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DISCUSSION OF TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AND HYDRODYNAMIC INPUT by ‘Navel Shp Rosoareh ant Development Coster "rhe socom sain of the Sypontam was Se- Finetina, Fst Professors Ove a Beak ‘prorated a etrlel reste of the develcpenent of fhe tinea sip motion teoros, satin with the ‘stony of motion wth frequony Teoponden co felons used twnty jones sep al eon {oth *eompromiee” step they of protest aa. ‘They alo dacuved ome of tho wollbar aspects ‘ou results of i ovstgnion om Inte empte Shp motions i llowing aut spntering sean Ho Aseassed tha amerieal sis dma stration Su showed ib af model experiments tn Sax Frasaio Sy. Di. Commie gave the al pes- alo, coneaiating onthe problem eens and “omcomige ofboth exponents a hereto ‘nothode for predlting transfor futons. (ne the tusdamevtlassumytions made nthe ‘Dons “Pioaon papa i tht tho Ilse sep ‘alton pgp te appleable to th slp mation froblom ta Lreplat eae. the ie of tho peor hoc existed patty ao evidence wich col port this ansmpon, abd notated very obec {el that the pricier at wali nen the ne str ath nr ett ortny, ‘ts nceuonated which demonstra th vally of tie asamion, Prom the papers by Ogsve ae ‘ska by Commins, an also from Ue dacaretos {rom th fs, 1 ex that tho gneral pinion o- {ye that ie ear mporposion prosiplesan be vay for pret the metione maa eas of woven ‘ae beyond wit ta ongialy boos spat eel te poo out tat mt of he sone statements made regarding te eariy ofthe rer poss altho wreuray af stip theory are oly Splat to pth a heave mottan. Th rll o= ong, for eeample, ase for most ship wo nascar ‘hat tsar persion cana in general wed ‘mtn adyuate aearaty or dean splenies, For {he sway wal yaw mations ett poss, at {tard to either Hnoarity or accuracy doo to Hack of ‘Sip-mtontranaorfctons may bo bead trom enorimonte or fom cmpaterprograin bed Saatip theory. ie. Jobe D. feet that eaves conleted moe ft as muck 99 £100,000 wie name {loge canta pesornd fora sal Seon a he ont He recommended tat fhory sould be ed ‘i deg predicuen whenoor poole and that, 000 ‘ule pons Unoovaaney tat contons. Dee Commins confred tat Theory To presedy bel ed for that purpose. abate ewcagalted ta tip theory only starsles th iar transfer funetions, whlch ‘rity apeslng may only bo od Into rege of {tom enperinnts in rogaar o eragala wes ml focine nnlaea” ffl aad thereover me renee o applteaton. Professor St Duala to tat “jones ar sgniteantyronsene near superpo- ‘ion may ail bo wed if the eater fnctlons were ‘Shtatned rom toes fa trepaae wavs wi pees se cn eave ec are ht a ‘tsa ta tae yt FORWARD SPEED, AND NONLINEAR KYFECTS ‘ie, Cumminedacconed nb paper the sport nce of the mnllcas, high Prowde-oumber effects ‘ot ben nce. "ke "enmpromlse step theory seus tat the freqeaey of encounter Ie hgh ou 49> 0 (2/25), ao that the thre-dmenstnal spend ependettreo-sarane condition ea be reduced 0 ‘tvo-dimonsoual sond-ndopondnt fve-natace ‘echatory motion can bo teregarded, Professor [bvowite potted ot that nose of thse aguampione ‘is apes by Ogee ad Tule 096, sit of thas asmmtions, i as been sown that for coneational hl foe he kere a ‘te experimental felts even at seltrely Sigh ‘Bese evomiey sre cin afo camle ‘goed agreement has been shown upto Fr = 0,205 for fi pen cram ter ty oe exam the real geod aoomect hae bec sho al ho ay ‘ment in quite poor a FF = 0.90 for both te Bt thos crue stern hips atthe eed as prevonaly bo iatapectod by wcme lavestgnore av lal on tat trip thot may ot be aplieae tBghee cds. Hever, {tllove tht tho olserpansy here [re to theft hat at r= 020 oth tao bal forms are operat a shore hae desig pene ta therfore te steny-sate Kelvin wave wil Tomsch larger thas fr hip when ech de gsc to operate thigh speeds, ce, the da ‘Srepmuey fart evi tor signs Fe= the motons becomes suicletly Suton for tip theory to be lens acura, (ver the at en years, ane Korea ‘xpeowly and ned rbitd th rig et tho computation of womens seoponse. Most of he (the originl near tp tory. gle and Baek Slaten thls paper that "aliens abalysee 9 ip ‘motion will rere mar tea nthe emu ears", andthe dessins strongly sported (M's ‘Stew- Profesor Abt felt tha we sd at ae {ate stow molioar fete gente, but be much ‘ore mcf bt wt kind ot eolisnites we tee eeorsag toe magented tht we should divide {ho onlaee tects Ife our afte Caegorie, foe xampl hll stape, naperponton,envroamen "ated thatthe forwatd- spot effect onthe mulecar- [tv ofthe hoae respon for hl with» lous tow a shown ie Figure of Dr Commins pe ‘may Be de tot pony tata lower sped te TW Flere