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Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Cyber Security for Smart Grid Systems:

Status, Challenges and Perspectives

Danda B. Rawat Chandra Bajracharya
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Georgia Southern University Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460, USA Statesboro, GA 30460, USA

AbstractThe transformation of traditional energy networks and power management whereas the last four deal with power
to smart grids revolutionizes the energy industry in terms of and information flows in the smart grid. These domains are

reliability, performance, and manageability by providing bi- connected with each other through secure communication links
directional communications to operate, monitor, and control
power flow and measurements. However, communication net- as shown in Fig. 1.

works in smart grid bring increased connectivity with increased
severe security vulnerabilities and challenges. Smart grid can be
target for cyber terrorism because of its critical nature.
a prime
As a result, smart grid security is already getting a lot of attention
from governments, energy industries, and consumers. There have

been several research efforts for securing smart grid systems in
academia, government and industries. This article provides a

comprehensive study of challenges in smart grid security, which
we concentrate on the problems and proposed solutions. Then, we
outline current state of the research and future perspectives. With

this article, readers can have a more thorough understanding of
smart grid security and the research trends in this topic.
TermsCyber security, Smart Grid, Network Security
in Power Grid, Smart Grid Security.
The integration of electrical distribution system with com-

munication networks forms smart grid where power and
information flow is expected to be bi-directional [1], [2]. Fig. 1. The NIST conceptual model for smart grid [1].

This transformation of traditional energy networks to smart
grids revolutionizes the energy industry in terms of reliability, Smart grid has different components and assets such as

performance, and manageability by providing bi-directional power generations, distributions, consumers, regional control
communications to operate, monitor, and control power flow centers, substations, field devices, communication and net-

and measurements. Furthermore, smart grid is expected to working devices, phase measuring units, protecting relays,
automate the systems with the help of advanced communica- intelligent electronic devices, remote terminal units, human
tion systems.
Along with several benefits the communication machine interfaces, home appliances, circuit breakers, log
networks offers in smart grid, they bring the private power servers, data concentrators, protocol gateway, tap changers,
systems to the public communication networks and smart meters, etc. All of these components are connected in
associated security vulnerabilities [1][6]. Smart grid can be a smart grid to operate, monitor, and control power flow and
prime target for cyber terrorism because of its critical nature. measurements. Thus, the legacy cyber-security techniques are
As a result, cyber security for smart grid is getting a lot of not sufficient to meet the cyber security requirement of the
attention from governments, energy industries, and consumers. smart grid and its assets. For instance, consumers are con-

There have been several research efforts for securing smart cerned about their privacy as their lifestyle could be exposed
grid systems in academia, government and industries [6][8]. to malicious users because of compromised data communi-

According to National Institute of Standards and Technol- cation networks. Similarly, Advanced Metering Infrastructure
ogy (NIST) conceptual model for smart grid, communication (AMI), commonly known as the smart meter, could be easily

networks connect power system components as shown in compromised however once they are compromised, it is almost
Fig. 1. There are seven logical domains: Markets, Service impossible to change their passwords (PINs) as these devices
Operations, Bulk Generation, Transmission, Distri-
Provider, do not have their own keyboards to change passwords/PINs.
bution and Customer. The first three deal with data collection Thus, a controller may be needed to deploy new passwords

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978-1-4673-7300-5/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE
2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Generation, operation
and control Sub-station and
automatically once it is compromised. Thus, the smart grid Distribution Consumers

systems have unique features, goals and objectives to provide

reliable power supply and robust communications.
This article provides a comprehensive study of challenges in
smart grid security, which we concentrate on the problems and
solutions for cyber attacks and defense solutions. In
this paper, specifically, we present the following issues:
We outline the different requirements of smart grid sys-
tems and compare them with the traditional Internet. We

then provide network vulnerabilities in the smart grid
systems. It is noted that the most of the cyber attacks in
grid systems are coming through malicious threats
in communication networks. Neighborhood Area Home Area
Wide Area Networks (WAN) Networks (NAN) Networks (HAN)
Because of the nature of the power grid and its impact in

case of blackout, attack detection should be quick so as to Fig. 2. A typical communication framework for smart grid systems.
have uninterrupted power supply. Thus, it is essential to

