SAKURA & NIROU What Makes Us Grow, Healthy Habits, Proper Hygiene

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What makes us grow?

Growth hormone stimulates your liver and other tissues to release substances that subsequently
stimulate cartilage production. Your body requires cartilage cells for bone growth that
supports growing taller. Excessive exposure to growth hormone can cause giantism, a rare disease
that begins in childhood or adolescence.Jan 29, 2014
Get plenty of sleep. Research suggests that growing teenagers and pre-teens need between 8.5 and 11
hours of sleep every night. Most of your growing takes place while sleeping. This is because your body grows
and regenerates tissue while you're at rest. Make your sleeping environment as calm as possible, and try to
eliminate loud noises and unnecessary light. If you have trouble falling asleep, try taking a warm bath or
drinking a hot cup of chamomile tea before bed. Not getting enough hours of sleep will stunt your growth.
Nutrition. Ensuring that you're getting all the vitamins and minerals that your body requires will help you grow
to your full height. Include all of the following substances in your meals. Take a supplement targeted at your
age group with breakfast each morning, and try to incorporate certain foods into your diet.
Keep your immune system strong. Some childhood illnesses can stunt your growth. Most of them can be
avoided by the routine immunizations you may have had as a baby, but stay on the safe side by ingesting
plenty of Vitamin C (found in citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and lemons) and getting plenty of rest
as soon as you notice that you feel sick.
Exercise your body. Sadly, if your growth plates have closed as due to your age, exercising will not affect
your growth rate.[9] But if you enjoy swimming, biking, running, or yoga, among other sports, and you haven't
stopped growing, exercise combined with the right diet and proper sleep should help you grow.
Practice good posture. Many people rob themselves of extra height because they fail to realize that a good
posture is essential for maximum height increase. Correct posture involves more than just standing straight
and erect. You must train each part of your body to maintain its proper position. You must learn how to hold
your head, your pelvis, your legs, sit correctly, walk correctly, plus numerous other do's and don'ts to assure
you of achieving every possible inch of height. If you stand up straight, your bones will grow straight, and you
won't get osteoporosis, which will obviously make you look shorter. So when you stand up and sit up straighter,
not only will you look taller, but you will feel taller, and maybe even be taller.
Cultivate confidence. Being taller might be nice, but it can't make up for a general lack of confidence.
Participate in clubs, apply yourself in school, and make sure to take on a hobby you are successful with. These
will all boost your mood, and a positive attitude will more than make up for any lacking height.
Visit a medical professional. If you come from a tall family and you're not growing by your mid-teens, or if
your height hasn't changed much from before puberty to during puberty, then it's a good idea to see a doctor.
Conditions that can stunt your growth (such as human growth hormone deficiency or autoimmune diseases)
are fairly rare, but they do exist. If you're eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of rest, but you're still not
growing, then it's time to consult a doctor.
Understand that most of your height will be determined by the genetics of your family. Height is a
polygenic trait, meaning that it's influenced by several different genes. Having two short parents doesn't
necessarily mean that you'll be short, just as having two tall parents won't make you a towering giant.
However, if most of the people on both sides of your family are short, then odds are that you'll be short, too.
Don't be discouraged, though. The truth is that you can't know how tall you'll be until you reach full physical
adulthood in your mid-twenties.
Avoid growth-stunting factors. There might not be a lot you can do to increase your height, but you can take
several steps to make sure your natural height isn't shortened by environmental influences. Drugs and alcohol
are both thought to contribute to stunted growth if they're ingested while you're young, and malnutrition can
keep you from reaching your full height, as well.
What is a healthy habit?
A healthy habit is any behavior that benefits your physical, mental, and emotionalhealth.
These habits improve your overall well-being and make you feel good.Healthy habits are hard to
develop and often require changing your mindset.

10 Habits Parents Should Teach Their Children For School

JULY 25, 2017

10 Must Good Habits For School Children:
Here is the list of good habits for students that you must introduce as they get started into school.

1. Eat Healthy Foods:


Image : Getty

This ones probably the toughest of them all. Just like most other children, your child too will be tempted to
grab a bag of chips or a packet of biscuits.

Explain the importance of healthy eating and how junk foods could be harmful for health.
Make homemade versions of fast food snacks like noodles, pasta and pizza for your child occasionally.
[ Read: Homeschooling Versus Public School ]
2. Table Manners:
Image : Getty

This is definitely one of the most important points among good habits list you need to educate your child about.
Its now time to start treating your child like an adult as he sits at the table for dinner.

[ Read: Parenting Tips for Preschoolers ]

3. Brushing Twice a Day:
Image : Getty

Younger children are often lazy when it comes to brushing their teeth.

Make sure you take a few minutes to educate him about the importance of proper brushing.
Try and make brushing a fun-filled activity by occasionally allowing him some sweet treats if he promises
to brush right after he has them.
4. Sleep On Time:

Image : Getty

Get your child to establish a correct sleep schedule.

It will be the most important when your child starts going to school.
Stick to a regular bedtime yourself. Your child is less likely to be awake if you arent.
[ Read: How to Develop Child Brain ]
5. Play Outdoors:
Image : Getty

Its easy to get glued to the TV screen watching cartoons or playing screen games, but thats not what you
would want your child to be doing.

Get out with him for some fresh outdoor activities every day.
Encourage physical activity.
[ Read: Impact Of TV On Children ]
6. Cleaning Up The Mess:
Image : Getty

Its always a good idea to get your child clean up the mess in his room.

Allot him a span of 10-15 minutes a day to make sure all his toys, books and stuff are placed at their
appropriate places.
You can always reward him with his favourite home-cooked snack afterward!
7. Be Responsible With Money:
Image : Getty

If your child is old enough that you start to offer him pocket money, educate him about being responsible with

Get him a piggy bank.

Encourage him to save his money and manage his expenses within a given budget (you do it all the time-
and its time to let your child know that too).
8. Say Please and Thank You:

Image : Getty

Another basic rule you need to educate your child about. Please and Thank You are magical words that can
handle most jobs without any hassles, and thats what you would want your child to know.

[ Read: How To Promote Positive Behaviour In Children ]

9. Sharing Is Caring:
Image : Getty

It is one of the very important good habits for school children.

If your child is an only child, you will need to explain how sharing transforms as an important part of life.
Educate him about how sharing doubles up the joy and how he is lucky enough to have a particular toy or
object while others are not.
Siblings usually have no problem with this one (in most cases). If there are issues then you know how best
to teach your children the art of sharing.
[ Read: Good Habits For Kids ]
10. Dont Litter Public Spaces:
Image : Getty

Explain to your child about how littering public places like a park or a garden is a symbol of a bad citizen. Ask
him to always throw away trash in a dustbin and play his part in being a civilized citizen.

Help your child, following these simple habits, will surely go a long way in developing his habits and shaping
his personality. Explain him how following these simple good habits at school will make him a better person.

Dont forget to tell us what good habits in school you taught to your darling.

