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Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671


Application of steel channels as stiffeners in bolted

moment connections
H. Tagawaa,, S. Gurelb
a Department of Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Nagoya 464-8603,
b Department of Civil Engineering, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan

Received 17 August 2004; accepted 29 April 2005


This paper proposes a stiffening method to meet some architectural needs. This method uses
bolted channels as alternatives to both continuity and doubler plates in bolted moment-resistant
beam-to-column connections. The present study investigates the performance of channels as
stiffeners to: increase yield load in the tension zone of connection, gradually increase overall moment
capacity of connection, and avert shear failure of the column web panel zone. We conducted
experiments to examine the tension region of the connection loaded from T-stubs. The moment
capacity of full connection was predicted by considering T-stub idealization and shear effects on
the column web panel. T-stub tensile behavior and overall connection behavior were also monitored
using three-dimensional finite element simulations in ANSYS simulation software because this
problem is three-dimensional in nature. Effects of geometrical and material non-linearities on
interaction among connecting members should be clarified. This study showed marked strength
improvement in connection by use of channels. The performance of channel stiffeners was examined
through comparison of results.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Beam-to-column joint; Bolted moment connection; Stiffener; Channel; Yield mechanism; Testing;
Finite element modeling

Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 52 789 3766; fax: +81 52 789 3837.
E-mail address: tagawa@genv.nagoya-u.ac.jp (H. Tagawa).

0143-974X/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1651

Fig. 1. A typical bolted connection with traditional stiffeners.

1. Introduction

Damage to several steel moment-resisting frames involving brittle failure of welded

beam-to-column connections, such as that which occurred in the 1994 Northridge and
1995 Kobe earthquakes, has emphasized some drawbacks related to welding. Recently,
bolted connections have become an important alternative in consideration of their good
performance in past earthquakes. In particular, bolted beam-to-column connections are the
common forms of moment-resisting frame joints. Nevertheless, a limiting factor hinders
their design: deformation of the column flange in the tension region makes it difficult
to satisfy strength and stiffness criteria without using stiffeners. The traditional method
of reducing this deformation includes the use of welded transverse stiffeners (Fig. 1). If
required, doubler plates are also used to prevent panel zone shear failure.
Some previous studies, such as Moore and Sims [1], have addressed the stiffening
of the tension zone in end-plate beam-to-column connections using backing plates as
an alternative. Grogan and Surtees [2] also monitored the stiffening with bolted backing
angles in their studies.
Recently, requests from the architectural sector related to industrial building details have
prompted us to investigate other alternatives to achieve design flexibility for installation of
operating equipment. We intended to eliminate transverse stiffeners to allow ducting inside
of the joint and prevent misuse or neglect of transverse stiffeners such as that observed
in some industrial buildings. This paper presents a new option for stiffening of bolted
moment connections. It could provide sufficient strength against all of the aforementioned
effects using the same element (Fig. 2). Channel members are installed between column
1652 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 2. Proposed stiffening with channels.

flanges on both sides instead of doubler plates and transverse stiffeners. The beam ends
connect to the column flanges by extended end-plates or T-stubs and bolts shared with
the channel connection. Because the use of welds is minimized in this configuration, the
method of stiffening with channels is also helpful for eliminating drawbacks related to
This study specifically addresses investigation of the elasto-plastic behavior of the
channel stiffened bolted beam-to-column moment connections using test results and their
three-dimensional finite element method (3D-FEM) simulations. This paper also includes
some information gained from the previous studies [3,4].

2. Local tensile strength

2.1. T-stub failure mechanisms

In most bolted moment connections, connection failure is governed by yielding and
excessive deformations of the tension zone. For that reason, we began with inspection of
strength in that tension part to examine connection moment resistance. Individual T-stubs
were monitored instead of full connections. The tension part of connection was subjected
to an axial load based on the expected beam flange forces in actual connections. Fig. 3(a)
and (b) show the application of this concept.
Previous researchers, such as Packer and Morris [5], have addressed T-stub behavior
under tension load. Three different failure mechanisms, depending on the relative stiffness
of components and bolts, are possible in either the T-stub flange or the column flange:
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1653

Fig. 3. (a) Extended end-plate connection, (b) its T-stub idealization.

