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Proc Zool Soc (Jan-June 2017) 70(1):14

DOI 10.1007/s12595-016-0206-7 KO


Evolution: A Function of Will Force

S. K. Raut1

Received: 22 November 2016 / Accepted: 10 December 2016 / Published online: 28 December 2016
Zoological Society, Kolkata, India 2016

Abstract Evolution is a gradual but continuous process. were nothing but an orderly arranged inorganic elements.
To explain the process of organic evolution different the- Thus, we had to enquire regarding origin of the planet
ories have been put forward by various authorities. But, all Earth, that is, Planetary Evolution. And, under such a
these theories are significant in respect to explanations of situation scientists were stimulated to get an idea regarding
the possible mechanisms of evolution and certainly without occurrence of various types of elementsa phenomenon
acceptable analysis regarding the cause of initiation of known as Chemical Evolution. Further, to guess the
evolution and the reason of maintaining the said flow all original source of the chemical elements Stellar Evolu-
along. In the present article it is hypothesized that the tion was recognized by the scientists. Of course, the
process of initiation of evolution is initiated due to will Stellar Evolution was the result of Cosmic Evolution
force and the said flow is being maintained because of that is, the initial stage of evolution which was effected
will force. through the sudden big bang (Singh 2005).

Keywords Evolution  Theories  Cause  Will force

The Present State of Knowledge on Evolution

Introduction It is now accepted that the evolution is a continuous pro-

cess since its initiation with the Cosmic Evolution in the
According to Free Dictionary evolution is a gradual pro- following trend.
cess in which something changes into a different and Cosmic Evolution ! Stellar Evolution
usually more complex or better form. This is equally ! Chemical Evolution
applicable for inorganic and organic elements. The estab- ! Planetary Evolution
lished fact is thatorganic evolution, as advocated by ! Organic Evolution
Darwin (1859) is descent with modifications. That is, all
plants and animals existing at present, are descendants of a It is assumed that place, time, matter and energy somehow
very few ancient and much more simple form of life. expanded from the unknown source in the sudden big
Obviously, question ariseswhat is life and how does it bang (Singh 2005) and thus, our universe was produced.
appear on the Earth? This compelled us to trace back the Further, in the second stage of evolution (Stellar Evolution)
organic matters produced to form life. Practically, these it is thought that the Hydrogen, Helium and certain vari-
eties of subordinate particles which were produced by big
bang, somehow condensed to shape the stars. Also, at the
& S. K. Raut same time incredible heat and pressure within stars pro- duced other 88 now, naturally occurring chemical elements
out of Hydrogen, Helium (may be Lithium) through big
Ecology and Ethology Laboratory, Department of Zoology,
University of Calcutta, 35 Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata
bang. With the death of stellar life cycles the complex
700 019, India chemical elements which were evolved within ancient stars

2 Proc Zool Soc (Jan-June 2017) 70(1):14

were somehow ejected out with the clouds. These clouds the early universe carbon and the other molecules made
with chemical elements somehow formed finely-tuned from the same have been observed (Ehrenfreund et al.
solar systems, including the planet Earth. The Earth began 2011). However, there exists no conflict regarding impact
as a molten mass of matter, a few billions years ago. It of conditions (environmental) of the planet Earth. In other
cooled off into solid dry rock. Then, it rained on the rocks words, the changing conditions of the surroundings act as
for millions of years, forming great oceans. Eventually, stimulation in maintaining the will force by the objects.
some inorganic elements assembled in such a manner that Thus, evolution is a continuous process. Because, the
led to a spontaneous vibration. That is, life appeared on the objects occurring on the Earth are with varying type of
Earth. Self replication of the same began and organic will forcethe key factor for a progressive movement.
systems developed. With time, as per need such organic Certainly, there exists no possibility to make the objects
bodies modified successively, that is, Organic Evolution energy free to remove the will force from the same.
was initiated. This is very much amalgamated with macro-
and micro-evolution. The above facts of evolution are
described here following But, Inorganic Evolution
the question remains unsolved regarding why such events
happened successively? That is, how the energetic matters On Thursday, the 21st December 1911 Dr. E. P. Harrison
evolved due to cosmic evolution succeeded in producing delivered his talk on Inorganic Evolution in the Monthly
Homo sapiens sapiens. Undoubtedly, it is mysterious. I Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India (Harrison
hypothesized that the mystery behind these events is Will 1912). Admitting Darwins thought on Organic Evolution
force. Dr. Harrison presented his thought on inorganic evolution.
On way of explaining the light emitted by different kinds of
flames he was able to establish the role of temperature in
What is Will Force? producing different forms of metals. He inferred that all
elements are derived from Helium or possibly simpler,
A force is a push or pull that is capable of changing following nebular event, by association. In fact, existence
velocity of a mass. Force is measured in Newtons or of C, O, P, N, Fe, Zn etc. though could be recognized
N in honour of Sir Isaac Newton. According to Newton clearly it is sure that the appearance of CO, CO2, FeO etc.
an object will only accelerate if there is net force acting were after events. Thus, at present there are 88 naturally
upon it ( This means an ele- occurring chemical elements and, secondary as well as
ment or object has self-force. This is the will force. tertiary productions, in association of some of these ele-
ments would be much more. Thus, the essence of inorganic
evolution is that the Hydrogen and Helium (and possibly
Fate of Will Force Lithium) which were produced by the Big Bang are the
parental source of all chemicals formed subsequently.
Will force is the cause of journey of the element or object.
But, certainly the said journey is a continuous process. Of
course, with a degree of differences in identity. Such dif- Organic Evolution
ferences are induced by the will force of the element/
object concerned in respect to the compatibility with the One of the many assemblages of inorganic molecules in
will force of the prospective element/object to be adhered respect to their will forces succeeded, once upon a time to
to. The result of such adherence is the production of new create organic mass with self-responding propertiesthe
but more complex object and certainly with the progressive origin of life. With time, the said organic mass, better be
force which in due course of time, will act as will force of called as organism had to overcome the hazards of the
the said object. Thus, some of such objects would succeed changing surroundings and thereby, their will forces
to reach at the goal while many more would either perish resulted in producing organisms belonging to Monera to
and/or continue the journey until the will force coincides Animalia through geological era. Lot of explanations are
with the compatible will force to produce another form of there regarding emergence of higher taxa from the lower
object. Just like half-life of the radioactive substances these taxa. Besides, the surprising event in organic evolution
will force bearing objects have certainly a definite length the photosynthesis, is the output of will force. Because,
of time of viable periodmay be few millions of years. So, air containing CO2, O2, N etc. while came in contact with
at any given point of time an object may be seen in its RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate) only CO2 was able to mix
original form while some of the contemporary members of with the same to produce the organic compound PGA
the same object may be seen in modified forms. Thus, in (phosphoglyceraldehyde). On the other hand, O2 was

