children
In 17 of the nation’s fifty largest school districts, a majority of students leave high school
before attaining a diploma. Public schools are more racially and economically
segregated today than they were in 1970. In New York City high schools, 4 out of every
10 children do not graduate in four years. Inequities in access to early childhood
education, effective teachers and college readiness persist, and in far too many
instances are widening.

The current political stalemate is denying New York critical education resources
The Department of Education has instituted the Race to the Top fund to invest in state
education systems that promote accountability, innovation, and education excellence.
New York failed to win $700 million in funds because of political stalemates over tired
battles. We need to try new ideas to bring all the parties together to jointly achieve our
common goal of providing greater opportunity for our children.


Highly effective teachers and school leaders can make the most significant impact in a
child’s education experience. Teachers entered the noble profession because they care
about children and their futures. As we implement more systems of accountability, we
need to ensure we are enabling our educators to succeed by providing updated and
expanded opportunities for training, professional development, and new skill building.

Create the Teachers to the Top training program

Strong student performance starts with effective teachers and school leaders in the
classroom. However, as we continue to emphasize greater accountability, we have
fallen behind in providing the skill-building and professional development resources that
are critical to enabling educators to succeed. American teachers spend up to one-fifth
less time in training than their foreign counterparts. I propose creating a training
program, funded federally, to support teacher professional development for every state
recipient of Race to the Top funds.

Promote greater pathways to school leadership

Effective principals, administrators, and academic advisors empower teachers and
create a healthy, safe, and nurturing environment for students. We need to provide
greater pathways to school leadership to ensure the best and brightest, from diverse
backgrounds, are providing accountability and support in our schools. I propose creating
greater access to information and training for early career educators to help them chart
a career path to school leadership.


Our children deserve, and our nation’s future depends on, an education system that is
adequately preparing students to succeed in the 21st century global economy.

Implement multiple indicators into any accountability system

It is imperative that we are making informed, data-driven decisions about how to best
improve our schools. In addition, as we increasingly ask educators to account for the
performance of their classrooms, we need move away from a “one-size fits all”
approach that relies solely on high-stakes standardized test administration. Instead,
teacher performance should be evaluated through a basket of indicators, including peer
and leader evaluations, district-created exams, along with standardized tests.

Integrate a “21st century skills” component in the accountability system

To succeed in the 21st century economy, students will need to master a range of skills
that are not easily captured in standardized tests, from communication and
collaboration to team work and adaptability. We need to align performance evaluation
criteria against development indicators of those core skills in any accountability

Continue to align around a set of common standards

Local communities are and will remain the most important influence on a student
curriculum and education. In parallel, we must better understand how performance
across regions and states translates across various indicators and growth factors in
order to best identify areas of need, support, and additional focus.


Just as we teach students to never cease to be learners, our education system must
continue to experiment, innovate, and share best practices to improve the experience
for our students.

Increase the cap on charter schools in partnership with the education community
Charter schools play an important role in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship
necessary to advancing the new practices and thinking in education. While charter
schools alone are not the answer, they can be effective laboratories to determine what
works and facilitate best practice sharing with the broader community. We need to
break the political impasse over charter schools by ensuring adequate funding for all
schools, traditional and charter, and a spirit of collaboration, rather than competition,
between all educational institutions. I propose creating RAISE (The Readying All Schools
and Instructors Exchange), an online platform for educators to share new classroom
teaching methods, innovative lesson plans, and teacher-created resources to deliver the
best education to all our children.

Expand support for innovative education programs

I believe in innovation programs, such as Teach For America and Urban Assembly, which
are helping to galvanize a generation to solve the great educational inequities facing our
nation. I propose expanded funding for educational nonprofit organizations that recruit
young people into the field of education.


Legislation alone cannot educate our children. Parents and communities are the most
important influence in children’s lives and we need to ensure we are providing them the
resources to be healthy and safe.

Invest in after-school programs in high-need areas

One of the most pressing problems plaguing our school system is gang violence and
unsafe environments outside the classroom. Studies routinely shows that children who
get involved with after-school activities stay out of trouble and away from the influences
of violence and drugs. I support efforts to increase funding for arts and sports after
school programs in high-need areas.

