Construction in Developing Countries: Construction Management and Economics

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Construction Management and Economics

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Construction in Developing Countries

George Ofori

To cite this article: George Ofori (2007) Construction in Developing Countries, Construction
Management and Economics, 25:1, 1-6, DOI: 10.1080/01446190601114134

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Published online: 11 Jan 2007.

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Construction Management and Economics (January 2007) 25, 16

Guest Editorial
Construction in Developing Countries
National University of Singapore

A tribute education (see, for example, Andrews, 1987; and

Andrews and Derbyshire, 1993).
This special issue of the journal is in honour of In his roles as Director of the MSc (Construction
Professor John Andrews, one of the major contributors Economics and Management) programme at UCL,
to the body of knowledge on the construction industry Director of the World Bank funded graduate pro-
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in developing countries, which is the theme of this gramme on transportation and development at the
special issue. John died in Chichester, England, on 9 Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia, visiting
November 2003 at 79 years of age. With Professor professor at the University of Sains Malaysia, and as a
Duccio Turin and Dr Patricia M. Hillebrandt, he supervisor of doctoral theses, John influenced many
pioneered studies on the construction industry in students from several countries who studied under
developing countries at University College London him, developing in them an interest in the improvement
(UCL) in the early 1970s (see, for example, Andrews of the performance of the construction industry as a
et al., 1972). John coined the phrase construction whole through strategic policies and central direction,
industry development, developed one of the first and innovations in procedures and processes on
Masters level modules on it, which he taught on projects.
the MSc (Construction Economics and Manage- John would have approved of the breadth of the
ment) programme at UCL, and established the topics covered by the papers in this special issue. They
Construction Industry Development Unit at UCL constitute a small addition to the body of knowledge on
which was a vehicle for research and consultancy construction in developing countries, the foundations
assignments. of which John had helped to build.
John was a consultant to the World Bank and many
governments of developing countries, notably those of
Egypt, Ghana and Vietnam, and prepared several The critical need and the state of the field
useful reports which provided insights into the indus-
tries in these countries. He was the Director of the The fight against poverty, illiteracy, high infant
Construction Management Programme of the mortality, low life expectancy and other manifestations
International Labour Office which covered African of a low level of socio-economic development has
countries, in its formative years in the 1970s. John had assumed a new urgency over the past few years.
a deep understanding of construction in the UKhe Practical steps are being taken at various levels. At
worked in government before joining UCL as a the international level, these include the signing of the
lecturer, and was an adviser to Wilmott Dixon for Millennium Declaration by all the leaders of the world
several years. He wrote many seminal papers on and the monitoring of progress towards the attainment
construction, such as that on the history of the of its goals and targets; and the cancellation of some or
profession and its influence on the current roles of all of the debts of some countries. Bilateral initiatives
practitioners. He also had a special interest in the include increased aid and liberalisation of trade. There
industry in Japan, which he tried to explain to other is also remarkable philanthropy by some major business
researchershe was made an honorary citizen of the organisations and individuals. Researchers in construc-
city of Osaka. Some of the major subjects of Johns tion have a duty to contribute to the effort to lift billions
research were: joint ventures and consortia; technology of people who live in developing countries out of
transfer; and cross-discipline issues in construction and poverty. Work done so far has led to the establishment
of some key attributes of the construction industry and
*E-mail: its activities, and the relationships among them, which
Construction Management and Economics
ISSN 0144-6193 print/ISSN 1466-433X online # 2007 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/01446190601114134
2 Guest editorial

