Mns Science 2 PP Ingles - Unidad 11

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Natural and Social

Science 2

Area: Conocimiento del Medio (English)

Stage: Primary Education

1st Cycle

What we already know

C1: Competency in All the activities of the unit use the language as an
linguistic instrument of communication. Ex. - Getting acquainted
communication with each other (TN page 26)
C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in
Discussing photos about family, health matters,
knowledge of and
landscapes, weather, animals, plants etc. (PB pages 4
interaction with the
and 5)
physical world
C4: Competency in Website activities:
new technologies
Education for Health: The importance of following
healthy habits such as brushing their teeth or eating
fruits. (PB page 4)
C5: Competency in
Education for Peace: Understand the importance of the
social awareness and
family and show respect towards different types of
families. (PB page 4)
Consumer Education: The importance of doing a
moderate use of water. (PB page 4)
C6: Competency in
Draw pictures of different items so as to review
artistic and cultural
vocabulary from the unit. (TN page 29)
Do the extra activities so as to revise the contents
learnt. (TN page 29)
C7: Competency in
Self-evaluation of the unit by colouring stars according
learning to learn
to their knowledge of different topics. (PB pages 4 and
C8: Competency in
Do The weather routine showing initiative and
autonomous learning
autonomy. (TN page 27)
and personal initiative
C9: Emotional Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
competency. admitting both their own success and their classmates.
(Castilla la Mancha) Ex. Play the Odd one out game. (TN page 28)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To review concepts learned in level 1 (C1, C7)

To begin to classify objects according to a common theme (C3, C7)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 5 (Time changes), but
we would also like to highlight the contents of other blocks of the curriculum of 1st
cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 2. Diversity of living beings

- Playing Odd one out reviewing words from different topics from level 1.

Block 3. Health and personal development

- Discussing photos about family and health matters and reviewing vocabulary.

Block 4. People, cultures and social organisation

- Reviewing Greetings
- Getting acquainted with each other and classroom routines.

Block 5. Time changes

- Introducing the date routine
- Playing The weather routine


- Days of the week:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Topics:
plants, animals, water, body and health, school, the senses, landscapes, day and
night, the street, road safety, materials, family

Receptive language:
What day is it today?
Whats the weather like?
hot, warm, cool, cold
Key structures:
I brush my teeth after breakfast / lunch / dinner.
I wash my hands before (dinner).
Today is (Tuesday the tenth of September two
thousand and ten).
Its (sunny).
I can see
I (read / write / draw).
With my (eyes / ears / hands / nose,
I can (see / hear / touch / smell).


Memorize words through photos

Education for Citizenship: Students remember the importance of following
healthy habits, respecting the environment and showing respect towards the
family and the school.


The importance of reviewing what they have already learnt
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Revision: Art gallery
- Revision: Hot hands
- Class worksheet 1: Groups

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.


Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Diagnostic test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Students colour stars about different topics, showing what they have learnt in
each case.

Learn and identify the names of the other children in the classroom. (C1, C8)
Recognize and practise routines about the weather, the date, etc. (C1, C3, C8)
Be able to remember key concepts learnt in level 1. (C1, C7, C8)
Revise vocabulary about animals, plants, landscapes, materials, etc. (C1, C3, C8)
Learn to classify objects according to a common theme. (C1, C3, C8)
Recognize the importance of practising healthy habits (C1, C5, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Extra activities of the Teachers Notes.
(C1, C7, C8)

The human body

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in instrument of communication. Ex. Sing the song Head!
linguistic Torso! Limbs! (PB page 7)
Ex. Listen to the story The broken toe (PB page 8)
C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in
Learn about the joints, the bones, the muscles, the
knowledge of and
parts of the body, the organs, the senses, etc. (PB
interaction with the
pages 6-15)
physical world
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links for this unit (TN page 30)
new technologies
Education for Health: The importance of taking care of
C5: Competency in their body and going to the doctor when theyve got a
social awareness and problem. (PB page 8)
citizenship The importance of practising exercise so as to keep
their heart healthy. (PB page 11)
C6: Competency in Make a minibook about the parts of the body. (TN
artistic and cultural page 36)
awareness Sing the song I have five senses (TN page 50)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 14 and 15)
C8: Competency in
Play Bones or muscles? showing autonomy and
autonomous learning
initiative. (TN page 46)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
C9: Emotional admitting both their own success and their classmates.
competency. Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
(Castilla la Mancha) Lets investigate! section about bones and muscles. (PB
pages 9-10)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To recognise and name the main joints and how they help us move (C1, C3)
To classify known body parts into the three main sections of the body (C1, C3)
To recognise that we have bones and learn how they support our bodies and
help us move (C1, C3)
To investigate a bone and learn about some of the properties of bones (C1, C3)
To recognise that we have muscles and learn how they help us move (C1, C3)

To identify some internal organs, their location and main functions (C1, C3)
To recognise the senses, their function and relate each to its organ (C1, C3)
To recognise the five senses and what we can perceive with them (C1, C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 3 (Health and personal

Block 3. Health and personal development

- Identifying and labelling the main joints.
- Classifying body parts according to the three main sections of the body.
- Listening to a story about bones and matching the bones to the body parts.
- Investigating bones and writing the results.
- Investigating how muscles move and writing the results.
- Identifying internal organs and investigating the heart.
- Reviewing the senses.
- Matching the organ to the sense.
- Vocabulary review: Playing Cosmo says
- Playing Elbow to elbow
- Singing the song Head! Torso! Limbs!
- Listening to the story The broken toe
- Answering to The ribs quiz
- Playing Odd one out
- Playing Bones or muscles?
- Playing I spy
- Singing the song I have five senses
- Answering to The Big body quiz
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.



- Body parts: legs, foot / feet, toes, arm, hands, fingers, head, torso, limbs,
stomach, back, chest
- Face: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hair, tongue, eyebrows, eyelashes, cheeks, chin
- Joints: knee, shoulder, ankle, wrist, elbow, hip
- Bones: skeleton, skull, ribs, spine
- Muscles: contract, relax
- Organs: heart, lungs, stomach, brain, skin
- Properties: hard / soft, elastic / rigid, rough / smooth, sweet / sour / salty /
bitter, light / dark, bad / good (smells), loud / quiet (sounds)
- Senses: taste, touch, smell, see, hear, sight, hearing

Receptive language:
Muscles are elastic.
Muscles pull our bones.
Muscles contract and relax.
Does your heart beat faster when you exercise?

Key structures:
With my (ears) I can (hear music).
The skeleton supports my body.
The skull is your head bone.
The spine is your back bone.
Bones are hard and rigid.
The (skull) protects the (brain).
We think with our brain.
We breathe with our lungs.
With my (ears) I can (hear music).
This is my sense of (touch).


Memorize words through songs and games

Investigate about bones, muscles and the heart (Lets investigate!).

Music: Students sing the songs: Head! Torso! Limbs! and I have five senses.

IT: Internet links:

- Roll mouse over to name the parts of the body

- Build a skeleton

- Find and listen to the heart

- Senses

To learn how we use our bodies
Recognising the importance of taking care of their bodies in order to be healthy
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
-Language extension: Play Touch your friend
-Literacy: Label the body
-Art: Make a minibook
-Language revision: Play Odd one out
-Speaking: X-rays
-Class worksheets 1a and b: Skeleton
-Art: Make the skeleton
-ICT: Interactive game
-Face muscles
-Language extension: Hot hands
-Class worksheet 2: Facts about your body
-Language extension: Playing a Definitions game
-PE: Breathing rate
-Literacy: Sentence maker
-Literacy: Class poem
-Homework worksheet: Senses minibook
-Art: Senses mural
Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.
Formal evaluation
- Unit 1 Test
- 1st term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson
- Lets remember Review for Unit 1

Recognize the joints in English (C1, C3, C8)
Identify body parts, bones and muscles and be able to relate them with our
movements (C1, C3, C5)
Investigate about bones, muscles and the heart. (C1, C3, C8)
Understand the importance of practising exercise in order to keep our body
healthy (C5, C8)
Be able to identify organs and their functions (C1, C3, C8)
Show awareness of the importance of the senses (C1, C3, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 1. (C1,
C7, C8)