Fig. 4. Failure mechanism A.

yielding of the bolts, simultaneous yielding of the flange and bolts, or yielding of the
flange alone. Failure by bolt fracture is ignored in our study. To clarify column flange
yielding behavior and the effects of channel stiffeners, failure by simultaneous flange and
bolt yielding is also averted by choosing the T-stub flange and bolts as extremely stiff in
relation to the column flange and channels. Therefore, tension zone studies described in
this paper address only failure by yielding of the column and channel flanges. Some yield
line patterns based on the yield line theory developed by Johansen [6] are applied to explain
plastic behavior of the column flange and channel flanges.
Figs. 4 and 5 show the proposed failure mechanisms produced by taking note of prior
studies [5,7]. Regarding the contact between the channel flange and column flange surfaces,
1654 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 5. Failure mechanism B.

we assumed that compatible yield line patterns are developed in both of them. Two different
yield patterns are applied for the column flange and channel stiffener flange. Tension yield
load Fy -t is evaluated using the equation of internal energy and the work done by the
external load for failure mechanism A (Fig. 4) as

(Fy -t /2) = {2m pc n(/m) + 2m pc + m pc C(/m) + 2m pc (n 0.5D  )(/m)

+ m pc (C D  )(/m)} + {2m pch2 + m pch C(/m)
+ m pch (C D  )2(/m)},
where m pc = tfc2 yc /4 and m pch = tfch
2 /4 per unit length, and

Fy -t = tfc2 yc { + (2n + C D  )/m} + tfch

ych {2 + (1.5C D  )/m}. (1)
Variables m pc and m pch used in these equations are the respective plastic moment
capacities per unit length of yield lines in the column flange and channel flange. Respective
yield stresses in the column and channel are yc and ych . Thicknesses of the column
flange and channel flange are tfc and tfch , respectively; C is the vertical bolt pitch between
upper and lower rows of tension bolts. The bolt-hole diameter is represented as D  ;
m is the distance from the bolt centerline to the edge of the root fillet. The distance
from the bolt centerline to the side of the column flange is n, whereas represents a
small unit displacement. Fig. 5 shows another yield pattern comprising two circular hinge
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1655

Fig. 6. Details of the test specimen without stiffeners (T-N).

fields around the bolt-holes for the channel stiffener. Tensile yield load Fy -t is evaluated
using the equation of internal energy and the work done by external load for failure
mechanism B as

(Fy -t /2) = {2m pcn(/m) + 2m pc + m pc C(/m)

+ 2m pc(n 0.5D  )(/m) + m pc (C D  )(/m)} + {2m pch4},

where m pc = tfc2 yc /4 and m pch = tfch

2 /4 per unit length, and

Fy -t = tfc2 yc { + (2n + C D  )/m} + tfch

ych {4}. (2)

Comparison of Eqs. (1) and (2) shows that the failure behaviors of the column flange are
identical in the two mechanisms. Therefore, m, n, C, and D  can be assigned easily in
terms of bolt size and location on the column flange. According to the provisions of our
design, channels are inserted such that the channel flange edges coincide with the edge of
the root fillet of the column flange. This condition should be provided to observe failure
mechanisms for channel flanges that were explained previously. In practice, if it is difficult
to provide an appropriate channel section in the case of stiffening with hot-rolled channels,
then the contribution of circular hinge fields in the channel flange to the overall failure
mechanism should be reduced while the column flange failure mechanism and m parameter
in the formulae remain unchanged.
1656 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 7. Details of the specimen with 6 mm and 9 mm thick cold-formed channel stiffeners (T-6 and T-9).

2.2. Physical tests

Four tests were performed to determine the effects of channel stiffeners on the column
flange yield mechanism and common connection failure. The specimen group comprised
a simple connection in which a T-stub was connected to a short length of column using
no stiffener (specimen T-N) and three T-stub to column connections stiffened with the hot-
rolled (specimen T-C) and 6 mm thick (specimen T-6) and 9 mm thick (specimen T-9)
cold-formed channels. T-stubs were manufactured using a 22 mm thick plate. Figs. 68
show the test specimen dimensions. Fig. 8 shows that a 4.5 mm thick filler plate is used for
installation of the hot-rolled channel stiffener on one side and tapered plates are inserted
between its inner surface and bolts to provide a sufficient contact. All specimens have
22 mm diameter bolt-holes. The external radii of corners are 13 and 18 mm for the 6 mm
plate and 9 mm plate cold-formed channels, respectively.
The actual dimensions of every test specimen were checked before tests. Our
measurements showed that variations from nominal thicknesses were permissible for
column and channel members. Actual lengths and widths were also nearly exact because
the fabrication process used skilled workmanship and proper techniques. On the other
hand, we observed some cross-sectional variations that had occurred during installation
of channels and tightening of the bolts in the test specimen with cold-formed channels.
Even though these cross-sectional variations are small and limited to within the length of
column along the connection, they can induce some internal stresses and secondary effects.
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1657

Fig. 8. Details of the specimen with hot-rolled channel stiffeners (T-C).

