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If no refund is received, then file Final Reminder as follows:

The Income Tax Officer

Dear Sir/Madam,

Sub: Non-receipt of Refund of Rs. XYZ for the AY 11/12-FinalReminder

Ref.: 1) PAN: -------------------

2) Date of filing of Return --------, M.R. Number/Acknowledgement Number -------------.
3) My request letter for issue of refund for above AY filed with you on------ and Reminder letters filed
on----(photocopies are attached for your reference)

With reference to above, please note that I have not received the above mentioned refund in spite of
repeated reminders.

Please note that as per the Citizens Charter declared by I. Tax Department, I should have received the
refund within 6 months (in case of electronically filed returns)/9 months (other returns) from the end of
the months in which return is filed. However, I have not received the refund till now.

Please note that if refund is not passed in a month time, then I intend to approach Income Tax
Ombudsman to redress my grievances and the copy of this letter is also filed with AC/DC of I Tax-
Ward/Range---- as a prerequisite before approaching Income Tax Ombudsman.


Please note that if refund is not received in a month time, then I intend to file application under RTI
Act,2005 to get the information on the status of and action taken on my above mentioned application.

You are requested to issue refund at your earliest.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

CC: To AC/DC of I Tax Ward-

Format of application for obtaining information under the Right to Information Act, 2005


The Central Public Information Officer

(1) Full name of Applicant:

(2) Address:

(3) Subject matter of Information: My request letter filed with ---------- on ------ for issue of
refund/rectification of mistake apparent on records/application for -------- & reminder letters filed
on ------ (various dates) (Photocopies are attached herewith)

Ref.: Asst. Year: --------------, PAN: -----------------, Jurisdiction: -------------------------

(4) The period to which the information relates: Till the date of providing information.

(5) Description of the information required:

a) Status of & progress report & details of actions taken on above mentioned letter.

(Optional: If you want to exercise more pressure on I. Tax Official, then ask for below mentioned
information b & c)

b) Name & Designation & Contact details (email id, office telephone number(s), Mobile
number (if provided by department or if mobile bill expense incurred by department) of
the officials responsible to take action on above matter.

c) Name & Designation& Contact details (email id, office telephone number(s), Mobile
number (if provided by department or if mobile bill expense incurred by department) of
the official(s) superior to officer responsible to take action on above matter whom
complaint can be lodged for inaction by official mentioned in pt.b above.

d) Whether the information is required by post or in person: Post

e) In case by post (Ordinary, Registered or Speed): Registered

(6) Whether the applicant is below poverty line: No

(if yes, attach the photocopy of the proof thereof.)

Place: Mumbai Signature of the Applicant


Encl.: As above.

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