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UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. NIKOLA TESLA, OF NEW YORK, N. ¥., ASSIGNOR OF TWO-THIRDS TO CHARLES Ff. PECK, OF ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY, AND ALFRED 8. BROWN, OF NEW YORK, N. Y. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 406,968, dated July 16, 1889. Apllotion Hlod March 29, 1889. Borat Wo.304,408. Oo mosh.) To atl whom it may concern: Be it known that. T, Nixova Testa, from Smiljan, Lika, border country of Austria Hungary, a subjoct of the Emperor of Austria, 5 and aresidentot New York, in the countyand State of New York, have invented certain new and usefal Improvements in Dynamo or Mag- neto Hlectrie Machines, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the aeeompanying drawings. ‘This invention relates to that class of elee- trical generators known as “unipolar,” in which a disk or cylindrical conductor is mounted betwoen magnetic poles adapted to produce an approximately-uniform field, Tn the first-namoi or disk armatnre machines the carrents induced in the rotating conductor flow from the center to periphery, or eon- versely, according to the direction of rotation or the lines of foree as determined by the signsof the magnetic poles, and these eurrents, are takon off ustally by conneetionsor brushes, applied to the disk at pointson its periphery and near its eenter. In the ease of the ey- 25 lindrical armature-machine the currents de- veloped in the cylinder are taken off by brushes applied to the sides of the eylinder at its ends. Tn order to develop economically an electro- motive force available for practieable pur- ‘poses, it is necessary either to rotate the eon- ductor at a very high rate of speed or to use a disk of large diameter or eylindor of great length; but in either case it becomes dificult, to scettre and maintain a good electrical con- nection between the collecting-brashes and the conductor, owing to the high peripheral speed. Tt has been proposed to couple two or more 40 disks together in series with the object of ob- taining a higher clectro-motive force; but. with the connections heretofore usod and us- ions of speed and dimension -y toseeuring good practicable results ths difigulty is stil felt {0 be a seri ‘ous obstacle to the ase of this kind of genor- ator. ‘These objections Ihave songht to avoids and for this purpose I construct a machine with two fields, each having arotary conductor 10 5 20 30. 35 mounted between its poles, but the same prin- ciple is involved in the ease of both forms of machine above deseribed, and as prefer to use the disk form I shall confine the deserip- tion heréin to that machine, Phe disks are formed with flanges, after the manner of pul- leys, and axe connected together by flexible condueting bands or belts. “I prefer to consteuet thte machine in sueh mnanner that the direction of magnetism or onder of the poles in one field of force isoppo- site to that in the other, so thabrotationof the disks in the samedireetion develops a current, in one from center tociveumference and in the other from cizeumferenee to center. Contacts applied therefore tothe shafts upon which the Gisks are mounted form the terminals of civeuit the electro-motive foree in whieh is the sum of theeleetro-motive forees of the two disks. T would call attention to the obvious fact that if the direction of magnetism in both fields be the same the same result as above will be obtained by driving the disks in op- posite directions and crossing the connect- ing-belts. In this way the difiiculty of so- curing and maintaining good contact with the peripheries of the disks is avoided and a cheap and durable machine made whieh is nsefidl for many purposes—such as for'an ex- citer for alternating-enrrent gonerators,for a aotor and for any other purpose for Which dynamo-machines are used. ‘The specific construction of the machine which [have just generally deseribed T have illustrated in the accompanying drawings, in whieh— Figure 1 isa side view, partly in section, of my improved machine.” Fig, 2 is a vertical section of the sume at right angles to the shafts, Tn order to form a frame with two fields of force, Least a support A with two pole-pieees BB’ integral with it. To thisT join by bolts E a casting D, with two similar and correspond- ing pole-pigees © C’.. ‘The pole-picees 1 BY ave wound or eonneeted to produce a field of foree of given polarity, and the pole-pieces © C" are wound or eonnected to produce a 50. 55 60 6s 7° 15 80. 98 15 field of opposite polarity. ‘The driving-shatts F G passthrough the polesand are journaled in insulating-howrings in the easting AD, as or gouorating-conductors, ey are composed of copper, brass, or iron and are keyod or secured to their respective hatts. ‘They are provided with broad pe- ipheral flanges J, Ttisof course obvious that, the disks may be insulated from their shatts, if so desired. A flexible metallic belt Lis passed over the flanges of the two disks, and, if desired, may be used to drive one of the disks, I prefer, however, to uso this helt merely asa conduetor, and for this purpose anayruse Sheet steel, copper, or other suitable metal. Each shatt is provided with a driving- pulley M, by which power is imparted froma, counter-shatt. NN are the terminals, ness they are showit as provided with springs P, that bear upon theendsof theshafis. This, machine, if self-oxciting, would have copper hands around its poles, or conduetors of any, Kxind—sueh as the wires shown in the draw ings—may be used. Tdo not limit my invention to the speciat constraction herein shown. For example, it is not necessary thatthe parts be constructed 408,968 in one machine or that the materialsand pro- portions herein given be strictly followed. Parthermore, tis evident that the conduct. ing helt or band may be composed of several smaller bands and that the prineiple of eon- nection herein described may be applied to ‘miore than two machines. What I claim is— 1, An electrical generator consisting of the combination, with two rotary conduetors, mounted in finipolae fields, of 2 flexible eon- Anetor or belt passing around the peripheries of saidl conductors, as herein set forth, ‘The combination, with two rotary con ducting-disks having peripheral flanges and mounted in unipolar fields, of a flexible eon- Aueting belt or hand passing around the flanges of both disks, as Set forth. 3. ‘The combination of independent sets of agnets adapted to maintain unipolar cl ed to rotate in for each disk, and a flexible cond or band passing around the per disks, as set forth, ting helt Hheries of the NIKOLA TESLA, ee W. Rot. F Pace, GAyLoRD. 30 35 40 45 50

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