Variations in cold-formed channel cross-sections can also affect their support to the column
web against compression loads in addition to the load transfer to them. Therefore, it is
deduced that filler plates should be used in stiffening, not only with hot-rolled, but also with
cold-formed channels to provide a proper channel installation between column flanges. If
appropriate filler plates of identical thickness are applied on both sides of every channel
symmetrically on both sides of the column, such a configuration is expected to reduce
cross-sectional variations and prevent non-symmetrical effects. Use of similar detail also
simplifies the erection process.
Table 1 lists material properties of components and results of some pilot standard tensile
tests done to inspect material characteristics of channels and the column using coupons
from components. Four grade-F10T M20 bolts pretensioned by 182 kN force were used
for connection. The ultimate tensile load of a bolt is 245 kN.
For every test specimen, yield loads were predicted using Eqs. (1) and (2) respectively
with regard to failure mechanisms A and B. They are shown in Table 2. In calculation of
the yield load for hot-rolled channels, the 8 mm thickness of the mid-point of the flange
leg is accounted for as tfch .
After each specimen was placed in a 2 MN capacity tensile testing machine, tension
loads were applied incrementally via T-stub webs. Only failure by yielding of the column
and channel flanges is considered to clarify the yielding behavior of the column flange
and the effects of channel stiffeners. For that reason, the tests were ended when plastic
deformations occurred in bolts; loading was continued until bolt extensions were observed.
1658 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Table 1
Material properties

Component Material Yield stress Ultimate stress Elongation (%)

(N/mm2 ) (N/mm2 )

Column (H-150 150 7 10) SN400B 288 427 30.5

Hot-rolled channel (C-125 65 6 8) SS400 328 451 27.0
Plate: 6 mm SN400B 339 460 26.0
Plate: 9 mm SN400B 305 446 29.5
Plate: 22 mm SN490B 352 538 26.5

Table 2
Predicted tensile yield loads

Test Stiffener Fy -t (kN) Fy -t (kN)

for mechanism A for mechanism B

T-N 259 259

T-6 Plate: 6 mm 396 418
T-9 Plate: 9 mm 528 570
T-C C-125 488 523

Fig. 9. LVDT locations.

Relative displacements between two points on T-stub plates 70 mm away from the T-stub
flange surface were measured using linear variable displacement transformers (Fig. 9).
The average of the measurements from these two transformers was taken into account
in drawing Ft diagrams. Some wire strain gauges were also used to check the strain
distribution of the column web, channel webs, and T-stub webs.
Fig. 10 shows the loaddisplacement curves recorded in tests and the predicted yield
loads for each specimen using Eq. (1) for the failure mechanism A. It also depicts
the loaddisplacement curves for specimens T-N and T-9, which resulted from partial
finite element analysis (FEA), which is explained in the following section. Loading,
displacement measurement and collecting strain data using strain gauges from webs in the
plastic range were continued after gradual yielding of the joint initiated in the column and
channel flanges. Although increasing loads were utilized, we intended to present gradual
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1659

Fig. 10. Loaddisplacement relationships for test specimens.

yielding instead of defining an exact yield point or an exact ultimate load accompanying
failure of excessive deformations, cracking, or fracture, because plastic deformations that
occur in the column or connections themselves are avoided in overall frame design as a
practical matter.
Residual deformations were examined after separation of the tested connection
elements. Failure mechanism A and its combinations with mechanism B with increasing
loads were observed in all tests.

2.3. Partial finite element analysis of the tension zone

Studies on beam-to-column end-plate connections have increasingly used finite element

simulations because of the three-dimensional nature of the problem and the complexity
of geometrical and material non-linearity. That complexity makes their numerical analysis
quite onerous. Moreover, not all behavior characteristics of connection are readily available
from experiments. Therefore, using finite element simulations provides supplementary data
for elucidating the stress and the strain distributions. It also provides another alternative for
checking our experimental results.
Relevant papers of Bahaari and Sherbourne [810], Bursi and Jaspart [11,12], Yang
et al. [13], and Harada et al. [14] were reviewed to establish an appropriate approach
for finite element simulation of connection. Here, partial 3D finite element models of the
tension zone will also be adopted for non-linear structural FEA of T-N and T-9 specimens
using a simulation software package (ANSYS, Version 7.0) [15].