deploy malicious attack prevention and defense solutions
Examples of WAN include optical fiber networks, WiMAX,
to protect the entire smart grid. Thus, we outline cyber

attacks and respective defense solutions for the smart
and the latest cellular networks (such as 4G/LTE). Smart grid
relies on wired and wireless communication networks, thereby
inheriting both benefits they offer and security vulnerabilities.
Then we outline current state of the research and future per-
The smart grid has potential of introducing new security
spectives. With this article, readers can have a more thorough
vulnerabilities into the power system and thus different cyber
understanding of smart grid security and the research trends
defense solutions are needed in different levels to safe guard
in this topic.
the entire system.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: We
present a background and smart grid architecture in Section A. Features of Smart Grid Networks

II followed by the requirements and objectives of smart grid
The smart grid network is expected to be larger than the
security in Section III. Cyber attacks and defense solutions for
existing Internet and share the somewhat similar architecture.
smart grid systems are presented in Section IV. The challenges
However, there are significant differences between them.
for securing smart grids are presented in Section V followed
by the summary in Section VI. 1) Latency requirements: Internet (network of networks) is
intended to provide data services (sharing files, surfing,
II. BACKGROUND AND C OMMUNICATION N ETWORK etc.) to the users with high speed data rate. However,
A RCHITECTURE FOR THE S MART G RID S YSTEMS smart grid networks are intended for reliable, secure and
Electrical power networks are very complex since, for real-time communication with low latency.
there are over 2000 power distribution substations,
example, 2) Data size and flow: Internet has generally bursty type
over 5500 energy facilities distributed throughout the country, communications however smart grid is expected to be
130 million customers all over the United States [9].
and over bulky [10] and has periodic data communications be-
Typical communication framework for smart grid system is cause of big size of the network and real time commu-
shown in Fig. 2. Home appliances of consumers are connected nication and monitoring requirements [11].
to Home Area Network (HAN) and they report their need and 3) Communication model: In traditional power grids, the
usagepattern of electricity in real-time to control and monitor typical model for communication is one-way where elec-
the real-time power consumption. Smart metering system is tronic devices report their readings to the control center.
of a micro-controller and a communication board to But in smart grid, communication is bi-directional and
communicate with the gateway. Third party who provides elec- real-time.
tricity and manages operations relies on meter readings to pro- 4) Password/PIN update process: In typical Internet, all
vide value-added services for consumers. HAN covers single end/networking devices have keyboards to enter/change
home or business. The HAN could use ZigBee, Bluetooth, Wi- PIN or password. However, in smart grid, end devices

Fi, etc. HANs are connected to Neighborhood Area Network such as smart meter and/or some home appliances might
(HAN) through Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) gateway. not have keyboard to change or enter password/PIN.
NAN covers HANs, sub-stations and distribution systems. Thus smart grid needs some sort of automated process
Note that a HAN could be treated as a single device at NAN as for this to deploy new policies and/or to change pass-
HAN gateway could aggregate the information received from words.
HAN and forward that to NANs. The NANs are connected 5) Layered network architecture: There are different net-
to Wide Area Network (WAN) through NAN gateways. WAN works in smart grid at different levels such as HAN,
covers power generations to transmissions as shown in Fig. 2. NAN and WAN. The HAN works like a node for

2015 IEEE 2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

NAN and NAN works like a node for WAN through Smart grid Threats
their respective gateways. Furthermore, for reliability, Assets

smart grid is expected to use variety of access networks

including wireless, wired and fiber optical networks.

B. Power
Systems Communication Network Protocols
There are various proprietary protocols and few open stan- Fig. 3. Evaluating the risks in smart grid systems.