Offer summer-school programs to high-need students

Every summer, our education system becomes even more stratified and segregated.
Many students live in supportive homes and communities where learning continues
through the summer in the form of classes, family reading time, or travel. However, for
far too many students, summer has become a time when they fall backwards and do not
have a chance cultivate recently learned skills. I propose enacting a publicly-funded
summer learning experience for students in high-need areas

Promote healthy school meals and physical education

Obesity has become one of the biggest threats to children’s futures and often times,
poor health and eating habits develop in school. I support recent efforts to ensure that
school meals adhere to healthy standards and that physical education is a part of a
child’s curriculum.

“A strong America requires both military and
economic might. The future of our national security
is inextricably linked with our efforts to get our
budgets back in the black, revitalize our economy,
manage our borders, and reduce our dependence on
foreign sources of energy. We also need more
networked cooperation with foreign intelligence
agencies to thwart terrorist plots and more spending
on high-tech port security.

The only way to ensure that we remain on top

economically – and, ultimately, militarily – is to craft
a comprehensive national security strategy that will
secure a prosperous and safe future for all
- Reshma Saujani



 Re-store and expand counter-terrorism and security resources for New York

 Staunchly support allies and pursue Middle East regional stability

 Develop a new way forward in Afghanistan

 Increase our global competitiveness in emerging industries


We need more resources to ensure New York and America are secure and protected
Recent events in New York make it abundantly clear that we need to maintain vigilant in
response to attempted attacks on our homeland. However, in 2010, New York’s share of
the Department of Homeland Security Transit Security Grant program was slashed by
28%. We need new leadership in Congress that can fight for the funds and resources
needed to keep New Yorkers safe

Our faltering competitiveness increases our dependence on foreign resources

As we consider the great security challenges facing our military in Afghanistan, Iraq, and
other areas as well as the threats posed by regimes in Iran and North Korea, we must
consider the broader implications of a national strategy that relies on foreign fossil fuels
and foreign investment in our government. As we have failed to remain competitive in
infrastructure and clean technology, we have increasingly been dependent on foreign
resources. This, in turn, has decreased our influence and ability to promote peace and


As our national security apparatus of intelligence gathering agencies, investigative units,

and counter-terrorism forces has grown to respond to new threats, the complexity of
systemic communication and collaboration has increased as well. We must ensure that
our local New York City law counter-terrorism units and national security agencies have
the tools and resources necessary to effectively cooperate on all levels to keep our city
and country secure.

Restore and expand New York’s share of Homeland Security funding

This past year, New York’s share of the Department of Homeland Security’s Transit
Security Grant Program was cut by 28%. This critical program supports funding for
bomb-detecting equipment and counter-terrorism resources. I will fight to re-instate
those crucial funds for our city.

Increase resources for NYPD and local authorities

We need to expand the $152 million New York City receives through the DHS Urban
Areas Security Initiative. The NYPD has become an international leader in local-national
counter-terrorism coordination, however local agencies need increased resources to
protect our ports and ensure our city is safe.

Allocate greater funds to protect our borders and ports

New York City has the third largest port in the nation and the biggest on the Eastern
Seaboard, yet only of fraction of the materials shipped through our city are ever
thoroughly inspected. We need to implement a comprehensive system of inspection
that focuses on preventing weapons of mass destruction from arriving on our shores. In
order to accomplish this crucial mission, New York requires a larger share of the
Department of Homeland Security grants and better training and equipment for our
border patrol agents.

Increase support for our Veterans and retired officers

Veterans suffer from a higher than average level of homelessness, joblessness, mental
health issues, substance abuse, and suicide. I will advocate for reforming the archaic
bureaucracy of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), improving mental healthcare
for all veterans, and reducing veteran’s debt by making the new GI Bill retroactive. Our
veterans have made a considerable sacrifice for their country, and they deserve robust,
efficient services.


We must continue to repair our global standing and strengthen our most important
alliances as we confront new threats. I will work to strengthen our partnerships and
intelligence coordination with crucial allies, such as Israel, and build new partnerships by
increasing our diplomatic corps. We must also work closely with our allies to secure all
nuclear materials throughout the world in order to prevent them from falling into the
hands of terrorists.

Repair our global alliances and reassert American leadership

Under the Bush Administration, America’s crucial alliances were sorely frayed. We must
continue to build upon President Obama’s efforts by investing more energy in
diplomacy and working with our allies. I strongly support the President’s efforts to
coordinate the G-20’s response to the financial crisis as well as recent summits on
nuclear disarmament and building global consensus to clean our planet. As a
Congressional representative of New York City, home to the United Nations and a hub of
international diplomacy, I will take an active role in contributing to national debate and
international summits on foreign policy.