ated Opline-Resk paper ‘Prank, W. and alvasn, 5 Tho Trask Closo~ Ship bitin Computor Program, HBROC Repost 288, (10), ‘tow te Ista and nparaie wile a hgher meee {ohare ch mows severe th pros sO ‘With sopnn othe nod ronetnoe tony of uaran, Droforsr Abtowits sat that Wore wo {seportant vlna sft for transom tea tip trlch aro bt inlaod nts theory, oven thou [a ttc-dinonstoalthory. Tver, fea ht {he nino tory Ia Wot nppcbl to teasom tera they sloe be tow snne td toory aad op oso tn ayy Iie sgt wt soon ‘Sc repre he rtm deny een oft LARGE ALSPLITUDE MOTIONS “Tho gverally good agtomentbtweon comp cently tow encounter frequonetes, even wes tbe ube vealed by theory wh ele monies jrostate eects bt area mor ofthe y= Spun afecte, "Tle scam to lente tat Mate ‘hina amerieatmethot may tt oly hes eed toot or preitingeapenig bl tgp alse te eal forth general dysinios problem of ship mations and ‘courte Repl tow encounter foquentos i gar tevtg ae following sont. Since tho tip tansy te tot In general apleale To iw Yor low fequeney ange, this method may becomes Inport oo tho fur. tn patil, the say an ou oapos ‘amt bo prdtd by step theory with oven the ‘orrect anor of agate mt very le esau Fraquectes. Des fe Miler aed statin tind hae ben developed for presi he pba ‘onurrence of wove covibations wich may rool In eapasig.Proensor Paling fk tat twas fomewbat premature a thin sage to aioe hie {rater lace we aed to deters tore preety {ho proape of waves Which may eaaon captain, howoror, ho sat be consis the an aorta Professor Perso ated how sch ast Neorg ‘wae fovea th computation an Poll aed {hal no east story eter than damier as costs retin he numerical ml sn hn le oeportonoe ‘ns show htt seeaeaty te abo oon liane inland boa fief ito an one Me, Sih reported that a elag Boat wed ‘and almost capsized, had ratio of one-balf between | {he period tart and pte; bo sald ht aor Ue ‘tral frquesey I rola boo ehtged The baat ate ano mone aovare problemi follows 04s, Dr. Lae expeeaed the taught that rudder coon wo have a conaterable flee the Uhotieo ot eapeatg. Profosor Paling most ‘de tt theory. Mr, Mer fl thatthe metacntle Bega ed in Paling exporimentfor thee canoe where ‘apatig was enporenced was ot reali ‘eri bathe ft tat cago ships ay uot vom Dictciar nadie comitions hae metaconee Heights which are an sll a ove von! i le lvenigation. er Caldwel goat ot theft ta capella a for omel bats tha for ego cargo ships Mr. ‘Caiwell wae also concerned shat wt ef tomato plltng bom tinprblem, nl Pasig sit a we hey shee rom oat {n'y bat a deers inl placements, nally Professor Pauli stated that the broblom af captsng in owing seas ts yry much Steed dependent and tha the ast Sl capsatg wider uch oouione hwo steering tl ange fm ouren a0 wa a8 Sovoral of he dacuseers broug sp a.plat vice in alan stroaned in be Camis’ papa, Janey hat we mist sting betwen th ho ol Towngate fev aplteations: (the treme rerponsen in he most sore ‘ma eultons, wich may fort tol foal damage bt Is some eno the {onto ofthe si. (i thet of he sip stows on hex sity to ffcively periorm hr mista fot ‘nally encountered nen coils, ‘The extrema can ina gly soins pratense hich toler Feaponses aa obi iy step. {theory ave very limited apieations; however, a8 poted ot by Professor 8. Delo andr. Cums ‘ewtally in sovee irroelar waves sey be wee ‘Shainin tl design noematin, On th ther aod, for normally eocouerod sox conten the Tear sttp oor shoud avo wo anes of pleation Profesor Hina ot hat ne shoud for ‘2 the problem of tho ea loa sno the Te of rent ‘Gocorn othe design sence. The prsietin of ‘hip motions i weualy ate important fo th a= (Oglieanevored fat he agrcd thet then load fate Important, bt ha they he nt cued ta 2e- aslag ‘ect nthe pape wlnee Inthe theoretical develop the toad ea be compute, bl the stip theory for With rogard tothe wave-taced lon tsb ‘entons tat the vertial rhe forces sod bong preety th step they for eon ‘Ga thor hand, the hrtzotl La an {oratnal moat ent be pred y he tp ‘hooey with the eam dogre of acureey 46 tn Yor~ De, Ct Lae pote ot tat he sabage aod trim abou be lnc tate compton of ek, ‘loans at slamming le odes to prove the neu cy of uch prottions,inparlolaey he he foun {hati predtng th sling a tho Bdge structure {or lwevstar-page catamarans to sisago ab etn tu ob nated i oro aln menage tilt, ‘Der Le alan mettond that his expences ‘haut to ecade te efect of viscous damping tm he ‘Computations of he masium hove ad pith reapans08, Me Peep out hat inthe proton of se lange atl olin since even moserate ‘ta. <9.

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