show the merits of, and provide a basis for, such Many new issues have emerged which require the
research. These include: attention of researchers on construction in developing
countries. These include: (i) private sector involvement
N Construction makes a major contribution to
in the provision of infrastructure and other major
national socio-economic development by build-
construction projects; (ii) internationalisation of con-
ing the infrastructure and productive facilities
(Wells, 1986). struction in the advent of globalisation and liberal-
N Construction is a large bona fide sector of the isation of economic regimes; (iii) formation of regional
economic blocs and common markets, including
economy, contributing a significant proportion of
the national economy during each period among developing countries; (iv) global consensus on
(Hillebrandt, 2000). the need to fight poverty; (v) international concern with
N Construction creates employment as labour- sustainable development, especially environmental
issues; (vi) threats of pandemics such as HIV/AIDS
intensive technologies are viable.
N Construction takes place in all parts of the
country and can be used to develop entrepre-
and avian influenza; and (vii) cultural issues on sizable
neurship, and transfer technologies to all the
citizens of the country (Turin, 1973).
The papers in this special issue
The literature suggests that the role of construction
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in the economy reaches a plateau when a country The papers in this issue may be categorised under the
attains the middle-income stages as it progresses in following broad topics: (i) globalisation and business
terms of socio-economic development, and then strategies; (ii) project management and performance;
declines as the country attains developed status (iii) sustainable construction; (iv) industry structure;
(Wells, 1986). Thus, there is some urgency for the
and (v) culture. The papers cover some of the topics
research to be undertaken to propose the necessary
which are of concern in the field of construction in
action which must be taken now in order for the
developing countries today.
developing countries to derive the greatest benefit from
the contribution which construction can make to
national growth and development. Globalisation and business strategies
Despite the urgent need for research work on
construction in developing countries, its pace has Lewis discusses, in broad terms, the impact of
slowed almost to a halt. This observation is not new; globalisation on the construction industries in the
Ofori (1993) noted that research on the subject had developing countries. He considers the key question
reached a crossroads. Several reasons account for this. of equity in the relationships among the groups of
First, the donor agencies of industrialised countries and industrialised and developing countries which consti-
the multilateral lending institutions that used to fund tute the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the
such studies have lost interest. Second, as many of the direct implications for the construction industries in the
existing publications on the field are rather old and no developing countries. He highlights some of the areas in
longer readily accessible (see for example, Turin, which global trade perpetuates economic underdeve-
1973), researchers today tend to cover the same ground lopment and suggests that fairness is more important
that was comprehensively dealt with many years ago, than freeness of international trade. Lewis affirms that
and little that is new has emerged for many years. For economic orthodoxy is not always right. For example,
example, country studies are being undertaken now he observes that asymmetry in information distorts
which do not follow any of the established frameworks markets, and it is equally clear that asymmetry in other
for such analysis such as those proposed by the World respects also distorts markets, especially when that
Bank (1984) and Ofori (1994). Moreover, the work asymmetry involves power and wealth. He expresses
currently being undertaken on small contractor devel- concern that the developing countries are, in fact, not
opment does not draw upon the excellent body of work developing, but falling further behind their industria-
coordinated by the International Labour Office (see, lised counterparts, and that the consequent depen-
for example, Relf, 1986). Third, and as a result of the dency is a consequence of the globalisation of trade.
last point, the field lacks a deep and solid foundation on Lewis also observes that the construction industry plays
which to build, with the result that the few works which an important role in providing employment, especially
authors produce or seek to publish are seldom for the least skilled members of society, and it cannot
profound. Many of the research agendas for studies neglect the role it plays in international trade; the
on the field which have been proposed by authors (see, industry must try to protect the weak. The paper
for example, Ofori, 1993) have seldom been taken up. benefits from the use of relevant quotations to support
Guest editorial 3

