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Professional Year Program

BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships

BSBDIV301 Work effectively with Diversity
Assessment Task 6.2 - Role Play

BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships

Unit of Competency:
BSBDIV301 Work effectively with Diversity

PY Topic: Topic 6 Workplace Relationships

Assessment Task: Task 6.2 Role Play

Submission Checklist
(Student must submit Assessor Observation Report (must be signed and dated by your assessor)
all of these

Assessment Instructions to Student:

Attempt all questions in the assessment.
All answers to be typed using Microsoft Word

Resources permitted during assessment:

Dictionaries: Standard, Bilingual, Digital
Electronic devices: Laptops, Computers, Internet

Additional Assessment Instructions to Assessor:

Reasonable adjustment: Trainers may make reasonable allowances for learners in accordance with the C&I Learner
Support Policy contained in the Participant Handbook. This may relate to the timeframe for undertaking this
assessment task in class or relate to an extension to the due date. Consult with the Curriculum & Learning Manager
prior to administering this assessment to ensure Learner Support needs are met.
BSBLDR402 Assessment Requirements

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

access and analyse information to achieve planned outcomes

apply techniques for resolving problems and conflicts and dealing with poor performance within
organisational and legislative requirements
review and improve workplace outcomes in consultation with relevant personnel
adjust interpersonal style and communications to respond to cultural and social diversity
apply relationship management and communication skills with a range of people that:
demonstrate integrity, respect, empathy and cultural sensitivity and promote trust
forge effective relationships with internal and/or external people and help to maintain these networks
encourage participation and foster contribution of and respect for ideas and feedback
provide support to colleagues to resolve difficulties.
Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

give examples of how work relationships, and the cultural and social environment, can support or hinder
achieving planned outcomes

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Please check Navitas Professional Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version
Navitas Professional 2015 ABN 25 100 404 199
Professional Year Program
BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships
BSBDIV301 Work effectively with Diversity
Assessment Task 6.2 - Role Play

explain techniques for developing positive work relationships and building trust and confidence in a team
including interpersonal styles, communications, consultation, cultural and social sensitivity, networking
explain the impact of legislation and organisational policies on workplace relationships
describe a range of methods and techniques for communicating information and ideas to a range of
outline problems solving methods
explain methods to resolve workplace conflict
explain methods to manage poor work performance
explain how to monitor, analyse and introduce ways to improve work relationships.

BSBDIV301 Assessment Requirements

Performance Evidence

Evidence of the ability to:

adjust language and behaviour as required by interactions with diversity

identify and respect individual differences in colleagues, clients and customers
apply relevant regulations, standards and codes of practice.

Knowledge Evidence

To complete the unit requirements safely and effectively, the individual must:

identify major groups in the workplace and community, as defined by cultural, religious and other traditions
and practices
identify reasonable adjustments that facilitate participation by people with a disability
explain the value of diversity to the economy and society in terms of:
workforce development
Australias place in the global economy
social justice


Choose one of the following scenarios. Develop a script for a role play of your chosen scenario where you are
the team leader needing to address the problem, consider what is the problem is, how you are going to solve it and
what follow up steps should be taken. The role play should last for no longer than 10 minutes and must address all
of the criteria listed in the Assessor Observation Guide below. Ensure you are prepared to answer the Mandatory
Questions listed in the Assessor Observation Guide below.
Scenario One: Workplace Conflict
You are the supervisor in an IT Call centre where two of your staff members have not been getting along due to
cultural differences. This has been escalating for a few weeks now and has resulted in one of the team members
speaking aggressively to her colleague in front of the whole team. Both team members are now visibly distressed
and it has negatively affected the work environment.

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Please check Navitas Professional Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version
Navitas Professional 2015 ABN 25 100 404 199
Professional Year Program
BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships
BSBDIV301 Work effectively with Diversity
Assessment Task 6.2 - Role Play

Scenario Two: New Staff Member

You are the Team Leader in a project team. The team is responsible for rolling out plans for a construction project.
You have recently lost two team members and two new team members have been recruited by HR. When they
arrive, one of the team members has a disability of which you had not been advised, nor do your current work
processes cater to their needs.

Scenario Three: Poor work processes

You are the Senior Accountant for a large training company which has implemented a Payment Plan for their
customers. The Director of Accounting has advised you that cash flow is down and this is quite confusing given sales
have been increasing. Your investigation reveals that the work process you created and implemented has not been
followed by the accounting team. Staff have ignored your instruction to implement this process resulting in low
cash collections and now the Director of Accounting is unhappy with your own work performance. You feel this is
due to their lack of respect for you due to your cultural background, which is different to all staff members.

Scenario Four: Poor Staff Performance

You are the Shift Supervisor of a busy fast food restaurant. The local Area Manager visited the store today and
advised there has been an increase in the number of complaints regarding food quality and customer service levels.
There is one team member who has a strong personality. His demeanour and behaviour impacts all team members
as he encourages other staff to be disrespectful towards customers and to cut corners in the food delivery process.
He is also inflaming racist behaviour by making rude, offensive racist jokes about customers.

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Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled
Please check Navitas Professional Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version
Navitas Professional 2015 ABN 25 100 404 199
Professional Year Program
BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships
BSBDIV301 Work effectively with Diversity
Assessment Task 6.2 - Role Play

Assessor Observation Report (Assessor to complete only)

You are to observe a role play and offer feedback based on the determined criteria in the table below. A mark of
Satisfactory (S) means that the criteria have been met. A mark of Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS) means that additional
learning or evidence is required. Note: it is compulsory for the trainer to provide feedback in the comments section.

Participants name:

Assessors name:

Performance Criteria Satisfactory/Not Comments

Yet Satisfactory

Gathered individual information from staff members in order to S NYS

improve work outcomes and current situation

Addressed cultural sensitivities professionally

Responded to cultural diversity issue and rectified the problem S NYS


Communicated in a what that maintains integrity and respect to S NYS

promote trust

Developed ongoing effective relationships with colleagues

Encouraged ongoing communication and feedback from the staff S NYS


Provided support to colleagues to resolve difficulties

Included relevant organisational policies and procedures into the S NYS


Followed up with an action plan with regular reviews

Trainer Notes:
Mandatory Question:.
Note: all students must answer these questions as part of the role
1) What relevant information do you need to share with the
work team to improve overall work performance

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Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled
Please check Navitas Professional Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version
Navitas Professional 2015 ABN 25 100 404 199
Professional Year Program
BSBLDR402 Lead effective workplace relationships
BSBDIV301 Work effectively with Diversity
Assessment Task 6.2 - Role Play

2) What follow up steps are taken once you have dealt with the
3) Who else needs to be notified of the situation within the
organisation of the workplace scenario? S NYS
4) At what point would this scenario be escalated to higher
Additional Questions: Choose a random selection of the following questions to ask the participant in order to clarify
understanding of observed behaviour during the role play. Assessor Note: Please circle those questions asked during
the observation and make relevant notes in the feedback section below.
1. What are the steps to conflict resolution?
2. What communication skills are required to be an effective team leader?
3. How do you use your emotional intelligence to solve these workplace conflicts?
4. How does an effective team leader build trust?
5. What problem solving methods did you use to address the workplace issue?
Is the participant Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS)? (S) ( NYS)

Assessors Signature:


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Disclaimer: Printed copies of this document are regarded as uncontrolled
Please check Navitas Professional Careers & Internships Workplace Information Point to ensure this is the latest version
Navitas Professional 2015 ABN 25 100 404 199

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