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Essential Histories

The Punic Wars

264-146 BC
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I am grateful to Pimlico of Random House who have kindly
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02 03 04 05 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21

Introduction 7

Chronology 9

Background to war
Two great Mediterranean powers 11

Warring sides

Carthaginian and Roman forces on land and sea 20


Collapse of the Third Treaty of Friendship 30

The fighting

The three Punic Wars 36

Portrait of a soldier

Hannibal Barcid and Scipio Africanus 76

The world around war

The political, social and economic impact 80

Portrait of a civilian
Carthaginian trade; a Roman senator 84

Conclusion and consequences

Expansionism and the disposition for war 88

Glossary of names 91

Further reading 93

Index 94

There are those who would have us believe study of military history then provides some
that man is a peace-loving animal, asking for perspective and enables us to learn from the
no more than to be allowed to live in lessons of the past.
harmony with his fellow beings, rearing his The Greek historian Polybius wrote:
family and pursuing his interests in 'There are only two sources from which any
contented prosperity. Such aspirations are benefit can be derived, our own misfortunes
savagely disrupted by the excesses of power- and those which have happened to other
hungry despots and their brutal soldiery. The men.' Bearing these words in mind, we can
pious then regard history as little more than turn to the three human misfortunes known
a tragic record of how peace is shattered by a as the Punic Wars which, in spite of their
few evil men; while military history is remoteness, possess a remarkable
dismissed as a corrupting influence, contemporary relevance. Two largely
glorifying war and promoting xenophobia. incompatible civilisations confronted one
Yet wars have never been intermittent another in a rivalry that quickly became a
occurrences disrupting the natural, orderly to-the-death fight for supremacy. The lessons
condition of man, but rather an activity of that struggle clearly demonstrate the need
pursued with relentless consistency, for positive and consistent national policy,
sometimes with relish, and under many and the importance of co-ordinated land and
different guises. naval operations; equally they highlight the
As Professor Sir Michael Howard said in consequences of failing to adapt military
his David Davies Memorial Institute lecture force structures and thinking to match
entitled Weapons and Peace (January 1983): circumstances, the impact of new technology
(as exemplified by the corvus) and the
The anises of war are as diverse as those of
relevance of certain battlefield principles
which are common to any war.
human conflict itself, but one factor common to
almost all wars has been on the one side, or The three Punic Wars, which lasted for
both, a cultural predisposition for war, whether more than 100 years in all, though with long
this has been confined to ruling elites, or periods of peace in-between, and extended
widespread throughout society. This is a factor throughout the Mediterranean were to
which has been so often overlooked by liberal- decide the future of the Western world.
minded historians, the existence of cultures, The contest was between two races: the
almost universal in the past, far from extinct in lndo-Germanic, which incorporated the
our day, in which the settling of contentious Greeks and Romans, and the Semitic,
issues by armed conflict is regarded as natural, which included the Jews and Arabs. The one
inevitable and right. side had a genius of order and legislation,
the other the spirit of commercial adventure
However unpalatable, the realities and a love of gold, blood and pleasure.
surrounding war should be recognised. There are basically two different ways of
Rather than taking refuge in wishful presenting the wars that determined the
thinking, to avoid wars we should course of European, if not world history: an
investigate their causes, consider how they across-the-board chronological account, or a
might be prevented and prepare to defend sequential examination of the different
ourselves, in itself a powerful deterrent. The campaigns, each in its entirety. The
Essential Histories The Punic Wars

conventional method has been the former, support this approach the chronology at the
but 1 have chosen the latter because I end of this introduction presents the
consider any difficulty in interrelating milestones of the wars and details of the
events occurring at the same time in events which led to Sicily becoming the
different theatres to be far outweighed by principal battlefield of the First Punic War.
the ability to follow through the Finally, there is a glossary of names of the
development of each separate campaign. To principal characters.

814 BC The founding of Carthage by island until forced to leave through

Phoenician settlers from Tyre. lack of support.
800 BC After some unknown natural 279 BC A third treaty is drawn up between
catastrophe which decimated the Rome and Carthage. It confirms the
population, Phoenician migrants earlier treaties and adds the
return to Sicily, followed by Greeks. significant clause that they would
750 BC The traditional date for the go to one another's assistance
founding of Rome. if attacked.
509 BC Treaty of friendship signed between 275 BC The Carthaginians regain most
Rome and Carthage defining of Sicily.
trading rights. 264 BC The Romans intervene in Sicily and
415 BC Athenian expedition (during the the First Punic War begins.
Peloponnesian War) attempts to 256 BC Carthaginian naval supremacy
wrest Syracuse from the Spartans and is broken at the battle of Ecnomus,
cut their grain supplies from Sicily enabling the Romans to land in
but is totally annihilated, leaving North Africa where they are
Doric Syracuse as the dominant and heavily defeated.
most prestigious city in Sicily. 241 BC A new Carthaginian fleet is
480 BC Gelon of Syracuse defeats the destroyed, which leads to the end
Carthaginians at Himera and of the First Punic War.
effectively removes their influence 240 BC Disgruntled returning Carthaginian
from the island for 70 years. mercenaries revolt.
405 BC A resurgence of Carthaginian 241 BC The Gauls invade Italy.
influence in Sicily leads to a second 236 BC The Romans respond to a request
war with the Greek settlements, from Carthaginian mercenaries and
ending with the Carthaginians in seize Sardinia.
possession of most of the western 237 BC Hamilcar Barca begins the conquest
part of the island. of Spain and establishes a Barcid
380 BC A second treaty is signed between empire.
Rome and Carthage confirming 229 BC Hamilcar is drowned when
their respective trading rights. attempting to escape across a river.
310 BC In a third war between the He is succeeded by his son-in-law
Carthaginians and Greeks, Hasdrubal.
Agathocles of Syracuse extends his 229 BC The Romans invade Illyria.
domain in Sicily and lands in North 221 BC Hasdrubal is assassinated and
Africa, marches on Carthage but following the army's unanimous
being too weak to take the city, choice, Hannibal is confirmed by
returns to Sicily. Carthage as the new commander
290 BC Following the death of Agathocles, in Spain.
the Carthaginians attempt to reassert 220 BC Saguntum is placed under Roman
their domination but in 278 BC protection but taken by Hannibal,
Pyrrhus, King of Epirus, crosses over the last of many incidents leading
to Sicily and secures most of the inevitably to war.
10 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

218 BC Hannibal marches from Spain, 203 BC Hannibal is recalled to defend

crosses the Alps and invades Italy Carthage.
to begin the Second Punic War. 202 BC Scipio defeats Hannibal at Zama.
217 BC Hannibal defeats the Romans at 201 BC The Carthaginians accept the Roman
Lake Trasimene. Senate's peace terms confining them
216 BC Hannibal wins an annihilating to their African territories,
victory at Cannae and the Romans surrendering their fleet and paying
go on the defensive, avoiding any a large indemnity of silver.
major encounter. 200 BC Polybius, who wrote the history of
215 BC The war expands to Spain, Sardinia, the Punic Wars, is born in Arcadia, a
Sicily and lllyria. country in the centre of Peleponnesus,
211 BC After threatening Rome, Hannibal now a part of modern Greece.
is in retreat and progressively 155 BC Cato starts urging the Senate to
confined to southern Italy. renew hostilities against a rejuvenated
207 BC Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal leaves Carthage which, he claims, poses
Spain and crosses the Alps but is a mortal threat to Rome.
defeated and killed at the battle 149 BC The Carthaginians refuse a Roman
of Metaurus. ultimatum to surrender their city
206 BC Scipio secures Spain. and the Third Punic War begins.
205 BC Scipio lands in North Africa. 146 BC Carthage is captured and obliterated.
Background to war

Two great Mediterranean

With hindsight it is hard not to conclude seaboard. In a later chapter I will examine
that war between Carthage and Rome had a how the conflict arose, but first let us take a
degree of inevitability, but at the time there closer look at the two protagonists, Carthage
seemed no reason why this should be so. and Rome.
Rome had established its hegemony over the The classical sources only give us
whole of the Italian peninsula only relatively restricted information. The wars themselves
recently and the Senate showed no are well covered but otherwise we only
inclination for further expansion, while have sporadic data, such as what the
Carthage had no territorial designs beyond Greek philosopher Aristotle, writing in the
the retention of her colonies and trading 4th century BC, has to say about the
posts scattered around the Mediterranean Carthaginian constitution, or the writings of
Polybius on the Carthaginian Mercenary
Gravestone from a children's cemetery. The Carthaginians Revolt. Moreover, as Carthage was totally
practised the sacrifice of children. (Edimedia, Paris) destroyed after the Third Punic War, in
146 BC, no records have survived. All we
have are the results of archaeological
excavations in cemeteries which, though
providing much information about the minor
arts (for example, terracotta figurines, carved
ivory and jewellery, together with inscribed
stelae bearing figures), tell us nothing about
the human dramas that unfolded, or the day
to day activities and concerns of the civilian
population. It is much the same with the
Romans of this period: records deal almost
exclusively with the actual fighting, without
any mention of, for example, how the women
bore such stupendous losses amongst their
menfolk or, indeed, how they themselves
aided the war effort.

It was Phoenician settlers from Tyre, just
north of today's border between Israel and
Lebanon, who founded Carthage not far
north of modern Tunis, in about 814 BC.
According to one source, those who settled in
Tyre were given the name Phoenician,
meaning 'dark skinned' by the Greeks. Others
maintain the name derived from the purple
12 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

dye, phonix, which was obtained from

molluscs of the Murex genus and used
extensively in the dyeing of linen or woollen
goods. For their part, the Romans called them
Poeni, which led to the name Punic. But
whatever their etymological origins, the
Phoenicians were a Semitic race and a
seafaring people who, according to Herodotus,
the Greek fifth-century BC historian known as
the 'Father of History', sailed down the Gulf,
round Africa and returned to the
Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar
to establish a number of trading posts.
Amongst these, near the head of a sandstone
peninsula that provided shelter for both
warships and merchant vessels, was Carthage.
Though by far the largest city, there were
many others in North Africa, Spain, with its
rich gold, silver and copper mines, Sardinia,
Cyprus, Malta and - most importantly - Sicily,
where Carthaginian expansion was eventually
checked by Greek settlements in the east of
the island.

What is known about the Carthaginian
character comes from Roman sources and so
may not be altogether impartial. Polybius
refers to the more virtuous Roman attitude
towards money matters, whereby wealth An example of a murex shell, from which purple dye can
obtained by unlawful transactions was be obtained. (Ann Ronan Picture Library)
widely disapproved of and bribery was
punished by death. The Carthaginians, on bad. They were traders who lived by profit in
the other hand, obtained office by open a time when their political institutions were
bribery and nothing which resulted in profit in decline and their religious practices a
was thought disgraceful. Cicero, the first- cause for disgust, but their personal and
century AD Roman consul, orator and writer, collective conduct might have appeared
identified the Carthaginians' most corrupt to the Romans, who were at an
distinguishing characteristics as being craft, earlier, more austere and virtuous stage of
skill, industry and cunning, all of which in their evolutionary development.
moderation can reasonably be associated
with people who made their living through Religion
trade. Others allege, however, that the References to the Phoenician religion and
Carthaginians combined these characteristics that of Carthage in particular are
to an inordinate degree. 'Punic honour' and fragmentary and at times contradictory.
a 'Carthaginian mind' were derogatory terms What we do know is that the Carthaginian
in Roman times. In spite of these religion was polytheistic, characterised by
unflattering labels, it seems reasonable to
the worship of a number of deities who
conclude that the Carthaginians were, like
controlled the totality of man's needs and
all mortals, neither wholly good nor wholly
the needs of society. In this respect it is not
Background to war 13

dissimilar to several other civilisations, with palms of its hands bending in such a manner
a pantheon of superhuman beings who had towards the earth, so that the boy to be
to be propitiated and placated in accordance sacrificed who was laid upon them would roll
with established rites. What was different, off and fall into a deep fiery furnace.'
however, was the way in which the political Though prisoners were also sacrificed, it
independence of the city states enabled them seems unlikely that Carthaginian religious
to develop a diversity of religious practices would have determined their
interpretations. Each city organised its own conduct on the battlefield. Hannibal and
form of worship, creating individual others sacrificed animals to the gods before
traditions, assigning prominence to a range undertaking some hazardous enterprise, but
of elected deities of their own choosing and that seems to have been about all.
attracting their own somewhat surprising
customs. For example, Astarte, the Constitution
Phoenician female warrior deity, was also Although the other Phoenician cities each
connected with Aphrodite, or Venus, and her had their government, they were dependent
worship involved temple prostitution, a on Carthage for defence as they had no
sexual ritual that slaves and other women military forces of their own. There was then
fulfilled on payment, catering particularly for no solid political unity or cohesion between
foreign visitors. them. It was the rather loose constitution as
During the fifth century BC Carthage it affected the city states that certainly
began to adopt an increasingly independent contributed to Carthage's downfall. As for
theology and liturgy. When relations with the subject territories in Africa and Sardinia,
Tyre were broken off, the worship of they were made to pay tribute, and their
Melquarth, Lord of the City, was replaced by discontent was reflected in the part they
that of Baal Hammon, and Astarte was subsequently played in revolts. Carthage had
renamed Tanit. These changes gave a sinister merely created a feudal empire with no sense
turn to Carthaginian religion since Baal of corporate loyalty, whereas Rome, as we
Hannon had to be placated by human will see, had forged a confederation of states
sacrifice. It was not, however, only the which, for the most part, held together even
Carthaginians who followed such a practice, when gravely threatened
as is borne out by the biblical prophet Despite this lack of cohesion, Cicero had
Jeremiah, who relates how the children of this to say: 'Carthage could not have
Judah did evil in that they built topeths 'to maintained her pre-eminent position for six
burn their sons and daughters in the fire', a hundred years had she not been governed
custom which was continued among the with wisdom and statesmanship.' A rare
Canaanites and later by the Israelites. tribute from a Roman at a time when the
There is considerable controversy as to the bitter legacies of the long struggle of the
extent of human sacrifice. Some scholars Punic Wars must still have been very much
maintain that it was fairly common, while to the forefront of his compatriots' minds.
others, especially archaeologists, now consider Though we know little about the
it to have been reserved for times of extreme circumstances in Carthage itself that
danger, and suggest that the cremated remains produced such estimable results, they can to
of children found near all the Carthaginian a large extent be attributed to the political
settlements were usually of those who had stability provided by the aristocracy. The
died from sickness or other natural causes and patriciate of Carthage was never as
had been 'offered' to the gods. Against this hereditary as that of early Rome, and the
moderating interpretation must be set the interminable constitutional struggles which
barbarous description given by Diodorus racked the Roman political and social scene
Siculus, a first-century BC Greek historian: were relatively unknown in Carthage.
'There was a brazen statue putting forth the Elevation to the aristocracy was by wealth,
14 Essential Histories The Punic Wars
Background to war 15

which ensured a steady flow of new, him the support of the Greek cities he had
enterprising families who invigorated public come to assist and he was forced to
life. This was offset, however, by widespread withdraw. As he set sail he looked back and
corruption: not only could the highest prophetically observed: 'What a field we are
offices be purchased, but a return on this leaving to the Carthaginians and the
investment was demanded. As in any state, Romans to exercise their arms.' His
corrupt political leadership permeates all importance for us in trying to understand
levels of society. the relationship between Carthage and Rome
is that he seemingly brought them closer
together while they faced him as a common
Rome enemy. That said, however, Pyrrhus'
adventurous excursion could have extended
Founding Roman ambitions beyond the confines of the
The development of Rome into a dominating Italian peninsula, and though there is
power throughout the Italian peninsula nothing to suggest that this led directly to
happened over three broad periods. The first the Romans seeking further territorial gains,
lasted from the traditional date of the city's it must have encouraged the patriarchal
founding in about 750 BC until its absorption Claudii family, who favoured a southerly
by the Etruscans about 100 years later; the expansion, to oppose the powerful Fabii,
second period of Etruscan colonisation lasted whose interests lay to the north, where some
some 250 years until around 400 BC; then, 300 of the family had been killed defending
after its brief occupation by the Gauls in the frontiers.
386 BC, Rome's own expansion gradually
began, so forming the third and final period of Antique sculpture of Pyrrhus. (Museo della Civilta.
its growth. This was completed in 270 BC with Rome/Edimedia, Paris)

the surrender of Rhegium (Reggio).

Though the earlier periods are of historic
interest and relevant to our wider
understanding of the Roman political,
religious, cultural and economic customs and
attitudes, we are only concerned with the
final period of expansion and the subsequent
development of Rome into a confederation.
As Rome had extended her hegemony, she
had come into conflict with Greek cities
scattered around the peninsula's southern
coastlines. One of these cities, Tarentum
(Taranto), had appealed to Pyrrhus, King of
Epirus (Map 8) for help. Crossing the
Adriatic in 280 BC Pyrrhus defeated the
Romans in a hard-fought contest, prompting
him to exclaim: 'Another such victory and
we are undone', giving rise to the immortal
expression, a 'Pyrrhic victory'.
Responding to an appeal from the Greek
city of Syracuse, still Pyrrhus crossed over to
Sicily in 278 BC and was soon in possession
of most of the island, driving the
Carthaginians into its western extremity. His
high-handedness, however, eventually lost
16 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

People Religion
The Romans who participated in the As the Romans extended their conquests, so
conquest of the Greek cities witnessed they absorbed the religion and culture of the
unimagined wealth and luxury, but they races they had subjected, and in the process,
were nevertheless still predominantly a modified their own earlier animistic worship.
rural society. Their intellectual horizons It was the influence of the Greek cities in
had not been widened by close contact southern Italy and later in Sicily which made
with others who possessed more the greatest impact. By the 3rd century BC the
questioning minds and more sophisticated Greek gods and goddesses had been
standards, and the loosening of their strict, assimilated by the Romans. Greek names were
simplistic code of behaviour had hardly Romanised: Demeter became Ceres; Poseidon
begun. The Roman paterfamilias ruled his and Ares became Neptune and Mars; Zeus and
family as an autocrat, instilling obedience, Hera became Jupiter and Juno; and Aphrodite
loyalty and integrity with a severity and Hestia became Venus and Vesta, though
approaching the institutionalised training this renaming did not change their fickle
of the Spartan youth. natures and wanton ways.
The result of this upbringing, upheld There was no established church as we
and fortified by the rigorous demands of know it, with a hierarchy, creed and moral
public opinion, was that the Romans code. Nor was there a single all-powerful
displayed high standards and set themselves god, but rather a multiplicity of deities
an ideal of virtue based on willpower, interfering with and squabbling over their
self-restraint, a seriousness devoid of different interests and mortal proteges. To
frivolity, perseverance and a binding the majority of Romans the mythology that
sense of duty to the family, social group or we regard as little more than a collection of
military unit, all established in the hierarchy fables was, in varying degrees, a portrayal of
of state authority. The importance of the immortals to whom established rights were
individual was subordinated to his corporate due and who had to be propitiated. The
responsibilities, and a willingness to sacrifice fulfilment of these obligations would ensure
his own interests or even his life for the good the safe return of mariners by Neptune or
of his group was accepted as the normal victory in battle by Mars, while Ceres would
standard of personal conduct. provide an abundant harvest and Jupiter,
This gave rise to a pragmatic, dour and rain. Neglect, on the other hand, would lead
persistent breed of men, supported by to abandonment, if not the purposeful
obedient and respectful wives who occupied infliction of disaster. Nevertheless, there were
themselves with the running of their a few hardy souls like the consul Publius
households and the rearing of children. Few Claudius Pulcher who, before the battle of
would have held doubts about the rectitude Drepana off Sicily, lost patience when the
of the state's policies and most were deeply sacred chickens would not eat and so
conservative, probably not very imaginative, provide a favourable omen. He flung the
and profoundly superstitious. They were birds overboard with the short-tempered
certainly parochial in outlook but bound advice: 'If you won't eat, then try drinking
together by a powerful moral code of instead.' Whether his subsequent disastrous
reciprocal loyalty. They were hard-working, defeat can be ascribed to his irreverence is a
brave through training, and hardened matter for conjecture, though the gods
mentally and physically by the vicissitudes cannot have been too enraged since he
of nature and a life of laborious toil. They managed to escape with his life.
made hardy, courageous and disciplined As there was no church, responsibility for
soldiers, whose strength was tempered only official religious ceremonies was a function of
by superstition and the usual measure of the state, the chief officials being the College
human failings. of Pontiffs, headed by the Pontifex Maximus
Background to war 17