dard protocols [12]. Two widely-used communications proto-
where Assets are the smart grid devices (such as smart meters,
cols in power systems are
substations, data, network devices, etc.), vulnerabilities allow
1) Distributed Networking Protocol 3.0 (DNP3): DNP3
an attacker to reduce a systems information assurance, and
was originally developed by General Electric Inc. that was
T hreats are the attacks coming from outside or inside of the
made public in 1993. The DNP3 is the predominant standard
smart grid systems.
used in North American power systems [12], [13]. Physical
In (1), the Risk can be minimized or made zero if one
layer of the its initial version was based on serial com-
the quantity on the right side is minimized or made zero.
munication protocols (such as RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485).
Note that in smart grid systems, Assets cannot be zero in the
However, its current version is based on TCP/IP model which
smart grid. T hreats cannot be made zero as they are coming
supports recent communication technologies with end-to-end
from unknown places or attackers. Thus, the main goal is to
minimize the V ulnerabilities in the smart grid to minimize
2) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61850:
the overall Risk in (1).
IEC 61850 protocol is recently standardized with Ethernet-
based communications for modern power substation automa- A. Security Objectives in the Smart Grid Systems
tion by the International Electrotechnical Commission [14]. Objectives of smart grid security is to comply with policies

IEC 61850 was designed to replace DNP3 in smart grid while securing information using Confidentiality, Integrity and
communications, however, current IEC 61850 is only limited Availability, also known as the CIA triad. The CIA triad [15]
within a power substation communications. Unlike DNP3, is a model designed to guide policies for information security
IEC 61850 built with a series of protocol stacks to support in smart grid systems which is shown in Fig. 4.
of services which are time-critical and monitoring.
a variety
Power substation communication deals with a number of time-
critical messages with end-to-end delay of 3 milliseconds to

In t
ali t
500 milliseconds.

gr i


are different types of messages with different require-

ments: Type 1A/P1 and Type 1A/P2 messages have strict

Smart Grid Systems,
time delay requirements since they are used for fault isolation
Assets, and Operations
and power system protection purposes. The delay requirements
for the Type 1A/P1 type messages is milliseconds and for Availability

the Type 1A/P2 type messages is 10 milliseconds. Next,
Fig. 4. The CIA triad for smart grid security systems.
the Type 1B/P1 and Type 1B/P2 messages are used for
routine communications among automated components of Confidentiality in the smart grid systems is needed to make
power systems. The delay requirements for the Type 1B/P1 sure that access to information is restricted to only authorized
message has 100 milliseconds and for the Type 1B/P2 is people and it is designed to prevent unauthorized access. In
20 milliseconds. Similarly, Type 2 and Type 3 messages other words, it is equivalent to privacy. In smart grid systems
for monitoring and readings in substations which
are used where home appliances are connected to power grids for real-
have less time-critical requirements. The delay requirement for time bi-directional data communication and electricity flow,
Type 2 is 100 milliseconds whereas it is 500 milliseconds privacy is one of the important issues for the customers. If the
for Type 3 messages. information falls on wrong hand, they can keep track of the
life style of the people, what appliances they use, whether the
III. S MART G RID S ECURITY R EQUIREMENTS AND people are in there, etc. and misuse the information.
O BJECTIVES Integrity of information in smart grid is needed to maintain

Cyber attacks in smart grid systems depend on the several and assure the accuracy and consistency of data/information.
factors. The information should not be modified in an unauthorized
Integration of bi-directional communication networks, or undetected manner. This feature helps the smart grid to
incentives to attackers, socioeconomic impact of the blackouts,
etc. Basically, the attack risk in the smart grid system relies provide robust real-time monitoring systems.
Availability in the smart grid implies that the information
on three factors as shown in Fig. 3. Formally, the risk can be
defined as must be available to authorized parties when it is needed
without any security compromise. Power systems is expected
Risk = Assets V ulnerabilities T hreats, (1) to be available 100% of the time, thus data availability

2015 IEEE 2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

also involves preventing denial-of-service attacks leading to outermost layer. Note that cyber attacks could be at any layers

blackouts. to vandalize the entire smart grid.
Furthermore, Authenticity is also important in smart grid
as it is important to validate that both parties involved
are who they claim to be. Authenticity of the information can Data security

be verified by using some features such as digital signatures
to give evidence that the message data is genuine. Application Security