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Top 20 Healthy Habits For Kids To Teach

FEBRUARY 21, 2017

Image: Shutterstock

Congratulations! Youre a proud parent of a little, naughty one-year old. With each passing day, your child
learns and develops his physical and mental skills, and you as a parent, would want to contribute your best to
ensure that your child learns and adopts healthy habits from the very beginning.

Well, its not that difficult after all. The key point to note is that you, as a parent, dont just pass down genes to
your little baby. In fact, your baby learns a lot from you- and if you yourself stick to a healthy lifestyle, it wont
really be difficult when it comes to helping your baby learn. As a responsible parent, taking care of your kids
health and teaching them to follow healthy habits is very essential. This is the path to preventing infections and
keeping various illnesses at bay. We have compiled a few healthy tips to help kids stay healthy everyday!

The Top 20 Healthy Habits For Kids:

To simplify things, here weve prepared 20 most important healthy habits list for kids that need to be inculcated
into their daily routine:

1. Dont Skip Breakfast:

Getting your kid into a regular routine of breakfast-lunch-dinner will help him avoid unnecessary snacking right
from the very beginning. This is probably the most crucial and important stages when it comes to helping your
kid adopt healthy eating habits. A nutritious breakfast complete with all food groups will help your kid stay
energetic and active throughout the day.


[ Read: Healthy Eating Habits For Children ]

2. Wash Up!
Hand washing undoubtedly tops the list when it comes to getting your kid into healthy habit- explain the
importance of washing hands to your little kid, and also focus on the correct techniques 20 seconds is a must
for children. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap or hand wash liquid. Rinse well with water after
using the bathroom and before eating food. The same must be followed after they come home from playing
outdoors as it would help to prevent your kid from getting any kind of infection from other kids.

3. Toss that Tissue:

Make sure your kids follow the etiquette of using a tissue or kerchief when they need to cough or sneeze. You
also get him/her into the habit of disposing the tissues right away. Keep a trash can in your kids room.This
would help to prevent the spread of infections among your kids. Also tell your kid to wash his or her hand
immediately after sneezing to eliminate spreading of the infectious virus. Teach your kids about how germs can
pass through from one kid to another and tell them that using tissues would prevent that.

4. Flush Flush!
Your kid is well past his toilet training sessions. Good! Now make sure you educate him on the importance of
flushing his efforts down. This will make him aware of how to use a toilet even if you are not around.

5. Get Out:
Its the age of iPads and Xboxes, and often, you may find your kid stuck to the television set or his brand new
tablet. If thats the case, encourage your kid to find happiness in outdoor activities. Get him a pet dog and ask
him to take him for a walk, or do some hula hoop swirls out in the garden with your little naughty kid. If they
feel bored, get them to perform some household activities such as walking the dog, car washing or clearing the
yard. You can even ask their help in gardening everyday to make sure they stay active and fit.

6. Family Time:
Family time is extremely important, especially for a growing baby. Dinner-time is often the best time where the
entire family can sit down to eat and talk. This way, your kid will be less prone to snacking and grabbing the
wrong foods, and will also enjoy time with his parents and connect to them better.

[ Read: Family Activities ]

7. Read Every Day:

Dread the bedtime stories your little kid gets all excited about? Several studies have revealed how helping your
child read, and reading out to him could help develop strong reading skills and may help your kid succeed in
school and work.

8. Bathe!
Every once in a while, your kid may make a lot of fuss about getting into the bathroom and having a bath- its
always best to have some cute bath bombs, soaps, shampoos and toys handy. The general idea is to make
regular activities a fun time for your kid, until he grows older.

9. Ditch the Soda:

It is shocking how younger children today are falling prey to unhealthy eating habits, and several studies have
found how soda consumption is on a rise in kids. Make sure your kid sticks to healthy drinks, and preferably
water to keep himself hydrated.

[ Read: Good Habits For Kids ]

10. Couch Potato:

Drop your kids habit of lying down on the couch for too long right in the beginning- couch potatoes are more
likely to be overweight and have a higher risk of being affected by developmental problems and may also put in
a lower performance at school.

11. Promote The Habit Of Brushing The Teeth Twice A Day:

Dental hygiene is vital. Make your kids realize the importance of brushing their teeth everyday right from their
childhood. Kids tend to snack a lot, so they need to have their teeth clean to prevent the occurrence of cavities.
Teach your kids to brush twice a day using a less-fluoride toothpaste to fight decay and cavities in their teeth.
Also teach your kids not to eat foods after brushing their teeth at night.

12. Make Your Kids Get Good Amount Of Sleep:

Kids within the ages from 5 to 12 require at least 10 or 11 hours of sleep at night to maintain their health. Your
children should go to sleep at the same time everyday; regular sleep pattern can help them to be more attentive
in classes, stay in a better mood during the day and build immunity. For small kids, having a story time or a
favorite doll near them would help to sleep peacefully.

13. Dab On The Sunscreen:

Planning an outing at the beach during the summer? Thirty minutes before you leave home, apply a branded and
preferably paraben-free sunscreen lotion on your kids, as it will help their skin to stay free from all kinds of
infections. Make your kids wear the lotion during the peak summer hours from 10 am to 4 pm or organize
indoor activities to help them stay indoors and have fun.

14. Stay Updated With Your Kids Vaccination:

Make sure you maintain up to date records of your childs vaccination. Check with your doctor to make sure
that you offer your kids the right shot at the right date for prevention of diseases. Keep the immunization
records handy to carry it during the next appointment with the doctor.

15. Avoid Keeping Reptiles As Pets:

Some reptiles have harmful bacteria called salmonella residing in their body, which can be fatal for your kids as
it can cause sickle cell illness. Do not allow your kids to have lizards, turtles or snakes as pets, even if they are
of harmless breed.

16. Limit The Screen Time:

Kids love to watch their favorite cartoon show, their favorite match or film for many hours together. But this is
not a good idea as it can harm their eyes and deprives them of their sleep and makes them prone to various
infections. Have a fixed time for such activities and tell them you would be lenient occasionally if they promise
to maintain the schedule every day.

17. Have Regular Health Checkups:

Preventive care is essential to maintain your childs health. Your kids health must be checked regularly every
year and opt for annual dental check ups to prevent teeth issues and gum problems in kids or to minimize the
risks associated with it. Select the right hospital for your familys needs and stick with it to build a good history
with your childs doctor.

18. Take Care Of Your Childs Mental Health:

Though all parents strive to fulfill all the needs of their kids, most of them pay very less attention towards their
mental health. If your kid has a medical condition or if you have troubling domestic issues, then it can affect
your kids mental health. Stay in touch with your kids teacher and keep a track of your kids activities to detect
any issues at an earlier stage.

19. Teach The Use Of Safety Equipment:

Your kids must know how to wear the seat belt while travelling in the car, wear goggles while in the swimming
pool, wear helmet while riding the bike or while practicing skating. This would help to prevent them from
getting injured even if they meet with an accident.

