Introduction To Wireline Log Analysis, Baker Atlas, 2002

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lnt~oduction to ~i

Wireline Log Ana sis BakerAtlas

Introduction to Wireline Log Analysis


Baker Atlas - The Best Choice for

Advanced Well Logging and Completion Services

Baker Atlas provides a wide range of services and

information, allowing oil and gas companies to define,
reduce and manage their risks. Downhole well logging
services for every environment are offered, including
advanced formation evaluation, production and reservoir
engineering, petrophysical and geophysical data
acquisition services. Perforating and completion
technologies, pipe recovery, and processing and analysis
of open and cased hole data complete the service range.
Baker Atlas delivers new-generation technologies,
analysis techniques, and a dynamic geoscience capability
worldwide, helping oil and gas producers evaluate and
access reservoirs more efficiently and reliably, resulting
in maximum hydrocarbon recovery and reduced risk.

Baker Atlas firmly believes in efficient, reliable wellsite

operations, data accuracy from leading edge technology,
and people-oriented services. We are committed to
delivering better value from every minute of rig time,
and reducing the overall time spent on the well through
efficient logging with experienced crews. Not for just
one well, but job after job. Baker Atlas - The Best Choice
for advanced well logging and completion services.


Ed L. Bigelow is recognized for his contribution and

efforts in creating this text. lntroduction to Wireline Log
Analysis has become an industry standard vehicle for
learning the basic techniques of log interpretation and
formation evaluation.

CCopyright 2002 Baker Hughes lnc. Ali nghts reserved

ATL-02-2531 2M

lntroduction to Wireline Lag Analysis is intended for that many persons who use this text material have no
those who have little or no experience in log analysis background in specific areas. It is meant to be a basic
methods, petrophysics, and perhaps the petroleum indus- course of instruction in log analysis, but it is important
try. The material contained in this book is not intended to that the interrelationship with other specialties be under-
be used as a self-teaching course, but instead contains stood. Many of the more difficult problems encountered
practica! questions/problems that are intended to be used in wireline log acquisition, processing of data, and the
as a review of the material being presented. It is strongly interpretation of logs are not covered here, but are
recommended that any who choose to use this text for intended for more advanced instruction.
classroom instruction supplement the printed material
with actual logs, core data, and other pertinent petrophys-
ical information. When it is possible, local examples
should be implemented.

The chapters are organized to provide a gradual introduc-

tion and leaming environment for the novice. The text
begins with a short introductory discussion of explora-
tion methods, reservoir engineering parameters, and
drilling fluids, followed by a general description of the
duties and responsibilities of various disciplines in the
petroleum industry. A description of most openhole log-
ging services and their purposes follows, including the
importance of basic measurements fundamental to the
interpretation of log data. The intent is to slowly piece
together the parts that directly or indirectly affect results
of measurements and their interpretation.

The effects of temperature, invasion of drilling fluids,

gas, oil, water, lithology, pore structures, nature of satura-
tion, and analysis of results are gradually fitted together.
The intent is to cover the majority of the elements that
form the whole; however, time and space limit the possi-
bility of covering everything in an introductory course.
Where it is deemed important to do so, measurement
theory is discussed, but these discussions are not meant
to be in-depth hardware pointers - that being a course in

Computerized acquisition and processing are both com-

monplace today. Therefore, it was considered important
to discuss sorne of the more complicated computer-
related interpretative methods - but only philosophically.
It is considered important that those new to well log anal-
ysis be aware of the reasons for performing complex rou-
tines on the computer.

The text is intended to introduce well log analysis to

entry-level logging engineers, geologists, reservoir engi-
neers, production engineers, or whomever has an abiding
interest in learning about formation evaluation. Undoubt-
edly, those from certain disciplines will find sorne of the
basic material (as it relates to their specialty or back-
ground) too general; e.g. , a geologist may find the gen-
eral discussion of geology very basic. Consider, however,

Introduction .. ............ ...... ... ..... ...... .... ...... ... ...... .... .. ............ .... .. .... ........ .......... .. ... ..... .... ...... .... ..... .......... .... .. ....... ............... 1

1 Fundamentals of Petroleum Reservoirs

RESERVOIR ROCK PROPERTIES ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Porosity ... .................................................... .......................................... ......................................................................... 3
Permeability .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Reservoir Content of Fluids and Gas .................................................... .................................................... .................... 6
RESERVOIR THICKNESS .......................... .......................................................................................................................... 7
Wireline Depth Control ................................................. .......... ...................................................................................... 7
RESERVOIR GEOMETRY .................................................................................................................................................... 7
DRAINAGE AREA AND IN-PLACE RESERVE ESTIMATION ........................................................................................ 8
WELL DRILLING OBJECTIVES AND OPERATION ........................... ...................................... ...................................... 8
ROTARY RIG COMPONENTS .............................................................................. .......................... ..................................... 9
DRILLING FLUIDS ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
Viscosity ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
pH .......................... ...................................................................................................................................................... 18
FluidLoss .................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Freshwater-Based Drilling Fluids .................................................... ........................................................................... 18
Oil-Based Drilling Fluids ............................................................................................................................................ 18
Salt-Based Drilling Fluids ..................................................... ...................................................................................... 18
Potassium Chloride (KCI) Drilling Fluids .................................................................................................................. 19
Air- or Gas-Drilled Holes ....... .......... ........................................................ ................................................................... 19
Mud Additives of Concem to Wireline Logging .......................... .............................................................................. 19
Directional Drilling ........................................................................................................ ............................................. 20
LOG MEASUREMEN T-WHILE-DRIL LING (MWD) ....................................................................................................... 20
MUD RETURN LOGS (MUD LOGS) .............................................................................. .................................................. 20
ROLE OF GEOPHYSICS AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY .............................................................................. ................ 2 1
Remote Frontier Wildcats ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Conventional Exploration .......................................................................... ................................................................. 23
Appraisal or Confirmation Wells ................................................. ............................................................................... 24
Development Wells ..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Injection Wells .................................................... ........... ............................................................................................. 26
Relief Wells .................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................... 26
Waste-Disposal Wells ........................................................................................................ ......................................... 27
Wells Used for Mining Exploration ............................................................................................................................ 28
Wells U sed for Underground Storage of Gas .............................................................................................................. 28
Water Supply Wells .................................................................................................................................. .................. 28
Wells Drilled for Geothermal Energy .............................................................................. ........................................... 29
GEOLOGICAL TRAPS .............................................................................. ......................................................................... 29
Structural Geology ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
Stratigraphy and Sedimentology ................................................................................................................................. 31
Clastic Rocks.............................................................................................. .................................................... ............. 31
Carbonate Rocks ......................................................................................................................................................... 36
CORING ............................................................................................................................................................................. .. 38
Conventional Core Recovery ...................................................................................................................................... 38
Wireline Mechanical Coring ....................................................................................................................................... 38
Core Analysis ............................... ............................................................................................................................... 40
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION .......................................................................................................................................... 41
2 Wireline Log Measurements and Supportive Information
WIRELINE LOGGING MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 43
DEPTH MEASUREMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 43
IMPORTANT DATA FOR LOG HEADERS ....................................................................................................................... 44
BASIC RESISTIVITY CONCEPT ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Effects of Temperature......... ... ............ .............................. ............. .............. ..... ......... ...... .. ..... .......... .... .... .......... ..... ... 4 7
Mud Cup Principie ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
Mud Measurements ..................................................................................................................................................... 49
CALIPER MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 52
RESISTIVITY AND CONDUCTIVITY .............................................................................................................................. 52
Induction Devices........................................................................................................................................................ 57
Dual Induction-Focused Logs ..................................................................................................................................... 57
Laterolog or Focused Electrode Devices .................................................................................................................... 58
Resistivity Bed-Thickness Correction ......................................................................................................................... 60
Corrections to Resistivity for Borehole Size ............................................................................................................... 60
EFFECTS OF INVASION ON RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENTS .................................................................................. 65
Resistivity Profiles of lnvasion ................................................................................................................................... 65
Step Profile of lnvasion ............................................................................................................................................... 67
Transition Profile of lnvasion ..................................................................................................................................... 69
Annulus Profile of Invasion ........................................................................................................................................ 69
Invasion Corrections to the Dual Induction-Focused Log .......................................................................................... 70
lnvasion Corrections to the Dual Laterolog andan R xo Device .................................................................................. 71
Reminders About Correction Charts ........................................................................................................................... 75
SPONTANEOUS POTENTIAL (SP) ................................................................................................................................... 75
NATURAL GAMMA RAY (GR) ......................................................................................................................................... 76
WIRELINE DENSITY MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................................................................... 78
WIRELINE ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 78
WIRELINE NEUTRON LOGS ............................................................................................................................................ 79
WIRELINE DIELECTRIC MEASUREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 80
WIRELINE PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS AND FORMATION FLUID SAMPLING ................................................. 80
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION .......................................................................................................................................... 84

3 Basic Openhole Log Analysis

PERMEABLE BED IDENTIFICATION ............................................................................................................................. 87
DEFLECTIONS OF THE SP ............................................................................................................................................... 87
MINILOG INDICATIONS OF PERMEABILITY .............................................................................................................. 90
CALIPER INDICATION OF PERMEABILITY ................................................................................................................. 90
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION .......................................................................................................................................... 91
BED BOUNDARIES AND BED THICKNESS ................................................................................................................... 92
SPTRACE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 92
RESISTIVITY AND CONDUCTIYITY TRACES .............................................................................................................. 93
Short Normal ............................................................................................................................................................... 93
Focused Log ................................................................................................................................................................ 94
Spherically Focused Logs (SFL) ................................................................................................................................. 94
Laterolog Devices ....................................................................................................................................................... 95
Induction Logs ............................................................................................................................................................. 95
Dual-Phase Induction Logs (DPIL) ............................................................................................................................. 95
Microresistivity Devices ............................................................................................................................................. 96

Thin-Bed Resistivity Too! (TBRT) ............................................................................................................................. 96
Micro Spherically Focused Log .................................................................................................................................. 98
Diplog Microresistivity Pad Traces ....................................................................................................... ...................... 98
DIELECTRIC MEASUREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 99
GAMMA RAY MEASUREMENTS ............ ......... ............................................................................................................... 99
Natural Gamma Ray Measurements ...................................................................................................... ..................... 99
Natural Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Tools ................................................................................................................. 100
ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 10 1
NEUTRON MEASUREMENTS ........ ...... .... ......... ..... ..... .... ....... ....... ...... ... .... .. ............. ......... .. ......... ..... ......... .... ............... 1O1
DENSITY MEASUREMENTS .......................................................................................................................................... 10 1
COMBINATIONS OF POROSITY/ LITHOLOGY-DEVICES ......................................................................................... 102
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION .... .. .... .... .......... .... .. .. .................... ....................... .... .................... ........ ............... ........ .. .... 107
CONNATE WATER RESISTIVITY (R..,) .......................................................................................................................... 108
R.., Catalogs ..... ......... .............. ...... .... .... .......... .... .. .... .......... ............. ... ......... ............ .... .... ..... .... ................... ..... .... ..... 109
Resistivity and Temperature of Produced Water .................................................................. .................................... 109
Rw from Chemical Analysis ...................................................................................................................................... 112
R.., from the SP Curve ............................................................................................................................................... 113
R.., Calculation in a Water-Bearing Horizon ........................... .................................................................................. 117
R.., in Adjacent Shale Beds ......................................................................................................................................... 118
Summary of R.., Determination Methods ....................................................................... ........................................... 118
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ... ..... .... .. .. .. .. ... ... ...... .... .............. .............. ...... .... ....... ....... ............... ............ ..... .... .......... .. 121
TRUE FORMATION RESISTIVITY (R 1 or R0 ) ... .......................... ....... .... ...... .... ......... ... .................... ...... ..... .. .. ........ ....... 12 1
Resistivitylndex ................................... ....................................................................................................... .............. 123
Saturation Exponent Considerations .... ... ...... .... ..... . ........ ..... .......... .... ...... .... ....... ..... .. .... ...... ... ..... .... ....... .... ........ ... .. . 123
Formation Resistivity Factor (F)......... .... ...... ...... .... ....................... ..... ......... ......... ......... .......... .. .. .... ..... .............. ... ... 123
Sumrnary of Resistivity Index Method ..................................................................................................................... 124
RESISTIVITY RATIO METHODS TO DETERMINE SATURATION ....................... .................................................... 124
Rocky Mountain Method .......................................................................................................................................... 125
Flushed-Zone Resistivity Ratio Method ................................................................................................................... 125
Induction Electrical Resistivity Ratio Method ............................................................. ,.. ....................... ........ ...... ..... 129
Saturation Determination by Nomogram ... ......... .............. ........................................................................................ 129
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION. ...... ....... .. .... ... .. ......... ...... ... ..... ...... ..................... .. .... ........ .... ...................................... .... . 136

4 Determining Porosity, Formation Factor, and Shaliness

BASIC METHODS FOR ASSESSING SHALE CONTENT IN RESERVOIR ROCKS ................... ............................... 137
SHALE VOLUME DETERMINATION BY GAMMA RAY MEASUREMENTS ....................... ................................... 137
Units of Gamma Ray Measurements ...... ................................. ................................................................................. 140
Principie of Measurement ......................................................................................................................................... 142
Time Constants and Filtering .................................................................................................................................... 142
Logging Speed ....... ......... ..... ...... ... ...... .................. ..................................... ................................ ......... ...................... 142
Determination of Shale Percentage from Gamma Ray Data ..................................................................................... 144
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ..... .. .. .. .. .............. .................. ................... .... ............................... ..................................... 146
DETERMINATION OF SHALE VOLUME USING SP .................................................................................................... 147
Sta tic SP . ................................. ............. ... .. .... ..... .... ..... ....................... .... ..... .... ..... .. ........................... ......... ............... 148
Pseudostatic SP .... ......... ..... ......... .... ..... .... .. ... .... .. ........ .... ........... .... ........ .......... ........ .. .... ......... .............. .................... 149
Shale Volume Calculation .. ....................................................................................................................................... 149
Consideration before Using SP for V51i ................................. ............... ... ..... .. .. ..... ........... ................. .......... .............. 149
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ...... ... ...... .............. ...... ........ .... ......... .................... ............ .. ................................ ... ...... ..... 149
LOG-DERIVED POROSITY (qi) ..... ............................... ..................... ............. ............. ..... ..... ............. ........... ... ..... ...... .... 149
ESTIMATING POROSITY FROM NEUTRON DATA ..................................................................................................... 149
Applications of Neutron Logs. .... ...... ... ........... .... ....................... ........ ...... ..... .... ... .. .... ..... .... .. ............ ...... ........ ...... .... 149
Neutron Applications to Petrophysics ....................................................................................................................... 149
Scaling of the Neutron Log ...... .... .............. .... ........... ... ............... ........ ............... ... ...... ..... .... ..... ..... .................. ......... 150
PROPERTIES MEASURED BY NEUTRON TOOLS ...................................................................................................... 150
NEUTRON CALIBRATION .............................................................................................................................................. 153
SIDEWALL NEUTRON TOOL ......................................................................................................................................... 153
COMPENSATED NEUTRON TOOL ................................................................................................................................ 153
Effects of Borehole Size and Borehole Salinity ........................................................................................................ 153
Effects of Mud Weight and Mudcake Thickness ...................................................................................................... 153
Standoff Effects .... ......... .... ..... ..... .... .............. .... .. ... .... ..... ........... ........ ..... ......... ......... ...... ... .. .................. ... ...... ........ .. 153
Temperature and Pressure Effects ......... .... ..... ........... ............ .... ...... ............ ........... ... .......... .............. ..... ................ ... 153
Lithology Effects .................................................................................................................................................... ... 153
Formation Salinity Effects ... ..................... ......... ... ...... ........ ........................ ............. ........... ................. .......... ........ ... l 60
Compensated Neutron in Air-Filled Boreholes ......................................................................................................... 160
Casing and/or Cement Effects ...... ......... ..... .... ........... .... .............. .... .......... .... ...... ... ..... .......... ... ..... ...... ... ...... ........ ..... 160
Effects of Hydrocarbons on Hydrogen Index ........................................................................................................... 160
NEUTRON SHALE EFFECT AND SHALE VOLUME DETERMINATION ....... ........................ ... .......................... .. .... 163
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ............ ......... ..... .... .... .. ... .... ..... ............................. ............ .. ........ ..... ..... ..................... .. .... l 63
ESTIMATING POROSITY FROM ACOUSTIC TRANSIT TIME................................................................................... 164
USES OF ACOUSTIC LOG DATA .................................................................................................................................... 164
ACOUSTIC LOGGING SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................. 164
The First Acoustic Logging Tool ....................................................... ,...................................................................... 164
Devices with Two Receivers and One Transmitter ................................................................................................... 165
Borehole Compensation Devices ..... .... .. .. ..... ..... .... ...... ... ..... ............. ... .. ...... ......... ......... ..... .... .............. ......... ........ ... 165
Specifications of Most Conventional Acoustic Log Systems ................................................................................... 167
DISTURBING FACTORS WITH CONVENTIONAL ACOUSTIC DEVICES ............................................................... 167
Noise .......................................................................................................................................................................... 167
Cycle Skips ................................................................................................................................................................ 167
/j,t Stretch .................................................................................................................................................................... 168
Velocity Inversion ...................................................................................................................................................... 168
Shallow Gas Zones - A Special Case of Velocity Inversion .. .... .......... ......... ............................................. .............. 168
Dip Angle with Respect to the Borehole ................................................................................................................... 168
EVOLUTION OF LONG-SPACED ACOUSTIC LOGS ...................... ............................................................................ 169
Advantages of Long-Spaced Devices ....................................................................................................................... 169
Disadvantages of Long-Spaced Acoustic Devices .................................................................................................... 171
Compaction Correction in Unconsolidated Sands .................................................................................................... 172
ACOUSTIC POROSITY IN CARBONATE AND COMPLEX RESERVOIRS ................................................................ 173
Velocity Variation in Sandstones .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .... ... .. .... ..... ..... .... ..... .... ..... ........ ....... ...................... .......... .... ... .............. 173
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 174
CORRECTING ACOUSTIC-DERIVED POROSITY FOR SHALINESS ...................................................................... 174
Correcting Acoustic-Derived Porosity for Laminated Shales .... ............................................................................... 174
Correcting Acoustic-Derived Porosity for Dispersed Shales ................................................................................... 174
DISTURBING FACTS WITH ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENTS ..................................................................................... 175
DETERMINING POROSITY BY DENSITY METHODS .............................................................................................. 175
LOG MEASUREMENTS OF DENSITY .......................................................................................................................... 175
Uses of Density Log Data.......................................................................... ............................................................... 175
THEORY OF DENSITY MEASUREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 176
Bulk Density (pb) .................................................................................... .. ................................................................ 176
Spine and Ribs Corrections ........................................................................................................................................ 177
Bulk Density Calibration ........................................................................................................................................... 178
Peak Monitoring and Full-Spectrum Recording ....................................................................................................... 178
Photoelectric Absorption (Pe).................................................................................................................................... 178
Density Log Units of Measurement .......................................................................................................................... 180
Interpretati ve Aspects of Density Logs ..................................................................................................................... 180
Too! Resolution .... ...... ... ........... ............. ..... ... ...... .... .......... .... .............. .... ........... .... ..... .... ..... .. .. .... .... ...... ............ .. .... . 181
lnfluence of Fluids .................................................................................................................................................... 181
Z-Density Values ....................................................................................................................................................... 181
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ............ .... ...... ............ .................... ......... ... .. ......... .... ..... .... ......... .......... .... .... ..... .... ..... ..... 18 l
DEVELOPMENT OF THE POROSITY-TO-FORMATION FACTOR RELATIONSHIPS ............................................. 184
CEMENTATION FACTOR, PORE GEOMETRY, OR PORE-SHAPE EXPONENT ........................................................ 184
WATER SATURATION DETERMINATION ....................................................................................................... ............. 184

5 Crossplot Methods for Porosity, Lithology, and Gas Determination

DUAL-MINERAL LITHOLOGY-POROSITY CROSSPLOTS ........................................................................................ 185
ARBITRARY MATHEMATICAL SOLUTIONS FROM CROSSPLOT DATA ............. ...... .... .... .. ... ...... .... .............. ....... 186
FUNDAMENTALS OF CROSSPLOT CONSTRUCTION ........ .... .......... ...... .... ..... .... ..... .... ........................ ...... ... ......... ... 186
Shale Volume Determination .................................................................................................................................... 187
Gas Correction on Density-Neutron Crossplots ....................................................................................................... . 187
DENSfTY-NEUTRON CROSSPLOT VERSATILITY ..................................................................................................... 189
SHALY SANOS ANO ACOUSTIC-DENSITY CROSSPLOTS ....................................................................................... 192
Laminar Sand-Shale Model ... .......... ..... ............. ...... .............. ................................ .... ................................................ 193
Dispersed Clay Model .. ..... .... .... ...... .... .............. ...................................... ......... ..... .... .. ................ .......... .......... .......... 193
ACOUSTIC-NEUTRON CROSSPLOT ............ .... ................................................... ................ .............. .... ........................ 194
Gas Affect on Acoustic-Neutron Crossplots .................................................................................................... ......... 194
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 197
M-N CROSSPLOTS ......................................................................................................... .................................................. 202
MINERAL IDENTIFICATION (MIO) PLOT ............................................................................................. ...................... 203
Z-DENSITY DATA ............................................................................................................................................................ 203
DEFINING LITHOLOGY TRIANGLES ...................... ........................ ............................................................................ 208
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 21 O
PLOTTING DATA ON A Z-AXIS ..................................................................................................................................... 2 16
NATURAL GAMMA RAY SPECTROSCOPY ....................................................... .......................................................... 217
SHALE, SILT, AND CLAY ............................................................... ................................................................................. 221
Determination of Clay Type and Amount... .............................................................................................................. 222
CLAY ANALYSIS USING SPECTRALOG DATA ........................................................................................................... 222
Spectralog Mineral Estimates .............................................................................................. ...................................... 224
Z-Density and Neutron Estimates of Lithology ........................................................................................................ 226
SPECIAL CROSSPLOTS .................................................................................................................. ................................. 229
Jurassic Sandstones, North Sea ................................................................................... .............................................. 229
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS CONCERNING CROSSPLOT METHODS ........................................................... 23 1
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 23 1

6 Saturation Determination
SATURATION VALUES .................................................................................................................................................... 234
TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT SATURATION IMPONDERABLES ............................................................................ 235
Saturation Behavior to Reservoir Variables .............................................................................................. ................ 235
SATURATION IN CLEAN FORMATIONS ................................. ..................................................................................... 235
SATURATION NOMOGRAMS ........................................................................................................................................ 237
RESISTIVITY VS. POROSITY CROSSPLOTS ............................... ................................................................................ 237
Ringle Plot. .......................................................................................................................................................... ...... 237
Pickett Plot ...................................................................................................................... .......................................... 240
QUICK-LOOK METHODS TO DETERMINE SATURATIONS ........................................................................... .......... 243
R wa Technique .......................................................................................... .............................................. ......... ........... 243
Formation Factor Ratios as a Quick-Look Technique ...................................................................... ......................... 246
SATURATION BY THE WAXMAN-SMITS EQUATION ............................................................................................... 246
DUAL-WATER MODEL .............................................................................. ...................................................................... 247
INDONESIAN MODEL ..................................................................................................................................................... 248
SATURATION DETERMINATION IN LOW-SALINITY RESERVOIRS ....................................................................... 248
tpl Saturation Technique ............................................................................................................................................ 251
Calculation of Phase Water (P w) from Rw ................................................................................................................. 252
Phase Angle (cp) and Sw Determination Method ........................................................................................................ 254
Emprica) Fluid Resistivity vs. Phase Fluid Method for Saturation Determination .................................................. 254
Salinity Determination .............................................................................................................................................. 255
Simplified Shale Corrections .................................................................................................................................... 256
Determining m and n from Dielectric Data ............................................................................................................... 256
CONSIDERING THE SATURATION EXPONENT ......................................................................................................... 257
SATURATION SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................. 260
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 260

7 Analyzing Porosity/Saturation Results and Estimating Permeability and Productivity

METHODS USED TO CHECK THE ANSWERS ............................................................................................................ 263
Rw and Sw Determination ........................................................................................................................................... 263
Rwa versus Gamma Ray ............................................................................................................................................ 263
log Rwa versus SP ...................................................................................................................................................... 263
log cp versus log R1 .. . .... . .. ...... . .. . . ... .. ..... . ....... . ....... . ... . ..... . ..... .... ...... 263
Hingle Plots ............................................................................................................................................................... 264
Movable Hydrocarbons ............................................................................................................................................. 264
Tabular Lists of the Processed Log Data .................................................................................................................. 264
INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS ................................................................................................................................... 265
Sw versus <p to Determine S;w .................................................................................................................................... 265
Permeability Estimates .............................................................................................................................................. 267
Water-Oil and Water-Gas Ratios .............................................................................................................................. 268
Water-Cut Estimates ................................................................................................................................................. 270
DETERMINATION OF HYDROCARBON TYPE ........................................................................................................... 271
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 272

BAKER LOGGING SERVICES DEPTH-CONTROL SYSTEM ...................................................................................... 275
WIRELINE TENSION CHARACTERISTICS ............................................. ..................................................................... 276
DEPTH-MEASURING SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................... 276
WIRELINE LENGTH CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................................. 277
WIRELINE STRETCH CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................ .. ... 277
STRETCH REGIMES AND RELATIVE STRETCH ........................................................................................................ 279
DEPTH DETERMINATION .............................................................................................................................................. 279
DEPTH ACCURACY ......................................................................................................................................................... 281
PROCEDURES WHILE LOGGING .................................................................................................................................. 281
LIMITATIONS TO THE SYSTEM .................................................................................................................................... 281
DEPTH-CONTROL EXAMPLE ........................................................................................................................................ 282

Work Session Solutions

CHAPTER 1 WORK SESSION ......................................................................................................................................... 285
CHAPTER 2 WORK SESSION ......................................................................................................................................... 286
CHAPTER 3 WORK SESSION ......................................................................................................................................... 288
CHAPTER 4 WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 290

CHAPTER 5 WORK SESSION ........................................................................................................................................ 293
CHAPTER 6 WORK SESSION ................................................ ......................................................................................... 296
CHAPTER 7 WORK SESSION ......................................................................................................................................... 297

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................... 299

Index .................................................................................................................................................................................. 309


Wireline well logging operations provide measurements (2) Log quality control
of borehole and formation properties at accurately mea-
sured depths. Virtually ali of the measurements are made (3) Basic log interpretation principies
under pseudo-dynamic conditions; i.e., although the
borehole fluid is typically static during logging opera- (4) Geophysics and petroleum geology
tions, the measuring device is ascending the borehole
while the measurements are being recorded. There are (5) Fundamental principies of petroleum reservoirs
exceptions; e.g., sorne tools are held stationary while
measurements are made, sorne tools are moving while This text is intended to be an introduction to well log
fluids or gases enter or exit the borehole, and sorne tools analysis for engineers, geologists, and geophysicists with
are descending the borehole while the measurements are little or no training in the subject. Sorne of the material
made. can be considered more advanced conventional log anal-
ysis. Specialized areas of log analysis and integration of
The most fundamental data obtained by wireline opera- log data to other specialty areas, such as seismic, core
tions are measured depth and identification of the pene- analysis, geology, reservoir engineering, production
trated strata. Logs are frequently the only permanent engineering, are intended to be presented in a subsequent
record of ali the formations traversed by the borehole; course. Although many participants may have previous
i.e., top, bottom, and apparent thickness of each zone formal or practica! training in geology, petroleum engi-
versus measured depth. Caliper data are also very impor- neering, or geophysics, it is important that sorne very
tant in log analysis for openhole and subsequent cased basic principies, concepts, and uses of those disciplines
hole evaluations. Other measurements, often obtained be explained to other participants who have not had train-
from wireline operations, can correct measured depths, ing in one or more of those areas.
formation tops and bottoms, and thicknesses to true verti-
cal depth. Determining true stratigraphic thickness often A complete evaluation of petroleum-bearing reservoirs
requires a knowledge of formation dip angle and direc- includes data from severa] sources - coring, wireline well
tion in addition to borehole drift data. Other formation logging, mud logging, pressure tests, and sampling. A
evaluation techniques make measurements and allow thorough geological evaluation of a reservoir also typi-
observations that are often necessary for accurate and cally includes seismic interpretation. The science of for-
effective interpretations of log data. mation evaluation encompasses a general knowledge of
all these disciplines, while certain individuals may be
With few exceptions, oil company personnel are inter- specialized in a specific discipline such as seismic inter-
ested in how wireline measurements relate to information pretation, log analysis, or core analysis. Many oil com-
they need; i.e., a geologist has little interest in the physics pany, service company, governmental, and academic
of tool functions or how the measurements are obtained. research and development projects are devoted to the
For example, resistivity, conductivity, bulk density, and investigation of the physical properties of rocks and how
acoustic travel time are not data that coincide with the they relate to measurable properties; i.e., petrophysics.
needs of most oil company personnel; however, the rela-
tionship of log measurements to the amount of porosity
and oil, water, or gas present within certain reservoir
rocks is important. The purpose of this textbook is to
emphasize those relationships. Hardware descriptions,
including tool physics, are limited in scope, and dis-
cussed in general terms only to provide an understanding
of how the log measurements are made. Emphasis is
placed on using, and in most cases, converting the log
measurements into practica! terms for use in reservoir

Considering ali the above, it remains essential that the

formation evaluation specialist understand:

(l) Fundamental measurement theory of the various


-1 -
Fundamentals of Petroleum Reservoirs 1

Virtually ali of the world's petroleum is produced from

sedimentary rocks. Locating the reservoirs that contain Source
petroleum requires an understanding of the nature of sed-
iments, and well logs are one important method of
acquiring such information. Wireline well logs are partic- Chemical Mechanical
Weathering Weathering
ularly useful in describing and characterizing sedimen-
tary rocks and the fluids or gasses that occupy their pores.
Plan! Solution New
Extraction Minerals
Global tectonic activity has altered and continues to alter
the earth's crust. Tectonic activity is the process that dis-
tills out the lighter, low melting point materials that accu-
mulated on the surface and form the continents today.
Sedimentary rocks evolved from the mechanical and
chemical alteration caused by exposure to the surface
Biologic Extraction
and Precipitation
environment. A thin veneer of sediments almost entirely
covers the earth's surface. Since the evolution of life Shale
forms, petroleum has been generated in sedimentary Conglomerate
Goal Evaporites Sandstone
environments. When organ ic remains escape oxidation (Sorne Limestone)
by early burial or depth of burial, anda sufficient concen- Chert
tration of organi sms are subjected to moderate levels of Limestones
Diatomaceous Shales
geothermal heat and overburden pressure, petroleum is
believed to be formed. When these fluids migrate from
source rock to porous and permeable reservoir rocks, Fig. 1-1 -A hierarchy of sedimentary rocks by origin
they are eventually trapped and the hydrocarbon accumu-
lates to form an oil or gas reservoir.
are often used as an extension from core analysis and log
Mechanical and chemical weathering processes of the comparisons on other wells. Log measurements can
earth's surface result in the alteration and creation of sed- define or at least infer petrophysical properties such as
imentary rocks. Sedirnents are either transported by porosity, shale volume, lithology, and water, oil, or gas
winds and fluids or dissolved in a fluid followed by saturation. Estimates of permeability, predictions of
mechanical deposition or chemical or biological precipi- water cut, detection of overpressured zones, and calcula-
tation. Sedimentary rocks are composed mostly of miner- tions of residual oil can also be made. Log analysis is pri-
als that remain stable under normal conditions of stress, marily used to describe petrophysical properties in a
temperature, and pressure. Minerals usually associated single well. However, when a suite of logs is run in sev-
with igneous or metamorphic rocks were formed in era! wells representative of a specific geographical area,
abnormal conditions of stress, temperature, and pressure, it can be used as a geological too! to describe local struc-
and sorne of these rninerals are found in sediments. ture, stratigraphy, facies relationships, environrnents of
Nearly 3,000 rninerals are known to exist, but fewer than deposition, and reservoir geometry.
200 are sufficiently abundant to be considered comrnon
rock-forming minerals. Most sedimentary rocks are char- RESERVOI R ROCK PROPERTI ES
acterized by 25 or fewer minerals.
Reliable economic evaluation of a reservoir requires rea-
A convenient means for classification of sedimentary sonable knowledge of certain fundamental reservoir
rocks is to divide them into mechanically derived rocks properties. Although the rock recovered by coring meth-
and chemically precipitated rocks, with a number of sub- ods is the cornerstone of formation evaluation, wireline
divisions for the chemical division (Fig. 1-1 ). data are more universally available for determining the
fundamental reservoir properties.
Well log data are the result of measurements of the phys-
ical properties of rock matrix material and the fluids Porosity
occupying the pores. Otherwise, these data are accessible
only by core analysis. Quite naturally, log and core data The ratio of a volume of void spaces within a rock to the
are often compared and used in conjunction to define res- total bulk volume of that rock is commonly expressed as
ervoir properties. When cores are not available, log data a percentage; i.e., ali the collective void space is referred

to as pore volume so that percent porosity (<I>) is calcu-
lated as

<I> = Pare Volume x IOO .

Total Volume

[n practice, severa( descriptions of porosity exist, but the

two most common are total porosity and effective poros-
ity (Fig. 1-2). Total porosity represents the ratio of total
pore volume within a rock to the total bulk volume
including voids as given in the previous equation. Effec-
tive porosity represents the ratio of the interconnected
pore space to the total bulk volume. Other terminology
such as secondary porosity, water-filled porosity, vuggy
porosity, and fracture porosity are discussed later.
Fig. 1-4 - Variation in the size of spheres can affect porosity
Sand Grain type and volume.

Porosity 36% Porosity 20%

Horiz Perm 1000 md Horiz Perm 100 md
lnterconnected or
Vert Perm 600 md Vert Perm 25 md
Effective Porosity

~-") - 1solated or

Total Porosity

Sand Grains without Clay Sand Grains with Clay

Fig. 1-2 - Graphic depiction of effective, noneffective, and total Cementing Material Cementing Material

Fig. 1-5- Clay cement can affect porosity and permeability.

The amount of porosity is principally caused by the
arrangement and shape of the rock grains (Fig. 1-3), the
mixing of grains of different sizes and shapes (Fig. 1-4),
and the amount of cementing material present (Fig. 1-5).


A measure of the ease with which a fluid (or gas) flows

through connecting pore spaces of reservoir rock is called
Containers with Large Spheres permeability. This natural plumbing system conducts
fluids toward the borehole and is very important in pre-
dicting the rate of production from a reservoir.

Permeability depends largely on:

Containers with Small Spheres

( 1) Size of pore openings
Cubic Arrangement Rhombohedral
of Spheres Arrangement
48% Porosity of Spheres (2) Degree and size of pore connectivity
26% Porosity

Fig. 1-3 - Porosity relation to arrangement and shape of rock (3) Degree and type of cementing material between
grains rock grains

- 4-
Based on laboratory flow tests, Henri d'Arcy (1856)
deterrnined that permeability (k) could be expressed by
the equation
Large F lat Grains
Small Flat Grains

k = QIA(t:i.PIL)

where k = permeability (darcy),

Horiz Perm 2000 md Horiz Perm 800 md
Q = flow per unit time (cm/s), Vert Perm 800 md Vert Perm 50 md

= viscosity of flowing medium (cp), Large Rounded Grains Very Small Irregular Grains

A = cross section of rock (cm2),

L = length of rock (cm),

and ,11' = pressure differential (drop).

Horiz Perm 2000 md Horiz Perm 150 md
The unit of measurement was anglicized and is known as Vert Perm 1500 md Vert Perm 15 md
the darcy. Rock measurements of permeability are typi-
cally expressed as rnillidarcies (md). Graphics (Figs. 1-6 Fig. 1-7 - Shape and size of grains affect permeability.
and 1-7) demonstrate severa! variables that can affect
permeability horizonta)ly and vertical\y.

Horiz Perm 800 md Horiz Perm 1500 md 1000

Vert Perm 500 md Vert Perm 1000 md


Porosity 15% Porosity 40%

Fig. 1-6 - Arrangement of sand grains and pore structure

affects permeability.
0.1 L----'----'----''-----'---- '----''-----'---..J.._---'-_ J
O 2 4 6 8 1 O 12 14 16 18 20
Porosity (%)
Potentially petroleum-bearing rocks exhibit a wide range
of permeabilities (Fig. 1-8). Often, permeability
increases with porosity; however, rocks with very low
porosity have exhibited high permeability characteristics, Fig. 1-8 - Reservoi r rocks demonstrate a wide range of
and sorne high porosity rocks have very low matrix per- permeability that may not follow porosity t rends.
meability. Permeability values can be determined by sev-
era! means; e.g., well tests, wireline formation tests, drill flow into a wellbore if the interna! well pressure is 10 psi
stem tests, transient well testing, or analysis of different less than the reservoir pressure. A formation 100 ft
types of recovered core. Core data are accepted as the (30 m) thick that averages 2 md can be said to have
most accurate method for deterrnining permeability 200 md-ft (60 md-m) permeability, whereas a formation
(Fig. 1-9). Permeability is a fundamental parameter in 10 ft (3 m) thick that averages 200 md can be said to have
reservoir engineering work. For example, a reservoir 2,000 md-ft (600 md-m) of permeability. The thin zone
rock 10 ft thick having I darcy of effective permeability obviously has better qualities of deliverability than the
will permit about 15 barreis of oil per day (BOPD) to thick zone.

High vertical permeability does occasionally occur, usu-
ally in clean, coarse, unconsolidated sands or where ver-
Rock tical fractures, fissures, or joints are well developed. Ver-

tical joints and fissures often act as horizontal barriers if
they are filled with clay or other minerals. Bypassing and
coning effects occur in such reservoirs, and high vertical
Length permeability can therefore be detrimental.

Permeability Area of Core Fractures are nothing more than cracks or fi ssures that
"-... / . -Pressure Orop occur due to the stresses and strains of rock or pore pres-
k A - --
Flow O= -x- (P1 -P2) sure realigning to stability. Most fractures occur not as a
Rate - - - - L
large crack in the rock, but as several small fissures. Ori-
Fluid J' ""- Core Length
Viscosity entation is usually normal, or parallel to the forces that
caused the fracture. The type of rock matrix influences
the preferred direction. Major catastrophic events in geo-
Fig. 1-9 - Permeability determination from core
logic time (called revolutions, disturbances, etc. depend-
ing on the extent) are one major cause of fracturing,
while redistributions of pore fluid or gas from an area of
high pressure to an area of low pressure are also attrib-
uted to fracturing.
A reservoir's productive capacity is largely determined
by its permeability. If a 100 ft (30 m) thick reservoir is
Other terms, such as absolute, effective, and relative per-
perforated with 4 shots per foot in 4.8-in. (12.2-cm) ID
meability, are used for detailed reservoir parameters, but
casing, the well's productivity is restricted to the capacity
are beyond the scope of this basic course. If only a single
of the casing, tubing, and wellhead apparatus. If a 0.7-in. medium (ol, water, or gas) flows through the rock, the
(1.75-cm) choke is placed at the surface, the well's pro- term absolute permeability is used. When a reservoir
duction capability is more severely reduced. Within the contains any two or ali of the media, the effective perme-
cased well itself, productivity is restricted to the size of ability (k0 , kw, k8 ) for each is considered. When flow of
tubular goods, and wellhead restrictions diminish the more than one of the media through a permeable reser-
producing capability of the pipe string. Each individual voir rock is present, it becomes necessary to determine
perforation will only produce if the well has the capacity relative permeability (kr0 , krw ,kr8). Relative permeability
to accept flow into it and the ability to produce the fluids is defined as the ratio of relative permeability of one
or gas at the surface. In this set of circumstances, a large phase, during multiphase flow, to the absolute permeabil-
number of perforations would not contribute any increase ity of that fluid during single phase flow or
to the rate of production. The perforations in the most
permeable depth intervals would contribute the vast
majority of fluids or gas, and as permeability behind indi-
vidual perforations diminishes, their ability to contribute
Methods relating wireline data to permeability are dis-
to flow would also diminish.
cussed in other chapters.

Horizontal permeability is generally accepted as the Reservoir Content of Fluids and Gas
rock's permeability in a more-or-less horizontal direction,
while vertical permeability is generally accepted as the
Fluid (or gas) saturation is defined as the volume of fluid
component perpendicular to horizontal permeability. A
(or gas) divided by the volume of pores in which the fluid
core from a near-vertical borehole in steeply dipping
(or gas) resides. Total saturation is always 100%;
beds may yield misleading permeability estimates for therefore,
vertical and horizontal orientation if the core analyst is
not aware of the circumstances. Vertical permeability (kv)
S o + S g + S w = 100%,
is usually somewhat less than horizontal permeability
because of the layering effect of sedimentation; i.e., clay
laminae, platy minerals, etc. Horizontal permeability where S0 = oil saturation (%),
(kh), measured parallel to bedding, is the major contribu-
tor of fluid flow into a typical wellbore. The ratio of khfkv s8 = gas saturation (%),
generally ranges from 1.5 to 3.0 but might exceed 10.0 in
sorne reservoirs (Figs. 1-6 and 1-7). and Sw = water saturation (% ).