or illustrate the key points made, many of which are most of these factors could be found in all countries
quite profound. As globalisation is a phenomenon although the influence of each of them would differ in
which is here to stay, and which will deepen in extent various countries owing to socio-cultural factors.
and effect in future, it is in the interest of the developing Mbachu and Nkado proceed to examine the magni-
countries that research is undertaken on how their tudes of influence and the frequencies of occurrence of
construction industries and firms can participate fully the project constraints, and develop assessment meth-
in, and benefit from, this inescapable and irreversible odologies for the identification and risk-level evaluation
process (as Lewis quotes Nelson Mandela as character- of typical project constraints. They suggest that their
ising globalisation in 2000). research shows that by addressing the controllable
The potential of linking the development of a factors, 67% of the perceived discrepancies between
countrys construction industry and firms to changes expected and actual outcomes of construction projects
in its economy resulting from globalisation and other could be eliminated, and recommend the use of an
factors is discussed by Cheah. Chinas economy has InfluenceFrequency matrix for mapping and studying
grown strongly over the past decade, and this growth project constraints. This is a framework for identifying
has been led by, and also resulted in, a high volume of and classifying project constraints, evaluating their risk
construction activity. Cheah observes that despite this levels, and developing responses to risks on such
expansion in construction work, not all local (Chinese) projects. The framework is simple, and could be
enterprises have the vision, knowledge and resources to applied by construction project managers in developing
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capitalise on the growth opportunities. He suggests that countries although it must be fine-tuned to reflect the
the reason is partly historical, as many large construc- context in each nation.
tion firms in China used to be state-owned enterprises Public organisations must have the executive capa-
that did not have to compete for projects. He focuses city and capability to deliver programmes and projects
on large Chinese construction firms and examines the for which they are responsible as most of these are vital
type of strategic components required to build up to national or sectoral development, and are funded
competitive advantage in the medium and long term. from scarce resources for which there are ever increas-
He proposes a conceptual model which comprises five ing and competing needs. Rwelamila notes that the
competitive strategies and five other important project management competencies of public sector
resources and competencies as the research variables. organisations responsible for infrastructure develop-
These variables are drawn from the industrial organisa- ment in most developing countries are poor although
tion theories and the resource-based and competence- these organisations portray themselves as being able to
based views. As the transformation of China from a manage projects effectively. He reports on a study of a
planned economy to a market economy proceeds, the large infrastructure department in South Africa, a
model will help large construction enterprises in that country where such public organisations are under
country to track the dynamic interrelationships among pressure to improve performance in order to address
the strategic components, and to formulate appropriate developmental constraints facing the country. The
medium- and long-term action plans. study scrutinised the management of a premier
programme (the development of small construction
firms) by the department in order to establish its project
Project management and performance
management competence. This was done by evaluating
The catalogue of problems which face the construction the performance of the department in relation to its
industries in developing countries is well known; these (the departments) mandate in relation to the pro-
problems culminate in poor performance on projects gramme, and the set objectives. Rwelamila adopted the
undertaken in these nations (see, for example, Ofori, case study approach, and used structured interviews of
2000). Mbachu and Nkado address the dissatisfaction the officers of the department, the clients and other
expressed by clients as a result of the failure to achieve stakeholders to collect the necessary information. He
set project objectives due to identifiable constraints. found that in its current form, the programme does not
Whereas this issue is not unique to developing have an appropriate organisation structure or suitable
countries, the level of performance is poorer, and its and adequate personnel to undertake its tasks and meet
effect arguably more serious in these countries. its objectives (owing to a reduction in the number of
Mbachu and Nkado study the factors which hinder civil servants in the country, and limited budgets). He
the successful implementation of building projects in also found the programmes management system to be
South Africa, based on questionnaire surveys involving poor and at the lowest level of maturity. He suggests
registered construction project management consul- that, in its current form, the programme cannot fulfil its
tants and contractors. They classify them into con- mandate without a fundamental overhaul which speci-
trollable and uncontrollable factors, and note that fically addresses its organisational structure and the
4 Guest editorial