20. Cleaning The Private Parts:

If you have boys, educate them the way to clean their genitals using soap and water while making sure that the
foreskin is not retracted. If you have daughters, teach them the right way of using a tissue to wipe, which is
from front to back and not vice versa. Teach them to come to you immediately if they have any pain or burning
sensation in there.
We hope after reading this article on good healthy habits for kids, you probably collected several ideas to
inculcate habits in your kid. Following these simple tips may help your kid follow a healthy lifestyle right from
his childhood.

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25 Ways To Inculcate Good Habits In Your Children
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Top 20 Healthy Habits For Kids To Teach

FEBRUARY 21, 2017

Image: Shutterstock

Congratulations! Youre a proud parent of a little, naughty one-year old. With each passing day, your child
learns and develops his physical and mental skills, and you as a parent, would want to contribute your best to
ensure that your child learns and adopts healthy habits from the very beginning.

Well, its not that difficult after all. The key point to note is that you, as a parent, dont just pass down genes to
your little baby. In fact, your baby learns a lot from you- and if you yourself stick to a healthy lifestyle, it wont
really be difficult when it comes to helping your baby learn. As a responsible parent, taking care of your kids
health and teaching them to follow healthy habits is very essential. This is the path to preventing infections and
keeping various illnesses at bay. We have compiled a few healthy tips to help kids stay healthy everyday!

The Top 20 Healthy Habits For Kids:

To simplify things, here weve prepared 20 most important healthy habits list for kids that need to be inculcated
into their daily routine:

1. Dont Skip Breakfast:

Getting your kid into a regular routine of breakfast-lunch-dinner will help him avoid unnecessary snacking right
from the very beginning. This is probably the most crucial and important stages when it comes to helping your
kid adopt healthy eating habits. A nutritious breakfast complete with all food groups will help your kid stay
energetic and active throughout the day.


[ Read: Healthy Eating Habits For Children ]

2. Wash Up!
Hand washing undoubtedly tops the list when it comes to getting your kid into healthy habit- explain the
importance of washing hands to your little kid, and also focus on the correct techniques 20 seconds is a must
for children. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap or hand wash liquid. Rinse well with water after
using the bathroom and before eating food. The same must be followed after they come home from playing
outdoors as it would help to prevent your kid from getting any kind of infection from other kids.

3. Toss that Tissue:

Make sure your kids follow the etiquette of using a tissue or kerchief when they need to cough or sneeze. You
also get him/her into the habit of disposing the tissues right away. Keep a trash can in your kids room.This
would help to prevent the spread of infections among your kids. Also tell your kid to wash his or her hand
immediately after sneezing to eliminate spreading of the infectious virus. Teach your kids about how germs can
pass through from one kid to another and tell them that using tissues would prevent that.

4. Flush Flush!
Your kid is well past his toilet training sessions. Good! Now make sure you educate him on the importance of
flushing his efforts down. This will make him aware of how to use a toilet even if you are not around.

5. Get Out:
Its the age of iPads and Xboxes, and often, you may find your kid stuck to the television set or his brand new
tablet. If thats the case, encourage your kid to find happiness in outdoor activities. Get him a pet dog and ask
him to take him for a walk, or do some hula hoop swirls out in the garden with your little naughty kid. If they
feel bored, get them to perform some household activities such as walking the dog, car washing or clearing the
yard. You can even ask their help in gardening everyday to make sure they stay active and fit.
6. Family Time:
Family time is extremely important, especially for a growing baby. Dinner-time is often the best time where the
entire family can sit down to eat and talk. This way, your kid will be less prone to snacking and grabbing the
wrong foods, and will also enjoy time with his parents and connect to them better.

[ Read: Family Activities ]

7. Read Every Day:

Dread the bedtime stories your little kid gets all excited about? Several studies have revealed how helping your
child read, and reading out to him could help develop strong reading skills and may help your kid succeed in
school and work.

8. Bathe!
Every once in a while, your kid may make a lot of fuss about getting into the bathroom and having a bath- its
always best to have some cute bath bombs, soaps, shampoos and toys handy. The general idea is to make
regular activities a fun time for your kid, until he grows older.

9. Ditch the Soda:

It is shocking how younger children today are falling prey to unhealthy eating habits, and several studies have
found how soda consumption is on a rise in kids. Make sure your kid sticks to healthy drinks, and preferably
water to keep himself hydrated.

[ Read: Good Habits For Kids ]

10. Couch Potato:

Drop your kids habit of lying down on the couch for too long right in the beginning- couch potatoes are more
likely to be overweight and have a higher risk of being affected by developmental problems and may also put in
a lower performance at school.

11. Promote The Habit Of Brushing The Teeth Twice A Day:

Dental hygiene is vital. Make your kids realize the importance of brushing their teeth everyday right from their
childhood. Kids tend to snack a lot, so they need to have their teeth clean to prevent the occurrence of cavities.
Teach your kids to brush twice a day using a less-fluoride toothpaste to fight decay and cavities in their teeth.
Also teach your kids not to eat foods after brushing their teeth at night.

12. Make Your Kids Get Good Amount Of Sleep:

Kids within the ages from 5 to 12 require at least 10 or 11 hours of sleep at night to maintain their health. Your
children should go to sleep at the same time everyday; regular sleep pattern can help them to be more attentive
in classes, stay in a better mood during the day and build immunity. For small kids, having a story time or a
favorite doll near them would help to sleep peacefully.
13. Dab On The Sunscreen:
Planning an outing at the beach during the summer? Thirty minutes before you leave home, apply a branded and
preferably paraben-free sunscreen lotion on your kids, as it will help their skin to stay free from all kinds of
infections. Make your kids wear the lotion during the peak summer hours from 10 am to 4 pm or organize
indoor activities to help them stay indoors and have fun.

14. Stay Updated With Your Kids Vaccination:

Make sure you maintain up to date records of your childs vaccination. Check with your doctor to make sure
that you offer your kids the right shot at the right date for prevention of diseases. Keep the immunization
records handy to carry it during the next appointment with the doctor.

15. Avoid Keeping Reptiles As Pets:

Some reptiles have harmful bacteria called salmonella residing in their body, which can be fatal for your kids as
it can cause sickle cell illness. Do not allow your kids to have lizards, turtles or snakes as pets, even if they are
of harmless breed.

16. Limit The Screen Time:

Kids love to watch their favorite cartoon show, their favorite match or film for many hours together. But this is
not a good idea as it can harm their eyes and deprives them of their sleep and makes them prone to various
infections. Have a fixed time for such activities and tell them you would be lenient occasionally if they promise
to maintain the schedule every day.

17. Have Regular Health Checkups:

Preventive care is essential to maintain your childs health. Your kids health must be checked regularly every
year and opt for annual dental check ups to prevent teeth issues and gum problems in kids or to minimize the
risks associated with it. Select the right hospital for your familys needs and stick with it to build a good history
with your childs doctor.

