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with very young human infants, none of Prizes (K. Ziegler and G. Natta, 1955; E.
which solves the issue of innateness as O. Fischer and G. Wilkinson, 1973; W. S.
already mentioned, although they cer- Knowles and R. Nayori, 2001; Y. Chau-
tainly make for interesting reading. What vin, R. H. Grubbs and R. R. Schrock, 2005
follows in the remaining 100 pages or so and A. Suzuki, R. F. Heck and E.-I. Negi-
has nothing to do with babies at all, but shi, 2010) over the years. The book has
rather moves on disconnectedly to racial succeeded in capturing the essence of these
issues, examples of the development of developments and conveying the vibrant
group identity behaviour within school nature of the field.
summer camps reminiscent of William The chapter on Eighteen electron
Goldings classic social psychology rule provides the theoretical basis for
novel Lord of the Flies, and several understanding the structure and bonding
rather graphic sections such as the ori- in transition metal organometallic com-
gins of disgust. I wished then that the pounds. This is followed by the descrip-
book was shorter. tive chemistry of metal carbonyls,
Basic Organometallic Chemistry:
Considering the contemporary culture complexes of alkenes, alkynes, carbenes,
Concepts, Syntheses and Applications.
of sound bites, information capsules and carbynes, metallocenes and complexes of
B. D. Gupta and A. J. Elias. Universities
such pabulum, where textured arguments other cyclic and acyclic polyenyl ligands
Press (India) Private Ltd, Hyderabad.
are often lost, one bemoans a lost oppor- (chapters 57) and a discussion on the
2013. 2nd edn. 513 pp. Price: Rs 695.
tunity to explain the evolution of ethics various types of reactions in organo-
to a lay audience, and to present newer The book under review is a considerably metallic chemistry (chapters 8 and 9).
findings within a multiplicity of contexts. improved and updated version of the ear- The biggest impact organometallic chem-
The phylogeny and ontogeny of morality lier edition brought out in 2009 and ful- istry has made is in industrial catalysis.
as well as the new science of moral psy- fils the needs of chemistry students at the The book makes an extensive coverage
chology deserved better treatment. postgraduate, and senior undergraduate of all important aspects of these develop-
levels as well as research scholars. It is ments in seven chapters (chapters 1117),
an admirable blend of basic facts, concep- constituting nearly one-third of the book.
1. Peterson, M. D. (ed.), Thomas Jefferson: I am particularly delighted to see sepa-
tual framework and industrial applica-
Writings, Library of America, New York
tions. The coverage of the various topics rate chapters on phosphines and N-
1994, pp. 900906; http://www.stephenjay-
is comprehensive and the text is enli- heterocyclic carbenes, metal clusters,
2. Samhita, L. and Gross, H. J., Commun. In- vened with box items describing histori- organometallic polymers and the rapidly
tegr. Biol., 2013, 6, e27122. cal landmarks, personalities involved in emerging area of bioorganometallic
3. Tomasello, M. and Vaish, A., Annu. Rev. the development of the subject, interest- chemistry. The inclusion of topics such
Psychol., 2013, 64, 231255. ing episodes and real-world applications. as stereochemical non-rigidity in organo-
4. Tomasello, M., Eur. J. Soc. Psychol., Organometallic chemistry, broadly metallic compounds, isolobal analogy
2014, 44, 187194. defined as the chemistry of compounds and Jemmis mno rules is commendable.
5. Borges, R. M., Curr. Sci., 1998, 74, 750 containing metalcarbon bonds, straddles The strength of the book lies in its
758. between the traditional bounds of inorga- lucid exposition of the concepts and a
6. Penner, L. A., Dovidio, J. F., Piliavin, J. A.
nic and organic chemistry, yet transcends large number of exercises at the end of
and Schroeder, D. A., Annu. Rev. Psychol.,
both. Prior to 1950, organometallic each chapter with solutions provided at
2005, 56, 365392.
7. Crockford, C., Deschner, T., Ziegler, T. E. chemistry of main group elements and the end of the book.
and Wittig, R. M., Front. Behav. Neuro- their applications in organic synthesis had I have a minor criticism which does not
sci.; doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00068. developed significantly whereas knowl- detract from the overall excellence of the
8. Ebstein, R. P., Israel, S., Chew, S. H., edge of transition metal organometallics book. I would like to see a future edition
Zhong, S. and Knafo, A., Neuron, 2010, was sparse. The serendipitous synthesis of the book to include a few chapters on
65, 831844. of dicyclopentadienyl iron (ferrocene) in main group organometallic chemistry, with
9. Baron-Cohen, S., Zero Degrees of Empa- 1951 by two groups (Kealy and Pauson; emphasis on the spectacular developments
thy: A New Theory of Human Cruelty, Pen- in multiple bonding of heavier main group
Miller, Tebboth and Tremaine) and the
guin, UK, 2011.
recognition of its sandwich structure inde- elements. Some of the chapters in the pre-
pendently by Wilkinson and Fischer in the sent edition may be slightly abridged in
RENEE M. BORGES following year, heralded a renaissance in order to keep the length of the new edition
transition metal organometallic chemistry, not too unwieldy. An alternative would be
Centre for Ecological Sciences, which has witnessed phenomenal growth to rename the book as Transition Metal
Indian Institute of Science, during the last 60 years. New bonding Organometallic Chemistry.
Bangalore 560 012, India paradigms have emerged. Compounds
e-mail: with unusual structures and reactivity have
been synthesized. Applications of organo- Department of Inorganic and Physical
metallics in industrial catalysis and their Chemistry,
use as reagents in organic synthesis have Indian Institute of Science,
grown rapidly. The importance of the field Bangalore 560 012, India
is reflected in the award of several Nobel e-mail:

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 107, NO. 2, 25 JULY 2014 307

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