After the kings had been displaced by consuls,
and following a period of strife between the
Plebeians (the common people) and the
Patricians (the hereditary aristocracy), a more
stable and durable constitution evolved.
According to Polybius this consisted of three
elements: consuls, senators and the people.
Each element possessed sovereign powers
which were regulated with such scrupulous
regard for equality and equilibrium that no
one could say for certain whether the
constitution was democratic, despotic or
aristocratic: the consuls could be regarded as
despots, the senators as aristocratic and the
people as democratic.
The consuls had complete control of the
administration, raising levies on Rome's allies,
appointing the military tribunes and spending
public money as they chose. They also
commanded the legions when the army took to
the field. They were, however, only elected for a
Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture and year, and had to account for their stewardship
corn (Greek Demeter), mother of Persephone. on leaving office. Moreover, being a pair, they
(Ann Ronan Picture Library) were subject to one another's vetoes. The
Senate, which numbered about 300, came to be
(Chief Priest), who were the judges and largely hereditary and aristocratic. It had the
arbiters of divine and human affairs and the right to exercise authority in many public areas
interpreters of portents, augurs and omens. without consulting the people, so was also to
Their role was of great significance since the some extent despotic. The hereditary nature of
gods could only make their wishes known the Senate inevitably led to the perpetuation of
through coded messages. Divination, however, factional party interests, represented by three
was not confined to these officials; so long as family clans who exerted a powerful, and at
he could afford to do so, no citizen entered times contradictory, influence on Rome's policy.
into an undertaking of any importance The Fabii saw Roman and their own interests
without offering a sacrifice and reading for being best served by a northern expansion,
himself the signs in the victim's entrails. coupled with a policy of moderation and
Beliefs varied considerably, and religion co-operation with Carthage. The Claudii
and its role in determining the course of believed that the future of Rome lay to the
men's lives was as varied as it is now. Even south and increasingly came to regard Carthage
so, after allowing for this individuality, there as a rival to be eliminated. Finally, the Aemilii
can be little doubt that religion influenced favoured overseas expansion rather more
military decisions. Major ventures were indiscriminately, but later inclined towards
frequently not undertaken through lack of the western Mediterranean. The power that
favourable portents, causing delay and remained with the people seems small, but in
hesitancy. Among soldiers too, individual fact related to a number of important functions.
interpretations inevitably had some bearing Apart from various assemblies, they also had
on the way they faced an impending battle. sole authority for deciding honours, ratifying or
A favourable omen could raise morale but an refusing peace treaties, passing sentences of
unfavourable one could cause anxiety. death and imposing major fines. The powers to
18 Essential Histories The Punic Wars
Background to war 19

Neptune, god of the oceans. From an ancient bust. parties and they paid no tribute.
(Ann Ronan Picture Library) Though Roman garrisons were established
at strategic points, after the 4th century BC
honour and punish were placed in the hands the land belonging to the allied states was
of the people; in Polybius' view it is these two seldom encroached upon. They were, however,
things and these alone that hold human expected to provide troops organised on
society together. Roman lines and grouped alongside a Roman
As Rome extended her hegemony, states legion to form a consular army. The allies did
defeated in battle were allied to Rome by not have to pay for their soldiers' food and
treaty and incorporated into the Roman weapons, and when called upon to provide
Confederacy. Those with the strongest ties troops in excess of their treaty obligations,
were the Latin cities, amongst which Rome they received special payments from Rome. In
had originally been counted when the Latins this way Rome was able to field a substantially
had settled around the lower reaches of the greater number of men than her limited
River Tiber and named the region Latium. manpower would have allowed.
Except for foreign policy, allied states were
permitted a considerable measure of local The goddess Venus, portrayed on a Roman mosaic from
government, were free to retain their political Low Ham, Somerset. (Edimedia, Paris)
Warring sides

Carthaginian and Roman forces

on land and sea
The Carthaginian army up to some 600 feet. Their delivery of stones
or lead, which could penetrate a helmet or
Carthage was primarily a trading nation light protective armour, matched the rate of
seeking to extend its commercial fire and accuracy of contemporary archers.
connections, its sphere of influence and its They were savage fighters who were often
empire. A maritime nation supported by paid in women rather than gold or silver.
military force, Carthage was able to maintain Though infantry soldiers were recruited
her role and trading monopolies for three from Spanish hill tribes, they were in
centuries, mainly through a superior navy perpetual conflict with one another, a
which was not averse to sinking rival trade national disharmony which had simplified
vessels. Such incidents were not regarded as the Carthaginian conquest of Spain. They
acts of war, especially since many such losses were experts at guerrilla warfare but of
were probably attributed to natural disasters, temperamental disposition and doubtful
given the absence of any survivors to testify- loyalty, not best suited to set-piece battles.
to the contrary. Their basic weapon was a short sword suitable
The Carthaginian army consisted mainly for cutting and thrusting. Also recruited from
of mercenaries recruited from the various Spain were lightly armed cavalry whose horses
subject territories who, except in Spain, could carry a second rider, ready to dismount
seldom served in their own countries, and and fight as an infantryman.
remained isolated from one another through The largest mercenary contingent,
differences of language and religion. They however, were the Libyans of Tunisia.
were then largely dependent upon the Hardened by the harsh conditions of their
Carthaginian fleet for supplies, and own country, they were versatile fighters who
discipline was enforced via a strict code served both as light infantry skirmishers and
which included capital punishment. Each in the heavily concentrated infantry of the
territory provided special military skills: line. There were Gauls too but relatively few
Numidia supplied a nimble, courageous and until Hannibal's invasion of Italy encouraged
indefatigable cavalry armed with spears and them to join in substantial numbers to fight
javelins. These lightly clad horsemen, who their traditional enemies, the Romans. They
rode without saddle or bridle, had superb fought without armour and showed great
fighting skills, both in the hills or on the dash in the attack, but they were unreliable,
plains, manoeuvring like flocks of starlings especially when hard-pressed.
that wheel and change direction as though Then there were the elephants. Initially
by instinct. Threatening and enticing, the Carthaginians only used the African
surprising with sudden and unexpected elephant found in the forests around
moves, there was no cavalry on the Carthage, at the foot of the Atlas mountains
battlefield to match them. and along the coast of Morocco, but later it
From the Balearic Islands came the seems probable that Hannibal obtained some
formidable slingers, organised into corps of of the larger Indian elephants from Egypt.
2,000 men who were armed with two types Until tactics had been developed to counter
of slings, one for long-range engagements them on the battlefield, elephants struck
against a densely packed enemy and the terror into men and horses alike and their
other for close-quarter, individual targets small numbers were disproportionately
Warring sides 21

cowardice, as well as bloody mutiny, such

incidents were not exclusive to mercenaries.
On balance, except for the long time it took
to recruit, train and deploy a large mercenary
army in an emergency, the defects and
inadequacies of the system look exaggerated.
The old British Indian Army, with its Sikhs,
Gurkhas, Rajputs and Bengalis - to name but
a few - incorporating both Hindus and
Moslems, was a mercenary army cemented
together by its British officers. Whatever the
composition of Hannibal's army and however
few Carthaginian officers he may have had in
relation to his men, these were not factors of
great significance; what counted was the
A Numidian cavalryman as shown in an eighteenth- magnetism of his leadership.
century representation. (AKG, Berlin)

effective. When frightened, however, they The Carthaginian navy

sometimes wreaked devastation in their own
ranks by turning and fleeing. The navy played a vital part in the
There were also native Carthaginians in Carthaginian war machine and, unlike the
the army, but their number was never very army, it was manned entirely by-
great and they were mainly confined to a Carthaginians. There were three basic types
few hundred heavy infantry called the Sacred of ships: large cargo vessels which were easily
Band. From this force the long-term converted to troop transports; warships; and
professional leadership was selected, thus small, general-purpose vessels. The cargo
ensuring that the generals who commanded vessels, or transports, had rounded hulls to
the mercenary army came from amongst provide capacious holds and were about four
their own citizens, though the Numidian times as long as their width. The warships,
cavalry did produce their own commanders. needing speed rather than capacity, were
Carthage's reliance on a mercenary army was long and narrow in order to accommodate
probably caused by the shortage of the greatest possible number of oarsmen.
manpower: there may have been just too few Unlike the earlier Phoenician and Greek
men to do any more than crew their triremes which had three levels of oars, each
extensive fleet of warships and numerous with a single rower, from the 4th century the
trading vessels without endangering their Carthaginian trireme, and then the
commercial activities. quinquereme - the classic warship of the
Historians differ in their views as to the Punic Wars - had four and five rowers
effectiveness of the Carthaginian army. Some respectively, sitting on the same bench and
claim that the mercenaries were not united plying the same oar. Thus the sides of the
by any common or reciprocal interest and ships were lower than the Greek triremes,
had no long-term concern for the well-being which enhanced stability.
of those they served, who were, in turn, Both the trireme and the quinquereme
largely indifferent to the mercenaries anyway. were about 40 metres long and 6 metres wide,
Serving only for money, plunder and rape, with a draught of no more than 2 metres.
they could not be relied upon to face With 30 oars on each side, they had crews of
extremes of danger with zeal, or disaster with around 240 and 300 respectively, together
resolution. Others point out that though with some 30 to 40 sailors who handled the
there were incidents of desertion and sails and worked on deck. The ships had two
22 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

Representing the battle of Lake Trasimene in 217 BC, this painting shows the use of
war elephants. Atributed to Leonard Thiry. (Edimedia, Paris)
Warring sides 23
24 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The Carthaginian quinquereme was the work horse of There were two basic battle tactics. In both
the Punic Wars. No images are extant, but the picture instances the fleet was initially deployed in
shows a diagram of the Roman quinquereme, based on
line ahead, but the subsequent action
the relief from the Isola Tiberina monument. (JF Coates)
depended on the enemy's dispositions. If there
was sufficient space, the Carthaginian ships
sets of sails: the central main mast provided would move alongside the enemy and by
propulsion and the smaller mast, mounted suddenly turning, ram them amidships. If there
on the prow, allowed the ship to be was not enough room for this manoeuvre then
manoeuvred in cross winds. Only sails were the Carthaginian vessels would break
used on the approach to a battle area, but through gaps in the enemy line and turn
once the enemy was sighted, the masts were about sharply to take them in the rear. The
lowered and the rowers took over. The basic Carthaginians, then, had a potent navy
tactical unit consisted of 12 ships, which which assured them of sea supremacy at the
could be grouped together to form a fleet of outbreak of hostilities. With the versatile use
varying size - 120 ships, or 10 tactical units, of cargo ships as troop transports, they
was the normal number. possessed a strategic mobility that offered a
The general-purpose vessels were smaller, unique advantage over any opponent, so
swift and easily manoeuvrable, and were long as they had commanders capable of
mainly employed on reconnaissance and exploiting this superiority.
communication tasks. Two such vessels have
been found off the western coast of Sicily and
show how the Phoenicians constructed their The Roman army
ships. The wooden components were
prefabricated and assembled later. This Under normal conditions all males between
discovery helps explain how the Romans were the ages of 18 and 46 who satisfied the
able to dismantle and copy a Carthaginian ship property criteria were eligible for military
once they had captured one. Battles usually service and were recruited into the cavalry or
took place near the shore, where the ships the infantry. The infantry, who were by far
could be handled in relatively calm water. the most important arm and formed the
Warring sides 25

main element of the principal fighting 10 men deep, so disposed that they faced the
formation - the legion - were expected to gaps between the files of the hastati to form
serve for 20 years. Selection for the cavalry a chequerboard pattern. In this way a solid
was even more heavily dependent upon front could quickly be established by either
wealth, but carried a commitment of just two the hastati withdrawing or the principes
years. Military service was regarded as a mark advancing. When adopting this more
of honour without which public recognition compact order, a legionary standing to arms
and advancement were virtually impossible, occupied three feet and, unlike the Greek
especially since it was only after 10 years' phalanx, three further feet separated him
duty that a man could hold public office. from the men on either side, thus enabling
A legion consisted of some 4,000 infantry, him to use his sword freely and change the
except in times of special danger when the position of his shield. The third maniple of
number was increased to 5,000. These were 60 older men, usually veterans, were called
organised into 10 cohorts, and 300 cavalry the triari. They were also deployed to cover
who were formed into 10 squadrons. The the gap of those in front of them, but were
legion had been developed from the Greek in six files, each 10 men deep. In addition,
phalanx into a more flexible formation, each cohort had a squadron of cavalry and
better able to manoeuvre over broken 120 light infantry for use as skirmishers,
ground and face the highly mobile Gauls. flank protection or to form a rearguard.
Each cohort was organised into three The hastati in the leading maniple were
maniples comprising soldiers of different each equipped with a short cutting and
ages. Forming the first rank were the hastati, thrusting sword, together with two javelins
120 young men in 12 well spaced files, each to be thrown on approaching the enemy.
10 men deep; behind the hastati, at a The shields they carried were some four feet
distance equivalent to the frontage of the long and two and a half feet wide, bound
maniple, came the princeps of 120 slightly
older men, again organised into 12 files Trireme. (Roger-Viollet)
26 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

who had been posted to the army to serve for

a few years before returning to civilian life. A
legion, which in modern terms could be
compared with a division, was commanded
by a legate, another temporary civilian
appointment, but one of senatorial rank. An
army was formed by combining two legions
and was commanded by a consul appointed
by the Senate. One of the legions was
invariably Roman, but as mentioned above,
the other was generally recruited from one of
the allied cities.
The slow progress that had been made
towards improving tactical flexibility was
discarded at the battle of Cannae with
disastrous consequences. The Romans reverted
to massing as a phalanx, in the belief that they
would then burst through the thinly drawn
Carthaginian centre. Though there were
deserters - 900 in Carthage when the city fell -
who preferred to fight to the death rather than
be taken alive and crucified, we do not know
whether they were Roman or mainly from
amongst the allies. The legionaries, both
A Balearic slinger (Osprey Publishing) Roman and allied, were motivated through a
combination of harsh discipline and public
with iron at the upper edge to withstand a esteem. The certain and severe punishment
sword blow and at the bottom to enable they faced for cowardice was more feared than
them to be rested on the ground without the prospect of death on the battlefield.
damage. The legionaries wore body armour Bravery and victory, on the other hand,
and helmets, but though the principes and brought rewards: a triumph for the consul,
triari were similarly protected, they carried a spoil and esteem for those who had shared in
spear instead of two javelins. The light his achievements. The Romans do not appear
infantry were armed with a spear for to have been any braver than their opponents;
thrusting or throwing, a sword, and a round if they showed greater perseverance over a
shield three feet in diameter. The cavalry, longer period, it was because of their training
who were not considered much more than and their social conditioning.
an adjunct to the infantry, were poorly
armed and wore no body armour.
Command was exercised at four different The Roman navy
levels: centurions, tribunes, legates and
consuls. The centurions were long-service The history of the Roman navy is strange
professional officers equating to company indeed. Following the third treaty between
commanders. Two of them were selected by Rome and Carthage, drawn up in 279 BC at
merit to command each maniple, the one on the time of Pyrrhus' campaign in Italy,
the right being the senior. The cohorts were Carthaginian naval supremacy had been
commanded by tribunes who had either been recognised: they would aid the Romans by
promoted from amongst the centurions, in sea should the need arise. The Roman
which case they would have been battle- conquest of southern Italy had been
hardened professionals, or were magistrates achieved with just an army and no attempt
Warring sides 27

had been made to reduce the coastal cities gunpowder, the tank, radar, submarines, air
using a combined land and sea assault, or power and electronic warfare.
even a blockade. Eventually, however, the
Romans recognised their maritime deficiency
and with their usual thoroughness set about
putting things right. A Carthaginian
quinquereme which had run aground during
a naval brush was dismantled and used as a
model for the construction of a whole
Roman fleet.
The recorded facts relate how 100
quinqueremes and 20 triremes were ordered
to be ready in two months. While the
workmen were busy building and fitting out
the ships, the recruiting and training of the
sailors proceeded apace. Skeleton ship
frames were constructed along the shore
and the rowers drilled under the command
of their officers. It was a stupendous
undertaking involving some 35,000 men,
suggesting a considerable amount of
pre-planning, with the crews being
recruited, the timber felled and shaped, the
skeleton frames constructed and the ships
themselves all completed before the two
months training, including a period at sea,
actually began. Even so, it is small wonder
that in the first encounters with the
Carthaginians the Romans proved to be
hopelessly inadequate.
To compensate for their lack of nautical
expertise, however, the Romans introduced a
technical innovation that exploited their
legionaries' aptitude for close-quarter
fighting. A 12-foot pillar of wood with a
pulley on the top was fitted to the prow of
every vessel. To this pillar a boarding bridge
was attached which could be hoisted up and
swung around in the required direction. At
the end of the bridge there was a large
pointed spike called a COITUS which, when
released, drove itself into the deck of the
opposing vessel, locking the two ships
together. Then the legionaries could storm
aboard and slaughter the near-defenceless
crews. As an example of a technical
innovation which led to a precipitous
reversal of battlefield superiority that had
endured for centuries, the corvus outclassed
all subsequent developments such as A Roman sword (gladius). (Edimedia, Paris)
28 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

Bronze relief of Roman legionaries (Edimedia, Paris)