18. Take Care Of Your Childs Mental Health:

Though all parents strive to fulfill all the needs of their kids, most of them pay very less attention towards their
mental health. If your kid has a medical condition or if you have troubling domestic issues, then it can affect
your kids mental health. Stay in touch with your kids teacher and keep a track of your kids activities to detect
any issues at an earlier stage.

19. Teach The Use Of Safety Equipment:

Your kids must know how to wear the seat belt while travelling in the car, wear goggles while in the swimming
pool, wear helmet while riding the bike or while practicing skating. This would help to prevent them from
getting injured even if they meet with an accident.
20. Cleaning The Private Parts:
If you have boys, educate them the way to clean their genitals using soap and water while making sure that the
foreskin is not retracted. If you have daughters, teach them the right way of using a tissue to wipe, which is
from front to back and not vice versa. Teach them to come to you immediately if they have any pain or burning
sensation in there.

We hope after reading this article on good healthy habits for kids, you probably collected several ideas to
inculcate habits in your kid. Following these simple tips may help your kid follow a healthy lifestyle right from
his childhood.

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25 Ways To Inculcate Good Habits In Your Children
7 Simple Tips To Correct Bad Habits In Your Children
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How Personal Hygiene For Kids Can Keep Them Healthy?

FEBRUARY 9, 2017

Image: Shutterstock / iStock

Did you know that up to 10 million bacteria flourish between our finger tip and elbow? (1)
We are surrounded by microbes that affect us in various ways and varying degrees. Maintaining personal
hygiene is of utmost importance for children and needs to be approached with the right teaching tools and
methods. Personal hygiene is much more than just keeping your hands clean. It is also about keeping your entire
self clean and taking care of not infecting others around you. In this article, MomJunction tells you why
personal hygiene for kids is important, and the seven habits that they should follow.

Jump to Personal Hygiene Habits

Food Hygiene
Hand Hygiene
Sleep Hygiene
Health Hygiene
Vocal Hygiene
Body Hygiene
Hygiene at Home

Personal Hygiene For Kids What Is It?

Personal hygiene is the act of taking care of our health and well-being by keeping ourselves clean. Children get
in touch with a lot of dirt, dust, and bacteria when they go out. Whether they go to the school, park or any other
place, they touch things that have bacteria, which get transferred to their hands. When the bacteria find their
way into a childs body, he is prone to diseases and illnesses.


We can prevent this by developing personal hygiene habits.

[ Read: Healthy Habits For Kids ]

Importance Of Personal Hygiene For Children

Not maintaining personal hygiene has its implications. Children who live in unhygienic conditions and have
poor personal hygiene are prone to illnesses as their immune system is not as strong as that of the adults.

Good personal hygiene habits enable your children to:

stay healthy, free from illnesses and diseases caused due to bacteria.
feel good about themselves.
maintain and enjoy a healthy body image people with poor personal hygiene have a negative body
image, which can disrupt their social life.
develop a healthy personality being clean, well-dressed and well-represented boosts ones self-image,
which in turn increases their confidence and their chances of success in professional as well as social
Children do not have the knowledge or skills to take care of their personal hygiene. Therefore, parents need to
oversee their habits. The best way to teach kids about hygiene is to start early, with simple practices at home.
Read on to know more about the healthy habits that you can help your child develop.

7 Healthy Hygiene Habits For Kids

Whether your kid is at school or home, eating, sleeping, or playing, or helping you in the kitchen, they should
maintain cleanliness. When you are teaching personal hygiene to your kids, here are a few topics you must talk

1. Food Hygiene For Kids

Unhealthy eating habits lead to food poisoning that could result in vomiting, diarrhea or tummy pains. It is
important to maintain hygiene when eating, serving or preparing food to prevent bacteria from spreading from
one person to another. Tell your children the importance of food hygiene.

Why Is Food Hygiene Important?

When bacteria gets into the body, it results in illnesses like food poisoning, gastroenteritis, skin allergies,
diarrhea, and other bacterial infections that can leave you weak and tired. Some of these conditions can even be
fatal in kids.
When you are teaching your kids about food hygiene, start with the basics talk to them about germs and
bacteria. Explain to them how quickly bacteria can spread from their hands to the food and into their bodies.
Use practical ways. Here are a few food hygiene habits that you should inculcate in your child.

Washing Hands Before Touching Or Handling Food

Kids should clean their hands thoroughly before holding a slice of bread, a piece of fruit or candy, or handling
food with a spoon to eat or serve, or holding a plate or bowl of food. Here are some handwash rules you can
implement for your children:

Always wash hands with soap and clean water before touching or handling food.
It is all the more important to wash hands before eating if they have been to the toilet or were playing
Clean hands thoroughly so that there are no traces of soap left. Use fresh water to clear the soap
Wash your hands frequently when helping in the kitchen, as vegetables, raw meat and others may be
carrying bacteria before they are cooked.
Wash your hands after eating food.
Always use a clean cloth to wipe your hands and mouth.
Storing Food

Good food hygiene also involves storing food in a healthy and clean way. Kids should be taught to keep their
eating area clean and also store food properly.

Teach them about the foods that should be stored in the fridge and those that can stay out.
Never leave food uncovered, especially if you are not using it at a given time.
Always put the lid back on the milk cartons, cheese containers, and jam tins before storing them.
When storing raw meats, wrap them in foil to prevent blood from dripping and contaminating other foods.
Always store raw meats at the bottom.
Wipe the outer portions of a tin, bottle or dish clean to prevent accumulation of bacteria.
Hygiene When Cooking Food

Your children may not cook like you do. But if they do help you in the kitchen, here are a few hygiene rules
they should follow.

Wear clean aprons and tie the hair back, or better wear a chefs hat, before entering the kitchen. Roll your
sleeves up to avoid soiling them with stains or grease.
Do not sneeze or cough over the food. Always turn away from the food when you have to cough or
sneeze. If you have the flu, do not enter the kitchen.
Once you wash your hands, do not touch your hair or pick your nose. If you do, wash your hands again
before touching anything.
Avoid helping with cooking or touching ingredients if there are any cuts on your hands.
[ Read: Ways To Ensure Good Habits For Kids ]

2. Hand Hygiene For Kids

Hand hygiene is the most important thing you must teach your children. Research has proven that washing of
hands frequently can decrease deaths associated with diarrhea by almost 50% (2). Researchers in London found
that a whopping million deaths could be prevented a year if everyone around the world washed their hands
routinely. So, here is how you get your children to maintain hand hygiene.
Start with washing hands, the simplest way to prevent diseases. Teach your children how to wash hands give
them a practical on how they must wash their hands thoroughly, and not just wet them under water.
Wet your hands with clean water.
Apply soap and rub your hands together to lather up for about 20 -30 seconds.
Clean in between fingers, under the nails and up to the wrists.
Wash away the soap completely with clean water
Teach them to keep their hands clean at all times children may get carried away in play or activities they
indulge in, and use their dirty hands to eat, wipe their face or eyes, which could result in bacterial infections.

