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40 Useful Business Acronyms and Abbreviations

ABC always be closing

ASAP - as soon as possible
B2B business to business
B2C business to consumer
CAD computer aided design
CEO chief executive officer
CFO chief financial officer
CIO chief investment officer/chief information officer
CMO chief marketing officer
COO chief operating officer
CTO chief technology officer
DOE depending on experiment
EBITDA earning before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization
EOD - end of day/end of discussion
ERP - enterprise resource planning (business management software
that a company can use to store and manage data from every stage of
ESOP employee stock ownership plan
ETA estimated time of arrival
FYI - for your information
HTML hypertext mark-up language
IPO initial public offering
ISP internet service provider
KPI key performance indicators
LLC limited liability company
MILE - maximum impact, little effort
MOOC massive open online course
MSRP manufacturers suggested retail price
NDA non-disclosure agreement
NOI net operating income
NRN - no reply necessary
OTC over the counter
PR - public relations
QC quality control
R & D research and development
RFP - request for proposal
ROI return on investment
RRP recommended retail price
SEO search engine optimization
SLA service level agreement
VAT value added tax
VPN virtual private network


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