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Pe DEesIGN OF LiquiD-CONTAINING Pw CONCRETE STRUCTURES FOR EARTHQUAKE FORCES by Javeed A. Munshi [so ae el San Carseat a8) (oh aaah MS hot eM Viet Coca Cor a a Oo nen) Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures for Earthquake Forces by Javeed A. Munshi Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc. TH rorttann cement association ‘An organization of cement manufacturers to improve land extend the uses of portland cement and concrete through market development, engineering, research, ‘education and public affairs work, 5420 Old Orchard Road, Skokie, IL 60077 ~ 1083 USA Portland Cement Association 2002 Allrightreserved. Nopart of thisbook may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the pub- lisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages ina review written forinclusionina magazine or newspaper. ISBN 0-89312-219-X Printed in the United States of America This publication is intended SOLELY for use by PROFES- SIONAL PERSONNEL who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of the information pro- vided herein, and who will accept total responsibility for the application of this information. The Portland Cement Association DISCLAIMS any and all RESPONSIBILITY and LIABILITY for the accuracy of and the application of the information contained in this publication to the full extent permitted by law ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank the members of ACI Subcommittee 350.3 for providing the information, encouragement and support during the development of this publication. In particular, the author would like to thank William C. Sherman, Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc,, Denver, CO, member of ACICommittee350 for his extensive review and contribution to this publication. Review of selected portions provided by Nicholas A. Legatos, Preload Inc., Chair of ACT Subcommittee 350.3, is also highly appreciated. Thanks arealso due to David A. Fanella, Manager, Buildingsand, Special Structures, Portland Cement Association for the entire publication. Finally, Wes Tkezoe worked on the layout and production of this publication, which is much appreciated, Contents Introduction 1 2. General 3 Earthquake Design Loads 4, Modeling and Analysis u 5. Design of Components 2 6. Detailing 29 Example I: Design of Rectangular Concrete Tank ..35 8. Example 2; Design of Circular Concrete Tank iu.d5 Notation 53 CHAPTER1 Introduction 1.4 GENERAL This publication provides requirements and guidelines for the design and detailing of liquid-containing struc tures for earthquake forces using the IBC 2000, UBC 1997, UBC 1994, BOCA 1996 and SBC 1997 model codes. Note that although these codes themselves do not contain spe- cific provisions for detailed seismicanalysis and design of liquid-containing structures, they do allow use of consen- susindustry standards. The reportof Committee 350-01 on the Coe Requirements for Ene | Engineering Con crete Structures of the American Concrete Institute meets this requirement of being a nationally recognized consen- sus standard applicable to liquid-containing and other environmental structures. The committee recently pub- lished Seismic tures (ACI 390.3-01 and Commentary ACI3503R-01), which gives detailed procedures for seismic analysis and design onmental eign of Liguid-Containing Concrete Str Of liquid-containing structures. Furthermore, Chapter 21 ‘0 ACI350-01 gives provisions for seismic design of liquid containing structures much in the same manner as Chap- ter 21 of ACI 318 does for building structures, Note that ACI 350-01 refers to ACI 318-95 while ACL 3503-01 is compatible with UBC 1994 service-level earth- quake design methodology. The provisions of ACI 350.3- 01 are not presently compatible with IBC 2000, UBC 1997, BOCA 19%6 and SBC 1997 for two reasons: (a) All of these ‘model codes use strength-level earthquake forces, and (b) ‘Some of the model codes are based on more recent (pos 1 smic hazard analysis and seismic zoning, which have not been incorporated in ACI 350.3. Therefore, ACL 350.3-01 in its current form can not be directly used with these building codes. This publication bridges the gap between ACL350.3- O1and the model codesindicated above which usestrength- level earthquake forces, The concepts of ACI 350-01 and, ACI 350.3-01 have been extended for use with the IBC 2000, UBC 1997, BOCA 1996 and SBC 1997 for the design ofliquid-containingstructures, Anefforthasbeen made to interpret and extrapolate the concepts and provisions of ACL 3503-01 to make them compatible with these codes. Several challenges were encountered during this pro- «cess because of incompatibilities and insufficient informa: tion pertaining to load combinations involvingearthquake and fluid pressure, response modification factors corre sponding to impulsive and convective motion of liquid, effects of dynamic earth and ground water pressure and, the manner in which they should be combined with other loads, and last but not least, complexity of structural response and boundary conditions. Since many of these issues are complex and currently being researched and, debated, the interpretations given in this publication are bynomeans final. ACI Committee 350 has identified some of these issues to be taken up as future business. This publication willbe updated when either more information or better interpretations of these issues become available through the consensus committee efforts. 1.2 SCOPE This publication is meant as a guide for the design and detailingof concrete liquid-containing structures for earth: quake forces according to the model building, codes. It covers rectangular and circular tanks with non-flexible and flexible wall-to-base slab connections, Chapter 2 provides basic information on the different types of tanks and their wall-to-base slab connections, Chapter 3 summarizes the required earthquake design loads as prescribed in the model codesnoted above. Italso contains the applicable code-prescribed load combina- tions for design of conerete structures. A discussion on nbinations involving earthquake and fluid pressure loads applicable to liquid-containing concrete structures is also presented variousload eo Chapter 4 describes modeling and analysis methods using different model codes, The concepts of ACI 3503-01, are integrated with the loading provisions of the IBC 2000, UBC 1997, UBC 1994, BOCA 1996, and SBC 1997. This chapter also gives equations for determining the pe- riod of the structure based on the boundary conditions Of its walls. Charts and design aids for determining the impulsive and convective weights along with the height are also given. Chapter 5 contains the design recommendations for vari ‘ous components ofthe liquid-containing structure, includ~ ing foundations, immersed elements and other ‘compo- ‘0 dynamic loads. Procedures for design of ular and circular tank walls are in nents subjected both rectan Chapter6summarizesthedetailing requirementsforwalls based on ACI 318-99, The overriding provisions of ACI 350-01 are also noted wherever applicable. (Chapter 7 illustrates the design and detailing of a rectan- gular concrete tank located in a region of high seismicity per the IBC 2000. The base shear is also computed for the UBC 1997, UBC 1994, BOCA 1996 and SBC 1997 codes. Chapter 8 illustrates the design and detailing of a nonprestressed circular concrete tank located in a region of high seismicity, per the IBC 2000. CHAPTER 2 General 2.1 TYPES OF LIQUID-CONTAINING STRUCTURES |. Rectangular 1. Fixed Base (Fig. 2-1(a)) 2. Hinged Base (Fig. 2-1(D)) | i, Clreular without Prestressing 1. Fixed Base (Fig. 2-1(2)) 2. Hinged Base (Fig. 2-1(0)) lil Cireular with Prestressing 1. Fixed Base (Fig. 2-1(8)) 2. Hinged Base (Fig. 2-1(0)) 3, Flexible Base ‘a. Anchored (Fig, 2-2(a)) b. Unanchored, Contained (Fig. 2-2(0)) «. Unanchored, Uncontained (Fig, 2-2(¢)) Liquid-containing structures essentially fall into two cat- egories of behaviorbased on their wall-to-footing connec- tion: the non-sliding or the rigid base (Fig, 2-1) and the flexible base (Fig. 2-2). The non-sliding base typically w: a fixed or hinged wall-to-footing connection. The flexible base typically uses a base pad between the wall and the footing and allows varying degrees and types of move- ment depending upon whether the wall is anchored, tunanchored contained or unanchored uncontained in the footing (Fig. 2-2). This type of connection is only used for circular prestressed tanks. The type of base connection is, likely toinfluence theseismic response ofa liquid-contain- ing structure and its effect should be properly included in modeling, design and detailing, Closure Strip Hold downs fe— Tank Wall (Typ) aon required £ Floor (Typ) ae 1 ] 1 Er (a) FIXED Figure 2-1. Nonflexible Base Connections Seismic Cables or Anchors (Typ) Flexible Base Pad (0) HINGED OF PINNED Flexible Contain- ment Pads. (a) ANCHORED Figure 2-2. Flexible Base Connections (b) UNANCHORED, CONTAINED FLEXIBLE BASE (6) UNANCHORED, UNCONTAINED FLEXIBLE BASE Non-stiding Base. Tanks that have a fixed or hinged con: nection between the walls and the foundation are essen: ally non sliding type. Steel einforcement or keyingaction Anchored Flexible Base. Tanks with flexible base that use some kind : ¢ between the wall and the footing allow radial nt butresirict the tangential movement atthe base ofthe structure. Typically, anchorage is achieved with strand cab Fig. 22(a)). Compressible slee 's embedded in the wall and the footing are used over anchor ables at the base joint to allow radial wall mi vement. Unanchored Contained Flexible Base. These tanks use annunanchored wall contained by aconcretecurbas shown in Fig. 2-2(b). This type of connection allows limited radial and tangential movement. Unanchored Uncontained Flexible Base. These allow ‘an unlimited radial and tangential movement of the Joint since no anchorage or containment of the walls is 2.2(c)). This type of tankis not permitted in ons of high seismicity (UBC zones 3. andl 4) for obvious reasons of potentially uncontrolled movement during a CHAPTER 3 Earthquake Design Loads 3.1 IBC 2000 METHOD 3.1.1 General Design of liquid-containing structures falls under Section (IBC 2000) for non- building structures. This section contains more elabo- rate provisions both for elevated and on/above ground tanks as compared to the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC'97), the 1997 Standard Building Code™ (SBC’97) and the 1996 BOCA National Building Code™ (BOCA ’96), Section 1622.2 of IBC 2000 indicates that when calcu: lating the seismic forces, the normal operating contents, should be included for tanks. The seismic weight W should also include snow and ice of the International Building Code’ oads when these constitute more than 25% of W The fundamental period canbedetermined by Section 1617.42 of IBC orby using any other rational method such as given in Chapter 4 of this publication. The displace ‘ment, drift and the P-Aeffectsare generally not significant, for at/or below grade tanks. The seismic coefficients R, C, and @, are given in IBC Table 1622.2.5 (1), based on the structure type. The impor- tance factors. the hazard /function crite e given based on the seismic use group and a in IBC Table 1622.25 (2) E to be used in load combinations shall be determined using Section 1617.1 reproduced be- low (Section 3.1.4). The redundancy /reliability factor (p) shall be taken as 1. The base shear is computed using, Section 1617.4.1 3.1.2 Base Shear The seismic ef Section 1622.25 stipulates that the minimum seismic base shear shall not be less than that computed in accordance with the requirements of 1617.4.1. The procedure for com. ng the base shear is as follows: Ww fel out : eu RR C2045, Eq. 16-75 (Section 1 0.887 . 