Make a habit of washing hands before touching or eating food and after:

using the toilet

being outside, riding a bike, playing in the sand, etc
cleaning the house
cleaning their nose, sneezing or coughing
touching an animal, especially after they pet an animal or touch an insect
visiting a sick friend or relative, or returning from a hospital
Hand-washing is a simple activity that takes just a few seconds of your time. But it is a highly effective way to
keep germs and infections away.

3. Sleep Hygiene For Children

Sleep hygiene is about developing a set of habits or a routine that helps your children get a good nights sleep.
Sleep is a critical process that our body needs to restore and revive its cells. It is also a time when the mind
works on creating memories and recording experiences that determine a persons moods and behavior.

Sleep hygiene aims at creating an awake-resting pattern in kids, which enables them to stay active and alert
during the day and sleep well at night. Help your children build these sleep hygiene habits to ensure that they
get enough rest every day.

Children should sleep for at least 10 hours every day. (3)

Help your kids build a sleep routine that allows them to sleep only at night. Prevent them from napping at
odd hours as that affects their awake-sleep patterns.
Use the bed only for sleeping. Children tend to do more than just sleep on the bed. From doing their
homework to eating a snack and watching TV, they do a lot of things sitting or sleeping in their bed.
That must be avoided. The only thing they should want to do when they get into bed is sleep.
Create a soothing and relaxing environment in their bedroom. Blinking night lights, screen lights from
gaming devices or mobiles and light from the TV can prevent kids from falling asleep quickly. Keep away
electronic gadgets and any fun or distracting toys that can disturb your kids sleep. Also keep away any
noisy alarm clocks that may be upsetting your childs sleeping patterns.
Consistency is critical to building habits. Create a routine that allows your child to go to bed at the same
time every day. Most importantly, stick to the routine. Predictability is good for kids and makes them feel
secure. So if the routine is a bath, bedtime story and then lights out, it has to be the same every day.
Also, let your children sleep in their beds and not yours. Make this a habit, even if they tend to wake up in
the middle of the night and come into your room. Walk them back to their room, tuck then in their bed and
sit on a chair next to them. Make it a habit for them to fall asleep in their bed.
Children may not be able to sleep of they are worried or are scared about something. Sleep time should
not be a time to worry or be scared.
Healthy sleep hygiene enables kids to get a good nights sleep, which is critical for their physical and
psychological well-being.

[ Read: How Much Sleep Do Kids Need ]

4. Health Hygiene For Kids
Children are prone to illnesses like the flu or common colds. In fact, they get six to eight common colds a year
because they are exposed to different viruses and are more vulnerable than adults (4). It is important to teach
children about health hygiene to prevent germs and bacterial infections from spreading. When your child is
down with the flu or any other infectious illness, ensure that they:
Avoid close contact with other kids do not send your child to school or for play.
use a tissue to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze to prevent the germs from spreading around.
Some viruses like influenza spread through the air as well, so teach your kid to use a cloth or a
handkerchief to cover their mouth when they speak.
wash their hands often. If the water is too cold to use, use a hand sanitizer.
do not share food, water, bed clothes or other things that may spread germs to other children in the family.
maintain clean surroundings and change their clothes at least twice a day.

As your children may not be able to keep themselves and their surrounding clean at all times, it is your
responsibility to support them.

5. Vocal Hygiene For Kids

Not known to many, vocal hygiene is a term used for healthy practices that help your child develop a strong,
modulated voice that is pleasant to hear. Children tend to talk a lot, shout, scream and change their voice to
imitate someone or sound funny. As a parent, you may not pay attention to how they speak.

Youll love your children regardless of how they sound brittle, croaky, nasal or squeaky. But here are a few
good voice habits that can help your kid maintain complete vocal hygiene.

Keep your children hydrated. Encourage them to drink enough water every day. Also, avoid giving them
foods or drinks that are too cold and can affect the vocal chords.
Encourage them to use a consistent tone when they have a conversation. Whispering or shouting when in
play might seem okay, but it does affect their voice.
Throat-clearing can affect the vocal fold tissue, thus affecting an individuals sound when he or she
speaks. Kids do not often clear their throat, but if they do, discourage them from doing so.
Trying to compete with loud background noise can put a strain on their voice.
Discourage your kids from shouting to make themselves heard in a noisy environment.
Singing, as a learned practice or a hobby, is fine. But singing loudly with the radio or music in the car also
affects their chords.
Talking too much and too quickly impacts the vocal chords.

6. Body Hygiene For Kids

One of the most important aspects of personal hygiene is taking care of your body. Body hygiene is about
keeping every part of your body clean to stay healthy and presentable. Healthy body hygiene habits include
taking care of the skin, hair, feet, and the pubic region (5).

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It covers and protects all the other organs from external elements,
which makes it prone to dirt, dust, and bacteria of different kinds. In fact, your skin prevents the bacteria from
getting into the body and affecting the internal organs. To protect your skin from illnesses caused by the
accumulation of bacteria, you must keep it clean. Children should be taught to keep their skin clean and healthy
by doing these:
Bathing regularly
One of the simplest ways to keep your skin clean and healthy is to bathe regularly. Teach your kids to take a
shower twice a day before they head out to school and after they come back. Teach them how to clean the
different parts of the body the hands, armpits, legs, feet, groin, joints, back, belly button (navel) elbows and
knees. Show them how to do it and then let them practice it.

Make sure that they use soap to bathe and pat dry the body after bathing. Take extra care when teaching them to
clean their face make sure they clean their ears and the neck, which they often overlook. Also, we touch every
other part of the skin with our hands, so a simpler way to keep the skin clean is through clean hands.

Staying hydrated
Your skin is healthy and supple when it gets enough moisture. When you are dehydrated, the skin becomes dry
and chappy. It is important to stay hydrated to protect the external layer of the skin. Encourage your child to
drink plenty of water to keep the skin healthy and clean.

[ Read: Oral Hygiene For Kids ]

Use moisturizers
Sometimes, drinking water is not enough to keep the skin hydrated. Use of moisturizers becomes necessary
when the environment or weather makes your skin dry. Apply the right kind of moisturizing agents to keep the
skin healthy.

Facial skin contact

Kids tend to touch anything with their hands and then touch their cheeks, nose, mouth or eyes. Facial skin is
more sensitive when compared to the skin that covers the rest of the body. When your child touches his face
with unclean hands, he transmits the bacteria leading to skin allergies or acne. Some kids, especially tweens,
tend to rub and pinch pimples on the face, which spreads the infection and makes it worse.

Poor hair care in children can lead to problems like head lice, dandruff, and other scalp infections. Children
should be taught to take care of hair along with their skin.

It is important to wash the hair at least twice a week to keep it free from dirt and grease.
When washing the hair, teach your children to wash the scalp with soap and rinse it thoroughly with clean
Children are prone to getting head lice, which is a problem that should be dealt with immediately.
Encourage your child to keep the hair tied or braided, to avoid head-to-head contact with other kids who
may have lice.
Teach your children never to share personal objects like combs, pillows, and hats.
If your girl has long hair, tell her not to leave the hair down at all times. Let her tie it up to prevent
accumulation of too much dirt or grime.

