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Statement by Dan Cox on Core Republican Conservative Issues

And Opportunity For Agreement By All Republican Candidates for Office

September 2, 2017

I, Dan Cox, Candidate for House of Delegates for Frederick and Carroll County, affirm
the following and extend the opportunity for all Republican Candidates in Frederick and Carroll
Counties, and Maryland, to agree and sign the statement. We the undersigned affirm that we
agree with and will vote according to the principles and platform of the Republican Party as set
forth in the Partys 2016 Platform. (located at
platform/ )

In particular, and in order to stand firm with President Trump on these Republican policies,
the following are also principles we specifically reaffirm:

1. I affirm that I will propose and support legislation to defend the Second Amendment,
and to expand concealed carry rights in Maryland, including but not limited to:
reciprocity across states, constitutional carry, elimination of the good and substantial
reason mandate, and requiring Maryland to issue (shall issue) permits to citizens of the
United States. I further affirm I will oppose any legislation seeking to diminish this right.

2. I affirm that if elected I will seek to lower taxes, fees and any such government-mandated
charges on both individuals and businesses, and I affirm that I will not vote for any
government-related increase in such taxes, fees, or charges. I affirm that I will vote to
increase personal and private economic freedom under law, including but not limited to,
reducing regulations necessary to open a business in Frederick County and Maryland.

3. I affirm that if elected I will vote to enforce immigration law by mandating that local
Sheriffs and localities in Maryland hand over illegal immigrants to ICE authorities, and
further supporting legislation, and voting for such bill(s) or amendment(s), to reject
Obamas illegal DACA program and any form of amnesty, both federal and state, and
will not seek to expand immigration by any means, and will oppose all attempts at the
same, including: sanctuary state and city legislation, illegal alien or undocumented
alien drivers licenses, residency, jobs, voting or voting by immigrants who are not United
States citizens, Amnesty of those in the United States illegally, including children.

4. I affirm that I will support legislation to end the opioid epidemic in Maryland and will
vote to require longer mandatory minimum sentences for illegal substance distributors.

5. I affirm that if elected I will vote to end abortion and euthanasia, and will vote to protect
life from conception to natural death. Specifically, I will vote to end Medicaid-funded
and Maryland taxpayer funded abortions, and will vote to end the insurance mandate for
abortion and abortion-related birth control coverage. I will also oppose any use of end of
life drugs by way of increased use of painkillers or similar drugs by anyone in Maryland.
6. I affirm that if elected I will vote to support and protect children by immediately
introducing legislation to end the Transgender and LGBTQ re-programming of children
in Frederick County Public Schools, through forbidding the Board of Education or any
school official from requiring use of pronoun references of fellow students or any
reprimand related thereto, allowing males who identify as females to enter Girls
bathrooms, locker rooms, or vice versa, or compete or room with the opposite sex at
athletic competitions and travel. I also affirm I will vote against any budget or bill that
proposes to fund any such Transgender, gender identity, LGBTQ or similar
education, instruction or activities in Maryland schools.

7. I further reaffirm specifically the Families, Education and Healthcare sections of the 2016
GOP platform. I affirm that I will work to expand freedom of choice in education and
the right to purchase healthcare insurance across state lines to dramatically reduce costs.
I affirm that I will vote to ensure government involvement in healthcare insurance is
reduced. This includes opposing and seeking to overturn the intrusive Obama-era
insurance programs that delegate unconstitutional powers to the Maryland Department
of Health and Mental Hygiene and its County Department of Social Services
involvement in family health care decisions. Specifically, I will vote to ban Social Services
and medical professionals from asking whether the home has firearms, and any other
invasion of family and personal privacy including religious, speech and political questions.

8. I affirm that I will vote to support private property rights in every respect, and will
support legislation to oppose expanding government environmental zones such as the
Monocacy Commission and Democrat Jan Gardners seizing of private riparian water
and land rights along waterways in Frederick and Carroll Counties. I affirm that these
land and property rights of ownership are to be protected and government may not create
a taking of personal property for another private person who may have a desired use.
Additionally, I will oppose any such implementation of zoning restrictions, septic and
water restrictions, water run-off taxation or fees on private, residential, commercial and
non-profit entities.

9. I affirm that I will vote to support our historical monuments, including historical symbols,
songs, flags, statues or other historical or artistic rendition on either private or public land
that in any way is related to American or Maryland founding, or its history, including but
not limited to, the Civil War (both Union and Confederacy). This does not include
supporting the ideologies of communism, socialism and fascism. I will always vote to
support the Maryland and United States flags from any attack.

10. Finally, but not comprehensively, I affirm I will work to support the safety and protection
of all people including law enforcement and first responders, upholding the Rule of Law
and in no way diminishing our civil and constitutional liberties as expressed in both the
Maryland Constitution and Declaration of Rights, and in the United States
Respectfully affirmed and signed this 2nd day of September, 2017.

Dan Cox
2018 Candidate for House of Delegates,
Frederick and Carroll Counties (District 4)

Signatories of Maryland Republican candidates and officials:

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paid for by Dan Cox for Delegate; Valerie Cox, Treasurer.

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