Posttest Quanti

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40 minutes 50 Questions

DIRECTIONS: In this test, the stem consists of a series of numbers. In each series, discover the logical
rule. Select from the five choices the number that should come next in the series.


1. 4000 800 400 80 40

a. 140 b. 4 c. 80 d. 8

2. 1 4 9 16 25

a. 49 b. 1 c. 36 d. 25

3. 18 25 32 39 46

a. 53 b. 36 c. 52 d. 60

4. 93 309 434 498 525

a. 609 b. 533 c. 625 d. 552

5. 14 30 93 376

a. 11316 b. 1885 c. 457 d. 780

6. 10 33 136 685

a. 2055 b. 1185 c. 575 d. 4116

7. 18 34 66 130

a. 258 b. 330 c. 256 d. 260

8. 3840 384 48 8

a. 81 b. 1 c. 54 d.2

9. 5 11 12 20 26 40
a. 46 b. 54 c. 52 d. 48
10. 75 75 58 58 41 41

a. 36 b. 82 c. 41 d. 24
11. 14 15 14 19 14 23 14

a. 27 b. 25 c. 14 d. 24
12. 592 513 444 385
a. 238 b. 340 c. 336 d. 770
13. 374 438 487 523
a. 548 b. 567 c. 587 d. 538
14. 140 135 145 140
a. 135 b. 100 c. 150 d. 130
15. 332 340 170 178
a. 186 b. 89 c. 356 d. 181


Directions: The data sufficiency problem consists of a question and two statements labeled (I) and (II), in
which certain data are given. Decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering
the question. Using the data given in the statements, plus knowledge of mathematics and everyday facts (
such as the number of days in July or the meaning of the word counterclockwise), determine whether:

A. Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
B. Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient to answer the question
C. BOTH statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are sufficient to answer the question asked, but
NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
D. EACH statement ALONE is sufficient to answer the question asked.
E. Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient to answer the question asked, and
additional data specific to the problem are needed.

16. Pasta Italliano restaurant sells two kinds of pasta: Cheesy Lasagna and Shrimp Pesto Pasta. Each
customer buys exactly one sandwich. If there were 300 customers yesterday, what fraction of veggie
melts sold yesterday were bought by female customers?
I. 12 of all pastas sold yesterday were Cheesy Lasagna, and 13 of all customers yesterday were male.
II. Yesterday, twice as many Cheesy Lasagna were bought by females as there were Shrimp Pesto Pasta
bought by males.

17. At the party, every child was given either two or three ice candies. How many children received three
ice candies?
(1) At the party, 40 percent of the children received two ice candies.
(2) A total of 360 ice candies were given out to children at the party.

18. Does Allens building have more than four floors?

I. As per government regulations, all buildings with more than four floors should have an elevator.

II. Allens building has elevator.

19. How many examinees passed the Admission Test if 300 failed in the exam?
I. Thousand examinees were given Exam Pass.
II. 10% of the examinees failed.

20. What is the area of an oval?

I. The radius of the oval is a unit.
II. The area of another oval whose radius is double the radius of this oval is 4a2 square units.

21. What is the maximum number of stones that a vase will hold?
I. If 8 stones are removed from the vase when it is 23 full, the number of stones in the pen will decrease
by 14.
II. Currently, there are 12 stones in the vase.

22. How many hours did it take Doreimon to travel from Manila to Bicol, if he has to pass through
Quezon, given that he does not stop anywhere on the way?
I: Doreimon took 4 hours to travel to Quezon.
II: He took 6 hours to travel from Quezon to Bicol.

23. How much money Lucas earned in the month of April?

I. Lucas earns P650 per day when he reports for work.
II. Lucas does not earn money when he does not report for work including Non-working holidays.

24. A jar contains strawberry and blueberry candies only. If two candies are drawn from jar (without
replacement) what is the probability that both candies will be blueberry?
I. The ratio of blueberry candies to strawberry candies is 3:4.
II. There are 5 more strawberry than blueberry candies.

25. What is the average weight of a team of 30 athletes?

I. The total weight of the team is 1200kg.
II. There were 16 males and 14 females in the team.

26.How many joined in the wedding celebration of Prince Andrei and Princess Diane?
I. There are 1500 who were given special wedding invitations.
II. 120 invited guests failed to attend.

