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Illustrated Parts Catalog 1974 thru 1986 MODEL 182 & T182 SERIES @ Member of GAMA THIS CATALOG SUPERSEDES AND REPLACES ALL 182 & T182 SERIES PARTS CATALOGS DATED: 5 AUGUST 1983 AND INCORPORATES REVISON 1 DATED 15 MARCH 1985, REVISION 2 DATED 9 JANUARY 1986 AND TEMPORARY REVISION 1 DATED 3 APRIL 1995, cee RO ae 1 MARCH 1996 P690-12-RGI-200-3/97 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 182 & T182 ILLUSTRATED PARTS CATALOG LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Dates of Issue for original and revised pages are: Original ..... 0... 1 March 1996 ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION IS 746 CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Cover 0 263 blank ..... 0 A. 0 254 thru 302 0 6 0 303 blank: 0 i. 0 304 thru 366 0 fina 0 367 blank . 0 jib 0 968 thru 380 0 thru 0 381 blank . 0 ©) peeeodbood. 0) 382 thru 434 0 vb blank 22... 0 435 blank . 0 vithru x. 0 436 thru 440... 0 xa thru xh 0 441 blank... 0 xi thru xi 0 442 thru 458 ° liv blank ..... 0 487 blank 0 thus ...... 0 458 thru 460 0 9 blank 0 461 blank 0 40 thru 32 0 462 thru 476 0 33 blank 0 477 blank 0 34 thru 46 0 478 thru 482 0 47 blank . 0 483 blank 0 48 thru 62 0 484 thu 490. 0 63 blank . 0 491 blank ..... 0 64 thru 70, 0 482 thru 600 0 71 blank 6.15. 0 01 blank ..... 0 72 thru 76 0 502 thu 520... 0 7 blank . 0 S21 blank ...-. 0 7B thru 94. 0 522 thru 632 0 95 blank . 0 533 blank 0 96 thru 100°... 0 534 thu 550 .. 0 101 blank . 0 551 blank. . 0 102 thru 106 0 62 thu 604... 0 107 blank ..... 0 605 blank ..... 0 108 thu 154. 0 606 thru 612 0 155 blank ..... 0 613 blank ..... 0 166 thru 185 0 614 thu 624. 0 186 blank . 0 625 blank . . 0 187 thru 211 0 626 thu 633... «0 212 blank . 0 634 blank ...-. 0 213 thru 218 0 635 thru 697 0 219 blank ..... 0 698 blank . . 0 220 thru 222 0 223 blank . 0 224 thru 287 0 238 blank 0 239 thru 247 0 248 blank ..... 0 249 thru 252 0 Page A 182 &T182 Parts Catalog INTRODUCTION. ._ The information in this publication is based on data available at the time of publication and is updated, supplemented, and automatically amended by all information issued in Service Newsletters, Service Bulletins, Supplier Service Notices, Publication Changes, Revisions, Reissues and Temporary Revi- sions. All such amendments become part of and are specifically incorporated within this publication. Users are urged to keep abreast of the latest amendments to this publication through informa- tion available at authorized Cessna Service Sta- tions or through the Cessna Product Support sub- scription services, Cessna Service Stations have al- so been supplied with a group of supplier publica- tions which provide disassembly, overhaul, and parts breakdowns for some of the various supplier issued revisions and service information which may be reissued by Cessna thereby automatically amending this publication and are communicated to the field through authorized Cessna’s Service Stations and/or through Cessna’s subscription ser- vies. WARNING: ALL INSPECTION INTERVALS, RE- PLACEMENT TIME LIMITS, OVER- HAUL TIME LIMITS, THE METHOD OF INSPECTION, LIFE LIMITS, CYCLE LIMITS, ETC. RECOMMENDED BY CESSNA ARE SOLELY BASED ON THE USE OF NEW, REMANUFACTURED, OR OVERHAULED CESSNA APPROVED PARTS. IF PARTS ARE DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, REMANUFAC- TURED, OVERHAULED, PURCHASED, AND/OR APPROVED BY ENTITIES OTHER THAN CESSNA, THEN THE DA- TA IN CESSNA’S— MAINTEN- ANCE/SERVICE MANUAL AND PARTS CATALOGS ARE NO LONGER APPLI- CABLE AND THE PURCHASER IS WARNED NOT TO RELY ON SUCH DA- TA FOR NON-CESSNA PARTS. ALL IN- SPECTION INTERVALS, REPLACE- MENT TIME LIMITS, OVERHAUL TIME. LIMITS, THE METHOD OF INSPEC- TION, LIFE LIMITS, CYCLE LIMITS, ETC., FOR SUCH NON.CESSNA PARTS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM THE MAN. UFACTURER AND/OR SELLER OF SUCH NON.CESSNA PARTS. Inspection, maintenance and parts requirements for STC installations are not included in this man- ual. When an STC installation is incorporated on the airplane, those portions of the airplane affected by the installation must be inspected in accordance with the inspection program published by the own- er of the STC. Since STC installations may change systems interface, operating characteristics and component loads or stresses on adjacent structures, Cessna provided inspection criteria may not be val- id for airplanes with STC installations. This illustrated parts catalog has been prepared to aid you in easily and quickly identifying parts of the models covered herein, The information in this catalog is based on data available at the time of publication, ‘This catalog features an index system consisting of 1. An alphabetical index located in the front of the catalog. 