-- Depending on the existing conditions in any particular
reservoir, the hydrocarbon content may be in the form of
vertical and formations are relatively flat (horizontal), the
measured thickness of different geological units is suffi-
oil, free gas, or both. Air is also a gas. In reservoirs that ciently accurate. However, when wells are deviated more
produce hydrocarbons, the water is generally a film coat- than about 5, it becomes necessary to correct the
ing on the rock surfaces within pores, while the hydrocar- measured reservoir thickness to true vertical thickness by
bons occupy the center portions of the pore spaces. A utilizing measurements of the borehole drift angle and
simplified sketch of the three phases in an oil and gas res- directions (Fig. 1- 1lA). When the reservoir rock dips
ervoir is illustrated in Fig. 1-10. steeply as a result of folding or faulting, the formation
thickness must often be corrected to its true stratigraphic
thickness, and information pertaining to post-deposi-
Water tional structural dip is required (Fig. 1-11 B). When the
well is deviated and formations dip steeply, additional
data are required to correct the log measurements to true
vertical thickness (Fig. 1-11 C).
Wireline Depth Control

Depth is one of the most fundamental and important mea-

surements performed by wireline logging crews, and log
Sand Grains data are commonly used to resolve reservoir thickness.
Wireline logs offer a geological information source for
Fig. 1-10 - Simplified sketch of three phases in a petroleum- the entire length of a wellbore, and a major use of log
bearing reservoir data is to make well-to-well geological correlations.

The depth-control system relies upon calibration and ver-

For example, if a rock with total bulk volume of 50 cm3 ification. Calibration is based on known and measurable
was found to contain 3 cm3 of water, 5 cm3 of oil, and properties relating to cable stretch characteristics, and the
2 cm3 of free gas, then verification procedure ensures accurate compensation for
variations in the effective length of the cable as a func-
Pore Volume = 3 + 5 + 2 = JO cm3; tion of variations in the tension. Using present technolo-
gies, severa) important assumptions are made in defining
therefore, the system's accuracy. A detailed discussion of wireline
depth control systems is found in Appendix A.
q> = 10/50 = 20%,
and Sw = 3/10 X 100 = 30%,

So = 5/10 X 100 = 50%, The reservoir engineer must know the reservoir's areal
extent and shape in addition to its thickness. Logs or core
and Sg = 2/10 X 100 = 20%. data from a single well cannot provide this information,
but the combined data from a number of wells allow
inference of the outlying limits of the reservoir. Surface
seismic data provide horizontal stratigraphic coverage,
RESERVOIR THICKNES S which is extremely useful in determining the lateral res-
ervoir extent and identifying lateral permeability barriers.
The reservoir engineer also requires an accurate measure Three dimensional (3-D) seismic information is even
of reservoir thickness, generally, the current true vertical more valuable, but two or more seismic lines in different
thickness of the reser-. oir rock in place. Original orienta- directions can help in 3-D reservoir modelling. When
tion of reservoirs and the effects of subsequent folding, only well data are available to the engineer, the produc-
faulting, uplifting, or downwarping also influence reser- tion geologist must provide reasonably accurate cross
voir parameters and are discussed later. The most basic sections, maps, and perhaps fence diagrams to model the
information provided by wireline logging is measured reservoir in 3-D. This requires data from a number of
well depth and identifiable top and bottom depths of tra- wells that are not in a straight line and sufficient lateral
versed geological formations. If the borehole is nearly coverage to estmate the reservoir boundary limits.

-7 -


\ Deviated Wellbore

Data from a single well can be used to calculate reserves
~\( in place, but as previously described, the reservoir engi-
neer must have sorne idea of the area that a single well
TVD ' could drain. A commonly used equaton for calculating
' barreis of oil in place is
TVD Top ,. Horizontal Bed
BOIP=7758 bbl/acre-ft x h (ft) x A (acres)4) x Sh

where h = reservoir thickness (ft),

TVD Base A = drainage area (acres),

$ = effectve porosity (%),

Fig. 1-11 A - TVD principie for a vertical well and horizontal bed
and sh = pore space portion filled with hydro-
carbon (%).

Actual reservor engineerng work requires much more

data. Permeability and reservoir temperature and pres-
Vertical Wellbore sure are mportant consideratons in determining produc-
iblty behavior, accurate volumetrics, pressure mainte-
nance procedures, etc. The API gravty of eructe ol,
bubble point pressure, type of reservor, etc. are all
mportant considerations. Sorne of this informaton is
obtained with specialty log measurements.



The objective of an ol company's drillng department is

to drll a hole of specfied sze to a specfied depth, run
casing, cement designated portons of the penetrated
Fig. 1-11 B - TVD principie for a vertical well and a dipping bed horizons, and perhaps run producton casing to total
depth, ali in the most economcally efficient manner pos-
sible. Most drilling personnel consder the hole to be the
eptomy of the industry, and to a certain degree ths is
correct because no oil or gas wll be produced until that
borehole is drilled and completed successfully. Surface
and subsurface geophysics and geology may dictate
where to drill a well, but it is the drilling personnel who
place the hole in the target.

Large ol and gas companes often have a vice president

of drilling or manager of drilling who has a staff of spe-
calzed drilling personnel. Smaller ndependents gener-
ally rely on a drllng contractor. Drilling engineers, drill-
ing superntendents, or drilling technicians are often
employees of the operating company, whle a drilling
contractor may have a toolpusher in charge of one or
more rigs. A drller is usually in charge of the drilling
crew, whch is made up of three or more roughnecks.
Fig. 1-11 C - TVD principie for a deviated well and a dipping bed Drilling crews usually work "tours" (often pronounced
"towers"). Eight-hour shifts are common, but longer

-- shifts may occur. Larger land rigs and offshore rigs have
additional personnel who serve a number of functions.
know ali about drilling rigs, but it is irnportant to be
fami liar with the areas where they are to be at times and
More expensive drilling to deeper well depths, in deeper to recognize the potential dangers. The mechanical and
offshore waters, or in more frontier locations has become electrical equipment associated with a drilling rig can be
much more sophisticated in the past 15 to 20 years. dangerous to human life and logging operations. Severa!
Computer technology, including high-technology com- types of drilling rigs are i llustrated (Figs. 1- 12 through 1-
munications systems, etc., is not unusual where high-cost 16). The layout of the mud circulation system may differ,
drilling operations are taking place. but the scheme for mud circulation in and out of the bore-
hole generally follows the schematic (Fig. 1- 17). Well-
In rnost cases, drilling consumes the majority of the costs head pressure apparatus is often present beneath the rig
of a well. The drilling budget is typically the largest floor and the pipe string configuration duri ng drilling
expenditure for the exploration and production depart- operations includes severa! compo nents (Fig. 1-18). Drill
ments in an oil company. Few oil cornpanies own their strings that include measurement apparatus are becorning
own rigs; they contract the drilling rig, drill ship, or drill- more common (Fig. 1-19); they are referred to as mea-
ing platform through a drilling contractor, just as they surement-while-drilling (MWD).
contract wireline companies to perform logging and per-
forating services. However, sorne companies do own DRILLING FLUIDS
rigs, and sorne drilling contractors occasionaJly promote
and drill wells. Drilling mud is possibly the one factor that is rnost
ignored or misunderstood relative to forrnation evalua-
Most drilling contracts are written to include a certain fee
tion. Nevertheless, ali borehole measurernents are
for a specified, completed borehole of a certain size and
affected somewhat by the particular attributes of the drill-
perhaps, quality and specific targeted controls through
ing fluid. Rotary rigs require fluid for two basic purposes
the penetrated formations of the subsurface. Casing of
- to cool and lubricare the bit, and to c irculate the drilled
various sizes, weight, and type are specified to be set and
cuttings back to the surface. From the engineering stand-
cemented over selected intervals of the borehole. Drilling
point, it is usually important to rnaintain a pressure in the
mud is also specified, and its cost can vary considerably
borehole slightly above the pressures in the formations to
depending on mud type, its reusability, and the hole
be penetrated; this is a safety factor to avoid well blow-
volume. It is not the norm, but rnud costs can approach
outs. In many situations, water is the fluid used, and the
40% of the total cost of a well.
hydrostatic head is sufficient to provide a slight overbal-
Logging, testing, and coring operations, and times when ance. Sorne situations require an increase in mud weight
drilling is halted to circulate cuttings to the surface from because of formation pressures known to be abnorrnally
a specified zone, are often referred to as downtime. These high. In the case of an exploration wildcat drilled in a
are charged to the oil company at "day work rates," remote area, the drilling contractor and ol company may
which are often expensive. Rig breakdown time is the choose to "mud up" as a precautionary measure. Differ-
problem of the drilling contractor. ent units of mud weight are used in different operating
areas (Fig. 1-20).
Logging operations often consume a number of hours,
and altho ugh the oil company budgets time for this in a Drilling with overbalanced pressure can be damaging to
well proposal, they rarely plan for any extensive logging reservoir properties immediately adjacent to the bore-
contractor breakdown time. This is why ol company per- hole. With sufficient well pressure, the drilling fluid can
sonnel become upset when logging operation "lost time" invade deeply into the reservoir or deep enough to cause
becomes significant. They know the downtime can add a clay swelling or o ther problems that deter or forbid drain-
great deal of cost to the driller's invoice. Well-trained log- age access for hydrocarbons when the well is put on pro-
ging crews, extensive tool maintenance, and carefully duction (Fig. 1-2 1). Freshwater-based rnuds often cause a
planned maintenance methods are the logging contrac- chemical reaction with clay materials disseminated in the
tors' only recourse to avoid technical problems that can formation, which results in clay swelling o r clay removal
directly affect future business. and transport to other areas of the pore throats. Either cir-
cumstance can result in effectively eliminating the per-
ROTARY RIG COMPONENTS meable avenue. Mud solids or particles injected into the
pore throats with the invading fluids cause a similar dam-
Virtually ali wells in the o l industry are drilled by using aging effect. Forrnation damage immediately surround-
the rotary method. A few isolated areas still have cable ing the borehole can severely diminish the forrnation's
too) rigs, but only rotary drilling rigs will be described in ability to produce into the wellbore. Rheology of dri lling
any detail. It is not so important that the logging fluids has therefore become an important specialty area
engineer, well-site geologist, or other service personnel in the petroleum industry.

- 9-
SPRING POLE - The "spring pole", first used in this country for
digging salt wells, was adopted for early oil well drilling. The Spring Pole,
device consisted of a limber pole, anchored at one end and
passing over a post. Men pulled down on the rape, causing the
drilling tools to strike bottom and to be lifted alter each stroke by
the spring of the pole.




The band wheel receives power from an engine and

operates in turn:

The walking beam, set on the sampson post, is used

for raising and dropping the "string" of drilling tools to
drill the well.

The bull wheel (driven by a bull rape), on which is

wound the wire drilling line, raises or lowers the
drilling tools in the well.

The calf wheel, on which is wound the wire casing Traveling

line, raises or lowers casing in the well. ..,..,...'M"1'r Block
The sand wheel, driven from band wheel - bails out
the cut-away material by means of the sand line and

As the well is drilled deeper, its walls are

progressively "cased" with lengths of steel casing pipe.
This prevents cave-ins and the seepage of water, oil, or Casing - 1st String

gas into the unfinished well. Rape Socket
Casing - 2nd String
"Fishing" is the name given to methods of recovering Jars - permit bit to fall free -
bits, or parts of the drilling "strings," which accidentally also used to jar tools loase
break off and become lodged in the well. lf they cannot
be recovered, or drilled around, the well is abandoned.

Bits are of various designs to meet the different types

of underground formations being drilled. From time to
time, the entire drill string is brought to the surface and
the bit replaced.

Fig. 1-12 - Early spring pole drilling method and cable tool drilling rig
l Stem - adds weight to bit

Open Hale

- 10-


"Draw Works" - the collective name for !he hoisting

drum, shaft, and clutches. Power is received from
the engine.

The rotary table is driven by chain from the draw

works and rotales the hollow drill stem, which drills
the well.

The drill stem, consisting of drill pipe, drill collar, and

bit, is raised or lowered into the well by a cable that
is wound on the hoisting drum and passes through a
series of pulleys in the crown block.

Casing, or lining, for the well is raised or lowered by

the same method.

Cuttings are removed by pumping drilling mud,

obtained from a slush pit, down through the hollow
drill pipe. lt passes out through hales in the bit and,
forced upward by pump pressure, carries the
cuttings to the surface. Here, the liquid passes through
settling troughs in which heavier particles sink to the
bottom. The cleansed mud flows back into the slush
pit and is used again, not only for removing cuttings,
but as a plaster on the walls of the well to preven!
caving until the casing is set.

Stand Pipe
(Carries high-pressure
mud from pumps)

Drawworks Hook

-+-ff-----1 Mlt-- Kelly

'-9----u -Rotary Table

Fig. 1-13- Rotary drilling rig

- 11 -
1,d._ _ _ _ Racking Platform
(Monkey Boards)
11 . Wireline

13. Rotary

roq:!11------ 10.Traveling Block

9. Hook
8. Swivel
7. Rotary Hose and Standpipe
6. Kelly
Kelly Bushing
17. Mud Pit 20. Blowout Preventer (BOP) Stack
19. Substructure

6. Kelly

5. Kelly Saver Sub

4. Drill Pipe

Rotary Rig System Components

1ffi- 3. Drill Collars

2. Bit Sub
HoistingSystem-9, 10, 11 , 12, 14, 15, 18
Circulating System - 2, 3, 4 , 6, 8, 15, 16, 17
Rotating System - 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15 1. Bit

Fig. 1-14 - Schematic of rotary drilling system (from Fundamentals of Petroleum, 2nd ed. , Copyright 1981, Petroleum Extension Service,
The University of Texas at Austin)

- 12 -

- 13 -
Key to lllustration

Air chambers (1) Mud line manifold (28)

Blowout preventer (2) Mud mixing hopper (29)
Base plate (3) Mud return ditch (30)
Casing head (4) Mud return line (31)
Compound (5) Mud tank connections (32)
Cross tee (6) Platform, engine (33)
Crown block (7) Rathole (34)
Derrick (8) Rotary hook (35)
Derrick brace (9) Rotary hose (36)
Derrick !loor (10) Rotary hose safety chain (37)
Derrick leg (11) Rotary table (38)
Drawworks (12) Runaround (39)
Engines, diesel or gas (13) Settling pit (40)
Gin pole (14) Shale shaker (41)
Girt (15) Slush pump (42)
Goose neck (16) Standpipe (43)
Guard, drive chain (17) Steps (44)
Guard, rotary drive (18) Substructure, derrick (45)
Guard, pump drive (19) Substructure, drawworks (46)
Hydraulic brake (20) Substructure, ramp (47)
Kelly (21) Suction line (48)
Line, fill-up {22) Suction tank (49)
Line, pump discharge (23) Surge chamber (50)
Line, rotary (24) Swivel (51 )
Mouse hole (25) Swivel ball (52)
Mud gun, lixed (26) Traveling block (53)
Mud gun, movable (27) Water supply line (54)

Fig. 1-16- Components of a rotary drilling rig

- 14-


Mud House



Suction Line

Drill Pipe


Mud Pit

Fig. 1-17 - Mud circulation system (from Fundamentals of Petroleum, 2nd ed., Copyright 1981 , Petroleum Extension Service, The
University of Texas at Austin)

- 15-
There are special circumstances where the fluid is main-
Drilling Mud Pumped Back to Kelly tained at an underbalanced pressure condition, particu-
Kelly ~ larly when formation damage can be expected from inva-
Rotary Table sion of drilling fluids. Many of the Mesa Verde gas sands
e'---::::,, ..._ across Wyoming (U.S.A.) were dril led underbaJanced to
keep water off of swelling clays as muchas possible; i.e.,
clay swelling would inhibit production from the reser-
voirs that already had low permeability and low flow
rates. Most formation damage occurs near the borehole
and creates a permeable barrier between the gas or oil
and the perforated entries into the well bore. Drilling
with underbalanced pressure to avoid formation damage
Preventers Slush Pit can inadvertently affect log responses if gas bleeds from
the formation into the borehole fluid. Measurements most
affected are the SP, neutrons, and acoustic logs.

Flow properties of drilling fluids often influence the

success or fai lure of a drilling operation. The particular
properties are primarily responsible for removal of rock
Fig. 1-18 -Typical setup of wellhead pressure apparatus

Directional Display

MWD Skid Unit

Pulse Detection Gamma Log (Optional)
Pulse Decoding Geological Horizons
Formation ldentification


Position Monitoring Sensors


Formation ldentification Sensor

Gamma Sensor

Drilling Motor

Dril/ Strin

------ -~
_______ , .........

Fig. 1-19 - Typical scheme for measurement-while-drilling (MWD)

- 16 -
cuttings, but also influence drilling progress in severa!
additional ways. Poor flow performance can cause hole
Mud Welght or Preuure Gradlent
bridging, bottomhole fi ll up, reduced penetration rate,
g/cm3 lb/cu ft lb/gal psi/ft
hole enlargement, stuck pipe, loss of circulation, and pos-
1.0 62.4 8,345 0.433 sibly result in a well blowout. Flow behavior is governed
0.45 by flow regimes that are dictated by pressure and veloc-
1.1 ity. The two main flow regimes are laminar flow, which
70 prevails at low velocities and is a direct function of the
1.2 10 viscous properties of the fluid; turbulent flow is governed
by the interna( properties of the fluid and is only indi-
80 0.55
1.3 rectly influenced by the viscosity. Pressure increases with
velocity much more rapidly when flow is turbulent than
1.4 0.60 when it is laminar.
90 12

1.5 0.65 Viscosity

1.6 100
Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow; e.g.,
molasses is more resistant to flow than water. The viscos-
1,7 ity of drilling fluid is typically reported on wireline log
0 .75
110 headers, and the number reported is taken from the mud
1.8 15 report or driller's record (marsh funnel viscosity). Viscos-
0 .80 ity typically varies from the low to mid 40s to the mid to
high 50s, but much higher viscosities are occasionally
120 encountered. Viscosity might be reported from either of
2.0 two methods:
130 0.90
2 .1 (1 ) Marsh funnel seconds, which represents the time
18 it takes for an efflux of one quart (946 cm 3) of drill-
2.2 0.95 ing fluid to flow through a specified funnel. The
longer (in seconds) it takes to drain the funnel, the
2.3 1.00 higher the viscosity. The number obtained depends
partly on the effective viscosity at the rate of shear
2.4 20 prevailing in the funnel orfice and partly on the
rate of gelation. For benchmark reference, the time
of efflux of fresh water at 70 5F (21 3C) is
26 0.5 seconds. Marsh funnel viscosity is a
Fg. 1-20 - Comparison of difieren! mud weight units

Barehale Axis Barehale Axis

\ \
Particle Surface ln-depth Salid
Pare Thraat Size Penetratian
lmmediate Surface
Filler-cake Buildup

~ Bridging Lacatian

Fig. 1-21 - Drilling overbalanced can cause formation damage near the borehole.

- 17 -

simplified method that enables the drilling crew to 1920s. Drilling mud research began in earnest by the late
periodically report the consistency of the mud. This I 920s, and different technical society meetings witnessed
value is normally found in the driller's report and is more papers on mud properties being presented in the
the value commonly reported on log headers. early 1930s than the total for the previous 40 years. The
types of mud additives are widely varied and are used for
(2) Yield point viscosity indicates flow characteristics different purposes. Gels were introduced to eliminate or
when the fluid is moving slowly or is at rest, and at least reduce caving and forro mud cakes to prevent for-
plastic viscosity represents the flow characteristics mation damage. Barite is the most common weighting
of the fluid when it is moving rapidl y. Both viscos- material.
ities are measured in centipoise. Mud engineers and
laboratory chemists and technicians use more so- Different wireline devices are used to make measure-
phisticated viscometers to measure these properties. ments of formation resistivity. The type of drilling fluid
and its comparative relation to the formation water are
pH important criteria to the accuracy of the measurement. As
a rule of thumb for the purposes of well logging, fresh
Another parameter measured by the mud engineer is the muds are generally those having a resistivity (at compa-
pH factor of the drilling fluid. pH values are a measure of rable temperature to the formation temperature) of > 3.5
the acid or alkaline condition of a substance. A neutral times that of the formation water. Electrode-resistivi ty
solution, such as pure water, has a pH of 7; acid solutions devices were first developed to perform measurements in
are< 7; basic or alkaline solutions are> 7. pH is scaled water-filled boreholes. The induction log was later devel-
logarithmically, therefore a fluid with a pH of 4 is more oped for oil-based drilling fluids, but it was soon found
than twice as acidic as a substance with a pH of 7, and a that the induction also performed exceptionally well in
substance with a pH of 9 is much more than twice as fresh muds.
alkaline as a substance with a pH of 8. pH is an important
parameter in mud quality, and occasionally to particular Oil-Based Drilling Fluids
rock cuttings that need to be investigated by the well-site
geologist. Numerous types of drilling fluids have been used and
called oil-based, but variations in oil percentages and
Fluid Loss other fluid additives exist. For example, the oil-based
muds used in the North Sea number well above 60, and
Water loss, measured in cubic centimeters, plays a very approximately 80% of the wells drilled in the North Sea
important part in obtaining accurate log data that are crit- in the past 7 to 8 years ( l 983-1 991) have utilized oil-
ica( to an analysis. High-water-loss muds tend to invade based muds to sorne extent. In 1990, ol-bases accounted
and flush deeper into the formation, which influences log foras much as 10% of the drilling fluids used throughout
measurements used to evaluate the types and amounts of the world. Emulsions, inverted systems, etc. are included
fluid or gas saturation. Because the drilling fluid was among the nomenclature. For the purposes of this discus-
probably not of the same consistency throughout the sion, oil-based fluids are virtually always nonconductive;
drilling process, high-water-loss muds effecti vely flush i.e., they are electrical insulators. These fluids are used to
and invade different reservoirs with filtrate of different achieve better borehole conditions (avoid excessive
salinities, since most flu shing takes place as a spurt with washouts, possibly keep water away from swelling mate-
the initial penetration of the bit. Massive loss of mud into rials) and also for their reusable qualities. The presence of
the formation seldom occurs because the mud solids are illite, smectite, and mixed !ayer illite/smectite clays, in
filtered out onto the borehole wall. Muds should be particular, causes problems when water-based drilling
treated to keep cake permeability as low as possible, fluids are used. In the past, the base material of oil-based
thereby maintaining a stable borehole and minimizing fil - fluids was usually a diesel oil that required weighting,
trate invasion and possible formation damage of potential which is an expensive process. In recent years, diese! has
reservoirs. Hig h-mud-cake permeability results in thick been abandoned largely because of the environmental and
filter cake that reduces borehole diameter, causes severa! occupational hazards caused by high aromatic content.
potential problems for the driller, and also inhibits many Today's oil-based fl uids are made up of very expensive,
log measurements. specially refi ned oil s that are less toxic (<5% aromatics).

Freshwater-Based Drilling Fluids Salt-Based Drilling Fluids

The most common drilling fluid is water-based, usuall y Early well-drilling experience established bentonite as
somewhat less saline than the connate formation waters. the most practica! material for improving viscosity and
Mud was first introduced as a fluid additive in the early wall-building properties of freshwater muds; however, as
1900s, but did not find widespread usage until the early dissolved salt content within the fluid increased,

- 18 -
bentonite became less effective. Bentonite does not swell by fluids. To avoid clay swelling or other formation
in saturated salt water; therefore, it contributes essen- damage immediately adjacent to the borehole, operators
tially nothing to filtration in salty fluid conditions. Drill- may choose to dril! with air. Cable-too] drilling is slow
ers in the Permian Basin of west Texas encountered thick but less expensive; it often takes as much as 3 months to
salt beds, and saJt domes created problems in the U.S. dril! to a depth of 3,000 ft (915 m). Boreholes drilled with
gulf coast area. Gelatinized starch was found to be a reli- cable tools typically maintain wall stability, and rock cut-
able substitute and eliminated many of the problems with tings bailed from the holeare usually of excellent quality
thick mud cakes and excess filtration that had previously because they are not contaminated by drilling fluids. Fur-
occurred in salty fluids. thermore, the geologist does not have to allow for lag
time for sample retums. The first 60 to 70 years of the
Salt muds are commonly used in salt basins, which are petroleum industry were dorninated by cable-too( drill-
geological basins having thick beds of salt and other ing. Rotary rigs are also used in air-drilling operations,
evaporites. Fresh water leaches the salt beds, creating and in "hard-rock" country. They provide a secondary
enormous washouts or cavities that create problems for benefit as a result of a faster drilling rate.
drilling, running casing, logging, testing, coring, and just
about every operation that is performed in a wellbore. Many of the gas fields today in Appalachia and Arkansas
Most of these problems are alleviated if high-salinity (U.S.A .) are drilled with air; reefs in southwest Ontario
drilling fluids are used. (Canada) and shallow production wells in Michigan
(U.S.A.) are often drilled with cable tools. Economics
High-salinity drilling fluids also cause excessive prob- and formation properties are the primary factors that
lems for certain wireline measurements. The fluid is determine the drilling technique.
exceptionally conductive and the borehole signa! from
any logging device influenced by conductivity will be Air-drilled holes also limit logging capabilities. Induc-
severely affected. For this reason, induction devices are tion tools perform in the air-filled borehole, as do density,
not commonly used in salt-based drilling fluids. The lat- gamma ray, and neutron devices. Electrode resistivity,
erolog, a focused resistivity logging system, was specifi- SP, and acoustic measurements cannot be recorded. Side-
cally designed for use in salt-based muds. Short-circuit- wall neutron devices are preferred. Production from the
ing problems in the logging string can occur if ali connec- tight reservoirs is usually gas, and temperature surveys
tions in the wireline network are not well-insulated from are often a component of logging programs. Modifica-
the conductive fluid. Equipment that works satisfactorily tions to the air-drilling process are also attempted by
in a fresh-mud environment may fail in salt-mud condi- using foam agents or aerated muds.
tions because of the highly conductive borehole fluid.
More extensive maintenance and preparation programs Mud Additives of Concern to Wireline Logging
are necessary if successful operations are to be routinely
performed. From the well logging standpoint, salt-based KCI muds hamper the use of the Spectralog instrument,
logging conditions are generally considered to be those a logging device that differentiates the portions of potas-
where the resistivity of a water-based drilling fluid is <3.5 sium, thorium, and uranium products that constitute the
times as great as the formation fluid. The term super-sat- total gamma ray measurement. lf potassium is a constitu-
urated is often used when the drilling fluid resistivity is ent of the borehole fluid (e.g., KCI drilling fluid), even
much less than the resistivity of the formation water. with a well-circulated mud system, the potassium con-
centration vares with borehole size variations.
Potassium Chloride (KCI) Drilling Fluids
Weighting agents include galena, hematite, magnetite,
Muds containing potassium chloride (KCI) and a suitable ilmenite, barite, siderite, celestite, dolomite, calcite, syn-
polymer are often used to improve borehole stability. The thetic iron oxides, etc. Each of these materials is dense
potassium ion replaces the commonly used sodium or and, with the exception of perhaps dolomite and calcite,
calcium ions to inhibit clay swelling in the shales. Oil- has a severe effect on log responses that are susceptible
based muds sometime curtail formation evaluation to heavy minerals or iron minerals.
efforts, and KCI muds can be substituted for oil-based
muds if other circumstances perrnit. Sorne of the iron-bearing minerals are often used as hy-
drogen sulfide (H 2S) scavengers. H 2S is a very corrosive,
Air- or Gas-Drilled Boles dangerous, and deadly gas. Many species of bacteria exist
in water-base drilling fluids and contribute to corrosion by
In areas where air drilling occurs, the producing horizons forming patches of slime under which corrosion cells be-
are typically low-porosity, low-permeability reservoirs come well established. Specific species react with ca-
that often contain clays that swell badly when contacted thodic hydrogen and reduce sulfates in the drilling fluid to

- 19-
form H 2S. Degrading additives such as lignosulfonate can tools are suspended below the drill pipe to log the desired
resu lt in the bacteria adversely affecting the rheological intervals. Wireline tools are also conveyed by coiled
and filtration properties of the mud. Biocides are used to tubing into highly deviatcd boreholes.
control the problem, and c hlorin ated phenols a nd
paraformaldehydes appear to be the most suitable agents. LOG MEASUREMENT-WHILE-DRILLING
Unfortunately, formaldehyde has an ad verse affect o n (MWD)
propylene copolymer, which is used as conductor insula-
tion in many wireline logging cables. Serious problems MWD is an alternative to wireline logging in many cir-
with short circuiting often occur during logging jobs if the cumstances, especially offshore where rig costs are
formaldehyde reacts with the insulation. extremely high. Severa! measurements including gamma
ray, temperature, resistivity, dielectric, and neutron are
Directional Drilling available. Other MWD measurements that relate to reser-
voir characteristics are rate of penetration (ROP) and
A well is often drilled at sorne angle from vertical toward
weight on bit (WOB). MWD navigational measurements
a specific subsea horizon. Reasons for directing bore-
are critica! in directing deviated boreholes.
holes are numerous:
Not that long ago, wireline logging was typically per-
( l) Offshore wells are often drilled from a stationary
formed prior to casing any portion of the borehole.
platform to certain geographical coordinates and
Today, MWD Iogs are often recorded over long borehole
then g raduall y straightened to vertical to penetrate
intervals that will be cased with an intermediate pipe
the potentially productive horizons. Directional
string. lf no potentially productive intervals are realized
information becomes important to correct forma-
by the MWD devices, wireline measurements might not
tion tops and thicknesses to true vertical depth,
be recorded over that interval. When potential zones are
and/or true stratigraphic thickness.
spotted, however, wireline logging can still be performed
(2) Land wells are drilled directionally to avoid a drill- prior to running pipe. Although MWD logs provide basic
ing location in difficult terrain; e.g., swamps, data on bit direction, weight on bit, rate of penetration,
rugged mountains, under a lake or an urban area. temperature, etc., (Fig. 1-22), MWD data and analysis
or to avoid land-use constraints, such as environ- are becoming more sophisticated (Fig. 1-23). Density
mental damage to a sensitive environmental measurements are being recorded and acoustic measure-
reserve. Log data requirements are similar to those ments are in the planning stages.
for offshore needs.
It is not difficult to visualize the importance of dri lling
(3) Relief wells are drilled directionally to intersect methods and fluids to MWD applications. MWD
wells that have blown out and typically caught fire. personnel are more profoundly exposed to the aspects of
Once the relief well is within an effective radius of drilling than conventional wireline logging personnel and
the problem well, the hole is straightened to dril! can offer special insight and detail into the subjects dis-
into the reservoir. At that time, the proper materials cussed above.
will be injected from the relief wel l into the source
reservoir to "snuff out" the problem. Wireline log- MUO RETURN LOGS (MUO LOGS)
ging services become very important in directing
the relief well toward the problem well. Another specialty area in the petroleum services industry
(4) Sorne wells are gradually directed toward the hori- is mud logging. Data presentations vary considerably
zontal to take full advantage of the drainage pat- depending on contractor, cl ient, and the nature of the
terns in a reservoir; e.g., fractured reservoirs have measurements. A description of the rock cuttings is part
low matrix porosity. of the log and very useful. Certain minerals are often
identified under the microscope that provide clues to the
(5) Occasionally, wells drift away from vertical and environmental seuing of speci fi c reservoirs. Information
cither climb updip or follow steeply dipping beds; is usually provided on dril! penetration rates. A "hot-
i.e., geological conditions can control the direction wire" reading (gas detector) is always recorded, but can
of the bit. be misleading to those not well trained in mud log analy-
sis. Chromatograph readings are also recorded, almost
Special preparations and procedures are necessary to log always with C 1, C2, C 3 , and C4 measure ments. A C 5
highly deviated boreholes including types of centralizers, measurement is often available. A typical setup for mud
knuckle joints between makeup portions of the tool log apparatus to detect "hot wire" and chromatograph
string, and occasionally special weights. Pipe-conveyed readings is shown (Fig. 1-24) with a mud log presenta-
logging methods are also employed in which the logging tion (Fig. 1-25).



0 ____________ 150 H0+H+H-+H-+H-+H>+1-+-00H.-9_ _ _ _ ___,1.1

' Bell Nipple


Mud Tank

Sample Cup

Cuttings - Mud Separator


Discharge Stack

Clear Acrylic
Plastic Tube

Pinch Valve


Side View Front View

Fig. 1-22 - MWD presentation of navigational measurements

Fig. 1-24 - Setup scenario for "hot wire" and chromatograph

.2 ____ ---------- ltltCO - - - - - - - -
ntoJun USUTl\l'lTY
_____ 2ooc
Ignorance of the acqu1s1t1on system and interpretative
.2 2~(
methods causes many oil industry personnel to downplay
mud log data, but when understood and interpreted prop-
:j. ~
-- -
erly, mud logs offer a variety of informative data. Many
g e=.-. _.;_;,; - workers in the oil industry were first employed by mud
log contractors.
~ ...
= . . . ....,._

,- Site selection for drilling a well involves considerable

~ .... ... geological study and commences long before a logging

i - --~

program is even considered. Situations vary consider-
ably, depending on geographical locale and economics.

Exploration wells, confirmation wells, development
wells, injection wells, water supply wells, disposal wells,
IJ and exploratory holes for underground mining ali
-.t:. i-,-
E=_' require unique geological considerations. Decision-tree
analysis and associated risk factors play a significant role
in selecting frontier ventures, offshore concessions,
Fig. 1-23 - Comparison of MWD and wireline data leases, partnership ventures, governmental exploration

- 21 -
D111ona,:r-a,:1an Nll


Sca111 1 : 1200
...,... . es .,..:
.. z

-.. ..

o :z ,.. o 2 a
o ... ,- Jiten . . . ~
,t,,,,.. = :: i,.. u,uc
o o
~ o

o oo .

o "
o 0 , HC lt -
.,, rne ,cz. tr
,,. U' 111, "

IN vt tlll
,, 7. ~ u
CI.- ~ UI
"" 111 ,.,.

- ff, .,t. Dlt-111'1. _., latl',

al cal. U' .,,.. ,,. , . , . _

I1111 C:H 1 - ...

L&Mo,,,-u.a ft

390 1 cat 1.111 nra

ta 11.1D / . lOO~a
JOOO Da& , / 1ft
TS as 1
- tt-.. .,. eltY. au,y, auy
l at,.. al .,,.

ID: si--. '"" ,.t.-

Ytt lV-. \ . .1
fle tlar. ne cut

- l t - C H , llltY... 111.Y, aCftY

letr. al cal.
ti' .,,.
t t ,~-.


Fig. 1-25 -A mud log example (courtesy of EXLOG, lnc.)


Fig. 1-26 - Satellite reconnaissance photo

requirements, etc. Land locations can also be diverse, Magnetometer data often encompass large areas and pro-
depending on locale. Both environmental and political vide magnetic maps of very remote regions (Fig. 1-28).
climate are factors, as is ownership of surface and sub- These technologies have their own unique niche in the
surface rights. An oil company manager is responsible exploratory business, but are generally used as a starting
for the ultimate technical and economical decision. point in the search for hydrocarbon entrapments. Positive
indications from the satellite imagery and aerial survey
Remote Frontier Wildcats disciplines lead to more detailed surface geophysics and
geology work.
In frontier regions of the world, the fi rst data used to
target potentiaJ reserves are often acquired from satellite The acquisition and interpretation of surface seismic is
information (Fig. 1-26). Satellite reconnaissance is of the most common surface geophysical method, but grav-
such gigantic scope that it generally delineares a sedi- ity and magnetic surveys also provide important informa-
mentary basin and targets a geographical area for more tion about the subsurface (Fig. 1-29). Field geologists
detailed work. investigate surface exposures of the basin sediments
around the rim of the basin to determine the general geol-
Aerial surveys are an important reconnaissance vehicle ogy, including stratigraphy, sedimentation, paleontology,
in most areas of the world. Sensitive, total intensity data tectonic attributes, etc. Ali of the gathered data is then
are acquired by using a highl y sensitive vertical gradiom- studied, often for a considerable length of time, prior to
eter and by towing two optically pumped cesium vapor selection of the first drill site, but most of the carly char-
magnetometers that are suspended from one another by a acterization of a reservoir revolves around seismic inter-
considerable vertical distance. Digital recordings make it pretation (Fig. 1-30). Additional seismic data are occa-
possible to detect and define subtle magnetic changes, sionally recommended fol lowing the initial study.
and the gradiometer information assists in defining weak
anomalies that may be caused by small but dense shallow Conventional Exploration
sources or deep basement rocks. Accurate geographical
location of the survey measurements is essential, and a An exploration or wildcat well can be described as any
variety of navigational systems are employed to control well that is drilled into a newly described structure or
location accuracy. Radar imagery is particularly effective stratigraphic trap, including deeper targets in well-devel-
in locating subtle, extensive linear features that are often oped fields. In a sense, wildcat wells are simply high-risk
overlooked on conventional geological maps (Fig. 1-27). ventures; i.e., wells drilled on speculatio n that oil or ga

- 23-

f? 11

?40 ~

,., ~,.,,;

lnterference Radar Fig. 1-28 -Aerial surveys also implement magnetometer data.
Signal Hologram

projected limits of the reservoir as determined from geo-

logical and geophysical studies. Data acquired from the
discovery well and any dry exploratory holes previously
Fig. 1-27 - Radar imagery is effective from aerial surveys. drilled are studied extensively to recalibrate previous
geological and geophysical work and improve the risks
will be found in a certain location. Conventional wildcats of appraisal wells. Property or concession rights are also
are not nearly as expensive as the frontier ventures, but a prerequisite to determining offset well locations.
nevertheless carry a high-risk factor for success. As an
example, a well drilled in the Norton basin of Alaska
would be considered a remote frontier wildcat, while an lf a discovery is made by Company A, and their geology
exploration well in the Permian Basin of west Texas data lead them to believe the reservoir extends under
would be considered more conventional. Costs to drill Company B's property holdings, sorne type of deal is
either well would differ considerably. Seismic data, usually made prior to drilling a confirmation well in that
sometimes additional seismic including severa] new lines extension of the reservoir. In geographical locales where
and/or 3-D work (Fig. 1-3 l ), are typically acquired and many independent oil operators domnate drilling
interpreted prior to drilling a well that is of high eco- activity, Company B might drill the said well without a
nomic risk. deal. In any case, where equity considerations are split
between two or more oil companies, a legal settlement on
Appraisal or Confirmation Wells the split is eventually agreed on by ali parties, either by
agreement between the parties oran independent arbitra-
Once a discovery is made, oil operators usually attempt tor. Eventually, one company often becomes the unit
to define the reservoir limits by drilling wells near the operator.

Total-intensity magnetic contour map Water depth contour map

Bouguer gravity contour map Geophysical interpretation map

Fig. 1-29 - Surface gravity and magnetic surveys can provide importan! information about the subsurface.

- 25 -
minimum spacing between wells in particular reservoirs;
West East a 660-ft (200-m) offset is a common well spacing in
o.o sorne areas of the United States.

Production geologists play a large roll in planning infill-

drilling operations. Their work is typically devoted to
structure maps, isopachs of formation thickness, isopo-
rosity maps, numerous cross sections, fence diagrams,
etc. A production geologist may devote severa! years to
the same reservoir and become a leading geological
expert on particular formations found in specific fields.

Further surface geophysical work seldom occurs at this

stage because the expense does not justify the additional
information. When the unexpected happens on a devel-
opment well, additional surface seismic data are often
requested to help resolve the lateral geological
Fig. 1-30 - Horst-graben structure identified by surface seismic. peculiarities that led to the unexpected. However, in
many situations, dipmeter, borehole imaging, and/or
borehole seisrnic data resolve the problem effectively.

Injection Wells

During the development and life of a producing oil reser-

voir, injection wells are often drilled. In field~ that have a
gas drive mechanism forcing the oil into producing well
bores, pressure depletion can become a severe problem
early in the life of the field. Reservoir managers make
effective use of the produced gas by reinjecting for pres-
sure maintenance (Fig. 1-32).

In reservoirs with a strong water drive, a waterflood oper-

ation is often implemented as oil production declines.
The purpose is to force much of the remaining oil into the
producing wells. Different well patterns are designed to
meet the needs and conditions of the flood (Fig. 1-33).

Tertiary floods involve the injection of rnicellar, polymer,

C02, or other materials to remove as much of the remain-
ing oil as possible (Fig. 1-34). Injection wells of ali types
must be planned and located properly to take full
advantage of the drai nage patterns of a reservoir. If the
Vertical Slicing Time Slicing injection wells are not spotted properly, effective drain-
3-D Seismic Capabilities age will not occur because the driving force is not
directed properly. Many of the petrophysical attributes of
Fig. 1-31 - 3-D seismic increases subsurface mapping the reservoir must be examined carefully to take full
capabilities. advantage of injection wells in any type of enhanced
recovery operation.

Development Wells Relief Wells

Infill-development drilling is meant to provide drainage As discussed earlier, directional holes are often drilled
of the entire reservoir, extracting the hydrocarbons and toward a well that has blown out and perhaps caught fire,
bring them to the surface where they are gathered in a penetrating the reservoir within a tolerable radius of the
collection system and transported elsewhere for refining problem well. Then, materials designed to squelch the
and marketing. Government agencies often require a fire are injected into the reservoir by way of the relief


Gas Cap Expands during


11 you consider each oil well as the center of a square, there

is a water well at each comer of the square. The water, torced
Top view of gas cap drive reservoir down and into the producing sand, carries oil with it from
each point of injection toward the oil well , thus flushing the
reservoir. Pumps lift water and oil for separation on the surface.
Gas Cap Expands during Production
Fig. 1-33 - "Five spot" waterflood

011 for successful drilling of relief wells. Other wireline mea-

suring systems are used to determine when the relief well
is within a certain radius of the problem well.

