Experienceshops™ Ascension Light Activation™ Level 1 Preparation

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Ascend, Initiate, Light–en Up & Inside, Be–

Optional, easy preparation for YOUR FREE Level 1 Ascension Light

Activation. It is still effective if you choose not to prepare!

Reverend Michael Zarchian Amjoy Life–Changed™


4 Ascend, Initiate, Light–en Up & Inside, Be–Activated™

5 Optional, easy preparation for YOUR FREE Level 1 Ascension Light Activation. It
6 is still effective if you choose not to prepare!

7 Version Thursday, February 24, 2011

9 ♥ You are permitted to use this material for your own personal, non–commercial home
10 use.


12 ♥ Intellectual property rights protect all material and content provided.
13 ♥ Except as expressly authorized, you may not copy, adapt, alter, modify, rent, lease,
14 loan, sell, distribute, communicate or make available to the public or create
15 derivative works of any content, in whole or in part without written permission


Table of Contents
Permitted use .............................................................................................................................. 1
Intellectual Property Rights .................................................................................................... 1
What is the ExperienceShops (ALA1) Ascension Light Activation Level 1? .............................. 3
21 Advanced Initiations & Attunements to YOUR Highest Energies, Abilities, Guides,
22 Dimensions, DNA Available to YOU NOW! ............................................................................. 3
23 Unlock− Unchain− Liberate− Unfetter− Set Free YOURSELF! ............................................. 3
24 Higher-Self, Higher Power, Ascended Master Assisted Kundalini Energy Liberation
25 Attunement ................................................................................................................................. 3
26 Re-Create Your Sacred Christ Energy Sahasrara Triad ......................................................... 4
27 DNA Accelerations & Expansions ............................................................................................. 4
28 Expand−Harmonize−Connect−Restore−Balance−Increase ..................................................... 4
29 Open All Of Your Chakras Up To Your (currently) 12th Chakra ............................................ 5
30 “I AM” Divine Activation - Higher Self Energetic Re-Connection & Enhancement .............. 5
31 Balance WholeBe–Ing Male And Female Energies .................................................................. 5
32 Pre- Ascension Light Activation Level 1 I AM Self-Love Declare-Creation™ ........................... 6
33 Pre- Ascension Light Activation Level 1 Self-Love V1 .............................................................. 10



♥ The first of 4 levels of (ALA) Ascension Light Activations?
39 o (ALA1) Ascension Light Activation Level 1: Basic; Distance & In-person
40 o (ALA2) Ascension Light Activation Level 2: Intermediate; Distance & In-
41 person
42 o (ALA3) Ascension Light Activation Level 3: Advanced; Distance & In-person
43 o (ALA4) Ascension Light Activation Level 3: Certification; Advanced; Distance
44 & In-person
45 ♥ This sacred and delightful course of action is a gift to all from their Higher Power,
46 Higher Self, and OverSoul.
47 ♥ The Ascension Light Activations are designed for individuals who embody
48 enthusiasm for and dedication to their spiritual and in-service evolution and
49 advancement.

50 Advanced Initiations & Attunements to YOUR Highest Energies,

51 Abilities, Guides, Dimensions, DNA Available to YOU NOW!
52 ♥ Ascension Light Activations are the only one of its kind. Safe, efficient and
53 transcendent WholeBe–ing™ Energetic initiations and attunements.
54 ♥ Your Ascension Light Activations are your celestial initiations to continually expand
55 your adamantine particles, atoms, molecules, and cellular structures.
56 ♥ These complete WholeBe–ing subatomic expansions allow your WholeBe–ing to
57 increasingly absorb, assimilate and continue the sacred geometry geometric
58 vibrations that open spiritual gateways to other guides, dimensions, angelic realms,
59 higher levels of consciousness and upper levels of knowledge, inner self.

60 Unlock− Unchain− Liberate− Unfetter− Set Free YOURSELF!

61 ♥ Your Ascension Light Activations unlock your WholeBe–ing at your subatomic,
62 adamantine energetic levels and deeper.
63 ♥ Liberating YOU to receive YOUR highest spiritual gifts, frequencies, abilities.
64 ♥ Create-ing™ yourself as WholeBe–ing available to all new radiations of ascension,
65 love, light, healing, transformations they become available to all on earth.

