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Business Risks

Fashion Marketing

Lesson Plan
Performance Objective
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will know that various types of risks impact business activities.

Specific Objectives
Know that various types of risks impact business activities
Categorize business risks
Explain methods a business uses to control risks such as surveillance and safety training.

Risk-the possibility that a loss can occur as the result of a business activity
Risk Management-the strategy to offset business risks
Economic Risks-occur from changes in overall business conditions
Human Risks-caused by human mistakes as well as by the unpredictability of customers, employees, or
the work environment
Natural Risks-result from natural causes such as the weather
When taught as written, this lesson should take approximately 2 days to teach.

TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result
in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
130.343. (c) Knowledge and Skills
(13) The student knows that various types of risks impact business activities.... The student is expected
(a) categorize business risks
(b) explain method a business uses to control risks such as surveillance and safety training

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.

Interdisciplinary Correlations:
English III
110.33(1)(a) Reading/Vocabulary Development determine the meaning of grade-level technical
academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts)
derived from Latin, Greek or other linguistic roots and affixes
110.33 (1)(b) Reading/Vocabulary Development analyze textual context (within a sentence and in
larger sections of text) to draw conclusions about the nuance in word meanings
110.33 (1)(c) Reading/Vocabulary Development infer word meaning through the identification and
analysis of analogies and other word relationships
110.33(9)(c) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Expository Text make and defend subtle
inferences and complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns
110.33(11)(B) Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Text translate (from text to
graphic or from graphic to text) complex, factual, quantitative, or technical information presented in
maps, charts, illustrations, graphs, timelines, tables and diagrams
110.33(12)(A) Reading/Media Literacy evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and
cultural views in ways different from traditional texts
110.33(12)(B) Reading/Media Literacy evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout,
pictures, typeface in print media, images, text, and sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-
layered media
110.33(12)(C) Reading/Media Literacy evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in
various types of media
110.33(12)(D) Reading/Media Literacy evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media
for different audiences and purposes

Occupational Correlation (O*Net

Job Title: Retail Loss Prevention Specialists
O*Net Number: 33-9099.02
Reported Job Titles: retail loss prevention specialist

Investigate known or suspected internal theft, external theft, or vendor fraud.

Conduct store audits to identify problem areas or procedural deficiencies.
Identify and report merchandise or stock shortages.
Monitor compliance with standard operating procedures for loss prevention, physical security, or risk

Soft Skills: monitoring, time management, instructing, judgment and decision-making

Accommodations for Learning Differences:

It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be modified to
accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on the Special
Populations page of this website (

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.

Teacher will review the terms in the outline, slideshow, and handouts to become familiar with lesson.
Teacher will have assignments and vocabulary words ready to distribute to students.
Teacher will have websites and pictures ready on projector for visual learning and comparison.

Ekstrom, G., Justiss, M., & Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. (2006). Fashion marketing. New York:
Glencoe/McGraw Hill
Retailing association and loss prevention websites

Instructional Aids
Display for slideshow
Ekstrom, G., Justiss, M., & Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. (2006). Fashion marketing. New York:
Glencoe/McGraw Hill

Materials Needed
Printer Paper
Assignments handouts

Equipment Needed
Computers for teacher/students with slideshow and Internet access

Learner Preparation
Ask the students what the word Risk means to them. Discuss answers. Then ask What does the
word Risk means to a clothing store? Discuss answers.

Lesson Introduction
ASK: ask students what the word risk means to them. Then ask what the word risk means to a clothing store.
SAY: Risk is a possibility that a loss can occur. Theft can occur. But consider this: businesses must constantly
respond to consumer demand for change. New products are a risk. Advertising is a risk. Change in itself is a
ASK: Ask students what the biggest cause of inventory shortages in a store is.
SHOW: Show slideshow slide #3. Go over details of graph.

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.


MI Outline Instructor Notes

I. Fashion Risks
A. Risk Management Use slideshow as aid.
1. Off-setting business risks
2. Managing risk exposure After introduction, students will make a list
of ways a store could protect itself from
II. Types of Risks theft.
1. Economic Risks
2. Human Risks Go over terms and slideshow with class.
3. Natural Risks
Students will research a particular company
and write 1 page report on ways they
prevent shoplifting in their stores.

Kinesthetic/ Logical/
Existentialist Interpersonal Intrapersonal Bodily Musical/Rhythmic Verbal/Linguistic Visual/Spatial
Mathematical Naturalist

Guided Practice
Introduction on Fashion risk and slideshow.

Independent Practice
Students will independently create a list of ways a store could protect itself from theft.

Q: What are the 3 types of risks?
Q: What is the number one cause of theft?
Q: What is an example of economic risk?
Q: What is an example of human risk?
Q: What is an example of natural risk?

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.

Informal Assessment
Teacher will observe students during assignment. Teacher will move about the classroom,
providing feedback and making sure that students are on task.

Formal Assessment
Students will be evaluated on Theft Prevention Assignment using the assigned rubric.

Ask students: Besides cash and merchandise, what are other items employees may steal from a
business? Can you steal time? Lead class discussion.

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.

Business Risks
Fashion Marketing
Theft Prevention Assignment
Choose a large company and research their methods of loss prevention. Students will write a one-page
summary describing ways the company prevents shoplifting in their stores and protects itself from employee

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.

Business Risks
Theft Prevention Assignment

CATEGORY 20 15 10 5 or less
Organization Information is very Information is Information is The information
organized with well- organized with well- organized, but appears to be
constructed constructed paragraphs are not disorganized.
paragraphs and paragraphs. well-constructed.
Quality of Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly Information has little
Information relates to the main relates to the main relates to the main or nothing to do with
topic. It includes topic. It provides 1-2 topic. No details the main topic.
several supporting supporting details and/or examples are
details and/or and/or examples. given.
Quality of Writing Complete sentences Complete sentences, Complete sentences Some incomplete
with good variety, correct spelling and with some improper sentences and
proper grammar, and proper grammar. grammar. fragments, some
correct spelling. Need more variety in misspelled words and
sentence structure. poor grammar.
Paragraph All paragraphs include Most paragraphs Paragraphs included Paragraphing
Construction introductory include introductory related information structure was not
sentence, sentence, but were typically not clear and sentences
explanations or explanations or constructed well. were not typically
details, and details, and related within the
concluding sentence. concluding sentence. paragraphs.
Amount of All topics are All topics are All topics are One or more topics
Information addressed and all addressed and most addressed, and most were not addressed.
questions answered questions answered questions answered
with at least 2 with at least 2 with 1 sentence
sentences about sentences about about each.
each. each.

Total Score ________

Maximum 100 Points

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.

Business Risks
Fashion Marketing
Business Risks Vocabulary

Risk Management

Economic Risks

Human Risks

Natural Risks

Copyright Texas Education Agency, 2014. All rights reserved.


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