quality of its personnel, as well as its overall manage- prices. Yorucu models price speculation by using
ment system. The delivery systems for national aggregate supply and aggregate demand for real estate.
programmes should be integral parts of the design of He applies a macroeconomic framework to analyse the
such programmes. The design should be based on local principal causes and impacts of the construction sector
circumstances, and also consider possible changes in on the TRNC economy, particularly in terms of income
the situation. The delivery system should be continually and employment. Yorucu compares developments in
monitored based on feedback from the stakeholders, the construction industry in the TRNC with global
and necessary changes effected. construction trends, especially other small and island
states, such as Hong Kong, Trinidad and Tobago and
Sustainable construction Singapore. The aspects considered include the relation-
ship between construction value added and GDP per
The peoples of the developing countries bear the brunt capita; construction output per person employed, and
of environmental stress as many of them rely on the its effect on overall performance of the economy in
natural ecosystems for their livelihoods. Moreover, the terms of employment and wages. The construction
governments of these countries lack the wherewithal to boom caused environmental damage in the TRNC.
deal with the stress. Du Plessis suggests that, as a Yorucu notes that as the TRNC possesses a unique and
matter of urgency, action should be taken to ensure that rare ecosystem in the Eastern Mediterranean, special
the high volume of construction that will be undertaken attention should be paid to the environmental impacts
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in the developing countries in the process of urbanisa- of construction activity, highlighting environmental
tion is done in ways that are socially and ecologically costs and deficiencies in land zoning regulations.
responsible. However, there are numerous challenges Yorucu suggests that there is an urgent need for
to the introduction of more sustainable technologies rigorous environmental legislation, especially at local
and practices in these countries. These challenges range government level. Like du Plessis, Yorucu notes that
from the need to develop appropriate technology to effective implementation of such initiatives will require
that for supporting the formulation and delivery of collaboration between policy makers, researchers and
professional educational curricula, enabling institutions
and private and public sector buy-in. Du Plessis draws
on the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Construction in
Developing Countries which was drawn up by an Industry structure
international group of experts in a project funded by
There is inadequate knowledge of the structure of the
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
and the International Council for Research and construction industries in developing countries; even
Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) (CIB less is known of the changes in this structure over time.
and UNEP, 2002). She presents a framework for a The informal sector is of special interest to the
coordinated response to the challenge of limiting the developing countries owing to its size and importance
social and ecological impact of construction. The but it is not well understood. Wells notes that there is
framework puts stress on collaboration among all the an increasing diversity in the interpretation of infor-
stakeholders. The framework will guide a dialogue mal construction activity, and that this is leading to
among the different levels of government, the broader confusion. She attempts to bring some clarity to the
construction industry, universities and research centres debate. She suggests that there are four frequently
and civil society at national, regional and international interrelated areas of informality: the informal sector
levels towards the development and implementation of of enterprises; informal labour; the informal construc-
national and regional action plans for sustainable tion system; and informal buildings/settlements. She
construction. notes that reports from many parts of the world (both
Yorucu discusses the causes and various aspects of developed and developing) describe increasing inform-
the impact of the construction boom in the Turkish ality in the construction industry. Wells investigates
Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in 200205 the various dimensions of informality. She argues that
which resulted from a peace plan brokered by the the essence of informality is the absence of regulation
United Nations (the Annan Plan). He notes that the and since construction is subject to a wide variety of
boom is driven largely by speculative demand for real regulations different interpretations of informality are
estate, and has led to high prices. Yorucu notes that a inevitable. It is important for the informal sector to be
similar construction boom which took place in Taiwan clearly defined in order to avoid misunderstanding as
in 199193 was followed by numerous bankruptcies well as derive full benefits from the sector for the
and market withdrawals, market mechanism failure, construction industries in the developing countries.
increasing levels of housing vacancies and falling unit The definition and clarification offered by Wells
Guest editorial 5

provide the platform for further research on the sector enable the construction industries in developing coun-
such as the relationship between the formal and tries to be provided with the proper guidance to
informal sectors which could be studied in order to improve their performance and contribute to the
gain synergies from practical combinations of the two economic progress which will lead to improvements
sectors; the causes and effects of increasing informality; in the quality of life of the people in these countries.
and measures that could be taken to address the Two areas where the need for action is, arguably, most
adverse consequences. urgent are globalisation and environmental issues. On
globalisation, research should aim to equip firms in
developing countries with the ability to adopt a
Culture strategic response to the presence of foreign firms in
The need to recognise, and deal with, cultural issues is their home markets in order to benefit from doing
critical in developing countries where sizable projects business with them, learning from them, competing
often involve foreign companies and/or professionals. with them, collaborating with them, and adopting them
Wong notes that the high demand for infrastructure as role models and benchmarks. On sustainability,
and other major construction projects in South-East work is required to reduce the contribution of the
and East Asia in the past few decades has attracted a construction industry to environmental stress in
large number of professionals from several countries to the developing countries, for example, following the
the region. Many projects are, in effect, multicultural proposals in the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Construction
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workplaces comprising expatriates and host-country in Developing Countries.