66 Higher-Self, Higher Power, Ascended Master Assisted Kundalini

67 Energy Liberation Attunement
68 ♥ Continually guided, regulated by your Higher-Self, Higher Power and Ascended
69 Master guides, your powerful Kundalini energies are safely re-activated, re-
70 awakened, re-connected to your WholeBe-ing.
71 ♥ Your potent Kundalini energies are constantly, securely ignited, expanded to
72 facilitate YOUR WholeBe–ing inner peace, harmony, healing, creativity and
73 inspiration. Constantly at the direction of your True-Higher-Self-Power, God Mind,
74 Soul, Over Soul, Solar Angel, Higher-Self, Higher Power, Angelic, God, Goddess,
75 Power Animal, Universal, Galactic and Ascended Master guides.

Re-Create Your Sacred Christ Energy Sahasrara Triad

Re-Connect and re-store Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra to your pituitary and pineal
Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra−Re-Activated to your highest divine potentials for the
80 triad.
81 ♥ Pituitary And Pineal Glands− Re-Activated to their highest original Divine Functions
82 and Intents.
83 ♥ Sahasrara (Crown) Chakra; Pituitary Gland; Pineal Gland−Energetically
84 Reconnected, Re-Created with YOUR Sacred Christ Energy Sahasrara Triad.

85 DNA Accelerations & Expansions

86 ♥ Enables your adamantine particles, atoms, molecules and cells to vibrate at higher
87 levels
88 ♥ Increased DNA Vibrations attract more spiritual power, spiritual gifts, and
89 unconditional love.
90 ♥ Enlarged DNA Vibrations Expand your energy meridians, auras within your
91 physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, unknown Be-ings™ increasing
92 YOUR WholeBe-ing personal growth, intensification.

93 Expand−Harmonize−Connect−Restore−Balance−Increase
94 ♥ Expand your psychic, healing and extrasensory vision, abilities.
95 ♥ Your Ascension Light Activations quickly harmonize your lights and energies with
96 the divine lights from the higher cosmic realms as they are made available.
97 ♥ Allowing your higher self to align, accept, and modulate your WholeBe–ing spiritual,
98 astral bodies with that of your highest current potentials.
99 ♥ Change, optimize the frequencies of your electromagnetic, energetic currents in your
100 EnergeticBe–ing, and attune them to the latest universal cosmic energetic gifts that
101 awaken you to the higher laws of light, love and manifestation.
102 ♥ Create, or increase your current energy connections with current or new angels,
103 masters, guides and teachers as they are offered to YOU.
104 ♥ Stimulate your Life-Changed™ creative energies and Cre–Action™ Abilities.
105 ♥ Your spiritual powers and vision continue to build momentum when you receive an
106 Ascension Light Activation Level 1 monthly or more often.
107 ♥ DNA accelerations to allow your adamantine particles, atoms, molecules and cells to
108 vibrate at higher levels resulting in YOU attracting more spiritual power, spiritual
109 gifts, unconditional love.
110 ♥ Expanding ALL of your energy systems, types, levels, meridians, auras within your
111 physical, mental, emotional, energetic, spiritual, unknown bodies; increasing
112 personal growth.


Open All Of Your Chakras Up To Your (currently) 12th Chakra

Expand and balance your EnergeticBe–ing scopes and powers, up to your 12th chakra
(as your Higher power deems you are ready).
When YOUR Higher Power, inner permissions are granted, all Chakras(up to your
118 12th chakra) and personal energies are activated to accept, open and connect with
119 higher and higher dimensions of light, frequency and love in all realms

120 “I AM” Divine Activation - Higher Self Energetic Re-Connection &

121 Enhancement
122 ♥ Invoke your “I AM” Divine Blueprint within your WholeBe-ing.
123 ♥ Activating and returning your energy patterns at all levels to their original and
124 divine highest levels of cosmic WholeBe-ing wholeness, health, WellBe-ing and daily
125 functioning.