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in
instrument of communication. Ex. Sing The Food groups
song (PB page 17)
Ex. Listen to the story The basketball game. (PB page 18)
Students analyse a diagram related to the proportion of each
C2: Competency in
food group necessary to stay healthy. (PB pager 17, TN
page 62)
C3: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about food groups, healthy
knowledge of and
food, healthy habits, the story of bread, food origins, etc.
interaction with the
(PB pages 16-25)
physical world
C4: Competency in Website activities:
new technologies Internet links for this unit (TN page 57)
Education for Health: the importance of following a balanced
diet including fruits and vegetables in order to be healthy.
C5: Competency in
The importance of practising sports such as basketball so as
social awareness and
to keep fit.
The importance of healthy habits such as drinking water and
brushing their teeth. (PB pages 16-25)
C6: Competency in
Draw what they eat for each meal. (PB page 19)
artistic and cultural
Say the Five a day rap (PB page 20)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-evaluation
C7: Competency in
box so as to revise the contents learnt in the unit. (PB pages
learning to learn
24 and 25)
C8: Competency in
Mime the grain chain showing initiative and autonomy. (TN
autonomous learning
page 79)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and admitting
C9: Emotional
both their own success and their classmates. Ex. Play the
Odd one out game. Ex. Lets investigate! section about
(Castilla la Mancha)
balanced food.

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To learn and name the main foods that make up our diet (C1, C3)
To identify different food groups and classify common foods accordingly (C1, C3)
To understand that humans need food and water to stay alive (C1, C3, C5)
To understand that some foods help us grow, others give us energy and others
keep us healthy (C1, C3, C5)
To use knowledge of food groups to create a healthy, balanced diet (C1, C3, C5)
To encourage the pupils to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables each day (C1,
C3, C5)

To know that exercise, sleep and hygiene as well as healthy food and water are
needed for good health (C1, C3, C5)
To learn about the process of making bread (C1, C3)
To classify some foods according to their origin (wheat, milk, eggs) (C1, C3, C5)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 3 (Health and personal
development), but we would also like to highlight the contents of other blocks of the
curriculum of 1st cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 2. Diversity of living beings

- Matching foods to their origins of wheat, eggs or milk

Block 3. Health and personal development

- Identifying common foods and matching them to the correct food group.
- Learning about food groups and healthy eating.
- Listening to a story about foods for energy, growth and health.
- Classifying foods for energy, growth and health.
- Investigating if the pupils eat balanced meals.
- Making a fruit and vegetable diary.
- Reading a story about making bread and ordering pictures.
- Playing a Definitions game
- Singing The food group song
- Playing Odd one out
- Answering to a Food group quiz
- Playing Fruit and vegetable stop the clock
- Saying the Five a day rap
- Playing Stand up if its healthy
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.

Block 4. People, cultures and social organisation

- Personalisation: Talking about the Food I like
- Listening and reading about how to make pancakes.
- Listening and reading The story of bread
- Miming the bread-making process
- Miming the grain chain
- Talking about pancakes

- Food groups: fruit and vegetables, meat and fish, milk and dairy, bread and
cereals, sugary foods
- Fruit / vegetables: oranges, pears, apples, potatoes, green beans, carrots, salad,
- Meat / fish: meat, sausages, fish, tuna, ham, chicken
- Milk / dairy: yoghurt, cheese, eggs, milk
- Bread / cereals: pasta, bread, cereals, rice, pancakes
- Sugary foods: cake, sweets, ice cream, chocolate
- Bread-making: seeds, wheat, plants, grain, flour
- Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack
- Healthy habits: sleep, drink water, wash, exercise, brush (my) teeth, (eat)
healthy food
- Other: fresh, soup
Receptive language:
Are (apples) good for you?
We need to eat Our bodies need food and water to stay alive. We need (fruit
and vegetables) for (health).
We need (to) to stay healthy.
(Grain) is (ground into flour). (Flour) is (made into bread). Food (Bread) is (taken
to the shops). We use (wheat to make flour for bread and pasta).
Key structures:
(Apples) are good for me. (Sweets) are not good for me.
(Milk) comes from (animals). (Pears) come from (plants).
Do you like (apples)? I like (pears). I dont like ...
(Cereals) give us energy. (Meat) helps us grow.
(Carrots) keep us healthy.
I have (cereals) for (breakfast).
(Bread) is made from (wheat).

Memorize words through songs and stories
Investigate about balanced meals (Lets investigate!)
Education for Citizenship: Learn the importance of following healthy habits.
IT: Internet links:
- Food groups: a balanced plate, sorting activity
- A balanced plate
- The grain chain / Bread video / Food on the plate

The ability to recognise that different foods help our bodies in different ways.
Learning how to have a healthy diet.
The importance of eating five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin...

Extra activities:
-Literacy: Writing lists
-Language revision:
-Homework worksheet: Food groups
-Art: Eat well plates
-Art: Make a wall chart
-Class worksheet 1: Food for health, energy and growth
-Art: Energy, growth and health display
-Growth food extension
-ICT: Make a balanced plate
-Art: Make a plate of food
-Music: Five a day rap extension
-Fruit and vegetable tasting
-Template worksheet: The healthy hexagon
-Hand-washing experiment
-Class worksheet 3: The story of bread
-ICT: Bread-making
-Cookery: Make pancakes with the pupils
-Art: Make a wheat, milk and eggs display
Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.
Formal evaluation
- Unit 2 Test
- 1st term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 2
Learn about food groups, balanced diet, etc. (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Be able to classify the different foods in a diagram (C1, C2, C3, C8)
Understand the importance of eating five fruits and vegetables a day, drinking
water, sleeping well, etc. (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Show awareness about the need to practise exercise in order to stay healthy (C3,
C5, C8)
Investigate about their own meals (C3, C5, C7, C8)
Learn how to make bread. (C1, C3, C8)
Understand the origins of different food (C3, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 2. (C1,
C7, C8)


All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in
instrument of communication.
Ex. Sing the song In the grasslands (PB page 27)
Ex. Listen to the story What animals eat. (PB page 28)
C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about animal habitats,
knowledge of and
wild animals, herbivores and carnivores, mammals, birds,
interaction with the
etc. (PB pages 26-35)
physical world
C4: Competency in
Website activities:
new technologies
C5: Competency in Environmental Education: The importance of taking care of
social awareness and animals in order to protect the environment (PB pages 26-
citizenship 35).
Make a minibook classifying animals according to what
they eat. (TN page 95)
C6: Competency in
Cut out and stick the animals according to what they eat.
artistic and cultural
(PB page 29)
Sing the Mammals song (PB page 31)
Draw a mammal and write about it. (PB page 31)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 34 and 35)
C8: Competency in
Play the Bird or mammal? game showing initiative and
autonomous learning
autonomy. (TN page 108)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
C9: Emotional
admitting both their own success and their classmates. Ex.
Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the Lets
(Castilla la Mancha)
investigate! section about what animals eat. (PB page 29)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:
To establish links between wild animals and their environment (C1, C3)
To classify animals by their diet (carnivore, herbivore or omnivore) (C1, C3)
To identify some mammals and recognise their characteristics (C1, C3)
To identify the basic characteristics of mammals (C1, C3)
To identify some birds and name their characteristics (C1, C3)
To differentiate between mammals and birds (C1, C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 2 (Diversity of living
beings), but we would also like to highlight the contents of Block 1 of the curriculum of
1st cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 1. The environment and nature conservation

- Listening to a dialogue about wild animals and their habitats.
- Singing a song about animals and their habitats.
- Writing the names of the animals in the correct habitat.
- Singing the song In the grasslands

Block 2. Diversity of living beings

- Learning the names of wild animals.
- Listening to a story about what animals eat and cutting and sticking pictures in
order to classify animals according to their diet.
- Reading and matching the characteristics of mammals to photos.
- Learning the names of birds.
- Labelling a bird.
- Classifying birds and mammals.
- Writing about the differences between birds and mammals.
- Playing Guess which animal Im looking at
- Listening to the story What animals eat
- Playing a matching game
- Playing Odd one out
- Playing Herbivore, carnivore or omnivore? noughts and crosses
- Playing Mammals stop the clock
- Singing the Mammals song
- Guessing the bird
- Playing the Point to bird or mammal game
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.