2.3.1. Modeling and element types

The finite element mesh for the connection tension part of 1/8 is shown in Fig. 11.
This part is assigned by considering the symmetries around all global axes to reduce the
number of nodes. It is possible to use some higher order elements with mid-nodes for
some curved connection parts (like column fillet, channel curved corner, bolt head and
shank, washer, and nut), but a 3D eight-node structural solid element named SOLID185
in ANSYS was used to model all components. Higher solution accuracy was achieved by
mesh refinements in predicted critical strain zones because the first order solid elements
are more suitable for plasticity type problems with discontinuities at the element edges.
1660 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 11. Finite element mesh of the tension zone.

Bolt, washer, and nut were modeled as one integrated component; threads were neglected.
Considering the fact that they stay in close contact with their connecting plates through
all load steps, the continuity of mesh nodes was achieved using the Boolean operator
glue. Bolt and bolt-hole diameters were assumed as equal for node continuity, but
interaction between bolt and hole surfaces was ignored. In the contact surfaces between
end-plate, column flange and channel flange, contact conditions were defined according
to the penalty technique using the elastic Coulomb friction coefficient () of 0.45 and
CONTA174 elements. Special pretension elements, named PRETS179 in ANSYS, were
used to define a strain surface in the bolt shank.

2.3.2. Material properties

Elasto-plastic material models as regards coupon test results given in Table 1 were
defined for components. We used the modulus of elasticity of 205 000 MPa and Poissons
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1661

Fig. 12. Tension deformations in the channel flange.

ratio of 0.3. The tangential stiffness after the yield point was taken as 0.1% of the elasticity
modulus for plasticity based on the Von MisesHill yield criterion, the associative flow
rule, and the rate-independent bilinear isotropic (work) hardening rule. Tangential stiffness
of the bolt material whose yield stress is 900 N/mm2 was defined as 10% of the elasticity

2.3.3. Loads and results

Boundary conditions along the symmetry axis were defined as displacement values of
zero in three orthogonal planes. A uniformly distributed tension load was applied to the
nodes on the end surface of the plate that represented the beam flange. In the first step of
the solution, a pretension load of 182 kN was applied to the pretension surface in the bolt
shank by fixing the associated bolt nodes in space and using PRETS179 elements. Then, a
non-linear large displacement static analysis was performed for present load conditions
in the NewtonRaphson option with 100 loading steps. Loaddisplacement curves for
specimens T-N and T-9 generated from FEA are shown in Fig. 10. Their agreement
with the physical test results demonstrates the efficiency of FEA in simulating actual
T-stub behavior. Predicted yield loads derived from failure mechanism A are also
compatible with the FEA results. Figs. 12 and 13 show the deformation contours
determined by nodal displacements on the Y -axis for channel and column flanges at the
end of loading. In these figures, deformations are magnified to 20 times their actual values.
It is possible to clearly view proposed failure mechanisms for flanges.

3. Compression behavior

In a bolted beam-to-column connection, yielding is generally governed by the onset of

yielding in the tension zone. For that reason, attention was given to stiffening the tension
zone of connection. Nevertheless, to assume the tension yield strength as the limit for
1662 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 13. Tension deformations in the column flange.

the moment capacity of the connection, it should be proved that the yield load of the
compression zone is larger than that of the tension zone. The compression zone should
have sufficient strength to prevent member instability; in addition, distortions that inhibit
the rotation capacity should remain small.
Our studies and tests on compression zone behavior continue to examine local web
buckling and crippling as well as compression yielding. We anticipate a contribution of
channel webs to resistance of the column web against compression forces. Nevertheless,
until sufficient knowledge of individual compression components is obtained, channels
contributions can be ignored for conservative estimates and the compression yield strength
can be predicted using some conventional formulas, such as LRFDs [16]:
Fy -c = (6k + N + 2t p ) yw twc (3)
where k is the distance from the outer face of the flange to the web toe of the fillet, N is the
beam flange delivering the concentrated force plus two leg sizes of fillet welds or groove
weld reinforcement, and t p is the end-plate thickness. The yield stress and thickness of the
column web are respectively represented as yw and twc .
Nevertheless, in columns without transverse stiffeners, the compression component is
transferred to the column web by a bearing at the bottom of the connection in relation to
geometrical conditions, whereas the tension group of bolts carries the tension component
of the beam moment. Knowledge of the pressure distribution between the end-plate and
column flange is fundamental to connection design. This point will also be incorporated
into the theoretical estimation of the connection yield moment.

