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Importance in Prelims current affairs news

1.Government Schemes
All the government schemes u cme to know,by heart it
what is the budget of that scheme
what is the area of that scheme
And, which ministry going to implement that scheme
who are the beneficiaries

2.International Orgarnisations

who implements this reports,what are these reports

what is the role of world bank,IMF ka kya role hain

3.International Conventions
Monetery protocols, all the protocols

4.Government Acts & policies

5.Important Geographical Locations

which are the UNESCO important sites or not

*they started asking from defence areas

*also from international relations based areas

Current affairs on Unacademy

Daily editorial analysis

daily MCQ Course
PIB-YAsmin Gill
Yojana-Shohaib Fareeb

Must read books/resources for 2018-by Roman Saini

The Hindu News Reading stratagies are changed

Deepanshu makes editorial summary, n u read the Hindu after than that ,it takes
much less time

International news :all news which have any basis of India, like USA-SYSRIA not so
important but if India is involved in it
then it is very important

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