- Domestic animals: cow, pig, dog, cat, sheep, duck, hen
- Wild animals: elephant, monkey, snake, lion, hippo, zebra, bear, bat, giraffe,
- Habitats: on land, in the grasslands, (in the) trees, (in the) lake, (in the) water
- Birds: parrot, penguin, owl, hen, duck, eagle, flamingo
- Other: wild, domestic, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, vertebrate, animal,
mammal, beak, wings, legs, feathers, hair, plants, meat, live (adj.), eat, live, fly,
lay eggs, have babies
Receptive language:
Does a (hippo) live in grasslands?
hide from

What do (lions) eat?

Key structures:
A (hippo) is a wild animal.
(Lions) eat / dont eat (meat).
A (zebra) is a (herbivore).
A (dolphin) lives in the (water).
A (pig) is a (mammal).
Mammals have hair.
Most mammals have four legs.
Mammals breathe with their lungs.
Mammals are vertebrates.
Baby mammals drink their mothers milk.
Mammals have live babies.
(Parrots) can/cant fly.

Memorize words through pictures and songs
Investigate about what animals eat. (Lets investigate!).

Education for Citizenship: the importance of respecting animals as part of the


Respect for animal life.
To recognise the importance of habitats for wild animals.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Language revision: Play Odd one out
- Art/Literacy: Draw and write about an animal
- Art/Literacy: Grasslands habitat project
- Thinking skills: Habitats extension: camouflage
- Art: Make a minibook
- Speaking: What animals eat
- Art: Mask game
- Class worksheets 1a and b: What do animals eat? minibook
- Revision: Play Stand up if its a mammal
- Class worksheet 2: Mammals and birds

- Literacy: Invent a mammal
- Thinking skills: Mammal spider diagram
- Art: Bird mural
- Class worksheet 2: Mammals and birds
- Homework worksheet: Bird watching
- Revision: Play Monkey race
- Speaking: Play the Bird and mammal definition game in pairs

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 3 Test
- 1st term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 3


Recognize animals and their habitats (C1, C3, C8)
Be able to classify animals according to what they eat (C1, C3, C8)
Identify the differences between mammals and birds (C1, C3, C8)
Be aware of the importance of protecting animals and their habitats (C1, C3, C5,
Investigate about the different animals eating habits. (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 3. C1,
C7, C8

More animals

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in
instrument of communication.
Ex. Sing the Animals song (PB page 37)
Ex. Listen to the story Cosmos grey day (PB page 38)
C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in The whole unit is devoted to talk about animals that lay
knowledge of and eggs, reptiles, insects, amphibians, fishes, vertebrates
interaction with the and invertebrates, etc. (PB pages 36-45)
physical world
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links (TN page 113)
new technologies
Moral and Civic Education: the importance of protecting
animals, taking them to the vet when necessary. (PB
C5: Competency in
page 38)
social awareness and
Environmental Education: the importance of respecting
the environment and its living beings. (PB pages 36-45)

C6: Competency in Cut out and stick the life cycle of a frog (PB page 39)
artistic and cultural Make a folded green paper frog (PB page 126)
awareness Sing the song In the grasslands (PB page 27)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 44 and 45)
C8: Competency in
Play Guess which animal Im looking at showing
autonomous learning
initiative and autonomy. (PB page 89)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
C9: Emotional Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
competency. Lets investigate! section about the life cycle of a frog,
(Castilla la Mancha) (PB page 39) and about the invertebrates around their
school. (PB page 41).

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:
To learn that some animals lay eggs (C1, C3)
To learn that some animals are vertebrates and some are invertebrates (C1, C3)
To learn the characteristics of reptiles (C1, C3)
To name the most significant characteristics of amphibians (C1, C3)
To name the most significant characteristics of insects (C1, C3)
To learn about invertebrate animals in the environment (C1, C3)
To learn about the characteristics of fish and their habitat (C1, C3)
To classify animals according to their characteristics (C1, C3, C7)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 2 (Diversity of living
beings), but we would also like to highlight the contents of other blocks of the
curriculum of 1st cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 1. The environment and nature conservation

- Investigating invertebrates around the pupils school.

Block 2. Diversity of living beings

- Listening to a dialogue and writing about animals that lay eggs.
- Singing a song and writing about vertebrates and invertebrates.
- Listening to a story to learn the characteristics of reptiles.
- Labelling reptiles
- Reading and listening to learn the characteristics of insects.
- Labelling an insect.
- Classifying insects and other invertebrates.
- Investigating and writing about fish.
- Labelling a fish.
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.
- Playing a Definitions game
- Playing Guess which animal Im looking at
- Singing The Animals song
- Playing Reptile stop the clock
- Playing the Reptile game
- Playing Odd one out
- Playing a guessing game
- Playing The ant game

Block 3. Health and personal development

- Listening to the story Cosmos grey day


- Animal groups: reptiles, insects, amphibians, fish, birds, mammals

- Reptiles: crocodile, snake, chameleon, lizard, tortoise, turtle
- Amphibians: frog, toad, salamander, tadpole
- Fish: goldfish, shark, eel, sardine
- Fish body parts: gills, eyes, fins, tail, mouth, scales
- Insects: bee, butterfly, ant, moth, fly, cockroach, mosquito
- Insect body parts: head, thorax, abdomen, two antennae, six legs, wings
- Other: shell, bones, skeleton, worm, spider, centipede, snail, eat, live, fly, lay
eggs, have babies
Receptive language:
life cycle, front / back legs, tail, come out of, grow, disappear, swordfish, jellyfish,
octopus, dolphin, whale
Key structures:
A (bee) is an (insect).
Vertebrate animals have a skeleton.
Invertebrate animals do not have a skeleton.
(Reptiles) lay eggs / are vertebrates / have scales / breathe with their lungs / are
Some reptiles have no legs / a shell.
(Amphibians) live in water and on land.
Insects have three body parts: head, thorax, abdomen.
How do fish breathe / move?
Whats a fishs body like?
Fish breathe with their gills / move with their tail and fins / have scales.

Memorize words through stories and photos
Investigate about the life cycle of a frog, about the invertebrates around their
school and about the characteristics of a fish (Lets investigate!).

Art: Make a folded green paper frog. Make a frog life cycle, etc
IT: Internet links:
- Vertebrate or invertebrate odd one out (TB page 113)

Respect for animal life.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
-Art: Animal groups
-Revision: Animal group four corners
-Literacy: Play I spy at the aquarium
-ICT: Internet search
-Music: Song extension
-Personalisation: My pet turtle
-Art/Literacy: Make reptile fact cards
-Art: Folded green paper frog
-Art: Make a frog life cycle
-Class worksheet 1: Ant
-Literacy: Sentence maker
-Art/Literacy: Draw an insect
-Homework worksheet: Invertebrate hunt
-Art: Design your own insect
-Revision: Whats missing?
-Class worksheet 2: Fish
-Draw and label a fish
-Revision: Animal groups team game
-Art: Animal groups display
Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.
Formal evaluation
- Unit 4 Test
- 1st term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 4


Identify animals that lay eggs (C1, C3, C8)
Understand the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates (C1, C3, C8)
Recognise the most important features of insects, amphibians and reptiles (C1,
C3, C8)
Investigate about the life cycle of a frog. (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Show awareness of the importance of protecting animals habitats. (C1, C3, C5)
Investigate about invertebrates around their school (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Investigate about fishes and their habitats. (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 4. (C1,
C7, C8)

Plant life

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in instrument of communication.
linguistic Ex. Sing the song Plants need water. (PB page 47)
communication Ex. Listen to the story The dandelion clock. (PB page
C2: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about the differences
C3: Competency in
between plants and animals, the parts of the plant,
knowledge of and
what plants need to grow, about trees around them,
interaction with the
evergreen and deciduous trees, about seeds, about the
physical world
life cycle of a plant, etc . (PB pages 46-55)
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links. (TN page 141)
new technologies
C5: Competency in Environmental Education: The importance of protecting
social awareness and plants and trees as part of the environment. (PB pages
citizenship 46-55)
C6: Competency in Draw a picture of the plants around them. (PB page
artistic and cultural 50)
awareness Sing the Tree song. (PB page 51)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn unit. (PB pages 54-55)

