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A NEW UNIVERSAL MEDIUM clarity and fundamental character.

long hours, low pay, accidental food, and a

small chance of fame and fortune. We have
There is an alternative. That is to What will happen to existing to save mankind from an almost certain and
create a system that unifies the others, institutions is by no means clear; libraries, immediately approaching doom through the
providing both a form of storage and an the schools, publishers, advertising, application, expansion and dissemination of
indexing system for storage that is now in broadcast networks, government, may all try intelligence. Not artificial, but the human
place--and a new layer of user ease. An. open to fight these developments; which could kind. To humankind.
hypertext network. (For the meaning of impede progress for a while, but not
"open hypertext," see "The Problems of indefmitely. Or they may recognize in them
Hypertext," a Chapter Three.) the new shape of their proper work.

As a new layer able to create

compatibilities between existing sytems, Tiffi 2020 VISION
will tear down the walls (many of which'
were put there intentionally by certain Forty years from now (if the ht1man
companies). It can recombine what should species survives), there will be hundreds of
never have been separate: "word proces- thousands of file servers--machines storing
sing," "outline processing," teleconferen- and dishing out materials. And there will be
cing, "electronic mail," electronic publishing, hundreds of millions of simultaneous users,
archiving. able to read from billions of stored
documents, with trillions of links among
Such a system will represent at last the them.
true structure of information (rather than
Procrustean mappings of it), with all its All of this is manifest destiny. There
intrinsic complexity and controversy, and is no point in arguing it; either you see it or
provide a universal archival standard worthy you don't. Many readers will choke and
of our heritage of freedom and pluralism. fling down the book, only to have the
thought gnaw gradually until they see its
Publishing in the new medium will be inevitability.
the storage of text (and other material) in
repositories. Readers will call what they The system proposed in this book may
want to their screens as easily as turning or may not work technically on such a scale.
pages. But some system of this type will, and can
bring a new Golden Age to the human mind.
And such a simplification is what
everyone is yearning for. WE NEED YOU
Actually, the best comparison is the The Xanadu group still needs brilliant
phone system--in its simplicity, universality, people looking for adventure and a challenge,


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