2, A numerical index located in the back of the catalog, which lists all parts and fig- ures in which they appear. AEROFICHE. . . .This catalog has been designed for Aerofiche presentation. To facilitate the use of the catalog for Aerofiche, fiche and frame numbers have been added to the alphabetical and numerical indexes. Frame numbers appear at the bottom cen- ter of each page. Refer to the header of the applica- ble fiche for location of various indexing informa- tion. STANDARD PARTS. ‘Many parts having standard usage have been ineor- porated into the Cessna Standard System. Parts in this group are designated with the part number prefix "S”, For standard hardware items such as Tinnerman nuts, clamps, etc. “AN” and “NAS” numbers have been used. USABLE ON CODES. . . Serial listings in this catalog are noted by a letter code located in the us- able on code column which is the extreme right hand column of the parts list page. Usable on codes are applicable only to the figure on which they ap- pear. The code letters and the serials to which they apply are listed at the end of the figure. If no usable on code appears opposite a first column listing of the figure, the usage is applicable to all models and serials covered by this catalog. Ifno us- able on code appears opposite any indented listing, the usage is applicable to all models and serials cov- ered by the figure on which it appears. Bold face type serials appearing on certain figures are for quick reference to large blocks of airplanes, 182 & T182 Parts Catalog Reims Avaiation serial usage is listed together with the Cessna Aircraft Company serial usage imme- diately following the parts listing on each individ- ual figure where applicable. NON-INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS. . . .When parts are not interchangeable with earlier models, all parts applicable to the particular usage is listed in the usable on column opposite each part. Care should be exercised in determining proper serial when ordering to insure receipt of correct part. INTERCHANGEABLE PARTS. .. When a later design part is completely interchangeable with the part itreplaces, both parts will be serialized and the notation “when exhausted use_”, or the abbrevia- tion, “WEU_” will be entered following the listing of the earlier design part. This means that the ear- ier design part should be used on airplanes to which they apply until the supply of these parts is exhausted— after which time the later design part must be used. This is done to simplify stocking of parts by our distributors and authorized Cessna Service Stations. The earlier part is as good phys- ically and functionally, as the later design part— the difference being the later design part can be used on more than one block of airplane serials. SYMBOLS & PART NUMBER TERMS. NP - The symbol “NP” appearing in the units per assembly column denotes that the item it appears opposite is not procurable. AR - The symbol “AR” appearing in the units per assembly column denotes “As Required” and is used to indicate bulk quantity where an indefinite amount is usei ‘The following is a list of abbreviations that may ap- pear in the description nomenclature: ALT AlternatePart = LH Left Hand ASSY Assembly MG — Main Gear BHD Bullhead NiG Nose Gear BKI Bulkitem PNL Panel COMP Components PRESS Pressure FSO Forsparesorder. “RH Right Hand FWD Forward SECT Section IND Indicator ‘UPR Upper INSTL Installation WEU When Ex. hhausted Use Other key letter symbols spaced apart from and fol- lowing the part nomenclature are for cataloging and manufacturing purposes only and are not to be considered by the customer. ii A blank entry in the part number column appears before an unprocurable part or installation which is also denoted in