4. Panel zone shear behavior

Panel zones of moment-resisting beam-to-column connections are subjected to mo-
ments, axial forces and large shear forces, which can induce significant shear distortions.
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1663

Fig. 14. Panel zone of a moment connection with channel stiffeners.

This study applies a conventional model of web panel deformation with rectilinear edges
depending on constant shear stress distribution to the case with channel stiffeners. Thereby,
we also examine channel web panel deformation. As shown in Fig. 14, the panel zone
breadth of a channel, Bch - pa , is longer than the columns, h c , if the open form of channels
is considered. This difference between breadths implies that the contribution of a chan-
nels shear resistance to the column panel zone shear strength decreases because the ratio
between panel zone shear strains of channels and column is inversely proportional to the
ratio between their breadths (Fig. 15). When the shear-yielding limit of joint is reached, the
column web panel starts yielding while the channel web panels remain elastic. Therefore,
the panel zone shear strength of the connection is formulated as
Tpanel = twc h c + 2 twch Bch - pa yc
Bch - pa

where the value of ( Bchh c- pa yc ) is smaller than ych . The respective shear yield stresses of
the column and channels are yc and ych . The thickness of the channel web is twch .
An effective breadth, Bch eff , is defined for the channel web plane and the contribution
- pa
of channel flanges is ignored because the shear stresses along the channel flanges act in
opposite directions. Furthermore, secondary effects depending on the eccentricity of the
channel cross-section also induce some loss of shear force transferred to channels from the
1664 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 15. Panel zone shear behavior models.

Here, we assumed that bolts are sufficiently reliable to provide shear transfer between
the column and channel flange surfaces. We further assumed that using the required
widththickness ratios for web plates prevents local buckling of channel webs.

5. Overall connection strength

This section is intended to show a derivation of the overall connection strength using
some simplified analytical evaluations for beam-to-column connection samples with and
without stiffeners, which will also be analyzed by FEM later (Fig. 16).
Although compression zone studies are still in progress to inspect instability
characteristics, we performed some strength evaluations for beam-to-column connections
without stiffeners and with 9 mm thick cold-formed channel stiffeners as depending on the
tension yield load, compression yield load, and critical shear load. We combined them
to assess the overall moment behavior of the connection. Thereby, we produced some
predictions regarding strength that are useful for comparing FEA results.

5.1. Theoretical yield moment of connection

Most studies of end-plate connections have assumed that a couple whose forces act
at beam flange level can replace the beam moment. Two simple T-stubs are adopted to
simulate the connection tension and compression zones. Using the minimum yield load,
Fy , observed from tension or compression zone strength evaluations, the theoretical yield
moment of the beam-to-column connection, M y , can be estimated as
M y = Fy d, (5)
where d is distance between the couple forces. This distance varies from the distance
between centroids of the top and bottom beam flanges, d f , as shown in Fig. 3(a), to the
distance from the outer row of tension bolts to the compression edge of the end-plate,
as related to the pressure distribution. When we consider our overall connection samples,
which will be presented later, it is possible to assume that the rigid end-plate remains planar
while it rotates. Thus, d is evaluated by considering a triangular stress distribution in the
compression zone and bolts tensile forces using BernoulliNavier assumptions.
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1665

Fig. 16. Beam-to-column connection stiffened with channels.

Connection yield moment values derived from Eq. (5) according to the tension
(M y -t ) and compression (M y -c ), and the shear yield (M y -sh ) moment are marked in
Fig. 17. Here it should be reiterated that the contributions of channel stiffeners to the
compression strength are ignored in evaluations because of the lack of information
about the compression zone. In other words, M y -c in Fig. 17 uses only the compression
strength of the column web. Therefore, it is very small compared to the yield moment
observed in FEA of the channel-stiffened specimen. The increase of the yield moment
in the stiffened specimen case indicates that channel stiffeners support the column web
in the compression zone of the connection. If further strength improvements are needed,
doubler plates can also be provided for compression zones in cooperation with channel

5.2. Finite element modeling of the overall connection

A simple frame joint like that shown in Fig. 16 was examined to elucidate the overall
behavior of the beam-to-column connection stiffened with channels. A 1500 mm long
cantilever beam connects to a 1800 mm long simple supported column at its mid-
span. The P vertical load acts at the beam end. A sample of a connection with 9 mm
thick cold-formed channel stiffeners and an unstiffened connection were examined for
1666 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 17. Momentrotation relationships and theoretical moment capacities.

