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Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 1 of 90 PageID #: 418

Exhibit A-
Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 2 of 90 PageID #: 419


Subject: Ezekiel Elliott

Submitted by:
Lisa M. Friel, Senior Vice President, Special Counsel for

Kia Roberts, Director of Investigations

Date: June 6, 2017
Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 3 of 90 PageID #: 420


ll.xccu1i\'c Sun1m.1ry...... ...... , ...................... .......................... . . , .............................. 7

Scope & McthnJology ... . ........... ......... . . ...................... ............................ ......... HI

lmcn icw C...onducrcJ ................................. , ................... ............................. JO

DocumcnL< ond ;\IMcrials J;xamincd .. ........................ ........................ ...... .. ..... JO

Pacru:il Summry ...... , ......................................... ,.... , ..... ,_ IU

limcltnc ...................................................................... ,......... 10

Ct1mpilntion of Evidence in Chronologicnl Onlcr................................ , .................. 11

lntcrvic'v Su..nmari~ . . ................ .. ........... .... .............. . .......... . .... ... ..... . .. .......78

'Iiff2ny 'llloml""'n - September 26, 2(11 Ii.................................................78

&.clOcl Elliou - ~pt<mbcr 28, 201(1.....................................................95
' l'iffany 'J11om1>on - Ocrober 6, 201 1i................ ........ ............... .. ........... )()(1

McKail Blade - Ocrob<:r 6, 2016......................................................... 107

,\ yrin ;\lo.son -October 6, 2016 ............................................................. 109
l>l:iiru: Glenn - October 6, 2016 ............................................................ 111
\rrin Xia.on -October 13, 2016 ........................................................... 113
'Jiffany Thompwn -November I, 201 6 .................................. .. ............... 114
Robert Tobias - November I, 2011i.......... . .................... ................. ..... I Iii
TcS>ic Tiiompon - l'nvcrnbcr I, 20! 6 ..................................................... 120
F.lllinc Gknn - ~nvcmbcr 15, 2016. ............................ . . . ... . . . . .. . .. . . .. . 122
liffanr 111omp>on - November llJ, 2(11 Ii............................................ ....... 123
'J'onr ' lltompun - N ovember 2'), 201<1... .... .............. ........... ,.... , ............... 14~
McK.1ilil BloJc. -Nm'flll><.-r 30, 2016..................... ......................... ......... 145
"liffony lhompon - No\-cmbcr 30, 201G.................................................. 146
"liffany l l>OmP"O" - Den-ml>.;, 5, 20)(1. ...... ....................... .................... 1-18
1.1rry Won~lcy-Jnu:try 5, 201 7 ........... ,.... , ..... ................ ., ....... ........ ..... 150
llryn Wn~lcy - jAnu:try 5, 2017 ....................... ...................... , .............. 150
Jason Cohen - January 5, 201 7 ..... ....................... ............... ................ 15 1

;\fauh...-w White-Jmmy 30, 2017 ......................................................... 152

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 4 of 90 PageID #: 421

Rocky \m..-neaux - i\larch 7, 201 7 .. . .. ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .... .. .. .. ........................ 154

Elaine Glenn - , \pril 7, 201 7 .... .... .... . .. . . .. ........ . ................................ .. .. 157

Forensic Examinations of Cell Phones ... .. . ... .. ... . . .. ........ , . ................................... I 62

lorensic Examination of Injury Evidence . ..... .. . .. . ... . .. .. .. ..... . ... . ............... . ... .... . .... 163

Exhibit List

Exhibit 1: PhotOb'Taphs Taken on Unknown Date by Tiffany ""I110mpson an<l Sent to l\kKaila Blades

t. \ - Pho1ob1Taph Right , \rm Gray T -shirt Taken at Ezekiel Elliott's Aparunent on Unknown

113 - Photob'Taph Left , \nn No T-shirt Visible Taken at Tiffany Thompson's Parents' l lome on
Unknown Date

Exhibit 2: PholObl'fl\Phs Taken April 24, 2016 between 9:25:33 - 9:27:04 p.m. by Tiffany 111ompson

2,\ - Photograph Taken at 9:25:33 p.m., left forearm and hand

2B - Photograph Taken at 9:26:01 p.m., inside left lower leg

2C - Photograph Taken at 9:25:55 p.m., right fon..-arm

2D - Photob'Taph Taken at 9:27:04 p.m., left calf

Exhibit 3: PhotOf,ITaphs Taken July 18, 2016 between 3:33: 1-4- - 4: 13:41 p.m. by Tiffany Thompson

3.\ -PhotOf,ITaph Taken at 3:33:14 p.m., underside left upper arm

3U - Photograph Taken at 3:33: 19 p.m., unidentified limb

3C - Photograph Taken at 3:33:44 p.m., front right shoulder an<l upper arm

30 - Photograph Taken at 3:34:31 p.m., front left leg from knee to lower calf

3E - Photob1Taph Taken at 4:13:41 p.m., left side of neck and shoulder area

3F - Photob'Taph Taken at 4:13:47 p.m., face and right forearm

Exhibit 4: Photob1TaPhs Taken July 21, 2016, at 1:55 a.m. by Chicdu l3osah

4,\ - Photograph ofBosah, Elliott and Thompson (front)

4B - Photob'l':lph of l3osah, Elliott, 'llmmpson (back) and 3 other men

Exhibit 5: Photograph Taken July 21, 2016, at 3:27 a.m. by Alvarez Jackson

Exhibit 6: Photob'Taphs Taken July 21, 2016 between 2:18:42 ~ 2:36:26 p.m. by Tiffany Thompson

6.\ - Photob'Taph Taken at 2:18:42 p.m., left forearm & hand

6l3 - Pho1ob1Taph Taken at 2: 18:56 p.m., right forearm & hand

6C - Photograph Taken at 2:36:26 p.m., right eye

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 5 of 90 PageID #: 422

Exhibit 7: Photobrraphs Taken July 22, 2016 at approximately 3:00 a.m. by Columbus, Ohio Police

7,\ - Full Frontal Photobrraph of Tiffany Thompson

713 - Front of Both I lands Parallel to Each Other

7C - Outside Sides of Both I Crossed

7D - Both I lands Palms Up

7E - 13oth Hands Close-up Palms Up

7F - Front Right Armpit

7G -Top I Ialf Front of Body with Forearms Bent Up Chin Turned Slightly to the Right

7H -Top I lalf rront of Body with forearms Bent Up Chin Turned Slightly to the Left

71 - Rear View Left Bumper of Red Car

7J - Rear View of Red Car

7K- Driver's Side Red Car

7L- lnside Driver's Door Red Car

7i\1 - Front Door of Carriage House

7N - Columbus Division of Police Photo Card

70 - I Iandwritten List of Photos Taken

Exhibit 8: Photobrraphs From City i\ttomcy's Office File Labeled "Ms. Thompson's Photos"

SA - Front of Right I land - Thumbnail from Tiffany TI1ompson's Phone - Taken on Unknown

SB - l'ront of Upper Left Ann - llmmbnail fmm Tiffany 'Jbompson's Phone -Taken on
Unknown Date

8C - Front of Neck - nmmbnail from Tiffany Thompson's Phone - Taken on Unknown Date

80 - Back of Upper Body and Upper ,\rms 'llmmbnail from Tiffany Thompson's Phone - She
says taken at Ayrin i\lason's the morning of.July 22, 2016

8E - Inside of Right Knee 'llmmbn.1il from Tiffany Thompwn's Phone- She says taken on
July 22, 2016 post-Columbus PD Photos

8F - Close-up of Front of Neck - Thumbnail from Tiffany Thompson's Phone - She says
taken after Saturday night (really early a.m. hours of Sunday) incident that night after i\lr. Elliott fell asleep

Exhibit 9: Photob'1'::tphs Taken July 22, 2016 afternoon at the City ;\ttorney's Office

9. \ - Close-up Right I lip (13ottom of Cell Phone Obscured)

9B - Close-up Right I lip (Bottom Right Comer of Cell Phone Visible)

9C - Close-up Right I lip (Both Thumbs Visible)

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 6 of 90 PageID #: 423

9D - Close-up Right I lip Q.cft Thumb Nail Partially Obscured)

9E Tiffany 'll10mpson I folding City. \ttorney's Office Intake Sib'"

Exhibit 10: Photographs Taken July 22, 2016 between 6:24:51 - 6:25:36 p.m. by Taylor 1110mpson

IOJ\ - Photobtrnph Taken at 6:24:51 p.m., side of right upper thigh & buuock

JOB- Photobrraph Taken at 6:25:10 p.m., side of left upper thigh & buttock
1OC - Photob>Taph Taken at 6:26:32 p.m., side of left hip area & torso

lOD - Photobrraph Taken at 6:25:48 p.m., side of right hip area & torso

Exhibit 11: Photo1:,rraphs of Tiffany Thompson at NFL Draft 2016

Exhibit 12: Columbus Police Department report

Exhibit 13: Text message exchange bctwl.'Cn Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 5/ 6/ 16, 6 / 12/ 16 &

Exhibit 14: Text message exchan1:,rc between faekicl l~lliott & Tiffany 'l110mpson, 6/5/ 16

Exhibit 15: Text message exchange between Ezclcicl Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 6/ 7 / 16

Exhibit 16: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 5/7 / 16

Exhibit 17: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 5/6/ 16

Exhibit 18: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany 'll10mpson, 5/ 6/ 16

Exhibit 19: Car insurance bill

Exhibit 20: Text messabre exchanbrc '11ffany Thompson & Elaine Glenn, 11 /13/15

Exhibit 21: Columbus City , \uomey's Office Intake report

Exhibit 22: Ohio He:tlth Sys1ems Discharge Fonn & Concussion Protocol, dated 11/16/15

Exhibit 23: i\ventura Police Department 911 call 2/12/16 transcript

Exhibit 24: . \ vcnturn Police Department report, dated 2/ 12/ 16

Exhibit 25: Text message exchange between 1iffany 'Jbompson & Elaine Glenn, 2/12/16-2/13/16

Exhibit 26: Screenshot sent by Tiffany n10mpwn to Ezekiel Elliott, later sent to Elaine Glenn 2/17/16

Exhibit 27: Text message exchange between Elaine Glenn & Ezekiel Elliott 2/12/15-4/13/16

Exhibit 28: QuickPay records

Exhibit 29: Text message cxchaOJ:,rc between E'l.ekicl Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 3/9/16

Exhibit 30: Text message exchange between Elaine Glenn & Tiffany Thompson, 3/10/ 16

Exhibit 31: Blank

Exhibit 32: Photo1:,rraph of Tiffany Thompson's damagcJ cell phone

Exhibit 33: Best Buy receipt dated 4/ 24/ 16

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 7 of 90 PageID #: 424

Exhibit 34: Text message exchange between i\lcKaila Blades & Elaine Glenn, 7 /19/16

Exhibit 35: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 6/20/16

Exhibit 36: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany '11mmpson, 7 /10/16

Exhibit 37: Text messag<: exchanbrc between E:t.ekicl Elliott & liffany "l'hompson, 7 /11 /16-7 /12/16

Exhibit 38: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Ellio1t & nffany Thompson, 7 /15/16-7 /16/16

Exhibit 39: Tc.xt message exchange between Elaine Glenn & Tiffany Thompson, 7/18/16

Exhibit 40: 'liffony 'lbompson's written statement to the Columbus Police Department, 7 /22/16

Exhibit 41: Transcript Tiffany Thompson interview with Columbus City -'\ uomey Intake Officer, 7 /22/16

Exhibit 42: Affidavit of .\lvarezjackson, 8/ 12/ 16

Exhibit -B: Text messabrc exchange between Tiffany 'Iltompson & Shelia ("Lee Lee") Lee, 7 /23/16

Exhibit 44: Call log from Elaine Glenn's cell phone, 7/18/ 16

Exhibit 45: Text message exchanbte between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 7/18/16

Exhibit 46: 1\ffidavit of Matthew \'Vhite, 8/ 11 / 16

Exhibit 47: Mfidavit of Chiedu Dosah, 8/ 15/16

Exhibit 48: Text message exchanbrc between Ezekiel l~lliott & Tiffany Thompson, 7 /20/16

Exhibit 49: Screenshot from nffany Thompson's cell phone of ch.'lt/ S}.IS message between Tiffany
nmmpson & Tessie Thompson, 7 /21 / 16 at 2:56:2' p.m.

Exhibit 50: Affidavit of Ayrin Mason, 7 / 28/16

Exhibit 51: Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott & Tiffany Thompson, 7/21/16-7 /22/16

Exhibit 52: 1\ffidavit of Bijan l\Ioazampour, 8/ I/ 16

Exhibit 53: 1\ffidavit of 1\lvarez Jackson, 8/2/ 16

Exhibit 54: Call log from Elaine Glenn's cell phone, 7 / 21/ 16

Exhibit 55: Text message exchange between Elaine Glenn & Tiffany Thompson, night of 7 /21 /16

Exhibit 56: 1\yrin l\fason's written s1a1ement to the Columbus Police Department, 7 /22/16

Exhibit 57: Transcript of J\yrin Mason's interview br Columbus City. \ttomey's lnt;1kc Officer, 7 /22/16

Exhibit 58: Affidavit of Kenny Alvarado, 7 /29/16

Exhibit 59: Affidavit of Kerry Cibuslska, 7/29/ l 6

Exhibit 60: Affida\'it of Brian Keefe, 7 / 29/ 16

Exhibit 61: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & Ayrin ;\Iason, 7/22/16

Exhibit 62: Transcript of 911 call placed br Tiffany 'J'hompson, 7 / 22/16

Exhibit 63: Ezekiel Elliott written statement to the Columbus Police Department, 7 /22/ l 6

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 8 of 90 PageID #: 425

Exhibit 64: Bijan Moazampour written statement to the Columbus Police Department, 7/22/16

Exhibit 65: Dylan i\linney wri1ten statement to the Columbus Police Department, 7/22/16

Exhibit 66: Taylor Sandbothe written statement to the Columbus Police Department, 7/22/16

Exhibit 67: Affidavit of Stacy Elliott, 8/3/16

Exhibit 68: Text message exchange between Tiffany 111ompson & ..-\yrin ;\fason, 7/27 /16

Exhibit 69: Tiffany Thompson's lnstagram posting, 7 /22/16

Exhibit 70: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & \yrin l\lason, 7/22/16

Exhibit 71: Records rebrarding alleged harassment of Ezekiel Elliott by Tiffany Thompson, post~7/26/16

Exhibit 72: Frisco Police Department report, 9/5/16

Exhibit 73: Call log from Tiffany 'l11ompson's cell phone, 7 /22/16-10/18/t 6

Exhibit 74: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & l\fcKaila Blades, 9/21/16

Exhibit 75: Screenshot ofTl\IZ search and email account "ezckiclelliott sex vids"

Exhibit 76: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & McKaila Blades, 7/23/16

Exhibit 77: Text message exchanbrc between Tiffany Thompson & Jordan Estep, 7 /23/16

Exhibit 78: Text message exchange between Tiffany 'l110mpson &Jordan Estep, 10/5/16

Exhibit 79: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & B Shook, 7/22/16

Exhibit 80: Text messnbrc exchange between Tiffany Thompson & Bri'onte Dunn, 8/2/16

Exhibit 81: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & Bren, 7/21 /16-7/22/16

Exhibit 82: Text message exchanbrc between Tiffany Thompson & Bren, 9/6/16

Exhibit 83: Chat between Tiffany 'l110mpson & Shelin Lee, 8/14/16

Exhibit 84: Chat between liffany 'lbompson & l\kKniln Blades, 9/6/16

Exhibit 85: Correspondence from Ezekiel Elliott's attorney Frank Salznno to Robert Tobias, Columbus City
J\ttorncy's Office, 8/4/16

Exhibit 86: Correspondence from Ezekiel Elliou's attorney Frank Salzano to Robert Tobias, Columbus City
Attorney's Office, 8/16/16

Exhibit 87: Text message exchanbrc between Tiffany Thompson & Ezekiel Elliott, 7/11/16

Exhibit 88: Photobrraph of Tiffany 'l110mpson's "keyed" car

Exhibit 89: D:1vid l\kCain CV.

Exhibit 90: Joseph Church C.V.

Exhibit 91: Dr. Lone Thnnning C.V.

Exhibit 92: Dr. Lorraine Gior<lnno CV.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 9 of 90 PageID #: 426

Exhibit 93: Letter from 1\rbors at Waiennark.

Exhibit 9-t: Joseph Church's Foremic Analysis Report of Firn.lings

l ~xhibit 95: Text message exchange betwt.-cn Tiffany Thompson & ~kKaila Blades, 7/ 17 / 16

Exhibit 96: Text messages exchan&rcd between Tiffany 'l110mpM>n & Shelia Lee between 7 / 20/16 - 8/ I / 16

Exhibit 97: Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson & E:tekicl Elliott, 7/ 22/ 16

Exhibit 98: Text message exchange between Elaine Glenn and .\mber King, 11/23/15

Exhibit 99: Portions of the September 26, 2016 interview ofTiffanr 'I110mpson by League investigators

Exhibit 100: Tc..xt messages sent by Tiffany Thompson to Ezekiel Elliot between 10/12/16 - 10/24/2016

Exhibit 101 : Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson nod E zekiel Elliot 7 /11 /16 - 7/12/16

Exhibit 102: Columbus City 1\ttorney's Office press release dated September 6, 2016

Exhibit 103: l'\fr. Elliott's AT&T phone bill for the perioJ ofJuly 16 - December 15, 2016 as provideJ br the


This investigation stemmed from a series of incidents that allegedly occurred from July 16, 2016, to
July 21, 2016, in Columbus, Ohio. Tiffany Thompson, a woman who was romantically invohed with Ezekiel
Elliott, alleged that i\lr. Elliott physically abused her on a number of occasions throughout that week. ,\fter
the last alleged incident, on July 22, she called 91 t. The police responded to the location of the allLt,>ed incident,
interviewed various witnesses, took photographs and later prepared an incident report. They did not make an
arrest, rather, they referred the matter to the local City .\ttomey's Office for further imestibration. Various
media outlets bebran reporting about this situation that same day. The Dallas Cowboys learned of the nllebrcd
incidents from these media reports anJ they promptly notified the Lea1:,rue office. 'l11e IA.!abrue's investi1:.ration
commenced at that time.

The Columbus City , \uomey's Office reviewed the case and on September 6, 2016 announced publicly
that it was declining to prosecute i\Ir. Elliott. In his press release, the City .\uomey stated, this was " primarily
due to conflicting and inconsisient information across all incidents resulting in concern rebrarding the sufficiency
of the e\~dence to support the filing of criminal charbrcs." 1

The League's investif:,ration consisted of interviewing any relevant witnesses who abrreed to be
interviewed, and obtaining relevant documents and other evidentiary material. During the course of the
investibration, the alleged victim, Tiffany 1110mpson, a1:.rrecd to be intervieweJ on multiple occasions, as did her

See Columbus City Attorney's Office press release dated September 6, 2016, attached as Exhibit 102.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 10 of 90 PageID #: 427

aunt, Elaine Glenn, and 01her members of her family. Of the many friends of i\[s. Thompson who had
information rclevanl to this investibration, only lwo, :\yrin l\fason and i\fcKaila Blades, abrreed to be interviewed
and both were very reluctant to be involved and declined the League's many rec1uests 10 answer follow, up
c1uestions. J\ number of i\lr. Elliott's friends and family met with his attorneys for in1erviews and subsec1uently
sibrned affidavits that were submitted to the City Attorney's Office for review, and also later provided to the
League. All such witnesses refused to meet \vith the League's investig:uors. i\lost significanl of this bttoup of
people were i\[r. Elliott's father, who in addition to having been present on the last night in question also
possessed information about the background of i\lr. Elliott's and i\[s. TI1ompson's relationship, and his friend
,\lvarez Jackson, who was present in l\lr. Elliott's home at the time of almost all of the alleged incidents the
week ofJuly 16-22, 2016.

Tiffany Thompson's friend, :\yrin l\lason, also sibrned an affida\1t for ~Ir. Elliott's attorneys and as
stated above, she did abrree 10 an interview with the Leabruc's investigators.

i\tr. Elliott was interviewed early on in the investigation and main1ained that he had never physically
assaulted Ms. 'l110mpson in any way. I le and his attorneys mainrained that any injuries she had on her body on
July 22, 2016, at the time the police became invohcd and took photographs, were from an altercation she had
wirh another woman outside the Columbus, Ohio bar The Social Room as she was leaving i\Ir. Elliott's birthday

party in the early morning hours ofJuly 22, 2016.

In addition to obtaining all the records from the Columbus Police Department and the Columbus City
1\ttorney's Office that were made public, the Lcai.,rue's investigators sought to interview various police officers
who had been involved in the matters under investibration. 111is brroup included the police officers who
responded to .Ms. Thompson's 911 call on July 22, 2016 and the two off-Juty police officers who were present
at the time Ms. Thompson had the ahercation with the other woman outside The Social Room V2 hour earlier.
1\ll of these police officers declined to be interviewed by the League's invcsribrators even though the l:utcr 1wo
had met \vith and sibrned affidavits for ~Ir. Elliott's attorneys. Robert Tobias, the assistant city attorney who
conducted the investibration for the City Attorney's Office, <lid ai,,rree to meet with the Lcaf:,rue's investi1,,rators
and a summary of his inteniew is contained in this report. Finally, a former co-worker of i\(s. 1110mpson's,
i\fotthcw \'<lhitc, who had met with i\lr. Elliott's atlorneys and sibrnl.-d an affidavit, abl'fecd to be intcrvil.wcd by
1he Leabrue's investibrators.

J\s slated above, the Dallas Cowboys orbranization became aware of l\fs. 111ompson's allebrations on
July 22, 2016, the same <lay she called 911 . 'l11er were completely cooperative during 1his imestibration, assisting
the Leabrue's investibrators to arranbrc inten-iews with rclc\ant personnel and ultimately, Larry Wansley, their
Director of Security, 13ryan Wansley, their Director of Player Development, anJ Jason Cohen, their General
Counsel, were all interviewed by the League's investibralors. 'l11e League was 1old that the l.owboys orbranizacion

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 11 of 90 PageID #: 428

did not do any investi1:,r.uion on its own and that no one else at the Cowboys had any firsthand knowledge of
what had occurrc<l between i\Is. Thompson and i\lr. Elliott the week of July 16-22, 2016 .

. \dditionally, David i\kCain, NFL Director of Digital Forensic Investigations, imaged both Tiffan>
Thompson's and her aunt Elaine Glenn's cell phones. 'l11ereafter, 1\Ir. i\lcCain performed a forensic analysis of
the two phones that resulted in the Le:t!,7\le's invest4,r.ttors being able to review tens of thousands of text
messabrcs. These text messages included texts exchanged between ~Is. Thompson am.I l\[r. Elliott, I\ls.
Thompson and others, including her aunt Elaine Glenn, and Elaine Glenn's text messages with others,
including her text messages with :\Ir. Elliott. Other digital records were also recovered from the two cell
phones, including photographs, screenshots, and call logs. 'l11e League also hired an outside forensic expert to
examine the evi<lence recovered from the two cell phones. Joseph Church, the founder and owner of Digital
Shield, Incorporated was retained to do this work and provided the League with a report detailing his findin1:,rs.

During the course of the imestibration, the Leabruc made rcpeate<l rec1uests of l\lr. Elliott through his
attorneys for "copies of any and all text message communications and phone call lob'l\ between 1\lr. Elliott and
l\Is. 1110mpson from July 1, 2016 to the present." (l'hc "present" referring to the date of the Lcabrue's first
written rec1ucst for this c\1dcnce, December 16, 2016.) In addition, the Leabrue requested "copies of any and all
text message communications between 1\Ir. Elliott and other persons with respect to Tiffany Thompson and

the events ofJuly 16, 2016 to July 22, 2016!' On May 19, 201 7, the Leabrue received redacted incomplete copies
of the i\T&T billing records for l\lr. Elliott's two cell phones for the perio<l of July 16, 2016 - December 15,
2016 and, subsel1uentJy, on :\lay 24, 201 7, received another copy of these billing records with further redactions
but no further pages. The July 16, 2016-August 15, 2016 bill reflects that it was 31 pages Ion~ only pages 1-4
and 9-11 were provided to the l..cabrue, The r\ubrusl 16, 2016- September 15, 2016 bill reflects that it was 26
pages long; only pabres 1 and 9-1 0 were provided to the Lcabrue. None of the October 16, 2016 - November
15, 2016 bill was providL-<l to the Lcabrue. The November 16 - December 15, 2016 bill reflects that it was 24
pages long; the League was only pr0\'1ded with page 10. None of the records provided contained the substance
of any text messabrcs, nor the call logs from l\fr. Elliott's two cell phones and to <late, such evidence has not
been provided.

Finally, the League retained two medical experts to cxammc the evidence obtained during its
investibr.ttion and to give the Lcabrue their professional medical opinions based on their many deca<les of
experience in the field of medicine. Dr. Lone 111;10ning, the former Chief Medical Examiner of the Rockland
County i\lcdical Examiner's Office and present Prcsi<lent of f'orensic Medical Consulting of NY, P.C, prO\rlde<l
the League with her opinion based on her over thirty years of experience as a pathologist and Dr. Lorraine
Giordano, \ssociate .\ttending Physician, Department of Emergency Medicine at Mt. Sinai St. Luke's

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 12 of 90 PageID #: 429

I lospital/i\lc. Sinai West provided the League with her opinion based on her over thirtr years of experience as
a clinician.



Tiffany Thompson
J\yrin i\fason
Tessie Thompson
Robert Tobias, Columbus City Prosecutor's Office
Tony Thompson
Elaine Glenn
i\kKaila Blades
Larry Wansley, Dallas Cowboys
Bryan Wansley, Dallas Cowboys
Jason Cohen, Dallas Cowboys
i\lntthew \'Vhite

Ezekiel Elliott
Rocky ;\rccneaux


Sec above of Exhibit:;.



1/13/15 Tiffany and Ezekiel meet in Columbus Ohio

1\lJbl'USt 2015 'llley become intimately involved

Oct - Dec 201 S She says they live together

11/12 or 11/13/ 15 , \llcged jaw incident

11/15 or 11 / 16/ 15 \llcgcd tub incident

January 2016 I le goes to Florida to work out for the Combine

2/11 - 2/12/ 16 . \ventura incidents - police invohcJ

3/1/16 I le starts paying for an apartment and car for her

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 13 of 90 PageID #: 430

3/10/16 She finds out she is pregnant and tells him

Late i\larch/early ,\pril She miscarries one of the twins

4/15/16 She aborts the other fetus

4/23 or4/24/16 Destruction of phone incident

4/28/16 111cy attend Draft together in Chicago

5/1/16 I le goes to Dallas

5/9 - 5/18/16 She visits him in Dallas

5/29 - 5/30/16 She meets him in St. Louis where he ii; visiting his family

6/3 -6/5/16 She meets him in St. Louis ab>ain

6/17 -6/19/16 I fe visits Columbus and they sec each other

7/16/16 I fc arrives in Columbw; with friend Alvarez - she picks them up at


7/17/16 1\pprox. 5 a.m. -Alleged Facctiming incident

7/18/16 ;\pprox. 3 a.m. - Alleged locked out inci<lent

7/19/16 Approx. 9 a.m. -1\llegcd incident after he stayed out all night

7/21/16 Approx. 4 a.m. -Allebrcd driving home intoxicated incident

7/22/ 16 Approx. 2:40 a.m.- .\lleged incident in parking lot of Carriage I louse


The following compilation of evidence is based upon witness interviews which are summarized later
in this report and an analysis of all other evidence gathered during this investigation. which includes
text messages. photographs. and police and prosecutor documents.

Background of the Relationship

Tiffany Thompson was born on January 13, 1996. She is a 5'5" female who said she weighed I 17 lbs.
at the time of her relationship with i\fr. Ellio!I. Mr. Elliott was born on July 22, 1995. I le was a college and
later Pro football player at the time of their relationship and stood 6' tall and weighed approximately 225-230
lbs. 1'1s. Tnompson an<l ;\fr. Elliott met through frk'11ds in Columbus, Ohio on ;\fs. l11ompson's 191" birthday,
January 13, 2015. By August, their relationship had become intimate. Ms. Thompson <lcscribed it to the
Leabrue's investi!:,>alors as "borfricn<l/ girlfricnd"; ;\Ir. Elliott told the investigators that she was just one of the
many girls he was ha\-ing sc.x with. I le said that they "liked each other," "cared about each other," but were
never in a "relationship;" she was never his "girlfriend." I (c made similar statements to the Columbus Police

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 14 of 90 PageID #: 431

Department on July 22, 2016 when they responded to i\b. 'l11ompson's 911 call from the parking lot of i\lr.
Elliott's residence)

Recovered 1ext messages make clear that i\[r. Elliott was not being truthful in his description of his
and ~ls. Thompson's relationship. In numerous text messages recovered, i\lr. Elliott told i\[s. 'l110mpson he
loved her and th;tt he had had :;ex with ocher girls but she was the one he loved.' In others, he talked about
how he didn't know why he fell in love with her,4 how he missed her after one day apart. t> In others, he
referred to her as his "brirlfriend,"6 told her that he didn't think he woul<l ever find anyone better to have a
"relationship" with,7 and at one point after she had said they shoul<l break up because they were fighting so
much, he said, "~laybe we should take a break. I'm not ready to commit & don't want to put you through this
anymore." "I hope one day when you come back to me I'll be your husband."8

!\Is. Thompson told the League's investigators that she moved in with ;\fr. Elliott in the fall of 2015
an<l lived with him until he left to train for the Combine in Florida in January of 2016. ;\[r. Elliott was living at
1860 Canvasback Lane in Columbus, Ohio during the fall of 2015 and that is the apartment into which ;\[s.

Thompson says she moved. Elliott and his father both denied that Ms. 'l11ompson ever lived with him
there to the Columbus Police Department on July 22, 2016.9 They maintained these denials throughout the
League's investigation. ;\Is. 'lltompson's parents, aunt, and friends all told the League's investib"lltors that ;\ls.

1110mpson did live with him there that fall and !\ls. 'lltompson produceu some written documentation, w a car
insurance bill, on which she listcll the Canvasback L'lnc address as her resi<lence, that corroborated her claim.
During this period of time, there were nights that ~Is. Thompson said she would go back and stay at her parents'
house but most nights, she said, she stayed at the Canvasback Lane apartment, not even going home for
Thanksgiving that year (2015), but rather spending it with Mr. Elliott.

The inconsistency between the parties as to whether they "lived" together that fall may or not may
have to do with everyone's definition of what "living together" is or it may involve one or more people being
untruthful about this situ.'ltion. l'or the purposes of this invcstibl'lttion, it is not necessary 10 determine if Ms.
'lltompson was "living \vi th" ~fr. Elliott at 1860 Canvasback Lane. It is dear that she spent a sib>nificant amount
of nights there and, more importantly, that they were involved in an intimate relationship that continued on

2 See Exhibit 12, Columbus Police Department reports.

See Exhibit 13, Text messages sent on S/5/16, 6/12/16, & 6/13/16.
See Exhibit 14, Text message sent on 6/5/16.
See Exhibit 15, Text message sent on 6/7/16.
See Exhibit 16, Text message sent on 5/7/16.
See Exhibit 17, Text message sent on 5/6/16.
8 See Exhibit 18, Text messages sent on 5/6/16.
See Exhibit 12, Columbus Police Department reports.
See Exhibit 19, Car Insurance bill.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 15 of 90 PageID #: 432

and off through the week ofJuly 16-22, 2016. The Lca1:,>uc has consi:ilcntJy considered violence between people
who arc involved in an intimate relationship as "domestic violence'' and for the purposes of this matter, has
done so a1:,rain.

'J11crc arc a number of alleged incidents of physical violence that took place between i\[s. Thompson
and Mr. Elliott prior to the week ofJuly 16-22, 2016. These alleged incidents occurred before i\lr. Elliott was
an employee of the NFL and therefore before he was subject to the Lea1:,>Uc's Personal Conduct Policy.
Therefore, i\lr. Elliott docs not face any discipline as a result of any of these incidents. I lowe\cr, they arc
included in this report because they shed light on the nature of his and Ms. 1110mpson's relationship prior to
the week ofJuly I 6-22, 20 I 6, as well as on their overall credibility.

November 12 or 13. 2015 Alleged Jaw Incident

\'Vhcn i\ls. Thompson was intcniewed by the Lc:lb>Ue's investigators, she spoke of an incident that she
said occurred before l\lr. Elliott went to Florida to work out for the Combine. She said she could not recall the
exact date of the incident. She related that they were in the apartment on Canvasback Lane and were ar1:,'lling
about "1he past" which l\[s. Thompson explained involved girls calling him "when they didn't need to be
calling" and "guys texting me, being in my Di\Is" (direct messages). She said he "brrabbcd my anns and yanked
me towards him to stop me from walking away from him and 1 tried to stop myself and my jaw ended up hitting
right there on the wall." She said after this occurred, she Facetimed her friend i\lcKaila (Blades) and told her
what happened. She said that 1\IcK.aila told her to send a photo of her face because she, i\kKaila, coukln't sec
it clearly via f'acetimc. l\fs. Thompson said that she then sent l\lcK:1ila a picture and i\kKaila said she could
sec a bruise. 'l11e te.xt mcssabrcs in recovered from l\ls. Thompson's phone did not go back until November
2015, so this assertion of Ms. lnompson's could not be verified in that manner.

\'Vhen 1\Is. Blades was interviewed by League investigators, she lold them that she really did not want
10 be involved in this matter. She denied that this Facetiming call had occurred but said that there were "many
times that she (riffany) had called me up at 3 a.m. and asked me to pick her up, but she would usually just not
be specific and then I wouldn't hear from her abrain." ~Is. Blades also said that Ms. n10mpson did tell her that
she had called the police rebrarding an incident that happened in Florida . . \nd, finally, in tcnns of her knowledge
of any physical abuse of l\Is. 'lllompson, ;\ls. Blades said that i\ls. Thompson had sent her photo1:,'1'aphs of
bruises on her anns and had said these were from i\[r. Elliott grabbing her wrist'!. l\ls. Him.Jes later prmidcd
these photographs 10 the League's invesci1:,rators. , \ text message was recovered from Tiffany 'l'hompson's cell
phone that shows that on July 23, 2016, ;\Is. Blades tcxtcd ~Is. Thompson at 12:24:18 p.m. saying, "I have
precious bruise pictures you've sent me if you need them for cvidence." 1! l\ls. Blades was never asked about

11 See Exhibit lA & B.

See Exhibit 76, Text message exchange between Mcl<aila Blades and Tiffany Thompson 7/23/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 16 of 90 PageID #: 433

this text message, so it is unknown if she was referring 10 the two phol<>brrnphs she senl to the Lcabruc's
investigators or :u.J<litional photOb>Taphs.

The photographs that Ms. 131a<les provi<lc<l to the Lcabl'\le arc attachc<l as Exhibits I ,\ & 1B. No meta
data coukl be recovered from these photos,rraphs so the exact dale, time and place they were taken cannot be
established. ;\fs. 11l0mpson told investigators that 1. \ was taken in :.\Ir. Elliott's apartment and 1B was taken
in her parents' home, both on dates unknown. The two photob>Taphs depict the arms of an individual whuse
face is not shown in the photographs but who ~Is. Thompson has identified as herself. Exhibit 1:\ shows the
biceps area of a right arm. .Ms. Thompson is wearing a b>TaY short-slee\ed T-shirt and the backbrround of the
photo is b>T:IY in color. Dr. 'lbanning said that Exhibit I:\ appeared to depict a group of three light small bruises
that might be fingermarks. She said there might be additional bruising depicted in the photograph but that it
was hard to discern whether olher areas of darker discoloration were bruises or shadows from the lighting in
the photo. (ll1c doctors both use the word "artifact" when referring to such shadows in the photob>Taphs.) Dr.
Giordano stated that she could discern two small round and oval areas of redness on the medial aspect of the
right upper ann that she said could be consistent with bruises. She went on to state that briven their size and the
fact they arc adjacent to each other, they could be consistent \vith brrab marks.

Exhibit I B shows the front of the left ann from the top of the shoulder through the pinky side of the

hand. No shirt sleeve is visible in the photo. The backbrround of the photo is tan in color. The arm is bent at
the elbow. Dr. Thanning stated that there arc visible bruises on the forearm am.I on the biceps and that there
may be additional bruising depicted in the photob>TnPh but, as in Exhibit 1. \, it is hard to discern whether other
areas of darker discoloration arc bruises or shadows from the lighting in the photo. Dr. Giordano stated that
on the underside of the left mid-forearm there is an oval reddish-purple arc:i without distinct edges, possibly
consistent with :i fresh bruise. She also stated that there may be a bruise on the biceps as well but that it was
difficult to accurately state based on the lighting in the photo.

Tessie Thompson, l\fs. rnompson's mother, tol<l the League's investigators that there was a time that
she saw bruising on her daughter's wrists and anns and that this was around n1anksgiving or Christmas 2015.
She said she asked her daughter about these bruises and that Tiffany told her that she had run into something.
l\lrs. 'l11ompson told the invcstibrators that she did not believe this story as the marks were "clearly fingerprints."
She said that Tiffany then changed her story and said that "Ezekiel had picked her up and carried her" which
:.\lrs. Thompson said, "didn't make any sense." Mrs. Thompson was specifically asked if she recalled Tiffany
ever telling her that Ezekiel had bruised her check and she said that she diJ. She said that Tiffany told her that
Ezekiel had brtabbcd her ;ind pushed her up ag:unst a w:ill. Mrs. 'll10mpson said that she could not sec the
bruise because Tiffanr had so much makeup on that day.

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i\ text message exchange between Tiffany am.I her . \unt Elaine (Elaine Glenn) would seem to
corroborate that this "jaw" incident occurred. On November 14, 2015, at 2:43:50 p.m., Tiffany texted her . \unt
saying, "I just ended things with Zeke completely. I've ne\er been so hurt before." . \unt Elaine asked "why"
and Tiffany replied, "I looked at all of his social media sites and he's been talking about trust well I can't trust
him what so ever," "Telling girls to come stay with him and giving his number out freely I can't do it," "We
fought last night I slept on the couch he grabbed my arms so tight and I tried to get him off of me well when
he was pulling me in to him I busted my jaw on the comer of the wall." 1\unt Elaine's response was to ask her,
"So where arc you going to live if your not staying with him." Tiffany responded: "I'm staying here tonight
because of ace and then I'm E,roing back homc." 1l

Ms. l110mpson also told the City . \ttomey's Office that there had been a time that ;\Jr. Elliott "yanked
me into the wall, busted the side of my jaw on both edges, my face was swollen, and a little bit bruised and then
I had thumbprints on my hand."'"'

Both Drs. Thanning and Giordano concurred that the injury ;\fs. Thompson told the investiE,<ltors and
the City \ttomcy's Office that she suffered is consist(.'flt with her face having hit a wall with some dcbrree of
force but that such a bruise is also consistent with other mechanisms of injury such as an incidental contact
\vith a hard object.

November 15or16. 2015 Alleged Tub Incident

'l11e second allcE,>ed incident of physical violence that occurred between ;\lr. Elliotc and ;\Is. n10mpson
occurred during the week of November 21, 2015. ;\Is. Thompson told the l...eabrue's investiE,rators that she and
her friend Riley were talking in the bathroom of the Canvasback apartment when Mr. Elliott came in and she
and he began arbruing. She said he "goes to E,rrab me and pushes me enough to where I fall back in the bathtub
and hit my hc.1d on the bar soap thing." She said that this occurred in November 2015 and that the next day
she went to the hospital, not for treatment for having hit her head, but because she had a fever and was throwing
up. She rold the invcstiJ,rators that she was told at the hospital that she had a concussion and gave investigators
her discharge paperwork dated November 16, 2015 that included a "concussion prowcol" form. 15 Ms.
Thompson told the investigators that this same week, .M r. Elliott got hospitalized for a few days and that this
was the week before the ;\fichiE,ran State game. n1e Lcabruc's investibrators established that the 2015 Ohio State-
;\lichibr:tn State football E,r:tme was November 21, 2015. Investigators also found media reports that ;\fr. Elliott
was indeed hospitalized for a few days the week before that game.

13 See Exhibit 20, Texts messages sent on 11/14/15 starting at 2:43:50 p.m.
See Exhibit 21, Columbus City Attorney's Office Intake report.
15 See Exhibit 22, Ohio Health Systems Discharge form & Concussion Protocol dated 11/16/15.

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iXts. Thompson's mother tole.I the League's investibltors that her <laughter rol<l her about having
sustained a concussion and that her daughter had this concussion at the same time that l\lr. Elliott was in the
hospital for a football injury and that her daughter first told her about it the week before ~tr. Elliott was
admitted to the hospital. She said that her daughter first said that she had fallen in the tub and hit her head on
the soap <lish. ;\lrs. Thompson tol<l the invesrit,,rators that she kept pressing her <laughter, but her <laughter
stuck 10 this story. ;\'frs. Thompson said months later, "she finall)' told the truth. She said he pushed her in the
tub, and she fell and hit her head on the soap dish."

l\ls. Thompson's father told the Leabrue's investigators that he recalled his daughter ha\ing a
concussion because ;\Ir. Elliott pushed her into a tub, but l\lr. Thompson recalled this as happening in April of
20t6, not in November of 2015 when the hospital discharge records e\idence it. J le said his daughter's first
version to him was that she and l\lr. Elliott had gotten into an ar1:,JUmcnt and she tripped and fell down the
stairs. On a later date, l' n,ompson said his daughter told him, "I couldn't control Ezekiel and he pushed
me into a tub."

\Vhen l\fs. Glenn was re-interviewed on 1\pril 7, 2016, she told the League's investi1:,rators that l\ls.
Thompson had explained her concussion to her aunt by saying that she and l\lr. Elliott were always out, doing
drugs together and she had been partying am.I she had broken her heel and had fallen down some steps. l\(s.

Glenn could not recall when Ms. Thompson had told this to her. ,\ text messab>c exchanged berween i\fs.
Glenn and a friend ,-\mber King on November 23, 2015 discussing !'\Is. Thompson's concussion was recovered
from J\ls. Glenn's cell phone. During the text con\'crsation, Ms. Glenn told l\1s. King that both l\ls. n,ompson
and l\lr. Elliott had been in the hospital that week. Jn response to ,Xis. King's 'JUestion about why J\ls.
Thompson had been in the hospital, Ms. Glenn stated, "She has been partying so much that she passed out
and hit her head. Got a concussion." 16 l'\ls. Glenn silid tllat l\ls. 'l110mpson never told her that l\lr. Elliott was
responsible for her concussion.

No otller \vitnesses interviewed provided any infonnation about this tub incident and no texts were
recovered th.'lt rcfcrenct.-d it. lbis is not surprising as Ms. lbompson told t11c Lcab'Ue's investigators that she
did not tell anyone about this incident when it occurred. In addition, no witness told the investil,,r:ttors that any
photogmphs related to this incident were taken and no photographs were recovered that appear to be connected
to it.
Dr. Giordano said that it would be standard practice in an Emerb>cncy Department to ask a patient
who was vomiting and reported a headache whether she had any recent head trauma. Dr. Giordano further
stated that the hospital in Columbus might have diabttmsed Ms. Thompson with a concussion based on the
symptoms that she described in the setting of a head trauma history. Both Dr. Thanning and Dr. Giordano

See Exhibit 98.

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told the Lcabrue's investibrators that suffering a concussion is a possible result nf striking one's head against a
hard object like a soap dish. Dr. Thanning said that it is certainly possible that l\ls. Thompson could have
sustained a concussion from the event she described and not have realized it on her own; that the hospital may
ha\'e dia1:,111oscd it based on symptoms such as headache and nausea brc>ing back to the time she struck her hea<l
on the soap dish. She said that hitting one's head har<l enough to cause a concussion would not necessarily
cause unconsciousness or a laceration. Dr. Giordano concurred in this statement.

Fehruacy 11 -12. 2016 Aventura Florida Alleged Incidents

In January 2016, l\fr. Elliott went down to 1\ventura, Florida to work out for the NFL Combine. The
second week of February 2016, l\ls. 'J110mpson went to . \ ventura to visit him. This trip was paid for by r-.Ir.
Elliott. Titey stayed to1:,rcd1er at an apartment located at 3300 NE 191" Street in .. \ ventura.

On February 12, 2016, Ms.1bompson called 911 stating to the operator, "l bl'>l hit by my boyfriend."
17 Ms. Thompson c.-.plained to the Lcabruc's invcsti1:,>:ttors the background to her call as follows: She said that
the aq,'Ument that led to her being assauhed by Mr. Elliott had started the night before; that she had 1:,l'()tlen
upset while they were out at a club with i\lr. Elliott's agent Drew because l\lr. Elliott and Drew were whispering
to each other, she believed, about other women Mr. Elliott had been with. She said she took a cab back to the
.1\ventura apartment by herself and was packing up her thin1:,'5 to leave when l\lr. Elliott got back to the
apartment and she and l\lr. Elliott bebran arb'Uing. She said that he kept pushing her into the mirrored doors of
the closet in the spare bedroom; that he then pushed her up abrainst a wall and said, "I'm done with you. I'm
going to bed." She said he went to bed and she continued packing so she would be ready to leave the next day.
She said she woke up the next day around noon; that l\fr. Elliott was still sleeping. She said she then went to
the mall. She said during the day, she had been tcxting with Joey Bosa, one of l\lr. Elliott's Ohio State
teammates. She said when she got back to the J\ ventura apartment, l\Ir. Elliott confmntcd her about her tcxting
with Mr. Bosa, as he had heard about it from l\lr. Bosa. l\ls. Thompson said that l\lr. Elliott threw her shoes
off the balcony and her other stuff outside the front door and that when she tried to J,IO back into the apartment
to retrieve some additional bclonbrings, he shoved her with his open hand in her chest into a wall and elbowed
her. She said she then called 911.

\'Vhnt l\fs. 111ompson told the League's investib>:ttors about why she called 911 on February 12, 2016
is the same thing she told the 911 operator when she maue the call. When l\fs. Thompson called 911, she told
the 911 operator, "I got hit by my boyfriend." The 911 operator asked her where he had hit her and i\ls.
Thompson responded, "l\Iy left chest." The 911 operator asked her if he had done this with his hands and i\ls.
Thompson replied, "Yes. And he actually pushed himself into me (UJ)1K, a1:,oninst the wall." 'llte 911 operator

See Exhibit 23, Aventura Police Department 911 call 2/12/16 transcript.
There are a few unintelligible words at this point of the recording.

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asked her if she wanted paramedics to come check her out and l\ls. 'll10mpson said, "Ycah, I think I do." 'Jl1e
911 operator then asked her if he had punched her in the chest or used an open hand and .Ms. n10mpson
respondcc.I, "Open." The 911 operator asked her what they had been arguing about and l\ls. Thompson tole.I
her, "Because I tcxtcd one of his old teammates." \'\!hen asked by the 911 operator had he ever hit her in the
past, Ms. "l110mpson said, "1 le's pushed and shme<l me." n1e 911 operator then asked when was the last time,
and l\Is. Thompson responded, "It was a couple of months ago." l'J

The police reports reflect that Ms. Thompson told the arriving police officers that she and Mr. Elliott
had had a verbal arb'tlmcnt that had turned physical over "a social media incident."W l\fs. 'Thompson told the
League's investigators that she was referring to her Facebook textingwithjoey Bosa. me police reports reflect
that she went on to tell the officers that l\fr. Elliott had pushed her up ai,,rainst a wall and that the force of the
push had left her with left shoulder pain. 'l11e reports say that the police summoned medical personnel; that
they observed no visible injury; that she did not want to j,,1C> to the hospital and that they left her with an icepack
for her shoulder. The report states that Mr. Elliott also told them that the argument began O\'er "a social media
incident" and that l\Is. Thompson became upset when he wanted her to leave, that he tried to b1() into his room
and she grabbed him about the waist and that he pushL><l her off of him.21

The police wrote in their report that they did not make an arrest because of the conflicting stories and
because they observed no injury on Ms. Thompson. l\ls. 'll1ompson told the U..>ague's investibrators thar she
had no visible injury, but that she felt chest and shoulder pain as a result of this incident.ll

Both Dr. Thanning and Dr. Giordano wld the League's invesrigntors that one might feel chest and
shoulder pain from being elbowed or pushed in those areas of the body or from the body striking a blunt
object, such as the closet doors or the waJI, and that such pain or tenderness might not necessarily leave a visible
injury or one that would be visible to the police who arrived 10 minutes later. Both doctors concurred that
such pain or tenderness could result from other modes of blunt force trauma as well. Dr. Thanning also stated
that given their relative heights, for l\Ir. Elliott to have struck Ms. 11mmpson in the chest \vith his elbow, he
would either have had to stoop down or have his ann lower than 90 degrees at the time of impact. Dr. Giordano
concurred \vith this assessment.

When l\fr. Elliott was interviewed by the Le.1i,,rue's investigators, he was not asked specifically about
this incident. I lowever, he was asked if l\ls. n10mpson had ever called the police on him before July 22, 2016
and he replied, no; that she had said she had, but not that he knew of for sure. Obviously, this statement is

19 See Exhibit 23.

See Exhibit 24, Aventura Police Department report 2/12/16.
See Exhibit 24.
See Exhibit 24.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 21 of 90 PageID #: 438

untrue briven the police records of :-.Is. "l110mpson's 911 call and the police response on February 12, 2016
which included the police t1uestioning ~fr. Elliott.

Further evidence rc1:.rarding the incident on Fcbru:uy 12, 2016 is provided by i\fs. Thompson's parents
and aunt. i\ls. 'lbompson called both her parenti; and her . \unt Elaine during the incident on February 12,
2016. I ler mother told investigators that her daughter told her that she had called the police because ::-.Ir. Elliott
had "put his hands on her." i\lrs. T hompson said that she could hear i\lr. Elliott in the backbrround yelling but
she could not tell what he was saying. She said that her daughter was crying and was very upset and that her
daughter said to her that .M r. Elliott had brrabbcd her am.I was throwing her stuff off the balcony. ~[rs.

Thompson said that her daughter had to !,'Cl off the phone because the police had arri\cd. i\lr. 'I110mpson told
investibrato rs that he spoke to his daughter after the police left and that she told him that i\lr. Elliott had choked
her and thrown her clothes off the balcony. i\Ir. Thompson is the only person who has stated that Afs.
T hompson reported being choked during this incident.

Ms. 'll1ompson's "\unt Elaine (Glenn) told investibrators that i\fs. Thompson called her during the
incident and said that i\fr. Elliott had hit her. i\fs. Glenn said that she could hear i\fs. 'lbompson and Mr. Elliott
aq,ruing. She said she heard :\ls. Thompson say, "I need my wallet" and i\lr. Elliott telling her to leave. She said
Ms. Tho mpson told her that i\lr. Elliott was throwing her things out the door. She said i\ls. 'l110mpwn later

told her that i\fr. Elliott had pushed her.

l11ere arc numerous text messabrcs between 1\(s. 1110mpso n and her Aunt Elaine on both February 12
and February 13, 2016. The texts on the 121 arc about finding i\fs. 'Ibompson a hotel to stay in that
night. The texts on the 13'" discussed among other things that Aunt Elaine had been in touch with Mr. Elliott
and 1\unt Elaine said to Ms. 'Ibompson that l\fr. Elliott was worried about her. i\Js. Thompson respomle<l to
her aunt, "If he was then he would've never shoved me never scn.-amed never threw all my stuff out. I le just
messed with my head even more." In another text exchange with 1\unt Elaine o n February 12, l\fs. Thompson
stated that her "pressing charges made me lose him.".?.3
Also recovered from . \unt Elaine's phone was a scre<..'flshot i\fs. 'l110mpson sent her .:\unt Elaine on
February 17, 2016, of a text message she, Ms. 'Ibompson, had sent to i\lr. Elliott, that stated:

... I saw your emotions when I was down in Florida spending time with you how they
changed when my mood changed. I was so numb and my head was all over the place all I
was thinking about was my childhood when I was talking to the police <.JUestioning why
my mom never did what I was doing because she actually had bruises on her and blood all
over her face and cuts . .. "~~

See Exhibit 25, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Elaine Glenn 2/12/162/13/16.
24See Exhibit 26, Screenshot of text sent by Tiffany Thompson to Ezekiel Elliott and subsequently sent to Elaine
Glenn on 2/17/16.

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i\Is. Glenn explained to the League's investib>ators that .i\Is. 1110mpson's father used to abuse .i\Is. 1110mpson's
morher an<.I that she felt this is one of the reasons ;\Js. 'l11ompson stayed with .i\[r. Elliott, because she ha<.I seen
this in her house brtowing up.

Finally, a text messabrc exchange recovered from Ms. 'l1lClmpson's cell phone e\'1<.lences her talking
about this incident to her friend B Shook. On July 22, 20Hi, ;\ls. Thompson recei\ed a text from her friend 13
Shook asking her if she was okay am.I "did that happen last night?" This was just hours after she had called
911. She responded, "No. It's been happening since Saturday night" and "It's been happening since February.
I called the police in .i\liami when he touched me but they took his side because J had no brui.~es just was red."25

After this incident in. \venturn, ;\fs. Thompson and her Aunt Elaine said that Ms. Thompson and i\lr.
Elliott did not speak for the next few weeks, however, .i\lr. Elliott frequently textcd with Ms. nmmpson's . \unt
Elaine Glenn. This is borne out by the text messages recovered. :?< In the text messabrcs between l\Ir. Elliott
and :\unt Elaine Glenn, both of them expressed that they wanted to help Tiffany and that her living with her
parents was a bad situation. i\ls. Glenn stated to the investib>ators tl1at her text to ;\fr. Elliott stating that Ms.
Thompson, "needs hclp,''27 referred to i\Is. Thompson needing help getting away from her parents. :\II parties
agree that i\lr. Elliott ended up financing an apartment in Dublin, Ohio and a car for Ms. 11mmpson so she
could live on her own. From the 29h of February through the end of July 2106, i\Ir. Elliott had money

transferred through a QuickPay account18 to 'tiffany to pay for both of these things.

l\ls. Thompson and l\Ir. Elliott started direct.Ir communicating again in early March. In one such
communication, after she had indicated disbelief in what he said he was doing, he said
and reallr think about if you want to be with me ... " 29
lO her "I want you to sit

On March 10, 2016, i\ls. Thompson found out she was prebrnant and she tc.xtcd her Aunt Elaine a
photo of the positive prc&rnancy test and discussed telling l\lr. Elliott. 30 She foun<l out that she
was Call)ing twins. During the next month, there was much communication, as evidenced by text messages,
about whether she shou.ld have these babies or not. l\lr. Elliott expressed that he did not want her to; she, at
first, expressed wanting to have them. I le wanted her to have an abortion; her aunt was adamant that she shou.ld
not do so, that it was a sin. l\Is. 'lnompson ended up miscarrying one of the twins in late l\[arch/ <.:arly . \pril.
In mid-April, she went to Chicago with her friend Shelia and i\lr. Elliott's friend \lvarcz and she got rhe
medication to abort the second twin.

See Exhibit 79, Text message exchange B Shook and Tiffany Thompson 7/22/16.
See Exhibit 27, Text messages exchanged between Elaine Glenn and Ezekiel Elliott 2/12/16-4/13/16.
See Exhibit 27.
See Exhibit 28, QuikPay records.
See Exhibit 29, Text message from Ezekiel Elliott to Tiffany Thompson dated 3/9/16.
See Exhibit 30, Text message from Tiffany Thompson to Elaine Glenn dated 3/10/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 23 of 90 PageID #: 440

April 24. 2016 Alleged Phone Incident

On i\pril 24, 2016, there was another alleged incident of physical \~olence between i\ls. Thompson
and Mr. Elliott. i\'fs. Thompson told invcstii,,rators that i\(r. Elliott had come into town (Columbus) and had
flown a girl in to be with him; that they were all at a club that night and there came a time when l\lr. Elliott
started yanking l\ls. Thompson by her arm away from some men she was hanging out with. She said that he
did this multiple times and that the bottle girl saw this and came up to her and asked her if she was okay. i\ls.
Thompson said that she and her friend Shelia then went to i\fr. Elliott's apartment in an Uber and then Shelia
went home and l\fs. 'lltompson went inside. l\ls. Thompson said while inside, Mr. Elliott was on Facecime
with Braxton i\Iiller at which point Shelia called her on the phone. She said that Mr. Elliott demanded to know
who was calling her at 3 a.m. She said she told him it was Shelia and that i\lr. Elliott ended up talking to Shelia
on the phone. i\Is. 'lltompson said that i\fr. Elliott then demanded that Ms. 1110mpson unlock her phone. She
said she refused and he grabbed her hair and yanked her head back hurting her neck, so she unlocked her phone
and he started going through it and saw that other guys had been texcing her. She said he then slammed the
phone on the counter smashing it, put it um.lcr hot water in the sink, threw it across the room and then retrieved
it and tried to break it in half. i\Is. Thompson gave the Lcabrue's investigators the phone she said he did this to
and it appears both smashed and twisted. J\ photob>Taflh of this phone is attached as Exhibit 32.31

1\fter i\lr. Elliott smashed her phone, Ms. 1110mpson told investigators that she wanted to leave ;\Ir.
Elliott's apartment but he said she could not. She said that ~fr. Elliott pushed her into the sofa and the coffee
table when she tried to leave. She said she ended up stt}ing the night. l\Is. Thompson said she had \1siblc
injuries after this and that she took pictures of them the next day in her Dublin apartment. 1l1csc phorographs
were recovereu during the forensic analysis of her phone and the mcradata confirms that they were taken on
\pril 24, 2016 between 9:25 and 9:27 p.m. in the area of her Dublin apartment.-11 'l11ese photob>raphs show
bruises on her left wrist, left arm, right arm and her leg.

Both Drs. Thanning and Giordano had an opportunity 10 view digital copies of the photographs taken
by Ms. 1110mpson on April 24, 2016. Exhibit 2.i\, the photo taken first, at 9:25:33 p.m., Dr. 111anning said
showed six visible bruises on the left forearm. She said the one closest to the wrist appeared to her to be
"resolving" somewhat and had a yellow-green hue and therefore may be older tlmn the other five, she would
estimate several days to a week old. She said the other five appeared to be "recent bruises." She said it was
reasonable to infer that these bruises occurred in the 1..':lrly morning hours of the same day. Dr. Thanning
explained that bruises, also called contusions, generally start out reu, over time they tum purplish-red aml their
edboes begin to diffuse and eventually the bruise fades away entirely. J\s they age, they bebrin to appear ycllO\vish-

See Exhibit 32, Photograph of Tiffany Thompson's damaged cell phone.
32 See Exhibits 2A-2D.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 24 of 90 PageID #: 441

green and brown in color. She said that everyone bruises differently, some more easily than others, and their
race of healing also differ, but the general progression of healing, as she <lescribed, is the same. Dr. Giordano
concurred in this opinion anJ further a(.klcd that the following foccors affected how people both bruise and
heal from bruises, age and sex of the person, their skin color, the amount of force used, the depth of the
prcs:;ure applied, the size of the injury, me<lications being taken, and the blood circulation at the site of the
injury. She said that it is very hard to date a bruise with total specificity and that the only way to lotally accurately
do so is to examine the bruised tissue un<lcr a microscope as a patholob>ist docs in connection with an autopsy.
Dr. "llrnnning also stated that some people have bruising conditions such as coagulopathy, a blood coagulation
condition, that affects how they bruise. ,\nd she finally added that excessive alcohol consumption such as one
secs in alcoholics can lead to liver disease which c:m cause a coagulation problem.

With respect to the five bruises she identified in Exhibit 2.A that she believed to be "recent" injuries,
Dr. Thanning said she based this conclusion on their pink to light blue color and the fact the)' did not appear
to have diffused. She said that these five bruises together appenred to be "typical marks." She said that
the larbrcr one in the center of the forearm was consistent with a large thumb having !,'Tabbed the arm in that
location and that the other four smaller bruises, one immediately to the right of this apparent thumb mark, and
the other three directly below, were consistent with fingers having b'Tabbed that area of the ann. Dr. Giordano

stated that she observed five bruises in this photob'T:IPh, two larger bruises on the underside of the forearm and
three smaller ones below those on the outer aspect of the forearm. She stated that the one closer to the elbow
appeared more diffused and fainter in color as the others and therefore it might be older in age. The others
she said a11 appeared "recent" to her. She abrr<..-cd with Dr. Thanning that these bruises were consistent with
l,'T:lb marks.

In Exhibit 2B, Dr. nmnning said that she observed four small bruises on the lower inside aspect of
the left leg and that these bruises also appeared to be "grab marks." She said their appearance was consistent
with a thumb and three peripheral finger marks. She said that one of those bruises, the one that appcnred lowest
on the ankle, is larger than the others and would be consistent with a large thumb. She said that the bruises in
2B appeared to her older than the ones in 2A, perhaps 4.7 da)'S old. Dr. Giordano also obsef\ed four bruises
in this photobrraph that she said they appeared in somewhat of a circular pattern. She said that the one on the
far left had an associated lim.':lr component that might have been a healing abrasion. She said that parts of this
bruise were green-yellow indicating that it was not a recent bruise. She said that Dr. Thanning's conclusion
that these bruises appear to be a grab mark makes sense and if correct, then the linear wound on the far left
that she, Dr. Giordano, had identified as a possible healing abrasion could have been a fingernail scratch.