126 Balance WholeBe–Ing Male And Female Energies

127 ♥ Perfectly Balance your WholeBe–ing male and female energies.



♥ Option 1: Read this anytime before your Ascension Light Activation. Your Ascension
132 Light Activation Level 1 will still be successful if you choose not to create this.
133 ♥ Option 2: Quickly accept this into your WholeBe-ing with easy Life-Changed
134 QuiKnowing™!
135 o Intend: I AM Life-Changed QuiKnowing™, Thank you!
136 o Focus on the page and drag your finger down the middle of the page, easily
137 bring all of the information into your WholeBe-ing!

138 1) I AM Welcoming myself to my ExperienceShops WholeBe–ing Life–Changed

139 FlowingChange Energy Experience
140 2) I AM Innocently Receiving the first day of the rest of my life.
141 3) My Ascension Light Activation Level 1 is designed for individuals like myself.
142 4) I AM embodying consistent passion for personal growth and persistent commitment to
143 my spiritual evolution.
144 5) My Ascension Light Activation Level 1 is for my highest good, highest benefit highest
145 well being. And I AM Create-ing™ for myself non–judgmentally, non–manipulatively
146 and with divine order.
147 6) I AM inviting in any spiritual assistance for my sacred initiation, my blessed celebration,
148 my divine ceremony of light.
149 7) I AM are here because my WholeBe–ing Inner Assistance™, my higher self, my soul,
150 oversoul, my spiritual guides and assistance have created this opportunity for myself
151 today.
152 8) I AM giving myself WholeBe–ing™ inner permission for this now, today and in the
153 future as new energies are gifted to all and myself individually.
154 9) I AM Applauding myself on my courage, persistence and willingness to continue on my
155 spiritual path for my highest good, highest benefit highest well being.
156 10) I AM creating this opportunity now because I have learned the lessons I have needed to
157 learn, I have created well.
158 11) I AM moving on, moving forward, moving onward toward all that I AM, my I AM self
159 12) I AM self activating my WholeBe–ing..
160 13) I AM are here now because I AM wanting forward movement\ Create–ing action, Cre-
161 Actions™ and embracing all of I AM , my WholeBe–ing.
162 14) I AM unconditionally loving All of who I AM, my WholeBe–ing.
163 15) I AM are here now Approving all THAT I AM with joy, acceptance and love.
164 16) I AM easily going onward and accepting all of I AM , all of who THAT I AM , with self–
165 happiness, self– approval and self–love because I AM here now Create–ing Action for
166 self-change experiencing, Be-ing™, Create-ing™ my Ascension Light Activation.
167 17) I AM here fully participating with my WholeBe–ing in this sacred summons to my sacred
168 I AM self.
169 18) I AM here fully taking part in this magical action awakening my sacred self, awakening
170 my WholeBe–ing.
171 19) I AM here because my WholeBe–ing inner–assistance, has brought I AM here.
172 20) I AM Create–ing WholeBe–ing Life–Changed FlowingChange
173 21) I AM Activating My Whole, Total Being, All Be–ings ALL THAT I AM
174 22) I AM Activating ALL THAT I AM My PhysicalBe–ing: My Body Physically
175 a) My PhysicalBe–ing, my, body, is choosing to fully enter into my divine initiation into
176 the all of the current higher spiritual realms and frequencies as they are gifted to us
177 all.

