Combined Maths English Medium 2016

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AL2016/10/-1 Bag 8 8009 GOD pep upinghanc1y All me Reserved] fssenens etme yocoeste Gace ae aera Goussows Banase hers. Soaeate sults in Spent Sprains ener oe me eas Some er ese g au Bowes uKioes ‘Smaeaaks cogein Ofna 5 [Berens saxisi Combined Mathematics {index Namber LI L) Instructions: This question paper consists of two pars Part A (Questions 1 = 10) and Part B (Questions 11 - 17) * Part A: Answer. all questions. Write vour answers to each auestion in the snace nravided Yow wy use additional sheets if more space is needed. * Part B: Answer five questions” only. Write your answers on the sheets provided. At the end of the time alloted, tie the answer scripts of the two parts together so that Part A is on top of Part\B and hand them over 10 the sus % You are permitted 0 n move only Part B of the question paper from the Examination Hall For Examiners" Use only ‘est | (10) Combined Mathema’ aris “Question No. | PaperI | | — Paper I 7 inane Total | | Final Marks) - Ta Numbers | 10 In Words Code Numbers Marking Examiner Auzuioniuner -2- Part A 1, Using the Principle of Mathematical Induction, prove that Drren= Feeder +2) for all nEZ*. mn 2. Sketch the graphs of y= |x] +1 and y= 2|x~ 1] if the same diagram. Hence or otherwise, find all real values of x satisfying the inequality. |x| +1 > 2[x— 1] Tee page three AL/2016/10/8-I 23+ 3. A particle P, projected horizontally with velocity u given by = 3 Yea from a point A at the edge of a step of a fixed stairway perpendicular to that edge, moves under gravity. Each step is of height a and length 2a (see the figure). Show that the particle P will mot hit the first step below A, and it will hit the second step below A at a horizontal distance 3a from A. 4. A car of mass M kg moves along a straight level road against a resistance of constant magnitude RN. At an instant when the car is moving at speed v ms“, its acceleration is a ms. Show that the power of its engine at this instant is (R + Mav W. ‘The car then moves with a constant speed v, ms~! against a resistance’of the same constant magnitude RN up a straight road inclined at an angle @ to the horizontal, working at the same power. Show that y, = + May Re Mg sina Tsee page Jour AL2016/1078-1 -4- IS. Let a > 0. Find the value of a such that tn, Se . 0 Nae? Va 6. Show thatthe area of the region enclosed by the curves'y = 27 and y= 2x —a7is + square units. AL2016/107E-1 25a. 7. A curve C is given by the parametric equations x=3sin? S, y= sin that 2 = sine If the gradient of the tangent at a point P on C is 3, find the value of the parameter @ corresponding to P. 2 8. Let J be the straight line that passes through the origin and the point of intersection of the straight lines 2x + 3y - k = 0 and x — y + 1 = 0, where k (# 0) is a constant. Find the equation of / in terms of k. It is given that the two points (1, 1) and (3, 4) are on the same side of /. Show that k < 18. Tee page ix 1, 2), B=(-5, 4) and S be the circle with AB as a diameter. Find the equations of @ the circle 5, and Gi) the circle with centre (1, 1) which intersects $ orthogonally. = ve Tree page seven AL201 09 8. ea eae ae DM i pelea ene cher es Se oe & Se apa EX HOUEA, FABRA cna. cp es om SET 27 a 5808 REC |gpage) pbngferouon.uigs/All Rights Reserved) — PART B + Answer five questions only. 11. (a) o 12.(a) o Let a, , cER such that a #0 and a+ b +c #0, and let f(x) = ax’ + br +c. Show that 1 is not a root of the equation f(x) = 0. Let @ and f be the roots’ of f(x) = 0. Show that (a~1)(B1) = 4(a++c) and that the quadratic equation with as the roots is given by'g(x) = 0, where g(x) = (@+b+0)x2+ (Qa+b)x+a, Now, let a>0 and a+b +e>0. A Ai, where A = 6? — ac. Show that the minimum value mj of f(2) is given by m, Let m, be the minimum value of g(2)-Deduce that (a+ + c)m, = am. Hence, show that f(x) = 0 for all x€R if and only if g(x) = 0 for all xER. Let p(x) = 2 + 20? + 3x — 1 and g(x) = x2 + 3x +6. Using the remainder theorem, find the remainder when p(x) is divided by (x ~ 1) and the remainder when q(x) is divided by (x ~ 2). Verify that p(x) = (x ~ 1) q(x) + 5, and find the remainder when p(x) is divided by (x~ 1) 2). Let nZ°. State, in