Waste-Disposal Wells

Another type of injection well is one used for disposing

Side view of gas cap drive reservoir of unwanted materials. In many oil fields, it may simply
be disposal of produced salt water. The geologist sug-
gests a porous, permeable saltwater-bearing formation as
the vessel for disposing of the unwanted water. Locating
such a formation from log data requires an ability to dis-
tinguish saltwater reservoirs from brackish water reser-
voirs and freshwater reservoirs. Freshwater reservoirs are
of particular concern because they may currently, or in
the future, be a source of water supply for human con-
sumption and other needs, and must not be contaminated
with brine.

Other types of waste are also disposed of in wells. Chem-

Side view of reinjection of gas to maintain pressure ical companies often dispose of their waste in this
manner. Nuclear waste can be legally disposed of in this
way in sorne countries. Unwanted byproducts of many
Fig. 1-32 - Reinjection of gas maintains pressure. industries are often dispersed in underground formations,
including byproducts from the steel industry and from
automobi le manufacturers and their subcontractors. Well
log data are virtually always used to identify the porous,
well. The Bay of Campeche well disaster off the Mexican permeable saltwater horizons that are used for disposal
coastline in 1980 burned for severa! weeks until two purposes. Government agencies often require that pota-
relief wells were drilled into the reservoir near the prob- ble water supplies in such wells be identified and pro-
lem well. Both relief wells were logged almost daily as tected from pollution. Data from pipe and cement evalua-
they approached the targeted well and reservoir. Naviga- tion services play an important role in the maintenance of
tional guidance systems and devices are very necessary these types of wells.

lnjection Separation
co 2 Pipeline Well Production and Storage
Well Facilities To

Miscible Zone


Fig. 1-34 - Enhanced recovery operations are designed to force the remaining oil into producing wells.

Wells Used for Mining Exploration Depleted hydrocarbon-producing reservoirs are utilized
for storage in sorne areas, while salt-water aquifers are
Underground rnining for coal, uraniurn, luorite, trona, used in other locales. Dry gas is injected into porous, per-
and other rare rninerals often uses boreholes to confirrn meable reservoir rock and withdrawn as needed. The
the lirnits and direction of their underground veins. Well injection cycle is typically frorn about April until late
log data are often used to recognize the depth and October. Withdrawal cycles begin with cold weather
thickness of the ore, and subsequently correlate to the ore usage about the end of October and last until spri ng.
zones identified on similar log data frorn nearby wells. Liquid gas is often stored in subsurface caverns.
More accurate rnaps of the ore distribution result, adding Leached-out salt cavities are used in rnany areas, such as
to both the technical and econornic efficiency of the the U. S. gulf coast, Michigan basin, northern Gerrnany,
rnining operation. and Holland. Wireline log data are used to characterize
storage reservoirs as well as petroleum-producing reser-
Core data often play a major role for rnining work, but voirs. The cased wel ls are periodically monitored for gas
econornic considerations limit the use of coring. Many inventory purposes. Well rnaintenance also includes the
types of data are irnportant to the rnining engineer, use of corrosion logs to monitor the condition of tubular
including ash content of coal, potential water problerns, goods throughout the life of storage wells.
assay quality of uraniurn ore, and the strength of overbur-
den rock. Delineation of the deposits is very irnportant. Water Supply Wells
Log analysis can provide rnany of these indices if the
nece sary rneasurernents are rnade and calibrated to
available core data. Many wells are used to supply water. In frontier areas, a
shallow water supply well is often drilled to provide
Wells Used for Underground Storage of Gas water for use in drilling a deeper wildcat well. Potable
water supplies are often needed for personnel.
Gas in both the dry and liquid forrn are stored under-
ground in rnany areas of the world. These hydrocarbons In rnany areas, freshwater supplies are provided for
are transponed by ship or pipeline frorn producing fields industrial and dornestic use. This includes irrigation for
to large industrial and metropolitan areas for industrial or farrn ing, water for srnelters, milis, and various other
consurner use. It is rnuch safer to store the gas under- users. Much of the potable water supply in the Houston
ground, and usually more econornical in the long terrn. (U.S.A.) area comes frorn shallow water supply wells.

- 28 -

- Wells Drilled for Geothermal Energy trap might be structural , stratigraphic, or a combination
(Fig. 1-35).
In severa! areas of the world, energy is provided from
geothermal methods; extreme heat creates energy. Well
Structural traps include anticlines, faults, and domes.
log data are also used to evaluate many aspects of the
Stratigraphic traps can be formed by lateral lithology
geothermal reservoir. Unusually high temperatures are
variations; e.g., unconformities, lateral or updip pinch-
encountered in gcothermal wells, and hostile logging
outs, or fractured limestone stringers within impermeable
equipment is almost always required. Hostile conditions
generally require tools that can perform above 400F
(204 C), and many situations require tools rated for
SOO F (260 C) or more. Igneous or metamorphic rocks Structural Geology
are usually the source rocks for thermal energy and
require a completely different set of rules for log Folding, faulting, unconformities, salt intrusions, and
applications. other tectonic-controlled events generally occur follow-
ing the deposition and burial of reservoir rocks. These
GEOLOGICAL TRAPS structural events tend lo warp or distort the original ori-
entation and habitat of the reservoir, often separating por-
Petroleum reservoirs must have sufficient economic tions of rock strata that were originally connected.
potential to justify investing large sums of money, Diagenesis, changes in the rock and mineral structure,
people, and equipment to produce that hydrocarbon. can occur more than once after burial. Bedding features
Petroleum accumulations occur where an organically are often destroyed. Different connate water may replace
rich source rock, a porous and permeable reservoir rock, ali or part of the original waters that occupied pore space,
and a sealing mechanism are found. Geologically, the and pore space may be altered or destroyed.

Facies Change

Salt Dome

Gas Cap

Sill, Laccolith

. - oike

Fig. 1-35 - Mosaic of different geologic trap mechanisms

Major changes in climate can affect rocks at or near the (3) Comparisons of porosity estimates from well to
surface. When major geotectonic events occur, buried well
rocks may be exposed to the surface (atmosphere or sea
waters) where they can be eroded, reworked, altered, or
(4) Comparisons of saturations, oil-water contacts,
transported elsewhere. Studying and resolving the events
gas-oil contacts, and gas-water contacts from well
that have affected subsurface reservoirs is the responsi-
to well
bility of the geologist, and core, logs, and seismic data
are among his most important tools. Certain types of log
data are used to help the geologist compare borehole (5) Comparison of wireline-derived pressure gradients
information to surface data, and in sorne cases, to recali- from one well to other wells
brate the surface data. Geologists use log data in the fol-
lowing ways: (6) Comparison of synthetic seismograms derived
from log data to surface seismic data
( 1) Well-to-well correlations of the base correlation
Iog in the penetrated strata: e.g., induction logs
(Fig. 1-36) (7) Comparison of wireline depth-controlled velocity
check-shot data to surface seismic data
(2) Correlations of the apparent thickness, true vertical
thickness, or true formation thickness from well to (8) Utilizing wireline dip data to locate, define, and
well to determine directions of thickening or thin- orient structural features and compare them to sur-
ning (Fig. 1-36) face seismic data


A-----195911- -- ---A ---------- --3260 ft--- --- -----

N40E - N40E -


Fig. 1-36 - Well-to-well correlations of log data are used to describe subsurface geological scenarios.

- 30-

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Clastic Rocks

Usually, specialized geologists become involved in reser- Rock fragments (detrital material) that have been eroded,
voir evaluation after a discovery has been made. The first perhaps reworked, and transported to the eventual
full core is usually recovered from one or more of the depositional site and then buried, subjected to diagenesis,
early confirmation wells. It is important that certain res- folding, faulting, and numerous other events are called
ervoir properties be recognized and defined from the rock clastics. In the petroleum industry, sands and sandstones
record. This provides a chance to compare available logs are generally called clastic material. Sand deposits occur
to core description, thereby "calibrating the logs" to rec- on continents, at coastlines, and beneath the water. The
ognize geological events in we ll s when no core is avail- nature of sedimentation for the numerous depositional
able (Fig. 1-37). Detailed descriptions of the rock, its environments is diverse and often complex (Fig. l-38).
constituent minerals, porosity, porosity type and varia- Many specialty areas of geology are directed toward
tions, permeability, saturation data, and many special defining clastic reservoir models to eventually reach an
properties can be obtained from the actual rock in labora- accurate geological description of producing reservoirs.
tory conditions. These special data are used to help
reconstruct the morphology of the reservoir, suggest the Clays, silts, and sand-size grains make up the majority of
scenario of events that occurred since sediment was orig-. rock fragments in clastic petroleum reservoirs; however,
inally deposited, and identify any subsequent diagenesis. larger rocks in the form of conglomerates, pebbles, grav-
Depositional environment can be inferred from recogni- els, and breccias are often found. Minerals of the mica,
tion of many of these descriptions. clay, feldspar, and iron groups are found in different envi-


. ;;.;;MleLL
O:::. S'---_-J, LITH - 1
SCALE -, 20 .- . OLOGY_
8" NORMAL ~ -
60 ---++----;h"'-+- 1 3




(941 2")





o 2 ,n

Fig. 1-37- Log data are often "calibrated" to core data to recognize geological events from logs in other wells (courtesy of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers).

- 31-
ronments, and in sorne cases, metamorphic or igneous
debris is found intermixed with clastic material. Grain
size, shape, orientation, composition, packing, cement
distribution, and nature of fluid content in the pore
system are ali used to describe the rock character.

Grain size and sorting affect texture to a large degree

(Fig. 1-39). Grain shape is a function of the environmen-
tal energy that transported, reworked, and deposited the
grain. Grains near their source area tend to be very angu-
lar, while grains that have been transported sorne distance
and possibly been reworked severa) times tend to be
more rounded. Moderate-to-high energy environments
tend to be well sorted; low-energy environments usually
have poor sorting.

Source area, transport mechanism, climate, and other

environmenta l considerations affect composition. Sand-
stones are usually composed of quartz, but many sand-
Fig. 1-38 - Generalized schematic of sedimentary clastic stones contain igneous or metamorphic rock fragments.
carbonate grains, or feldspar minerals. Severa) minerals

Sortin_g Grain Shape


Angular: having sharp corners and edges
and therefore showing little or no effects
of abrasion or wear.

O Oo

Subangular: having edges and corners
slightly rounded, so that wear is evident.


a; 0a
Subround: having most of the corners and
edges worn down to smooth curves, thus
showing extensive abrasion.
G(]C J


0 Cl
Round: having ali edges and corners
smoothed off to gentle curves by prolonged


Fig. 1-39 - Rock texture is affected by grain size and sorting.

occasionally serve as cementing material such as silica Brown (West Virginia) shales have also produced hydro-
and calcite. High concentrations of other cementing mate- carbons.
rial are definite clues to the depositional environment.
Sand-size particles (0.0625 mm to 2.0 mm) form the
Shale is rock composed mostly of clay minerals, quartz overwhelming majority of clastic petroleum reservoirs.
silts, occasional feldspar, and possibly as much as 20% Grain size, shape, sorting, and energy leve! at the time of
organic matter. The term shale is an often abused term, deposition determine how the grains are arranged or
but is basically determined by grain size and chemical packed together, and this affects porosity and permeabil-
makeup. Carbonate equivalents of shale-size particles ity distribution throughout the rock (Fig. 1-40). Gener-
include micrites and sorne marls, but differ chemically ally, fine-grained sands with poorly sorted grains demon-
from shale. Clay minerals are the finest grain size classi- strate lower porosity than sands with coarse, well-sorted
fication and are mostly hydrous aluminum silicates, but grains. Angular grains tend to fil together and develop a
magnesium and/or iron often substitute for aluminum, more intimate grain-to-grain contact. Poorly sorted sands
and aluminum may substitute for silica within the clay usually exhibit small grains intermixed with the larger
structure. Although clays virtually always consist of iso- grains so that packing is independent of absolute grain
lated, noneffective pores, they contain a significant size. Theoretically, well-sorted grains of the same size
amount of bound water in the pores. Noneffective poros- will have similar porosity; however, sediments which
ity values as high as 40% to 50% are common. Particular range from silt to very fi ne-grained sand often have low
types of clay can cause severe producibility problems porosity because smaller grains have lower sphericity
when they are mixed with reservoir rocks. Sorne clays and form small pores that can be cemented easily. The
swell when contacted with water, which results in degree of sorting and average grain size are intimately
damage or destruction of effective porosity and perme- related to the energy leve! during the time of deposition
ability. Sorne clays produce mobile fines that can eventu- and the process that caused the deposit.
ally plug pore tunnels; others precipitate minerals that
Compaction and cementation occur after deposition and
cause problems. Choice of drilling fluid (pH consider-
lead to lower porosity. Shales suffer the greatest degree
ations and use of KCI or oil-based drilling fluids) and
of compaction and expulse fluids from the interstitial
completion fluid (acetic acids, iron chelating agents,
layers. Expulsion of such fluids by compaction and
CaF2 acids, HF acids , HCI acids, surfactants, polymers,
increased temperature is the likely mechanism for pri-
etc.) becomes important.
mary petroleum migration from source rock to porous,
Shales are said to comprise more than half of the sedi- permeable reservoir-quality rock. Compaction in sand
mentary record. Much of the shale is deposited in a near- and larger size debris is less significant. Sands wi ll com-
shore marine environment along the continental margins. pact no more than about 10% to 15% with increased
Shales, the colors of which might be yellow, brown, red, overburden pressure, and this compaction is caused
green, gray, or black, are also deposited as deep marine mostly by rearrangement of grains (grain slippage and
muds, in river systems, and in lake environments. Yellow rotation) (Fig. 1-41 ). When pressure is greatly increased
and brown shales have low iron and low organic content; in combination with a temperature increase, pressure
red and green shales have high iron content but low solution tends to occur at stress points.
organic content; gray to black shales owe their colora- Porosity reduction in clastics is caused primarily by
tion mostly to organic carbon content. Although shales cementation and crystallization of certain minerals in
typically have virtually no effective poros ity and very pore space (Fig. 1-42). Clean sands and carbonates are
little to no permeability, brittle zones are occasionally relativcly stable, but clays in pore tunnels react physi-
fractured, and when this occurs in organic-rich shales, cally and chemically to fluids - natural percolating fluids,
gas or oil is sometimes produced. drilling fluids, or completion fluids - and reduce perme-
ability. The type of clay mineral lining the pores can seri-
The Woodford shale of Oklahoma and west Texas is a
ously inhibit permeability (Fig. 1-43).
black organic-rich shale containing dark pyritic chert,
siliceous shale, and sorne si ltstone. It is the correlative The formation of mud filter cake on the borehole wall is
equivalen! of the Bakken shale in the Williston Basin, the very desirable because the mud cake effectively prohibits
Chattanooga, Antrim, New Albany, and Brown shales of filtrate particle invasion. Particles that manage to invade
the northeast United States, ali of which are highly the formation with fil trate (Fig. 1-44) en ter pore-throat
organic dark-colored shales. Horizontal drilling has constrictions and begin to trap and bind other particles
become advantageous for locating and producing frac- until the pore tunnel is bridged (Fig. 1-45). If water-sen-
tured reservoirs, and the Bakken shale is being drilled sitive authigenic clays occupy the pore system, invasion
with horizontal or highly deviated wells today because of freshwater mud filtrate causes swelling and movement
the shale produces through a system of fissures and frac- of the clay, which blocks pores and seriously impairs
tures. Shallow depth wells in the Antrim (Michigan) and effective permeability (Fig. 1-46).

C)loo 2000 md
Horiz Perm
~ ~\ ~
f ~
Horiz Perm ~ ,t ~
1500 md Vert Perm
800 md Vert Perm
Large Rounded Grains Large Flat Grains

150 md
Horiz Perm

Horiz Perm

50 md Vert Perm
15 md Vert Perm

Very Small Angular Grains Small Flat Grains

Fig. 1-40 - Permeability and porosity distribution are affected by the size, shape, and sorting of grains, and depositional energy.


Rotation and Closer Packing of Platy (left) and Deformation of Breakage of Brittle Grains
Pressure Solution
Nonplaty (right) Grains Ductile Grains at Grain Contacts

Fig. 1-41 - Changes in texture and fabric associated with various compaction mechanisms (modified alter Janes and McBride, 1971)


@ 2,000

Areas Marked Represen!
the Main Concentrations
of Points I
_... \


/ I
Cubic Packing Orthorhornbic Packing I I
/ I
/ I
/ I
/ I
/ I
100 / I
I ,'
Cernented ,' ,
Well ---,;' ,'
Cubic Packing Orthorhornbic Packing /

Rotated 45 / I
Rotated 30 I I
/ I
Orthorhornbic I /
I ,
22 I ,
I ,
20 I

18 I /
I ,
I /
16 I /
I /
I 1
14 1 /
~ 12
~ 10
\ , ____ ... ,/

~ 8 2 Directions
of Pressure
ol_L....11!!:E:::::::t=::::r::_L_L_L_L_L_ L_L_L_J 0.1 '----'-----'-- - - ' - ----'----'-- -..,___ _,
O 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
O 2 4 6 8 1O 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Porosity Loss Dueto Solution (%) Porosity, (% Bulk Volurne)

Fig. 1-42 - Loss of porosity by solution versus that lost by Fig. 1-43 - Effect of the clay-rnineral cernen! type on
precipitation of cernen! far spheres in difieren! packing and perrneability of porous Rotliegendes sandstones on the North
orientations Sea (rnodified alter Stalder, Geologic en Mijnbouw, 1973)


Fig. 1-45 - A downhole view of particle invasion dernonstrates

Fig. 1-44 - Pare bridging (rnodified alter Darley, 1975) how initial flushing can clog pare throats.

- 35-

Abundance of Production by
Rock Types Rock Type
Fines Bridged at
Pore Restriction
42% -
-- - f-


--- -
3% f-

- -

Carbonates Shale Miscellaneous Carbonates

Sandstone Sandstone

Fig. 1-47 - Comparison of rock type population to rock type


Fig. 1-46 - Mobile fines can severely deter production into the U.S. gulf coast, northern Germany, and Iran. Evaporitic
wellbore. gypsum and anhydrite are common sulfate deposits, but
gypsum is usually altered to anhydrite following burial.
Evaporites are easily distinguished marker beds, and
Clastic environmental criteria are usually considered their log responses often require that a "porosity-sensi-
more simple to understand than carbonates, but shaly- tive" log be used for correlation purposes (Fig. 1-48).
sand reservoirs are often more difficult to analyze from
log data than carbonates. Numerous methods for inter- Phosphate rocks occur in sorne complex mixtures that
preting logs in shaly-sand reservoirs have been sug-
typically include carbonates and clastics. Their high
gested, and those that have been implemented and are of organic content is thought to be source rock for severa!
interest will be discussed later.
major oil fields.

Carbonate Rocks
Chert is a siliceous rock that is generally not porous or
Produced by precipitation of organic tissues and subse- permeable unless fractured, but exceptions do occur. The
quent organic derivatives beneath the surface of a body Mississippian chert zone in south central Kansas and
of water, sorne carbonate rocks are occasionally exposed northern Oklahoma is a weathered chert that occasionally
to the atmosphere where drastic changes in rock proper- has more than 30% porosity, with fractures increasing
ties occur. Sorne carbonates occur in lakes or similar con- permeability. Chert has been formed in deep marine
tinental environs, but virtually ali econornic carbonate .basins from the remains of si liceous, marine micro-
reservoirs were formed in marine environments. A mys- organisms, but more commonly occurs as a replacement
tique has endured with carbonate reservoirs. Today, more for shale and limestones. Diatomaceous earth or diatoms
than half of the world's ol production comes from car- provide important producing horizons in California.
bonate rocks, and approximately 40% of the oil produced Thin-walled unicellular siliceous micro-organisms with
in the history of the petroleum industry has come from varying amounts of shale make up the material. Porosi-
carbonate reservoirs; yet carbonates comprise only about ties from 25% to 65% are not unusual, but permeability is
20% of the world's sediments (Fig. 1-47). Many of the extremely low.
statements directed to carbonate reservoir geology and
log analysis are unfortunately misguided and usually Physical compaction is not usually significant in carbon-
originate from ill-informed sources. ate rocks. Since the rocks are cemented quickly during
and after deposition, porosity reduction is due mostly to
Evaporite sequences occur in basins that have restricted continued cement growth in the pore space. Secondary
circulation. Halite salt (NaCI) beds as thick as 3,000 ft porosity is developed following original deposition, com-
(> 900 m) are found in the subsurface. Polyhalite, sylvite, paction, and cementation and includes fracture porosity,
and other salts occur in smaller volumes. Salt intrusions solution porosity, and pore space created by matrix
in the form of domes occur in severa( locales such as the shrinkage during dolomitization (Fig. 1-49).

- 36-






-4300 -4300

Fig. 1-48 - Acoustic t.t and gamma ray used for well-to-well correlation (after Bigelow, 1973)

Carbonate rocks are complex in a sense, but in many

ways are more simple to evaluate than clastics. The rock
itself is usually a mixture of no more than two types.
Mineraliza tion is typically not as complex as with clas-
tics. Shaliness does not usually presenta problem within
reservoir-quality rock. Complexity is usually sequential
but predictable geologically in both vertical and lateral
directions. When the environment, subenvironment, or
facies are defined and distinguish able from one another,
log analysis can be accurate and efficient.

Carbonate depositional environments include subenvir-

onments and often various facies changes that for the
Fig. 1-49- A type of solution porosity in carbonates most part are the cause of their description as complex.

Borehole conditions for wireline logging are usually
better in carbonates because the rocks are typically more
Short Upper Sub
competent; i.e., the borehole is in gauge. Log responses
are not usually affected seriously by hole conditions, but Drop Ball Valve:
very high resistivities and a wide range of resistivity and l e ~ -- Body
,.,,___..,,..-__ Ball
porosity values are not unusual. Selection of the proper
logs to define the reservoir properties is essential.


Rock can be recovered during the drill ing process or by

wireline recovery methods. In addition to the circulated
well cuttings, a core barre] and core bit can be added to Working Barrel
the drill string to obtain a full core. Severa! wireline
coring methods have been utilized, but two methods are lnner Barrel
currently marketed.
Lower Section
Conventional Core Recovery
Upper Catcher

Obtaining a full core requires circulating the hole until

clean, then tripping the drill pipe out of the hole, attach-
ing the core barrel and the special core bit, tripping back
Fig. 1-50 - Rotary core barrel (from PennWell Publishing
to bottom, and then slowly recoveri ng the next few feet
(meters) of rock within the core barrel while drilling
(Fig. J-50). Once the coring operation is completed, pipe
is pulled once again, and the core is retrieved. One of the
well-site geologist's duties is to see that the core is boxed
and labeled correctly for depth, right side up, perhaps for
orientation, and to provide a "quick and dirty" optical
description of porosity, permeability, and saturation. lf a
pressured core is obtained, proper steps must be taken to
preserve the in-si tu state of the recovered core for trans-
port to the laboratory. In the meantime, the drilling crew
is probably tripping back into the hole to continue the
drilling operation. The renta) of the core barre], use of a
special core bit, and the ensuing rig time bears the brunt
of the acquisition cost. This type of core recovery has
been che standard for obtaining a rock record that can be
analyzed in detail, and it is still considered "the corner-
stone of petrophysics."

Wireline Mechanical Coring

Wireline coring has been available in sorne form for

nearly 50 years, but traditional percussion sidewall
coring has not provided acceptable recovery in the harder
carbonate reservoirs (Fig. 1-5 1). Today, mechanical
coring tools are capable of drilling into the borehole wall
and retrieving a core similar in size to the plugs taken
from full core in the laboratory, but the tools have tem- Fig. 1-51 - Percussion Corgun for sampling the borehole wall
perature limits and are time-consuming and expensive to
operate (Fig. 1-52). Plugs obtained by wireline mechani-
cal coring tools can be analyzed with the same degree of saturation, but perrneability and saturation values are typ-
confidence as full-core plugs. Percussion-type cores are ically suspect. Rotary coring is usually targeted for hard-
generally analyzed only for porosity, permeability, sorne rock formations, whereas percussion coring is employed
rock and mineral observation, and observations of more for soft-rock acquisition.

-38 -
Core Extrae!
Field Break Joinl
Ol Reservoir
Electronics Pressure Comp.
,--- -- -- --
-------- - ,---- ----, ,----- - --- ---------,
I 1 11 1
~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - __ J I_________ I I __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 ft 9 ft
4.38 in. 0D 4.50 in. 0D
100 lb 250Ib

... 1823 EA

9 ft
... 1823 PA

13 ft
... 1823 MA

10 ft
3.63 in. 0D 350Ib 250Ib

32 ft

Fig. 1-52 - Schematic drawing of a rotary coring tool and comparisons/examples of full-core plugs and rotary core plugs

- 39-
Core Analysis more emphasis when the rock record is not available.
Log data must be closely tied to core data at sorne point if
Occasionally, a "whole core analysis" is performed in the electrofacies fingerprints are to be accepted as legitimate.
Iaboratory. This means a specific length of the full core
diameter is used for analytical purposes (Fig. 1-53). The state of and preparation of core data are important to
More often, plugs are taken from selected intervals of the the ability to analyze the rock. Confidence in lab results
full core for analysis (Fig. 1-53). varies depending on the methods employed to analyze
the rock. Terms such as steady state, restored state, in-situ
Conventional cores are routinely analyzed for porosity,
pressure, etc. are commonplace, while core preparation
fluid saturations, and permeability, but different measur-
might vary from mercury injection to water or kerosene
ing methods can lead to different results. Lab inspections
injection. Also, there are a number of methods available
of full-core data can involve optical observations, con-
for measuring porosity and permeability.
trolled measurements, thin-sections, petrographic analy-
sis, identification of flora and fauna, geochemical analy- Core analysis is not unlike the other disciplines in that it
sis, and detailed scanning electron microscope work. In also has its limitations. Porosity, fluid saturations, and
short, geological examinations can require the attention permeability are not measured without difficulty. Prob-
of numerous specialized areas of geology. These types of lems occurring in these areas are:
data are seldom made available to the logging contractor,
and quite often the oil company log analyst sees little of (l) Acquiring and retrieving the rock
the information. The lab work is normally performed by
specialized personnel. (2) Preserving the core

Log data are typically studied in more detail within and (3) Preparing the core for analysis
immediately adjacent to the important reservoir rocks.
Clues from logs are used when core is available, but gain (4) Measuring petrophysical properties

Saturation Measurement Sample Part Measurement Technique Primary Application

Technique Measured

Lf sat.
Whole Core Analysis

Oil-base cores cut from

Dean-Stark, whole core Porosity: Boyle's Law (helium injection) heterogeneous or fractured
k and <:>
Permeability: Steady-state gas flow reservoirs

Dean-Stark, end piece

ITSat. k ande, Porosity: Boyle's Law (helium injection)
Permeability: Steady-state gas flow
Oil-base cores cut from
heterogeneous or fractured

Retort, end piece

[t~t. (retor!)
k andel>
Porosity: Boyle's Law (helium injection)
Permeability: Steady-state gas flow
Water-base cores cut from
heterogeneous or fractured

Conventional Plug Analysis

Dean-Stark, plug
k ande,
Porosity: Boyle's Law (helium injection)
Permeability: Steady-state gas flow
Oil-base cores cut from
homogeneous reservoirs

Retort, end piece

~Sat. Porosity: Boyle's Law (helium injection)
Permeability: Steady-state gas flow
Water-base cores cut from
homogeneous reservoirs
1--k andel>

Retort ~Sat.aod; Carbonate cores or when

Porosity: Summation of fluids method
(Summation of fluids extremely fast turnaround time
Permeability: Steady-state gas flow
method) o-k is essential

Fig. 1-53 - Description of core analysis

- 40 -
Nevertheless, core data (the rock itselt) remain the bed- Problem 4
rock of petrophysics and will continue to provide the
burden of proof in support of log analysis. What are the fundamental responsibilities of the follow-
ing individuals insofar as wireline logging engineers are

PRACTICA L WORK SESSION Reservoir engineer

Problem 1

Define porosity. Exploration geologist

Production geologist

Drilling superintende nt
Problem 2

Define permeability.


Problem 3
Mud logging engineer
Describe the meaning of the following terms -

Appraisal or confirmation well

Mud engineer

Exploration well Problem 5

What is the most common use of log data by a geologist?

Frontier wildcat

Rotary drilling rig

Problem 6

What is the most common use of log data by a reservoir

Carbonate reservoir

Clastic reservoir

- 41 -
Problem 7 Problem 11

What types of information other than wireline logs are Logs cannot identify color, but observance of the rock
used by oil company personnel to analyze potential reser- (cuttings or core) can identify a rock's color. The color of
voirs? shales is informative. Describe the meaning of the fol-
lowing shale colors.

Yellow or brown

Green or red
Problem 8

Hypothetically, consider why a 6-ft thick ol sand at

10,000-ft depth in a well would be considered noncom- Black or gray
mercial, but a 6-ft thick ol sand at J ,000-ft depth in a
well would be considered commercial?

Problem 9

How would you describe the buildup of fil ter cake and its

Problem 10

How can the pH of the drilling fluid affect formation


" Wireline Log Measurements and Supportive Information 2

In order to understand the applications of log rneasure- including cherts, are called sandstones; calciurn carbon-
rnents and the methods of obtaining these data, there ate rocks are called lirnestones; calcium magnesium car-
rnust also be a general knowledge of other data associ- bonates are called dolornites. Rocks that are made up
ated with logs. Well logs are considered by rnost courts of rnostly of clay and silt are called shales. For lack of a
law to be legal docurnents; i.e., they are a record of the better description, a silt index is often used as the calcu-
events leading up to and during the drilling and cornple- lated difference between shale volurne and clay volurne.
tion of a borehole. Sorne of the inforrnation recorded on Anhydrite, gypsurn, halite, and coal have rather unique
log headers is not data from measurements taken by the log responses that are usually identified easily.
wireline contractor, but instead is data taken frorn other
records and recorded on the logs (Fig. 2-1 ). Such infor-
Wireline service contractors offer a number of measure-
rnation is often useful in deterrnining why sorne log
rnents to clients. Sorne instrurnents measure rock proper-
responses are questionable, why the logging instrurnent
could not reach total driller depth, or why a logging ties, and others rneasure fluid properties. Sorne rneasure
both. Certain rneasurernents are very sensitive to gas, and
instrurnent becarne stuck ata certain depth. The inforrna-
sorne are sensitive to borehole ftuids or lack of borehole
tion should be acquired and reported accurately. Sorne of
the data entered on the header is rneasured at the surface fluid. No logging device measures porosity, saturation,
by the logging crew and can have great irnportance in permeability, or fluid type directly. Logs do not identify
forrnation evaluation. color of rock or define the texture of rock. However, sorne
logging devices respond to properties that can be related
to these features of rocks and their interstitial fluids
(Table 2-1). The ability to interpret the relationship
c=,,rED between rock and fluid properties and log data has been
DENSILOG christened petrophysics.

1-,,FP'""tra'c=ICl~.- --;'-EL!.. Hl. lJ. I

1------1cauNTY 9UTH STATE.m.__
The most fundamental rneasurernent provided by wire-
line logging contractors is depth. A description of subsur-
SEC TWP ROE face reservoirs is not of rnuch value if an accurate refer-
""9E)IT CJ!I\JIIQllHJ LLl'll. !J.EV, '.J,l
UC:ll& IEBJAED F1UI f:!,__ ~ F T. Pl!DiE P.D.
ence to depth location is not available. Depth control is
!J!IU.II& IEBRD F1UI S.S. therefore extrernely irnportant to the success of any log-
ging or cornpletion operation. A more detailed descrip-
!'!2T tion of the depth control rnethods ernployed by Baker
Atlas Logging Services is presented as Appendix A.
8518" 11
1 118'
q_4 bS Contractors specify standards as a function of well depth,
9. 11 9.2
ltO'IT wireline cable size, and rnud weight. However, in gen-
2.57 1 '12
1.'!l 1 ,z eral, ali recorded logs are expected to be within 1 ft
(0.3 rn) of one another (or equivalent metric parameter),
and the base log is expected to be within a controlled tol-
erance of I ft/10,000 ft (0.3 rn/3000 m) of rneasured
depth. Methods for rnarking the wireline (usually with
magnetic rnarks), knowing the exact distance of the cable
makeup to a tool's rneasure point (including logging
Flg. 2-1 - Example of log heading information
head, bridle, etc.), and the distance to the first rnark frorn
the downhole end of the cable are ali part of the rneasur-
WIRELINE LOGGING MEASUREMENTS ing systern. In addition, stretch charts for different cable
sizes, rnud weights, etc. are given for borehole depth, and
Logging instrurnentation responds rnostly to pore rnateri- logging engineers are expected to dedicate thernselves to
als and the chernical rnakeup of the rock rnatrix. As a performing depth rneasurernents as accurately as possi-
result, a chernical rock classification is rnost suitable for ble. Wireline log depths are considered the standard for
use in log analysis. Rocks cornposed rnostly of silica, well depth accuracy.

-43 -
TABLE 2-1 - Electrofacies Comparative Links to Facies Recognition
(after Bigelow, 1985)

Log Measurements Log Measurements

Strongly Affected Somewhat lnfluenced

Spontaneous Potential
Gamma Ray
Neutron Hydrogen lndex
Spectral Gamma Ray
Acoustic Transit Time
Bulk Density
Rock Composition Dielectric Propagation
Photoelectric Capture
Dielectric Attenuation
lnelastic Gamma Ray
Pulsed Neutron Capture

Spontanteous Potential
Acoustic Transit Time Neutron Hydrogen lndex
Resistivity Acoustic Attenuation
Bulk Density
Texture Caliper
Pulsed Neutron Capture
lnelastic Gamma Ray
Dielectric Propagation

Interna! Spontaneous Potential
Structure Dielectric Propagation
Acoustic Attenuation

Resistivity Acoustic Transit Time

Neutron Hydrogen lndex
Bulk Density
Spontaneous Potential
Pulsed Neutron Capture
lnelastic Gamma Ray
Acoustic Attenuation
Dielectric Propagation
Dielectric Attenuation

Today, the presentation of logs vares as a function of the used to indicate logging speed. This marker is important
type and number of services recorded. The common pre- to log quality control and should be checked periodically
sentations are demonstrated as Table 2-2. Tracks repre- for accuracy. Furthermore, a controlled and constant log-
sent portions of the log reserved for certain linear or log-
ging speed is important to severa! log measurements.
arithmic scales and grid. Logarithmic scales are generally
used for resistivity data and may occupy one or two
tracks. Other log data are generally recorded linearl y and IMPORTANT DATA FOR LOG HEADERS
may occupy one or two tracks. Track I is generally used
for control curves (SP, GR, caliper. etc.), but it is also
Hole sizes to certain depths are recorded on the driller's
used for quick-look interpretation information. Porosity-
log. Driller depths for casing strings already in the well
sensitive data such as density, neutron, and acoustic are
often recorded linearly across two tracks. Resistivity can are also recorded. T hese data should be printed clearly on
occupy one or two tracks but is generally recorded on a wireline log headers (Fig. 2-3). It is also common prac-
logarithmic scale and grid. tice for the logging engineer to record the logged depth of
casing strings. Log depths should never be intentionally
An important parameter related to depth is the time falsified for any reason. If the log is not recorded to a
marker (Fig. 2-2). To the left ofTrack I, a small flag, pip, depth sufficiently shallow to determine the logged casing
or gap in the grid is used to indicate time. If calibrated depth, the designated block on the header should be left
properly, the time marker occurs every 60 sec and can be blank.

-44 -
TABLE 2-2 - Sorne Common Log Presentation Formats

Linear Grid
Ohmsm2/m M1lllmhos/m --.1
SP 16" Normal o
o 2 lnduction Conductiv1ty o
o 1 4,vv, 40" Spacmg o
20 e
Rm=0.7 o 1s o 1
Rm 0.64 O 78 4""'
lnduchon ResisbV1ty
BHT 100- O 10.500
Mean Surtacr Temp. 80 F Q. -_ _ .!O:.S~
- _ _____ - 1 !~
1;1o-u lnduction
1 1 1
11 1 1\
v-Amp 16" Normal

r. .... 1-- SP
11111 ~-Conductivity ~

l.b 1
1--1-- ,-16' Normal
-<- 1 1 1 1
'-:::p F

Logarithmic Grid
M111ivolts Ohms m 2t m


~.2 1O 10 100 1000 --.1

____11O_______ J10_______ 100 1000
j ________ L_ 60 seooods
0.2 10 10 100 1000
- - J - - L - - .J - - L.

Fig. 2-2 - Minute time markers indicate the logging speed

' versus depth (ft/min or m/min).
l, lo- SP
I<: s~~l l o FOCUSED
11 o
. 1,

kl 8 DEEP ~-. I
Split 3-Cycle Grid TOPLOGGEDINTERVA L 1530
CASING DRILLER 8 5/8" @ 1525
Ohmsm2tm M1lhmhos/m
lnduction Conductiv1ty
-!101+- 40"fSpacmg BIT SIZE 7 7/8"
16" Normal
4000 (
lnducbon ResistMty
8000 BID 4nn.- DENSITY / VISCOSITY 9.4 1 65
40" Spac,ng
~ - - - - - - - - 130 0.2 _ 1.0 ____ 1020 PH / FLUID LOSS 9.0 1 9.2
~ v f1 11 J1
( - \ ~ 1IN UC~ll' r...- ~ coN'oJd1v1'n
RM AT MEAS. TEMP. 2.57 @ 92
' RMF AT MEAS. TEMP. 1.93 @ 92
-.;:::- SP
' 1 11 I<~
RMC AT MEAS. TEMP. 3.21 @ 92
- , '\
~ \ 1 11111, 1 111 \ SOURCE OF RMF / RMC Meas 1 Cale
GAMMARAY _.; #111 1111
lllll 1 111
RM AT BHT 1.26 @ 187

The driller's total well depth should also be recorded. Fig. 2-3 - Importan! borehole information that should always be
recorded on log headings
Date and times for each logging run after circulation
should also be recorded on the header. Bottomhole tem-
perature should be recorded with maximum reading ther- surements, should be recorded on the log header. It is
mometers on each logging run , and these data should be important that these data be accurate because the logs can
recorded on the log header (Fig. 2-3). be subpoenaed as legal documents. These data are also
commonly placed on a log tail. The completeness and
Other data, such as the surveyed elevations of ground accuracy of header information is a fundamental respon-
leve!, derrick floor, sea floor, height above mean sea level, sibility ofthe field logging engineer. That engineer's name
kelly bushing, or similar reference points to depth mea- is also permanently recorded on the header (Fig. 2-1).

The REMARKS section of the log header is used to
record any unusual circumstances observed during the
logging operation. This includes reasons for a poor qual-
~ ---,r/
ity log not being rerun, why an SP curve was not
recorded, etc. It is the logging engineer's space for
explaining any unusual circumstance (Fig. 2-4). Perhaps
the properties of the drilling fluid adversely affect the log
measurements. If so, it should be mentioned in the
REMARKS section.

