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Guideline Premium Test (GPT):
An important part of Summary: Your clients Premiums are limited
choosing a financial relative to the Death Benefit
product is considering
1. the cumulative premium paid for the policy must not exceed the
potential tax advantages
guideline premium limitation and
and disadvantages. Life
2. the death benefit must not be less than a specified multiple of the
insurance is no exception.
policys account value based on the insureds attained age. The
When it comes to life insurance, the guideline premium test is commonly used for indexed universal life
Internal Revenue Code requires a insurance policies.
life insurance policy to comply with
one of two tests in order to receive
Cash Value Accumulation Test (CVAT):
Summary: Your clients Accumulation Value is limited
the favorable tax treatment that is
relative to the Death Benefit
granted to life insurance policies
(e.g., a tax free death benefit and The cash value accumulation test requires only that the account value
the deferral of taxes on the growth not exceed a specified percentage of the death benefit (defined by the net
of the policys Accumulation Value). single premium for the death benefit). Unlike the guideline premium test,
the cash value accumulation test does not impose a limit on the amount
American Nationals Signature of premium paid however, there may still be premium limitations to avoid
Indexed Universal Life Insurance creating a modified endowment contract.
offers both the Guideline
Premium Test and the Cash Value The cash value accumulation test is more commonly used with traditional
Accumulation Test. This is an whole life policies; however, there are situations where its use can be
important choice because the advantageous for indexed universal life insurance policies. When the
choice of which test will be used cash value accumulation test is used for indexed universal life insurance
for a given policy is made on the policies, it is similar to the death benefit requirement of the guideline
application and cannot be changed premium test. The cash value accumulation death benefit factors
after the policy is issued. vary based on the sex, rate class, and attained age of the insured and
significantly exceed the guideline premium corridor factors at most ages.

Signature Indexed Universal Life Insurance

For Agent Use Only; Not for Distribution or Use with Consumers
Understanding CVAT and GPT
Signature Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Which test should my clients consider?

Your client may Consider the Cash Value Your client may Consider the Guideline Premium
Accumulation Test when they want to: Test when they want to:

;; Maximize cash values in early policy durations. ;; Minimize the net amount at risk in a highly funded
;; Maximize the death benefit at ages closer to the policy.
insureds life expectancy. ;; Pay maximum level ongoing premiums for more
;; Pay the maximum 7-Pay Premium in years 1-7.* than ten years.
;; Maximize lifetime cash values and distributions from
;; Make a substantial first year premium or has a
the policy.
substantial 1035 exchange.
;; Maximize the death benefit at advanced ages.
;; Have a minimum Face Amount of $100,000.
;; Have a minimum Face Amount of $25,000.

Level Continuing Premium Hypothetical** Example:

Male, Standard Non-Nicotine, Issue Age 45, Pay $10,000 Annual Premium for 20 Years, Solve for Lowest Face
Amount without Creating a Modified Endowment Contract, 8.5% Illustrated Rate.
Highlighted cells reflect which death benefit option results in the greatest value for a particular policy year.

Illustrated Death Benefit Illustrated Accumulation Value

Death Benefit Death Benefit Death Benefit Death Benefit Death Benefit Death Benefit
Policy Option A Option A Option B* Policy Option A Option A Option B*
Year Age $216,304 Face $548,297 Face $242,776 Face Year Age $216,304 Face $548,297 Face $242,776 Face
10 55 $ 329,008 $ 548,297 $ 359,567 10 55 $ 127,436 $ 101,837 $ 125,026
20 65 $ 796,687 $ 548,297 $ 650,641 20 65 $ 417,514 $ 363,900 $ 416,778
30 75 $1,259,103 $ 842,810 $ 963,926 30 75 $ 844,520 $ 802,676 $ 918,025
40 85 $1,987,376 $1,859,250 $2,126,577 40 85 $1,604,405 $1,770,714 $2,025,311
50 95 $3,145,350 $3,825,015 $4,375,120 50 95 $2,835,258 $3,787,143 $4,331,802
*Switch to Option A at the end of the premium payment period.

As can be seen above, CVAT death benefit is superior at age 65 or 75 but then GPT becomes better at advanced ages.
Relative to Accumulation Value, CVAT works better in the first 20 years and the GPT has higher values thereafter.