Exhibit 2C Dr. Thanning said showed one larbrcr, approximately 3" bruise an.':l on the underside of the
right ann, which when blown up, appears to actuallr be three bruises, one a little larger than the other two. She

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 25 of 90 PageID #: 442

said that this bruise appeared to have been the result of multiple blunt force traumas to that area which could
have occurre<l simultaneously or in separate acts. She based this on what she observe<l to be its "three-pronged
appearance." She said it <lid not appear consistent to her with an injury that had been inflicted 17-18 hours
earlier, in other words at approximately 3:00 a.m. that morning, the time of the alleged "key incident" but rather
appeared to be a few <lays old. Dr. Thanning said that she based this opinion on the fact that the bruise in the
photograph appeared to have an "irregular outline" and stated that that occurs when a bruise is bebrinning to
hc.'ll. She said that this could be a brrab mark, with the larger of the three bruises being a thumb. Dr. Giordano
abrree<l with Dr. Thanning's conclusion that this was an older bruise as she too observed that it app<..':lre<l to be
"diffusing" around the edges. She also said that because of its location on the ulnar side (pinky finger side) of
the forearm, it was consistent with a defensive injury, as when someone wards off a blow by raising the arm.
This injury could be consistent with a b'fab mark as well, !,riven pattern described above.

Finally, with respect to 2D, Dr. n1anning said that this photO!,'T:lph showed two bruises on the outer
aspect of the lower left leg. Dr. Thanning felt that these bruises were a little older than some of the others seen
in this series of photos. She said the bruises in 2D already appeared to be Jisappearing, "resolving," that they
were not contibl\IOUS and were starting to "orbranizc" and heal. She stated that this, as well as their purple color,
arc consistent with a bruise of 4-6 days in age, not one that occurred that morning. Dr. 'l11anning also saiJ that
this might have been a "grab mark" but she could not tell for sure due to its appearance at this stage of h1...':lling.
Dr. Giordano also observeJ two bruises in this photobrraph but said that she was unable to renJer an opinion
about the age. Further, she observed that these bruises were linear in appearance and would be consistent with
that part of the leg coming into contact with a linear object such as a coffec table or low be<l however she said
that she would need to know what those items of furniture in Mr. Elliott's apartment looked like to be able to
conclude that the location of the injuries she saw in the photobrraph were consistent with ;\Is. Thompson having
been pushed into the be<l or the coffee table by l\fr. Elliott, as ;o.Js. 'l110mpson had tol<l the invcstib>ators she
had been.

,\<lditional evidence reS:,rarding this inci<lcnt consists of the following: Ms. Thompson said that Mr.
Elliott replaced her <lestroyed phone and b>ave investib>ators the receipt evidencing that. 111c receipt is from
Best Buy in Dublin, Ohio and is for an iPhone 6S Plus chargeJ to the Visa car<l of Ezekiel Elliott. It is <lated
, \pril 24, 2016 at 17:59 p.m.3J . \n irnaant message exchanb>'C was also recovered from Elaine Gknn's phone
that was sent to :\Is. Glenn by Ms. 'l110mpson's friend ~kKaila Blades on July 19, 2016 referencing how i\lr.
Elliott replaces i\ls. Thompson's cell phones after he has <lestroye<l them after having found something he uid
not like on them. The context for this exchange was i\ls. Glenn telling :'\Is. Blades that she was worried about
her niece; that her niece ha<l sent ~Is. Glenn photobrrnphs of injuries she said i\lr. Elliott had inflicted on her.

See Exhibit 33, Best Buy receipt dated 4/24/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 26 of 90 PageID #: 443

;\Is. Blades stated, "I le had 10 have found something out that she did, he always gets her a new phone when he
smashes it or something." \

;\Is. Thompson told the League's investigators that a few days after this cell phone incident, she
attended the NFL Draft in Chicago with ;\Ir. Elliott and his family and she S:,':IVe investiE,.':ltors pictures of them
there togethcr..15 'l11e first dar of the 2016 dmft was \pril 24, 2016, four Jays after the \pril 24 incident related
above. ;\fr. Elliott was drafted in the first round by the Dallas Cowboys and on May 1, flew to Dallas. ~Is.

Thompson went to visit him in Dallas for two weeks in :\fay. \'(lhile there one night, Ms. Thompson said, ther
had a "threesome" and thereafter a verbal arb'1lmcnt because i\Is. Thompson wanted the other woman to leave
the hotel room. She said i\lr. Elliott grabbed her by the shouklers and pulled her close and tnld her she needed
to "chill out." She said she went to take a shower and the girl left.

Ms. Thompson told the imestib':ltors that she and Mr. Elliott were still a couple after this trip. She
said that m er the next few weeks, they were "off and on." lbcir text messages back and forth from ;\lay 2 -
June 20 reflect a pattern of break ups and getting back together, jealousy of who the other one is out \vi th and
sleeping with. 'll1ey were both checking each other's social media accounts and phone locators. During that
period of time, he twice asked ;\ls. 'llmmpson to meet him in St. Louis where he was going to sec his family;
both times she did so. 'l11cir text messages reflect that they had an arbl'\lment while she was on the second of
these two trips. She returned to Columbus on June 19. On June 20, he talked about ending things and for the
next few weeks, they tcxted but he continued to say in the text messages that they were not together. During
this time period, they took turns blocking each other's phone numbers and expressing jealousy over who they
saw the other with on social media.ll>

July 2016-Weeks Leading up to the Alleged July 16~22 Incidents

;\ls. 'lllompsoo's brrandmother died in early July and the text messages between l\lr. Elliott and Ms.
Thompson reflect that she asked Mr. Elliott to come back to give her emotional support.-'7 I fc abrrecd to do
so. On July 10, he texted her that he would be there "for" her but that is different than being "with" her. I le
said he couldn't be with her anymore but they would spend time lobrcther when he came and they would have

See Exhibit 34, Text message exchange between McKaila Blades and Elaine Glenn, 7/19/16.
35 See Exhibit llA & B.
See Exhibit 35, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott 6/20/16.
All text messages starting July 1, 2016 between them that are referred to in this report were recovered from Ms.
Thompson's cell phone. Repeated requests were made to Mr. Elliott's lawyers for the text messages between the
two for the period of July 1 continuing through mid-December 2016. While some text messages from September
were provided, no texts between them from July 1- July 31, 2016 were ever provided. In May 19, 2017, the
NFLPA provided redacted copies of cell phone billing records from Mr. Elliott's two cell phones. These records did
not include the substance of any text messages, nor the call logs that had been requested by the League.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 27 of 90 PageID #: 444

"a good timc."34! On July 11, she tcxced him that she coukl get him from the airport when he arrived depending
on what time he got in, but she could not sec him Friday or Saturday. She said other than taking him home 10
get his keys from her, he should "I lave a good day." I le respo nded in a series of texts that seem to show he
had had a change of heart and now wanted to try and get back together: I le stated:

\Vhy can't you sec me?

Can you please stop bottle serving?

Like this whole shit made me rc:ilize I can't be done with u. Like u are the only person I
really feel comfortable talking to about anything. Like how do I push us out of my life
when u ar the first one I come to when I have a problem, I'm sorry things were just really
really hard but that shouldn't have been a reason to i,,rive up

I lonestly I'm sorry it took something like this to show that but I realize now and that's all
that matters honestly

I'm sorry for all I've put u through\'J

;\ls. Thompson responded to this series of texts the next <lay, July 12, saring:

1can sec )'OU. But I just want you to know this time rou'vc completely broken me. I'm lost
for words honestly. Everything that you have said to me in our past arguments has
destroyed me. Rather we want to admit it or not we have lost standards from t.'llch other.
I mean tliat by everything that we have put each other through we have no secure
foundation to our relationship anymore. I love you more d1an the world Ezekiel but 1 can't
<lo the b>amcs anymore, the fighting, lying c1c. I'm just numb to it now. We can't keep j,,>t>ing
back and forth saying we're done and not done. I need respect and trust from you. You
don't know how much you mean to me and how much I care and I just want 1hc same in

& for bottle serving, I have to <lo it until I make enough to pay off all my bills that I have4 n

l\.(r. Elliott responded to her, ''but if you wanna be done just let me know," 10 which she replied:

1 don't wanna be done but it's really going 10 take me sometime to regroup. 1 can only do
that by how thinb>S go with us from here on out. I just want you happy and myself happy.
1\ctions speak louder 1han words so just a simple I'm sorry isn't going to fo: what you just
put me through.

I le replied:

Alright well I'm coming back to Columbus Friday I think. J know J told u I would for sure
but rocky literally just told me I may have a photo shoot in the morning for 40k so I kinda
brc1tta do that. 1 told him to make it as early as possible

See Exhibit 36, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott 7/10/16.
See Exhibit 37, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott 7/11/16-7/12/16 .For
their entire conversation those two days, see Exhibit 101.
See Exhibit 37.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 28 of 90 PageID #: 445

But imma star in Columbus for a while actually. I'm not going to \'egas anymore so idk I'll
Be aroumP 1
On July 15, the day before l\[r. Elliott came back to Columbus, they again spoke about trying to work
out their relationship, and abrain ~Ir. Elliott seemed to be the one pushing 10 btCl back tobrcther. I le talked about
how he would not be able 10 sec her again until camp \\ms over and said, "I'm coming back," "And l'm seeing
you," "I miss you please," to which she replie<l, "yeah not a goo<l i<lea." I Jc respon<led, "why not," "so you
don't wanna work on thinbrs?" She responded that "working on things is old." 'Ilicir texts continued on in this
vein and left off that he would sec her Friday. 4 ~ As it turned out, he did not fir into Columbus until Saturday,
July 16..\pparcntly, he missed the first flight he had told her he was going to be on th:1t day as text messages
recovered from l\ls. Thompson's phone show him apologizing for having missed the flight. I le told her to
"calm the fuck down" and said, "Let me know if u want get me or not" and "Love u I really am looking forward
to seeing u." 4l

On ;\fay 19, 2017, the NFLP.\ provide<l the Leab>UC with l'\fr. Elliott's AT&T phone bill for the period
ofJuly 16 - .\ubrust 15, 2016. 44 'l11esc billing records reflect infonnation for two different phone numbers l\fr.
Elliott was using, 214 886-7271 and 614-44-2003. These records rebrarding both phone numbers have large
areas redacted which the NFLP1\ stated in their cover email involved communications 10 and from people
other than Tiffany 'l110mpson. In teons of records of text messabrcs between them, the only entries for that
week that were not redacted were on July 21 between 10:07 an<l 10:08 p.m. 111ese were four incoming text-;
from Tiffany Thompson, two at 10:07 p.m. and two at 10:08 p.m. 1be records showed the dates and times of
these texts, but not the substance of them . .\s the evidence recovered from her phone shows, there were many
more texts between them that week. Therefore, it is obvious the phone records pro\'ided by the NFLP.\ do
not reflect all tl1eir text communication during that week. 'I11is mar have to do with how ~ \T&T docs its billing
for texts as even the blacked out redacted areas do not look large enough to have contained entries for every
text message Elliott sent or received those <lays. The phone records provide<l by the NFLP. \ show four calls
between 'Ibompson and Elliott on Saturday, July 16. She called him at 4:12 and 8:31 a.m. and he calleJ her at
11 :23 and 11 :51 a.m. According 10 these redacted phone records, there were no calls between thLm abtain until
Mon<lay,July 18 at 4:03 p.m. when she calle<l him.

See Exhibit 37.
See Exhibit 38, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott 7/15/16-7/16/16.
See Exhibit 38.
They subsequently provided a further redacted copy on May 24, 2017 explaining that they had inadvertently left
two unrelated phone calls in the records earlier provided. See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 29 of 90 PageID #: 446

Sunday. July 17 Approximately 5 a.m. Alleged Facetjming Incident

July 16, at 2:00 p.m., both sides agree that l\fs. Tlmmpson picked ;\fr. Elliott and his friend J\karez
.Jackson up at the airport in Columbus and went back to the apartment on Canvasback Lane and that later that
night, the three of them went out to a place in Columbus called Park Street. "l11ereaftcr, they went back to the
Canvasback apartment at about 2:30 a.m. and Mr. Jackson left about 3:30 a.m . to visit a frienJ. \Xthat happened
thereafter is in dispute. Both l\ls. Thompson and .Mr. Elliott ab'Tee that late that night (really, in the very early
morning hours), a woman from Dallas started Facetiming Mr. Elliott.~S l\ls. Thompson told investigato rs that
this occurred at 4 or 5 a.m. as she and .Mr. Elliott were lying in bed together. She sai<l she asked l\lr. Elliott
why this woman was calling him at that hour and that he responded, "Why docs it matter? I'm laying here in
bed with you." Ms. "l110mpson said that i\lr. Elliott then wanted to have sex with her and she said, no, and
that he then tried to have anal sex with her and she said, no. She said that Mr. Elliott then got mac.I and went
to sleep on the couch and she said to him, "No. I want to lay in bed \vith you." She said he then got up and
dragged her out of the bed, telling her to bro sleep o n the couch. She said he "like yanks me out of the bed and
pushes me up abrainst the Joor by holding me with both of his hands. I le chokes me and says, "What did I tell
you?" She said he then went to hit her and she blocked it with her arm at which point Mr. Elliott went back
to bed. l\ls. Thompson said that Mr. Elliott was very, very drunk that night and that he fell right asleep. l\(s.

Thompson told investibrators that she was not drunk that night, ho wever, the tc.xt messages recovered from her
phone show her texting her friend l\kKa.ila Blades from the bar at 1:45 a.m. saying she was "Drunk as duck,"
"Duck," "Duck", "Fuck" and the next day, at 12:20 p.m., " I was fucked up" and " l was drinking so crazy and
took l\lolly."~ 6

\Xlhcn l\lr. Elliott was interviewed by the Leabrue's investibrators, he told them that he recalled a girl
calling him and Ms. Thompson saying something to him about it because it was late at night. l\Ir. Elliott said
they did not have an argument about this, explaining that Ms. 'lbompson knew that she was not the only girl
he was involved with. While their text messabrcs over the last few months make clear that i\ls. Thompson was
aware that l\[r. Elliott had sex with many other women, they also reflect that she was not okar with this and in
fact, that she was extremely jealous such that they arbrued about this constantly. l\fr. Elliott went on to tell the
investibrators that that he and l\ls. 'll10mpson had actually brought home another girl to have a threesome with

s Per the League's digital forensic expert David McCain, Facetime calls do not show up on people's billing records
and indeed there is no record of this call on Mr. Elliott's AT&T cell phone records provided by the NFLPA. Mr.
McCain says that records of such calls show in the call logs on people's Apple cell phones. At the time Ms.
Thompson's cell phone was imaged by Mr. McCain, it's call log did not go back this far. Despite repeated requests,
Mr. Elliott never provided the League with the call logs from his two cell phones.
See Exhibit 95.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 30 of 90 PageID #: 447

that night earlier but <lid not en<l up doing so.41

physical fight that night.
~Ir. Elliott denied that he an<l Ms. nlOmpson engage<l in :my

Other evi<lence rebrarding this incident comes in the Conn of a series of text messages that ~Is.

Thompson sent her . \unt Elaine a <lay later after she says ;\[r. Elliott assauhed her a1:,r.lin. \t that time,.Julr 18h
at 5:20 p.m., ;\Is. Thompson textc<l her .\unt Elaine one word, '\\bsuive". I !er ,\unt Elaine then asked her,
"Is he home?" ;\Is. Thompson answcrc<l, "Yes," "I have bruises all over me," "Some parts arc even swollen."
I fer aunt then responde<l, "Send me pictures!!! When did this happen?!" ;\Is. n10mpson replied, "Last night
and Saturday night." Iler aunt responded, "So he just hits you?! \Vhy?" to which ;\ls. Thompson replied,
"Saturday I asked why a girl facctimed him at Sam and last night because he got home before me and was
locked out." ;\Is. Glenn then responded, "That's just insane!!! You have to leave him alone riff." 48

In addition to these text messages with her aunt, Thompson sent her aunt Se\en photographs that
the meta data on reflects were taken that day, July 18, 2016 between 3:33 - 4:13 p.m . at the Canvasback Lane
apartment complex. 4'' (l\vo of these were the same picture.) These photobrraphs show bruises on ~Is.

Thompson's anns, neck and shoul<lcrs. 511

In her witness statement to the Columbus Police Department filled out on July 22, 2016, with rebr.lrd

co this particular incident, ~Is. 111ompson stated, "Saturday night the abusing stancd. \Ve had went out and
once we got home I ()Uestioncd him. He picked me up by my neck and threw me around. My right forearm is
bruised from him hitting it due 10 me 1rying 10 cover my facc."51 The responding officer's typed report states
that ]\fs. Thompson told him that on Saturday night, she and Mr. Elliott brot into a fight about their unhealthy
relationship; that i\lr. Elliott cheats on her all the time and that when they had broken up for a bit, she slept
with another guy; that the arbrument turned physical and l\lr. Elliott attcmpteJ to hit her in the face :tnJ that
she raised her right arm to cover )ll.."t' face. 'l11c report said she has a bruise on her right arm.s~

In herJuly 22 recorded interview with the Columbus City Auomcy's Office with regard to this incident
]'vis. Thompson stated that a girl was calling ~(r. Elliott's phone repeated!}' around 3 -5:00 in the morning and
she asked him why a ~rl was calling his phone at that hour of 1hc morning. She said he tokl her not lo worry

41 Ms. Thompson acknowledged during her interview with the League's investigators that she and Mr. Elliott had

brought home another woman with them on the night of Saturday, July 16, 2016, for the purpose of engaging in a
threesome. She said she knew the woman from "the friend group" and that they didn't end up having the threesome
because this other woman didn't feel comfortable.
See Exhibit 39, Text message exchange between nffany Thompson and Elaine Glenn 7/18/16 beginning at 5:20
Both the League's digital forensic expert, David McCain, and the independently retained digital forensic expert
Joseph Church obtained this meta data from these photos.
See Exhibits # 3A-F

51 See Exhibit 40, Tiffany Thompson's written statement to the Columbus Police Department dated 7/22/16.
See Exhibit 12.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 31 of 90 PageID #: 448

about his phone, to worry about herself and that he then started cursing at her, calling her a bicch. She said he
got out of bed, c.1mc over lo her side and dragged her out of the bed and then threw her up against the door
of his bedroom. She s:1id he then pressed his right hand around her neck and started choking her for about
20-30 s<..-conds. She said he th1..'11 let go, clenched his fist and went to hit her in the foce. She said she brought
her right forearm up to cover her face and she had a bruise there. She said she started crying and he said he
was sorry, that he hadn't meant to put his hands on her. In response to specific lluestions, she wld the City
. \uomey's Office interviewer that ;\fr. Elliott had only tried to punch her in the face once and that he did so
with a closed fist. She was asked if the choking left a mark and she pointed out a bruise on her throat.53

~:;. 1bompson told the City .\ttomey's Office and the League's investigators that after the July 17
assault at 5 a.m., ;\Ir. Elliott went to bed and fell asleep and she th1..-n did the same.54

In his affidavit elated 1\ub'llSt 12, 2016, 1\Jvarez Jackson stated that he returned to the Canvasback Lane
apartment around 11 a.m. on July 17 and the three of them stayed at the apartment all day. I le said that i\fr.
Elliott and ~Is. 1110mpson both appeared to be in a good mood and that they were playing with ;\fr. Elliott's
dogs. I Jis affidavit docs not say whether he saw or did not sec any bruises on l\ls. nmmpson at this time but
it docs say with rcbr:trd to the nc.'\t dar, July 18, that he did not sec "any evidence of bruises, scrapes, cuts or

Further evidence regarding this July 17 nssault comes from text messages ;\Is. Thompson exchanged
\vith her friend Shelia Lee whom she calls "Lee Lee." On July 23, after ;\[s. Lee has been trying to btCt l\ls.
n10mpson to respond to numerous text messages she had sent her since learning about the D\' allet:,rations
made to the police on.July 22, Ms. Thompson finally responded at 1:33 in the afternoon and said, "I'm not
lying man. I le fucked me up man." She cold Ms. Lee, "Bruises from Saturday just went away" and asked her,
"If I was lying, why would I have bruises from different nights and some of them arc slowly going Swagg."
"Away". 56 During their text messages that day, :\ls. Lee had repcat1..-dly questioned ;\(s. 'D10mpson about the
truthfulness of her accusations abrainst i\lr. Elliott.57

See Exhibit 41, Transcript of Tiffany Thompson's interview with the Columbus City Attorney's Office Intake
Officer 7/22/16.
See Exhibit 41.
55 See Exhibit 42, Affidavit of Alvarez Jackson dated 8/12/16.
See Exhibit 43, relevant portion of their text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Shelia ("lee
lee") lee 7/23/16.
See Exhibit 96, all the text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Shelia lee between 7/20/16

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 32 of 90 PageID #: 449

Monday. July 18 Approximately 3 a.m. Alleged Incident Over Mr. Elliott Being Locked Out of His

i\b. Thompson 101<.I the Leabrue's investibrators that la1er on Sunday.July 17, she left the apartm<..-nt and
went to a restaurant called BBR where she met up with her former boss from when she was a bottle serve
waitress. She said 1hat Mr. Elliott was calling her repcateJly while she w;is there but she did not answer her
phone. She said she then went back to the Canvasback Lane apartment and when she arrived in the parking
lot, i\lr. Elliott was in the parking lot and he was yelling at her because she had the key to the apartment and he
had not been able to b'CI in. Alvarez Jackson stated in his affidavit that the time was about 3:00 a.m., so this was
now very early :;..1onday momingjuly 18.

;\Is. nlompson's statement that .i\Ir. Elliott called her repentedly while she was out thnt night coukl not
be independentJ)' verifie<l through the records recover<..'CI from her cell phone as, at the time her phone was
imaged, the call log in it o nly went bnck to July 22, 201658 I fowever, l\lr. Elliott's redacted phone records
provided by the J>1\ in .i\lay 2017 do seem to bear this out. They reflect twenty phone calls on his 614# between
him an<l .i\Js. "ll10mpson beginning at 2:43 a.m. and continuing until 3:19 a.m. The records indicate a whole
number next to the call that relates to tJ1e length of the call, but is not the exact lenb>th in minutes of the call.
Rather, it is a number that 1\T&T uses for its billing purposes. The number "1" reflects that the call connected,
but di<l no t last over t minute. The number "2" indicates that the call went on for at least 2 minutes but not
o ver 3, etc. The 2:43 a.m. call, from her to him, indicates a "1," thus indicating that the call at least connected
but did no t go on for over one minute. 'Inc records then show twelve c.11ls from him to her between 2:45 -
3:02 a.m. (all "1 "), an incoming call from her at 3:03 ("2"), and an outgoing one to her at 3:04 ("3"), incoming
from her at 3:07 ("1'), outgoing to her at 3:08 ("4'), incoming from her at 3:13 ("2"), another incoming from
her at 3:15 ("1 ') and one last outgoing him to her at 3:19 ("3'). The records arc then redacted until a 5:23 a.m.
incoming call from her to him ("1 '').59

;\ls. Thompson said that Mr.Jackson was standing right there and that Mr. Elliott opened 1he passenbrcr
side door of the car she was in and reached over and grabbed her by the arm and pushed her back :lbrainst the
scat and grabbed the keys out of her hand. She said they then all went into the apartment., thnt Mr. Elliott was
screaming and yelling and that Mr. Jackson was sitting right there on the sofa. ~ls. n10mpson was asked if this
argument in the apartment became physical and she said that it did not. ~fs. 'l1l0mpson said her ann was re<l
as a result of him having grabbed her arm in the car. She said she told her friend Shelia and her J\unt Elaine

lt should also be noted that the League's Forensic expert David McCain says that the call log on Ms. Thompson's
phone not going back before July 22 is not a function of the storage space on that phone but appears to be
because the call log prior to that date was deleted. Mr. Mccain says he could not determine forensically when the
log was so deleted.
See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 33 of 90 PageID #: 450

about this happening. Shelia Lee never responded to the League's efforts to interview her. ;\fs. Thompson's
statements to her aunt arc discussed below.

;\fr. Elliott did not make any statcm1..-nts about what happened between him and Ms. Thompson in the
early morning hours of ;\fonday July 18 to the League's investigators, other than to brcnerally deny that he had
assaulted ;-.-1s, Thompson at 11ny time during the week ofJuly 16-22, 2016. I fnwever, his friend , \lvarcz Jackson
<lid. In his affidavit date<l 1\ubrust 12, 2016, prepared by l\Ir. Elliott's counsel and submitte<l to the City
, \ ttorney's Office, i\lr. Jackson stated that he and ;\Ir. Elliott returned to the apartment at approximately 3 a.m.
the morning of the l 81h and that Ms. llmmpson arri\ed soon after. i\lr. Jackson's affidavit goes on to say, "~Is.
Thompson and i\lr. Elliott slept in the bedroom an<l I slept on the couch outside the be<lroom and did not
hear any type of fighting, yelling or abuse taking place that night."60 Given the wording of the affidavit, it is
unclear whether i\lr. Jackson meant he did not hear any fighting, yelling or abuse take place at the time they all
went to sleep in the areas he described or whether he means at :my time that night, from the time they were all
in the parking lot together through everyone falling asleep. Ms. Thompson, as related above, said that the yelling in the parking lot; ~Ir. Jackson's affidavit docs not a<ldrcss what happened when i\ls. Thompson arrived
in the parking lot. !\Is. '1 'hompson said the argument continued verbally as soon as they got into the apartment.
l\lr. Jackson's affidavit also did not a<ldress what happened when they first walked into the apartment; rather,

it skipped right to where everyone slept. 111e League's investibr.itors were unable to ask i\lr. Jackson any
questions to fill in his incomplete rendition of the night's (really, early morning hours') events because
Jackson declined the l,cabruc's many rec1uests to speak to him .

. \s sL,tcd above, Ms. Thompson said that she told her Aunt Elaine Glenn about what happened in the

early morning hours ofJuly 18. Her aunt told the J.eabrue's investibr.itors that when she woke up on the morning
ofJuly 18, she saw she had a 3:30 a.m. missed call from ~ls. 'fl10mpson. This call would have been 11 minutes
after the last of the 20 calls between i\lr. Elliott and i\fs. Thompson that took place between 2:43 - 3:19 that
morning. i\Is. Glenn said she did not have time to return this call until later that day at which point Ms.
'l11ompson told her that she could not talk because Mr. Elliott was around. i\ls. Glenn told investigators that
she told l\k Thompson to text her. Records recovered from the cell phones imaged show that this call took
place at 4:52 p.m. on July t 8."' 'l11ere is no record of the missed call at 3:30 a.m. on Ms. Glenn's cell phone. 62

Mr. Elliott's phone, as provided by the NFLP.\, show 7 calls between ~fr. Elliott anc.I ~ls.

Thompson around the time she was tcxting and sending her aunt photos. , \II 7 calls show as "I" on the billing

See Exhibit 42.
61 See Exhibit 44, Call log record from Elaine Glenn's iPhone 7/18/16.
Mr. McCain checked the call log on Ms. Glenn's phone and did not find any record of this missed call, however,
he did find a record of the completed 4:52 p.m. call. See Exhibit 44. And, as stated earlier, Ms. Thompson's call log
from her cell phone at the time it was imaged did not go back this far.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 34 of 90 PageID #: 451

records . . \t 4:03 nnd 4:06 p.m., ;\Is. Thompson called i\lr. Elliott. The next three calls were from i\lr. Ellio t!
to l\fs. Thompson. Two of these calls were at 4:56 nnd one w:is at 4:59 p.m.<' Text records recovered from
i\'ls. 'lltompson's phone :ilso show i\lr. Elliott textcd her at 4:54 to come get her dog that was outside as he was
getting into an Uber. ~ ~Ir. Elliott's phone reconls also reflect an incomin~ call from her at 5:02 p.m. chat lasted
"1" and finally a call from him to her at 5:25 p.m. chnt also lasted "I." <i

\s was related earlier in this report, at 5:20 p.m. on July 18, l\ls. Thompson texted her \unt Elaine
one word, " Absuive" . \unt Elaine then asket.I her, "Is he home?" l\ls. 'llmmpson answered, "Yes," "I have
bruises all over me," "Some parts arc even swollen." 1ler aunt then responded, "Send me pictures!!! \Xfhen did
this happen?!" l\ls. 'lltompson replied, "L1st night and Saturday night." l ler aunt responded, "So he just hits
yo u?! Why?" to which i\[s. 1110mpson replied, "Saturday I asked why a girl focctimed him at Sam and last night
because he got home before me and was locked out." i\fs. Glenn then responded, ,,.fltat's just ins:ine!I! You
have to leave him a lone tiff." <16

l\ls. ' lltompson then sent seven photobrraphs to her aunt, one of which was a duplic:tte, that the meta
data recovered from reflects were taken that clay, July 18, 2016 between , :33 - 4:13 p.m. at the Canvasback
apartment complex. :-.Ir. Ellio tt's phone records provided by the NFLP. \reflect that he brot two incoming calls
from l\fs. Thompson during the period of time she was taking these photos, one at 4:03 and one at 4:06 p.m.
Both show as 'f" on th e bills.

The photographs i\ls. Thompson sent her aunt the afternoon ofJuly 18, 2016, excluding the duplicate,
arc Exhibits 3,\-F and they show bruises on J\ls. 'lbompson's anns, neck and shoulders.67 Dr. '11tanning
examined these photographs and stated that 3,\ shows the upper underside of the left ann and three bruises
appeM visible. Staning at the top of the photo on the inner aspect of the elbow, there appears to be a faint
healing bruise that Dr. Thanning said from its appearance in the photo could be as old as a week and a half to
10 days old. She said she based this on its ydlO\vish color and on the foct it appeared to be disappearing. 'l11e
next bruise moving down in the photo is on the outside aspect of the underarm just below the elbow. Dr.
manning stated that she estimates this bruise to be approximately a week old based on it purplish color in the
center and the irrebrular outline that evidences that it is starting to heal. She said that this injury would be
consistent with someone having swung that arm back and hitting a hard object or holding the arm up to block
so mething. 'Inc bottom bruise visible in the photo Dr. Thanning described as "linc:ar" in appearance and was
reminiscent o f a "pattentcd bruise" like it was from that part of the arm making contact with a linear object.

See Exhibit 103.
64 See Exhibit 45.
65 See Exhibit 103.

a& See Exhibit 39.

6 7 See Exhibits 3A-F.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 35 of 90 PageID #: 452

Dr. Giordano described the location of the upper inner arm a:i a "protected area" because the inside of the
upper arm is an area not commonly injured in a fall or inci<lental contact with an object.

With rq,,rnrd to photo 3. \ , Dr. Giordano concurred with Dr. Thanning that the bruise next tu the elbow
at the top of the innermost portion photo appeared to be older. She disagreed about the age of the bruises in
the middle an<l bouom of the photo. She stated that these two bruises appear to her to be of the same age and
their purplish color lead her to believe that they arc less than a week old. In ad<lition to the linear bruise at the
bottom of the photo, Dr. Giordano also pointe<l out a parallel linear indentation just above this bottom bruise
as well as such a linear indentation extending off of the bottom bruise. She said these linear marks would be
consistent with the back of the arm having ma<le contact with a surface that had two linear parallel aspects. She
stated that the fact that these indentations were visible indicated they were probably of recent origin, about a
day old .

With re1:,rard to photo 3B, both doctors said that it was very hard from the photo to discern what part
of the body had been phot01:,rraphed. Dr. n1anning thought it might be the posterior right shoulder. Both Dr.
'l11anning and Dr. Giordano stated that the brownish area just above and to the right of the small red mark
farthest to the right of the three small red marks appeared to be a healing bruise; howe\'er, Dr. Giordano said
it was also possibly a shadow in the photo. Dr. 111anning estimate<l it was perhaps 1-2 weeks old. Both doctors
sai<l that the three small red marks could be insect bites. Dr. Giordano stated that she drew this conclusion
from the size, arran!,>cment and appearance of these marks but also stated that they could be other cxplan.1tions
for the lesions, and that it is difficult to tell from this two-dimensional photograph.

With rcbrnrd to photo 3C, a photo of the upper right arm and shoulder, both doctors noted the
appearance of four injurie.~: 1) an ol<ler healing bruise on the top of the shoulder, 2) two fo.-:;h parallel apparent
scratch marks just below that healing bruise, 3) another apparent small injury on the clavicle and 4) a bmisc on
the upper arm at the bottom left of the photo. Both doctors agreed that bruise I) was older in age and that the
scratches 2) were \'Cry recent, perhaps just hours old, that the mark on the clavicle 3) was a healing abrasion,
not a bruise, consistent with a fin!,>cmail having dug into the skin. 'They nlso stated that 4) the bmise at the
bottom of the photo was of recent oribrin and they based this opinion in part in its appearance in a later photo
taken by the Columbus Police Department on July 22 at approximately 3:00 a.m., Exhibit 7r. Finally, both
doctors agreed that the large dark brown area of discoloration in the mi<ldlc of the photo did not appear to be
an injury, but rather was an artifact.

Photo 30 is a photo of the left leg from the knee down to the upper ankle. Both doctors agree that
there is one injury depicted in this photo anc.l that the darker areas that appear in the photo arc just shading
from the light in the room where the photo was taken. Both doctors agree that this injury is "fresh" :ind that
its appearance is consistent with a scratch mark. Dr. Giordano also state<l that it could also be a small fresh

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linear contusion, the result of having made contact with a linear hard object or surface so it was not inconsistent
with having struck a wall but she sai<l it was also consist1..'flt with many other explanations such as falling <lown.
She sai<l that you tend to sec injuries on the bony protuberances, such as the knee, when a person foils <lown.

Exhibit 3E <lepicts the left si<le of i\ls. Thompson's neck and two distinct injuries. 111e first, at the top
of her neck, both doctors i<lencitied as a bitemark, one that was forceful and likely <1uite painful to its recipient.
Dr. Thanning pointed out the upper <lentition at the top of the injury as well as the lower dentition at the
bottom, which she observed 10 have caused two breaks in the skin. She said that this bite appeared to ha\'C
been made by someone with perfectly aligne<l teeth am.I wide dentition. When told that Mt. Elliott said he had
given i\ls. lltompson a "hickey" while in Columbus that week, Dr. 111:mning remarked, "To call this a hickey
is an understatement. It is a bitemark." She said if this were a "hickey," it would be the worst one she has ever
seen in over thirty years of practice. Dr. Giordano abrrced and both said that the injury that appc.1rs just below
that, the area of multiple small round purplish marks, is more consistent with what people commonly call a
"hickey." Dr. Thanning stated that to her, the top of the bitcmark appears to be ycllow-brreen which indicat<..-s
to her that it is at least a week and a half to I 0 days old. She stated that there would be a scab on top of the
broken skin if this had just happened. Dr. Giordano thought the area of small appan..'tlt brown spots arrnnbrc<l
in a circular pattern could be an old healing bite, one made with less force than the bite above and more in line

with what people call a "hickey." She said that this mark was okler than the one above it. Dr. Thanning also
noted that to the right of the more recent bitemark, at the hairline, there arc more teeth marks. Dr. Giordano
noted that that the overall color of the skin tone was browner that in the other photos, making it difficult to
describe \vith accuracy the color of the wounds, and therefore attempting to describe them as fresh or older.
She abrrced with Dr. Thanning that this injury looked at least a week old. I lowevcr, when compared to another
photobrraph of the same wound, Exhibit 8C in which Ms. n10mpson is wearing a white top, the same injury in
8C, according to Dr. Giordano, looks fresh due to the deep red-purple color.

Photo 3F, the last in the series of the photos taken on July 18 between 3:33 - 4:13 p.m., shows ;<.Js.
Thompson holding up the front of the bottom portion of her right arm. Doth doctors observed a larbrc older
roundish bruise in the mi<ldle of this area of her arm. Dr. 'Iltanning stated that it is almost bronc and its
appearance is inconsistent with having occurred in the last day or two. Dr. Thanning estimated it to be one to
two weeks old. Dr. Giordano said she abrrees that this appears to be an older bruise, but that the shading in the
photo makes it difficult to judge with great precision. She said from its appearance in this photograph, it appears
to be more than a few days old and therefore inconsistent with having been sustained the morning ofJuly 17.

Text message e\.jdence relevant to the alk-ged July 18 incident was also recovered. Text messages
recovered from ~Is. Thompson's phone show the following texts from i\lr. Elliott to Ms. Thompson, starting

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 37 of 90 PageID #: 454

on July 18 at 4:54 p.m.M, just minutes after. \unt Elaine called Tiffany: "Ur dog is outside following me so idk
wat u want to do about that," "About to get in this uber," and ":\light want to get in ur car and Come get

The next text between l\ls. n10mpson and l\[r. l ~lliott is from her to him at 5:28 p.m. asking him,
"\'Vhy'd you calJ."i11 I Ie did not respond, at least not via text, as far as the texts recovered from the imageu
telephones show. Mr. Elliott's phone records show that he had an incoming call from l\h. Thompson on his
614# at 5:23 p.m. and that he called her on his 214# at 5:25 p.m. for "l" and he called again at 6:07 p.m. for
"2". The nc.'l;t call between them on his phone rc..>cords is at 7:44 p.m. ("l '),him calling her on his 214#.71

\t 6:46 p.m., ).fs. Thompson wrote l\Ir. Elliott the following text.

I Icy. l know you don't want to speak to me. I apolobrize for last night, 1 should'\'e just left
your door unlocked. There's not an excuse for me to have you locked out of your own
house. But l honestly though I would be home before you. I'm sure you've been talking
shit all day to your friends but who knows. Can't asswnc anything anymore. l\ly spiteful
ways left but last night showed me by you contacting your hoes here in Columbus that
your ways never left. I understand if 1 was at a dudes house fucking around and had your
keys but I literally was driving. I was in your apartment complex for literally 10 minutes. If
you wouldn't have been threatening me I would've had no problem brctting out of my car
to give them to you. Whatever else happened last night I'm sorry once abrain. 1 wasn't
playing bramcs and I want you to know that. Not on these games anymore and I told you
that as soon as we said we were going to work on things. But I do need to talk with you
and tell you some things before I leave tonight. I lave fun.~~
The above text message would seem to corroborate that they had an argument over her having his
keys and leaving him locked out the night before. I le responded to the above text message starting at 6:47 p.m.
and continuing through 6:48 p.m., saying that he was not contacting girls, he was callingJ effic to sec if he could
stay there. I Ie then said to 'Jjffany, "Because you kept putting your hands on me," "But have fun." 73 :\s stated
above, his phone records show him calling her at 7:44 p.m. for "1 ."74

There is a gap in the text messages recovered from Ms. Thompson's phone between her text to Mr. Elliott on
July 16 at 3:53:37 p.m. telling him that she was at the airport - "Here" - and this text from Mr. Elliott on July 18 at
4:54:57 p.m. in which Mr. Elliott tells Ms. Thompson that her dog is outside following him. It is unlikely that Ms.
Thompson neither sent nor received any texts during this time. Therefore it would appear that she deleted the
messages sent and received during this time period.
See Exhibit 45, Text message exchange between Ezekiel Elliott and Tiffany Thompson 7/18/16.
See Exhibit 45.
n See Exhibit 103.
See Exhibit 45.
See Exhibit 45.
See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 38 of 90 PageID #: 455

\'Vith rebrard to this incident imolving i\fr. Ellion's kers, ;\Is. Thompson wrote in her July 22, 20 t 6
statcmenl for the Columbus Police, "Sunday night75 he was throwing me around because I had his keys that he
had left at the apartmL'flt in Watermark7< he had went to the hookah bar and I had went to my friends b'Ot mad
because I didn't star in and wasn't home before him."n The police officer who responded to the July 22 911
call wrote in his report thal Ms. Thompson told him that the fight the night of the key incident starte<l because
they had gone out to different places and she did not make it home before him an<l he choked her leaving a
red mark and bruise on her neck.ill 111esc statL'fllents arc inconsistent with what l\fs. Thompson told the
Lcab"lle's investibrators, as she only tol<l them that he had grabbed her arm while she was in the car an<l took the
keys from her.

In her recorded statement to the Columbus City .\ttorney, lvfs. Thompson described the July 18 "keys
incident" as follows. She said that throughout that day, she wanted to take her things and leave and that Mr.
Elliott would not let her. She said that night, he had plans with his friends and she had plans with hers; that he
left his house keys with her because he left before her. She said when she came back later that night, he was
"threatening me telling me he was broing to smash my car window and smash my headlights out, key my car.
,\nd, if I didn't unlock the <loor." She said he had been calling her and texting her and when she got home, he
"snatched" the keys from her and took his right han<l and twisted her left arm and that this rcsulte<l in a bruise.
She said he let her go because his friL'fld Alvarez told him to. She said that they kept arguing inside the apartment
and thL'Y eventually went to bed.1'> This version of events is consistent with what i\ls. Thompson told the
Lcabrue's investiJ:,r:ttors, just more detailed.

Evening of Mondi!)'. July 18 - Early morning hours of Tuesday. July 19

l\fs. Thompson tole.I investi1:,rators that on .Monday evening l\lr. Elliott said he was going to the hookah
bar with friends an<l she went to meet fricnds of hers for dinner. 1\lvarcz Jackson said in his affidavit that he
and Mr. Elliott went to BBR and then 41" Strcct.11 l\ls. Thompson said that later that night, she and her friends
were out walking around downtown Columbus and she heard l\lr. Elliott calling her name. She said she i&'florcd
him. When asked why, she told rhc League's invL"SUbr:ttors that because of everything that had happened prior
to that, she "just kind of wanted to have my space and 1:,rive him his space." She said that he responded via text,
"Okay, that's cool. You're just going to ignore me?" She said he then textcd her, saying, " ,\II your stuff will be

s Ms. Thompson consistently describes events that occurred in the early morning hours after midnight as having
occurred the "night" before. She did this to the police, to the City Attorney and to the League's investigators.
The Canvasback lane apartment is in the Watermark apartment complex.
See Exhibit 40.
711 See Exhibit 12.
See Exhibit 41.
so See Exhibit 42.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 39 of 90 PageID #: 456

outside of my apartment when you i,,rct home." ;\(s. Thompson said she spent the night at the Canvasback Lane
apar1ment and that ;\fr. Elliott did not come home that night.

The lext rncssabrcs recovered from Ms. 'l110mpso~'s phone show that at 6:55 p.m., the early ev1..'fling
of Monday July 18, ~[r. Elliott textcd ;\[s. 1110mpson and askc<l her if she was still at his house. (Prior to this,
Mr. Elliott's phone record! show that l\[s. 'l11ornpson c:ille<l him 11t 5:23 p.m. for "1.")S1 She responded that
she was and he told her she nccdeJ to leave. She respon<led, "I'm not leaving so you can fuck another girl".
I le said, "You will leave e\'entually." 111ey had some more back and forth via text and then at 7:01 p.m., she
texted him, "But you're the only person I can tell anything to. Only person I feel comfortable telling anything
to" aml he replied, "Well u should treat me that way" ". \nd make me want to be with you." She did not
respond until half an hour later, at 7:35 p.m., and sai<l, "I agree with you." l\1r. Elliott's phone records show
that he c.1lled her at 7:44 and 7:50 p.m., each time for "1" and that she called him at 8:07 p.m. for "2" and at
8:09 p.m. for "4."Bl
.\t 8:34 p.m., ;\Is. Thompson texted Mr. Elliott, "\Vhcre are you?" "Come drink with me." I fc replied,
"I'll come take a shot with rou." "Give me 30 minutes." She told him she was at BBR with \ 'an and ;\[r. Elliott
respondeJ, ";\fan." There is no further lexting between them until 10:29 p.m. when he texted her, "Don't play
with me." " Ur shit will really be sitting outside my house."13 'l11is latter text message matches what ;\Is.

Thompson said her exchanb>c was with him after she ib'Tlored him on the street. 1\ phone call from her to him
at 9:20 p.m. for "1" shows on his phone records provided by the NFLJ>. \ .a.t

No text messages between them were recov<!l'ed after this "Ur shit will really be sitting outside my
house" text until a day and a half later, July 20, 2016 beginning at 11:18 a.m. . \s stated earlier, this could be
because they were not texting each other during this time period of time or because text mcssab'CS were deleted
prior to the Ll:abrue's imaging of }.Is. n10mpson's phone. Jn addition, l\ls. Thomp:mn's use of a new phone
number during that short period of time would result in any Si\IS texts sent or received on the new number to
have not been saved in the phone's database. I lad Mr. Elliott provided the record of their texts from his phones,
we woul<l be able to determine which happened and had there been texts exchanh'Cd, we would know their

l\lr. Elliott's phone records show four incoming calls from i\(s. Thompson on the night ofJuly 18 after
his 10:29 p.m. text message saying he was broing to put all her "shit" outside his house. "l11ese calls, on his
214#, occurred at 11 :20, 11 :23, 11 :47 and 11 :49 p.m. and lasted for "3," "1," "2" and "2," respectively. The
records then show that i\lr. Elliott calle<l l\Js. Thompson on his 214# at 12:01 a.m. on Julr 19 for "3" and then

See Exhibit 103.
See Exhibit 103.
See Exhibit 45.
See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 40 of 90 PageID #: 457

there arc eight incoming calls from her to him on that number at 12:05, I 2:06, 12:11, 12:13, 12:18, 12:22, 12:23,
and 12:25 a.m. that laste<l for "1 ,' "1 ," "2," "3," "3," "2,'' "1 ," and "1 ," respectively. \t 12:58 a.m., the recor<ls
reflect that i\lr. Elliott called i\ls. Thompson on his other phone (614#) for "1" and chat she called him on this
number at 1:36 a.m. for "1 ."113 This is the night he did not come home. 'l11e records show no more calls
between them for the rest of that Jay. :\ large rc<lacted area appears on his phone recor<ls during this perio<l of
time.II< The next call that shows on Mr. Elliott's phone records is on Wednesday, the 20h at 6:10 p.m., him
calling her. 117

When i\lr. Elliott was interviewed by the Lcabrue's investigators, he was told that !vfs. Thompson had
told the investibrntors that she an<l i\lr. Elliott had each !,>one out with their own friends that night and that they
had bumped into each other in downtown Columbus and that i\ls. Thompson had ignored him, causing him
to become upset. i\lr. Elliott stated, "I mean, we did bump into each other but at that point, no, she was not
ignoring me. That's the opposite of what she was doing." Mr. Elliott was then confronte<l with the text message
he had sent Ms. Thompson that night that read, "Don't play with me, your shit will really be sitting outside my
house" and he was told that i\ls. 1110mpson had told the investigators that he had sent this after she had ignored
him. i\lr. Elliott then stated, "She called me because I was at dinner right around the comer. She told me to
come and meet her. So, I went to meet her at the bar and she was ignoring me for like a couple of seconds, but
after that. I mean, we weren't ignoring each other anymore." l\lr. Elliott went on to explain what he called the
"prel1ucl" to this inci<lent. He said:

I had been tC}ing to end things with 'tiffany. Tiffany did not want this. mis was like a
whole week long process. ,\nd like, and so, I was telling her, she had dropped me off, she
picked me up from the airport, and then she really wasn't even supposed to stay with me
Saturday night . \nd, then I was trying to get her to leave my house, she would not leave
my house. And, I mean, that whole day, what she didn't tell }ou, was that I was telling her
to pk>ase take your stuff and leave from my house cause then she would have to come back
to my house that night and that's not what I wanted . . \ctually, that night (i\londay), I didn't
even go home because Tiffany was blowing me up. I didn't want to be there; I didn't want
her at my house. .\nd she was blowing me up, I mean, I have a text log of tha4 I mean,
Frank has that. You can probably pull that up from that night where she's blowing me up,
like, why arc you not coming home. 1 actually stayed at a hotel that night."113

Jn his affidavit, .\lvarezJackson said he i,,rot back to Mr. Elliott's apartment at 3:15 a.m. and that ~ls.
Thompson was in the parking lot when he arrived. I le and i\ls. 'llmmpson have different versions of what

See Exhibit 103.
86 See Exhibit 103.
All earlier calls on July 20 on Mr. Elliott's 2141# were redacted by the NFLPA and all calls for the entire day of July
20 on his 61411 were redacted by the NFLPA.
A request was made of Mr. Elliott's lawyers for the "text Jog" Mr. Elliott referred to in his Interview with the
league's investigators. To date, the NFLPA has not responded to this request.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 41 of 90 PageID #: 458

happened in the lot but both agree that they ended up in ;\lr. Elliott's apartment where they both went to
Other information regarding the early morning hours of Tuesday July 19 comes from a man named
i\latthew \Vhite, who was an ac(1uaintancc of ;\Js. Thompson's having worked with her for a short period of
time at a bar calJed Dahlia in Columbus. i\fr. \Vhite is a 22 year okl senior at Ohio State Unhersity. I le plays
rugby there and stated that he had met l\fr. Elliott a few times. I fc told the League's investigators that he
overhcar<l one of ;\fr. Ellio tt's lawyers talking at a restaurant and he offered the information that ended up
contained in the affidavit filed by l\Jr. Elliott's attorney with the Columbus City ,\uomey's Office. 911 In the
affidavit , Mr. \'Vhite states that he saw i\ls. Thompson sometime between 1:00 - 3:00 a.m. on the morning of
Tuesday July 191" at a pool party; that she was wearing "the e(1uivalent of a bikini"; that he was "in the immediate
vicinity of i\ls. 'll1ompson for the bulk of 2 hours while she was there" and "mor much of that time, !hel was
enbraged in conversation with her and her friend and was se:ued or standing no more than a few feet from her";
and he "did not observe and !sic! bruises, scrapes, cuts or other marks anywhere on her bo<ly, hands, neck,
face, hands or anywhere.'"" ;\fr. \Vhite repeate<l these statements to the J...cabrue's investigators when they later
interviewe<l him. Ms. Thompson told the I.eague's investibrators that she was at this pool party but not in
anything resembling a bikini; that she was wearing leggings and a tank top. She saiu she w:1s there with her

friend Kelsey Ciminello who she showed her bruises to and to whom she told what ~Ir. Elliott had do ne to
her. She said she did sec ;\lr. \Vhite at the party, that he threw her in the pool. The Leab>ue's invcsri1:,rators
attempted to interview ;\Is. Cimincllo but were unable to do so.

l\fr. \Vhite's stat<..ments about the lack of any injury on Ms. Thompson's body in the early morning
hours ofJuly 19 arc belied by the photographs taken the afternoon before and sent to , \unt Elaine, photobrraphs
that clearly depict bruising on Ms. Thompson's body.~:! ' llms, J\lr. \Vhite is either mistaken or he is not telling
the truth. That l\lr. \'Vhitc harbored some animus rcb>:m.ling Ms. 1110mpson is cvi<lenccd by his statements to
the League's invesribrators about l\ls. n10mpson. After telling them that he and ~ls. Thompson had only worked
together for a few weeks, wh<..+n asked to describe her, he stated, "Shady, lying, didn't come to work on time.
Really stuck up, pretty. I don't really like her." \Vh<..'11 asked for the basis of his statement that ;\Is. Thompson
was always lying, J\lr. \Vhite stated, "She doesn't do what ncc<ls to be done at work, and it seems like she's
always in conflict with someone at work.''

See Exhibit 42.
See Exhibit 46, Affidavit of Matthew White dated 8/11/16.
See Exhibit 46.
See Exhibit 3AF.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 42 of 90 PageID #: 459

Morning of Tuesday. July 19 Alleged Incident After Mr. Elliott Got Home Having Been Out All Night

Everyone - ;\ls. 1nompson, l\fr. Elliott am.I ,\lvarez - agrees that l\lr. Elliott did not come back to his
apartment on the night ofJuly 18 into July 19; that he returned home at some point in the morning. 1\lvarc:r.
Jackson placed the time i\lr. Elliott arrived back at his apartment at approximately 8 or 9 a.m.9 l :\Ir. Jackson
stated in his affidavit that i\ls. nmmpson was awake when l\lr. Elliott got home, that the)' spoke to each other
for a few minutes in the living room and then went into the bedroom and went to sleep until 1:00 p.m. l\Ir.
Jackso n's affidavit docs not state that he heard no fighting at the rime Mr. Elliott returned to his apartment on
the morning ofJuly 19, as it docs a few sentences later when referring to later that night July 20, at 3 or 4 a.m.
when ;\fr. Jackson returned to the apartment after being out with friends. 9~ This would seem to be a significant
omissio n, cspccblly in the face of what ~Is. 'l110mpson says happened when .l\lr. Elliott arrived home on the
19 one the League's investigators could not 'lucstion l\ls. Jackson about because he declined to be interviewed

by them.

l\Is. Thompson told the League's investigators that when ;\[r. Elliott got home on the morning ofJuly
19, he woke her up and told her she needed to leave his apartment. I le then went to take a shower. This, ~Is.

Thompson told imcstigators, indicated to her that he had been \vith another woman the night before. She said
she came to learn that he had stayed in a hotel with another woman that night. She said after he showered, he
came back into the bedroom and they started arbruing. She said she began to cry and started gathering up her
belongings at which point ;\fr. Elliott pushed her back on the bed and told her that she had had her chance to
leave and now she was J,,'<>ing to stay. She said he took her phone from her so she couldn't call or text anyone. 95
She said she went out in the living room to try and b't!t her phone back and ;\fr. Elliott grabbed her ann and
pushed her away \vi th a stiff arm. She said ;\fr.Jackson was right there and saw what was happening. She said
l\lr. Elliott told her 10 go back into the bedroom and she di<l so and i\lr. Elliott came in as well and their afbruing
continued and he closed the bedroom. She said she tried to get up off the bed but he kept pushing her down,
hitting her, yanking her, slapping her in the face, pulling her hair and all the while telling her that he had given
her her chance to leave. At one point she told investibrators she said to him, "\Vhat am 1 your puppy dog?'' and
that ;\Ir. Elliott replied, "Yes." She said this altercation ended when he started to cry, hugged her close to him
and said this is "tough love." She said he was then sorry and wanted another chance to change. She said she
told him that she ha<l given him so many chances. She said she ended up lying next 10 him in bed and he asked
her to Slay the day in bed with him and she did.

See Exhibit 42.
See Exhibit 42.
The forensic analyses of Ms. Thompson's phone did not reveal any text messages from the morning of July 19;
indeed, the analyses did not reveal any text messages sent or received at any time that day. And, as has been
stated before, the call log on her phone only went back to July 22 by the time it was imaged.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 43 of 90 PageID #: 460

\'Vhen asked by the League's investibrators what injuries she suffered as a result of this Tuesday morning,
July 19 incident, Ms. Thompson said she had bruises, thumb prints on the back of her arms and on her elbows.
She said she took photographs of these injuries and spoke to her J\unt Elaine about what had happened. There
were no photographs recovered from either i\ls. Thompso n's or her. \unt Elaine's phones that were taken that
day. The closest in time photographs recovered were taken on the afternoon of July 21 .96 Two were taken at
2:18 p.m. in the parking lot of the Carriage I fouse,"1 where i\fr. Elliott had by that day moved; the third
photobrraph was taken at 2:36 p.m. on a highway that runs between the Carriage House an<l ~fs. 1110mpson's
apartment in Dublin. 9H

Exhibit 6.\ , the 2: 18:42 p.m. photo shows a left forearm with a larbrc purple bruise halfway up the
forearm and another large purple bruise at the wrist on the pinky side of the hand. n1is aspect of the left ann
was not the subject of any of the 7 / 18 photos, Exhibits 3A-F. Dr. '!banning described the bruise at the wrist
as having a circular shape, purplish in color with a pale center. The bruise that appears in the middle of the
forearm she described as having a "double contour linear pattern" consistent with blunt force trauma. She said
that this wrist bruise appL':lred to her to be more purple than the bruise on the forearm and that usually means
that it is older but she said that this color could be due to increased blood flow at the wrist, so she wo uld not
rule out that these two bruises had occurred during the same incident. Dr. 'l'hanning believes this injury was
caused by the arm hitting a hard blunt object and stated that its "double contour linear pattern" has led her to
this conclusion. She stated that the appearance of this injury is most consistent with it having been sustained
during the alleged incident on July 19. Dr. Giordano seated that this photo 6,\ shows two obvious contusions
that appear from thcir color to be recent. She said that due to their location, they could be consistent with
defcnsi\'c injuries. With regard to the contusion that appears at mid-forearm, Dr. Giordano stated that this
large bruise might actually be two bruises and the result of two fingers pressing down in that area consistent
with the arm having been grabbed b y a hand.

E xhibit 6B, the 2:1 8:56 p.m. photograph, shows a right forearm with what both doctors said appears
to be a l:trI,rcr fainter bruise closer to the dhow and two purple bruises at the wrist on the pinky side of the
hand. The doctors noted that the knuckle of the pinky in photo 6B is also bruised and there appears 10 be a
small wound in the middle of that bruise and that both these bruises from their color look to have been incurred
during the same incident. They also said they observed two small marks on the knuckles of the middle and
ring fingers. 'l11is hand was later photographed b y the Columbus Police Department approximately 13 hours
later and from those photo1,,rraphs, Exhibits 7J\-G, both doctors said you could tell that these small marks on
the knuckles arc either small bruises or abrasions caused by the hand hitting a hard object. These marks in

Exhibits 6A6C.
9? Exhibits 6A & 68.
!M Exhibit 6C

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 44 of 90 PageID #: 461

conjunction with the bruises on the wrist and pinky knuckle arc consistent with the whole hand striking a hare.I
surface, they stated, and Dr. Thanning opined that they were most consistent with having occurred during
either the alleged incident on the mo ming of July 18 or July 19. 'l11ey noted that the larger fainier bruise that
appears lower on the forearm appears to be the same bruise seen in Exhibit 3F, the photo taken at 4:13 p.m.
on July 18, and has now resolved more with time. Its appearance now to Dr. Thanning suggests it is a few
weeks old. Dr Giordano said she would say it appeared older than a week old. She pointed o ut that the
appearance of the different bruises in this photograph really demonstrates the difference in appearance of old
and new bruises, i.e. the one low on the forearm versus those about the wrist and hand. She said that the two
recent bruises at the 5 111 knuckle and the two below it on the sides of the hand and wrist arc consistent with the
hand having hit a blunt object as could occur from it striking a wall or falling on the hand onto a hard surface.
She said these injuries, especially when considered with the three small abrasions arc unlikely to ha\'c occurred
by punching someone unless the fist went into the mouth and somehow the teeth caused the small wounds.
'l11e wounds on the hands including the abrasions on the knuckles could be consistent with punching a surface.
She said that this explanation (punching someone or something) would also not account for the bruise on the
wrist so she feels that the most likely unifying explanation is that the whole hand and wrist hit a hard surface.
On the 01her hand, if the hand and wrist injuries were 1he results of two different mechanisms of injury, the
bruise on the wrist might have been a brtab mark and the injuries on the hand from a different mechanism such
as hitting a hard object. l'inally, she said that these injuries were recent in her opinion, sustained within a couple
of days.

Exhibit 6C, the 2:36:26 p.m. photobrraph taken on July 21, shows Ms. 1110mpson's right eye. Both
doctors noted red swelling over the right eye, with swelling and bruising of the eyelid, as well as redness and
swelling under the eye on the lower orbital bone. Dr. Thanning stated that Ms. 'l110mpson's eye appeared
"strikingly !>-Wollen." Exhibit 31' taken on July 18 shows l\ls. Thompson's face but the lighting around her right
eye in this photo is such that yo u cannot tell if she has any discoloration around that eye. However, bo1h doctors
agreed that the injury depicted in Exhibit 6C was lJuilc recent given its color and the swelling and both said ir
would most likely have been sustained in the last 24 hours. They said that this injury was consistent with l\ls.
n1ompson having been slapped or punched in the face.

Elaine Glenn told invcsti1,,rators that the next time after July 18 that she observed l\ls. Thompson to
ha\'e any injuries was on Wednesday. ;\fs. Thompson reported no physicaJ altercation with ;\Ir. Elliott between
the Tuesday July 19 morning incident described above and the "llmrsday July 21 at approximately 4 a.m.
incident, so any injuries ;\[s. Glenn observed on the morning of Wednesday July 20 that she had not seen back
on July 18, could have come from the July 19 altercation in Mr. Elliott's bedroom. Ms. Glenn told the League's

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 45 of 90 PageID #: 462

investigators that on Wednesday, July 20, she checked in on her niece; that they Facetimcd.w She sai<l that i\ls.
Thompson was home alone at her own apartment at the time they spoke. (l\ls. Thompson ha<l also tol<l
investib>ators that she went home that afternoon to her own apartment.) ;\Is. Glenn said i\ls. 'll10mpson use<l
her phone to show ;\Is. Glenn injuries on her, l\ls. Thompson's, body. l\Is. Glenn said that she saw bruises on
l\ls. 'l110mpson's kgs, bruising on both si<les of her neck where on l\!omlay Ouly 18), i\ls. Glenn said she had
only seen bruising on one side of'liffany's neck, an<l bruising up and down Tiffany's ann. Ms. Glenn said she
was not sure if she saw bruising on both anns or just the right one. When asked to describe the bruising she
had seen on her niece's neck in more detail, l\Is. Glenn stated that she had seen light bruising on one side of
her neck on l\Ionday and the "next time" Hiil she saw l\!s. Thompson's neck, she observed darker bruising on
both sides of her neck that appeared to go around her neck. She said that the whole front of i\ls. 1110mpson's
neck appeared bruised.