Reaffirm our commitment to Israel

The partnership between the United States and Israel, one of our closest allies and the
only democracy in the Middle East, is critical to America’s security and essential to
advancing peace and prosperity in the region. Economic cooperation between the
United States and Israel has resulted in unprecedented technological achievements and
I will introduce a version of the United States-Israel Energy Cooperation Act. We must
also reaffirm our dedication to the safety and security of the State of Israel by
strengthening our commitment to foreign aid. Israel has an undeniable right to exist, a
right that must be recognized by Israel’s neighbors. In Congress, I will ensure that the
United States champions this right.

Prevent a nuclear Iran and enforce sanctions

We must continue working with our allies to pass and enforce tough sanctions against
Iran and I support enacting unilateral sanctions. Preventing a nuclear Iran – a country
governed by a repressive regime that sponsors terror – must be a top priority for the
United States and the world.

Promote nuclear disarmament globally

We must prevent terrorist networks like Al Qaeda and dangerous regimes like Iran or
North Korea from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. We must focus our efforts on
disrupting black markets that trade in fissile material, increase the ability of our border
security forces to detect and intercept weapons of mass destruction, and continue to
work with other world powers to decrease our stockpiles of conventional nuclear


We are faced with an intractable and complex conflict that has claimed far too many
lives and consumed far too many of our resources. We have suffered more casualties
this year than ever before in this war effort and we have spent more than $320 billion
on the Afghan war alone. Stability in Afghanistan and Pakistan is fundamentally
important to our national security. The United States should continue to relentlessly
target terrorist networks and prevent the return of Al-Qaeda safe havens in Afghanistan.
However, the time has come to re-focus our mission and reduce our troop levels

Immediately reduce our troop levels and re-focus our mission

We need to immediately implement an exit strategy from Afghanistan that will reduce
our troop levels and re-focus our mission. We must clarify the three major reasons we
are in Afghanistan: to pursue the terrorists that attacked us on September 11th, prevent
the Taliban from regaining control, and eliminate every Al-Qaeda safe-haven. At the
same time we must reaffirm a reason for which we are not there: to engage in decades
long nation-building. I believe we can accomplish our tactical goals by withdrawing
major combat troops immediately and shifting to special operations teams designed to
hunt down terrorist targets and train Afghan security forces to take responsibility for
their security.

Increase accountability and transparency

I will fight for greater transparency and accountability from our government about the
conditions on the ground in Afghanistan. In addition, the humanitarian crisis unfolding
in the region – particularly among mothers and children – must not be lost in the
headlines or buried in reports. Our government absolutely should not be knowingly
hiding the facts. It undermines our credibility and only serves to diminish the trust of
our allies in the Afghan government. Leaders in government have a responsibility to ask
hard questions about our foreign policy and truthfully communicate those findings to
their constituents – a responsibility I will uphold in office.

Ensure our security at home and regional stability abroad

We must do everything necessary to protect our security at home and our troops
serving abroad. We must immediately bring home the 100,000 American troops in the
middle of a conflict with no clear mission. Our soldiers do not need to defend remote
mountain outposts or patrol bomb-laden streets to accomplish this mission. I will fight
to reinstate the 28 percent cut this year to New York’s share of the Department of
Homeland Security’s Transit Security Grant. I will work to promote smarter and more
accountable cooperation with the Pakistani and Afghan governments. I will support the
relentless pursuit of terrorist networks using actionable intelligence. However, I will not
succumb to the Washington group-think that enabled the Iraq War or authorized the
Patriot Act.


Increasingly, our global competitiveness is a critical factor in maintaining America's

position as a global superpower. From mounting debt, to a deteriorating manufacturing
base, to a growing trade imbalance, to the possibility of losing our AAA credit rating, our
economic competitiveness and our national security are increasingly not distinct issues,
but two sides of the same coin.