It is also important to record too! series numbers, any

additional components, and too! numbers on the header.
This information is often a helpful clue to interpretative
questions and troubleshooting too! problems (Fig. 2-4).
Scales for ali log traces must be recorded accurately on
the header, and the traces should be identified on the log
as well as by heading codes. 1----"r---+--



,,,me U1~1ae f7 ux:s
8'\.0lm wtu. CIVE amao M 111>1:

INffMlmfflCNS fllll[ CPIION l'l!ED

lfJll!UIDTS, \E CFNGT. 1M> wE D:I d
QIIRllll'TEE l')( fUllllCT Clt tDll[tTlC!
r:, llff INl'DPl'!fflTICN. li( 9fU. NOT !E
LUIU 0llt IU'OISULE Rlt ltff u&,
CDST, CftlliD, at EXl"Om ~
1111.IIEl Qlt SlSffl11G>8'nt:CJffllEI
OLUJC FU fWt TfflJl'llrnn'ICN 1111:
8f"" "u OPI.Ol'ID.
a: : ~ 5
~ z
. =
Fig. 2-5 - The first electrical log (Pechelbronn Field, Alsace,
- 1i
France, September 1927 (courtesy SPWLA)

z 5
..'' ~
1 "' o !. electromotive force, called voltage. Ohm's law is
~ t
z expressed mathematically as follows,
1 i1

V = Ir ,
Fig. 2-4 - Remarks section and equipment data on log headings
are often critica! to judging log quality, isolating tool malfunctions, where V = voltage (volts),

I = cun-ent (amperes),
and r = resistance (ohms).
In combination with recorded depth, resistivity was the
first formation parameter measured by wireline logging The term conductance is used to define the ability of a
techniques. The first electric log was recorded nearly material to conduct electricity and is given in units called
70 years ago (Fig. 2-5). Stationary measurements were mho (ohm spelled backwards).
made in a borehole, and the data recorded manually at the
surface. That rather crude device (by today's standards) Resistance is related not only to the type of material but
evolved into modern wireline logging, a multibillion- also to the length and area or geometrical shape of the
dollar industry annually. material. In order to describe a material's ability (regard-
less of size, shape, or geometry) to conduct electricity,
Electrical resistance, measured in ohms, is defined as the another term is needed. This term, which is very
ability of a material or substance to obstruct the flow of important to well logging, is called resistivity (R). Well
electrical current. Electtical current is generated by an log resistivity measurement devices use different

- 46 -
electrode spacings, different configurations, different and D = depth of formation of interest (ft).
electrode sizes, and perform measurements in an envir-
onment surrounded by a water-based drilling fluid . This equation can also be written as
Metric units are used for the resistivity measurement, and
the log trace is scaled as ohm-meters2/meter. Throughout Tf = Tm+GG(D/ 100),
this text, resistivity values are referred to as ohm-m.
Resistivity is mathematically related to resistance since it and it allows an estmate of formation temperature if the
is equal to the resistance (in ohms) between two parallel geothermal gradient and mean surface temperature are
sides of a volume I meter in area and 1 meter in length known.
along the current path.
Mean surface temperature data are usually provided by
Ohm's law can be written severa] ways, governmental agencies (Fig. 2-7). In many countries.
maps for different seasons are available (Fig. 2-8). Obvi-
V= Ir r = V/I I = Y/r ously, extreme cold at the surface will affect temperature
at very shallow depths ( < 1,000 ft), but extreme heat at
and r =R(l/a) and K = (ali); the surface wi ll also affect the temperature gradient in
very shallow wells.
therefore, R= rK,
The geothermal gradient is a function of the thermal con-
where R = resisti vity (ohm-m), ductivity of the rocks in the subsurface (Table 2-3). A
chart with severa] gradients is provided for estimating
r = resistance (ohms), temperature (Fig. 2-9), but recall that gradients are
seldom constant. Temperature surveys have been used
= length (meter), effectively to identify different lithology layers from
temperatu re gradient changes (Fig. 2-10). Certain geo-
a = area (meters2), logical structures, such as salt domes or reefs, overpres-
sured zones, and different geological ages are factors that
cause changes in the geothermal gradient. In o ne area of
and K = geometrical factor.
the Rocky M ountains (U.S.A.), the gradient increases
from 1.1 to 1.4 when going into Paleozoic rocks from the
As an example, a cube I meter on a side has a resistance,
younger rocks above.
r, equal to the resistivity between any two opposite faces
of the six faces of the cube. The cube would also have a
Formation temperature and heat conductivity are impor-
resistance equal to the resistivity of the material between
tant to formation evaluation because ali resistivity data
the indicated faces, but in any other direction, resistance
are temperature dependent. Heat conductivity decreases
differs from resistivity.
hyperbolicall y with temperature. Thermal conductivity
of water does not change appreciably with increasing salt
Resistivity vares with temperature. When comparing
concentration, and the effects of pore fluids on gross con-
resistivities, it is therefore very important that the tem-
ductivity is relatively small for rocks of low to moderate
perature be equal, or that re istivities be converted to a
porosity. Thermal conductivity of clays tends to vary
common temperature (Fig. 2-6).
inversely with the water content. In overpressured zones,
the higher pore pressure causes higher porosity that
Effects of Temperature
accounts for more fluid volume. As a result, geothermal
gradients are typically larger in massive shale formations
Subsurface temperatures normally increase with depth,
that overlay reservoir rocks, and gradients are usually
and the rate of increase with depth is called the geother-
reduced considerably in aquifers. Ovcrpressurcd, high-
mal gradient, defined as porosity shales represent a geothermal anomaly, and
because of this circumstance, flowline temperature mea-
surements are used as a supplementary pressure indicator
by rig personnel.
where GG = geothermal gradient (F/ 100 ft),
Mud Cup Principie
T = formation temperature ('F),
The mud cup and the mud cell provide a simple way to
T 111 = mean surface temperature for a given describe resistivity measurements. Samples of drilling
area ('F), mud, preferably circulated samples, are measured at the

- 47 -
Temperature R
(F) (C) (Qm)
500 260 20
Equivalen! NaCI
220 Concentration
400 10
~kppm) (@gr/gal
24C ) a
180 or 75F
0.2 6
160 5
300 0.3
140 20
30 3
250 120 0.6
o.a 50 2
200 100
90 2

80 3
200 o.a
70 4
300 0.6
6 400 0.5
a 500 0.4
50 0.3

100 30 2000
90 3000
30 60 4000 0.1
80 80 5000 0.08
10,000 0.06
20 200 13,000 0.05
300 17,500

50 10 0.02

English: Salinity (ppm at 75F) = 10 x
T 1 + 6.77) ; F
Rw2 = Rw1 ( 3.562 - log (Rw - 0.0123)
T2 + 6.77 X~
TI + 21.5) 3647.5
( T + 21.5 ; C
~ 0.0123 +
Given: Temperature = 250F and NaCI concentration = 100,000 ppm. Determine: Resistivity

Fig. 2-6 - Resistivities of different fluids must be converted to a common temperature for log analysis.


Fig. 2-7 - Average annual temperature (F) in the continental United States (from U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1941 )

well site prior to logging. A cylindrically shaped mud cup

(Fig. 2-11) is filled with the fluid sample and a current is K= - -
sent through the insulated cylinder of diameter (d) by 4MN
means of electrodes A and B. Because of the current where d2 = area
flowing from A to B, the electrical potential between M
and N can be measured by a voltmeter. Resistance (r ) is and 4MN = length .
the actual measurement, but it is converted to resistivity
(R) with known geometric factor (K) values. From O hm's It is interesting to note that K is nota dimensionless con-
law, stant but is in meters2/meter. The diameter (d) and spac-
ing (MN) must both be g iven in meters. Mud cups can be
V= Ir, but r = R(lla); provided with different constants by changing the MN
spacing or cup diameter. Ali other things being equal, a
therefore, larger electrode spacing (MN) wi ll yield a higher voltage
and lower value for geometric factor (K).
r = Mud Measurements
Solving for resistivity, Logging contractors are expected to measure the resistiv-
ity of a representative sample of the drilling fluid (R111)
r = and record the temperature of the fluid at the time of its
measurement. The method of collecting this mud sample
is very important. It should be a circulated sample that is
Since K is defined as geometrical factor, and R = rK, it collected just prior to tripping the drill pipe o ut of the
follows that K for the mud cup is hole in preparation for wireline logging operations. The

- 49 -
operation. A 1-gal sample is adequate. Mud collected
January Mean Daily Temperature from the return pit is often not representative of that in
the borehole because mud solids settle out in the pit.
Samples collected two or three days prior to logging are
not representative either.

Mud filtrate is collected from beneath the mud cup vessel

by applying 100 psi pressure to the fluid in the mud cup
and forcing it through a filter. Because the filtered fluid
simulates what occurs downhole, it is also measured for
resistivity and temperature at the surface. The tempera-
ture must be measured at the time the resistivity measure-
ments are recorded. The resistivity data can be converted
to formation conditions by making the proper tempera-
ture correction. Mud filtrate resistivity (R,n) is an impor-
tant parameter in log analysis, and the accuracy of both
resistivity and temperature measurements is critica!. The
amount of filtrate collected over a fixed time period
(30 min) can also be measured in a properly scaled
July Mean Da1ly Temperatura beaker to determine water loss.

The mudcake that builds up on the filter paper can also be

measured; however, the quantity of material collected to
measure mudcake resistivity (RmcJ in field operations
severely limits measurement accuracy. More time, larger
volumes of mudcake, and more elaborate measuring
apparatus are needed to perform the measurement accu-
rately. Temperature of the mudcake is also a problem
because different solids that formed the cake can affect
temperature differently. Rmc is used with density data in
sorne computed log analysis programs, but the resistivity
and temperature effects are not as significant as mud den-
sity. The mud measurements are made at surface temper-
atures, while logging devices measure resistivity of mate-
rials in place at downhole temperatures. Maximum-read-
ing thermometers usually record their maximum temper-
ature at maximum borehole depth. Therefore, a gradient
Fig. 2-8 - Seasonal geothermal (F) maps of Ganada can be estimated between surface and bottomhole tem-
perature conditions, and temperature can be estimated
with reasonable accuracy at any depth between the two
sample should be collected at the flowline near the extremes (Fig. 2-12). Mud measurements of resistivity
"shale-shaker" to ensure that it is mud with properties are typically corrected to formation temperature for log
used in drilling and that remain there during the logging evaluation purposes.

TABLE 2-3 -Thermal Conductivities

Thermal Conductivity (1 o3 calories/cm/C)

Shale 2 .8 - 5.6 Gypsum 3.1 Water 1.2 - 1.4

Sandstone 3.5 - 7.7 Anhydrite 13 Air 0.06
Porous Limestone 4-7 Salt 12.75 Gas 0.065
Dense Limestone 6-8 Sulphur 0.6 Oil 0.35
Oolomite 9- 13 Steel 110
Quartzite 13 Cement 0.7


Mean Surface
Temperature, T ms Formation Temperature, T1 (C)

\ :~ :; 27
1 11
1 1


1 1 J 11 11

1 1 1

1 11 11 11


1 1

1 11 11 11

1 1 i



'' 150
1 1 1 1

1 11
1 1

' 175
1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1
1 1

1 1 1 1

1 1
1 11
1 1

1 1'

o o

~ ~
"'"' ...... ,.
' ..." ,~ ''-: ... ""~-

~ '\.
~"- ,~,,,
,-;.. 1,~.. -:: 2
",, "'~- '\,I'\.,.,, ..... ~
:::,.. .._
~ I' \. ,'-,
".....:- -: 3
\ ~, '\,.
1, ',, ' "'-.~ .... .. oo
,\ ',,
' -~ .. "r-,,.._' ...
,, 4 ~


I'\. ''
\.,, --~i'" ' .. ,
i' '


' '\ ', I'\.
i'.' .., ' i'-.' -:: 5 C)

...,, -- 3.
a. .O\ " .e
I'\. ', ' 'I ,,
.. ,
'\,. 2
.... .. -.
C10 Drn 25 ~
C) \

' 1\. I'\ ' ' , .. ',[',. 6


20 - -"' ,I \~ ,", 1'- ...,,
.... r~a en , ~G ' ' ', ,.
\ '', '\,
' ,
U.! ,
.. ,-....
--~- 11.< 1.1 ' t-1 IUI l

' "'r,-. 7
\ i-, ~

\ '
\. '
' '
,, '-'... ..
\ 1\. ,, I'\ ..... " ...,,

' ''
, I'\ ' .._'...... 8

\ I'\.
' ,, '
'I '


\.'' ,
\. '
'\,. r-..
' - ~- ',_" 9
80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 ' 450 500

1 ,l,11l111I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
~ 40 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Mean Surface Formation Temperature, T ( F)
Temperature, Tms
Tr = Tms + ~ x D/ 100
Given: Total Well Depth = 10,000 ft
Tr - Tms Bonom Hole Temperarure 200F
---.c: x 100
D Mean Surface Temperarure = 80F

From Chart: Geothermal Gradient 1.2 F/100 ft

Temperature Gradient Conversions
Formation Temperarure
at 7.000 ft 164F
lF l .823C
100 ft 100 m Note: To convert the formation temperature scale. Tr
(F). to a mean surface temperarure. T ms not shown.
add or subtract the appropriate value to the entire
lC 0.549F
scale. For example. if T 111s = 40F. the 60 tick
100 m 100 ft mark corresponds to 40 F. the 150 tick corresponds
to 130 F. the 300 F tick corresponds to 280 F. etc.

Fig. 2-9 - Chart used for estimating geothermal gradient

- 51 -
contact with the borehole wall (Fig. 2-15). Dipmeter
Temperature lncreases
... tools provide diameter measurements from opposite pads
with a four-pad device (Fig. 2-16) or distance measure-
ments of radii for each individual pad with six-arm
devices or four-pad devices with independent arm actua-
tion (Fig. 2-17). Acoustic pulse-echo imaging tools pro-
vide complete 360 circumferential coverage of the bore-
hole size and shape.

When four pads are available, an x and y caliper distance

measurement is performed that allows for sorne degree of
borehole geometrical estimation (Fig. 2-18). Calipers
contacting three points around the borehole are often
thought to be more accurate than those contacting two
points, but quite often, the spring actuation of acoustic
caliper devices is fouled by drilling mud or cuttings clog-
ging the sliding mechanism in the caliper mandrel. Two-
point density calipers generally show little or no mud-
cake buildup on the borehole wall because the skid
design and pad force tend to wipe the filter cake away
from the wall. Two-point microresistivity calipers gener-
ally provide the best indications of mudcake thickness
across permeable strata because pad force is only about
15 psi.

Six-pad radii offer a more accurate description of the

hole size and shape, and resistivity imaging devices offer
Fig. 2-10 - Comparison of temperature gradient steepness and more than the six-arm dip devices. However, the superior
lithology instrument for measuring borehole geometrical shape
and size is the acoustic imaging device, which provides
complete 360 coverage (Fig. 2-1 9).

----0 f-----I Hole volume can be integrated from caliper data and is
very useful to the completion engineer. If casing is to be
A M: :
run, the engineer knows the vol u me of borehole that the
casing will use, and by subtracting that value from the
integrated hole volume, the engineer can determine the
amount of annular space available for cementing. lnte-
grated hole volume is presented as pips on the left side of
Fig. 2-11 - A mud cup for measuring liquid resistivity the depth track in either English or metric units.


Resistivity and depth were the first logging measure-

CALIPER MEASUREMENTS ments ever recorded, and resistivity or its reci procal, con-
ductivity, is virtually always recorded as part of openhole
Several different types of calipers are available for use logging operations. Log-measured resistivity values are
with well logging downhole hardware. Acoustic devices generally a function of the amount of porosity and the
typically employ a three-arm, spring-actuated caliper that water occupying the pore space. In simpler terms, the
also serves as a tool centralizer (Fig. 2-13). Density measurement generally responds to the type and amount
instruments measure the distance between the skid face of water in the formation. Generally, a resi stivity log is
containing the radiation source and detectors and the the base correlation Iog of most boreholes; i.e., it is the
backup shoe that forces the skid face against the borehole log used to pick formation tops, bottoms, thicknesses,
wall with relatively high pad pressure (Fig. 2-14). etc., and then to correlate these data to other wells,
Microresistivity devices make a distance measurement develop cross sections, fence diagrams, structure maps,
between two pads that are opened electrically to make isopach maps, etc.



~ .e
t- i
; ai
E 225 ~

o.e E
220 Cil


0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
ti.t/(t + ti.t)

This chart is used to predict the static bottomhole formation temperature by recording the bottomhole temperature
on each successive trip in the well. Each bottomhole temperature is plotted vs. the borehole fluid circulation time
relationship on a semilog graph. Passing a straight line through the plotted points to the right ordinate will provide
an estimation of the static bottomhole formation temperature.


Dimensionless Bottomholc
Time Te mperature

6t 7
Run 1 0.538 220F (104 C)
+ 6t 6 + 7

Run 2
6t 7 + 4.5
0.657 225F (107C)
t + 6t 6 + 7 + 4.5

Run 3
6t 7 + 4.5 + 8
0.765 228F (109C)
+ 6t 6 + 7 + 4.5 + 8
t = circulation time (hr)
6t = time after circulation stopped (hr)

Static Temperature = 234F (112C)

Fig. 2-12-The Horner plot technique can be used to estimate static formation temperature.

- 53 -

7 ft 8.25 in.

4 ft 5 in.
(1.35 m)
4.25 in.
(108 mm)

Fig. 2-15 - Caliper type that is run with microresistivity devices

Fig. 2-13 - Caliper run with acoustic devices

Mud Cake

I \fg----==--~-~=====-=-
----- -------
Formatio n

Fig. 2-16 - Standard Diplog pad assembly with gauge ring


r . . - - - - Short Space

ha==---- Long Space


Fig. 2-14 - Caliper run with density devices Fig. 2-17 - Swing-arm pad section

........................... , j
6 VOL (CUFT) 26

O CAL (INCH) 100

6 26
5ooo GR (API) O C13 (INCH) 6 26
4 in. ___,,. !------------~
O 150 26 6
(101.6 mm)




10 ft

- ~

.!. o

1 ft
(304.8 mm)
' -


r i== o

Fig. 2-18 - Dual calipers recorded with a four-arm device

Transmitted Pressure Level


... 9 _
Shale _______ _. _______________ ______________ ~To_~lb/~:9at
. .
o . ,, ,b
e -37.5 ~.?~~~~~e_____ ____ ___ __ ____ _____ --------.--- ----- ___ _____ ..._rn/ga
. .
caOl . . . . .
Noise Level
"'ea. ...


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Borehole Diameter (in.)

Fig. 2-19A - Theoretical CBIL5M transducer response vs. borehole diameter fer barite oil-base mud (acceptable signal recovered in area
above the corresponding lithology lines). Note: The positions of the sandstone and limestone lithology lines lie between shale and

Depth Menu Scale Proc . Quit

Fig. 2-198 - Typical CRT display of CBIL reflectance amplitude and travel time with 360 borehole caliper measurements (from calibrated
travel time) al four selected depths

- 56-
Conventional e lectrode res1st1v1ty devices such as the
Electrolog are not commonly used today but are still SP RESISTIVITY

run in many areas of the world (Fig. 2-20). The short ..!:.,.
normal, a conventional device, was usually run with con-
ventional induction devices. (Fig. 2-2 1). Since the earli-
"-,, -01111
...... o... ,
.,u- ''".''

, ___________
____ .o
' - -
est days of well logging, tens of thousands of resistivity 1 1
logs have been recorded throughout the world, and today, 1 )
many geologists spend much of their time correlating and ,~ t--l.
attempting to interpret old resistivity logs. For that t> R ti:> ""
reason, this course devotes sorne attention to old log ! F,
analysis. ...
! .
Old electric logs were recorded by passing cun-ents ,.
through the formation from specific electrodes on the ,- .,-

tool mandrel, and voltages were measured between other .1

electrodes on the tool string. The measured voltages pro-

vided a means to determine resistivity. An electrically l
conductive drilling fluid is necessary for this measure-
ment. More than half the resistivity/conductivity logs run ~1
to date are electrode recordings.
Fig. 2-21 - lnduction Electrolog 5t.A linear presentation example



= 18 FT-8 IN.
Induction Devices

Conductivity devices were first constructed for use in oil-

" o
' based drilling fluids. Electrode devices will not function
o AM =
64 IN. in oil-based muds because the drilling fluid acts as an
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - }O
e lectrical insulator. The propensity of old electrode mea-
surements led to the linear presentation of resistivity on
- ~

-! lJ 1~ : <
r--- 'd +- induction logs. Although induction measurements are
1--i- -1--

1--i-i -

- -~. ,,. 8


-- 1

lt'l ' ---- p .


, - 1-
made in conductivity units, they are reciprocated to resis-
tivity values. Induction logs utilize severa! coi Is arranged

;> ,-.
1 1
-- ._,_
L !( ::,

physically to focus an induced current into the formation
(Fig. 2-22) .

1- ,_
1~ 1 8
1 1

- ~ .,...-

::-: h
_,_ .:::
I<: - 1 - l'ip,
l l>
T he following is a simple explanation of a two-coil mea-
r--, 1 1~
- i
) ~~ surement system (Fig. 2-23). The high-frequency alter-
- - --

,_ { J_ r--._ :_L_ ....) 1 - nating current sent through the transmitter coi! sets up a
_:< :e::;: .::; -~1>
<>- I> -
magnetic field that induces secondary currents into the
surrounding formation. Induced currents flow in circular
t-+-- --
~ = ;,
ground loop paths coaxial with the transmitter coi!, and
1-- i?, 5~ >
- r~,
, __ ,::: )
::: :1
in turn, create magnetic fields that induce signals in the
receiver coi!. Received signals are essentially propor-
- - - tional to the formation's conductivity, and the induction
~ ~ ,.t:::1:> )

-- -l 1 inslruments can be called conductivity-seeking devices.

- ' '

- -
i' \
I'- . 1
Effects of direct coupling between transmitter and
receiver coi! are balanced by the measuring circuitry.
< 1

~::i:-- ( 1
-Is--1 - >
~ Dual Induction-Focused Logs
8 .,..J..1
-- L 1 1

,_.__...._. i
=R 1
1 1 -
Introduced in the early 1960s, dual induction logs were
the first resistivity logs presented on a logarithmic scale.
Logarithmic scaling essentially eliminated backup (off
Fig. 2-20 - Electrolog example scale) traces, enhanced the resolution of resistivity

-57 -
~ RlT-
--Y J~r:_
1 Gm G Gt Gs
Ra Rm R Rt Rs

(+) Amplifier and

Housing - - + .




_ __ _fv1e9 ~u_r~ __ _



Fig. 2-22 - lnduction coil schematic

Fig. 2-23 - Explanation of simple two-coil induction measuring

change, permitted a universal scale from very Jow to very
high values of resistivity, and provided an innovative
mechanism for quick-look log evaluations. The original
logarithmic scales were three cycles (0.3 to 3000 ohm-
m), but they were soon replaced by the split four-cycle Laterolog tools provide better vertical resolution than
grid (0.2 to 1, 1 to 1O, 1O to 100, 100 to 1000, and 1000 to induction devices in thin beds and are focused in such a
2000 ohm-m). As technology developed, combination way as to greatly minimize the conductive nature of
tools became more common, with the logarithmic resis- saline drilling fluids (Fig. 2-26).
tivity scales being confined to Track II (typically scaled
0.2 to 1, 1 to 10, 10 to 20 ohm-m). The instrumentation employs a small current electrode
between two long guard electrodes. A constant current is
The dual induction device utilizes deep and medium applied to the small electrode in the center while auxil-
induction measuring systems. Both measurements can iary current of similar polarity is applied to the long
be recorded in oil-based muds and empty holes, as well guards. Current to the guard electrodes is automatically
as in water-based mud systems. SP and a shallow, and continually adjusted to maintain a zero potential dif-
focused electrode device measurement are recorded with ference between the center electrode and guard elec-
the two induction measurements in water-based muds trodes, and forces the current from the center electrode to
(Fig. 2-24). flow into the surrounding formation. A drop in potential
is caused by the flow of current through the formation to
Laterolog or Focused Electrode Devices remole current-return electrodes. The potential difference
is then related to formation resistivity.
Laterolog instruments are focused electrode devices
designed to minimize influences from the borehole fluid The laterolog current path is basically a series circuit
and adjacent formations (Fig. 2-25). Laterolog and spher- consisting of the drilling fluid, mudcake, flushed zone,
ically focused devices belong to this family of tools. invaded zone, and virgin zone (Fig. 2-27). The largest

RILO (ohmm)

SP 2 RILM (ohmm) 2000
- - 1 1-+ ~~;;,;;~:~;-2 ~
0 2 ~

0.2 2000
Dual Laterolog

Shallow and t / Sal! Mud
Deep Measurements , 1 /~
-, \ .... .,...,,,.
Shallow - A; ~ '-, ........ :::_:::_=::::::_-_::_-:__.,. Deep _ A,

@ 128 Hz ', -- - - -
" - - ' - - - -:, :::::::::::::::::.::: @ 32 Hz

T ~--~~~~-
24-in. ~-- - - - - ,~ , ----------~
Bea:._:th ::::::::.~ ::::::::::::=
~:::::j '::~:::::~~7
:-;:=~:~=,E ~i~~~~~~~==::
-------,f-'--------:-(--, '..
1 1 '
'.. '


Fig. 2-24 - Dual lnduction-Focused Log logarithmic presentation Fig. 2-26 - The Dual Laterolog is focused to minimize the
effects of conductive drilling fluids.



Mud Flushed lnvaded Undisturbed

Zone Zone Formation
Ao _ .,_ _ _ _ - -..
Rm Ame Axo A, R1 B

Fig. 2-27 - Laterolog curren! path is basically a series circuit.

Fig. 2-25 - Laterolog focusing minimizes borehole and adjacent

bed effects.
Invasion and the type of water-based mud can severely
affect laterolog measurements. Fresh muds cause the log
measurements to be overly inftuenced by the resistivity
voltage drop occurs where higher resistance occurs; of the invaded zone. Salt-based muds are generally of
therefore, laterologs can be described as resistivity-seek- similar salinity to formation waters, and the conductive
ing devices. In contrast, induction measurements "see" inftuence does not severely retard the instrument's ability
the different zones as parallel electrical c ircuits. to measure beyond the invaded zone. Laterolog tools are

generally recommended for use in salt muds, lower induction device is more influenced by the mud column
porosities, and high-resistivity formations. Their superi- as hole size increases, but it is more severely affected by
ority to induction devices in high-resistivity formations thin beds than the focused device. Microresistivity
holds true in fresh muds because the contribution of the devices essentially eliminate borehole effects because the
lower salinity mud system diminishes in the laterolog pads contact the formation directly, but they are also
series circuit. However, enlarged boreholes hamper the severely influenced by borehole fluids if pad contact to
too! because the contribution of high mud resistivity the formation wall is lost.
becomes more significant. Today, laterolog data are pre-
sented on a logarithmic grid scale (Fig. 2-28). Resistivity Bed-Thickness Correction

Corrections to measured resistivity values for bed thick-

Radlation lntensity lncreases DEPTH
RESIST1VJTY ness are given for the deep induction (RD) and laterolog
deep devices (Rw), but ali resistivity devices are
(API Units) affected somewhat if the right conditions exist.
o 120 0.2 1.0 10 100 1000

The deep induction instrument has a 40-in. (102-cm) span

between the main transmitter and receiver coils, and its
vertical resolution is therefore limited to no less distance

than the spacing. Complicating the picture is the fact that

':i~ ....... adjacent formations (shale beds and sand reservoirs) can

> -1--
have a large variance in resistivity. Therefore, to correct
)' R 1w for bed thickness, the resistivity of adjacent shale
_j ~ beds must be known. Severa! empirical charts are pro- I' vided to make proper adjustment to the measured values
., (Figs. 2-29 and 2-30). In general, logs of 5 to 6-ft (1.8 to

,r 2-m) thick beds require no serious correction to RILD but
.,,1 the adjacent bed resistivity generally becomes more
important as the adjacent bed resistivity increases.

~-- ,i..-
Bed-thickness corrections to the laterolog deep (RLLD)
and laterolog shallow (RLS) measurements are not nor-
__,fo-) "' mally prohibitive down to beds as thin as 3 ft (1 m); how-
_.._ ever, the dual laterolog device is specified for high-resis-
..... ~
tivity formations, salt-mud environments, etc. Resistivity
... I< of the adjacent beds and the drilling fluid influence the
corrections, but the corrections become more significant
Fig. 2-28 - Laterolog logarithmic presentation in beds less than 5 ft (1.5 m) thick (Fig. 2-3 1).

Corrections to Resistivity for Borehole Size

CONDUCTIVITY LOGS FOR BOREHOLE Borehole size influences ali resistivity measurements.
SIZE AND BED THICKNESS The number of charts required to correct each and every
device from ali the logging contractors would result in an
Most resistivity and microresistivity devices are influ- almost unmanageable volume of data. For that reason,
enced by borehole fluids to different degrees; therefore, only the basic Baker Atlas charts for the Dual Induction-
borehole size and tool position are important. Bed thick- Focused Log and Dual Laterolog are presented and
ness is more prohibitive to sorne devices than others. discussed here. Those who need to make such correc-
Depth of invasion can seriously affect the response of tions for other too! types should refer to the appropriate
any resistivity device. chart book. Corrections for tools from other contractors
must be made from charts provided by those contractors.
A shallow, focused log is affected by borehole size more
than by bed thickness, whereas the deep induction is A chart for deep induction (R1w) borehole correction
more severely affected by bed thickness. The reason for demonstrates that more correction is needed as the bore-
this difference is that the focused system is surrounded hole size increases and/or as the mud resistivity (R,n)
by a larger volume of the drilling fluid, and most of the decreases (Fig. 2-32). The effects of borehole signa! on
measured signa! comes from the borehole itself. A deep the medium induction measurement (RLM) are more

20 20

10 10

Rs =1
e 4 e 4
9- 3 9- 3
2 2


0.5 a:;.&.!i...&.......u..---'---''--' ---''--.....................-.,............_......., 0.5 ................_ _ ___,__ __,_...._........................._ ____,

0.5 1.0 2 3 4 5 10 20 0.5 1.0 2 3 4 5 10 20
Reo, (Q m) R(X)( (Q m)

20 l--..;.....-+--,---:-+-i-;-,r+---..;.... --
.. ._~l---
..+ ---'----,j"'-,,__ _~
..._ ... , ..

15 i.--+--+--_ _--+----+ -- -- - - - - ' - ----i

E e 15 ,1 t

9, 9-
a:110 ~ _;________,~-~,c__....,..._,,...-.q=----- - - t - - - - i 1
a: 10 ,_.._ _ _ __

10 15
R(X)( (Q m)

Fig. 2-29 - Bed thickness corrections for deep lnduction Log

-6 1 -

100 100 ,-

80 As= 5 80

E 60 E 60

~ O> a
<O <O
a: a:
40 40

20 20

o o
o 20 40 60 80 100 o 20 40 60 80 100
F\:or (Q m) Acor (Qm)

100 100

80 80

As= 20

E 60 E 60
~ ~ O>
o .,-o
a: a:
40 40

20 20

o o
o 20 40 60 80 100 o 20 40 60 80 100

F\:or (Q m) Acor (Q m)

Fig. 2-30 - Bed thickness corrections for deep lnduction Log


Bed Thickness Correction for Dual Laterolog (Deep)


500 Conductive Beds R1/Rm = 20

2.0 Resistive Beds R5 h/Rm = 20

1 \
\ ( ,,,,,,,-- --..._--- - --= -
\_ _,,,,..,-
A ~
---- - ~

r-- r---
0.5 ~ VV
o 1 1/
- -t:--r--.

r--:: ......
- .......
----- ::::::-::::
-,::;:::: :::;::;...-

0.4 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90100
Bed Thickness (ft)

0.5 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30
Bed Thickness (m)

Bed Thickness Correction for Dual Laterolog (Shallow)

1 1 1

Conductive Beds RifRm = 20
2.0 Resistive Beds R5 h/Rm = 20

\ 1

1 \
~ =---
:;;.--- F=:::::
R~ R ~ f:::::: ~

,.,, ---
V"" ~
0.5 / ~,,.,
- __ ~
..,,.,.. _....,
v .vo /
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Bed Thickness (ft)

Fig. 2-31 - Bed thickness corrections for Dual Laterolog

-63 -





12 .........:................................... j...................................l..............

=... 1Sta~doff On.) 1

! i . i i
31 9
8 : ' : ' :
7 .- .... . .........................!...................................!. - : :
................... .................................. ...................................

6 : :
......................... - ............ ............ -. ............... ................................... ...................................

5 +~..j!+ .....................

-2 -1 2 3 4 5 6
Radial Geometric Factor (x 1000)

40 55 30 25 20 15 10 5 o
Signa! from Hole (mmho/m)


Given: Borehole diameter = 14 in.; Rm = 0.1 0-m; standoff = 1.5 in.; RILD = 10 Q.m

Detennine: Signal from Hole = 16 mmho/m

CIL =1,000/10 Q.m =100 mmho/m
CILcor = 100 mmho/m -16 mmho/m = 84 mmho/m Radial Geometrical Factor (x 1,000)\
RILcor = 1,000/80 mmho/m = 11.9 Q.m (mmholm) Mud Resistivity (Rm) )

Fig. 2-32 - Borehole size correction for deep induction log (for series 1503/1506 Dual lnduction-Focused Log)

severe (Fig. 2-33). Standoffs are very important to R1LM saturations of 15% to 40% , but trapped residual wate rs
signals, and very large bore ho les rende r the measurement are not unco mmon, especially in carbonate reservoirs.
almost useless. A c hart to correct the focused log data
(Rmc) is also provided (Fig. 2-34). As time p asses, sorne o f the mud fil trate continues to
migrate laterall y into the formation; i.e., it begins to com -
Bore ho le size correction charts for the dual laterolog mingle with nati ve reservoir fluids and form a transitio n
demonstrate that more serious corrections are required as zone between the flushed zone and undisturbed reservoir
borehole sizes increase, and that cente ring is very impor- rock (Figs. 2-36, 2-37). Water satu ration in this transition
tan!. The laterolog shallow device (Ru,5) is mo re zone (S) can vary conside rably if the reservoir contains
seve re ly affected , but the deep late rolog (RLLD) is increa- hydrocarbo ns. A water-bearing ho ri zon w ill continue to
ingly affected as hole enlargeme nt occurs (Fig. 2-35). O f exhibi t 100 % wate r saturation, but the commi ngled
course, these statements refer to conditions whe re beds waters have di ffering salinities or resistivities (Rz)- The
are suffic iently thic k for laterolog responses. resistivity of the invaded zone (R) will therefore di ffer
fro m that o f the flushed zone and virgin zone beyond.
EFFECTS OF INVASION ON RESISTIVITY The length of time the fo rmation is exposed to the bore-
MEASUREME NTS ho le fluid pressures influe nces the depth of invasion, but
permeability and poros ity also influe nce the lateral dis-
As the drill bit pe netrates geological hori zons in the sub- tance of invasion. A hypothetical view of the diameter of
surface, drilling !luid is introduced to that formation for invasion in formations that are somewhat hete rogeneous
the first time. Mud pressure, pene tration rate, and the illustrates the effects of porosity and permeability
porous, permeable nature o f the rock be ing penetrated are (Fig. 2-38). Dia meter o f invasion (d) represents the lat-
variables largely responsible fo r the eventua l profile of e ral interval encompassing the bore ho le that is affected
invasion. In general , wells are drilled with pressure by invading drilling fl uid, whereas the diameter of fl ush-
slightly overbalanced to conta in reservoir po re pressure ing (d.w) is much sma ller.
and avoid pote ntia l blowouts. Impermeable rocks do not
experience invasion; however, low-porosity rocks with The virgin reservoir rock has a resisti vity (R0 ) if it is 100 %
sorne pe rmeability are ofte n invaded deeply because water bearing, but if the formation contains any hydrocar-
available pore spaces to accept the penetrating flui ds are bon, it has a higher value of resistivity (R1). The native
widely spread around the borehole. Rock w ith high connate water has its unique resistivity (Rw) or salinity
porosity and high permeability normally de mo nstrates that affects resul tant calculations ofwater saturation (Sw);
shallow invasion because the re is more pore volume near i.e., S,v decreases as the volume of o il or gas increases.
the borehole to accept invading fl uids. Pressure di ffe re n- Resistivity increases as nonconduc tive hydrocarbon
tial causes flushing to occur, and solid particles of the replaces conductive formation waters in the pore space.
mud syste m are deposited o n the boreho le wall where
they form a filter cake (h 111c) Fi lter cake is normally Resistivity Profiles of lnvasion
impermeable a nd curta ils fu rther flushing (Fig. 2-36).
The time required to build up sufficie nt mudcake is a Whe n freshwate r-based drilling fluids are used, the mud
func tion of specific formation properties and drilling fluid resistivity (R111 ) is norma lly higher than the fo rmatio n
properties, especially solid particles w ithin the mud water resisti vity (Rw)- In permeable water-bearing rocks,
system. These explanations are no more than rationa liza- the formation resisti vi ty in the flushed zone (Rxo) is
tions, and in specific circ umstances, the rule is violated. higher than fo rmation resistivity of the virgin zone (R )
Formation of filte r cake is desirable to prevent furthe r fil - because R,,if > Rw, and formation resistivity gradually
trate invasion, fo rmation damage, and mainta in sorne decreases outward from the flushed zone (Fig. 2-39).
wall stability. Most flushing is believed to occur during
the drilling process. As the bit initia lly penetrates the If the formatio n contains hydrocarbo n a nd is dri lled w ith
rock, the sudden mud pressure causes a spurt of invasion freshwater-based mud, the resistivity beyond the flushed
that virtually flushes a li the na tive fo rmation fluids fa rthe r zone may be highe r or lower, depe nding on the water sat-
into thc formation a nd replaces the m w ith mud filtrate. uration (Sw) a nd the connate water res isti vity (Rw)- Re la-
The flushed zone immediately adjacent to the borehole is tive position s of deep- , med ium- , and sha llow-reading
at most, a few inches (centimeters) beyond the borehole resistivity devices are used to indicate the expected inva-
wall and essentially conta ins only mud fi ltrate (R111) as sio n profiles (Fig. 2-39). T he assumptions forming the
occupying fluid (Figs. 2-36, 2-37). The flushed zone has basis for the fig ures are that the shallow-investig ating
unique resistivity (Rx0 ) and saturation (Sx0 ) values. Most device respo nds mostly to the flushed zone, the medium-
native fluids a nd gases are flushe d farther into the fo rma- investigating device responds mostly to the transition
tion, and those that re main are called res idua l or immov- zone, and the deep-investigatio n device responds mostl y
able. Oil reservoirs typically demonstrate residua l oil to the undisturbed zone.

- 65-


. --~--- .
,_._ _1.................... : ...........-............................ .
13 ; _ i_ __ , . _ _ _, _ __



1l- [ --l-

. . . . . . ... . ... ... . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . :
. "

G) 10
.l!1 9

8 ;->---------i.---

7 .... --: : : l l
6 :-...... ................................... ................... . i ..t ; .. . .
: :
5 + i t i .:1j1r-j--!

-1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Radial Geometric Factor (x 1000)

50 40 30 20 10 o -10
Signal from Hole (mmho/m)


This chart provides a method for determining how much of the recorded signal is
the borehole.

Given: Borehole diameter = 10 in.; Rm = 0.1 0-m; standoff = 1.5 in.

Determine: Signal from Hole = 27 mmho/m Boreholc

( Radial Geometrical Factor (x 1,000)\
(mmho/m) \ Mud Resistivity (Rm) )

Fig. 2-33 - Borehole size correction for medium induction log (for series 1503/ 1506 Dual lnduction-Focused Log)

- 66 -
K = tool calibration factor ("K-factor") in ohmm/ohm

Normalized to:
8-in. borehole
1.4 RFOCapp/Rm = 20
Homogeneous medium


o.e 1
. . '! 1 ' l
: :i"
0.7 L....-~JL...L.Ll.lU.lLL .1..u.J._ ___L...J....J....J...L.L.1 ..L_--1..__--1.....L.J... J....L.l..L_...J....--1...... .1.....w...1...U.J....__.J. ..._...J.....J..:l:,._J.J.J.J
0.1 10 100 1000 10000

Fig. 2-34 - Borehole size correction for focused log (for series 1503/ 1506 Dual lnduction-Focused Log)

If the drilling fluid is saltwater based, the flushed zone are impermeable (essentially no flushing or invasion) and
norrnally has lower resistivity (Rx0 ) than its fresh rnud contain a large amount of bound water.
counterpart. Resistivity of the invaded zone (R) and the
virgin zone (R0 ) rnay be very simi lar in a water-bearing lnduction measurement s can also be made in air- or gas-
horizon. If hydrocarbons are present, the virgin zone will drilled boreholes. Although the borehole acts asan insu-
demonstrate higher resistivity (R1). The positions of the lator, the waters of the uninvaded formation will exhibit a
deep-, medium-, and shallow-resistivity curves are conductive influence, and valid formation conductivity/-
reversed because of the reversa! of the resistivity profile resistivity measurement s can be obtained.
(Fig. 2-39).
Step Profile of lnvasion
Oil-based mud systems elimjnate electrode measure- A simple geometric pattern to profile invasion, the step
ments; however, the deep- and medium-induction data profile, considers only the flushed and virgin zones. A
can be recorded in combination with a gamma ray curve. cylindrical interface moving laterally into porous and
The shallow dielectric measurement is useful in estirnat- permeable homogeneou s rock is projected. The diameter
ing Rxo in oil-based systems. lnduction devices are inftu- (d) of the cylinder encompasses the flushed zone (Rx ),
enced by the most conductive substance surrounding the and the undisturbed formation (R0 or R1) lies outside the
measuring system, and permeable water-bearing hori- cylinder. A schematic of the step profile is a two-dimen-
zons (virtually ali rock is partially water bearing) can be sional (2-D) projection of resistivity vs. distance from the
distinguished from zones containing mostly hydrocar- wellbore (Fig. 2-40). In reality, this condition virtually
bon. Shales will demonstrate low resistivity because they never exists.

K = tool calibration factor ("K-factor") in ohmm/ohm

Tool Centered Thick Beds

l 1 [i . i , i
Nonnalized to:
i .
1 1 8-in. borehole r

-----""-.......... ;--
1 11
l r


__ __



0.1 10 100 1000 10000

Tool Centered Thick Beds

u ,-----------,-,---------------,---------,----,
Normalizad 10:
e-m. borehole 1 i 1
RLLSapp l Rm 100
1.3 Homogeneous medium ~~- .. - - +-


~i -: --

.. ..,. ' ,.(.. ; ___

!e: .,' i 11 1
~ 1



~7 '--''---'-"u.L..<-'-'-'L..1....1...L..U..'----'----'-'--..1....1...L..U..'----'----'-'--..l....1...'--'-'-''----'---'--'--..1....1...L..LU'----'----'-'--..1....1...U..U
0 .1 10 100 1000 10000

These charts provide a method to correct the log value for the influence of the borehole. The chart is entered from the
horizontal axis (RLLs/Rm) by projecting a line upward to the appropriate borehole size curve. From that point, a
line is projected to the left to derive a correction factor along the vertical axis, which is then multiplied by the actual
log value (RLLS) to determine the corrected log value (RLLS co~

Fig. 2-35 - Borehole size correction for Dual Laterolog


(\ 1.. ~ ~ - - d-- - 1 J
\ ,' 11 ___I _
1 1 '. 1
J! :~o
I 1- r.-- - - J. 1 'l
C o~
( \ , : '

Fig. 2-38 - Flushing and invasion distance into the formation

usually vares due to pressure differential, fluid loss, porosity,
permeability, time of exposure, etc.

Fig. 2-36 - ldeally, an impermeable filler cake builds up on the

wall of permeable strata.

Transition Profile of Invasion
~ Mud Cake !

