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Comia, Angelika D.


Site Analysis for Construction

Site Analysis is very important before we initiate our construction. Detailed study of site and its
surroundings will help justify our design proposal. Detailed study of the site and surrounding
areas of the site helps in designing the project efficiently.

Site Selection

A site is selected on the basis of the demand of the construction

An already existing site is taken, is analyzed and the kind of project to be proposed on that
particular site is decided.

Site analysis parameters

Site Analysis Collect existing information Building / Site Plans:

Architectural - locate:
building on the site
doors & windows
building / site sections or elevations height / scale of buildings
building materials
Landscape Architecture / Civil - locate:
contours / significant grade change
existing vegetation species & size
existing paths / structures / fences - materials
existing irrigation, storm water lines or other plumbing lines
existing electrical
property lines

Site Visit: Locate any of the above information not found on plans

Note Site Features:

sun orientation
prevailing winds
presence of water
presence of wildlife
presence of people
existing uses of the site & its surroundings
think of all the senses and record observations sound / sight / smell / touch / taste +
Site Practicalities:
access pedestrian / vehicular / maintenance equipment
open access for neighbors?
considerations for vandalism?
soil quality
availability of water
size / scale of available spaces to fit the program needs
measure enough existing features to verify the scale of your drawings overall length and
height of building faces location and width paths location & size (trunk, canopy and
height) of trees & shrubs

Aerial Photos

Site Photos


Site Selection and Analysis

Choosing a site on which to locate a new home is not a simple task. Countless factors natural,
man-made, social and economic must be examined. Where we choose to build and how we
build on a site have an impact on the local and global environments, ongoing costs (utility bills,
maintenance) and our physical and psychological well-being. With todays rapid growth,
dwindling resources and increasing pollution threats, concern for human and environmental
health are causing us to take a closer look at our building practices, starting with the building
site. Whether selecting a site or working with an existing site, and whether the site is urban,
suburban or rural, there are many aspects that can be examined with respect to how green,
that is how healthy for people and the planet, the home on that site can potentially be.

Location, Location, Location

Selecting a building site close to work, schools, shopping, etc. will minimize travel distances and
time. Short distances, sidewalks, bike paths and bus stops will allow for healthier modes of
transportation and the avoidance of excessive costly, polluting automobile trips. A lot in an
established neighborhood located close to town is a particularly good choice for many people.
This land has already been dedicated to residential development, so more natural land does not
have to be destroyed and the costly roads and utilities are already in place.

Avoiding environmentally sensitive areas helps protect some of the features that makes many
areas so special our creeks, lakes, aquifer, tree-covered hills, wildlife, native wildflowers &
plants. Flat to moderately sloped sites are preferable to steeply sloped lots, as soil erosion, loss
of hillside vegetation and damage to waterways are more difficult to avoid when building on
steep slopes.

Site Repair is a special approach to selection of a building site that can have economic and
aesthetic benefits for the prospective homeowner while restoring the local environment rather
than burdening it. This involves choosing a site that has been abused (stripped of vegetation,
eroded, invaded by exotic (non-native) vegetation, etc.) for the location of the home. Placement
of the new home on the scarred area often leaves the more beautiful areas to be looked out
upon and enjoyed.

Design For The Climate, Flora, Fauna & Soils

The chosen building site can greatly affect the comfort and energy efficiency of the home built
upon it. A south-facing slope or good southern exposure on a lot which allows for the long sides
of the building to face north and south will facilitate the utilization of our prevailing summer
breezes and desirable winter solar heat gain. A hot, bare site will require a greater investment in
wide overhangs, shading devices such as awnings or trellises, and shade trees to keep utility
bills down and comfort levels up.
Examination of a particular sites unique characteristics is important. The top of a hill may be too
windy, drying and exposed to the hot sun. A valley may be too damp, windless, foggy or subject
to flooding. Location and type of trees should be evaluated for summer shading assistance,
summer breeze channeling or blocking, winter wind blocking, and winter solar heat gain

A lot that allows for placement of the house on a relatively flat area and in a natural clearing will
minimize disruption of the natural vegetation. This will avoid erosion, discourage growth of
invasive exotic vegetation, and be less expensive than massive reconstruction. Minimizing
disruption of natural drainage patterns is generally less expensive up front and avoids costly
maintenance of elaborate constructed drainage systems. When native trees and vegetation
must be removed, they can often be replanted elsewhere on or off the site. Respecting existing
wildlife trails and habitat will enhance wildlife observation enjoyment.