7 2p Eq. 16-76 (Section 1622.25) where, | = Importance factor (Table 1622.25 (2)) R_ = Seismic Coefficient (Table 1622.25 (1)) W = effectiveseismicweightofthestructureper 1617.4 5,, = thedesignspectral response accelerationatshort period obtained from Section 1615.1. the design spectral response acceleratic at 1 second period obtained from Section 1615.13. Sy,= maximum considered earthquake spectral response accelerationatshort period (1615.1.2). = maximum considered earthquake spectral responseaccelerationat I second period (1615.1.2) FF, = site coefficients defined in Table 1615.1.2. Tables 1622.2.5 (1) and 1622.2.5 (2) give the Values for F. and F_ corresponding to the site class. The site class can be determined by using Table 1615.11. 5.5, = the mapped spectral accelerations for short period and I second periods, respectively, as determined in Section 1615.1 T = fundamental period (See Sections 1617.4.2.1 and Chapter 4) 3.1.3 Rigid Structures The liquid-containing structures that have a fundamental period, 7, less than0.06s, including their anchorages, shall bbe designed for the lateral force obtained from the follow- ing (1622.2.6) v 035,,WI where S,,, Wand I are as defined previously 3.1.4 Seismic Load Effect hheearthquake induced force from thecombined horizontal and vertical acceleration effects is determined in accordance 4.1 and 1617.41 as follow , = effect of horizontal seismic forces in the element due to base shear V D =elfect of dead load 0.04g, the steuc- n Catagory A Exception: where $, <0.15g and S, ture shall be designed for Seismic Des) 3.1.5 Above-Grade Storage Tanks The liquid-containin, structures, the attachments, supportsand the tank shall be structures mounted above grade in designed tomeet the force requirementsofSection 1621.14, with R, equal to R specified in Section 1622. The weight of the storage tank (W,) shall include the weight of the tank structure and appurtenances and the operating weight of the contents at maximum rs Further, when the sloshing period of the stored liquid is within 70% to 150° supporting structure, the effects of sloshing shall be in. of the fundamental period of the juded in the design of tank and its supporting structure 3.1.6 At-Grade Storage Tanks 438 janks mounted at he design requirements According to Section 16: stora base shall be designed to mee nf Section 162: than 0.60, lat bottom tanks designed with f, greater than 1.0 and tanks greater than 20 ft in diameter and tanks that In addition, for sites where S,. is greater have a height-to-diameter ratio greater than 1.0 are re- quired to meet certain conditions in 1622.43. 3.2 UBC '97 METHOD 3.2.1 Rigid Structures in the Uniform Building Code, the design of tanks under Section 16344 for onbuilding structures. This section assumes that tanks with supported bottoms orflat-botiom tanks founded ator below grade areinherently rigid. Accordingly, such struc~ tures are to be designed to resist seismic forces evaluated with supported bottom fall using the procedure given in Section 1634.3 for rigid 4 weightof the tank inclucing its contents should be used in structures. Section 1634.4 also specifies that the entire the analysis, The procedure is outlined as follows: Design seismic lateral force where C, = seismic coefficient (Table 16-Q of UBC “97) 7, = importance factor (Table 16-K of UBC '97) W,, = weight of tank and contained liquid 3.2.2 Alternate Methods Section 1634.4 allows the following two methods as an alternative to ction 3.2 1. A response spectrum analysis that includes consid eration of actual ground motion anticipated at thesiteand, the inertial effects of the contained liquid. 2. A design basis for the particular type of tank by an app: that the seismic 2 wed national standard, provided nes and occupancy categories are in conformance with provisions of Sections 1629-4 and 1628.2, respectively 3.3 BOCA National Building Code and the Standard Building Code (SBC) Method The BOCA and the SBC Codes do not give specific provisions for design of liquid-containing structures. Section 1610.1 of the BOCA National Building Code and Section 1607.1.1 of the Standard Building Code indicate that provisions of ASCE 7°* may be used to design such structures. This method is similar to the one given in UBC 1997, These codes further specify that special structures shall be designed for earthquake loads utilizing an approved substanti ated analysis, 3.4 ACI 350.3 METHOD Note that both the IBC 2000 (1622.2.5) and the UBC 1997 (1634.4) provisions allow the use of an alternate design procedure from a nationally approved standard. The provisions of ACI 350.3" can be used as an alternate design procedure satisfying the criteria of a nationally approved standard. Various concepts of ACI 350.3 have been included in Chapter 4. Note that the provisions of ACI 3503 are compatible with the UBC 1994 that involves service-level earthquake forces. The IBC 2000, UBC 1997, BOCA 1996 and SBC 1997 use strength-level earthquake forces 3.5 CONCRETE-PEDESTAL WATER TOWERS: ACI Committee Report 371-98" presents detailed recommendations for materials, analysis, design and construction of concrete-pedestal elevated water storage towers. These structures generally consist of ste! storage tanks supported by a cylindrical reinforced concrete pedestal, The report contains detailed recommen dations for seismic design of such pedestals. It is necom mended that the user refer to this document for design of eoncrete-pedest 3.6 BURIED STRUCTURES Section 1622.4.8 of the IBC indicates that structures buried lundlerground shall be designed for seismic forces deter- mined by a substantiated analysis usi proved by the building official. However, no guidelines exist for design of such structures in either the IBC or UBC. The analysis and design of buried structures should in- clude the effect of dynamicearth pressure. Research"* has, however, shown that seismic pressures do not control ig standards ap- design unless the peak ground acceleration exceeds about, (0.3g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. Thus, the design of buried tanks located in low to moderate seismic risk areas is likely to be governed by static loading, Also, theeffect of soil nonlinearities due tolocal oil failureseems to have little effect on the predictions of the seismic re- sponse of buried structures" Design of Liui-Contuning Conerete Stricture for Earthquake Forces 3.7 LOAD COMBINATIONS 3.7.1 General ‘The load combinations of IBC 2000 that are applicable to the design of general building structures are given in Table 3-1. The load combinations which include seismic effects are based on ASCE 7-98," while the non-seismic load combinations are based on ACI 318-99, Table 3-2 gives a comparison of load combinations in the 1994 and 1997 UBC. The load combinations of 19% BOCA and 1997 SBC are given in Table 3-3. The building codes clo not give specific load combina tions that can be directly used for design of liquid-contain- ing structures for earthquake loading. Section 1605.2.2 of 1BC 2000 indicates that fluid pressure (F) should be added, in the prescribed load combinations in accordance with Table 3-1 Load Combinations for Building Structures Per I8C 2000 Code Code Section Loads! Required Strength Eq. No. ACI921 | Dead (D)& Live (L) = 14D + 1.7L @ay | ACI922 — | Dead, Live & Wind (IY) () U=14D +171 a (1) (i) U=075 (14D +171 + 1.70) 2) (i) U=090 +130 (: ACI923 | Dead, Live & Farthquake(F) | () U=14D + U7L ea) IBC 1605.2 | Gy U=1.20+ 106 + FL+f5) (16-5) 1BC 16052 | Giiy v =09D+ 1.08 (16-6) t ACI924 Dead, Live & Earth and | @u=14aD+17 (a) Groundwater Pressure (H)** ()U=14D417L+4178 os) ACI925 Dead, Live & Fluid Pressure eo / | C1927 | Dead, Live and Effects from | Differential Settlement, Creep, Shrinka Shrinkage-Compensating | Concrete, or Temperature (T) Expansion of | where U or L reduces F (i) U =09D +17 where D or L reduces H ()U=14D+171 1) Gi) U= 14D +1704 14F (i) U=09D + 148 | @)U=14D+171 1) Gi) U=0.75 (14D +147 41.71) (05) Gi) U=14(047) (0-6) f DLW, Fant Tr ‘regi onthe fone se Weight and pressun fo and sae Weigh and pressure of fide thal. tos and contra nwater presse ob ons resent the designated eric ads or their corresponding ft such as moments, sears, aval foes, lorson t. Note: E a st prt of earth pressure with 01.7 tad factor.) rama igts Portland Coen As ‘Table 3-2 Comparison of Load Combinations in the 1994 and 1997 UBC for Building Structures vtion 6219 - 1994 UBC 1997 UBC Fq.No. | Load Combination (19092, 1921.27) Eq. No.__ | Load Combination (16122, 19092) L [14+ 171 1) 14D +171 2 073 (AD + L7L +17) | 075 (LAD + L7L +170) | La(D +L +E) 090+ 1.30 |__ 075 (4+ 1.7t-+ 1976) Ta [12D + 10E+ G+ om | 090+ 130 LI (09D + 1.08) | | | 090+ 1484 09D + 1438 - - - Special Load Combination (162872) Special Load Combination (16124) ons modifi factor (Table 16, 1994 UBC) haa: aD) Le , Fy 302), URC 1987 Elaauate oa dito th te he {= exacrce apt ft Table 16.) fof actors defined X22 Table 3-3 Load Combinations Specified in BOCA and SBC for Building Structures* Equation BOCA 1996 ] Equation SBC 1997" No./Code No./Code iD oy ACISIS 1AD + 1.7L ACI3I8 14D +17 | 2 eo ACI3I8 075 (14D + 1.7L41.7) ACISI8 075 (14D + 1.7L 1.7) em | 7 an) ACI3I8 09D£13W ACI3I8 09D +130 6 a ASCE? | (1.2+05A,)D+05L+ 1.00, SBC (114054) D+L4Q, © @ | ASCE? (09-054,) D£ 100, SBC (09-054,) D+ Q, | or @ (1.2+054,)D+05LEQR/9)Q, sec_| (11 +054) D+L+QR/9)Q, or (09-054) D£@R/3)Q, | s8c__ | 9-054) D#@R/5)0, yneanting efctive peak weet elt acceleration (1610.13 of BOCA, T6071. of SBC) Response moifaton fortor (1610.330f BOCA, 1607.3. of SBC) 61nd 101037, Sec, 9.2 of ACIS, and Sect, 23.2 of ASCE 7-95 ns Set 1609.2 and Sect 92 of ACL31898 + Tod fori compesson in columns upp Usd for horizontal prestressed menbers in bulbs assigned fo SPC Do here sg escotinuns lateral force resisting elements, there (2RV5) 21.0. 5) 210, Section 2.3.2 of ASCE 7-98. However, Section 2.32 of ASCE 7-98 does not specify any load combination involv- ing the effects of fluid pressure (F) and the earthquake force (E). Therefore, the manner in which F and E should be combined and the load factors associated with them, remain unclear. tion 9.25 of ACI 318 indicates that fluid pressure (P) should be added to all load combinations that involve ive load (1). Section 9.2.50 ACI350 overrides the ACI318 requirement by clarifying that F should be added to all governing load combinations, so that the effect of L, W or E does not reduce the effect of F. Based on this, load combinations consistent with ACI 318 and ACI 350, excluding theeffectofenvironmental durability discussed, in Section 3.7.2 below, can be formulated for use with different codes as follows: For IBC 2000: U=12D410E+12F+(fL+fS) Fg. (165), 1BC 2000 U=09D510E + 12F Eg, (16-6), IBC 2000 U=075(14D + L7L+ LAF + L87E/14) Eg. (92), ACIS For UBC 1997: U=LAL2D + LOE + 13F+ GL-4fS)] Eq. (125), UBC 1997" U=11J09D+1.0E +137] q, (12-6), UBC 1997* U=075(L4D + 17L + 14F + 1878/14) Eq. (92), ACI3IB *SeeSecthon 161222 For UBC 19% U=14(D4L+F+E) U=09D+ LAE + LAF Bg, 02), UBC 199% ig, (93), UBC 1994 U=O75(L4D + L7L+1AF+187E) Eq. (92), ACL3I8* "Zones and For SBC 1997: U=(.1+05A)D+L + 12F+Q, gq. (1), SBC 1997 U=(9-05A)D+Q, +12F Eq. (2) SBC 2000 U=07HLAD +1.7L + 14P + 1876/14) Eq, (@-2), ACI3I8 For BOCA 1996: 12+05A)D+05L+12F£0, Eg, (6), ASCE7 09-054,)D+9, +12F Fg. (6) ASCE 7 75(LAD +1.7L+14F + 187E/14) Eq. (9-2), ACL31B The IBC 2000, the UBC 1997, the BOCA 1996 and SBC 10997 use thestrength-leveleearthquake force while the UBC 1954 and ACI 318 use the service-level earthquake force. Note that in the absence of clearly defined! load com- binations, the load combinations given