- 1-hmc
Transition profiles are more representative of real condi-
Flushed Zone Undisturbed tions. These profiles ass ume that a mjx of native and
RoorRt R 0

Sxo\ Form ation invading fluids exists between the flushed zone and
lnvaded Zone sw virgin zone. Conductivity is assumed to vary linearly
S between the two boundaries of the transition zone
--------d ~-
Rs dh

Rz 1
(Fig. 2-41 ). Width of the transition zone depends on the
rock characteristics, rate of invasion, and length of time
Lateral View Across Borehole the formation is exposed to invading fluids.

R1 or R0 Annulus Profile of Invasion

R In oil-bearing zones, it is possible for the filtrate to flush

connate water to the lead of the invading front by
miscible drive processes, thereby creating a conductive
ring around the more resistive flushed zone (Fig. 2-42).
Beyond the conductive annular ring is the higher
Sw resistivity oil-bearing virgin zone. Detection of the salt-
water annulus depends on the responses of the particular
logging devices. Existence of such a low-resistivity zone
or annulus is strong indication of movable oil. However,
annulus occurrence is very rare, and when it is found, the
View Down Borehole
reservoir is usually at virgin conditions.
R - Resistivity xo - Flushed zone
S - Saturation me - Mud cake Electric current patterns of resistivity/condu ctivity
s - Shoulder bed h - Thickness devices show that induction measurements are more
i - lnvaded zone w - Formation water affected by the low-resistivity annular ring, and the
t - Non-invaded zone d - Diameter medium-inductio n experiences the more severe effect.
o - 100% Water saturated z - Mixed water
non-invaded zone Experience and computations have shown that the
medium-induction device (RILM) can record lower resis-
Fig. 2-37 - Generalized sketches to illustrate formation tivity than the deep-induction device (Rno) when the
ratio of Rx0 IR1 is less than five. As the RxJR1 ratio

- 69 -
1 Ql a: R*
1 e Fresh Mud
Ql 1 o ~
e N Salt D M S
o 1
e Undisturbed :~
u Ro Water 1
.e -o
1 Zone ;
Zone 1
!l! ;

Ql 1 Ql
o .e 1 e a: 1
CD (/)
: I
1- 1
1 Fresh Mud
- lnvaded Zone- System
----------~S ~D
100% - - -

Distance from Borehole

Water Zone
-- R

t R f.R.v or ~o Zone l f I

l .. 1
~. :

~ 1


Distance from Borehole

-S M D

. t
Salt Mud 1
System R.v or S0 1 1
o R ', 1
1 1
O%_..__ _ __.__ _ _ _ _

Distance from Borehole

Fig. 2-39 - Resistivity profiles of invasion follow the above schemes.

increases above five, or dee per invasion exists, the effect

decreases, and the medium induction will indicate resis-
tivity approximately equal to or greater than that shown
on the deep curve. Calculations also indicate the deep
rf Rxo induction to be only slightl y affected by an annulus, and
V lnvaded the recorded resistivity is only about 10% low for RxofR1
el Formation ratios of three to five and 5% low for Rx0 IR1 ratios greater
than fi ve.

:~ lnvasion Corrections to the Dual lnduction-

; Focused Log
a: Undisturbed
rf Formation Two charts are provided to correct the dual induction-
/\ focused logs for invasion effects. The first chart (Fig. 2-
.QL. 43) is used where R1 < Rx0 , and the second chart (Fig. 2-
44) is used where R 1 > Rxo A microresistivity device,
--Distance such as the microlaterolog, is recommended for the
second chart, as Rxo is part of the required input to the
chart; i.e., the focused measurement is not adequate for
Fig. 2-40 - Step profile of invasion the specified conditions.


c5' Undisturbed R,o
01 - lnner Boundary of
?;- Transition Zone
:~ D.! - Outer Boundary ?;- Undisturbed
o :~ Forrnation
-5 C,o
e Q) Low Resistivity Zone
8 al g a:
.s::;"' Zone
cS 2"'E~
V u..~
J D, D2
D2:::: 1.4 D1
Dis t a n c e - - - - - - - - -
- - Distance - - - - - - --

Fig. 2-42 - Low resistivity annulus profile of invasion

rf D1 - lnner Boundary of
V Transition Zone
D2 - Outer Boundary

Q) -
~ co The second chart (Fig. 2-44) is entered with a ratio
::, E
:~ RwlRx0 o n the y-axis and R 1w!RILM on the x-axis with
exarnple values of 4 and 2, respectively. It can be
assumed that Rxo is microlaterolog resistivity, and it
Transition Undisturbed should be corrected for mudcake thickness if necessary.
rf Zone Forrnation
The example illustrates the following output results -


Flg. 2-41 - Transition profiles of invasion R1 = 1.5 x 20 = 30 ohm-m.

lnvasion Corrections to the Dual Laterolog and

an R xo Device
The first chart (Fig. 2-43) is entered with a ratio
RFodR1LD on the ordinate and a ratio RM!RILD on the The dual laterolog tornado chart (Fig. 2-45) is used
abscissa. The example on the chart shows entries of 10 by entering the ratios of RdRxo on the y-axis and
and 1.4, which cross one another at a point where d = RdRLLS) on the x-axis. The microresistivity devices
39 in. , RxJR , = 18.5, and RfR 1w = 0.95; can be used to determine resistivity of the flushed zone
(Rx0 ). Ratio values of21 and 6.3 are used in the example.
Output results are

d = 50 in, and R / R LLD = 1.5 ;

R 1 = (0.95) x ( 1.0) = 0.95 ohm-m.
This calculation demonstrates that RILD is not seriously
affected by an apparent 39-in. (1.0-m) invasion diameter. R1 = 1.5 x 63 = 94.5 ohm-m .




This chart provides a method of obtaining Rt from the Dual Induction-Focused Log readings where Rt is less
than Rxo The depth of filtrate invasion may also be determined.

RFL = JFL x RXO + (l - 1FL) x Rl

1/RILM = GILM/Rxo + (l - GILM/ Rt
l/R1w = (G1w/Rx0 ) + (l - G 1w)/Rt

where Rxo = resistivity of formation invaded by drilling fluids; Rt = resistivity of undisturbed formation; J =
geometric factor for Focused Log at the invasion diameter; G = geometric factor for Induction Log at the
invasion diameter; FL = Focused Log; ILM = Induction Log Medium; ILD = Induction Log Deep

Given: RFdR1w = 10 Q m/1 Q m = 10; R1LM/R1w = 1.4 Q mi l Q m = 1.4

Determine: d = 39 in., Rx0 1Rt = 18.5; R/Rrw = 0.95; Rt = (R/Rrw) Rrw = 0.95 Q m

Fig. 2-43 - R1 from Dual lnduction-Focused Log (R < Rxo)


1 " ~; '" / .... 1



l ,nr
J,r ..n

, ""' -
=- j' :~11
t" ,... r

1' / i::nn
1/ J / A l.
I / I ~ 1 1"'11 ....
I 1/
' l///1 pv, l .
J b ~e
' ,V/ I 1q.>
/ u(.J'l ,/ 1.o ,..,.
J '
tY ./ / I
,. ~'


1) ~ / / /40
- I

I 1r 11 .' i
/ I "/

.... -.,. ~

, ..

I "
. '111 -
I ' 1

. '

.. -- 11 A

I Ji
~ I! ~
4 ' I j
" \

: . ,

~ n . ,
, ,,~
'\ I -- < ,,,.,

, ,,-
'~~ -
I ,,, 11

Rt > Rxo
- _,,' ,_ ... Thick Beds

,- ,- il r1r~ 1-
, J 8-in. (203-mm) ,-
J 'I,

2 L I I ,, - 1- 1- Borehole ,-
1 ,,. 'l / 1/,..,_ Step Profile ,-

I I 1 :, r1 No Skin Effect
/ 11
' I
r, -.
j / 'J
l IIW 11
~, fll
rj r
3 4

This chart provides a method of obtaining R1 from the Dual lnduction-Focused Log readings where R
is greater than Rxo Rxo should be determined by an auxiliary survey such as the Micro Laterolog.

Given: R1LDIRxo = 20 Q m/5 Q m = 4; R1LD/R1LM = 20 Q m/10 Q m = 2

Determine: d = 50 in. , Rx0 /R1 = 0.17; R1/RLD = 1.5; R1 = (RIRLD) RLD; 1.5 x 20 = 30 Qm

Fig. 2-44 - Rt from Dual lnduction-Focused Log (Rt > Axol

. '
. '

10 ......,.

. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . , ..... ....., .. . -~ .. ! . . . . . . . . . . ...... .... . .... .

................. ( Thick Beds
...,. 8-in. BorehoJe
: Step Profile
.. .. .. -~ ..... .. . ... ; . . . . . ! . .. ~ ..:- ... ... :- .. : .. . ...... . .... .

.. .2 ...............;............, ........: .. :

.5 1 2 5 10 20

This chart provides a method of obtaining R1 from the Dual Laterolog readings where R 1 is greater than Rxo
Rxo should be determined from an auxiliary survey such as the Micro Laterolog. Rxo RLLD and RLLS
should be corrected far borehole effects befare entering this chart.


Given: RLLD/Rxo = 63 Q rn/3 Q m = 21; RLrn/Ru,s = 63 Q rn/10 Q m = 6.3

Determine: d = 50 in.; R/RLLD = 1.5; Ri = 1.5 X RLLD = 94.5 Q. m

Fig. 2-45 - Rt from Dual Laterolog (Rt > Rxo )

-74 -
Reminders About Correction Charts In conjunction with resisti vity recordings, SP measure-
ments are used by the geologist to locate the measured
Most reservoir rocks are of sufficient thickness that onl y depths of geological horizons, to determine thickness of
small corrections (often insignificant to final results) are individual horizons, and to make well-to-well compari-
necessary. Borehole size typically becomes more impor- sons of such geologicaJ entities. The SP curve is also uti-
tant as the size increases, and this is especially true whe n lized for other methods of log analysis that are discussed
inductio n devices are used in a high-salinity borehole later in this text.
fluid. Induction devices, despite the foc using, respond to
the most conductive routes between the array of transmit-
ters and rece ivers, whereas laterolog devices are strongly The natural vo ltage found in a mud-filled borehole origi-
influenced by the more resisti ve surro undings. nates from e lectrochemical and electrokinetic actions and
causes an electrical current to flow in conductive bore-
The tornado charts are generated with certain assump- hole fluids. The electrochemical component (Fig. 2-47) is
tions; e.g., specific hole size lusually 8 in. (20.3 cm)], caused by two potentiaJs, the membrane potential and the
step profil es of invasion (that almost never occur), and liquid junction potential. The formation is said to be at
sufficiently thick beds. The inductio n charts are built earth potential; therefore, the borehole fluid itself causes
assuming no skin effect. the chemical reactions that affect borehole fluid and
result in SP measurements.

A self-induced, natural potential that occurs sponta-

neous ly between reservoir rocks and a fluid-filled bore-
hole is often called Self Potential. On a well log, it is
more commo nly referred to as the SP curve. The SP is
usually recorded in combination with conventional resis-
tivity or conductivity data and helps the analyst segregate
permeable strata from impermeable hori zons (Fig. 2-46).

RILO (ohm-m)
SP 1----- --- ---- ------------~ Permeable
20mV 1
2 2000
RILM (ohm-m)
- - 1 1- + 0.2 RFOC (ohm-m) 2000

0.2 2000

Fig. 2-47 - Electrochemical component of the SP

Shales tend to have a layered clay structure and the

charges on those layers allow shales to be permeable onl y
to the Na+ cations. When shale separates two solutions of
different salinities (e.g., R,,, and R 111 ), the Na+ io ns pass
through the shale from the more concentrated solution to
the less concentrated solution. The movement of charged
ions is, in effect, an electric current and the force moving
the ions causes a natural potential across the shale. ShaJes
pass only positive charged cations so, in e ffect, they rep-
Fig. 2-46 - SP identifies the permeable sand. resent an ion-selective membrane (Fig. 2-48).

- 75-
When the permeable zone is not shaly, the total electro-
chemical potential (Ec) can be calculated as follows,

Shale where w = chemical activity of the connate water,

a111 = chemical activity of the mud filtrate,

Salty Water
Bore- Sandstone and K = a coefficient or constant proportional to
hole (Permeable) absolute temperature. This is normally
taken as 71 (equal to 25C or 77F).

Chemical activity of a solution is in approximate propor-
+ Na+ tion to its salt content, which is similar to its conductivity.
+ '-
'- Therefore, if the solutions contain mostly NaCI, the
'- equation can be written in the following terms for log
'- ,
analysis purposes,
Mud '-
c1 Water

Shale (-) Charge When the solutions contain substantial salts other than
Attracts (+) Na lons
NaCl, the value of K may be quite different. If the perme-
Repels (-) CI lons from the Sand
able horizon contains sorne shale or dispersed clay, the
SP is reduced somewhat and the effect and percentage of
Fig. 2-48 - Membrane potential - Fresh mud and salty for- shaliness must be considered.
mation water effects

Electrokinetic potential (Ek) is produced when an electro-

Within a permeable bed, sorne filtrate invasion will occur lyte flows through a nonmetallic, porous media. The
and where mud filtrate and native formation water come magnitude of such a potential is mostly determined by
in direct contact, a liquid junction potential occurs; i.e., the pressure causing the flow and the conductivity of the
both cations and anions can transfer from one solution to electrolyte. This is often referred to as streaming poten-
the other (Fig. 2-49). Anions (Ci-) have greater mobility tial. These effects are infrequent and usually difficult to
so that net flow is negative from the concentrated (saline) detect; they occur most often in low-permeability
solution to the diluted (less saline) solution. The current (< 5 md) formations where much of the pressure differ-
across the junction is produced only between solutions of ential is across the formation.
different salinities - when equality exists, no ionic
exchange occurs. In practice, the cause and effect of the NATURAL GAMMA RAY (GR)
liquid junction potential is usually much smaller than the
membrane potential (generally > 80%). Ali sedi mentary rocks contain sorne natural radioactivity;
sorne contain much more than others. The total gamma
ray (GR) measurement is a combination of the potas-
sium, thorium, and/or uranium elements present in rock
Membrane Potential and fluid properties of any particular geological horizon
(Fresh Mud Rmt > Rw)
(Fig. 2-50). The higher GR readings typically, but do not
always, occur in front of shale beds; lower readings usu-
Rw ally occur in front of other sediments (Fig. 2-51). The
/..,.F-+_ Liquid Junction Potential gamma ray, an excellent correlation log, is often recorded
in conjunction with resisti vity logs. The GR curve is
almost always recorded with resistivity measurements
Membrane Shale
made in oil-based muds, salt-based muds, or air-filled
(Extreme Salt Mud) boreholes. It can also be recorded with most other log
(Rmf Rw) measurements in open or cased hole (Fig. 2-52).

Fig. 2-49 - Liquid junction potential occurs between Rmf > Rw The total GR measurement can be separated into its
(or R 2 ) interface respective portions of potassium, thorium, and uranium

- 76 -

O 4 8 14 20 40 60 80 100
Caprock and anhydrite



Sandy limestone and
limy sandstone
Greenish-gray sandstone
Shaly sandstone
Shaly limestone
Sandy shale
Calcareous shale
Organic marine shale
Lean potash beds
Rich potash beds

Fig. 2-50 - Gamma ray response of sedimentary rocks (from Russell, 1941)


o 100 POK.100 LOG FORMAT 1

- ""''l


,..,,..-l> ~~ cf
..... 1

,....- 1 t
K: t-- ~~ ,
11' PI 1
1 I< 1,, l!J 1 1
- ,...!=- PDK-100 LOG FORMAT 2

'---- -'l
--------- -~
------~ '+---~ - ---
-;:, ~ 1
Sediments ~
,,..e >
"-... ~1

Fig. 2-52 - Cased hole gamma ray recording shown with pulsed
Fig. 2-51 - Gamma ray example neutron data

- 77 -
by a spectral analysis technique. This can be accom- GR DENSITY
plished with a device known as a Spectralog instrument 1
~ .<:
.. CAL
(Fig. 2-53). Spectralog data will be discussed in more 6 16 O 10 -0.5 + 0.5

detail later. <Lf:.

o 100 !.:
KTh u ;:
100 Th ., : <,-.
;....;..+ft> :~ ,. )
.i~ 1
1 1

i:f 1-..;: ! ~ ,: 1 1 d'..

., - b
~ ' ~, 1 rc,.,, .. ;::l--t-:" 1
1 ,=.
. 1 1

:1:, i ,... 1

1 l-t ,i:>

~ i ..~
'. ~
i , _:
' 1
! ~~ ' 1 (.' 1~I
t' 1 1~

; ! f:_ ~
: 1

~ 1
::a- Fig. 2-54 - Compensated Z-Densilog
M example
~ '
t....,.. ' ~
'-t-+- ;:,;
1 t: -.. ~
,. ,,: r , IC,-
1. 1.
environment. Good contact is usually accomplished if the
r~ 1 1 1~ 1 r--


1)-: borehole is not washed out badly or if the borehole wall

1 1 l.: .:.. 1 l<B'
~ - ~ is not too rugose. If pad contact to the borehole is lost, the
vfi ~j- ! -~~ 1
: ;p g. 1' p,
influence of borehole fluid becomes dominant to the
measurement. A second caliper is run in combination
with this device in sorne areas to provide a borehole pro-
file and positive orientation of the too! pad on the small
axis of the borehole. Measurement theory for density and
Fig. 2-53 - Spectralog example
photoelectric recordings are discussed in more detail in
Chapter 4.



Logging devices that measure density characteristics of

the rocks traversed with the instrument are very impor- There are many types of acoustic measurements and
tant to openhole log analysis. Of ali the log measure- many different ways of obtaining them. This section con-
ments that are sensitive to porosity in rock, the density centrates on conventional acoustic log data obtained by
measurement is the most important because it provides a the use of one or two transmitters and two or more
bulk density (Pb) value that is most sensitive to effective receivers positioned at known distances from one another
formation porosity. The density tools actually measure on the tool string (Fig. 2-55). Sound from the transrnitters
electron density, which is very near bulk density and is coupled through fluids to the borehole wall, where it is
easily corrected in the instrumentation. A photoelectric refracted along the wall, refl ected back across the fluid
capture cross section (Pe) curve is presented on many of column to receivers, and recorded from an early com-
today's density logs (Fig. 2-54). The Pe curve, sensitive pressional arrival (Fig. 2-56). This measurement is
primarily to matrix lithology, is extremely helpful in den- known as acoustic interval transit time (~t), the interval
sity- porosity calculations. representative of the distance between the two receivers.
A knowledge of lithology and fluid type allows porosity
A knowledge of lithology and fluid density is fundamen- to be calculated by empirical means. The sound is also
tal to the porosity calculation made from a bulk density transmitted directly through the fluid column to the
value. A caliper is an integral part of the density tool's receivers. Since fluid velocity is much slower than the
recordings. A backup shoe forces the skid containing other sound path along the formation wall, direct fluid
source and detectors against the borehole wall during waves do not interfere with the desired measurement,
logging operations (Fig. 2-14). It is essential that the skid that of formation properties. A knowledge of fluid travel
make good contact to avoid the influences of the borehole time and lithology is needed to calculate porosity.

- 78-
- -
~ __ C2_A_!; J.!.nJ _ ,!_6~ ~AVEL TIME (ms)
O GR (API) 120 1- _ _ _ ..f.O..B._0.!_~ _ _ _ --l

VOL (cu ft) + 1o AC (MICS/ft) 10

.--..-------,----, 1~ ~


11111 Transmitter



a.: Receiver



""' TD

11111 Transmitter

Fig. 2-56 - BHC Acoustilog presentation example

arrivals or Stoneley arrivals for more advanced interpre-

tations (Fig. 2-57); e.g., to determine the mechanical
properties of the rock strata or to derive an estmate of
permeability. Comparisons of compressional and shear
Breakpoint arrivals are also empirically related to lithology.

Fig. 2-55 - Scheme far BHC Acoustilog transducers Compressional

Transmitter Shear
, Fires ,l.

Acoustic interval transir time (one-way time) is often

cumulatively integrated in milliseconds over the logged
interval and used for comparison to seismic two-way Time
time. The data can also be used (often in combination
with density data) to create a synthetic seismogram. lnte- Fig. 2-57 - Generalized acoustic waveform
gration pips are printed near the right edge of the depth
track on the log (Fig. 2-56). Note the time markers on the
left edge of the log and the integrated hole volume pips to WIRELINE NEUTRON LOGS
the left of the depth track (Fig. 2-56). Hole volume is
integrated in cubic measurements of depth (feet or The principal use of neutron logs is to identify porous
meters) from caliper information and is very useful to rock and determine an apparent porosity (Fig. 2-58). If
completion personnel planning cement jobs. Acoustic the formation is shale free, the pores filled with liquid,
compressional arrivals are often compared to later shear and the matrix lithology known, the neutron log can be

most satisfactory method for determining porosity, lithol-
o 150 30% -10%
ogy mix, and recognition of gas (Fig. 2-59). Neutron logs
~ .. . ......
6 16
are also used effectively with acoustic log data to identify
gas in shaly sands. The ability to record neutron logs in
cased holes has been a distinct advantage since the intro-
duction of the device (Fig. 2-60). A more detailed discus-
sion on neutron logging theory appears in Chapter 4.


Until the late 1970s, it was very difficult to differentiate

formations that contained heavy crude oils from forma-
tions containing fresh connate waters. Dielectric mea-
surements were introduced to resolve the problem
because fresh waters have a significantly higher dielec-
Fig. 2-58 - Compensated neutron example tric constant than most of the other measured fluid, gas,
or matrix properties. Dielectric propagation and attenua-
tion measurements permit differentiation between heavy
oil and fresh water, and although dielectric devices do not
used to determine the porosity. When gas and/or shale are necessarily read deep enough to be beyond filtrate inva-
present, or if the lithology is not precisely known, neu- sion, they segregate horizons so that the oil-bearing strata
tron logs will probably not provide for accurate porosity can be evaluated within reason.
calculations. Comparing the neutron log data to other log
data often resolves the presence of gas, volume of shale,
Both deep- and shallow-dielectric measurements are cur-
and matrix type. Therefore, neutron logs are often used in
rently being made, but their interpretation goes beyond
combination with other logging devices to determine any
the scope of this chapter's discussion (Fig. 2-61). The
or all of these parameters.
tools have found additional use in thin-bed analysis and
as flushed zone saturation devices in holes drilled with
The types of neutron logs range from epithermal (0.1 to
oil-based muds. Dielectric logging theory and interpreta-
100 eV) to thermal (a:0.025 eV) to GR interaction. Most
tion methods are covered in more detail later.
openhole neutron logs run today are compensated and
utilize a chemica1 source (AmBe or PuBe). The compen-
sated too! system employs two detectors at known WIRELINE PRESSURE MEASUREMENTS
distances from the source to provide sorne compensation AND FORMATION FLUID SAMPLING
for borehole effects. Neutron logs are also recorded in
cased hole; sorne utilize a chemical source, while others
Wireline-conveyed formation test tools can be seated by
use a pulse-activated accelerator source that generates
hydraulic packoff against the formation wall at any depth
about three times the energy of the chemical source. Dis-
in a borehole (Fig. 2-62). At different stationary depths,
cussion of accelerated neutron devices is reserved for
drawdown pressure, hydrostatic pressure, and buildup
cased hole formation evaluation methods. In the future,
pressure are recorded (Fig. 2-63). Segregated sample
most neutron logs will likely utilize accelerator sources
chambers can be opened at selected depths to retrieve
because of imposed environmental safeguards.
formation fluids or gases. Tool design allows any number
of pressure readings to be acquired along the borehole
Fundamentally, neutron log responses are a function of
trajectory in addition to two samples that can be segre-
the hydrogen present. Hydrogen is present not only in
gated or commingled in the two sample chambers.
fluids but also in many types of minerals that make up the
rock matrix. As a result, neutron devices are very
sensitive to rock composition as well as to pore space. Wireline pressure and sample data can be used to
When gas occupies part of the pore structure, neutron estimate permeability, suggest hydrocarbon producibili-
log data by itself will lead to a pessimistic calculation of ty generate pressure profiles across reservoir horizons,
porosity, but the fact that neutron devices are sensitive to and evaluate severa] other reservoir indicators. Detailed
the presence of gas makes them valuable tools when gas interpretative techniques with the wireline tester are dis-
is present. Neutron devices are commonly run in combi- cussed in Formation Multi-Tester (FMT) Principies,
nation with density devices in open holes, and interpreta- Theory, and Interpretation. Baker Atlas Logging
tive techniques have proved this combination to be the Services Publication No. 9575).





.e:,/::: 130-1 1
P = 2 .3-2.7 g/cm3
-- ---
1- - - - - - 175 s/ft +reads high variable
variable (compaclion)
~---~~~-~-~-~-~-+-----+ -L, - - - - + - - - --
---, - i-
(densily shale)
.C,.I:::: 52.5- 1 p =
Sandstone 55.5 s/fl +:::: -4% 2.65 g/cm3
variable (compaclion)
,----- 1

7 47.5 ,s/ft
- ,___
+:::: 0% p = 2.71 g/cm3

- --. --
Dolomite I
61 :::: 42.5 s/ft '
+= (6-8)% P = 2.83
/ / / 2.87 g/cm3



+ +

Anhydrite +
+ +
+ +
.c,.1 :::: 50 s/ft += - (1-2)% P = 2.98 g/cm3
+ + + . 1 1
- 1

1 1
Gypsum 61=
f = 48% P = 2.33 g/cm3
52 ,s/ft

- 1


61:::: 67 s/fl += 0% p = 2.08 g/cm3

1- ---,,-

61 reads high +reads low P reads low

1 1

Fig. 2-59 - Generalized comparison of acouslic, neulron, and densily responses to several lithologies and gas

LOG MEASUREME NTS FOR BOREHOLE IMAG- Detailed dip processing can also resolve original depo-
ING AND FORMATION DIP DETERMINATION sitional features and their orientation patterns, and this
information can help determine drainage pattern s
Microresistivity pad traces can be recorded from three or needed for reservoir engi neering plans. With reasonable
more arms of a logging device in combination with cali- knowledge of the depositional environment, the detailed
per data and information on the too! orientation with
data can help resolve numerous sedimentological pecu-
respect to magnetic north, a vertical axis, and a third
liarities within specific reservoirs and be of great help in
dimension. These data can be used to calculate dip from
correlative elements (pad traces) across the borehole describing reservoir geometry. The acquired borehole
(Fig. 2-64). Dip data are often considered a too] to measurements can also be used for severa! other solu-
describe average structural tilt, but if adequately pro- tions, such as fracture detection, healed or open fractures,
cessed and compared to other types of data, these data thin-bed analysis, borehole directional surveys, detailed
can provide candid structural observations for the vicin- well-to-wel l correlation , detailed vertical correlation
ity of a wellbore or help describe the structural complex- (e.g., "sand count"), and for calculations of true strati-
ity of an entire reservoir. lnformation from other wells graphic thickness of a reservoir. Dipmeter uses are dis-
and surface seismic data are an important dimension to cussed in more detail in Fundamentals of Diplog Analy-
the interpretation of dip data. sis (Baker Atlas Publication No. 9565).

- 81 -


45 o 30 15

~: -~
<J ~y
ID ~
.. r-,... ~ -7
? ~ " - Neutron
~~ ~ Cased Hale

.>7{ <:_


- -=--
r.. 8 -) ~ Neutron

} ..... / OpenHole -

) ~
__;- <...
"'i1> _;P-

Fig. 2-60 - Comparison of compensated neutron run before and

alter setting casing

O A2 2 200 DEC
180 o

1: 1 1 '111 t. 1
r:. ~

\ 1, 1
1 1
',' : ' : ' ~ 1 1 1" ..'- i
<' 1 1--- .;_ ! , ,._,,_
1 1
..- e-
1 1
il ,......
_.,.,.- 1

., 1 l.--S .;.
~ '! ', 1
o . e 1
1/ 1 <
i } 1
' "'-- l")t
111 )
.J : ,.
1 1
- 1 l
, J
Fig. 2-62 - Formation Multi-Tester (FMT) tool shown in open
and closed positions, and with an oblique view of the probe
Fig. 2-61 - Dielectric log example

Acoustic images can be acquired in any type of borehole a water-based drilling fluid and sufficient pad contact to
drilling fluid but cannot be acquired in air-fi lled holes. obtain good data, and they do not cover the entire bore-
Borehole images can also be obtained by pad-contact hole periphery. Jmages often identify bedding features
microresistivity methods. Acoustic pulse-echo measure- from which severa! synthetic pad traces are projected to
ments are very sensitive to enlarged, out-of-ro und bore- compute dip and describe planarity or nonplanarity.
holes, but often manage to provide meaningful data in Other features such as fractures, both natural and drilling
such extremes. Microresistivity imaging devices require induced, can be inferred, combined with borehole break-


- ,,



,.... 1 .. .
HV,C( Or l"AO NO 1

... ''
1 THINo. _ __
"Z1~ UTH
l'l[LAT l~ti IE:AAIHG
Jll:.t,C( OF PAO NO

r 'f .,,,. ..
- ,.., --- --
r, - , , 1 ,


Fig. 2-64 - High Resolution 4-Arm Diplog raw data example






i!, CALIPER 1:! O C...;,.;~~R 3 15

Q - - SPEE~-- 20

s:; ',

i ''

Fig. 2-63 - FMT pretest pressure recordings

out, inclusions in the borehole wall, etc. (Fig. 2-65). ''

Attempts are being made to determine the effectiveness
of these images for rock texture and other sedimentologi-
cal details. lnterpretative methods used for the specialty
tools are beyond the scope of this text, but for introduc-
tory purposes, it is important to understand a few of their Fig. 2-65 - Circumferential Borehole lmaging Log (CBIL)
applications and limitations.

- 83-

Problem 1 Are high GR values always representative of shale

zones? lf so, why?
Why is a circulated mud sample prefened over a mud
sample acquired from the return pit?

Problem 6

What is the basic difference between induction and later-

Problem 2 olog measuring systems?

Why is a representative mud sample important to log


Problem 7

What is the difference between salt mud and fresh mud?

Problem 3

Why is the temperature important to mud measurements?

Problem 8

What are three of the most basic uses of wireline logs?

Problem 4

What causes the natural potential called SP?

Problem 9 Problem 12

Why is it so important that the log header be filled out as A well, drilled with fresh mud (R111 = 1 ohm-m @ for-
completely and accurately as possible? mation temperature), is logged with dual induction and
focused devices. A water-wet formation has Rw =
O.OS ohm-m @ formation temperature. How would the
three resistivity curves compare in relation to one

Problem 10

A well, drilled with salt-based mud (R111 = 0.03 ohm-m @

formation temperature) through a reservoir rock (Rw =
0.03 ohm-m @ formation temperature), is logged with Problem 13
dual laterolog and microlaterolog devices. If the forma-
tion is 100% water saturated, how would the three resis- A well, drilled with fresh mud (R111 = 1 ohm-m @ forma-
tivity curves compare; i.e., which would read high, low, tion temperature), is logged with dual induction and
or in between. focused devices. The reservoir Rw = O.OS ohm-m @ for-
mation temperature, but is oil bearing (Sw = 25%). How
would the three resistivity curves compare in relation to
one another?

Problem 11

A well, drilled with salt-based mud (Rm = 0.03 ohm-m @

formation temperature) through an oil-bearing reservoir Problem 14
(Rw = 0.03 ohm-m @ formation temperature and Sw =
35%), is logged with dual laterolog and microlaterolog A well, drilled with salt mud (R111 = 0.03 ohm-m @ for-
tools. How would the three resistivity curves compare in mation temperature), is logged with dual laterolog and
relation to one another? micro laterolog tools. The oil-bearing reservoir (Sw =
30%) has Rw = 0.30 ohm-m . How would the three resis-
tivity curves compare in relation to one another?


-' - -
30 "
- ~

20 ,_ ,_
,...... - "-
15 '-
" "- ,_
... .......
" ''
10 ' -' '
~ 9 , .... .....
8 ' '- ' ....
.... J
?: 7 ' ' .....
; 6 "
o 5

4 ~ ,~ .. ..... .....
- ,~

~ .....

3 ' "" '-
~ '- ....
,_ '- '- ....
1v. ~ , ~

' i\. ' 11 ~
1, .......
2 1 1'- ~

- d \. '/ ' ,~ 1
r-. ,
-~ '
1,1' f"\
' - l!,m ',
2.5 5 10 20 50 100 200
500 1000 2000 5000 10,000
Formation Resistivity Factor, F

Porosity can be related to resistivity by any one of severa!

formation resistivity factor (F) relationships. The prob-
lem is knowing the proper conversion factor , a and m.
Formation factor is not a measured value; it is a linking
mechanism between resistivity and formation fluid and
rock properties. Formation factor has been described as
the ratio of the resistivity of a rock with pore spaces con-
taining only water to the resistivity of the water itself;
i.e., F = RJRw The chart above provides conversions for
severa( values of m and the common empirical conver-
sions. The appropriate relation from the chart should be
considered a prelimjnary approach if no additional infor-
mation is available. A clear understanding of formation
factor is very important for any individual who has an
abidi ng interest in learning to perform well-log analysis.
The F term will appear in numerous interpretative proce-
dures th rougho ut the remainder of this text. It should be
obvious from observing the above chart that F values can
vary considerably, depending on the conversion values;
i.e., a and m.

Basic Openhole Log Analysis 3

The log analysis methods presented in this chapter pro- (4) Qualitatively, how much production?
vide relatively quick answers derived by using interpreta-
tive aids typically available at the well site. These meth- (5) What is the depth of the permeable beds?
ods do not rely on computer processing. Log analysts
must understand how and why data are manipulated, not (6) What are the thicknesses of those beds?
only for computer processing but also for interpretative
techniques developed for particular circumstances. Infor- (7) What is the estimated porosity and saturation of
mation from the following sources is used as input in those beds?
these analysis methods:
Other queries will be initiated, but seldom at the well site.
(1) General identification of formation boundaries Log responses, log analysis, and other information
sources are often discussed prior to testing subsurface
(2) Simple calculations horizons, but usually at a site remote from the well, and
usually by persons who must make the decisions that
(3) Interpretation charts impact their company economically. Engineers, geolo-
gists, log analysts, geophysicists, etc. with extensive
(4) Overlays of different log measurements experience are typically the advisors to management
during meetings of this type. However, in the case of
(5) Quick-look logs provided by automatic computa- small independent operators, critica! decisions are often
tion facilities associated with conventional logging made at the well site.
Sophisticated, computerized log analysis techniques give
accurate numerical calculations, but the individual who Sorne mini mal amount of permeability must be available
analyzes the log data must understand the quality of log in a formation or it will not produce. Permeability can be
measurements before readily accepting any interpretative increased artificially by hydraulic fracturing and/or acid
answer as accurate. Accuracy can be maximized by methods, but a minimal amount of permeability must be
there initially. Extremely expensive nitrogen fracture
( 1) Recognizing the inherent limitations of each inter- j obs and even nuclear detonations attempted in oil- or
pretative method and making allowances for those gas-bearing horizons with essentially no permeability
limitations have resulted in little or no increase in permeability.
Permeable beds ~an be identified quickJy by one of the
(2) Tai loring the system to be "fail-safe"; i.e., to err following indicators,
toward optimism. This provision acknowledges the
far greater cost of overlooking pay zones vs. the (1) Spontaneous potential (SP)
cost of testing a marginal horizon
(2) Invasion evidence from severa! resistivity mea-
(3) Where possible, constructing the technique to pro- surements
vide limiting values for inherent errors in the
system (3) Mudcake evidence indicated by caliper or
Minilog data
(4) Recognizing that quick-look methods are not
intended as a replacement or substitute for more These permeability indicators tend to confirm one
comprehensive petrophysical evaluations another. Porosity at permeable intervals, indicated by any
or ali acoustic, density, or neutron devices, adds
At the conclusion of logging operations, the client or cli- confirmation.
ent's representative on site during logging is primarily
interested in answers to these critica! questions, DEFLECTION S OF THE SP

(1) Will the well produce? The magnitude of spontaneous potential (SP) deflection
and hydraulic permeability of a formation have no direct
(2) lf so, will it be oil, gas, or both? relationship. However, when the mud is less saline than
connate formation water, permeable beds are often delin-
(3) Will production include sorne water? eated by negative SP excursions.

SP amplitude is a function of electrochemical and elec- adjacent shale beds and is therefore not usually sig-
trokinetic effects that take place between the drilling nificant toan interpretation.
fluid, permeable formation, and adjacent impermeable
shale beds. SP deflection normally occurs only if perme- (3) Shaliness within the permeable formation causes
ability exists to allow ion migration between the drilling SP amplitude reduction.
fluid and formation (Fig. 3-1). The following features of
(4) Bed boundaries become sharp transitions when
SP measurements should be considered: low-resistivity formations are encountered, but bed
boundaries are more ambiguous when high-resis-
(1) Electrochemical potential is generally the largest tivity formations are encountered.
contributor to the deflection.
(5) Shale baseline shifts are often observed when con-
(2) Electrokinetic effect across the mudcake is usually nate water resistivity changes from one horizon to
more or less in balance with similar effects across the next.

SP Curve
Uninvaded Mud Sand
Zone (Dilute
(Concentrated Solution)

Fig. 3-1 - SP deflection is caused by ion migration that requires existence of sorne minimal permeability.

- 88-
(6) SP measurements cannot be made in oil-based
drilling fluids.
(7) Fluid movement in the borehole (streaming poten- Millivolts ohms-m2/m

tial) during logging may cause severe disturbances SHALLOW FOCUSED LOG
of the SP measurement; abnormally high SP 1.0 10 100 1000
deflections can occur in front of low-permeability
formations (no mudcake buildup) as a result of -+i fo-+ MEDIUM INDUCTION LOG
electrokinetic potentials across the formation itself 1.0 10 100 1000

1.0 10 1()(. 1000
(8) In the case of no invasion, SP deflections may be --------------------------
reduced when an electromotive force across the
mudcake occurs (rare).

(9) SP profiles may have a "sawtooth appearance" --

opposite impermeable beds that are sandwiched
between zones of high vertical permeability (rare).

:----~ _:;_~ -
A formation can be invaded by drilling fluid only if it has
sorne permeability. lnvaded beds are defined by a
separation of deep-, medium-, or shallow-reading resis- - ~=-
.:.:: . :;_:-f-
tivity measurements recorded on similar scales. This sep- =
aration is caused by mud fil trate being either less or more
: ~--:-::..,
saline than the native connate water (Fig. 3-2), the shal-
low-reading curve being affected by mud filtrate, or the
:-:: = ..

deep-reading curve being affected by connate water.

lt can therefore be said that if R,,if> R11, , then Rxo will be

greater than R 1 in a water-bearing zone. However, if the Fig. 3-2 - Resistivity curves often differ in response where
formation contains hydrocarbons, the difference between filtrate invasion occurs.
Rxo and R1 will decrease and possibly reverse. A porosity-
sensitive log helps distinguish low-porosity, high-resis-
tivity zones from high-porosity, hydrocarbon-bea ring
zones (Fig. 3-3). When working with resistivity devices, remember these
basic premises -
lf R11if "" Rw, deep-, medium-, and shallow-reading resis-
tivity measurements should be almost equal in a perme- ( 1) The shallow-reading device is more affected by the
able, water-bearing horizon or an impermeable zone.
More obvious separations of resistivity values occur
when permeable hydrocarbon-bea ring formations are
encountered because the hydrocarbons are flushed away (2) The deep-reading device is more affected by adja-
from the borehole by the mud filtrate. Therefore, R, > R cent beds.
> Rxo in most permeable hydrocarbon-bea ring forma-
tions drilled with muds having salinitics similar to that of (3) A caliper is useful for judging borehole effects on
the formation water. log data.

Hypersaline conditions occasionally exist; i.e., Rm << (4) The ratio of Rmto Rw is very important to these per-
R"' This is a much more difficult problem, but separation meability observations, and it is very importan! that
between Rxo and R deep is greater in hydrocarbon-bea ring values of R,,ifand Rw are accurate.
intervals than in water-bearing intervals. This condition
can also occur in injection or disposal wells. Imperme- (5) SP development indicates permeability but does not
able zones exhibit essentially lhe same resistivity values. quantify permeability.

- 89-
_, Micronormal

leo _ __ -------':--- ___ _ _ _____D

- """""


____ __ _ ----_ID
~-------- - ,. Tight


.- Permeable

T ight --- --
.... Shale
( Permeable
< (Possible Hydrocarbon)


Ctliplt-' . Permeable
(Water-No lnvasion)


Fig. 3-4 - Typical Minilog responses

Fig. 3-3 - Porosity-sensitive logs help distinguish low-porosity,

high-resistivity zones from high-porosity, hydrocarbon-bearing
mudcake, the two curves read essentially the same resis-
tivity value. However, when the borehole is enlarged or
very rugose, separation can occur but does not represent
MINILOG INDICATIONS OF PERMEABILITY permeability. The microcaliper device obviously be-
comes important to the interpretation of Minilog data;
Depth intervals with appreciable permeability will have however, Minilog data do not quantify permeability. Pos-
deposits of mudcake on the borehole wall. Minilog tools iti ve separation and the presence of mudcake indicate
record micronormal and microinverse resistivity traces only that sorne permeability is present.
and microcaliper data. The two microresistivity measure-
ments are affected differently by the mudcake buildup; Minilog data are also ,ery useful for thin-bed analysis
i.e. , the 2-in. micronormal device investigates deeper and because of the fine vertical resolution of the measure-
is more affected by the flushed zone resistivity (Rx0 ), ments. The log is often used as a sand count device to
while the 1-in. X 1-in. (2.5-cm X 2.5-cm) microinverse determine the cumulative footage of permeable rock
device is more affected by mudcake resistivity (R111c) within a shaly sand interval.
This normally causes the micronormal to record a higher
resistivity value than the microinverse, a condition com-
monly referred to as "positive separation" (Fig. 3-4). CALIPER INDICATION OF PERMEABILITY
When mudcake buildup occurs, the Minilog traces usu-
ally read moderate values of resistivity ranging from 2 to Caliper tools can be run in boreholes that are reasonably
10 times the mud resistivity (R111). in gauge, and evidence of mudcake read from any type
caliper device is a good indicator of formation permeabil-
In negligible mudcake conditions, or occasionally with ity. Mechanical caliper devices are usually run with the
certain drilling fluids, the separation of the two microre- Densilog, Acoustilog, Diplog, Micro Laterolog, Thin-
sistivity traces may be "negative," but usually no separa- Bed Resistivity (TBRT5M), and Circumferential Acous-
tion occurs. If invasion does not occur, and there is no tilog tools.