the usual notation, the binomial expansion for (1 +2)" Show, in the usual notation; that aa = AEE for r= 0,1,2,. nals ‘The coefficients of x’, x"*" and x"? taken in that order, in the binomial expansion of (1+ x)" are in the ratios 1 : 2 : 3. In this case, show that n= 14 and r = 4, es (rf) = rez’, wh B Behar ey MSO = rar +B) for rEZ", where A and B are real Find the values of constants A and B such that ope (2 eee 3) rez’ = Gara Gr Nered E* stow tit Su, = - snl ea ‘Show further that the infinite series 3 U,, is convergent and find its sum. ft Ieee page eiah AL2016/10/8-1 =a. 1 Find real constants 2 and 4 such that AX = AX and AY Le P= (-] -2). rind P and AP, and show tat PAP = D, where D= ( 2 (®) In an Argand diagram, the point A represents the complex number 2++i. The point B is such that 0B = (0A) and AOB = ©, where O is the origin and AOB is measured counter-clockwise from OA. Find the complex number represented by the point B. Also, find the complex number represented by the point C such that OACB is a parallelogram. is.) et A= (~$ -$).x=(-}) os v- (7). (© Laze€ and w= 5 Shiow that z == (2 + <. 14.(a) Let f(x) = apa xe >, ‘Show that /‘(x), the derivative’ ah s given by f(x)= 24=9GE—D | Write down the equations of the oty=no. & dt skeia fs pl PC horizontal asymptote intersects the curve y = f(x). ‘Sketch the graph of y = f(x) indicating the-asymptotes and the tuning points. (0) A thin metal container, in the shape of a right ércular cylinder of radius Srem and height hem has a circular lid of radius Srem with a circular hole of radius r em: (See the figure.) The volume of the container is given to be 245. om?. Show that the surface area Sem? of the container with the lid containing the hole is given by 5=49x(7* +2) forr>o. Find the value of r such that $'is minimum. 18a) (@ Find Xs +2 d i) Find (gy, —5 and hence find [—#=1— as. ae (Bo—#) Gone Using the above integrals, fad \weh« 6) Ex 2e=l ial fractions and hence, Osa) ar, © Express Satan” a a Ie +) (©) @ Let m # -1. Using integration by pars, find f x"(In.x)éx, x i) Evaluate f 24x, Tee page nine AL 2016/10/81 16.(a) The equation of the diagonal AC of a rhombus ABCD is 3x — y = 3 and B= G, 1). Also, the ‘equation of CD is x + ky = 4, where k is a real constant. Find the value of k and the equation of BC. () Sketch the circles, C, and C, given by the equations 1° + y= 4 and (x- 1)? +)? indicating clearly their point of contact, I respectively, [A circle C, touches C, internally and C, externally. Show that the centre of Cy lies on the curve 8x +99? — 8-16, 17.(a) Write down the trigonometric identity for tan (a+) in terms of tana and tan f. tan 6 —tan™ 6 1-3tan? 6 Hence, obtain tan 20 in terms of tan 0, and show that tan 30 = By ming OniEIAe he at oxatin, verify that tan $2 js a solution of 2° — -3-3r4 120. Given further that’ ae aes ete ne Ax + 1), deduce tha tan $= 2 + V5. we tihad tien A en () Show that tan? 4 = 7— S084 In the usual notation, using the Cosine Rule for a triangle ABC, show that O 0. Find PCA B) in terms ofp. Defoe tht if and Bae independent events, ten 2 = 5 IS. A bag contains 6 white balls and n black balls which are equal in all respects, except for colour. ‘Two balls are taken out at random from the bag, one after the other, without replacement. The probability that the first ball is white and the second ball'is black is 7. Find the value of (see page ite AL2016/107E-11 -6- s 9. The mean of three distinct integers less than 11 is 7. When two more integers are taken, the ‘mean of all five integers is 5. Also, the only mode of these five integers is 3. Find the five integers. 0. An arrow is shot at a rotating circular consisting of five equal sectors numbered| 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, The number of times the arow hits each of the sectors is given in the followi frequency table, where p and q are constants. ‘Number 1 2 3 4 3 Frequency [_1 2 a 3 2 If the mean and the variance of the above data are given 10 be-3 and $ respectively, find the values of p and q. AL /2016/10/E-I1 a oe coe cero 8 ooo 2 Faw aqotasnace @ om Fan oqsbnoeoa) mel aieen pee ‘oop, Somes sparen oéExarnatons Stal a ca Giana rant of Csaaaon, Ssh ‘Qs Ses attncnaee €or Poe ; "Sie tam epee PART B % Answer five questions only. (in this question paper, g denotes the acceleration due to gravity.) 