Ever heard of the phrase smelly feet? Thats what happens when bacteria on the feet comes into contact with
sweat. Kids who wear shoes all day, especially without socks, tend to accumulate more dirt on their feet, which
the bacteria feed off. Help your children keep their feet clean with these tips.
Wash your feet at least twice a day, when you take your bath.
Clean the feet properly by scrubbing with soap between the toes, the soles of the feet and under the
Use a clean cloth to wipe them dry.
Encourage them to keep their shoes clean and dry. Dirty shoes have bacteria, which get transferred to the
Use a moisturizer after cleaning the feet.

Pubic Region
Cleanliness of the body also includes cleanliness of the pubic region.

For girls, the vagina is one part of the body that can clean itself (6). So teach your daughter to clean
around the genital region with soap and water, as she would the rest of the body. Older girls and teenagers
should also be taught about removing pubic hair. Putting anything inside the vagina, like a tampon, can
damage it and even cause bacteria to spread inside the body. It is important that you talk to your girls
about it.
Boys should be taught early on to clean their genitalia. They should wash the penis and the scrotum every
day with soap and clean water. Also, teach them to carefully clean the tip of the penis as well as under the
foreskin every day.

7. Hygiene At Home
In addition to personal hygiene, children should also be taught to maintain hygiene when they are at home. Here
are a few things you can teach them to do.

Teach your kids to wear clean clothes every day. They may like a specific dress, t-shirt or jeans, but
explain that they should wear it only if it is clean.
Tell them to keep their surroundings clean and everything in its place.
Make them put the bowl or plate in the sink after they eat a meal, and wash their hands.
Teach them to clean if they spill or drop something on the floor or any other surface. If your kid is too
young to be able to clean it, help him do it.
Let them follow basic toilet and bathroom cleanliness standards they must flush the toilet after use, use
the restroom supplies, throw used tissues or other garbage in the bin, etc.
You cannot teach your kids these basic personal hygiene habits overnight. Developing healthy habits is a
process that takes time and should be handled patiently.

Tips For Teaching Kids About Personal Hygiene

Just telling your kids what to do will not work. It is not about getting them to do what is hygienic. It is to make
personal hygiene a part of their life. An individuals hygiene habits tell you a lot about his or her personality.
Heres how you should inculcate personal hygiene habits in your children.

1. Explain good and bad habits

Start with something they already know good and bad. Kids know that they are supposed to do what is good
and not do the bad. So list out the good and bad hygiene habits clearly tell them what is considered good and
healthy, and what is bad or unhealthy. Repeat it as many times as you can in different situations. You can
reiterate these points through play a quick quiz in the car or as they step into the bath.

Most importantly, praise them when they display good hygiene. That way, theyll remember better.

2. Start with the basics hand-washing and bathing

Children shut their minds to things that they find overwhelming. Dumping too much information or instructions
about personal hygiene will yield no results. Start with something simple like washing hand and bathing
regularly and build other practices from there.

3. Use the right resources

The best way to teach a kid is by demonstration. And to do that, you need to have the right resources. If you
want your child to use soap to wash hands, you need to make sure there is soap in the dispenser. The chances of
your kid washing hands are better when there are supplies in stock.

4. Explain concepts of germs and bacteria

Introduce the concept of germs and bacteria early on. Tell how they can catch germs and what happens when
they dont wash them off. Kids tend to do something if they understand it better. Make sure you emphasize the
importance of hygiene but do not exaggerate so much that they develop a phobia.

5. Talk about nice smell and foul smell

Our noses can recognize a wide range of smells, and our instincts tell us which smells are good and which are
bad. Kids also know, instinctively, when something smells bad. But they may not be able to label it bad. You
can help them learn the difference between good and bad smells, and explain that they should build good
hygiene habits to keep bad or stinky smells away.

[ Read: How To Brush Teeth For Kids ]

6. Talk about grooming

Kids who are poorly dressed may be teased, or even bullied at school. To avoid that, it is imperative that your
children wear clean clothes, smell fresh and stay clean and hygienic in school as well as at home. Talk to your
kids about the different grooming activities like wearing clean, pressed clothes, combing their hair, polishing
their shoes and keeping their school and lunch bag clean and hygienic. Help them learn about grooming by

7. Fun with hygiene

Kids remember something better when it is fun and makes them happy. Dont make hygiene a dreadful topic for
children. Make it fun. Try to teach them about personal hygiene in different ways like games, fun activities and
online games.

8. Be an example
Kids learn by observation. Studies say that kids are like little scientists, gathering information or evidence by
observation (7). To encourage your child to follow good hygiene practices you must start practicing them
yourself. Be an example. Do little things like washing hands, cleaning the kitchen or the table, brushing teeth,
etc. together.
Personal Hygiene Activities For Kids
Children love to play and learn better through activities. Here are a few games and activities you can try to
make personal hygiene fun for your kids.

1. Germ Transfer Game

Germ Transfer is a fun game that teaches how germs get transferred from one person to another. For this game,
you will need some washable paint. Apply the paint to your hands without the kids looking at you and then
pretend to sneeze. Then go about your way, touching everything you can with your hands and spreading the
paint. Ask the kids to go to these places and touch the paint.

After the exercise, ask the children to count the number of locations the germs have been transferred to. Also,
highlight the fact that they got germs from you because you didnt wash hands after sneezing.

2. Glitter Hands
Glitter Hands is a fun game that lets the kids get a little dirty. According to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), kids should scrub and wash hands with soap for at least 30 seconds to get rid of germs. To
explain that, take some glitter and apply it to your childs hands. Ask them to wash their hands now, using soap
and tap water.

Glitter is naturally sticky and wont go away with a quick rinse under the tap. It will take your kid some time to
get rid of all the glitter from the hands. Tell them that like glitter, germs can only be removed by washing hands
for at least 30 seconds, not just a rinse.

3. Good Habit, Bad Habit

This is a fun trivia kind of game you can play with kids anytime, anywhere. Make a list of activities that your
child needs to identify as either good habit or bad habit. Make it a point to include your kids habits and remind
them of what they should continue doing and what they should not. For every right answer, give them a treat or
a word of praise.

4. Hygiene Charades
Charades are fun. Play charades with your family, where you or your kids will have to enact right or wrong
hygiene practices. This game makes learning about hygiene fun and remembering it easier.

5. Personal Hygiene Worksheets

The internet has several personal hygiene worksheets that you can use to teach your children about it. You can
use these worksheets online or print and use them as checklists.

Personal Hygiene Facts For Kids

Is your child not taking personal hygiene seriously? Well, here are a few interesting facts that can encourage
him to develop healthy hygiene habits.

1. 80% of the diseases are spread by the hands.