- 90 -
The tools that exert the least pad pressure tend to most Problem 2
accurately identify mudcake buildup. The skid-type
devices, such as the Densilog too!, are designed to elimi- Dual laterolog, microlaterolog, gamma ray, and caliper
nate much of the mudcake on the borehole wall facing data are available on the log below. Select the depth nter-
the skid. The relative axial position of the too! within a vals that are apparently permeable.
borehole may also affect mudcake indications.
Depth lnterval Depth Interval Depth Interval
The Circumferential Borehole Imaging Log (CBIL)
instrument makes a complete circurnferential caliper
measurement, but it is a pulse-echo measurement and
mudcake indications are not obvious. Mudcake thickness
does not reflect the amount of permeability, but instead
only that sorne permeability is present.


Problem 1
Select the apparently permeable depth intervals from the
log data provided below and list those depth intervals. (4,.,Vft,11-1

' .........'-:---- ': ----'~- '"?'--

Depth Interval Depth Interval Depth Interval OEEP LATEROLOG

~------r-----..!! '----!/ ------7 ------~ ------ i ~ -

,or,,,,,,.,, ....

[? '

- ~ :'

I> : :::;-,
Slt .
02 10 10 ,oo 1000
.. 1 . . .. , .1. .L

ou, ,-ouenON lOO

02 10 10
100 1000

::-... r-
"'lJ 11111111
~Ldw ,b!JJl'.:0
l'ar-- I> I<

, L.

,. _~

- 91 -

Problem 3 (2) Dielectric (particularly those recorded with the

200-MHz tool)
Minilog and caliper data are given below. Select the
depth intervals that appear permeable. (3) Short-spaced resistivity (short normals, spherically
focused, and focused)
Depth Interval Depth Interval Depth lnterval
(4) Gamma ray

(5) SP

(6) Borehole imaging devices

The correlative element being defined determines the

tool selected for identifying the top, bottom, and interme-
diate bed boundaries. These definitions do not normally
require tremendous vertical detail but do require the abil-
RESISTIVITY ity to segregate the top and bottom boundaries from adja-
ohms m2/m
cent formations. On the other hand, when a series of
1" X 1" thinly laminated sequence of shale and sand is encoun-
O 40 tered, a too! with fine vertical resolution is required to
7 9 11 13 15 2 adequately segregate the thin permeable layers from thin
--- ---------~------------
40 80 impermeable layers.
8 f=+t IL: f 1: .
. ! :-
1 -
.:...:___ : ! Formation tops are important to geologists because they
=- ~ construct structure maps from such data. The depth
_; t...J ;_
selected as the formation's top boundary is subtracted
. ' from the log's surface zero measure point, which is typi-
: : j: ...
cally the kelly bushing (KB). As an example, a vertical
= __;_ ! : : well that has a KB elevation of 420 ft above sea leve! and
==-1 . --: -
= - - -. - _: ..::. ~
= a formation top recorded at a measured depth of 6,000 ft
.... - has a subsea structural top of -5,580 ft. In sorne geo-
-!- - graphical areas (Rocky Mountains, U.S.A.), surface ele-
vations are very high and subsea tops may be near sea
leve! or above sea leve!. In such circumstances, a KB ele-
= ~ CAUPER -== vation of 12,500 ft and a well depth to a specific forma-
tion top could be 12, 100 ft, resulting in a +400 ft struc-
= -a BITSIZE ===
tural elevation for the formation top. In deviated bore-
. r .-= : holes, the subsea top must be corrected to true vertical
,- depth. When both top and bottom depths of a formation
- e i _J
(apparent formation thickness) are being considered, rec-
ognize that measured thickness, true vertical thickness,
BED BOUNDARIES AND BED THICKNESS and true stratigraphic thickness can ali be the same or
completely different from one another, depending on
Bed boundaries are usually characterized by a change in hole drift, formation dip angle, etc.
lithology, such as sand to shale or carbonate to sand or
shale. A distinct change in porosity, resistivity, or perme- SPTRACE
ability indications often identifies the boundary on log
data. SP logs, recorded in fresh drilling fluid where formations
are mostly sands and shales of low resistivity, provide
A given tool responds to specific changes in circum- distinct bed boundary identification. These ideal condi-
stances. Different logging measurements have different tions provide inflection points that fall very close to the
vertical resolutions and are affected differently by bore- exact intersection of the boundary plane with respect to
hole effects, bed thickness, steeply dipping beds, etc. The the borehole. As formation resistivities become higher,
best logs from which to select bed boundaries are: the SP measurement begins to lose its pinpoint vertical
resolution (Fig. 3-5). In salt-based muds, the SP curve
( l) Microresistivity (Minilog, Micro Laterolog, Prox- tends to be a straight line. There is no valid SP measure-
imity, Thin-Bed Resistivity, and Diplog) ment in oil-based fluids.

- 92 -

Static SP Values d

... ...
[ 16d

e --=::::::::: e e 2d

E E 8d

r r
1 1 11d

Fig. 3-5 - SP is affected by bed thickness and resistivity variables.

Anomalous SP behavior is possible. For example, the

true SP response can be masked by fluids moving in the
borehole (Fig. 3-6). Lack of invasion results in no SP
amplitude development. Gas-cut mud also affects SP
readings by reducing amplitude and causing spurious
100 SP o o RESISTIVITY 100

readings and/or baseline shifts.


The specific peculiarities of resistivity and conductivity o
responses and the requirements for bed definition deter-
mine the effectiveness of these measurements in defining
bed boundaries.

Short Normal

Until recently, induction logs were recorded with the 1\)

16-in. short normal as a shallow-reading device. If the o
contrast between drilling fluid resistivity (R111 ) and forma-
tion resistivity (R 1) is not great, the 16-in. (41-cm) short
normal measurement is useful for defining bed boundaries
and bed thickness. Resistive beds appear to be thinner
when measured by the 16-in. (41-cm) AM electrode spac-
ing, and conductive beds appear thicker by the same
amount (Fig. 3-7). Beds less than the AM spacing in thick- o~ t1!'----- ---j
ness show a reversa!; e.g. , resistivity reverses from actual
high to very low values (Fig. 3-8). High-resistivity forma-
tions (high R/R111 ratio) cause normal curves to become
distorted and behave with asymmetrical responses. Fig. 3-6 - SP with streaming potential

- 93 -

o Qm 10 o Qm 10 O Qm 2 O Qm 2
16 in.
64 in. Normal~)
1O ft
J_ 16 in. Normal
/ 1 O ft
64 in.
Normal 18 ft-8 in.

T 1
''\ -
Borehole Parameters 1
dn = 8in. 1
As= 1 Qm 1
Am=0.2Qm 1
No lnvasion 1

Aesistive Beds - A1 = 1O Qm Conductive Bed - A= 0.2 Qm

Fig. 3-7 - Electrode spacings affect normal curve response.

M 1ll1volts ohms m2/m
1 16 in. 1O 10 100 1000
1 18'-8" Borehole Parameters --1201- +
Normal 2 ft
' j_ ,/Lateral dn = 8 in.
As = 1 Qm
' \
T A m=0.2 Qm
/-64in. No lnvasion

Aesistive Beds - A= 10 Qm

Fig. 3-8 - Aesistivity reversa! occurs when beds are thinner

than a normal curve's electrode spacing.

Focused Log

Atlas' focused log instrument is a laterolog eight device

that is excellent for bed boundary definition. The loga-
rithmic scaling and wide measurement range make it an
excellent correlation device, especially in high-resistivity
formations (Fig. 3-9). No depth shifts or reversals occur,
and the resolution is determined by beam width. The Fig. 3-9 - Focused log example
focused log is usually recorded with dual induction data.
device as the standard shallow-reading resistivity too! for
Spherically Focused Logs (SFL) logging in fresh mud. Whereas focused devices focus a
planar current beam into the formation, SFL devices pre-
This resistivity device is similar to the focused log in serve a spherical potential distribution into the formation
terms of its vertical resolution and almost unlimited over a wide measurement range, including conductive
resistivity range. It is gradually replacing the focused borehole fluids. Two separate current systems are used. A

-94 -
bucking current system essentially eliminates most bore-
hole effects and establishes equipotential spheres sur-
rounding the tool. The survey current that flows through
the portion of the formation being investigated provides
current intensity proportional to formation conductivity.

Laterolog Devices

These devices provide excellent bed boundary definition

if there are large variations in the resistivities of different
horizons (Fig. 3-10). The measuring range covers the
extremities, but the deep device is especially accurate
and sensitive to changes at high resistivities. Again, no
depth shifts or reversals occur with this type device, and
vertical resolution is determined by beam width. Later-
olog devices are designed to respond to higher resistivi-
ties and are reasonably accurate up to and beyond
2000 ohm-m. Laterolog tool accuracy begins to diminish
slightly below l ohm-m, but these tools maintain their
sensitivity to changes in resistivity at lower vaJues. Verti-
cal resolution, or beam width, is not as fine as with the
microresistivity devices, but it is superior to the induction
systems. The types of rocks and high-salinity borehole
conditions for which laterolog tools are best-suited typi-
cally have low porosity and low permeability (higher
lfL~I OMnl'II

................................. ......
Fig. 3-11 - Diagrammatic representation of the magnetic lace
1. 00 1100
field induced by the tool transmitters

1 I:>
r~ fluids and empty holes, but they also perform well in
-, ls freshwater-based mud systems. SP and/or gamma ray
R curves and a shallow-reading resistivity measurement are

--_._._ <
usually recorded with induction measurements, and any
one of these traces is commonly used to identify bed
-t---> The deep induction device usually measures sufficiently
deep into the formation to obtain a representative value
of true resistivity (Fig. 3-12). Dual-phase tools and array
> induction devices are designed for thin-bed resolution
-- '"' and estimates of R1 under adverse conditions caused by
layering of thin resistive and thin conductive beds
(Fig. 3-13).
Fig. 3-10- Laterolog example
Dual-Phase lnduction Logs (DPILSM)
Induction Logs
Dual-phase induction devices essentially measure forma-
lnduction tools have poor vertical resolution but are tion conductivity. Both in-phase and phase-quadrature
designed to measure most of their recorded signa! from signals from the formation are utilized to allow for more
deep in the formation (Fig. 3- 11). Dual-phase induction accurate skin-depth corrections. Under ideal conditions,
measurements improve vertical resolution somewhat, but the signals measured are proportional to formation con-
much of the improvement is dueto computer deconvolu- ductivity. The instrumentation allows measurements at
tion techniques of the additional phase signal. lnduction three different operating frequencies (10, 20, and
devices were originally designed for oil-based drilling 40 kHz). This capability allows accurate conductivity

- 95 -
Microresistivity Devices
RILO {ohm-m)
SP ~-----------------------~
- -l 1- .
t ................... ~!~--(~
0.2 RFOC (olvn-m)
--~~ .................~~
Minilog tools are capable of detecting laminae less than
02 2000 1 in. thick if mudcake is thin and Rm>> Rw. A separation
~ between the micronormal and microinverse traces (result-
~ ~
~ ing from mudcake) clearly defines permeable intervals
and their boundaries (Fig. 3-14). Proper mud conditions

"' ~ are necessary in order to use the data effectively. The pri-
8 ~ mary use of the microlog data is to segregate porous, per-
~ 3:
meable strata from other strata, but it can be used quanti-
tatively to calculate R xo in fresh mud conditions.
~ Microlaterolog devices have slightly better vertical reso-
lution than the Minilog devices and are best suited for salt-
based muds and mid to high values of formation resistiv-
ity. Thick mudcakes, which are more cornrnon in fresh-
mud systems, have a severe influence on the measuring
capabilities. The microlaterolog instrument is a focused
device designed for measuring flushed zone resistivity
(Fig. 3- 15), and if salt-mud invasion is shallow, the too!
will read a higher value than Rxo in oil or gas reservoirs.
Although these conditions adversely affect quantitative
interpretation, the drawbacks can actually enhance the
Fig. 3-12 - Dual lnduction-Focused Log example tool's ability to identify bed boundaries. Microlaterolog
tools respond to resistivity changes at both high (500 to
2000 ohm-m) and low values (0.2 to 50 ohm-m). Depth of
investigation is about 2 to 4 in. (5 to 1O cm), and vertical
resolution is approximately 2 in. (5 cm).
- - 1 1-+ 1----- ------------------~

- Proxirnity devices have a vertical resolution of about 3 in.

(7.6 cm) and measure deeper into the formation [ "'4 to
6 in. (10 to 15 cm)] than the microlaterolog device (less
affected by mudcake) (Fig. 3-16). lts purpose is to pro-
vide a reliable measurement of Rxo in fresh-mud environ-
ments. Because of the proximity tool's depth of investiga-
tion, resistivity values are often representative of the tran-
:: sition zone (R).

Thin-Bed Resistivity Tool (TBRT)

The TBRT device is similar in mechanical design to the

other microresistivity tools, but it is focused to read
deeper into the forrnation. Vertical resolution is about
, .
V 2 in. (5 cm), but the depth of investigation is from 15 to
... -~ 19 in. (38 to 48 cm) (usually in the transition zone) .
Although the TBRT instrument does not normally read
Fig. 3-13 - Dual-Phase lnduction Log (DPIL)example R1, it comes much closer to reading the resistivity of the
virgin zone in very thin beds than a deep-reading later-
olog or induction devic~. This is the result of its superior
measurements to be made over wider dynamic ranges vertical resolution and focusing attributes. The major
than is possible with single-frequency instrumentation. problem in thinly laminated, shaly sand reservoirs is the
The too] is most accurate at the 10-kHz transmitter fre- influence of conductive clay laminae vs. the sand lami-
quency when low-resistivity formations are encountered nae. A hybrid version of laterolog mandrel devices, the
(0.2 to 100 ohm-m), at the 20-kHz frequency when for- TBRT instrument incorporates closer-spaced electrodes
mations of 0.5 to 500 ohm-m are encountered, and at the mounted on a pad, and the measuring system is more
40-kHz frequency when formation resistivities range attracted by higher resistivity sand laminae. Toe TBRT
from 2 to 2000 ohm-m. device is an excellent correlation too! (Fig. 3-17).



1 111 ,M
H o 5

r" 1
i 1
1 ! 1 1

r ""' 1
,__. f
~';;-- :,
1 1

'I ! 1
'> 1

1 1
1 \(' 1

k: 1 1
1 i' 1
1 1
1'-:;, !
i 1
1 - 1 1

1:1 1

Fig. 3-14 - Minilog data pinpoints porous and permeable depth intervals. The pad electrode arrangement is shown in the photo.

. " '"""
--------------~ l ( o,j '~ . \ , --
1 /.s' 1 :>
rl-: 1
-r 1

- ft'
~ 1:
~ ~
1 I
1 1

~ I
,~W--~ 1

+ e-'5 1

~ '
1 "'- 1
~-~ 1
> 1

~r--- 1
e::;::, ~
-., 1
-- - 1
- --
- -- 1

Fig. 3-15- Micro Laterolog electrode arrangement, shape of curren! beam, and field example

-97 -

,o,,m ...- ...,

' .'
" '
M ICRO NORM AL Qr,ms m'lm

t---" --~-, ----' ,o ,

" "' ""

.. :;
:: ,...
~ ,,
1 MI
.,, ",.. _PROX
1 ,.,
MN .'/
.. 1


:: I<
,:71 1 '

- ....w
,-.: ..
1 li

Fig. 3-16- Proximity Lag electrode arrangement, shape of curren! beam, and field example recorded in combination with a Minilog

Micro Spherically Focused Log

The uSFL is a pad-mounted version of the SFL device.

Vertical and horizontal resolution of the SFL device gen-


erally lies between that of the microlaterolog and proxim-
ity logs (Fig. 3-18) but can approach the response of either
'o ' tool if mud salinity and invasion conditions permit.

1- - 1-- . _ . . _ , , ~ _ . _ .
Diplog Microresistivity Pad Traces

Very fine vertical resolution is found in the correlation

' ' traces of dipmeter instrumentation ("" 0.5 in. or 1.25 cm).
... Any of the pads may lose contact with the borehole wall,
but at least one or more pads will maintain contact. Dip
1- - t - ~-
pad traces have been found to be effective for well-to-
well correlation when other logging services previously
1-- - - 1-l--1+1--i">l-+-HI described could not fulfill the requirement (Fig. 3-19).
Depth of investigation is about 1 in. (2.5 cm) with con-
-, 1-...
1-- ventional pad electrodes because most of the signa!
comes from this distance into the formation. Thin-bed
analysis programs often utilize dip pad traces and block-
Fig. 3-17 - TBRT example ing techniques to refine sand resistivity values.

Low-frequency dielectric instruments typically have a
larger vertical resolution than the 200-MHz device and
are designed to read deeper into the formation. Baker
Atlas ' 47-Mhz too! serves this purpose and is often run
in combination with the high-frequency too! as a Dual
Dielectric Log when conditions warrant (Fig. 3-20)
For 8-in. Borehole
and Thick Beds ~- - - - - -~F_(~
~ __ R4Sl (OHMM) _ _ ...
- - - - - 1
--Rxo >Rt 200 2 200
A2F (MV) A2Sl (OHMM)
--- Rxo== 0.1 Rt 2 200
~ - - - - 2001 ~--P2~ - -I
120 O
120 9

~--- - -~~C_(~~- - - - -1
50 O

0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 o

Pseudogeometrical Factor

Fig. 3-18 - Comparison of pseudogeometrical factor response

of microlaterolog and proximity, devices


Pad 1 Pad2
Pad 3 Pad 4
,, '

Fig. 3-20 - Dual dielectric log presentation

2 ft


Natural gamma ray tools usually provide excellent

correlation logs. Virtually ali the gamma rays that are
counted result from the total potassium, thorium, and/or
uranium in the formation and the borehole. ln most cases,
shale formations are the most radioactive , and most res-
ervoir rocks exhibit very low count rates (Fig. 3-21).

Natural Gamma Ray Measurements

Fig. 3-19- Dip pad traces have very fine vertical resolution. Natural gamma ray measurements have a vertical
resolution of about 1 ft (30 cm), but true vertical resolu-
tion depends on logging speed and filtering methods (or
time constant with older tools) of the averaging used to
smooth statistically varying measurements. Measure-
ments made in formations that exhibit high natural
Dielectric instruments were originally designed to help gamma ray intensity have better vertical resolution
distinguish reservoirs containing heavy oil from fresh- because detector efficiency is improved at the high count
water aquifers, a difficult task with conventional resistiv- rates. At practica] logging speeds, gamma ray devices
ity devices. The high-frequency tools are generally can detect beds as thin as 1 ft (30 cm). In extremely thin
designed with fine vertical resolution, and they are use- beds, too! resolution can be enhanced only by logging at
ful as R xo devices in oil-based mud conditions. The very slow speeds. Gamma ray instrumentation is very
Baker Atlas 200-MHz too! is applicable for both these adaptable and can be run in combination with a Iarge
purposes and also gives excellent thin-bed resolution. variety of other logging tools.


Radioactivity lncreases
Surface formations (30'70')
attected by cosmic ray pene- Gamma ray Neutron
tration. Log valueless. Fluid bearing Sand or lime
Non fluid bearing
Shale Fluid and dense sand or lime
Sand or lime Shale
Shaly sand or lime
Shaly sand or shaly lime Shale
____ .,,_ Shale Fluid and dense sand or lime
Sand or lime. Broken with intermittent grading to shale
sandy shales. Grades to shale on bottom Shale
Shale Marine shale appears on normal shale
- Marine shale. Volcanic ash. Bentonite. Shale
Shale Dense sand or lime
Sand or lime. Fairly uniform. Fluid bearing on bottom
Shale, vares in radioactive material.
Caprock fluid bearing or dense
::::i: Caprock. Calcite or lime. Gypsum. Anhydrite
Anhydrite Salt
Salt Anhydrite
- - - - - - Anhydrite Potash, etc.
Potash beds, sylvite or polyhalite
Shale Shale
Anhydrite Anhydrite
Shale Shale partly washed out
Sand or lime Dense on top. Fluid on bottom
Sand or lime Shale
Shale not uniform in radioactive material Shaly sand or lime grading
Shaly sand (or lime) grading
to clean sand or lime dense
to clean sand (or lime)
Shale with intermittent sandy Shale with sand stringers
shales and twin sand stringers
Radioactive shale or radioactive sand Differentiated shale
sand and hme dense
or lime, dependmg upon area.
Shale Anhydrite
; : : Anhydrite Shale
Shale Shale
Lime Lime dense
Dolomite Dolomite dense
Lime Lime dense
Dolomite Dolomite fluid
Lime dense
Bentonite shale
Bentonite Lime dense
Lime fluid
Lime dense
:.:..:_-_-_-_ -....:--;. Shale Shale
Lime Lime fluid spotted
Lime dense
Shale Shale
Dolom1te Dolomite dense

Lime normal Lime dense

or radioactive Radioactive


Fig. 3-21 - Gamma ray and neutron responses to different type of formations174

A major advantage of the gamma ray device is that it can Natural Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Tools
be run in cased holes. Although the presence of steel
casing will reduce gamma ray count rates by about 30%, Spectral analysis can identify the percentages of potas-
and statistical fluctuations will show a corresponding sium and parts per mi Ilion ofthorium and uranium. Any of
increase, log characteristics are otherwise unchanged the three traces can serve as distinct correlative elements
(Fig. 3-22). in certain c ircumstances. For exampl e, high uraniu m

- IOO -
dominant lithology (Fig. 3-26). Interbedded stringers of
GAMMA RAY evaporite and carbonate no thicker than 3 ft (91 cm) can
(API UNITS) also be identified. Porosity values can be calculated from
O.H. Lit, combination of llt and Pb, or Lit and <l>N-
o 150
___ C.H. __ _
O 100 Acoustic transit time (Lit) data are often integrated to pro-
vide a borehole time (in milliseconds) to correlate to sur-
face seismjc time. Transit time data are frequently used to

create synthetic seismograms for direct correlation to sur-
o face seismic and to calibrate velocity checkshot surveys.
Observations of compressional Lit vs. depth are useful in
identifying pressure gradients and overpressured hori-
zons, and with sufficient well control, a description of
tectonic events can be ascertruned. These uses of acoustic
data are discussed in subsequent material.

The Digital Array Acoustilog5M (DAC5M) instrument uses

two low-frequency transmters anda 12-receiver array to
record compressional, shear, and Stoneley waveforms
simultaneously (Fig. 3-27) in either open or cased hole.
t----:~---1 ~ Waveform amplitude, coherent slowness, and arrival
time (llt) processing of raw data are available for use in
advanced log evaluation routines that estmate lithology,
evaluate severa] rock properties including fractures, and
supply an estmate of sand production. Synthetic seismo-
grams can also be constructed from the DAC data.


Fig. 3-22 - Comparison of openhole and cased hole gamma ray
curves in the same borehole
Sensitive primarily to hydrogen and to lithology changes,
the neutron log is often an excellent correlation too!,
especially in cased hole (Fig. 3-28). This tool's primary
values identify organic-rich shales that represent source limitation is the effect of gas, but gas effect on neutron
beds (Fig. 3-23). High potassium content is found in glau- measurements can also be used to advantage if other
conitic sands, micaceous sands (Fig. 3-24), concentra- porosity-sensitive measurements are available (Fig. 3-
tions of illite clays, algal limestones, etc. Thorium-rich 29). Neutron logs often provide the best depth control for
marker beds such as bentonite can easily be identified perforating in carbonate reservoirs where thjn porosity
with spectral gamma ray data (Fig. 3-25). Spectralog stringers are the completion target (Fig. 3-30).
interpretations are discussed in more detail later in this

ACOUSTIC MEASUREM ENTS Bulk density recordings are used with a gamma ray curve
as a base correlation log in areas where air drilling is
Conventional measurements of acoustic transit time (Lit) common, such as in parts of Arkansas and in the Appala-
in salt, anhydrite, and gypsum demonstrate relatively chian Basin (U.S.A.). Bulk density is the log measure-
constant log responses. Boreholes are normally in gauge ment used most often to identify effective porosity. Verti-
through carbonate and anhydrite formations, but may cal resolution is on the order of I ft (30 cm), but the mea-
enlarge somewhat through salt beds. Salt transit times are surement is sensitive to logging speed and statistical vari-
typically 68-72 sec/ft, depending on borehole effects. ations. Gas occasionally affects the density measurement
Anhydrite beds read 50 sec/ft and provide an acceptable (in high-porosity, high-permeability zones when invasion
downhole log quality checkpoint. Low-porosity lime- is very shallow), but when the density and neutron tools
stones usually read from 47 to 50 sec/ft. When recorded are run in combination, the two measurements comple-
simultaneously with gamma ray and caliper data, the ment one another. They respond to gas effect in opposite
acoustic Lit measurement is a good correlation device in directions with respect to their scaling, and the separation
areas where carbonate reservoirs and evaporites are the of the two traces readily identifies gas zones (Fig. 3-31).

Depth Gamma Aay Oepth Aesistivity

Total counts Counts per minute spontaneous
(ft) (ft) n - m
o 0.5%/CD GR 10 100 1,000
Uranium ~------.-------
O API 150
o 02.0 ppmiCO
API units SP
o 150 o mV 100

T -~ l)
1 :
__.._ ::, 1
1 .- ~- ::

.. \ . . . ...
.. ..1.. .. .. ~- .... <: _,,

,,: J: -- --
-- - .. -- .. ,.,. -- --- -

I :- ~ ,'

1 -- . ,
-- (f)
.. .. -- ... - - -.
., --
.. o,
oo ~ ~-
:r o-
;;- ~ X "
1 1 / X
X [g ~-.
8 ~,...._

( \
(J\ '
) ;;: ~ !
-- ...,o I"-'<
,..._._-_ - [i ! (: 1

).-- --.. ---- --- ( !

-- .. --- ,.,,. .... ..... .......... D 1
j_ ~
..._ '
> 3 :!.
(l) o:,
11 ~ '

' 1 X
X t., '

! 1 "' o
j. :' 1 1l

Fig. 3-23 - A Woodford well in Oklahoma was recompleted based on through-casing natural gamma ray spectral log data. Selectively
perforated as shown, the well produced 600 BOPD and 1.5 MMcf/D.

The photoelectric trace (Pe) adds important data that accurate log analysis approach for determining porosity
indicates lithology type (Fig. 3-32), thereby improving (Fig. 3-33). The combination of neutron, density, and Pe
the analyst's ability to estmate porosity from the bulk curves leads to more accurate determination of lithology
density measurement. and gas effect and, subsequently, more confidence in
porosity determination (Fig. 3-34). The combination of
COMBINATIONS OF POROSITY/ three information types provides more detail for well-to-
LITHOLOGY-DEVICES well correlation of porosity and lithology.

Combining density and neutron data al lows for a descrip- Acoustic log data can enhance the lithology description
tion of two-mineral mix, adequate porosity determina- and often aid in describing the type and amount of poros-
tion, and indications of gas being present. Crossplotti ng ity. The combination of ali three logs (acoustic, density,
neutron and density data is considered to be the most and neutron) is discussed in Chapter 5.

- 102-
- ,


Potassiumn 0.24%/CD GR (API ) AC (,sec/ft)

o O 200 140 40
Uranium 1.24 ppm/CD ~ ............CAL (in.) ...........4 ACO
16 80
o .
TEN.(lbl ............ ..
CPM Thorium 7.1 ppm/CD 4500 -500

.... .... e


J <ei-- _ _ _

- - - - TOTAL
.....,. COUNTS :::::...,
I< ~
/ r
Fig. 3-24 - Potassium-rich rocks w
' o

Fig. 3-26 - BHC Acoustilog example

o 40

Fig. 3-25 - Hot gamma ray caused by thorium-rich bentonite

marker bed.14

- 103 -


Compr Shear Stoneley

Rec 1 :





14 ft - o in. 1
l 1

~ ~

Rec 8 ! \ \

3.38 in. 6.0 in. Typ.

(85.7 mm) (0.15 m)


8 ft - O in.
(1.83 m)

12 ft O in.
3.38 in.


3.75 in.
(95.3 mm)
3 ft. - O in.
(0.91 m)

8 ft - 3.0 in. 2 ft Oin.
(2.51 m) (0.61 m


Fig. 3-27 - Digital Array Acoustilog (DAC) downhole instrument and receiver signals

- 104 -


100 . O
GR Dept h
o 100 500 1500


!:, ,-
- 8
~ - EE

~---~-- -~---~-
45 o30--

15 -
- l=:>-:-

- - -- t::t= -_

lJ ~ L :'!:.
( ~
~ ~ ~~
........ ~? ~

? -e::::;

.> ~ ---" I<-.

Neutro n
Cased Ho le

..,,, -=--,, -- p
~ o
lt' '"

> /
~ Neutron
Open Hole -
~~ ~
1P -~

....J ~
~ <....
Fig. 3-28 - Gamma ray and compensated neutron recordings Fig. 3-30 - In carbonate reservoirs, neutron logs offer excellent
before and alter setting casing. correlation for perforating depth control.

o.;,~u.:v 1 OEPTH Hit ACOUSTIC 28

21 3t __ __ _ _ _ ____ (1141) _ - - __ ---- _ _ 21
- - DENSITY- - - - - - - - - - - - OENSITV --- - -------


----,f---, -P~- --I_L


1 ANAl.YSlS)

Fig. 3-29 - Gas zones are identified by comparison of neutron to acoustic or density data.

- 105 -

1 :.,_ CALIPER

/ 1/1 1.9
BIT lt Pt = 1.0 g cm - 3
1 2.0


2 .2


~ 2.4

~ 2.6
a b 'S


Fig. 3-31 - Gas effect on neutron and density logs


...___ ..____..____..___ _ ..____..___~
-10 o 10 20 30 40 50
Gas- Oil- Water- Compensated N eutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)
Filled Filled Filled
Porosity Porosity Porosity

Calcita o 1())


o e
Fig. 3-33 - Crossplot of density and compensated neutron

1.8 o
o o o
2.0 e
o o
35 o
2.2 35
.9 2.4


3.0 .__ _........_ __,.__ ____._ _ _..___ ___.___ __,

o 2 3 4 5 6
Photoelectric lndex, P8 (b/e)

Fig. 3-32 - Photoelectric index data are influenced by lithology

and improve porosity estimates from bulk density data.

- 106-



o 150
' ---------------------------------~
45 -1 5
(API) (OGAj s.
_DENSITY CALIPER (in .) ZDEN (g cm - 3)
150 25 (ocm, 3.0 100 o;,

Y-CALIPER (in.) ZCOR (g cm - 3) AVERAGE
..... .
6 16 -1.5 0.5 25 __ (gcm') ~- 3.0
P (ble)
O 10

,: '\--
~,; .::
.. _..,

:. ;:.
' ~,i,:
o i;'..

....:: -:::1- -

- .."'

' "' .. > ' t,


t: b :
- '- .. ...;; ~

- t--

,;:,;/, ~~!,,


1 '


Fig. 3-34 - Z-Densilog and complex reservoir analysis examples


Problem 1 The client requests ground level be used as the zero re fer-
ence point for ali wireline logs. You are given informa-
From the log on page 108, select the depth representing tion on a land rig that has a surveyed KB elevation of
the top of the sand reservoir. If the log was zeroed at the 82 ft above sea level and a surveyed ground level of
KB elevation before entering the well, and the borehole 39.5 ft above sea level. The too! measure point cannot be
is relatively vertical (< 2 hole drift), what is the subsea observed at ground level inside the wellbore. How would
top of the formation? _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ you resolve depth measurements to satisfy the needs of


the client? Answer in the spaces below or sketch it out in
the blank space provided.


~ - - - - - - _J;:J
------- -~
' '

' <
/ ))
1 \
1 ;\
/V -~ ~
{ J
, ,/ <
\ 1
V /
' \
\ '

1 \\
1 I

f ,/


The resistivity of formation water is one of the most

important parameters in openhole Iog analysis because
an Rw value is required to calculate fluid or gas saturation
in the reservoir rock's pore space. Formation waters
evolve from diverse sources: newly formed waters, sea-
water, rain, and waters produced from diagenesis. Many
formation waters have undergone almost continua! modi-
Problem 3 fication since the begi nning of geologic time. The chemi-
cal composition is often modified by filtration through
From the log data, select the top, bottom, and apparent clay particles, by ion exchange, by precipitation of min-
net thickness of the permeable reservoir rock. erals, and/or by reaction between rock matrix and other

Marine sediments initially had seawater filling pore

space, but chemical composition of seawater does not
remain constant over large subsea depth intervals, large
geographical areas, or throughout long periods of time.
Nevertheless, most seawater has probably not undergone
significant change over geologic time.

- 108-
Coastal deposits often demonstrate considerable salinily (6) Pressure gradients from Formation Multi-Tester
variation, and continental deposits, including lakes, may (FMT) data can be translated to density and density
have water variations from very low to very high salinity. can be converted to equivalent parts per million
In most cases, subsurface connate waters increase in NaCI, which can be converted to Rw
salinity with increasing depth. Unusual situations do
occur, such as in the Malay Basin where waters become (7) Calculation of Rw in an adjacent shale bed using
less saline with increasing depth. This basin is believed acoustic transit time of the shale to determine F
to have been an enclosed freshwater lake that gradually and using a deep resistivity device for R0 , and then
became accessible to the open sea. Because of these resolving from the F/R0 relationship. CAUTION:
events, sand bodies at shallow depths have highly saline This method can lead to error and should only be
connate waters, whereas sands below 5,000 to 6,000 ft used as a last resort.
often contain fresh water (Rw values > 1 ohm-m).
Rw Catalogs
Considerable variation in water salinity can occur within
a basin. Occasionally, salinity is quite different in the Water data are documented and cataloged for severa)
same reservoir rock on two sides of a sealed fault. Salin- areas of the world. Professional societies, oil companies,
ity variations can occur over short horizontal or vertical governmental agencies, and service organizations often
distances. Filtration through clays is apparently one of undertake a project of documenting formation waters.
the primary mechanisms for causing sorne unusual salin- Cataloged water data are available for the North Sea, and
ity changes. published data for the Rocky Mountain region of the
U.S.A. are available through the Denver Well Logging
Water density is dependen! on salt content, temperature, Society. Cataloged data are usually given for specific for-
and pressure. Specific gravity is the ratio of the density of mations with geographical references, depth of the hori-
a substance to that of water at a specified temperature. zon, and at a specified temperature (Fig. 3-35). Large
Water density decreases with increasing temperature but amounts of the data are often cataloged on particular
increases at higher total salid concentrations and higher fields.
When using cataloged water data, res1st1v1ty must
Yirtually ali porous rocks contain sorne water. Ionized be corrected to the downhole formation temperature of
salts in solution cause formation water to be electri- the well being analyzed. Temperature correction of
cally conductive. Water resistivities can range from resistivity can be performed by chart or by mathematics
O.O! ohm-m to severa! ohm-meters at reservoir temper- (Fig. 3-36). Either formation waters or drilling fluids can
ature. Sodium chloride (NaCI) is usually the dominant be corrected to formation temperature.
sal! in solution, and the resistivity of the NaCI electro-
lyte normally decreascs with increasing salt concentra- As an example of using the chart, simply draw a straight
tion because the larger amou nt of ions carry an electri- line between known values; e.g., 2 L0F and 0.05 ohm-m.
cal charge and higher temperature that affects ion The line should intersect the center string of the nomo-
mobility. Formation water resistivity (R11.) is often easy graph at ""' 50,000 ppm. If formation temperature is
to determine, but occasionally it becomes very difficult 160F, extend a line from l 60F through the 50,000 ppm
to find an accurate value for this very important petro- point on the center string of the nomogram, and read the
physical parameter. Severa! sources or methods are corrected resistivily as 0.065 ohm-m at L60F.
used lo determine Rw,
When using the Rw catalog source in formation, the
( 1) Cataloged water resistivity information source data should come from a well relatively close geo-
graphically to the well being analyzed. This type of salin-
ity information is used to augment or verify an Rw value
(2) Measured resistivity and temperature of a produced
determined by other meaos.
water sample from the reservoir horizon

Resistivity and Temperature of Produced Water

(3) Chemical analysis of a water sample produced
from the reservoir
The most direct method of determining Rw is to measure
the resistivity and temperature of produced water. The
(4) Calculation of Rw from the SP trace water sample should not be contaminated with mud sol-
ids, mud filtrate, oil, or gas. These materials may alter the
(5) Calculation of Rw from reliable R0 and q> values in resistivity measurement. Produccd water is often gath-
a known water-bearing horizon ered and stored in containers for this purpose.

- 109-


UKFUSKH TRENTON l(! 12 N 7 E 4198 0.043 100 u
ro OKFUSKEE UNION VLY. 10 12 N 7 E 3784 0.039 100 u
g_ OKFUSKEf UNION Vl Y. 9 13 N p f 3534 0.040 lOU u
El. OKFUSKE:E W1 LCOX 6 10 N 9 l. 4185 0.040 100 u
OK FUSll:EE WlLCOX 2b 11 N 8 E 4273 C.037 100 u
o OKFUSKH WILCUX 3 11 N 11 E FERGUSON OIL JOHNSON l 3712 0.082 100 T
ll) OKFUSKEE WILCOX 11 12 N 7 E MAHONEY DRLG BADGER 1-A 3300 0.077 100 T
ll) OKF-USKH WILCOX 30 12 N 9 E 0.045 100 u
: OKFUSKH: WILCUX 14 13 N <, ( 3A09 0.045 100 u
OKLAHOMA ARBUCK LE 18 11 N 2 W 6474 0.039 100 u
o OKLAHUMA ARBUCKLE. 19 11 N 2 W C 1T IES SERVICE FARLEY A-5 8300 o.054 100 p
OKLAHOMA AKBUCKLE 19 11 N 2 W 6075 0.039 100 u
lJKLAHUMA AR[fCKLE 3() 11 N 2 W 0.039 l 00 u
UKLAHOMA Af< l\UCI< LE 3() 11 N 2 W 6499 0.038 100 u
OKLAHm1A AkBlJCKLE 31 11 N 2 W SKELLY OIL CO M l HOOPS 3 6331 0.036 100 u
OKLAHOMA ARBUCKLE 13 11 N 3 W 0.038 100 u
OKLAHOMA ARP.UCKLE 24 11 N 3 W 6475 0.039 100 u
(IKLAHOMA Af-'.BUCKLf 21 29 N 1 E VARN PETN #1 MCCORMICK 3425 o.05fj HO p
OKLAHOM.A B 1 VILLI:: 2 14 N 2 W 5673 0.038 111 O u
o OKLAHOMA Ei'Vll LF 31 14 N 2 W 5996 l'.034 100 u
OKLAHOHA BOlS D 1 ARC 3 12 N 2 W 6317 0.064 100 u
Ol<LAHOMA BOIS 0 1 ARC 5 12 N 2 W GULF #1 WRIGHl HEIRS 6318 0.0~5 100 u
OKLAHLIMA BC'IS D1 ARC 5 12 N 2 W 6317 0.035 l 00 u
OKLAHClMA BOIS LPARC 1 12 N 3 W STANOLIND TRACT 46 #45 0.129 100 u
UKLAHOMA BfJIS l.i 1 ARC ~ 12 N 4 W 7288 0.039 1 o, u
OKLAHCMA Bl' I S lJ I ARC 34 13 N 2 W C.fl38 100 u
OKLAHOMA B(IJS [11 ARC 36 13 N 3 W 6443 0.035 l 01) u
CKLAHOMA BOIS D 1 ARC 36 13 N 3 W 6443 0.035 l 00 u
OKLAHOMA BOIS D 1 ARC 6 13 N 4 k 7142 0.042 100 u
OKLAHOMA BOIS 0 1 ARC 33 13 N 4 W 7176 o. 0"'\8 100 u
UKLAHOMA BCIS D1 ARC 32 14 N 4 H 7073 0.040 100 u
CKLAHOMA CHtCK !:- R f.-. k 11 13 N 4 W e; L REASOR SITTL INGTON l 5700 0.029 100 p
OKLAHOMA CHl::.CKfRE:RD 36 14 N 4 W ROY MC ANINCH STATE l 5686 0.040 100 u
OKLAHOMA Ct-lECK ERl',IU> 25 14 N 24 W LIKINS FOSTER SWISHE'R 3 5682 0.043 100 p
01< LAHOMA CHESH I{ LM 29 20 N 17 W HA LLI RUR TON RUTTON 1-29 0.215 100 p
OKLAHOMA CLEVE LANO 22 11 N 3 W 5780 ~.035 HlO u
OKLAHOMA C.LlVELANO 30 13 N 2 W 6250 0.035 10'} u
*P = Produced Sample
S T = Test Sample
U = Unknown Source

Temperatura R
(F) (C) (Qm)
500 260 20
Equivalen! NaCI
220 Concentration
400 200 10
~kppm) (@gr/gal
24C ) a
180 or 75F
0.2 6
300 0.3
20 4
140 0.4
30 3
250 120 0.6
o.a 50 2
200 100
90 2

80 3
200 o.a
70 4
300 0.6
6 0.5
a 500 0.4
50 0.3

100 30 2000
90 3000
30 60 0.1
80 80 5000 0.08
10,000 0.06
20 200 13,000 0.05
300 17,500

50 10 0.02

English: Salinity (ppm at 75F) = 10 x
T 1 + 6.77 )
; F
( T + 6.77 3.562 - log (Rw - 0.0123)
2 75
T + 21.5)
1 3647.5
( T + 21.5 ; C
Rw ~ 0.0123 +
Given: Temperature = 250F and NaCI concentration = 100,000 ppm. Determine: Resistivity

Fig. 3-36 - Res istivity of equivalen! NaCI solutions

- 111 -
Measurements can be made in the mud cup, but the pre- Brines having total solids concentrations other than the
ferred method is to use the mud press, which filters the Na+ and e- ions are sometimes encountered. In such
samples to segregate solids from the water. The fi ltered cases, Rw, R111, or R111 can be determined accurately only
water sample can then be measured in the same manner after expressing the total ionic concentration asan equiv-
as mud filtrate (R111) is determined. Measuring severa( alent NaCI concentration.
samples ensures statistical integrity, and the temperature
of each fluid sample should be recorded at the time it is A practica( example is given by taking a brine analyzed
measured. The resistivity is then corrected from mea-
chemically to have 50,000 ppm total solids that include
sured temperature to reservoir temperature.
10,000 ppm Na, 16,000 ppm CI, 7,000 ppm Mg,
5,000 ppm Ca, and 12,000 ppm SO4 .
Rw from Chemical Analysis
The equivalent NaCI concentration chart (Fig. 3-37) is
Chemical analysis is a more time-consuming and expen- used for total solids concentrations > 1,000 ppm. At
sive process than the direct measurement method. Sam- lower concentrations, additional data can be derived by
pled water must be virtually uncontaminated. A water implementing the Variable Dunlap method, but for
sample from a producing well is preferred. Samples from practica( purposes, the Desai-Moore chart is acceptable.
wireline tests or drillstem tests are usually contaminated The Desai-Moore chart is entered on the abscissa with
with mud solids, filtrate, and/or perhaps hydrocarbon. the total solids concentration ( ppm) of the sample to find
The method used to derive electrical resistivity of a solu- the weighting multiplier for each ion identified. The
tion from chemical analysis of that solution implements concentration of each ion is then multiplied by the
the use of weighting coefficients that are proportional to weighting multiplier and the products for ali the ions are
concentrations of certain minerals commonly found in added together to determine the equivalent NaCI concen-
water (Fig. 3-37). tration .