Proc Zool Soc (Jan-June 2017) 70(1):14 3

utilized to break down the glucose in course of respiration. upward no matter what device is applicable for the same
These were possible only because of will force of the but certainly to ensure survival and propagation.
inorganic molecules like CO2 and O2 in respect to the will In micro evolution will force is the only cause for the
force of the corresponding organic molecules. development of sex in organisms as well as the movement
The theory proposed by Lamarck (1809) is severely of one kind of sex bearing organisms to the opposite kind
criticized by the later workers with the comments that the of sex bearing organism of the same species. It is practi-
son of a gymnast would not be with muscle configuration cally impossible by a Vallishneria female flower to come in
after his father and the rats with amputated tails would contact with the male flower floating at the surface water, if
never be able to produce offspring without tail. Because, the said plant is devoid of will force to do the same by
these are possible only when these characters are embed- increasing the length of the petiole of the female flower to
ded in germplasm (Weismann 18911892). Such changes enable it to come at the surface level of water.
in genes though were not known to Darwin he strongly
advocated thatonly fittest organisms are favoured by
nature and thereby, Natural Selection is the key factor of Conclusion
the origin of species (Darwin 1859). To draw this conclu-
sion Darwin tried to strengthen the fact by explaining the Organic evolution will be continuing as long as the will
stages like struggle for existence, occurrence of variations force of organisms would exist. It is obvious that organ-
and survival of fittest. But, the question arises why genes isms would not be able to survive without will and
will be modified and/or shouldering responsibility to thereby will force. The will force of organisms is much
restore the course of evolution? Selection pressure? If so, powerful to orient the course of organic evolution and to
then only such organisms are favoured by Natural Selec- imprint the facts in the genes to inherit the will force
tion who are emerging with favourable variations. Here is property in subsequent generations of the species con-
the point of will force. Simply, an organisms genetic cerned. Certainly, will force of organisms is influenced
make up would not go on changing without the will of the by the surroundings. Thus, the giraffes were able to
organisms concerned. This could be justified from the fact increase the length of their neck successively through the
of failure of Weismanns attempts to get tailless rats geological times. But, rest assure, such will force would be
through experimental studies. Because, neither the male the cause of extinction of these beautiful animals as will
nor the female rats were willing to remove their tails from force is tuned to move forward not backward, because of
their bodies. It is apparent that, will force if triggered by structural organization attained by these animals in course
the surroundings the same should be maintained in one of execution of progressive steps by the will forcea
direction to achieve the goal. This could be explained from case, may be comparable with the dinosaurs extinction. In
the fact of limbless adaptation of snakes. Lamarck this context it is to be mentioned here that Dollo (1893) and
explained that, because of no use of limbs for a consider- Bridgham et al. (2009) opined that evolution is not possible
able length of time the snakes became limbless. Now, in reversed way.
according to Darwin limbless snakes are favoured by the Therefore, genes are components of a living body. These
Nature as variations they exhibited are on the pathway of are not the cause of evolution but are tools to regulate the
Natural Selection. Alternately, it can be said that, the structure and functions of the organisms in respect to
snakes if tried to produce more legs to lift the body in species. However, appearance of new type of genes as well
course of walking then, they would have failed to survive. as structural variation in organisms are the results of will
On the contrary, their will force to ensure speedy and force. So, will force is the root of evolution and the
easy movement under any circumstances acted accord- theories we are considering nowadays to explain the
ingly, and the said character ultimately became the genetic mechanisms of evolution are nothing but the evidences of
character of inheritance property. Likewise, we can think implementation of the will force.
of a gourd plant. It can crawl on the ground and also is able
to climb up by the help of a support. Practically the will
force of gourd plant is tuned to go up just like a woody
tree. But, the problem is associated with the weak stem. References
Therefore, gourd plants had to develop tendrils with a view
to hold the support during climbing as well as to stand erect Bridgham, J.T., E.A. Ortlund, and V.W. Thornton. 2009. An epistatic
subsequently. On the contrary, in cases of certain species of ratchet constrains the direction of glucocorticoid receptor
evolution. Nature 461 (7263): 515519.
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climbing rather the plant itself on way of coiling the sup- the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life. 6th ed.
port tend to move upward. So, the will force is to move (1901), Murray, London.

4 Proc Zool Soc (Jan-June 2017) 70(1):14

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