Warring sides 29

Collapse of the Third Treaty

of Friendship
The causes of war are seldom explicit or enter a new and potentially hazardous
simple, nor do they lend themselves to undertaking or whether they felt their
broad generalisations, such as commercial overall interests were best secured by not
rivalry, social unrest, or religious fanaticism. antagonising this emerging power, is not
To isolate one single factor, however known. But the result remains the same: the
prominent, risks over-simplification; Carthaginians did not provoke the Romans
equally, to follow too many threads can any more than the land-bound Romans
result in confusion. Furthermore, to rely directly challenged Carthaginian interests.
on subsequent statements by those directly Both powers then appeared to be respecting
involved is notoriously dangerous: the Third Treaty of Friendship, drawn up in
memories of complex events become 279 BC, which amongst other things had
clouded and perhaps even adjusted, committed them to go to one another's
if only subconsciously, with hindsight. assistance if attacked. We have seen how,
When considering what occurred only a year or two after the treaty, Rome
over 2,000 years ago, it must be recognised and Carthage were drawn closer together
that much of the available evidence is when Pyrrhus first crossed the Adriatic to
fragmentary and, even at the time, the help the Greek cities opposing Roman
opinions expressed are largely hearsay. domination, then sailed the straits of
Even so, although there may never be any Messina to assist the Greek cities in
way of determining exactly why Carthage Sicily against the Carthaginians. Yet some
and Rome went to war, there are two 10 years later Carthage and Rome were
clearly identifiable factors which make at war: what went wrong?
such a war more probable. First, the A modern strategist might point out that
Romans saw an opportunity to advantage the possession of Sicily would have brought
themselves; secondly they saw that the untold advantages: strategically placed
Carthaginians were unprepared militarily, between Italy and Africa, it provided an
and succumbed to this temptation. Nothing important springboard for military
has changed in human nature during the operations in either direction, while
last 20 centuries. Whether as individuals or dominating east-west trade routes across
collectively, most of the human race the Mediterranean at its narrowest point.
displays an unfortunate proclivity for For the Romans it also offered a forward
opportunism, unless deterred by the threat operating base from which sea
of sufficiently painful consequences. communications between Carthage,
Bearing in mind the limitations of this Sardinia and Spain could be interdicted.
examination, let us then take a look at Yet clearly such an analysis played no part
what occurred. in Roman thinking, since Rome lacked a
While the Romans had remorselessly fleet for its implementation. That the
extended their conquests down the length Carthaginians could have pursued such
of the Italian peninsula, the Carthaginians reasoning is more plausible, but they had
had maintained their policy of shown no wish to renew their earlier
non-intervention. Whether this was endeavours to conquer Sicily so their goal
primarily because they were already seems to have been limited to achieving
occupied in Sicily and had no wish to a monopoly of trade throughout the island.
Outbreak 31

Bronze coin of the Mamertini. (The British Museum)

There are two other considerations which been in response to the loss of their trading
support this contention. Spain was by far possessions, not in direct search of further
the most important source of wealth for the conquests. As there was no such
Carthaginians, and their attention must expeditionary force in Sicily during the
have been drawn westwards rather than period we are considering, it can be
towards an area in which they had had so concluded that the Carthaginian state of
much difficulty in establishing a presence. readiness was far too low to undertake a
Secondly, whenever the Carthaginians had major campaign. We must, then, look for
mounted an expedition to Sicily, it had less dynamic reasons for war.
32 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The straits of Messina. (Roger-Viollet)

Outbreak 33

34 Essential Histories * The Punic Wars

First hostilities alliance with the Romans looked a better

bet: they were after all fellow countrymen
The actual catalyst for conflict was a request with a shared heritage; furthermore, the
by some unscrupulous adventurers called Romans allowed a considerable degree of
the Mamertines, from Campania on the independence to the cities and tribes they
western seaboard of the Italian peninsula. had assimilated into their Confederation.
The Mamertines had fought in Sicily as Envoys were despatched to Rome, seeking
mercenaries for Agathocles of Syracuse an alliance and Roman protection.
against the Carthaginians. After Agathocles' This request put the Romans on the
death in 289 BC the inhabitants of horns of a dilemma. Agreeing to it would
Messana welcomed the Mamertines into clearly risk war with Carthage; not doing
their city and the Mamertines promptly so would mean letting an opportunity to
set about massacring the leading citizens, secure a foothold in Sicily slip away. The
appropriating their wives and property, and move was strongly advocated by those like
creating a vassal empire around the city the Claudii who believed that the future of
which extended over the north-east corner Rome lay in the south.
of the island. This brought them into The Senate was probably divided, on
conflict with Hiero of Syracuse, who was account of its changing social composition.
building an empire to succeed that of The old families who had once dominated
Agathocles. Adopting a high moral tone, the Senate by aristocratic right were seeing
Hiero condemned the Mamertines for the their position eroded by the promotion of a
treacherous manner by which they had new class of men who had either won
obtained Messana 15 years earlier and, distinction on the battlefield or recognition
marching north with his army, he brought in the democratic assembly of the people.
them to battle on the Longanus river, where Another war would threaten the Senate
he defeated them decisively. with a renewed influx of candidates borne
Before Hiero could reap the full rewards on a wave of public fervour. Additionally,
of this victory, however, the Carthaginians the popular assembly had acquired
moved swiftly to assist the Mamertines by increasing influence and power because
placing a garrison in Messana. This prompt of its ultimate right to declare war and
action did not arise from any concern for approve terms of peace, while the Senate
the Mamertines but rather from a was still left responsible for the direction
determination that the Syracusans, against of the war and the consequences of failure.
whom the Carthaginians had waged war for The people had thus acquired power
so many years, should not obtain possession without responsibility; the Senate was
of the harbour of Messana and so be in a attempting to combine in a single assembly
position to dominate the narrow straits two diverse factions, one based on the
between Sicily and Italy. inherited privilege of aristocratic birth and
the other on plebeian approval.
Although they had been saved from Hiero,
who quickly realised that he was no match for Apart from these conflicting interests, in
the Carthaginians and withdrew to Syracuse, which the views of the Claudii prevailed,
the Mamertines had no wish to be subjected there were obvious attractions in responding
to a regime that put the orderly conduct of positively to the Mamertines' appeal. As
trade before their own self-interested piracy. long as the Carthaginians held Messana they
Furthermore, since the Carthaginians had not were in a position to dominate the Straits
displayed great consistency of purpose or with their all-powerful fleet and, more
undisputed skill in their military campaigns, menacingly, they might be tempted to
the wheel of fortune might take a less extend their conquests on to the mainland
favourable turn and leave the city once again of Italy. Thus the occupation of Messana by
exposed to the ambitions of Hiero. An a Roman garrison would not only provide a
Outbreak 35

foothold for further expansion, but also when they did eventually land, which resulted
ensure that the key cities either side of the in his crucifixion, hardly suggests that he or
Straits were in Roman hands. No doubt his troops were preparing for a Carthaginian
there were some who also saw an invasion of Italy. Even the Carthaginian fleet
opportunity to secure the whole of Sicily as was absent from the harbour of Messana and
a Roman province, but the inherent dangers had done nothing to contravene the Third
of such a position probably deterred all but Treaty of Friendship, let alone attempt to
the most ardent. dominate the Straits. Surprisingly, however,
There must have been much debate although lacking both provocation and a fleet
about the recently reaffirmed treaty with to transport and sustain their army, the Senate
Carthage which declared friendship and a could not persuade its contesting factions to
readiness for military co-operation; any determine a rational policy, and instead
unprovoked breach of this treaty would be delegated the responsibility for reaching a
seen as an act of flagrant aggression. The decision to the popular assembly.
argument that the despatch of Roman troops Though constitutionally correct, this was a
would only be in response to an appeal for high-risk enterprise relying as it did on a
protection against Syracuse and not directed popular vote that was probably even more
against Carthage was sheer sophistry: a heavily influenced by powerful voices with
Carthaginian garrison was already installed vested interests than would have been the
and would have to be evicted. For Rome to Senate itself. This does not mean that Rome
be perceived as an aggressor would not only and Carthage would not have eventually
be a contradiction of the virtuous standards fought for supremacy in the Mediterranean -
so purposefully inculcated into her people, given Rome's imperialistic ambitions and
but would also endanger her dealings with Carthaginian preoccupation with their
the other states which were, at least in commercial empire this was almost inevitable
public relations terms, based on equally - but in 264 BC there was no obvious reason
noble ideals. for these two powers to become embroiled in
There was a further moral problem facing a major war. The fact that they did so, and
those in the Senate who pressed for the over such a minor and unworthy cause, was
occupation of Messana. A few years earlier unequivocally the fault of the Romans.
the Roman garrison in Rhegium had seized When commenting on the Punic Wars,
control of the city and established a reference to the three levels of war -
tyrannical government similar to the one strategic, operational and tactical - helps
which the Mamertines, probably in imitation, explain the course of the fighting. This is
now practised. When Rhegium was not to suggest that either Carthage or Rome
eventually recaptured the mutinous survivors possessed such a military vocabulary or
were assembled in the Forum in Rome, indeed recognised the conceptual differences
flogged and then beheaded. What then was between these three levels.
the moral justification in responding to a Strategic level: the definition of strategic
call for assistance from criminals in Messana objectives to be achieved in fulfilment of
who had been fortunate in preserving their government policy.
skins, if not their possessions, under Operational level: the planning and
Carthaginian protection? The answer was execution of military operations to achieve
self-evidently none. stated strategic objectives.
At the time of the Mamertine request, there Tactical level: the planning and conduct
was nothing to suggest that the Romans had of battles in pursuit of the operational aim.
anything to fear from the Carthaginians in the To put it simply, having decided what
foreseeable future. In Messana itself there was you want to do, you plan how this is to be
only a small garrison, and the hesitancy of its achieved and co-ordinate the actual battles
commander, Hanno, in resisting the Romans to be fought in its fulfilment.
The fighting

The three Punic Wars

The First Punic War the model for the construction of a Roman
264-241 BC fleet, charged so furiously that it ran
aground. Once ashore, Claudius found
For the sake of clarity, the First Punic War himself confronted by the Carthaginians
will be considered in four phases, though the under Hanno and the Syracusans under
fighting in Sicily did not end in 261 BC and Hiero. These two former opponents failed to
then begin again three years later. Something co-ordinate, let alone concentrate, their
of a stalemate had been reached, so the respective forces, so were defeated separately,
Romans shifted the war's centre of gravity to though not decisively. Both were able to
North Africa, leaving Sicily very much a withdraw, Hanno into some neighbouring
backwater. Similarly, the war at sea did not Carthaginian cities and Hiero into Syracuse,
end in 256 BC, but thereafter it formed such which became the Romans' next objective.
an integrated part of the land campaign that With two new consuls and reinforced by
they are best considered together. The four a further two legions, the Romans'
phases are: determination and overwhelming force
The opening round in Sicily 264-261 BC quickly persuaded 67 Syracusan and Punic
The maritime dimension 260-256 BC cities to reach an accommodation with
The African campaign 256-255 BC Rome; shortly afterwards Hiero too entered
The return to Sicily 254-241 BC into an alliance.
Meanwhile the Carthaginians had been
The opening round in Sicily raising a mercenary army, mainly from Spain,
264-261 BC and when their training had been completed
After the decision had been taken to aid the they were transported to the fortified city of
Mamertines, the problem facing Appius Agrigentum on Sicily's south coast. Here the
Claudius, the commander of the expedition, Carthaginians were besieged but managed to
was that his two legions were some 400 miles slip out through the Roman lines during the
north of their port of embarkation at night, leaving the hapless population to be
Rhegium and the necessary shipping, all of butchered. Until the capture of Agrigentum,
which belonged to the allies, had to be the Romans had drawn a distinction between
assembled. Appreciating that any delay would the garrisons of foreign cities and the civilian
cost him the element of surprise, Claudius population, but with the ferocious reprisals
despatched a smaller force, which managed to that had now been taken, an example was set
cross the Straits undetected and quickly secure which possibly was intended to serve as a
the town of Messana, allowing the warning to others contemplating siding with
Carthaginian garrison to leave unmolested. Carthage. The effects of this new policy are
However, Hanno, the unfortunate not clear; some inland cities went over to the
Carthaginian commander, was subsequently Romans, but those on the coast which could
crucified for his lack of resolution. be sustained by the Carthaginian fleet stood
Appius Claudius was later able to make a firm.
night crossing with his main force without Whatever the members of the Claudii had
being intercepted, though he must have hoped for, with their ambitions for southern
been detected as it was then that the expansion, there was no long-term Roman
Carthaginian quinquereme, which served as strategic objective for becoming involved in
The fighting 37

Eighteenth-century copperplate engraving of a Roman warship, showing the corvus, the

beam with which the Romans attacked other ships. (Ann Ronan Picture Library)
38 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

Sicily; more an uncertain drift towards total reactive as city after city flared into revolt or
conquest. On the other hand, for the first declared for Carthage. The problem facing the
three years of the war the field commanders Romans was that even if they were to seek a
were quite clear as to their operational conclusive action by first concentrating
objectives: the occupation of Messana, the against the main Carthaginian base at
subjugation of Syracuse and the reduction of Lilybaeum on the west coast, they would be
Agrigentum. These precise aims had enabled unable to reduce it by siege unless they were
them to achieve a concentration of force and able to prevent reinforcements and provisions
to take and hold the offensive. coming in by sea. Meanwhile, they would
In 261 BC, however, the situation was incur the risk of being cut off from their own
reversed. There was now an unequivocal supplies, as had nearly occurred at
strategic objective to clear the Carthaginians Agrigentum. An entirely land-based strategy
from Sicily but no operational plan as to how could not break this stalemate and the need
this was to be achieved. Roman strength lay in for a Roman fleet was self-evident.
the set-piece battle, the decisive clash of
opposing armies that settled the issue one way The maritime dimension 260-256 BC
or another, but Hamilcar, the Carthaginian We have seen how the Romans hastily
commander who had replaced Hanno, was constructed a fleet, and to compensate for
not to be drawn. Instead he used the flexibility their inferior seamanship raised corvi on the
within his fleet to dominate the seaboard and prows of their ships to enable the legionaries
its cities. The fighting then became diffuse and to swarm aboard opponents' vessels. It was
The fighting 39

in 260 BC at Mylae (Milazzo), on the north Relief showing a Roman trireme with legionaries on
coast near Messana, that this development board. (Sopraintendenza Archeologica per le Provincie
was first used, when 130 Carthaginian ships di Napoli e Caserta)

closed with a superior Roman fleet of

145 vessels and lost nearly half their total combined land and sea operations against the
strength in the encounter. The victory at coastal cities in Sicily, so cutting their supply
Mylae presented the Romans with two lines to Carthage, or alternatively, ending the
strategic options: either they could politically embarrassing raids against the
continue the Sicilian campaign, or they Italian seaboard by subjugating Sardinia and
could go on to the defensive in Sicily and Corsica, the Romans attempted to conduct
assault the African mainland with a view to both campaigns at once. The result was that,
destroying Carthage. They decided on the although the Romans won another naval
former, maintaining a consistent strategic victory and had some successes in Corsica,
objective but one which required a change they were too weak to exploit their
of operational tactics. achievements and in Sicily they suffered a
Though the Romans had energetically severe reverse when Hamilcar Barca suddenly
sought to enlarge their fleet, like their army, it took the offensive. The prevailing stalemate
was still not sufficiently powerful to deal with led to growing disenchantment and then to
widely spread objectives. Yet in 258 BC, this is an alternative strategy: to carry the war to
exactly what they attempted to do: instead of North Africa. In so doing they set the scene for
concentrating their resources and mounting one of the largest naval battles in history.
40 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

In the summer of 256 BC a Roman fleet wedge were forced to flee in earnest, leaving
of 330 ships, of which 250 were probably the Romans free to turn back and assist their
quinqueremes, set sail southward from other hard-pressed squadrons. Now heavily
Messana, along the eastern coast of Sicily to outnumbered, the Carthaginians' two
Phintias, a substantial port on the southern remaining squadrons were broken and
coast lying under Mt Ecnomus, where two forced to withdraw as best they could.
legions were waiting to embark. Meanwhile Once again the com had proved their
the Carthaginian fleet, which was about the usefulness, and although nearly as many
same warship strength, sailed from Lilybaeum, Roman ships were sunk as Carthaginian,
and following the shoreline, encountered the 24 and 30 respectively, 64 Carthaginian ships
Romans as they set sail for Africa. were captured. The Romans were now free to
The Roman commander, Marcus Atilius cross over to Africa, but some delay occurred
Regulus, had divided his fighting ships into while essential repairs were completed,
four squadrons. Two made up the sides of a not only to their own vessels but to the
triangle, the third, with the transports in Carthaginian ships, which were now pressed
tow, formed the base, while the fourth into service. When all was ready the Romans
squadron deployed in a single, extended line put to sea a second time, while the
to the rear to cover the flanks of the third Carthaginians abandoned any attempt to
squadron and the transports. The hold forward in the seas around Sicily but
Carthaginians also divided their fleet into fell back to the Gulf of Carthage. Instead of
four squadrons. Three were placed in line making the direct approach anticipated by the
from the shore so that the one on the Carthaginians and sailing into the gulf on the
extreme seaward right did not directly face western side of Cape Bon, the Romans made
the Roman wedge but remained free to an indirect approach and disembarked on the
advance and attack their left flank. The eastern seaboard, thus accepting the greater
fourth was deployed forward of the others, natural obstacles on land that would have to
parallel to the shore, so that it was already in be overcome in the march on Carthage rather
position to attack the Roman right flank than risking another sea battle.
without having to change direction.
The Roman wedge drove forward towards The African campaign 256-255 BC
the Punic fleet. As they approached the two The Carthaginians did not have enough
squadrons directly facing them, the troops in Africa to do more than defend
Carthaginians turned and feigned flight. Carthage, so they withdrew into the city
The Romans then hastened in pursuit but leaving the Romans to establish themselves
in doing so, became separated from the ashore without hindrance some 40 miles
third squadron towing the transports. At a along the coast to the east. Though the delay
signal from Hamilcar, the Carthaginian following the battle of Ecnomus may have
commander, the two squadrons pretending caused considerable disruption, as
to flee turned on their pursuers; the messengers had to be sent back to Rome
squadron that had been deployed beyond seeking further instructions, it appears that
the Roman wedge fell upon its rear, and the the Romans' operational planning had again
squadron posted parallel to the shore been defective. They had probably assessed
advanced to attack the Roman squadron that Carthage, like the fortified coastal cities
that was towing the transports. Three of Sicily, could only be taken if blockaded
separate battles raged and the hapless from both land and sea. Winter, however,
transports were cast off and left to drift was now approaching and it would have
unattended. For a while both navies held been too late to undertake such an
their own, but eventually, despite their enterprise. There was also a logistical
brilliant initial tactics, the Carthaginian problem with the fleet: if it were to remain
squadrons engaging the apex of the Roman in North Africa the Romans faced the task of
The fighting 41

feeding some 75,000 rowers, who greatly war would then revert to the securing of
outnumbered the soldiers. It is hardly Sicily. In the early summer, 350 Roman ships
surprising then that when orders arrived from sailed to the tip of Cape Bon. There they
Rome, only 40 warships were to remain, with encountered and heavily defeated the
15,000 infantry and 500 cavalry. The others, Carthaginian fleet, which thereafter made no
including all the transports, were to return to effort to intervene. The Romans were then
Rome. Loading on board the 20,000 slaves free to re-embark their surviving legionaries
that had been rounded up, together with unmolested in a thoroughly successful
booty, one consul went on his way leaving operation. However, they foolishly provoked
the other, Marcus Atilius Regulus, the the weather gods by a display of hubris.
co-victor of Ecnomus, with two legions Scorning the pressing advice of the pilots to
and sufficient ships to keep open steer to the west of Sicily to avoid the sudden
communications with Rome. summer storms which frequently arose off
After recalling 5,000 infantry and the southern coast, the Romans met with
500 cavalry from Sicily, the Carthaginians disaster. Off Camarina, towards the
felt strong enough to try to prevent the south-eastern extremity of the island, the
Romans ranging unopposed through the fleet was struck by a savage storm and all but
countryside, plundering at will. Their 80 ships were lost, together with their crews
foray, however, was swiftly defeated and and the soldiers they were transporting.
this encouraged the Romans to advance Altogether some 100,000 men may have been
their forward base to Tunis, a few miles drowned. A stupendous effort would now be
south-west of Carthage. required to replace their losses. Remarkably,
Fame and a triumph now lay within the Romans achieved this in seven or eight
Regulus' grasp; all that was required of him months. The Carthaginians also had to
was the reduction of Carthage, apparently replace substantial losses, as well as contend
tottering on the brink of starvation. This was with widespread uprisings throughout their
not, however, to prove so easy. Responding to African possessions. Punic primacy and
a Carthaginian appeal to the Greeks, overlordship had been challenged. It would
Xanthipus, a Spartan general who had have to be re-established before Carthage
received the rigorous training associated with could confidently resume the struggle.
his countrymen, had arrived at the head of a
substantial number of Greek mercenaries and The return to Sicily 254-241 BC
quickly appreciated that it was Carthaginian In the spring of 254 BC the new consuls left
generalship that was at fault, not the Italy with two fresh armies and 220 new
mercenary soldiers. Having put things right, ships, bound for Messana. There they joined
in the spring of 255 BC Xanthipus marched up with the ships and survivors from the
out of the city with some 12,000 infantry, disastrous storm off Camarina. Once
4,000 cavalry and an unspecified number of preparations had been completed, the
elephants. In the ensuing battle the Romans 300-strong fleet sailed round Cape Pelorias
were routed by the elephants, which smashed along the north coast, while the legions
into the legionaries. Despite heavy losses they marched to Drepana, embarked and then
fought on manfully until assailed by the sailed to Panormous (Palermo), one of the
Numidian cavalry from the rear. Only 2,000 of largest and richest Carthaginian coastal
the Romans escaped and some 500 prisoners cities, with a good harbour. The Romans
were taken, including Regulus himself. landed under the outer walls that encircled
When news of the defeat reached Rome, the town, breached these defences and set
plans had to be radically recast. Abandoning about butchering its inhabitants, a sight
all hope of laying siege to Carthage, an which must have encouraged those
expedition would be mounted instead to sheltering behind the old city's inner
rescue any survivors. The strategic aim of the defences to surrender and face slavery.
42 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The fall of Panormous induced a number