Expand investment in high-tech innovation

Governments around the world are rapidly increasing R&D investment and attempting
to shift the center of IT innovation to Tel Aviv, Bangalore, Singapore, or Chengdu.
However, New York remains the diverse center of media, finance, entrepreneurship,
and research, and is uniquely positioned to ensure America's dominance in high tech for
years to come. I plan to work with President Obama to double the National Science
Foundation's funding, make the Research and Experimentation tax credit permanent,
and restore our national R&D investment to its previous level of 3 percent of GDP. With
eager investors and a rich talent pool, New York is the ideal place to ramp-up a new
National Innovation Fund that leverages private investment against national priorities.

Invest in biotechnology and medical modernization

With the highest concentration of hospitals in the world, and the largest concentration
of research facilities in the nation, New York can spearhead a new national biotech
strategy. We must increase investment and grant opportunities available through the
National Institute of Health and direct significant resources towards curing deadly
diseases. In addition, we must spur new industries around medical modernization
technology, particularly electronic medical records.

Spur a new green energy economy and strategy

In 2009, for the first time, China topped the G-20 in clean energy investing, more then
doubling what the US committed to this sector. New York can be the epicenter of green
tech research and policy development. New York - home to the world's top investing,
entrepreneurial, and research communities, is one of the world's greenest cities – and is
perfectly situated to lead the global clean energy economy. I will work tirelessly in
Congress to pass the President's proposal for 25 percent of our national energy portfolio
to come from renewable, homegrown sources by 2025.

“From our river bends to our public parks, the
beautiful American landscape and efforts to
conserve it for posterity have been both an
important inheritance and an obligation for every
generation of Americans.

However, sustainability and environmental

protection are not just obligations we have to future
generations, but critical to building the foundation of
America’s 21st century economy. We must summon
the political will necessary to upgrade our outdated
energy infrastructure, lead efforts to reduce the
global carbon footprint, and spur investment to
unleash a new wave of clean-technology
- Reshma Saujani



 Promote public parks and open spaces

 Lay the foundation for a new 21st century infrastructure strategy

 Spur investment and innovation in renewable energy and clean-technology


We need ensure we are leaving our children a cleaner environment
Investment in public spaces and parks in New York, particularly on the east side of
Manhattan and Western Queens, and nationally have languished. We need to ensure
our families have access to safe, healthy, and clean open spaces and public parks

Our lead in emerging technologies globally is slipping

For the first time, China topped the G-20 in clean energy investments last year.
European nations are implementing national solar or wind strategies while battery parks
are dotting Asian frontiers. Moreover, many companies cite the lack of a technically-
trained clean energy workforce as an impediment to industry growth in the US. We
must galvanize a national movement to direct both public and private resources to clean
energy innovation and lay the foundation for our new economy.


We need to develop more open community spaces in New York and around the country.
New York is home to one of the most recognizable parks in the world: Central Park. And
last year saw the opening of the creative High Line Park on the Lower West Side, which
is inspiring city planners around the world. But New York’s East Side has been sorely
neglected in the city beautification efforts, and I support more open community spaces
where our children can play in the District.

Building new parks in New York and nationally

Ensuring our families have easy access to clean, green spaces is an important priority,
particularly in dense urban centers like New York City. As we continue to spur
development and construction, we must focus less on concrete and more on grass,
fountains, and benches. We can spur innovation in our conservation as public parks
have important cultural and economic benefits, as we have seen from the small
business growth near the High Line Park. I will work in Congress to lead efforts to work
with experts in setting national and regional goals for new park construction.

Create more bike paths and promote bike sharing

While nearly half of all New Yorkers use public transit to get to work, less than 1% ride
bicycles for their morning commute. Biking is not only one of the cleanest modes of
transportation; it is by far one of the most cost effective and healthiest options. We can
expand the number of bike lanes and bike paths across the city and nationally by
mandating that a percentage of all new urban road construction contain bike lanes. In
addition, I will work with New York City to institute a city-run low-cost bike rental
system such as the one used in Paris, where bike stations are located every 250 yards
across the city.


Currently, the state of our national infrastructure is deplorable, and New York’s
infrastructure is in a state of general disrepair. 46% of New York’s major roads are in
poor or mediocre state, and 45% of New York’s major urban highways are congested –
both conditions increase carbon emissions and pollutants released. We need to spur a
new national effort to scale New York’s leadership in mass transit, while investing in
new infrastructure projects like high-speed rail.