above are the best interpretationsof whatiscurrently in thebuilding codesas it applies to liquid-containing structures. The designer should carefully investigate the load combinations that apply to his/her situation, Design of Ligui-€ 3.7.2 Consideration for Environmental Durability nding Concrete truce for Earthquake Forces ACL 350" requires the following two modifications to the load combinations. The second modification is not appli- cable to those load combinations that include seismic effects. Modification 1—The load factor to be used for lateral liquid pressure, F, is 1.7 rather than 1.4. This value of 1.7 may be overconservative for some tanks, since they are filled to the top only during leak testing or because of acciclental overflow. Since leak testing usually occurs only once and since most tanks are equipped with over- flow pipes, some designers have considered using the load factor of 1.4 in an attempt to reduce the amount of required steel, which would result in less shrinkage restraint, However, this publication suggests that tank designs meet ACI 350 and, therefore, recommends the use of a load factor of 1.7 with F Modification 2—The members must be designed to meet the required strength, U, increased by a multiplier called the environmental durability factor (EDF). The EDF will inerease the design loads to provide a more conservative design with lesscracking, The increased required strength ven by Required strength = EDF x U where the EDF equals: 1.3 for flexural reinforcement 1.65 for direct tension reinforcement 1.3 for shear beyond that of the capacity provided by the concrete For example, the strength equations based on ACI 318 are given as follows: 1. Flexural Reinforcement Req'd strength > 1.3 U (OM, 2 1.3 (14M, + L.7M, +1.7M,) 2. Direct Tension Reinforcement Regi Strength > 1.65 U 2165 (LAT, + 177, +177) 3. Stirrup Reinforcement 9V,213(V,-0¥) 4. Concrete Shear and Compression Req'd Strength > L.0U No increase is required in load factors for concrete shear, bond, or compression strength, so that proportion- ing member depths or thickness will be unchanged. For flexure, the proposed increase in load factors results in a ‘maximum load factor of 1.3 times 1.7 =2.21 fornormal live and water and earth load and a minimum load factor of 1.3 times 1-4 = 1.82 for all dead! load. In conjunction with @factors prescribed in ACI 318, these new load factors result in flexural service load stresses in the reinforcement between 24 and 29 ksi, consistent with allowable es for working stress design ACI Committec n the current report b 3.8 REFERENCES 31 national Building Code, International Code Council, Falls Church, VA, March 2000, 3.2. Uniform Building Code, International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), Whittier, CA, 1997, 3-3. Standard Building Code, Souther Building Code Congress International, Birmingham, AL, 1997. 3-4. TheBOCA National Build Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Country Club Hills, IL, 1996, Minimum Design Loads for Build tures, ASCE 7-98 and ASCE 7 for Civil Engineers, New York .gsand Oter Struc 15 American Society tures ic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Str ACI 350. (01), ACI Committee 350, American Concrete Inst tute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2001 ACI 350:3-01) anid Commentary Concrete-Pedestal Water Towers, Reported by ACI Committee 371, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 1998, we Analysis, De Miller, C Earth Pressures in Bul ‘of Mechanical En; 1994, pp. 3-11. A. and Costantino, C.J., "Seismic Ind i Vaults’, American Society neers (ASME), PVP-Vol. 271 Code Requirements for E) Concrete Structures (ACI 350-01) artd Commentary ACI 350R-01), Co 50, American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Ml, 2001 mental Engineering CHAPTER 4 Modeling and Analysis This chapter gives detailed procedures for computation of seismic base shear and overtuming moment of liquid- containing structures for different model codes. Thespec- trum approach of seismic design and the effects of vertical accelerations and earth pressure are also included. 4.1 MODELING Theliquid-containingstructures method*!*. This method essentially assumes that hydrody- namic effects due to seismic loading can be evaluated approximately as the sum of the following two parts: -modeled using Housner’s 1. Impulsive part, which represents the portion of the liquid which movesin unison with the structureand, Convective part, which represents the effect of the sloshing action of the liquid Figure 4-1 shows the typical schematic of a rectangular tank with length L, width B and height of liquid H,. A similarschematicis shown fora circular tankof diameter. The impulsive weight of liquid (W) is assumed to be Figidly attached to the structure at height hi, while the convective weight of liquid (WV, isattached tothe structure by springs of finite stiffness and damping at height / L . WI | | RRB | concttat ran RECTANGULAR TANK Fig. 4-1 Schematic of Rectangular and Circular Tank Untied water sutace Dork (@) FLUID NOTION I TANK. (DYNAMIC MODEL FOR RIGIO WALL TANK Fig. 4-2 Tank Dynamics as shown in Fig. 4-2. For concrete tanks with rigid walls and roof, this results in a two degree-of-freedom system (Fig. 42). Both the impulsive and the convective compo- nents havea period associated with them that are generally farapart. The total approximate response of thesystem can be estimated by the square root of the sum of squares (SRSS) combination of the responses associated with the two periods. Figure 4-3 shows the various mode shapes of rectangular and circular iquid-containing structures. Quiescent igus Free Suna 2 ™=3 Fret Siosing Mode Second Stoshing Mode. (@) VERTICAL Moves (© sLosiine MODES INIGID TANKS CIRCUMFERENTIAL MODES INCIRCULAR TANKS ration Modes Fig. 4-3 4.2 IBC 2000 METHOD The base shear equation given in Chapter 3is modified to nd the convective components for liquid-containing structures as shown below. 4.2.1 Base Shear include the impulsive: V W.+W,) Impulsive v Convective Total base shear V, = Vj +¥; Sil Sl Gyn Sat s R RY, 20.48, 08,1 oer The quantities W,,, W,, Wand W, represent the wall weight, roof weight, impulsive weight ofthe fluid and the convective weight of the fluid, respectively. The impul sive weight WW, and convective weight W, can be deter: mined asa fraction ofthe total liquid weight from Fig. 44a, and 4-4b for rectangular and circular tanks, respectively The height at which the impulsiveand convective weights, are assumed to act can be determined from Figs. 45a and 45b for rectangular and circular tanks, respectively The quantities 5,,and S,, aredetermined asdescribed in Section 3.1.2, where I = importance factor (IBC Table 1622.25 (2)), R = response modification factor (IBC Table 1622.2.5(1)) and, T, and T_are the periods associated with the assumed impulsive and convective motions of the structure and the fluid, respectively 4.2.2 Overturning Moment The overturning moment at the base of the tank is deter mined for the impulsive and the convective components, as follows: M,= 1 (Why + Wally + Wy) Impulsive Me = Cc(Welte) Convective fn, = height at which inertia of wall is assumed to act Total overturning moment M, = MM; Theoverturning momentsduetoimpulsive(W):) and convective (WV, components should include the effect of sary. A method for including the base pressure is given in ACI 350.3°* re where ne base press 4.2.3 Response Spectrum Method The design response spectrum shown in Fig. 4-6 can be determined as follows: = Sp 8 0.4 |for 7 <7, % | = 5 fort, T, where T, =0.25,,/S,, and T,=8,./S.. The above equations can be used to determine the re- sponse ordinate S,, for impulsive motion using T, and for convective motion using T... The damping correspond- ing to the convective motion is of the order of 0.5 to 2% as compared to'5% assumed for impulsive motion. The spec- trum shown in Fig. 4-6 is for 5% damping, Note that ACT 350:3 recommends 0.5% damping when calculating the convective forces. This requires multiplying the design spectral acceleration coefficent ,,, by a factor of 1.5. Note that for lange periods (T.>24 sec) ACI 350.3 recommends modifying the design equations to better estimate the long-period excitation effect. Based on these recommen- dations, the following equations should be considered with IBC 2000: When site specific response spectrum are used, the valuesof ,,and 5, shall notbe less than 80% ofthe values, obtained from the general procedure of Section 1615.1 (see Section 3.1.2 of this publication), In certain situations, a site-specific response required. Section 1615.2 gives provisions for the site-specific response spectrum. This spectrum, is to be based on the maximum considered earthquake ground motion having a 2% probability ofbeing exceeded, in 50 years. ‘The base shear is computed using values S, and S, from the spectrum as follows: Sul R spectrum (y+, +W;) Impulsive Su ven Sen onvective j= Swe) Conve Total base shear V, = ,/V2+Vz 208V, calculated using Section 4.2.1 ii Contain Concrete Struct or Earhquale Fores 10 a9 oe o7 We We & 05 04 wi 03 02 oa 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 36 40 45 90 55 60 G5 70 75 80 7 (@) Rectangular Tanks 10 09 08 or 08 os Bos 08 o2 01 1 00 05 1.0 15 20 25 Sn Se)40 5.6056 eo 65 7.0 7.5 80 We awe We Ww i (©) Circular Tanks Fig. 4-4 Impulsive and Convective Weights for (a) Rectangular and (b) Circular Tanks (Adapted from Ret. 3-6) | ‘ he 0 HL ol ele % 06 élz 05 -|—thy Hy 65 7.0 75 80 (@) Rectangular Tanks 08 ol. siz 06 hy 05 1015 20 25 30 35 40 45 5055 60 65 70 75 (b) Circular Tanks Fig. 4-5 Effective Height of Impulsive and Convective Weights for (a) Rectangular and (b) Circular Tanks (Adapted from Ref. 3-6) Spectral Acceleration 04855 Te % Ai Petes T Fig. 4-6 Design Response Spectrum, 18C-2000 4.3 UBC "97 METHOD 4.31 Base Shear Section 3.2 of this publication gives a procedure that assumes iquid-containing structurestobeessentially rigid Itdoes not allow separate computations of impulsive and convective components of the base shear. To better esti- mate the design forces, the general procedure for base shear given forbuilding structures (UBC 1630.2) is used in ‘combination with the provisionsof ACI350.3 -asfollows: ow, +19, +W,) Impulsive RT, Inthe short period range, the impulsive base shear ned not be greater han 25c1 SCL e+ lll +e +) In the long period range, the shail not be less than impulsive base shear V,=0.11C,1 (W +) Also,forstructures located close tothe potentialsources ‘of earthquakes in SeismicZone 4, the impulsivebase shear shall not be less than 08ZN,1 (Wy + We +) Gi. z Convective (We) Total base shear + The quantites C, and C, depend upon the Zone Factor Zand thesoilprofiletype, Thevalues for these parameters are given in Tables 16-Qand 16-R ofthe 1997 UBC, respec. ” of LiguidContaining Comrie Structures for Earthquake tively and Z = seismic zone factor, which represents the maximum effective peak acceleration (EPA) correspond. ingtoasite-specitic ground motion having a90% probabil. ity of not being exceeded in a 50-year period, = importance factor (Table 16-K, UBC '97) R= response modification factor, UBC”97 gives some R values for liquid-containing structures in Table 16-P. Wir Wye W, and W. represent the wall weight, roof weight, the impulsive weight and the convective weight respectively. The impulsive weight W, and convective weight W. can be determined as a fraction of the total liquid weight ofrectangularor circular tank from Fig. 4a and 4-40, respectively. The height at which the impulsive and convective weights are assumed to act can be deter, mined from Figs.4-5a and 4-5b orreclangularand circular tanks, respectively 4.3.2 Overturning Moment M, = SW, +Wche Wh) empulsive Mi = Bae (Wy + Whe +1, Np 25C1 (Wy + Wyte + Wi, raat whe + Wilt) Convective Gu M.