Fig. 18. Momentshear strain relationships.

comparison. The beam and end-plate were defined as rigid rectangular prismatic solids to
suppress their plastic deformations and to reveal channel utility by focusing on the column

5.2.1. Modeling, element types and material properties

Considering a symmetry plane, Y Z , only half of the frame was modeled. Here it is
notable that this modeling restrains occurrences of instability, such as web crippling and
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1667

Fig. 19. Web shear strains of an unstiffened column at state A.

buckling, to the compression zone of connection. It also leads to increased deformation

capacity of this zone. The total number of nodes was 30 478, although only half of the
frame was modeled. As in partial modeling, a 3D eight-node structural solid element
named SOLID185 in ANSYS was used to model all components. A coarser mesh was
generated for parts other than critical zones such as distant column parts. The material
properties were identical to the material properties that were used for partial FEA of the
tension zone.

5.2.2. Loads and results

Non-linear large displacement static analysis was performed for the system preloaded
with bolt pretensions. The P load was applied in 50 loading steps. Post-processing based
on the nodal output generated the relationships between the beam end moment and end-
plate rotation for stiffened and unstiffened models. For comparison, those relationships
are given in Fig. 17 along with theoretical moment capacities. Theoretical yield moments
referring to tension and panel zone shear indicate good agreement with relationship
Fig. 18 shows momentshear strain diagrams for unstiffened and stiffened joint
samples. It shows the comparison of column and channel panel zone shear behaviors as
regards shear strains measured from the centers of panel zones. Inspection of these curves
reveals that the contribution of channel webs to panel zone shear behavior of the connection
remains limited. This situation is explained as a result of the force losses depending
1668 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 20. Web shear strains in a column with a channel: 9 mm stiffeners at state B.

on the channel shape properties and localization of channels in the whole cross-section
Figs. 1921 show distributions of shear strains in the column web panel for the states A,
B, and C as indicated in the diagrams. Deformations in these figures are magnified to ten
times their actual value. Channel web elements are not shown in Figs. 20 and 21 to allow
a view of the strain distributions on the column web. Inspection of the figures shows that
the use of channel stiffeners reduces the shear strains in the column web. As regards nodal
displacements in the Y -axis, overall joint deformations at the end of loading are shown in
Fig. 22 for the bolted end-plate connection stiffened with a 9 mm channel. In this figure,
the rigid end-plate and beam are made invisible again to check the column flange behavior.
Deformations in the column stiffened with channels remain considerably smaller for higher
load values in comparison to the unstiffened case.

6. Conclusions
This study utilized finite element simulations to examine the strength of steel beam-to-
column connections stiffened with bolted channels.
By assuming T-stub idealization, yield tensile loads evaluated from the proposed failure
mechanisms were compared to loaddisplacement curves that were generated from test and
H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671 1669

Fig. 21. Web shear strains in a column with a channel: 9 mm stiffeners at state C.

FEA results. Failure mechanism A, based on the yield line theory, gives good, reasonable,
and conservative estimates of the yield load for all tests. Tensile yield loads predicted and
obtained from tests indicate that stiffening with channels improves the yield strength of
the specimen without stiffeners by 53%104% as related to the channel stiffener thickness.
Similarities of FEA loaddisplacement curves to experimental curves emphasize the ability
of three-dimensional non-linear FEA to simulate actual physical conditions for bolted end-
plate connections.
The overall connection was simulated to investigate beam-to-column connection
behavior because not all connection behavior characteristics are readily available
from experimentation. Yield moments estimated by simplified theoretical methods that
incorporate column flange tension yielding failure and column web shear failures are
compatible with yield moments observed from momentrotation curves of the FEA.
Inspection of them shows that, if the column is unstiffened, prior occurrence of the column
web shear mechanism prevents column flanges from exhibiting their actual strength. For
that reason, stiffeners are also required to prevent panel zone failures. This inference
emphasizes the importance of the contribution of channel webs to column web shear
Although the present study excludes instability characteristics in the compression
zone, the method of stiffening with channels is found to be satisfactory for simultaneous
1670 H. Tagawa, S. Gurel / Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (2005) 16501671

Fig. 22. Joint deformations of a column with a channel: 9 mm stiffeners at state C.

strengthening of the column web against shear forces and flanges against tension forces.
The contribution of channels to the compression zone requires further study, which will
provide complete information regarding the connection design with channel stiffeners.

This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.
16760450) from The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of

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