C8: Competency in
Play a Flower game showing initiative and autonomy.
autonomous learning
(TN page 145)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
C9: Emotional Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
competency. Lets investigate! section about what plants need to
(Castilla la Mancha) grow (PB page 48), about plants and warmth (PB page
49) and about seeds (PB page 52)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To identify differences between plants and animals (C1, C3)

To know that flowering plants have roots, leaves, stems and flowers and to
describe in simple terms the function of each part (C1, C3)
To know that flowering plants produce seeds and to demonstrate that plants
need soil to grow well (C1, C3)
To plan and carry out a fair test to investigate the effect of warmth on seed
growth (C1, C3)
To observe plants in the locality (C1, C3)
To observe the parts of a tree and learn that trees can be classified as evergreen
and deciduous (C1, C3)
To know that there are many types of fruit and seeds and that different fruits
contain different amounts of seeds (C1, C3)
To understand basic stages of plant life cycles (C1, C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 2 (Diversity of living
beings), but we would also like to highlight the contents of other blocks of the
curriculum of 1st cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 1. The environment and nature conservation

- Observing plants in the locality and drawing and writing about them.
- Listening to the story The dandelion clock

Block 2. Diversity of living beings

- Listening to a dialogue about plants and animals.
- Classifying plants and animals.
- Learning and writing about the different parts of a plant.
- Listening to a story about seeds and how plants grow.
- Investigating what plants need to grow.
- Investigating plants and warmth.
- Identifying and labelling the parts of a tree.
- Investigating which fruits have one seed and which fruits have many seeds.
- Writing the stages of the plant life cycle.
- Matching the seeds to the plant and identifying the means of seed dispersal.
- Playing a Flower game
- Singing the song Plants need water
- Singing The tree song
- Playing Fruits stop the clock
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit



- Plant parts: roots, leaf / leaves, stem, trunk, flowers, branches, twigs, seeds,
- Plant types: plants, trees, bushes, grass, cactus, dandelion clock, evergreen,
- The ground and water: sandy / rocky / icy ground, soil, sea, salty water, rock
- Other: animals, send, cup, a warm / cold place

Receptive language:
date, thick, thin, hard, bendytall, short, big, small, long
(Deciduous trees) lose their leaves in autumn.
(Evergreen trees) have green leaves all year.
Animals move to get food.
Plants make their own food.
greenhouse, grow, inside, protect, throw away, size, number, colour , blow away
in the wind, moved by animals.
The stem supports the plant.
The roots take in (the) water.
The leaves take in air and sunlight.
(The flowers) produce seeds.
The wind carries the seeds far, far away.
Do plants need warmth to start to grow?

Key structures:
Plants need (water / air / sunlight / warmth / soil) (to grow well).
Plants have (roots).
Plants are living things.
(A tree) is a plant.
Plants are born.
Plants are born/ grow / reproduce / die.


Memorize words through songs and pictures.

Investigate about what plants need to grow, about plants and warmth and about
seeds (Lets investigate!).

Arts: Draw the plants around them.
IT: Internet links:
- Story: The lucky seed
- Plants and animals in the local environment
- Sorting animals and plants
- Plant, mammal, bird or insect?


Understanding the importance of plants.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Class worksheet 1: Parts of a plant
- Art: Draw an animal and a plant
- Draw a plant
- Art: Plant project
- Art: Plant mobiles
- ICT: Recording an investigation
- Thinking skills: Extension for confident classes
- Investigation zone
- ICT: Photograph the results
- Mapping the plants in the locality
- Class worksheet 2: Trees, bushes and grass
- Extension: Names of local trees
- ICT: Deciduous and evergreen trees
- Art: Evergreen and deciduous mural
- Homework worksheet: My plant
- Art: Seed display
- Plant fruit seeds
- Drama: Seed dispersal role play
- Art: Plant life cycle mural

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.


Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 5 Test
- 2nd term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 5


Identify the parts of a plant and its differences from animals. (C1, C3, C8)
Learn what conditions plant need to grow and investigate about it (C1, C3, C7,
Differentiate between evergreen and deciduous trees (C1, C3, C8)
Be able to name the plants around them (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Investigate about the types of seeds in different fruits (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Understand the life cycle of a plant. (C1, C3, C8)
Show awareness about the importance of protecting plants and their habitat.
(C1, C3, C5, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs, draw pictures and play games in order to review unit content. (C1,
C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 5. (C1,
C7, C8)

Water, land and air

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in
instrument of communication.
Ex. Sing The water song (PB page 57)
Ex. Listen to the story The water cycle. (PB page 58)
C2: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about forms of water
C3: Competency in
(liquid, solid and gas), the water cycle, types of water
knowledge of and
and land, the differences between salt water and fresh
interaction with the
water, environmental issues, the air, how air moves
physical world
objects, etc. (PB page 56- 62).
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links: (TN page 168)
new technologies
C5: Competency in
Environmental Education: The importance of protecting
social awareness and
the environment from pollution. (PB page 61)
Sing The water cycle song. (PB page 59)
C6: Competency in Make a kite. (TN page 190)
artistic and cultural Say the Air rap. (TN page 191)
awareness Draw a picture about an experiment with air. (PB page
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 64 and 65)
C8: Competency in
Play Raindrop race showing initiative and autonomy.
autonomous learning
(TN page 178).
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
C9: Emotional Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
competency. Lets investigate! section about the forms of water (PB
(Castilla la Mancha) page 57), about a water cycle experiment (PB page
59), and about the way air moves objects (PB page

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:
To identify the different forms of water (C1, C3)
To observe the three forms of water (C1, C3)
To describe in simple terms the water cycle in nature (C1, C3)
To know that the Earth is covered in water and land and to identify different
types of water and land found in nature (C1, C3)
To identify different types of water and land around us and learn how to protect
our environment (C1, C3)
To identify the different characteristics and uses of air (C1, C3)
To identify wind as a force (C1, C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 1 (The environment
and nature conservation), but we would also like to highlight the contents of other
blocks of the curriculum of 1st cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in
this unit:

Block 1. The environment and nature conservation

- Identifying the different forms of water.
- Listening to a dialogue and labelling the different forms of water.
- Singing a song about water.
- Investigating the different forms of water.
- Listening to the story about the water cycle and labelling the water cycle.
- Singing a song about the water cycle and investigating the water cycle.
- Reading and writing about different types of water or land.
- Labelling different types of water and listening to a story about the environment.
- Writing about air and saying a rap about air.
- Singing The water song
- Listening to the story The water cycle
- Miming the water cycle
- Playing Raindrop race
- Singing The water cycle song
- Playing Noughts and crosses
- Playing a Definitions game
- Saying the Air rap
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.

Block 2. Diversity of living beings

- Singing the song All living things need water

Block 7. Objects, machines and technologies

- Investigating how you can move air and drawing the results.



- Water forms: ice, water vapour, water

- Water in nature: rain, river, lakes, seas waterfall, oceans, streams, groundwater,
saltwater, freshwater
- Water cycle: evaporation, condensation, precipitation, collection
- Matter: liquid, solid, gas
- The ground: land, soil, sand rock
- Other: the Earth, air, oxygen

Receptive language:
Theres water in a (cloud).
Water turns to when it is hot / cold / at room temperature.
Does water change?
Can you change water vapour back to water?
a drop of water evaporates, condenses,
The Earth is covered with
plastic bags, wrappers, environment, turtle, ball, balloon, wheel
What can you move with air?
How can you use air to move books?
blow, wind
a continuous process
true, false
Wind is air that moves.
I can see air.
Air is everywhere.

Key structures:
Water has no colour / taste / smell.
Water is a liquid.
Ice is a solid.
Water vapour is a gas
(Mountains are natural).
People / Plants / Animals / All living things need water / air (to live).


Memorize words through pictures and songs.

Investigate about the forms of water, about a water cycle experiment and about
the way air moves objects. (Lets investigate!).

Education for Citizenship: have a critical attitude towards protecting the
environment from pollution.
IT: Internet links
- Changing states of water
- The water cycle ash/fl ash_watercycle.html


To understand the importance of looking after our environment.
To encourage pupils to think about pollution.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Art: Water forms project
- Revision: Water forms pyramid
- Homework worksheet: The three forms of water
- Experiment extension
- Water cycle extension
- Art: Draw the water cycle
- Drama: Water cycle role play
- ICT: Online story
- ICT: Groundwater online animation
- Soil investigation
- Class worksheet 1: Water
- Art: Make signs
- Revision: Play Odd one out
- Class worksheets 2a and 2b: Cosmos tale minibook
- Music: Rap extension: wind
- Design: Make a kite
- Literacy: Write about objects you can move with air
- Design: Make a fan

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.


Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 6 Test
- 2nd term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 6


Learn about the different types and forms of water: liquid, solid and gas (C1,
C3, C8)
Study the water cycle and investigate about it through an experiment (C1, C3,
C7, C8)
Learn about types of water and land in the Earth. (C1, C3, C8)
Investigate about the way the air moves objects (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Understand the importance of protecting the environment by avoiding pollution.
(C1, C3, C5, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 6. C1,
C7, C8

The Sun

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in instrument of communication.
linguistic Ex. Sing the song The Earth goes around the Sun. (PB
communication page 67)
Ex. Listen to the story Moon watch. (PB page 68).
C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about the Sun, the
knowledge of and
Earth, the Moon, the phases of the moon, day and
interaction with the
night, the seasons, etc. (PB pages 66-75 )
physical world
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links (TN page 196)
new technologies
Environmental Education: Showing respect towards all
C5: Competency in the elements of our environment including the Earth
social awareness and and the space. (PB pages 66-75)
citizenship Moral and Civic Education: Students show respect
towards their classmates when working in groups.
Cut out and stick the different phases of the moon in
order. (PB pages 68 and 139)
C6: Competency in
Say the Sunrise rap. (PB page 70)
artistic and cultural
Draw the Sun in the correct place. (PB page 71)
Say the Months chant. (PB page 73)
Seasons and months display (TN page 221)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 74 and 75)
C8: Competency in
Act out the mini solar system showing initiative and
autonomous learning
autonomy. (TN page 200)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
C9: Emotional admitting both their own success and their classmates.
competency. Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
(Castilla la Mancha) Lets investigate! section about the moon (PB page 69),
and about day and night (PB page 71)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:
To recognise the Sun as a star and the Earth as a planet that orbits the Sun (C1,
To understand the basic characteristics of the Sun, the Earth and the moon (C1,
To learn some of the moons characteristics (C1, C3)
Learn how the positions of the Earth, Sun and moon create the moons changing
phases (C1, C3)
To know that the Sun appears to move across the sky in a regular way (C1, C3)
To consolidate reasons for day and night by establishing the concept of the Earth
spinning on its axis (C1, C3)
To determine that the Earth takes 24 hours to turn around once (C1, C3)
To demonstrate that seasons exist because of the tilt of the Earth (C1, C3)
To identify the four seasons of the year and their main characteristics (C1, C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Blocks 1 (The environment
and nature conservation) and 5 (Time changes):

Block 1. The environment and nature conservation

- Brainstorming what they know about the Sun.
- Listening to a dialogue about the planets.
- Labelling the planets.
- Singing a song and writing about the characteristics of the planets.
- Listening to a story about the phases of the moon.
- Cutting and sticking pictures to show the phases of the moon.
- Investigating if the moon changes shape.
- Listening and reading about the Earths orbit around the Sun.
- Acting out the mini solar system
- Singing the song The Earth goes around the Sun
- Listening to the story Moon watch
- Cut-out activity: Sticking the phases of the moon in order
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.

Block 5. Time changes

- Saying a rap and writing about sunrise, midday and sunset.
- Investigating and writing about day and night.
- Identifying the seasons and labelling photos of them.
- Saying the chant about months and listening, reading and writing about the
- Saying the Sunrise rap
- Answering to The seasons quiz
- Saying the Months chant

- Doing a class survey: Favourite seasons

- Solar system: the Sun, planets, moon, the Earth

- Phases of the moon: new moon, crescent moon, (first / third) quarter moon, full
- Movement of the Sun: sunrise, midday, sunset
- Movement of the Earth: day, night, tilted
- The seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter
- The months of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December
Receptive language:
planetarium, solar system, telescope, big, small, bigger, smaller, lights up,
change shape
What is the Sun / moon made of?
How many planets are there? craters, astronauts,
Does the moon really change shape?
The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
The Earth turns around.
It takes one day for the Earth to turn around once.
It takes one year to go all the way around the Sun.
warmer, cooler, high, low, long, short.
Key structures:
The Sun is a star.
The Sun gives us heat and light.
We live on the Earth.
The Earth is a planet.
The Sun / moon is made of gas / rock.
There are eight planets.
The moon reflects light from the Sun.
We have seasons because the Earth is tilted.
(The Earth / moon / planets) go / goes around the
(Sun / Earth).

Memorize words through pictures and songs
Investigate about the moon and about day and night (Lets investigate!).

Arts: Students do a seasons and months display, drawing the Earth, the Sun
and making works about the seasons. (TN page 221)
IT: Internet links (TN page 196)
- Moon going round the Earth going round the Sun video

Respect for the Earth and an understanding of day and night and the seasons.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,
Extra activities:
- Class worksheet 1a: The Earth, Sun and moon
- Literacy: Write Sun poems
- Music: Sing The Earth goes around the Sun with the minibook
- Literacy: Play Sentence and flashcard match
- Homework worksheet: Moon watch
- Art: Moon mural
- ICT: Animated moon phases (ICT link)
- Art/Literacy: Draw the moon again
- Art: Draw the setting Sun
- Observe the Sun
- Class worksheet 2: Sunrise and sunset flicker book
- Extension: The Earth turns around
- Art: Day and night picture
- Drama: Seasons role play
- Design: Make a model
- Art/Literacy: Seasons and months display
- Extension: How seasons affect animals
Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 7 Test
- 2nd term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson


- Lets remember Review for Unit 7
Learn about the Sun, the Earth and the Moon and their relevant movements.
(C1, C3, C8)
Understand the phases of the Moon. (C1, C3, C8)
Be able to describe the Earths movements and the existence of seasons (C1, C3,
Investigate about the shapes of the Moon (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Investigate about the reasons for day and night (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Understand the importance of protecting the environment (C3, C5, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and make artistic works in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6,
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 7. (C1,
C7, C8)

The city

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in
instrument of communication.
Ex. Sing the song Lets go in! (PB page 77)
Ex. Listen to the story The traffic jam. (PB page 78)
C2: Competency in Students count different transports and record their
mathematics results in a table. (PB page 79)
The whole unit is devoted to talk about buildings and
C3: Competency in
places in the city, means of transport, traffic, road
knowledge of and
safety, safety rules when travelling, the differences
interaction with the
between cities and villages, professions, etc. (PB pages
physical world
C4: Competency in
Website activities:
new technologies
Moral and Civic Education: Understand the importance
of following safety road rules when we travel and as
pedestrians, such as using zebra crossings, using
C5: Competency in helmets or wearing seatbelts. (PB pages 80-81)
social awareness and Education for Peace: the importance of respecting
citizenship peoples preferences regarding living in the city or in a
village. (PB page 82)
Education for Sexual Equality: Understand that both
men and women can do any type of job. (PB page 83)
Draw a form of transport. (PB page 79)
C6: Competency in
Cut out and stick the pictures about road safety in the
artistic and cultural
correct order. (PB pages 80 and 139)
Say The safety rap. (PB page 81)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 84 and 85)
C8: Competency in
Students do Safety mimes showing initiative and
autonomous learning
autonomy. (TN page 244)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
C9: Emotional admitting both their own success and their classmates.
competency. Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
(Castilla la Mancha) Lets investigate! section about roads with different
traffic (PB page 79)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:
To identify the main features of a city (C1, C3)
To recognise the difference between public and private buildings (C1, C3)
To learn about different forms of transport and understand if they are used to
carry people or goods (C1, C3)
To observe that traffic affects some areas more than others (C1, C3)
To understand the importance of observing basic road safety rules (C1, C3, C5)
To learn that we live in settlements of different sizes (C1, C3, C5)
To recognise the that some professions provide food, some make things and
others provide a service (C1, C5)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Blocks 4 (People, cultures
and social organisation) and 3 (Health and personal development):

Block 3. Health and personal development

- Ordering the stages for crossing the road safely.
- Reading and matching road safety rules.
- Saying the Stop! Look! Listen! Think! rap
- Doing the Cross the road role play
- Saying The safety rap
- Doing Safety mimes

Block 4. People, cultures and social organisation

- Identifying the names of city buildings.
- Listening to a dialogue and ticking the places.
- Singing a song about the city.
- Classifying public and private buildings.
- Listening to a story about transport and classifying transport for goods and for
- Drawing a form of transport.
- Investigating the amount of traffic on different roads and recording the results.
- Listening and matching the description to the city or the village.
- Writing sentences about cities and villages.
- Personalisation: Naming your favourite place
- Playing Guess where I am
- Singing the song Lets go in!
- Playing Noughts and crosses
- Listening to the story The traffic jam
- Playing a Definitions game
- Playing Odd one out

- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.