*The 7-Pay limit is based upon rules in the Internal Revenue Code and sets the maximum amount of premium that can be paid into the contract during
the first seven years of the contract to avoid MEC status. When a policy is classified as a MEC, withdrawals and loans are taxable to the extent there is
gain on the contract. If a policy is a MEC, taxable loans and withdrawals are subject to a 10% penalty if the policyowner is under the agent 59 1/2 at the
time of distribution.
**The use of alternative assumptions in these examples could produce significantly different results. These hypothetical examples are intended solely
for illustrative purposes and are not an indication of past or future performance of the Signature IUL product. The published S&P 500 Index does not
reflect dividends paid on the stocks underlying the Index.

For Agent Use Only; Not for Distribution or Use with Consumers
Understanding CVAT and GPT
Signature Indexed Universal Life Insurance

Single Premium Hypothetical* Example:

Male, Standard Non-Nicotine, Issue Age 65, Pay $100,000 Single Premium, Minimum Face Amount, 8.5%
Illustrated Rate. This policy will be a modified endowment contract unless it is issued in exchange for another life
insurance policy that is not a modified endowment contract.
Highlighted cells reflect which death benefit option or accumulation value option is greater during the ten year
measuring period.

Illustrated Death Benefit Illustrated Accumulation Value

Death Benefit Death Benefit Death Benefit Death Benefit
Policy Option A Option A Policy Option A Option A
Year Age $100,000 Face $186,369 Face Year Age $100,000 Face $186,369 Face
10 75 $ 250,719 $ 186,369 10 75 $ 167,680 $ 151,527
20 85 $ 407,980 $ 351,639 20 85 $ 329,362 $ 334,894
30 95 $ 647,550 $ 722,572 30 95 $ 583,710 $ 715,417
40 105 $1,168,842 $1,578,309 40 105 $1,157,269 $1,562,682
50 115 $2,507,899 $3,386,795 50 115 $2,483,069 $3,353,262

As can be seen in the examples above, CVAT typically illustrates a larger death benefit as you approach life
expectancy, but GPT generally illustrates larger death benefits at advanced ages.

So, if a client is looking to access policy Accumulation Value early, has a lump sum premium, or has a short premium paying
period, consider running the policy illustration using CVAT.
If cash accumulation is the primary objective such as a policy for supplemental retirement income distributions, using GPT
and a variable death benefit during the premium paying period will result in the highest illustrated cash value.
If you are not sure of your clients objectives, you will find the default GPT is the better way to go with the most flexibility. If
GPT works when you run the illustration, stick with it.

American National Insurance Company

888-501-4043, Option 1

*The use of alternative assumptions in these examples could produce significantly different results. These hypothetical examples are intended solely for
illustrative purposes and are not an indication of past or future performance of the Signature IUL product. The published S&P 500 Index does not reflect
dividends paid on the stocks underlying the Index.
Signature Indexed Universal Life Insurance policy is not a registered security or stock market investment and does not directly participate in any stock or equity investment or index. When
an individual purchases the policy, the individual is not buying an ownership interest in any stock or index. American National Insurance Company and its agents do not make
any recommendations regarding the selection of indexed strategies. American National Insurance Company and its agents do not guarantee the performance
of any indexed strategies. Neither American National Insurance Company nor its agents give tax or legal advice. Clients should contact their attorney
or tax advisor on their specific situation. Policy Form Series: IUL14 (Forms May Vary by State).
The S&P 500 Index is a product of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC (SPDJI), and has been licensed for use by American National Insurance Company. Standard & Poors, S&P and S&P
500 are registered trademarks of Standard & Poors Financial Services LLC (S&P); Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC (Dow Jones); and
these trademarks have been licensed for use by SPDJI and sublicensed for certain purposes by American National Insurance Company. American National Insurance Companys products
are not sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by SPDJI, Dow Jones, S&P, their respective affiliates, and none of such parties make any representation regarding the advisability of
investing in such product(s) nor do they have any liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions of the S&P 500 Index.

For Agent Use Only; Not for Distribution or Use with Consumers 08/14

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