27. Is Rico Aldens the only son of Mr. Aldens?

I. Cherry Aldens is the only sister of Rico
II. Mr. Aldens has two children and at least one of them is a son.

28. Jose inherited few gold bars from his grandmother. If he put 9 bars in each bag then 7 bars are left
over. However if he puts 7 bars in each bag then 3 bars are left over. What is the number of bars he
inherited from his grandmother.

(1) The number of gold bars lies between 50 to 120.

(2) If he put 13 bars in each bag then no bar is left over and number of bars being lesser than 200.

29. While driving her car through the highway , did Warren exceed the posted 65-kilometer-per-hour
speed limit?

(1) Warren drove for 3 hours through the highway.

(2) Warren drove 180 kilometers through the highway.

30. If a certain factory makes a total of 30,720 fireworks, how many minutes does the factory take to
make the fireworks?
(1) The factory creates the fireworks without interruption at a rate of 32 fireworks per second.
(2) It takes 4 times as long for the factory to create the fireworks as it does to load them into trucks, and it
takes the factory a total of 20 minutes to do both.


DIRECTIONS: In this section, some sets of data are given. Interpret or analyze the given data to answer
the questions that refer to the data presented. Select the correct answer from the options given.

Marikina Shoes Rise in Production Over the Years

31. What is the average of the percent rise over the given years?
a. 105 b. 110 c. 92.5 d. 100.5

32. If the production in 1998 was 10,000 units how much is the production in 2002?
a. 65,524 units b. 46,200 units c. 35,280 units d.64,680 units

33. For which of the given years is the per cent rise (from the previous year) in the per cent rise the
least?(Years 2001 and 2003 not to be considered)
a. 2000 b. 2004 c. 2006 d. Not answerable

34. For how many years is the per cent rise more than 100?
a. one b. two c. three d. four

35. For how many years is the percent rise lower than the average of the percent rise over the given years?
a. one b. two c. three d. four

30 Original
20 Class A (Recon)
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

36. What is the average percentage growth of sales of Original Cellphones for the given years?
a. 12 b. 30 c. 40 d. 35

37. If the Original Cellphones sold in 2013 were 100,000, how many Original Cellphones were sold in
a. 202,800 b. 156,000 c. 120,000 d. 234,000

38. What is the difference between total Original and the total Class A (Recon) sold for the given years?
a. 1,750,000 b. 175.000 c. 75,000 d. Not answerable

39. In which year is the difference in the growth between Branded and Assembled the lowest?
a. 2012 b. 2015 c. 2016 d. None of these

40. For Class A (Recon) sale, which year the per cent growth is the highest compared to previous year?
a.2016 b. 2014 c. 2015 d. None of these

Expenses incurred (in percentage) in

Publishing a Book
Book Bind
Materials 20%
25% Royalty
Marketing Printing
10% 20%

41. What is the central angle of the sector corresponding to the expenditure incurred on Royalty?
a. 15 b.54 c. 24 d. 48

42. If for a certain quantity of books, the publisher has to pay P 30,600 as printing cost, then what will be
amount of royalty to be paid for these books?

a. 21,200 b. 19,450 c. 22,950 d.26,150

43. If 5500 copies are published and the transportation cost on them amounts to P 82500, then what
should be the selling price of the book so that the publisher can earn a profit of 25%?
a. 175 b. 180 c. 187.50 d. 191.50

44. Royalty on the book is less than the printing cost by:
a. 20% b. 5% c. 25% d. 33 1/5%

45. The price of the book is marked 20% above the C.P. If the marked price of the book is P 180, then
what is the cost of the paper used in a single copy of the book?
a. 37.50 b. 36 c. 41 d. 35.50

Successful Failed Project Total Finished
Project Projects
1st Month 5 3 8
2nd Month 4 4 16
3rd Month 5 2 23
4th Month 6 3 32
5th Month 4 2 38
6th Month 3 3 44
7th Month 2 4 50

46.. According to the chart, which month was the worst?

a. second month b. fourth month c. sixth month d. seventh month

47. What percent of the Projects was successful?

a. 80% b. 29% c. 45% d. 58%

48. How many projects were successful during the first seven months?
a. 16 b. 50 c. 29 d. 25

49. If there are fifty more projects to be done, how many more projects must be made to have 70%
successful projects?
a. 35 b. 32 c. 41 d. 40

50. Which month was the best ?

a. first month b. sixth month c, fourth month d. third month

------ END OF TEST IV-------


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