2. Some germs are stubborn and can thrive on certain surfaces like plastic or stainless steel surfaces and on
work spaces where food is prepared, for up to 48 hours.
3. You spread 100 times more bacteria with damp hands than with wet hands.
4. Bacteria live on your hand for up to three hours, while one bacterium can multiply by four million times in
just eight hours! Imagine how much bacteria you carry if you dont wash your hands for eight hours!
5. An average dollar bill can carry up to 26,000 live bacteria.
6. Fingernails are the toughest places to clean of bacteria.
7. An average keyboard has more bacteria than the toilet seat.
8. Your phone contains 30,000 units of bacteria per swab.
9. You can infect up to 150 people with common cold by sneezing without covering.
10. Your belly button maybe carrying thousands of varieties of bacteria.
Poor personal hygiene makes your children susceptible to disease. But it does not have to be that way. You can
keep your kids healthy and away from bacteria-causing disease by practicing the personal hygiene habits
discussed above. If your children already practice good hygiene then that is great. If not, now is a good time to
teach them.

How do you teach your kids about personal hygiene? Tell us about it here.

Recommended Articles:
Body Odor In Children: Causes And Remedies
Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease In Children
Effective Remedies for Halitosis And Bad Breath in Kids
Information And Fun Facts About Teeth For Kids
Eye Care Advice and Tips For All Ages
Eye problems run in my family, on both sides of the family. I got my first pair of eye glasses when I was 14 though I
opted for contacts shortly after that. Im near-sighted and while I should be wearing my glasses more often I dont.
I need to take better care of my eyes and especially now as I get older. Its also important because as a blogger, I
spend a good chunk of time in front of my computer.

The stresses of our jobs and even duties at home can also put a strain on our visual system. The use of glasses and
contact lenses and the natural wear and tear that comes with the aging process can leave our eyes red and tired. It is
true that our eyes are among the most neglected organs in our body.

True enough, our eyes are the most used appliance in our working body , and as such, they also suffer the most.
Headaches related to eye fatigue are also common among people who work long hours reading or working in front of
the computer. Excessive watching of television is also a leading cause of eye strain and other visio n-related
problems. Those who overwork their eyes often suffer from visual migraines.

Since the eyes are such integral part of our existence, proper care is needed to protect them. Having an annual eye
exam is specifically recommended to prevent any eye diseases. In addition, many eye diseases start in childhood, so
it is important for children to receive proper eye care treatment from the time they are still infants.

According to research, there is a continuous case of vision loss in the world today, but half of all blindness can be
protected. The goal of an annual exam is to minimize the adverse effects on the eye and the vision to prevent it from
getting worse. But there are certain signs that can detect if you are suffering from vision loss, check out b elow if you
have any of these:

frequent eyeglass prescription changes

difficulty in recognizing people
holding books or reading materials too close to the eyes
bumping into objects
finds lightning either too bright or too dim
acts disoriented or confused

If you, or one of your loved ones are experiencing any of these, consult an eye doctor immediately. Many forms of
vision loss are preventable if tracked down early. Keeping yourself in good health and taking necessary precautio ns
to care for your eyes will go a long way. A regular eye examination will help you detect possible eye diseases and
prevent blindness.
Many eye diseases, if detected early, can be successfully treated. You can lessen the risk of eye disease and
vision loss if you follow the following tips:

Eat healthy food

Do some eye exercise regularly and stay active
Control your cholesterol levels, blood pressure or other health problem
Quit smoking

So, protect your eyes and those of your loved ones. Overall health care involves undergoing annual eye
examinations. The eyes you have will be yours forever. Treat them right and they will never be out of sight.
How to prevent ear infections
Jan 14, 2011

by Tiernan McKay

The power of a clean nose


Kids and ear infections seem to be intrinsically linked, especially this time of year. That
dreaded diagnosis from the doctor brings with it visions of a miserable child, trips to the
pharmacy and sleepless nights. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent ear
infections this cold/flu season.

Hana Solomon, M.D., is a pediatrician, president of BeWell Health, LLC, and author
of Clearing the Air, One Nose at a Time, Caring For Your Personal Filter. She is passionate
about preventive care and has some unexpected suggestions to help you prevent ear
Causes of ear infections
You've probably used the words "ear infection" countless times, but do you really know what
causes one? According to Solomon, "Ear infections, which always begin in the nose, result
when the nasal membranes develop excessive mucus and the drainage pipes (the nose, the
sinus, the ears) fail to drain well." Children are more prone to infections because the size and
orientation of these drainage tubes make drainage difficult.

How to prevent ear infections

While it sometimes seems impossible to protect our kids from ear infections, Dr. Solomon
says it really can be done. "It helps to breastfeed, stay away from large groups of children and
avoid exposure to smoke, which incapacitates protective nose hairs," she says. Ultimately,
Dr. Solomon points to one unexpected method to prevent ear infections: nose washing.
"Children who wash their nasal passages with hypertonic buffered salt water do not develop
ear infections," she says. "I've witnessed this over 25 years of medical practice and, finally, a
number of studies support these findings."

How to treat ear infections

The traditional treatment for ear infections is becoming increasingly unpopular. "The Academy
of Pediatrics strongly supports not treating with antibiotics unless the child is very ill, feverish,
or very young," says Solomon. "Antibiotics can cause bacteria to develop resistance so it's
best to treat infections naturally by offering plenty of fluids, exposing kids to moisture (such as
soothing baths) and, of course, nasal washing."

Tips for fewer ear infections

Dr. Solomon offers the following tips to help keep your child's ear infections to a minimum this
year (or maybe do away with them altogether):

o Avoid exposing your child to cigarette smoke.

o Prevent allergies, adjust living environment for fewer allergens.
o Provide healthy unprocessed foods for fewer allergies.
o Keep the nose clean.
o Avoid medications that dry and thicken the mucus, such as antihistamines.
o Maintain hydration, avoiding sugary juices (teach your children to drink water).
o Treat GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux) if it is present.
o Apply warmed moist compresses to the outer ear for 20 minutes every few hours.
o Work with your child's medical provider so that your collaborative efforts will bring about
the most effective and least invasive solutions.
o If your child is getting worse, see your medical provider.
Cleaning Your Kids Ears: Are Q-Tips Safe?
Posted by Dr Kim on January 25, 2010 7 Comments

