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Cambodia; Phnom Penh

Multiparty Democracy under Constitutional Monarchy

Executiv King Elected by the Council of the Throne A member of the Royal Does not govern but shall reign for life and Upon death.
e family will be inviolable
In the absence of the King, the at least 30 years old Supreme Commander of the Royal Khmer
President of the Senate shall assume the Descended from the Armed Forces
duties of Acting Head of State bloodline of King Ang Assume the supreme role as arbitrator to
Duong, King Norodom or ensure the regular execution of public
King Sisowath. powers
Appointment of Prime Minister and Council
of Ministers
Granting official audiences twice a month
to the Prime Minister and the Council of
Ministers to hear their reports on the current
situation of the nation
Signing and ratifying international treaties
and conventions after they have been
approved by the National Assembly and
the Senate.
Granting pardons and amnesties
Declaring war with the approval of the
National Assembly and the Senate
Signing Royal proclamations promulgating
the Constitution and laws passed by the
National Assembly and completely
reviewed by the Senate
Sign any Royal Decrees proposed by the
Council of Ministers

Queen Wife of the reigning King Serve social, humanitarian and religious Upon death.
interests and assists the King with protocol
and diplomatic functions.
Legislative National 120 members at least 25 years old and a Khmer approving the national budget
Assembly Elected through a free, citizen at birth State planning Upon end of 5-
universal, direct and secret lending, borrowing, financial contracts year term
ballot imposition, modification or abolition of
approving administration accounts, to
adopt the law on general amnesty
approve or repeal international treaties
and conventions
adopt a law on the proclamation of war
pass a vote of confidence in the Royal
Government by an absolute majority vote
of all Members

Senate Shall not exceed half the At least 40 years old and a Coordinate the work between the Upon end of
number of members in the Khmer citizen by birth National Assembly and the Government 6-year term.
National Assembly Examines and makes recommendations
4 members are nominated and on draft laws or proposed laws that have
the rest are elected non- been adopted by the National Assembly
2 are appointed by the King, 2
elected by the National
Assembly by majority vote

The Royal Council of Ministers: Designated and signed protect the independence, sovereignty
Government The Prime Minister assisted by through a decree by the King and territorial integrity of the Kingdom of
Deputy Prime Ministers, and by after the National Assembly Cambodia
Senior Ministers, Ministers and passes a vote of confidence. Adopt a policy of national reconciliation
Secretaries of State to ensure national unity, and preserve
good customs and traditions of the nation
Shall preserve and protect legality
Ensure public order and security
Judicial Constitution Three members shall be
al Council appointed by the King, Selected from among dignitaries Interpreting the constitution and laws that 1/3 of
Three by the National Assembly with a are adopted by the National Assembly the
and Higher-education degree and reviewed by the Senate member
Three by the Supreme Council of in law, The Constitutional Council will review the shall be
the Magistracy administration, law before its promulgation. They shall replaced
diplomacy or economics decide within 30 days. every 3
and years.
who have considerable Expiratio
work experience. n of 9-
But they must not be a year
member of any offices of term.
the three branches of the
government, not affiliated
to any party and a union

Cambodia Political Culture

Relations of power and hence the analysis [of them], necessarily extends beyond the limits of the state- in two senses. First, because the state, for all the omnipotence of its apparatuses, is far
from being able to occupy the whole field of actual power relations; and further because the state can only operate on the basis of other already existing power relations

Power inheres in the individual according to the bunn they possess, the positions they hold in government provides the means to exercise power that is theirs by right, the institutions are not
the source of power. They contend that their power does not stem from the peoples mandate but their own personal qualities.

Power is cosmic, part of the natural order and thus not negotiable. To challenge power then is not just risky and futile but extremely dangerous. It may be contested from time to time but once
established, it is deemed as pre-ordained.

Reinforces the trend for single-party dominance.

Charismatic Persuasion
Buddhism as determinant force.

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