the “Units Per Assembly” column by the use of the symbol “NP”. GROUP ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST AR- RANGEMENT. ‘This section lists all replaceable items in the air- plane and these items are detailed on illustrations throughout the section. The index numbers on the illustration are keyed to each accompanying parts list, The purpose of the index numbers is to provide complete and positive identification of the article, but should not be used for procurement purposes. a. The figure and index number column of the parts list shows the figure number once at the beginning of the list. ‘The fig- ure number is followed by a dash and the indexed number. The remaining index numbers are preceded by dash only. ‘The part number column identifies the item by part number. In the description column, relationship of items covered is shown by the degree of in- dention of each item, for example: ‘The wing assembly (Figure 8) is listed in col- umn (1) of the description column. The wing structure, is the next lower assembly and is therefore listed in column (2). 4. Iftwo or more assemblies contain a major- ity of identical parts or the assemblies are left or right hand, the assemblies are list- ed together and the next lower assemblies or detail parts are listed as common for both assemblies, with the differing parts coded for usage on the correct major as- sembly. e. Attaching parts are listed immediately be- neath the item to be attached and preced- ing any detail parts of the item. ‘They are listed in the same column as the item they attach and are preceded by the caption “Attaching Parts’. ‘The end of the attach- ing parts listing is followed by a separat- ing symbol --*-~, {The quantity listed in the “Units Per As- sembly” column for attaching parts de- notes the quantity necessary to attach on- ly one part. Total quantity necessary to attach more than one part is obtained by multiplying the attaching parts quantity by the number of parts attached. 182 &T182 Parts Catalog & Component parts of the complete airplane which are not included in any assembly, but which are used in conjunction with, or attach to certain assemblies, are listed wither preceding the first detail or follow- ing the last detail of the assembly or in- stallation, and in the same column as the major assembly or installation. h. The quantities listed in the “Units Per As- sembly” column are the quantity used per figure. ACCESSORY KITS. For accessory kit listings, refer to separate Acces- sory Kit Catalog. BULK ITEMS. Certain items such as flexible air hose, rubber moldings and channels, windshield sealing strips ete, are noted in the catalog listings as bulk items, ‘These listings also note the cut length of these ma- terials for one installation. When an items is listed as bulk item, it will be supplied to the authorized Cessna Service Station in the most convenient bulk length or quantity, Reference to the cut length or quantity per installation provides for the most sat- isfactory disbursement to the customer. HOWTO ORDER. USE YOUR CATALOG TO ORDER PARTS. Use Parts and Accessories Order Form, which will be supplied by Cessna on request. Give complete in- formation on addresses and make sure the part number and part name are as shown in the catalog, Be sure to specify quantities. Specify how the order is to be shipped, otherwise it will be sent out in the manner that seems best to the shipper. SERIAL, COLOR, & CORROSION PROOF- ING. Be sure to indicate model and serial number of the airplane. Serial number is very important to prop- erly identify parts used on each airplane. When col- or is involved refer to “Upholstery & Interior Trim” section for example. If corrosion proofing is desired add the letters “CO” following the part number. RETAIL ORDERS. Retail orders will not be honored by the factory. ‘They are to be placed with the authorized Cessna Service Station or distributor in the owner's terri- tory and when received directly by the factory will ‘be forwarded to the distributor from whose territory it was received. Considerable saving in time will result to the owner if his orders are placed with a authorized Cessna Service Station or distributor. ADDITIONAL PUBLICATIONS. In addition to the information in this Parts