of other cities to throw in their lot with
Rome, leaving the Carthaginians mainly
confined to the west of the island. But in
253 BC the Romans lost sight of their
strategic objective. The two new consuls
travelled through Sicily and crossed over to
North Africa, not to threaten Carthage but
to raid the Libyan coastline some 200 miles
to the south. The Romans probably wished
to sustain the unrest among the Libyans,
but this division of their resources proved
ineffectual. Having been fortunate not to
lose their fleet off the Libyan coast when
it was ignominiously stranded on an ebb
tide, the Romans were caught in a storm
on the passage back and lost 150 of their
200 ships.
For the next two years Roman resolution
seemed to falter. The land campaign was
conducted in a desultory manner and the lost
ships were only partially replaced. The
Carthaginians on the other hand had quelled
The fighting 43

the dissident Libyans and sent reinforcements submission. Eight years later, when the First
to Sicily under Hasdrubal, the son of Hanno, Punic War ended, Lilybaeum remained
who had served with Xanthipus. For two unconquered.
years he dominated the countryside around The Romans' next move was to try to
Lilybaeum, but he was eventually defeated in destroy the Carthaginian fleet sheltering at
a messy battle near Panormous from which Drepana, just north of Lilybaeum. Publius
he managed to escape. He was later recalled Claudius Pulcher, who had earlier flung the
to Carthage and, like his father, summarily sacred chickens overboard, set sail with
executed; being a Carthaginian general was 120 ships, none of which were now equipped
no sinecure. with the corvus, since it adversely affected
Though the Romans finally received naval their handling, especially in bad weather.
reinforcements and troops for the investment However, surprise was lost and the Romans
of Lilybaeum, they were unable to prevent found themselves trapped between the shore
the garrison being supplied from the sea, and the Carthaginian fleet. Unable to
while on land they faced a Herculean task. manoeuvre and less experienced than the
Although they had four legions available, the Carthaginian sailors, the Roman fleet was
city lay on a promontory and was secured by virtually destroyed, though Pulcher managed
a massive wall and a deep ditch that required to escape with about 30 ships. He was
the erection of siege fortifications. Not long fortunate not to be a Carthaginian as, although
after these had been completed a violent responsible for the loss of some 20,000 lives,
wind blew down some of the Roman towers on his return to Rome he suffered no more
protecting their works, and this encouraged than public disgrace and a heavy fine.
the Carthaginians to sally forth and set them While these dramatic events had been
ablaze. Following this reverse, the Romans unfolding, at the other end of the island
gave up trying to take the city by storm and
settled down to starve the garrison into Cape Bon. (Bury Peerless)
44 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

a massive Roman fleet consisting of 24 years of fluctuating fortunes, with a heavy

120 warships and 800 transports, had sailed cost in lives and resources, the war had ended,
from Messana and, after rounding Cape but it was not to bring peace to either side.
Pachynus (Cape Passero), found itself facing
the Carthaginian fleet. Before any serious
fighting could begin, the Carthaginians, Strife between wars
recognising the signs of a pending storm, 241-218 BC
broke off the engagement and took shelter
in the lee of the cape, where they were Almost as soon as the treaty between
able to ride out the rough weather. The Lutatius Catulus and Hamilcar Barca had
Roman fleet never had a chance to escape, been signed, both Carthage and Rome found
so was driven on to the rocky shore and themselves engaged in bitter fighting against
almost annihilated. other opponents. For Carthage it was first
Roman fortunes were at a low ebb but the against her mutinous mercenaries and then
Carthaginians were not faring much better. the conquering of Spain. For the Romans it
Success at sea had been nullified by was a renewal of the age-old conflict with
impotence on land and most importantly, the Gauls and then an extension of their
following the ousting of the war party by the power across the Adriatic into lllyria. Though
great landowners, attention was diverted these conflicts were not sequential, for
from Sicily to interests nearer home. On the clarity's sake they will be related as though
positive side, Hamilcar Barca, Hannibal's this were; when they interacted with the
father, a skilful and energetic commander, Punic Wars, as they sometimes did, this will
had been despatched to Sicily, but he had be brought out.
not the resources to do more than conduct
a guerrilla war while the Carthaginian fleet The mercenary revolt 241-237 BC
was withdrawn. This was as a result of political The cause of the revolt by the mercenaries
rivalries. After four years of inconclusive on returning to Carthage from Sicily was
fighting, the Roman Senate decided to make a twofold: arrears of pay and the unfulfilled
supreme effort to end the costly and promises of special rewards in recompense
unrewarding conflict. In 243 BC a new fleet for all they had faced during the long years
was constructed, which set sail the following of arduous campaigning. Carthaginian
year to seal off Lilybaeum from the sea. prevarication led to an open revolt, headed
Only late in the day did the Carthaginians by two rabble-rousers who had nothing to
recognise the danger and return to Sicilian lose: Spendius, a fugitive Roman slave who
waters to confront the Romans in the naval feared the prospect of being handed over to
battle that was to decide the war. It was not the Romans to face certain death by torture,
an engagement marked by audacious and Matho, an African who, as the chief
manoeuvre: the two fleets lined up and instigator of the trouble, could expect
clashed head on to slog it out until, after a similar fate if taken alive.
losing more than 50 ships, the Carthaginians Joined by a number of African cities that
conceded defeat and retired to Carthage. had been subjected to exorbitant taxes and
Deserted and with no hope of further had had land confiscated as the cost of the
support, Hamilcar Barca was left to negotiate war had emptied the Carthaginian treasury,
the best peace terms he could with Catulus, the vicious war spread and lasted for three
the Roman commander. In the event both years. Eventually the mercenary army was
commanders showed themselves to be trapped against an unidentified range of
reasonable in their demands, and a treaty was mountains and was destroyed. The cost in
concluded whereby the Carthaginians would lives and material resources had been
retain their arms but withdraw from Sicily enormous, out of all proportion to the
and pay a substantial war indemnity. After arrears of salary due the Sicilian veterans.
The fighting 45

The Gallic invasion 226-220 BC The Illyrian expeditions 229-219 BC

Spearheaded by the Fabii, who regarded the The initial Roman involvement with Illyria
Alps as forming Rome's natural northern began as a result of the pirates who, regarding
boundary, the Romans had progressively the Adriatic as their undisputed hunting
annexed territory from the Gauls inhabiting ground, sallied forth from amongst the many
their fertile plains surrounding the river Po. islands and deep indentations to plunder and
With no firm boundaries and tribal rivalries, murder at will. There was nothing new in
there had been intermittent warring this. Back in the fifth century BC the
amongst the Gauls themselves as well as Athenian phrase 'to sail the Adriatic' was just
with the encroaching Romans. In 226 BC another way of saying 'to undertake a
these flickering conflicts came to a head hazardous journey'. The Romans had at first
when the Gauls united against the Romans tolerated their losses, but the incidents had
and assembled an army of some 50,000 foot become so numerous that two envoys were
soldiers and 20,000 cavalry and chariots. despatched to demand an explanation from
It was at this crucial moment that news of the autocratic Queen Teuta. According to
the Carthaginian conquests in Spain reached Polybius, Teuta reacted 'like a true woman
the Romans and, as Polybius relates in with much passion and resentment' and then
measured terms: 'They were seized with no had the envoys murdered, thus igniting war
small consternation.' The Romans' dread of on another front.
the Gauls had not diminished since they The fighting that followed was with the
had devastated Rome in 390 BC, barely limited aim of establishing Roman control
170 years earlier. Now, faced with another over the eastern shore of the Straits of
invasion that threatened them more directly Otranto. There was never any question of
than anything that was happening in Spain, the Romans wanting to subjugate the whole
they settled for a treaty with the of Illyria; they merely sought to end Illyrian
Carthaginians designed to limit their supremacy in the Adriatic by decisively
territorial expansion. defeating them in battle. The Romans were
The Gauls opened the campaign by assisted by the Illyrian commander
striking towards Rome through Etruria, on Demetrius, who, fearing for his own safety
the west coast, plundering and wasting the after arousing his queen's wrath, had
countryside as they went. After inflicting transferred his allegiance, so enabling the
heavy casualties on a Roman army closing Romans to be welcomed as deliverers in
with them, they decided to return home some of the coastal cities. This was 229 BC.
rather than risk losing the vast quantities of To secure their position, the Romans next
booty they had acquired. Still pressed by the induced a number of inland cities and tribes
Romans, the Gauls took the easiest route to sign treaties of friendship before turning
along the coast, with their left flank protected northwards to clear the coastline.
by the sea, only to find their way blocked by In the spring of the following year the
a full consular army from Sardinia, which Illyrians sued for peace and accepted the
had disembarked ahead of them. Trapped resulting restrictions on the movement of
between the two Roman armies and fighting their warships, besides paying a substantial
back to back, 40,000 Gauls were killed and tribute. Eight years later, in 220 BC, seeing
10,000 taken prisoner. The way was now left the Romans' preoccupation with the
open for the Romans to advance the Carthaginians in Spain, Demetrius flouted
following year, cross the Po and carry the war their authority by attacking a neighbouring
into the Gauls' homeland. After another tribe whose independence had been
Roman victory, the Gauls sued for peace but guaranteed by the Romans. The Roman
their terms were rejected and the fighting response was vigorous and devastating. The
resumed. During the next two years, 221 and next year an army descended on the coast of
220 BC, Cisalpine Gaul was finally conquered. Illyria and swiftly annihilated all opposition,
46 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

though Demetrius himself escaped to ended, Hamilcar Barca was determined to

Macedonia, where he assiduously fuelled the restore Carthage to her former eminence and
latent enmity to Rome. Later this led to avenge the humiliation suffered in Sicily.
Philip of Macedonia entering into an Appreciating, however, that oligarchic
alliance with Hannibal during the Second interests could once again prevail and blight
Punic War. his intentions, he decided to establish his
own power base and make himself
The conquest of Spain independent of Carthaginian vacillation.
This is running ahead of events, and we .
must now step back to 237 BC to see what Hamilcar Barca swears an oath of eternal hatred to
had been happening in Spain. Having ousted Rome. Eighteenth-century painting by Claudio Francesco
the peace party when the Mercenary War Beaumont. (Edimedia. Paris)
The fighting 47
48 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

He would conquer Spain and exploit her further envoys were despatched who, though
riches to pay off the war debt and raise a convinced that Hannibal was intent upon
mercenary army whose allegiance was tied to war, never imagined that this would be
him personally, ultimately enabling him to fought anywhere but in Spain. Once again
challenge Rome. Roman attention was focused elsewhere, this
As Carthage no longer had an effective time on Illyria, which enabled Hannibal to
navy, Hamilcar had no alternative but to consolidate his hold on Spain with the
march along the African coast to the Straits capture of the important town of Saguntum
of Gibraltar, with a few supply ships keeping after an eight-month siege. Lying some
pace with him. In 237 BC he ferried his army 250 miles north of New Carthage, Saguntum
across the straits and having done so, may not have been a formal ally of Rome -
proclaimed that he ruled by divine power. the treaty had not as yet been ratified - but
This soon transformed simple clan and tribal as it lay well within the Romans' sphere of
superstitions into a mystical theology influence, its capture and sacking was an
centred on the Barcic family, and a dynastic irrevocable step towards war.
religion was born that tied the loyalty of the
army to him and his relations, while
debarring ambitious aspirants from Carthage. The Second Punic War
Having established his authority, Hamilcar 218-201 BC
began his campaign of conquest by securing
southern Spain, with its high-quality silver From the Ebro to the Alps 218 BC
mines, before advancing along the eastern Leaving his brother Hasdrubal Barca in charge
coast. He had hardly achieved these of affairs in Spain, in the spring of 218 BC
objectives when in 229 BC, while Hannibal set out from New Carthage on a
negotiating with a tribal king, he was caught campaign that was to last for 17 years. The
off his guard. In attempting to escape across plan to march overland had almost certainly
a swollen river, he was swept from his horse been developed by his father, who, having
and drowned. He was succeeded by his been precipitously abandoned in Sicily as a
son-in-law Hasdrubal, who, having ruthlessly result of political irresolution and an
avenged Hamilcar's death, extended incompetent fleet, was determined that
Carthaginian domination northwards before henceforth he would be master of his own
founding New Carthage, modern-day destiny.
Cartagena, on the east coast. This gave him After crossing the Ebro, Hannibal was
possession of a magnificent harbour and stoutly opposed by tribes who were friendly
further rich silver mines in the surrounding with Rome and, by the time he had crossed
hills. News of these developments reached the Pyrenees, his army numbered
Rome but, as we have seen, preoccupation 50,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry, with
with the Gallic invasion meant that the losses of 40,000 and 3,000 respectively since
Romans could do little more than draw up a setting out from New Carthage. Not all of
treaty confirming Carthaginian possessions these were battle casualties, since a substantial
to the south of the Ebro. number of Spanish mercenaries had been
In 220 BC Hasdrubal was assassinated in sent back home (which probably means they
his palace by a Celt whose chieftain had deserted). From the Pyrenees to the Rhone,
been crucified for plotting against the some 160 miles, progress was rapid, since all
emperor king. When called upon to elect a Hannibal required of the tribes he
successor, the army unanimously voted for encountered was freedom of passage and the
the 25-year-old Hannibal, who promptly purchase of provisions. It seems that they
began to extend Carthaginian territory into were only too willing to help and speed him
the north-western highlands of Spain. When on his way. On reaching the Rhone,
news of these developments reached Rome, however, Hannibal found the far bank held
The fighting 49

Chateau Queyras, a medieval fortress on the rock heights at night, so he ordered them to be
referred to by Polybius. (Spectrum Colour Library) seized under cover of darkness and at dawn
the advance was resumed. The Allobroges,
by hostile Gauls, so he delayed his own however, soon found alternative positions
crossing until a strong detachment had and attacked the densely packed column in
reached the other side further upstream and several places, causing the cavalry horses and
taken the Gauls in the rear. Using a mass of pack animals to panic and plunge to their
assorted rafts and canoes, Hannibal's leading death in the gorge below or turn back to
troops were able to cross virtually unopposed. bring chaos to those behind. The situation
After ferrying the rest of the army over, was only saved by the Carthaginian troops
Hannibal headed for the Alps and after holding the heights attacking the Allobroges
reaching the foothills some 10 days later, from the rear and eventually putting them
his long column started threading its way to flight. For the next five days the army
along a narrow pass towards the towering, continued its advance unmolested, then
snow-capped mountains. encountered another ambush laid by Gauls.
After only a few days, the Carthaginians Though caught in a deep ravine, after some
encountered the hostile Allobroge tribe, heavy fighting the Carthaginians forced the
which had occupied the high ground Gauls to withdraw and resort to harrying
dominating the pass ahead. Hannibal sent tactics, moving along the mountain ridge to
forward a reconnaissance party of Gauls, who hurl down rocks and stones. However fraught
reported that the Allobroges abandoned the this situation, it was not as desperate as the
50 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

previous encounter when the Carthaginians limited to breaking up the Roman

had faced a sheer drop on one side. Confederation and reducing it once more to
On the ninth day Hannibal arrived at the a number of states. These could then be held
main watershed where he rested his men for in check by those whose independence had
two days and allowed the stragglers to catch just been restored to them.
up before starting his descent. Following a The cohesive power of Rome lay in its
steep winding track, made more treacherous army, so Hannibal's operational aim was
by the heavy snow that was now falling, clearly to inflict such defeats on the army
stumbling and sliding, nearly as many men that the subjugated states would be
and animals were lost over the precipices as encouraged to rise in revolt. To achieve this,
had been killed in the fighting. Their Hannibal would have to avoid being drawn
faltering progress was halted by a landslide into positional warfare that would permit
which blocked the track and had to be the Romans to concentrate overwhelmingly
'cleared. Three days later, 15 days since he against him. This consideration alone
had set off to cross the Alps, Hannibal at last debarred Hannibal from tying down his
reached the fertile expanse of the plains; army to some prolonged endeavour such as a
only 12,000 Africans, 8,000 Spaniards and city's siege. The fact that he had no siege
6,000 cavalry had survived, about a quarter train was the result and not, as has been
of the number that had marched out of suggested, the cause of this restriction. Had
New Carthage some six months earlier. he wished to obtain the machines necessary
The route Hannibal took in crossing the for a siege, he could have arranged for their
Alps has been convincingly identified by construction. As it was, he adopted
Gavin de Beer in his book Hannibal as being manoeuvre-based tactics to bring the
the Col de la Traversette. At some 9,000 feet, Romans to battle on ground and at a time of
his own choosing. Hannibal undoubtedly
it is one of the highest passes, accessible
respected the prowess of the Roman soldier
through the valley of Queyras with its
in close combat, but the orderly progression
medieval fortress perched on the top of
of rigidly linear deployment upon which the
a huge sugar loaf-shaped rock.
Romans relied could be broken using surprise
and flexibility - two vital elements of
The epic years 218-216 BC Hannibal's tactical thinking behind which
A study of Hannibal's strategy, operational
always lay the aim of encirclement.
concept and tactical thinking makes it easier
to understand the course of his campaign. We will consider Hannibal's campaign in
Although some of the Cisalpine Gauls now three phases. The first, which is the subject of
joined him, as we have seen, the hard core this section, while only lasting for two years,
of his army numbered only 26,000. As for from 218 to 216 BC, was the most dramatic,
the Romans, we know that at the time of the when Hannibal's strategic aim of breaking up
Gallic invasion, which had flared up only the Roman Confederation came nearer to
two years previously, the Romans were able fulfilment that at any other time. The second
to mobilise some 700,000 men. Clearly they phase, which lasted for four years from
could do so again. Though many of these 216 to 212 BC, saw Hannibal initially
would have been no more than elderly holding the strategic initiative but failing
reservists or garrison troops of little military to achieve the encirclement of Italy. The third
consequence, the Romans still enjoyed a vast phase, which lasted 10 years from 212 to
numerical superiority, so what was 202 BC, saw the consequences of the tide
Hannibal's strategic objective? From a treaty having turned decisively in Rome's favour.
drawn up later between Hannibal and Philip Back in October 218 BC Hannibal rested
V of Macedonia we know that this was not his army after crossing the Alps, then seized
to conquer and subjugate the whole of Italy Taurasia (Turin) and defeated Publius
- an impossible task anyway - but was Cornelius Scipio and his fellow consul on the
The fighting 51
52 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