In her written statement to the Columbus Police on July 22, i\Is. TI10mpson described the alleged July
19 assault as follows: She that Monday night, she sL1yed at l\1r. Elliot's apartment with his friend \lvarez
Jackson; that ~Ir. Elliott came home Tuesday morning an<l started choking her and smacking her face, telling
her she couldn't leave, that she was his puppy dog and she needed "to sit down before he beats my ass even
more." She wrote that he started crying and apologized "that he touches me" and said that it was "rough love,''

that he can't lose her and it won't happen anymore. 101 The police officer who rcspon<led 10 l\(s. ntompson's
July 22911 call wrote in his report that Ms. Thompson said on i\londay, she sraye<l in the apartment with ~Ir.
Elliott's friend and that when Mr. Elliott returned, he picked her up and threw her ab>ainst the wall; that on
Tuesday, she and Mr. Elliott did not fight and that Mr. Elliott cried and said to her that he loved her, that he
did not want 10 have to put his hands on her, that "it's tough lovc." 101

Ms. Thompson had not rold the League's invcstibrators about having been choked during this incident
or about having been thrown against the wall. The hand injury depictc<l in Exhibit 6B is, according to the
doctors the League retained, consistent with Ms. n1ompsnn's hand having struck a wall on July 19. In addition,
the injuries dcpicte<l in later photographs of ~Is. n10mpson's hips, Exhibits lOA-D, arc consistent with ;\Is.
'fbompson having been lifted up just above the hips by two han<ls, as one might do 10 throw her. 1berc was
no photograph of i\ls. Thompson's neck taken on July 21 when she took 6B however her aunt, as stated above,

99 '111ereW:I$ no record of this Facetime call in the call log in Ms. Glenn's phone however there was such a call 10 her
niece Tiffany Thompmn the next day, llmrway,July 21, 2016.
11w1 When first interviewed on Ociober 6, 2016, Ms. Glenn stated that the next time she had seen ;\Is. Thompson was on

Wcdnesdar. When an imcsti!,>alor wen! back to Ms. Glenn on April 7, 2017, 10 ask her for more detail$ about what she
had seen on l\ls 'l11ompsoo's neck back in July, ;\15. Gknn said it was the "next day," indicating the day af1er Monday.
\Vhen asked if she was sure 1hc next time she saw Ms. Thompson was Tuesday, as opposed to \Vedncscfay as she
originally told 1hc in\'es1ig:uors, i\ls. Glenn ~tatcd that ~he was not i;ure.
1111 Sec Exhibit 40.

Ill~ Sec Exhibit 12.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 46 of 90 PageID #: 463

saic.I she saw bruising on both sides of i\ls. Thompson's neck on July 20, so the older bite mark the doctors
identified in Exhibit 3E and the resolving "hickey" directly under it on the left sic.le of i\Is. Thompson's neck,
could not account for the bruising i\ls. Glenn saw on "both" sides of i\ls. 1nompson's neck. 1\nd finally,
bruising consistent with what i\ls. Glenn stated she observed on i\ls. Thompson's neck can be seen in Exhibits
8F and 9 E.

In her recorded interview with the Columbus City 1\ttomey's Office, Ms. "1110mpson said that i\londay
into Tuesday, they started arbruing ah'1lin nm! that l\fr. Elliott sai<l to her, "you in my house, you're my puppy
dog." She said she tried to get up and he said to her, "Sit the fuck down." She said he grabbed her by her arms
and threw her on the bed and said, "Don' t move. Listen to me." She sai<l he took her phonc and hcr car key
and she kept trying to get up, but hc put his finger into hcr face; that it was "an aggressive point going into my
skin" and he "kept smacking my face to tum back" and look at him. She told the City . \ttomey interviewer that
they spent the whole day Tuesday together in his house because Mr. Elliott told her she had to. She said he was
crying and saying he was sorry; that he didn't know what had gotten into him, that it was "tough love."lllJ

\'\/hen i\lr. Elliott was interviewee.I by the League's invesri!,'1ltors, he said that he did not come home on
the night of i\lonc.lay, Julr 18 and arrfrec.I homc the morning of Tuesday, .July 19. :\Ir. Elliott denied having
pushcd i\ls. Thompson onto the bed, slapping her or shaking her by the arms. I le said they di<l have an
argument that morning, that it was about him trying to bl'Ct her to leave his house. I le said she would not leave
and so thcy stnrtc<l arguing. He said i\fr. Jackson was there the whole timc. Both Jcny that therc was any
physic.11 altercation whatsoever.

No text messages rclevnnt to this .July 19 incident were recovered. n1cre is a b'11P in the text messages
rccovercJ from Ms. 'lnompson's phonc bctwccn l\ls. Thompson and l\fr. Elliott from July 18, 10:29 p.m. anc.J
July 20, 11:18 a.m. Mr. Elliott did not prm.jdc the Lt-':lguc with any of his tc.xt message communication with
Ms. Thompson during thi.<1 week ofJ uly, although requested to do so on numerous occasions.

Tuesday. July 19 Afternoon - Thursday. July 21. 4 a.m.

1\ftcr the alleged assault on the morning of July 19 when l\1r. Elliott got home after having been out
all night, according to Ms. Thompson and i\lr. Jackson, they along with l\lr. Elliott spent the day ofJuly 19 in
.Mr. Elliott's Canvasback Lane apartment. i\fr. .Jackson said he went out that night leaving i\ls. 'lbompson and
Mr. Elliott in the apartmcnt. I lc says that he got back to thc apartmcnt at 3 or 4 a.m. on We<lncsday morning,
July 20, that they all hung out together and that eventually they had dinner at the mall and went over to the
Carriage I louse whcre i\lr. Elliott was sta};ng having just moved out of his Canvasback Lane apartment that

103 See Exhibit 41.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 47 of 90 PageID #: 464

dar. Later that night, they all cn<led up at the bar Fourth Street. 'l11cy stayed at Fourth Street until about 4:<Kl
a.m. on 'llmrsday morning, July 21. mi

While at rourth Street, a man named Chiedu Bosah, in an affidavit submitted to the City ,\uomcy by
l\{r. Elliott's counsel, n-.;; stated that he di<l not observe any "noticeable bruises, cuts, or injuries on Tiffany's
body" that night. I It.: also snid that he took two photos of l\[s. 'l11ompson at 1:55 a.m. The I .eague was prO\'ided
with both of these photos in non-<lib>ital fonn such that no meta data could be recovered from them to
definitively establish the date, time :mJ place the}' were taken. 1t1<. The first photo, Exhibit 4A, shows three
smiling people, l\ls. Thompson, ~Ir. Elliott and another man, who ~tr. Bosah said in his affida\'it was himsclf.107
Ms. Thompwn is WL-aring a thick black choker aroum.l her neck. Both doctors pointed out that the quality of
this photograph made it difficult to denote if Ms. 'l110mpsnn had any injuries. They also noted the eye makeup
that ;\fs. Thompson had on and the dark lighting in the photograph. 'l11ey stated that they could discern no
visible bruises on i\fs. Thompson in this photo1:,1Taph. Exhibit 4B shows five men facing the camera and one
woman's back. ~(r. Elliott is one of the five men and he is hugging the woman in the photo. Dr. Giordano
stated that the left side of the photO!:,lT:lph, which includes a portion of the woman's back and part of her right
arm, is out of focus; that her right shoulder and upper back arc obscured by ;\[r. Elliott's right arm, which is
also out of focus and, therefore, it is difficult to draw aoy conclusions about the presence or absence of injuries.
She did note a large brownish mark over the woman's right scapula (shoulderblade) which she said could
represent a contusion. I lowever, she went on to say that as it appears to be contiguous with a similar brown
shadow on J\lr. Elliott's foreann abo\'e his wrist, it is morl! likely an artifact. Dr. nmnning stated that there did
appeared to her be a bruise on Ms. Thompson's back in the photo and she thought from its appearance in the
photo that it could date back to the July 17 incident.

l\lr. Jackson in his affidavit 11111 stated that another photo of Ms. 'l11ompson was taken that night at 3:27
a.m. This photo, Exhibit 5, was submitted to the City .\ttomcy's Office as well. 'l11e Lca1:,ruc rec1ucstcd that the
NFLP1\ provide the Lcahrue with a digital version of this photograph as well, but abrain were told that Mr. Elliott
docs not possess the photO{,IT:tph in that fonnat. 'llms, the date, time and place that this photograph was taken
could not be definitively established by C.'l;amining the meta data. It should be noted, however, the
"Columbus- lt:1lian Village July 21 3:27 ,\;\f" appear at the top of the photobrraph. 'fbis photograph depicts a
woman wearing a thick black choker and a v ncckcd blue top. It shows her from the right side and goes from
the chin area to just below her breasts. The woman's left forearm is depicted in the photo, bent at the elbow.

See Exhibit 42.
tos See Exhibit 47, Affidavit of Chiedu Bosah dated 8/15/16.
The League's investigators requested that Mr. Elliott's attorneys provide the League with digital versions of
these photographs but were told that these are the only versions Mr. Elliott has.
See Exhibit 47.
See Exhibit 42.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 48 of 90 PageID #: 465

Both doctors pointed out that the quality of this photobrr:tph made it difficult to denote if the woman had any
injuries. They stated that they could discern no visible bruises on i\fs. Thompso n in this photobtTaph but they
did note an area of discoloration on her arm that could be bruising or could be shadow from the poor lighting.

l\ls. n10mpson's version of the Jay ofJuly 20 to the Leabrue's imestibrato rs is similar to l\lr. Jackso n's,
as stated in his affidavit. Ms. Tho mpson added that at one point during the afternoon of Wednesday, July 20,
she went home to her own apartment and then went to the mall; that she was at the mall when i\fr. Elliott calle<l
her ant.I saiJ he was going to meet her there and that they woulJ bro to Petland together to get some things for
his dog and then bro have dinner. She too said they went co Fourth Street and stayed there until the early mo rning
hours ofThursJay,July 21. She said when they were leaving Fourth Street, l\fr. Elliott and Mr. Jackson brot into
a verbal argument about who was going to drh-e home; that Mr. Jackson wanted to because he though l\fr.
Elliott was too drunk to drive. She said Mr. Elliott ended up driving her and himself back to Carriage I louse,
leaving Mr. Jackson to get back on his own.

l\lr. Elliott's version of the dar of Wednesday July 20 into the early morning hours of'lltursday July
21 is similar to both l\lr. Jackson's and Ms. 'll10mpson's. I le too says he met l\ls. Thompson at the mall to buy
thinbrs for the dog, that they had dinner together and then went to Fourth Street. I le was asked by the
investibrators to explain the contradiction between his statements that he had been trying to get rid of l\ls.

Thompson all week and then his having spent all this time with her that day and he stated, "that night, she was
actually with me" ; that he wanted her \vith him that evening. l\Ir. Elliott went on in his interview with the
invcstibrators to say that }.ls. Thompson's version of the fight outside of the bar later that night, about him
being too drunk to drive home, was true.

Text messages recovered from l\fs. Thompson's phone show she and Mr. Elliott tcxting back and forth
on July 20 starting at 11:18:56 a.m. when Ms. mompson asked 1\lr. Elliott ifhc found her Nike lcggin&>s and
he replied that he had them. She then asked him what he wanted her to do today and he replied, "I mean idc 1119
just cleaning the stuff out." She asked him if he wanted her to "just leave you be today?," and he responded,
"I'll just let you know when I'm <lone." She asked him to "come sign the lease before they close today." Earlier
text messages established that l\ls. Thompson needed l\lr. Elliott to sign something so she could end the lease
on the Dublin apartment that he had been paying for. Ms. 'l110mpson then went on to say, "Be obviously you
don't wanna star with me tonight and be \vith me." I le repliec.l, "Chillin," "Chill." 'D1ey then had some more
back and forth about going to sibrn the lease and her coming over to pick up her dog's cage and drop off clothes
belonging to l\lr. Elliott anJ him neeJing to go to the bank to btCt cash for her. It was now 2:24 in the afternoon
and she said to him, "\'i/e haven't done anything together this whole time you've been here and nonnally we
Jo." I le replied, "\'\'hatever you want." She texrcd that she wante<l him to call her. 111en she wanted ro know

Text language for "I don't care."

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 49 of 90 PageID #: 466

what he and i\Ir. Jackson were texting about "this morning about two girls" and ;\Ir. Elliott replied that it had
nothing to do with him. She expressed that she did not believe him. I Ic eventually asked her what store she
was at and she told him l l&i\I. 111is last text was at 3:43:58 p.m. and then there is a i,.,rap in the texts rccovem.l
until 5:57:06 p.m. This is likely the time they met up at the man.1 w

Their text messages i,.,iu on and off from 5:57:06 p.m. until 6:58:29 p.m. with her asking a number of
times what he is doing later, is she going to stay with him tonight, is she invited to go out with him and stay
with him. Texts in this \'ein go on from 5:57:06 - 6:53:04 p.m. I !is phone records prO\-ided hr the NFLP.\
reflect that he called her at 6:10 p.m. for "1" and that she called him at 6:32 p.m. for "1." Both calls were on
his 214#. 11 1 .\t 6:58:29 p.m., he responded \-ia text saying, "Yea." 'lbereafter there arc a series of text messages
about how much longer is he going to be. i\fr. Elliott's phone records reflect a call from him to ;\Is. Thompson,
abrain on his 214#, at 9:17 p.m. for "2."11~

.\t 9:22:01 p.m., ;'\ls. lbompson texted Mr. Elliott and said "You've had so many excuses before and
what not don't want you just leave me behind," nnd he responded, "Look man I'm about to send u the address
when I get there." I le then sent her a link to the website for the Carriage l fouse am.I told her the address.
, \bout /2 hour later when she had not arrived at the Carriage l louse, he texted her asking where she was and
in response to her 'luestion, "when you do want me to come," he said, 'come." Then he told her to wait a little
while. . \nother l/l hour later, he said that he was on the way to meet her. It was now 10:42 p.m. Wednesday
July 20. 113 There arc no more recovered text messages between tht.'tn until 2:34:37 p.m. the nc.xt day, Thursday,
July 21.

Thursday. July 21 Approximately 4 a.m. Alleged Incident After Mr. Elliott Had Driven Home

According to Mr.Jackson, he, ~Ir. Elliott and ;\Is. Thompson were all back at Cnrriabrc I louse about 4
a.m. on Thursday mo ming, July 21. 114 Ms. 'lltompson !old the League's investibrators that when she and l\lr.
Elliott got back to Carriage I louse, she and i\lr. Elliott were arguing and that at some point, Mr. Jackson walked
in. She said that she and Mr. Elliott were going back and forth about everything that had happened in t.l1c past.
She said that during this arbrument, Mr. Elliott picked her up and threw her abrainst the storage closet; that she
fell to the btTOund. She said that l\lr. Jackson told Mr. Elliott to stop. She said she and l\lr. Elliott rook the
:lfbrument into the bedroom and shut the door. She said as she was walking toward the laundry room to 61Ct
something, she said something that really made Mr. Elliott angry - she snid that she could not recall what - and

See Exhibit 48, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott 7/20/16.
m See Exhibit 103.
112 See Exhibit 103.
See Exhibit 48.
See Exhibit 42.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 50 of 90 PageID #: 467

he "attacked" her. She said that he pinned her to the floor and started choking her and thnt this left a bruise
line across her neck. She said he was b'Tabbing her arms, lea\'fog thumb prints on them and then going back to
choking her, first with one hand and then with both. Photob'l'aphs taken on July 22, Exhibits 7. \ -11, 9. \ - E, 10. \-
D show both a large area of bruising on :\ls. Thompson's neck, bruises on her arms consistent with b'Tab marks,
bruises on her hips and sh.Jes consistent with being held down or picked up, other bruises consistent with blunt
force trauma as would occur from impact with a hard object, that both Drs. Thanning and Giordano say arc
consistent with ha\-ing been sustained a few dar s <..-arlier. I 15

l\ls. Thompson told the invcsti!,r.ttors that she couldn't breathe when Mr. Elliott was choking her, so
she started kicking at him at which point he got off of her and she went to grab her things to leave. She said
she told him that she was going to call the police and he said, ''No, you're not," and he pushed her into the side
of the bed and her hip hit the side of the bed because it was a high bed. She said she took photob'Taphs of her
hip the next morning before she went to the prosecutor's office. 1110se photob'l'aphs, Exhibirs 9.\ .0, depict an
apparent larbrc bruise on :\Js. '111ompson's right hip and they appear to ha\e been taken at the City Attorney's
Office as the last photob'l'aph in the series, Exhibit 9 E, shows :\Js. "111ompson sitting in the same room 9, \ -D
were taken in holding a City . \trorney's Office Jntakc sign. ll6

l\ls. "ll10rnpson told the Leabrue's investigators thar after her hip hit the bed, she sat down in a chair
and started "bawling." She said :\Ir. Elliott laid down in the bed and went 10 sleep. She said he was so intoxicated
that he immediately "passed out." She said that she stayed until later in the morning and then went back 10 her

Mr. Elliott during his interview with the Lcabrue's invcstif:,'11tors denied ever physically assaulting :\Is.
Thompson that week. He said l\lr. Jackson was right there the whole time. Mr. Jackson in his affidavit stated
the follmving about the early morning hours of'Jlmrsday,July 21. 1le said the three of them went back to the
Carriage House and that "we encourabrcd" :\Is. lnompson to stay as she was too intoxicated to drive. I le said
that his bedroom was across from i\lr. Elliott's and he "did not hear or sec any type of physical abuse, altercation
or fighting."117 Mr. Elliou, however, told the U':l!,>ue's invcstibr.ttors that he and i\(s. 'l110mpson were arbruing
that night, that he could not recall about what, but that they did not threaten each other in anyway. I le
specifically denied ever pinning i\ls. nwmpson to the Ooor and he said at no time did i\Ir. Jackson ever come
into his room to stop him from assaulting her. l\lr. Elliott further stated that he di<l not observe any bruises
on i\ls. Thompson the evening ofJuly 20, 2016. \'V'hen rold that Ms. nwmpson said she was wearing ;1 thick
choker that night to hide bruising from him h:l\-ing choke<l her earlier, i\lr. Elliott replied, that was a "hickey"

us See their opinions regarding these photographs, one by one, on pages 59-61 (7A-H), 67-68 (9A-E), and 70-71
(lOA-0) of this report.
116 See Exhibits 9A-D, Photographs taken at the City Attorney's Office on the afternoon of July 22, 2016.
See Exhibit 42.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 51 of 90 PageID #: 468

and that he had !,riven it to her. I le said when they woke up the morning ofJuly 21, ;\fs. Thompson wanted to
spend one more clay with him and he said, okay, because he wanted to " end this" as non-confrontationally as
possible. l\lr. Jackson said in his affidavit, that he, ;\Ir. Elliott and ~Is. Thompson stayed at the Carriage I louse
until 5 p.m. that day, 'l11ursday,July 21, when ;\fs. 'l110mpson left and he and ~Ir. Elliott remaineJ. I le said
that Ms. 'l110mpson was wearing a tank top and shorts all day and he "<lid not observe any bruises on her body,
leg, neck or hands."1111

In the written statement :\Is. Thompson provided to the police on July 22, with rebr.trd to this incident,
she stated that Mr. Elliott drove off from Fourth Street leaving his friends Alvarez and Jeffie behind; that she
and he got home and he picked her up and threw her abrainst the wall repeatedly. She said she tried to grab her
things and leave but he grabbed them from her and pushed her towards the laundry room located in the master
bedroom. She said she tried to go towards the front door but he grabbed her by her neck, choked her until she
started to 1,.r.tsp for breath and then dragged her across the carpet with one hand pulling her hair and the other
around her neck. She said that she ended up with bruises all over her anns and wrists, that she had rug burns
on her right knee and bite marks on her right shoulder. 11'>

The police officer who responded to l\(s. Thompson's 91 1 call on July 22 wrote in his report that \vi th
rebr.trd to this July 21 incident, Ms. Thompson told him that everything was fine between them until they got

home from Fourth Street when she asked him a question - she said she could not recall what it was - and he
"lost it" and picked her up under her arms under her armpits and threw her abr.tinst the wall; chat he then
1:,rrabbed her throat and after releasing it, dragged her across the floor leaving a rug bum on her right knee. 1.:?11

In her recorded interview at the City ,\ttomey's Office, i\ls. 'I110mpson stated with rcbr.trd 10 this July
21 incident that Mr. Elliott picked her up under both underarms off the bed where she had been sitting and
carried her to the hallway and threw her up ngainst the door of t11e storage closet. She said she fell and hit her
head and felt db.zr. She said she tried to get up and he dragJ.,rcd her into the bedroom anJ told her to "lay my
ass down; that he was not playing with me." She said that she then tried to b'CI her things and he took her phone
and said he was going to call the guy she had been seeing when she and :Xlr. Elliott had been broken up. She
said he dialed the number but his call was not answered and he then sent this man a tcxt. 121 She said she started
bringing up all the tJ1ings he had done to her in the past, cheating on her with multiple people. She said that's
when she walked to the laundry mom to make sure she didn't have anything in there and he brtabbe<l her neck
\vith one hand and pinned her down to the floor and he go t on top of her nnd st.1rted shaking her and she

See Exhibit 42.
119 See Exhibit 40.
See Exhibit 12.
Forensic analysis of Mr. Thompson's phone did not reveal such a text message. There is a gap in the text
messages recovered that goes from 12:27:37 a.m. on the morning of July 21 until 2:34:37 p.m. that afternoon.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 52 of 90 PageID #: 469

started !,>:isping for breath. She said he chen lifted her up and threw her away from her things, up a1:.r;iinsc the
bed and said to her that he was not "dealing with her dumb ass anymore." She said he then laid on the bed
and said, "Try to leave and sec what happens." She said she stayed am.I laid awake all night because she was
scared to leave. She said in the morning he woke up and told her that he didn't know what's wrong with him.
She said she left the apartment right after he left that morning. 1:::!

There were three photobrrnphs recovered from i\[s. '1110mpson's phone that were taken on the
afternoon of July 21 between 2:18 and 2:36 p.m.m 'l11e meta data r<.."Cmered from these photobrraphs show
that two were taken in the parking lot of the Carriage I louse; t~~the third was taken on a highway along i\[s.
Thompson's route home to her apartment in Dublin.113 These photographs have lx.'Cn described in detail
earlier in this report, sec pages 41-42. Both Drs. Thanning and Giordano stated that the injury to Ms.
Thompson's right eye depicted in 6C was very recent, sustained within 24 hours. Dr. Thanning stated that she
thought the other injuries depicted in these photos were 2-3 days old, saying that she believed from their
appearance that they were most likely sustained during the July 18 or 191" inci<lent. Dr. Giordano stated that
she thought the injuries were recent, within the previous two days.

. \ screen capture recovered from ~Is. "l110mpson's phone of a chat/Sl\IS conversation between l\ls.
Thompson and her mother on July 21 at 2:56:23 p.m. shows that .i\Is. Thompson sent her mother the
photobrraphs she took of her injuries that afternoon. 1:6 \'\'hen interviewed by the Leabrue's in\'esti!,r;itors, ~lrs.
111ompson stated that she did not recall having heard anything about her <laughter being abused <luring the
week of July 16-22, 2016 until the week was over. I lowever, her attention was not specifically drawn to her
receipt of these photos as her text exchanbte with her daughter had not yet been recovered from her daughter's
phone al the time of her interview.

In addition to the evidence of injury noted above, l\ls. "l110mpson's friend J\yrin l\fason also provides
further evidence that Ms. 'I110mpson had various injuries before the fight on 7 /22 in the parking lot with
another female. i\ls . .i\lason told the LeaJ:,rue's invcsti!,>:itors that she went over to i\ls. Thompson's apartment
on the morning of July 21 to hang out and tll:tt as soon as she walked in, ~Is. "ll1ompson showed her bruises
on her neck, on one ann, and on her pelvis and stated to l\ls. Mason that she "can't do this anymore." 1\ls.
l\fason said that .i\Is. Thompson told her that Mr. Elliott had choked her and dragged her across the apartment
by her hair. i\ls. l\lason said that the only other time she had seen bruises on l\ls. 'I110mpson that hat.I to <lo

m See Exhibit 41.

m Exhibits # 6A, B & C
Exhibit # 6A & B
Exhibit 6C.
Exhibit 49, Screen shot from Tiffany Thompson's cell phone of a chat/SMS text between herself and her mother,
Tessie Thompson, 7/21/16 at 2:56:23 p.m.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 53 of 90 PageID #: 470

with i\lr. Elliott was in photobrraphs that i\ls. 1110mpson had sent her that showed bruises on i\ls. Thompson's
inner thighs which i\ls. Thompson had said came from rough sex. \Vhat i\fs. l\lason saw and heard that
morning in i\ls. n10mpson's apartment was not part of the affida\it that was prepared for her by i\lr. Elliott's
attorner; that affid:wit only covered what happened on July 22. m

Other evidence that ;\Is. Thompson and i\ls. Elliott haJ a violent fight in the early morning hours of
July 21 comes from the following: i\lrs. Thompson told the Leab'Ue's invesribrntors that on one occasion, her
<laughter called her to come repair a hole in the drywall at the Carriage I louse. The only time 1\ls. Thompson
was in the Curiabrc I louse was the afternoon ofJuly 20 and the early morning hours ofJuly 21, so this call had
to be the morning ofJuly 21 . i\lrs. Thompson said that she asked her daughter how the hole in the drywall b'
there and that her daughter sai<l she wasn't sure. After learning about this call from i\lrs. Thompson, the
Leabruc's investigators asked i\fs. Thompson about it as she had not mentioned this in earlier interviews. She
told the investibrntors that she called her mother on the morning ofJuly 21, the same day that i\lr. Elliott had
choked her, about fixing a hole in the wall at the Carriage r rouse and that the hole in the wall was from i\ls.
Thompson throwing l\lr. Elliott's phone against the wall; that it was his phone he used for talking to other brirls.

'Ille first recovered tc.xt messab'C between Ms. Thompson and :\Ir. Elliotc on July 21 was sent hr l\ls.
Thompson to l\Ir. Elliott at 2:34:3'7 p.m. that afternoon, right in the middle of her taking the photographs of

her injuries while in her car. The text says, "It's tiff," and right after, "Call me asap." At 2:36, as stated abo\'e,
she took the last of thcst: injury photographs. \t 2:39:40 p.m., he responded, "Wat's up" and she replied at
2:48:45 p.m. that she just "rc.trencle<l someone. 'fncy then went back and forth about getting the car fixed, did
she have the cash he gave her and getting the wall fixed in his place. ;\t 3:26:47 p.m., he said he "feel so sick"
and tht:n there is more back and forth about fixing the wall.128

l\lr. Elliott's phone rcconls during this period of time show that he caJled l\Is. Thompson at 2:38 p.m.
from his 614# for" I" and then from his 214#, at 2:39, 2:44, 2:45 and 2:45 p .m., each for" I." 'Ibey also reflect
that she called him at 2:48 for "2." 1 lis phone records further reflect that she ca11ed him at 3:41 and 4:03 p .m.
for "2" and "1" respectively, and that he then received four incoming calls from her at 6:38, 6:39, 6:43 p.m. and
7:42 p.m., all but the last one registered as "1 ",the last one registered as "2." I lis records also reflect an incoming
call from her at 7:29 p.m. lasting for "2" on his other phone number, the 614#. 1;?9

t\t 8:46:51 p.m., l\ls. ll10mpson asked l\lr. Elliott via text if he would just "come lay with me for a
little." I lis phone records reflect an incoming call on his 614# from her at 8:49 p .m. for "1." . \t 9:37:3-1- p.m.,
he tex1ed her saying, "u gotta go," to which she responded, "I'm sorry I just got my ass beat and don't wanna

Exhibit SO, Affidavit of Ayrin Mason dated 7/28/16.
See Exhibit 51, Text messages exchanged between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott 7/21/16-7 /22/16.
See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 54 of 90 PageID #: 471

leave you."130 Thompson told investigators that this text related to what ;\(r. Elliott had <lone to her earlier
that morning.

Evening of Thursday. July 21- Early Morning Hours of Friday, July 22: Events Leading Up To The
Last Alleged Assault

;\-Is, 1110mpson tol<l the Leilbrue's invesribtalors that she went home to her apartment the morning of

July 21 an<l then returned lo the Carriage I fouse 10 b'Ct ready for Mr. Elliott's birthday party which was
schedule<l to take place later that night at a club called 'l11c Social Room. She told investii:.tators that "all of a
sudden,," at around 10:00 p.m., he came into the room and tol<l her she had to leave and that she asked him
why. She said that he then said she shouJd come 10 his party with him and that she could come home with him
nftenvards. She said she then went lo her friend .\yrin's and she and :\yrin were going to go to the party

Mr. Elliott told investigators that he went to Ms. Thompson's house the day of his party an<l told her
that they "gotta be done." I le said he told her that he did not want to sec her anymore and that she should not
try to come out with him that night. I le said later that <lay, he got back to the Carri:lbrc I louse and she was
inside his apartment, in his bed and he agnin told her be <lid not want her there. I le said it must ha\'e finally
gotten through to her that he was serious and "it like flipped a switch in her head" and she started threatening
him, saying she was going to "ruin him." I Ie told the investigators that she had been threatening this all week.
When asked if ;\Ir. Jackson had been present for any of these alleged threats that week, ~Ir. Elliott said 15
people heard her say this the night of his party ancl indeed, there would appear to be no question that
Thompson uttered such words in the Carriage I louse parking lot in the very early morning hours ofJul) 22 as
her own friend Ayrin Mason says that she did. There is no independent evidence that ;\(s. Thompson made
such a threat earlier in the week. l\lr. .Jackson, who Mr. Elliott says was there with him and !\Is. n10mpson
almost the entire time they were together all that week, did not state in either of his affidavits that he heard Ms.
Thompson make such a threat earlier in the week. 131

A number of Mr. Elliott's friends, in affidavits submitted to the City J\ttomey's Office by i\lr. Elliott's
attorney, stated rhat Mr. Elliott had told them that evening that he <lid not want Ms. Thompson to come to his
party.m It appears from the text messages exchanged between Mr. Elliott and ;\[s. Thompson that night that
l\[s. Thompson was at the Carriabrc I louse in a different room of the apartment than ;\Ir. Elliott and that rather
than speaking face-to-face, they were texting back and forth. l\ls. 'lnompson's text rel1ucsting Mr. Elliott to

See Exhibit 51.
See Exhibit 42.
m See Exhibits 52, & 53, Affidavit of Bijan Moazampour dated 8/1/16 and Affidavit of Alvarez Jackson's 8/2/16,

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 55 of 90 PageID #: 472

"come lay with her for a while" was sent at 8:46:51 p.m. I lis text saying, "u gotta go" was sent at 9:37:34 p.m.
This text exchange SUgb>csts that i\Is. 'll10mpson was in a bedroom at the Carriage I louse and that J\lr. Elliou
was in another room. I lcr reply 10 him after he tokl her to leave, that she had "just got her ass beat" am.I didn't
want to k-avc him and "I'm sorry I want to spend your birthday with you since you arc going to Miami for the
weekend," were sent at 9:38 p.m. I le responded at 9:57:27 p.m., am.I said, "Canu listen to me. For once," '1 ust
ha,c a bad feeling," "U should le:l\'e," "Really." She then told him that her aunt had come to pick up her dog
am.I she said, "We're going to have a goo<l time tonight," "I'm just gonna smoke," to which he replied, ''Naw
man." She then said "You told me last night we were going to so stick to what you say please." Ile replied,
''\Y/e really can't do this anymore," and ";\bout to just not go out," "Stay at my dads." She told him to "calm
down," "E,erything will be okay tonight," "Listen to me for just one time," "You owe me," "Least you can do
for me," at which point he responded, ''Not in the mood man," "I fonestly." She went on to say, "I'm sorry,"
"I love you," "I love you so fucking much," "I need to talk to you."m This last text was sent at 10:14:38 p.m .
'll1ere is no recovered text message that shows a response from l\.lr. Elliott to this series of texts from :\Is.

l\lr. Elliott's cell phone records provided by the NFLP,\ had all the text record information for juJy
16- July 21at10 p.m. redacted. The first text message entry that is visible is at 10:07 p.m. on July 21 and it

shows that l\lr. Elliott received an incoming text from ;\Is. Thompson at that time. The records further show
that he received another incoming text from her at 10:07 and two incoming texts from her at 10:08 p.m. The
records do not show the substance of these texts as they arc billing records, not records recovered from his cell
phone. 13~ Further, they do not show l\1r. Elliott receiving any other texts from l\ls. Thompson that night,
although many such texts were recovered from Ms. 111ompson's phone, as detailed below. In addition, the
records prO\~dcd to the Lca1:,'tlc show no text messages between them for the rc.~t of the billing period which
ended on Au1:.rust 15, 2016 and, a1:.rnin, text messages for this period of time were recovered from ;\Is.
'l11ompson's phone. us

I lis phone records show a picture video being sent to him on his 214# from her at 9:06 p.m. and then
incoming calls from her on his 214# at 10:52 and 11 :04 p.m. 'lbe first for "1," the second for "7." He then
called her three times, twice at 11 :11 and once at 1 l :12 p.m., all for "l" and then she called him at 11 :13 for
"8." , \t 11: 21 , he called her for "1" and the records reflect she called him at l 1:21 for "2" and then she called
him ab>nin at 1 l :23 for "1." n1e records further reflect a call from him to her at l 1:42 p.m. for "1."13<

See Exhibit 51.
See Exhibit 103.
m See Exhibit 103.
m See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 56 of 90 PageID #: 473

The next recovered text sent by Ms. Thompson to ~Ir. Elliott was sent at I 1:43:52 p .m. that night.July
21, at which time, l\ls. 1110mpson texted i\fr. Elliott on his other phone, the (i 14#, saying, "Police arc involved."
No response from :\lr. E lliott was recovered. At 12:06:57 a.m., now on July 22, she tcxted him, "I have to bro
to the station tomorrow for them to take pictures of me. Con1:,rrats bro." 137 s\nd at 12:08 a.m ., there is an

incoming call from her on his 614# for "1."l:lll Mr. Elliott told imestibrators when he got these texts, he <lid not
believe that Ms. Thompson had n..'ltll}' called the police but thought she might still do so later in the night. I le
told the in\'esti1:,rators that is the reason he then invited her to his party. I le said he told her, "Tiffany, if you
really want to spend my birthday with me, you're going to leave me alone after this? Okay, you can come
celebrate my birthday with me." In fact, his text messages back 10 her said the following: .\t 12:09:14 a.m., he
said, ''\'V'here arc u" and getting no response, at 12: 11 :48 a.m., texted her again saying, ''Never had your number
blocked." She responded by asking him where was he and he replied ..\'V'hy are u not out celebrating my bday
with me," ..U said u wanted 10 spend this dar with me but all u tryin to do is ruin it," .. U don't love me." 1-'?
,\fter this text exchange, l\ls. 'l110mpson and her friend Ayrin Mason went to the party at The Social Room.

i\ls. 'll10mpson told investi1:,rators that she had decided to call the police that night, refcrrin~ to the
night ofJuly 21, after talking to her friend J\yrin about everything that had happened that week. She sai<l that
\ yrin saw all of the bruises and her neck and tried to help her cover up the bruises with make-up. She said she
decided to call the police because, ..1 was fed up with everything. I couldn't take it anymore and I knew that if
I didn't go into legal actions, it would keep going on and on. And that Wednesday night, when I almost possibly
like could have lost my life, br not breathing, it just made me realize, like, I couldn't, I couldn't handle it
anymore." She told investigators that she then called the non-emergency number while she was at \yrin's and
told them she wanted to report domestic violence and they told her to come in the next day to make the report.
She said that she did not want to make the report until after I\lr. Elliott left for l\liami the next clay because she
was afraid of him.

The League's investi1:,rators attempted to obtain a record from the Columbus Police Department
rebrarcling l\Is. 1110mpson's call to the non-Lmerbrcncy number, but were unable to do so, the Columbus Police
Department's Public Records division stating that ther could fim) no record of this call. ~Is. :O.lason told the
League's investibrators that indeed i\(s. Thompson made this call. Ms. Mason told the investii,,rators that when
i\ls. Thompson arrived at her house that night, Ms. Thompson asked i\ls. l\lason if i\(s. Thompson should file
a police report and Ms. Mason said she told Ms. Thompson, yes. i\Is. Mason told invcstibrators that :\Is.
Thompson then called the police non-emergency number while in i'lls. Mason's presence. She said that l\fs.
Thompson planned to go in and file a police report on Fridar (July 22). Ms. ~Cason said that she and :\Is.

See Exhibit 51.
ua See Exhibit 103.
139 See Exhibit 51.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 57 of 90 PageID #: 474

Thompson then went to i\Ir. Elliott's party. She said that she did not help i\Is. Thompson cover up her bruises
with make-up before going but that she did observe bruises on her that day.

i\ls. Thompson's Aunt Elaine Glenn told investiJ:,r:ttors that ~{s. Thompson called her that Thursday
(July 21) morning. 140 i\ls. Glenn said she was asleep at the time and when she woke up, she tcxted i\fs.
Thompson asking her if she was okay. i\fs. Glenn said that i\Is. Thompson textcd her back and said that she
was ready to go to the police; that i\Jr. Elliott kept blTabbing her. i\ls. Glenn said the next time she spoke to 1\ls.
Thompson, l\ls. Thompson was at 1\yrin's house and l\k Glenn asked her niece if she was safe and .i \ls.
Thompson replied, yes, and i\ls. Glenn told i\ls. 'llwmpson that she was praying for her.

Ms. Thompson and i\ls. Glenn's text message c.xchange on the night of July 21 was recovered from
l\ls. Glenn's phone and it shows that at 10:58:11 p.m. on July 21, Ms. Thompson texted her aunt saying, "I'm
ready to go to the police," and at 10:58: 17 p.m. stated, "i\Iy body hurts so bad." 141 This was 45 minutes after
i\Is. Thompson had sent the series of text messages to i\lr. Elliott telling him she loved him and brctting no

1\t 10:58:12 p.m., the recovered text messages show that i\ls. Glenn texted i\ls. Thompson back saying,
"I las he hit you more?" and i\-ls. 11tumpson responded at 10:58:52, "I-le just kept grabbing me." I !er aunt then
responded, "\Vhy?," "Did you tell him you were broing to the police," and i\ls. Thompson replied, "I said I need
to do something about it." i\ls. Glenn then asked, "And he didn't care," to which i\ls. 'I110mpson responded,
"I le did." ~Is. Glenn asked, ''Did it make him more pissed," "\Vhere arc you," ,...tiff??," "Tiff," "\Vhat is going
on," "Tiff'. ;\Is. Thompson then responded, "Yeah?," "'\ly friend Syrians," ".\yrins." Iler aunt then asked
her, ",\re you safe" to which Ms. Thompson responded, "Yes." Iler aunt's final texts that night were, "Okay
I'll be at work at 7am if you need to talk in the morning," "I love you aml please let me know what's going on.
I'm praying f(>r you pretty girl," "Call your nane." 1 ~2

Early Morning Hours of Friday. July 22; The Party at The Social Room and the Fight with the Woman
in the Parking Lot

;\Js. Thompson and her friend , \yrin Mason arrived at the party at The Social Room after mklnight on
Friday July 22. Ms. Thompson was asked by the l4'nb'llc's investibrators why she would go to .1\lr. Elliott's party
after having decided to report him to the police. She responded by saying, "It was just like I stayed there after
every incident." She elaborated on this later, saying, that after she had told i\lr. Elliott in a text that she had
called the police, he accused her of trying to ruin his birthday and he told her to come celebrate with him, so

See Exhibit 54, Call log from Elaine Glenn's ceU phone for the morning of 7/21/16 that corroborates that she
made this call.
See Exhibit SS, Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson and Elaine Glenn night of 7/21/16.
See Exhibit SS.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 58 of 90 PageID #: 475

she went to the party and told him that she was not trying to ruin his birthday "but this docs need to stop."
She said that she was in his section for 5-10 minutes, that she was not drinking and then decided to lca\'C the
party early. She denied that l\fr. Elliott had told her to b'Ct out of his section of the club.

l\[s. "ll1ompson said that when she was leaving the club, a b>irl brrabbcd her hair and started screaming
at her. l\(s. Thompson said that this b>irl ha<l been in ~Ir. Elliott's section of the club when l\h. 'l110mpson was
there earlier and had been looking at her funny. :-.Is. Thompson said when she left the club, she saw this girl
outside throwing up and called her a name and the b>irl then came after her and pulled her hair and wanted to
fight. ;\[s. Thompson said she did not b'Ct into a fight with this girl, that the girl pulled her hair and l\Is.
'll10mpson turned around and "got in her face" at which point the girl took a swing at ;\Is. Thompson and
people pulled Ms. Thompson away. Ms. Thompson said that the girl's swing did not make contact with her,
nor did she foll down at any point during this exchange. l\Is. Thompson was asked by the investigators about a
text messab'C she sent to ;\fr. Elliott after this altercation in which she had written,") just b'Ot fucking beat by
one of your hoes bitch."W l\ls. 'll1ompson denied having gotten "beaten" by the girl and said she only said
this to l\[r. Elliott to make him feel bad." l\ls. 'lllOmpson described the altercation with this woman to Robert
Tobias of the City 1\ttomey's Office and cl1e Intake Officer at his office the same way she had to the League's
investib'lltors, denying that there was any physical contact other than hair-btrabbing. 1H

.r\yrin l\lason also told the L..-aguc's investigators and tl1e police later that day, as well as the City
1\ttomey's Office when she was interviewed there, that Ms. 1lmmpson did not get into a physical altercation
other than the hair-!,'Tabbing with this woman in the parking lot. us She said thar she and :\ls. Thompson had
arrived at the party at about 1:00 a.m. When asked by the League's investib'lltors why ;\Is. Thompson would
want to go to l\lr. Elliott's party, l\ls. l\lason said because it was Mr. Elliott's birthday and she really did love
him and she did not want anything to happen between him and the other girls who would be at the party.

Ms. Mason said that neither she nor i\Is. Thompson had been drinking before arriving at the party anc.I
that at the party, they only had a little champabrne. She said that Ms. 1nompson and l\Ir. Elliott spoke "a little
bit" at the party, that he had multiple other girls he was dating there as well who he was talking to and t11at ;\Is.
Thompson kept following him around and he was ibrnoring her. She said that l\lr. Elliott tole.I l\fs. Thompson
to go talk to another football player and "kicked her out of his section of the club." l\fs. i\lason said that i\ls.
nwmpson went over to the other football player's table and started dancing on it and that i\lr. Elliott "was just
laughing." i\[s. i\lason said that at about 2:00, the music stopped and the lights came on and she and ~Is.

Thompson left the club. She said there was a girl throwing up by the door and l\ls. Thompson called the girl a

143 See Exhibit 97.

See Exhibit 41 and Mr. Tobias' interview.
See Exhibits 56, Ayrin Mason's written statement to Columbus Police Department dated 7/22/16, and 57,
Transcript of Ayrin Mason's interview by Columbus City Attorney's Office Intake Officer dated 7/22/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 59 of 90 PageID #: 476

"whore" because she thought that the brirl was one of the i,,rirls }.fr. Ellic>lt was "messing with." ~Is. i\lason said
that the girl came over to ~Is. Thompson and pulled her hair and that i\{s. 'I110mpson brrabbeJ the girl's hair at
which point i\ls. i\lason said she grabbed i\ls. Thompson around the waist am.I pulled her back. i\Is. ;o..lason said
this light lasted 45 seconJs to a minute "at most" anJ that no kicking or punching occurred during it. 111e
Intake Officer at the City . \ttorney's Office in his interview of ~Is. i\Iason asked her if Ms. Thompson had anr
new bruises from the altercation in the parking lot with this other female and i\ls. Mason said no, she just had
the bruises from before.W ~Is. i\Iason said the same thing to the League's investigators when they asked this
question. Despite this, in his correspondence of August 4, 2016, to the City Attorney's Office, l\fr. Salzano
while reviewing l\ls. i\lason's statements in the affidavit he prepared for her, stated:

N o tably, l\lason witnessed Thompson get into a physical altercation \vith another female
outside the Social Room at approximately 2:00 a.m. jMason J\ff., Ex. F ,I 2J It was i\lason
who grabbed ll10mpson's waist to help separate her from the other female and break up
the fight. l~fason ,\ff., Ex. F ,I 31 And, it JJJ<J.r d11ri11g thir a/1en:alim1 lha1 Th1Jmp.r011 .fldfeml ily11rie.r
she later alleged were t't/ (IJ' Ellioll. Iemphasis added] H7

i\Ir. Elliott's attorney submitted four affidavits to the City Attorney's Office from people who all said
they saw the altercation in n1e Social Room's parking lot, including one from \(s . .Mason in which she stated,
that as they were leaving the party, another female "physically assaulted Tiffany by first slapping Tiffany in the

face and then pulling her hair. . \ fight ensued for a few minutes before it was broken up. I was able to help
break up the fight by i,,rrabbing Tiffany's waist to help separate her from the other female." UR Kenny .\lvarado,
the security manager at The Social Room, in his affidavit stated, that he was working at The Social Room on
July 21, 2016 and "latJ approximately 2:10 a.m. that evening I witnessed a fight outside of Social on the sidewalk.
Two females were punching each other and pulling each others hair. I recognized one lo be Tiffany n1ompson.
I did not recognize the other participant. The fight was broken up by bystanders. The police briefly spoke with
her. I don't believe either person was arrested."H~

n1e two other affidavits submitted to the City ,\ttomey's Office rebrnrding this altercation outside of
The Social Room came from two off-duty police officers who were working in the arc.'\ as special duty officers
that night. One, Kerry Cibulskas, had been with the Columbus PD for 17 years; the other, Brian Keefe, for 20
years. Both slated in their affidavits that they saw the altercation outside of The Social Room at 2:10 a.m. on
the morning ofJuly 22, 2016 and that both women involved were throwing punches with one hand and pulling
each other's h:lir \vlth the other. Officer Keefe stated in his affidavit that he estimated that the altercation lasteJ

See Exhibit 57.
See Exhibit 85.
See Exhibit 50.
See Exhibit 58, Affidavit of Kenny Alvarado dated

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 60 of 90 PageID #: 477

60 seconds. Officer Cibulskas did not state any estimate of the time of the altercation in his affidavit. Neither
stated in their affida\'its that any of the punches landed on ei1her of the participants in the altcrcation. 1sa

Robert Tobias, the Director of the Prosecution Resources Unit at the Columbus City Attorney's
Office, told the League's imestib>ators that he met with one of the police officers who had witnessed 1\ls.
Thompson ;md the other girl at The Social Room "fighting and pulling ench other's hair." I le said this officer's
version of what had occurred was very different than Ms. Thompson's and l\(s. l\lason's who had described
the altercation as "being very short-lived, maybe one smack, one hair pulling." The police officer described it
as "flying, punching, and falling to the brround." l\lr. Tobias did not tell the League's investig:ttors which police
officer said this to him and as stated earlier, neither of the two officers who observed the fight stated such facts
in their sworn affidavits. Both described it as punches being thrown - no statement that they landed - and hair-
pulling. Officer Keefe said in his affidavit that the whole fight lasted 60 seconds. ISi

RCbr.trding his party at The Social Room, l\lr. Elliott told the Leabrue's investigators that he arrived a
little after midnight and left at 2:30 a.m. I lis phone records reflect an incoming call from ~[s. Thompson at
12:08 a.m. that neither he nor l\ls. 1110mpson mentioned when interviewed by the Lcabrue's invcstibrators. t 5.l
~Ir. Elliott went on to tell the Lcabruc's investibrators that Ms. 'l110mpson arrived at the party \vith her friend.
I le said there were about 20 people, girls and bruys, in his section and he spoke no more than 10-15 words to
l\ls. 1110mpson all night. He said that about I :30, 1:40, l'\[s. n10mpson came up to him and said, "I'm coming
home to stay with you tonight, right," and he told her, "no: I Jc said she then said, "1\re you sure want that?"
and he said, ''Yes, I do not want you coming to stay with me" and she said back to him, "This is the worst
decision you made in your life. I'm broing to ruin your life." I le said he was "like, whatever" and she left the
party. No \vitncss from the party stated in an affida\'it that they heard l'\(s. 'fbompson make such a threat.

Text messages recovered from l\ls. 'J110mpson's phone show that they exchanged a few text messabrcs
while at the party. .\t 1:12:27 a.m., she textcd him, "Come here" and at 1:26:56 he tcxtcd her back, "I lappy
birthday to me" with a smiley face and at 1:27:07, he said to her, "I la\e a fun night," to which she replied at
1:31:18, "I Iappy birthday abusive ass bitch." I !er next text to him was at 2:12:08 when she told him that she
got beat by one of his "hoes." She went on to say, "1\ctually not beat," "Lmaol5l in a fight," "You better be
smart," ",\nd not be a dumb man," "Bitch." ;\Ir. Elliott's phone records reflect that he callcJ ;\ls. 1110mpson
at 2:23 n.m. for "I" anJ then on his other phone (614#), he called her at 2:23 a.m. for "1" and that she called
him at 2:26 a.m. for "l ." Text messages reco\'ered from l'\-fs. Thompson's phone show that i\lr. Elliott tcxted
:\ls. Thompson at 2:26:29, sa)ing, "I'm a bitch" to which she replied, "Keep fucking with the wrong bitch,"

See Exhibits 59 & 60, Affidavits of Kerry Cibulskas and Brian Keefe, both dated 7/29/16.
See Exhibits 59 & 60.
m See Exhibit 103.
m Text message language for "laughing my ass off."

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 61 of 90 PageID #: 478

"Not playing bramcs," ", \ftcr party at Zckcs yay." I le then rcspomlcd, " U arc." She replied, "Your hoes fighting
me." I le tcxte<l back, "I <lon't have hoes" and she saiu, "You have lots but it's okay remember." I le rcspondcu,
"Night night" and she said back, "Sec you when you get home." She repeated this abrain 49 seconds later. It
was now 2:28:56 a.m. i\fr. Elliott did not respond, at least not via text that the l..c:lb'\IC could find in :\Is.
Thompson's cell phone.~ There arc no more recovered text messages between them until four Jays later.

:O.Cs. Thompson had a text message cxchanb>c with her friend Bren the night ofJuly 21 -July 22 during
which she told Bren that ~Ir. Elliott had abused her. On July 21, at 11 :56 p.m., Bren tcxtcd ~Is. Thompson
and said, "I lope you're doing alright!" 1\[s. Thompson responded at 11:57 p.m. saying, "I'm not," "Kinda
need you at this point." ,\t 12: 11 a.m. Quly 22), Bren texted her back, "\Vhat's wrong." Thompson
rcspondc<.I, "Literally I have been getting my ass beat." Bren asked, ''By who?!" and at 1:17 a.m., :\fs. 'll10mpson
responded, "Zeke." . \t t :22, Bren said back, "I le was beating you.. not cool I." 1\t 3:16 a.m., i\ls. 1110mpson
responded, "I have bruises all over me and cvcrything."m

Friday. July 22 Approximately 2:30 a.m. Alleged Incident in the Carriage House Parking Lot

The last alleged incident of physical violence between l\lr. Elliott and :\Is. 'l110mpson is alleged to have
occurre<l in the parking lot of the Carriage TTouse at approximately 2:30 Fri<lay morning, July 22, 2016. After

the party at l11e Social Room, l\fr. Elliott invited a number of people back to the Carriage I louse for an after-
party. Whether he invited l\ls. Thompson is a subject of dispute. She says that he did; he and others say he
did not. l\ls. nwmpson said she and l\Ir. Elliott were Facetiming after she left The Social Room and that he
asked her where she was and she told him she was sitting outside of the Carriage I louse. She told invcstibrators
that he replied, "Okay, we'll be there soon." l\ls. 111ompson was referred to her and i\lr. Elliott's actual text
message exchange during that time period in which she said to him a number of times, "Sec you when you get
home" and his only reply was, "Night, night."136 She said that ;\Ir. Elliott was just "bcing a smart ass" and that
he was "trying to make fher) mad."

:\ls. l11ompson's friend J\yrin :\Jason, when she was interviewed by the League's investigators, was
askc<l why she and :\Is. Thompson would have gone to this after-party at the Carriage I louse given what had
happened <..-arlier in the night. l\ls. l\lason responded that she had wanted to go home, but l\ls. 'lbompson
didn't want to drive her there. She said thllt as they were driving, l\fr. Elliott Facctimed with :\Is. nmmpson
and they had a conversation that "wasn't bad."157 l\Is. i\lason said rJ1at they were both laughing and joking and

See Exhibit 51.
155 See Exhibit 81, Text message exchange between Bren and Tiffany Thompson 7/21/167/22/16.
See Exhibit 51.
This Facetiming conversation between Ms. Thompson and Mr. Elliott could not be independently established as
the call log in Ms. Thompson's phone did not go back that far and the league was never provided with Mr. Elliott's
phone to examine, nor the call log from that day.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 62 of 90 PageID #: 479

that i\ls. 111ompson was still talking to him as they arrived at his apartment and she said to him she would sec
him when the)' got there.

The call log recovered from Ms. Thompson's phone showed no calls before 5:04 a.m. on July 22, 2016,
so this Facctimc call could not be independently established in that manner. ;\[r. Elliott's phone records, as
st:lted above, reflect that he called l\Is. Thompson at 2:21 a.m. for "1" and then on his other phone (614#) at
2:23 a.m. fur "t" anti that she called him at 2:26 a.m. for" I ."st! These three calls were before their text message
exchange between 2:26:29 - 2:28:56 a.m. that ended with him saying, ''Night night," to which she replied twice,
"Sec you when you btCt home." '11ms, the calls between them that show on his phone records could not be the
call l\fs. Mason or :\Is. Thompson was talking about when they said the two of them were getting along.
I Iowevcr, both l\Js. ;\fason and l\Is. 'l110mpson said that this took place in a Facetime call and a Facctime call
would not have shown on the l\[r. Elliott's cell phone billing records; it only would have shown on the call log
located in his . \pple cell phone which was not provided to the League.

Reb"llrdless of whether she had been invited, all agree that she show<.'Cl up in the parking lot with her
friend ,.\yrin ;\Jason before i\lr. Elliott arrived. Everyone is also in agreement chat when l\fr. Elliou arrived in
the lot in a vehicle being driven by a female friend of his, Taylor Sandbothc, :\Is. '1110mpson became very angry
and confronted l\fr. Elliott and Ms. Sandbothe. Words were exchanged, after which l\[r. Elliott and all other

\vitncsses interviewed by the police and the Ll':lbruc, including Ms. "fbompson's friend 1\rrin :\lason, say that
i\lr. Elliott walked into the Carria!:,>c I louse having made no ph~sical contact with l\Is. Thompson whatsoever.
Ms. 'l110mpson claims that after verbally confronting Mr. Elliott and Ms. Sanddbothc, she went back to her car
and got into the driver's scat, that Mr. Elliott came over to the car, told her that she needed to leave, she said,
no, and he btrabbcd one of her wrists as she was holding the steering wheel, and dragJ:,>cd her out of the car. She
said that i\lr. Elliott's father then arrived and everyone went inside and that she called the police.

When asked by the imestib>:ttors why she did not just leave when i\lr. Elliott told her to, Ms. 'llmmpson
said because she was the "girlfriend in the situation" and the other b>irl should have left. l\[s. Thompson was
asked where Ayrin i\lason was standing when ;\Ir. Elliott pulled her out of the car and she said l\ls. ~lason was
right outside the car but she didn't know where i\Is. Mason was looking.

i\ls. i\lason told the l..<..':lbruc's investi6rators that she and I\ls. n10mpson were in the parking lot when
:\Ir. Elliort arrived. She said that a girl was driving his car and that l\ls. TI10mpson walked up to the girl and
started calling her a "bitch" and a 'ho." l\ls. ;\Jason said she had remained in the passenbrcr scat of i\ls.
Thompson's car and that there was one car between the car she was in and the car i\lr. Elliott was in, that she
could not sec what was going on by his car but she could hear it. She said she then 1:,10t out of the car and went

See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 63 of 90 PageID #: 480

over to the other car, saw that l\Is. Thompson was in the other girl's face and pulled l\fs. 1110mpson away. She
sai<l that ~Ir. Elliott and the girl started to walk towards the front door of the apartment am) l\fs. nlompson
tried to block them from going in, that l\ls. Thompson and ;\Jr. Elliott had some words that she, Ms. l\lason,
coul<ln't hL':lr, that the girl then said to l\ls. 1110mpson, "you're no t coming in" and l\ls. Thompson was yelling
an<l screaming an<l sai<l that l\lr. Elliott's "career was over." Ms. l\Iason said that i\ls. Thompson called the
police after everyone else went inside and that after the police arri\'cd, ;\[s. Thompwn tcxted her saying, "If
they ask he dragged me out of the car." Ms. Mason said that when she spoke to the police she told thLm the
truth, as she had told the investigators.

The text messabrc cxchanb>e between i\ls. i\Iason and Ms. Thompson in which Ms. Thompson told Ms.
l\lason to tell the police if they ask that l\lr. Elliott had <.lragged Ms. Thompson out of the car was provided to
the City Attorney's Office, to l\lr. Elliott's attorney and to the Lcab'tle's investigators. Ir shows that at 2:53 a.m.
that Friday morning, l\(s. Thompson texted l\ls. l\lason, "If they ask he dragi,,?Cd me out of the car." Ms. i\fason
responded, "Okay," '1 use now?" and l\Is. 11mmpson said, ''\'Vhcn we brat here," "Like we pulled up and he
showed up and then yanked me out if the police ask." 159 This message was not recovered from l\(s. nlOmpson's
cell phone by the League's forensic examiners. There exists no record of any text messages between Ayrin
l\lawn and l\ls. Thompson prior to the July 22, at 5:18 a.m. i\(r. ,\ kCain, the League's forensic expert, did

recover nn earlier deleted messab>C (from ~lay 17, 2016) whic h shows that there were earlier text messab>es
between them. Given their close relationship, it is highly unlikely that they were not in frequent communication
via text mL'Ssagc prior to juJy 22 at 5:18 a.m. 1nerefore, Ms. tbompwn must have deleted all earlier text
mcssabrcs between herself and ;\fs. Mason.

During the 911 call Ms. Thompson mndc to the police, she told the operator that she hac.I called earlier
about a domc.'itic violence report and that she was going to wait until tomorrow when he was out of state. l\(s.
Thompson did not finish her sentence as the 911 operator interrupted her to get the address from where she
was cnJling and then asked her who the person was she was calling about. i\(s. llmmpson said, my boyfriend
and that "he's been doing it for the past 5 <lays." She tol<l the 911 operator that he had hit her and when asked
where, Ms. lbompson responded, "All over." inc operator asked her if she needed a medic and l\Is.
Thompson responded, "I don't. I probably need to go to urbrcnt care or something am) brct an x-ray for my
wril>t." lne 911 operator ended the cnJl saying she wouJc.I get an officer there as soon as she can.'"'

The police responded to ~ls. 1110mpson's 91 I call at 2:40 a.m. When they arrived, they interviewed
i\(s. Thompson who told them a different version of what ha<l just happened in the parking lot than what she
had the League's invcsribrators. In her written statement for the police, ;\Is. Thompson said, "lals soon :ts he

See Exhibit 61, Text message exchanges between Tiffany Thompson and Ayrin Mason 7/22/16.
See Exhibit 62, Transcript of the 911 call placed by Tiffany Thompson on 7/22/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 64 of 90 PageID #: 481

pulled up tonight he yanked my right ann and dragged me out of the car." She said this left her "right hand/wrist
bruised and red." She said that l\lr. Elliott kept calling her a bitch and that he was cursing at her and 1clling her
to leave after having told her to spend his birthday and stay the night with him. She also tokl the police about
having been assaulted by (\fr. Elliott on three other occasions earlier that week and 1,>ave them brief statements
about each which they later wrote in their police repo rt. Her statements abo ut these inci<l1..'tlts as rccor<lc<l in
the police report ha\'c been noted at the appropriate places in this investib>"athe report above. She also told
them that she and l\lr. Elliott had lived tobrcther for 3 months and that he was presently paying for her apartment
and her car.