Fundamentally revise our national funding formula for infrastructure

For years, Washington has continued to pay up to 90% of the costs of highway projects,
while transit projects have to compete for a 50% federal match. Because of this, states’
priorities have been distorted to fund highways over subways. We need parity, even if
that is 50-50, so New York utilizes its funds for the most beneficial projects, not for the
projects that they can receive the most money from Washington.

Invest in a new high-speed rail infrastructure

By 2015, China is on pace to invest nearly $300 billion into its rail infrastructure, laying
over 10,000 kilometers of new high-speed rail tracks. Meanwhile, we have just made
our first commitment to high-speed rail with $8 billion. We must massively increase that
investment, which is both an effective economic stimulus and a down payment on our
new economy. Train travel at 200 mph would enable New Yorkers to make Boston and
Washington DC into an hour and ten minute trips and Philadelphia into a 30-minute trip.
Having true high speed rail connecting Philadelphia, Washington DC, New York and
Boston, would transform the northeast regional economy, enhancing the productivity of
the private sector and making the American economy competitive for years to come.


Spurring clean and renewable energy innovation is critical for our environment, our
national security, and our global economic competitiveness. This past year, China led
the G-20 in clean energy investing while rapidly expanding new battery production and
high-speed rail networks. However, I strongly believe in the entrepreneurial spirit and
ingenuity of the American workforce to spur innovations in clean energy and
technology. I will fight for smart public policy to ensure American remains a global
leader in emerging industries.

Pass a National Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard

The progress New York has made thus far promoting a Renewable Portfolio Standard
should be a model for the nation. As a representative from New York, I would strongly
advocate for implementing these mandates on a federal level. President Obama has
called for 25% of energy to come from renewable energy sources such as wind,
hydropower, solar, and geothermal by 2025. New York is on pace to reach 25% by 2013,
and 30% by 2015. In office, I will push for advances in renewable energy sources both at
home here in New York and across the country.

Spur a new Renewable Energy Manhattan Project

New York should be a global leader in innovation and home to emerging clean-
technologies that will power our economy in the 21st century. I believe New York can be
the epicenter of green technology research and development and I propose a new
Renewable Energy Manhattan Project, which calls for investing in solar, wind,
geothermal, and energy efficiency development. The devastation caused by the oil spill
in the Gulf demands that we fully explore the benefits that clean energy can have on our
economy. To that end, I am calling on BP to invest one dollar in REMAP for every dollar
of destruction they have caused.

Promote public-private partnerships in clean energy

We must leverage the unmatched innovative potential of our small business
entrepreneurs and world-leading research facilities through smart public support. I
propose creating a National Innovation Fund, which will match critical seed capital for
innovators in fields like clean-technology. Moreover, I have proposed a new 21st Century
Jobs Corps to scale a clean-tech workforce and provide hiring incentives for emerging
clean energy companies.

“Health care is more than a service, it is a
fundamental right of all Americans. I strongly
support the passage of the recent health care reform
law. The law eliminates insurance company
discrimination, introduces competitive exchanges,
and provides greater Medicare oversight.

However, it is important to remember that while we

have made progress; our health care system still
requires critical additional reforms. In Congress, I will
fight to improve health care accessibility,
affordability, efficiency, and innovation.”
- Reshma Saujani



 Continue to bend the cost curve on health care

 Rein in small business health insurance costs


We still need reforms to reduce costs and wasteful spending
While the recent health care reform law was a critical step, our economy still spends
one out of every six dollars on health care. Medical insurance and malpractice costs
continue to rise while innovations to realize important cost savings require greater

Rising health care premiums are stunting small business growth

Small business health insurance premiums are rising faster than inflation and those or
larger businesses. We need to ensure that small businesses have support to meet health
care costs prior to the implementation of insurance exchanges in 2014. In Congress, I
will advocate for small business efforts to manage health care costs to ensure
employees and promote economic growth.


While the recent health care reform law made significant strides in reining in health care
costs, much more must be done to ensure we bend the long-term cost curve in health
care. One sixth of the US GDP is presently devoted to health care spending, often due to
hidden fees or wasteful services. We must reject the false choice of coverage vs. cost
containment – our country needs health reform that does both – and that’s exactly
what I’ll fight for in Congress

Invest in medical technology innovation

We must invest in health care innovation to improve the way our system works and
create new 21st century jobs. One area I believe New York can be a leader in is the
emerging electronic medical records industry. Currently, the percentage of US primary
care providers with access to electronic patient data is one-third that of primary care
provider in the UK. Boosting investment in companies that advance electronic records
will create jobs in New York City and improve patient care. In addition, I support efforts
to double funding for the National Institute of Health after years of underfunded science
and research initiatives under the Bush Administration.