= SL Wn ltt) Total overturning moment M, = 2+ Me = height at which inertia of wall is assumed to act. Theoverturning momentsduetoimpulsive(W/);)and ive(W2i,) components should include theeffect of ‘A method for incliding the base pressure is given in ACI 350.3 base pressure where necessary. 4.3.3 Response Spectrum Method The design response spectrum shown in Fig. 4 determined as follows: 7can be = [4] foe <7 forT,, The above spectrum can be used to determine the response ordinate S, for impulsive motion using T,and for convective motion using T... The spectrum is derived for5% damping. Forconvective responsea method similar tn 8219 Asset Spectral Acelration Te 7. Periods Fig. 4-7 Design Response Spectrum, UBC-1997 to that described in Section 4.2.3 may be considered for 0.5% damping and long-period excitation effect. The site-specific response spectrum is constructed for ground motions that have a 10% maximum probability of exceedence in 50 years for 5% damping Theimpulsiveand convective components of thebase shear are determined using the spectral values S, and S, as follows: (Wy +W,+W,) Impulsive I eR Convective (We) Total base shear V, = Vi +V2 208, obtained by using $ jon 4.3.1 4.4 UBC '94 METHOD 4.4.1 Base Shear a “(Wy +W,+W,) Impulsive = Cay.) Convective V Total base shear V, = /VE4+VE 2 0075.1, The impulsive weight W, and convective weight W, can be determined as a fraction of the total liquid weight of rectangular or circular tank from Fig, 4-4a and 44b, respectively. The height at which the impulsive and convective weights are assumed to act can be deter- 5b forrectangularand circular ‘mined from Figs. 4-Saand. tanks, respectively ‘The parameters C, and C_are determined as follows: 1.258 Impulsive Convective 0.075 Ry $C 4.4.2 Overturning moment IC M, = FE (Whig + Walle + Wi Impulsive M, = (Wah ) pul Convective Total overturning moment M, = /Mi+ ME hy =height at which inertia of walls assumed to act. The uplift pressure atthe base can increase the over- turning moments and effect the stability ofthe tank. The overturning moments due toimpulsive(W/,)and convective (W,Ji,) components should inchide theeffect of base pressure where necessary. A method for including, the base pressure is given in ACI 350.3" 4.4.3 Response Spectrum Method The design force on the tank can also be determined from a design spectrum such as the one given in UBC™, or by using thesite-specificresponse spectrum. Thesite-specific response spectrum is constructed for ground motions that have a 10% maximum probability of exceedence in 50 years for 5% damping. The design base shear is deter- mined using the spectrum as follows: Impulsive Convective The quantities $,, and S,are the impulsive and con- vectivespectralacceleration coefficients which correspond, tothe impulsiveand convective periods T, and T. from the simplified spectrum (Fig. 4-8). The design spectrum is given in UBC Fig. 16-3. The base shear computed using the site-specific spectrum is not permitted to be less than 90% of the value determined using the static force procedure given under Section 4.4.1 For convective response a method described in ACI 350,3may beconsidered tobetter estimate the effect 0.5% damping and long-period excitation effect. 4.5 BOCA AND SBC METHOD 4.5.1 Base Shear Impulsive Conve, Impulsive Convective Total base shear V, = /V?+V where A, and A, are the effective peak acceleration coetfi- cient and the effective peak velocity-related acceleration coefficient, respectively (see Section 1610.1.3 of BOCA and Section 1607.1.5 of SBC) The values of site coefficient (5) and response modifi- cation factor (R) should be taken from appropriate edition of the BOCA or SBC codes, 4.5.2 Overturning moment 1M, =Coi(Woeiy + Wally +W,l) M.=Cy(Wli) Impulsive Convective Total overtuming moment M, = f}-+ME 4.6 ACI 350.3-01 METHOD The provisions of ACI350.3"*are tobe used in conjunction with Chapter 21 (Special Provisions for Seismic Design) of ACI 350-01. These provisions are compatible with UBC 1994. Note that ACI 350-01 is based on ACI 318-95" for most of its design provisions and load combinations. Section 21.2.,7 of ACI 350-01 indicates thatthe environ- mental durability factor ($) defined in Section 92.8 need not be applied to load combinations that include earth- quake effects. The load combinations applicable under Various Codes are given in Chapter 3 of this publication. Where ACI350-01 isacopted for use, the provisions of Chapter 21 along with ACI 350.3 and ACI 318-95 are applicable, Note that ACI 350.3 also gives recommenda tions forseismiczonefactors(Z),and soil factors(S), which are mostly consistent with UBC 1994. The importance factorsof ACI350.3-01 are given in Table-1. ACI330.3-01 also gives separate response modification factors Ry, and Rc for impulsive and convective motions of the Hiquid- containing structure (Table 4-2.) 4.7 PERIOD Theequationsfordetermining the impulsive period T, and convective period T, of rectangular and circular liquiid- Design of Ligui-Comtining Concrete Structures fr Earthquake Forces Spectral Acceleration W Period, T Fig. 4-8 Simplified Response Spectrum, UBC-1994 containing structures having different base conditions are given below. However, itis permitted to use any other rational method that includes a reasonable distribution of ‘mass andstiffness characteristics fordetermining thenatu- ral period of the structure. As most concrete tanks are relatively rigid, T, may be taken as 0.3 seconds or less for the preliminary and ap- proximate design calculations. Itis recommended that for flexible base tanks, T, should not exceed 1 second for anchored and unanchored contained tanks. This limit should not exceed 2 seconds for unanchored uncontained tanks, The limits on the periods suggested herein are to prevent excessive deformation of tanks. 4.7.1 Rectangular Tanks The following equation can be used to determine the impulsive period of a rectangular tank: W=W,.+W,+W, (kips) where f= mean height (ft) at which the inertia force of the tank and its contents is assumed to act, t, = wall thickness (in), E, = modulus elasticity of concrete (ksi) g = acceleration due to gravity (ft/sec!) and K-= stifiness coefficient (kips/. The period associated with the convective component (7) can be determined as follows: Perland Cement Associaton € Table 4-1 Importance Factor, / (Table 4(c), Ref. 3-6) [_ Tank Use Factor | [Tanks containing hazardous materials 18 Tarik ta ar intended to remain usable fr emergency purposes ve MoS Tearnqueto: or tanks tha are par of ifeine systems i Aone ks io | Table 4-2 Response Modi sation Factor, R, (Table 4(d), Ref. 3-6) j A ner] Type of Structure Above __ Grade (a) Anchored, fexble-baso tanks 45 a" 10 {b) Fixed or ringec-base tanks 275 40 | 10 (@) Unanchored, containod or uncentained tanks 20 275 10 | (Elevated Tanks [30 10 (Gy Bir a define aa tk chose aioe oer sre aoe (2) Rew the maxim ue permitied tobe ws for any a (3) Ubiehoed,amcontanad takssall mt be ulm Zane 28 or high where 2% can be obtained from Fig, 4-9(a) for a given L/H, of the tank. (L = length of tank in direction of analysis (f) 4.7.2 Circular Tanks (@) Non-sliding Base. The followingequationscanbe used to determine the impulsive period of fixed or hinged base circular tanks with or without prestressing: 1, where 2 [E @,=¢,— | HL\ Be ©, =1Gy \i2r and p, = mass density of concrete (4.66 Ib-sec'/ft), t= thickness of wall (in), r= radius of tank (ft), E_=modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ib/in2),C,is given in Fig. 4-10 in terms of D/H, (() Flexible Base. The following equations can be used to dletermine the impulsive period T, of flexible base circular prestressed tanks: = (Se i= gpk, second for anchored tanks and 2 seconds for unanchored tanks Note that ACI 350.3 specifies a limit of 1.25 seconds ‘on both anchored and unanchored maximum periods. For anchored. flexible tanks For unanchored flexible tanks where A, = cross-sectional area of cable/strand (in), E, = modulus of elasticity of cable/strand (ksi), B = angle of cable/strand with horizontal, L, = effective length of cable/strand taken as sleeve length plus 35 times the diameter (in), §,= spacing between cable sets (in), 5, = spacing of elastomeric pads (in), G, = shear modulus ‘of elastomeric pads (ksi), t, = thicknéss of elastomeric bearing pad (in), L, = length of individual elastomeric pad (in.) and ww, ='width of elastomeric pad in radial direction (in.), and k, = spring constant (k/ft) The convective period 1 for both non-sliding and flexible base tanks can be determined using the following equation: on a D crete Structures for Earthquake Fonces re Ss. & os a7 oe os 1015 20.25 90 a5 40 45 50 55 60 65 7075 80 L HL (0) Rectangular Tonks oso 08s os o7s | < $ on oss 0.60 ass 0.80 ' 10 15 20 25 30.95 40 45 5055 60 65 70 75 80 a | HL (b) Circular Tanks Fig. 49 Charts for Obtaining Factor ~* tor Computation of Convective Period (T, for (a) Rectangular and (b) Circular Tanks (Adapted from Ret. 3-6) gp 0.18 047 0.16 048 14 Cw 0.13 0.12 on 0.10 0.67 250 3.50 4.50 650 7.50 850 9.50 a HL Fig, 4-10 Chart for Obtaining Factor C, for Computation of Impulsive Period (T) of a Non-Sliding Circular 1.50 5.50 Tank (Adapted from Ref. 3-6) The value of 5, may be obtained from Fig. 4-9(b) for D/H, of a tank for both rigid and flexible base tanks (D = diameter of tank (ft), H, = height of liquid (ft) 4.8 VERTICAL ACCELERATION ‘The effect of vertical accelerations should be included in the design of tank components. In the absence of more detailed analysis, the magnitude of vertical acceleration is jgenerally taken as two-thirds of the horizontal accelera- tion. The effects of vertical acceleration as recommended. in ACI 3503 are computed as follows: ‘The hydrodynamic pressure per foot height of the tank is Poy = tiv where g, = (Hy) Ibs/ft, unit hydrostatic pressure atlevel y above tank base {i= magnitudeof vertical acceleration associated with the vertical period (T,) of the structure and ‘weight of contained fluid. “The period associated with the vertical motion (T,) of specific roof, wall and the joint between roof and the wall. Note that tanks with inadequate freeboard will experience up- liftpressures on the roof due to liquid sloshing. Tanks in seismic zones 3 and 4and tanks designed forimportance | factor greater than 1,0 should either have adequiate free- board d,. (Fig. 42a) or should be designed for the forces ue to restrained sloshingand vertical acceleration effects. Thesloshing height may be computed by using thefollow- ing equations which arebased on conceptssimilar tothose given in ACI3503. IBC 2000 Method For Rectangular Tanks For Circular Tanks the circular tank is computed a follows earn d= For Circular Tanks yD : \ 2ety 4.9 FREEBOARD The anticipated unrestrained sloshing he computed to determine any sloshing pressure on the tank For Rectangular Tanks 4, D) Ze) ForCircular Tanks BOCA and SBC Method 12A,S(L a ra } For Rectangular Tanks _124,$ (D’ tan = 125 (2) rorcicuar Tens 4.10 EARTH PRESSURE Effect of earth pressure should be included both in the base shear computation and for design of walls ofa partially or fully buried liquid-containing structure. Theeffectof ground any, should also be taken into consideration. Active earth pressure is caused as a result of the structure moving away from the surrounding soil while passive pressure resuilts due to the structure moving into the sur- rounding soil (Fig. 4-11). Table 4-3 gives the approximate ‘magnitude of movement required to reach the minimum, active and maximum passive pressure condition" ACI350.3 stipulates that in computing the earth pres- sure, the coefficient of dynamic