B. Smart Grid Security Requirements HAN level security

The cyber security objectives for the smart grid is to

follow CIA triad to guide policies for information security NAN level security

and provide
robust power supply. In addition to CIA triad, the WAN level security
NIST report [1], [15], [16] recommends other specific security
requirements for the smart grid including physical security of
Fig. 5. Smart grid security using multiple levels of protection against attacks.
grid assets.
1) Self-healing and Resilience Operations in the Smart In the following sections, we present classification of attacks
Grid: In smart grid systems, communication network is open in the smart grid systems.
as smart grid assets are distributed over large geographical
area. Thus it is challenging to ensure the security in every A. Attack Classifications based on Networks
single node in the smart grid to be invulnerable to cyber at- 1) Home Area Networks (HAN) Attacks: Typical HAN

tacks.Thus the smart grid network must have some self-healing attacks target the home appliances and smart meters. HANs
capability against cyber attacks. Network must consistently use wired or wireless connections to provide interface to
perform profiling and estimating to monitor the data flow and smart grid to support consumer awareness of energy consump-
power flow status to detect any abnormal incidents due to tion and to support demand response functionality in real-
cyber attacks. To make data communication network available time. However, HAN is vulnerable to security attacks and
for power system operations, resilience data communication is the malicious users could use sophisticated attacks through
easily accessible devices such as the smart meters and the
2) Authentication and Access Control: There are millions associated communications hardware to interrupt the smart
of electronics
devices deployed throughout the power systems grid systems. Attackers could easily exploit the vulnerabilities
and millions of home appliances are connected to smart available within the firmware of HAN devices and use reverse
meters, authentication is the key process of verifying the engineering of devices to attack the grid. Thus all of the known

identity of a device or user to protect smart grid systems from threats to such a network must be identified and addressed to
unauthorized access. Furthermore, access control is used in avoid any damages caused by cyber vandalism to smart grid
smart grid to ensure that resources are accessed only by the initiated at HAN level. Several approaches have been proposed
appropriate parties that are correctly identified. in the literature to provide secure and reliable communications
3) Communication Efficiency and Security: The smart grid between the smart meter and consumer equipment in HAN
communication needs to be efficient to support real-time mon- to avoid security attacks. A security framework has been
itoring and secure with self healing cyber defense solutions proposed in [17] which integrates HAN device registration
to protect from any security attacks. As these features are and enrollment processes into a single network access au-

contradicting, trade-off between these parameters should be thentication procedure. This scheme prevents unauthorized
considered in smart grids. access to HAN by malicious users. A freshness counter based
session key exchange scheme has been proposed in [18] to
C. Automated Policy/Password Update Process ensure defense against replay attacks (also known as playback
of the nodes (e.g., smart meters) in the smart grid attack) between the smart devices inside a house and the
do not have keyboards which makes the process of changing smart meter. This scheme helps prevent smart grid from valid
more difficult. Furthermore, manually changing data being delayed or transmitted repeatedly by malicious
passwords in such million devices is not feasible, thus the or fraudulent users. A scheme is proposed in [19] where
smart grid needs an automated process to deploy the policies security labels are used for data packets and enforce the

and/or passwords in real-time to prevent any attacks. information flow policy to avoid attacks in the grid through
HAN. Other security mechanisms includes frequency hopping
IV. C YBER ATTACKS AND D EFENSE S OLUTIONS FOR in wireless, dynamic security key management, advanced
S MART G RID S YSTEMS encryption schemes, intrusion prevention systems, intrusion
In order to secure the sensitive data and smart grid, the detection systems, authentication and authorization.
Fig. 5 shows five important layers that should be considered 2) Neighborhood Area Network (NAN) Attacks: Typical
when defining cyber security schemes for the smart grid. Data NAN attacks target the power sub-station and distribution cen-
security is in innermost layer and the WAN security is in the ters. The NAN interfaces HAN with WAN in smart grid and

2015 IEEE 2015 IEEE
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2015, April 9 - 12, 2015 - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

attacks could be coming directly through power substations or C. Cyber Defense Solutions for Smart Grid Systems
through HAN gateways. Thus protecting NAN is important to
To provide defense to cyber attacks targeting confidentiality
protect the entire smart grid. A intrusion detection framework
proposed in [20] where cyber attacks are detected at in the power grid, network coding has been presented to main-
has been
tain data privacy in the grid where all aspects of privacy such
NAN level with the help of NAN intrusion detection system
as anonymity, unlinkability, unobservablity, and undetectablity
(IDS) using support vector machine (SVM) and artificial
have been achieved [23], [24].
intelligent schemes. A 4-way handshaking mechanism has
Defense against cyber attacks targeting integrity, several