- + 1.0 ..+-,.....+~-4-1.....,.........,.,,.,.~11+.,..-;::,,...,.........+H-Hl-+~++.,,....,,.....;++~1-+H,..;

1000 10,000 100,000

Total Solids Concentration (ppm or mg/kg)

Fig. 3-37 - Equivalen! NaCI concentrations from ionic concentrations

- 112-
In the example, total solids concentration is 50,000 ppm. As discussed in Chapter 2, K = -71 (at 77F or 25C),
The multipliers for Na and Cl are 1, and the multipliers where K is a coefficient proportional to absolute temper-
for Mg ("" 0.90), Ca("" 0.78), and SO4 (:o: 0.36) are deter- ature. ChernicaJ activity is in approximate proportion to
mined by a chart (Fig. 3-37). Individual concentrations its salt content (similar to conductivity); therefore, if the
are then converted to equivalent NaCI concentrations by solutions are virtually pure NaCI, resistivity is inversely
the multiplier and added as follows, proportional to activity (Fig. 3-38), and the equation can
be written in the following terms for log analysis,
10,000 X 1 = 10,000
16,000 X 1 = 16,000 SSP = -K log R111eqlRweq,
7,000 X 0.9 = 6,300
5,000 X 0.78 = 3,900 where R111eq = resistivity equivalent to mf
12,000 X 0.36 = 4,320
and Rweq = resistivity equivalent to w
Equivalent NaCI concentration = 40,520.
The total NaCl value can then be converted to resistivity Resistivity of NaCI Solution vs
at a specified temperature (Fig. 3-36). For example, if Na+ Activity (Temp. 77 F)
formation temperature is l 80F, resistivity should be
0.07 ohm-m. More accurate and detailed numbers can be
determined by use of the algorithms given below the

Rw from the SP Curve

Acceptable formation water resistivity values can sorne-

times be found using the SP trace. Caution is necessary
any time the SP is used to determine Rw because several
factors influence this natural voltage response. Thin beds,
adjacent beds, shaliness within the reservoir body, hydro-
carbons, adequate permeability, important electrokinetic O. 01,.____,_L....J.....J.._J.....L.1...-----1----1.....1....L..1.Ju...u_---LL-'--'-....,_..u..i
potentials, pressure-depleted reservoir conditions, very .01 .02 .05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.153 5 10
heavy drilling fluids, borehole size, etc. can affect the Na+ Activity (Gr - ion/L)
total SP amplitude.
Fig. 3-38 - In NaCI solutions, resistivity is inversely proportional
In the following favorable conditions, the SP can be used to chemical activity.
to determine Rw,
The solution to the equation just discussed is represented
Clean or shale-free water-bearing horizon graphically in Fig. 3-39. Conversion from Rweq or Rmfeq
to Rw or Rm requires an empirical chart or algorithm
Muds of moderare resistivity (Fig. 3-40). The inverse proportionality rule is not exact
for ali types formation water or for waters having excep-
tionally high salinity.
Saline formation water

Selection of SSP requires selection of the maximum SP

Appreciable formation permeability
amplitude deflection value (mV) in a given permeable
horizon and its difference in millivolts from a shale base
Adequate bed thickness
line. SSP is best selected under ideal conditions. How-
ever, if bed thickness is a problem, a correction factor can
Hole size less than 1O in. (25 cm) be determined from the chart shown in Fig. 3-4 1. The
value selected from the log would then be a pseudostatic
Static SP (SSP) in these conditions relate almost totally SP (PSP).
to e lectrochemical potential so that chemical activities of
the formation water (aw) and mud filtrate (ami) are then In many areas, it is difficult to fi nd thick, clean, perme-
related to SSP as able, invaded formations, or adjacent shales to form a
membrane potential. As a result, SPs are not useful for
Rw determination.

- 113 -

.sc.. -100


~ -75


0.5 1.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 30.0

Using Tr in F;
SSP = - (60 + 0.133 T r) log ____E!!_ Example
Given: SSP = - 71 mV; Tf = 1400F; ~ = 0.SSQ m
Determine: R.veq; ~/R.veq = 8.0
[ (00 + O. 133 T,J }
~eq = ~ [ 10 'Weq = 0.55/8.0 = 0.069 Q m

F = 1.8 (C) + 32

Fig. 3-39 - Graphic solution of the SP equation

- 114-
Engliih ;1/
, 75F

0.5 200F
300 F
0.2 --- 400F
-- ~
Rweq + 0.131
"7 X (Oll/log(fr/19.9)]-2

... fT _ 0.5 Rw +
lQ[0.0426/log(fr/ 50.8)1
/) r111 1, oon Example
Given: Rweq = 0.069 Qm, Tr = 140F
'11 I
Determine: Rw; Rw = 0.073 Qm at 140F.

For mostly NaCJ formation waters, use the solid lines. Use the
1, ---
"' dashed lines for fresh formation waters that are being influenced
0.00 , 500
... .. by salts other than NaCl, and for gypsum-based muds.
0.005 o.o, 0.02 0.03 0.05 o., 0.2 0.3 0.5

A,... or Rm, (Q m)

rJ ,
1, /
05 100C
,, 150C

,~- 200C

~ ,..
~~ 1,

o., ~
0.05 "
lll 'I/ / , 1,>' r hon

Rw + 0.131 X (0[1/ j log(f + 17.78) - 1.04) J- 2
, Rw =
1, I!_ . o - 0.5 Rw + lQ[0.0426/ {log(fr + 17.78) - t.45 ) J
. slv>o eq
250~ ,..
0.005 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5

Fig. 3-40 - Chart to convert equivalents (Rweq or Rmfeq) to Rw or Rmt

- 115 -

30 .
\\ \
SP from Log SSP
120 20 8

110 30
20 100 40 - 6

\ \ 90 "50
\ .
15 \ \ \\ \
\ \
\ 80 60

' \
SP Correction Factor

1 \ 1\ ,.,
\ \ '\ \
g \ ,.< 3.5
.e 60 1.J 80 .e
Q) 10
\ \ \ \ \ 50
90 3

:e 9 \ \ \ \ <o
\ \ \ \ 40,.
"O 8 \ \ 1\. <.s 100 2.5 t-
7 \
\ \ \ \.r-... 30

6 \ \ \
"' " i'-..
20 S.o
.o 120

4 >-->-
1\ "' ',"'"\


, ...... "-
~= 2( ' 5( 100 200
Rm 1\ .....

' ' ............
'!'--- '---..r--....
1\ r---
1.0 1.2
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 ' 4.0 5 .0 6.0 7 .0 8.0 9 .0 10.0
SP Correction Factor

SP correction factor =
14 (:~ +2) l 3.65 -1.5

h -l (:~ + 11) / 0.65~

l 6.05
- 0. 1

for -2. >5 and 3<h<50, for h in ft
SSP = SP x SP correction factor

Given: SP(log) = - 50 mV; h =8 ft; R = 35 Qm; ~ = 0.7Qm
= 8 ft; R/Rm
Solution: Bed thickness 1.43 = 50; SP correction factor =
Nomograph Solution: SP10g = - 50 mV; SP correction factor = 1.43; SSP = -71.5 mV

Fig. 3-41 - Chart to corree! SP for bed thickness

- l 16-
Salts, other than NaCI, also occur in formation water or
the mud filtrate. ca++, Mg++, HCO3, and other ions can Empirical
affect SP amplitude differently from NaCI ions. This is curve
particularly true for fresh formation waters, and an CaCl2v
MgCl2------.. ~ ,
empirical dashed curve for "average fresh water" is then 10 ' I 1
1 I 6

used (Fig. 3-42). The overwhelming majority of reservoir 1 I/

rocks contain enough NaCI that standard charts and ,,.

equations can be used to determine Rw or Rm- However,
in very fresh waters, different salts may be dominant and
may severely affect the K value. For example, if both 1.0 l:: \
, Line of
mud filtrate and connate water contain large concentra-
tions of sodium bicarbonate, K could be as low as 55 at
77F. Potassium chloride solutions (KCI) might exhibit a
equal values

K =- 60 at 77F and potassium bicarbonate solutions could

have a K of 45 at the same 77F temperature. When there 0.1
is to be extensive log analysis in geographical locales
where unusual salts are found in formation waters, log
analysts develop emprica! K values and empirical charts
and equations for Rw and Rwe SSP can be calculated to
.01 '----'---'-..J...J...J..L u.J..._..,_...J...J....1 ..U..,.'-'--J--L.....1............U.U
within a few millivolts by .01 0.1 1.0 10
(a Na+ ca + Mg) Aweq--
(aNa + e a + M g ) mf
From Water Compositions
Rw : True Formation Water Resistivity.
When concentration s of the Na, Ca, and Mg ions are
(Rweq): Equivalen! Resistivity Corresponding to a
determined chemically, the activity of the solutions at Derived Activity
75F can be determined by chart (Fig. 3-43). - Data from Venezuela, Sumatra, Oklahoma,
California, Ganada, Pennsylvania, and Wyoming.

The variability of SP values is demonstrated for the influ-

ences of bed thickness and resistivity (Fig. 3-44A), and Fig. 3-43 - Mg, Ca, or Na ions can be used to corree! Aweq to

10 ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - ~
.,' the influence of impermeable adjacent beds that are not
I shale (Fig. 3-44B).
75F I
Rw Calculation in a Water-Bearing Horizon

i 1.0
Line of
Log data, including deep-resistivity and porosity-sensi-
tive measurements, can be used to calculate Rw in a
Rw equal values known water-bearing zone. The deep-resistivity tool is
assumed to read R0 and a calculated <I> can be converted
to formation factor (F) using any of the conventional

F = 114>2 (commonly used in carbonate analysis),

.01 ~~~~~~-~.._._ ...........,_...,__ ~ ~ ~..........., F = 0.62/<j>2 15 (commonly used in sandstone

.01 0. 1 1.0 10 reservoirs),

F = 0.81/<)>2 (also used in sandstone reservoirs), or

- Data from SP Logs (Venezuela, Nebraska, Colorado,
and California).
other relationships of choice. Rw can be calculated as
Fig. 3-42 - Data used to derive an average freshwater empirical
correction from Aweq to Rw

- 117 -

~ "t:SISTMTV COMII:"'"'""
--- SU IAT.t,











- - - - Sl..,flC Sli OU,,QA.u,o - - .. ,oo

A.) The lnftuenc:e of Bed Thickness and Reslst1v1ty B.) The lnftuence of Impermeable Zones

Fig. 3-44 - Variations between idealized SSP and the actual SP

where derived from L\t because it is less affected by enlarged or

rugose borehole conditions than density or neutron data.
Rw = connate water resistivity at formation
temperatu re, It is also unwise to calculate Rw by this method if bore-
hole conditions (1) severely affect deep resistivity or L\t,
R0 = true formation resistivity m a 100%
(2) if the shale contains large amounts of organic material,
water-bearing horizon,
or (3) if the shale bed is not environmentally related to the
and reservoir (often the case). Remember, enlarged boreholes
F = formation factor. also affect deep-resistivity measurements; organic shales
often contain the material from which hydrocarbon is
This technique is used in severa! quick-look analyses, formed; and formation water salinity can vary apprecia-
one of which is called the Rwa method (Fig. 3-45). An bly from one geological environment to another.
equation, chart, or nomogram for determining water satu-
ration, (Sw), with porosity and resistivity inputs can be Summary of Rw Determination Methods
used in the same manner; i.e., assume 100% Sw and work
backward through resistivity and porosity to find a solu- In certain circumstances, any of the methods for deter-
tion for Rw (Fig. 3-46). mining Rw discussed in this chapter are acceptable to the
industry. Sorne will argue that one method is preferable
Rw in Adjacent Shale Beds to another, but in most cases, cataloged water data are
extremely helpful unless the reservoir is sorne distance
In sorne geographical areas, 1t 1s common but unwise from the area supplying the data. Chemical analysis and
practice to determine Rw in a shale adjacent to the horizon direct measurement of produced water are accepted
of interest. It is mentioned here only to make potential methods in any area. SP and Rwa methods are very useful
analysts aware of the practice. The method requires in sorne geological locales and entirely unacceptable in
acoustic transit time (L\t) in the shale bed anda deep-resis- other areas. Nevertheless, Rw is an extremely important
tivity measurement. The solution is similar to the method parameter, and is used in any log analysis determination
described previously. Porosity and formation factor are of reservoir fluid saturation.

- 118-
Rwa Determination
+ Rwa
(%) (Qm)
Sands Carbonates
3 3
4 4 50

5 5 30

6 20
6 sw
7 7 2000 10 100
8 8 90
9 80
9 Rw
10 2 500 5 70
10 4 (Qm)
11 60
11 12 5 200 3 1.0
12 E 50
14 o
.e 10 100 2 0.5 45
14 E E 40
.s 20 50 ~
18 o rf 0.1 30
18 20 i- 50 20 ;i- 0.05
20 22 :~ 100
:~7i 25
24 t 10 ; 0.5
22 26 :::,
Q) 0.4 0.02
e 200 5 a: 20
28 o 0.01
Q) 0.3
26 30 :::,

28 Q)
500 2 t= 0.2 15
30 2
35 1--
34 40
38 2000 0.5 0.1 10
5000 0.2 0.05
0.62+-21s=F=+- 2
10,000 0.1 0.04

Conductivity-Derived Porosity (CDP) 0.01


112 112
Sw = ( !w ) 1/n = (FRw) = ( Rw ) Example
l~Rt Rt Rwa 1
A sandstone has a porosity of 24 % and
,----.. . 1
. l..______ R = 3.0 Qm; Rw = 0.02 Qm
+ +
Water Zones: Oil/Gas Zones: Find: Rwa = 0.225 Qm


Note: Conductivity-de rived porosity is valid

CDP = (aRw/ R,) 1/ m only when Rwa = Rw.

Fig. 3-45 - Chart for determination of Rwa, Sw, and el>

- 119 -
Rw Ro Ro sw
(Qrn) (Qrn) (%)
0.01 100 0.001 100

Rt 0.002
50 (Qm)
0.05 1000 50
0.1 0.005
200 n

0 .2 100 2000 0.01
20 20
50 1000 2
0.02 o
500 8
10 10 5 10
5 200
2 0.05
100 1.0
5 50 5
5 0.1

10 20
2 2
50 2

Sw = (Ro / Rt) 11n
R0 = FRw
0.2 10



Given: Rw = 0.05 Qm; F = 20; l\ = 10 Qm; n = 2.0

Determine: Sw; R0 = 1.0 Q m; ~ ll\ = 0.1 ; Sw = 32 %

Fig. 3-46 - Nomogram to determine Sw by Archie's equation


Problem 1 To determine acceptable petrophysical values from a

virgin reservoir, a reliable resistivity value for the undis-
A chemical analysis of produced formation water is turbed part of the formation is required. In a clean, shale-
given. Formation temperatu re of the reservoir is 2 10F free zone that is 100% saturated with formation water,
(99C). Mean surface temperature is 60F (15C). Use the the deep formation resistivity value is defined as R . lf ol
chart (Fig. 3-37) to find the element multipliers and deter- and/or gas occupy sorne of the pore space, that resistivity
mine the NaCl equivalent in parts per million (mg/L). value is called R1 Virtually ali formation evaluation spe-
What is the connate water resistivity at the given forma- cialists refer to the undisturbed formation resistivity as R
tion temperature? and seldom use the R0 term in routine conversation; R0 is
nevertheless one of the most important terms in log
Cations mg/L Anions mg/L
The borehole environment makes it virtually impossible
Sodium 89500 Sulfate 230 to measure a precise value of virgin formation resistivity
Potassium 7030 Chloride 179000 (R 1). However, corrections can be made for the barrier
Lithium Carbonate influences as discussed in Chapter 2. Borehole size and
Calcium 17372 Bicarbonate 464 drilling fluids affect ali deep-reading resistivity tools to
Magnesium 1461 Hydroxide sorne extent, and the depth of invasion and type of fluid
Boron traces H2S traces invading the formation also affect deep-reading resistiv-
ity devices. Thin beds severely diminish the depth of
Total dissolved solids, mg/L 295057 investigation of conventional deep-resistivity tools. The
NaCI equivalent, mg/L 291665 ratio of rock resistivity to drilling fluid can cause serious
Observed pH 6.8 effects on certain types of resistivity/conductivity
Specific resistance @ 68F: measurements.
Observed 0.064 ohm-m
Calculated 0.053 ohm-m Nevertheless, in most circumstances, if the proper too! is
selected (induction or laterolog), the deep-resistivity
Problem 2 measurement is very close to true resistivity and correc-
tions are of minor significance. Therefore, many of the
The log (page 122) provides SP and resistivity data exercises in this text accept log resistivity values (R1w or
across a sand reservoir that is sandwiched between two Ro) as being R, or R0 . Any reservoir evaluation
shale beds. The lower I O ft of the sand is below the water requires and deserves at least a quick check (chartbook
table and is assumed to be 100% water-saturated. Assum- corrections for the device) to determine if the deep-resis-
ing that the deep-induc tion too! essentially reads R in tivity too! is significantly affected by any of these prob-
the interval, that a formation factor relation of 1/$~ is lem sources. Sophisticated computer-processing systems
used in this particular reservoir, and that $ is 14%, calcu- perform the corrections easily and quickly, and such cor-
late Rw by any means. rections should be implemented. Many of the pad-type
microresistivity measurements will be accepted as Rxo in
Rw= - -- - - - the context of this text, but they should also be corrected
for disturbing effects as necessary.
Problem 3

Using the log data and information given in Problem 2, Accepting the above, the virgin zone of the reservoir har-
use a formation factor relation of 0.62/$2 15 and deter- bors a resistivity that is affected virtually always by two
mine R w fundamental circumstan ces:

Rw = - - - - - - ( 1) The amount of water occupying the pore space.

Problem 4 (2) The type of water occupying the pore space.

Using the data from Problem 2, determine Rw using a The amount of water is a function of porosity ($), and the
formation factor of 1/$2 but a porosity value of I7% type of water is a function of the connate water resistivity
(Fig. 3-46). (Rw) Occasionally, there are exceptions; i.e., sorne con-
ductive minerals occur in large enough volume to appre-
Rw=-- -- -- ciably affect the response of a conductivity-seeking

- 121-
Mill1votts Mi11imhos / m

1000 500 o
-++- 2000
1500 1000

Ohms. m2/m

o 50
o 500

---------- 50

o 500

'l 11
\( ~
1 J 1


/ 1
// ,;
1 i

,\ .)
./ ~~
/ , ~

T f {
\ ,
/ /
'-/ ")
"""""" \ \
I 1



j 1

\~ \
{ r/

- 122-
induction device. For example, pyrite (FeS 2) is a conduc-
tive mineral , but volumes of 5% to 6% are necessary to 1,000
affect conductivity measurements appreciably. When
large percentages of conductive minerals are present, the
laterolog too! should probably become the deep-resistiv- X
ity device of choice. Usually, formation water is the only -o
E 100
electrically conductive substance in the reservoir. Oil and i!-
gas are insulators as are virtually ali the materials that :~

make up the rock matrix. Q)
o 2.0
Resistivity lndex a: 10
The Resistivity lndex was the first recorded method for
calculating ol/water percentages. Ol and gas migrate
into porous reservoir rock from source materials and dis-
place sorne of the water. In water-wet reservoirs, sorne
l 10 100 1,000
water is always present. Capillary forces (surface ten- Water Saturation (%)
sion, density differences, and wettability) will allow at
least a small film of water to remain. This thin film is
called irreducible water; it is essentially immovable.

Replacement of sorne of the conductive water with non-

conductive hydrocarbons causes the rock resistivity to
increase because the amount of water decreases. This
assumes no change in porosity or formation water salin- Fig. 3-47 - Comparisons of resistivity index data to Sw data for
ity occurs. Plotting the ratio of resistivity at parta! satu- determination of the n exponent
ration to the resistivity at 100% saturation vs. the water
saturation on log-log grid yields a line whose equation is
approximately Saturation Exponent Considerations

R, One of the more intriguing areas of well log research

Sn Ro concems the n exponent. Realistically, the n value cannot
be determined from log data alone, and reliable values
are also difficult to obtain from laboratory work with foil
core. Current work is directed toward determining this
important parameter from other measurable features of
formation rocks and fluids. The path to a valid explana-
where R 1 IR0 = Resistivity Index, tion depends on rock type, fluid types, confining pres-
sure, and wettability.
and n = saturation exponent.
The n exponent is not usually critica! if log analysis is
The following data are plotted (Fig. 3-47) to demonstrate used only to determine and predict oil/gas or water pro-
a comparison of S 111 to Resistivity Index: duction, but it becomes significant when log data are
used to calculate reserves, efficiently manage reservoir
Resistivity Index (R1 IR0 ) productivity, and develop marginally economic fields.
Empirically, laboratory results indicate that most sand
100 1.00 reservoirs have an n value that ranges between 1.5 and
75 1.67 2. 1 but averages about 1.85, and that many carbonates
60 2.42 have values greater than 2. The preceding plotted data
50 3.33 (Fig. 3-47) demonstrate the variation.
40 4.83
30 7.92 Formation Resistivity Factor (F)
20 16.67
15 3 1.67 Determination of hydrocarbon saturation depends on
10 125.00 sorne knowledge of what the formation resistivity would
8 833.33 be if the rock were 100% water saturated (R0 ). There are

-123 -
two obvious problems. Sorne reservoirs may not have a
water table (they are not 100% water saturated), and res- 100~-------~-------~
ervoir rock properties are seldom identical throughout
the vertical extent of the reservoir.

In the laboratory, G.E. Archie of Shell Oil measured the

resistivity of numerous specimens having a wide range of
porosity values and differing connate water resistivities.
The data Archie worked with were crude by today's stan-
dards. More recently, extensive laboratory work with core
was treated in the same manner and resulting data were
$= 18.7%
plotted (Fig. 3-48). Cores with 31.2%, 24.8%, and 18.7%
porosity were saturated with waters of different salinities
and the resistivities (R 0 ) were measured.
$ = 31.2%

$=31.2% $=24.8% $=18.7%

Rw Ro Ro Ro

0.032 0.272 0.416 .704

0.057 0.48 0.74 1.25
0.090 0.765 1.17 1.98
0. 16 1.36 2.08 3.52
0.22 1.87 2.86 4.84
0.1 ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - '
Rw versus R0 plotted data indicate 0.01 0.10 1.0
Connate Water Resistivity, Rw (ohm-m)

Any Rw increase causes a corresponding increase in

Fig. 3-48 - Extensive core study performed with different water
R 0 for a given porosity salinities

At a given R....,, porosity decreases as R0 increases resistivity device itself must be considered. Does it read
sufficiently deep into the formation? Where invasion is
At any given porosity, the ratio of R0 to Rw is con- moderate (d ""15 to 30 in.) or deeper (~ 30 in. d), the too!
stant, regardless of the Rw value can be increasingly influenced by mud filtrate. Many of
the earlier laterolog recordings (prior to 1970) were
The ratio of rock resistivity (R0 ) to connate water resis- severely affected by invasion. The first true deep-induc-
tivity (Rw) is formation factor (F), and F is also a func- tion devices were developed in the late l 950s, but were
tion of porosity. Therefore, not commonly available until the early 1960s. Older
induction devices (5FF40 systems) had investigative
properties similar to the medium-induction systems
employed today, and they were severely hampered by
This very important Archie principie is considered to be invasion, borehole size and salinity, and adjacent beds.
the foundation on which log analysis is built.
Summary of Resistivity Index Method DETERMINE SATURATION

For many years, saturation values were calculated from Numerous methods comparing shallow- and deep-read-
resistivity Iogs using the Resistivity Index method, and ing resistivity devices, often incorporating the SP trace,
from the quick-look standpoint, it remains valuable have been used to determine saturation. These methods
today. Nevertheless, when only deep-resistivity data (R0 are still applied to "old logs" and are often useful in
and R 1) are used to calculate saturation, the major source modern log analysis. Remember, the following methods
of error is the assumption that ali other rock and fluid were devised prior to the development of more sophisti-
properties from the top to the bottom of the reservoir are cated porosity-sensitive tools.
constant. Any change of q>, diameter of invasion (d), R 1v,
shale volume, and/or other petrophysical characteristics In the evolution of computerized log analysis, most of the
between the supposed R0 depth level and the R1 depth following saturation methods have been discarded. It is
levels will lead to erroneous saturation values. The important for the novice to acquire a basic understanding

- 124-
of the evolution of log anaJysis, and how sorne of the
older techniques are somet mes helpful in resolving com-
plex questions that occur today. A nomogram for saturation determination is entered with
the R/Rw ratio and the ratio of R/ R1 and Sw is determined
Rocky Mountain Method (Fig. 3-50).

The earliest use of shallow- and deep-resistivity mea- Flushed-Zone Resistivity Ratio Method
surements for saturation determination was Maurice Tix-
ier's Rocky Mountain method in 1948, and this empirical The microlog too! was introduced in the late l 940s, and
method was considered heresy by many at the time. This the first literature on this device was published by H.G .
interpretative technique was developed prior to the Doll in 1950. The microlaterolog instrument was intro-
microlog device; i.e., normals, laterals, and SPs were the duced in 1954. Severa! improved versions of both tools
tools available at that time. Adaptations are still found in have evolved since that time. The shallow depth of inves-
many log analysis chart books today. The Rocky Moun- tigation of these devices permitted a satisfactory resistiv-
tain method was developed in formations that typically ity measurement of the flushed zone (Rx0 ). Hardware
had moderate filtrate invasion. Archie's saturation equa- developments since that time have led to a number of
tion can be modified for the invaded zone of a reservoir chart book methods for determining saturation. The first
as presentation 160 incorporated the resistivity recordings of
electric logs and the SP, but it can be adapted to the Rxo
2 Fx Rz
1 R.
measurements of a microdevice. Severa! assumptions are
1 built into any empirical chart; this one assumes residual
where S1 = saturation of the invaded zone (zone oi l saturations are 20%. Archie's saturation equation can
with a mixture of filtrate and connate be rewritten for the flushed zone as
S 2 = Fx Rmf
xo Rxo
F = formation resistivity factor,

Rz = resistivity of the mixed fluids in the

invaded zone (a mixture of filtrate and where Sxo = saturation of the flushed zone,
connate water),
F = formation factor,
and R = resistivity of the invaded zone.
Rm = resistivity of the mud filtrate at
Tixier's empirical studies showed S was related to Sw by formation temperature,

2 and Rxo = resistivity of the flushed zone.

SW ==S.1
Dividing the conventional Archie saturation equation by
and by dividing this relationship into the S equation, an
the flushed zone saturation equation yields
expression for Sw was obtained,
Sw _ ( Rx/ R 1 )1 1 2
_ R/R,
Sxo - Rmf/Rw
Sw - R/ Rw
Studies of log data at the time indicated Sxo and Sw could
Rz can only be found empirically. In the Rocky Mountain be related empirically as
method, Rz was calculated by the relation
S ==S 115_
1/R z = (z/R w ) + (1-z)/R mf'
Substituting this relationship into the combined equa-
where z is representative of the fraction of the invaded tions yields the following,
zone's pore fluid that is formation water and 1-z is the 518
fraction of mud filtrate. A chart was presented to resolve 1
Sw = ( : xo;: )
the equation, depending on the choice of the z value mf IV

(Fig. 3-49). The chart is entered with the choice of z and A nomogram that solves the equation is entered with the
the ratio of Rm/Rw, and the ratio R/Rw is determined. If Rm/Rw ratio or the SP (Fig. 3-5 1). To reach the Rm/Rw
necessary, Rm/Rw can be derived from the SP trace using value from SP input, the SP value is extended through the
the simplified relationship, formation temperature with a straight line. From the RmI

- 125-
oo =T
J r:-,
--" ,
80 ct:"TT:, - - . ..:-; +.. ::~:- :~---- ~:: :~~ =:-::

.-:1. ~ : ~
' .,. ~ .. il:::!!--i .. 1T'.
]1 . -- -
60 ; .:-~,..- rr;~7:~f;;
.. :e:-: .:.r;,
50 ~ nJ:;# ,:::;:'!
' ,- ::: -~H~-~ -~~i 3;: ~-~
40 ~- ._,..
>-' -
ti +- I ---~:::~jr:-:~: ~~ t0 f~
-- rt:1t!.:: ::r:::;::1
-..........__._, -~~J::.:::r::
:_:-'"" ::;:::~;:=: ..:.:::77 .:::
-- rttT , ............ 1--+-... ,... -
t ~ rl=+li
t' rt1
....... ... . 1-'+= __:...._f-,i,......:..
. ,_....,..,..,_. .... '::'"'t:i=: ~ 1 . ~=:
~;= ~~~@~~;-:~ ~
.... _--~~ ~'. f-l~Tif:

1i =~--- ,:r,-.
s~ H~': ,~~:~ :F-_
- ,,+.=:~ ......; .::

.,~~:~~ . .~~:~~.;~; -t:"~- : 1 - - - .....

- r- -- - _-r . ---tt,r-- . ~-s...:::~-::::

.. ;~ .:-..r::::::::: .:; ;=._r- .1 :....: r - ~ - - - -. ---=r-- ... -
6 s=;::;::'"l' :::.i-.;n-:~::;::::m:rit: - --1-U~~>~-=::i::;.i-;:..'. ~=:.:: _ .. ;.::::.:.:..::~:Jft; .- ;::r~~~
: :._____ __!',. ;:_____ r: ~ .
--: .........


This chart is used to adjust the fluid resistivity values in the invaded zone for the effect of mixing the mud
filtrate with the formation waters.


Given: RmrfRw = 10.0; z = 0.075

Determine: R/Rw; R/ Rw = 5. 9 (Refer to next chart for Sw determination)

Fig. 3-49 - Resistivity of mixed waters, R2 , for Rocky Mountain method

- 126-

12 ~ sw
11 R, (%)
10 10 100
9 8 90
8 6 80 ~ +
7 5
Rw (%)
4 10 40
6 60 15 36
3 20
5 50 30 32
2 50 28
4 40 70 26
100 24
3 30 200 20
o.a 18
0.6 500 16
2 0.4 20 1000 14
0.3 2000 12
4000 10
0.2 5000
0.15 9
1 0.1 10 7
0.9 0.08 9
o.a 0.06 8 6
0.7 0.05 7 5
0.6 6
0.5 5
Sw = (R/R)/(R/Rw) F = 0.62t - 2.15

(Humble Relation
for Sandstone)

This nomograph determines water saturation without knowledge of porosity or resistivity of the formation
water. Water saturation may be obtained using the basic equation. Porosity is obtained by a solution of the
Archie equation. This nomograph can also be used for a porosity balance check.


Given: R = 20 Qm; R = 10 Qm; ~ /Rw = 6; Rw = 0.05 Qm

Determine: Water saturation and porosity; Sw = 33.3%; += 19%

Fig. 3-50 - Determination of water saturation by Rocky Mountain method

- 127 -
This nomograph provides a solution for the water saturation, Sw, of the formation, using the ratio Rx0 / ~ .

Sw/Sxo = [(Rxo/ Rt)/(RmrfRw)l a

pseudostatic SP
where = stat1c SP

Sxo = S~, where x varies from 0.33 to 0.5.


(Far clean sand) (Far shaly sand)

Given: Rmf = 3 Q m; Rw 0.15 Q m ; Rx0 1Rt 8 Given: a = 0.8

Determine: Sw; Sw = 42% Determine: Sw; Sw = 35%

Fig. 3-51 - Determination of water saturation using RxofRt

Rw spine, a straight line is extended through the ratio of
Rx0 IR1 to determine Sw. The a scale near the right edge of
the nomogram allows Sw to be corrected for estimates of
shale volume, and by projecting a line through the esti-
mated shale value, a corrected Sw value for shaly sand is
determined. At the time the flushed zone method was
introduced, Rxo was obtained from short normal,
microlog, or mkrolaterolo g data. R 1 was derived from the
long normal or lateral curve resistivity values whose
empirical corrections to R 1 are somewhat complicated.

Using today's logs, the nomogram discussed in the previ-

ous paragraph allows saturation determination from
resistivity ratios, independent of porosity, and it is a rela-
tively universal method. The nomogram (or equation)
should be used after the specific log data have been cor-
rected for other influences (bed thickness, hole size,
salinity, invasion). Chartbooks provide corrections for
invasion, and for determining RxolR1 ratios, d, R 1, etc. as
req uired (Figs. 3-52 through 3-56).

lnduction Electrical Resistivity Ratio Method

Severa! versions of induction logs and laterologs have

evolved since 1956. Most early induction devices
recorded short normal resistivity and SP curves simulta-
neously if borehole conditions permitted. Charts using
various versions of induction measurements and short
normal with SP or induction with focused log and SP
have been published. Again, certain assumptions are
incorporated into the response lines; however, the ratio
method does provide an estmate of saturation, indepen-
dent of porosity data.

Saturation Determination by Nomogram

Numerous versions of a saturation nomogram have also

been published. A variety of versions for different tool
types (laterolog or induction) can be found in the
literature. A simple and more-or-less universal nomo-
gram was given earlier and is presented again for easy
reference in the following practica( work session (Fig. 3-
57). The biggest danger with nomograms is the individ-
ual's accuracy in using a straight edge and pivoting
through severa( points from one edge of the chart to the
other. Slight changes in pivot points along the nomogram
can cause a severe error in the final results.

.;.. .\J.
. ::l1nvasion>Diameter
! .(in .).;...
......:.....; .. ) ...: ... '. .. j....................,.......... .
: . ::

. :<>
. . .
:r.7.~ S ~F.~~2[
.. .. .. .'
:. .<:
.. 30
.. .. .. ..

o 10


....-......... ,..:.....
-_-_-_-_-_-R_/_R_LL_D.. . . ,I

: R >,R
... ... ....~ .: . t: .:.. ~.~ . ...... . .. .....
. . . . . . . . - ........ ' . . .. . ; ..... ~ .. .. :.... ; ... ~ .. i . . . . . . . . ............ . .. . .

.. ....... ... . .; ..... .... .~ .. .-~ ... ;... ~ .. j. -......... --. ....... L ... . .. . .. .
: :::::::::::::::::::;::::::::\::::::!::::::' Thick Beds .. ,...........
: i 8-in. Borehole
-: : :-----:--
Step Profile
.. -:- . . . . . . ; . . . . . . : . l ..................... ~ ... . .

.5 2 5 10 20

This chart provides a method of obtaining R1 from the Dual Laterolog readings where R1 is greater than Rxo
Rxo should be determined from an auxiliary survey such as the Micro Laterolog. Rxo RLLD and RLLS
should be corrected for borehole effects before entering this chart.


Given: RLLo/Rx0 = 63 Q rn/3 Q m = 21 ; RLLol Ru,s = 63 Q rn/10 Q m = 6.3

Detennine: d. = 50 in. ; R/RLLD = 1.5; Ri = 1.5 x RLLD = 94.5 Q m

Fig. 3-52 - Rt from Dual Laterolog (for Rt > Rx0 )

- 130-




Thick Beds
2 8-in. (203-mm)
Step Profile
No Skin Effect

-r---- .

1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4

This chart provides a method of obtaining R1 from the Dual lnduction-Focused Log readings where R is less
than Rxo The depth of filtrate invasion may also be determined.

RFL = 1FL X Rxo + (l - JFL) x Rt

1/RILM = GILM/Rxo + (1 - GILM/Rt
l/R1LD = (G 1w/RxJ + (1 - G 1w)/Rt

where Rxo = resistivity of formation invaded by drilling fluids; Rt = resistivity of undisturbed formation; J =
geometric factor for Focused Log at the invasion diameter; G = geometric factor for Induction Log at the
invasion diameter; FL = Focused Log; ILM = Induction Log Medium; ILD = lnduction Log Deep

Given: RpL/R1LD = 10 Q m/1 Q m = 10; R1LM/R1LD = 1.4 Q m/1 Q m = 1.4

Determine: d = 39 in., Rx0 /R1 = 18.5; R1/R1w = 0.95; R1 = (R/R1w) R1w = 0.95 Qm

Fig. 3-53 - At from Dual lnduction-Focu sed Log (At < Axo)

- 131-
1 ... r-'i ... 1
t r
! 1
1 11"1
""' -

w I ,rv ,J '""' / 1 ,J,V::J. .u

20 ~,'" ;r 11,. :1u
- I
1/ """'
1 IJ\
' ;..r.

I I J ll/." pv,
,vi , ,
b /C
, ,
I PU(.J/ I 1. D I""
, ; 'l
' / ,X ,,, / / .J
1 ' / ,f 40
. r 11
/ I
i l/,

_., -~

. .
., .
.. -. -~


, I
I ..IJ
1.. ...
,, 'J :t,,~

I 1\

. ,,
5 I
,,. ,. [I A

I ' I
I I --

,,' ~
~ .r,

.. . . . ' ,

H f.l


e 1/

,' .,
,~ 1A
I ,

R, > Rxo
Thick Beds
8-in. (203-mm)


,, ,.
J 'I, 1
Borehole 1-

2 '
)' ,, I '
IU 1 Step Profile
I I ' I r, No Skin Effect ~

'.A ~

I JIj '
I rJ
IIW ,..__
3 4

This chart provides a method of obtaining Ri from the Dual Induction-Focused Log readings where Rt
is greater than Rxo Rxo should be deterrnined by an auxiliary survey such as the Micro Laterolog.

Given: R1LDIRxo = 20 Q m/5 Q m = 4; R1LD/RrLM = 20 Q m/10 Q m = 2

Determine: d = 50 in., Rx0 1Rt = 0.17; R/R1LD = 1.5; R1 = (R1/RrLD) R1LD; 1.5 X 20 30 Q m

Fig. 3-54 - Rt from Dual lnduction-Focused Log (Rt > Rxo)

- 132-

1 M-'""' e --
rti ~~.:::::..
~ .... ....
5"!- SQ .5 o se o t
o :--sg ~E~ !!2. ~~ ;o
e .
.Q Q r( 1 1 o'
~ l,-11 1

n: ,




I 1
5 JI
~ I I
I I 10 /.f 1
1 ,r I ~

",K 1 ' I I , ,-,

I' I 7 /_
A'" I I' 1 ~"" /
I I 1
5 1/ /

I 1/ / / I / /

' I /3; / ,....
lfl I
1/ /
I '! // ~ ,C


.... ,.... ,,,
xo t ,,~ (f

n '-fl ~ // /,
~ '1~
0.3: #
l-'l J --10 in. 125O mml
7 / 1/ 15 in. (40 ) mm)

---~~ /~

- --- 20 in. (50 ) mm)

..... ,...30 in. (75 ) mm)

0.1 10

Thick Beds

8 in. (203 mm) borehole

RILO is skin effect corrected.

RFOC is borehole corrected .