lateral earth pressure k, at rest should be used unless itis determined that the struc ture deflects sufficiently to warrant use of active and passive pressure k, and k, respectively. The coefficient k, varies from 0.4 - 0.6 for cohesionless soils and 0.40.8 for cohesivesoils'*, Theresultant of theseismiccomponentof the earth pressure can be assumed to act at a height 0.6 times the earth height above base. Note that the above simplification of the earth pres- sure effects is based on the assumption that the liquid= containing structure will not deflect enough to result in active or passive pressure due to the seismic excitation When this is not the case, dynamic active and passive pressures need to be calculated. References 4-4 and 4-5 give the guidelines for computing the dynamicactiveand passive pressures. In situations where detailed active and, passive pressure computations are deemed necessary, the user should also refer to Okabe (Ref. 4-7) and Mononobe and Matsuo (Ref. 4-8) water, Fig. 4-11 Active and Passive Earth Pressure due to Seismic Movement of Tank Design of Liquid Containing Conrete Structures for Earthquake Forces ‘Table 4-3. Approximate Magnitude of Movement Required to Reach Minimum Active and Maximum Passive Earth Pressure (Ref. 4-4) [Type of Backfill - Passive Dense Sar 0.001 | 0.01 | Medium-dense Sand | 0.002 | 0.02 [e086 Sand 0.004 | 0.04 A= movement at top of walland H = height of wal 4.11 REFERENCES 44. Housner, G. W., “The Dynamic Behavior of Water Tanks,” Bulletinofthe Seismological Society of Ameria, Vol 53, No.2, 1963, pp. 381-387, 42. Haroun,M.A.and Housner,G.W., "Seismic Design of Liquid Storage Tanks,” Journal of the Technical Councils ofthe ASCE, Procedings of the American Soci- ety of Civil Engineers, ASCE, Vol. 107, No. TCI, 1994, pp. 191-207. £3, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI318-95) and Commentary (ACI318R-95), Ameri- can Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MT, 1998, 44, Clough, G. W.,and Duncan, J. M, (1991), Chapter 6: Earth Pressures, in Foundation Engineering Hand- book, Second Edition, NY, pp. 223-236. Ebeling, R. M. and Morrison, E. E,, “The Seismic Design of Waterfront Structures,” NCEL Techical Report, TR-939, Naval Civil Engineering Labora- tory, Port Hueneme, CA, 1993, 4-6, Bowles, J-E., Foundation Analysis and Design, 4% Ed, McGraw-Hill, Inc., NY, 1988, Okabe, S. (1926), “General Theory of Earth Pres- sues,” Journal japan Society of Civil Engineering, Vol. 12,No.1 48. Mononobe, N., and Matsuo, H., (1929), “On the Determination of Earth Pressures During Earth- quakes,” Proceedings World Engineering Congress, 9 CHAPTER 5 Design of Components 5.1 GENERAL All components of liquid-containing structures such as walls, roof slab, base slab, joints, baffle walls and piping, fixtures must be designed for the maximum effects of -ed by different applicable loads. This will nded overall performance of the liquid-containing structure. The design of some of the components is not straightforward due to the complexity of the stress distribution, particularly in the case of circular tanks. In the absence of a more refined analysis, approximate methods given in this chapter may be used. to design these components, Figure 5-1 shows the hydrodynamic forces on walls and base slab of a tank due to earthquake ground motion The hydrodynamic forces include the effect of impulsive and convective motions of the contained liquid. Besides hydrodynamic forces, the tank elements are to be designed, for their own inertia forces and the forces transferred from other elements, stresses prod! ensure the in C 7 Pena eet on SAT] Fig, 5-1. Hydrodynamic Pressures Due to Ground Motion. 2 5.2 DESIGN OF TANK WALLS 5.2.1 Wall Forces The walls should be designed for the combined effects of smic loads per theapplicable load combina- tions given in Chapter3. Thestaticloads include the dead load, live load, hydrostatic pressure and earth pressure. ‘The dynamic loads include the inertia of the elements, the hydrodynamic forces (impulsive and convective compo- nents of fluid motion) and dynamic earth pressure. The inertia, impulsive and convective forces on the walls of rectangular and circular tanks can be determined, for different codes as follows: IBC 2000 Method staticand d B, Wall Inertia Roof Inertia Impulsive Convective Wall Inertia Roof Inertia Impulsive Convective IMPULSIVE PRESSURES Containing Structure (Adapted trom Ret. 3-5) where ocs< St O8ZNyI C1 Ma 3S Zone4 UBC 1994 Method p, =zic, aic,a Wall Inertia p,=zic, Roof inertia yo R=zic,o Impulsive . Ww P Convective CONVECTIVE PRESSURES 5.2. Distribution of Hydrostatic, Inertia, Impulsive, and Convective Pressure on Wall of a Rectangular Liquid— where 6-228 2 a7 Impulsive 1.258 c Convective T By = Cal Wall Inertia Pp=CyW Roof Inertia P.=CqW Impulsive P= CW Convective where & Impulsive Convective R _——— er bien of | Tatton t reaing tat | Leading Hatt Fig. 5-3. Leading and Trailing Half of a Rectangular Tank Theforcesatany heighty due to inertia, impulsiveand convective motions are given as follows: Bs Ps based on weight of two walls) (4H, ~6h,)-(641, -12h,)<¥ =R— Impulsive : 2H : ahha ¥ (4H, ~6,)~ (64, ~12h,)x Yq P,=P. Convective 2H, 5.2.2 Rectangular Tanks The distribution of hydrostatic, inertia, impulsive and convective pressures on a rectangular wall are given in Fig. 5.2, For the purpose of design, the tankis divided into leading half and the trailing half portions as shown in Fig, 553 Itis assumed that the impulsive and convective forces are equally resisted by the leading and the trailing walls perpendicular to the direction of the earthquake force Thus, half of the total impulsive and convective force is assigned to each wall ‘Theleadingand the trailing walls perpendiculartothe earthquake force are designed for the combined effects of Design of Lig Contining Concrte Stractures for Earthquake Forces P. P, G) one-half the convective force, P. and (4) dynamic earth pressure, P, against the buried portions ofthe tank, asshowninFig,5-4.Sinceearthquake forcesarereversible, both the leading and the trailing walls should be designed for the maximum effects of these forces, Section 5.2.1 outlines the procedure for determining the inertia (P,), impulsive (P) and convective (P.) forces on the wall ‘depending upon the applicable building code. The dynamicearth pressurecanbedetermined using, Reference 45 Note that convective force is out-of-phase withimpul- sive force because ofthe relatively large oscillation period of the contained liquid with respect to the tank motion, ‘Therefore, square ootof the sum of squares(SRSS) method should be used to combine the impulsive and convective forces. The dynamic earth pressure caused by the mow ment of the tank can be directly added to the impulsive effects for design purposes. The verticaland horizontal bendingand shear stresses, in the walls may be determined using plate analysis given in Ref. 5 Walls parallel to the earthquake force are designed for in-plane forces due to (a) their own inertia and, (b) reac- tions from the roof and abutting walls. (1) wall inertia force, ‘one-half the impulsive force, 5.2.3 Circular Tanks In case of circular tanks, the earthquake ba: transmitted partially by membrane (tangential) s partially by radial shear that causes vertical bending, Actualdistribution ofstress can only becalculated through a finite element analysis. ACI 350.3 indicates that 80% of the base shear can be assumed to be transferred through tangential shear for tanks with D/H of 4. The remaining, 20"% will be transferred through vertical bending. The ‘maximum tangential shear occurs at a point on tank wall HL B fe Intertia Impulsive Convective Dynamic earth pressure (see Ret. 48) Fig. 5-4. Design Forces on Walls Perpendicular to the Earthquake Force 2s oriented 90 degrees from the direction of earthquake, as, shown in Fig. 55. For determining the forces/stresses in circular tank wall, the tank is divided into leading half and the trailing half portionsas shown in Fig. 5-6. As far as dynamic loads are concerned, the cylindrical walls (Fig. 7) are designed for (a) wall inertia distributed uniformly around theentire circumference, (b) one-half the impulsive force P, applied angle 8 = and acting inward on ‘one-half of the wall and one-half P, applied symmetrical about acting outward on the opposite hal ofthe wall) one-half the convective force P. applied symmetr- cally aboutan angle @=Oand acting inward on one-half of thie wall and one-half P_applied symmetrical about 8 = x andacting outward on the opposite halfof the wall,and (a) the dynamic earth pressure, P, against the buried portion of the tank Section 5.2.1 outlines the procedure for determi inertia (P,), impulsive (P,) and convective (P. forces on the ‘wall depending upon the applicable code. The forces P,P, and P., aredetermined at height yabove the base of the wall (see Section 521). The horizontal distribution of the dynamic pressures at height y across the tank diameter D may be determined as follows symmetrically about a ygthe B. Pop ® p= cos 16P, Py =ogthoos Onr Distribution of base shear Direction of Gelemic force Fig. 5-5. Shear Transfer at Base (Adapted from Ref. 9-6) The vertical bending and shear stresses in the walls can be computed using shell analysis (see Ref. 5-2). The hoop forces in cylindrical wallsatany levely from the base can be determined by SRSS combination of the inertia, impulsive and convective stresses, as follows: Hoop stress: 9) = 75) For circular tanks with flexible base, maximum forces Nyy Ny and, can be determined for angle (see Fig, a8 follows: N,,=16P,,/9r For non-flexible base tanks, the above equations should be modified to account for the effects of restraints 5.3 DESIGN OF IMMERSED ELEMENTS, The immersed elements such as baffles, clarifier center wells, aerators, piping and launders must be designed for the effects of hydrodynamic forces. The immersed ele- mentsare subjected to additional forces due to the fact that the liquid surrounding them responds with them increas- ng their effective weight and the corresponding inertia force. The weight of liquid per lineal foot of height of the Base tangential ‘unit shear, @ Direction of, Tank Motion Trailing Halt Fig, 5-6. Leading and Trailing Halt of Circular Tank 8 Leading Half Py | ee 2 2 (a) Inertia Forces (b) Impulsive Forces (c) Convective Forces Fig, 5-7. Forces for Design of Circular Tank Walls (i: \ (@) Dynamic Earth Pressure element (W,) responding with the immersed element is, given by W, = non where a =added weight ratio (1.25 for flat two dimen- sional elements vibrating normal to their axis les) and 1.0 for cylindrical shapes) nit weight of liquid b= 1/2 projected width of the element or radius of the structure at height where a is determined The effective weight of liquid responding with the element should be added to the weight of the elementand, the weight of any liquid contained in the element/struc ture (such as in case of a center well) to determine the total hydrodynamic force on it The immersed elements are also subjected to a drag force because of the sloshing of the liquid, This force is directly added to the hy determined as follows: rodynamic force and can be where F, = force applied at the centroid of the projected area of the element C,= drag coefficient (use a value of 2 for plate for cylinders) A= projected area of the submerged element = horizontal sloshing velocity 5.4 FOUNDATIONS Foundationsare to be designed for the combined effects of gravity and lateral forces (due to earthquake or wind) according to the applicable load combinat Chapter 3, Note that tank foundations must be designed for the uplift forcedue to overturning momentof ke. The base pressure is calculated by