Catalog, a group of vendor publications is available from the Cessna Parts Distribution, which describe complete disassembly, overhaul and parts breakdown of some of the various vendor equipment items. A list- ing of these publications is issued periodically in the “Customer Care Supplies Catalog” which in- cludes listings of Autopilots, Avionies Comamunica- tions, and Navigation Equipment which are not covered in this manual. These publications are available from the Cessna Parts Distribution, Cess- na Aircraft Company, 5800 East Pawnee, Box 1521, Wichita, Kansas 67218 USA. Cessna Aircraft Company reserves the right to cancel, add or change the parts and assemblies described in the catalog without notice. ita iicb 182 & T182 Parts Catalog IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING KEEPING CESSNA PUBLICATIONS CURRENT This Publication is kept current in two ways: 1, REVISIONSICHANGES. Revisions/changes are issued for this publication as required and in- clude only pages that require updating. 2, REISSUE. A reissue is issued as required, and is a complete manual incorporat- ing all the latest information and outstanding revisions/changes. It supersedes and replaces previous issue(s). REVISIONS/CHANGES and REISSUES can be purchased from your autho- rized Cessna Service Station or directly from the Cessna Parts Distribution, Cessna Aircraft Company, 5800 East Pawnee, Box 1521, Wichita, Kansas 67201 USA. This catalog lists all publications and Customer Care Supplies available from Cessna for prior year models as well as new products. (CUSTOMER COMMENTS ON MANUAL Cessna Aircraft Company has endeavored to furnish you with an accurate, use- ful, up-to-date manual. This manual can be improved with your help. Please use the return cards, provided with your manual, to report any errors, discr ancie, and omissions inthis manual as wel a any general corsments you wish tomake. 182 &T182 Parts Catalog “All aircraft, regardless of manufacturer, are certificated under model number designations, However, popular names are often used for marketing purposes. To provide a consistent method of referring to the various aircraft, mode] numbers will be used in this publication unless names are required to differentiate between versions of the same basic model. The following table provides a cross reference listing of popular name vs. model numbers.” [a | 182 & SKYLANE 18262466, 18268475 182, SKYLANE, 18263476 18264295 & SKYLANE II 18264296, 18265175 18265176 18265965 SKYLANE & 18265966 18286590 ‘SKLANEIT 18266591 18267300 18267301 18267715 18267718 18268055 18268056 18268293 18268294 118268368 18268369 18268434 18268435, 18268541 18268542, 18267716 18268055 18268056 18268293 18268294 18268368 18268369 18268434 18268435, 18268541 REIMS/CESSNA, 18200001 18200025 F182SKYLANE & 18200026 Fig200064 F182SKYLANE IT FSKYLANE, 18200065 Fis200094 FSKYLANEII 18200095 F 18200129 18200130 F 18200169 182 & 1182 Parts Catalog UITSUTESSSSLLSSTESESSSEESSSSSUSSESTESSESSETETEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES FINISH & TRIM PLATE 1974 THRU 1977 18262466 THRU 18265965 F18200001 THRU F18200064 ‘The "FINISH AND TRIM" plate is located on the left side of the airplane on the lower door jamb directly below the aircraft identification nameplate. NN This plate indicates’ model year, interior color scheme and the exterior color combination. Interpretation of information stamped on the Finish and Trim Plate is, obtained by use of the Color Code Chart for the respective year, Color Code Charts for yearly models appear on pages immediately following this page. ‘The Finish and Trim Plate is explained below. Explanatory remarks are keyed to the illustrated example. Oe re @ second enna iter or ieters ntete interior color code treat Euler to Color Gade Char for respective yt fo obtain lor, © ‘he teter “B" toting he isterior cade indents optional lack carp @ tira cotmn number ot mers inicte exterior trim. The basic inber i oud on the Color Cole Chartand Indicates colors and pe fain wed on te avera @ standardise arc color severe is designated by the pret" onthe Sa a cae oe '* The special exterior and/or interior is denoted by the letters "SP" in eu of the standard codes. Interpretation of the example Finish and Trim Code 5-AFB-RSO1A