The police also intcrviewed l\lr. Elliott who said he had never laid a hand on i\fs. Thompson and any
bruises on her body were from a "bar fight" she had gotten into at a club called 5oci.11. I le denied ever having
lived with i\fs. Thompson. I fc said they had never e\en dated, writing the word "never" in capital letters in his
written statement. I le did admit that he had had a sexual relationship with her and that he was paying for her
apartment and car. Reb>"arding that night's incident in the parking lot, Mr. Elliott said that Ms. 'll10mpson was
waiting in the parking lot when he and l\ls. Sandbothe arrived, that l\Is. 'l11ompson "a~>Tessivcly" approached
their vehicle and tried to fight l\ls. Sandbothe, that as he entered his apartment, l\ls. Thompson yelled at him,
"I am going to ruin your career. You have messed with the wrong person."1<1

The police also interviewed .r\yrin l\lason who told them tl1c same thing she told the League's
investigators about what happened in the parking lot. She also told them that the door ;\ls.111ompson stumbled
on was the door to the ;\lr. Elliott's residence. u.:? 1n the affidavit that Mr. Elliott's attorney prepared for her and
submitted to the Columbus City . \ttomey's Office, l\ls. 'M ason stated that after ;\ls. Thompson had approached
i\Ir. Elliott's car screaming at the female driver, l\fr. Elliott and the car's driver and passengers all walked towards
the Carriage House and at no time did she, l\ls. :\Jason, sec l\[r. Elliott and l\ls. Thompson come into any
contact. She also said that as l\fr. Elliott entered the Carriage I louse, Ms. "ll10mpson yelled that she was going
to "ruin his career'' and call the police.U.l

111e police interviewed l\lr. Elliott's friends Bijan l\foazampour, 1<..i Dylan i\linney1<6 and Taylor
Sandbothe. 06 ;\Jr. l\loazampour told the police that he had just pulled into the parking lot when he saw i\ls.
1110mpson walk o ver to Mr. Elliott's car and start a fight with i\ls. Sandbothe and as l\lr. '1l10mpson was doing
that, i\fr. Elliott got out of the car and walked into the apartment.. Mr. l\loazampour said that Ms. 'Thompson

See Exhibits 12 & 63, Ezekiel Elliott's written statement to the Columbus Police Department dated 7/22/16.
See Exhibits 12 & 56.
See Exhibit 50.
See Exhibits 12 & 64, Bijan Moazampour's written statement to the Columbus Police Department dated
165 See Exhibits 12 & 65, Dylan Minney's written statement to the Columbus Police Department dated 7/22/16.
See Exhibits 12 & 66, Taylor Sandbothe's written statement to the Columbus Police Department dated 7/22/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 65 of 90 PageID #: 482

kept "trying to provoke" i\ls. Sandbothe and the others in the parking lot and that they all went inside to "avoid
the situation." u.7 i\lr. Alinner told the po lice that when he arrived in the lot, he parked between Ms. Thompso n
and i\lr. Elliott's cars and that i\ls. 1110mpson was \isibly anbry as she approached i\Ir. Elliott's car. i\lr. i\linncy
said that l\ls. Thompson started to verbally threaten the driver of Mr. Elliott's car and i\lr. Elliott and that she
said to i\lr. Elliott, "I'm calling the cops to ruin your career, yo ur career is do ne." i\lr l\linncy said he purposely
stood between i\Is. Thompson and i\Ir. Elliott as Mr. Elliott walked inside so that they could have no contact.
I le said after i\lr. Elliott walked inside, he and a few others blocked the door so Ms. 'l11ompson could not
entcr. '"8 i\-fs. Sandbothc told the police that as soon as she and l\Ir. Elliott pulled into the parking lot, i\[s.
Thompwn came over to their car and "initiated a confrontation." She said that .Ms. lbompson was yelling
nnd arb'lling nnd trying to "insert herself into the convertible." i\{s. Snndbothe said thni l\ls. Thompson was
calling her a "hoc or something" as they were rolling up the windows and making their way inside. She said that
l\fr. Elliott walked inside with her "as soon as we arrived." I<?

In addition to interviewing witnesses at the scene, the police also took photobrraphs of i\ls. 'l110mpson
as she stood in the parking lot of the Carringc I louse. 'l11cse photobrraphs, Exhibits 71\-l J, were rc\~cwed by
Ors. Thanning and Giordano. 7..\ is a photobrraph of?\{s. 'l11ompson standing in the parking lot. Both doctors
noted a bruise on the right arm and a smaller one on the left arm that were almost symmetrical and were

consistent with her having been grabbed, held or shook by both anns. These bruises appeared older to both
doctors and could have been as much as a week old, they stated. Dr. Thanning also noted that the swelling
over l\ls. n10mpson's right eye that had been so striking in the photo she took of herself in her car on July 18,
Exhibit 6C, had gone down a little but was still apparent. 13oth doctors said they could not sec any injury on
l\Is. Thompson's neck in this photo and brivcn that they couJc.I see it so prominently in the photo taken in at the
City ;\ttomcy's Office later that day, they theorized that it was obscured in this photobrraph by J\ls. 1110mpson's
choker as wdl as make up that she told the l..t.':lJ:,>uc's investigators she had put on to cover up this injury before
going out to the party.

Exhibit 7B is a photO!,rr:tph of the front of both of ~ls. Thompson's hands. Dr. Giordano noted the
same injuries she had seen in Exhibit 613, the photobrraph l\fs. 'll10mpson had taken of the same hand as she
sat in her car on the afternoon of July 21, the three small abrasio ns on the 31", 4 1" and Sh knuckles and the
contusion on the 51" (pinky) knuckle. She said that these injuries do not appear a dramatic in this photobrraph
which she attributed to both the poor lighting conditio ns under which the Exhibit 7 series of photob>Taphs was
taken in and also the fact that this photob>Taph was taken approximately 12 hours after the one in the car. She
said you can also sec a little of the redness on the side of the wrist that appeared much more prominently in

See Exhibits 12 & 64.
See Exhibits 12 & 65.
1 See Exhibits 12 & 66.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 66 of 90 PageID #: 483

the earlier (6B) photo. Dr. Thanning stated that this photobrraph depicted symmetrical healing bruises on the
outer (extensor) side of the lower foreanns. She said they were consistent with b'l'ab marks sustained on either
July 17 or 18. She also noted more recent early healing bruises, mostly right, lesser left, outer (ulnar) wrist
consistent with grab marks, plus mostly right, lesser left, 5th knuckle bruises and partially abraded pin point
puncture wounds/contusions at the very crests/tips of the #2, 3, 4, and 51" knuckles. 'lllcse injuries arc
consistent with punch marks or a hand hitting a hard object.

With rcbrarJ to Exhibit 7C, a photograph of the outside sides of both Ms. Thompson's hands, Dr.
Giordano stated that this photobrraph depicts the same injuries seen in 7B, but one can see the bruising and
swelling on the pinky knuckle more clearly in this photograph. Dr. Thanning stated that this pho1ob1Taph
portra)'eJ the outer lateral ulnar view of injuries described with regard to 7B.

Dr. Giordano said she did not sec any apparent injuries in Exhibit 7D. Dr. Thanning noted barely
visible aspect of the wrist grab marks described \vith regard to 7B.

In Exhibit 7E, a close-up of both bands, palms up, Dr. Giordano said that on the left wrist, pinky side,
the brownish area could be consistent \vith a contusion. She remarked on the poor quality of this of
photos Jue in l:trb'C part to the lighting conditions and ~tated that this brownish area appears to be the injury

that was apparent in Exhibit 6:\, the photobrraph .Ms. Thompson took in her car of her left hand. Dr. Thanning
said this close-up of the palms shows grab marks on the outer and inner wrists (ulnar and radi.'ll aspects), most
pronounced on the left in this view.

Exhibit 7F is a photobrraph of the front of J\Js. 1110mpson's right armpit, the same area of her boJy
she photo1,,rraphcd in the bathroom of l\lr. Elliott's apartment. three and a half days earlier, on July J 8, at 3:33:44
p.m., Exhibit 3C. Dr. Giordano stated that you can sec some of the same injuries that were visible in 3C in
photob>Taph 7F. She said the two small linear abrasions that appeared as red recent injuries in 3C now appear
as having healed consistent with the passage of 3 days. The small abrasions previously seen over her clavicle
arc not seen here, possibly due to positioning or coverage of her bra strap. She said that the larger bruise on
1\Is. Thompson's upper ann is clearly healing. She said in 7P you can sec that this bruise is more diffuse, has
softer cdbrcs, is fading purple in color and somewhat brownish, all of which Dr. Giordano said leads her to the
conclusion that this injury is consistent with being a few days old. Dr. 111anning said that the bruise in the area
of the right armpit to the upper arm in the front/ biceps area is healing as evidenced by the fact it is orb'<lnizing
and is yellow and b'l'ecn in color. Dr. 11tanning state<l that this bruise is 100 large in her opinion to be a thumb
brrab mark. She staled that t11is injury is not typical for an acciJcntal, sclf~inflic1ed bruise either in a somewhat
protected, anatomical location in a resting pose. She saiJ, however, this could be a punch mark incurred during
an altercation \vith raised and/ or outstretched arm. She said t11a1 this bruise appears to be several Jays old and
woulJ be consistent with it having been sustained on July 17 or 18. Dr. 11mnning also noted multiple recent,

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 67 of 90 PageID #: 484

crusted linear abrasions on the top of the shoulder which appeared lo be 1-2 days old and therefore consistent
with having bc1..-n su:;raincd on July 21 and possibly July 19.

Exhibits 7G and 71 r arc photographs of \Is. llmmpson's forearms held up bent at the elbows. Dr.
Giordano pointed out the visible bruises at both wrists and mid-forearms which she noted were symmetrical
at both locations. She said there were therefore consistent with ha\'ing been grabbed at those places. In lenns
of age, she said it was hard to tell from these photos because of their poor quality (especially 7G which is out
of focus) but she would say that the bruises near the elbows on each arm appeared older, not sustained in the
last day or two. She said that the bruise on the right forearm has centrnl clearing and is brown around the edb>cs
which leads her to conclude it is several days old. She said that the bruises on the wrists and left forearm appear
fresher because they arc red-purple in color. Also seen ab>ain in Exhibit 711 is the l:trbrc bruise on the right upper
outer arm. She thought that all the bruises in this photo arc consistent with having been sustained within a
week, although those n1..-ar the elbows could be older. \Vtth regard to i\ls. TI10mpson's neck area as portrayed
in these two photoblTaphs, Dr. Giordano stated that much of the neck area is obscured by the choker i\ls.
Thompson is wearing and in 71 J by her own hand and that she, Dr. Giordano, cannot discern any injury in the
neck area in this photo. Dr. 'rhanning stated that these photographs show recent, symmetrical wrist
contusionsfb'Tab marks that she described more fully with respect to 7B. She also noted bilateral upper outer

and inner healing bruises photographed in a defensive type st:mcc. She stated that the one on the left a trapczoi<l
(guadrilatcral) configuration reminiscent of a patterned injury from an object. She said that in 7f I, the inner
(flcxor) forcann bruises appeared older than the wrist bruises and were consistent with having been sustained
on July 17 or 18.

The police wrote in their report that "Id Jue to conflicting variatiom of what happened and whether or
not J\ls. 'll1ompson and M.r. Elliott ever lived togcdter, no charbrcs were filed llb>ainst i\lr. Elliott. ~Is. Thompson
was referred to the Prosecutor's Office to discu.o;s filing charges against ~Ir. Elliott."17

111c police did not interview .\lvarez Jackson that night and as was stated above, ;\fr. J ackson did not
make himself available to the League's investigators for an interview. I le did however sign two affidavits for
~Ir. Elliott's attomey.111e first was dated ,\ubrust 2, 2016 and dealt with the e\'ents of.July 21 -22, 201 6; 171 the
sccon<l, date<l Aubrust 16, 2016, covered the days earlier that week, the 16-21. m In his affidavit dated .August 2,
2016, l\fr. Jackson sai<l that nfter Mr. Elliott arrived in the parking lot of the Carriage f louse with :-.Is. Sandbothc
driving, Ms. 'l11ompson ran up to the driver's side window and started yelling at :-.Is. Sandbothc. I fe said she
was also yelling at Mr. Elliott to get out of the car. I le said that ~Ir. Elliott and :\Is. Sandbothe and tht.: other

See Exhibit 12.
See Exhibit 53.
m See Exhibit 42.

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passengers in the car all got out and bebran walking towards the door of the Carriage I louse and that at no time
while they were doing so, did Mr. Elliott make any contact with i\ls. Thompson; he said they never came within
5 7 feet of each other. She said that as i\lr. Elliott was walking towards the Carriage I louse, ;\Is. 'l110mpson
was screaming at him that "she was going to ruin his carcer." 17.l

The police also did not interview i\lr. mtiott's father that night, nor <li<l the City . \ttorncy's Office nml,
like i\lr. Jackson, l\fr. Elliott's father, Stacy Elliot, also di<l not make himself available for an interview with the
Leab'l.le. He <lid, howe\'er, like i\t r. Jackson, meet with his son's attorne)" and sign an affidavit about the night's
events. 114 I le said that while he was on his way to the Carriabrc I louse :1fter the party at the Social Room, he got
a call from his son saring that ~-ls. 'fhompson was outside "causing problems." Stacy Elliot said when he arrived
at the C:arriabrc I louse, he saw Ms. 'I11ompson outside by her car and he waited outside until the police arrived.
I fis affidavit did not prm1de any more det.1ils about what happened in the Carriage I louse's parking lot that
night. PS

"l11e U"ague's investibrators confronted Ms. Thompson with all the statements the other witnesses to
the incident in the parking lot had made and she insisted that they were not true and that her version of events
as giYen to the Leai:,ruc's investibrators was what really happened. She was also confronted \vtth the statements
made by people who said they had been with i\ts. Thompson at various times during the week and that they
did not sec any visible injury. She said that were not telling the truth, that she dearly had \'isiblc injury as it
appears in photobrraphs taken that week and she had tried to cover them with make-up but could not entirely
do so. ;\ls. 'l110mpson was confronted with what her friend Ayrin Mason said about what had happened in the
parking lot and still insisted her version was correct. She also said that in her text message to Ms. Mason telling
her to tell the police that i\fs. Thompson had been dra~JCd out of her car that night by :\Ir. Elliott that she was
not asking Ms. Mason lo lie> that that was the truth. m.

.Mr. Elliott's attorney provided a text message exchanb>e between i\Is. 'llmmpson and i\fs. :\lason on
July 27, 2016 to the City Attorney's Office that he said evidenced Ms. 'l11ompson abrain asking Ms. :\Jason to
lie for her about the July 22 parking lot incident. lnc Lcab'l.le's investigators obtained this cxchanbrc from the
City J\ttorney's Office and from Mr. Elliott's attorney. In addition, the forensic examination of Ms. Thompson's
cell phone also recovered this text message exchange which, in actuality, went on longer than the versions
supplied by Mr. Elliott' attorney to the City ;\ttorney or to the Lcabrue by Mr. Elliott's lawyers. 'll1is text messabrc
exchanged bcb>an on July 27 at 8:57:29 p.m. \vith Ms. l\fason saying to i\ls. '11mmpson, "Do you want me to lie
about what happened that night be zekes lawyer is about to call me abr:iin." i\ls. Mason told the League's

See Exhibit 53.
See Exhibit 67, Affidavit of Stacy Elliott dated 8/3/16.
See Exhibit 67.
176 See Exhibit 99, relevant portions of the transcript of Ms. Thompson's interview.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 69 of 90 PageID #: 486

investigator's that she ha<l been put up to sending this text by i\lr. Elliott who wk! her chat his lawyers nccde<l
an explicit re<juesl to lie from i\ls. Thompson. i\ls. i\lason told the investif:,r.llors that she "was trying to help
Ezekiel" whl.-n she did this. Not hearing back from l\Is. 1110mpson, i\ls. i\lason's texted agnin at 9:19:54, "1 lurry
text me back" to which i\Is. Thompson replied, "I luh" at 9:25:17 and at 9:25:44, "CalJ me." i\ls. i\lason then
textcd back, at 9:25:46, "\'Vhat him pulling you out of the car by your wrist." i\ls. n10mpson tcxtcd back, at
9:25:56, "Call me." 1\t 9:26:01, i\ls. i\lason responded, "I'm on the phone now" and at 9:26:06, "So hurry." \t
9:26:20, Ms. l110mpson responded, "1\yrin" and at 9:26:23, "Yea" and i\ls. i\lason saying, "Okay" at 9:26:37.
That is the point at which the version l\lr. Elliott's attorney furnished to the City J\ttorney and to the League
ends. ;\s discovered when these text messages were recovered from i\ls. Thompson's phone, the exchange
continued with .i\ls. "llmmpson sa>1ng at 11 :39:3 t, "Call me" and at t 1:42:23 saying, "Don't lie if you didn't sec
anything happen then don't say you did" and at 11:58:50, "You need w call me asap." i\ls. i\lason then
responded at 10:34:08, "I didn't lie" and at 10:34:19, "I le didn't even ask me again what happened." In

:'\ls. Thompson was asked about the above text message exchange by the Leabrue's investibrators and
explained that her answer, "Yea" to l\fs. Mason was in response to i\ls. i\lason sa}1ng, "CalJ me," that i\ls.
Thompson was saying, "Like what do you need?" I lowcver, in this tc.xt message exchange, it was ;\Js.
Thompson saying, "Call me" to Ms. Mason, not the other way around. i\fs. Thompson also had no explanation

for why it took her over two hours to text .i\ls. i\lason back and say that she should not lie.

Later in the Day of Friday. July 22

\ f1er the police left the Caniabrc I louse parking lot early that momtng, i\ls. 111ompson told
investibralors that her grandmother came and picked her up and dropped her at her friend J\yrin Mason's home.
i\ls. l\lason told the Intake Officer at the City \ttorney's Office that when l\ls. Thompson brol to her house,
she, .Ms. i\lason, saw bruises on her body and that those were not "new" that they were the same bruises "from
before" referring to the same bruises she had seen on Ms. 'll10mpson at her house before they went to the
party. i\ls. Mason told the Intake Officer that :\Is. Thompson did not have those bruises when she saw her the
week previou.~. She said that she thinks she saw l\ls. 1nompson on the Tuesday before. which would have
been July 12. ns

While at ~Is. ~lason's, i\Is. n1ompson and i\ls. i\lason took a photohrraph of the back of .i\ls.
mompson's arms. Exhibit 80. ~Is. n10mpson provided this photobrraph to the City .\ttorncr's Office along
with five other photobrraphs she took that week at various times. Exhibits 81\-C and SE-F. Ms. 'l110mpson told
the Leabrue's investibrators that, with the exception of SF, she docs not know c.xacdy whl.-n she took those
particular photob'Taphs, other than to say they were all taken the week of July 17-22. She said she took SF on

See Exhibit 68, Text message exchanges between Tiffany Thompson and Ayrin Mason on 7/27/16.
See Exhibit 57.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 70 of 90 PageID #: 487

"Saturday night" (really the early morning hours of Sunday July 18) after ~Is. Elliott fell asleep. 111c Lcab'Ue's
investibr:llors first obtained these photographs from the City . \ttorney's Office. Thereafter th~1 were located
as thumbnails during the forensic examination of l\Is. 1110mpson's cell phone. No mela data was recovered
from these photographs, so the exact time and place ther were taken cannot be indepem.lently established in
this manner. I lowever, corroboration for at least the time perio<l during which these were taken can be
established in two other ways. One, these photographs were provided to the City ,\uorncy's Office la1er the
day ofJuly 22 when t\Is. n1ompson went there with her father, so they were dearly taken before the afternoon
ofJuJy 22. Two, 5 of the 6 photob>t11Phs in this series, were posted by i\fs. Thompson on Instagram the morning
ofJuly 22 al approximately 5:40 a.m., indicating they must have been taken before then 1i'J. We can further pin
down when 80 was taken as we know from text messabrcs between l\s. Thompson and l\ls. ~Cason sent
between 4:47 and 5:18 a.m. that ~Is. Thompson was not yet at Ms. Mason's home. 111 Therefore, photograph
80 must have been taken on the morning ofJul} 22 between 5:18 and 5:40 a.m.

Mr. Elliott's phone records reflect that he received calls from a blocked number at 5:29, 6:15 and
6:16 .a.m. that morning on his 214#, the first two lasting for"]" and the last for "2" and 13 calls between
4:38-6:29 a.m. on his 614# and one final blocked call on his 614# at 2:48 p.m. . \II but three, the 5:36, 6:14
and 6:29 calls registering "1," these other three registering "2." There was one final call on i\lr. Elliott's 614#
from a blocked number at 2:48 p.m.on July 22, 2016 that registered "1."' 8 '

Exhibit 8A shows i\fs. Thompson's right hand with visible bruising on the outside of the wrist and on
the knuckle of the pinky finbier. In addition, small abrasions can be seen on the knuckles of the middle, ring
and pinky fingers. l\ls. Thompson told the League's investigators that these injuries occurred during the
Wednesday night (which was really the early morning hours, Thursday July 21) incident. These injuries were
clearly visible in the photograph ~Is. 'l110mpson took of the same hand while in her car on 'l1mrsday, J uJy 21
at 2:18:56 p.m., Exhibit 6B, and in the photobrrnphs tak~'fl by the Columbus Police Deparuncnt on July 22 at
approximately 3:00 a.m., Exhibits 7A-1 I. Dr. 'l11anning said that the appearance of these injuries in photo 8,\
is consistent with th<..m having happened on either July 19 or 21. She stated these arc recent injuries that arc
consistent with having been sustained in the last 24 hours. Dr. Giordano concurs. She said that the injuries as
depicted in this photo look "fresh" both because of their color and the fact they have no fuzzy edges and that
the appearance of these injuries in this photobrraph is consistent \vith them having been sustained as a result of
being thrown abr:linst a wall and the hand and wrist striking the wall.

179 See Exhibit 69, Tiffany Thompson's lnstagram posting 7/22/16.

See Exhibit 61.
See Exhibit 103.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 71 of 90 PageID #: 488

Exhibit 8B shows ;\fs. Thompson's left upper ann. Dr. lllanning said she secs five small round marks,
two above the other three below. Dr. Thanning sai<l that these appear to be "characteristic grab marks," that
their shape and size arc consistent with having been ma<lc by fingertip pressure. She said that the one thnt
appears a little larger than the others is consistent with a thumb and that the appearance of all five bruises
tobrcther is consistent with someone having wrapped their hand aroun<l ;\fs. Thompson's arm ;m<l pressed in
with all ti\'e fingers. Dr. 'Jl1anning said that these injuries arc older than those depicted in 8. \ and that they
appeared to be a few days old. \'(/}1en i\Is. Thompson was shown this photograph and asked when she believes
she got the injuries seen in it, she said that the visible bruising on the back of her ann could have come from
any of the incidents that week. Or. Giordano said she could clc.ulr sec four small contusions in this photograph,
the two on the outer ann being more prominent than the other two. She also tcnncd them "brrab marks" am)
said they would appear consistent with the arm having been grabbed from behind. Dr. Giordano stated that
based on these bruises color, no ycllow-brrcen, and shape, no cliffusing edges, she woukl say these bruises were
most likely sustained within the last few days. She said that they did not appear consistent with having been
sustained in the last 24 hours.

Exhibit 8C shows ;\(s. Thompson':; neck and the bitemark that appears on the left sic.le of her neck
that appeared in the July 18 series of photobrraphs taken in the bathroom of ;\fr. Elliott's apartment on

Canvasback Lane. Exhibits 3A-F. Dr. Thanning said that the appearance of the bitcmark in this photobrraph is
consi:;tent with it being a few day:; old. Dr. Giordano agreed and said that the Jeep red-purple color indicates
that it is foirly recent. She also said you could clc.'lrly see the circular pattern of small brown dots from the
healing bite underneath and teeth marks and opposing arches in the more recent bite above. Dr. Giordano
noted that Ms. Thompson's skin tone as it appeared in this photobrraph was more realistic than it had appeared
in Exhibit 3C which al:;o makes the color of the upper bitcmark more realistic. i\ls. 'l110mpwn, when shown
this photograph stated that it :1howcd bruising on the right sic.le of her neck and she stated that this was from
Wednesday night (abrain, really Thursday c..'llrly a.m. hours) . Neither doctor discerned bruising on the right si<lc
of Ms. n10mpson's neck in this photobrraph, however, both said it was clearly visible in 8F.

Exhibit 8F is a photobrrnph of ~Is. Thompson's neck that ;\Is. lnompson told the Lcab'lle's
invcstibrators she took after ;\b. Elliott fell asleep following the Saturday night (really Sun<lay morning) assault.
Dr. Giordano identified a larbrc dark band blOing around ~Is. Thompson's neck and stated that from this
photograph it was hard to tell if that was an injury or shading in the photobrraph. However, after vic..'\ving Exhibit
9E, a photOb>Taph taken of Ms. 'l11ompson at the City , \uorncy's Office the afternoon ofJuly 22, in which the
same dark band is \~sible around ;\(s. Thompson's neck, Dr. Giordano stated the dark area around ~fs.

Thompson's neck in 8F wouJd appear ro represent the same finding which Dr. Giordano described as a possible
wide band of purplish-brown bruising on the front of the neck. She stated that to her, it appcarc<l as if it might
have been made by a wide band of some sort ha\ing been drawn tight around Ms. Thompson's neck but she

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 72 of 90 PageID #: 489

said the investigators should rely on Dr. 'l11anning's conclusions rebrarding the mechanism of injury here as a
pathologist would be in a better position to make this determination. Dr. lbanning told the investigators that
in photo Br, she observed at the root of the lateral neck on both sides a nearly symmetrical injury. She said no
pattern was observable in this injury and that the most likely mechanism of injury was 1wo hands, not lingers,
wrapped around :\Is. 'l11ompson's neck st1ueezing in. She said that this injury would be consistent with ~Is.

Thompson having been lifted up by the neck by two larb>c hands. She said that from its appearance in this
photograph, this injury was likely 10 have been sustained within the last 2-3 days and could be as recent as a
few hours. She contrasted its appearance in this photo to how it appeared in Exhibit 9E, the photograph taken
at the City Attorney's Office on the afternoon of July 22. She noted that in 9E, the neck injury looked less
symmetrical but stated that that could be due to the lighting which was causing shading on the lower portion
of her face and um.lcr her chin and the make-up she was wearing. She said from its appearance in this pholo,
she would say that the neck injury had been sustained several days before.

Exhibit 80 shows the back of both i\Is. Thompson's arms. This is the photob'T:lph that was taken at
,\yrin :\fason's home at approxima1cly 5:30 in the morning ofJuly 22. Dr. 'l11anning said that the "characteristic
b'Tab marks" that we saw in Photo 8B can be seen on the upper right arm in this photobrraph as well and that
these appear to be of the same age. She also noted that they were almost symmetrical on both arms, as if she

was grabbed at those locations at the same time by two hands. She said that on the left arm, a larb>c circular
contusion can be seen a few inches above the wrist and another contusion can be seen on the outer aspect of
the left wrist. n1ese injuries were visible in the photograph Ms. 'l11ompson took in her car on July 21 at 2:18:42
p.m., Exhibit 6A, and Dr. Thanning says d1at their appearnnce in 80 is consistent with them being another day
older at the time 80 was taken. Finally, with respect to photo SD, Dr. 'l11anning noted what she tcnned an
older bruise on the inside of the lcfc wrisc that appeared brrccnish in color. She stated that this could be two
weeks old based on its appearance in this photograph. Dr. Giordano concurred with Dr. Thanning's

Exhibit 8E shows the inside of Ms. Thompson's right knee. Ms. Thompson told investi!,>ators that she
got this injury "Wednesday night" (abrain, this was really 'lbursday morning) and that she got it because she
kept falling down during the assault. nus is also the assault during which Ms. Thompson told the League's
investibrators, the Columbus Police Department and the City Attorney's Office that she had been draf:lbrcd across
the bedroom carpet. Dr. Thanning said that one can sec four visible injuries on ~ls. 1110mpson's knee and that
these injuries arc both contusions and abrasions. She said that the one on the far left of the photo has visible
linear marks. She said that these injuries arc clearly not fingernail scratch marks and appeared to her to have
been caused by something different than the two injuries immediately to the right of this. With rchrard to those
two \-isible injuries, Dr. Thanning said these two injuries look like chemical or thcnnal burns and they arc the
kind of injuries one might btCt if dragged across a rug. She said their appc..'arance is consistent \vith ;\Is.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 73 of 90 PageID #: 490

Thompson having been on her left side as she was being dragged across a carpet, such that the inside of her
righ t knee wo uld have suffered injury. Dr. Thanning also noted a fourth injury located above the knee that was
circular in appearance and appeared to her to be fading out. 'Il1is area of i\ls. Thompson's body was not
portmyed in any of the other photobrraphs recovered by the League's investibrato rs. Dr. Thanning state<l that
these injuries appear consistent with having been obtained <luring the week ofJuly 16-22. Dr. Gior<lano agreed
with Dr. Thanning's conclusion that the injuries portrayed in 8E arc consistent with a rug burn or other injury
produced by frictional force abraiost a rough surface. Dr. Gior<lano identified four injuries in this photobrrnph
all apparent contusion/abrasions. On the far left, a semi-circular contusion/abrasion through which one can
sec which there is a visible linear pattern b'Oing left to right from the top to the bottom, two contibruous
contusions with ;1brasions just to the inside of the knee and another contusion above those. Dr. Giordano
stated that these injuries were far more consistent with having been dragged on a carpet than having just fallen

Ms. Thompson's I nstagram posting that morning consisted of 8 photo!,rrnphs of herinjuries, five were
from the series 8.\-F, two were from the series of photographs she took in her car on the afternoon ofJuly 21,
6.\-C, and the last one is from the series of pho1ographs she took at ~Ir. l:illiott's apartment on the afternoon
ofJuly 18, 3A-F.. \long with the pho tographs, Ms. Thompson posted the following statement:

Just for every women [sic) out there getting abused it's time to put a stop to it. This has
been happening to me for months and it finally got out of control to where I was picked
up and thrown across the room by my anns. 11uown into walls. Being choked to where 1
have to brasp for breath. Bruised everywhere, mentallr, and physically abused. It's not
okar . So I want each and everyone one of you girls to step away now from domestic
violence. You're worth so much more. I got told it was called "tough love" I'm sorry if
you love someone you don't touch your loved ones. ra~

?\Is. 'llmmpson told the LeaJ:,rue's investibrators that her father picked her up at 1\)rin l\fason's on the
morning of July 22 and took her back to her apartment in Dublin and that later that afternoon, he took her lo
the City Attorney's Office.. \nother group of photos was taken there that afternoon, Exhibits 9A-E. Four of
these photos, Exhibits 9A-D, depict ~Is . 1110mpson's right hip ar<.-a and show a large horizontal bruise. ~Is.

Thompson told invcstib;uors that this injury occurred when her hip hit the side of ;\Ir. Elliott's bed as he was
pulling her by the arm. Dr. Giordano described this injury as a larbrc purplish-pink bruise layin1:t over the right
hip bone exten<ling towards the abdomen. She said it appeared pretty recent. She said it was consistent with
something hard ha\1ng been pushed down on that area of the body or from ;\(s. Thompson striking something

182A woman named Samantha Deakin posted a reply to Ms. Thompson's lnstagram posting. Ms. Deakin told Ms.
Thompson, "I know you are getting a lot of shit about those pictures. But I know personally of a story of him
putting his hands on a girl in a bar up there from a friend, and he beat the shit of my friend too (this friend was a

guy) but people are going to talk shit regardless. Proud of you for not hiding it and hopefully that POS gets what he
deserves." Efforts by the League to interview Ms. Deakin proved unsuccessful.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 74 of 90 PageID #: 491

hard in the same manner and that these hard surfaces would have had to be wide to ha\'e caused the injury
observed. She said that given its location above the hip bone, in a "protected area," it docs not appear consistent
with an injury incurred from having fallen down. Dr. Thanning said that the app~':lrance of this contusion in
this series of photographs is consistent with ;\Is. Thompson's side having hit a hard horizontal surface such as
the side of a bed in the early morning hours of.July 21.

The fifth and last photo in this series, 9E, shows i\Is. Thompson holding a sibrn that has information
written in a red marker on it rebranling her case, to wit, the lntake Number, her name, ~fr. Elliott's name, the
initials of the Intake Officer, the date of intake and the type of case, "DV/ 1\ST." 1bis photobrraph shows the
tips of i\ls. Thompson's finbrcrs holding the sign just below her clavicle and her neck and head from the clavicle
up. I ler right eye app~':lrs bruised in this photo and there appears to be a linear bruise extending around the
right side of her throat at the bottom of the neck broing towards the center of her neck. Both doctors
obser\'ations and conclusions about this photo have been earlier stated. Sec, pabrc 65.

rn addition to taking photographs, the Intake Officer also filled out a body diabrram. U\3 On this diabrram,
the Intake Officer indicated that there were injuries on l\ls. 1110mpson's knees, hands, lower arms, right
shoulder and across her neck.

The Intake Officer also interviewed both Ms. Thompson and l\ls. ;\lason and what they told him about
the events covered in this report has been noted in the appropriate chronolobrical places. \t the end of i\ls.
Thompson's interview, she was asked what she hoped would come out of this interview and she told the Intake
Officer, "Criminal charbrcs would be pressed an<l a protection order."''" \'V'hen she was interviewed by the
League's investigators, approximately a month after the City . \uomey's Office had informed her that it was not
going to bring criminal charbrcs abrainst i\fr. Elliott, Ms. Thompson stated that she <lid not want to sec Mr. Elliott
get suspended; she "just wants him to be put through counseling so it doesn't happen to the next girl."

Regarding why Ms. Thompson called the police from the Carriage I louse parking lot earlier that
morning, ;\(s. l\lason told the Intake Officer that l\fs. Thompson had been planning on filing a report on Friday
but she, Ms. 1\lason, thinks that what happened in the parking lot pushed her 10 do it sooner but that she was
calling the police because of what had happened before. ,.\t the en<l of Ms. l\lason's interview with the City
\ttomey's Office, the Intake Officer asked her if she was willing to testify. She told him, no, because she is
friends with both i\(s. Thompson and l\fr. Elliott so she "would like to not be involved the best I can." 18S

Over the next several weeks, the City Attorney's Office enbrabrcd in an investibration. Robert Tobias,
the Director of the Prosecution Resources Unit at that office le<l the investigation. I fe met with l\Js. Thompson

See Exhibit 21.
See Exhibit 41.
See Exhibit 57.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 75 of 90 PageID #: 492

at least 2 or 3 times he told the Leab'Uc's in\'esti1:ir:uors. 'I11c dates of the assaults she reported to him matche<l
the <lates of the assaults she reported lO the l.A.':lbrue's invc!itigators. I le sai<l he first met ~ls. 'l110mpson on July
22 an<l observcJ the bruises on her body an<l stated that the bruising he saw "was consistent with what she sai<l
had happened. I le said that i\ls. Thompson did not seem vindictive when he interviewed her; thar she said she
just wanted to sec i\(r. Elliott get counseling. In a text mcssab>c exchange with Bri'ontc Dunn on .\ubust 2, i\ls.
Thompson stated the same thing. i\(r. Dunn asked her what she was going to do going forwar<l and she
responded, "l<lk I'm trying to keep it from where he doesn't get suspended from any games or anything so who
knows what is going to happen b'Oing forward its up to him and his lawyers associating with mine and the
prosecutor." l\lr. Dunn then asked ;\ls. Thompson if she had pressed charges and she replied, "Yeah but
nothng criminal is going to happen to him. I made it very clear with them th.'lt all I ask for out of it is
counscling." 18'

l\fr. Tobias said he also spoke to :\yrin Mason who was very reluctant to be invol\ed but did say that
she had seen bruises on i\ls. Thompson on that Thursday (July 21) and that i\fs. Thompson had told her that
l\lr. Elliott had "done it.'' l\lr. Tobias also met with Alvarez Jackson who denied to him that any of the allcbrcJ
incidents had occurred and said he <lid not sec or hear anything that week. , \nd, finally, ;\Ir. Tobias said he met
with one of the police officers who saw Ms. Thompson's altercation outside of'l11e Social Room with the other

woman l\fr. Tobias said that this officer described the altercation "pretty differently" from the way i\fs. i\fason
and i\ls. Thompson had described it to him. He said that they had described it as "very short-lived, maybe one
smack, one hair pulling. The officer described it as "Aying, punching, and falling to the brround".

Mr. Tobias said that he did not have an opportunity to speak to i\lr. Elliott during his investigation as
l\lr. Elliott's attorney wanted !\fr. Tobias to provide the questions in advance and l\fr. Tobias said he was not
going to do that. I Tc said they ended up concluding that all Mr. Elliott would have clone anywar was to deny
everything, so they decided that there was no need to interview him before making their decision on whether
to chall,>"C i\lr. Tobias did receive two letters from i\lr. Elliott's attorney Frank Salzano, accompanied by various
witness affidavits, photobrrnphs and other documents. 1bc.-;e letters were dated ,\ugust 4, 201 6 1" 1 and ,\ubrust
16, 20Hi. 188 , \II materials submitted to the City J\ttomey's Office have been re\'icwed by the Lcabrue's
investibrators and arc included in this report.

i\lr. Tobias told the Lc31:.l'\.lc's investibr:ltors that ultimately the decision was ma<le not to bring charges
abrainst i\fr. Elliott, not because they ever concluded that i\fs. Thompson was lying to them, but because there

See Exhibit 80, Text message exchange between Bri'onte Dunn and Tiffany Thompson 8/2/16.
See Exhibit 85, Correspondence from Ezekiel Elliott's attorney Frank Salzano to Robert Tobias, Columbus City
Attorney's Office, dated August 4, 2016.
See Exhibit 85, Correspondence from Ezekiel Elliott's attorney Frank Salzano to Robert Tobias, Columbus City
Attorney's Office, dated August 16, 2016.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 76 of 90 PageID #: 493

was insufficient corroborating evidence. I le said that "(wle generally hclievec.I her for all of the incidents." I le
said that they could not determine exactly when and how she got the bruises on her body an<l so they felt they
couldn't charge i\lr. Elliott. ,\t the time ;\Ir. Tobias' office made this decision, it did not have any of the meta
data from the photographs that the League's forensic investigators have extracted, nor did they consult any
medical experts to give them an expert opinion about the injuries alleged by i\ls. 'lbompson, described by other
witnesses and captured in numerous photographs taken the week ofJuly 16-22, 2016.

.\ftcr the City \ttorney's Office told ;\fs. Thompson that it was not going to go forward, l\fs.
Thompson had a text exchange with her friend Bren stating, "Of course it's affecting me (referring to all the
people on social media talking about the prosecutor's office not going forward), he got away \vith it.Just hoping
the NFL docs something now."UI'' One final set of photographs was taken on July 22, 2016 that depict injuries
on Ms. Thompson's bo<ly. These photographs, Hxhibits 10.\ -D, were recovered from :\fs. 'l11ompson's cell
phone. Forensic analysis of these imabrcs show that they were taken at 6:24 p.m. on July 22, 2016 at i\fs.
Thompson's parents' home. ;\fs. Thompson told the League's investigators that her sister Taylor took these
photos. 'Ille first photograph in this series, lOA, was taken at 6:24:51 p.m. and shows a side view of l\ls.
Thompson's upper right thigh and hip area. Dr. Thanning said that two contusions arc clearly visible am.I they
would have been caused by some type of blunt force trauma to those areas of the body. She said tl1at they arc
still reddish-purple but have started to diffuse around the edges indicating they arc not brand new bruises and
that from their appearance in this photograph they arc consistent with having occurred during that week. Dr.
Giordano also noted two bruises in this photobrrnph and stated that from their color, they could ha\'e been
sustained at the same time and that both appeared to be a little older, perhaps a few days old.

Exhibit 1OB, the second photobrrnph in this series, was taken at 6:25: 10 p.m. and shows a side view of
Ms. Thompson's left upper thigh and hip area. Dr. Thanning said that a contusion is clearly visible in the middle
of her thigh, that it was caused by some type of blunt force trauma and that from the appearance of this
contusion in the photc>!:,rrnph, it was not a new bruise but one that is consistent with having happened L'llrlier
that week. She also noted three other contusions in this photobrraph and stated the same about three. Dr.
Giordano noted the same large more prominent bruise in this photograph and also stated that it appeared to
be of the same age as those obser\'ed in JOA She staled that in addition to this bruise, there might be other
small round bruises on the buttocks. Both doctors noted the symmetry of the bruises depicted in 10,\ and lOB
which suggested 10 them that they may have been caused at the same time.

Exhibit IOC, the 1hird photo taken by ;\Is. 'l110mpson's sister on the evening of July 22, shows ;\Is.
Thompson's left hip bone. Dr. '!11:10ning said that a large horizontal contusion appears just above the hip bone
and that this injury, like the ones in the other photos in this series, is not new, but is beginning 10 resolve and

See Exhibit 82, Text message exchange between Bren and Tiffany Thompson 9/6/16at10:17 p.m.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 77 of 90 PageID #: 494

is consistent with h;l\'ing occurred earlier in the week. She not<..-<l that this bruise follows the outline of tht:
pelvic bone crest and that the area of hemorrhagic bruising is in tht: brroove just above the bony protuberance
of the pelvic bone. Sht: said this is not an area that woukl be injured in a foll as this area is "shehere<l" by the
hip bone. Sht: was aske<l if this bruise could be consistent with vigorous sex and she said no, for the same
reason; this bruise, and the similar one in 1OD on the other si<le of :\Is. Thompson's body, is in a sheltered area.
She said that vigorous sex might have cause<l bruising on the hip bones, but would not have caused the injury
that appears in 1OC. She said that this injury especially when viewed in conjunction with the similar injury over
the hip bone of the other hip as seen in 1OD, is consistent with brrab marks of lafb'C hands or lifting up by large
hands. She also noted three other smaller round bruises on lOD, one to the right of the large bruise over the
hip bone, one to the left of it and one lower in the photo on the upper thigh. She said all of these bruises could
have been caused by a large thumb. Dr. Giordano concurred with Dr. 'l11anning's conclusions in all respects
and posited another scenario consistent with the observed injuries, that Ms. Thompson was held down or held
against something by hands pressing down on her in those areas Both doctors stated that the injuries depicted
in 101\-D were not new but wert: consiswnt with having occurred during the past week.

Medical Experts, Conclusions from all Evidence Reviewed

Both Joctors commented during their consultations with the League's investibrators on the overall
picture presented by all the injuries they observed in the photographs they were asked to review. Dr. Thanning,
the pathologist, stated that while it was clear that not every injury depicted in the photobrraphs was consistent
\vith having been sustained during the week ofJuly 16-22, 2016, overall l\Is. Thompson seemed "to have pretty
much told the truth as well as she can remember." Dr. Giordano, the clinician, stated that if a young woman
came into her Emergency Department \vith all the injuries that Dr. Giordano observed in the photographs she
was asked to review, she would have concluded that someone was abusing this young woman and would have
sat her down and tried to b'Ct ht:r to tell the truth so she could help her. She stated that she was impressed with
the number of injuries, the time period during which they must have been sustained, an<l their location on the
body, all of which indicated to her that someone ha<l been assaulting ;\Is. 1bompson.

Text Message Evidence Post-July 22 Call to Police

Text messages between Ms. Thompson and her friends sent on July 22 and the days following her
police report recovered from Ms. Thompson's phone discuss the injuries Ms. 1110mpson ha:; alleged l\Jr. Elliott
inmctc<l upon her. On July 22, at 12:24 p.m., her friend ;\kKaila Blades was checking up on how i\fs.
Thomrson was doing and said, "I havt: precious bruise pictures you've sent me if you need them for
evidence."lt}(l On July 23, ~fs. n10mpson's friend Jordan Estep contacted her and asked her, "\Vhat's bJ()ing

See Exhibit 76.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 78 of 90 PageID #: 495

on????," to which l\ls. Thompson responded, "People arc rc..-ally saying I didn't have those bruises alrcndr on
me when I wns out Thursday night. Like you saw it all yourself before I went out." 1'1 1 On October 5, 2016. l\ls.
Estep was talking to ~Is. Thompson about the NFL having contacted her am.I she wanted to know if i\ls.
Thompson had told them to call her. l\ls. Thompson responded that she had didn't tell the investigator to call
her, that she just told the NFL who she had spoken to before broing out that Thursday night and that l\ls. Estep
was one of them. ;\ls. Estep then expressed reluctance to speak to the investigator because of "all those texts
the papers put out about you setting it all up and stuff. .. " l\Is. Thompson responded, ''Jord I didn't set it up..
those texts were to set me up to be made out as a liar they aren't all there! But you were on Facerime with me
that Thursday around like 3ish in the afternoon." Ms. Estep responded, "No I know you didn't set it up, I just
didn't know what to say since they put you out to be a liar." i\ls. 'lbompson responded, "\'Vhatever she asks
just answer honcstly." 19~ :\Is. Estep is one of the witnesses the League's investigators attempted to interview
but who did not call 1hm1 back.

On July 22, Ms. '11mmpson also brat a text from her friend B Shook asking her if she was okay and
"did that happen last night?" She responded, "No. It's been happening since Saturday night" and "It's been
happening since February. I called the police in l\t iami when he touched me but they took his side because I
had no bruises just was red."l'J3

..-\chat recovered from l\fs. Thompsons' phone also bt::ars on ~Is. '11mmpson's :1llci..,rations of abuse.
On ,\ugust 14, 2016, at 4:48 a.m., l\fs. Thompson reached out to her friend Shelia Lee ("Lee Lee") and said,
", \fter everything he did to me I still miss him so much," "I really don't know how
, \nd a few minules later, she wrote:
to let go of him and us."

It's like everything that's b>oing on with the law and stuff right now sucks so much for me
and I know for him also. I know he's doing his thing just like I'm doing mine but at the
end of the day no matter what guy is making me happy I still go to bee.I thinking about him.
Thinking about what I had 10 go through abuse wise and then just thinking about mine
and his fun times and all tile good memories we made. I rL-:t.lly never thought me and big
stinky freaky zekcy would ever be done for good. But it hit me tonight that we arc. I need
you so much right now best friend.

~Is. Lee wrote back:

Sorry I was asleep ! . \nd awe riff I already know what your b'Oing thru trust me but you
have to stay strong and at least wait till 'I 'his whole thing blows over a little bit more because
j know for sure he's thinking the same thing you arc it's okay best friend he's clearly not

191 See Exhibit 77, Text message exchange between Jordan Estep and Tiffany Thompson on 7/23/16.
See Exhibit 78, Text message exchange between Jordan Estep and Tiffany Thompson on 10/5/16.
See Exhibit 79, Text message exchange B Shook and Tiffany Thompson 7/22/16 at 9:41 p.m.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 79 of 90 PageID #: 496

done with you he follows you on snap he r~':lcts when it comes to a guy his emotions and
feelings arc all still there.194

On September 6, 2016, l\[s. nmmpson sent this statement via chat to her friend ).fcKaila BlaJes, "Like
this wasn't the first time he's beat my ass there's been many more." 195

Mr. Elliott's Allegations of Harassment by Ms. Thompson

Both l\lr. Elliott and his attornep told the Leabrue's investi1:,rators that l\Is. 'lbompson continued to call
and text l\lr. Elliott after he left Columbus on July 26, 2016. They provided the League with records of what
they say were l\Is. n10mpson's numerous calls. 196 In addition, the records provided on May 19, 2017 reflect
that he called her twice on 8/1 and once on 8/2. I fis 8/2 call to her was followed by 6 calls back to him on
8/2. The records also show she called him on 8/8 one time. Starting on 9/2, his records show he received 8
calls that day from a blocked number, anJ a call from l\[s. "lllOmpson's phone number on 9/3. The records
reflect that he called her on 10/23 and her calling him back. They appeared to have talked to each other on this
latter call as it went on for 14 minutes and on another call that she made to him on 10/24, as that one went on
for 20 minutes. She called him ai:,rain on 10/30 for "1 ",twice on l 1/16 and twice on 11 /19, all for "1" except
the very last one which was for "2".

Text messages recovered from l\[s. Thompson's cell phone show that between October 12 and
October 24, 2016, l\[s. Thompson tcxtcd l\lr. Elliott and told him th.1t she was meeting with Leabruc invcsribrator
Kia Roberts. l\Is. Thompson sent l\.lr. Elliott screenshots of text messages that she had exchanged with l\Is.

The P1\ also provided the League with a copy of the police report they filed in Dallas on September 5,
2016, alleging criminal harassment.1911 In his statement to the Dallas Police Department, "ll10mpson had calleJ
him over 50 times from an anonymous number because Mr. Elliott haJ since blocked her old phone number.
I le also alleged that she had "hackcJ" into his email and obtained contact infonnation for his associates and
had been calling them. The Dallas Police Department did not make an arrest on that complaint. n1e League's
forensic experts obtained the call log from l\ls. Thompson's phone which went back to July 22, 2016. 'lliesc
records show that Ms. lllompson calleJ Mr. Elliott approximatcly 67 times between July 22 - October 18,
2016, 42 of those calls were made on July 22 after i\ls. 'llmmpson had called 911.l'J?

See Exhibit 83, Chat between Tiffany Thompson and Shelia Lee ("Lee Lee") 8/14/16.
See Exhibit 84, Chat between Tiffany Thompson and McKaila Blades("Kai") 9/21/16.
Exhibit 71, Records regarding alleged harassment of Ezekiel Elliott by Tiffany Thompson post-7/26/16.
See Exhibit 100.
See Exhibit 72, Frisco Police Department report dated 9/5/16.
See Exhibit 73, Call log from Tiffany Thompson's phone 7/22/16-10/18/16.

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The Leabrue's forensic experts also recovered evidence from i\ls. 'f11ompson's phone that she had
registered an email address titled, "czekiclelliott sex vids" during the month of .\ubrust, 2016. In a<.ldition, a text
messab>c with her friend l\lcKaila Blades was recovered that showed them talking about their need to make
more money and Ms. Thompson raised the idea of selling the sex tapes she had of herself and ;\Ir. Elliott. I Jer
friend l\ls. Blades said they should blackmail i\lr. Elliott with them, they\! be "millionaires." l\!s. 'Jlmmpson
replied that she'<.! like to but was scared.:ni When l\fs. Thompson was asked about this by the League's
investib":ltors, she stated that she did have sex tapes of her and l\lr. Elliott on her phone2111 and she did open
the email account but she denied doing so to blackmail l\fr. Elliott. l\Js. Thompson was asked if she contacted
anyone about selling the sex tapes and she responded, ''No, I searched TMZ because I wanted the texts out
about him bdng in the sauna all day for using drugs. It came out anyway from the prosecutor's office. 1 never
used the cmail address I'd made:w2


'l11e following arc summaries of the interviews conducted and represent the sum and substance of
the interviews rather than word for word transcriptions.

Tiffany Thompson - September 26. 2016

Tiffany l\larie Thompson was inteniewccl on September 26, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio by NFL Director
of lnvestib>ations Kia Robert'\ and NFL Security Representative Kim Janke. l\ls. Thompson stated that she is
20 years old and b'Tew up in Columbu.'l, Ohio. She also said that her highest level of education is a high school
diploma, that she is unmarried and has no children. She also said tl1a1 she is currently liv1ng at home and working
at TIB.\ parking systems, and that she has held a variety of otl1er positions at Elements l\lassabrc, Tan Pro,
European Wax Center and Palm Beach Tan. She described herself as 5'5 Vi'' tall and said she weighs 117 lbs.

Ms. n1ompson said that she first met l\lr. Elliott, who she said was tl1en a student at Ohio State, at a
bar called Park Street on January 3, 2015, her 19h birthday. She explained that she did not know who ~lr. Elliott
was at the time but that she recognized "who he was with" as Joey Bosa. She further explained that she was
just walking around and then somehow [she and l\[r. Elliott! bumped into each other and started talking." She
said that they talked for the rest of that night after which they cxchangcJ telephone numbers. She continued
that they "probably texted for a good two and a half months" before they "finally like started hanging out."
She said that they started "dating" in 1\ubtt1st and later said that she and i\lr. Elliott officially became a "couple"

See Exhibit 74, Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson and McKaila Blades 9/21/16.
Mr. McCain, the League's forensic examiner said no sex tapes were recovered from Ms. Thompson's cell phone.
M See Exhibit 75, Screenshot of TMZ search and the e-mail account "ezekielelliott sex vids."

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 81 of 90 PageID #: 498

in .\ugust 2015 after a conversation she had with ;\Ir. Elliott. She reported, "I le sac me down and speciftcall}
said, 'I ha,e feeling~ for you. 1 lo\'e you and I want us to go further with this."' ;\ls. "lltompson said that between
January, when they first met, and J\ubrust 2015, they were "taking things really slow" because of " his football
lifestyle" and that she really didn't want to get "caught up into" it but that "the more ltheyj started hanbring out
aml like getting to know 1..>ach other, lshel started growing fcclinbrs for him."

She said that at the time of this conversation, Elliott was living in an apartment complex off campus
called Kanneer located on Olcntanb'Y River Road. She also said that "pro bably" by October, she and Elliott
were living together in an apartment complex off-campus at " 1860 Can\'asback Lane, which is in Watermarks
in Greenview." When asked specificallr when she and Mr. Elliott lived together, she said:

For about 3 months so, I don't know exactly, probably nbout Thnnksgiving I was living
there, so probably October until he left for l\liami for training in January. But then there
would be periods o f time where I would leave for like a week and go home and stay with
my family. And get like more of my stuff and all of that.

She c.xplained that ;\lr. Elliott was paying the rent for this apartment and while she said "I don't know"
in response to the investibrator's <1uestion about who paid the utility bills, she said that Mr. Elliott's father may
have been doing so at the time. She also explained that she was spending "a lot" of time at the apartment and

"basically" just started living there. She said, "He never wanted me to leave." She confirmed that she had a key
to this apartment and that she was not financially depcndeqt on Mr. Elliott at this time, noting that she only
became financially dependent on him when she "got pregnant" in February. She clarified that she found out
about the pregnancy after her return from ~liami on Valentine's Day, February 14, where she had visited ;\[r.
Elliott and he "put his hands on ~terl" prompting her to call the police. She indicated that she later "dropped
the charges" against him.llll
In response to specific questions about the February interaction in l\liami, she said that it occurred
when she visited Mr. Elliott at his apartment in J\venturn and reported later in her interview that Mr. Elliott
had been the one to pay for her flight as he had done for all other flights she had taken to sec him. She stated,
"I was there for like a week. J\nd, tJ1crc's this guy that I don't really fecl comfortable around. That's his friend."
She identified ~Ir. Elliott's "friend" as Drew~n1, whose last name she said she did not know, and further stated
that she was uncomfortable around him because "he was leading him down the wrong path." ;\Is. Thompson
explained that the night before the incident, she had been out with Mr. Elliott and she "got in the Uber by
fhcrscl~ and went back home and he stayed with his friend Drew." She said that when ~Ir. Elliott returned
home, she was packing her belongings "because he was making lherl feel uncomfortable." She said, "I've known

See Exhibit 24.
Later identified by the NFLPA to league investigators as Drew Tieman. The investigators made repeated
attempts to speak to Mr. Tieman using the contact information provided to them by the NFLPA. Mr. Tieman did
not respond to any contact attemtps.

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prcvfously like in the past, like him messing around with other girls and like cheating. , \nd I was okay with thnt,
like I was perfectly fine. Sounds horrible but nowadays you hnve to be if you love :mmeone, um, that's in that
lifestyle." She clarified that she left the club because while she knew "previously in the past nbout l~fr. Elliott!
messing nround with other girls and chenting" and she wns "okay with that," she thought that he wns
"whispering with Drew" while they were out about other sexual relationships he had in L..\. when he ha<l been
there the week before. She reported that she believed this was the case because she saw J\Ir. Elliott tum his
head and "normally when he talks about things, he doesn't turn his head. I le'll always includes me into the
. "
She further reported that when she returned home, she started to pack her belongings and that :\fr.
Elliott returned around 3 or 3:30 a.m. and asked what she was doing in response to which she said she was
leaving. She reported that ;\fr. Elliott was intoxicnted when he came into the apartment and although she did
not know how much he had to drink at the club, she knew this to be the case because "he was like just really
angry." She said, "Like, when he drinks, it's, I don't know, it's just a different side to him. It's like he loses like
all control of his self." ;\fs. Thompson state<l that it was after she said she was leaving that "he just like loses
full control." She told investibrators that he was yelling at her, describing the volume as "probably about a 7 or
8" out of 10, am.I that she yelled back at him to stop. She confinne<l that she had not consume<l any alcohol

that night an<l that she and i\[r. Elliott were alone in the apartment.
She said that the verbal altercation turned into a physical one when she went "to grab jherl stuff and
that's when he like pushes me." She stated that ~fr. Elliott, who she said is li' tall and weighs 225-230 lbs., used
both hands to push her in the chest and that "It's like pinning me up against the like wall" of the spare bedroom.
She continued, "I'm just standing there. Terrified. I keep trying to get around him to !,>Cl my babrs and stuff an<l
he just keeps shoving me." She detailed that ~fr. Elliott pushed her "probably about a good 4-6 times" and
reiterated, "Pushing me with both hands and up abrainst a wall." She then said, ":\nd then he'll like push me
again, like pin me up against the wall to stop me." She further reported that she could not recall if he was saying
anything as he was pushing her but that she suffered injuries as a result of what Mr. Elliott had done. She said
that she had bruising on her anns from thumbprints and when asked how she received bruises to her arm if
~Ir. Elliott was pushing her in the chest, she said:

I !e's pushing me with both hands and up abrainst the wall. He then ended up grabbing my
arms. Prior to that, he would yank me around, he's busted my jaw, from brrabbing me, here
in Columbus at 1860.
She also cxplaine<l that i\lr. Elliott kept pushing her back trying to get her away from her bags and that when
she went around him, he 1:,rrabbed her ann to stop her.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 83 of 90 PageID #: 500

She told in\'esti1.,'<ll0rs that the altercation ended when "he realii'es what he's <loing, like every other
time" and said, "Just come to bed an<l lay down with me," as well as, "Let's rethink this in the morning." ;\Is.
'lltompson said that she J,JC>t inlO bed with him. She also reported:

So I wake up the next morning, perfectly fine, and then he literally like just blows up and
takes all of my stuff and throws it out in front of his front door and then I try to go in the
house to brcr the rest of my stuff and he open-ham.I shoves me in my chest into the wall
and kind Ion like elbows me. Um, and I just like, I was like this isn't okay. Like it's just not.
So, I called the police an<l made a report and then after tl1at, that's when we didn't talk for
a couple of weeks and then we came back in communication.

Ms. Thompson explained that she an<l ;\Ir. Elliott began "arbiuing" again the next day at some point in
the afternoon about her wanting to leave and said that while she was trying to retrieve the rest of her belongings,
he shoved her into the wall and elbowed her, prompting her to call 911. She reported that police officers
arrived in "probably 5 minutes, maybe less than that" and "pulled l~lr. Elliott! off to the side" to talk to him
but <lid not make an arrest. In response to a specific question about whether the police officers explained to
l\fs. Thompson why they <lid not arrest l\lr. Elliott, ~Is. Thompson said, "They didn't tell me why. They said
because f had no physical injuries or anything, that they couldn't arrest him." She stated that after the police
left, she called an Uher and went to a hotel. She reported that Mr. Elliott came 10 1he hoicl "that night, sirs
down, talks to me." She stated that she could not recall what their conversation was about but said, "And then,
I told him I was done with him. Like, I couldn't do it anymore." She detailed that i\Ir. Elliott called her the next
<lay while she was "catching [herf flight, apolobrizing, saying I want you to have a safe flight, I'm sorry."
In response to a direct question about her previous reference w other "incidents" between her and
~Ir. Elliott, Ms. 'I110mpson said that she didn't know c.xactly how many incidL'flts had occurred but confinned
that there were "multiple." She Wils aske<l about the incident when "he broke jher) jaw" an<l she responded:

I le didn't break it. Um, he yanked my anns and whL'fl he yanked my arms like in his
apartment there's a wall, that like goes like, it's like kind of like in the way. Uke when you
walk back to the bathroom in his room. Um, there's a wall right there so when he yanked
my arms anc.l I tried to like yank away from him, anc.l he like tried to yank me back, that's
when my jaw like hit the comer of the wall.

She said that a1though she could not recall precisely when it occurred, this incident took place before
the incident in rcbnmry. She also said that she did not recall what she and :\-Ir. Elliott were arb'lling about but
said that their arguments were "just honestly about the dumbest stuff." She further explained t.lrnt after i\lr.
Elliott "yanked" her by the arms and she "yanked" back, she lost her balance and "then when he tried to yank
me back, that's when my jaw kind of cornered the wall." She said about what next occurred,", \fter the jaw hit
the wall, that's when I told him, I always said like I couldn't do it anymore and I just came back." She also said,
"] remember he went back to the bed and I was sitting down on the sofo and I c.1lled my friend McKaila and I

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sent her pictures of my face because it was bruised and swollen."~5 She said that she told her friend "what had
happened and everything. ,\nd then asked her to come and get me." She also reported that she docs not believe
that her friend came to get her.