includ ing the effect of overturning moment. The overturning, moment on the tank should include the effect of liquid loshing and hydrodynamic pressure. In case of nanchored flexible base tanks, there is no uplift on the foundation, and the tank wall may only transfer horizontal, shear to the footing. In this sit wall relative to the foundation and the shear at contac point between the tion, the movement of the all and the footing could control the design, The overall integrity of the tankshall beensured by providing adequate margins of safety against both sliding, and overturning of the tank 5.5 OTHER COMPONENTS For circular prestressed tanks with anchored flexible base, the strength of seismic cables and their anchorages in tank wall and foundation shall be investigated for tensile forces due to base shear and overturning moment. ‘or flexible base tanks, the strength of base pad shall be adequate for shear and compression due to combined gravity and earthquake forces. The coefficient of friction (w) between concrete and elastomeric pad may not be taken greater than 50% of its value. The effect of contained liquid may be neglected for computation of base pad frictional resistance. The effect of vertical acceleration that reduces the frictional resistance between the base pad and. concrete should be included, For unanchored and contained flexible tanks, the strength of the containment pad, its support structure and the tank wail shall be designed for forces resulting, from impulsive and convective pressure. Where no vertical or diagonal ties are provided be- tween walls and footing, no tension is permitted due to uplift from earthquake overturning moment. In such situ ations, the overturning moment should be balanced by Weight and width of the structure with appropriate mar- gin of safety. For both anchored and unanchored and uncontained flexible base tanks, the relative displacement between the tankwallsand the foundation due to combined load effect shall not exceed the radial and tangential movement ca pacity of the water stop to prevent leakage. Friction be- ‘ween thebase pad and wall shallnotberelied on toreduce the tangential displacements, Forflexiblebase tanks using flexiblecontainment pad, the thickness of the pad and sponge if used shall not be less than 1.5 times the computed horizontal displacement of the tank base for hydrostatic and earthquake loading, 5.6 REFERENCES 5-1 Rectangular Couerete Tanks, Revised 5" Ed., Portland Cement Association, Skokie, IL 60077, 1998, Circular Concrete Tanks Without Prestressing, Portland ‘Cement Association, Skokie, IL 60077, 1993 AWWA Standard for Circular Prestressed Concrete Water Tanks with Circumferential Tendons ANSI/AWWA D115-95, CHAPTER 6 Detailing 6.1 GENERAL Earthquakes can induce large forces in structures that are able to remain elastic during the ground excitation. Since it is generally not feasible to design structures for such large forces, the current earthquake design philosophy allows structures to respond in the inelastic range through controlled damage and deformation at predetermined, locations. The idea is for the structure to dissipate the excess earthquake energy through ductile inelastic ex sions. In order for the structure to behave in this manner without collapse, it has to be detailed properly to provide the required redistribution and ductility. It is for this, reason that detailing becomes an essential part of design against earthquakes, The seismic detailing of reinforced concrete building structures is generally taken from Chapter 21 of ACI318. The various model building codes (IBC 2000, UBC 1997, BOCA 1996, SBC 1997, UBC 1994) either refer to, Chapter 21 of ACI318 or adopt the specific provisions of ACI318 with modifications The seismic detailing requirements in ACI 318 are related to the type of structural system, seismic risk level at the site, level of energy dissipation assumed in the ‘computation of design seismic forces, and occupancy of the structure. The seismic risk levels are classified as low, ‘moderate and high. In order to determine the necessary detailing for a structure, the designer may have to use the applicable ‘model building code in conjunction with the appropriate edition of ACI 318 that is referenced by the model code. The designer will determine the Seismic Zone in case cof UBC, the Seismic Performance Category (SPC) in case of BOCA and SBC and Seismic Design Category (SDC) in case of IBC. These parameters are indicative of and. related to the seismic risk level shown in Table 6-1. Thus, Table 6-1 should be used to ascertain the appropriate seismic risk level and the coresponding level of detailing forthe structu Table 6-2 providesasummary ofthe sectionsin Chap- ter21 of ACISI8 thatare applicable for earthquake design and detailing of structural components in regions of inter- mediate or high seismic risk for structures assigned to various seismic performance or design categories. Because of their inherent rigidity and to prevent leakage, many liquid-containing concrete structures may be designed to remain elastic during a seismic event. The current codes allow limited inelastic action in liquid- containing structures (reflected in smaller R values for such structures) when compared to buildings. Therefore, it can be argued that codes do not expect the same amount of ductility from liquid-containing structures as they do in case of buildings. Although this would mean that stringent detailing prescribed in ACI318 forbuildingsinhighseismic regions should not apply toliquid-containing structures, it is prudent to provide such detailing to ensure structural performance against any unexpected events or situations. 6.2 DETAILING BASED ON ACI 318-99 Reference 6-1 gives requirements and illustrative figures, on seismic detailing of reinforced concrete structural ele- ments such as beams, columns, walls, diaphragms, slabs, footings, piles and caissons based on ACI 318-99, Some of these tables and figures illustrating design and detailing of walls are reproduced here (see Tables 6-1 through 6-5 and, Figures 6-1 and 6-2). The overriding requirments of ACI 350-01 are shown wherever applicable. 6.3 REFERENCE 6-1 Seismic Detailing of Concrete Buildings, Portland Ce- ment Association, Skokie, IL 60077, 2000, Table 6-1 Seismic Risk Terminology Code, Standard, or Resource Document Tow BOCA National Building Code (1993, 1996, 1999) ‘Standard Building Code (1994, 1997, 1999) SPC A,B ASCE 7-93, 7-95 NEHRP (1991, 19 Uniform Building Code (1991, 1994, 1997) International Building Code (2000) ASCE 7-98 SDCA,B NEHRP (1997) Seismic Zone 0, 1 Level of Seismic Risk or Assigned Seismic Performance Category (SPC) or Seismic Design Category (SDC) High} Moderate L spc spc C | SDC D, E, Table 6-2 Sections of Chapter 21 to Be Satisitied’ Component Resisting Earthquake Effect Frame members Structural walls and coupling beams Structural diaphragms and trusses Foundations — Frame members not proportioned to resist forces induced by earthquake motions Level of Seismic Risk or Assigned Seismic Performance Category (SPC) or Seismic Design Category (SDC) Intermediate High ( ( 2440 None 21.2, 21.6 None: 212,217 None 212,218 None. 21.2,21.9 In ation te nents of Chapters SPCD,E Seismic Zone 3, 4 | Bize15 oY Design of Lig Containing Concrete Structures for Eartguake Forces Table 6-3 Web Reinforcement Requirements Sect. No. | Fig. No. The required amounts of vertical and horizontal web reinforcement depend on the magnitude of the design shear force V, + For Vi 0.0020 for No. 5 bars or smaller | > 0.0025 for No. 6 bars or larger 21621 + For V, > Af’ 2 0.0025 (0.008 per AGI 350-01) 64 2 0.0025 (0.003 per ACI 350-01) Reinforcement spacing each way shall not exceed 18 in. (12 in. per ACI 350-01) Reinforcement provided for shear strength shall be continuous and shall be distributed across the shear plane. For V, > 2A.,./f, two curlains of reinforcement must be provided. Al continuous reinforcement in structural walls shall be anchored or spliced in accordance with the provisions for reinforcement in tension 21.623 in215.4, 65 18" (12 in, per ACI 350-01) rm S fim For V, 0.0020 for No. 5 or smaller (120, gor 30.0025 for No.6 or larger ACI 350-01) ‘= + Fory,> Af , 20.0025 01688 per ACI 350.01) , 20.0025 0.008 per ACI 350.01) + For v,>28,\f Provide two curtains of reinforcement + Anchor and splice bars per 21.5.4 All other reinforcement not shown for clarity A, EZIERETTTE Figure 6-1 Web Reinforcement Requirements EY (rr Table 6-4 Shear Strength Requirements ‘The nominal shear strength V, of structural walls shall not exceed: | V,=A(o./f +p,f.) (21-7) where, = 3.0 for h, i, <1.5 2.0 for h, > 2.0 | varies linearly between 3.0 and 2.0 for h, /t, between 1.5 and 2.0. “Tn Eq, (21-7), the value of ff, used for determining V, for Segments of a wail shail be the larger of the ratios for the entire wall and the segment of wall considered, | Walls shal have distributed shear reinforcement in two orthogonal Girections in the plane of the wall. th, , <20, p, > p Nominal shear strength of all wall piers sharing a common lateral force shall not be assumed to exceed, 8A where A,, is the ‘otal cross-sectional area, and the nominal shear strength of any one of the individual wall piers shall not be assumed to exceed 10A where A,, is the cross-sectional area of the pier considered. | Nominal shear stength of horizontal wall segments and coupling beams shall be assumed not o exceed, 104,,./f", where A, isthe cross-sectional area of a horizontal wall segment or coupling beam, | Table 6-5 Reinforcement Details where Boundary Elements are Not Required Where special boundary elements are not required by 21662 or, the following shall be satisfied, * Boundary transverse reinforcement shall satisty,, and if the longitudinal reinforcement ratio at the wall boundary is greater than 400/f. The maximum. longitudinal spacing | of transverse reinforcement in the Boundary shall not exceed 8 i Horizontal wall reinforcement terminating at the ends of structural walls waihout boundary elements shall have a standard hook engaging the €cg¢ reinforcement or the edge reinforcement shall be encloceo in U-stirups having the same size and spacing as, and spliced to, the horizontal reinforcement when V. > A 21.6.6. 3 Design of Ligon rete Structures for Ea ake Forces For WeAa yf Standard hook at ends of horizontal reinforcement engaging edge reinforcement or U-stirrups spliced to horizontal reinforcement with same size and spacing as horizontal reinforcement te te t——_ — x U Ac» = area of long. reinf. ince ° « P= Asp/Acs > 400/f, le Ie 8 ° oy) | | sta a | le 4 < 14” ed | x [1] Asn = 0.09sheFe/fyn } r} | e « P 4 0.25 x ty $= {6x long. dy S s, or 8” Paks Aen = tu(2x + a) Aco = Sotw Concentrated longitudinal Uniformly distributed reinforcement at wall ends longitudinal reinforcement Figure 6-2 Reinforcement Details where Boundary Elements are Not Required Fy CHAPTER 7 Example 1: Design of Rectangular Concrete Tank 7.1 INTRODUCTION The example rectangular tank shown in Fig. 7-1 is to be designed for earthquake forces in the N-S ditection The tank is located in the Western United States (longitude = ‘ous material. The design of this combinations is given in Ref. 5-1. The following approxi 23%, latitude 41°) and contains non-hazard- ink for non-seismic load mate stee! reinforcement was determined: Long/short walls Inside/Outside face ~ vertical No.5 @9 in. Inside/Outside face ~horizontalNo.5@12in. 7.2 DESIGN DATA 7.2.1 General Partially buried non-flexible base tank Weight of contained liquid = 70 lb/ft Weight of moist soil = 100 Ib/ft jer T 7 21'-6" Wall thickness = 18 in. Heightofliquid =8ft (Ret 10 ft of liquid height) 5-I conservatively assumes Concrete strength = 4,000 psi ( E,=3,834 ksi) Reinforcement strength = 60,000 psi 7.2.2 Seismic Design Data (IBC 2000 Design) 123; latitude =419, per For the given location (longitudh IBC Section 1615.1 5,=04 (IBC Fig, 1615) 5,=1.0 (IBC Fig. 1615) For Site Class = D (IBC Table 1615.1.1) Re (IBC Table 1615.1.2(1)) F=16 (IBC Table 1615.1.2(2)) (IBC Table 1622. Seismic coefficient R = s(1)) Importance Factor (IBC Table 1622.2.5(2)) (This tank is nota part of a public utility facility) fn a1’-6" Figure 7-1 Example Rectangular Tank 35 7.3 SEISMIC LOAD ANALYSIS The period associated with the convective component, ) can be determined as follows 7.3.1 Weight ‘or analysis in N-S direction) rom F = 066 for . a) fe 2.3 for rectangular tank T, = 0.66V 185 = 28 sec W, -o49ana (L= 185 ft for analysis in N-S direction) 7 7.3.3 Base Shear Ww = 95.3 ki Ww, +W,) Impulsive ci v pulsive etree ae c.