Minimization of Raw Materials

One of the best ways to minimize the use of raw materials is to select a site that already has a
home on it, and remodel as necessary. At times it makes sense to move an existing home to a
new site. Some sites may offer sources of usable building materials such as wood, stone, clay
and sand which, if carefully and thoughtfully considered, can be a sound alternative to

One of the best ways to minimize the amount (and cost) of building materials required is to
keep the size of the home reasonable. With thoughtful design a small home can be very
comfortable, functional and respectful of privacy. Smaller, more affordable lots should not be


How the site feels inviting or forbidding, hot or cool, open or intimate may affect how
much the new homeowners take advantage of outdoor living spaces. Maximum use of patios,
decks, natural clearings, or other outdoor rooms can result in the need for less indoor square
footage that needs to be constructed then heated and cooled, not to mention the psychological
and physical benefits of being outdoors. A prospective building site should be examined for
existing tree groupings, landforms or structures that will aid in creating pleasant, usable outdoor
spaces. Off site conditions which may affect outdoor livability or indoor living with open
windows (such as traffic noise, odors or pollution) should be considered before selecting a site.

Many site selection and home design decisions that are good for the environment also have
direct positive benefits on the occupants health, well-being and budget. Helping to preserve
our environment through more thoughtful site selection and home design is one very important
step toward a continued high quality of life.

Steps to be followed for Site Analysis:

Google Maps

Locate your site on the google maps.

It will give you an idea of the:

Site contours

The connectivity to the main road and other sub roads

The distances from the major landmarks such as:
Shopping centres
Railway Station
Bus stand
Visit the site.
Dimensions of the site
Get the exact dimensions of the site.
Site Surveying

Hire a surveyor and get the survey of the land. It will help you figure out the geological and
hydrological structure of the site.

Accessibility to the site

The main entrances and the main road abutting the site also has to be noted. Easy accessibility
to the site is very important for any kind of project. But of course, the significance varies if we
are to compare an industrial project with residential project.

Major Landmarks

After spotting the major landmarks, analyze the integrity of their existence in close proximity to
the site. It is essential to know as to what kind of impact would these structures have on our

Orientation of the site

Mark the orientation of site. Orientation of site will help you in orienting the structure correctly
in the process of designing.

Climatology Factors

Climate can be subdivided into two major divisions:

1. Micro climate
2. Macro climate

We have to study the micro climate and macro climate of the place in order to design a Bio-
climatic structure. We have already discussed Bio-climatic Architecture. You must give a read
before advancing further. It will give you a clear idea of the Bio climatic aspects to be considered
while designing.

Economic feasibility

The site location and detailed site analysis will give you an idea of the economic feasibility of the
project. It means that the type of building or construction you are looking forward to proposing
on that site would be a successful venture or not depending on the conditions of the site.

For example:

If you propose to build a five star hotel on a highway, it would not be economically feasible
because you would not have the kind of users you would like to target for your venture to
become successful. Hence, going for a construction of a Highway Restaurant would be much
more feasible.

Sustainability Factors

Apart from environmental Sustainability, we are also looking at Sustainability in terms of


That is, it is important to satisfy three important principles of Green Architecture which aims at
Energy Efficiency
Water Efficiency
Material Efficiency
Site Services

Study of services on site is also very important. The major site services include:
1. Water Supply
2. Electricity Lines
3. Drainage Lines
After the absolute study of the site, one can conclude on the kind of project to be executed,
its feasibility and also its sensitivity to be shown towards designing the structure and the site
as well.

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