Tribia, a tributary of the Po. These two deft assaulted by the light infantry and Balearic
and determined successes won over most slingers on their left flank and the Numidian
of the Cisalpine Gauls, who until then had cavalry to their rear, blocked in front and
been divided in their support for the hemmed in by the lake to their right, most
Carthaginians. The following spring Hannibal of the Romans died where they stood. Others
marched south through Etruria, burning and were either weighed down by their armour
devastating the countryside, keeping Cortona and drowned, or were despatched by the
and the hills surrounding it to his left and Numidians, who rode out into the lake after
making as though to pass Lake Trasimene to them. Though some 6,000 managed to fight
his right. Gaius Flaminius, who had failed their way out of the trap, at least 15,000 are
to intercept Hannibal because of Mis and the estimated to have died, amongst them the
Senate's conviction that Hannibal's objective impious Flaminius. However, the Romans'
was Rome, now set off in pursuit, without woes were not yet over. Servilius, who was
waiting for his fellow consul to join him. belatedly hurrying down the Via Flaminia,
Here we have an example of religious was intercepted by a mixed force
observances affecting military operations. commanded by Maharbal, the Numidian
Intolerant of any delay, Flaminius had cavalry commander, and routed. Half the
scorned the usual preliminary sacrifices and men of the two legions were killed and the
vows on assuming command. Instead he had remainder taken prisoner.
taken over in the field, leaving his fellow When the magnitude of the defeat
consul, Geminus Gnaeus Servilius, to busy reached Rome, the city was thrown into a
himself with the traditional formalities. state of near despair, with the crowds
When Hannibal reached Lake Trasimene, thronging the public places as the wildest
after following the northern shoreline, he set rumours spread. Thoroughly alarmed, the
an ambush along a strip of land between the Senate appointed an aristocrat, Fabius
defile of Borghetto and Tuoro. Here, facing Maximus, as dictator with full imperium,
the lake, a semicircle of hills forms a natural which meant that, unlike the consuls, he did
amphitheatre. The shore area would have not have to consult the Senate about his
been considerably smaller than it is today plans. At the head of four legions Fabius
since the water level was lowered by the marched down the Via Appia and closed up
construction of a canal between the lake and to Hannibal, but he had no intention of
the river Nector in the fifteenth century. accepting battle in circumstances of
Hannibal positioned his Spanish and Libyan Hannibal's choosing. Instead he would
infantry conspicuously on the ridge to the hover, threatening and harrying Hannibal
west of Tuoro, while the Balearic slingers and but keeping to the high ground to nullify
his light infantry concealed themselves on the superiority of the Numidian cavalry in
the high ground facing the lake. Similarly, particular. He earned himself the title
the cavalry and Gauls were hidden in folds Cunctator, or 'The Delayer'. This was a
in the ground running down to the difficult course to pursue, not least because it
Borghetto defile. In this way the entire left Hannibal free to burn and plunder at
area encircled by the hills was dominated will while the Romans looked on, apparently
by the Carthaginians. too timid to intervene. Such a policy could
not endure. The allies could not be expected
Flaminius reached Lake Trasimene, near
to remain loyal under such circumstances
Borghetto, late in the evening, and at dawn
and internal political pressures for resolute
the legions started to move forward through
action were too strong. At the end of Fabius'
the defile across the valley floor. Seeing
year as dictator he was replaced, in 216 BC,
Hannibal's troops drawn up in battle to their
front, the Romans deployed into line until
the bulk of the two legions had passed Saguntum, captured by Hannibal. The gate theatre is a
through the Borghetto defile. Suddenly later Roman addition. (Roger-Viollet)
The fighting 53
54 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

by two consuls, Marcus Terentius Varro and

Lucius Aemilius Paulus.
The Senate decided that Hannibal must
be brought to battle, so four new legions
were mobilised and ordered to join the four
already shadowing Hannibal in Apulia;
concentrated together they would then
crush him, in accordance with traditional
military thinking. So it was that the fatal
day arrived and it was Varro who exercised
command at Cannae when, at first light, he
moved the Roman army across the river
Aufidus on to the east bank. He positioned
the cavalry on the right wing, resting on the
river, with the legions next to them and the
cavalry of the allies on the left wing. In
front of the whole army were the light
infantry. The deployment was conventional
enough, but Varro shortened the frontages
of the legions and reduced the distances
between the maniples within them. There
was a reversion to the theory of sheer mass,
so flexibility was renounced and the rigidity
The fighting 55

View of Lake Trasimene, looking down from where the their front and assaulted them on the flanks.
Gauls and light horse were. The cavalry were behind the Compressed together and unable to protect
hill on the right of the picture, beyond which lies the defile
themselves, the casualties mounted and
of Berghetto, on the lake's shore. (Author's collection)
the forward momentum began to falter.
Meanwhile the Roman cavalry had been
of the phalanx was reinstated. The Roman routed and the returning Numidians fell upon
army numbered some 80,000 infantry and the Roman rear. Completely surrounded and
more than 6,000 cavalry. still further compressed, the Romans were
While the Romans were completing their slaughtered where they stood. According to
deployment, Hannibal brought his army into Polybius, only some 3,500 Romans managed
line. His light infantry and Balearic slingers to escape, while 10,000 were taken prisoner
formed a screen behind which his main force and 70,000 left dead on the battlefield.
matched the Roman deployment. On his left Amongst those who escaped was the
flank were the Spanish and Gallic cavalry, perpetrator of the disaster, Varro; the
resting on the river, next to them his heavy unfortunate Paulus was counted amongst
infantry. The Gauls were thrown forward in the dead.
an arc, facing and extending beyond the After such an overwhelming victory the
Roman front, with the Numidian cavalry on question arises as to why Hannibal did not
his right flank. Being thinly spread, Hannibal's then march on Rome. Instead he continued
40,000 infantry retained the tactical flexibility to try to bring about the dissolution of the
to manoeuvre and slowly give ground before Roman Confederation. Many explanations
the massed Roman legions; the arc would be are possible, but even with hindsight it
reversed to curve rearwards and as the would be unwise to pass judgment on a
Romans pressed forward, they would be complex decision about which we only have
enveloped. The risk was that the centre of the the most rudimentary knowledge. Before
arc would be torn apart, in which case the following Hannibal any further, mention
battle would be lost, but Hannibal's cavalry should be made of the fact that though the
were superior both in number - some 10,000 Romans had suffered grievously at home, the
- and quality, so could be relied upon to two Scipio brothers, Gnaeus and Publius, had
defeat their Roman opponents and then landed in Spain and conducted a well-
complete the encirclement. That is exactly executed land and sea campaign. However,
what happened. As the Romans pressed lacking the resources, they had been unable
forward, the Carthaginian infantry overlapped achieve anything decisive.
56 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The war expands 215-206 BC succession of victories. What went wrong and
When news of Hannibal's victory at Cannae why this double envelopment failed will now
reached Carthage, a wave of enthusiasm for be examined theatre by theatre.
the war swept through the city, ambitions
rose and Hannibal's plans for broadening the The campaign in Spain 215-206 BC
canvas of the war were accepted. In essence After receiving over 4,000 cavalry and
Hannibal proposed a strategic encirclement infantry reinforcements and being relieved
of Italy, the execution of which would be the in southern Spain by a new army recently
responsibility of the Carthaginian Senate, arrived from Carthage, Hasdrubal marched
and an inner encirclement of Rome itself north to settle accounts with the Scipios.
through the detachment of her allies, for These two armies were of almost equal
which he would continue to be responsible. strength and when they met, in obvious
Whether this plan was conceived with a imitation of his brother's tactics at Cannae,
measured intellectual approach or, as seems Hasdrubal thinned out the Spanish infantry,
more probable, opportunistically and holding the centre, and concentrated the
pragmatically, is not known, but however Libyans and cavalry on the wings. Hasdrubal
arrived at, it was both grandiose and was no Hannibal, however, and the Romans
imaginative in its design. We already know broke through his centre, destroyed his army
Hannibal's operational concept for isolating and regained the line of the Ebro. After two
Rome from her allies, but we need to look years of inconclusive fighting the Scipios
briefly at his wider strategic concept for the decided to divide their army between them;
encirclement of the Italian peninsula. this dispersion of force resulted in them
With the succession of the 17-year-old being handsomely defeated and counted
Philip V to the Macedonian throne, the amongst the dead. The opportunity for
influence of Demetrius, who had taken refuge Hasdrubal to recover the whole of Spain
in the Macedonian court after losing his came and went through internal dissension.
Illyrian possessions, weighed heavily in Time was allowed for Roman reinforcements
persuading Philip to side with the to arrive in 210 BC, including a new
Carthaginians and evict the Romans from the commander-in-chief, the 25-year-old military
Adriatic seaboard. Much the same situation genius who was later to be known as Scipio
arose to the south in Sicily, where Rome's ally Africanus, the son and nephew of the two
Hiero of Syracuse had been succeeded by his Scipios who had been killed two years earlier.
15-year-old grandson Hieronymus, who, under After rallying his disheartened troops, the
pressure from Hiero's two sons-in-law, agreed following year Scipio struck at New Carthage
to enter into an alliance with Hannibal. To the rather than attacking the two Carthaginian
west, in Sardinia, where a Carthaginian armies lying near Gibraltar and Madrid,
trading presence had long been amicably whose commanders were still not able to
tolerated, a revolution was festering following reconcile their differences and co-operate.
the Romans' ruthless subjugation of the whole It took Scipio seven days to reach New
island after the First Punic War. With Carthage, and he began his assault on the
Carthaginian reinforcements assured for Spain, city almost immediately, from both land
and the Romans' loss of an entire consular and sea. As the day matured and the
army against the Gauls to the north in 216
casualties mounted with no prospect of
BC, given a fair share of good fortune and an
success, Scipio sounded the retreat before
adequate degree of competence in its
making his next move, which would prove
execution, in the aftermath of Cannae the
to be decisive. Learning from some
prospects for Carthaginian strategic
fishermen that at ebb tide it was possible to
encirclement looked favourable. The inner
ring round Rome only required Hannibal to
Nineteenth-century painting by Evariste Vital Luminais.
continue with his seemingly effortless
showing a fight between Romans and Gauls. (Edimedia, Paris)
The fighting 57

ford one of the lagoons and approach the were two main causes for the Carthaginian
city from the rear, Scipio sought surprise by defeat: first, their long enduring political
deception. Renewing his assault on the dissension, reflecting the rivalry between the
section of the wall he had attacked the Barcids in Spain and those in power in
previous day, Scipio drew the defenders to Carthage; secondly, the superior generalship of
what they regarded as the critical point Scipio. So much for Spain; we must now look
while he led a 500-strong contingent across and see what was happening elsewhere.
the lagoon and scaled the weakly defended
northern wall. The city was soon secured, Sardinia 215 BC
most of its citizens massacred and an In 215 BC, the year after Cannae, a small
immense amount of booty taken. Carthaginian expedition sailed for Sardinia
Following the fall of New Carthage, Scipio but ran into a violent storm and was blown
turned his attention to the field armies and off course to the Balearic Islands, where the
in 208 BC Hasdrubal, after suffering a defeat ships had to be hauled ashore for repair. All
on the headwaters of the Guadalquivir, this caused considerable delay, and by the
inexplicably decided to join Hannibal in time the Carthaginians reached Sardinia, the
Italy. As we will see later, it was a fateful Romans had been alerted and had reinforced
move, both for him personally and for the island with a second legion, quickly
those he commanded. Though substantial suppressing a premature revolt. When the
reinforcements had arrived from Carthage, Carthaginians landed, little effective support
in 206 BC the Carthaginians were finally was available and, lacking adequate strength
defeated at Ilipa, some 10 miles north of by themselves, they were soon defeated.
modern Seville, to end the war in Spain. There Their commander was taken prisoner and the
58 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

View of the river Rhone by Alexander Dunouy,. (Edimedia, Paris)

The fighting 59
60 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

survivors were left with little alternative but Sicily 215-210 BC

to flee to their ships. Fate had not favoured Hieronymus of Syracuse, who had inherited
the Carthaginians, but whether they would the throne and decided to side with the
have prevailed otherwise is far from certain. Carthaginians, was assassinated by members
The fighting 61

of the pro-Roman party and for a time it constructing a powerful fleet and a large
looked as though Carthaginian intentions number of supply ships. Why then did they
had been thwarted. However, the pro-Roman fail? It was quite simply a matter of poor
faction behaved with such wanton cruelty generalship on both land and sea, but before
that they in turn were overthrown. This rushing to crucify any surviving general, as
caused the Romans to reinforce Sicily, as in was the Carthaginian wont, let us wait until
Sardinia, with a second legion. Syracuse now the concluding analysis of this complex war
became the Romans' primary objective but is completed.
with its formidable fortifications, which had
been further strengthened by the ingenious Illyria 215-205 BC
war machines of Archimedes that could hurl Unlike the other campaigns we have
boulders and grapple ships, it was no easy considered, there was no direct
undertaking. Indeed, the first land and sea Carthaginian involvement in Illyria, so it
assault was a costly failure. Meanwhile was left to Philip of Macedon to try to drive
the Carthaginians had sent formidable the Romans from their foothold on the
reinforcements. The situation looked critical Adriatic coast. This task added a new
for the Romans, until two further legions dimension to Macedonian interests, which
were sent, thus enabling them both to lay hitherto had been almost entirely
siege to Syracuse and to confront the newly concerned with the land-locked country's
arrived Carthaginians. eastern and southern borders. With
In 212 BC the Romans achieved a Macedonian manpower gravely depleted by
decisive victory. The Syracusans' the adventures of Alexander the Great,
enthusiastic indulgence during a religious Philip was in no position to fight a war on
festival had left them with unsteady legs more than one front. In order that he could
and less than clear heads, and they were turn against the Romans, a peace treaty had
easily surprised. The Romans scaled the to be concluded with Aetolia, a powerful
outer defences under cover of darkness to Greek state with which he was at war; but
open one of the city's gates, and swarming before Philip was ready to begin his
in, the Romans soon established themselves campaign, he found himself under attack.
in an unassailable position ringing the The envoys he had despatched, informing
inner defences. Deserted by their fleet and Hannibal of his intentions, had been
so deprived of any relief, the garrison intercepted by the Romans, who now
surrendered. Having secured the city it decided to reinforce their coastal garrison
was given over to plunder by the Romans, with an additional legion and take the
who destroyed three centuries of civilisation initiative themselves.
and massacred the population, including Surprised by the sudden Roman move,
Archimedes, one of the antique world's Philip was caught off-balance and forced to
greatest mathematicians and physicists. withdraw, but in 213 BC he was able to go
With the fall of Syracuse the campaign on to the offensive himself and secured
seemed to be coming to an end, but several Roman allied coastal cities. Soon
the arrival of further Carthaginian afterwards, however, he found himself
reinforcements prolonged the struggle marching and counter-marching, either to
for another three years. expel aggressors inspired by the Romans,
Unlike the First Punic War, the including Aetolia, or to respond to appeals
Carthaginians had made strenuous efforts for help from his allies. This scrappy and
and sent two reinforcing armies, together exhausting campaign eventually came to
numbering nearly 40,000 men, besides an inconclusive end in 205 BC. Though
Philip had won nearly all his tactical
A third-century Roman mosaic showing the death of
battles, he had apparently not appreciated
Archimedes. (Roger-Viollet) the precariousness of his position at the
62 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The Col d'Izoard, leading to the valley of Queyras, from

which Hannibal was attacked. (Spectrum Colour Library)
The fighting 63
64 Essential Histories The Punic Wars
The fighting 65

An eighteenth-century engraving showing Archimedes'

counter-weighted beams which snapped and capsized
Roman warships in 212 BC. (Ann Ronan Picture Library)
66 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

operational level: instead of fighting on under arms in the various theatres of war,
just one front as he had intended, he 16 of which were in Italy itself.
found himself almost simultaneously The most important city to defect after
engaged on four. The grand strategic design Cannae had been Capua, the capital of
had failed, partly through bad luck, as Campania, second only to Rome itself in size
perhaps in Sardinia, partly through and prosperity. Retaining Capua was of
miscalculation, as with Philip of Macedon, prime importance to Hannibal if he were to
but mainly through inadequate have any hope of encouraging other cities to
Carthaginian leadership, as in Spain and seek their independence from Rome. In
Sicily. Now we must turn to see how 211 BC Capua was being threatened by the
Hannibal had been faring with his inner Romans, who had constructed two lines
encirclement of Rome. of siege works round the city. Concerted
attempts by Hannibal to break in, and by the
The waning years 216-211 BC garrison to break out, were repulsed, leaving
After Cannae Hannibal was faced with a Hannibal no alternative but to seek an
dilemma from which he could find no indirect means of relieving Capua. He would
escape. Following the secession of a number march on Rome. Without any hope of being
of Rome's former allies, he found himself able to storm its formidable fortifications, his
having to protect them and, in so doing, move was a bluff, intended to create such
losing the initiative he had previously alarm that the armies investing Capua
enjoyed. If he were to win over more would be summoned back to defend the
defectors, he would have to operate threatened city.
offensively, yet if he were to retain those
cities he had already gained, he would have Hannibal in retreat 211-205 BC
to act defensively. With an army that was Hannibal's sudden arrival before the walls of
not strong enough to undertake both Rome caused consternation in the city, with
commitments simultaneously, the clarity of the wildest rumours gaining currency. One
Hannibal's operational aim was lost. even claimed that he would never have
In contrast to Hannibal's restricted dared to threaten the city so brazenly had he
capability, the Romans had the means to not already destroyed the armies at Capua.
hold the fortified cities, which then formed a Having made this demonstration, Hannibal
defensive framework around which the field began his return march but, though he
armies could operate. In this manner, inflicted heavy casualties on the Romans
wherever Hannibal decided to campaign pursuing him, he realised that he was
offensively, the Romans would go on to the incapable of relieving Capua. His gamble had
defensive, but when he was not present, they failed, and though he still remained the
would take the offensive against former allies undisputed master of the open battlefield,
who had deserted them. In this way from now on Hannibal found himself in
Hannibal was forced into a restless pursuit of retreat. From the Romans' point of view
ever-shifting and elusive objectives. events had not yet tilted decisively in their
Undaunted by his difficulties, however, favour. Certainly in Italy the situation had
Hannibal still managed to conduct a robust improved, and in Sicily Syracuse had been
campaign and one which denied any captured, but in Spain the two Scipios had
prospect of early victory for the war-weary died with their legions after crossing the
Roman population; as we have seen, much Ebro, and in Illyria Philip of Macedon was
of their strength was already being diverted still on the offensive. Everything still hung
to reinforce Spain, Sicily, Sardinia and Illyria. in the balance.
Yet despite this drain, by lowering the age of In Capua all hope of relief had died; 27 of
recruitment to 16 and enrolling slaves, the the senators wined and dined in generous
Romans were able to maintain 20 legions excess before taking their own lives by
The fighting 67