(w.) Convective 2(20 + 3 ) 50 “R RT, . 1 150 _ 295 kips D0 F L1x10=11 W Sy, =F,S,=1.6x04=0.64 From Fig, 45, fo 2 nd He 0.56 x8 =4.5 a“ 7 ‘ot Sp, = 073 and S,, =042, from Tables 1616.31) and 7.3.2 Period 1616.3(2) of IBC 2000, Seismic Design Category SDC r Ww ne x1 0.78 Use037 waw A, =225 40+ 1447 = 369.7 kips Syl Sal R SRT o c 0.07 Use 0.075 kips 18in - £.=38 Total base shear V 7.3.4 Overturning Moment K= (gp) = 6200 kips/ft 1, =C.,(Wy iy +Welty + Wh, Impulsive M, (Woh) Convective M,=Ca(Wlhg Wl +10) 7.4 DESIGN OF WALLS PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS For determining the forces/stresses in the tank walls, the tank is divided into leading half and the trailing half portions as shown in Fig. 53. 0+ 148.7 «3) =577 f-kips Me = Cyc(Welc }= 01075 x 150.6 «4.5 = 508 f-kips Total overturning moment M, = //M} + ME Weightotlong walls = 20%10%1.5x150%2 _ 154, 2579 fckips 1,000 ee Wall inertia, 7.3.5 Overall Stability Check + Sliding (Neglect backiill Py = "ashy, = CWy =0:37 «135 =50kips Base Shear = 137 kips 137 kip Impulsive force, Weight of tank without its contents Walls. =205 kips p, = Sesh, = CW, =037 x 1447 = 53.4 kips Base slab = 32 150. ate Convective fore, Weight of contents = 2953 kips p= Pal, = CW, =0075x1506= 11.3 kips Total weight =731 kips Both the leading and the trailing wall will be subjected ‘Coefficient of friction 7 Py tothecombined effects of (1) wall inertia force, “> (2)one- Factor of safety = 27 %731 OK. half the impulsive force, P,and, (3) one-half the convective force, P., as shown in Fig. 72 + Overtuming 4 _ 0.002 . Fo tox 2 = 92000017 < 0.002 for medium sand ‘Overtuming moment = 579 ft-kips 7 ss (see Table 4-3 and Section 7.5). Therefore, no active or 731X22 _ gout passive pressure is anticipated on the walls due to negli Resisting moment = “= =8081 f-kips gible deformation of the tank. - The dynamic earth and ground water pressureat rest . are neglected in this example (see Ref. 4-5 for detailed Factor of safety 39 Ox. analysis of dynamic earth pressure). The pressure distribution on the wall is calculated as follows (see Fig. 72): o.0r6P, 0.086P¢ 0.5P¢ oP, oP, 0.108", 0.039. Figure 7-2 Forces on Wall Perpendicular to the Direction of Analysis a For impulsive force [$H, ~60,]-| (644-124) %p ] R= 8 2H At bottom of wall [4x8 ~6%3]-[(6«8-129)x 4] Pag a9 eB =ORSI-L 8. o106n 2x8 At top liquid leve [4x8-6%3]-[(6x8-12«3)x8, Pus =P = onisse, | sti) -[6H, 124) At bottom of wall [4x8-6x45]-lexs. , PoP, ie 0sep, At top liquid level [4x8 -6x45}-[(6x8—1245)x8, ee x eR 30%1,000 : . 2% 30x10 ® 1109 53.4% 1,000 Bottom of wall = 0.109, = 21095341, 000 _ 994 45 285 0.016%534 x 1,000 285 Top of liquid = 0.016? Pressure due to convective force 0.039%11.3%1,000 285 Bottom of wall =0.039P, Spsf Top of liquid = 0,086P, =34 pst Ratio of length of long wall to height of liquid b_ 30 3.75 (Use 4.0) gth of short wall to height of liquid 20 a 8 The moment, shear and deflection due to the above forces are determined using Ref. 5-1. The moment and deflection coefficients are taken from Chapter 3 and the shear coefficients are taken from Chapter 2 of this refer: cence for the specific loading and end conditions of the walls. Thecoetficients for thelong wall are determined for 4and © 5 by interpolation, as follows: Long wall subjected to triangular load M, coefficient for vertical steel = 150 M, coefficient for horizontal steel Deflection coetficient = 26 Shear coefficient—bottom = 05 Shear coetficient—side = 038 Long wall subjected to uniform load M, coefficient for vertical steel =4 M, coefficient for horizontal steel = 348 Deflection coefficient = 98 Shear coefficient—bottom = 10 Shear coefficient—side = 168 Design moment per IBC Eq. 16-5, See Chapter 3, U=12D +106 +128 =09D +106 +1.2F ponds to the effects of earthquake force com: puted in Table 7-1. F corresponds to the effects of static hydrostatic fluid pressure computed in Ref, 5-1 Maximum hydrodynamic moments from Table 7- Vertical direction, M,,= 62 ft-kips (74.4 in-kips) per lineal foot Horizontal direction, M,, = 4.6 ft-kips (55.2 in-kips) per lineal foot Maximum hydrostatic moments from Ref. 5 Vertical direction, ‘M,, = 108.6 in-kips per lineal foot Horizontal direction, M,, = 65.7 in-kips per lineal foot Liguid-Containing Concrete Structures for Earthquake Forces Table 7-1 Design Forces on Long Wall due to Earthquake Forces Loading | Inertia Impulsive Convective SRSS* Pressure, q (pst) \ \ | Uniform | Unitorm + Triangular Uniform - Triangular Top | 84 30 00 30 | (34 oo | 34 Bot 84 30 174 204 4 185 | 155 Height, tt 10 8 8 8 8 es | 8 Design Coefficients! [M,Coett 435 435 150 | 435 150 M, Coat 348 348 8 [348 88 ‘Shear Coeff. Bottom 10 10 0s 10 0s | Side 17 17 oa 17 | 04 | Deflection 98.0 98.0 26.0 980 | 260 Coett. | 7 ‘Wall Forces and Deformations M,,(ickips) | 865 | 084 | 467 | 251 087 | 018] 079 62 1M, (fekips) 2.92 0.66 0.98 1.64 078 | 011 0.67 46 ‘Shear (k) - | ~ Bot oss | 024 070 os¢ | 028 | 008 | 020 18 Side [143 oat 056 os7 | 048 | 006 | 042 24 Detection (in.) | 0.0061 | 0.00089 | 0.0014 | 0.0023 | 0.0010 | -0.00015 | 0.0009 0.009 Design coefficients are taken from Ref. 5-1 for different lading patterns and end conditions ofthe plates ‘ofc! presure sig 000 Mg‘= MM, cofiient« presure «height 000 Sitar = Shear cofcien!s procure hejgit Dapcton = Deflection cxfcient x presi x high, OD0D, where D= E.0/120- 42) = 1,940.9625 inks, and p= ‘Note that convective force is out-of-phase with both inertia and impulkive forces. "Therefore, square oot ofthe sum of quares(SRSS) method Isused to combine the inertia anc impulsive forces with the convective forces Total moments using the above load combination, M,,=13 «1086 + 74.4 = 215.6 in-kips Vertical direction, M,, 13657 = 140.6 in-kips M,, = 120+ 1x74 + 1.2% 1086 = 2047 in-kips Steel provided (No. 5 @ 9 in) is sufficient to take care of Horizontal direction, M,, = 215.6 inkips in the vertical ditection, M,,=1.2x0 + 1x552-+1.2 65,7 = 134.0 in-kips Steel provided (No. 5 @ 12 in) is sufficient to take care of Using ACI 318 load combination, M,, = 1406 in.-kips in the horizontal direction, U=O75(.4D + 1.7L +1.7*F + 1876/14) = 128F + 1.0E ‘See Section 372 (Modification 1) 7.5 DESIGN OF WALLS PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF ANALYSIS It is assumed that the total base shear will be equally resisted by the two walls, Shear in each wall = > = 69 kips Required strength per IBC 2000, (see Chapter 3) U =1.2D+10E + 12F = =09D +1.0E +1.2F Nominal shear strength per ACI 318-99 V,= Ala, JF +9,f,) ae X031 ar For No. 5 @ 12 in. on each face, p, = Fz = 0.0028 py _ 2.85% 21.5%18% 1213/4, 000 + 0.00287 x 60,000) = 14287 kips >> 69 kip OK Per AC1350-01, the steel reinforcement required each way each face is 0.003, Therefore, p, should be increased to No.5@ 10 in Since “x js less than2, p,=p,, Therefore, No.5@9 in, is more than adequate in the tical direction. The steel ratio provided is more than 0.0012 in the vertical direction and 0.0020 in the horizontal direction as required for thecondition V, 0.0038 f, 60,000 Therefore, transverse reinforcement requirements stipulated above (Table 6-5) do not apply Where V, > ,,, f,, the horizontal reinforcement terminating at the ends of structural walls without boundary elements shall have a standard hook engaging the edge reinforcement (Table 6-5, Section 21.6.6.) Since V, = 1.15 yo OaxdXLI5, 10 (150.6) = 69.2 kips + V2 = 1633 kips Total base shear Vj, = 7.9 BASE SHEAR USING BOCA AND SBC Seismic Hazard Exposure Group =I Seismic Coefficients, A,=02 A.=03 Based on A, =0.3 and Seismic hazard exposure group =1, Seismic performance category SPC = D Site coefficient = 15 (Soil Profile Type S.) Response Modification Factor R = 3 (Table 9.27.5, ASCE 7-95) (Wy + Wet 9) Impulsive Convective a 025 7.10 BASE SHEAR COMPARISON 194, 19 Coe Base Shear (kips) R 28 . 1BC 2000 UBC 1997 09 4 D 59 kips UBC 199 1 Service Level ACI 3503 6 Service Level CHAPTER 8 Example 2: Design of Circular Concrete Tank 8.1 INTRODUCTION 8.2 DESIGN DATA ‘The example ci lar tank shown in Fig. 841 is to be The tank is located inthe 8.2.1 General latitude 41°) and igned for eart Partially buried nor ink with rigid sd connection between the wall and the rad combinations ¢ results in the following steel reinforcement: Weight of contained liquid = 65 Ib /ft * Vertical reinforcement Weight of moist soil = 90 Ib/fe Inside face No. 6@8 in. (Bottom 15 ft) Wall thickness = 16 in. No. 5@8in. (Top 13 ft) iL 9 Outside face No.6@ 12 in. Height ofliquet = 26 + Horizontal reinforcement Comes acres au est (w, = 150 lb/ft, E, =3,834 ksi) Inside/Outside face No.9 @ $n. (Bottom 15 ft) Reinf went strength 60,000 psi No, 8@8 in. (Top 13 f) Figure 8-1 Example Circular Tank 8.2.2. Seismic Design Data (IBC 2000 Design) Forthegi ation (longitude =123% latitude =41%), per IBC Section 161 IBC Fig, 1615) (BC Fig. 1615) Site Class=E IBC Table 1615. F=1l IBC Table 1615.1 P,=1. (IBC Table 1615. (IBC Table 1622.2.5(2)) of public utility facility Importance factor (This tank is not a pai 8.3 SEISMIC LOAD ANALYSIS 8.3.1 Weight 346 H, 26 From Fig, 4-4(b) for 35 for circular tanks, w Ww Wr =038and yo =06 W,= 10,751 kips W, = 0.35 x 10,751 =3,763 kips W, = 0.65 x 10,751 = 6,988 kip 14x(92.6 28% 150 Ww = 1,609 kips 3.14%02.672 x1 Ww L012 kips 7,000 assume 1 ft thickness of slab) he roof is supported by 12 interior columns which slab vertical load. The vertical load trans: ferred to the walls is small. Note that half of the column hould be added t help carry the he roof weight forlateral load The column weight (assume 2 ft diameter columns} willaddanother80kipstothe roof weight. Therefore, total roof weight = 80 = 1,092 kips. 8.3.2 Period For non sliding base (Section 4.7.2), 12 [E w,=C ©, =10Cy,) 75 p, =mass density of concrete (4.66 Ib-sec’ / ft), 4, = 16in, R=45 ft, Cy=0.143 for = 35 (Fig. 410) rosehctas ps 12x45 3.8x1,000 |) = 104.7 rad /see 104. The period associated with the convective component T.) can be determined as follows: ‘rom Fig, 4-9(b), 0.65 for Fy = T,, = 0.6590 =62e 8.3.3 Base Shear Impulsive Ve = Cyc(We) Convective Smal «Soil Sy F,Sy= 11 x1.0= 11 Lox04= 064 1 ForS,,=073and §,, 1616.3(2) of IBC 2000, (043, from Tables 1616.3(1) and cismicDesign Category SDC =D 1.73% 0.43 = 97310 _ 937 < 949% _ 3.59 Use0.a7 2 2006 C= eR RY ~ 073% 3x C2 2 BAT 037 5481 0.095 Use 0.035 Cal, +W, +1) 0.37 (1,609 + 1,092 + 3,763) =2,392 ips (W.) = 0.035 x 6,988 = 245 kips | Total base shear V, = /VP+V2 =2,405 kips Since T, > 4see,, (See section 42.3) 65, 6043 T2 62 0.067 With R,,< = 1 for convective mo ACI 350.3 (Table + ion per 0.067 x1 0.067 > 0.035 Ci : 17 > Vo =Cyc(We) = 0067 x 6988 Total base shear per ACI3503, = 0.59 see 027, = 0.118 sec [oer Since T, 1745 kips Use V, = 1950 kips 8.3.4 Overturning Moment M, = Cu Wily +Welig +W,h,) Mz = Cc(Welc) Impulsive Convective h c From Pig. 4-5(b),for ig 4500), for Hi, hi, =0375x26=975 ft = 054x26=140 