:\ls. 'l110mpson confirmed that she flew back to Columbus after the foebruary incident in . \vcntura and
that she did not spc..':lk to :\Ir. Elliott for a few weeks. She said,

\'Vhcn we start speaking again he just says I want to help you, um I love you so much. I
would like to buy you an apartment and a car and prior to this, I had a stable like place to
live with my family. Um, I've always kept a good job, like I've had like a car to drive. I fis
thing was, my family was basically, I wouldn't say keeping me from him, it's just they knew
what was b'Oing on and they didn't really accept it.
In response to a (jUestion about what she believed her parents "knew," she said that "they knew our
arbrumcnts and like him just like mentally and physically tearing me down" am.I reported that it was her mother,
Tessie Thompson, with whom she had discussed her issues with Mr. Elliott. She continued that she believed it
was about two weeks after the Aventura incident that i\[r. Elliott "signed for" her apartment. She said that i\lr.
Elliott was in Columbus at the time, living at "1860," but that "his lease was up and my lease had been up, so
instead of continuing his lease there he just wanted to go ahead and get me my own place so I could decorate
it how I wanted and all that." She further explained that he was the co-sibrner on the lease and that he brave her

money every month to pay her bills. ~he estimated that Mr. Elliott gave her about StSOO per month that she
did not repay. She also said that i\lr. Elliott leased her a car, a 2015 maroon Chrysler 200, that she said he told
her he would pay off "as a gift" but did not do. She said that the last payment he provided to her was on July
t trl and that she now makes the payments hersdf.

:\Is. 'l110mpson also told investibrators that she found out she was prebrnant on l\Iarch 10111 and told ~Ir.
Elliott that day. She said that he was "speechless" and "didn't rc.-illy say much" but "came over Ito her
apartmentj that night." She continued:

J\nd we sat down and talked am.I my friend Shelia was over there when we were talking.
He was just like, I'm just not ready to be a dad and I mean I wasn't ready to be a mom but
then a!,rain, like I was. Um, so couple weeks go by, um I get on prenatals, I go to a doctor,
fi!,'llre all that stuff out. Um, my family was really against abortion. Um, and 1 have always
been too. But I just figured it would be the best for myself and him. Um, cause it was his
rookie year. I didn't want to sec him, like anything stopping him or anything. Um, so, I
went ahead and went through with the abortion and um, he was just right there by my side
through it all.

Ms. 'Il1ompson said that while her interactions with ;\Ir. Elliot were "perfectly fine" during her
preb>nancy, she was "bleeding really bad" and "needed" J\lr. Elliott while l\Ir. Elliott was in :\liami. She reported

During her intel'\icw, :\Is. Thompson pro\'idcd in\'estibrators with :\lcKaila Blades' telephone number.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 85 of 90 PageID #: 502

that there were rimes when she woukl call him and he would not answer his phone and said, "Um, like so there
times like he wasn't there supporting or anything. , \ml then, um, when I did like tell him like I was scared for
the abortion aml stuff like I wanted to keep it, he was just like, 'No, no, no, no.' Just try and keep chans,,>ing my
mind." She further reported about the abortion, "I just thought it was best a1-,rain for him and myself ill the end
of the Jay." She said that in April she flew with Sheila and l\fr. Elliott's best friend . \lvarez, to Chicabro where
that they all s1:tyed in the same hotel, and . \lvarez and Sheila went to Planned Parenthood with her and "sat
with me through it all."

She said that i\lr. Elliott was drafted in \pril and explained that she spent the week with him and his
family in Chicab"O attending family events, shopping with his little sisters and celebrating with him the night of
the draft.~11G She :;aid that ~Ir. Elliott flew to Dallas the following day and she <lrove back to Columbus with
l\lr. Elliott's friend:;. She reported that she and l\lr. Elliott were together after the draft and that it was "perfectly
fine." She said that :;he was "so happy for him" because "he alway:; wanted to ~o to the Cowboys." She
explained that she had "heard him talk about it so much" and said that she went down to Dallas is l\foy and
was there for two weeks. She further explained that l\lr. Elliott was "showing her around" and telling her that
he was thinking about buying a house. She said:

So then, um, 1 never really made it down there to look at houses with him. But like he
would always like, when I wa:; down there for the two weeks, he would show me houses
like on the computer and stuff that he was interested in. So, um, I wa:; going to, the talk
was I was broing to eventually move dowo there with him.

~ls. lbompson was next asked whether she and Mr. Elliott were a "couple" at the time of the July
incident to which she responded that they were. She continued by explaining that she and i\fr. Elliott "had
actually been off and on for let's say about three weeks." She said that they were "just arbruing" and that "thinbrs
weren't like really going well." She reported that he then textcd her "because he had some rough things b'Oing
on his life" and said that she was the only one that he felt "comfortable" talking to about these issues. She
elaborated and said:

It was like, prior 10 um, drugs and his partying um. I Jc had been in Miami and um, found
out wh~-n he went out to L.A. they were b'Oing to drug test him. And when he wa:; in ~liami,
he was doing a bunch of um coke, and smoking and all of that. Um, and he like he textcd
me. I think I still have it. Yeah I still have the text and it was like, um 'l can never, like we
can never be done. Um, I love you and you're the only one J could talk to about certain
things.' . \n<l just like so forth. Like w on. ~17

Ms.Thompson provided Investigators with photographs of herself and Mr. Elliott and his family at the Draft. See
Exhibits 11A & B.
:lll'.' Sec Exhibit 87, Text message exchange between Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott, 7/11/16.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 86 of 90 PageID #: 503

i\I:;. 'l110mpson said that she had seen :\Ir. I! lliou use cocaine and marijuana before, and that she told him "it
was going to be alright" and that he was going to pass rhe drug test. When asked if he passed the test, Ms.
Thompson said:

I le was taking a whole bunch of home drug tests. l remember him I I calling me in his
hotel before he had to bro to the BET awards and stuff. ;\nd, he kept calling me and was
lil<e, I keep taking all these, um, at home drug tests, and they're all like failing. , \nd then,
he told me after he took like the real actual one, like his pee was really diluted..

She then described the incidents that transpired between July 16 and July 21, 2106. She explained that
she picked up i\lr. Elliott and Alvarez from the Columbus airport on Saturday,July 16, after which they all went
back to i\lr. Elliott's apartment. She said that once there, she and :\Ir. Elliott "laid in the bed" where they were
"cuddling and stuff" and then took a nap. She further reported that when they got up, they got "ready to go
out" and then went to a club called Social on Park Street where ;\Ir. Elliott "got bottle service." She reported
that although she did not know how much he had to drink, she observed ~Ir. Elliott order a couple of bottles
of champ:lbme and a Patron bottle, and said that he was "very, very" drunk that night. She s:Ud that she drank
a "couple of glasses of champab111e" and did not feel drunk. She reported that they returned to his apartment
early in the morning and that at about 4 or 5 in the morning, "a girl from Dallas was "Facetiming" him, and
she asked him why she was calling.

She reported that she was just asking a "simple yes or no question" and that she wasn't yelling at him.
l\[s. Thompson reported that Mr. Elliott responded, "\'Vhy docs it matter, I'm laying here in bed with you?"
and then rolled over and "triel<lJ to ha\'e sex" with her. She continued, "But I don't want to,'' and said that he
then "tries to actually have anal and I tell him, 'No."' She said that i\lr. Elliott got "mad" and said, "Get up and
go sleep on the couch that , \lvarcz isn't sleeping on," to which she said she replied, "No, I want to lay in bed
with you." She told investibl':ltors that ~Ir. Elliott then brot up, dragged her out of bed, "like yanks lherl out of
bed" and then "pushes lherf up abl':linst the door by holding [herJ with both of his hands." She said that the
bedroom door was closed at t11e time and tl1at i\fr. Elliolt then choke<l her and said, "\'Vhat did I tell you?"
before he tried to hit her and she tried to block the blow with her arm. She said he then "goes back and lays in
bed like everything's tine." She further stated:

So then I just, I go and lay back down in bed, like I'm not going to have you sit there, aml
!ell me what to do and tried to, like I'm a kid or something. Um, so I went and laid back
down in bed and then I went back to sleep. So then, this was Sunday, that was Sunday

l\ls. 'l110mpson statL'li that as result of this interaction, she "had the bruise somewhere, it was on either
arm, of him hitting my ann, from me blocking tllC hit, and then I had, um, it was like this big, like print like on
the side, like from him brrabbing me."

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l\-ls. 'l110mpson said that she and l\[r. Elliott may have woken up on Sunday or slept all day but recalled
that on l\Ionday night, l\Ir. Elliott told her that he was going to a hookah bar with his friemls. She reported
that she brol rcadr to "hang out" with her own f ricnds because she "wasn't going to stay in the house while he
was doing something." She said that met her friemls for Jinner and that at around 7 or 8:00 p.m. while they
were "out just walking around" downtown Columbus, she saw him anti he called her name. She saiJ that she
ib'llored him "just because of everything that happened prior to that, 1 just kin<l of wante<l to have my space
and him have his space." She reported, "1\nd he's brocs, 'Okay that's cool, you're just going to ignore me. ,\nd
then he texts me and says all of your stuff will be outside of my apartment when you get home." She confirmed
that even though she had her own apartment at the time, she had "a lot" of personal items at l\Ir. Elliott's
apartment. Ms. 'l110mpson continued, "I le doesn't come home that night. Come to find out, he went lo a hotel
with another girl."

l\fs. Thompson said that she learned this the following morning, Tuesday, when l\fr. Elliott returned
to his apartment at about 8 a.m. She reportt.-d:

[ !e's talking to Alvarez, and um, he wakes me up and bf()es, 'You gotta leave.' . \nd J was
like, '\'Vhy? \'Vhat <li<l I do?' I le doesn't really say much. I le was just laughing..And then he
goes and gets in the shower and I'm like, why arc you showering? So instantly 1 knew. Like
he didn't come home, um, 1 knew exactly what you were doing. So he showers and then
um, he comes into the room, and starts talking to me and like we start afbruing back am.I
She said that she "questioned" him and "called him nasty and all this stuff," and that she started to
cry because "obviously my feelings arc hurt., like what girl, you love someone and you're dealing with that."
She said that as she started to cry and br:tthcr her belongings, l\Ir. Elliott pushed her down on the bed with one
hand to the middle of her chest. She also said that he was pushing on her shoulder. She saiJ then "goes, 'No, I
gave you the option to leave, you're not leaving now'." ;\Is. Thompson said that it was at this point that she
said she wanted to leave, saying "let me leave" and that he pushed her back down on the bed abrain and "goes
stay." She said that he did this "a good handful of times." She said, "I le was like, 'do not brct up'." She

;\ml I sakl, '.\m I your puppy dog?' 1\nd he says, '1\ctually, you arc..\n<l then he walks out
to the living room, grabs his phone or something. I le takes my phone from me so I can't
call anyone or text anyone. Takes my phone from me. So, I 1:,rct up and I bro out to the living
room to try to brct my phone back and he's like grabbing my arm like pushing me away,
like stiff-arming me and stuff. Um, and then tdls me to b'O back into the room, so I bro
back into his room and sit down. Um, he comes in, we're arguing, he shuts the door, l try
to stand up and he keeps forcefully pushing me down onto the bed.

She further reported that Mr. Elliott was "hitting jherj, yanking jhcrj, the whole nine" and explained
1hat he slapped her across the face "once or twice" and kept l:,rr:tbbing her face "rt.':llly forcefully like with a tight

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 88 of 90 PageID #: 505

1:,trip" while she lookecl away from him "because [she! clidn't want to look him in the face." She statecl that !\Ir.
Elliou kept repeating that he had given her "an option to leave" and that she "didn't take it until !she! wanted
to." She continued that he then pulled her hair ancl kept "shoving jherl and stuff," and stated that each time
she "would try to get away," he would slap her or pull her hair after which she said she sat on the bed and
looked away from him while he kept "grabbing" her face. She also said that he used his "pointer finger" to
"point really hard, with the pressure point. like right here," indicating her temple. She said that ' \Jvarcz observed
all of l\lr. Elliott's actions in the living room.

t<.fs. Thompson said that Mr. Elliott then started to cry and sai<l, 'I don't know what's b>Otten into me.
Um, I love you, I'm sorry." She said that he also aske<l for a "last chance to change" and di<l so when he then
went to hug her. She stated:

This is when he grabs me, tries to hug me, and say it's "tough love" . \nd he's like, "please,"
he's crying while this is happening. I le's like um, he's like, "I can't lose you. Just please give
me a chance to chanbrc." .\nd I'm just like, "I gave you so many chances." So, I laid down
in bed with him an<l he goes, "I promise I'm broing to change." I le was like, "Please don't
leave, just stay in bed with me all day."

She reported that she and l\Ir. Elliott stayed in bed all day on Tuesday and slept "on and off." She also
said that as a result of Mr. Elliott's actions on Tuesday morning, she had bruises like "thumbprints on the back
of jhcrl arms and on P1crl elbows and stuff." She reported that she took photobrraphs of the injuries~18 and said
that she believes she told her aunt, Elaine Glenn, on Wednesday about this incident. She also said that on that
\'V'ednesday a woman whose name she did not know came over to pack :\Ir. Elliott's boxes so she took a shower
and bl'()t ready to leave. She told investigators that she went home "to get more of lherj stufr' because l\[r.
Elliott told her they were going out that night and while there, played with the puppy, a mini :\ustralian
Shepherd from Pelland that ~ Ir. Elliott ha<l given her in March or ;\pril when she was prebinant. She said that
she was trying to "pass time" that day while ~fr. Ellio tt was "doing his stuff' at his apartment and that at about
4:00 p.m., i\Ir. Elliott called her while she was at the mall and sai<l that he was "ready" to pick her up for dinner
and make a trip to Pelland to get do~ bones . Thompson said that she, ~ Ir. Elliott and . \lvarez went to Petlan<l and then out to dinner at Genji
before i\lr. Elliott took her back to her apartment where she got "some stuff" before heading over to the
Carriage I louse, ;\Ir. Elliott's new "rental." She said that they went in to "check the place out" and to fibrure
out who was staying in which room since , \lvarez was staying there also. She sai<l they then went to Fourth
Street where 1\lr. Elliott ha<l "muhiple shots of Patron," "Grey Goose and vodka," "Grey Gouse and Red Bull"

IO\cstibrators rctric\'cd photogrnphs from Ms. Thompso n's phone after it was imabicd on November I, 20! 6 in
Columbus, Ohio by Nl' L Director ofDib>ital Forensics D:wid :\lcCain. lnvestibrators did not ha\'e those photographs
when meeting with Ms. Thompson on September 26, 2016.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-47 Filed 08/31/17 Page 89 of 90 PageID #: 506

and where she had a "couple drinks" of "Grey Goose and Red BulL" She said that she was "tipsy but !shel still
knew exactly what was going on" and that ;\Jr. Elliott was drunk.

She reported that she and Mr. Elliott left Fourth Street an<l returned to the Carriage I louse around
2:30-3:00 a.m. but that, \lvarcz was not with them when they <lid so, She explained that l\(r. Elliott left ,\l\'arcz
at Pourth Street because he w:mted to drive ;\Ir. Elliott home since ;\Jr. Elliott had been drinking and ;\Ir. Elliott

wanted to drive himself home. She clarified that Alvarez was in the driver's scat of ~Ir. Elliott's car and that
she was s1..-ated in the passe"brcr's scat when i\lr. Elliott yelled at .\lvarez to get out of the car, saying "You're
not driving, I am." She reported that , \l\'arez brot out of the car after which Mr. Elliott got into the driver's
scat and "just took off." She continuc<l, "I'm screaming at him like, '\'\!hat arc you Joing? \Xlhy arc you being
dumb?' I didn't feel safe in the car. So, next thing I know, we get back to the Carriage I louse and just start

She said that , \lvarcz walked in at some point while they were arguing and that during this arb'1.ment,
;\Ir. Elliott "yanked lherl off the bed" in the m.1in bedroom, picked her up and "threw" her against the storage
closet across the hall. She said she fell to the ground and that while this was happening, they were "going back
and forth about like everything that's happened in the past." ).Is. Thompson said that she was still wearing her
heels at this point and that . \lvarez told ~Ir. Elliott to stop. She reported that they were "out in the hallway for
a couple of minutes, just ar1-.ruing back and forth about him and other 1-.rirls and just us not getting along at all,"
before they went back into the bedroom and shut the door. She described what next occurred an<l reported:

I had said something like, I had said something like really, that made him really anbrry. ,\n<l
I don't remember what I said. But when I was heading to the laundry room to brct
something, and um, he attacked me.

i\ts. Thompson said that ~fr. Elliott "pinned" her to the floor and "started choking lherl, and that this
left "like a line across !herl neck, like a bruise." She also said that she had "thumb prints" from where he was
"forcefully brrabbing fherl anns." She stared that he hit fherj in the anns and "punched" her. She further
reported that during the "choking incident," l\lr. Elliott had her "pinned down to the floor for 'luitc a while."
She continueJ, "I Jc then, um, was choking me with one hand and then srarted with both hands." She said,
"And I started to not be able to breathe so I started kicking my legs. ,\nd then he brot off of me." She said that
she started to b'l'ah her bclonbrings and i\(r. Elliott said, "You're not leaving until tomorrow," to which she
responded, "'No, I'm leaving now. I need to call the police." She reported, " ,\nd he was like, 'Yo u're not.' I le
was like, 'You're not c.1lling the police. You're not getting them involved."' She said that they started arbruing
ab>ain and rhat when she went to grab "her stuff," Mr. Elliott "pulled fherl away and pushed lherl into the side
of the bed, to where like jherl hip hit the corner of it because the bed was so high."

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She told investib>ators that by this point it was "probably about 5 a.m . and that she "just sat in the chair
forever, bawling lhcrl eyes out." She said that :\Jr. Elliott "came and grabbed" Jherl and she told him to leave
her alone, "like just let me sleep in this chair," after which he went to bed and fell asleep. i\ls. 'lbompson
described how he "passed out instantlr'' and said, "'l11at's how intoxicated he was." She said, "once he was
asleep I went into the bed and like laid on the very edge of it and went to sleep until the next morning. \nd
then when we woke up, um, and we were talking. Okay, so we were talking about what we were doing th;1t
night for his birthday."

In response to a direct question about whether she told anyone about the incident that occurred on
WcdncsJay, ;\Is. Thompson said that she !t-poke with her aunt,JorJan Estep, and Sheila Lee on Thursday. :\Is.
Thompson said that she took photographs of the injuries that she sustained during this incident the following
Ms. 11mmpson then described what transpired on Thursday evening. She said that she had gone home
to her apartment to gather some clothing before returning to the Carriabrc I louse where she said, at around 10
p.m. while she was "doing her makeup and stuff," !\Ir. Elliott came into the room and said, "You gotta leave."
She said that she respondeJ by saying, "Why, what's wrong?" and further stated:

I le was just like I can't believe what I've done to you. Um, he was like just come celebrate
my party, my birthday with me, and then um, you can come home with me after. .\nd then,
I was like okay so then. Well then we sit down and talk and then I call my friend .\yrin.
\'V'ell, my ex-friend Ayrin, um, to sec if she wanted to go out. Um, and then I went over to
her apartment. She saw all of the bruises on me. She saw my neck. She helped me try to
cover up the bruises.

She explained that while she was with ~Is. ~fason, she talked to her about what was happening between her
and ~fr. Elliott and "making a report for domestic violence." She said that she realized that she neeJeJ to go
"further on with actions" and said that she called the non-cmcrbrcncy number at about 11 :00 p.m., "right before
!she] went out," and asked about how to make a police report. She said that she was told to go to the police
station in Colwnbus.

She continued that ~Ir. Elliott tc.xtcd her and that she replied that she had called the non-emergency
number. She said that he tcxted her back something like, "Where arc you? Come celebrate with me," as well as
something like, "all you're trying to do is ruin my birthday." She said that she then went to the club where he
was celebrating, went into his "section," and !mid, "I lappy birthday, I'm not trying to ruin your night or your
birthday, but this docs need to stop." She further reported that she left his section after "probably about a good
5, 10 minutes" and walked around the club. She c.xplained that she di<ln't have anything to drink that night so
she was ready to leave early and that when she left the club a girl came up behind her, pulled her hair anJ
screamed at her. Ms. 111ompson said that it was a "random girl" she had never seen before who pulled her hair
and described her as "white, <lark hair" and wearing "flats." She said, "I'm b'llCSsing it was someone that he

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 1 of 76 PageID #: 508

talked to. Why would she just randomly pull my hair?" When asked if she had gotten into a "fight" with this
girl, she said that she had not and stated, "She pulls my hair and then I turn around and I scream and I go. I
say something like back to her like um, who arc you?, like you're not, and like I got in her face . . \nd then she
tried to swing and then a whole bunch of people pulled me back. I didn't fall. She didn't hit me or anything."

She said that she and Ayrin went to lc:we and l\Ir. Elliott kept "Facctiming" her. She said he was asking,
"like after the club like where arc you? 1\rc you coming over? Like this and that." She said that she told him,
"I'll sec you when you get here." Ms. Thompson then talked about what happened outside the Carriage I louse,
"So I pulled up and I was just waiting for everyone to get there since I left the club early. So, then he gets home
and a girl was driving his car. So, I get out and I walk O\'cr to the car, am! I ask him what this whole thing is
about." When asked by investibrators what she meant by "this whole thing," she responded:

Like her driving the car, like who is she with? 'Cause Alvarez was in the back scat. And
Zeke was in the passenger. So, I asked him what the whole thing was about. \'\ihy she was
driving the car and so on. Um, and then I bro, I exchange words with, um, the girl, and she
goes, "Ezekiel would never touch me. I've known him for too long." .\nd that's when I
say, "\'Vhat do you mean?" She was like, "I le would never lay his hands on me." 1\nd I'm
like, ''"l11at's because he doesn't love you, you b'tlYS aren't together." .\nd then I b'O back
and gee in mr car.. \nd then Ezckid comes over and he goes, "You just need to leave."
,\nd then I tell him, "No!' Ami then we start arguing and that's when he like reached

across from him and pulls this hand off the steering wheel and yanks me our of my car.

She further explained that Mr. Elliott opened the door while she had her on the steering wheel
and b'Tabbed her wrist "with a tight grip." She said that he puUed her out of her car, and that when he did so,
her knee hit the door, "my side door." She also said that her car door "got all like dented up and c\crything
from him, from it just swin1:,ring open and hitting the fence at chc Carriabrc J louse. And like the yellow pole."
She sraccd that she chen, ", \lright, this is enough, I'm calling the police." i\ls. 'Jl10mpson also stated that
while she doesn' t know if Ms. ~fason was "looking" at what was happening, she was standing outside of the
car along with l\lr. Elliott's friends and the young woman who was driving ~Ir. Elliott's car. She also told
investibrators, in response to a direct <.1ucstion, that she did not k.-a\e when ~Ir. Elliott asked her to leave because
she "felt that !she] wasn't the one chat needed to be leaving" and further clarified that she believed "the other
1:,>irl" should have left because l\ls. 'l110mpson "was the girlfriend in the situation."

~Is. 'Dlompson was also asked why she attcmk<l l\lr. Elliott's birthday celebration after calling the

police that evening to inquire about making a report and she responded, '~ust as I 11 stayed there after every
other incident happened." In response to a direct question abouc why she decided to call 911 after the
interaction outside the Carriage I louse that night, she stated, "I was just fed up with everything. I couldn't take
it anymore." She then said, ". \nd I knew if I didn't go into leboal actions it would keep going on and o n and

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i\Is. Thompson said that the police arrived about 10 minutes after the call and further reported: "I
tol<l them exactly what I told you. I le yanked me out of my car, um, I've been <.leafing with multiple inci<lents
of <lomestic violence, of him hitting me, pulling me, all of that." She said that the police officers sai<l she ha<l
to fill out a report and one of them stayed with her while the other went to talk to "everyone else." She reported
that the Sergeant then arrive<l and took pictures of all her "visible injuries." i\ls. 1110mpson statc<l that she
"really didn't talk much to the officer" and that they just asked her <1uestions about her relationship with Mr.
Elliott. She said that her brrandmother came and picked her up from the Carriabre 1louse. The 911 call was
played for i\ls. Thompson at this point in the interview.

Later in her intef\iew, l\Is. Thompson confirmed that when she returned to her home after the
incident, she comple1ed the post on I nsta1,rram to which the investigators had drawn her attention. In response
to a <fUCstion about why she decided to post it then, she said, "J felt like what I had gone through, it needed to
be out there because I know other girls have gone through it. An<l I felt like I could be a voice for them. Just
to make it stop." In response to a <1uestion about why she put this Instabrram post "at" i\lr. EUiott, she said, "I
posted it because I felt e\eryone needed to know that behind every person that there's a different side to them."
She added, "because he's the one that did it to me. And I wanted to make it known." ~19 She also told
investigators that she hasn't seen i\lr. Elliott since the incident on July 22nd.

\'Vhcn confronteJ with a statement made by Taylor SanJbothc, the young woman who was driving :\Ir.
Elliott's car that night, that Ms. 'Jl10mpson had called her a "ho," and tried to cn!,>agc Mr. Elliott in a
confrontation when they arrived at his home that night, ;\Is. Thompson said that she had neither called Ms.
Sandbothe a "ho" nor tried to confront i\lr. Elliott. Jn addition, when told that ;\Is. Sandbothe had reported
that she had not seen any bruising on Ms. Thompson as she stood within 5 feet of her, Ms. 'f110mpson said,
"That's not true because I couldn't even cover my bruises up when I went out. 'l11ey were starting to tum
yellow, into a color that you can't cover up."

:'\'Is. n1ompson was then shown a full-frontal body pl10tobrraph that was taken of her by police officers
o n the evening of"Jlturs<la).July 21, 2016~ 10 and indicated that the bruises she was describing were visible on
her right ann, and also stated that she had "a whole bunch of bruises like on the back." She also indicated that
the choker necklace she is depicted \Waring in the photobrraph was worn by her to cmer her neck. ~Is.

Thompson also stated that the bruising on her arm was from the incident that occurred between her and ~Ir.

Elliott on Wednesday night, after lea\ing Fourth Street Bar. \\/hen shown an additional photo1,rraph of herself
with a towel on her hc:i<l, she indicated that tl1e picture was taken at ;\h. Elliott's apartment on Canvasback

ll'rJ ]\):;, Thompson's lnstabrram pMting is attached as Exhibit 69.

~ro 11ic photo1,rraph is :machcd as Exhibit 7 \.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 3 of 76 PageID #: 510

Lane on Sumlay,July 17, 2016~ 11 and that the injuries depicted were from the incident that occurred in the early
morning hours of Sunday, July 17, 2016. She identified another phorograph as depicting bruising on her hip,~ 1 ~
and stated, "That's from when I hit my hip on the comer of the bed, from when he had pushe<l me into the

i\fs. Thompson was then confronted with the statement of multiple witnesses that on rhe night of
Thursday, July 21, 2016, she screamed at i\Ir. Elliott and the girl in his car, and threatened to ruin ,\(r. Elliott's
career. i\1s. 1110mpson said that there was no truth to any of the information with which she was confronted
and said, "( t's just very frustrating." \Vhen asked why she thought those witnesses would have made such
statements if they were nor true, she responded, "I me:1n, who wouldn't say that? Like, you're best friends with
him." She continued, "I mean I would hope, not hope, but I would think any friends would s:1y anything," and
confirmed her belief 1h:1t those witnesses were trying to protect !\Ir. Elliott, "especi:1lly Alv:1rez."
\'Vhen next confronted with inform:1tion in Police Officer Brian Keefe's affidavit that " at
approximately 2: 10 a.m. outside of Social" early Friday morning, the night of .Mr. Elliott's birthday party, Ms.
111ompson and another woman "were throwing punches with one hand and pulling each other's hair with the
other" and that the "fight" lasted approximately 60 seconds, .!\Is. 1110mpson said that was unrrue. When asked
if she believed that "the police officer bl'Ol that wrong," she replied, "I mean, how many fights has he, like do

they have, I've asked. This is exactly what I asked the prosecutors. Why can't you pull the camera footage?"
lnvesti~tors also informed ~Is. 1110mpson that Kenny Alvarado, who works in a bar in <lowntown Columbus,
said he saw ~Is. 1110mpson and another woman fighting in the early morning hours of J ulr 22, 2016. Ms.
Thompson stated, "I know him. I Jc lets me into the club because I'm Ezekiel's girlfriend. I just cxchanbrcd
words with her (the other woman). I was screaming at her. But I did not fight her."

~Is. TI10mpson was also confronted with information provided by ;\latthew \'V'hite that he spent about
two hours \vith ;\Is. 'lbompson at a pool party on the night on i\londay,July 18, 201(> where she wore a bikini
and that he did not sec anr bruising to her body. ~ Is. 1110mpson stated, "Yeah, I talked to the prosecurors
about that. I was there only for about 30 minutes." She said that she wore le~rinbrs and a white tank top to the
party and further stated that she had not been drinking there. In response to a direct ()Uestion about why she
believed Mr. White would have "said this if it wasn't true" since he isn't one of J\lr. Elliott's friends, she
responded, "I wasn't in a bikini. I was in my lc.'st:,rings nod my white tank top." She continued, "the most that, I
pulled my white tank top up, 'cause it was soaking wet and I like wringed it out. That's the only." She explained

~ 11 Sec Exhibits 3.\ -F. l..cabt\IC invcstibtalors first obraincd these photographs from the Columbus City Auornc}"s website
and later from the forensic examination of the image made of :\Is. Thompson's phone. The meta data from these
photob'faphs shows that tlu.1 were taken on July 18, 201<i between 3:33 and 4:13 p.m.
m Sec Exhibits 10:\ -D. 1-4."ab'UC in,cstigators firM obtained the::<: photobrraphs from 1he Columbus City i\ttornc)"i<
website and later from the forensic examination of the image made of Ms. Thompson's phone. 'lltc met.1 data from
these phoco1,>Taphs shows that they were t.1kcn on July 22, 201 (,at <i:24 p.rn.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 4 of 76 PageID #: 511

Inter in her interview that she was "soaking wet" because :\Ir. \'Vhite, who she described as a coworker, had
thrown her in the pool. When aske<l if i\lr. Elliou "just got this wrong," i'v[s. Thompson said, "I le di<ln't get
that wrong. I mean I was at the pool party, but I wasn't drinking or anything." She then saiJ, "I c.lic.ln't even
have a bikini with me." Later in her interview, she reiterated that she was "not saying he's Iring" but that she
was never in a bikini. She also saiJ that "it was <lark so the only ones (bruises) that he could have saw !sicl were
on my arms."

.Ms. Thompson was further confronte<l with a statement from l\lr. Elliott's fricnc.l, Chie<lu Bosah, that
he also hadn't seen "any noticeable bruises or cuts" on l\fs. Thompson at Fourth Street bar on We<lnesc.lay,July
20, 2016, when he was intro<luccd to her by i\lr. Elliott and that "everyone was brctting along very well." :\ls.
Thompson stated, "That was the night I wore the, um, I wore a really thick choker. Black. Um, to cover my
neck. I also had lots of makeup on my neck and then Ezekiel helped me cover up my bruises on my anns." :\[s.
Thompson identified the choker th:u she describec.l in the photo1:,rraph shown to her by investigators and
confirmed that the bruises were underneath the choker. m
Investit:,>ators then reaJ .Ayrin i\lason's sworn affidavit about what transpired outside Social and the
Carria1:,rc I louse on July 22, 2016~H to l\[s. Thompson after which she was asked questions about i\Is. l\lason's
version of events. i\ls. 'l11ompson sai<l that l\ls. J\fason's statement to prosecutors that i\lr. Elliou had thrown
her and i\ls. 'l110mpson out of his VIP area at the club on the eveningof'llmrsday,July 21, 2016, was not true.
She saiJ that she "walked out" of the section. In addition, when asked if i\Js. Mason's statement that Ms.
Thompson texte<l i\ls. l\fason, while J\Is. Thompson was speaking with police officers, that J\ls. ~Jason should
"tell the police that Ezekiel pulled her out of the vehicle and assaulted her" was true, i\ls. 'J110mpson replied,
"I did text her and told her that. Um, because I knew that they were going to have her write a sta!L'ment." She
explained that she sent the text when she was outside by herself with the police and i\ls. i\lason was "back
with" J\lr. Elliott "and all of the other witnesses" for "a gooJ probably 10-15 minutes while I was outside
talking lo t11c cops." Ms. Thompson said, "I told her just to just, I never asked her to lie, there's no reason to
lie. Um, I just specifica1Ir wanted her to just put that in the statc..ment. Like, not 10 mention, like anything dse
like, that was just the mosl important to put in there."

In response to the detail in J\ls. i\lason's statement that Ms. 'll1ompson "yelled to Ezekiel that she was
going to ruin his career anu call the police," Ms. Thompson said:

Um, and then I never said I wanted to ruin his career. I never want anyone's career to be
ruined because I know he Joes, he plays football because he loves to play. Um, of course.
I le docs it for his family. And I wouldn't want that to be ruined. I knew he 1:,rrew up with
nothing. So, with that said, all I wantec.l out of this, I don't w;mt 10 sec him get suspended.

ll\ 'Ille photob'I'aph was prmidcd to 1hc Columbu~ City \ttomcy's Office by Chicdu Bosah and is auachcd as Exhibit .J.
~ ~ A~ rin l\lnson's affidavit is attached a~ Exhibit 50.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 5 of 76 PageID #: 512

I don't want ro sec him get anything like wrong with like, Dunn, like I jusr want him to be
put through counseling so it doesn't happen to the next girl.

i\Js. Thompson was then shown the text mcssab>c exchange to which investigators had previously
referred and asked specific 'lucstions about its contcnt.:m In response to a llucstion about why i\ls. Thompson
tcxtcd :\Is. i\fason, "If ther 11sk, he dragged me out of my car," to which ~Is. Mason replied, "Okay, just now"
and l\ls. Thompson then wrote, "When we got here. Like we pulled up and he showed up then yanked me out
if the police askcc.J," she said, "Because I don't even know if she witnessed it. 'Cause she was outside of the
car." In response to c1ucstioning, ~ fs. Thompson said that l\Is. i\fason was "outside" of her car, "probably" in
front of a "white Jeep," "not too for," when ~Ir. Elliott pulled i\fs. Thompson out of the car. She also said that
she believed "everyone else" was "by the front door." lnvcstibrators then asked why l\Is. Mason would not have
been able to sec what happened and whether i\ls. i\Jason was "just standing by the white Jeep by herself not
talking lo anybody," in response to which i\ls. n1ompson said, "Yeah, that's how she is. She's very, \'cry dated."
She continued, "She's very l)uiet and very awkward. Like socially awkward. So, I m1..-an she doesn't really talk
much or anything so that's just how she is." Ms. Thompson was asked abr:tin if she thought i\ls. Mason "could
have been in a position where she just might not have seen what happened," to which she replied, "Yeah."

i\Js. Thompson was then shown a text in which Ms. l\lason wrote, "Do you want me to lie about what

happene<l that night because Zeke's lawyer is abuut to call me again?"ZU :\Is. Thomp:mn said, "Do you have
the rest of those text mcssabrcs?" and said that she provided them to the prosecutors anJ then offcreJ to show
them to the investigators. In response to the direct c1ucstion about why she thought i\Js. Mason asked her that
c1uestion, Ms. n1ompson said, "I honestly think she was setting me up." She then provided the "rest of the text
messages" to investigators and in pointing lo one specifically noted, "Mc saying don't lie if you didn't sec

In response to a direct lluestion, i\ls. 'Ilmmpson further confirmed that she has seen i\ls. l\fason since
the incident on July 22nd. She said that :\ls. l\lason "told lhcrl everything is going to be okay." She continued,
";\fter she said that, she texted me, I told her that our friendship was done and over with because I felt like
what she had provided information with !sicj was not correct and um I don't need to be associating with people
like thal. She had lcxtcd me this right after I tolJ her, don't tell them, like don't lie. After I told her not to lie."

i\Js. Thompson was shown the text mcssab>c that she sent Mr. Elliott on the afternoon of Thursday,
July 20, 2016, in which she wrote, "I'm sorry, I just !,'01 my ass bL-:tt and don't want to k-avc you." l\Is. Thompson

21s The text message exchange is attached as Exhibit 6 I.

1 u Sec E xhibit (>8. The text message exchange pn)\'idcd by the Columbus City Auorncyi;' Office on their website ended
when :\Is. Thompson said, "yeah" and this is the version of this text mcssab>c cxchanb>c that i\ls. Thompson w.1s a.:<kcd
about at this interview. No record of this text message conversation was reco\'ercd from ~Is. Thomp~on'~ phone.
I lowevcr, League in\'cstib>:1tor.; later obtained the entire text message exchange.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 6 of 76 PageID #: 513

was asked to what she was referring in this message and said, "I was scared to leave, and b'O out without him
because af1er I came back from the club, i1 would happen again." She also said that she was referring to the
events of\'V'etlncstlay night when she wrote, "got my ass beat."m

;\fs. nwmpson was also asked about the text message that 1\lr. Elliott sent her saring, "Can you listen
to me for once, I just have a bad feeling, you should leave really."21 8 ;\ls. 'l110rnpson confirmed that the text
meant that l\Jr. Elliott was asking her to leave his apartment. She further confirmed that she sent l\lr. Elliott
the text message about the police being involvec.l after she hac.l called the non<..mergency police number. Ms.
Thompson was askeJ why she went to two parties for him after calling the non-emergency number and said,
"He wanted me to come out that night. He never told me once he dic.l not want me to come out that night. I [c
wanted me 10 celebrate his birthc.lay with him."

lnvestibrators then read ;\(s. l11ompson portions of Alvarez Jackson's affidavit to police pertaining 10
events between Saturday, July 16 and Tuestlay,July 18' Specifically, the affidavit said that Mr. Jackson Wl.'tlt out
to Social with ;\(s. 'llmmpson and Mr. Elliott on Saturday and did not sec any injuries on Ms. 'll1ompson, that
he <lid not hear any fighting or yelling on Sunday night, and that on Tuesday, when l\(r. Elliott did not come
home, ;\fs. Thompson locked her keys in her car after which she came back to l\[r. Elliott's apartment and
1\lvarcz told her to stay because she wasn't in any condition to drive, she called another man to pick her, she

<lid nut ~cl in10 the car with the m:tn afler which Lhey talked for a while am.I then wenl to sleep.
was asked whether any of what she had been told was true to which she responded:

I lost my key at Ezekiel's house. I never locked my key in my car. If that was the case I
would have just c.1lled the cops and had them come and get it. And then I was not drinking
~-fs. 'l11ompson

that night. So, T was perfectly fine. I never called a male to come and pick me up. I was
sitting outside on like the littJe curb area outside Ezekiel's apartment and my friend l\lark
and his friend were in the apartment complex and drove around and saw me so they
sropped nnd asked if I was okay because I had been out there crying and stuff. ,\nd then I
went back in to Ezekiel's apartment by myself.

;\[s. Thompson explained that she was crying on the curb out~ide because Mr. Elliott had not come
home, and said that she went back to l\lr. Elliott's apartment by herself and "went to bed b}' myself." was asked
why she was on the curb crying, and said it was because ?\Ir. Elliott did not come home that night. 'lllompson
was asked if she has reached out to ~fr. Glliott since July of 2016 and said, "Ycs, I did call him a couple times.
I was having problems with the apartment and the car. I wanted to sec if he was going 10 pay my car off."

217 The text message c:on\'crs:ition is ntt.1chcd n~ Exhibit 51.

:?18 Sec Exhibit 51.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 7 of 76 PageID #: 514

At the conclusion of the interview, imestibralOrs asked ;\Is. Thompson why witnesses, even those who
arc not ~fr. Elliott's frien<ls, would make statements that arc "completclr inconsistent" with what she reported
about the events and she replied:

I mean, I think it's really not fair. Because for people out there. I mc:m I've had a lot of
hate. Death threats. It's been really rough. It's just I have no reason to sit here and bro
through this every da;-, the emotion, the pain. To sit here and lie to, cause I knew the
outcome that it was going to bring me.

\Vhen asked to explain more specifically what she meant, she said:

The o utcome I mean, with it going viral, everyone knowing and the comments and stuff
that I was going to brct. I just started to actually like b'Ct my life back together after it all
happened. Um, I finally found a really like good job um, I'm looking into getting into
school and all that and I just feel like money has a lot to do with this?

\'Vhen then asked if she was suggesting that "people got paid off," she stated:

I don't want lo sit here and say that but I'm saying after seeing snap chats of his friends
and stuff with jewelry on that they never had before and everything and after seeing just
like e\'erything that happened after it. It just, knowing Ezekiel personally and talking to
him every day, being his girlfriend and knowing his family and all of that. I honestly feel
like they got their story together and they stuck to their story.

Eze!sjel Elliott - Sevtember 28. 2016

Ezekiel Elijah Elliott was intcrvicwL-d on September 28, 2016, at the Dallas Cowboys training facility
in Dallas, Texas by NFL Director of Investigations Kia Roberts and N FL Security Representative Kim Janke.
I leather l\IcPhec from the NFL Players :\ssociation, and Mr. Elliott's attorneys Scott Rosenblum and Frank
Salzano were also present.

1\lr. Elliott told the League's investib':ltors that he is 21 years old, and has been a running back in the
NFL since April 2016. Mr. Elliott further stated that he attcn<lcd college at Ohio State University, that he is not
married and docs not have any children. l\lr. Elliott then said that he first met Tiffany Thompson in early
January 2015 in Columbu.o;, Ohio and that their "friendship grew and brrcw until July 22n<1 of this year." :\lthough
he said that he did not know whether l\ls. Thompson represented herself to others as his girlfriend, i\lr. Elliott
told invcstibrators that he and l\Is. 'J11ompson never dated and that he never considered .Ms. Thompson to be
his girlfricnJ. I le explained, "Um, you know, we had a sexual relationship. We liked each other. We cared
about each other. But I never was in a, was at a moment that I, did she e\er think that we were in a relationship.
She never at no time tl10ught that she was the only girl that I was involved with. That's all." Mr. Elliott
con finned that he had provided a handwritten statement to police officers on tl1c night of J uJy 21, 2016, in

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 8 of 76 PageID #: 515

Columbus, Ohio:l'J in which he stated, "Tiffany 'I110mpson an<l I arc just friends. We never <lated. She never
lived with me. We had a sexual relationship. Let's just say she never lived with me. We had a sexual relationship
period," i\lr. Elliott confinned to investigators that he and i\ls. 'l110mpson ne\er lived tobrcther and said that
;\Is. Thompson's statement that they had done so between October 2015 and January 2016 was false. i\lr. Elliott
acknowledged, however, that he provided some financial support for i\ls. Thompson and explained later in his
inten'iew that he "helped" ;\fs. '1l1ompson pay for her apartment al a complex called "Times Square," was a
co-sibrnor on the lease of that apartment and that he had also leased a car for her in his name.

l\lr. Elliott was asked specifically about the events that occurred on Saturday, July 16, 2016, lo which
he responded that he did not recall what had happened on that date. i\[r. Elliott was informed by invcstibrators
that :-.b. 'Jl10mpson said that she picked up :-.Ir. Elliott and his friend, Alvarez Jackson, at the airport in
Columbus, Ohio, on July 161", a Saturday, after which he said that he recalled that i\[s. Thompson had done so.
I nvescigntors told i\[r. Elliott th:u i\ls. Thompson had said the following about what next transpired: that she,
i\lr. Elliott, and i\fr. Jackson went to a bar that night; that she and Mr. Elliott went to his apartment after leaving
che bar; that a !:,rirl called i\fr. Elliott via FaceTime ac approximately 4:00 a.m. after which i\ls. Thompson and
l\lr. Elliott bebran arguing; that i\lr. Elliott then choked i\ls. lbompson and tried to hit her; that while l\fr. Elliott
attempted to hit i\ls. Thompson, she put up her ann to block the blow; and that l\lr. Elliott struck her in the

arm causing a bruise to fonn. l\[r. Elliott said that this version of events was not accurate but acknowledbrcd
that he, l\ls. Thompson, am) l\lr. Jackson had gone to a dub called Social that night. I le said that although he
could not recall what she was drinking at the club, l\ls. Thompson was "drunk" but when asked what made
him believe that she was "drunk," l\lr. Elliott said, "Maybe she wasn't. I don't know. That was a long time
ago." i\lr. Elliott was again asked to confirm his belief that ~ls. 'llmmpson was drunk and he responded, "I
m<..':tn, usually when you go out you get drunk, right?" i\lr. Elliott reported that he was also drunk and that he
had consumed "a couple drinks" of Patron tequila. I le said that i\lr. Jackson "doesn't really drink" and was not

l\fr. Elliott said that when they arrived at his apartment on the evening ofJuly 16, 2016, "a girl" called
him :tnd Ms. Thompson "sai<l something to me about it bcc11use it was late at night." In response to a question
about whether what l\ls. Thompson said to him "turned into an aq,>ument at any point," l\lr. Elliott sai<l:

I mean, Tiffany knew what our relationship was. She knew that she wasn't the only girl
that that I was involved with. 1\ctually that night we brought another girl home with us
previous lo, before that call (referring to the Facetime call he had gotten).

Mr. Elliott explained that he and l\ls. Thompson had brought "a girl" home with them that night to ha\e sex
\vith him and l\ Is. 'l110mpson, but that it did noc occur. I le said that they had enbraged in such sexual encounters

219 .i\lr. Elliou's ~ratement co the Columbus Police Department is :11tached as Exhibit (.}.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 9 of 76 PageID #: 516

on other occasions and that as a result, ;\[s. Thompson had no reason to believe that she was the only woman
with whom he was interacting. \'\/hen ag:iin asked if he and ;\[s. Thompson had arb'Ued that night, he said that
they had not and that i\ls. 'l110mpson ha<l only asked him "why the girl was calling me so late."

;\(r. Elliott was next informed about what i\ls. n10mpso n reporte<l to have occurred on the evening
of i\fonday,July 18, 2016, into the earlr morning hours of Tuesday,Julr t 9, 2016. I le was told by investigato rs
that Thompson said that she had go ne out with her friends that night, that Mr. Elliott ha<l gone out with
his fricn<ls that night, that the}' bumped into each other in <lowntown Columbus where i\ls. Thompson ignorc<l
Mr. Elliott, and that i\lr. Elliott became upset. l\lr. Elliott then stated, "I mean, we did bump into each other
but, at that point, no, she was not iJ:,rnoring me." Invcsti!,>ators referred to a text me.~sagc exchange between :\Ir.
Elliott an<l i\ls. Thompson and a specific text message sent by i\[r. Elliott on l\fonday at 10:29 p.m. which read,
"Don't play with me, your shit will really be sitting outside my house." Jn response to a direct <1ucstion about
whether that mcssabic was sent to i\ls. Thompson after she "ib>nored" him in downtown Columbus, as asserted
by i\Is. 'J110mpson, i\lr. Elliott said, "I don't remember. It was a long time abl'O." I le then said:

So what she told me too, she called me cause I was at dinner right around the comer. She
told me to come meet her. So I went to meet her :u the bar and she was ignoring me for
like a couple secomls. But after that I mean we weren't ibrnoring each other anymore.

When next asked if he had written the "don't play with me" text message after this interaction in the bar when
Ms. Thompson ignored him, he said, "No, well, actually like before this, like I have been trying to end things
with Tiffany. Tiffany did not want this. This was a whole week long process" I le continued:

\nd like, nnd so, l was telling her, please, like. Cause she had dropped me off. She picked
me up from the airport, and then she really wasn't supposed to stay with me Saturday night
and then like I was trying to get her to leave my house. She would nut leave my house and,
I mean, that whole day. \'(!hat she didn't tell you, was that I was telling her to pk.-asc take
your stuff and leave from my house cause like then she would have to come back to my
house that night and that's not what I wanted.

I le fun her ex-plained that he did not return to his home that night, ~londay, because ?\ls. Thompson was
"blowing ~liml up." I le reported, "I didn't want to be here; I didn't want her at my house," and said that he
had a "tc.xt log" that would support his statement that ~Is. 'Thompson was "blowing me up" by trying to find
out where he was and asking why he wasn't coming home to his apartment, prompting him to stay at a hotel
that night.

;\fr. Elliott explained that he had returned to Columbus that week because he needed to clean and
move out of his "o ld college apartment" by "like the 21"" but that he didn't Jo so "until the 23nl maybe" and
then stayed at the Carriabrc I lo use after that. I le said that during this time, Ms. 'll10mpson was staying in a
separate apartment in a building called Times Syuare for which he helped her pay rent.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 10 of 76 PageID #: 517

;\Ir. Elliott was infomied that ;\(s. n10mpimn said that when ;\(r. Elliott returned to his apartment on
the morning of Tuesday, July 19, 2016, she was still there amJ that she and i\fr. Elliott arbrued, at which time
Mr. Elliott pushed her onto the bed, slapped her, and shook her by her arms. Mr. Elliott confirmed that l\fs.
Thompson was there when he returned on Tuesday morning but denied that her overall version of e\ents was
accurate. When asked specifically if he am.I i\ls. Thompson had arbrued that morning, he said, "I mean there
was an arbrument because r was trying to get her out of my house. She would not leave. That was the ar1::,rumcnt."
I le said that he was not under the influence of dru1::,rs or alcohol when he returned home and that it did not
appear to him that i\fs. 'l110mpson was either. I le explained that ;\ls. Thompson "tried to say something" about
why he had not come home the night before but that this discussion did not tum into an afb'llment. He said
that while he doesn't recall if l\(s. 'lnompson was crying, she was upset with him when he returned though she
did not yell or threaten him. When asked by investigators if he would describe this interaction between him
and f\(s. 'l110mpson as an "arbrument," he responded:

I'm not the type to argue, honestly like I really don't like confrontation. So, like that's why
I didn't even come home that night. So basically, me coming home was like, I'm just like,
'\Vhy arc you still here? I don't want you here. 111at's the reason I didn't come home last
night, I thought you would be gone by now.'

i\fr. Elliott said that between July 16 and July 21, 2016, he tried to break up with ~ls. Thompson and

said, "I was like, 'I want to be done.' Her response was, 'No, we're not going to be done. If you do this, I'm
going to ruin you.' 111is is the whole week." J le said that he tried to break up with her "constantJy" anc.I reponed
that she rcsponc.led with threats. He also stated, "So this is why I'm like, I'm trying to like maneuver my way
around it so I'm trying to do it, I'm trying to get out of it without the most confrontation so we wouldn't have
to be here today." Mr. Elliott also explained that ~Is. 'l110mpson never specifically described how she would
"ruin" him and that he would respond by saying, "I low arc you going to do that? I di<l nothing wrong." I le
said that l\fs. Thompson never threatened any ph)sical action against him.

Mr. Elliott told investibr:ltors that he never physically assaulted l\ls. 'l110mpson and that ~fr. ,\lvarez,
who he described as his "best friend" and someone he has known since he was seven years old, was present
for the entire interaction. I le stated that l\lr. \lvarcz had been at his house since their arrival but also said,
"Well actually l\onday night, he left for a little bit but came back. Not :-.Ionday night but Saturday night. I le
left for a litde bit but came back. But other than that there was no time that Tiffany am.I I were together that
he was not there. So, he was there the whole time." To further e>..-plain his relationship with l\lr. \lvarez, ;\fr.
Elliott said:

So for instance .\lvarez and I don't have an apartment in Columbus anymore. So when l
went back, he was with me. I le was actually here in Dallas helping me move m~' stuff out
of the hotel into my house and we went back to Columbus to pack up my stuff in
Columbus. So he was heiring me in Columbus and so basically he \V:\S sleeping on mr

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couch. It's like I had a one bedroom apartment. l\Iy couch literally in my room lil<e right

In response to the investibr:ttor's 'luestion about whether l\lr. Jackson was present for any of the threats
that Mr. Elliott said were made a1:,rninst him by i\Is. Thompson during this period of time, ;\Ir. Elliott replied,
"'ll1ere were about 15 people present for the one that she <li<l Thurs<lar night, the night of my birthday. Well,
nlUrsday night, Friday morning, there were a lot of people there for that one but other than that, no." I fc was
also asked whether he had observed any injuries, including any bruising, on i\ls. Thompson during this period
of time, to which he responded, "She alw;1ys would have bruises because she's a small girl and she used to brct
rcall}' drunk and fall all over the place. I mean she woukl have bruises sometimes, but I really didn't sec anything
out of the nonnal."

i\lr. Elliott then confinne<l the accuracy of J\fs. l110mpson's statement to investi1:,'fltors that on
Wednesday,July 20, 2016, she and i\lr. Elliott had bl'Qne to the store to buy bones for her <log, and that later in
the day, they and i\lr. Jackson went to dinner at Genji after which they all went to Fourth Street Bar. l\lr. Elliou
also said that both he and i\ls. Thompson drank at the Oar but could not specifically recall what J\(s. 'llmmpson
had been drinking. In response to a Jirect question about whether ;\Is. 111ompson was or got "drunk," ;\Ir.
Elliott said, "Um, if she was drinking." He reported that he was "tipsy" as a result of drinking "more than two"

drinks of Patron tequila. i\fr. Elliotc further confirmed the nccuracy of i\fs. Thompson's statement to
investib>ators that immediately after leaving Fourth Street Bar while i\lr. Elliott sat in his car outside, i\ls.
Thompson, also seated in the car, and ~Ir. Alvarez, standing outside of the car, told :\[r. Elliott not to drive
himself home anJ to allow someone dse lo drive bec.1use he "had be1.'0 drinking and it wasn't safe" after which
}.[r. Elliott sped off in his car. He denied, however, that he and ~Is. 'lllompson argued about this interaction
and said that he <lid not rec.'lll l\ls. nwmpson telling him that he was "dumb for driving" because he had been

Mr. Elliott acknowledged that when he and Ms. n10rnpson arrived back at his apartment, they arbrucd
but said he could not recall about what. I le further stated that during this arbrument, neither he nor l\ls.
'11mmpson made threals or "assauhed" each other. When specifically confronted with Ms. Thompson's version
of events that ~Ir. Elliott pinned i\ls. n1ompson to the Ooor, and choked and punched her during the art.tUment,
Mr. Elliott denied that he had done so. I le also denied that i\fr. , \Jvarez came home during the argument and
told him to stop because it was so "loud." I le reported instead that i\lr. ,\lvarez returned to the apartmL'Ot at
the same time as he had and that at no time did ;\fr. \lvarez enler his bedroom while he and ~Is. 'llmmpson
aq,rued. I le also confinnc<l that i\[s. Thompson slept over at his home that night.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 12 of 76 PageID #: 519

;\Ir. Elliott further confirmed that a photoi,,rraph shown to him by invcscibtators had been taken at
Fourth Street Bar on the night of Wcdnesday,July 20, 2016. 2211 1lc reported rhat the photograph depicted him,
his friend Bosah with whom he took a class <luring his last semester at Ohio State and ;\Is. Thompson. In
response to a statement that ;\ls. Thompson made to invcstibrators about wearing a thick choker the night the
photobrraph was taken to concc.11 bruises on her neck which resulted from ~ fr. Elliott choking her, ;\Ir. Elliott
said, "She had a hickey," and said that he had been the one to brivc it to her.

;\Ir. Elliott reported that when he and ;\Is. Thompson woke up on the morning of'lbursday,July 21,
2016, ;\ls. Thompson "kept saying 'I just want to spend like one more <lay with you, like yada yada yada."' I le
further stated:

So I'm just like, ok, like go away, like as least confrontational as possible. So I'm like, ok,
that's why she went out with me that night. So whatever. So the next day I'm just like, man
1 just can't. I can't do it anymore. So I'm just like, ok Tiffany like we've gotta be <lone, like
I'm trying to like cut off. I wt.-nt to her house. After she left my place, I went to her house
I tell her like we gotta be done like, please like.

i\lr. Elliott stated that "for the rest of the day" he told l\ls. Thompson that he didn't want to sec her anymore
and told her, "Please uon't try to come out with me or anything. None of that." He said that he had forgotten

that ;\fs. 'I110mpson knew the code to a "little lock box" that had the key to his "rental" am.1 that when he
returned to the rental after doing errands co have dinner with his "friends," he found .Ms. Thompson in his
bed. I le said that he asked her, "\'Vhy arc you here?" and told her, "] don't want you to be here" after which
"shit go1 really crazy." I le explained 1hat he didn't understand why Ms. Thompson thought that he wasn't being
serious and said:

l guess it really dawned on her that I'm nol kidding. I really didn't want her here. She let
her dog in my house. ,\nd this is nol my place, it's a rental and he's peeing all over the
place and I'm just like, 'Tiffany, I don't want you here. You're nol supposed lo be here;
can you please just leave?'

l\fr. Elliott then said that he believes ~ls. 'fbompson "needs help" and is "bipolar or something." I le
reporlc<l that 1he conversation "just like flipped a switch in her head" after which she said something like,
"Okay, this is what you want? Okay then. I'm going 10 ruin your life, you'll sec. If I was you, I wouldn't go out
tonight." I le explained that he believed ~Is. Thompson didn't want him 10 go out without her that night, Mr.
Elliott's birthday, and that when he asked her what she meant by her statement that he shouldn't go out, ;\ls.
'll10mpson responded, "You'll sec when you get to the club or whatever." I le said that nei1her he nor ;\ls.
Thompson were yelling at this point and further reported:

~ 1 'l11e photo!:,>raph identified by ~Ir. Elliott during his intcr\'icw is attached as Exhibit .J.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 13 of 76 PageID #: 520

So I'm like, what arc you taking about? She's telling me, "you'll sec when you btCt to the
dub or whatever" yada yada yada. So at first I thought, maybe you'd like trr to set me up
or something. I lave someone try to come fight me or something try to come rob me. So
I'm just like, "what arc you going to c:.lo?" Like she's like, "}'ou'll sec, I'm gonna ruin )'Our

I le continued that the friends with whom he had returned to the rental, i\lr. ,\lvarcz, ''\Viii" and his "other best
friend Ray," were not in a position to hear what i\fs. '11mmpson was saying but that he yelled "coat time" to
i\lr. Jackson to have him "come listen" to :\Is. Thompson "while she was saring all this crazy shit" because he
thought "this is nuts, like she flipped" and explained that he meant that she had "flipped pcrsonnlitics." I le said
that by the time ;\fr. Alvarez arrived, l\(s. '11mmpson "wasn't saying anything like that anymore." I le further
stated that at some point during this interaction, when l\fs. Thompson realized that he wasn't broing to heed her
warning and stay in that night, she tried to scare him by saying, "The police are involved already. The police arc
going to come b'Ct you from the club tonight." l\lr. Elliott said that he responded by saying, "What?" and that
he knew that she hadn't called the police but played along with "her game." I le explained:

So I'm like, ok Tiffany. Now I'm playing her bramc. Like I'm not trying to get to that point.
Cause I knew that was something she would do. I knew she would call the police on me
while I'm like in the club, like trying to celebrate my birthday and try to like embarrass me.
I knew that was l!Omething she would do. So I'm like ok Tiffany. I tried to be cordial but
I'm like ok Tiffany, if you want to just spend my birthday with me and you're gonna lca\le

me alone after this, ok you can come celebrate my birthday with me.

l\Ir. Elliott said that l\ls. Thompson left his house afrcr she "hit lhimJ up and shit."

In response to direct 'JUestions by investigators about a chain of text messages between l\lr. Elliott and
l\[s. '11lC>mpson, dated July 21, 2016, shown to Mr. Elliott during the interview,~ Mr. Elliott clarified his
previous statement and said that he was texting l\ls. 'l11ompson from upstairs where he was "trying to cat dinner
with lhis! friends" while l\ls. nmmpson was downstairs in his bedroom aml that the substance of the texts was
"just leave my house please." When asked specifically about a I.e xt message that ;\Js. Thompson sent to him at
9:38 p.m. which reads, "I'm sorry, I just got my ass beat and <lon't want to leave you,"~ ;\Ir. EIJiott said he <lid
not know to what l\ls. n1ompson was referring. l\lr. Elliott further clarified that he received the text message
from l\[s. TI1ompson shown to him by invcstigntors stating, "Police arc involved. I have to go to the station
tomorrow for them to take pictures of me. Conbrrnts, bro," after l\ls. 'Inompson had left his home. I le said:

This is when I told you she said the police were involved. So, I'm likc--okay Tiffany,
whatever. If you want to spend my birthday with me that bad then come to the club. I
don't really care if you're there.

Mr. Elliott was also shown another text messabrc "a few lines down" that he sent to ;\ls. Thompson
which read, "\'Vhy arc you not out celebrating my birthday with me? You said you wanted to spend this day

See Exhibit ?
!?.! This text mcssab>e is atL1chc<l a~ part of Exhibit _ .

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 14 of 76 PageID #: 521

with me, but all you trying to do is ruin it. \'ou don't love me." I le then explained th.1t he and ;\Is. 'Jlmmpson
had talked on 1hc phone before he had sent this particular m'-'lisagc and that during that conversation, he "tokl
her just to come am.I meet lhiml out." I le continued, ".\t this point, I'm playing her brame" and said that he
believed he was already at the club called Social when he sent the text.