poison. The next day the inhabitants opened than contain Hannibal in Italy while taking
one of the gates to the Romans, who the offensive in Africa. Throughout 205 BC
rounded up the remaining senators, the preparations in Sicily for the invasion
scourging and then beheading them, while continued, and the next year the expedition
the aristocrats died more slowly in various sailed from Lilybaeum. Once ashore the
prisons and the rest of the population was Romans set about ravaging the fertile
sold into slavery. Bagradas valley, and after defeating a
Until 208 BC the fortunes of the Carthaginian army, set siege to the
campaign had ebbed and flowed, with important city of Utica on the coast. The
neither Hannibal nor the Romans gaining military reverses brought about a
the ascendancy, but in that year the realignment of political power in Carthage,
important city of Tarentum (Taranto), on the where the big landowners and wealthy
heel of Italy, was captured by the Romans merchants who had always wished to avoid
while Hasdrubal, who had marched from war with Rome in favour of their African
Spain, was wintering in Gaul with his territorial and commercial interests, ousted
20,000-strong army. In the spring of 207 BC the Barcid faction and after 16 years in the
he crossed the Alps, following the same route wilderness came to power. Thirty members of
as his brother had done, evidently without the Council of Elders, superior even to the
serious incident, and marched to the east Senate, came to prostrate themselves before
coast, where he turned due south towards Scipio and after cravenly blaming everything
the Metaurus river, which flows through on Hannibal, sought his pardon. Scipio acted
Umbria. Not knowing Hannibal's with commendable moderation when he laid
whereabouts, Hasdrubal had sent six down his peace terms: all prisoners of war
horsemen to try to locate him, rather and deserters were to be handed over, all
unwisely bearing a letter giving his claims to Spain and Mediterranean islands
intentions. After having ridden nearly the were to be renounced, a substantial
entire length of Italy, the horsemen were indemnity was to be paid, and only
picked up by the Romans near Tarentum 20 warships could be retained, the remainder
and the plan was revealed. Acting rapidly, were to be surrendered. Probably realising
the Romans closed in on the Metaurus, that the terms could have been much
surrounded Hasdrubal and trapped him in harsher, the Carthaginians accepted them
the winding steep-sided river course. Seeing and envoys were sent to Rome to seek
that all was lost, Hasdrubal rode into the ratification.
thick of the fray, where he was killed
Meanwhile, in the same year, Hannibal
together with some 10,000 of his men. A few
had been recalled and with his arrival those
days later Hasdrubal's severed head was
wishing to prolong the fighting displayed
thrown into one of Hannibal's outposts and
a new truculence, first seizing a number of
two African prisoners were released to
Roman ships that had been scattered in
recount the disaster. The Romans did not
a storm, then intercepting and destroying
press their advantage and the following year
others carrying envoys returning from
saw little activity, but in 205 BC Scipio
Carthage. Though a delegation had arrived
stepped on to the scene and everything
from the Senate informing Scipio that his
proposed peace-terms had been accepted,
the acts of treachery made Scipio
The Romans carry the war to Africa determined to settle the long-drawn-out
205-201 BC struggle between the Roman and
Hitherto it had been the Carthaginians who Carthaginian peoples. Hannibal was to be
had held the strategic initiative with their brought to battle and his army destroyed
attempted encirclement, but now it was the before Scipio directed his attention to
turn of the Romans, who would do no more Carthage itself.
68 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The two armies confronted one another he finally withdrew from public life in
at Zama, some 100 miles south-west of disgust.
Carthage. Though the Romans had a
superiority in cavalry, overall numbers were
probably about equal, some 40,000 apiece. The Third Punic War
Though it would be difficult to overestimate 149-146 BC
the importance of Zama, with the
Carthaginians fighting for their lives and Carthage had been built on a naturally
homeland and the Romans for the strong defensive position and then
supremacy of their empire, as the two extensively fortified. There were only two
commanders appear to have matched one restricted land approaches, either along the
another tactically, the battle was little more 3,000-yard wide isthmus to the north,
than a grisly slogging match in which the protected by three lines of massive defence
Romans prevailed. The details then need works towering one above the other, or
not concern us, but what is of interest along the narrow spit of sand to the south,
about Zama is how it demonstrated the which terminated at the foot of the city
interplay between the operational and walls. The two isthmuses were separated by
strategic levels of war. By ravaging the the unfordable Lake of Tunis and washed by
Bagradas valley, Scipio had drawn Hannibal the sea on their outer shores. The single
away from his own secure base into a 22-mile city wall enclosed the great harbour,
hostile interior where he had to fight on the entrance of which lay just to the east of
ground and conditions not of his own the southern sandbar, as well as the citadel
choosing. This would have been a difficult constructed on the prominent Byrsa mound,
operational situation to have created in not far from the harbour.
Italy but, by taking the strategic decision to The Romans divided their forces between
transfer the war to Africa, it was achieved the two isthmuses, and when ready,
almost effortlessly. attempted to carry these two directly
Hannibal had escaped from Zama and approachable defence works by storm. Not
was able to exert a moderating influence on surprisingly, they met with a bloody repulse
those who argued against accepting the in the north. Undeterred, they flung
Romans' inevitably harsher terms. The themselves forward for a second attempt that
number of warships allowed was halved, the was equally unsuccessful. On the sandbar to
indemnity increased, and Punic military the south they fared somewhat better. By
rights were drastically curtailed, leaving using massive battering-rams propelled by
Carthage as little more than a client state of several hundred soldiers and sailors, a breach
Rome. The war that had brought devastation was made in the city wall, but the assault
to the whole of the Mediterranean during troops failed to exploit the opportunity, so
the previous 17 years had come to an end, allowing the Carthaginians to throw up fresh
leaving Rome as an imperial power of barriers during the night and man the
unmatched military might. surrounding rooftops.
The following section deals with some It was a brief respite. Though the Romans
of the major events which occurred during were met with a hail of missiles and were
the next 50 years that led up to the Third driven back, when they resumed the attack
Punic War, so all that needs to be said here the following day an unseemly withdrawal
is that when Scipio Africanus returned to was prevented from turning into a rout
Rome, he was indisputably the most only by the timely intervention of Scipio
powerful figure in the city. As political Aemelianus, the adopted grandson of Scipio
in-fighting tore reasonable compromise Africanus, who was serving as a tribune with
apart and the passage of time diminished the Fourth Legion. Roman impetuosity was
Scipio's moderating influence, in 184 BC then sharply curbed, and they settled down
The fighting 69

A reconstruction of the circular inner harbour for warships at

Carthage (above), and the harbour as it is today. (AKG. Berlin)
70 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

The River Aufides (Ofante), with an ancient

colonnade erected later, inscribed with a quotation
from Livy:
'No other nation could have suffered such
tremendous disasters and not been destroyed'.
(Sopraintendenza Archeologica delle Puglie,Taranto)
The fighting 71
72 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

promoted to consul and given command in

Africa. He at once set to work constructing a
huge mole, which was to extend from the
sandbar across the harbour mouth and
bottle up the Carthaginian fleet, as well
as sealing off any further supplies. At first
the Carthaginians did not believe that
the Romans could succeed, but as
work progressed relentlessly, they took
counter-measures and cut a new entrance
from the inner harbour, giving access to the
sea from the east. Fifty triremes then sailed
out in a triumphal display of contempt; but
it was an unwise gesture, as they lost the
element of surprise and so the opportunity
to destroy the Roman fleet, which was lying
unmanned at anchor while the sailors toiled
on the mole.
Nothing daunted, Scipio positioned his
battering rams and other siege engines at the
end of the now completed mole and made a
partial breach, but during the night a
Carthaginian raiding party swam out to the
mole and set fire to the closely packed siege
equipment. The Carthaginians then worked
feverishly to repair the damage and raise
additional towers along the wall. However, it
was only a matter of time before the Romans
had secured a foothold between the outer sea
wall and that of the harbour, which enabled
them to block the newly constructed
harbour entrance. Cut off from both land
Stele, one of the remains of Carthage. (Roger-Viollet) and sea, Carthage's fate was sealed. While
the preparations for the final assault were
to the more prosaic business of blockading under way, Scipo took the opportunity to
the city. The Carthaginians, however, did not mount a mopping-up operation into the
rest on the defensive and made a determined interior and extinguish the last flickering
sortie along the northern isthmus. Catching embers of Carthaginian resistance beyond
the Romans by surprise, they forced them to their capital's crumbling defences.
abandon their forward position in favour of The final assault was mounted from the
one further back. harbour area where the Romans had
The following year, in 148 BC, although established themselves the previous autumn.
the Romans secured a number of small After some desperate fighting they managed
inland cities and others along the coast, the to breach the city wall and then penetrate
obvious lack of leadership, which had wasted into the sprawling dockyard buildings,
the first two years of the war, led to demands which the Carthaginians set alight once their
for the appointment of a more vigorous strength began to fail. A new defensive line
commander. As a result, with the was adopted, centred primarily on the citadel
enthusiastic support of the Roman people
and the army, Scipio Aemelianus was Ruins of the Acropolis of Carthage. (Roger-Viollet)
The fighting 73
74 Essential Histories The Punic Wars
The fighting 75

commanding the ridge of high ground they retreated to the temple itself and finally
extending west and east from the Byrsa. to its roof before immolating themselves.
Every remaining house had been turned into The city was then given over to plunder
a stronghold and was contested with the before the ruins were levelled to the ground.
courage born of despair, and the Romans had After six centuries Carthage had been
to clear the whole area, house by house and destroyed and the Phoenician race dispersed
street by street. For six days the battle raged; to suffer extinction, leaving no readily
on the seventh, the Carthaginians offered to discernible religious, literary, political, or
surrender, begging for their lives in return. social heritage. An eastern civilisation had
After Scipio had accepted their request, some been planted in the western Mediterranean,
50,000 terrified men, women and children, but after a period of luxuriant growth, it
nearing the limits of exhaustion and had been violently uprooted and
starvation, filed out, later to be sold into exterminated. Meanwhile Rome, in an
slavery, but 900 Roman deserters, who could unchallengeable position, was left free to
expect only crucifixion if taken alive, fought subdue and pacify Europe and, after the
on. At first they held out in the enclosure Imperial City had become the Holy City,
surrounding the temple crowning the Byrsa to spread the Christian religion throughout
citadel. Then, as their numbers declined, the world.
Portrait of a soldier

Hannibal Barcid and

Scipio Africanus
Since leadership plays such a vital part in life would have been forever cast. There
all we have discussed, it seems appropriate could be no turning back, especially as
to consider the qualities displayed by the Hannibal, like his father before him, was
two greatest leaders to emerge from the a warrior by nature.
Punic Wars, Hannibal and Scipio; though Perhaps the highest tribute that can be
it should be remembered that we have no paid to Hannibal's ability as a leader is to
contemporary assessments, only later, often recognise the remarkable way in which he
unsubstantiated, opinions and, of course, welded such a disparate force of unpatriotic
accounts of their doings and sayings. This mercenaries into a cohesive fighting force,
does not mean that we cannot attempt to inspired with self confidence and audacity,
piece together a picture of the two men, ready to face severe hardships and near
though it does mean the end result will be unbelievable risks. Some of this loyalty can
far from complete and in some aspects be ascribed to factors other than personal
distorted, even perhaps to the extent of devotion, such as the way his father had
being factually incorrect. been able to transform the various tribal
superstitions into a mystical theology
centred on the Barca family - they ruled by
Hannibal divine right - or, at the other end of the
spectrum, the religious cynics, adventurers
In making any assessment of Hannibal's and materialists seeking plunder and rapine.
character and the force which motivated him That Hannibal understood fully the
to pursue war with such single-mindedness, capabilities and limitations of those he
it is essential to understand his background commanded is shown in the way he
and upbringing. Born in 247 BC, Hannibal deployed them on the battlefield. At Cannae,
was only six years old when the First Punic for example, it was the tough and reliable
War ended with his father's ignominious Libyans whom he placed in the two key
expulsion from Sicily. The event could flank positions where the encircling
hardly have affected him personally had movement was to be hinged; his dashing
it not been for his father's enduring and opportunistic Numidian cavalry were
determination to seek revenge. Slowly the deployed on his open right flank.
enormity of the setback to Barcid pride and Hannibal always led by example, whether
ambitions must have been conveyed to the swimming a river first in Spain, to encourage
boy, then it was indelibly stamped upon his his men to follow, or, as Livy tells us, sharing
conscience during a religious ceremony. In their hardships and living like an ordinary
237 BC, when Hannibal was 10 years old and soldier when campaigning, always sleeping on
his father was preparing to take his army to the ground wrapped only in his military coat.
Spain, while propitiating the gods with However much Hannibal's own powerful
a sacrifice, he took the opportunity to make personality was stamped upon his army, he
his son swear an oath on the sacrificial knew how to decentralise authority, relying
animal that when he grew up, he would on the intimate group of generals who
never forget that Rome was the deadly enemy. commanded its various components.
Once in Spain, the mould of Hannibal's Following the example of his father and the
character and motivating force behind his traditional Punic custom of nepotism,
Portrait of a soldier 77

Hannibal appointed his close relations to Scipio Africanus

positions of responsibility, hence his brother
Hasdrubal being left in charge in Spain. Though Scipio was only accorded the title of
Natural leaders from outside his clan were also Africanus at the end of the Second Punic War
selected for command, such as the two great upon entering Rome to receive the greatest
Numidian cavalry commanders, Carthalo and triumph ever, he has been referred to as
Maharbal, who protested at what they saw as Africanus from the start, in order to save
Hannibal's excessive prudence in not possible confusion with his father, Publius
marching on Rome after Cannae. Cornelius Scipio, after whom he was named.
Having praised Hannibal for his soldierly Scipio was born in 235 BC. During his
qualities, Livy proceeds to list, though formative years he was greatly influenced by
without preliminary evidence, his Greek philosophy and literature, but above
shortcomings, depicting him as 'excessively all by Hellenistic rationalism which,
cruel, with a total disregard for the truth, combined with his instinctive pragmatism,
honour and religion, for the sanctity of an induced a sceptical contempt for the
oath and all that other men held sacred'. The superstitions of others. His tastes, however,
charge of cruelty might be a matter of were not all intellectual; he also appreciated
mistaken identity: one of Hannibal's the material comforts that the more
commanders is alleged to have advocated advanced and sophisticated Greek civilisation
that his soldiers should be trained to eat had to offer. He later came under criticism
human flesh, thus easing the army's logistics from the quaestor (financial administrator) for
problem. It is possible that this ferocious his facility to imitate the Greeks and in so
individual, named Hannibal Monomarchus, doing incur excessive expenses while
committed acts of cruelty that were
mistakenly attributed to Hannibal himself. Third or second-century BC Carthaginian monument at
Admittedly Hannibal must have shared Dugga, Tunisia. (Roger-Viollet)
many of the characteristics of a harsher age,
but as a professional soldier he was
undoubtedly a genius. His strategic vision
threw the Romans on to the defensive and,
for the first five years of the Second Punic
War, permitted them to do little more than
react to protect their homeland.
After the Third Punic War Hannibal was
forced into exile, but wherever he sought
refuge the Romans pursued him, accusing
him of plotting against them - which he
probably was - and demanded his extradition.
Finally there was no way of escape. As Plutarch
wrote, Hannibal was cornered 'like a bird that
had grown too old to fly', a state of affairs
Hannibal himself must have recognised since
he made no attempt to escape, contenting
himself with saying: 'Let us now put an end
to the great anxiety of the Romans, who have
thought it too lengthy and too heavy a task
to wait for the death of a hated old man.' He
took poison, and in 183 BC, at the age of 64,
the scourge of the Romans departed this life.
78 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

Silver Carthaginian coin thought to show a portrait of Carthage. On one occasion a young woman
Hannibal. (Roger-Viollet) of particular beauty was brought to Scipio by
some of his soldiers. Polybius relates how
preparing for the invasion of Africa. Scipio Scipio 'was struck with admiration for her
promptly sent him packing with the words: 'I beauty and replied that, if he had been a
do not like so exact a quaestor.' private citizen, he would have received no
Compared to his contemporaries, Scipio present which would have given him greater
must have been unusually liberal minded, pleasure, but as a general it was the last thing
open to new ideas but still placing a high in the world he could accept'. Polybius also
value on both intellectual and moral values. relates how after capturing New Carthage
Perhaps he accepted the belief that by Scipio refused to take anything for his own
performing just acts and acquiring good private use, and when returning from Africa
habits, a man's character is formed and the allowed nothing to be mixed up with his
qualities of a leader established. His private property. Following his retirement,
moderation and sense of justice were however, he had a fracas with some officials
displayed by his attitude to Carthage after who had arrested his brother for financial
her defeat, and his morality showed in his irregularities, whereupon Scipio released him,
behaviour to women after the capture of New destroyed the order for his arrest and said:
Portrait of a soldier 79

'I shall not give an account of four millions the war to Africa. When coming face to face
of sesterces when I put two hundred million with Hannibal he was still a young man with
into the treasury. For myself, I have only the full vigour of his youth, whereas
brought back the title of Africanus.' Hannibal had already been campaigning for
The self-assurance Scipio displayed was 17 consecutive years in Italy. It is not
in part derived from a sense of direct unreasonable to suppose the years had taken
communion with the gods, especially with their toll on Hannibal, both physically and
Jupiter, to whom he displayed a particular mentally, and we should perhaps not
devotion and from whom, reflecting the discount the possibility of Hannibal feeling
Roman religious belief, he could expect a bit below par at Zama.
reciprocal favours. A thoroughly realistic and As we have seen, however, Scipio's good
pragmatic association far removed from the fortune did not endure after his retirement.
religious fanaticism that cleaves much of the For the first few years his reputation put him
world today. above the political in-fighting with which he
Whereas Hannibal virtually disassociated was surrounded, but as time passed his critics
himself from political machinations by became more vocal until he went into
maintaining his father's independent power voluntary exile at Liternium, a disillusioned
base in Spain, Scipio found it necessary to and embittered man, forgotten by the
enter into the political fray. With near country which he had set on the path to
impeccable credentials, as the son of a universal conquest of the known world. He
soldier killed on the battlefield, a participant died in 183 BC at the age of 52, and though
in the first major clash with Hannibal after there are memorials to him in both Rome
his crossing of the Alps and one of the few and Liternium, he has no known grave.
survivors of Cannae, Scipio presented
himself at the Forum for election as an aedile
(responsible for public works and activities),
which was an essential preliminary to higher
office. Here his youthful vigour and ardent
convictions won the rapturous support of
the people, long tired of endless defeat and
yearning for an inspirational leader who
would offer them hope for the future.
Having been elected aedile, he later
presented himself as a candidate for consular
command of the army in Spain, and though
there were some who resented this
precocious youth, he was again elected.
Without detracting from his qualities,
amongst which high intelligence and clarity
of vision figured prominently, in many ways
Scipio was fortunate in that opportunities
presented themselves; unlike Hannibal, he
did not have to create them. Had his father
not been killed, Scipio would not have been
given the chance to distinguish himself as a
25-year-old in Spain, and without that
achievement he would not have been given
command of an army and entrusted to carry

A bronze statue of Scipio Africanus. (Edimedia, Paris)