ft My = Cu (Why +Wgltg + Wil) = 0.371(1,608 x 14) + (1,092 x 28) + (8,763 x 9.75)] = 33,223 fe-kips Cx (Wali) = 0.035 x 6,988 x 14 = 3,424 Fkips M+ 33400 ft-kips Per ACI.350.3, M. 067 x 6,988 x 14 = 6,555 ft-kips M, = 33,864 f-kips For simplicity, the base shear and overtuming moment computed using IBC 2000 without ACI 350.3 modific tions will be used for rest of design, 8.3.5 Overall Stability Check * Sliding (Neglecting backfill) Weight of tank without its contents Walls = 1,609 kips Roof = 1012 kips. Columns = 160 kips Base slab = 3.14 x 96.67" x 2x 150/(4 x 1000)= 2,202 kips Contents = 3.14 x 90° x26 x 65/4000 = 10,751 kips 734 kips Total weight Neglect soil weight on footing overhang Coefficient of friction =0.7 Base shear = 2,405 kips Factor of safety = Overtuming moment = 33400 ft-kips Resistiny 34x 45 = 708,030 ft-kips satet 2 OK 3,400 8.4 DESIGN OF WALLS Th membrane (tangential) shear and partially by radial shear bending. AC anbeassumed tobe transferred through anks with D/H of 4 wsferred through vertical bending. The earthquake base shear is transmitted partially by hat causes ver 350.3 indicates that 80 the base shear angential shear for The remainin, 20% will be te maximum tangential shear occurs at a point on tank wall ented 90 degrees from the direction of earthquake, as shown in Fig, 82. ee Figure 8-2 Shear transfer at base Per IBC 2000 (see Chapter 3) Per ACI 318 and ACI 350 (see Chap! Required strength, { 87E/1.4) 8.4.1. Design of Walls for In-Plane Loading Since the effect of both D and Fan plane wall design, nth IBC and ACT 318, stress from hydrostatic foreesactsin a radi and is not added to the in-plane shear of the wall negligible for in- th is U = LOE 1 combinations. The shear requited strer F I direction, Shear V 5 kips (in-plane) Maximum shear stress per ACI 3503, OSV 08%2,405 mr 34x45 13.6 kips/fe Nominal shear strength = A,,(cj./f +p, ), ACI318-99 For No. 9@8 in, on each fac = 0.0156 Bx16x 0.85% 12 « 16x 4,000) (0.0156 x 60,000)]/ 1,000 = 183.7 kips/ft >> 13.6 kips/ft OK No.6 @ $ in. isalso more than adequate in the vertical direction, The steel ratio provided is more than 0.0012 in he vertical direction and 0.002 in the horizontal direction as required for the condition V, >H) theout. of-plane bending effects are small and can be neglected Approximate Method Using AC proximation for tank with 4 nf ase shear can be assumed to be transferred through out-of-plane bendi Approximate force acti 0.2%2,405 on leading and trailing walls 240 kips Assuminy an approximate result of h, and f,.), total Figure 8-4a Detailing of wall proximate out-of-plane maximum moment assuming 240%10%18 simply supported wall = : 543 ft-kips Moment per unit length M, _2x1,543 3.14 45.67 = 21.5 fe-ips/ft M,=13 x 104+ 21.5 = 35 ftkips/ft > 23 f-kips Under static load combinations (Ref. 5-2), No. 6 @8 in. (4, = 0.66 in) v nside face is adequa tical reinforcement on The user should check other loading conditions given in Re. 52 in combination with carta oot verify the adequacy of external vertical reinforcement Figure 6-4b Detailing of wall with fixed base Note that dynamic earth pressure effects are notin cluded in this example. Reference 4-5 should be consulted when determining these effects 8.5 DETAILING Based on the SDC D associated with this structure, detail: ing corresponding to high seismicriskwill apply per Table 6-1 (seeChapter6). Based on this, itis prudent o locate the splices away from the potential plastic hinge zones. The Class B splice length should be provided for both No. 6 vertical bars as well as No.8 and No.9 horizontal bars per 12.2 of ACI 318-99. The required development length of the No. 6 and No. 7 dowels in the base slab is 18 in. 51 PS Desig of Ligui-Contining Coneret Structure for Earthquake Fores The requirements of Table 6-3 are satisfied for in-plane wall design. The steel provided along with spacing satis Section of ACI 318 (Table 6-3), ‘The reinforcement provided also satisfies minimum requirements of ACI 350 (Px, = 0.008 and maximum spacing = 12 in.) Per Section 21°6.2.3 of ACI318-99, all continuous reinforcement in struc tural wallsshould be anchored or spliced in accordance with, the provisions of reinforcement in tension (21.544). Figure ‘4a shows the detailing of the wall with hinged base A tank with fixed base detail as shown in Figure 8-4 ‘may be more appropriate for ease of construction and also to limitcrack opening at the base of wall. The designer will have toanalyze the tank and determine the appropriate reinforce- ment required for this condition. Notation A, = effective peak acceleration (BOCA 1996, SBC 1997) {= cross-sectional area of base cable, strand, or conventional reinforcement, in? (mnt A, = effective peak velocity-related acceleration (BOCA 1996, SBC 1997) b= one-halfof projected width or radius of immersed element, in. (mm) B = inside length ofa rectangular tank perpendicular to the direction of the earthquake force, ft (m) C, = seismic response coefficient per IBC 2000 (C, = impulsive coefficient, C.. = convective coefficient) c acceleration dependent seismic coefficient (UBC 1997) C= velocity dependent seismic coefficient (UBC 1997) Cy = coefficient for determining the fundamental frequency of circular tank (see Fig. 4-10) d.,, = freeboard (sloshing height) measured from the liquid surface at rest, ft (m) D = inside diameter of circular tank, ft (m) F, = modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ib/in (MPa) E modulus of elasticity of cable, wire, strand, or conventional reinforcement, Ib/in# (MPa) F site coefficient based on IBC 2000 F. = site coefficient based on IBC 2000 G = shear modulus, Ib/in? (MPa) G, _ = shear modulus of elastomeric bearing pad, Ib/in2 (MPa) § = acceleration due to gravity (82.17 ft/sec’, 9807 mm/sec’) i= mean height at which the inertia force of tank and its contents is assumed to act, ft (m) h height from base of wall to the center of the convective force, ft (m) = height from base of wall to the center of impulsive force, ft (m) hh, = height from base of the wall to the center of gravity of the tank roof, ft (m) = height from the base of wall to the center of inertia of the tank shell, ft (a) H, = design depth of stored liquid, ft (m) H,, = wall height inside dimension), ft (m) Importance Factor (IBC 2000, UBC 1997, UBC 1994, BOCA 1996, SBC 1997, ACI 350.3) = spring constant of the tank wall support system, lb/ft? (kPa) k, ‘efficient of lateral earth pressure at rest K_ = flexural stiffness of tank wall, Ib/® (kPa) L = inside length of a rectangular tank parallel to the direction of the earthquake force, f (mm) 1, = length of individual elastomeric bearing pads, in. (mm) 1, = effective length of cable or strand taken as the sleeve length plus 35 times the strand diameter, in, (mm) M, = overturning moment due to convective force, ft-lb (kN-m) M, = overturning moment due to impulsive force, ft-lb (kN-m) M, = total overturning moment based on SRSS combination of impulsive and convective moments, fib (KN-m) nominal moment strength, ft-lb (kN-m) required moment strength, {HID (KN-m) near source factors (UBC 1997) hoop force in circular tanks at level y due to the convective component, pounds per foot of wall height, lb/ft (KN/m) N= hoop force in circular tanks at level y due to the impulsive component, pounds per foot of wall ht Ib (KN/m) inertia force in circular tanks at level y, pounds per foot of wall height, Ib/ (kN/m) N, = total effective hoop force in circular tanks at level y, pounds per foot of wall height, Ib/ft (kN/m) py, = hydrostatic pressure at level y above the base of the tank, Ib/ft (kPa) p,, = unit lateral dynamic convective pressure distributed horizontally at level y, lb/ft? (kPa) p, = unit lateral dynamic impulsive pressure distributed horizontally at level y, lb/ft (kPa) unit lateral inertia force due to wall dead weight distributed horizontally at level y,1b/ (KPa) = total lateral convective force associated with W.Ib (KN) lateral convective force due to W. per unit hight ofthe tank wall occurring at level y, cr ft of wall height, Ib/(KN/m) earth pressure, Ib (KN) total lateral impulsive force associated with W, Ib (KN) = lateral impulsive force due to W, per unit height ofthe tank wall at liquid level y, pounds per ft of wall height, Ib/#t (KN/m) = inertia force ofthe accelerating roof of weight Wy Ib (KN) = lateral inertia force ofthe accelerating wall of weight W,, Ib (kN) lateral inertia force per unit height of the tank wall occurring at level y, pounds per ft of wall pound = dynam = unit shear force in circular tanks; Ib/ft (kN/am) unit maximum shear force in circular tanks, lb/ft (KN/m) unit hydrostatic force at level y above the tank base [q,, = ¥, (H, —)] Ib/ ft (kPa) = effect of horizontal seismic force inside radius of circular tank, ft (m) = response modification factor, (R,, for the int of the accelerating convective comp liquid; R,, for the impulsive component) = soil factor or soil profile type (IBC 2000, UBC 1997, UBC 1994, BOCA 19%, SBC 1997, ACI350.3) generalized design spectral response accelera. tion corresponding to a given natural period, T, (S, corresponds to T, and S,. corresponds to T,) center-to-center spacing between individual base cable loops, in. (mm) design spectral response acceleration at short period per IBC 2000 design spectral response ace 1 second per IBC 2000 maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration at short period per IBC 2000 ‘maximum considered earthquake spectral yase acceleration at | second per IBC 2000 center-to-cent pads, in. (mm) the mapped spectral accelerations for short period per IBC 2000 the mapped spectral accelerations for 1 second period per IBC 2000 ration at resp spacing of elastomeric bearing. = thickness of elastomeric bearing pads, in. (mm) = average wall thickness, in. (mm) = fundamental period, sec = 027, =025,,/5, = natural period of the first (convective) mode of sloshing, sec = fundamental period of tank and its contents, sec. = natural period of vibration of vertical liquid motion, sec = magnitude of vertical acceleration associated with T,, ft/sec (a/sec") total horizontal base shear, Ib (kN) convective base shear, Ib (kN) = impulsive base shear, Ib (kN) = total base shear based on SRSS combination of impulsive and convective base shear, Ib (kN) = wiulth of elastomeric bearing pad, in, (mm) = effective seismic weight of the structure, Ib (KN) = weight of the convective component of the stored! liquid, Ib (kN) = weight of the impulsive component of the stored liquid, Ib (kN) = total mass of the stored liquid, Ib (KN) = weight of tank and contained liquid, lb (KN) = weight of roof, lb (kN) total weight, Ib (KN) = weight of the tank walls (shetl), Ib (KN) level at which wall is being investigated (measured from tank base, ft (m) = zone factor (UBC 1997, UBC 1994) added weight ratio for immersed elements angle of base cable or strand with horizontal, deg crete (150 Ib/t, 23.56 kN /m? for normal-weight concrete) = unit mass of contained liquid, 1b/#t*(KN/m’) = unit mass of water (6243 lb/ft, 9.807 KN/m’) strength reduction factor (ACI 318) = coefficient for determining T, for circular tanks (sce Fig. 49) = mass density of concrete (4.66 Ib-sec*/t!, 240 kN-sec?/m* for normal-weight conerete) = mass density of the contained liquid (x, = g/g) lb-sec/t!(KN-sec/m') = mass density of water (1.94 Ib-sec2/ft,, 1.0 kN-sec'/m') : = membrane (hoop) stress in wall of circular tank at level y,Ib/in® (MPa) = circular frequency of the impulsive mode, rad /sec Te Pete ero Oo ret ee ‘ Cen Re) eee ee ee a Pe ee eS a Penewrer rte ei ce a Roa through market developmen}, engineering, research, ‘education and public affairs work. y * CoaEKD

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