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What are We Doing?

I try to ground the work were doing in this course in ways that are equally applicable to the field of
composition and your professional goals. Thus, this semester, I am changing the journal assignment I
usually have students do to encourage you to do some composing and research relevant to a facet of editing,
writing, or media that you are interested in, and gain some experience writing in a style and for an audience
that would benefit you as someone hoping to be involved in a specific industry or career path involving
editing, writing, or media. This writing and research is something that I hope will lead you closer to finding
some answers about something you may be interested in pursuing a career in once you finish your EWM
degree (or any other degree you may be working on now or in the future). I would like this to be something
you can build on and feature in your portfolio for this course, and potentially as something you continue to
work on outside of this class.

How are We Doing It?

You will be required to make a series of posts this semester, which will be both guided and relatively
open-ended, but both require you to do some research and composing for your chosen demographic and
topic. In short youll want to:

1. Sign up for a web service of your choice for delivering content (WordPress, Blogger, Wix, Weebly,
YouTube, SoundCloud etc.).

a. Your platform and the media in which you cover these topics is entirely up to you. Maybe
video or podcast styles will make more sense for your chosen topic or approach? These are
choices you can make as the semester goes on and play around with.

b. Dont feel caged in by/obligated to just create written texts for this; I always welcome extra
effort and experimentation! I imagine the written word will likely be the most time-efficient
approach, but by all means make the kinds of texts (written, visual, audio, etc.) that will
enable you to participate in the conversations you want to have.

2. Send the link to me (

3. If you are using written words primarily, you need to write at least 250 words per post you submit (it
need not be especially polished academic prose, especially depending on the genre and audience
youre working in). Other forms of content will be much more flexible in terms of amount of content
(no hard limits on video or audio length, as long as its properly responding to the required prompt).

4. Make sure youre integrating images, audio, video, and anything else as needed for your interests.
Dont post nothing but text make it engaging for your audience by including images and videos
when and how necessary (assuming youre not producing that kind of content in the first place).

5. Post in it when/as required.

6. Posts are due on Fridays, and youll find all due dates on the Homework document.

a. All prompts will appear on Saturday morning the week before one will be due, to avoid
confusion as to which posts are due on which dates. I have all of them set to auto-release,
and if they dont, let me know.

7. Remember that these will largely be completion-driven (0 or 100), unless I get the sense that youre
simply not putting in any effort.

8. Complete any late posts you need to, but remember that you will only receive credit (a 50%).

What are We Writing About?

A combination of structured and open-ended topics Ill be releasing one at a time via the class website!
They should post early on Saturday mornings after the most recent post is due. If youre antsy and want to
get ahead, you can access a document with all future posts in it here: All Future Journal Response Topics.

When are They Due?

1. Journal 1 9/1
a. Respond to Post on Class Website
2. Journal 2 9/22
a. Create your own web-based hub that makes sense for your topic and post this and all future
posts there!
3. Journal 3 9/29
4. Journal 4 10/6
5. Journal 5 10/20
6. Journal 6 10/27
7. Journal 7 11/3
8. Journal 8 11/17
9. Journal 9 12/1
10. Journal 10 12/8

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