;\Ir. Ellio tt saiJ that he believes he arrived at lhe club around 12:05 a.m. and that ;\fs. 'll10mpsoo arrived
with her friend sometime after. I le said 1hat there were "a lot of people there" and "probably like 20 people in
the section" where he was but that he had limited interaction with Ms. Thompson while there, "probablr said
no more than 10 or t 5 words to her." I le further reported that Ms. Thompson was "drunk" and said that he
was aware of this becnusc he "snw her have n co uple." I le also said that at around 1:30 or 1:40 n.m., J'\ls.
111ompson asked if she could come home with him to which he responded, "No." I Jc continued, "She said,
'Ok, that's the worst decision rou made in your life. I'm going 10 ruin your life now. I'm like, 'Ok Tiffany, do
whate,er rou like." I Jc said that ;\(s. n10mpson left and thnt he didn't sec her after that encounter. I Jc stated
that he lcnmed later that while leaving the club, J'\ls. Thompson had gouen into "n fight with one of the girls
that was in [his] section" and said thnt this probably happened around 2: 15 or 2:30 a.m. after which he left the
club. ;\Ir. Elliott also repor1ed that he was "pretty sober" at Social and that he "couldn't even enjoy lhisj night."
1le explained:

I couldn't even say I got drunk that night. I was pretty sober because I'm just like trying lo
d'-':1.l with enjoying my birthday, I just turned 21. But then I have her saying she's going to
basically ruin my life by calling the police on me. I didn't know al any time if the police
were b>Oing to come into the bar and come and b'Tilb me or anything so I have my bruard
up. I'm just trying to play it like damage control. 111e only reason I really told her to come
was like--how are you going to call the police on me, but you're coming to cclebrntc my
birthday with me?

In response to direct questions about his level of intoxication at 1he dub, .Mr. Elliott said 1hat he had
consumed 4 or 5 drinks of "opened champabrnc" but reiterated that he did not feel in1oxicated. I le also said,
when confronted with information r(.'}lo rted hr :\Is. 'Jlmmpson's friend, .\yrin l\l:tson, to the Columbus City
attorney's office that he had "thrown" i\ls. Thompson and :\Is. i\lason out of the club's VIP section, that he
asked security 10 "escort th(.m out" after Ms. Thompson "thrcatenc~I" him. I le further identified Ms. Mason
as the ex-girlfriend of his collcb'C friend, Darvin, \vith whom he said l\ls. 111ompson remained friends after l\-ls.
Mason and Darvin broke up. I le said thal immediately after being "escorted out" of the VIP section, Ms.
Thompson went to "another middle section." He repor1ed:

I mean she was doing her own thing. HonestJy, I wasn't paying attention. People were like
shO\ving me pictures of what she was doing but like I mean, honestly, I was trying lo focus
on myself you know, trying to enjoy mr 21 1 fbirthdayj.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 15 of 76 PageID #: 522

I le also said about the evening, "\Vell, the reason I was mad cause like I really was just about go to \'egas and
I should h:l\'c just went to \Iq,ras. But I was like, oh I don't wane to go to \'e1:.r-as riglu before camp I don't want
stories about me going to Vegas and then like this bullcrap"
I le further reported that he told ;' Thompson that she was "not invited" to his house for an after
party and at no time did she appear to him to have any injuries or bruises on her bo<lr when he saw her at the
club. I le also said that he drove home from the club with Taylor Sandbothc, who he <lescribcd as a friend an<l
said he was not dating. I le said that ;\[s. Thompson, who no longer had a key to his home, textcd him on the
drive home, "I'm waiting at your house," but also said, "l didn't sec that text until after the whole incident
happened." I fc said that when he arrived at his house with l\Js. Sandbothe, he saw :\ls. Thompson's car outside.
I re told investibrrtto rs that "she knew she wasn't tn\'lte<l" and that he thought, "ok, this is about to be bad." I le
also said that he thought "this is ultra-bad" because he was going to his house "with another brirl when she
wants to be with me."
;\Ir. Elliott stated that he saw i\ls. Thompson's car parked in the spot the "farthest over to the left" in
front of the Carriage I louse and that there were "probably two spots in between from where lhe and Ms.
Sandbothcl parked" with "at le.1st one" and "two cars actuallr" parked there." I le said that 1\fs. Thompson got
out of her car and approache<l his car "very violently like screaming at me, like yada yada yada" in response to
which he said he put the vehicle convertible top up. I le continued:

She's like talking very crazy to my friend who's driving. Basically, I just made sure. It was
a very big commotion like there was like fifteen people out there. So I try to let everything
die and let it b'Ct away from my car so l can make sure she can't even touch me if she
wanted to. Literally got out my car. Unlocked my door. Walked into my house. Literally if
I would have left the whole key thing she wouJd have been in m}' bed waiting on me. But
I literallr walked into my house she didn't even come between. She didn't get like five feet
away from me. But literally as I'm walking into my house, she's like, "It's over for you, I'm
gonna ruin your life. No one's going to believe you. You're a black athlete. I'm a white girl.
No one's going to believe you like." 'l11is is in front of everyone. Everyone's just like
freaked out.

In response to direct lluestions about this version of events, l\Ir. Elliot said that Ms. 'llmmpson drove
her car to his apartment with i\ls. i\fason and that she was "yelling," "screaming," "tlm.":ttcning" and "comin~

up to ll\fs. Sandbothe) crazy" before she realized she was "outmatched" when i\[s. Sandbothc, who is 6'2",
stepped out of the car. I le said, "So she realizc<l the last thing she wanted was to fight Taylor. I already heard
she got beat up earlier. So as soon as that happened she started to back up and realize that it's not what she
wants." :\Ir. Elliott said that it was at this point that he "hurrie<l out of the car" and explained, "I wou1dn't e\en
get out the car. l stayed in the car because I didn't even want her to try to get close to me. I'm just trying to do
the right thing." I re continued, "Stay away like so she can't even say we even came in contact with each other."
I le further explained that he "<.fartL-d" to his house door and tried to unlock it as fast as he could. I le st1ted,
"While I'm unlocking the door, she's screaming like all those jsic) stuff, I'm gonna ruin you, yada y:1da yada."

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 16 of 76 PageID #: 523

I le con finned that i\ls. 'll10mpson made statements indicating that she was going to ruin his career and call the
police, anJ said, "yo u're a black athlete and I'm a white woman." I le also said that in audition to :\Is. :\lason,
who he sai<l was present <luring all his interactions with ;\Is. 1110mpson after he arri\'e<l at home, there were
"15 other people" present, including ":\h-arcz, Bijan, Taylor," "Dylan" an<l "probably like a bunch of other
people that I really Jon't know who they arc." i\k Ellio tt reported that it was about an hour after this interaction
with Ms. Thompson before the police arri\'ed around 3:30 a.m.

In addition, when asked by investibrators about the specific nature of the "threat!!" that Ms. Thompson
had made, Mr. Elliott reported a threat that he said Ms. Thompson ma<lc earlier that day before she left his
house. I le said, "One of my former teammates, Brionte Dunn, had gotten in trouble with the domestic violence.
It was actually like probably like two days before that. She was like, 'You're like Brionte. You're bronna be best
friends with him."' I le continued that he believes "that's where she even brat the idea from 'cause that just had
happened." He said that it was this statLment that made him realize what l\[s. TI10mpson "was saying" and
"realize<.!" "what her plan was." \'Vhen then asked to confirm that these statements had been made before
Thompson left his house earlier that day rather than in the parking lot after the club, he said that this was
accurate but further stated, " But in the parking lot she was like, 'I'm going to ruin you. You're a black male
athlete. I'm a white girl. They're not gonna believe you.' In quotes. I would say she said that."


Friday, July 22,

Elliott was shown pictures o f Ms. 1bompson take;:n by the police in the early morning hours uf
20](i~J and asked if her recalled seeing the markings depicted on l\fs. Thompson's knuckles
and arms that evening to which he responded that he had not. I le confirmed that the clothing that l\[s.
nmmpson was wearing in one of the photographs was the clothing he recaUed seeing her in that night. l\fr.
Elliott was then shown a series of photographs~~ of Ms. 'Ibompson that l\[s. Thompson told investi1:,rators she
took of her own injuries th.-H night. He said that he <lid not recall seeing the injuries depicted in any of the
photographs on the e\ening ofJuly 21, 2016, and did not know how l\[s. Thomas has obtained the injuries. I fe
acknowledged that a mark on l\[s. n10mpson's neck depicted in one of the photo1:,'t:lphs was a "hickey" that
he had gi\'en to her. I le further confinned that a car depicted in o ne of the photobrraphs was the vehicle that
he had leased for i\fs. 1110mpson and that one of the photographs depicted the laq,>c building in front of the
building where he resided.

1\[r. Elliott further reportc<l that although he has not seen i\ls. tbompson since the night of July 21,
2016, Thompson has been trying to contact him. I le c.xplained, "She's trying to try to talk to me. She's probably

!.!.\me photo1:,>r:lph$ taken by the Columbu$ Police Dcpanmcnt arc attached a$ fahibit 71\-I I.
Prc\'iou~lr attached a~ Exhibit 6 A-C & 3:\-F.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 17 of 76 PageID #: 524

called me like 300 times since then. She's still calling me to this <lay." 1\lr. Elliott said that he asked i\fs.
Thompson to stop calling him , and that he "file<l a harassment suit" against her which he later said was " a
repo rt" that had been file<l with the police in Columbus. I le also told investibr:1tors, "I'm friends with all her
friends, so basically she kept telling her frien<ls if he gels back with me, then like I'll <lrop everything. I do n't
like need this in my life." ~Ir. Elliott explained:

,\fter the police had left, she was sitting there waiting for someone to pick her up. She was
calling me nonstop after the police left, the same night. I had to walk up to the police car
while they were there, I was showing the phone 10 the police officer. Something's not right
with her. She's probably called me I would say between 300 and 500 times since that
incident happened.

1\lr. Elliott also said that 1\ls. 'l110mpson "hacked into" his c..'ITlail during the week in July when the
events <lcscribec.I in the interview occurred. I le reported, "Like you know how you can go on your email and
you can say like, 'Oh I forbrot my password?' She did that." I le stated, "I think was like the main reaso n
why I was like we gotta be done." I le also said that he had all his contacts in an email because he had switched
phones and could only transfer them to his new phone by email and that, as a result, Ms. Thompson had all his
"contacts." I le co ntinued, " So then she like started contacting the !,rirls that like she knew I was involv(..>J with.
1\nd this was when I was like, ok like, I gotta be done. I can't even. Like I can't even." In response to a direct

<JUestion by investibrators, Mr. Elliott said that he believed this happened "after the night that girl called" him
on FaceTime.

.Mr. Elliott was then specifically asked whether he had any conversation with 1\ls. Mason about a text
message from 1\ls. 'D10mpson to Ms. l\lason which states, "If they ask, he draru,rcd me out of my car. Like we
pulled up and he showed and he yanked me out of my car, if the police ask." l\lr. Elliott said that he had
"probably" spoken to her "a couple days" after the July 2200 incident and that Darvin had first spoken to l\ls.
l\lason about it before he did. I le saic.I tlrnt l\fs. Mason "basically" said, "Tiffany's trying to get me to lie for her
to the police." He also said that hadn't been trying to contact .Ms. l\lason about this "because I don't even know
why .Ayrin is letting [1\fs. Thompsonf drive that night-- why was Ayrin letting her drive drunk that night?" I le
continued, "Two, why was J\yrin even coming with her to my house when ,\yrin knew thnt she wasn't invited
to my house so I really wasn't even like. I wasn't even on good terms with :\yrin cause Ayrin could have
prevented tlte whole ordeal. But J\yrin kine.I of, I wouldn't say helped her but- she facilitated it but she aJlowed
her to do it, do you know what J mean?" I le then said that l\ls. Mason "knew she was wrong for it."

i\fr. Elliott was also asked :tbout an incomplete text mcssabrc thread involving someone by the name of
Ryan \'Vhitc which suggested that i\lr. \'Vhite ha<l been at a pool party with Ms. 'l110mpson, observed her in her
bra and underpants before getting into the pool, and saw that she did not have any injuries or bruises on her
body. l\lr. Elliott did not respond to the <1uestion but i\ls. l\lcJ>hee stated, "We'll try and sort it out." ~Ir. Elliott

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 18 of 76 PageID #: 525

was then asked about a text message exchange between him and Shelia Lee~ related to Ms. 'I110mp:;on's post
on lnstabrram. I le acknowledged that he had sent a text which said, "LOL like she got 10 thousand followers
on lnstabrram now. Iler shit say hashtag stop domestic violence come on she's nuts." :\fr. Elliott acknowledged
that he texted 1\ls. Lee, "I won't text her but if she wants to talk she can text me or something" and further
stated when asked if he wanted to talk to 1\ls. Thompson, " Um kinda but like I just wanted to fibrure out what's
going on. Cause honestly the main reason I wanted to talk to her is because that car was like. :\ly name's on
that car and like how's that gonna b'Ct paid?"

1\lr. Elliott confirmed that in addition to the car, his name was also on l"vls. ]bompson's apartment
lease and said that although he cosigned the lease for her, "it wasn't like I lived there." He told investibrntors
that 1\Is. Thompson has "a lot of stuff going on at home and she needed help btetting out of her house and so
I hooked her up so" but would not disclose the details of what Ms. Thompson had "going on at home."

,\t the end of the interview, 1\lr. Elliott was asked ifl\fa. 1bompson had ever called the police on him
before the incident of July 2200 to which he replied that he docs not believe she has done so. In response to a
direct questio n about whether i\Js. 'll10mpson had ever "threatened" him \vith " any type of physical violence
from her or anybody else," ;\Ir. Elliott responded, "I don't think it really matters. I don't know. I can't

remember." I le responded, '<No," when then asked ifi\ls. Thompson has ever "hit," "slapped," "punched" or
"been violent" towards him.

Tiffany Thompson - October 6. 2016

Tiffany Thompson was inteniewed abinin by telephone on October 6, 2016, by N FL Director of

lnvesribrations Kia Roberts. :\Is. 'lbo mpson was askc<l follow-up 'luestions bascc.l on her previous interviews
\vith invcstibrators.

Jn response to a direct question about whether anyone was with her on the evening of l\londay, July
18, 2016, when she bumped into Mr. Elliott and she igno red him, she said, "l\fy friend Kelsey was there. Ezekiel
was screaming at me and trying to get my attention, and also sending me texts. Kelsey saw it.":?U

She was also asked what specific items she kept at l\Ir. Elliott's home during the time that they were
dating to which she responded, " I had all of my jewelry, my heels, tennis shoes, and duffel bai,,rs full of clothes,
a toothbrush, shower stuff, everything." In response to a question about why l\fr. Elliott leased an apartment

'I11e 1cx1 message exchange between Mr. 111omp~on and I\ls. Lee is atlache<l as Exhibit_.

~. lnvei-tib>ators :mcmpred 10 con1:1c1 Kcl:;cy Ciminillo repl':lledly \>ia a phone number provided ro investibr:itori; by :\Ii;.
Thompson. M:-:. Ciminillo did not respond 10 any ancmprs at con1ac1.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 19 of 76 PageID #: 526

for her if she was already living with him, she stared, "I le said he loved me and just wanted us to be happy and
wanted us to be good."

She was also asked if there was any his1ory of domestic violence prior 10 the February 2016 inci<lcnt in
. \ vcnturn, Florida and she stated, "Yes, he'd pulled me and yanke<l me before." She said that she did not know
when this occurred but that it happened, "I don't know, maybe to times. It would just happen out the blue
when we were arguing, and we arbrucd a lot."

~\Is. Thompson was asked to whom specifically in her family she had spoken about Mr. Elliott's abuse
and she said:

I told my i\unt Elaine and my mom. l\ly mom saw bruises, but I would lie to her. I told
my aunt the truth. We arc only 14 years apart, and arc close. Ttold her sometime that week
before ntursday that Ezekiel was pushing me around, hitting me, choking me, and sent
her pictures of my bruises. She 1old me to get away from him.

!\Is. Thompson additionally stated to investigators, "I told you how he'd broken my phone in ,\pril. I found
the broken phone the other day. I le bought me a new phone the next <lay."W

Jn response lo a question about how it came about that she and !\Ir. Elliott went to shop for dog bones
and had dinner together on Thursday, July 21, 2016, since she said 1hat their relationship was bad, she said, "I
was out at the mall and he caUed and said he was picking me up for dinner, and we went to the pct store. I can't
explain it; it was really bipolar. We had good times and really bad times."

!\ls. 'f11ompson then provided investig;ttors with the phone numbers for her aunt, Elaine G rcnn, and
Alvarez Jackson.

McKaila Blades - October 6. 2016

~IcKaila Blades wns interviewed on October 6, 2016 over the tdcphonc by NFL Director of
lnvestigatiom Kia Roberts. Ms. Blndes reported that she has been friends with Ms. Thompson since the sixth
grade and that f\Is. Thompson has "changed" since meeting :\fr. Elliott. She said, "I don't know her anymore.
She has a different outlook on life that I do. She hasn't even caUed to check on ffi)' dad with him hnving
leuk<..mia. She doesn't care."
In response to a direct yucstion about whether Ms. n1ompson ever called her via 1-accTime with a
bruised face, she said:

227 Ms. Thompson provided investigators with the photo of the receipt from when Mr. Elliott bought her a phone in
April 2016. See Exhibit 33.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 20 of 76 PageID #: 527

Nn, that didn't happen. n1c only pies that I've seen :ire what she posted on lnstagram.
r\nd those could be old picrures. . \ftcr the incident in July, nobody believed her because
she went out a few dap after and ha<l no bruises. I di<ln't sec her, but people were posting
pictures of her on Snapch:tt.

i\ls. Blades was also asked if she knew of any incidents of domestic violence involving i\Is. Thompson
and she told investibrators that she believed i\Is. 'lnompson bcbran to tell her of abuse when it was warm outside,
"like maybe Summer 2015." She also reported:

There's been many times that she's called me at 3 ,\1\1, and asked me to pick her up. She
told me she called the cops on him in Florida, but told me that months ago. One time she
sent me a picrurc of a bruise on her wrist, and I think she said that was from him brrnbbing
her. But I don't know when that was from.

Ms. Blades said that she was no longer in possession of the photograph sent to her by i\fs. 1110mpson.
She also acknowledged, "\Vhcn I first got your voicemail, I told Tiffany's mom that I didn't want to be involved

Ayrin Mason - October 6. 2016

1\yrin i\fason was interviewed on October 6, 2016 over the telephone by NFL Director of
Imestibrations Kin Roberts. i\fs. i\fason provided background information. Ms. Mason stated that she is in her
senior year at Ohio State University, and is 21 years old. i\fs. i\Iason stated that she is originaU}' from Cleveland,

i\fs. i\Iason was asked to explain how she knows Tiffany TI10mpson, and stated, "I've known Tiffany
for at least a year. I met her through Zeke and my ex-boyfriend, Darvin I Iopgood Jr. Darvin and Zeke arc
friends, we all go to Ohio State together." i\fs. i\fason was asked to describe the relationship between Ezekiel
Elliott and Tiffany Thompson and stated:

It was really toxic. It was never loving, and he always docs something with another brirl,
and then she gets back at him by doing stuff with other guys that he knows, like his
teammates and people like that. 'Iiffany was looking up with a bunch of other Ohio State
football players.

~Is. Mason was asked what the status of the relationship was between i\lr. Elliott and i\ls. 'lllompson
as ofJuly 2016 and stated, "Tiffany and Ezekiel were never officially in a relationship, but they were still acting
as if there was something there." l\fs. Mason was asked what she recalled from July 21, 2016 and stated:

Earlier that day, I went to Tiffany's house to hang out. \Vhen I was there, Tiffany showed
me some bruises. One was on her neck, one was on her arm, and one was on her pelvis.
We'd been texting a few days prior, and Ezekiel coming to town. She's been texring me
and said that they been having problems leading up to the 21st.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 21 of 76 PageID #: 528

;\Is. ;\fason was asked if i\Is. Thompson had mentioned any incidents of domestic violence prior to the
date that she showed her these bruises, and stated, no. ;\ls. i\lason was asked if l\Is. n10mpson had told her
what he and l\Is. Thompson had been about leading up to July 21, 2016, and stated, "'l11ey ::ilways would
argue and Tiffany would <1uestion him about stuff with other girls."

l\Is. Mason was asked what ;\fs. Thompson said the bruises were from, and responded, "When I walked
in, she showed me the bruises immediately, and she says, 'I can't <lo this anymore.' She said that he choked her,
draggc<l her across his apartment by her hair, and that was it." :\Is. ;\Cason was asked to <lescribe ;\ls.
Thompson's demeanor, and said, "She wasn't crying, but I could tell that there was a lot on her mind." i\Is.
Mason was aske<l if there was any further discussion about this, and said, no.

Ms. Mason was asked if she knew about any history of domestic violence between i\lr. Elliott and :-.cs.
Thompson prior to this evening, and stated, "She sent me snapshots before of bruises, huge bruises on the
inside of her thighs, and she said, 'The sex was rough, LOL.' Other than that, no. She never said she was
scared." l\fs. l\fason was aske<l if she took any pictures of l\ls. 'l11ompson's bruises on this evening, and stated,
no. Ms. Mason was ask<.-<l if l\fs. n10mpson covered up her bruises before they went out later that night and
said, no.

l\ls. .i\fason stated that on the evening ofJuly 21, 2016, l\ls. Thompwn came to Ms. i\lason's apartment,
before l\lr. Elliott's party that night. Ms. Mason stated, "Tiffany asked me if she shoul<l file a police report. I
tol<l her that she should. She called the police non-emergency number, and planned to go in Friday to file a
police report." Ms. :\lason was asked if she was with ?\ls. Ibompson when Ms. nmmpson called the non-
emergency police department number, and stated, yes. Ms. Mason was asked why she and l\ls. Thompson still
decided to btO to Mr. Elliott's birthday party, and stated, "She knew there would be other brirls there and wanted
to pre\ent anything from happening with Ezekiel and them. It was his birthday, and she really docs love him."

l\[s. Mason was asked what happened when she and Ms. 111ompson arrived at ;\Ir. Elliott's party, and
said, "We btOt to the Social Room, where the party was, at approximately 1:00 :\l\I." l\fs. Mason was asked if
she or i\(s. n10mpson had been drinking and stated, no. Ms. l\lason was asked if she and l\ls. 111ompson drank
while at l\lr. Elliott's birth<lay party, and said, "Not a lot, we just drank a little bit of champagne. Neither one
of us was drunk." ;\fs. l\lason was asked what happened at Mr. Elliott's birthday party, and stated:

Tiffany and Ezekiel had talked a little bit. I le had multiple girls that he was dating in the
same section with us, and he was talking to other girls, and Tiffany was following him
aroun<l everywhere he went. He was ignoring her. Ezekiel told Tiffany to go talk to one of
the football players that she was talking 10, and kicked us out of his section at the club.
Tiffany said, 'Okay,' and went over 10 a section where a bunch of football players were
sitting, and was dancing on the table.

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i\ls. i\lason was asked how i\lr. Elliott responded 10 Ms. Thompson broing to the section with the other
football players, and stated that he was just laughing. i\ls. i\lason stated:

111e music stopped at about two, and the lights came on. \VJe walke<l out of the club. n1ere
is a girl throwing up in the trashcan by the Joor. Tiffany called the girl a whore because
she thought that she was one of the girls who was messing with Ezekiel. The girl stops
throwing up, and her friend told nrrany that that wasn't nice. 'Inc girl who had been
throwing up approached Tiffany and brrabbed her by the hair. Tiffany then grabbed her
hair, and I !:,'Tabbed Tiffany around the waist and pulled her back.

I\ls. i\lason was asked how long the fight between Ms. 1110mpson and this other woman lasted, and
said, "It lasted 45 seconds to a minute at most." l\ls. i\lason was asked if she observed any punching or
kicking between i\ls. 111ompson and his other woman and said, no. i\ls. Mason was asked if i\ls. Thompson
had any new injuries or bruises after the incident between her and the other woman and said, no.

I\fs. i\lason was asked what she and I\ls. TI1ompson did after i\lr. Elliott's birthday party at the Social
Roo m and stated that she and Ms. 111ompson went to i\lr. Elliott's apartment for an afterparty. }\fs. ;\Jason
was asked why she and ~Is. 1110mpson went to the aftcrparty, considering how things had gone earlier that

evening. Ms. Mason stated:

f wanted to go home, but Tiffany didn't want to take me home. 1\nd on the way to his
apartment, Ezekiel had Face Timed with Tiffany, and they had a conversation that wasn't
bad. They were both laughing and joking. She was talking to him we got to his apartment,
and told him that she woukl sec him when he got there. I le pulled up with another !:,'1rl,
and she brot really mad. I fc should've known that was going happen. n1e brirl was driving
and Ezekiel was in the passenger seal. Tiffany walkeJ up to the car, and called the girl a
bitch and a ho. J stayed in the car. I could hear what was broing on even tho ugh the windows
were up.

Ms. Mason was asked how far she was from ~Is. Thompson when ~Is. Thompson approacheJ the
car with the other young woman and Mr. Elliott in it, and stated:

There is a car between the car that J was sitting in and Ezekiel's car, so I couldn't sec. But
I can still hear. I got out of the car, and saw that Tiffany was in the brirl's face. 1 pulled her
away from the !:,'1rl. There were a bunch of other people around. Ezekiel and the girl walked
towards the front door of Ezekiel's apartment, and Tiffany tried to block them from going
in. I was standing there, and 1 saw Tiffany and Ezekiel talking, near his apartment door,
but I couldn't hear them. But then I heard the f:,rirl that was with Ezekiel say to Tiffany,
'You're not coming in.' Tiffany got even more mad. 'lllCrc was a guy with Ezekiel who tried
to hold Tiffany back, because Tiffany was yelling and screaming. She yelled that Ezekiel's
career was over. She called the police and they came. I sat in the car and then spoke to the
police. She tcxted me to tell the police officers that he pulled her out of the car. But the
police came and spoke to me, and I told them the truth.

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l\Is. ;\fason was asked if there was ever any physical contact that night between ;\Ir. Elliott and ;\ls.
Thompson and stated, no i\ls. ;\fason was asked if she could have been positioned somewhere that evening
where she would not have seen a physical encounter between l\lr. Elliott and ;\[s. Thompson and said, no.
;\{s. ;\lason was asked if she remembered a time when l\Is. 'I110mpson was yelling about being a white
woman, and saying that everyone will believe what she had to say. ;\ls. ;\lason stated, no.

l\ls. Mason was asked about the text message conversation that she attempted to ha\'e with l\Is.
Thompson a few days after July 21, 201li anti stated:

I was still friends with my ex-boyfriend, who is good friends with Ezekiel. I told my ex-
boyfriend, who then told Ezekiel, that nffany had ask<..'Ci me to lie to the police. Ezekiel
told his lawyers, and they said that they needed an explicit request to lie from her. That's
when I textcd her and asked her. J was trying to help Ezekiel. 228

Ms. l\lason was asked when the last time was that she saw .Ms. l110mpson after July 21, 2016 and
stated, "I hadn't seen her at all until 2 to 3 weeks abro, when she cnme to get some flat irons she'd left at my
place on the night of the 21st."

Elaine Glenn Interview - October 6, 2016

Elaine Glenn was imervicwed on October 6, 2016 by NFL Director of lnvestibrations }(ja Roberts
via telephone. ;\ls. Glenn provided background information. Ms. Glenn stated that she is 34 years old, and is
Tiffany Thompson's aunt.

;\{s. Glenn was asked what she knows about the relationship between ;\Ir. Elliot and ;\Js. mompson
and stated:

Tiffany and I arc rcall}' close, and I know almost everything about their relationship.
Ezekiel had spoken rcpc..':ltcdly about j.,tetting Tiffany a car and helping her s,rct into coUebrc.
I went \vith her to her first ultrnsound appointment whc..'1l she got prc..'bmant for him, am.I I
was in constant conl:tct with her during her abortion. ~Iultiple times, Ezekiel tried to block
me from talking to her because I speak life into her.

;\Is. Glenn was asked how it came about that l\Ir. Elliott first began financially supporting l\ls.
Thompson, and stated:

Ezekiel said that he wanted her to b'O to colleb'C to become something. I le said that her
living with her parents wasn't a good thing. I agrce<l. I Jc said that he loved her and wanted
the best for her. Ezekiel wanted her to not have to listen to her parents. ,\t the time her
parents wouldn't even let her drive their car to bro sec him.

:!1!1 The
text mesS:tb'C comersation in which i\fs. Thompson asked :\Is. :'\lason to lit.: to the police is indudt.:d in what is
prc,iously attached as Exhibit_.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 24 of 76 PageID #: 531

i\ls. Glenn was asked why l\fs. n1ompson's parents <lit.I not want her to visit with Mr. Elliou, and stared,
"They didn't care for him, they knew that he was a college football player, and they were alwars out drinking.
, \ml this was Tiffany's first rcl:ttionship. Tiffany had moved in with Ezekiel for months at a certain point, and
they didn't like that."

:\Is. Glenn was asked when Mr. Elliott had blocked her from speaking to Ms. 'l11ompson, and stated:

I tried to contact Ezekiel's father rcbrnrding Tiffany's abortion, because I didn't agree with
abortion. On April 12, I wrote Tiffany via direct messabrc on Twitter and sent her a photo
saying, 11\bortion is murder.' Tiffany wrote back, 'Leave me alone.' On April 13, I messaged
her on Instagram saying that she had blocked me from other social media and tcxting, and
that I couldn't believe her. On that same day Ezekiel text messaged me and told me to stop
trying to chanb'C Tiffany's mind, because she'd been drinking and partying while prebrnant.
I tried to text him abrain after that, and he blocked me.

l\(s. Glenn was asked if she knew of any domestic violence between l\lr. Elliott and l\(s. 'l110mpson
prior to July 2016, and stated:

Several times l suspected that he was doing thinbtS to her, but she always said that she had
fell or blacked out. I've been a victim of domestic violence before for years, and I know
how people live. I <li<ln't bclie\'e her.

l\(s. Glenn was asked what she knew about the allegations that l\Is. nmmpson had made with
respect 10 July l61h-July 21st, 2016, an<l stated, "She called me on l\fomlay,July 18, and I didn't answer. I
called her back and she said that she couldn't 1nlk because Ezekiel was around. She then texted me pictures of
injuries, sa}ing that Ezekiel had hit her."

Ms. Glenn was asked when was the next time she spoke to l\Is. 'Thompson afler July 18, 2016 and

On \Vednesday, I checked in on her. She was alone at her apartment, and I Face Timed her. I told
her that she needed to get help. She said that she loved him and that he told her that it was just tough love,
but kept hitting and brrabbing her.

l\Is. Glenn was asked if she observed i\fs. Thompson to have any injuries when she spoke to her via
FaccTime on Wednesday, July 18, and said:

Yes. She took her phone and showed me injuries on her. She had bruises on her legs. On
i\lonJay, she ha<l sent me pictures of bruising on only one side of her neck. On Wednesday,
she had bruising on both sides of her neck. She had bruising up and down her arms. I
believe it might have been just her right ann. Tiffany then calle<l me the next day, on

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Thursday morning. I was sleeping, an<l woke up an<l texted her to ask if things were okay.
She said that she was ready to b'P to the police, because Ezekiel was grabbing her. The next
time f spoke to her she was at her friend ,\yrin's house. I asked her if she was safe, she said
yes. I told her I was prar ing for her. She tried to call me late that night at about 3 o'clock
in the morning, but I was asleep. I woke up for work at seven and texted her and asked if
she was okay. No answer. i\t Hl:38 Ai\I, I checked my Instagrnm and said to her to delete
what she had put on lnst:tgram. I saw what she put on there, and I told her to take it down
because of the responses she was brctting. She called me later around one and told me that
she had called the police." l\ls. Glenn was asked what Thompson told her had
happened the day before and stated, "She said that he had bl'f:lbbcd her at his apartment on
nmrsday night.

J\ls. Glenn was asked if i\ls. tbompson ever told her about any other allegations of <lomestic
violence involving her and Mr. Elliott and stated:

There was an incident in Miami where they were arbruing and he threw her Louboutins
over the railing. She said that he pushed her, but that was it. J was actually on the phone
with her in l\liami when it happened, and I can hear them ar&ruing. She said, 'I need my
wallet!', and that's when he started throwing things out of the <loor. She never sakl that she
had any injuries from that though, and she never sent me any photos of any injuries.

J\ls. Glenn was asked what specifically she heard when she heard l\ls. TI10mpson and l\lr. Elliou
afbruing in Miami, and stated, "I just heard him telling her to leave." l\ls. Glenn was asked if J\ls. '1110mpson
claimed that Mr. Elliott had hit her in Miami and stated, "She said that he had pushed her. She told me that at
a later time."

Ayrin Mason - October 13. 2016~""

l\ls. i\lason was intcr.riewed abtain on October 13, 2016 over the telephone by NFL Director of
lnvestib>ations Kia Roberts.

l\ls. Mason was asked to <liscuss a text message conversation in which i\ls. Thompson lexted l\ls.
i\lason, writing, "lmao I'm not playing with him man." J\ls. Mason stated:

Tiffany tol<l me that they both been at Ezekiel's aparuncnt, and that they both went out
separately and bumped into each other while out. She was out with another bruy. She went
into the bathroom to text me when she saw him, but I think that Ezekiel had left by 1he
time she got out of the bathroom.

:?...'?NFL imcsth,oators later aucmptcd to speak to Ms. ~famn abrain af1er learning of new information related to the case.
:'\b. Mason refused to speak to investi!,r:ltors further. \ddit.ionally, on ,\ larch 13, 2017, NFL Security Representative Pat
Foran went to Ms. Mason's home in Cleveland, Ohio, and dcli\ered an outr<:ach kcter from investib>ators. :'\Is. Mason e-
mailed NFL Director of Investibr:it.ions on i\lomlay, /'\larch 13, 2017 and stated that she was not willing to speak to
invcstib>ators further.

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l\ls. l\lason was also asked about a text message from l\ls. Thompson to l\ls. l\fason on l\londa~.July
18, 2016, in which .Ms. Thompson wrote, "I'm about to call the cops." l\ls. l\fason stated, "I don't know wh:lt
she's talking about, and never really followed up."

Tiffany Thompson - November 1, 2016

Tiffany 'lltompson was interviewed on November 1, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio by NFL Director of
Investibrations Kia Roberts. ;\lso present for the interview were NFL Security Representative Steve Dunphy
and NFL Director of Digital Forensics Dave l\kCain.z.10

Ms. Thompson w:is asked ag:iin to list the :illegations of abuse against Mr. Elliott from July 16, 2016,
to July 21 , 2016 in chronological order. Ms. 'Ilmmpson stated:

On that Saturday night Ouly 16, 2016), I picked Ezekiel from the airport. We went out that
night. :\ girl Face Timed him at 4 am. We started arguing because I didn't want to have
sex with him, and he pushed me. I le tried to hit me and I blocked it with my arm, and got
a larbrc bruise on my arm. I took pictures of those injuries on Sunday, the next day. Those
arc the pictures when I had the towel on my head. l didn't tell anyone about what happened
that night.

l\Is. Thompson continued:

On that l\londay night Quly 18, 2016), I ibrnored him when I saw him out, and he threatened
to put my stuff out Ezekiel didn't come home that night, and came home the next
morning. On that Tuesday morning (July 19, 2016) when he came home, I was ltj;ng to
leave and he was pushing me. We had started at!,'Uing because while I was talking to him
about coming home the night before, I was texting with someone. I le asked who I was
texting with and !,'T:lbbed my phone. I tried to le.we the bedroom, and he picked me up
and brought me back into the bcJroom. 1\lvarcz saw me screaming and him picking me
up. I got bruises on my ann from him pushing and brrabbing me. I fe slapped me, yanked
my hair, and pointed hard abrainst my face. Then he started crying, and saying that he
wanted to make it up to me. I didnt tell anyone about what happened that morning. We
stayed in that day and slept all day. We didn't go out on Tuesday night.

She then reported what happened on Wednesday, July 20h and said:

On that Wednesday afternoon (luly 20, 2016), me, 1\lvarez, and Ezekiel went to dinner at
Genji and to buy bones for my dog at Petland. We then went to bro look at Ezekiel's new
rental at the Carriage House. We went out that night to Fourth Street Bar. Ezekiel drove
home drunk with me in the car, and left 1\lvarez and his friends at the bar. We got home
that night and argued. I le yanked me off of the bed, and picked me up and threw me into
the storabrc closet. :\lvarez was there and told Ezekiel to stop. Ezekiel pinned me to the
floor and started choking me. I had a bruise on my neck, and thumbprints. I le choked me

~0 :\Is. Thompson's phone wa~ imaf,>cd br :\Ir. McCain on rhis date.

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with both hands, and I couldn't breathe. When I tried to get my stuff, he pushed me into
the bed. I le got in the bed and passed out. My hip hit the comer of the bed, and I had

i\ls. 'll1umpson was asked if she told anyone about this incident and said, "I called my aunt the next
day, Thursday Quly 21, 2016). I had also called my friendsjord:tn and Shelia on Thursday, before that 'l11ursday
night incident (at Ezekiel's birth<lay party), and they had seen my bruises. 2l 1 She then described what happened
on Thursday. She stated:

On that Thursday morning Quly 21, 2016), Ezekiel and I had talked about what we were
doing that night. L.1 ter that night, he texts me to leave his house. I went to see 1\yrin, and
showed her my bruises and told her what had happened that week. I called the non~
emergency number at around 11 :30 pm that night. I'd also texted my aunt and tokl her I
was n.':ldy to go to the police. I texted Ezekiel and told him that I'd cont.1ctcd the police. I
went to the parry, and then got into an arbrument at the party.

i\ls. Thompson was asked if she hit the woman with whom she was arguing that night to which she
responded, " No, she attacked me." Ezekiel tc..xted me and FaccTimcd me, asking me to come to his place. i\ls.
Thompson continued, "Ezekiel pulled me out of the car by my ann, and my knee hit the side of the door."

!\Is. Thompson was asked to confirm that incidents of abuse occurred between her and i\fr. Elliott in

the early morning ho urs of Sunday, July 17, 201, in the early mo rning ho urs of Tuesday, July 19, 2016, in the
early mo rning hours of Wednesday, July 21, 2016 and in the early morning hours of Friday, July 22, 2016. i\ls.
Thompson stated:

So on that Sunday, I met up with my old boss from when I used to bottle serve at a bar
called BBR about going back to work. Ezekiel showed up at Bl3H.. Ezekiel before had
wanted to stay in the house. I went home after I left BBR. Ezekiel had been calling me
nonstop while I was there. I pulled up to his apartment, and he was yelling at me to get out
of the car because I had the key. I said no, because I was scared. Alvarez was standing
there and saw the whole thing.m Ezekiel opened the passenger door, reached over me,
and brrnbbed my wrist hard, and pushed me back abrainst the car scat. He snatched the keys
from my hand. We went back into his apartment together. We were scrc.':lming and yelling
and arguing. ,\lvarez was sitting on the sofa during t11e whole argument.

In response to a question about whether she told anyone about this incident, l\ls. n10mpson said that she
might have told her friend Shelia, and maybe told her aunt, Elaine G lenn.

l\fs. Thompson was asked if ,\ yrin Mason knew of any incidents of domestic violence between her and
.i\lr. Elliott prior to July 21, 2016, when Ms. 'l110mpson told her abo ut the abuse, and she replied:

211 Investigators rcpeatcdlr attempted to co ntact Shelia Lee and Jordan Estep via phone numbers prmided by Ms.

Thompson. Ncitlll.-r responded to anemprs :ll contact.

.m lnvcstib-ators ancmptcd to contact 1\1\arcz Jackson repeated!)'. ,\Ir. Jackson did nor respond to attempts at contact.

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She knew that when I was pregnant, Ezekiel had gotten into Columbus. I Jim and 1\lvarez
went out. i\fc and my friend 1\lecah Ruthers went to wait for Ezekiel at Fourth Street
Bar.m Ezekiel came out stumbling drunk and ha<l a girl with him. I said, "\'V'hat's b>Oing
on?" The brirl said something to me, and I yelled at her. I le picked me up and dragged me
across the street to my car, my heels were drn~ring on the btrouml.

l\ls. 'llmmpson was asked if ;\Is. Ruthers was in a position to sec what happened and she said that sht.: was and
had "said that she couldn't bclie\'e that hc did that." l\Js. Thompson continued:

So we went to Alvarez's because we thought that Ezekiel would be there. ;\lvarcz and
Ezekid pull up and Ezekiel goes into Alvarez's apartment, and then Alvarez comes out.
I Ic said that I needed to leave because I was acting crazy. I le pu11ed a gun out of his pocket,
pointed it at me. l k said to leave. Ezekiel comes out and tells Alvarez to leave me alone,
and AleL-ah and I left.

l\ls. 'l11ompson said that this incident occurred in "late l\farch or early April" when l\Jr. Elliott was still at Ohio
State and further reported that there was no "ph) sical viok'flcc" during this argument but said that he ann was
"red" as a result. She also repo rted that she had not taken any photographs after this incident.

Ms. Thompson was asked if there were any other incidents of abuse between her and l\[r. Elliott at any
time that had not bet.:n discussed during her interview that day and said:

Ezekiel had flown a girl into Columbus from L- \ ., and went our here to Social club. I le
showed up at the club with this other girl. I was there, and he kept watching me the whole
night, and coming over to my section. I le was yelling in my car that I was coming home
with him. I left the club and went to his house in an Uber, and Shelia comes with me. I
went inside, and Shelia left. Shelia called me a few minutes later, and Ezekiel said, "\'Vlm's
calling you?" and then yanked me by the hair. He brrnbbe<l my phone and loo ked in it, and
saw that other guys had been tcxting me. I le slammed my phone on the counter and
smashed it. He put the phone under hot water in his sink. He threw it across the room. I le
picked it up and tried to break it in half. We stayed tobrcther that night.1~

l\ls. Thompson said that the woman who i\lr. Elliott had flown into town was not present for this interaction
since she was staying with a fricn<l.

Robert Tobias Interview - Noyembcr 1. 2016

Robert Tobias, Director of the Prosecution Resources Unit for the Columbus City Prosecutor's Office,
was inten1ewe<l on No\Tembcr 1, 2016 by NFL Director of lnvcstibrations Kia Roberts and NFL Director of
Digital Fo rensics Da,; d McCain at the Co lumbus City Prosecuto r's Office in Columbus, Ohio. ~Ir. Tobias

1.U lnvcsti),,r.\lors tried co contact ,\le1..-ah Ruthers numerous time:; v~1 a phone number pr<wided to invcsti),,'<ltots by Ms.
Thompso n. Ms. Ruthers did not respond to any attempts al contact.
~ ;\Is. Thompson provided investi!.r:ltors with her broken phone. t\ picture of the broken phone is attache<l as Exh1bir

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provided backbrround information. l\Ir. Tobias stated that he has been in the City ,\uorney's Office for
approximately 20 years. l\Ir. Tobias stated that his classification is the principal assistant city attorney. l\lr.
Tobias was asked how many auomcrs there arc in his office, and stated that there were 160 employees total,
and 60 attorneys. i\lr. Tobias stated that he attended Washington University in St. Louis, l\lissouri, for college,
and rccehed his law degree at Capital University in Columbus, Ohio.

~Ir. Tobias was asked how it came about that he was assibrned the investigation into allegations of
abuse of Tiffany "lltompson by Ezekiel Elliott, and stated, "I've been the director of this unit since 2007, and
within the last 5 to 6 years, anytime there's a victim of a potential misdemeanor, those fall on my desk. "fl10se
come through me. I usually deal with more high profile incidents, for c.xample those incidents involving nurses,
teachers, police officers, the local football players." l\lr. Tobias was asked how he was alerted of these particular
allegntions abrainst l\lr. Elliott, and stated, "I don't specifically recall, but if I had to make an educated guess, it
would be from the media. I got a call from J\lr. Elliott's :utomey asking if we met with the victim yet, and saying
that they wanted to be involved in the process." l\fr. Tobias was asked if he could describe what the usual
criminal investibrative process would be for allebrations such as the ones under investibration were made, and he
said, ""n1e Columbus Police Department's policy for this is that they usually don't arrest on matters like this
unless they actually witness it. 'l11ey will give the alleged victim a card with the police officers' badge number
on it, and that person is sent here to the City Prosecutor's office. Some people show up, some don't." ;\fr.
Tobias was asked if Tiffany "Thompson ever came to the City Prosecutor's Office \vith respect to these
allebr:ttions, and said that she came to the office on Jul) 22, 2016.

;\Ir. Tobias was asked to explain how the intake unit of the Columbus City Prosecutor's office operates. Tobias stated, ""lbe intake unit is part of the prosecution resources unit, and has 21 employees. inc
c..'111ployccs arc predominantly part-time, and arc predominantl}' law students. n1cse people work as intake
officers, basically as investibrators. We assi1:,rn someone, and fill out paperwork. 111ey meet with investibrators
and bl'() through the fonnal intake process. We then sometimes take pictures of any injuries." ;\fr. Tobias was
asked if he ever met with Tiffany 'llmmpson personally at his office and stated, "I met with her and her dad at
least twice, and met with her personally at least 2 10 3 times. We never concluded that she was lying to us. We
didn't think that she was lying to us. n1erc is just not enough sufficient corroborating evidence. I've been
looking at the Internet and sec the comments that people have been making about her. Very judgey. I think
she was a regular college brirl going through stuff 19-yc:u-olds go through but it was all amplified because of
who she was dating. We felt like the witnesses n:ally rallied around their respective sides." ~Ir. Tobias was asked
when he first met with ~ls. 'l11ompson, and stated, "I introduced myself to her on July 22, but did not interview
her on that date. She came back over the nc.xt few weeks, and I met with her then. I made a timclinc, and went
through it \vith her. The third meeting that I had \vith her was to discuss affidavits and other items that I

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received from i\Ir. Elliott's attorneys. . \ final meeting was reg:1rding possible outcomes here. I told her over the
phom: we were not procee<ling with any charbrcs." ~.n. ;\Ir. Tobias was asked what the <latcs were of the alleged
abushe inci<lcnts that i\ls. 'l11ompson tolJ him about and stated, "i\fs. Thompson stateJ that incident number
one occurred on Sunday, July 17, 2016; incident number two occurred on i\londay, July 18, 2016; incident
number three happened on Tuesday, July 19; an<l inci<lent number four happened on Thursday, July 21." :\Ir.
Tobias was asked how ;\fs. Thompson responded to his decision not to charge, and stated, "She was very stoic,
but her dad callc<l me afterwar<ls to say that she called him after I spoke to him, and she had burst into"

Mr. Tobias was asked if he'd spoken to any other witnesses on the investigation besides Tiffany
Thompson, and stateJ, "J\yrin ~lason. I ha<l to reschedule with her three times because she got cold feet. I met
with her at Panera Bread. She said that her ex-boyfriend was frien<ls with Ezekiel, but that she barely knew
Ezekiel. She said that she became friends with Tiffany 'J110mpson based on their boyfriends. She did not really
have info rebrarding the t.-arlier incidents before July t 61" because she wasn't there. But she said that on nmrsday
afternoon, she saw visible bruises and that Tiffany told her how she got the bruises. I asked her if she had any
reason not to believe how Tiffany had b'Otten them and she said, 'No, because I wasn't there."' Mr. Tobias was
asked what i\Is. i\fason had said that i\Is. Thompson said about how she suffered the bruises and stated, "Ayrin
said that Tiffany said that Ezekiel had done it." Mr. Tobias was asked if Ms. j\fason said specifically what ;\ls.

'l11ompson had said about how she'd gotten the bniiscs and said, no. ;\(r. Tobias adclitionalJy stated, "I think
;\[s. i\lason wants this done and not to be involved. r think that's who has information that she's not telling
us." Mr. Tobias was asked if i\[s. i\lason mentioned knowing of any abuse between l\fr. Elliott and ;\ls.
Thompson prior to the week of.July 16-21, 2016, and stated, no.

Mr. Tobias also stated that he met with ;\lvarez .Jackson. i\fr. Tobias stated that he met with , \lvarez
Jackson at the office of Ed I lastie, Ezekiel Elliott's local attorney, in Grandview, Ohio. i\lr. Tobias stated, "1\lr.
I fasric and rrank Salzano were forthcoming and encournbrcd me to speak to witnesses. Some people 1 received
affidavits from I didn't feel were necessary. But Tiffany had told me that ;\l\'arez was present for some incident<;
and that he tried to stop Ezekiel from doing things to her." Mr. Tobias was asked during which incidents l\[s.
Thompson slated that i\lr. Jackson had tried to stop l\fr. Elliott, and stated, "She said that 1\lvarcz had tried to
stop Ezekiel during the incident that happened on July 18th and July 191h. She said that on July 18h, , \lvarcz
was there and told Ezekiel to stop or let her J:,10 when Ezekiel was blTllbbing her. She said that on Julr t 9h, at
the Carriage l louse, she and Ezekiel were in one room, and 1\lvarcz was in the apartment in another room. She
saiu that there is some type of incident, and that J\lvarez had tried to stop Ezekiel that rime as well."

lnvc~tit,>ators asked ~Ir. Tobias if he would share his timcline with rhcm and he declined.

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Mr. Tobias was asked what , \lvarez .Jackson had to say about these allebrations by l\ls. Thompson, and
stated, "I (c snid that none of those things h:u.I ever happened, am.) that he never intervened in anything. I le said
that he didn't remember anything from the Carriage I louse, and that there was only a small hallway separating
his room from their room, and that he didn't hear anything." ~fr. Tobias was asked if he had any other
conversations with any other witnesses with respect to the incidents of July I 61" to July 21 1, 2016, and stated,
"I had a conversation with one of the police officers who witnessed Tiffany and the other t,>irl at the Social
Room fighting and pulling each other's hair. That really rubbed me the wrong way, the way that .\ yrin ~lason

and Ti ffany Thompson had described it. 1t is pretty different than what the officers described." l\ Ir. Tobias was
asked how ~(s. Mason had described the incident at the Social Room and stated, "1lley (Ms. :\fason and
Thompson) both described it as being very short-lived, maybe one smack, one hair pulling. The police officers
described it as nying, punching, and falling to the ground." !\Ir. Tobias was asked if there was anr video footage
from that location and stated, no. ~fr. Tobias was asked if he could find any video footabrc from ;\fr. Elliott's
apartment complex for the early morning hours of July 22, 2016 and said, no. Tobias was asked if he
personally observed any bruising to Ms. n1ompson when he met with her on July 22, 2016, and stated, "Ycs.
We considered the possibility that she could bruise very easily because she is very light, and skinny. But the
bruising I saw was consistent with what she said had happened." ;\Ir. Tobias was asked to describe the bruising

that he observed on ::-.ts. 1110mpson on July 22, 2016, and stated "I didn't really look for it, and don't remember,
that wasn't my funcrfon that day."

Mr. Tobias was asked about the materials that were posted on the Columbus City Prosecutor's Office
website rcbrarding the E zekiel Elliott invcstibration and stated, "That is our work product, our invcsrif:.111tion, and
what E;(ekicl's defense attorneys gave us." l\Ir. Tobias was asked how ~Ir. Elliott's attorneys got the relevant
evidence to him, and stated, "\Y/c received the text messages from Mr. Elliott's attorney via e-mail, I think. \'Ve
saw the text where it looks like Tiffany was telling I\ r rin to lie. Once we saw the whole string, it later said
Tiffany told her not to lie." l\Ir. Tobias was asked if there were things in his possession that were not on t11e
website and stated, ",\bsolutcly. Work product thinbrs We err on the side of caution. The stuff on the website
we probably didn't even need to put on there."

Mr. Tobias was asked if during his investibration he felt that any incident was more credible than the
others among the allcb>ations that Ms. Thompson made, and stated, "N o. We brcncrally believed her for all of
the incidents." l\lr. Tobins was asked if he would explain how the office came to the decision not to charge ~fr.
Elliott with any crimes, and stated, "Obviously for charging purposes, probable cause is our standard. We also
looked at the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt for trial. We thought about what the defense counsel's
argument would be as well. All went to an analysis of the sufficiency of the evidence." ~[r. Tobias was asked if
he C\'er spoke to Mr. Elliott in person and stated, "We toyed with that idea. I spoke to I fasrie and Salzano about

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interviewing him. 'l11ey asked for the tiuestions in advance. We said no. Ultimately we decided that we knew he
was going to deny everything. We dccklc<l there was no real need to do it." ; Tobias was asked if anyone else
at his office spoke to any witnesses with respect I<> their investibr:ttion and stated, "I had conversations with our
chief prosecutor rq,,rarding this. I kept the city attorney in the loop rcbrarding what <lircction we were leaning in.
No other prosecutors here ha,e talked to anyone." i\fr. Tobias was asked if he would like to say anything else
regarding the investibration and stated, "Tiffany just said that she wan1ed him to get counsclin~. Not vindictive.
didn't seem like she had a vendetta. I feel like something definitely happene<l here. She had bruising. We couldn't
determine exactly when and how she got 1hc bruise.<;, so we couldn't charge him. But that doesn't mean
something didn't happen here."

Tessie Thompson Interview - November 3. 2016

Tessie 'l11ompson was interviewed via telephone on November 3, 2016, by NFL Director of
Invcstibrations Kia Roberts. Mrs. Thompson provided background information. Mrs. Thompson stated that
she is 39 years ol<l, and is Tiffany n10mpson's mother. i\lrs. Thompson stated that she is a full-time stay-at-
home mom, and that she also coaches volleyball occasionally for the local school district.

i\Jrs. lnompson was asked when E~ekiel Elliott and Tiffany Thompson started dating an<l said,

"Tiffany me! him on her 19th birthday, in 2015." ~Irs. 'll1ompson was asked when she first lc:.1rned of the
relationship between ;\Ir. Elliott and Tiffany and stated that she IL':tmed of the relationship in July or . \u1,,rust of
2015. ;\lrs. Thompson stated, "Tiffan}' would stop communicating with me and her dad, and would be gone
for days. She stopped communicating with us, and I just knew something was f:,l'()ing on." i\[rs. Thompson was
asked if she ever spent time together with Tiffany and i\lr. Elliott, and stated, "No." i\lrs. Thompson was asked
what her thoughrs were on the relationship between i\lr. Elliott and Tiffany and stated, '\ \t first, she seemed
happy. Then she stops showing up to family birthday parties and family outiOf:,>s, and I started to worry. She's
always been a worker, but couldn't seem to hold a job. But you can't overstep your boundaries \vith Tiff, you
have to let her come to you." Mrs. 'J11ompson was asked if she knew of anr history of domestic violence
between l\fr. Elliott and Tiffany and stated, "There was a time that she had bruising on her wrists and anns.''
Xlrs. Thompson was asked when she observed this bruising on Tiffany, an<l stated that she obscr\'cd these
injuries around Thanksgiving or Christmas of 2015. i\lrs. Thompson was asked if she spoke to Tiffany about
this bruising and stated, "She said she ran into something. But they were clearly fingerprints. She then changed
her story and said that l~ekicl had pickc<l her up and carried her, which didn't make any sense. Also, Tiffany
had gone to :\liami around \"alentine's Day this year to sec Ezekiel. I got a phone call from her that she called
the police because he put his hands on her."

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i\lrs. 'fllompson was asked when Tiffany called her in relation to when Tiffany said the abuse had
happened in Miami, and staled, "I could hear Ezekiel in the backbrround, but I coukln't hear specifically what
he was saying. But he was yelling, and seemed mad. Tiffany wasn't talking to him; she was talking to me. She
was crying and very upset. She said that he brrnbbed her an<l was throwing her stuff off the balcony. I tried to
calm her <lown so I coukl understand what was going on. I staye<l on the phone with her as long as possible,
and then she had to get off the phone because the police arrived. She ended up getting a hotel, and we got a
flight for her to leave i\liami the next day and come back home." i\frs. 111ompson was asked if Tiffany ever
spoke to her ab'llin with respect to the incident in i\liami and said, "Ycs, she said that he'd gotten upset with her
because she was talking to Joey Bosa, but they're just friends. She just said that Ezekiel had bJOt mad because
she wns talking to Joey." i\lrs. 111ompson was asked if she knew about any other incidents or altercations
between i\lr. Elliott and Tiffany, and stated, 11\'Vhcn he left the NFL Combine, he became really controlling. I le
wouldn't let us talk to her, and blocked our phone calls to her. He had passwords to everything, and I think he
was blocking her from talking to us. Then Tiffany didn't show up to i\lothcr's Day dinner because she was
saying that she didn't feel well. But I saw her at dinner on Father's Day, and she had fingerprints on her. I asked
her where they were from, and she said that she did not know. We were trying to cat dinner that day, and he
was lex ting her the whole time and she was getting upset And on the day of my brrandmothcr's funeral, Ezekiel

was tcxting her because he didn't understand why Tiffany had to bJO i\ml at a certain point Tiffany had to brct
up and leave because he Facctimed her. I looked over at her phone before she left though, and he was tc.xting
her and calling her a liar. And Tiffany called me one time about coming to drywall holes in the wall at the
Carriabrc I louse." :U<

Mrs. n1ompson was asked when Tiffany had contacted her about this hole in the wall, and stated, "I'm
not sure whL'11 it was. But 1 asked her how the hole had gotten there, and she said that she wasn't sure." 1\lrs.
Thompson was asked if she did go drywall the whole in the wall, and said, "No, because a couple of days later
she posted those pies on lnstabrram and then her and Ezekiel weren't talking anymore." i\lrs. 111ompson was
nsked if she knew of an incident where Tiffany claimed that ~Ir. Elliott had bruised her check, and said, "Yes,
she had a lot of makeup on and she said that he brntbbed her and pushed her up abrainst the wall. I didn't really
get to sec the bruise. We didn't 1:,rct into more detail because her little sisters were around. I told her that we
would talk about it later. We never Jid. It's always hard for me to talk to her because the girls arc always around."
~Irs. Thompson was asked if she knew about an incident involving ~Ir. Elliott, Tiffany, and a tub, and stated,

Tiffany 'l110mpi<on was asked by in\'estibrators at a later time about the hole in the drywall and said, "I called my mom
on Thur~dar morning, the same day that he'll choked me. There was a hole in the wall in the bedroom across from the
bed from where I'd thrown his phone at it. I le had a phone he would just u~ for talking to other girls, and I had thrown
it at the wall."

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"I remember that he was in the hospital for a football injury, and that she had 11 concussion at the same time.
She said that she fell in the tub an<l hit her head on the soap dish. I kept pressing her, she stuck to it. i\fonths
later she finally told the truth. She said he pushed her in tJ1e tub, and she fell and hit her head on the soap dish."
i\lrs. "l110mpson was asked when did Tiffany first mentioned this tub incident to her, and said, "1\ week before
he got admitted to the hospital for his football injury."

l\lrs. Thompson was asked if she saw Tiffany during the time span of July 16 to July 21, 2016, and
stated, "No, we would never sec her when Ezekiel came into town." ;'\lrs. 111ompson was asked if she spo ke to
Tiffany during that time and said, "Briefly." Mrs. Thompson asked ifTiffanr mentioned any abuse when she
spoke to her that week and said, "N o, "tiffany confided a lot in mr sister, Elaine." ~lrs. "l110mpson was asked
if there was a period where Tiffany lived with l\(r. Elliott and said, "Yes, Hzekiel was still in college. They lived
in an apartment right off of the freeway." i\lrs. 1110mpson was asked if she ever visited Tiffany while she was
living with Mr. Elliott and said, "i\le and her clad b>Ot her a car for her high school graduation a few years earlier.
She had completely stopp<.-d communicating with us, so we went and picked up the car from Ezekiel's
apartment." i\lrs. Thompson was asked if she ever actuaJlr went into the apartment where Tiffany lived with
i\[r. Elliott and said, "Yeah. Her clothes, shower stuff, everything was there." i\lrs. "lbompson was asked if she
knew what the bill arrangement was when Tiffany lived with i\lr. Elliott and said, "l don't know, I think that
Ezekiel's dad paid the bills." i\rn;. Thompson was asked when Tiffony li\'ed with ~Ir. Elliott and said, "I think
from October until she got h<.-r own place."

l\Irs. 1nompson was asked if she had spoken to Tiffany after July 21, 2016 about any of the incidents
between her and l\lr. Elliott that week and stated, "She said that every time she wouJd go to sec him, something
would happen. He would come in town, they would aq,,rue, he would pick her up and throw her. She said
.Alvarez would be in the next room laughing. I le would physically abuse her when she didn't want to do sc..xual
things. I remember her telling me that he wanted to have anal sex with her on Saturday the 16th, and he started
beating her. I-Jc would get mad and irate about thinbrs. I le didn't want her working as a bottJc server, and would
come to her job and check on her. I le told her that if she stopped, he would par her money and take care of
her. She said that he sent :\lvarcz with her to Chicabro to make sure that she got the abortion. That's all I

Elaine Glenn Interview - Novcmhcr 15, 2016

Elaine Glenn was interviewed via telephone by NFL Director of lnvcstibrations Kia Roberts on
November 15, 2016. l\s. Glenn was asked specifically about text messahrcs between her and l\lr. Elliott on

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 35 of 76 PageID #: 542

February 12, 2016. :m l\[s. Glenn was asked how it came about that she spoke to l\lr. Elliott on February 12,
2016 (the <lay chat T1ffanr 1110mpson called the police in .\ventura) anc.J slated, "I'm not sure, but I probably
reache<l out to him because I think her phone was dying or something." ;\[s. Glenn was asked if she knew about
;\fs. Thompson's allegations of abuse against i\fr. Elliott when she was spoke to Mr. Elliott on February 12,
2016 aml staled, "\'V'hcn I spoke to Ezekjcl that night, he sai<l that she called the police but di<ln't say anything
about pushing her." ;\[s. Glenn was asked why i\fr. Elliott would have stated in his text messages to her that he
was scared for i\Is. Thompson, and stated, "'l11ey truly did care about each other, but her family life isn't b'Teat."
i\Is. Glenn was asked what kind of help Mr. Elliott was specifically offering to get for !\Is. n1ompson in his
text mcssabrcs to her, l\fs. Glenn, and stated, "l Jc always wanted her to go to college, to make herself better. I le
always :mid that her parents had promised her the world but had not given it to her. We felt like she needed
counseling because her dad has beaten and cheated on her mother her whole life. She went through the same
thing with her own parents, her dad changed, so she felt like Ezekiel could change."