Improve overall system efficiency through structural reforms

Our current fee-for-service system too often incentivizes service quantity over health
care quality. The recent reforms contain critical measures to move towards a system
where primary care providers and specialists collaborate more closely to avoid
repetitive and unnecessary treatments to patients. In parallel, I will focus on tort reform
because care providers facing increasing insurance costs often practice defensive
medicine as protection against mounting law suits.

Invest in preventive care

Roughly 30% of all medical costs go towards administration and our system focuses on
expensive reactive care rather than more cost-effective preventive care. I believe we
need to create greater incentives for individuals to make healthy choices, like exercise
and preventive check-ups.


Small businesses are not only the engine of American innovation and entrepreneurship,
they represent the major employer of most Americans. Ensuring that small businesses
have the support and resources to provide quality health insurance to their employees
is critical for our country. Though there were important support measures in the recent
health care reform law, we must immediately expand and accelerate implementation of
those provisions.

Increase subsidies to small businesses to meet rising premiums

While the health care reform law creates critical small business insurance exchanges,
those do not go into effect until 2014. Prior to implementation, we need to increase the
subsidies provided to small businesses to meet premiums, which are rising by 18%. I will
work with small business owners to increase subsidies that encourage hiring.

Reduce bureaucracy in health care administration

Small business owners are not only suffering from rising insurance premiums, but the
weight of forms and bureaucracy that accompany them. We need to provide more back-
end support services to reduce administrative overhead and enable small businesses to
focus on employees and customers.

“New York is one of the most ethnically, culturally,
and economically diverse cities in the world. The
term “melting pot” was first used to describe the
vibrant immigrant neighborhoods of the Lower East
Side that came here through Ellis Island seeking a
better future for their families.

New York is still a prime destination for people from

all walks of life who represent all the unique
communities that constitute the diverse character of
America. In Congress, I will advocate for all
Americans, regardless of color, gender, age, or
- Reshma Saujani



 Provide new leadership to empower women

 Fight for LGBT equality at all levels

 Ensure proper care and support for our seniors

 Promote the rights of all minority communities


Progress on women’s and LGBT rights have been political bargaining chips
In recent years, progress on issues such as women’s and LGBT rights have been treated
as points of political negoitiations instead of immediate priorities. As a young woman
from a diverse background, I understand the urgency needed to pass reforms and the
vigilance necessary to protect the rights of all Americans.

Seniors and minorities were disproportionately affected by the recession

Throughout New York and the country, senior centers are closing under crushing deficits
and minorities are disproportionately being evicted from their homes. During this time
of economic crisis, we must provide immediate support and create long-term solutions.


If elected, I will be the youngest woman in Congress. I will fight for issues facing women
today, including support for working women, access to health care, and protection of
reproductive rights. I respect the strong women who opened doors for me to obtain
higher education and succeed as a working woman and I want to ensure that we expand
those opportunities for all women.

Protect reproductive rights and increase access to health care

I fully and unequivocally support a woman's right to choose and understand the
vigilance and action needed to protect and defend that right. As a progressive woman, I
would have fought strongly against the Stupak Amendment in the recent health care
reform law and will stand up for woman’s rights in Congress. In addition, while the
recent health care reform ended gender-based discrimination, I believe we need to
immediately provide support and subsidies for single mothers who are struggling with
health care costs incurred prior to the establishment of exchange plans.

Support working mothers and families

As a young working woman, I believe we need greater access to affordable child care,
flexible work arrangements, and better maternity and paternity leave policies. We must
pass paid family leave immediately – not just to support our overstretched working
families, but to drive our economic recovery. In fact, companies with family leave
benefits have seen their value grow over twice as much compared to companies that do
not. We also need new policies to promote affordable on-site child care, flexible work
arrangements, and training for mothers seeking to rejoin the workforce.

Spur female entrepreneurship and leadership

Women are increasingly driving innovation, launching businesses, and creating jobs.
Many of these women were my mentors in the workplace and we must translate their
pioneering practices into policy. I propose new programs to promote science and
technology education for women, particularly in low-income communities, while
providing more scholarships for graduate business and science programs and training in
business development. When women lead, the economy benefits. Today, only 29
Fortune 1000 CEOs are women. I propose we set a national goal to achieve a ten-fold
increase in that number by 2020.