11.(a) A particle P of mass m is connected to a particle Q of mass 3m by a light yy inextensible string passing over a small smooth pulley fixed at a height 3h Wve an inelastic horizontal floor. Initially the two particles are held at a height f above the floor with the string taut, and released from rest. (See the adjoining figure.) Applying Newton's second law separately to the motions of P and Q, show that the waite of acslertion of each parle is $. 3H ‘After a time fy the particle Q'stikes the floor, comes to rest instantly, remains | “m 2 at rest for a further time 1, and) bogins to move up. Sketch the velocity-time graphs separately for the motions of the two particles P and Q until the particle Q begins to move up. In Ung tse gaps, show that 5 =2fF and Sid 4 ints of gan Show further that the particle P reaches a maximum height 34 above the floor. ¢ ( A straight river of breadth a flows with uniform speed u. The points A and C are situated on opposite banks of the river such that the line AC is perpendicular to the direction of flow of the river. Also, a. stationary buoy B is fixed in the middle of the river, on the upstream side of AC such that ABC is an equilateral triangle. (See the adjoining figure.) < ‘A boat moving with speed v (> u) relative to water starts off from Avand moves until it reaches 2. ‘Then it moves from B to C. Sketch the velocity triangles for the motions of the boat from A to B and from B to C. Show thatthe speed ofthe boat in its motion from A to B is 4 (ay = ~ 5) and find its speed in the motion from B to C. ane Hence, show that the total time taken by the boat for the paths AB and BC is ae 12.(a) The triangle ABC in the figure is a vertical cross-section through the centre of gravity of a uniform wedge of mass 2m. The line AB is a A line of greatest slope of the face containing it and ABC = 7. The wedge is placed with the face containing BC on a rough horizontal floor. The face containing AB is smooth. A particle of mass m is, held on AB as in the figure and the system is released from rest. “B It is given that the wedge moves in the direction of BC and that the magnitude of the frictional force exerted on the wedge by the floor is £, where R is the magnitude of the normal reaction exerted on the wedge by the floor. Obtain equations which are sufficient to determine R, in terms of m and g. Tee page eight AL2016/1006-11 (®) AB in the figure is a circular sector of radius a subtending an angle % at the centre O with A vertical. It is a cross-section perpendicular to the ‘axis of a smooth cylindrical sector fixed with its axis horizontal. One end of a light inextensible string passing over a small ‘smooth pulley fixed at B is attached to a particle P of mass 3m and the other end is attached to a particle © of mass m, Iniially, the particle P is held at A and the panicle Q hangs freely at the horizontal level of O. The system is released from rest in this position, with the string taut. When OP makes an angle a(0<0<2) with the upward vertical, show that 2a? = 3g(1-cos@)+ g@ and that the tension in the string is 3 gamed 6), and find the normal reaction on the particle P. 113. One end of a light elastic string of natural length a and modulus of elasticity 4mg is tied to a fixed point O and the other end to a particle P of mass m. The particle P is released from rest at O. Find the velocity of the parce P when it pases trough the point A where OA = a Stow tae lng bE wing se ss erton + Fe $8) \ ‘Taking X = = 52, exes te above ‘equation in the form % +0? cconstant to be determined. Assuming that X? = a? (c? - x?), find the amplitude ¢ of this simple harmonic motion. Let L be the lowest point reached by the Garicle P. Show that the time ken by P 10 move 1 fafa cos (1 tom Av te 4 fe [x -eo"() [At the instant when the particle P is at L, another particle of mass Am (I < 2< 3) is gently attached to P. Show that the equation of motion of the composite particle of mass (1+2)m is #448 {x-Geayd sate {Gras 0, where @(> 0) is a Show further that the composite particle performs complete simple harmonic motion with amplitude (3 — 4) 4. 