nationals. To assess the potential influence of the Researchers on construction in developing countries
intercultural interactions among project participants on should take concerted action to ensure that the field
the working styles of professionals, Wong investigates does not become marginalised. The poor people of the
the leadership perceptions of, and power relationships developing countries are entitled to expect better from
among, Hong Kong Chinese and expatriate project these researchers, most of whom, including me, have
managers from Western countries in the multinational been educated by their indirect taxes, levies and other
construction firms in Hong Kong. Wong found that sacrifices.
What is to be done? The topics that require
both manager groups place equal emphasis on task
investigation are already highlighted in the many
performance and interpersonal relationships. However,
research agendas already available (including some
there was a difference between the two manager groups
recent ones such as Hillebrandt, 2006; and Kuma-
in the power relationships with their subordinates.
raswamy, 2006). The following set of coordinated
Wong concludes that although both local and expatri-
actions could be taken: (i) formulation of, and
ate project managers are making some intercultural
agreement on, definitions of key terms in construction
adjustments in their leadership perceptions, part of the
in the context of the developing countries; (ii) devel-
dominant deep-rooted cultural values and beliefs
opment of, and agreement on, frameworks for studying
cannot be easily modified. He suggests that there
national construction industries and aspects such as
should be further research to investigate the influence
human resource development, technology development
of organisational culture on leadership perceptions as
and corporate development; such common frameworks
well as the impacts of the ingroup/outgroup distinction would enable comparability and further development;
on project performance in the construction firms. The (iii) maintaining continuity in the research on each of
findings from the study by Wong are useful for senior the topics in the area until a clear understanding of the
management of construction corporations which oper- topic has been established; and (iv) coordinated inter-
ate in multicultural working environments as they national research projects on selected topics. This
would facilitate the appreciation and consideration of programme could be spearheaded by an international
culture in the relationships among their employees group such as CIB W107 on Construction in Develop-
from different countries, as well as their interactions ing Countries Another relevant point was made by
with personnel from other firms, and, equally impor- many of the authors of the papers in this special issue:
tant but seldom appreciated, with the local population they proposed collaborative action by several stake-
in the host countries in which they operate. holders in, or relating to, the construction industry.
There should also be a championing effort which brings
research and practice closer together and ensures that
The future the proposals are implemented to bring about the
change and improvement which is urgently required.
The papers in this special issue hardly make an I believe that the future of this field is bright. Greater
impression on the sheer volume of work required to focus by both governments and their international
6 Guest editorial

partners on a development agenda will result in Hillebrandt, P.M. (2006) The construction industry and its
attention on the role of construction in such pro- resources: a research agenda. Journal of Construction in
grammes. Debt relief and cancellation, and rising Developing Countries, 11(1), 3752.
commodity prices will provide more funds for devel- International Council for Research and Innovation in
oping countries to invest in building and infrastructure Building and Construction (CIB) and United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) (2002) Agenda 21 for
projects, providing local industries with opportunities
Sustainable Construction in Developing Countries: A Discussion
for sustainable growth. The improved economic con- Document, CSIR Building and Construction Technology,
ditions and prospects will also compel foreign firms to Pretoria.
view these markets from a longer-term perspective, and Kumaraswamy, M.M. (2006) Accelerating construction
develop strategies which involve alliances with their industry development. Journal of Construction in
local counterparts in the host countries. In the medium Developing Countries, 11(1), 7396.
term, the development of China, India and Brazil will, Ofori, G. (1993) Research on construction industry develop-
at last, provide the time series data which are required ment at the crossroads. Construction Management and
to build appropriate models of the role of construction Economics, 12, 295306.
in national progress, and strengthen the argument on Ofori, G. (2000) Challenges of construction industries in
the importance of the industry. What is necessary is developing countries: lessons from various countries, in
high quality research which builds up the body of Ngowi, A.B. and Ssegawa, J. (eds) Challenges Facing the
Construction Industry in Developing Countries, Proceedings,
knowledge, and also leads to the formulation of policies
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Second International Conference of CIB Task Group 29,

and initiatives that lead to real improvements in the
1517 November, National Construction Industry
lives of the citizens of the developing countries. Council, University of Botswana, and CIB, Gaborone,
pp. 111.
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