Ms. Glenn was asked about the text messages between her and i\[r. Elliott on February 12-13, 2016.
:?Jll i\Is. Glenn was asked about the portion of the text messages in which Mr. Elliott wrote, "Two days abro
almost ruined everything." i\[s. Glenn was asked what this was about, and stated, "I le was talking about Tiffany
calling the police, and about his NFL career." i\fs. Glenn was asked ifi\fr. Elliott admitted any violence to her
and stated, "No, never." l\ls. Glenn was nsked about the text message in which she wrote, "She(riffony) feels
bad." i\ls. Glenn wns asked what l\ls. TI1ompson would have felt bad about, since she had alleged abuse abrninst
i\lr. Elliott. She stated, "I think Tiffany's dad made her call the police in i\[iami. I think Tiffany called her dad
before the police came. Ezekiel said that when the police came, Tiffany looked evil."

Tiffany Thompson Interview- Noyember 16. 2016

Tiffany nmmpson was interviewed on November 16, 2016 in Columbus, Ohio by NFL Director of
lnvestib>ntions Kia Roberts and NFL Security Representative Kim Janke.

i\[s. Thompson was asked about a statement that she mac.Jc in a previous interview thnt her mother
knew about "abuse" between l\ls. Thompi;on and !\Jr. Elliou to which she responded, "She just really knew
about what happened in February in i\venturn." When asked if she was aware of any other incidents, she
reported, "She would sec bruises on me nnd kind of assume that they were from him because I wouldn't come
around really. I would try not to come around and she would just ask me and I would tell her like, 'no, they're
not from him'." When next asked what specifically she had told her mother about what transpired between her

2-17 The text mcssabrc con\cr.;ation between Mr. Elliott and Ms. Glenn referencing the incident that occurred in Aventura,
Florida is attached as Exhibit_.
2311 'l11i!1 Text mcssnge exchange between Mr. Elliott and Ms. Glenn is previously attached as r:1rt of Exhibit _ .

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 36 of 76 PageID #: 543

an<l ~fr. Elliott in . \ ventura, she said, "I told her that he shoved me up :lbrainst the wall and we got in :in
argument an<l it was previous to that night also." She continued, "I tol<l her how he like open hand like shovc<l
me and like hit me in my chest" an<l that she tol<l her mother about this on the <lay that it occurred, Febnmry
12. She s:1id that she di<l not tell her mother about any other "incidents of abuse."

~ls. Thompson was also aske<l to explain an incident that she had pre\iously mentioned <luring which
~[r. Elliott pushed her into a wall and bruised her jaw. She said, "l le yanked me and busted my jaw right here,"
indicating the jaw area of her face. She further explained that the incident "happened probably a couple months
before" he left for :\liami in January, in Octobcr or November, and that it occurred in his apartment at 1860
Canvasback Lane. She continued:

Well, we had many arguments about obviously girls calling his phone when ther didn't
need to be calling. Guys tcxting me being in my D~ls. Just little things like that. And we
were just arguing back and forth about the past. That was always our argument. And he
yanked, like wc were, he yanked me so l was in the living room, and I was walking and he
like bl'fabbed my arms and like yanked me to where like, here's the corner and the way he
yanked me like, I tricd to stop mysclf and my jaw ended up hitting right there (a wall).

~Is. 'l110mpson further cxplaincd that ~Ir. Elliott "yanked" hcr two hand with his two hands and that
"he was like pulling mc like, ycah stopping me from walking away." Shc said that there was no onc else at home

and that this occurrcd on "jusl a regular night at home," not after they had been drinking or partying. She sai<l
that after this intcraction, he went to bed and she sat on the couch and called her fricnd i\kKaila Bla<lcs using
FaceTimc. \'Vhcn asked specifically about what she told :\(:;. Blades, she said:

I tcll her everything that was happening. Well, that happened. , \nd um, she was like let mc
sec the sidc of your face. I actually think I texte<l hcr to sec if shc could Facelime first.
1\nd um then we wcrc on FaceTimc and I showed her :m<l she was like, "send me a picture"
because face timing you can hardly sec sometimes if it's clear or not. So thcn I sent her a
picture.:. And um, she was like yeah, "I can sec where it's swollen and bruised."

She reported that during the call, she showed ;>.fs. Blades the right side of her face and said that her
jaw "was swollen and it was slightly blue and purple." In addition, while she acknowlcdgcd that she and ~Is.
Blades wcrc not on speaking terms at the time of thc interview bccausc their "friendship is on and off all the
time," Ms. fbompson said that shc and Ms. Blades have been friends for "<tuite a while."

~ls. 'l11ompson was thcn informed by in\'Cstigators that during thcir conversation with Ms. Blades, shc

said she didn't remember having such a convcrsation with ;\[s. 1110mpson about the incident or seeing any
injuries. Ms. 'llmmpson responded by saying, "\'V'cll, I know she did conrnct my :mnt and my mom right after,
well she didn't, her mother did, right aftcr.. shc spoke to you and said that she had everything written down on
a piece of papcr and ready because she didn't want to be involved in the situation." Ms. Thompson said that
she only learned this after invcstibrators spoke to i\ls. Thompson and ~is. Blades' mother contacted i\(s.

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Thompson's mother and aunt. She further explained that her mother and Ms. Blades' mother arc friends and
have always communicated "no matter what." In response 10 a c1ucstion nbout why l\fs. Thompson though that
i\ls. Blades' mother would have contacted ;\ls. 'l11ompson's own mother after the interview with investigators
and an nsscrtion that it sounded like she was calling to say that i\Is. Blades "basically didn't tell the truth," ;\Is.
Thompson said, "I honestly don't know why she would write anything down or an}thing." j\-fs, Thompson said
that she had not received any medical treatment for the injuries to her face and just put a bag of frozen
vegetables on it. She further reported that the photographs she took of the injuries were on the phone that Mr.
Elliott destroyed. In addition, when asked if she had spoken to anyone else about this incident, she said, "I
think my aunt was the only person."

i\ls. mompson was next asked if there were other incidents of abuse besides the October/ November
2015 Canvasback incident just discussed, the February incident in Aventura, and the July 2016 incidents. She
said, "there was probably abuse every month" and then corrected herself, and said that there wasn't abuse at
the beginning of their relationship and that it was "probably October/November" when it started. \'Vhen asked
if she could recall "the first time that l~Ir. Elliott] put his hands on lherj," she said that she could not. When
asked "is there any instance that you specifically remember outside of Camasback, Aventura, and this set of
incidents in July," she responded, "I remember when I was pregnant and he dragged me across the street." Ms.
'll10mpson was asked to abrnin explain what happened during this interaction. She said that she h:icl just gotten
off of work and was with her friend Alceah Ruthcrs. lW She said that J\Ir. Elliott had come to Columbus, and
he and Alvarez went to Fourth Street Bar and Grill. She further reported that he walked out of the bar,
"stumbling drunk," with a girl and .,Alvarez, and that she approached him. She continued, "I Ic said like, 'You
don't need to be out that late at night. I'm pregnant. I need to take my ass home. \'Ve start arbtUing back and
forth." She said that Ms. Ruthers and Alvarez were standing beside tlu.."tTl at the time and that she and the girl
then began arbruing "hack and forth." She reported what next occurred and said, " ..\nd Zeke just grabs me and
literally like drags me from like, he picks me up from behind . .l\ly feet arc dragging from the side like my heels
arc drag!,,ring on the road." She also said that he was dragJ,ring her towards her, he grabbed her arms "like from
the back" and pushes her into her car and says, "Take your ass home." She told investi1:,rators that "of course"
she didn't do that and instead, followed him to Alvarez' apartment. She further reported that ;\ls. Ruilicrs was
in her car when they drove there and that when they arrived, l\Ir. l~lliott bot out of his car and i\lvarez told him
and the l,,rirl to go inside.

She said that :\lvarez came out with a gun, "like half of it is in his hoodie, half of it is in his hand," and
that she said, "go ahead and shoot me," after which Alvarez said, "I'm not going to shoot you. l wouldn't do

ll'' NFL invcstib>ator:-; repeatedly attempted to conduct an intenicw of Alceah Ruthers, and used the phone number
pmvided by :\ls. Thompson lO imestibt:Uors. Ms. Ruthers did not respond to any ofimestib>ator:-;' phone calls.

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that." She further reported that Mr. Elliott came outside at that point and said, "Come on . \lvarez," and , \lvarez
responded something like, "Zeke get the fuck inside." She said that l\ls. Ruthers said, "Come on Tiff, just get
in the car. Let's leave," and that she finally got in the car and she left.24lt In response to a (1ucstion about when
she next spoke to ;\fr. Elliott, she said, "It was actuallr over at his house the next day. I fc had said that he was
just mad at me anJ that he nee<led time away from me because we were arbruing and that he was sorry that
_\harez pulled his b'Un out and then that was basically it." ;\fs. Thompson said that she did not report this
incident to the police, and that she might ha\'e called her "bray friend Beau" and might have texted him as well.
She said that she would have done so from her old phone.~~' l\Is. Thompson approximated that this event
occurred in .\larch or April of2016.

Later in her interview, in response to direct 'lucstions, she said that AJvarcz never apolobrized for his
actions and said that she had not called the police bcc.1use, after the February incident, she had promis~'CI i\lr.
Elliott that she "would never call the cops abrain because I didn't want to put him in the position to ruining his

l\ls. 'l110mpson stated that there was also an incident during which ~fr. Elliot broke her phone. She
explained that in April of 2016, Mr. Elliott came to Columbus for a weekend and "had a 1:,rirl from Lr\ staying

with him that he flew in." She reported that the girl's name was Sayora and that they went IO Social that Friday
night and that on Satur<lar, she went to Club XO in Columbus, where i\lr. Elliott showed up with Sayora. ~ls.

Thompson stated that she was in her own "section" with different guys and l\(r. Elliott saw her "just having
fun with these b'll)'S. Talking to them, dancing etc." She continued, "So then he comes and yanks me out of the
section. I le d0<.:sn't yank me once, not twice, not three times but multiple times." She said that he "would b'T:lb
my ann and pull me close and be like get the fuck out of their section. If you're going with me tonight, brct out.
:\ml I wouldn't get out. So, then every time he saw me having fun abrain he would come back and pull my ann
and like brrab it so hard." l\ls. Thompson told investigators that "everyone who was at the table" would have
bet..'11 in a position to sec what happened. She alsn said:

E \'cn the bottle girl, one of the bottle 1:,rirls, her name was Tiana, saw it and then one of the
security guards that worked there. Because it go, the last time he pulled me out of the
section, he pulled me off to the way way side and to where his bodyguard was, a security
guard from the club and one of the bottle girls came up and asked me if I was okay.

i\ls. Thompson stated that she an<l her friend Sheila went to Mr. Elliott's home in an Uber, but waited
outside because ?\lr. Elliott's father was there and he "didn't really want !her! and Ezekiel associating." She

!~ 1 Ms. Thompson <lid not mention this inci<lcnt during her first two interviews with investibrators. She did not mention it
until her intcr\'icw with imestibrators on November 16, 2016.
~~ 1 NH, Imcsti!,'Oltors auempted to con<.1ct " lk':lu" using a phone number prm'i<le<l co invesrib'Oltors by Tiffany Thompson.
,\ttcmpts at contact were unsuccessful.

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explained that that i\fr. Ellioct said 10 "jusl wait until jhisl dad leaves" lx:fore coming in. She said that she sent
Sheila home in rhe Uber before enlering i\fr. Elliou's home. She repor1eJ to investib>ators, "So then, I go into
his house and he's on FaceTime with l3raxt6n (i\filler) and Shelia calls my phone and he was like, 'Who's calling
you at 3 in lhe morning?"' i\ls. 1110mpson said that she showed i\fr. Elliott her phone and answered the call
from Sheila. She explaine<l that as she was talking to Sheila, he took her phone away from her am.I began talking
to Sheila himself She described what next transpired and said:

So then he finally askeJ me 10 unlock my phone. So then I was like no I'm not broing to
unlock it. I le was like unlock your phone. And I kept telling him no and then finally he
grabbed my hair and like yanked my head back so aSb'TCSsivcly like it hurt my neck. So
then 1 finally unlocked my phone for him to bro through. ,\nd at the time, we were done
because I had found out like about the girl coming to stay with him that Friday and all this

She said that !\Ir. Elliott was still on FaceTime with i\fr. i\liller and that she told Sheila that she was
scared and to come b'Ct her but also said, "I've tolJ her that so many timL'S before that she didn't know what to
do." She further stated altlmugh she doesn't think i\lr. Miller observed anything, she believes that ;\lr. i\Iiller
heard her "talking" and asked, "ls everything ok, Zeke?" ~Is. 1110mpson reported that after she unlockeJ her
phone, ;\Ir. Elliott brrabbed it and looke<l at it, and saw that other guys had been texting her. She saiJ that after

seeing a text from Johnnie Dixon, one of l\Ir. Elliott's former teammates from Ohio State, he turned the phone
"face down, and smasheldl it on the comer of t.11e table to where it shattered lthel screen."~4~ She then detailed
that he walked over to the sink and turned on the hot water and that while he was doing so, she was "trying to
stop him," "like trying to shove him back, like b'Ct him away from the sink," but said that "he's so big, he would
just push me back." She said that he then put her phone under the hot water nnd "just let it sit there." She
continued, "I'm crying and then thnt's when he starts to shove me into the corner of the kitchen." She explained
thnt he first "shoved" her into "where the c.1binets were in the comer, the comer of the cabinets in the wall"
and that she hit the cabinets as a result of what he had done. She said that she hit her hend and her shoulder.
She further stated:

So, then he docs the pressure point right here on the side of my face and I'm so scared,
like I'm trying to get away and I tried to go through the door many times ancl all he docs
is he comes and b'Tabs me am.I pushes me back towards the sofas. I just keep trying to say
I need to leave. Like I had no phone, nothing. I was just broing to walk to the nearest place
to get in contact with someone.

:-.Is. Thompson confirmed that Mr. Elliott was yelling during the incident and that no one else was
inside the apartment at the time. She also said that she didn't know if ~fr. Elliott had been drinking or using
Jrugs but that "he was very inroxicated." She said about her own level of intoxication, "I wasn't intoxicated but

:~: ~I~. Thompson provided in\'estib>ators with her broken phone. ;\ picture of the broken phone is attached :1:1 Exhibit

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I di<l have a few drinks." In response to the investigator's lJUcstion about "how the incident ended," i\ls.
Thompson reported, "I le was like, yo u're not le.aving and I just sit on the sofa and then he just comes and gets
me from the sofa and we b'O back to bed."

i\ls. 'l110mpson said that she h:u.I "thumbprint" and "finbrcrprint" bruises "all over" her arms as a result
of this incident and said that she took phows of the injuries. She also reported that she only tokl Sheila about
this event and said that she was not sure if she told her aunt. She said, "l want to say I told my aunt everything
because that's who, the first person l would always bro to. So I'm not sure what I told her and what I didn't."
At the end of this interview, when asked about photographs on her phone from April 241h that depicted bruises
on her arms, i\Js. Thompson said that the injuries were sustained during the incident over the phonem and that
she had "like little thumb prints on the back of lhcrl arms and fingerprints." Ms. 111ompson was asked if i\Ir.
l~lliott replaced her broken phone and she reported that they went to Best Buy the following <lay where i\lr.
Elliott purchased the phone that she brought to the interviews.~

In response to a ()Ucstion about whether there were "other incidents" that she could think of, she said
that the ones she had spoken about were "mainl}' the biggest ones" but confirmed that there were others,
"probably a good three handfuls." She e~l'lained, "Probably around, I don't know, it's har<l to say. Probably
around like ten to, I don't know, ten to fifteen.'' She further reported that other than her aunt an<l Sheila, there
was no one else with whom she discussed these incidents. In response to c1uestions about her relationship with
her friend Sheila, ~Is. Thompson said that she met Sheila in high school and explained that Sheila and i\harez
were introduced by her and :\Ir. EUiott after which Sheila and Alvarez became "friends with bcnefit<1."

lnvestibrators also asked Thompson about her knowledge of any all<!!,rations of abuse against i\[r.
Elliott that involved other women and she said, ''\Vhen I came out and posted my pictures on social media, I
had a lot of people come to me and saying that they had other, like their friends they knew about him touching
them. , \nd I scrcenshotted those so I should have those in my phone.":~; She continued, "They would write
me on lnstab>ram, snapchat, just telling me the story. They would also come to me and say if he was out at a
dub he would snatch their phone away from them and throw it. That he hit, I guess he hit some btUY in the face
for taking a picture of him." She estimated that she five people who she did not know contact here on
lnstabrram. :'\Is.1nompson was asked specifically about the lnstagram user with the handle "Samantha Deakin,"
who contacted her on Jnstagram, to which l\[s. 'l11ompson responded that she <lid not know her or have any
a<lditional conversations with her.