The world around war

The political, social and

economic impact
In this chapter we will look at the effects of or whether it was just the aristocratic
the war on the civilian population though, landowners who were suffering, but wherever
as has already been mentioned, since there it fell, the mere fact that an attempt was
are no Carthaginian records and because the made to raise an overseas loan indicates that
ancient historians only lightly touched upon the crisis was real enough.
such matters, our examination can be As we have seen the Mercenary Revolt
neither even-handed nor complete. Though which followed the First Punic War arose
much will then be left to the reader to draw because the Carthaginians were unwilling to
his own conclusions, we can at least try to pay the mercenaries their due. The
get a feel for the situation as it affected the enthusiasm with which the African cities
ordinary people. threw in their lot with the mercenaries was
largely due to the harshness of the treatment
they had received during the closing years of
The Carthaginians the war. Persuaded that the exigencies of the
situation justified such measures, the
During the First Punic War Hanno the Great, Carthaginians had commandeered one half
the leader of the aristocratic party in of the annual produce of the lands
Carthage, who was implacably opposed to throughout their subject territories and
the overseas expansionist policies of Hamilcar doubled the annual tribute imposed upon
Barca and the Barcid party, was authorised to the cities. No compunction was shown in
exploit the Carthaginian agrarian empire in extorting these dues, regardless of the
North Africa. This extension of the Libyan devastating consequences for those living by
conquests, coupled with the task of subduing a subsistence economy. Small wonder that
unrest amongst the Numidians while the young men flocked to join the revolt,
simultaneously maintaining a substantial while the women and others who remained
fleet and sustaining the campaign in Sicily, behind met together and solemnly swore not
was more than even the well-stocked to conceal any of their possessions but to
Carthaginian treasury could afford. An offer them all to the common cause. As a
attempt was made to negotiate a loan from result, the two leaders of the revolt, Spendius
Ptolemy II of Egypt, but he sagaciously and Matho, were not only able to complete
declined on the grounds that he was a friend the payment of arrears due their men, but
of both the Carthaginians and the Romans. from that time on were able to defray the
One of these undertakings then had to be cost of the uprising. This suggests that the
renounced, and since Hanno would not have cause of such deep resentment was not so
contemplated restricting his African much the actual raising of the money by the
enterprises and found it virtually impossible Carthaginians as the harshness and
to extricate the army in Sicily, he took the indiscriminate manner in which it was done.
easiest option and withdrew the fleet. According to Polybius, the Carthaginians
Divided political interests then assured the were by then nearly exhausted by the
Romans of naval superiority in Sicilian waters demands of the recent prolonged war and
and, ultimately, of victory. We do not know if found themselves without any revenue to
the financial burden of campaigning weighed support an army. The situation cannot have
down on the Carthaginian people as a whole, been quite this forlorn since shortly
The world around war 81

afterwards the Carthaginians were able to however reduced the opportunities for trade,
take the field in considerable strength, the prospect of prosperous commercial
obtain new mercenaries, refit their surviving activity still remained.
warships, arm all their able-bodied citizens,
raise a new force of cavalry and muster the
100 elephants remaining to them. Again, in The Romans
the absence of any Carthaginian records, to
attempt to comment on the true situation It was the succession of maritime disasters,
and the extent of the suffering endured by resulting in the loss of at least 500 fully
the Carthaginian people themselves would manned warships and 1,000 transports
be sheer speculation. which saw the First Punic War reach a low
After Hamilcar Barca had established himself ebb for the Romans. Not only did the state
in Spain, the wealth there not only enabled face bankruptcy and exhaustion, but a
him to meet his own requirements but also to population census showed a fall of some
replenish the Carthaginian coffers and 17 per cent, excluding the allies. To call for
recompense the authorities of Gades (Cadiz) new taxes and further levies of manpower
for their loyalty when he had first crossed from risked social unrest, and in 247 BC political
Africa. We do not know the relative proportion change became inevitable. The Fabii, with
of these three allocations, but the amount their policy of moderation towards Carthage
supplied to Carthage must have been in favour of their northern landed interests,
considerable: not only did it enable the war were exerting increasing influence over
debt to be paid off to Rome, but it provided public opinion, while the Claudii, who stood
discreet payments to political supporters. to gain more from southern expansion, were
The political effect of the First Punic War becoming discredited and faced accusations
had been to weaken the position of the of impiety - perhaps given substance by
great landowners who favoured good Claudius Pulcher, the member of the
relations with Rome. The merchants now Claudian clan who cast the sacred chickens
saw the riches of Sicily flowing into the overboard after they failed to provide
Roman treasury instead of into their own a favourable omen.
pockets, and the secure sea routes Perhaps the most significant political
throughout the Mediterranean threatened, development followed the acquisition of Sicily
if not actually broken; the commercial at the end of the First Punic War. Hitherto the
domination they had enjoyed was dissolving Romans had never exacted payments in cash
before their eyes. But it was not just the or kind from subjected territories, but instead
merchants who were discontented. The war demanded military service from those they
with Rome had virtually destroyed the navy termed as allies and with whom they shared
and put a large number of Carthaginian the spoils of war. Now, however, they found it
citizens connected with maritime activities more convenient to adapt the entire concept
out of work. The disquiet of these classes of government to the existing administrative
provided a strong undercurrent of support system in Sicily: they would impose a tribute
for those like Hamilcar Barca who advocated and rely on self-administration through
expansion overseas. After the end of the bureaucratically appointed councils, while
Second Punic War, the pendulum swung providing the military garrisons themselves.
back, bringing the big landowners into These measures elevated Rome from mere
power. The commercial classes, and even leader of an Italian Confederation to an
the Barcid faction, which had supported first imperial power.
Hamilcar Barca and then Hannibal, now
There was also an important internal
accepted the realities of the situation and
political consequence of the First Punic War.
sought an enduring accommodation with
As had occurred in the past, new plebeian
Rome. However harsh the peace terms and
families who had distinguished themselves
82 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

were elevated to the Senate. Though this did rise to a new breed of soothsayers and
not lead to the creation of an influential prophets who were quick to exploit the
military faction, it did mean that consulships opportunity for personal gain. Of more
were distributed with greater political and immediate concern to the Senate, however,
social evenness, though it is difficult to was the demand for new recruits.
identify any improvement in the quality of Commissioners were appointed, charged
leadership. Varro, who was responsible for with searching for those fit to bear arms,
the disaster of Cannae, had been elected by even if this meant enrolling boys below the
the plebeian party as their representative. age of 17, while slaves were recruited and
The losses at Cannae had caused criminals released from prison to fill the
unprecedented terror and confusion in depleted ranks of the legions.
Rome. Only the previous year a consul and Towards the end of the Second Punic War,
his army had been lost at Trasimene and now shortly before Hannibal was recalled to
two more had suffered the same fate, leaving Carthage, the Senate strove to achieve a
Rome without an army in the field, no return to normality and, in particular, to get
commander of distinction and most of Italy the people back on to the land. This proved
overrun. In an attempt to calm the to be no easy task, since most of the free
population, the Senate forbade women to
leave their houses; they were to remain at
home where they would be informed of their
personal losses. Silence was imposed
everywhere, family mourning was strictly
curtailed and the city gates were closed to keep
the people in as well as Hannibal out. As if the
military disasters had not been enough, an act
of gross impiety added to the general alarm.
Two of the Vestal Virgins, charged with
keeping the sacred flame in the temple of
Vesta alight, were convicted for illicit sexual
activity. One of them committed suicide and
the other was buried alive, while the
debaucher, the Lesser Pontiff, was beaten to
death by no less a personage than the Pontifex
Maximus himself. Similar panic and turmoil
occurred a few years later when Hannibal was
trying to relieve pressure on Capua by
marching on Rome. The fearful cry of
Hannibal ad portas rang through the city and
exaggerated reports abounded. Weeping and
wailing women ran aimlessly around the
shrines, sweeping the altars with their
loosened hair and appealing to the gods to
save them and their children.
As the war dragged on, people sought
solace in the superstitions of eastern cults.
Instead of worshipping in the privacy of
their homes, crowds of women thronged the
forum and other public places where they
offered sacrifices and prayers in accordance
with unaccustomed rites. This gullibility gave
The world around war 83

farmers had been killed in the war, slaves shown how near to exhaustion they had
were scarce, cattle had been carried off and become, but after referring the issue to the
farm buildings destroyed. It was against this people, the Senate, somewhat evasively,
backdrop that Scipio had to persuade an granted Scipio his request so long as he
anxious Senate to permit him to carry the judged it to be in the interests of the state.
war to Africa. Concern was expressed about From all this it is apparent that the
the social consequences for the Roman Romans remained a cohesive society in spite
people should he enter into a decisive battle of the appalling losses they suffered in
against his formidable opponent, especially human lives and material resources. We may
on his home ground. There was also the not know of any individual cases, but it is
matter of public opinion to be considered: not hard to imagine what it must have been
how would the Roman people and their like for the many thousands of families
allies react to the inevitable demands for deprived of their bread-winner and with no
additional manpower and resources to open state aid to fall back on.
up a new theatre of war? Twelve of the Latin
colonies had already refused to make any Remains of the house of the Vestal Virgins in Rome. The
further contributions, and the people had statues are those of high priestesses. (AKG, Berlin)
P o r t r a i t of a civilian

Carthaginian trade;
a Roman senator
The only Carthaginian politician of Herodotus tells us how the Carthaginians
prominence was Hanno the Great, but as so conducted their trade.
little is known about him, his personality lies
beyond our reach; we will look instead at They unloaded their goods, arranged them
Carthaginian trade and colonisation, which tidily along the beach and after returning to their
were closely linked, the latter generally boats raised smoke. Seeing the smoke, the natives
following the former, to create the bedrock then came down to the beach, placed a certain
of their civilisation. amount of gold on the ground in exchange for the
It should be appreciated that the goods and then withdrew. The Carthaginians then
Mediterranean climate during the third came ashore and if they thought the gold
century BC was very different from that of represented a fair price, they collected it and took
today, affecting to some extent both what was it and went away; if on the other hand they
traded and so the siting of settlements. North thought it too little, they would go back on board
Africa, for example, was thickly wooded and and wait. The natives would then come and add
supported a multitude of game such as to the gold until they were satisfied. There was
elephants, lions, panthers and bears, while perfect harmony on both sides, the Carthaginians
Sicily produced an abundance of wheat, vines never touched the gold until it equalled in value
and honey. Similarly, the Bible refers to what they had offered for sale, and the natives
Palestine as 'a land flowing in milk and never touched the goods until the gold had been
honey', which is confirmed by bore holes taken away.
sunk in the former Lake Hula by the Israelis,
showing evidence of seeds and cultivation Clearly this primitive sort of commerce
which died out in subsequent centuries. could not endure, so first trading
Reflecting a more highly developed settlements were established and then
civilisation than was general throughout the colonies similar to Carthage itself.
Mediterranean, the Phoenicians exported Diodorus Siculus gives an insight into
manufactured articles such as household how this development occurred in Spain.
furnishings of ivory-inlaid cedar, bronze and
silver bowls, jewellery, glass vessels, purple The country has the most numerous and
cloth and small practical utensils like excellent silver mines ... The natives do not
tweezers and razors. Imports supplied the know how to use the metal, but the Phoenicians,
raw materials - precious stones, ivory, gold, experts in commerce, would buy the silver in
silver, copper and tin, the last two providing exchange for some other small goods.
the alloy from which many of the utensils Consequently, taking the silver to Greece, Asia
were made. and other people, the Phoenicians made great
Trade was not confined to importing raw earnings. Thus practising the trade for a long
materials and exporting finished wares and time, they became rich and founded many
products. Amongst many other things, colonies, some in Sicily and on the neighbouring
Phoenician ships carried gold and silver to islands, others in Libya, Sardinia and Iberia.
Greece and slaves to Near Eastern markets,
while amphorae from Carthage were used for Following the pattern of their trade,
transporting wine and olive oil throughout Carthaginian colonies were mainly
the Mediterranean. established along the coast on promontories
Portrait of a civilian 85

or small coastal islands facing lagoons of no Marcus Cato

great depth as their ships only required a At the same time as the Scipios were
shallow draught. The Greek colonies, on the being fted with triumphs, Marcus Cato
other hand, which were being established at arose who, amongst many other things, was
much the same time, were mostly sited to be the patrician family's greatest critic.
inland, reflecting the Greeks' agricultural and It will be remembered how Scipio Africanus
more localised commercial interests. summarily dismissed Cato as his quaestor
To end this short survey we will take a for criticising Scipio's extravagance while
look at Carthage itself, leaving aside the preparing for the African expedition. This
fortifications which have already been was far from being an isolated incident.
described. As a maritime nation the port was As a red-headed young man with penetrating
of supreme significance and consisted of two blue eyes but of near barbaric appearance,
interconnecting harbours. The inner circular Cato could alarm both friend and foe alike.
harbour was for warships and the outer He was so precocious that in his childhood
rectangular one for merchant vessels. It will he was called Cato (Catus, 'wise'), though
be remembered that when access through his family, presumably because of his
the mercantile harbour was blocked by appearance, called him Porcius (swineherd).
Scipio, a new outlet was cut from the inner He seemingly did not have an easy start to
harbour from which the warships sailed in life: able, but born into an undistinguished
a display of contempt for the Roman family when society was dominated by the
endeavour. Outside the city itself, Diodorus aristocracy, he was driven by a near
Siculus describes the surrounding demonic energy to succeed and had an
countryside as abounding with fruit trees unquenchable desire for recognition,
and vines, irrigated by sluices and canals, ambitions which called for rigorous
pastured with sheep, herds of cattle and single-mindedness and relentless
breeding mares and populated by villages self-discipline. Already gifted with a robust
displaying the wealth of their owners. No constitution, Cato further hardened himself
doubt, as in any society, there was also an physically by manual labour; sharing the
unseemly side, but the overall picture is one hardships of those with whom he worked on
of great prosperity bordering on luxury. the land, living frugally, drinking the same
wine as his slaves and purchasing only the
simplest of food in the market. He indulged
Marcus Cato, the scourge of Carthage. (Roger-Viollet)
in none of the excesses associated with
youthful ardour, but instead prepared
himself for higher purposes in life, becoming
increasingly attracted to the ideals of
simplicity and self-discipline, while practising
and perfecting his oratory by appearing as
an advocate for all who needed him
without demanding a fee.
Like all those seeking political careers,
Cato first served in the army and at the age
of 17 saw active service in Spain, being
wounded and distinguishing himself for his
gallantry. However, according to Plutarch:
'He never stinted his own praise, and could
never resist following up a great achievement
without a boastful description of it.' From
this it seems reasonable to conclude that
self-advertisement prompted him to sell his
86 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

horse, rather than incur public expenditure figs on to the floor of the Senate-house,
in transporting it back to Italy. If his motive declaring that where they came from was
really had been public economy, he could only three days' sail from Rome. Henceforth
have paid the cost himself, but this would he continually rubbed in the point whenever
have attracted little attention, except
perhaps cynical disbelief.
Cato's treatment of his slaves also suggests
a callous ruthlessness - he sold them when
they became too old to work. As Plutarch said:

I regard exploiting them to the limits of their

strength, and then, when they were old, driving
them off and selling them, as a mark of a
thoroughly ungenerous nature ...
A kindly man will take good care of his horses
even when they are worn out in his services, and
will look after his dogs not only when they are
puppies, but when they need special attention in
their old age.

Though Cato is alleged to have been a

good father and a kind husband, his deep
suspicion of Greek physicians who practised
in Rome, and perhaps his own frugality, led
him to treat his family and slaves himself
when they fell sick. The results were hardly
reassuring. Both his wife and son died of
disease, as probably did other unfortunate
members of his household. His own physique
had a more enduring quality as even in
advanced age he continued to indulge his
sexual appetite, first comforting himself with
a slave girl, then marrying the young
daughter of one of his secretaries, much to
the surprise of the latter, who regarded Cato
as being well past the age of marriage.
Cato's most enduring, if discreditable,
reputation is for contributing to the
destruction of Carthage, not in the military
sense but as a result of his advocacy.
Returning from a diplomatic mission to
North Africa, Cato warned the Senate that
the crushing defeats the Carthaginians had
suffered had done little to impair their
strength or diminish their recklessness
and over-confidence. They remained a
potent threat to Rome. He ended his speech
by dropping some gloriously over-sized

Relief of a Carthaginian merchant ship. (Roger-Viollet)

Portrait of a civilian 87

his opinion was called for on any subject, by fulfilled, dying shortly after the Third Punic
concluding with the words: 'And furthermore War began. He was an austere, single-minded
it is my opinion that Carthage must be and ruthless man, but one who possessed
destroyed.' He never lived to see his wish both physical and moral courage.
Conclusion and consequences

Expansionism and
the disposition for war
Since the history of the Punic Wars is written evidence is fragmentary, the opinions
almost entirely from a military point of view, expressed often hearsay, even at the time,
inevitably the conclusions will also be and the relevance of such distant events is
military. The consequences, however, which questionable. Even so, there are two clearly-
will be considered at the end of this chapter identifiable factors which made the First
are not so restricted. But let us first look at Punic War more probable and remain just
the causes for war, then briefly consider its as relevant today. First, the Romans saw
conduct by both antagonists, before drawing an opportunity to gain a foothold in Sicily
a broad conclusion as to why the by aiding the Mamertines; and secondly,
Carthaginians were vanquished. because they saw that the Carthaginians
The causes of war are seldom explicit or were unprepared militarily, they succumbed
simple, nor do they lend themselves to to the temptation.
broad generalisations, such as commercial The seemingly obvious cause of the
rivalry, social unrest or religious fanaticism. Second Punic War was Hannibal's
Usually there are also a number of determination to avenge the loss of Sicily
interacting, if subsidiary, factors. These can and his father's humiliation. This was
include national or individual ambitions, certainly the immediate cause of the war
prejudices and fears, all heightened by a but the overall setting was far more
generous measure of misunderstanding and complex. There was an undeniable
miscalculation. To isolate one of these momentum behind Roman expansion:
factors risks over-simplification, while periods of peace were temporary interludes
to follow several can result in confusion. to be broken when a favourable
Then there are the theorists: some opportunity for advancement presented
consider war to be a cyclical process, the itself. So it was with Sardinia, which the
revulsion of a generation which has Romans seized in 238 BC and then
participated in a prolonged conflict being unconvincingly claimed that it was one of
replaced by the romantic ardour of the the islands referred to as Tying between
next. Others put forward the theory of Sicily and Italy' ceded to them following
delinquency: nations are human beings the First Punic War. In Italy itself, the
writ large who inevitably squabble and Romans annexed Ager Gallicus on the
then fight. A third group believes that wars Adriatic coast from the Gauls and
arise from ignorance, which, through incorporated the Etruscans into their
increased commercial, personal, cultural confederation. Given Rome's clear cultural
and other contacts, can be abolished. disposition for war, another conflict with
Although such explanations all contain Carthage was inevitable, only the timing
elements of truth, in the light of experience was uncertain until decided by Hannibal.
none has given grounds for thinking that The cause of the Third Punic War can be
it is capable of standing alone. attributed to the loss of Scipio Africanus'
If so much contemporary analysis and moderating influence when he fell victim
theorising has been devoted to determining to political in-fighting, and his replacement
the causes of war, it may well be asked what by Cato with his advocacy of vigorous
purpose will be served by considering what confrontation with Carthage. We can see
happened over 2,000 years ago. The available the timelessness of these events by looking
Conclusion and consequences 89