- Places in the city: school, house, flat, library, bakers, chemists, supermarket,
post office, park, church, swimming pool, bank, museum, sports centre, hospital,
train station, bus station, restaurant, airport, shop, public / private buildings
- Transport: car, bus / buses, plane, helicopter, boat, bike, lorry / lorries, van,
tanker, train, hot air balloon
- Jobs: teacher, cook, caretaker, police officer, firefighter, postal worker, baker,
farmer, fisherman, doctor, electrician, builder, plumber, factory worker,
- Street: zebra crossing, traffic lights, post box, road, pavement, kerb
- Safety: wear a seatbelt / helmet, sit down, hold on, stop, look, listen, think (first)
- Other: city/ cities, village(s), goods, people

Receptive language:
wrong way round
Turn left / right.
Go straight on.
Lets go in.
traffic jam, transport
wheels, street
Do some roads have more traffic?
more, less
Use your eyes and ears.
Wait until its safe to cross.
Arrive safely.
always, sometimes, never, (not) safe
live, work
big, noisy, tall, small, quiet
Some people help us by building houses / working in factories / providing a
Key structures:
Theres a (hospital) in the city.
The (bus station) is on the left / right.
I can see a (park).
A (tanker) is for (goods / people).
A (van) has got (four) wheels.
A (tanker) goes on the road.
on land, in the air, in the water, on the road, on rails
The road / pavement is for cars / people.
Wait on the kerb.
This is a city / village.
A (doctor) works in a (hospital). / A builder builds walls. / A carpenter makes
things out of wood. / An electrician works with electricity. / A plumber works with

water. / A factory worker makes things in a factory. / A farmer works on a farm. /
A fisherman catches fish.

Memorize words through pictures and songs

Investigate about the amount of traffic in different roads (Lets investigate!).

Maths: Count types of transports in different roads and record the results.
Education for Citizenship: safety rules in transports and road safety.


To understand how to cross the road safely.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Speaking: Play Im going to the
- Template worksheet: Giving directions
- School trip
- ICT: City photos
- Art/Literacy: Draw and write about a vehicle
- Art: Make a hot air balloon
- Class worksheet 1: Transport definitions
- Thinking skills: Sorting vehicles
- Homework worksheet: Observing transport
- Internet link: Road safety films
- Art/Literacy: Make a zebra crossing
- Art/Literacy: Make safety signs
- Speaking: Road safety survey
- Art: Make a model village
- Look at maps of the area
- Class worksheet 2: Jobs
- Thinking skills: Flow diagram

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.


Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 8 Test
- 2nd term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 8


Learn about places and buildings in a city and about means of transport. (C1, C3,
Be able to distinguish between transports used to carry people and goods. (C1,
C3, C8)
Investigate about traffic in different roads. (C3, C7, C8)
Understand the importance of being responsible and following safety road rules
(C1, C3, C5)
Analyse the differences between living in a city or in a village (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Learn about professions and services in the city (C1, C3, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 8. C1,
C7, C8


All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in
instrument of communication.
Ex. Sing the song Why? (PB page 87)
Ex. Listen to the story Cosmos house. (PB page 88)
C2: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about materials
C3: Competency in
around the house, properties of materials, magnetism,
knowledge of and
the shape of materials, natural and manufactured
interaction with the
materials, the effect of temperature, etc. (PB pages 86-
physical world
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links (TN page 253)
new technologies
Moral an Civic Education: The importance of showing
respect towards their classmates when making
C5: Competency in experiments and activities in groups. (PB pages 86-95)
social awareness and Environmental Education: the importance of protecting
citizenship the environment when we manufacture materials. (PB
page 91)

Draw the results of an experiment with magnets. (PB

C6: Competency in page 89)
artistic and cultural Draw and number the results of an experiment with
awareness temperature. (PB page 93)

Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-

C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 94 and 95)
C8: Competency in
Play I spy something made of showing initiative and
autonomous learning
autonomy. (TN page 257)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
C9: Emotional Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
competency. Lets investigate! section about magnets (PB page 89),
(Castilla la Mancha) about the shapes of materials (PB page 90) and about
materials and temperature (PB page 92).

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To identify some common materials and their uses (C1, C3)

To sort objects into groups on the basis of their properties (C1, C3)
To understand that different materials are used for different purposes according
to their properties (C1, C3)
To observe that some materials are magnetic but most are not (C3)
To describe the ways in which the shape of some objects can be changed (C1,
To identify that some materials occur naturally and some are manufactured (C3)
To observe that many materials change when they are cooled or heated (C3)
To plan and carry out a fair test to investigate the effect of different temperatures
on ice (C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 6 (Matter and energy):

Block 6. Matter and energy

- Listening and identifying different materials.
- Matching the materials to the parts of the house.
- Writing and grouping materials according to their properties.
- Listening to a story about making a house for Cosmo.
- Thinking about the properties of different materials.
- Investigating which materials are magnetic and drawing the results.
- Investigating which materials will bend, twist, stretch, squash and recording the
- Listening and reading about natural and manufactured materials and classifying
different materials.
- Investigating heating and cooling of different materials and recording of results.
- Listening to a dialogue and investigating where ice melts fastest.
- Playing I spy something made of
- Singing the song Why?
- Listening to the story Cosmos house
- Playing Materials noughts and crosses
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.

- Parts of a house: house, window, door, wall, roof, curtains
- Materials: rubber, paper, wood, plastic, fabric, glass, metal, stone, bricks,
leather, wool, cotton
- Properties: transparent, opaque, bendy, rigid, hard, soft, smooth, rough, hot,
cold, solid, liquid
- Ways of changing materials: squash, bend, twist, stretch, heat(ing), cool(ing),
- Magnets: (not) magnetic, attract metal

Receptive language:
garden wall, garage
Whats made of (glass)? / What is the (door) made of?
A (door) has to be (hard and rigid).
(Windows) are made of (glass) because (glass) is (transparent).
Which objects are magnetic?
I think this will (bend).
plasticine, spoon, ruler, rubber band, pencil
nature, people, before, after
freezer, candle, ice (cube), (no) water, melt
Heat and cool some materials. What happens?
Choose three different places for your ice. Which melts first?
Key structures:
The / A (chair) is made of(wood).
(Wood) is a manufactured / natural material.

Memorize words through pictures and experiments.
Investigate about magnetism and about the effects of temperature on materials,
(Lets investigate!).

