Algebra II CC Syllabus 2017

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Algebra II CC Syllabus

Mr. Earle-

Teaching Periods: A, F & H
Room: 601

Welcome to Algebra II Common Core!

This course is will conclude with the June Algebra II Common Core Exam. Throughout this
school year you will be studying topics such as Number & Quantity, Statistics & Probability and
Exponential Functions. These topics will be explored in greater depth as well as the concepts
aligned with their fundamental Algebra and Geometry skills (arithmetic, creating
equations/inequalities, geometric properties etc.). This course is next in the sequence of math
courses if you were a student in Geometry last year.

Regents Preparation
All students are REQUIRED to take the Common Core Exam in June.
For more information about the exam, including practice exams, go to

Course Overview
The following are the broad topics we will cover this year:

1. Functions
2. Polynomials
3. The Complex Plane
4. Exponential Functions
5. Trigonometry
6. Focus & Directrix
7. Probability & Statistics


You are required to bring the following materials each day to class.
Any assignments that are due that day

You are also REQUIRED to purchase a 2-inch 3-ring hardcover binder that will contain your notes
from each day. This binder will stay in the classroom and will be used for grading notebook
checks. You MUST have your binder by the third day of class (this will be an early and heavily
weighted homework assignment.)

*Graphing calculators are available for your use during class. In addition, you should have access
to a scientific calculator at home, although owning a graphing calculator is highly recommended.
Grading Policy
Grading will be based on the following components

Homework 10%
Quizzes 20%
Classwork/Participation 30%
Tests 40%

You will be receiving daily homework to complete on your own time throughout the week. These
assignments are designed for you to become more comfortable working on the material on your
own. Each homework assignment will be checked for effort and is a part of your Homework
grade. I will grade each homework assignment based on the following rubric:

Homework Rubric:

1 2 3 4

1 or less problems About half or less

Completeness are complete, but than half of the Most problems are All problems are
parts of steps are problems are completely solved. completely solved.
complete completely solved.

Work Shown Minimal to zero work Some work is shown Almost all work is All relevant work is
is shown. clearly shown. shown.

Any assignments that are not handed in or fail to meet the requirements of a 1 will be given a

There will be times that I assign homework that is aligned with a video that I will post as well.
The video is intended to guide you if having your notes is not enough to help you complete your
assignment. All you will need to assess these materials will be a smart phone, computer or tablet
with Internet access.
(If you do not have access to any of these pieces of technology, please see me to discuss an
alternative option.)

I will be requiring that you utilize your email for regular communication with myself.
Your Drive Folder will be a tool that you will need to access frequently as well, as I will be
depositing assignments into that folder for you to access on a regular basis.

Genius Scanner:
You will submit written assignments by scanning them with your phone. In order to do
this, you will need the Genius Scanner app. This app will turn your document into a PDF, which

Google Classroom:
Most of your assignments will be assigned to you through Google Classroom, an online
platform for our class. I will be able to send you documents, receive documents back from you,
and grade your work all within Google Classroom. The app would be a useful download for you,
however, access to a desktop computer of some kind is ideal.
When your homework involves watching a video, I will assign it through EdPuzzle. You
can access EdPuzzle through your web browser as well, however, the app makes this process
easier and very convenient.

Late and Missing Work Policy

If you are absent
you will be expected to turn in any assignments that were given to you on and before
your last day in class on the day that you return. This work will be considered on time.

any work that was assigned while you were out will be due on Friday of that week. If
Friday is the first day you are finding out about the assignment, that due date is Monday. No work
will be excused.
(In extenuating circumstances, we will have a discussion and create a specific make-up

notes that were given while you were out are expected to be complete using either a
fellow classmate, or online notes keys. Notebook checks will not excuse time spent out of school.

If you fail to turn in an assignment when it is due, that work will be due on Friday of that week. If
Friday was the initial due date, the late due date is Monday. Late work is worth half the credit of
the initial assignment. Once the late due date has passed, the assignment will receive a zero.

Classwork may be collected at the end of class. This grade will also include your exit tickets,
active participation, your behavior, and your ability to keep up with note taking. Notebook checks
will be a large part of your Classwork/Participation grade as well.

Taking Notes
You may be given guided notes to follow along with and complete during class, however, much of
your note-taking will be considered homework. What this means is that our classroom will be
flipped in such a way that you will be exploring new material at home and our class time will be
largely devoted to practice and deeper dives into the content. To be clear, you are responsible for
understanding the material that is contained within your notes and I will be checking to be sure
youve completed them. When you return to class, the notes need to be clipped into your in-class

Tests and Quizzes

If you miss a test or quiz for any reason, it is your responsibility to schedule a make-up.
Additionally, if you are late to a test or a quiz you will not receive extra time to complete the
If at the end of the marking period you have not taken a quiz or test, it will be recorded as a zero.
Office Hours

I will be available during my off periods (B & occasionally C) for scheduled help if need be. My
after school hours are limited by coaching, however, I will be sure to post the times that I know I
will be free on my website.

All testing and other accommodations will be honored to the very best of my ability, as well as the
abilities of the SNAS department. If there is any sort of support that a student is not receiving, or
you have a concern that you would like to bring to my attention feel free to email me.
Algebra II CC Syllabus Contract

The full syllabus can be found on my website at The major points are
included in this document, however, by signing this contract you agree to the terms included in the
full syllabus as well as this document.

Course Overview:

Algebra II Common Core is intended for students who have a firm grasp of the concepts
taught in Algebra I Common Core and Geometry Common Core. Students entering this class
should have taken both of these classes, and could also have taken Intermediate Algebra as well.
we can work to reconfigure your schedule. At the end of the school year, all students will take the
Algebra II Common Core exam.

The grading policy for the course is as follows:

Homework 10%
Quizzes 20%
Classwork/Participation 30%
Tests 40%

Homework will be given regularly and it is expected that it be completed. All late work is
due on the Friday of the week it was given, (or Monday if it was due on Friday) for half credit.


Each student is required to have one 2-inch hardcover 3-ring binder that will stay in the
classroom. They will keep their notes from each day in this binder.

Students are required to bring their own pens and pencils to each class.

Students will need a way to connect to the Internet at home (computer, laptop, tablet, or
smartphone will all work) in order to complete homework assignments and receive important

Again, please reference my website for further details.


In order to keep you involved in your students successes and progress in their math class I
would love for you to set up a Google account so that we can be in touch through email. This will
also allow you to monitor your students assignments as closely as you like. You can even elect to
be notified of every assignment and upcoming Quiz or Test if you choose!
Should you choose to set up your account for the benefit of our teacher-parent
communication as well as your child, please send me an email and I will give your student 2 extra
credit points on their homework grade to begin the school year.
By signing, you acknowledge that the expectations and policies laid out in this contract as
well as in Mr. Earles online syllabus have been provided for you on the first day of school. You
also agree to accept these terms, and to abide by them for the duration of the school year.

Student Name: Parent/Guardian Name:

___________________________ ___________________________

Signature: ___________________________ Signature: ___________________________

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