back to the Cold War, when the Soviets be led astray by wishful thinking, especially
incorporated most of Eastern Europe into about totalitarian regimes, as was Chamberlain
their brand of confederation, attempted by Hitler at Munich, and Roosevelt by Stalin
to secure Berlin by blockade and drew down at Yalta; both were deceived and ultimately
the Iron Curtain. Fortunately the West was betrayed at terrible cost.
more able to defend itself against Since Carthage was obliterated and its
confrontation than was Carthage. population dispersed, it is only the Romans
Looking at the events of the three Punic with whom we are concerned, so we cannot
Wars, we can see how important it is to adjust do better than begin by relating the
force structures to changing political and prediction made by Scipio Africanus'
military requirements, and then to conduct grandson, Scipio Nasica. Shortly before the
war with a purposeful strategic aim. As we Third Punic War he warned the Senate that
have seen, the Romans began a war which though Rome's position as a dominant
clearly had a major maritime dimension power should be preserved, Carthage should
without possessing a navy, while the not be destroyed as a rival. Were this to
Carthaginians had an army which, without a occur, there would be no check to Rome's
long period of mobilisation, was incapable of arrogant disregard for the legitimate interests
defending its widely dispersed possessions. and concerns of smaller states. Moreover, in
Then there was the direction of the war itself. the absence of any external threat, the
The Romans initially had the limited, short- Roman Confederation would be in danger of
term objective of securing a foothold in Sicily; disintegrating as fractious political and social
but by failing to define their long-term aim, groups pursued their own self-interested
they drifted into a prolonged conflict. ends. Events proved Scipio's prediction to be
In the Second Punic War the Romans were remarkably perspicacious.
initially thrown on to the defensive by With ruthless determination the Romans
Hannibal's superior generalship, until he extended their boundaries to the Euphrates,
lacked the strength to maintain the offensive Danube, Rhine and Atlantic Ocean. A single
and defend the cities he had gained. city had expanded into an immense empire,
Ultimately the Romans prevailed on the but its arrogance brought its nemesis. The
battlefield because, however incompetent and legions were no longer a citizen militia
divided the leadership was at times, military controlled by the Senate and enrolled to
service formed a part of every aspiring meet a passing need, but a long-service force
citizen's upbringing. In sharp contrast, the of independent contingents whose loyalties
Carthaginian politicians were mainly had been transferred from a distant state to
merchants, irreconcilably divided between its immediate military commanders, many
those wishing to preserve their overseas of whom had political ambitions. So it was
interests by opposing Rome and those in 49 BC when, at the head of five cohorts,
wanting to compromise in order to expand Caesar crossed the Rubicon, the river
their African possessions. This was a political marking the boundary between Cisalpine
division which precluded any clear strategic Gaul and Roman Italy, to unleash a civil war
national aim. In the end it was this, together which was to extend from the Italian
with the inattention paid in peace-time peninsula to Greece, Syria and Cappadocia,
to the provision and training of competent down through Africa, Sicily and Sardinia to
commanders, that led to Carthage's downfall Spain. Internecine struggles first weakened
rather than, as has sometimes been then extinguished the military vigour of the
suggested, the Romans' greatly superior Roman world until Rome itself was sacked
human and material resources. in AD 410 by Alaric the Visigoth.
Finally, let it be repeated: human nature The relentless expansion of the Roman
does not change, only the circumstances with Empire transformed the social and economic
which it is surrounded. We should then never fabric of the Italian Confederation as the
90 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

spoils of war poured into Italy. While the society'. The rot at home invited the
young men were drafted into the legions intervention of ambitious overseas
deployed along the empire's distant frontiers, commanders who, as we have seen, were
they were replaced by tens of thousands of not slow to pursue their own interests.
slaves who worked on the land or in So Scipio Nasica's second prediction was
domestic service. This could include fulfilled: internal disintegration would follow
concubinage, as was provided for Cato, or from the defeat of Carthage; a disintegration
more debauching vices such as paedophilia, which ultimately led to the collapse of the
a practice acquired from the Greeks. But as Roman Empire. On the positive side, however,
time passed many slaves were enfranchised we should recall that Rome's defeat of
and became Roman citizens, though judging Carthage paved the way for Western
by Scipio Aemelianus' rebuke of those once civilisation and the establishment of the
thronging the Forum - 'Silence, spurious Christian religion. For a brief period Rome
sons of Italy!' - of intemperate if not unified most of modern-day Europe, to such
insolent behaviour. Thus a new breed of an extent that, though the centre of gravity
people arose who, holding different beliefs, has shifted northwards, it is comparable with
customs and expectations, frequently what is occurring some 2,000 years later.
rejected the social discipline and solid virtues Gibbon, however, had harsh words to say
practised by their Roman predecessors. about the impact of Christianity:
There had been an equally traumatic shift
in economic conditions. Much of the The clergy successfully preached the doctrines
new-found wealth found its way into the of patience and pusillanimity; the active virtues
pockets of the powerful, including members of of society were discouraged; and the last remains
the Senate, who bought up land which they of the military spirit were buried in the cloister; a
then worked with slave labour, displacing large portion of private and public wealth was
those peasant farmers who remained. The consecrated to the specious demands of charity
resulting impoverishment of the peasant class and devotion.
was further aggravated by long-serving soldiers
being obliged to surrender land which they However, to balance this critical
were unable to manage, leaving them assessment, he went on to say:
homeless and destitute once they had
completed their military service. A resentful The pure and genuine influence of
class of Rome's once-loyal citizens then Christianity may be traced to its beneficial,
swelled the ranks of those seeking social though imperfect, effects on the Barbarian
justice. In 133 BC Tiberius Gracchus, a tribune proselytes of the North. If the decline of the
and bold reformer, was assassinated for Roman Empire was hastened by the conversion of
attempting to reverse this trend, as was his Constantine, his virtuous religion broke the violence
younger brother Gaius, when he tried to revive of the fall, and mollified the ferocious temper of the
the reform. In this way the old inculcated conquerors. This awful revolution may be usefully
Roman virtues of uprightness and duty to the applied to the instruction of the present age.
state slipped into a decline marked by
selfishness and insatiable greed. A knowledge of history plays an important
In spite of the wealth that had flowed part in understanding how we got where we
into Italy following the Romans' overseas are and in helping us to decide what we
conquests, its misappropriation and should do in the future; which brings us back
economic mismanagement necessitated to Polybius' contention, quoted at the
higher taxes, a burden that was shifted by beginning of this book: 'There are two sources
the rich and powerful on to the poorer from which any benefit can be derived; our
classes, who, as Gibbon expressed it, 'bore own misfortunes and those which have
the weight without sharing the benefits of happened to other men.'
Glossary of names

Agathocles Tyrant of Syracuse who eluded Hanno Carthaginian general sent to Sicily at
the Carthaginian siege of the city and the outbreak of the First Punic War.
carried the war into their North African Defeated at the naval battle of Ecnomus
homeland. He died in 289 BC. in 256 BC.
Archimedes The most famous mathematician Hasdrubal Barca Left in command in Spain
and physicist in antiquity. Native of when his brother Hannibal crossed the
Syracuse, whose war machines devastated Alps to campaign in Italy at the beginning
the Roman fleet during the siege in of the Second Punic War. Later tried to
which he was killed when the city fell join Hannibal but was killed on the
in 212 BC. Metaurus in 207 BC.
Cato Roman senator who fought in Spain. Hiero King of Syracuse who sided with the
His implacable hatred of Carthage was a Carthaginians over the Mamertine
major cause of the Third Punic War and problem in 264 BC but after being
the city's destruction. defeated by the Romans, changed sides
Fabius, Maximus Quintus Roman consul and gave his allegiance to the latter.
nicknamed Cunctator (Delayer) because he Remained a faithful Roman ally until his
shadowed Hannibal in the Second Punic death in about 214 BC.
War, hoping to wear him down without Maharbal Numidian cavalry general who
giving battle. crossed the Alps with Hannibal in 218 BC.
Flaminius, Gaius Roman consul killed with Fought at the battles of Trasimene in
most of his men at the battle of Lake 217 BC and Cannae in 216 BC.
Trasimene in 217 BC, when trapped by- Marcellus, Marcus Claudius Four times
Hannibal. consul and Rome's most vigorous field
Hamilcar Barca Father of Hannibal. commander in Sicily and Italy during the
Commanded the Carthaginian forces in Second Punic War. Took Syracuse but was
Sicily during the First Punic War. Suppressed killed in battle in 208 BC.
the Mercenary Revolt in Africa (240-237 Paulus, Lucius Armilius Roman consul
BC). Created an independent power base in sharing dual command with Varro at the
Spain, where he was drowned when trying battle of Cannae, where he fell in 216 BC.
to escape across a river. Philip V King of Macedonia who entered
Hannibal Son of Hamilcar Barca. Secured the into an alliance with Hannibal during the
family base in Spain after the death of his Second Punic War in 225 BC. Driven out
father. Led his army from Spain over the of Illyria by the Romans and finally
Alps into Italy to begin the Second Punic defeated in the Second Macedonian War
War. After being called back to defend in 192 BC.
Carthage, he was defeated by Scipio Regulus, Marcus Atilius Roman consul who
Africanus at Zama in 202 BC. defeated the Carthaginians in the naval
Hanno (The Great) Leader of the aristocratic battle of Ecnomus in 256 BC. Invaded
party in Carthage from 240-200 BC. North Africa, where he was defeated by
Favoured development of the African Xanthipus in the following year.
provinces, so was the chief opponent of Scipio, Gnaeus Cornelius Uncle of Scipio
Hannibal and the Barcid party seeking Africanus. Killed with his brother Publius
overseas expansion. Cornelius Scipio in Spain in 211 BC.
92 Essential Histories The Punic Wars

Scipio, Publius Cornelius Roman consul Spendius Roman deserter who, with the
and father of Scipio Africanus. Carried the Libyan Matho, led the Mercenary Revolt
campaign to Spain in the Second Punic in 240 BC.
War, where he was defeated and killed Syphax King of Numidia who sided with the
with his brother Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Carthaginians and was defeated in the
in 211 BC. Great Plains by Scipio Africanus and
Scipio Africanus After the deaths of his Masinissa in 209 BC.
father and uncle in battle, he was given Varro, Marcus Terentius Roman consul
command of the Roman army in Spain in sharing command with Lucius Armilius
209 BC and captured New Carthage. Paulus but under whose direction the battle
Landed in Africa in 204 BC and defeated of Cannae was fought and lost in 216 BC.
Hannibal at Zama two years later. Xanthipus Spartan mercenary who trained
Scipio, Nasica Grandson of Scipio Africanus and led the Carthaginian army which
who, after the Second Punic War, tried to defeated the Romans under Marcus Atilius
persuade the Senate that it was in Rome's Regulus in North Africa during the First
own interest not to destroy Carthage. Punic War in 255 BC.

Primary sources Other references

Bagnall, N.T., The Punic Wars, London (1990) Adcock, F.E., The Roman Art of War,
Bartoloni, P., 'Ships and Navigation', in Cambridge, Mass (1940)
The Phoenicians, Milan (1988) Arnold, T., The Second Punic War, London
Bartoloni, P., 'Commerce and Industry' in (1886)
The Phoenicians, Milan (1988) Cicero, The Offices, London (1894)
Blaney, G., The Causes of War, London (1978) De Beer, G., Hannibal, London (1969)
Bondi, S.F., 'City Planning', in The Diodorus, S., Corpus Historicum, London
Phoenicians, Milan (1988) (1700)
Bondi, S.F., Cambridge Ancient History (Vols Gibbon, E., The Decline and Fall of the Roman
VII and VIII), Cambridge (1991) Empire, London (1775)
Caven, B., The Punic Wars, London (1980) Grimal, P., The Civilization of Rome, London
Michelet, J., The Roman Republic, London & New York (1963)
(1847) Harris, W., War and Imperialism in Ancient
Moscati, S.,'Colonization of the Rome, London (1979)
Mediterranean', in The Phoenicians, Milan Herodotus, The Histories, London (1962)
(1988) Liddel, Hart B., A Greater than Napoleon,
Plutarch, Makers of Rome, London (1965) Edinburgh and London (1926)
Polybius, The Histories, London 1899) Livy, The Early History of Rome, London
Smith, R.B., Carthage and the Carthaginians, (1965)
London (1890). Livy, Rome and Italy, London (1965)
Thiel, J.H., A History of Roman Sea Power, Livy, The War with Hannibal, London (1965)
Amsterdam (1954) Mahan, A.T., The Influence of Sea Power on
History, London (1980)
Momsen, T., The History of Rome, New York
Picard, G.C., The Life and Death of Carthage,
London (1968)
Ribichini, S., 'Beliefs and Religious Life', in
The Phoenicians, Milan (1988)
Rollin, B.M., The Ancient Histories, Edinburgh,
Scullard, H., The History of the Roman World,
London (1953)
Scullard, H., Scipio Africanus, New York
Schuckburgh, E., The Histories of Polybius,
London (1899)
Wallbank, F., Polybius: an Historical
Commentary, Oxford (1957)

References to illustrations are shown in bold coin, bronze Mamertini 31

coin, silver Carthaginian 78
Aemilii family 17 consuls 17
Aetolia 61 corvi 27, 37, 38-39
African campaigns 40-41, 67-68
Agrigentum 36 Demeter (Ceres) 17
Allobroges tribe 49 Demetrius 45-46, 56
Archimedes, death of 60, 61 Drepana 43
Archimedes' counter-weighted beams 61, 64-65 Dugga, Tunisia 77
army, Carthaginian 20-21
infantry 55 Ecnomus, battle of 40, 42
army, Roman 24-26 see also Roman infantry elephants 20-21, 22-23, 41
Astarte (Tanit) 13
Aufides (Ofante), River, colonnade at 70-71 Fabii family 15, 17, 45, 81
Flaminius, Gaius 52
Baal Hannon 13
Balearic slingers 20, 26 Gallic invasion 45
Barca family 48, 76 see also Hamilcar Barca; Gauls 20, 45, 49
Hannibal Barca; Hasrubal Barca warrior 57
Bon, Cape 41, 42-43 Gibbon 90
Gracchus, Tiberius 90
Camarina 41
Cannae, battle of 26, 54, 54-55, 76 Hamilcar Barca 38, 44, 46, 47, 48, 81
Capua 66-67 Hannibal Barca 48, 52, 66, 67, 68, 78, 88, 89
Cartagena (New Carthage) 48, 56-57, 78 at battle of Cannae 55
Carthage 40, 41, 67, 68, 69, 72 portrait 76-77
Acropolis at 73 in retreat 66-67
aristocracy in 13, 15 strategy 50, 56
constitution of 13, 15 Hanno 35, 36
corruption in 15 Hanno the Great 80
description of 68, 85 Hasdrubal Barca 43, 48. 56, 57, 67
founding of 11-12 Herodotus 12, 84
siege of 68, 72, 75 Hiero of Syracuse 34, 36, 56
Carthage and its neighbours 46 Hieronymus of Syracuse 56, 60-61
Carthage today 69 human sacrifice 11. 13
Carthaginian army 20-21
infantry 55 Ilipa 57
Carthaginian empire and dependencies 14 Illyria 61, 66, 74
Carthaginian navy 20, 21, 24, 40 Illyrian expeditions 45-46
Carthaginian trade 84-85 infantry
Carthaginians 21 Carthaginian 55
character of 12 Libyan 20
effects of the war on 80-81 Roman see Roman infantry
religion of 12-13 Spanish 20
Carthalo 77 Italy, southern 74
Cato, Marcus 85, 85-87, 88 Izoard, Col d' 49-50, 62-63
Catulus, Lutatius 44
cavalry, Numidian 20 Latins 19
cavalryman 21 legionaries, Roman 28-29 see also Roman army
cavalry, Spanish 20 Libyan infantry 20
Ceres (Demeter) 17 Libyans 42-43, 76
Christianity, impact of 90 Lilybaeum 44
Cicero 12, 13 siege of 43
civilian, portrait of 85-87 Livy 76, 77
Claudii family 15, 17, 81
Claudius, Appius 36 Maharbal 52, 77
Claudius Pulcher, Publius 16, 43, 81 Mamertines 34, 35
climate, Mediterranean 84 Matho 44, 80
Index 95

Maximus, Fabius 52, 54 princeps 25

mercenaries 21 triari 25
mercenary revolt 44, 80 Roman navy 26-27, 39-41
Messana 34-35, 36 Romans
Messina, straits of 32-33 character of 16
Metaurus river 67 effects of the war on 81-83
Milazzo (Mylae) 39 religion of 16-17
Romans carry the war to Africa 67-68
naval tactics 24, 27, 37, 38-39 Rome 66, 82
navy, Carthaginian 20, 21, 24, 40 constitution of 17, 19
navy, Roman 26-27, 39-41 founding of 15
Neptune 18 house of the Vestal Virgins 82-83
New Carthage (Cartagena) 48, 56-57, 78
Numidian cavalry 20 Sacred Band 21
cavalryman 21 sacrifice, human 11, 13
Saguntum 48, 53
Ofante (Aufides), River, colonnade at 70-71 Sardinia 56, 57, 60, 88
Scipio, Gnaeus and Publius 55, 56
Palermo (Panormous) 41-42, 43 Scipio Aemelianus 68, 72, 90
Patricians 17 Scipio Africanus 56-57, 67, 68, 79, 83, 85, 88
Paulus, Lucius Aemilius 54, 55 portrait of 77-79
Peloponnese 74 Scipio Nasica 89, 90
Philip V of Macedon 56, 61, 66 Senate 17, 34, 35, 54, 82-83
Phintias 40 Servilius, Geminus Gnaeus 52
Phoenicians 11-12, 84 shell, murex 12, 12
Plebeians 17 ship, Roman 37 see also quinqueremes, Roman;
Plutarch 85, 86 trireme, Roman
Polybius 12, 17, 45, 55, 78, 80, 90 ships, Carthaginian 21, 24, 86-87 see also
Pontifex Maximus (Chief Priest) 16-17, 82 quiqueremes, Carthaginian; triremes,
Pontiffs, College of 16-17 Carthaginian
priests holding an infant for sacrifice 11 see also Sicily 15, 30, 60-61, 67, 81
Pontifex Maximus First Punic War in 36, 38, 38, 41-44
Ptolemy II of Egypt 80 Siculus, Diodorus 13, 84, 85
Punic War, First 36-44 slingers, Balearic 20, 26
African campaign 40-41 soldiers, portrait of 76-79
maritime dimension 38-40 Spain 46, 48, 56-57
Sicily 36, 38, 38, 41-44 Spanish soldiers 20
Punic War, Second 48-68, 51 Spendius 44, 80
the Ebro to the Alps 48-50 states, allied 19
the epic years 50, 52, 54-55 stele 72
Hannibal in retreat 66-67 sword, Roman 27
Illyria 61, 66 Syracuse 61
Romans carry the War to Africa 67-68
Sardinia 57, 60 tactics, naval 24, 27, 37, 38-39
Sicily 60-61 Tanit (Astarte) 13
Spain 56-57 Taranto (Tarentum) 15, 67
the waning years 66 Teuta, Queen 45
the war expands 56 trade, Carthaginian 84-85
Punic War, Third 68-75 Trasimene, Lake 55
Pyrrhus, King of Epirus 15, 15, 30 battle of 52, 54
Traversette, Col de la 49-50
Queyras, Chateau 49, 50 Treaty of Friendship, Third 30
quinqueremes trireme 25
Carthaginian 21, 24, 27, 36 Roman 39
Roman 24, 27 triremes, Carthaginian 21, 24

Regulus, Marcus Atilius 40, 41 Varro, Marcus Terentius 54, 55, 82

Rhegium 35 Venus 19
Rhone, River 48-49, 58-59 Virgins, Vestal 82-83, 82
Roman army 24-26 see also Roman infantry
Roman Empire, expansion and collapse of 89-90 war, levels of 35
Roman infantry see also Roman army weapons, Carthaginian 20
cohorts 25, 26 weapons, Roman 25, 26
command 26 sword 27
hastati 25-26
legionaries 28-29 Xanthipus 41
legions 25. 26
maniples 25 Zama 68

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