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Site Investigation Geology (GEOM2131) Module Outline 2016

Wednesday, 2:30 - 4:30 pm (80.04.11)

2:30-3:30pm 3:30-4:30pm
Week (Demonstration) Assessments
1 Outline of course module Locating cross-sections and data for
Introduction to NWLNG project project Understanding engineering
Introduction to Pilbara geology geology data sets.
Preparing a cross section template with
vertical exaggeration

2 Geology in 3D and correlations Constructing a geological section

from drillholes Data types in interpretation from drill holes
Example cross-section from project

3 Australia site investigation Finding geological exposures in

standards Assignment 2 Melbourne/Victoria.
information Annotating geological field photographs

4 Excavatability 1 Plotting data on an excavatability chart

Introduction to rocks and minerals:
5 Foundations and stability 1 Interpretation of foundation and slope Assignment 1: NWLNG P i p e l i n e
Introduction to intact rock and rock stability conditions in mixed rock and soil Interpretive cross section
mass strength Rocks in 3D (5pm 19th August, 10%)

6 Construction materials 1 Type of Assessing and estimating material quality

geomaterials The rock cycle and quantity according to specifications

Mid-semester break 29 Aug-4 Sep

7 Excavatability 2 Interpreting excavatability of a cross-section

Rock types and failure modes
Seismic velocity methods
8 Foundations and stability 2 Interpretation of foundation and slope Assignment 2: Annotated outcrop
Assessing weak zones and stability conditions in mixed rock and soil part photo and rock description using
structures 2 standards
(5pm 16th September, 10%)
9 Construction materials 2 Assessing and estimating material quality
Assessing and estimating material and quantity according to specifications
quality and quantity part 2

10 Identifying engineering geology Assessing excavation, stability and materials

problems for a buried pipeline installation.

11 Solving engineering geology Demonstration of rockfall modelling

problems Clarify assignment 3 tasks as needed
12 Revision Clarify assignment 3 tasks as needed Assignment 3: NWLNG P i p e l i n e
Excavatability report, Foundation
conditions report, material
quantity report
(5pm 14th October, 30%)
No exam for geology module

Assessments shown out of a total of 50% for the Geology module

Staff: Associate Professor John Smith

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