b) I AM Completely Accepting WholeBe–ing expansion for all of my WholeBe–ing
atoms, molecules, and cellular composition, matter of my person of all types.
I AM Activating ALL THAT I AM My MentalBe–ing: Mentally (Consciously, Sub–
Consciously, Super–Consciously) Beliefs and Thoughts
a) My MentalBe–ing, my Sub Conscious Mind Super Conscious Mind, ConsciousBe-ing
183 SubSuperConsciousBe-ing are choosing to fully enter into my sacred initiation, into
184 the all of the current higher spiritual realms and frequencies as they are gifted to us
185 all as they become increasingly available.
186 24) I AM Activating ALL THAT I AM My EmotionalBe–ing: Emotionally (Emotions,
187 Feelings)
188 a) My EmotionalBe–ing: my Heart (Emotions, Feelings), Heart is desiring to completely
189 go into my celestial opening into the all of the current higher spiritual realms and
190 energies as they are gifted to us all.
191 25) I AM Activating ALL THAT I AM My EnergeticBe–ing: Energetically
192 a) My EnergeticBe–ing: Energetically wishes to completely venture forth into my
193 celestial opportunity into the all of the current higher energetic realms and power as
194 they are gifted to us all.
195 26) I AM Activating ALL THAT I AM My SpiritualBe–ing: Spiritually Energetically
196 a) My SpiritualBe–ing: Energetically wishes to completely venture forth into my
197 celestial opportunity into the all of the current higher energetic spiritual realms and
198 power as they are gifted to us all. I AM are create-ing
199 b) I AM allowing the maximum capacities for my WholeBe–ing, the higher spiritual
200 frequencies and radiations of light from the cosmic realms.
201 c) I AM are welcoming with my WholeBe–ing all higher spiritual frequencies and
202 radiations of light from the cosmic realms to embrace, align and modulate my
203 spiritual, astral bodies.
204 27) I AM Activating ALL THAT I AM UnknownBe–ing (All unknowns from all WholeBe–
205 ing; All UnknownBe–ings with Assistance from my Higher Power)
206 a) My UnknownBe–ing: wishes to absolutely go forward into my celestial ceremony into
207 the all of the current higher energetic sacred realms and energetic frequencies as
208 they are given to us all.
209 28) I AM participating to the full capacities of my WholeBe–ing, my WholeBe–ing systematic
210 energy initiation.
211 29) I AM permitting with my WholeBe–ing the highest capacities of all types of expansions
212 for my WholeBe–ing
213 30) I AM totally WholeBe–ing permitting because I AM knowing WholeBe–ing expansions
214 THAT I AM assimilating and sustaining sacred geometry frequencies, vibrations that
215 open spiritual gateways to other love, dimensions and higher levels of consciousness.
216 31) I AM fully WholeBe–ing giving my blessings Because I AM desiring with all of my
217 WholeBe–ing these expansions to allow ALL THAT I AM to completely assimilate and
218 sustain the sacred geometry frequencies, vibrations that open spiritual and energetic
219 gateways to other higher dimensions and higher levels of consciousness.
220 32) WITH ALL THAT I AM this is something I want, now and each time I AM create-ing,
221 participating in WholeBe–ing Ascension Light Activation Level 1 Experience.
222 33) WITH ALL THAT I AM this is something I AM fully ready for now, or I would never be
223 here, would never have created this with ALL THAT I AM.
224 34) WITH ALL THAT I AM My WholeBe–ing enjoys the new physical sensations, new
225 beliefs, original thoughts, innovative emotions, fresh feelings, unique energies and
226 energetic sensations, distinctive unknowns in my WholeBe–ing as the currently new
227 higher spiritual frequencies, energies and radiations of light from the cosmic realms
228 embrace, align and modulate my WholeBe–ing ,spiritual, astral bodies.