Art: draw pictures of their experiments with magnets and temperature.
IT: Internet links (TN page 253):
- Matching items to the materials they are made of. Suitable for use after Lesson 1
- BBC test materials to see if they are flexible, waterproof, strong and transparent
(includes paper, plastic, fabric, metal, glass and rubber)

- Changing materials using heat or cold
Respect for buildings and materials.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
-Literacy: Label the materials
-Class worksheet 1: What's it made of?
-Art/Literacy: Draw and label your house
-Feely bag game
-Art: Grouped materials display
-Art: Silly houses
-Thinking skills: Properties extension
-Thinking skills: Observation activity: Everyday uses of materials
-Art: Make fridge magnets
-Hunt at home
-Everyday items we bend, twist and stretch
-Plasticine shapes
-Art: Materials collages
-Class worksheets 2a and 2b: Materials chart: Natural or manufactured?
-Homework worksheet: Natural and manufactured materials at home
-Photographic wall display
-ICT: Make a presentation
-Further experiments
-Vocabulary extension: Hot and cold words
Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 9 Test
- 3rd term test

- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 9


Learn about different materials, their properties and uses. (C1, C3, C8)
Investigate about magnetism through an experiment (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Be able to describe the changes in the shape of different materials (C1, C3, C8)
Learn about natural and manufactured materials. (C1, C3, C8)
Understand the importance of taking care of the environment when we make
manufactured materials (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Investigate the effects of temperature over materials. (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 9. C1,
C7, C8

All the activities of the unit use the language as an
instrument of communication.
C1: Competency in
Ex. Sing the song Push and pull. (PB page 97)
Ex. Listen to the stories: The race (PB page 98), and
The power cut (PB page 100)

C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in
The whole unit is devoted to talk about forces, pushing
knowledge of and
and pulling, blowing, light sources and shadows,
interaction with the
sources of sound, etc . (PB pages 96-105)
physical world
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links (TN page 279)
new technologies
Moral and Civic Education: Understand the importance
of respecting people who suffers from any type of
disability such as being deaf or blind and put
C5: Competency in
themselves in their place. (TN page 299)
social awareness and
Education for Peace: Understand that the most
important thing in competitions such as races is not
winning but participating. (PB page 98)

C6: Competency in
Cut out and stick the sound sources. (PB pages 102
artistic and cultural
and 139)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 104 and 105)
C8: Competency in
Play Push and pull pairs showing initiative and
autonomous learning
autonomy. (TN page 286)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
C9: Emotional
Lets investigate! section about how forces affect
objects (PB page 97), about the force necessary to
(Castilla la Mancha)
blow a ball (PB page 99) and about how sound travels
(PB page 103).

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:
To understand that push and pull are forces (C1, C3)
To understand that pushing and pulling things can make objects start or stop
moving (C3)
To understand that forces can make things change direction (C1, C3)
To observe that forces can make things change direction (C3)
To identify different sources of light (C1, C3)
To know that shadows occur when an object blocks light from a light source (C3)
To identify different sources of sound (C1, C3)
To know that sounds get fainter as they get further away (C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 6 (Matter and energy),
but we would also like to highlight the contents of other blocks of the curriculum of 1st
cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 6. Matter and energy

- Listening to a dialogue about pushing and pulling.
- Matching the toys to the force that they need.
- Singing a song about push and pull.
- Investigating how far a toy car travels with big and small forces.
- Listening to a story about direction and forces.
- Writing about the direction of a ball from pictures.
- Investigating blowing a ball and recording the results in a chart.
- Listening to a story about sources of light.
- Reading about natural and artificial sources of light.
- Reading about shadows and matching objects to their shadows.
- Listening and circling the sound sources.
- Cutting and sticking pictures of sound sources.
- Listening and labelling the photos.
- Investigating how sound travels and recording the results.
- Singing the song Push and pull
- Playing Push and pull pairs
- Listening to the story The race
- Playing Forces ball games
- Listening to the story The power cut
- Cut-out activity: Classifying warning or information sounds
- Playing Chinese whispers
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.


- Forces: push, pull

- Direction: towards (us), away; forwards, backwards; sideways, change direction
- Sources of light: the Sun, moon, stars, lights, lamp, torch, candle
- Other: stop, power cut, shadow, sounds, information, warning, school, city,
countryside, waterfall, louder, quieter
Receptive language:
How do forces affect objects?
Blow the ball along the line.
Try to make it stop on the star.
star, racetrack, dark, monster, bird, rabbit, on, off
A shadow is formed when an opaque object blocks the light.
When there is no light, we cannot see anything.
plane, drum(s), car, mobile phone, clock, saxophone, radio, dog, pin, bell
near, (quite) far away
loud, quiet
Which sound travels further: a loud sound or a quiet sound?
Sounds are louder near the source.

Key structures:
We pull things towards us and we push them away.
The harder you push, the further it moves.
We push / pull this.
Its pleasant / unpleasant.

Memorize words through games and experiments.
Investigate about how forces affect objects, about the force necessary to blow a
ball and about how sound travels (Lets investigate!).

Education for Citizenship: Understanding the importance of respecting people
who suffer from disabilities such as deaf people.
IT: Internet links
- Light sources:
- Push and pull interactive games

To encourage children to think about pleasant and unpleasant sounds and how
we react to them
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Class worksheets 1a and 1b: Forces chart: Push or pull?
- Label things in the classroom
- PE: Tug of war
- Art: Make push and pull toy murals
- Pushing race
- Homework worksheet: Push and pull
- Speaking: Give directions
- Speaking: Direct each other
- Art: Make a blow picture
- Art: Design a track
- School hunt for sources of light
- Class worksheets 2a and 2b: Sources of light
- Art: Make shadow puppets
- Guess the shadow
- Think about being deaf
- Drama: Use your body as a source of sound
- Investigation extension
- Speaking: Sounds around

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.

Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 10 Test
- 3rd term test
- End of year test

- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 10


Learn about forces and the concepts of pushing and pulling (C1, C3, C8)
Understand the relationship between forces, movement and direction. (C3, C8)
Investigate about forces and directions through an experiment (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Identify and investigate sources of light and shadows. (C1, C3, C7, C8)
Identify and investigate sources of sound and their effects on distance. (C1, C3,
C7, C8)
Understand the importance of our senses and show respect towards people with
any kind of disability. (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 10. (C1,
C7, C8)


All the activities of the unit use the language as an
instrument of communication.
C1: Competency in
Ex. Sing the song Electricity! (PB page 107)
Ex. Listen to the story Electricity is dangerous. (PB
page 108)

C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in The whole unit is devoted to talk about electricity,
knowledge of and electrical appliances and their potential danger, saving
interaction with the energy, computers, mains and batteries, machines, etc.
physical world (PB pages 106- 115)
Website activities:
C4: Competency in
Internet links (TN page 306)
new technologies
Education for Health: Understand the importance of
following rules and learning about the potential danger
C5: Competency in
of electricity. (PB page 108)
social awareness and
Environmental Education: Understand the importance of
saving energy and recycling batteries in order to
protect the environment. (PB pages 109, 110)
Draw the plug on some electrical appliances. (PB page
C6: Competency in
Design safety posters to do with electricity. (TN page
artistic and cultural
Sing the song Lets save energy. (PB page 109)
Design Save energy posters. (TN page 318)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 114 and 115)
C8: Competency in
Doing a Safety quiz showing initiative and autonomy.
autonomous learning
(PB page 316)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
C9: Emotional
Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
Lets investigate! section about simple machines and
(Castilla la Mancha)
trying to make a new machine. (PB pages 112, 113)

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To learn that a range of everyday machines and appliances use electricity (C1,
To know that electrical items can give out heat, light, sound and motion (C1, C3)
To be aware of the dangers of electricity (C1, C3, C5)
To recognise the need to save energy by switching off appliances when not
needed (C1, C3, C5)
To recognise the computer as an important technological discovery and learn
about its components (C1, C3, C4)
To recognise that everyday appliances use electricity and that electricity can come
from the mains or a battery (C1, C3)
To distinguish between simple and complex machines (C1, C3)
To make and use a simple machine (C3)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Blocks 7 (Objects, machines
and technologies) and 6 (Matter and energy):

Block 6. Matter and energy

- Writing answers to a quiz about saving energy.
- Matching appliances to their source of energy and drawing something that uses
- Sing the song Electricity!
- Sing the song Lets save energy

Block 7. Objects, machines and technologies

- Listening to a dialogue about electrical appliances.
- Identifying electrical appliances and non-electrical appliances.
- Writing the names of different electrical appliances in a chart under the
categories heat, light, sound and motion.
- Listening to a story about safety with electricity and reading and matching the
safety rules.
- Listen to the story Electricity is dangerous
- Safety quiz
- Labelling the computer parts.
- Identifying and writing about simple and complex machines.
- Investigating simple machines and recording the results.
- Playing a Definitions game
- Playing Odd one out
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.



- Electrical appliances: television, lamp, radio, games console, washing machine,

computer, fridge, DVD player, heater, fan, electricity, torch
- What electricity can give us: heat, light, sound, motion
- Sources of electricity: the mains, batteries / a battery
- Computer parts: computer, monitor, mouse, keyboard

Receptive language:
The (computer) is not working.
You have to plug it in.
Does this need electricity?
A (heater) gives us (heat).
A (fan) makes things move.
electrical appliances
Never use electrical appliances near water.
Never use a broken cable.
Never plug too many things into the same socket.
Never put anything into a socket.
I turn off the (lights) (when I go out).
I close the doors / fridge door.
I put on a jumper when its cold.
I save energy.
A computer is a complex machine.
The (clock) needs electricity from (batteries).
moving parts, Can you (put the lid on the bottle / cut the sandwich / balance the
Which travels further?
ramp, start, finish, wheels, heavy
carton, with, without.