that is obtained from 1975 Color Code Chart is: 975 model year Chestnut Brown Interior Scheme ‘carpet (optional) 501A = Vestal White & Flag Red exterior SOLA = Vestal White & Flag Red exterior (color reversal) ULSLTLPPLELELLLLSLLSLELLLILSLLSSSLSSSSTSSSSSSSLESLSELLSSSSSSSSDD, Nanna nnn nnn nnn AN DANNAANAANNAAAAAAAAANAAANANAANANNAAAAAANAAAAAAAANAAANAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN 182 & T182 Parts Catalog YSULILTLSSSTSLSSLLLLSLESLLLLESTSSSSSSLSLSSTSSSPSLLSSSSSLEEEEIS LY, FINISH & TRIM PLATE 1978 MODEL YEAR THRU 1980 MODEL YEAR 18265966 THRU 18267715 F18200065 THRU F 18200169 ‘The "FINISH AND TRIM" plate is located on the left side of the airplane on ‘the lower door jamb directly below the aircraft identification nameplate. SY This plate indicates model year, interior color scheme and the exterior color combination. Interpretation of information stamped on the Finish and Trim Plate is, obtained by use of the Color Code Chart for the respective year. Color Cote Charts for yearly models appear on pages immediately following this page. ‘The Finish and Trim Plate is explained below. Explanatory remarks are keyed to the illustrated example. © First column mumber indicates year. © Second column letter or letters indicate interior color code of aircraft. @ te totes B following the interior code indintes oponal black carpet (@ Fourth column letter or letters indicate overall exterior color. © First tetter following hyphen indicates major stripe color. © Sevond etter following hyphen indicates accent color. Special exterior and/or interior is denoted by the letters "SP" in liew of the standard codes. Interpretation of the example Finish & Trim code 8 BF B W- MD that is obtained from 1978 Color Code Chart is: 8 = 1978 model year BF = Dutch Blue interior scheme B = Optional Black Carpet W = Vestal White overall exterior paint 'M= Anciano Blue major stripe D= Fleet Blue accent stripe VILLSSTSLTTULELELLSLSSLSSTSIEEEEESSLESESESSSLLSLESELEELSSSSST ES SNNNANANAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAANAANAAAAANA NAAN Qaanannanannnnnnnnnn nnn nnnennnnnnn nnn eine eee eRRAAR ERAN EAAAARAR AAA NS 182 & T182 Parts Catalog (| fOOCCLILLLULLLOLLLLLLYLLLLLLOLELLLLLLLLELILLLLLLLLL LISLE LSS L NY FINISH & TRIM PLATE 1981 MODEL YEAR & ON ‘The "FINISH AND TRIM" plate is located on the left side of the airplane on the lower door jamb directly below the aircraft indentification nameplate. SN ‘This plate indicates model year and the exterior color combination. Interpretation of information stamped on the Finish and Trim Plate is obtained by use of the Color Code Chart for the respective year. Color Code Charts for yearly models appear on pages immediately following this page. ‘The Finish and Trim Plate is explained below. Explanatory remarks are eyed to the illustrated example. @ Nomber inate yur. CNN AAA tener or levers indicate over exterior color. Pieter ttoving yphen indents major stipe color. secon! ieee ftoning thon inienins ascent er. Special exteriors are denoted by the letters "SP" in lieu of the standard codes. Interpretation of the example Finish & Trim code 1W - BG ‘that is obtained from 1981 Color Code Chart is: 1 = 1981 model year We Vestal White overall exterior paint B= Flag Red major stripe G= Night Blue accent stripe SNNSUAAAANANNNNNNNNNNNNNANNN DS SX S| ANN Nas VILLMLLLLLSLLLLLLL LLL LLLLLLLLLLS LDS LD TTL LELLLLSST SSIS SSSSST SSS Lo 182 & T182 Parts Catalog MODEL 162 THEDOR PAINT CODE CHART MODEL 182 ‘SERIAL EXTERIOR PAINT bao ‘vb blank/i 182 & T182 Parts Catalog YEAR INTERION INT ‘SERIAL EXTERIOR PAINT aon a colon ee paleo eee partav Ter Fev pre py USTING fang os ike ee = neste r| aris, | SSS | aaar | caer | ae 7 Ss fer with berms seen) egoiner | cuneceem | exer: ol ae | | SR | | Se eee ov] ome | See | SBE | RE | Se [| = lev] ag maw + ersvas vwasenee | ov] mete | tae vit 182 & T182 Parts Catalog SKYLANE 6 SKYLANE 1 PAINT CODE CHART SRYLANE 6 SRYLANE 1 aan | ABHOR TRTERIOR PANT seniaL EXTERIOR PAINT (eserlcooe] —covor —TAF,AVAALy BFS pEDvanL| LISTING [r= cove ComnnATOME Ser | Es |e ae) ia gS ele || or | RRs ete Sa 1 | warns |r | SRPEERE | SEAR ates 3/6 H sta od ee Se | tte may | + Sperry | | ance 182 & T182 Parts Catalog SOUANE & SRYLANE PAINT CODE CHART ‘SIVLANE & SRVLANE or se