Invest in mother and girls internationally

A shocking 70 percent of out-of-school youth globally are girls. I believe, and many
experts agree, that investing in women is one of the most effective ways to break the
cycle of poverty and create a better future for families. Statistics show that women
reinvest 90 percent of their income back into their family, three times the rate for men.
An extra year of secondary school alone can increase a woman’s lifetime wages by up to
25 percent. We need to promote more development and mentorship programs targeted
to women.

We must demand immediate progress on LGBT rights. Year after year, progressive
politicians have pledged support for LGBT issues but many proposals have yet to
translate into action. I believe LGBT rights is one of the most important civil rights
movements for our generation and it must stop being a back seat or a bargaining chip
issue for progressives. I will fight for the rights that all Americans deserve.

Promote marriage equality for all Americans

I believe in full marriage equality and will fight for it at every level. Whether I have a
vote or not, I’ll be on the front lines with grassroots activists in the fight for marriage
equality. It is not just a moral issue; it is about economic fairness as well. When
someone in a committed same-sex union passes, their partner is denied their social
security benefits and is taxed on retirement and property inheritances, unlike couples in
heterosexual relationships. I believe that same-sex couples deserve the same rights as
all couples.

Increase awareness and support for diverse LGBT communities

I understand the broad coalition of Americans that are a part of the diverse LGBT
community and I support efforts to strengthen diversity initiatives for LGBT minorities.
We need to encourage more conversations about issues facing LGBT communities at
historically black colleges and universities, in Latino communities, among women, and
for immigrants. I will call for immigration reform that includes passage of the Uniting
Families Act to enable gay Americans to sponsor their partners for visas. I applaud
President Obama and efforts by grassroots groups fighting to eliminate the ban on visas
for HIV-positive foreign nationals, and believe we need more funding to support
HIV/AIDS research.

Enhance workplace equality initiatives

We need to urgently pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and ensure
workplace equality for all people. As we continue to dig out of this economic crisis, we
must tap the full breadth of talent and skills of all Americans. I also strongly believe that
ending the disastrous 'don't ask, don't tell' policy is long overdue and I am encouraged
by recent progress made President Obama and Congress. I plan to be a representative
that is leading the charge for equality and rights and provides the first line of defense
against conservative attacks or bigotry. Simply supporting legislation and issuing pro-
LGBT statements is not enough anymore.


I want to make sure that our parents, grandparents, and all seniors can enjoy a healthy
retirement and it is now harder than ever before for Americans to achieve this basic
goal, even for those who have worked their entire lives, as my parents have. As a
member of Congress I will fight to give our seniors the care they deserve.

Protecting retirement funds from risky pension fund practices

When world financial markets suffered staggering losses in 2008, some of the biggest
victims were the hardworking Americans close to the age of retirement who saw their
employer sponsored retirement funds vanish. Furthermore, over 50 percent of
Americans have no retirement program at all aside from Social Security. As a member of
Congress I will fight to ensure that pension funds are protected from risky investment
practices and all working Americans have access to a reliable retirement plan.

Protecting Social Security for current and future generations

The Social Security program reaffirms our commitment to the notion that all Americans
should have the opportunity to retire with respect and live with dignity through age. I
want to continue to strengthen Social Security to ensure the program is healthy for the
next generation of Americans. As a member of Congress, I will support measures to
stabilize funding for this crucial program and I will firmly oppose privatization of social

Making health care and housing more affordable

Congress recently passed significant health care reform that will eliminate loopholes
that force seniors to pay the full price of medicine; however more must be done to close
the spiraling Medicare budget deficit. We must ensure coverage while still aggressively
pursuing cost containment. In Congress, I will fight to ensure Medicare is strengthened
and protected for seniors. In addition, many seniors rely on rent controlled or subsidized
housing. We need new leadership to ensure that landlords who want to reduce rent
control will not price seniors out of their homes and that more affordable housing is
available. I propose new mandates that ensure that 25% of all new residential
development projects are protect for permanently affordable living.