A friend once told me with great disdain, while watching me wiggle a cotton swab deep in my ear canal with great
satisfaction, I never use Q-tips to clean out my ears. Apparently a doctor once told him never to put anything smaller
than his elbow into his ear, and he took these words as gospel.
Do you ever have the feeling when someone tells you some great truth, a law of the universe that youve been breaking
for years in ignorance, that its remarkable that you have survived this long, having missed out on some basic manual on
life along the way? I often wonder if the parents in my practice feel this way as I spout my wisdom on general health
issues, and they look chagrined at having broken the rules with their child. The good news is, its hard to break your child.
..especially with things like the management of ear wax.
So what are the rules of proper ear hygiene? Though I think that my friends doctor was a bit dramatic, I do agree that for
the most part, cotton swabs do more harm than good for childrens ears.
Heres the lowdown.
Ear wax (otherwise known as cerumen) is icky, and sometimes smells quite foul, but it actually serves several important
functions. It is created in the outer half of the ear canal, where it serves to lubricate the skin of the ear canal, and prevents
flaking and itching. It also has antibacterial properties and protects the skin of the ear from infections like otitis externa,
commonly known as swimmers ear.
Ear wax almost always comes out of the ear on its own accord. There are small hairs, called cilia, lining the outer half of
the ear canal which act as a conveyor belt, pushing the old wax out as the new wax is formed. And so under most
circumstances, ears clean themselves.
What is the harm of a little friendly assistance? There are several potential problems caused by good intentions. Often,
especially in childrens small ear canals, using a cotton swab actually pushes the wax deeper into the canal, to the far
recesses where there are no hairs to help remove it. In children who make a thick, moist wax, their ears often become so
clogged with wax that their hearing becomes dulled, which can impact speech development in younger kids and learning
and behavior in older kids.
And then there are those over-eager toddlers who wiggle a little too hard and deep and puncture their eardrum. This
common injury usually heals very well, but sometimes the tiny bones that are essential for proper hearing are damaged or
the membrane fails to heal and an innocent cleaning exercise can have profound impact on the life of a child.
In the end, though I was chagrined myself when I first heard this advice, I too now recommend avoiding q-tips or cotton-
tipped swabs for ear hygiene.
Tips for Parents:
The secret to clean ears is to use a wash cloth only on the outer, visible part of the ear to clean the wax as it
naturally comes out. Internal cleaning is not necessary, and may be harmful.
If you are concerned about your childs hearing, visit your doctor to see if they have ears plugged with wax.
Never allow your children to play with cotton swabs or place anything else (carrots included) in their ears.
Itchy ears are often caused by over-zealous cleaning habits. A few drops of mineral oil can help soothe them while
you wait for the ears natural lubricant to return.
How to Take Care of Your Nose

There are many things that we subject our noses to that are unhealthy and problematic for healthy
breathing. Learning how to take care of your nose can help you enjoy a pain free, symptom free,
lifelong experience of some of the world's most tantalizing smells. Your nose and sinuses are
intimately connected, and helping to improve your nose health will help you to improve sinus
The nose serves two purposes. It provides an avenue for smelling which increases pleasure, warns
against danger, and helps to improve the quality of life. It also serves as an airway into the lungs. A
healthy nose will help filter particles from the airway much better than an unhealthy nose will. A
chronically runny nose or stuffy nose can lead to headaches and other discomfort as well as become
an irritating source of discomfort on its own.
Nasal Sprays
While nasal sprays are an obvious solution to nasal problems, they don't necessarily induce good
nose health. In fact, many sprays are targeting your sinuses and not your nose, and thus can be
damaging or irritating to the lining along the nostrils. If you do have to use a nasal spray, be sure to
follow the directions and avoid spraying any more than absolutely necessary. Never exceed the
dosing instructions or take it longer than prescribed as this can lead to serious problems.
Warm steam breathed in through the nostrils can actually help more than sprays. If you inhale the
steam between 4 and 6 times daily without an additive, you can often help clear up sinuses and
improve your nasal passages quickly without the risk of harming membranes.
Humidity in the Air
Keeping your home's air a bit more humid can help improve nose health as well. Humidity helps
prevent things like waking in the middle of the night with nasal problems and can increase the ease
of breathing. In some cases it can also help cut down on snoring because the nasal passages are not
Using a simple humidifier will allow you to control the level of moisture in the home's air. It is not
necessary to add medications to the humidifier because all you're seeking is relief from the dry air.
Dry air is especially common in the winter time and if you have forced hot air heat this may be the
only time that you experience discomfort. Humidity can be helpful regardless of whether you suffer
from asthma, allergies, or tend not to suffer from any breathing problems.
Allergens are a common problem. When you're taking good care of your nose you want to relieve
allergies as quickly and easily as possible while minimizing the need for medications. Allergy
medications tend to dry the nasal passages too much, make one sleepy, or keep one awake at night.
Thus, the more you can do to eliminate household allergens and other triggers the better off you
Air filtration can be beneficial for helping your nose stay happy and healthy. Nasal allergies can be
very difficult to live with and keeping a filtration system in top working order can help improve the
situation. You also want to make sure that you clean or replace the air filter in your heating and
cooling units regularly. Vacuum cleaners with filters should be kept at top filtration capacity. Many
people with allergies do better in homes with hard floors instead of carpeting because there are
fewer fibers to trap dander, mites, and dust.
If you need help controlling allergies see your physician and ask about alternatives to medication.
The severity of your nasal allergies will determine how many natural options you might have.
Keeping the Nose Clean
A cleaner nose is a happier nose. The way you clean your nose is important. To take care of your
nose properly you will want to make sure that it receives the same kind of care that you want your
skin and hair to have. With a cotton swab and warm, mildly salty water you can clean your nose
without risk of scratching or cutting and you will not damage the sensitive membranes.
With mildly salted warm water on a cotton swab you will want to clean any debris from the nose
without going far up into the nasal passages. Ultimately, you want to avoid sticking anything in
your nose, but for cleaning purposes this is often the safest and most effective method.
Cleaning your nose not only helps to keep it comfortable but it also helps to improve its ability to
filter particles. Cleaner noses tend to develop fewer allergic reactions and help to reduce snoring as
well. Thus, you want to make sure that you maintain a clean and healthy nose as part of your daily
Smoking and the Nose
Cigarette smoking is damaging. The nasal cavity suffers more from smoking menthol cigarettes
than it does from non-menthol cigarettes. Pipes, cigars, and other forms of smoking can also cause
irritation and damage to the lining of the nasal passages. If you can avoid smoking altogether, you
are helping your nose avoid long term dryness, irritation, and sensitivity to allergen triggers. You
are also saving your life.
Of course, avoiding second hand smoke and other pollutants will help reduce the risk of damage to
the membranes as well. You will want to breathe the cleanest air possible. If you smoke, you're not
going to be able to feel the benefits as fully when it comes to taking care of your nose.
Objects, Surgery, and Nose Jobs
Sticking objects, including fingers, into your nose is dangerous. While you may have been able to
get away with it all of your life, slicing your nasal membranes with an object or a fingernail can
lead to infection. Infections in the nasal cavity are hard to treat. It's just better to prevent anything
from traveling up your nostrils that isn't supposed to be there.
Surgeries performed on the nose for medical reasons often mean a rehabilitation period. Be sure
that you follow your physician's instructions for after care and call immediately if you have any
concerns. Preventing infections is vital after nasal surgery.
Elective surgical procedures are hard on the nasal passages and can alter your nose's overall health.
When considering these procedures it may be wise to question whether it's really necessary or
appropriate before you jump in.
Healthy Noses and Happy Breathing
The more you do to learn how to take care of your nose the easier breathing will be. Clear from
debris and allergens your nasal passages can relax. Inflammation can often be caused by triggers
other than allergies. This means that once the inflammation is gone the allergen triggers may not be
nearly as intense. Healthy noses and happy breathing is part of living healthier lives.

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