35) From deep within I AM calling for this advanced spiritual process to more and more
expand my higher guidance psychic vision each time I AM experiencing my Ascension
Light Activations.
36) I AM welcoming the always increasing full use of my gifts of psychic vision, abilities for
the highest benefit of all involved.
234 37) I AM now and in the future fully accepting all beneficial changes in the pitch of
235 electromagnetic currents in my EnergeticBe–ing, my energy fields, and attuning my
236 energy fields, to the currently new higher cosmic pulsations that awaken my WholeBe–
237 ing to the higher laws of light, love and expansion.
238 38) I AM now and in the future totally WholeBe–ing consenting to connecting my pineal and
239 pituitary glands to form a cradle of the highest light and love for the Christ energy.
240 39) I AM establishing now or increasing now EnergeticBe–ing energy connections with my
241 guides and teachers, known and unknown, current, new and past.
242 40) I AM completely WholeBe–ing balancing my I AM male and I AM female energies today,
243 now and in the future.
244 41) I AM WholeBe–ing accepting and allowing the EnergeticBe–ing safe ignition and
245 expansion of my sacred Kundalini energy, from my IAM Sacral Heart, more and more
246 facilitating my WholeBe–ing inner peace and harmony.
247 42) For this Ascension Light Activation Level 1 I AM synchronizing with my I AM Blueprint
248 of WholeBe-ing Health or Better
249 a) Stimulate, open and connect with higher dimensions of light in the spiritual realms
250 as they become available to ALL THAT I AM.
251 b) I AM safely speeding up my adamantine particles and below, to signal my WholeBe–
252 ing DNA; all of my, atoms molecules and cells at all levels, in all of my WholeBe-ing
253 vibrating
254 i) I AM Increasing PhysicalBe–ing Create–ing, deep health, wellbeing, vitality, gifts
255 and abilities
256 ii) I AM boosting MentalBe–ing Create–ing, Beliefs and Thoughts deep Mental
257 health, wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
258 iii) I AM improving my EmotionalBe–ing Create–ing, EmotionFeelings™, Emotions
259 and Feelings for deep health, wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
260 iv) I AM developing my EnergeticBe–ing: Create–ing, Personal energies for deep
261 health, wellbeing, Love, power, gifts and abilities
262 (1) I AM expanding my WholeBe–ing energy meridians accelerating WholeBe–
263 ing personal health and growth
264 (2) I AM More and added Calling forth my I AM divine blueprint within
265 completely and permanently awakening, activating and returning my
266 WholeBe–ing energy patterns to their original and holy status of cosmic
267 wholeness and health.
268 (3) I AM WholeBe–ing fully accepting and allowing the continuous expansion
269 and balance my 7 major Chakras, or whatever EnergeticBe–ing Chakra
270 system I AM currently have; to up to 12 Chakras as my Higher-Self-Power
271 deems best for my highest good, well-being benefits.
272 (a) When inner permission is granted, now or in the future I AM are
273 activating all of my Chakras, All of My EnergeticBe–ing to the highest
274 best for me up to 12 Chakras
275 v) I AM More and More expanding my SpiritualBe–ing: Create–ing, Spiritually for
276 Love, deep health, wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
277 (1) FOR ALL THAT I AM my WholeBe–ing EnergeticBe–ing spiritual powers
278 and visions are safely continuing and building momentum.
279 (2) FOR ALL THAT I AM my WholeBe–ing spiritual powers spiritual power and
280 vision are continually increasing, and I AM are persistently welcoming all of

the abilities in my WholeBe–ing that continue to awaken within all aspects of
my WholeBe–ing.
vi) I AM More and More expanding my UnknownBe–ing: Create–ing, Unknowns for
Love, deep health, wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
c) I AM More and further calling forth my divine I AM blueprint within for my
286 WholeBe–ing.
287 43) FOR ALL THAT I AM WholeBe–ing unconditional loving ALL THAT I AM.
288 44) Thank YOU!