Key structures:
The / A (television) needs electricity.
A (hot air balloon) does not need electricity.
Electricity is dangerous.
This is a simple / complex machine..


Memorize words through pictures and songs

Investigate about simple machines and trying to make a new machine (Lets

Education for Citizenship: Saving energy.
IT: Internet links (TN page 306)
- Celldric's House: things in the home powered by electricity (mains or battery)
- Classifying things that use electricity


To learn about the dangers of electricity.
To understand the need to save energy.
To recognise the computer as an important technological discovery
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Class worksheet 1: Electricity
- Art: Make murals
- Homework worksheet: Electrical appliances at home
- Revision: Play Point to
- Music: Song extension
- Art: Design safety posters
- Art: Design Save energy posters
- Class worksheet 2: Save energy
- Appliances display
- Art: Appliances mural
- Machines walk
- Speaking: Report on the machine's walk
- Extension: Group work with ramps
- Class worksheet 3: Machines chart: Simple or complex?
- Extension: Levers

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.


Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 11 Test
- 3rd term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 11


Learn about the electricity and electrical appliances (C1, C3, C8)
Show awareness about the potential danger of electricity (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Be aware of the importance of saving energy and recycling (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Investigate about simple machines and how to create a new one. (C1, C3, C7,
Learn about computers and its components. (C1, C3, C4, C8)
Learn about the different sources of electricity. (C1, C3, C8)
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 11. C1,
C7, C8


All the activities of the unit use the language as an
C1: Competency in instrument of communication.
linguistic Ex. Sing the Time song. (PB page 117)
communication Ex. Listen to the story Maxs busy day. (PB page 118)

C2: Competency in
C3: Competency in The whole unit is devoted to talk about time, measuring
knowledge of and time, routines, timelines, the past, the evolution of
interaction with the communication devices, transports in the past, etc. (PB
physical world pages 116- 125)
C4: Competency in
Website activities:
new technologies
Moral and Civic Education: Understand the importance
of talking to older people about the past. (PB page 349)
C5: Competency in
Consumer Education: Acknowledge changes in
social awareness and
communication means and understand the importance
of doing a good and moderate use of machines such as
computers and television. (PB page 122)
Make a class water clock. (TN page 335)
Cut out and stick events on a timeline. (PB pages 118
and 141)
C6: Competency in
Cut out and stick objects from the past and the
artistic and cultural
present. (PB pages 121 and 141)
Sing the Communication song. (PB page 122)
Draw a vehicle in the past, the present and the future.
(PB page 123)
Complete the Lets Remember section and the self-
C7: Competency in
evaluation box so as to revise the contents learnt in the
learning to learn
unit. (PB pages 124 and 125)
C8: Competency in
Play Past or present? showing initiative and autonomy.
autonomous learning
(PB page 348)
and personal initiative
Learn to work in groups respecting each other and
admitting both their own success and their classmates.
C9: Emotional Ex. Play the Odd one out game. Ex. Completing the
competency. Lets investigate! section making a timeline of their own
(Castilla la Mancha) life events (PB page 119), and about past or present
photos (PB page 120).

Throughout this unit, the student will be able to achieve the following points:

To understand and use different expressions for measuring time (C1, C2, C3)
To use a timeline to sequence familiar events (C1, C7)
To use a timeline to sequence important life events (C1, C7, C8)
To recognise the differences between cities past and in the present (C1, C6)
To compare household items from the past with those from the present (C6)
To learn about different types of communication and the way these have changed
over time (C1, C3, C6)
To identify ways in which transport has changed over time (C1, C3, C6)
To review unit content (C1, C7)
To undertake a simple self-assessment on the unit content (C8)

Throughout this unit, we will place particular emphasis on Block 5 (Time changes), but
we would also like to highlight the contents of other blocks of the curriculum of 1st
cycle primary, which are also introduced or recycled in this unit:

Block 4. People, cultures and social organisation

- Singing a song about communication and labelling different types of
communication past or present.
- Listening and numbering vehicles from the past.
- Drawing vehicles in the past, present and future.

Block 5. Time changes

- Listening to and saying measures of time.
- Listening to a dialogue about time and classifying clocks from the past and
present by circling them in different colours.
- Listening to a story about Maxs busy day and sticking the events on a timeline.
- Completing a timeline about pupils own lives.
- Investigating the city in the past.
- Talking about a photo of a city in the past and reading and matching sentences
about the past and present.
- Cut out and stick objects from the past and present.
- Singing the Time song
- Answering to a Time quiz
- Listening to the story Maxs busy day
- Playing Past or present?
- Reviewing and testing the main concepts of the unit.



- Time: before, now, after, minute, hour, day, week, month, season, year,
weekend, yesterday, tomorrow, past, present, future, time
- Methods of marking and measuring time: calendar, clock, watch, timeline
- Routines: I brush my teeth, I wash my face, I get dressed, I comb my hair, I
have breakfast
- Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
- Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,
October, November, December
- Communication: telephone, computer, radio, television, newspaper, letter
- Transport: train, bus, car, bike, plane

Receptive language:
sundial, hourglass, water clocks
Is this clock from the past or present?
What time / day / month / season is it?
Its seven oclock / Saturday / August / summer.
First, I (have breakfast) then I (brush my teeth).
This is me when I was (five).
This is the past / present because
Objects in the present / from the past, home
We talk on / listen to / send an email on/the
We read / watch the
We write and post a letter.
back / front (wheel)

Key structures:
The day before / after (Tuesday) is
Today is (Tuesday). Yesterday was (Monday).
Tomorrow will be (Wednesday).
There are (seven) days in a (week).
We measure (minutes) with a (clock).
I was born / a baby / three
I started school.
This is me now.
There is / are
There was / were
There were no (cars).
People / They didnt have (DVD players) in the past.
This is from the present / past.


Memorize words through experiments and handicrafts.

Investigate about time making a timeline of their own life events and
distinguishing between past and present photos (Lets investigate!).

Education for Citizenship: the importance of talking with older people about
the past so as to build our memory.


To recognise how things have changed and to learn from the past.
Politeness in the other language.
Effort with new vocabulary and structures.
Interest and respect in the classmates opinions, mother tongue, accent, origin,

Extra activities:
- Art: Past and present mural
- Class worksheet 1: Sundial
- Make a class water clock
- Music: Song extension
- Homework worksheet: Birthday chart
- Literacy: Extension: Weekend routines
- Drama: Play Morning routine charades
- Thinking skills/Literacy: Timeline extension
- Thinking skills/Speaking: Classroom timeline
- Class worksheet 2: In the past
- My city in the past
- Art: Draw a picture of life in the past
- Art: Objects past and present
- Literacy: Communicate in writing
- Personalisation: How I communicate
- Art: Design an object in the future
- Personalisation: Make a journey timeline

Support Ideas, game bank for pupils who have received little input at an Infant
level (TN pages 23 and 24)
Extra worksheets of the Photocopiable Resources CD.


Informal evaluation
- Teachers evaluation of the unit
- Individual child assessment sheet
- Class assessment sheets.

Formal evaluation
- Unit 12 Test
- 3rd term test
- End of year test
- Closing activities at the end of each lesson

- Lets remember Review for Unit 12


Learn about the time, present and past events, timelines, etc. (C1, C3, C8)
Investigate how to measure time through an experiment (C3, C7, C8)
Compare past and present machines and cities and notice the differences (C1,
C3, C8)
Understand the evolution of several communication devices. (C1, C3, C5, C8)
Be aware of the importance of talking to older people about the past. (C1, C3,
C5, C8)
Notice the changes in transports from past to present and imagine how they may
be in the future. (C1, C3, C6, C8).
Use information and communication technologies in order to look for information
by following the suggested Internet links. (C1, C4, C7, C8)
Sing songs and play games in order to review unit content. (C1, C3, C6, C8)
Review all the contents learnt doing the Lets remember Review for Unit 12. C1,
C7, C8


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