Ul Pictures of ~Is. 1110mpson's injuries, according 10 the phone imaging metadata, were 1aken on April 2-l, 2016. 111e
photos arc altached as Exlubit 2.\-D.
~~~ ;\ picture of the receipt for Ms. Thompson's new phone is attached as Exhibi1 .H .
~Hi\ screenshoc of the lnstagram posting mac.le by Ms. Thompson on Jul}' 22, 2016, with the comment from Samantha
Deakin, is attached as Exhibit 69.

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Investihrators then asked ;\Is. T hompson questions related to the incident that occurred in .\ vcntura,
rloriJa. In particular, l\ls. 'J11ompson was confronted with a statement in the narrative section of the ,\vencura
police report that inJicatcs she referred to her anJ l\Ir. Elliott as "fricnJ with benefits" while talking to the
police at the time. 1~< She saiJ that she haJ in fact used that tenn aml further stated, "I le had told the police
officcn; that I was his brirlfriend and at the time I was just like in one of those emotional moo<ls to where I was
like kind of laughing like, 'N o, I'm not.' Like we're just this." l\Is. Thompson was asked why the police wrote
that the incident in ,\vcntura was about a social media incident anJ said, "Well he would like to say that it was
about social media. ;\nd I mean it was, but then it was later that night we had gone out and like I told you in
the past, he, there was this guy, Drew, that he would hang out with that I didn't comfortable around him at
all." She explained that Drew was a friend of i\fr. Elliott's "from partying" and said that since Drew was in
marketing, he may have been "doing autographs" with Mr. Elliott.

In response to a series of spl.-cific 'lucstions, l\fs.111ompson then explained what transpired during this
February incident. She said that she had been in a bar in Miami with i\fr. Elliott and Drew and that she was
made to feel uncomfortable because she felt that they were talking about a Jiffercnt girl in LA. She said that
Drew was "like, 'I low was L.\?' and like winked nt rMr. Elliott]. So I just felt like instantly really uncomfortable."
She continueJ that she cm.led up taking an Uber back to l\lr. Elliott's apartment where she fell asleep in his bcJ

:incl said that i\[r. Elliott didn't return there until 3 or 4:00 in the morning. She further reported that when he
came home, he said, "I thought you were changing your flight." She explained:

So then I laid down and fell asleep in my dress I wore out that night and I even had my
shoes on. I was completely sober. Nothing to drink. ,\nu he comes home and says I
thought you were changing your flight and you were going to be gone by now. . \nd I said,
"well I fell asleep." So then I bl'Ct up, go over to his spare bedroom and I start packing my
stuff up. I Jc comes in there and goes, "let me sec your flight infonnation. Let me sec."
1\nd he was like very insecure because also like his, I want to say all of his lcammalcs tried
to get in contact with me.

She said that she started to pack her suitcases and ;\Ir. Elliott said, "You're not going anywhere." She
stated, "So then he just pushes me into the wall and like starts brrnbbing me, keeps pushing me, and I'm just
trying to pack my stuff up." She rcporteJ that this interaction occurred at about 4:00 a.m. when no one else
was at home. ~ls. 'lhompson continued, "So in the spare bedroom there was a sliding glass mirror as like the
closet doors . \nd I kept like bumping, like pushing, like bumping into those when he was pushing me. She
reported that she kept telling i\Jr. Elliott to "stop, like like you're going to make me break them," and that he
then just pushed her into the rei:,rular wall. She further reported, " And then he was like, you know what? I'm

Z~< 'Ilic 1\vcnrura Police D<..-p:trtmcnr police report is artachc<l as Fxhibic 24.

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done with you. I'm bruing to bed like I'm not wasting my time. So then he goes to bed." She saic.I that she then
packed up her bclonbtings so that it was the next day when it was time to leave.

She said that the next morning, she got up and showerec.1 while ~Ir. Elliott was still sleeping, and then
went to a mall within walking distance from his apartment. She explaim...c.J that she and Joey Bosa, ;\fr. Elliott's
fonner roommate, were texting because she :isked him where she coukl stay in the ,\ventura area. She snic.1 that
she believed that l\fr. Bosa "screenshotted" their tc.xt conversation to ~Jr. Elliott. She explainec.I that she
believed he receivec.I thL'fll when he woke up and she was still at the mall or when she returned because when
she came back to the apartment they began to argue. She told invcstibrators that he tried to grab her bclonginb'li
nod that when she tried to "stop" him from doing so, he "pushed" her out of the way. She said, "So then he
goes in the room, gets my red bottoms (shoes), throws them off the balcony into his courtyard area. ..-\nd I told
him, 'stop,' because he was broing to throw nil my stuff off his balcony." She reported that he then went into
the spare bedroom to grab her suitcases and she said to him, ". \lright like, l 'm going to get my shoes like and
then I'm coming back up here and we can just talk about it." She said that when she came back up from
retrieving her shoes, her bclonginbrs were "out of my bags out in the hallway in front of his front door." She
then reported:

There wns still more of my stuff inside that I wanted and I was like, 1ust give me the rest
of my stuff.' So then that's when he comes out and he like, I tried, I don't know what I
did, but he like moved me out of the way because I think he was like trying to shut his
door and like I was in his way so then he like shoved me into the wall.

She explained, "I le shoved me and like, it was just an open hanc.I hit." She said that he hit her "really
hard" and that "it was red." ShC! said that this interaction occurred right outside his front door and that she was
"crying," "shaken up," and "scared." ~Is. nmmpson stated the l\fr. Elliott was just walking down the hallway
screaming at her, saying "you whore." She said at that point she was on the phone with Shelia. She reported
that her aunt was also calling her at that time bec.1use she had called her aunt, Sheila nnd her mother at the same

l\Is. 1110mpson told investibralors that a security guard, who she described ns a short white man about
25 years of abrc, came to the building hallway where she was brathering her bclonbrings and asked if she wns
" okay" to which she responded that she wasn't and then told him about the incident. She also said that she
told the security gunrc.I that she wanted to contact the police, that he helped her pack her belongings and carry
her bags downstairs to the lobby, after which another man called 911 for her from the lobby phone. In Inter
discussing the injuries sustained in this incident, Ms. Thompson said that although she didn't receive any
medical attention, her shoulder and left chest were "in pain" and said that she had trouble sleeping on her left
side for a night or two.

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When confronted with information that l\[r. Elliott provided to the police about the incident, that he
had atlempted co go into his apartment bedroom and lock the door, and that l\[s. Thompson grabbed him
around the.waist to prevent him from doing so, she said his statements were not true. She further explained,
"He was trying to lock his door. I le was coming out of his house from 1:,riving me my things and he was trying
to lock his door but I did not touch him."

i\[s. Thompson said that once the police left, she took an Uber to a hotel, which she believed to be the
:\venturn l\larriott. She said that she paid for the hotel but because she was not yet 21, her aunt had to help her
by talking to the hotel personnel. She said that Mr. Elliott's agent and lawyer, Frank Salzano, was tcxcing her to
express concern about the events "hitting the media right away" and asking her "to do something about it."
She continued, "Frank had sent me this message telling me to call, I think it was, I don't know the officer's
name that was dealing with it and told me that I didn't want to go any further action with the charb>cs." She
then said, "1\nd just told me exact1y what to say. So, I had called the officer multiple times, thcr didn't pick up,
and I just left a message reading his message to the officers." Ms. Thompson said that she did this because she
"had realized that Isbel didn't want to ruin [Mr. Elliott's) career." l\ls. 'Ilmmpson was asked if Mr. Salzano
offered her anything in exchan!,>c for her doing this, and said that he had not. i\[s. nmmpson explained that
Mr. Elliott had been texting her during this time as well and that he came to the hotel after she left the message
for the police officer. l\fs. 'l11ompson reported:

The first time Zeke came, Drew sat out in the car and it was just me and Zeke talking.
Because I didn't have a charger. So Zeke brought me a charger and we sat down and were
talking and he just said like I needed to handle it right away so it didn't hit the media. And
then the second time Zeke came before he had went out that night

She said that she told l\fr. Elliott that she was "going to handle it for him" during his first visit to the
hotel and said about the second visit before i\fr. Elliot went out that night, "\'Ve were just sitting there, talking
and Zeke just tells me, 'I love you, I want to be with you' this and that. I don't know honest1y what he said."
She also stated that Drew was present during t11is conversation but did not speak to her. She said that she
believed this to be the case because she did not like Drew and reported that she disliked him because "of him
getting /l\lr. Elliouj into bad habits, drug \vise. She also said that "Drew wou1d do n lot of molly, ecstasy and

Ms. Thompson was then asked about social media postings in which she referenced her and i\fr.
Elliott's usage of "mollr, coke, ex and Facebook stuff."Z47 She said, "I 'm not going to sit here and say I didn't
do anything because I did. I would do everything with him." She further explained that Facebook stuff is "an


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ecstasy pill" and when itsked from where i\fr. Elliot got the drugs he used, she said that she did not know. She
also said that .Mr. Elliott used drugs "a lot," "probably once a week."

~Is. Thompson reported 10 investibrators that she stayed at the hotel in , \ventura on Friday night and
returned to Ohio the following day. She said that she nc.xt spoke to i\(r. Elliott when he called her as she was
boarding the plane am) said, "I just want you to know before you take off that I love you nnd I care so much
about you."

lnvestibrators asked l\fs. 'l110mpson <JUCstions related 10 her trip to Chicago for the abortion and she
confirmed that this was not the same trip to ChicabtO as the one she had taken for the draft. She also confirmcJ
that this occurred in early 1\pril and that i\Ir. Elliott bought place tickets for her, :\lvarez and Sheila. When
asked why :\lvarez accompanied them on the trip, Ms. Thompson said, "I le wanted one of his fri<.'flds to go"
"because he couldn't be there." She said she was not sure why Mr. Elliott could not be there but he was "busy
with something." She also confirmed to investigators that she moved to her new apartment at Times Sc1uare at
the end of February, before this trip to Chicago. Ms. Thompson was then asked what precipitated i\Ir. Elliott
leasing her an apartment and paying her rent to which she responded:

So like I said before, he wanted his own space. I knew about him messing with other girls

and I was okay with that. It was what he wanted to do. So he was just like, because I told
him, I was like, "why can't I just move in there, because you're broing to be gone for the
summer? , \nJ well for the rest of 1he time." \nd he said, "\'Vcll, let me just get you your
own place, like I'll furni~h it for you, that way you can do whatever you want, have whoever
you want over, thi-; and that. "

She stated that Mr. Elliott also thought her house was "very negative" and explained that her parents
were "really against' her seeing .Mr. Elliott. She said that her mother was "scared because she knew how basically
athletes arc" and her father "didn't want lherJ to get hurt." i\(s. Thompson expounded:

I le didn't want me to get hurt. I le didn't want to sec his dauglucr hurt. .,\nd also like l
Jon't want 10 say my dad, he's just like against, he's not ah..Unst racial couples he's just as
growing up he just wasn't okay with it. So that's another reason why but once I sat my dad
down and told him me and Zeke arc dating, like I've been slaying over 1here this and t11at.
like he accepted it. And if I was happy he was happy. So, then 1hey start, they weren't really
letting me do stuff with him. Like they would give me a curfew bcc.'\use the car that I was
driving at t11c time my dad had paiJ for. So, he basically had kinJ of like control over where
I went and how long I was gone for t11is and that. , \nJ Zeke didn't like that. So, he was
like, "I'll buy you your own car I want you away from the negative." I le just basically
wanted to brainwash me himself. I le had said like I, he wanted me to get help.

She further explained that i\fr. Elliott said that he wanted her to "go through counseling" because of everything
1hat she haJ been 1hrough in 1he past" and that she asked him to go as well because he had "gone through the

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same thing." i\fs. Thompson confinncd to invcstibrators that she was referring I<> domestic violence in the
household and :mid that i\Ir. Elliott's response to her suggestion that he also seek help was that he would 1hink
about it but 1hat he didn't need it and that she was the one who "needed help." She stared, ". \m.I it was always
he never needed help.. \nd he was the main reason, like through our whole relationship, the person that needed
the help."

Later in this interview, i\Is. Thompson reported that i\lr. Elliott leased her a car on ;\Inrch 3ni, a few
weeks after 1\lr. Elliou leased her the apartment. She was asked if she thought 1\Ir. Elliott's "b>etting her these
things" had anything to do with the fact that she "had taken care of" the incident in Florida so he "would nol
get in big trouble" 10 which she responded:

By the way he was ralking to my aunt, it did sincerely seem like he cared. But then I always
c.1uestion myself and said there's a motive to why he's doing this. And that was the problem
\vith me, like I always would assume. I would second guess a lot of things between our
relationship and I bruess that's why we always argued a lot. So, I always thought there was
a motive to it. That's why he was doing it all. But I honestly don't know.

She was also asked about some text messab'CS related to the decision she made to have an abortion in
. \pril and an earlier statement. she made to investibrators about i\fr. Elliott not wanted her to get the abortion.
In response to the investibrator's statement that tl1e texts seemed to indica1e that ;\Ir. Elliott was "really
encouraging" her to terminate her pregnancy, she explained that IYlr. Ellio1t didn't want her to get an abortion
"because he knew it was a1,rainst what I believed in, like l would never do that." She continued, "But he just
thought me and him weren't re:idy to be parents. And, of course, with him starting his rookie year, he wouldn't
be there. 1\ctually it would have been this month 1hat I would have been 1:,riving birth. I le wouldn't have been
there for it, sorry it's really emotional." She further stated:

I le wouldn't have been there for the birth of his own child. 1\nd wouldn't be able to be
around that much for basically like the first couple months .. \nd like, just some of 1hc stuff
he was saying, like it made sense. Like I hadn't started college, I needed to focus on my
future just as he needed to focus on his. And we were both so young :ind he just kept
saying like, he kept saying like, I wanted to just live off of how much money he'd be giving
me a month..\nd he just, he didn't want me working. But when l was prebrnant I was
working. I was working at E uropean Wax Center.

She also explained that she and Mr. Elliott had been arguing in the months leading up to her pregnancy
and saying "hurtful things." She said, "after she got the apartment and got my car," they were "fighting." i\Is.
Thompson told investibrators that when she found out she was pregnant, i\lr. Elliott was getting his haircut in
Columbus and tl1at she heard a girl in the backbrrounc.1 so they "just like start arguing." She reported, ": \nd then
I found out, he came over later that night." She said that Shelia was 1here with them, that they were just talking
and "he just was like mind blown." She also said, "He was like, 'Tiff we can't be parents.' ,\nd then he was like
letting me make the decision and then btO back and then like we would fight and he would say really hurtful

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things." She explained that ;\lr. Elliott "would just like bring up !her) past and just call lherl names for no
reason." ,\t another point in the intcn~ew, i\fs. Thompson noted that she had taken a screenshot of the
pregnancy test and sent it to her aunt, Sheila aml her friend, \shlcy Block.

1\ls. n10mpson tokl imes~rators that at about "four or five" weeks into her prebrnancy, she went to
the doctor for the first time and that during an ultrasound, the doctor saw "two sacs so twins." She said that
when she returned, after some bleeding, one of the sacs had "shrunk and it was gone," and further explained
that she had a miscarriage of one twin. i\fa. 1110mpson said that she was put on bed rest due to "bad bleeding"
prompting i\fr. Elliott to say that he didn't want her working and that he would "take care of n1er] fully, support
me either way." She also said that l\lr. Elliott "really never came out and physically said like, 'I want you to get
an abortion.' But then he did. It's like he was confused on what he wanted to do. I le even had Alvarez meet
with me. Like me and Alvarez hung out and just t.1lked about it." She said that i\fr. Elliott also had his friend,
Darf, . \ryin's ex-boyfriend, call her and say, "If Zeke's broing to be a dad, you just need to let him know." She
then said, ".\nd I just kind of wanted the best for everyone. I'm not like 21 yet.'' She also noted at another
point in the interview that she discussed the pregnancy and abortion with l\lr. Elliott's older sister, L,1yla, and
specifically asked Layla if she thought their mother "would respect if !:\Is. Thompson! did this for Zeke" and
Layla said, "Yes, I think so."

In response to a 'luestion about why she had the abortion in Chicago, she said, " Because Ohio has the
24-hour rule period with the pill doing it naturally and Chicago doesn't." She then explained the "24-hour rule"
and said, "So you get one pill and then one day, and then you have to wait, l think it's 24 hours, until the next
day to brct the second pill." She continued:

I le told me he wanted me to go b'Ct it done. I le was like, he had someone, he had his agent
looking at like everywhere. Like he was thinking about flying me to New York, anywhere
that like I could b'Ct it done right away. Because like it's something like I just wanted to get
it done and over with.

She said that Sheila and . \lvarcz flew to Chicago with her for the procedure, that they accompanied
her to the clinic where the procedure was done and that they spent the "whole entire weekend together." She
confirmed that although she stayed in Chicago for the weekend, she had the procedure on a Friday and later in
the interview detailed that it occurred at 11 :12 a.m. on .-\pril 15111

Ms. 'llmmpson was also asked by investibrators about her trip to sec 1\Ir. Elliott in Dallas in l\fay 2016.
In response to yuestions, i\ls. Thompson said that she stared with Mr. Elliott in his hotel, the Residence Inn
in Irving, Texas for approximately t\Vo weeks. When specifically asked if "anything physical" happened during
that t\vo-wcek period, Ms. 'I110mpson replied, "Well, we had went out one night and came back and I'm just
going to tell yo u the whole story. I have nothing to hide." She then said, "We had gone out that night and he

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wanted w h:l\'c a threesome. So, he got another b.trl, we had a threesome." She explained that they met the
"girl" at Cluch bar where they had been with ;\[r. Elliott's teammate, Des Bryant. She said that "Quacey," a
relative of his agent, "Rocky," drove her, ;\lr. Elliott and the girl back to :\Ir. Elliott's hotel where they had a
threesome. She said, "We have the threesome and then I realized like what I was doing, like I lmc this man,
I'm doing this, like I'm allowing him to do this co me. I just felt like a horrible person so like I got really upset
and threw a T-shirt and walked outside." She said that she walked out of his room and was walking outside
because she felt "disgusted" with herself. She continued:

So then he like comes after me and just [inl like his boxers, his underwear, and goes, "Tiff
arc you okay?" and I'm like, "No." ~\nd he's like, "\'Vhat's wrong?" And I'm like, "What
we just did, like that's not okay." So then I go, we walk back in the hotel room, perfectly
fine, the girl's sitting there and like Zeke's like calling her babe and baby and I'm like, "Okay
what's going on?"

She further reported that ;\Ir. Elliott said to the "girl," "Like babe, I'm getting you an Uber, like where
arc you going?" afccr which 1\ls. Thompson said she then went to take a shower and l\lr. Elliott came "around
the comer." She continued, "l scart arbruing with him, like 'she needs to go, Like 1 don'c want her in here. Like
have her wait outside." She said that he responded, "you need to chill, like shut up," because she was being
"loud." She said that she told him "No" and that he then "put his finger like pointed it in !her! face and like

swung it away." She said t.hat he then "just grabbed [herl and pulled [her) close" and she told him to "chill out."
She dctailc<l that he grabbe<l her by the "biceps" an<l that the "girl" was sitting in the room in an "office chair"
while this occurrc<l. \'Viteo asked whether she had any "physical injuries" as a result of ;\lr. Elliott's actions, she
said that "it was hard to tell because lshel was burnt from laying outlsidcJ." She further reported that she did
not tell anyone about what hnppcncdZ411 and that after this interaction, she took a shower, the "girl'' left and she
went to bed.

~Is. 1bompson was told by investigators that ~Jr. Elliott had reporced to them that he and i\{s.
Thompson were "never boyfriend and !:,rirlfriend because ltheyJ were never exclusive," and that they both were
"seeing other people" and frcc1ucntJy enbraged in threesomes as "an example" of the fact that she and Mr. Elliott
were not exclusive. Ms. Thompson responded, "I think that is not the truth." She further stated, "That was my
first threesome that I've ever had. I told him that I would never do it again. . \nd we were boyfriend :m<l
girlfriend. I le made it known that we were." She explained that "his whole family knew I was his girlfriend. 1
don't know what the agents thought because him and his agents arc really close. But I was around his family

~ 48 SR Ken L}brand of Dallas performed a check in Irving, Texas, with both the local police <lepanment and hotel security
to sec if there was any policc/ S<.'Curity response to the hotel when Mr. Elliott an<l Thompson were staying chcre. ll1is

st-arch was met wi1h neb>aU\'C results.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 48 of 76 PageID #: 555

constantly .. \round his childhood friends in St. Louis." She continued, "\Ve were like literally attached to each
other's hip."1~>

She was then asked about a previous statement she mac.le about "looking at pictures of houses in Dallas
together" anJ explained that this had occurred during the time that she was staying with l\[r. Elliott in his Dalbs
hotel room. She said that he never communicatcJ with her by text about her moving to Dallas and that she
docs not know if he ever told anyone that she would be moving to Dallas. She said that the only person who
asked her was the "Christian Louis Vuitton bruy" and then c.xplaincd that she had been shopping with l\lr.
Elliott when he bought some shoes at a store. She said that she returned to the store by herself the following
day when l\Ir. Elliott was at practice and training and the same "bruy" was asking her questions. She said, "He
was like, so I heard Zeke, like Zeke told me this, I heard this, and I was like yeah." She said that while the "guy"
was brinbring her "red bottoms and stuff," he was saying, "like this would look good with Zeke's jerseys for
when you move down here and this and that."

i\[s. Thompson was also informed during the interview that ~fr. Elliott had alw told investigators that
he and i\ls. Tbompson had brought home another woman with them on the night of Saturday,July 16, 2016
in Columbus for the purpose of engi1gingin a threesome to which she responded that they had in foct done so.

She said that the woman's name was Naya and that she knew her from "the friend group" with which she used
to associate. She said that Naya has a baby and said she didn't feel comfortable so she left.

She was further informed that Mr. E lliott denied that he and Ms. Thompson ever lived tO!,rcther to
which she responded, "We did," and said that they lived tobrcther at 1860 Canvasback Lane from September
until "towards the end of December" of2015. She said that she would go home to her family one or two nights
a week though. She continued, "I would get all of my bags, take it home, and then I would brct like more of my
stuff. So I still had some of my things at my parents' house but I have like babrs full of all of my stuff at his
house." She said that in an "average week," she would sleep at Mr. Elliott's apartment 7 days. She aJso stated
that her parents, Elaine, J\shlcy Block, her old boss, "Beau," Sheila, and McKaila all knew that she lived there.~5o

In response to a question about whether she ever received bills there, she said, "I did," and further explained
that she received all the "car information and everything" for the car l\fr. Elliott ha<l leascd her but said that
bank statements were sent to her parents' address which was the address she also used for job application. 2.'il
She further reported that she kept toiletries and clothes there. She saiJ, "I even have pictures of me and my
friends getting ready. They would come over while he was gone for the weekend. \Vhen Ohio State played

1 9
~ lnvesti!,rators attempted to interview Mr. Elliott's parents, Stacey and Dawn Elliott. Stacey Elliem did not return any
calls placed to him by invcstib>ators and Dawn Elliott spoke to invcstii,rators and declined to speak to them.
wi lnvcsti!,>ators attempted to con1:.1ct Shelia Lee and "lk~ u" Qast name unknown) using the phone number that .i\[s.
Thompson had pro\idcd to imocstii,tators. Ms. Lee and "Beau" did not respond to attempts at cont..1ct.
~ 1 ; \ copy of the car insurance bill is attached as Exlubit 19.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 49 of 76 PageID #: 556

away." She named her friends Riley l\kTea1-,rue and l\manda Kaser as friends who were at his apartment with

\Vhen asked how it came about that she moved out, she said, "l\ly stuff was still there. I never mo\ed
out. It was just like I guess I was staying there through January but I was more at home" and said that when
i\fr. Elliott left 10 train in Florida sometime around January 11, she was still lhing there and taking care of his
dog .:\cc, who did not go with him to rloridn. She said that she didn't move out of his apartment until lebruary
when he si1:,roed the lease on her new apartment. In response to a question about whether she went "back and
forth" between i\lr. Elliott's apartment am.I her parents' home, she said that she stayed with him nil of
November and didn't even celebrate Thanksgiving with her family and then went back to her parents' home
for a week in December when they "had an incident happen to where he had another girl."

i\b. Thompson was asked to explain what she meant and said, "(S)he was a girl from L.\ that Drew
and him were talking about I !er name's Britney Renner. She's a fitness model." She continued that i\ls. Renner
had been in Columbus and was "at his house for a couple of nights." She said, ''Not staying with him. She was
staying \vith bis family but she was over there." Ms. mompson said she knew this to be the case because she
had i\lr. Elliott's "messages" coming to her phone. She tokJ investigators that she "got on" to ;\Ir. Elliott's

l\facl3ook because she had his passwords to everything and put "send and receive'' so that "everything lwouldl
come through to plerl phone as well." .Ms. Thompson was informed that l\lr. Elliott reported that she had
"hacked into his <.mail and she responded that the only time she had "hacked" into it was months ago when
she and Mr. Elliott were "still together." She said that she knew "his recovery <.mail and his cell phone number
that he had it under." She was then asked, "\Xlhat's the recovery email?" and ;\-Is. 1110mpson explained, "J forget
if it was his Gmail or yahoo account. I le had two different emails but normally like when you have an email it
asks for like a recovery email, just in case you forget your password to secure your profile." She said that it
wasn't really "hacking" "because lsheJ knew fhisJ information." She continued, "I le brave me his passwords
quite early in the relationship and then I also had the 10 his phone.. \nd he had the password to my

I nvestib>alors then asked if there was ever a period of time that she reached out to the other girls that
Mr. Elliott was "messing \vith," and she responded, "Yes, there was a period, J would contact, I wouldn't
contact all of th<.m." When the investibrator then asked, "You would or would not?, she replied, "I would not.
I probably contacted., I really didn't even contact that many brirls.":5.' Ms. Thompson was asked how she

~ lnvestibtaWri- attempted to contact l\manda K.-.ser and Riley l\lcTeague using the phone numbers that ~Is. Thompson
provided to in\estibt:ttor.;. ~Is. McTeabruc and Ms. K.-.ser did not respond to an}' attempts at contact.
l n A man named Russ Yerbrcnscn called the NFL Compliance hotline to make a report that Ezekiel Elliott and l~raxton
Miller had abused his daughter-in-law between ~lay 2, 20Hi, and ~la}' U, 2016. NFL Director of lnvestibtation~ attempted
to contact thi~ man both \>i.1 telephone and mail, but was umuccessful. NFL Director of Digiral Forensics David ~lcCain

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reached out to the women anc.l she saic.l, "Well the night of the Face' lime, the girl that FaccTimed him, I tried
to call, FaccTime, her back on his phone. I would, because he had changed his password so I talkeJ into Siri
and said FaceTime so anJ so. But it, I <lon't know what happened, it just woul<ln't let me. ,\nd then, other girls
I think I messaged maybe on lnstagram." She saic.l she could not recall what she messaged them but said that
she "wasn't threating them at all" and that if she Jid confront them, it was just to say that she and Mr. Elliott
were "dating" and ask, "\'Vhat arc you two?" or "just get more information." \'Vhen aske<l how 1'. lr. Elliott
reacted when he learned about this, she said, "I fe would lose it." i\ls. Thompson additionally reported an
incident that occurred when l\[r. Elliott was in Utah. She said:

And I was supposed to be there with him and out of nowhere he doesn't want me to come
anymore. So, then I sec one of his fans posts a picture from there so I just ask thL'flt, '):.
there a brirl there with him?' \nd his fan screenshotted it and sent it to him and he sent it
back to me and said, '"ll1is is embarrassing. Why can't you just believe me?' .\n<l he would
freak out and block my number but the next day it would be unblocked. Or an hour later.

Later in her interview, l\ls. 1110mpson was asked about a text message cxcl1anbrc from around this time
in which she wrote to l\fr. Elliott, "I just deleted two hundred something screen shots I came across these. I
miss when you used to fight for me, it's all my fault why I'm losing you." \'Vhcn aske<l to explain what she
meant, she replied, "It was my fault because I was constantly bitching at him. I was constantly trying to argue

and fight."

She WO\S also aske<l about a text message exchange between her aoJ .Mr. Elliott on July 5, 2016 in which
i\fr. Elliott wrote, "just want you to know I've been thinking about you nonstop. I miss caJking to you so much.
Just hope you don't plan on fucking my teammates because 1 sec you went ahead and arc following them now."
In particular, she was asked to explain her response, "Do you know when you'll be back to cancel the lease so
I can start packing my stuff up." She said, "We had been arguing and thinbrs weren't going good at all between
us. We re.11ly weren't on taJking terms and I just wanted him to c.1nccl the lease so I could just not talk to him
anymore. I le wouldn't cancel the lease." She said that he didn't really brive an explanation to her about why he
wouldn't do so but that he said, "I'm not canceling the lease."

During her interview, ~Is. lnompson was asked some additional c1uestions about the incidents that
occurred in July. She was spedficallr asked about a phone call that she placed to her . \unt Elaine :tt
approximately 3:30 a.m. on Mone.lay, July 181" and explained that she called her aunt crying because ~[r. Elliott
was not at home. She was aJso specifically confronted wirh, \lvarez's statement that Ms. Thompson had callcJ

wa$ able to determine that this man's daughter-in-law is a young woman named Kellyn ~ronsnn. 1\fter :\Is. Thompson's
phone \\.-as downloaded, investib>ators di..;cmerc<l 1he name "Kcllyn ;\lonson" as a contact in Ms. Thompson's phone.
Thompson denied knowing Kcllyn Monson, slating, "I don'c know who that is. I kr name and info was imported to my
phone from Ezekiel's phone, I'd hooked up our phones so that his calls would appear on my phone. I don't know her."

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"some guys over" who were hanbring out with l'\ls. Thompson outside l'\lr. Elliott's apartment later that night.
She said,") di<l not call them over. I actu.11ly, they were in 1he neighborhood because his nctghborhood ts more
lil<e college stu<lents, like younger, so they're driving aroun<l and then ;\lark texted me and was like arc you
okay, 'do you need a place to stay tonight?' and I said, ''No . \nd then I went back inside" (~Ir. Elliott's

She was specifically asked about information provided by the man at the pool party she attended on
l'\Ionday,JuJy 18, 2016 who said that he hadn't seen any bruising on her. She identified the man to invesribr.ttors
as an "ex co-worker from Dahlia Nightclub." She also told invesribrators that she went to the party \vith her
friend Kelsey Ciminillo, and reported that this was the night that she and Kelsey met for dinner and were
walking around when they bumped into l'\fr. Elliott and she "ibrnorcd him." She explained that she and i\Is.
Ciminillo went to the pool party and that she left at 1:30 a.m. because her phone was "dead." She also said Ms.
Ciminillo got her an Uber back to l'\lr. Elliott's apartment. She further reported that she thought she was going
home to l\lr. Elliott but that he was not there. She said that she was "freezing" since her clothes were soaked
and her hair was wet because she had been thrown in the pool. She stated that she went into ;\Ir. Elliott's
apartm<..'Ot and chanbrcd into dry clothes, and that she and Alvarez argued "back and forth" because "he knew
where Zeke was and he wasn't telling me.".:?5~ She further explained that she and i\Is. Ciminillo originally met
up earlier that evening lx.c:mse Ms. TI1ompson had asked to meet. She said, "l needed someone to talk to, and
she's really a sweet girl so I trustcu sitting there talking to her. I sat down and I showed her the bruising that I
had on my neck at the time and then I haJ a bruise somewhere up here." She confirmed that she told .i\Is.
Ciminillo how she received the bruises and said that she responded, "I Jc did that to you? Jfc's such as asshole."

L.1ter in the interv1cw, l\ls. Thompson was asked if she knew the name of the woman who came to
l'\lr. Elliott's home on July 20, 2016, to pack his boxes and she said that she did not. She also reported drnt the
only video survctllance c.1meras at the Canvasback Lane apartment complc.."' arc located at the entrance to the
complex and confirmed that there was never an instance in which security or the police were called to i\lr.
Elliott's home on Canvasback L-ine.m

When confronted \vith i\lr. Elliott's stat<..ment to investibrators that in the week lea<ling up to July 21,
2016, Ms. TI10mpson repeatedly mentioned that Brionte Dunn had gotten into trouble for domestic viofence
and that i\!r. Elliott was broing to encl up the same way,zs<i Ms. Thompson statc<l, "I di<ln't know anything about

~5 ~ ln\'estii,>ntors atrcmpted to contact Kelsey Ciminillo using a phone number prmidec.I to investigators by Ms. Thompson.
Mi<. Ciminillo did not respond to arrcmp1s at contact.
:.;s Letter from Arbors at \X';1.1ermark, 1\lr. Elliott's apartment complc:'I, is attached as Exhibit 94 .
.!.'>< Brionte Dunn is a former O hio State University football player. On July 20, 2016, ~k Dunn's i,>irlfricnd called police
and mac.le a report alleging domestic \'iolence ai,oainst :\Ir. Dunn in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Dunn was subi<cqucntly dismissed
from 1hc Ohio State football team.

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Brionte until the day I went to the prosecutor's office." She reported that "the prosecutor ha<l said that they
were dealing with an incident similar to Ezekiel's." When asked if the prosecutor specifically mentioned Brionte
Dunn by name, ;\Is. ' Llmmpson replied that she knew i\lr. Dunn's ex-gidfrien<l and that "his story was just
going around so Isbel just knew." She confirmed that she <lid not know about ~Ir. Dunn until the day she went
to the prosecutor's office. l~tter in her interview, Ms. 'l110mpson acknowledbrcd that she had S<..'flt ;\Ir. Elliott
text messages threatening to ruin his life when she was prebrnant.

l\ls. Thompson was asked about the text message that she sent to l\lr. Elliott at 2:12 a.m. on Jul) 22,
2016, in which she wrote, "I just got fucking beat by one of your hoes bitch." \'Vhcn asked if she ha<l, in fact,
been beaten up by the other woman that night, she said, ''No, I said that to him to make him feel bad." Ms.
Thompson said that she believed that the woman with whom she had argued had been in his section of the
club that night. She was then confronted with Ms. Mason's version of what happened between l\fs. 'Jl10mpson
and the other girl, including that she and l\Is. '1110mpson were leaving the club and a biirl was throwing up, that
l\[s. 'l110mpson said something like, "She's a stupid drunk bitch," that another girl helping the drunk friend
said, "that's not nice," and then Ms. Thompson and the girl began to fight. Ms. Thompson said that she recalled
being in i\[r. Elliott's section and said that she was sober the whole night since she had not had anything to
drink. She said that she saw the biirl there an<l that she kept looking at ?\Is. Thompson "very funny" and that

she thought "something was rc.11ly awkward." She continued, "So then she was throwing up an<l 1 said, 'I said
lot, I called, r said, like ratchet, r forget what I said. And then next thing r know f have someone pulling my
hair, like outside of the club. She like pulled my hair and I turned around and she's like, 'Come on let's fight."'
She clarified that it was the giJ:I who had been throwing up who said this and that this girl then "went to swing"
but "a whole bunch of bl'\l)'S grabbed !her! back" so this girl didn't touch her. Ms. Thompson said that "the only
thing that touched me was her hand brrnbbing my hair." \Vhen then confronted with affidavits from police
officers stating that she and the other woman were hitting and punching one another, and brrabbing each other's
hair and asked why they would written that infonnation if it weren't true, she told investibrators that the person
who owns the club is also helping i\lr. Elliott's lawyers with the "investibration." \Vhen abrain asked why the
police officers would have described the encounter as a "full on fight," l\[s. Thompson said, "I dkln't even
know that the police officers W Ct'C right there."

;'vis. 'l110mpson was asked to explain a text message that she sent lO i\lr. Elliott that night within which
she said, "You bcuer be smart, and not be dumb man, bitch ... keep fucking with the wrong bitch, I'm not
playing bramcs. , \fter party at 7..cke's." She said that she an<l l\Ir. Elliott were tc.xting and facetiming at the same
time and when asked how this was possible considering that the text messab'CS were running immediately back
to back, she said, "Maybe we were FaccTiming after." i\ls. Thompson was asked what she meant by, "Keep
fucking with the wrong bitch," to which ~Is. 'l110mpson responded, 1n:ll's a goo<l l1ucstion. I would kind of

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say things just out of anger." She was also asked how she knew that the afterparty was at l\lr. Elliott's home
and she said, "I knew way before because me and him planned everything. 111at night he asked me where I'm
at and I cold him I'm sitting outside of the Carriage I louse and he said, 'Okay we'll be there soon.' I le knew I
was there and everything." ;\Is. Thompson was informed that ~Ir. Elliott stated that she was not im1ted to

either the party or his apartment that night and said that this was not true. was not true. . \ t anmher point in the
inteniew, she said, "I think we FaceTimed four different times on the way." She said, "I Jc was just in the car,
the music was loud, that was the first one. The second one was like, '\'Vhere arc you at?' and I said, 'l lcrc
waiting.' And he was just intoxicated and drunk. :\nd then the other ones were just like of him and Alvarez
sticking their tongue out and dancing, being goofy. But perfectly fine."

Ms. 1110mpson was then asked some 'luestions about the injuries that she sustained as a result of the
incidents and was also shown a number of photos,,'T:lphs about which she was asked <1uestions. In particular,
l\[s. 'l110mpson was asked about the pictures of bruising to her hip bone area anti she stated, "'lbat was from
him throwing me into the comer of the bed at the Carriage J louse on Wednesday, July the 201h." She was also
asked about a conversation that she had with her friend, Jordan Estep, on 'llmrsday, July 21 and said, "I had
raceTimcd her." She said that she had been crying and that 1\[s. Estep asked her what was wrong and she then
showed her "how lherj whole body looked" and 1\[s. Estep said, "\'Vow, Tiff that's craZ}'" She also said that
she told Estep how she had go"en the bmises.257

!\Is. 'l1tompson was asked about messas,,rcs investigators found on her imas,,rcd phone in which she
references having a concussion. l\.ls. Thompson explained that she got a concussion after an interaction with
l\Ir. Elliott on November 11, 2015. She explained that she and 1\-lr. Elliot were both on Xanax and were drinking,
when they returned to the apartment on Canvasback \vitl1 a group of people. She said that she and Riley were
talking in the bathroom when ;\fr. Elliott came in and she and .Mr. Elliot began to argue. She told investibmtors
that Riley "stepped back" and ~fr. Elliott wem to j,,'T:lb l\[s. 'Ibompson and she "kind of like" stepped back
after which Mr. Elliott tried to grab her agnin and said, "he pushes me enough to where I fall back in the bathtub
and I hlt my head. Like the back of my like, comer of my head on the bar soap thing." She said that she believes
;\Ir. Elliott wanted to j,'T:lb her shirt or pull her closer but instead he pushed her, she stumbled and fell back
into the tub. 1\ls. 'I110mpson was asked what happened next anti she said, "I don't think I did anything for my
head. But the next day I was like really really really reallr sick." She said that she went to the t.mcrgcnC)' room
and was throwing up. She further stated that although she docs not recall what kind of medical treatment she
received at the hospital, she was told that she had a concussion.2511 l\Is. Thompson said that she told Sheila, her
brrandmotber, mother, and aunt about what happened. She also reported to investigators that ;\fr. Elliott was

attempted to cont:ictjordan E step at the phone number prmidcd co invcsti{,>ntors by l\ls. Thompson. :'\I~ .
:.'>T Jn\'csti{,>ators
Estep did not respond to :mempts at contact.
:.s! 1\ photo of :'\Is. 111ompson's hospiral dischar!_.,>c paperwork is attached as Exhibit 22.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 54 of 76 PageID #: 561

also sick around this time with an infection to his l1:g for which he was hospitalized before the i\lichit.ran State

l\fs. Thompson was shown the photoi,,>Taph she had taken of bruising to her clbow:?S? anJ asked when
it had been taken. She said that she took it on either Saturday or Sunday from ;\Ir. Elliott's Canvasback
apartment and that the injury was from the interaction when he attacked her after she "confronted him about
the girl" who called him in the early morning. l\Js. Thompson was also shown a photoi,,>Taph of her in a car with
bruising to her wrist and said she sustained the injury on Wednesday night when l\lr. Elliott pinned her to the
tloor and choked her.Z6t> She said that a photob>Taph shown to her of bruising on the back of her arms also
depicted injuries she receive<l Wednesday morning when i\fr. Elliott pinned me to the b>Tound and choked her.
l\fs. 'I11ompson was then asked about another photograph where all of the photos were taken that have
wallpaper in the backJ:,>TOund, and stated that they were all tak<..'11 at l\lr. Elliott's home on Canvasback Lane. Ms.
Thompson was asked if she took all of these photos at the same time and said, '"!nose were sent to my aunt
that next day when 1 showered Sunday. So, that was from Saturday night. \'V'hen I confronted him about the
other girl texting him."

In addition, i\fs. '11mmpson was shown a photograph of bruising on her neck and informed that Mr.
Elliott said that the visible mark was a "hickey.'' l\ls. Thompson said, ,..111:\t is not."U. 1 l\ls. Thompson was
shown a photOJ:,>Taph of her bruised and scratched shoulder after which she identified the photo1:,rraphs as one
that she took in Mr. Elliott's aparunent at 1860. She noted that "his wallpaper was visible" in the photo and
also said that the photo was taken in the bathroom on Sunday. She further reported that she took a series of
photo1:,rraphs in the batluoom on Sundar after the incident over the other girl who called l\fr. Elliott.

In response to a question about photOJ:,'l'aphs found on her imaged phone that reflect bruising from
April 24, 2016, Ms. 'l110mpson explained that the injuries were sustained the previously discussed weekend
when l\fr. Elliott broke her phone. She said, "That was the weekend where he broke my phone," an<l "he kept
grabbing my anns." She reported that she had "little thumb prints on the back of lherJ anns and fini,,>crprints."ZC.Z

i\ls. Thompson was also a&rain askL-<l about the text message exchan1:.>c she had with Ms. ~lason after
the July 22nd incident. Specifically, she was asked whether her text, "1'<..-nh," was in response to Ms. ~fa.son's text,
"You want me to lie to the police about him pulling you out of the car? I'm on the phone now, so hurry.' l\fs.
Thompson said, "I was saying, 'Y<..-ah', like a question, what do you want? Like what do you, like what's your, like
what's your problem." ~-Is. Thompson was asked a1:,rain what her response "Yeah" was in response to and said,

~.,Attached a:< Exhibit 3.\.

~60 The photob>rnph appeari.:d 10 haw been taken on 'll1umla},July 21at2:18 p.m., Exhibit 613.
~ Anachcd a~ Exhibit 3E.
u.~ Attached as Exhibit 2 \.

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"It was saying to her to call me." i\fs. Thompson was asked if this "Yeah" meant she wanted i\ls. i\Iason to lie to
the police to which she replied that it did not.

Tony Thompson Interview - November 29. 2016

Tony 'l11ompson was interviewed on November 29, 2016 br Nl'L Director of Investigations Kia
Roberts. ;<.Jr. "ll10mpson provided background information. i\tr. Thompson stated that he is 39 years old, and
is 'tiffany Thompson's father. i\lr. 'll10mpson stated that he works as the manager of facilities operations for
the Schottenstcin Stores Corporation, and that he has been employed there for 21 years. Mr. Thompson stated
that Tiffany Thompson is his oldest <laughter, and that he and Tessie Thompson also have a daughter named
Taylor who is 14 years old, a daughter named Tisha who is 9 years old, and a daughter named Tara that is 7
years old.

i\lr. Thompson was asked when Tiffany Thompson and Ezekiel Elliott began dating and stated, "I
didn't know for a while that they were dating. Tiffany kept saring that she was just busy working. :\lore and
more she was away from our house. She was gone o\emight, weekends, one week, two weeks. i\ly wife and I
would try to 1:.,rct a hold of her, and she wouldn't answer us. \'\'e couldn't put two and two to1:.,rcthcr. We had so
many unan:o;wered (1uescions. She just stopped staying with us and started sta}ing with him, somewhere in the
Granch-iew area. But I think she met him on her 19th birthday. I think that's when it all started." i\fr. Thompson
was asked when Tiffany Thompson's 19th birthda)" was, and stated that her J9th birthday was on January 3,
2015. i\lr. Thompson was asked when Tiffany 'l110mpson moved in with i\Ir. Elliott, and stated, "She really
didn't tell us that she was moving out. I think she was worried about our reaction, was afraid of how we would
react. In July and . \ugust 2015, she was away a lot. She was fully moved in with him at the end of February this
year, after that incident in !\Jiami." i\lr. 'l11ompson was asked what his opinion was of l\fr. Elliott and statcJ,
"I le never really c.1mc around, I didn't rc.11ly get a chance to know him. ,\ftcr k-amingwhat he put my daughter
through, he is a sick individual. Tessie and I had 'Iiffany when Tessie was in high school and I had just
graduated. We haJ lots of options, abortion being one. \VJe got serious and 1:.,>rcw up. E~ekicl took the easy way
out. It's sad. \VJc tried to tatk Tiffany o u t of the abortion, but he w:is deeper in her head than I was."

:\Ir. 'llmmpson was asked if he was aware of any domestic violence between Tiffany 'l110mpson and
l\[r. Elliott and stated:

I know about the trip in :\liami around February, Tiffany had called me crying. She said
that she wanted me to come down there. She told me that E.zcldcl had just choked her,
thrown her clothes off the balcon}', and tried to throw her off the balcony. Out I don't
know the full story. She called me after the police had come, and said the police had to
separate her and Ezekiel, and that he was upstairs. She s11id that his a1:.,rcnt was 1:.,rctting her
a hotel room and that she would be leaving to come home the next morning. I know that

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my wife was comcrsing back and forth with her that day. I was more worricJ about her
making a police report.

;\fr. 'l11ompson was asked if Tiffany Thompson rcfcrcnccJ any injuries from this incident in Miami
and stared, "1 can't recall." ;>.Ir. Thompson was asked when the next time was that he saw Tiffany 'l110mpson
after this incident occurred in ;\liami, and said, "We picked her up from the airport." ;\fr. Thompson was asked
to describe Tiffany Thompson's demeanor when they picked her up from the airport, and said, "She seemed
not her typical self. \Vic knew that she was in a controlling relationship. \Y/c felt helpless." I\lr. Thompson was
asked if Tiffany Thompson had visible injuries whL-n they picked her up from the airport, and said, no. Mr.
Thompson was asked why did he feel like Tiffany Thompson was in a controlling relationship, and said, "We
arc a super tight family, we do everything together. I try to keep us all together. She was starting to not attend
a lot of our family events, from birthdays to 'l11anksgiving. She even missed her mom's birthday, which was in
;\pril. She missed her mom's birthday because she had a concussion because he pushed her into a tub."

Mr. 'Iltompson was asked what he knew about the tub incident, and stated, "I didn't know anything
about it until way after my wife's birthday. I don't know when, m.1ybc months later." l\lr.111ompson was asked
what Tiffany Thompson told him about the tub incident, and stated, "The first version that she gave me was
that she had 6rottcn into an afbrument with Ezekiel, and that she tripped down the stairs, and got a concussion.
Later on, l spoke to her about her missing her mom's birthday. I think that she had forgotten the lie that she
alrea<ly tokJ us, and she said, 'I couldn't control Ezekiel, and he pushed me into a tub."' Mr. nmmpson was
asked when Tiffany Thompson told him the version of events that included Mr. Elliott pushing her into a tub,
anJ stated that he did not know. I\fr. Tlmmpson stated, "We later learned from her that he had all of her
passwords, and we think he was deleting our text mcssa6>es, and that's why she wasn't speaking to us for long
periods of time." Mr. Thompson was asked if he knew of any other domestic v1olcncc incidents involv1ng
Tiffany Thompson and I\lr. Elliott, and stated, "\X!hcn she posrcd those pictures on Instagram in July, my
neighbor texted me. \Vhen I was scrolling through, I realize that's why she probably has been wearing }'06'71
pants and was all co\'ered up so often. She even came back from l\Iiarni covered up when picked her up from
the airport back in February." ~Ir. Thompson was asked if he'd spoken to Tiffany Thompson specifically about
the events that occurred between July 161" and July 21", 20 16, and stateJ, no. i\lr.1nompson was asked ifhc
saw Tiffany nmmpson during the period of time from July 16h to July 21", 2016, and stated, "No. I could
always tell when he was in town, because she would disappear." ;\Ir. nmmpson stated, ""D1c day that she posted
the pictures, f called her in the midmorning, and she answered. She said that she was :tt one of her friends'
houses anJ was okay. She was home to us b}' noon. She stayed with us anJ we went and moved out all of her
belongings from the Times Square , \partmcnts." ~Ir. 1ltompson was asked to describe Tiffany 1110mpson's
demeanor on July 21, 2016 and state<l, "She was all o\cr the place. Still distraught. She was crying, she was not
really undcrstam.ling what she had done by posting those pictures. She told us that day how she'd been abused

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 57 of 76 PageID #: 564

mentally and ph)sically. She said that he'd abused her multiple times and that his friends were around when it
happened. She said that Ezekiel would help her cover the bruises. She starred w1..~ring chokers to cover it up.
'I11e main thing I remember is that he had been on top of her, choking her. \'cry disturbing." ~fr. Thompson
was asked if Tiffany Thompson had visible injuries when he saw her no July 21, 201Ci, and slate<l, "N ew bruises,
old bruises, lacerations. It was cra~y. Neck, back, legs, the whole nine. To sec yellow bruises was ball. I told her
that we had to go to the prosecutor. \Y./e went that same day, on the 22nd. The meJia was sitting there when
we showed up." :-.rr. 'I110mpson was asked if be remembcrc<.I Tiffany Thompson sa>-ing anything else about
what had occurred that week between her and l\k Elliott and state<l, "I think that she said that he had thrown
her across the room, but I don't know what night. But she said that he hit her on a night that they had gone
out with friends."

i\lr. Thompson was asked when Mr. Elliott got the apartment for '1'iffany11mmpson, and stated, '"ll1:1t
was about the time that she had moved in completely with him. I'm not really sure. I wanted her off my car
insurance, and she had given me her new address to get the insurance sent there. It was called the Times Square
,\partments." Mr. 1110mpson was asked when Tiffany 'l110mpson moved in with i\lr. Elliott and stated,
"Sometimes towards the latter part of 2015. Not everything was out of her room, but she had enough to survive.
She gutted that room bit by bit." l\lr. Thompson was asked if he ever visited Tiffany 1110mpson at her own

apartm(nt at Times Slp1:tre J\partments or at l\lr. Elliott's apartment and stated, no. ).Ir. Thompson was
informed that Tiffany Thompson stated that Mr. Thompson nc\er liked i\lr. Elliott, and was asked if this was
true. ~Ir. 'llmmpson responded, "I never got to know him."

McKaila Blades - November 30. 2016

i\IcKaila Blades was interviewed on November 30, 2016, via telephone, by NrL Director of
Investigations Kia Roberts.

Ms. Blades was asked again if she had any pictures of injuries sent to her by Ms. Thompson. i\ls. Blades
informed investigators that l\(s. Timmpson had previously sent her pictures of a bruise on her arm. l\1s. Blades
provided invescibrators with the photos. 16' i\1s. Blades was asked when i\ls. 'l110mpson sent her the pictures of
the bruising on her arms and stated that she did not know. i\ls. Blades was asked when the photo was taken by
i\Is. 'llmmpson and stated that she did not know. i\ls. Blades was asked what Ms. 'l11ompson had told her what
the bruising was from and seated, "She said that those bruises were from Ezekiel b'Tabbing her wrists." Ms.
Blades stated that i\Is. Thompson had also sent her a picture of her car, which appeared to be keyed and
scratched. 2'~ Ms. Blades pro,idccl imestibrators \vith the photo. Ms. Blades was asked when l\Is. 'Il10mpson

Previously attached as Exhibit IA&B.
Prc\'iously attached as Exhibit 88.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 58 of 76 PageID #: 565

had sent her the photo of the keyed car and stated that she did not know. i\ls. Blades was asked if ;\ls.
Thompson told her what happened to her car, :m<l said, "Yes, she said that some girls had keyed it, I think
when she was at E:r.ekicl's apartment."

l\ls. Blades additionally stated, "Our text message thread is so old that I can't sec what we were talking
about when she sent these. But I specifically know that she never sent pictures of her bruised face".

Tiffany Thompson - November 30. 2016

Tiffany Thompson was interviewed over the telephone on November 30, 2016 by NFL Director of
Imestigations Kia Roberts.
In response to a rel1ucst by the investibrator that 1\ls. Thompson specifically list those who were present
in l\lr. Elliott's parking lot when she was there in the early morning hours ofJuly 22, 2016, she stated, "It was
Bijan, Dylan, a girl that was Bijan's cousin, the girl driving Ezekiel's car, . \yrin, and maybe Ezekiel's dad. I don't
1\ls. Thompson was then asked to explain the relationship between her and Lucky \'v'hitchead of the
Dall-is Cowboys, and she replied, "I le and I started talking over social media. We weren't really dating. Ezekiel
found out, and I blocked Lucky from my phone."
i\fs. 'CT10mpson was also ask<.'C.I if she had reported to the police any of the incidents she described
besides the February 2016 incident in 1\vcntura and the .July 2016 incident in Columbus and she said that she
had not.
~Is. 'lllOmpson was asked sp<.-cifically about information found on her phone when it was imaged by
invcstibrators indicating that she had sc.x tapes of her and Mr. Elliott. 1\Js. Thompson said that it was true and
also said, "They arc on my phone that I have right now."~3 J\fa. lnompson was asked if she contacted anyone
about selling the sex tapes and she responded, "No, I searched TMZ because I wanted the texts out about him
being in the sauna all day for using drugs. It came out anyway from the prosecutor's office. I never used the e
mail address I'd madc."u.6
Ms. Thompson was then informed that her father tolJ invcstibrators that i\lr. Elliott had tried to push
l\Js. Thompson off of the balcony in Aventura. ~Is. Thompson said that this was not true but that "1 le'd pushed
me out of the way while we were together on the balcony when I'd tried to stop him from throwing my heels
off of the balcony."

'l11e investibrator next scanned and e-mailed pictures to !\ls. Thompson and asked for clarification about
what was depicted in them. In particular, 1\Js. Thompson was askcJ when she took the photo of her eyebrow

:it.5 'Ille text message exchange 1n which :\Is. Thompmn references the sex L1pcs is attached as Exl11bit 74.
~.i. 1\ scrccnshot of rhc TMZ se:trch and rhc e-mail accounr that Ms. Thompson m:1<.lc is attached as Exhibit 75.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 59 of 76 PageID #: 566

area and she said, "I don't know what that bruising was from. It was taken outside of the Carriage I louse, when
I look the other photos (in the car.)"U-7 Ms. Thompson was asked when the photo that shuws bruising on her
wrist was taken, and she responded, "I don't know when that was taken. ~laybe the police officers look that
from the night of the 21 ". 'l11e injuries were from the WeJnesJay night incident when he kept throwing me
a!,>ainst the wall."~llll Ms. Thompson was also asked what is reflected in a particular photograph of her ann and
she stated, "That's bruising from the back of my ann. I don't know when that was taken, but those arc
fingerprints from him grabbing me, it could have been from any of those incidents that week."1m ~ls.

Thompson was asked about a particular pho to of her calf and said, "There was bruising on the back of my calf.
I took that at my apartment in Dublin, the weekend that he broke my phone. I still ha\'C the photos, but I don't
know when this photo was L1ken.":!"O ~-Is. 'l110mpson was askcJ how she received this particular injury and she
said, "l le'd pushed me into his sofa and coffee table when I was trying to leave the house." When Ms.
'l110mpson was asked about a photo that shows bruising on her arm, she said, "That was taken in my bathroom
in Dublin after the phone breaking incident. There was bruising on my wrist, near the crease of my elbow. I
don't really remember what it was from." 171 Ms. lhompson was asked about two pictures on one page of paper
that reflect bruising on her wrist and forearm and said, "That was taken outside of the Carriage I louse. 'll1e top
is from the We<lncsday night incident. The lower part of it is from Sa1urday night though, it had already started
to go away." 17 ~

In addition, the invcsti!,>alor asked Ms. l110mpson about two particular photo!,rraphs 1hat depict
bruising to her hipm and she said, "I took that Friday morning before I went to the prosecutor's office. It was
from Ezekiel pushing me into the bed from Wednesday night into Thursday morning." ~fs. Thompson was
also asked about a photograph that shows bruising to the right of her neck and said, "I don't know when that
was taken, but I got the bruise from the Wednesday night incident."ZT~ ;\Is. 'Ilmmpson also explained that the
photograph showing bruising on the back of both forearms, were taken by ~Is. ~lason.m She said, ",\yrin took
those at 1\ yrin's house. It was taken right after I'd called 911 on J uly 22, 201 6, when I was at her house. I stayed
I'll her house that night. The next morning, I went to my apartment and called my dad." 1\ls. Thompson was
asked how she got these bruises and said, "The one to the right of the picture is from him 1,,rrabbing my arm
Wednesday night, and I'm not sure what the other side is from."

~67 Photo attached as Exhibit 6C.

:i.R Photo attached as J: xhibic HA.
~6? Photo atmchcd as Exhibit 8B.
z7o Phoco anachcd as Exhibit 2B.
Z"I Photo attached as Exhibit 2C.
nz Photo attached as Exhibit 6 \&B.
11.\ Two photos from Exhibit 9 ,\ -E.

n~ Photo attached as Exhibit 81'.

Exhibit 80.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 60 of 76 PageID #: 567

l\Is. Thompson was nsked about a picture that reflects bruising to her knee and said, '"11rnt was taken
on July 22, and ir was from the Wednesday night/Thursday morning incident. It was from him picking me up
and throwing me, I kept falling."!~6 She told the investibrator that a picture showing bruising to the right of her
neck was from Saturday night. She said, "I took that Saturday night, after he fell asleep. That's from Saturday
night, when he brrabbe<l me from the bed and threw me abrainst the be<lroom J oor by my neck."

Tiffany Thompson - December 5. 2016

Tiffany Thompson was interviewed over the telephone on December 5, 2016 by NFL Director of
Investigations Kia Roberts.

l\!s. Thompson was informed that as a result of imaging her telephone, in\'esribrators found the name
"Kellyn l\fonson" saved as a contact.m In response the invcsribrator's question about the identity of :\Is.
l\fonson, l\ls. Thompson said, "That info was imported to my phone from Ezekiel's phone. I'd hooked up our
phones so that his calls appc.1r on my phone. I had took his i~Cloud info and put it on my phone so that ( could
send nod receive his texts on my phone. I don't know bcr."

l\!s. Thompson was also informed that McKaila Blades, in a subset1uent interview with investibrators,
said that she had photos of bruises sent to her by l\Cs. 111ompson after which l\fs. n10mpson was shown the
photos.m l\fs. 1110mpson stated, "The picture with the light in the background is from Ezekiel's room on
Canvasback. I d on't know when that was taken.":!n l\ls. Thompson was asked what the bruising in the photo
was from and she said, "I don't remember. It looks like fingerprints from him (Ezekiel) grabbing me." l\!s.
Thompson was asked if she remembered sending these pictures to Ms. 13Jndes and said that she did. :\Is.
Thompson was then asked what she told Ms. Blades nbout how she received the bruises and said that she did
not recall. Ms. Thompson continued, ''lbc picture without the light in the backb>Tound, I think I took that at
my parents' house. I don't know when I took that, or what it is from. But I know it would have been from me
nnd Ezekiel fighting, I never had a reason to send l\kKaila anything clse.":?1111

:'If Photo art.1chcd as Exhibit 8lZ.

m 1\ mnn named Russ Yerbrcnscn called the N FL Compli.1ncc hoiline to make n report th.1t Ezekiel Elliotr and Bmxton
ivliller had abused his daughter-in-law between May 2, 2016, :ind :\la) 13, 2016. NFL Director of Jnvestibrations Kia Roberts
attempted to contnct this man both vin telephone and mail, but was unsuccessful. NFL Director of Di1,>lt.1l lorensics David
:-.JcCain was able to determine that this man's dnughtcr-in-lnw is a young woman named Kellrn l\lcmson. After :'\ls.
Thompson's phone was downloaded, imesti1,ra1ors discmcrcd the name "Kellyn l\lonson" as a contact in :'\Is. 'lllompson's
phone. Ms. Thompson denied knowing Kellrn :\lcmson, stating, "I don't know who that is. Her name and info was
imported IO my phone from Ezekiel's phone. I'd hooked up our phones so that his calls would app1..':lr on my phone. I
don't know her."
!'II Photo arc:1ched as Exhibit l A&U.
Exhibit lA.
280 Photo attached as Exhibit 113.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 61 of 76 PageID #: 568

i\ls. Thompson was asked about the screcnshot pictures of i\[r. Elliott communicating with other
women, provided lo imestigators by 1'fs. Blades. ;\Is. Thompson said, "I had all of Ezekiel's passwords and
went into his Twitter, and saw messages that he was sending from his phone to someone else. "I11ese came up
on his laptop and were from other girls."~l!t

The investi1:,rator also asked ;\Is. "I110mpson about the pictures of a keyed c1u, provided to investi1:,t;ttors
by j\ls. Blades.~~ i\ls. Thompson said:

Zeke cheated on me a lot obviouslr. I was living at Zeke's at the time, and these 2 girls
showed up at the same time as me. "I11ey went ahead of me into E:r.ekicl's apartment. I fc
came out. \Vic were yelling outside of my car about why the two 1:,rirls were there. The girls
came out, and I went into the apartment \vith Ezekiel. We were still yelling, and 1 told him
I thought they would do something to my car. I came out a few minutes later and my car
was keyed. I called Shelia, and her and Alvarez came over.

;\Is. Thompson was asked if she knew these other young women to which she responded that she did

not, but said that she knew one woman was named Caitlin. Ms. Thompson was asked if there was any violence
between her and i\lr. Elliott that day, and she replied, ''l honestly don't remember." She also said that she did
not report this incident to the police.

In response to a question about a statement made by her mother to investiJ.,r:ltors referencing damaged
drywall at the Carria1:,rc I louse, Ms. Thompson stated, "Yes. I called her "l11ursday morning, the same day that
he'd choked me. There was hole in the wall in the bedroom across from the bed where I'd thrown his phone.
I le has two phones-one for tc:un and agents and f:unily, and another one just for 1:,rirls. I'd picked up the
"other brirls" phone and thrown it. We were always arguing about other girls, and I threw it. I picked it up and
threw it as soon as we got home, and it escalated from t11ere."

Ms. Thompson was informed that many of the witnesses that investigators were atlempting to contact
were not returning investigators' phone calls. l\[s. Thompson stated that she is no longer in touch with Kelsey
Ciminillo, "Beau or 1\manda Kaser and that she only secs "Stacy" occasionally at the tanning salon. She said
about her relationship with l\ls. Ruthers, "\X'e fell out because ,\lecah lost a lot of respect for me when I got
the llbortion." l\ls. n10mpson stated that Shelia Lee is pregnant, and that i\ls. 'I110mpson occasionally still
speaks to Riley i\kTca1:,ruc, who is also pre1:,rnant.

!lit Photo att.1chc<l as Exhibit 89.

~ Photo attached as Exhibit 88.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 62 of 76 PageID #: 569

Larey Wansley Interview - Januacy 5. 2017

Larry Wansley was inten:iewe<l o n January 5, 2017 via telephone by NFL Director of Investigations
Kia Roberts. J\lso present for the phone call were Diana Lambert, Senior Director of Legal .\ffairs for the
Dallas Cowboys, and Jason Cohen, General Counsel for the Dallas Cowboys.

l\lr. Wansley provided backbrround information. Mr. Wansley stated that his name is Larry .\lbcrt
Wansley, and he has worked for the Cowboys for approximately 33 years. I le stated that he has had the title of
Director of Security for the Cowboys since 2007. Mr. Wansley was asked what his relationship is with Ezekiel
Elliott, and stated, "I le is one of the players, a member of our team. Our responsibility is regarding the security
of the team. You sec guys all the time, every day, but if it's not a structured situation we only spc.1k, as I <lo with
every player." Mr. Wansley was asked how he was first alerted of the domestic violence allegations that were
made against l\lr. Elliott on July 22, 2016 and said, "1 believe that it was only based on media speculation." Mr.
Wansley was asked if he learned of this incident independently via media, and said, yes. ;\fr. Wamlcy was asked
what he did after being notified of the allebr:itions via media sources, and said, "Since they were merely
allegations, I didn't do anything. I don't trust the medi.1." l\{r. \'Vanslcy was asked if he contacted anyone at the
Cowboys after learning of the allebrations via the media and said, no. l\lr. Wansley was asked if he ever spoke
to l\1r. Elliott about the allegations and said, no. Mr. \'Vansley was asked if he knew if anyone else at the Cowboys
spoke to l\Ir. EJJiott about the allegations and said that he did not know.

Brian Wansley Interview - Ianuacy 5. 2017

Brian Wansley was interviewed on January 5, 2017, via telephone by NFL Director of Investigations
Kia Roberts. Also present for the phone call was Diana Lambert, Senior Director of Ubr:tl . \ ffairs for the Dallas
Cowboys, and Jason Cohen, General Counsel for the Dallas Cowboys.

i\fr. Wansley provided background infonnation. i\lr. Wansley stated that he is the Director of Player
Enb>agement for the Dallas Cowboys, and has been with the Cowboys for 22 years. i\lr. Wansley was asked to
describe his job there and said, "I assist players off the field with issues, as well as help them transition in and
out of the league. And make sure they follow the Personal Conduct Policy and do everything the right way."
l\{r. Wansley was asked to describe his relationship with l\lr. Elliott and said, "Close, I have a good relationship
with all the players. With Ezekiel being a rookie, we have an especially close relationship because I have a close
relationship with all the rookies. \'(.Then they first come here, I meet with the rookies 2 to 3 times a week to help
them transition into the League." i\[r. Wansley was asked if prior to July 22, 2016 he knew anything about the
relationship between Ms. 'lbompson and l\lr. Elliott and said, no. i\lr. Wansley was asked how he was first
made aware of the allcbr:ttions that l\ls. Thompson made abr.tinst i\{r. Elliott, and said, "I check websites every
morning, and was on Deadspin. I saw the article."

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 63 of 76 PageID #: 570

i\fr. Wansley was asked if anyone from the team notified him of these allebrations prior to seeing it on
the Internet am.I said, no. i\lr. Wansley was asked what he did after reading the article an<l said, "I called Ezekiel.
I <lidn't get a hold of him, it went straight to voicemail. I left a voicemail. I callc<l Jason Cohen, our General
Counsel, and told him about the existence of the article on Ezekiel. Jason looked at it himself. I was waiting on
a call from Ezekiel, an<l waited a fl.'\V hours. Ezekiel called back and I told him I saw the article, am.J asked him
what was going on. I fc said he hadn't done anything. I told him to call Jason. I brave him Jason's number. We
hung up the phone." i\lr. Wansley was asked when he first called Mr. Elliott and said, "I don't know, I was in
L.A. at the time, probably at around 7:30 .\i\I L .. \. time." i\Ir. Wansley was asked if he had any future
conversations with ;\fr. Elliott about these accusations and said, no. ;\Ir. Wansley was asked if him or anyone
else at the team did any independent invcsti1,ration into the allegations and said, no.

Jason Cohen lntcryjcw - Januacy 5. 2017

Jason Cohen was interviewed on J :muary 5, 2017 via telephone by NFL Director ofl nvcstig:1tions Kia

Mr. Cohen provided backbrround information. :\Ir. Cohen stated that he has been the General Counsel

for the Dallas Cowboys for the last four years. ;\Ir. Cohen was asked to describe his relationship with :\Ir. Elliott
and said, "Not much, I know him by foce and name. I think that he knows me by face and name. Not really
more than any other players. I'm not in that worl<l too much." i\lr. Cohen was asked if he, prior to July 22,
2016, was aware of the relationship between i\fr. Elliott and Ms. Thompson and said, no. Mr. Cohen was asked
when he was first notified of the allc1,rations that ;\fs. Thompson made abrainst ;\(r. Elliott and said, "Brian
Wansley called my cell phone that morning. \V./e had a state of the union meeting that day, the Jones family was
addressing the staff. Brian calls me while I was at the stadium for this meeting." Mr. Cohen was asked what Mr.
Wansley told him and said, "I le told me that there was a story onlinc about Ezekiel. I le said that he was going
to give Ezekiel my phone number so that he can call me." ~Ir. Cohen was asked when he first received this call
from ;\(r. \'Vanslcy, and said, "In the morning, eight, nine, 10, somewhere in that area."

i\lr. Cohen was asked what happened after he received this phone call from i\lr. Wansley and said, "At
some point, Ezekiel called me and when he called me, I already n...-acl the article. On the Personal Conduct
Policy, we have an oblibration lo report things. I told Ezekiel that we heard about this, and similar what he told
Brian, he told me that this was a lie. I le was so adamant that this was a lie. l told him to preserve everything
that he had. I think he actually might've called it a "set up" from her. I asked him to ask his agent to call me.
\V./e hung up, I called ;\dolpho l3irch 10 make the report and comply with the Personal Conduct Polit}'." ~Ir.

Cohen was asked if he asked ~Ir. Elliott specifically about ~ls. Thompson's allegations and said, "No, it wasn't

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 64 of 76 PageID #: 571

a time for me to get into any details. I was at the staff meeting and we weren't in any private place to have a
substantive co nversation."

i\lr. Cohen was aske<l if he spoke to i\lr. Ezekiel's nb>cnt nod said, "Yes, maybe a little bit closer to It.
Rocky Arceneaux." Mr. Cohen was asked with the conversation that he had with i\lr. . \rceneaux and said, "I
didn't know him and had never tnlke<l to him. I le said that he'd spoken to Zeke, and that Zeke sai<l it wasn't
true, and he told Zeke to preserve everything he had. I asked him to keep me informed of any developments
so that I could notify manab>cment accordingly." i\lr. Cohen was asked if he had any future conversatio ns with
~Ir. Elliott regarding the nllebrations an<l said, no. i\fr. Cohen was asked if bcsi<les him and Brian Wansley, if
anyone else at the Dallas Cowboys spoke to ~Ir. Elliott and said, "No. Not that 1 know of." Mr. Cohen was
asked if there was any independent investigation pcrfonned by anyone there at the team and said, no. i\lr.
Cohen was asked if he had anything else to add and stated, "It's not our club practice to conduct or interfere
with the lebral process. For everyone you\e spoken to this morning, including myself, is about communication
and keeping each other in the loop."

Matthew White Interview - lanuacy 30. 2017

i\fatthew White was interviewed on January 30, 2017 NFL Director of Investibrations Kia Roberts and

lFL Security Representative KimJ:mkc in Columbus, Ohio. i\lr. White provided background infonnntion. I le
stated that he is 22 y<..':lrs old, and is a senior at Ohio State University, majoring in marketing. I le stat<..-d that he
is originally from New , \lbany, Ohio. He stated that he is not married and docs not have any children.

Mr. \'Vhite was asked how he knows Tiffany Thompson and stated, "She worked with me at a bar called
Dahlia Bar and Lounge. I was a bartender and still am there. She was a bottle brirl." l\fr. \'Vhitc was asked how
long he known her as of July 2016, and stated that he had known her a few weeks. Mr. \Vhitc was nsked to
describe l\ls. Thompson and said, "Shady, lying, didn't come to work on time. Really stuck up, pretty. I don't
really like her." i\lr. \Vhitc was asked to describe why he said that i\ls. 'lbompson was always lying, and said,
"She doesn't do what needs to be done at work, and it seems like she's always in conflict with someone at
work." i\lr. White was asked if he knows Ezekiel Elliott, and stated,") think we met a few times, I play rugby
at Ohio State University. I met him briefly." Mr. \'Vhite was asked if he is friends with i\lr. Elliott and said, no.
i\lr. \'Vhitc was asked if in July 2016, he knew anything abo ut the relationship between Ms. n10mpson and :>.fr.
Elliott and stated, "Not really. I knew that they were daring. :\ friend :it worl< hat.I told me." ~Ir. \'Vhite was
asked if he knew of any history of domestic violence between them and said, no.

;\Ir. \Vhirc was asked specifically what his recollection was of the events of the evening of ;\fonday,
July 18, 2016 and sai<l, "I rememb<..-r going to the pool that night with my frien<ls, and Kelsey and T iffany came
later. We got there at about 8 P~I or so. 111cy got there at about midnight or 1 .AM. Tiffany was really drunk.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 65 of 76 PageID #: 572

I !er and Kelsey (Ciminillo) took their clothes off and goc into the pool in their undcl'\VCM." Mr. White was
asked who was with him at the pool that night and said, "l\ly friend Julian I.fates, and a b'llY named Joc whose
lase name l don't know. But Julian was blacked out of his mind, he won't remember anything from that night"
:\Ir. White was asked why he said that Ms. Tho mpson was drunk, and said, "She could barely stand up. She's
usually kind of (1uiet, but that night she was loud and obnoxious. Kelsey told me that night that Tiffany w.1s
going to Ezekiel's later." i\lr. \'Vhitc was asked if he h;1d any conversation with ~vis. "l110mpson that night and
said, no. i\lr. White was askeJ if he had been drinking that night, and said, "Yes. I was Jrunk but I could
comprehend what was going on." ~fr. White was asked if he was so intoxicated that he would not have noticed
or remembered her injuries and s:tkl, no. i\(r. \'Vhite w:ts asked who had invited Kelsey to the party and said
that he did no t know.

~fr. White was a.~ked if he recalled ;..ts. 'l110mpson having any injuries to her body that evening and
stated, "No. Nothing. I remember it being brought up to me at a later time and I just said I didn't remember
that." :'\Ir. \'Vhite was shown the pictures taken by police officers in the early morning hours ofJuly 22, 2016,
and asked if these pictures looked accurate to him. ~3 Mr. White stated, "I don't remember the bruises from
the photos. It would probably be helpful for you to know that she was in a hubrc bar fight that week. lltat's
prob:tbly why her knuckles arc so bruised. She would have had a lot more bruises if Ezekiel had brrabbcd her.
:\ml she'd been at my bar (where I work), Fourrh Street Bar on Tuesday I think. I remember my friend Chiedu
posting pictures of him with Ezekiel and Tiffany at the bar. They were definitely tobrcther, :tnd she had her ann
around him." i\Jr. \'Vhite was asked to describe the lighting conditions at the pool, and said that it was <lark
outside, but was lit up from the lights above the pool. Mr. \'Vhite was asked how long l\ls. Thompson was at
the pool that evening, and said that she was there approximarcly two hours. i\lr. White was asked if l\ls.
'11mmpson was drinking alcohol while at the pool and stated that she was drinking a few beers. Mr. White was
asked if l\ls. 'l11ompson had on makeup that night :tnd said, "I don't know. I'm sure she did, she alw:tys docs."
l\lr. White was askt.-d how it came about that he wrote an affida\'it stating that Ms. "lltompson did not have any
injuries that day :tnd said, "I was bartending at Dahlia :tnd serving two hruys. They brought up Ezekiel Elliott,
and I mentioned that I saw 'liffony one night that week. They said that they were lawyers. The nc.xt day, Ed
I lastic came in to meet with me. I le is :tlso the lawyer for the owner of Dahlia's." ~Ir. White was asked when
the next time was thi\t he saw Ms. Thompson after July 18, 2016, and said, "I think I s:tw her three weeks later.
The Ca\aliers had a party :tt Dahlia's and I saw her there."

i\fr. \'Vhitc was asked if there was anything additional that he would like IO say with respect to the
investigation and stated, "Just talking to her, you know she's up to no good. I think she was upset because

~ Prc\'iously a11:1chcd as Exhibit 7,\ .1L

ZM Ed 11:\stic i~ Ezekiel Ellio1t':; lawyer in Columbus, Ohio.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 66 of 76 PageID #: 573

Ezekiel was moving on, got millions of dollars, was moving to Dallas. I le didn't want IO deal with this brirl.
She's a mess and she doesn't e\en go to school. I <lon't know one person that believes her. She's a jersey chaser,
an<l just wants to be in the spotlight. J ,Jtst October, the Cavaliers came in town an<l they were at Dahlia. 'Ibey
were all in the \'IP section. Tiffany tried to gel onst.'lb'C to the \'JP area with the players, and tried to get to
Lebron. J .R. Smith said,' Get this bitch off the stage.' Tiffany started crying and left."

Rocky Arceneaux Interview - March 7. 2017

Rocky \rcenL'lllLx was interviewL-d on ;\[arch 7, 201 7 at the NFL Offices at 345 Park i\ venue, by NFL
Director of Investib-ations Kia Roberts, and NFL \'ice President of Security Services Lenny Bandy. Also
present was I leather ;\fcPhee of the NFL Players Association.

l\Ir. :\rceneaux provided backb'Tound information. l'vfr.. \rceneaux stated that his full name Joseph
Rocky . \rcencaux, and he is 55 years old. ;\[r. . \rcencaux stated that he lives in St. Louis, ;\Iissouri and is a
registered sports agent. ;\fr. \rceneaux stated that he has been an agent for over 25 years. i\Ir. J\rceneaux said
that he received a B.S. in business from Troy State University. Mr. 1\rcencaux stated that he is not mJtrried and
has no children.

i\fr. 1\rccncaux was asked how he first met Ezekiel Elliott, and said that he met him during the
recruiting processing in 2016, after becoming hie; ab'l!nt in J1tnuary 2016. ;\Ir. 1\rcencam.: was asked when he was
first made aware of the domestic violence allegations against l\Ir. Elliott in July 2016, and stated, "I learned
about it the morning ofJuly 22t1. Ezekiel and I have the same birthday, July 22", so we had FaceTimcd about
1am the morning of the 22nd and we had t:dked. I le was in a club with his father and seemed like 12 guys, 12
of his teammates, and we had talked and we were joking, telling each other happy birthday. I le and I were due
to travel to Miami the next Jar to celebrate our birthdays. Then the next <lay we were going to Dallas to shoot
an. \T&T commercial. So we had talked and the conversation wrapped up. I woke up at abouc 7 and had missed
calls, and also some missed calls from 'f~IZ, who had made me aware of the situation." ;\fr. Arceneaux was
askcJ if ;\fr. Elliott ;1ppcarcd to be intrndcated when he spoke to him in the early morning hours of July 22,
2016, and stated, "It was hard to tell. Probably not. There was a lot of loud music, there were bruys dancing,
celebrating his binhdar." l\lr. Arceneaux was asked if .Mr. Elliott had mentioned to him that he was having
problems with Tiffany 'Ilmmpson at that time and said, no. .i\Ir. \rcenauz was asked if he spoke to ;\fr. Elliott's
father, Stacey Elliott, that night, and said, no.

;\Ir. :\rcenalLx stated that he had n.-ccivcd a voicemail from T~IZ asking him about the allcb>ations,
and also a voicemail from Stacey Elliott when he woke up the morning ofJuly 22, 2016. l\lr.. \rceneaux was
asked if Stacy Elliott statc<l anything specific about the allcb>ations abrainst i\Ir. Elliott on the voicemail an<l said,
no. ;\Ir. , \rccncaux was asked who he called after receiving this voiccmail an<l said that he called Steven Jones

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 67 of 76 PageID #: 574

of the Dallas Cowboys. ,\ Jr. ,\rceneaux stated, "I was basically just alerting him to the potential situation. I
always like to alert employers of the players I represent. I like them 10 hear thinb~ from me rather than seeing
it in the me<lia."

l\Ir. 1\rcencaux was askc<l if he spoke IO Jason Cohen at the Dalhs Cowboys am) said that he spoke to
him later in the day on July 22, 20Hi. i\lr. ,\rceneaaux state<l, "I was basically briefing him on the infom1arion
I had at the time, which was spotty. \'Ve just talked about the situation. I think it was his first rime being made
aware of the young lady and he asked me if 1 was familiar with her and I said, 'Yeah, I had met her once or

l\lr. :\rccneaux was asked what his un<lcrstanding was of the relationship between ;\fr. 'll10mpson and
l\ls. Elliou and said, "She was a frien<l of his that he had an in\'olvcment with. Friends with benefits. She lives
in Columbus. I brather the relationship she had with Zeke she had with other players. I don't think it was
anything special. She may ha\'e fallen in love with Zeke. But she was involved with other players am! I know
she even continued afterwards. I think it's a situation where she is doing anything she can to get under 7.eke's
skin or harass him. She would stop at nothing, you know, to basically to get under his skin and try to ruin him."

;\(r. Arcenaux was asked when he'd met 1'.ls. Thompson and seated, that she was with :\Ir. Elliott in

St. Louis and came with him co a pool party at Mr..\crcncnux's hou:;e. Mr. , \rceneaux was aske<l what him
impression was on ;\ls. 1110mpson and saiJ, "l was concerned, as were a few other people that noticed her
n.-actions towards other females that was at my home. PL-ople said 'Wow, is that Ezekiel's wife? She scared me,
she's scaring at me. Ezekiel talked 10 me and she looked upset.' These were older friends, brood-looking women.
I actually talked to Zeke about it later." ~fr. ArccnealL'\: was asked what he said to i\lr. Elliott when he spoke to
him later and saiJ, "She seems like a very, very jealous person. It was glaring. It could have cut somebo<ly if her
eyes were a knife." Mr. . \rceneauz was asked when the pool party was, and said that it happened on June 4,
2016. Mr. .-\rceneaux was asked if he ever had any other interactions with ;\fs. 1110mpson outside of this date
and said, no. Mr. 1\rceneaux was asked if he spent time with Ms. 'll10mpson at the NFL Draft in 2016, and said
that he'd seen her at a bar with :\fr. Elliott the night before the draft.

:\tr. J\rceneaux was asked when he first spoke to Mr. Elliott after the Jomestic violence nllcbrations
were made by ;\Is. n10mpson on July 22, 2016, and said that he spoke to him around noon. Mr.. \rceneaux
was asked what Mr. Elliott said, anJ said, "\V/e basically talkeJ about it said, 'It's bullshit. She basically just
wouldn't lea\e me alone. I le saic.l, 'llro, I did nothing. You know we were at che club, you saw me with the
j,,'1.1ys, and you know we were trying to go home and she showed up at my house. I asked him if the police cnme
an<l he saiJ, yeah. I le basically explained to me that :;he accuse<l him of I think pulling her out of the car. I le
said something like she wasn't part of the party and his birthday which is what I think tipped her, you know

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 68 of 76 PageID #: 575

like got her going, pissed her off. I went into damage control just to be honest. I called AT&T because we were
supposed to be doing a commercial with them. They said they couldn't do it because they'd heard about what
happened. I told Zeke, 'Look, you need to get out of Columbus. \Vl;:'re not obviously going to ;\liami to
celebrate our birthdays.

I continued to work throughout the day to try to salvage \T&T and other relationships;
we had been working on some pre-draft marketing deals. Later that evening was when 1
brot an email from AT&T saying unfortunately they couldn't go forward. I have a place in
i\lontrcal so I took Zeke with me and we went out of the country. I told him to stay off
social media. I instructed him to not talk to Tiffany and every 2 minutes he would come in
here, saying that she keeps calling me and I said do not answer the phone. She had made
it very clear to Zeke that if he didn't be with her in the way she wanted to she would ruin
his career.

i\lr. Arceenaux was asked how he was aware that Ms. n10mson had threatened to ruin i\fr. Elliott's
career and said, "Zeke and I spent a lot of time together and we may be out at a bar, drinking, eating sushi,
maybe out at dinner, and his phone is constantly going off and he's like, 'It's Tiffany, she won't leave me alone."'
Mr.. \rceneauz was asked what specific period he was talking about and said this occurred in the time between
June 4, 2016, when he had the pool party, and when l\fs. 'lnompson made the accusations on July 22, 2016.
i\lr. 1\rcncau.x continued, "l Ie and I spent a lot of time tobrcthcr in between that time and our birthdays." i\lr.
;\rcen:mx was asked what Mr. Elliott told him i\ls. Thompson said with respect to threatening him and said,
"I le said, 'Bro, she said if I'm not with her, she was going to ruin my career."

~fr. \rceneaux was asked if ~fr. Elliott told him, when they spoke on July zznt1, that Ms. Thompson
had been bothering him that week and said, "\'V'e talked during that week about his schedule. We were tobrcthcr
in Dallas I think on the 161h, 171li, somewhere in there and he said he needed to go to Columbus to get some
clothes before he went to camp. ;\nd I actually told him, I said, I don't feel comfortable with you going to
Columbus because somebody's there. 1-Ie said, 'I'm not going to go sec this girl'. I said I don't think it's good
for you to be there. rle said wmy dad's there but nothing's going lo happen. I'm just going to get clothes and
then we'll meet in i\Iiami on July 22d on our birthday."

Mr. :\crenaux was asked how long he was in i\Iontreal with i\[r. Elliott and said that he was there with
him from July 23, 2016 until approximately 3 or 4 days later. ;<.Ir. Arcenaux was asked how many times ;<.Is.
Thompson called ;<.Ir. Elliott during this period of time and said, "l don't know. I le was sitting up by my pool
and I could just sec his reaction, and it's going off constantly and sometime he'll look up, he'll look at his phone
and look at me like and shake his head, so I assume it's her."

~Ir. ,\rcenaux was asked if i\lr. Elliott and Ms. Thompson ever lived together and said, no. ~Ir.

. \rccnaux was asked if i\Is. 'I110mpson was ever financially dependent upon Mr. Elliott and said, "I think he

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may have helped her with something, with a car? I don't know about an apartment. I don't think it was
financially Jcpendent. I mean Zeke is one of the most generous people l know, I chink he was just doing
something for a friend. I !e's gi\'en a ton of his since he's sibrned, mone}'" ;\Ir. i\rccncaux was asked if
he ever spoke to ;\{r. EUiott's friends about these alle1,rations that ;\fs. 1110mpson made and said, no. :\Ir.
, \rceneaux was asked if he ever spoke to ~ls. nmmpson about these alleb':lriom; and said, no.

l\lr. Arceneaux was asked if he had anything additional that he would like to say and said, "Zeke said
that Tiffany told him, 'I'm meeting with Kia, I don't want to meet with her. If you take me back I won't meet
with her. Zeke's just like, I h.we nothing to do with this, I can't talk to you. If she was really an abused woman,
she would not put that on the table. Even after she harassed him and she called him 50 times a day, we got the
restraining order. We were together one time in Dallas after a game and he said, 'Man, I feel sorry for her man.
She can't get a job, one of my friends said she's out hooking. He said it's all over Columbus. I Ie said, 'I feel
bad, maybe I should help her.' . \ncl l said, 'Do not, do not."

Elaine Glenn Re-Interview - April 7. 2017

Elaine Glenn was interviewed on April 7, 2017, br NFL Director of Investigations Kia Roberts via

i\ls. Glenn was specifically asked about a text message that she sent her friend r<.1>, arding Tiffany
Thompson's alleged concussion in Nov1..mber 2015. Investigators asked l\{s. Glenn how i\fs. Thompson
received that concussion in November 2015. Ms. Glenn stated, "She kept tcUing me that her and Ezekiel were
always out, doing drugs togetht:r. She said that she was partying and fell aml got a concussion." i\ls. Glenn was
asked when Ms. Thompson told her this, and said, "I don't even know if this happcne<l when she was living
with him. I woul<l reach out to her perio<lically and she wo ul<l never answer when she was with him. l called
her one day and she picked up and said thnt she'd broken her heel on her shoe and fell down some steps.'' l\[s.
Glenn was asked if l\ls. 1110mpson ever told her that the concussion was from l\lr. Elliott and said, no.

1\(s. Glenn was asked specifically a1:,111in about the text mcssai,,>es between her and l\lr. Elliott referencing
the inci<lcnt between ;>.[s. Thompson and l\lr. Elliott that occurred on I:cbnmry 12, 2016, in :\vcnturn, Florida.
l\ls. Glenn was asked specifically why Mr. Elliott and her, in this text message exchanhrc, were speaking for days
about l\ls. 1110mpson as if there was something mentally wrong with her. l\Is. Glenn was asked when l\[s.
Thompson first told ~Is. Glenn that ~Ir. Elliott had been abusive with her on February 12, 2016, and stated,
"She called me immediately and said chat he'd hit her. J was on the phone when she was trying to get her wallet
out of the con<lo." ;\Is. Glenn was asked why she tcxted i\lr. Elliou, saying, "She needs help." ~115 l\ls. Glenn

Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 2.

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stated, "She needed help regarding getting away from her parents. l fer dad made her call the police that day (in
,\ ventura)." l\fs. Glenn was asked if she didn't think that l\ls. '11mmpson should have called the police and said,
"Yes, I think she should ha\'e called the police. But she said he hit her, am.I he said he didn't. She was hundreds
of miles away from family and I wanted to just keep thinb~ kosher between them at the time so that I could get
her out of there."

Ms. Glenn was asked if she knew what l\lr. Elliott was referencing when he tcxted her and said, "She
(riffany) was low key being crazy." !BG ;..1s. Glenn stated, "I le told me that Tiffany wouldn't leave l\fiami and
wanted to work things out with him. I tried to tell her to go to the airport, but his agents put her up in a hotel.
She was still trying to talk to him while she was there, and he didn't want to talk to her." l\Js. Glenn was asked
about the text message that she sent l\lr. Elliott stating, "No one knows I'm talking to you." 2117 l\ls. Glenn was
asked about the text mess3brc that she sent l\Ir. Elliott, stating, "She needs work"; "I will do whatever she
needs"; and "I'll help her get better." ::M Ms. Glenn stated, "She needed l\fommy/Daddy work and relationship
work. She had watched her dad beat her mom. '!bat's why she thought this was okay."

Ms. Glenn was asked about the text message that she sent l\(r. Elliott stating, "I can't get her help
without you." ~K9 J'\ls. Glenn stated, "She was only listening to him and would only do what he told her to do,
so I know that I needed his help."

l\ls. Glenn was asked about the tenor of the conversation between her and l\fr. Elliou for this several
day time span, specifically that it sounded as if l\Jr. Elliott and her were suggesting that Ms. Thompson had
mental h'--alth issu1.:s and needed assistance. i\ls. Glenn stated, "I don't think she has mental hc.-ilth issue.~. I
think she doesn't know what a real relationship is supposed to look like. rlcr dad would go to bars and not
wear his wedding ring. 111at's not okay. But she didn't get it." i\ls. Glenn was asked what the purpose was of
speaking to Mr. Elliott specifically if he had allebrcdly just abused l\fs. 'l11ompson and stated, "She needed to
get counseling so that she could learn to be more than she was. Her parents don't care about her going to
college, they don't care that she's just a bottle server. She needed to learn she could be more." l\fs. Glenn was
asked about the text mcSS:lf:,'C that Mr. Elliott sent. her in which he wrote that he could never be in a situation
like this again, to which Ms. Glenn agreed. m l\ls. Glenn stated, "I was just trying to get her out of there."

Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 2.
Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 2.
288 Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 2.
Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 14.
290 Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 21.

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1\(s. Glenn was asked about the lext message that she sent 1\Ir. Elliott in which she wrote, "She (riffany)
feels bad and that's good." :!'J I l\ls. Glenn responded, "She felt bad for wanting to stay and not leaving. I told
her that wasn't healthy, and she felt bad." 1\[s. Glenn was asked about the text mcssabrc that Mr. Elliott sent 1\Is.
Glenn, stating, "I hate that bruy." :<l"l 1\(s. Glenn stated, ''\'\!hen Tiffany started dating Ezekiel, her dad was mad
and wouldn't allow her to sec her siscers. Her Dad didn't want her with him, because he was an athlete. That's
who Ezekiel is talking about." l\Is. Glenn was asked about the text message that she sent 1\lr. Elliott in which
she wrote, "I le messed up a beautiful girl." 29.\ l\Js. Glenn stated, "Tiffany's dad started taking Tiffany to clubs
and to the bar scene when she was 17." 1\Js. Glenn was asked if there is any history of abuse between 1\Js.
Thompson and her father and said, no.

lnvcstibrators stated to l\Is. Glenn that the tenor and tone of the con\'ersation between her and 1\lr.
Elliott after the alleged abuse in ,\ventura did not sound like the conversation that would occur if 1\Is. Glenn's
niece had been abused by l\Ir. Elliott. Ms. Glenn stated, "I le swore that he hadn't hit her and that she'd made
it up. I just wanted to get her home safe." l\Is. Glenn was asked if she believed Ms. Thompson when she said
that ~Ir. Elliott had hit her and said, "I didn't know. I just needed her to brct home safe."

l\Is. Glenn was asked what she observed Ms. Thompson's injuries to be on Wednesday, July 2()1h, and
said, ":\II I know for certain is that on ;\fonday I saw light bruising to one side of her neck. On the next day, it
was darker bruising on both sides. Kind of looked like it was going around her neck. :\!most like around the
whole front of her neck is where it was bruised at." l\Is. Glenn was asked if she was sure that it was the next
day, which would have been Tuesday, July 19111 , and not on Wednesday, July 20h, that she had viewed the
bruises (as she had previously stated to in\'c.~Uf,,r:ttors), and said that she did not know. l\Is. Glenn was asked
how she viewed these bruises, and said that she viewed it via FaceTime, on the phone \vith l\fs. 'Jbompson.

Shelia Lee

NFL investibralors attempted to contact Shelia Lee on October 7, 2016, and October 24, 2016, via
telephone, using a phone number provided to investi!,rators by Tiffany Thompson. lnvestibrators left voiccmails
for Ms. Lee. l\Is. Lee did not return the phone calls. Additionally, NFL Security Representative Steve Dunphy
went to multiple addresses associated with Shelia Lee in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, on March 13, 2017, and left
outreach letters from investigators. l\Is. Lee did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 21.
Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 21.
Previously attached as Exhibit 27, specifically on page 21.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 72 of 76 PageID #: 579

Amanda Kaser

N FL investi!,rators contacteJ ;\manda Kaser on December 8, 2016, via telephone. l\ls. Kaser abrreed to
be interviewed via telephone on December 9, 2016. lnvestibrators reached out to i\ls. Kaser on December 9,
2016, and December 12, 2016.1\ls. Kaser did not respond to any further attempts at making contact.

Kelsey Ciminillo

NFL investibrators attempted to contact Kelsey Ciminillo on December 8, 2016, and December 12,
2016, via telephone, using a phone number pr0\'1d<..-d to investigators by Tiffany Thompson. lnvestibrators left
voicemails for i\fs. Ciminillo. l\fs. Ciminillo did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Alyarez Jackson

N FL investibrators contacted Alvarez Jackson on October 7, 2016, via telephone. i\lr. Jackson stated
that he was asleep nod agreed to be interviewed by imestigators later that day. NFL imestibrators called l\lr.
Jackson back later that day, and on October 10, 2016. Investibrators left voicemails for i\lr. Jackson. l\lr. Jackson
did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Chicdu Bosah

NPL investibrators attempted to contact Chiedu Bosah on September 7, 201 (1, am.I September 29, 2016,
via telephone. ,\dditionally, investigators sent a letter via FedEx to ::\fr. Bosnh's home, which appeared to be
sibrned for by Mr. Bosah himself, and received on November 29, 2016. Investigators left voicemails for 1\fr.
Bosah. i\fr. Bosah did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Dylan Minney

NFL investibrators attempted to contact Dylan l\tinney on September 7, 2016, and September 29, 201 li,
via telephone. Investigators left voicemails for Mr. Minne}' .\dditionally, invcsti!,r:ttors sent a letter via FedEx
to 1\fr. ~linncy's home, which appeared to be signed for by l\lr. i\linney himself, on November 29, 2016. On

March 13, 2017, Nl'L Security Representative Steve Dunphy went to Mr. ~finney's home in Chillicothe, Ohio,
spoke to Mr. :\linncy's brother, and left an outreach letter from investi1:,rators. ~fr. Minney did not responJ to
any attempts at making contact.

Bijan Moaiampour

NFL investigators auempted to contact Bijan ;\loazampour on September 7, 20lli, and September 29,
2016, via telephone. ln\'estibrators left voicemails for ~loazampour. 1\dditionally, investi1:,>ators sent a letter

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 73 of 76 PageID #: 580

via Fcd Hx to i\fr. i\loazampour's home. On l\larch 13, 2017, NFL Security Representative Steve Dunphy went
to i\Jr. Moi':ampour's home in Columbus, Ohio, and left an outreach letter from investigators for him there.
J\lr. i\linncy did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Taylor Sandbothc

NFL investigators attempted to contact Taylor Sandbothe on September 7, 2016, and September 29,
2016, via telephone. Investigators left voicemails for i\fs. Sandbothe. ~\ddicionnlly, invesribrators sent a letter via
FedEx to i\ls. Sam.lbothe's home, which was received on November 29, 2016, and which appeared to be siI:,rned
for by i\ls. Sandbothe herself. On March 17, 2017, NFL Security Representative Dirk Taitt went to l\ls.
Sandbothe's home in Lees Summit, Missouri, and spoke to l\Is. Sandbothe's mother. l\[s. Sandbothc's mother
stated that Ms. Sandbothe is currently playing volleyball \vith a professional team in Cannes, France. SR Dirk
Taitt left an outreach letter from investigators for her there. Ms. Sandbothc did not respond to any attempts at
making contact.

Alceah Ruthers

NFL investiI:,r:ttors attempted to contact ..r\leeah Ruthers via telephone on December 8, 2016, and
December 12, 2016, at a phone number provided to investiI:,r:ttors by Tiffany 'l110mpson. Investigators left
voicemails for l\fs. Ruthers. i\fs. Ruthers did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Riley McTcague

NFL investigators attempted to contact Riley i\kTeague via telephone on December 8, 2016, and
December 12, 2016, at a phone number provided to investigators by Tiffany Tnompson. Investigators left
voicemails for Ms. McTeabrue. l\[s. McTcnguc did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Stacy and Ashley (Sisters. Last Name Unknown)

NFL invcstibrators attempted to contact "Stacy" and "Ashley" Qast name unknown) via telephone on
December 8, 2016, and December 12, 2016, at a phone number provided to investigators by Tiffany
Thompson. lnvestibrators left voicemails for both "Stacy" and "Ashley" on their two respecti\e phone
numbers. Neither responded to any attempts at making contact.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 74 of 76 PageID #: 581

Beau (Last Name Unknown)

NFL investibrators attempted to contact "Beau" via telephone on December 8, 2016, and December
12, 2016, at a phone number provided to imestigators by 'liffany Thompson. Investigators left voicemails for
"Beau." "Ueau" did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Stacy Elliott

Nl'L investibrators attempted to contact Stacy Elliott, Ezekiel Elliott's father via telephone on
December 8, 2016, via a phone number found through a data s<..-arch and on.January 5, 2016, at a phone nwnbcr
provided to imcstibrators by Ezekiel Elliot's mother, Dawn Elliott. Investigators left voicemails for l\lr. Elliott.
l\lr. Elliott did not respond to any attempts at making contact.

Dawn Elliott

NFL investib'lltors spoke to Dawn Elliott, Ezekiel Elliott's mother, via telephone on 5, 2016.
l\[s. Elliott stated to investibrators that she is unwilling to meet for an interview.

Jordan Estep

NFL investigators called Jordan Estep via telephone on October 7, 2016, at a phone number provided
to investil::,rntors by Tiffanr Thompwn. lnvcstibrators left a voicemail. On November 28, 2016, NFL Security
Representative Kim Janke delivered an outreach letter from investigators to l\Js. Estep's home in Columbus,
Ohio. SR Kim Janke spoke to ~fa. Estep's mother, who acknowledbrcd that l\[s. Estep lived there, and said that
she would give the outreach lct1er to l\[s. Estep. l\ls. Estep did not respond lo any attempts at making contact.


On October 18, 2016, David McCain, Lcai.,rue Din..-ctor of Digital Forensic lmestigatiom,~N

accompanied Kia Roberts, Lcabruc Director of lm:cstibrations, to Columbus, Ohio to meet \vith Elaine Glenn,
Tiffany 'l110mpson's aunt. While there, l\lr. l\kCain extracted data from l\fs. Glenn's iPhonc 6 by making ~
mobile forensic imabrc of her phone. I le did so using CelleBrite UFED4PC, v. On November 1,
2016, i\[r. McCain and Ms. Roberts returned to Columbus, Ohio to meet with 'li ffany 1110mpson. During this
trip, l\lr. McCain extracted data from l\ls. 'I110mpson's iPhone 6S using the same Cellcbrite tool 10 make a
mobile forensic ima1:,rc of her phone.

294 See Exhibit 89, David McCain's C.V.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 75 of 76 PageID #: 582

i\lr. McCain did his analysis of the data recovered from ~ls. Glenn's and Ms. 'Illompson's iPhones
back at the League office in New York using the Celle Brite application "Physical \nalyzer." I le then prepared
a series of documents for the League's other invcstil,rrilors to use in their continued investigation and analysis
of this matter. These documents cont.iincd i;\Jcssaf..>cs and Si\lS texts recovered from the two Iphones. The
active Sl\lS/ii\fcssagcs on i\ls. Glenn's phone bL'brrin in November of 2013. 111ere were approximately 236,379
messabrcs on Ms. Glenn's phone. The active Si\1S/ i...\Jcssagcs on i\ls. Thompson's iPhone began on May 2,
2016. There were approximately 29,175 messages on Ms. Thompson's phone. Also recovered from l\ls.
Thompson's phone were screenshots of messages that had been sent prior to May 2, 2016 that did not exist in
the active SMS/ii\lcssage lobrs. In addition, there were screens hots of messages that were duplicates of messages
that did e.xist in the active Si\lS/L\Jcssabrc logs. 1\nd finally photographs were recovered, some that contained
meta data that indicated the date, time and place they were taken, and others that only existed in screenshots
and as thumbnails on the phones, so no meta data could be recovered.

In addition to David l\lcCain's forensic analysis of the datn extracted from i\ls. Thompson and i\ls.
Glenn's iPhones, the Leab.rue retained an outside forensic expert, Joseph Church, to examine the mobile forensic
imnbrcs of the two cell phones thnt i\Ir. l\lcCain had imagL-<l. 295 :t\[r. Church was asked to identify conversations
referencing abuse or violence between i\.Is. TI10mpson and i\lr. Elliott, between l\[s. Timmpson and her 1\unt

Elaine Glenn, and between Ms. 'l11ompson and third parties. He was also asked to analyze any photographs of
injuries he found in the phones for system EXJF and meta data and to compare pholobl'f:lPhs of injuries he
found in i\ls. Thompson's phone to photographs of injuries he found in ~ls. Glenn's phone and note any
discrepancy he found in date/time. finally, ;\Ir. Church was asked to provide a timcline report of relevant
messages, pictures, screenshots, and E..\:JF / meta data. 'll1c date mn1,,>c he was asked to search was June of 2015
- the last date such information appeared in imaged phones. :t\lr. Church also used Cellebrite's "Physical
Analyzer" to examine the evidence he was given. I le thereafter prepared a Report of Findin1:,rs for the Lca1:,rue
which is attached to this report as Exhibit 95.

The information that both Mr. McCain and ~lr. Church extracted from Ms. Thompson's and Ms.
Glenn's cell phones is related, as relevant, in the CO ~WIJ ~ \T JON 01' EVIDENCE IN CHRONOLOGI CAL
ORDER section of this report.


The League retained two medical experts two examine the evidence obtained during its investi1:,~ttion

and to give the League their professional medical opinions based on their many decades of experience in the

295 See Exhibit 90, Mr. Church's C.V.

Case 4:17-cv-00615 Document 1-48 Filed 08/31/17 Page 76 of 76 PageID #: 583

field of medicine. Dr. Lone Th:mning, the former Chief ;\le<lical Examiner of the Rockland County ~lcdical

Examiner's Office and present Prc..-sident of Forensic ;\Jc<lical ConsultingofNY, J>.C, provided the Lcai,,rue with
her opinion based on her over thirty years of experience as a pathologist:?'M and Dr. Lorraine Giordano,
Associate Attending Physician, Department of Emeri,,rcncy Medicine at Mt. Sinai St. Luke's I lospital/i\It. Sinai
West provided the League with her opinion based on her over thirty years of experience as a clinician.:??7 Uoth
experts were provided with relevant witness interviews and photographs. In addition, they were given hospital
discharge papers associated with Ms. 'Thompson's treatment at Ohio I lealth on November 16, 2015.

The opinions that both Dr. Thanning and Dr. Giordano gave to the Leabrue with regard to the evidence
of injury suffered by l\ls. Thompson arc interspersed at relevant places throughout the COi\Jl>JL,\TION OF

Lisa i\L Friel

Senior \'ice President, Special Counsel for Investigations

Kia Roberts
Director of Investigations

296 See Exhibit 91, Or. lone Thanning's C.V.

See Exhibit 92, Or. Lorraine Giordano's C.V.


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