1) Welcome yourself to your ExperienceShops WholeBe–ing Life–Changed FlowingChange
294 Energy Experience
295 2) Receive the first day of the rest of your life.
296 3) Your Ascension Light Activation Level 1 is designed for individuals like you who embody
297 consistent passion for personal growth and persistent commitment to their spiritual
298 evolution.
299 4) Your Ascension Light Activation Level 1 is for your highest good, highest benefit highest
300 well being. And is Created for you non–judgmentally, non–manipulatively and with
301 divine order.
302 5) If you like,
303 a) Take a moment now to invite in any spiritual assistance for your sacred initiation,
304 your blessed celebration, your divine ceremony of light.
305 6) (Pause)
306 7) Good.
307 8) You are here because your WholeBe–ing Inner Assistance, your higher self, your soul,
308 your spiritual guides and assistance have created this opportunity for yourself today.
309 9) You have given yourself WholeBe–ing inner permission for this now, today.
310 10) Applaud yourself on your courage, persistence and willingness to continue on your
311 spiritual path for your highest good, highest benefit highest well being.
312 11) You created this opportunity now because you have learned the lessons you have needed
313 to learn, you have done well.
314 12) It is time to move on, move forward, move onward toward you true self activating your
315 WholeBe–ing..
316 13) You are here now because you want to move forward Create–ing action and embrace all
317 of you, your WholeBe–ing.
318 14) You unconditionally love All of who you are, your WholeBe–ing.
319 15) You are here now Embracing yourself with joy, acceptance and love.
320 16) You are easily going onward and accepting all of you, all of who you are, with self–
321 happiness, self– approval and self–love because you are here now Create–ing Action for
322 change experiencing your Ascension Light Activation.
323 17) You are here fully participating with your WholeBe–ing in this sacred summons to your
324 sacred self.
325 18) You are here fully taking part in this magical action awakening your sacred self,
326 awakening your WholeBe–ing.
327 19) You are here because your WholeBe–ing inner–assistance, has brought you here.
328 20) You are Create–ing WholeBe–ing Life–Changed FlowingChangeYou are Involving Your
329 Whole, Total Being, All Be–ings Of Yourself
330 21) Your PhysicalBe–ing: Your Body Physically
331 22) Your MentalBe–ing: Mentally (Consciously, Sub–Consciously, Super–Consciously)
332 Beliefs and Thoughts
333 23) Your EmotionalBe–ing: Emotionally (Emotions, Feelings)
334 24) Your EnergeticBe–ing: Energetically
335 25) Your SpiritualBe–ing: Energetically
336 26) Your UnknownBe–ing (All unknowns from all WholeBe–ing; All UnknownBe–ings with
337 Assistance from your Higher Power)
338 27) Your PhysicalBe–ing, your , body, is choosing to fully enter into your divine initiation
339 into the all of the current higher spiritual realms and frequencies as they are gifted to us
340 all.
341 28) Your MentalBe–ing, your Sub Conscious Mind Super Conscious Mind, ConsciousBeing
342 SubSuperConsciousBeing are choosing to fully enter into your sacred initiation, into the

they become increasingly available.
all of the current higher spiritual realms and frequencies as they are gifted to us all as

Your EmotionalBe–ing: your Heart (Emotions, Feelings), Heart is desiring to completely

go into into your celestial opening into the all of the current higher spiritual realms and
energies as they are gifted to us all.
348 30) Your EnergeticBe–ing: Energetically wishes to completely venture forth into your
349 celestial opportunity into the all of the current higher energetic realms and power as
350 they are gifted to us all.
351 31) Your SpiritualBe–ing: Energetically wishes to completely venture forth into your
352 celestial opportunity into the all of the current higher energetic spiritual realms and
353 power as they are gifted to us all. You are create-ing
354 32) Your UNknownBe–ing: wishes to absolutely go forward into your celestial ceremony into
355 the all of the current higher energetic sacred realms and energetic frequencies as they
356 are given to us all.
357 33) You are participating to the full capacity of your WholeBe–ing, your WholeBe–ing
358 systematic energy initiation.
359 34) You are allowing to the maximum capacity for WholeBe–ing, , the higher spiritual
360 frequencies and radiations of light from the cosmic realms.
361 35) You are welcoming with your WholeBe–ing all higher spiritual frequencies and
362 radiations of light from the cosmic realms to embrace, align and modulate your spiritual,
363 astral bodies.
364 36) You are permitting with your WholeBe–ing the highest capacities of all types of
365 expansion for your WholeBe–ing
366 37) Completely Accepting WholeBe–ing expansion for all of your WholeBe–ing atoms,
367 molecules, and cellular composition, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, feelings, energies and
368 your unknown beings.
369 38) You are totally WholeBe–ing permitting Because you know these WholeBe–ing
370 expansions allow you to assimilate and sustain the sacred geometric vibrations that open
371 spiritual gateways to other dimensions and higher levels of consciousness.
372 39) You are fully WholeBe–ing giving your blessings Because you desire with all of your
373 WholeBe–ing these expansions to allow you to completely assimilate and sustain the
374 sacred geometric vibrations that open spiritual and energetic gateways to other higher
375 dimensions and higher levels of consciousness.
376 40) This is something you want, your WholeBe–ing wants now and each time you participate
377 in WholeBe–ing Ascension Light Activation Level 1 Experience.
378 41) This is something you are fully ready for now, or you would never be here, would never
379 have created.
380 42) Your WholeBe–ing enjoys the physical sensations, new beliefs, original thoughts,
381 innovative emotions, fresh feelings, unique energies and energetic sensations, distinctive
382 unknowns in your WholeBe–ing as the currently new higher spiritual frequencies,
383 energies and radiations of light from the cosmic realms embrace, align and modulate
384 your WholeBe–ing ,spiritual, astral bodies.
385 43) From deep within you are calling for this advanced spiritual process to more and more
386 expand your higher guidance psychic vision each time you experience your
387 ExperienceShops WholeBe–ing EnergeticBe–ing Experience and afterwards.
388 44) You welcome the always increasing full use of your gift of psychic vision for the highest
389 benefit of all involved.
390 45) You are now and in the future fully accepting all beneficial changes in the pitch of
391 electromagnetic currents in your EnergeticBe–ing your energy fields, and attuning your
392 energy fields, to the currently new higher cosmic pulsations that awaken your WholeBe–
393 ing to the higher laws of light.
394 46) You are now totally WholeBe–ing consenting to connecting your pineal and pituitary
395 glands to form a cradle of light for Christ energy.