been proposed in [21] to establish secure links before smart
grid assets start their communications. Note that HAN devices approaches have been proposed [25][28]. To prevent integrity
should be limited to communicating only with a HAN manager attacks, a power fingerprinting technique has been proposed
application within the meter to minimize cyber attacks. in [25], a volt-var control (VVC) based scheme has been
proposed in [27], and a Trusted Network Connect (TNC) base
3) Wide Area Network (WAN) Attacks: WAN attacks are
approach had been studied in [28].
targeted to power generation and control devices. Note that
WAN infrastructures may be utility owned or public access There are several cyber defense solutions against attacks
targeting availability (e.g. [29][38]). Solutions to channel
depending on the business model of utility offices. There are
different WAN standards including ANSI C12.21 and ANSI jamming attacks include frequency hopping based on pre-

C12.22. In ANSI C12.21 based WAN access protocol uses shared sequence or uncoordinated rendezvous methods [37],
two-way authentication using DES encryption of a randomly [38] where transmitter and receiver meet to a common channel

generated token [22]. The ANSI C12.21 protocol is session- for communication while avoiding the jammer.
based thus a timeout can be implemented to release the In man-in-the-middle attacks, the cyber security solutions
session which reduces chances of cyber attacks based on the include use of in-depth packet analysis (e.g., IDS) since
permanent key. ANSI C12.22 adds another layer of security packets sniffed by the attacker have unmatched MAC and IP

by having data encryption using AES-128 bit on top of WAN address pairs [35], [36].
authentication. In ANSI C12.22 standard each communication To deal with buffer-overflow attacks in the smart grid, a
must be authenticated before any other operations. Note that flocking-based models of power system operation for the grid
the security schemes used in smart grid should provide highest has been proposed in [33] and a Discrete-Time Markov Chain
level of
security with minimal system and device performance (DTMC) model has been studied in [34].
impacts related to encryption, decryption, re-keying functions, A top-down analysis has been performed to prevent data
intrusion flooding attacks including other attacks in [31]. A defense
detection, intrusion prevention, etc.
solution to puppet attack that results in denial-of-services in
B. Attack Classifications based on Network Layers AMI network has been studied in [32].

Typical cyber attacks in the smart gird based on CIA Triad In order to overwhelm networking devices which have lim-
can be classified as below: ited computing resources, attackers can flood computationally
intensive requests using application layer attacks [29], [30].
1) Cyber Attacks Targeting Confidentiality These at-
A DDoS Shield based suspicion assignment mechanism and
tacks allow access to information to unauthorized users a DDoS-resilient scheduler have been proposed to prevent
in the smart grid [23], [24]. Malicious users misuse the
application layer attacks in [29].
information to harm others or take advantages from it.
2) Cyber Attacks Targeting Integrity Main motivation of
these types of attacks is to disrupt the data exchange in V. C HALLENGES AND F UTURE R ESEARCH D IRECTIONS
the smart grid by illegally modifying or inserting false
There are several challenges to secure smart grid systems
information [25][28].
from multitude of attacks and meet the security requirements
3) Cyber Attacks Targeting Availability Attackers main
and objectives of smart grid as smart grid assets are distributed
motivation is to block or delay the communication in
the smart grid so that the power delivery could be over large geographic areas. Because of the critical nature
of power systems and socioeconomic impact of blackouts,
interrupted. This type of attack is also known as denial-
of-service attack. A typical attacks are listed in Table I. smart grid can be a prime target for cyber terrorism. The
cyber defense solutions should protect all aspects of smart
grid systems. The defense solution integrate multiple de-
T YPICAL C YBER ATTACKS TARGETING AVAILABILITY IN P OWER G RIDS . fense techniques including proactive real-time intrusion pre-
vention/detection systems (IPS/IDS) using machine learning
Network Layer Attacks in Smart Grids and artificial intelligence, network segmentation, controlled
Application layer CPU exhausting [29], [30]
Network and Data flooding [31], [32] wireless propagation, authentication, authorization, certifica-
Transport layer Buffer overflow [33], [34] tion. The proposed solutions should comprise of scalable,
MAC layer Man-in-the-middle attacks [35], [36] resilient, and adaptive cyber security/defense techniques for
Physical layer Jamming channels [37], [38]
smart grid operation without affecting any legitimate smart
grid operations.

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