New York’s vibrant ethnic neighborhoods and America’s diverse culture are among our
greatest assets. Each community contributes its unique character to the broader
American story. However, many minority communities still face challenges in securing
the opportunities that should be available to all Americans. New York is one of the most
ethnically diverse and culturally dynamics centers of the world. In Congress, I will work
with every community to ensure all our voices are heard.

Ensuring multilingual education in schools

The most important function of public multilingual programs is educating the children of
our newest residents who have yet to achieve English fluency. New York is a community
that takes deep pride in its multilingual character and our public school system should
provide a meaningful education to our Spanish, Greek, Bengali, Arabic and Chinese
speaking children, a small fraction of the 170 languages that make up New York City.
The Supreme Court has ruled that all children are guaranteed the opportunity to receive
a meaningful education no matter their language background, and I strongly support
our public school system educating our children through diverse languages Well-
educated children will lead to more employable residents and a more productive

Support public housing renewal projects

Year after year, politicians have neglected our public housing communities and the
issues that affect them. I am committed to listening to residents, understanding
community concerns, and fighting for public housing residents in Congress.
Queensbridge Houses, which is located in New York’s 14th District and is the largest
public housing complex in America, suffers from a staggering 47% unemployment rate,
which is five times the national average. Of those with jobs, the average annual income
is $23,114, less than half that of the average New Yorker. We need new leadership to
focus on jobs and ensure that all New Yorkers are included in the economic recovery.

Promote workplace equality and leadership development programs

As a young working minority woman, I understand the issues facing diverse
communities in the workplace. In Congress, I will work to scale innovation programs like
Management Leaders for Tomorrow to ensure that all Americans are afforded the
opportunity to succeed in the workplace.

“Americans make extraordinary investments in our
great country and we need must ensure that our
government is fully accountable to its taxpayers. Far
too often, the influence of lobbyist and special
interests drown out the voices of the American

This is why my campaign has never accepted

corporate PAC money and why I will never accept
corporate PAC money in Congress.”
- Reshma Saujani



 Advocate for smart campaign finance reform

 Introduce new transparency requirements for members of Congress


Corporations and special interest influence at elections is increasing
The Supreme Court recently enabled corporations and special interests groups from
financing unlimited advertising of political campaigns. This dangerous decision threatens
to drown out the voices of everyday Americans. Moreover, efforts to curb the effects of
this decision have been either stalled or watered-down.

Lobbying efforts in Congress have significantly intensified

This past year alone, lobbyists spent nearly $3 billion dollars influencing members of
Congress on key pieces of legislation, including health care and economic recovery. In
addition, several members of Congress benefit from personal investments in companies
they are charged to regulate. These conflicts of interest far too often have led to
loopholes and lobbyist-written provisions. We might ensure that our representatives are
listening to the American people, not the special interests.


Our representative in Washington must be accountable to the American people, not

special interest lobbyists or corporate fundraisers. In Congress, I will support efforts to
remove the special interest money from politics to ensure that the voices of every New
Yorker and American are heard.

Overturn the effects of the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision
We must immediately act to overturn the disastrous effects of the recent Supreme
Court ruling the Citizens United case. It is unacceptable for corporations to be able to
endless fund political campaigns at the expense of the voices of the American people. In
Congress, I will work to introduce legislation that curbs those effects and is not subject
to the same loopholes that it is fighting to prevent.

Support publically-financed elections

In Congress, I will strongly advocate for a new roadmap to achieve the goal of publically
financed elections. Candidates and representatives must spend less time behind closed
doors with donors and more in the community with voters. I believe publically financed
elections are critical to ensuring transparency and accountability in government.


Special interests not only influence campaigns and elections, their lobbying waters down
legislation and compromises the proposals of members of Congress. Among all the
challenges our nation faces, removing the influence of special interests is among the
most important action to ensure we can make progress on every issue.

Mandate that members of Congress place personal investments in blind trusts

It is inappropriate and a clear conflict of interest for a member of Congress to own
personal investments from the same companies they are charged with regulating. I will
introduce legislation mandating that members of Congress place their personal
investments in blind trusts during the tenure.

Extend insider trading regulations to members of Congress

While the general public is prevented from engaging in insider trading, members of
Congress are not subject to those same regulations. Recent reforms in health care or
energy policy have huge implications for various companies, and Congress should be
subject to regulations to prevent the communication of committee negotiations. I will
propose legislation to ensure members of Congress are held more accountable to the
American people.


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