47) You are establishing now or increasing now EnergeticBe–ing energy connections with
your guides and teachers.
48) You are completely WholeBe–ing balancing your male and female energies today, now
and in the future..
49) You WholeBe–ing accepting and allowing the EnergeticBe–ing safe ignition and
401 expansion of your sacred Kundalini energy, more and more facilitating your WholeBe–
402 ing inner peace and harmony.
403 50) Your WholeBe–ing aspects is fully accepting and allowing the continuous expansion and
404 balance your eight major Chakras, or whatever EnergeticBe–ing Chakra system you
405 currently have.
406 51) When inner permission is granted, now or in the future you are activating all of your
407 Chakras, All of Your EnergeticBe–ing to
408 (Repeat for each number)
409 a) stimulate, open and connect with higher dimensions of light in the spiritual realms
410 as they become available to you.
411 b) accelerate your DNA to signal your WholeBe–ing; all of your adamantine particles,
412 atoms molecules and cells at all levels, in all of your WholeBe–ing’s to vibrate to
413 i) increase your PhysicalBe–ing Create–ing, deep health, wellbeing, vitality, gifts
414 and abilities
415 ii) boost your MentalBe–ing Create–ing, Beliefs and Thoughts deep Mental health,
416 wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
417 iii) improve your EmotionalBe–ing Create–ing, Emotions and Feelings for deep
418 health, wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
419 iv) develop your EnergeticBe–ing: Create–ing, Personal energies for deep health,
420 wellbeing, Love, power, gifts and abilities
421 (1) expand your WholeBe–ing energy meridians accelerating WholeBe–ing
422 personal health and growth
423 v) More and further call forth your divine blueprint within for your WholeBe–ing.
424 vi) More and added Call forth your divine blueprint within completely and
425 permanently awakening, activating and returning your WholeBe–ing energy
426 patterns to their original and holy status of cosmic wholeness and health.
427 vii) expand your UnknownBe–ing: Create–ing, Unknowns for Love, deep health,
428 wellbeing, power, gifts and abilities
429 viii) Increase your WholeBe–ing unconditional love for yourself and itself.

431 52) During and after your Ascension Light Activation Level 1 your WholeBe–ing
432 a) EnergeticBe–ing spiritual powers and vision is safely continuing and building
433 momentum.
434 53) During and after your Ascension Light Activation Level 1 your WholeBe–ing spiritual
435 powers spiritual power and vision are continually increasing, and you are persistently
436 welcoming all of the abilities in your WholeBe–ing that continue to awaken within all
437 aspects of your WholeBe–ing.



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