TNTERIOR PAINT SERA EXTERIOR PAINT (eesa|espe[ coven | AF e LISTING jeoor -$BGr coearaT ons Vue Leora erazmere | _ourwooe wow ono | |e | satiate ats) sates 7 de it | | eae | eR | | ae Te[elelziel2iziele 182 & T182 Parts Catalog reasssee maurersess0 1978 PAINT CODE CHART rszo0os nau ne2200% a INTERIOR COLOR & PAINT EXTERIOR PAINT, CODE COLOR acount vine CODE|_MODIFED URETHANE ar | ,coemor | cussmvur snows | CHESTNUT BROWN ||"y | VESTAL WHITE VINYL @ FABRIC_| “~ CESIO54-BAl (CES1054-B42_ CESIO-C53 BF | _ DUTCH BLUE ‘DUTCH BLUE ‘DUTCH BLUE B | GAAGRED vinyl 4 rapric | cEsi0s4-cz CES1084-C23 CES1084-C43 GF | COLONIAL cuey COLONIAL GREY | COLONIAL GREY ||"¢ |” SATIN BLUE viyLaraparc | cEsi054-c25 (CESIOS4-C27 Ces1054-C44 GF MAIZE MAIZE MAIZE D | ELEETSLUE vowL@ Fasc | cxsios4-cos (CESIOS-C35, CES1O54-C45 HF | HUNTER RED ‘HUNTER RED HUNTER RED | ViEA GREEN VINYL & FABRIC | _ CESIO54-A85 (CESIO54-A86 CES1OS4-C48 ‘av | CHestwot | cuustwor BROWN | CHESTNUT BROWN ||"— |" PECAN BROWN VINYL (CESIO54-BAl (CESI054-Baz CES1O54-C47 By| DUTCH BLUE DUTCH BLUE DUTCH BLUE © | AVANT ORANGE VINYL. (CES1054-C22 (CES1054-C25. ‘CES1OS1-C48 cv | coLonmaiarey | coLomaL cary | couowaLcney ||} | SPRINGBOCK ‘VINYL (CESI054-C25 (CES1054-C27 (GES1054-C49, Ev | CLOUD crEY ‘CLOUD GREY ‘CLOUD GREY 7 | JAGUAR YELLOW VINYL. (CES1054-531 (CESI084-583, CES1054-C50 cv MAIZE MAIZE MAIZE K | CARNIVAL FELLOW vine, custoss-c34 (cEs1084-C35, (CES10S4-C84 Hv | SONTER RED HUNTER RED HUNTER RED || y | ANCIANO BLUE ‘VEL (CESIOS4-A85 (CESIOS4-A86, (CESION-C81 AL | GHESINUT | CHESTNUT BROWN | CHESTNUT BROWN VELVET BLACK LEATHER CES1054-BAl (CESIOS4-B42 N | cesios-cs2 EL | CLouD Grey ‘CLOW GREY ‘CLOUD GREY LEATHER (CES1064-551 (CBS1054-583 FL | EBONY BLACK | BLAcKHi-cLOs | FLAT BLACK ‘LEATHER ‘CBS1064-151 (CES1054-480 Hi | HUNTER RED HUNTER RED ‘HUNTER RED LEATHER (CESIO56-A85. (CESI054-AB6 JFL | _, BONTER RED HUNTER RED ‘HUNTER RED FABRIC G LEATHER | CESIOS4-ASS CESL054-A86 KFL BEIGE ‘COLONIAL GREY | COLONIAL GREY FABRIC & LEATHER | ° CES10S¢-C25 (Ces1084-C21 GOLD, CHESTNUT BROWN | CHESTNUT BROWN LFL | rasric & LEATHER | CESI054-Bal (CES1054-B42. MFL ‘GREEN ‘ORO GREEN ‘ORO GREEN FABRIC G LEATHER | —CESIOS1-BT7 CESIOS4- BIE INTERIOR PAINT COMMON TO ALL INTERIORS ‘BLACK SEMI-GLOSS ‘DULL BLACK (LACQUER) (LACQUER) NOTE: WHEN ORDERING PAINT SPECIFY CESTOSL CEsI034-156 CBSI054-108 PART NUMBER, EXAMPLE: CESIO54.53 ‘CLOUD GREY ‘CLOUD GREY (LACQUER) (VINYL) CESTO84- 531 (oEs1054-883 182 & T182 Parts Catalog 18266591 THRU 18267300 F18200095 THRU F18200129 INTERIOR COLOR & PAINT EXTERIOR PAINT. oa a AUER om Cai aren eT [eR EE We] Tar TA aa ww | VESEAL wore | veers vere fect | wamitaane | cesition | cesitttom Gesiowwen | “Emiens are | aa poren-sue —|—ourea ate — ||" | uaa neo — | — ruac em rot | mumittaame | Cave | Genmecs ceilouren | castes a ae © | CARBINE RED” | “camo aD lcorc carc| BEIGE BEIGE BEIGE Se are SHrS] vinEeTaame | caoseos | centbebe Sarr Goan | Tomer xa core D | Pemroonaer | Peete or _ore | wuss | tammacorma pm | ranma coFTA RED || = | DoRZEncorcw | wurtenscorcn orc” | vmenieraamc |"™EuSierea | "edsonce Gauwecen” | “Conoscan oF are |—__chaw GEEK onsen F | Pane sstiow | pare ren cree” | mune taame | casiteroa | cesticoo ‘emcee | SEadaae we | —_aa Torey mn | orev sep —||"q | pane acim —|— name nun ed ee Eee eee | Se Ta at | earon | “heer Gemma | _cestothow | cesit-oeo Gauecon | "ews 7 BE tere mio —|—poreemue || |—__ sax 7a ee cesttices | _cendbuom 7 Eo SEF BEor xc} oR Bion wstien | cemoseon | contort cesierese | _ cobs a mor | Fanaa corta ab | Tama corta nab ||"yq | Parson cRee™ | Puntos ouee™ iikien | Wenmecan | "Bierce Cicer | *eesaene a | eipaparar | “czoup nar —|—cxooponay—|I"y | “bare onsen | oar creme eae | Gaimcar | Sarat Cieioerene | Geert wo | Brom atac | Stace amwoioas | Buacr eearcroms ||" | Bove GREEN |~anoe cneen Geamae|AGoten | PMGEaaoes Biooree | Cahora a can oREEH cnaex —||"p | 2a mack wEtiin | cestverdes | cafttrbos cebiiteen | celts a a poppy me | porry sap unten | Gonouean | Zonta am cou oy ay Ae _| rane? tharuen| _cxsittlcon | _cantblnao cA 5 ren aus | boven scar arc | raneceUearuee| Ceavooces | Cenubeear a care eonewi| pre pace aes — ranmGEtiarun| cebestion | calticcye con. con oF ToeE___ | Hamma cova me | Tain ConA RED ric _| ranm’s Leasmen | ""Uenosecn | "Eaioorchs on |_—_ Grae one REN Ge _|romCettarnen | cesiveenes | _casttecbas or 7D. worry mem | voopy nap ite _[raomct'tearmen| Genes | danoueas INTERIOR PAINT COMMON TO ALL INTERIORS NOTE: WHEN ORDERING PAI SPECIFY mee Da Sa Chstose pan NUMBER, CES1054-156 CES1054-193 EXAMPLE: CES1064-531 cio SREY chow GRET ieee one “io on enc acts om ie cation 182 & T182 Parts Catalog 12967301 THRU 18267715 18200190 THRU F18200169 INTERIOR COLOR & PAINT EXTERIOR PAINT Tae oi ro rm Sa enon wae [UE ETE a Tapa, ware | Vesta warns aa cussrnvr Brows | cuesrwur Brown |] W | _cestosé-css_|__cEsi0ss-pi6 “0 ‘CESIOS4-BaL cEs106-Bi1 |\——|—srag neo | FLAG RED anc Arce B| Gaeh | dutthe we nuasoox | maroon a sus | pefcesiur | purensive |} © | _cemvbiper_|_cesos-p_| ae CenO- Cat CEaLOGs-C28 D [OBSTURY onaxas|oznvuny ORANGE| SEE ee eer aes ee E | Portesscorcs | Burrsrscores ee ps CESIO54-COL CESIO54-D04 7 =| pace peice ewaas, yaciow | Sevaan reuz0w care core | custo | cesiosicpse |} F | cpeiosspie | cest0es-Dee Sore, cere gaara | worn sor Sue SES: | Seats eerpae | warn cor oF mL on ae terra corma nep| terra cortanen || 4 | _cxsiosé-pso_| _ czsiosi-pst mur (CESLOSI-C84 ‘CESIOS4-C83 SORTER Tan | "HUNTER TAN DFLC DFCC J CES1OS4-C95 CESIOS4~C95 acy | oom omar Gorter prow | Torres sAoww s_| ctouonay | ORGY | GTRPER || K | "eesroarese™ | “Ceereorone Trace m-oLos | Venver sxack || qq [OuBanDY GREE OusARDY GRR x ‘EBONY BLACK (CES1054-151 (CES1054-480, M (CESIDS4~D51_ (CES1054-D58_ w a a = ee ce cotta: | cadttsebee Seep omen | Buus ORE GrLC _GFCC Q CES1054-C99 CES1084-D12_ rarer wm | Venver maar | veuver stack = i ee ee a eis eaeiince (CESLOS4-A85 casiost-ase ||| oumma ponpie | Uurea-puRPLe a 7 | abose pe | iors anor menree | Bante INTERIOR PAINT COMMON TO ALL INTERIORS OTE WHEN ORDERING PANT EPECIEY SLACK Sew S10 Dani auaGe eee TL BLAS Sconsrpanr numoen, Eee Sa, Shource ceotoest CibuD GREY GouD GREY : 1 GE aID GR USED ON FRENGH AIRCRAFT ONY. aes, cones xb 182 & T182 Parts Catalog 1981 PAINT CODE CHART 18267716 THRU 18268055 18267716 THRU 18268055 INTERIOR COLOR & PAINT EXTERIOR PAINT oi ro cn ‘an wae | oO URETORE Soup) Sresr: snow | caamawce sgome |l yy | veszat ware | vesran ware eawacae™ | encoae Cestooken” | “easuee re BECE SHIGE Fra5 FED Fis 9x BEIGE cotton | ceneseone || 8 | costes | crestor Sam Baoan — | — bine BROT TERROR MAROON BROWN | BRR | Betnewoe’ [PC | call, | caster ben = woven neo ~|~wuvre ney —||"5 | sapnicar wap |" uapiaaar nap wane | Gaostaee er? | SER BLUE porex sur —|—oorew stu —||"~ | sown orarce |" Swat onaxoe Ceamece | cesiosees Gigecoe | “ebsosebte cou orev | cuown ome Dank venzow | BARE wEiow CLoupGRey| Omcay | Gimmes || F | Pamantor | MARS Soe SLAG | Bex sena0b6s| ser sene-oroe | |<" |— wae ove | — acer sume a ee a er | eeotox scae |“ ismno sue Saacen | “eealoeeaer > | pepsre tar | “penser tas Geaeeoe | Gescloe | Sopzan axon | “compan non Cement | Corser ner wy | AvENUE snows |avenue snows Ee an Bee wh | SEADe cree — | suane cram ADE GE | “eepeare @ | mteuoreex | net case Ee Me we | vecrer stack | venver stack Tres” | Veeder sts a TST Tay GREY aac | kere @ | isons sec — | aces sce nro | ‘Caauerte INTERIOR PAINT COMMON TO ALL INTERIORS| ; yo vance orice Tose aaaaLoSs Dane BLACK NOTE: WHEN ORDERING pan ewes scaues . (CES1054-156 (CES1054-193 EXAMPLE: CES1054-531 crow cReY Coun GREY : ror, “ oa 2 Ge seo on FRENCH AIRCRAFT ae canes 182 & T182 Parts Catalog 18268056 THRU 18268293 18268056 THRU 18268293 INTERIOR COLOR & PAINT EXTERIOR PAINT te eee | GOLD (CES1054-B41_ (CES1054-B42 w CES1054-C53 = — am BEIGE (CES1054-D31_ ‘CES1054-D32 A (CES1054-D90_ |e a BROWN ‘CES1054-D85 ‘CES1054-D86 B CESI054-C43 SS eee |e || |e mm | Sau on Saaee | omer ae BLUE CESIOS4-C22 (CES1054-C23 D ‘CESIO5¢-D71 ST | ear ss CLOUD GREY | — Cesi0s4-s31 (CES1054-583, E ‘CES1054-D72 | es || — mere BLACK (CES1054-156 ‘CES1054~752 F ‘CES1054-D89 a | aera ~| Soe | |e | es Dore oy | See Ean we oo sao ou [Eee | ees ~| Sao aaa, | Sass pa | ee as INTERIOR PAINT COMMON TO ALL INTERIORS} ees eee vere wm comma tron zeae (CES1054-156 (CES1054-193 EXAMPLE: CES1054-531 ‘CLOUD GREY ‘CLOUD GREY ona a 182 & T182 Parts 18268294 THRU 18; Catalog 1983 PAINT CODE CHART 268383 EXTERIOR PAINT cove COLOR TPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO, A |crocouars srown _[Mopnrmp unermane |opsiosa.p0 _[mmow 741210 B_ [rac Rep [oms1054-043. IN 4 C|uanoon jomss0s4-bs7 | IMRON 1490 D_hnpmicer RED (CESi05«.D71 | IMRON 49800 E [stowat onaNGE 1 cBs1054-816 | MERON 60659U. F_ |susunsr vELiow igesi0s4:Dss | IMRON 72750 G_|wocza Brown. .9S1054:Ds1_ | TMRON 245460 H_|pesmer coup 31054-Ds2__| IMRON 29056U J [anomie BLOB [oesi0s«-Des | mmRON 206305 K__Joorren sown (cesi0s4-#15 | mmRON 286070 M_loururrc BLuE [opsioss-Des | mMROW 75760 N_|aricer sive [cmsiosape5__| mrRON 7e3870_ | Q_Jouane Green [oEsi094-D9e | IRON reesu zi R_ (veer suack [cesioss-cs2 | MERON so T__|sau Gray cusi054-Dee | TMRON 239470 U_ [aposs suice oms1054-Ds3_| IMRON 783900 ‘V_| Moss GREEN cBs1054-De7__| MRON sos34u W_|vesra, ware 1054-053 | IMRON 45414 Lit ij INTERIOR PAINT COLOR TPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO. [LOUD GRay eS1054:b77 | IMRON ws270U_ [BLACK SEMI-GLOSS LACQUER [cR51054-156 [DULL BLACE 02 jcmsi0s4-196 NOTE: WHEN ORDERING PAINT SPECIFY CES1054 PART NUMBER EXAMPLE: CES1054-156 182 & T182 Parts Catalog 18268384 THRU 18268434 — EXTERIOR PAINT CODE COLOR ‘TYPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO. A Toa. raw MODIFIED URETHANE _|CES1054.m26__| IMRON 9e939U_ B_|riac Rep [MODIFIED URETHANE | CES1054-043__ | IMRON 48605 C [maroon [MODIFIED URETHANE | CES1054-D47__| IMRON 143UE_ D_| wavy Buve (Aur. NO. 2) [ceS1054-534 | IMRON 632030 E I [ces1054516 | IMRON 606590 F_|sonsursr yEutow [oxsiosepss | IRON 72750 _ ‘G_[mocua srown |ces1054-De: | mRON 245460 H_|sowey coup 31054-E24 | IMRON 272710 J __|DEEP BROWN }CBS1054-E25__|IMRON 741210. M_|orymrrc auve URETHANE | CEs1054-De4__| IMRON 75760. N_|smicer ecue .CES1054-D95__| IMRON 793870 Q _|aucusra GREEN CES1054-E30 R__| venver sack |CES1084-052 T_|seat cray (CES1054-D98 U__|wossuepon wane, [MODIFIED URETHANE | CES105¢.549 V_|parx GREEN [MODIFIED URETHANE | CES1054-E32 Ww _— WHITE [MODIFIED URETHANE | CES1054-053 —| INTERIOR PAINT COLOR ‘TYPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO. omar Pr asiesear —|nuRON Waeran aac am TACGER casiesciss tua TACaUER camisetas NOTE: WHEN ORDERING PAINT SPECIFY CES1s4 PART NUMBER EXAMPLE: cESTO-88 182 & T182 Parts Catalog SERIAL 18268435 THRU 18268541 EXTERIOR PAINT CODE COLOR TYPE CESSNA NO. DUPONT NO. A_leascen tan [MODIFIED URETHANE | cas105-526 | MIRON ees20U Bf riac Rep. [MODIFIED URETHANE | cEsi054-cas__{ mmRON 43805. ‘C[uaroon [MODIFIED URETHANE | CEsi0s. As COVER ASSY - CONSOLE... a6 1380 TRIM STRIP- LH ABOVE BELTLGNG | 5a2 BELOW BELTLINE | BBL ‘TRIM STRIP - RH ABOVE BELTLINE 532 ‘BELOW BELTLINE | ace BBL ozéoas-1 | TRIM ASSY - SEAT BACK LHL ‘ovi4oas-2 | TRIM ASSY - SEAT BACK FEZ oris010-2 | MOLDING - AFT WINDOW. oisozs-3 | TRIM PANEL - AFT LE orisozs-5 | PANEL ASSY - BAGGAGE SHEL rusazs-8 | COVER PANEL - BAGGAGE SHELF 1s023-16 or15024-1 on1s024-2, 0715032-15, (0715052-16 on1s0#4-3 on18084—4 O718086-5 on1s044-8 o715044-9 o715049-1 o715082-1 0715052-2 (715053-3, (0713068-1 (07150604 1200231-1 1200231-2 1213786-1 yu4100-1 ynig047-3 80474 ai 182 & T182 Parts Catalog INTERIOR PAINTED OR PLASTIC PARTS INTERIOR COLOR CODE (rom Finish and Trim Pate) 1977 MODEL YEAR 18265176 THRU 18265965 'F16200026 THRU F18200064 od PARTNUMBER 7ART NAME — oe os14112-2 Gusuas B80 7007025 ‘i B80 ‘oroono2-21 : ac 532 COVER ASSY - INERTIA REEL |. 532 ESCUTCHEON - LH CABIN DOOR HANDLE . | : 219 (0108042-2 | ESCUTCHEON - RH CABIN DOOR HANDLE | 29 onisii-1 | COVER ASSY - CONSOLE... ond B80| oni4oas-1 | TRIM ASSY - SEAT BACK LW 1222 80) onigoes-2 | TRIM ASSY - SEAT BACK RH. | |. 1 Eee B80. o11s010-2 | MOLDING - AFT WINDOW . | 532 ousozs-3. | TRIMPANEL-AFTLE 2. lot B80 o1is023-5 | PANEL ASSY - BAGGAGE SHELY | ae : 532 o118028-8 | COVER PANEL - BAGGAGE SHELF |<: 7 332 ‘0118025-16 - 7 0| o118024-1 cee oe 532 1130242 pe eer eee eee 52 0715032-15 cee : 532, (0118082-18 | MOLDING - DOOR WINDOW RH 222. . : 532 onisos4-3 | MOLDING - LE WINDOW... 012! : o715044-4 | MOLDING - RE WINDOW | - - o715044-5 ee ERERESIREEE PANEL - RE PANEL ASSY- AFT WALL | ESCUTCHEON - FRESH AIR VENT Lit o118068-2 | ESCUTCHEON - FRESE AIR VENT RH ‘o116069-1 | MOLDING - DOOR WINDOW RE. yaioo-1 | TRIM - SEAT BACK amsoi7-8 | ESCUTCHEON - Li smisod7-4 | ESCUTCHEON - RE

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