14,(a) The position vectors of two points A and B with respect to an origin O are a and b respectively, where O, A and B are not collinear. Let C be the point such that O@ =1OB and let D be the point such that OB'=1 AB. By expressing AC and AB in terms of a and b, show that =27C. Let P and Q be the points on AB and QD respectively, such that AP = 2B and OD = (1 - 2) OB. where 0 <4 < 1. Show that PC = 2 CQ. 2 (btn pariclogram ABCD, let AB = 2m and AD = 1'm, and et BAD =%. Also, let E be the mid-point of CD. Forces of magnitudes 5, 5, 2, 4 and 3 newtons act along AB, BC, DC, DA and BE respectively, inthe diections indicated by order ofthe leters. Show that thei resultant force is parallel to AE, and find its magnitude “Ato, show thatthe ine of action of he resutant force meets AB prance at «distance 3m from B. ‘An additional force acting through C is now added to the above system of forces so. that = the resultant force of the new system is along AE. Find the magnitude and direction of the additional force. Taee page nine AL2016/10/E-11 15.(a) Four equal uniform rods, each of weight w,, are smoothly jointed at their ends to form a rhombus ABCD. The mid-points of BC and CD are connected by a light rod such that BAD = 20. Each of the joints B and D carries equal loads of weight w,. The system, hanging symmetrically from the joint A, is in equilibrium in a vertical plane with the light rod horizontal. Show that the thrust in the light rod is 2(2w, +w,) tan 6. (6) The adjoining figure represents a framework of five light rods AB, BC, CD, AC and AD, smoothly jointed at the ends. It is given that AC = CB and BAC = 30° = ADC. The framework is smoothly hinged at D. A weight W is suspended at the joint B and the framework is kept in equilibrium. in a vertical plane with AB horizontal and AD vertical, by a horizontal force of magnitude X acting at A. Using Bow’s notation, draw stress diagrams for the joints B, Cand A in the same figure. Hence, find the "value-of X and the stresses distinguishing between tensions and thrusts. all rods, figure, a uniform plane made by rigidly attaching a rectangle ABCD to a square PORS such that DC and PQ lie fon the same line with their mid-points coinciding, and removing a semi-circular region XYZ of radius & centred at the mid-point T of RS. It is given that AB = a and AD = PQ = 2a. Show that the centre of mass of the lamina L lies on the axis of symmetry at a distance 238 a from RS, where k= gy ‘As shown in the adjoining figure, the lamina L is in ‘equilibrium on a rough plane inclined at an angle a to the horizontal with its plane vertical and the edge PS on a line of ‘greatest slope such that the point P lies below S. Show that tana<(2—B) and 4 = tana, where 1 is the coefficient of friction between the lamina and the inclined plane. Tree page ten AL/2016/10/E-11 10- 17.(a)An unbiased cubical die A shows 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5 on its-six separate faces. The die A is tossed twice. Find the probability that the sum of the two numbers obtained is 6. Another die B, identical to A in all respects except for the numbers on the faces, shows 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 om its six separate faces. The dic B is tossed twice. Find the probability that the sum of the two numbers obtained is 6. Now, the two dice A and B are put ina box. One die is taken out of the box at random and tossed twice. Given that the sum of the two numbers obtained is 6, find the probability that the die taken out of the box is the die A. (®) The mean and the standard deviation of m numbers x,,%,,...,%, are jt, and o, respectively, and the mea and the standard deviation of m numbers Yy, ¥z+---+ jy are #4, and oF, respectively. Let the mean and the standard deviation of all of these n + m numbers be 1, and a, respectively. a, + my Show that 1, = “AL 7 Let d= ayn. Show that (5-H)? = 9 (08 + ; Deduce that 0? = ‘The number of copies sold per day, during the first 100 days after publishing a new book, had. mean 2.3 and variance 0.8. During the next 100 days, the number of copies sold per day had mean 1,7 and variance 0.5. Find the mean and the variance of the number of copies sold per day during the first 200 days.

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