Fig. 3-55 - Rt from Deep lnduction, Focused Log, and Rxo

- 133-

100 -



40 -

>-->--. 1-1-r ,t.-.
t--i-+__,.,,.._.~ - - + - H 1 -.+ ~
l-+1 ,--..-- 4 1iH ~ 1 -r-l 1 -....._....._,l+'-_l-'-_-tt-----1-+-<-+-+1,- +-,
_ H-t--H--++H-++i+-+-++-i-+-++Hl-'--+..........+----++f'-lt--t
11 1 1
111 1
11 1
1 111 1 1 1
1 il 11

- - 11
-, ..
~ . ...-;:;;::; lfi::.!. - ...

-= _,__ _., -
- - - :7- =-- -
:__!-_ ~ - : . ,:.:_~ .
1---c__;-:~ . . -y -. - ..--1--- ---
.J :. i- -i-+-- . :;e: - .. .-~ ~

,--:.:.~t-:-:-~: ~:::-~. . .
. - ...,_,.. .. h.:::: -~

2 -
.... ~"' _.r, .' - f= ~1--_-_-------,--,.-+-+-+-+-.
- - - __ ... ... -++<--+t-,.,>-t-,,....+--+-~------t+---< -7- -
! ,\,f )'~ t - . ~ t :.:. ::t :f-. ::~f.-+ ---,----....... 1
1 11 111
1 1 111
1 .J 1
1" 1
1I I - --+--- 1 1----t--t--+"'-ff-,,-+ ---,-,---t-H-+--t-+i----+-+++--++-t++-+w+tt---+-

1~ .., i ,. - -
1 1 1 1 1 1
~~ :_i=i I~: _ j _ i 1 1 1
l -+l-l--+-,--l-1-+--...-H--+++++++-r.++-++-,-.-+++,--4-<
", 1

P'-rr + .... -;--.-- ______,_ , 1 ,
1 1 11 111, 11
1 I 111 1
1 11 1
11 ...., 1lil 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 100

This chart is for Rxo > ~ and Rxo < 40.

Thick Beds
8-in. (203-mm) borehole
RILo is skin effect corrected.

Fig. 3-56 - Rt from Deep lnduction, Short Normal, and Rxo

- 134-
Rw Ro Ro sw
(Qm) (Qm) (%)
0.01 100 0.001 100
F Rt 0.002
50 (Qm)
0.05 1000 50
500 10,000
0.1 5000 0.005
200 n
0.2 100

20 2000 0.01
50 2.5 20
0.5 1000 2
20 500
0.02 o
10 10 8
5 10
5 200
2 0.05
2 100 1.0
5 50
5 0.1 5
10 20
20 10
5 2
50 0.5

Sw = (Ro IRt )11"
R0 = FRw
0.2 10



Given: Rw = 0.05 Qm; F = 20; ~ = 10 Q m; n = 2.0

Detennine: Sw; ~ = 1.0 Q m; ~/~ = 0.1; Sw = 32 %

Fig. 3-57 - Determination of water saturation by Archie's formula

- 135 -
PRACTICAL WORK SESSION Rm and Rw are essentially the same at 0.015 ohm-m
at formation temperature. Use the tornado chart (Fig. 3-
Problem 1 52) to correct the resistivity values for invasion. Assum-
ing the logs are correct for bed thickness and hole size,
Given the following values, give values for the following.

Rw = 0.1 O @ formation temperature R/RLw = -- -

R0 = 5 ohm-m RrlRxo =
R1 = 8 ohm d =
R = 10 ohm-m Rr =
Rxo = 12 ohm-m
F = l/<j>2 Using the nomogram (Fig. 3-51) and your answers from
n =2 above, determine Sw in depth intervals A and B.
Rm = 0.15 ohm-m
z = 0.075 ohm-m (A) Sw = _____
(B) Sw = _ _ __
determine Sw by these resistivity ratio methods -
Problem 3
Resistivity index, Sw = _ _ __
In a shaly sand ( "" 10% V5 h), dual induction and focused
Flushed zone ratio method Sw = _ _ __ resistivity values are given as -

By today's standards, do you think saturations deter- = 10 ohm-m

mined by resistivity ratio methods can ever be useful? = 12 ohm-m
= 15 ohm-m
If yes, when?
Using the tornado chart (Fig. 3-53), determine the fol-
lowing -

If no, why not? el =

R/RILD = _ __
R, =
Rxc/Rr =
Rm = 1.1 ohm-m at 70F (21 C) and Rw = 0.08 at
Dual Laterolog and Micro Laterolog data recorded formation temperature of 180F (82C). Temperature
through a clean carbonate reservoir are given as correction chart is on page 48. Use the Sw equation or
nomogram (Fig. 3-51) to determine Sw.
(A) RLw = 70 ohrn-m
Ru.s = 60 ohm-m Sw = - - - -- - - - -
RMLL = lo ohm-m
Now, ifporosity derived from logs is 16%, what is Sw?
from the "pay interval" of the reservoir. The data below
are from the "water leg" -

(B) RLLD = 5 ohm-m

RLLS = 5 ohm-m
RMLL = 5 ohm-m

" Determining Porosity, Formation Factor, and Shaliness 4

When using log data to evaluate formations, the type and Both SP and gamma ray data are used as shale indicators.
volume of porosity, mix of shale within the rock matrix, Natural gamma ray spectroscopy measurements are
and resistivity's relation to petrophysical parameters must probably the most effective shale indicator, and the neu-
be known. This chapter describes methods for relating tron log is often a valuable shale indicator in carbonate
log measurements to porosity. Equations and petrophysi- reservoirs. Crossplot data from density and neutron logs
cal parameters commonly used in log analysis are also are very useful in shaly sand reservoirs. Similarly, cross-
developed. The most basic methods used to determine plot data from density and acoustic logs or neutron and
shale content from logs are covered in detail. Crossplot acoustic logs can be useful in specific circumstances.
methods for determining porosity, lithology, and gas Resistivity is a useful measurement when reservoir resis-
effects are not discussed here but are found in Chapter 5. tivity values are greatly different from shale resistivities.
Furthermore, resistivity and crossplot techniques for
Studies of the reservoir rock itself remain to be the foun- shale volume calculations are covered in Chapter 5.
dation of petrophysics. Log responses, however, have
been compared to known rock physics (specifically spe- SHALE VOLUME DETERMINAT ION BY
cial core data) to develop reliable analysis methods that GAMMA RAY MEASUREME NTS
use only log data as input.
The first gamma ray logging device was developed in
Practica) work sessions follow virtually a li discussions,
1935 by Well Surveys, Inc., a predecessor to severaJ
but actual well logs, especially local examples, are
companies that evolved into today's Baker Atlas
needed as a practica) approach to learning. Natural
Logging Services. Gamma ray devices were the first
gamma ray and spontaneous potential (SP) measure-
instruments capable of identifying different lithologies
ments as basic shale indicators are discussed first. The
behind the casing. In 1940, Lane Wells introduced the
"porosity tools" (neutron, acoustic, density) are covered
service commercially for openhole or cased hole wells.
in the order they were commercially introduced to the
The log can be run in tluid-filled or air-filled boreholes,
industry. A brief discussion on relating resistivity to
and in wells having oil-based much, freshwater-, or salt-
petrophysics in terms of formation factor follows the sec-
based mud. Thus, the gamma ray log is one of the most
tion on porosity logs, and a fundamental Archie satura-
universal logging services available to the industry.
tion determination concludes the chapter.

BASIC METHODS FOR ASSESSING SHALE Gamma ray devices are ideal for distinguishing potential
reservoir rocks from shale beds. The natural gamma ray
response curve is useful for severa) practica! applications
of log data (Fig. 4-1 ),
Shale is normally considered impermeable. It may or
may not contain hydrocarbon, but is seldom productive.
Shale is a confusing, ambiguous term to many people. ( 1) Determine possible reservoir rock by quickly elim-
Most log analysts consider silts and clays as shale, inating the depth intervals occupied by shale in
making grain size the determining factor. Wentworth's either open or cased hole.
grain size classification is accepted as the standard for
(2) Determine the amount of shale in potential reser-
clastic rock (Table 4-1). Unfortunately, the classification
voir rock in either open or cased hole.
does not stand up well in carbonate reservoirs. Most car-
bonate is clean rock of no more than two or three matrix (3) Correlate depth on gamma ray logs in other wells to
mixtures, but in certain environmental settings, carbonate determine reservoir structural position in either
and clastic or evaporitic rocks are mixed. The basic dif- open or cased hole.
ference between c lastic and carbonate reservoirs is that
clastics were formed mechanically and carbonates were (4) Identify radioactive deposits such as potash and
formed chemically. Therefore, chemistry is often as uranium ore, bentonite marker beds, coa! seams,
important as grain size in identifying shale. Diagenesis and potential organic source beds.
affects both clastic and carbonate reservoir rock. The
(5) Monitor movement of injected radioactive
materials referred to as matrix material are basically
uncomplicated crystaJs of SiO2 (quartz), CaCO3 (cal-
cite), CaMg(CO3)i (dolomite), etc. In well logging, shale Natural radiation emitted by unstable elements con-
generally includes silts, clay, and other particles that sists primarily of alpha, beta, and gamma rays, but it
often have very complex crystal lattices. is practica! in wellbore conditions to measure only

- 137-
TABLE 4-1 -Wentworth's Grain Size Scales for Sediments

U.S. Standard Millimeters Microns

Sieve Mesh# (mm) (m) Phi (4>) Wentworth Size Class

4096 -12
1024 -10 Boulder (-8 to -124>)
Use 256 - 8
Cobble (-6 to -84>) Q)
Wire >
64 - 6
- 4 Pebble (-2 to -64>)
Squares 16
5 4 - 2
6 3.36 -1.75
7 2.83 -1.5 Granule
8 2.38 -1.25
10 2.00 -1.0
12 1.68 -0.75
14 1.41 -0.5 Very Coarse Sand
16 1.19 -0.25
18 1.00 o.o
20 0.84 0.25
25 0.71 0.5 Coarse Sand
30 0.59 0.75
1/2 - 1.0
35_ 0.50 -- 500
40 0.42 420 1.25
45 0.35 350 1.5 Medium Sand e
50 0.30 300 1.75 en
60 _ 1/4 0.25 250
- -- 2.0
70 0.210 210 2.25
80 0.177 177 2.5 Fine Sand
100 0.149 149 2.75
120 - 125 3.0
- 1/8 0.125 --
140 0.105 105 3.25
170 0.088 88 3.5 Very Fine Sand
200 0.074 74 3.75
230 1/16 - 0.0625 - - 62.5 4.0
270 0.053 53 4.25
325 0.044 44 4.5 Coarse Silt
0.037 37 4.75
Analyzed_ 1/32 - 0.031 31 5.0
1/64 0.0156 15.6 6.0 Medium Silt
1/128 0.0078 7.8 7.0 Fine Silt rg
--- Pipette_ 1/256 - 0.0039 - - 3.9 8.0 ::

Verv Fine Silt
0.0020 2.0 9.0
0.00098 0.98 10.0 Clay
Hydrometer 0.00049 0.49 11.0
0.00024 0.24 12.0
0.00012 0.12 13.0
+ 0.00006 0.06

<j> Units = Negative logarithm to the base 2 of the diameter in millimeters.


natural occurring gamma rays. Sorne rocks are natu- rocks. Each of these elements naturally emits gamma
rally radioactive by virtue of disseminated, unstable rays that are distinctive in both number and energy.
elements they contain. However, most of the 65 unsta- Radiation energy is measured in units of electron
ble nuclides exist so rarely in nature that they are volts (eV), kiloelectron volts (keV), or rnillion elec-
omitted from consideration in this text. The elements tron volts (MeV).
significant to log analysis are the uranium series, tho-
rium series, and potassium-40 isotope. They contrib- One gram of potassiurn-40 emits an average of 3.4 pho-
ute virtually all the natural radiation in sedimentary tons per second at a fixed 1.46 MeV energy. An equal

- ,,

o 100 211
Th 2.62
e;;- 173
t:> ai
.o 139
"t z
~ i.-- Apparent ai 100 113
<..~ Shale e
e 94
s-"' <O


- ~-
o .___..__._____._ ___._ _....__........._ __.____._~
,...! p
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Gamma Ray Energy - MeV

Fig. 4-2 - Energy window calibration for natural radioactivity

> forma large part of the Earth's potassium and decompose
~ e
Sediments ~ > rapidly to clay minerals. Clays are weakly bonded, very
e small in grain size, and have an open lattice that encour-
--::: ages inclusions of the radioactive elements during and
after deposition. When naturally radioactive materials are
Fig. 4-1 - Gamma ray log
present within otherwise clean reservoir rocks, the
gamma ray curve usually indicares shale content.

weight of thorium or uranium produces, respectively,

12,000 or 26,000 gamma rays per second with a spectrum
of energies that averages 0.5 Me V.
GR (API) AC (,sec/ft)
200 140 40
CAL (In.)
Most natural radioactivity in the Earth comes from 6 . 16 &)

TEN (lb)
. o
the potassium-40 isotope and the elements and 4500 -500
decay products of the uranium and thorium series ) ,-.~
(Fig. 4-2).
> ,,
_ >
Energy of natural gamma rays is less than 3 MeV, ' ...
but the majority have energies less than 1.5 MeV. ==--
..'.:1:: =- )

is- -.t>
Atoms that emit gamma rays are from inherently
unstable elements.
1'-- ...

-..... -r->
Naturally occurring gamma rays behave as particles but

are actually photons, which have the properties of an r

electromagnetic wave. Gamma rays are created when an --
__ lJ --;,_
atom is disturbed or excited by sorne externa( force and -r- -
gives off energy when returning to its stable state. e'
Geologists and petrophysicists are primarily interested in :-:> ~>

how the gamma ray can be best used for their work. The
<::: ..... ::~
highest radioactivity usually (but not always) occurs in ; :::~ :,---

shales and clays because of their concentration of potas- ( i===- ,e;~ -

sium, thorium, and/or uranium (Fig. 4-3). Quartz crystals I f

generally exhibit strongly bonded planes in ali directions, ....

crystallizing in pure form and prohibiting impurities
from invading the crystal lattice. Micas and feldspars Fig. 4-3 - Shales usually exhibit the higher gamma ray values.

- 139-
Naturally occurring radioactive materials include - Of particular concern are radioactive feldspar, mica,
and/or glauconite. Glauconite is a marine mineral result-
Salts in solution that settle within sand or carbonate ing from diagenetic changes that upset the pH and Eh
pore spaces. equilibrium in sorne clays and micas. It is classified as a
clay in sorne texts and a member of the mica group in
Salts in solution that settle onto organic marine others. Its green color is significant to recognition in rock
shale. samples or core. Rock description often describes a
"green sand," which likely includes glauconite. Logs do
Certain minerals such as marine feldspar, micas, not define rock or mineral color, but core, well cuttings,
glauconite, etc. that result from radioactive salts or mud logs often describe colors of rocks. Recognition
dissolved in water cause reservoir rocks in those of glauconite, feldspars, or micas can be important to log
environmental settings to be radioactive. analysis. The North Sea area has a particular problem
with heavy micas (rarely found in other geographical
A small amount of clay dispersed within a sand areas). If the bulk volume of these minerals is concen-
reservoir can significantly increase radioactivity trated and in sufficient amount, any of the minerals can
and give a false indication of the clay content. An cause serious log interpretation mistakes if they are not
empirical chart defines sorne differences between a accounted for in the analysis.
linear GR shale index and that found in different
ages of rocks (Fig. 4-4). About 20% of the radiation in shale comes from the
potassium-40 isotope, and various minerals have differ-
ing amounts of potassium-40 (Table 4-2).

Units of Gamma Ray Measurements


07 The basic unit of measurement for gamma rays is occur-

rences per second, but logging instrumentation converts
this value to counts per second. In the first 20 years of
05 gamma ray logging, contractors offered logs with a
> diverse range of scaling methods. In 1959, an American
Petroleum lnstitute (API) committee issued a revision to
03 its Recommended Practices No. 33, establishing standard
units for nuclear logs, a standard calibration procedure,
anda permanent calibration facility located at the Univer-
O1 sity of Houston main campus and maintained by the
university's Electrical Engineering department. The dif-
0.1 02 03 04 06 07 08 0.9 10 ferent types of nuclear equipment were thereby normal-
Equations; ized to a common base, ensuring that ali radioactive log
Larionov; Stieber:
measurements would be reported in APT units as defined
liu, AA - AA.:,..,......, v.,. 1.....,,(30 - 20 1,uJ
RA.,. - AA.:-- (South Lou1s1ana M1ocene
and Phocene)
by the calibration facility. (Conventional neutron logs
Curve 1 (1ndex) , v .,. ., IRA
Curve 2 (older rocks), V.,. .. O 33(22 1'"- - 1 O)
Variations: with a chemical source and natural gamma ray logs were
Curve 3 (Terhary rocks). v.,,. 0 .083(231 ....., . , O)
V,,,. IP.A(20 - l,v.)
V"' 1....._(40 - 30lr:v.J
the only nuclear tools commercially available at that
Clavier et al.: time.)
v.,. - 17 - [338 - (111,.,0 7)"J 1 2

Shaliness estimates may be taken lrom gamma ray spectral data using lhe accompanying The gamma ray calibration pit consists of a string of
equat1ons (radioactiv1ty index = IRA)-
5 1/2-in. casing set in three blocks of cement (Fig. 4-5).
The center cement section has approximately twice the
radioactivity of normal shales. The amount and type of
Fig. 4-4 - Empirical corrections to a linear shale index each of the admixed radioactive materials were calcu-
lated to give about the same spectrum of gamma ray
In geology, it seems nothing can be taken for granted. energy as found in shale. The top and bottom sections
Log analysts are not always correct in assuming higher have only natural radioactivity, which is slightly lower
gamma ray counts indicate shale or clay content. Radio- than the background radiation leve! in air at the facility.
active evaporites such as sylvite, carnalite, langbeinite, The difference in radioactivity between the center "hot"
polyhalite, and kainite exist, but they are rarely cement and the "cool" sections is, by definition, equal to
encountered. 200 API units.

- 140 -
TABLE 4-2 - Potassium (K), Uranium (U), and Thorium (Th) Distribution in Severa! Rock and Minerals
K (%) U (ppm) Th (ppm)
Accessory Minerals
Allanite 30-700 500-5000
Apatite 5-150 20-150
Epidote 20-50 50-500
Monazite 500-3000 2.5x104 - 20x104
Sphene 100- 700 100 -600
Xenotime 500 - 3.4x1 o4 Low
Zircon 300- 3000 100-2500
Andesite (average) 1.7 0.8 1.9
A., Oregon 2.9 2.0 2.0
Range (average) o.o - 2.0 (0.3) 0.1 - 9.0 (2.2) 0.1-7.0(1.7)
Calcite, chalk, limestone, dolomite (all pure) < 0.1 < 1.0 < 0.5
Dolomite, westTexas (clean) 0.1 -0.3 1.5 - 10 < 2.0
Limestone (clean)
Florida < 0.4 2.0 1.5
Cretaceous Trend, (Texas) < 0.3 1.5-15 < 2.0
Hunton Lime (Oklahoma) < 0.2 < 1.0 < 1.5
westTexas < 0.3 < 1.5 < 1.5
Clay Minerals
Bauxite 3-30 10-130
Glauconite 5.08 - 5.30
Bentonite < 0.5 1 -20 6-50
Montmorillonite 0.16 2-5 14-24
Kaolinite 0.42 1.5-3 6-19
lllite 4.5 1.5
Biotite 6.7-8.3 < 0.01
Muscovite 7.9- 9.8 <0.01
Plagioclase 0.54 < 0.01
Orthoclase 11.8 - 14.0 < 0.01
Microcline 10.9 < 0.01
Sandstones, range (average) 0.7-3.8(1.1) 0.2 - 0.6 (0.5) 0.7 -2.0 (1.7)
Silica, quartz, quartzite, (pure) < 0.15 < 0.4 < 0.2
Beach sands (U.S. gulf coast) < 1.2 0.84 2.8
Atlantic Coas! (Florida, North Carolina) 0.37 3.97 11.27
Atlantic Coast (New Jersey, Massachusetts 0.3 0.8 2.07
'Common" Shales [range (average)] 1.6 - 4.2 (2.7) 1.5 - 5.5 (3.7) 8 -18 (12.0)
Shales (200 samples) 2.0 6.0 12.0

- 141-
The PM anodes, each ata progressively more posi-
: . .. : : . ._. .: . : ; tive potential, attract electrons and give off about 3
5 ! -in., 17#, J-ss----+,...._~.~._.. . .,. _ electrons for each electron striking the anode.
. . . : -:-. .
... . : ..... : : . :- .
. . .. .. . . .. . . . The pulse generated is amplified, shaped, and sent
Cernen!-- - -- - ::" :-:. to the instrumentation that scales and statistically
. . .... ,.. . . ..._: :- averages the data.
. . : . . . _:: -_:_:: ..
:. . .: .
. ::- .. Time Constants and Filtering
. ~--: .: -...... .". -: .. .
. : :.: .: . ;.
-:::_:_:.- ._-::: Statistical fluctuation is a problem common to ali radio-
:.-:::: .:_:-:--...
.: . . . . .
: active measuring devices. Gamma ray emission is not
:-:-. - .. .
constant, and as a result, the emissions are filtered in
. : :
... ~ .......;
today's digital acquisition systems. T he purpose of the
filtering is to obtain an average that is related to logging
: : : .. : . speed. In the past, this statistical averaging was
-:-:--.._,:... . :-
controlled somewhat by use of a time constant. Time
-: :::- ::.
. .. : . constants are not used today, but provide a means to
Low-Activity : : : .' . .
Cement - - - - - - -. - . :: :::.:::_.-. explain the filtering, logging speed, and response rate
. . . .. ..
. :.. .-..
. .. ::: .... . .. ..
. :. . . . . . .: . . ..
. . .
At short time constants, response rates to changes
' . ,. in radioactive levels are much faster (Fig. 4-6).

Short time constants often result in variations that

Fig. 4-5 - Gamma ray API calibration pit are only statistical and not representative of a true
change in radioactive leve!.

The goal is to limit statistical fluctuations to a mni-

In truth, calibration of gamma ray logging tools is simply
mum while maintaining acceptable logging speeds.
the calibration of contractors' field calibration devices.
The tools involved in the test "log the test pit twice" to Formulae are used to calculate time constants after
verify repeatability, and the contractors' field calibration
the maximum and mnimum count rates are deter-
apparatus is applied to the "log results from the test pit."
mined (count rate, not API units).
The comparison of tool response to the field calibrator
with tool response to the API pit allows the contractor to Time constants for logging purposes are generally
determine the radioactive strength of its calibrator in API standardized in given geographical areas and rarely
units. An API calibration record is made and placed o n recalculated at the well site.
file at the faci lity. The procedure is applied to different
too] sizes and different detec to r types (Geiger-Mueller, Long time constants are generally used fo r calibra-
scintillation, etc.). Conversion val ues from the older scal- tion purposes.
ing methods can be found through the API file system at
the university. Logging Speed

Logging speed is generally a compromise between rig

Principie of Measurement
time and log quality (Fig. 4-7).

Today, most gamma ray tools use a scintillation detector Logging speed is selected to ensure the tool ascends
and photomultiplier tube (PM) as the detection system. the borehole only 1 ft in one time constant of time.
This method permits reasonable detail on an
The sensor is a sodium-iodide crystal that emits a expanded depth scale (1 :200 or 1:240). Fi ltering
burst of lig ht when struck by a gamma ray. methods used today are tied to th is concept.

Within the PM tube is a photosensitive surface that When reduced depth scales are used ( I :500 to
gives off electrons when exposed to light. l: 1200), logging speed can be increased to 2 ft in
one time constant of time. This is a condition that
The crystal is optically coupled to the PM tube and does not require detailed log data for interpretative
as the crystal absorbs a gamma ray, electrons exit purposes, but instead utilizes the log data for corre-
the photosensitive surface. lation purposes only.

- 142 -

> <

~~ '>
1 ~/
< .................
J <
-:;, 1
~ f=~ } )


- f::::::: - --
-- --

) e
~> <

~ "
-- --
.......__ >
... f:::::' (r-. v V
I <


\. ...........
-- {
' i----..
f ,2_ \
<'. ) (
Speed (ft/min) - . 3.75 7.5 15 30 45

TC = 4 seconds

f-== =-- ._:,.
- ,.,
F _.
r-- -----,>
,..:;;;;; =--
--~~ t==/ ~
D _.
: E

.e ::::_

---- ./

- -------

----- --- .......,

i::> ...
-e!:""" :,. ~. [:s- _..-
B _.

I"""': ~
<t15- ~ 'r--
-::; ~ ..... V
g: ~i,..


Speed (ft/min) -
-= ~
15 30
~~ K

TC = 1 second

Fig. 4-6 - Comparing the effects of different time constants on gamma ray recordings made at several logging speeds

- 143-
H <::
> > /
- -
L.--- V
F 1:::..
\ ..........
.,, l./> 't>
- --~> --
,~ /

--- --::,-
<:.. i--- ..._



<- -- ----
1"-- ...___
v' ),/

i"- ..........
[> '
< ( /

'b> - [)
A -- ~
---- V
-- -
.. -- i---~
"--... ...___ ['-.._
.< (
t ~ t ~ t t
2 4 6
Speed = 60 ft/min

Fig. 4-7 - Effects of different time constants at the same logging speed

The speed for above average resolution is usually !GR=
30 ft/min (9 m/min) or less depending on formation GRsh- GR en'
characteristics. Speed for correlation logging is generally where GR = log response in zone of interest (API
60 ft/min (18 m/min). units),

The outdated time constant circuitry did not react instan-

taneously to changes in radioactivity (Fig. 4-8). GRcn = log response in a zone considered clean,
shale free (API units), and
Delay time caused bed boundaries to appear up the
hole in terms of depth from the actual depth leve! - GRsh = log response in a shale bed (API units).
a distance referred to as lag.
/GR has been empirically correlated to fractio nal volumes
Lag had to be considered in depth measurements;
of shale in otherwise clean reservoir rock to provide a
i.e., the actual measure point of the instrument in
correction to the linear / GR response in rocks of certain
terms of depth reference was corrected for lag.
ages (Fig. 4-9). Curve l on the chart represents the linear
Lag depth = time constant * logging speed (ft/min) ! GR response from zero to 100% shale and yields an
/60. upper limit of shale content in any formation. Curve 2 is
described by Larionov as representative of the true shali-
Digital filtering methods used in modern radioactive log- ness correlation in pre-Tertiary-age rocks (Mesozoic and
ging devices handle the time constant function much Paleozoic). Curve 2 also leads to overestimates of shale
more effectively. when the formations are Tertiary or Quaternary and espe-
cially those that are unconsolidated. Larionov suggests
Determination of Shale Percentage from curve 3 for Tertiary and younger formations. If two for-
Gamma Ray Data mations of differing geological age have the same
amount of radioactive shale per unit volume, the log
Quantitative evaluation of shale content using gamma response should be lower in the older, more consolidated
ray data assumes that radioactive minerals other than and probably more dense formations. Gamma ray
shales and clay are absent. The gamma ray shale index absorption increases with the density of the matrix
(lGR) is defined as through which it passes.

- 144 -
._TC = 1 sec


(.) 60
O) 50

~ 30


30 35 40 45 50
Time alter Change in Seconds

Fig. 4-8 - Gamma ray responses are shown for different time constant values. More effective digital filtering methods have replaced out-
dated time constant circuitry.

Vsh= 0.083 (2 3.7 x IGR-1)
Tertiary clastics - ----.V"


/ 4 --+- Vsh = 0.33 (22 x IGR-1)

Mesozoic and older rocks

GR - GRcn
+- 1G R = - - - -
GRsh - GRcn

0.4 lf two formations of different geological age

have the same amount of radioactive shale per
unit volume, the Gamma Ray Log response
would be lower in the case of more
consolidated and dense formations. This is
0.2 because the gamma ray absorption increases
with the density of the medium through which it

o ________.______.______._______.______,
o 20 40 60 80 100
% Shaliness

Fig. 4-9 - Chart that is generally used to determine shale content from gamma ray data.

- 145 -
Older rocks generally exhibit more diverse differences
between GRcn and GRsh values. Log scales in Paleozoic
rock are generally from zero to 200 API units per track, o CA<

GR " 30_ _ _ _ _ _ CN-LOG POFIOSITY ( l - t'o11t) _ _ _ _ _

_ tO

whereas scales in the younger Tertiary and Quaternary " "

sediments are typically about 80 API units per track, and 1 ~
the clean end point is often greater (20 to 40 API units are ---<--
not unusual for GRcn)- Many geologists postulate this 1 ;::
relation to not only deposition of radioactive salts but to : '.::::.
time, which relates to half-life. Highly organic shales, > . ::-_ -.-... I""\
such as the Woodford, Baaken, and Chattanooga (U.S.A.) ~
formations, often exhibit API values of 300 or higher. ( - ~
,s: ..._

', <
Problem 1 -= -
A zone in a Tertiary shaly sand sequence has a GR
response of "' 40 API units. Clean sands exhibit a GR e
response of about 15 API units and the shales demonstrate
an average GR response of90 API units in intervals of rel-
atively good hole condition. Calculate shale volume <Vsh)

o -- -;J:ll _ - -

from the gamma ray response. Circle the correct answer. 1

> '

(a) 33% 1
(b) 19% ,- 1

(e) 75% 'l 1 !

(d) 11 % r'""~ h 1

Problem2 )
-- . - --(- -- . .. ;... 1

Tertiary sands and shales represent the interval shown on I

the Problem 2 example. Determine h for Zones A
through I indicated on the log. GRcn was estimated at 20 '
API units. GRsh was estimated as 96 API units. List your 1

values for GR and h. 1 1

Zone GR (API) Vsh

A Problem 3

A sequence of pre-Tertiary carbonates and shales is

B given. Determine Vsh in Zones A through F and list your
values for GR and Vsh . GRcn was selected as 25 API units
e and GRsh was selected at 100 API units.

D Zone GR (API) Vsh


- 146-

( 1) Thin beds affect SP response and contrast between
Rm and Rw is very important. Enlarged boreholes
affect SP response because of the larger volume of
GR ,,_ ACOUSTILOG drilling fluid (R 111 ) . Salinity of che drilling fluid is
also very important as borehole size increases.

(2) Bed thickness is critical to selecting a maximum
1 " " "
1 static SP deflection. In beds :S; 5 ft (1.5 m) thick, the
1 1 SP is not recommend ed for -11 estimates.
e; 1 1 1 1
1 e
,.... ....
(3) Contrast between R"if and Rw is very importan t. As
--- 1
~~ I 1
the ratio of Rm to Rw approaches unity, SP resolu-
,Jst tion diminishes quickly. This generally requires a
1 :
....-- 1 1-.l 1
1 ' 1
' ! contrast of"' 4 or more, and R 111is the greater value
i +, Ti 1 i TT 1 1 1 i..,--'
1 in almost ali cases.
J.++f l l'-r 1 1 ,
... Se:.:; .. ~ .. .. -- T"
: , ; ;__:__..:.'.;~ .
(4) If electrokinetic effects are present, the SP is not
1 recommend ed for shale volume estimates.
~ 1
1 3. 1
~ 1 1 ~> 11 (5) Another disturbing factor is baseline shift. Mechan-
1 .>
> ical baseline shifts are sometimes performed by the
TI (
, r Ir r ' 1 i 1 1' __.. 1" 1 1 logging engineer anda message should be inscribed
1T i . 1 4-----i:, i on the log at those depths where che shift occurred.
-r-- 1 1
_.- -!" When formation waters of differing salinity are sep-
1 ,- -.... .,.
I< ::__. 1
1 arated by a shale bed that is not a perfect cationic
- 1 1
membrane, large SP shifts can occur. Severe
- i: r-~ ...
'-,-.... 1
changes in drilling mud characteristics occasionally
1 1 1 1 1 1 _:, 1
v 11 i 1 1
cause the SP, opposite the formations exposed to
-..,_C: > ,
..I: 'f.L...., .r ! 1 different muds, to reach equi librium. There are
1 11 1 ~
- ' - 1 1 1
1 1 1 11
many reasons mud characteristics should be kept
fairly constant, including better acquisition of log
(6) Gradual baseline drift often occurs and is attributed
to bimetallism. Drifting of this type is usually the
DETERM INATION OF SHALE VOLUME condition that affects SP mechanical shifts.
USINGSP (7) The ratio of R, (or R0 ) to Rm must approach unity if
satisfactory amplitude deflections are to occur. In
The SP measureme nt was discussed in detail in Chapters general, chis limits the use of SP as a shale indicator
2 and 3. Using SP data for correlation and the calculation to low- resistivity, fresh-mud conditions.
of Rw were the primary points of discussion, and the
(8) Sorne permeability must exist in a reservoir before
effects of shaliness were mentioned o nly briefly. The
an SP deflection will develop.
theory of SP origin, borehole effect, thin-bed effect, etc.
will not be discussed again in this section. (9) SP noise is generated from a number of sources -
(a) Sine wave-shaped noise occurs at fixed depth
Although SP data occasionall y give excellent indications intervals, and is caused by magnetized moving
of shale, measurement resolution is a major problem with parts of che cable spooling drum, the clutch,
the SP device. If SP amplitude above the shale baseline is the chain, or the logging cable.
not great in permeable zones, resolution is obviously (b) Intermittent contacts with cable armor and
poor. When resolution is more than "' 40 mV deflection metal, such as casing, can cause spurious
from the shale baseljne, the SP trace often performs spikes on the SP trace.
adequately as a shale indicator. It becomes an excellent
indicator when permeable zones have an amplitude of (c) Direct currents often flow through high-resis-
80 m V or more. tivity formations near the SP electrode caus-
ing a bimetallism effect (this is similar to the
action of a weak automobile battery). Effect
Other factors must also be considered in selecting the SP on the SP is small except near high-resistivity
as a shale indicator. formations.

(10) A reliable SP curve is often difficult to obtain even (14) Certain conditions of deep invasion can cause
if most of the conditions mentioned previously are unusual SP curve shapes, and in general, reduce the
satisfied. Offshore, it is often difficult to obtain a SP deflection.
good surface ground. lf the SP ground "fish" is
( 15) In sorne areas, SP disturbances can occur from
simply thrown over the side into the sea, crewboats
"Northern Lights."
and passing ships can create disturbances. Rig
power sources and cathodic protection devices Static SP
often interrupt SP measurements. On land, pump-
ing wells, power lines, extremely dry surfaces, and Static SP (SSP) is defined as the maximum SP difference
underground mine work can create problems that develops between a shale bed and a permeable reser-
(Fig 4-1 O). Power lines and radio transmission voir when two fluids of different salinities are found (R,,,
signals can also create problems. Ground electrode is substantially different from Rw.)- SSP has no bed
type and location are important in any of these boundary, but because current flows and the actual SP is
situations. a measurement of potencial changes in the wellbore, there
are variations between SSP and actual SP (Fig. 4-11 ).
(11) Shale affects the SP and makes it difficult to select
a maximum clean SP value if there is no clean sand. To select an SSP, the analyst should ideally determine the
SP value in a sufficiently thick permeable zone that is
( 12) Formation hydrocarbons can have a reducing effect clean and water bearing and make any necessary correc-
on the SP deflection; this happens most often when tions for hole size. Usually a negative deflection, the
the hydrocarbon is gas. value in millivolts deflection from the zero potential
shale baseline is then recorded or marked as the SSP.
( 13) lnterbedded clay laminae within a sand body can
have an averaging effect on total SP deflection. 20mv
---1 1-- +

'-- i - - o



Fig. 4- 1 O - Noisy SP log Fig. 4-11 - Selection of SSP and shale baseline


Pseudostatic SP (PSP) is the value recorded as the maxi- Although neutron, acoustic, and density logs are com-
mum SP deflection in a shaly sand if ali the above monly referred to as porosity logs, resistivity measure-
requirements are met. Shale reduces the SP value. The ments are also affected by avai/able pore space. It is
ratio of the shale-affected PSP and the expected SSP has important to recognize that no log makes a direct mea-
been defined as the alpha factor, surement of porosif); and ali /og measurements used to
derive porosity have advantages and limitations.
a = SSP = 1 - Vsh.
Emprica! methods using data from shallow-resistivity
If PSP is used to calculate R11. , the value will be too high and microresistivity devices were among the earliest
(pessimistic). Nevertheless, PSP in water zones takes the attempts to derive porosity from logs. Neutron logs were
form, introduced commercially by Lane Wells in 1948.


Hydrocarbons reduce the SP more often in shaly sands,
especially in shaly gas sands. The amount of reduction is Neutron devices respond to hydrogen and are therefore
calculated from sensitive to both fluid-filled pore space and borehole flu-
ids. Two major limitations are

( 1) Gas in the formation and/or borehole and

Shale Volume Calculation
(2) Effects of differing lithologies, including shaliness.
The conventional method for calcu lating shale volume
from the SP is given as Applications of Neutron Logs

Vsh (SP) = 1-( Ss;- C /1 -

SP1, ) .
There are numerous versions of neutron Iogging devices,
and they incorporate the largest variety of detectors, radi-
ation sources, and source-to-detector spacings of any of
the nuclear tools. Of the three basic types of porosity
Consideration before Using SP for Vsh
tools, neutron devices are probably the most confusing in
terms of too] model, tool size, etc. The neutron devices
The lengthy number of disturbing factors that have been
with chemical sources are used primarily to determine
presented tends to frighten most analysts away from
rock porosity in a variety of conditions
using the SP as a 1, technique. It is not recommended as
the only method at any time, but unfortunately, circum-
Empty hole (cable tools or air-drilled rotary)
stances occasionally dictate its use as the only shale indi-
cator. More involved and intricate uses of the SP as a
Fluid-filled boreholes
shale indicator are discussed in an advanced course on
shaly sand log analysis.
Cased holes (either fluid or gas filled)


Neutron data also provide information on lithology and
differentiate between fluid and gas when compared with
Problem 1
data from other porosity tools. Neutron logs are often
excel lent correlation devices.
lf an SP trace is recorded at formation temperature, R,,,r=
R11, , will it be sufficiently sensitive to use for shale indica- Neutron Applications to Petrophysics
tion? Yes orno? _ _ _ _ _ __
Petrophysical relationships are based on neutron tool
Problem 2 response in large blocks ofrock (Fig. 4-12). The standard
tool response is determined in the API neutron calibra-
The borehole mud resistivity, R,,,, is 1.05 ohm-m at for- tion facility at the University of Houston. The calibration
mation temperature, and the formation resistivity is pit contains large limestone blocks whose porosities are
80 ohm-m. Will the SP be a reliable shale indicator? Yes 1.9%, 19%, and 26%. A 7-7/8-in. borehole is drilled
orno? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ through the center of each block, and the limestone is

- 149-
Logging contractors maintain their own individual test
facilities and calibration devices, which are indirectly
calibrated to the University of Houston pit. When a com-
pany develops a new neutron device, severa) of the new
devices must be calibrated to the known parameters in
the API pit. Calibrating facilities within the service com-
pany are often more complex, including sandstone, dolo-
mite, and other rock types in addition to limestone.
Hydrogen content of any material is referenced to fresh

~'.~~s~oo~~sity -----,-;e;; ?j water and called the hydrogen index. Table 4-3 lists the
hydrogen index for severa) hydrocarbons and minerals.

Scaling of the Neutron Log

_:_/_:_\/.i):. In many areas, neutron logs are scaled only in limestone

: .:. :- ::..
... .
. _: _.:. : :: .. porosity units, because sandstone and dolomite trans-
. .. . ,.. forms are empirically derived and do not always fit the
19% Porosity -----i.
.: . :. : ~:. .-. :
. :.. .. . :.. ..
lithology correctly. In the United States, log scales often
. . . . . . show chart book correction to sandstone on the header
. .. . . .
. ... (U.S. gulf coast logs are typically scaled in sandstone
. :- ,: ... . . :- . . .
.. . . : . .... : . porosity units reading from 60% at the left of the scale to
. 0% at the right of the scale). In other areas, the limestone
scale may be offset to represent a compatible porosity
. . . . scale for another lithology (Fig. 4-13) .
26% Porosity -----+-,"



The fundamental function of a neutron counter is to

accumulate the number of occurrences per second, later
Fig. 4-12 - Neutron lag calibration converted electrically to counts per second. Older

saturated with fresh water. By definition, a neutron log-

ging tool in the different limestone blocks is expected to
be adjusted to certain values of AP[ units. The University COMPENSATED NEUTRON
of Houston maintains the test facility, and service compa-
nies are expected to build their individual neutron cali- <l>CN (LIMESTONE, %)

bration systems to ernulate the established values in this 130 20 10 o -10

1 1 1
pit. Water-filled lirnestone blocks were selected for the
<l>cN (SANDSTONE, %)
followi ng reasons: 1 1 1
35 25 15 5

(1) Water was available, contains hydrogen, and would

not be expected to exhibit the effects of gas or sorne
lightweight crudes and condensates.
(2) Lirnestone is readily available in a relatively pure
forrn of CaCO3, whereas lithology and porosity <l>cN (SANDSTONE, %)
control of other rock types are not. 60 45 30 15 o
1 1 1

(3) Known high-porosity lirnestones and tight low- <l>cN (LIMESTONE, %)

porosity lirnestones were available frorn quarries to 1 1 1 1
provide sorne porosity variation between 100% 45 30 15 o
(large tank fu ll of water) and essentially terminal
pore space ( 1.9%). Fig. 4-13 - Lag scales are often fitted to suit local circumstances.

- 150 -
TABLE 4-3 - Hydrogen Content of Various Substances neutron-gamma devices (before 1965) are often scaled
linearly in counts per second. Sidewall neutron and com-
Substance Hydro~en Atoms Hyd1ogen lndex
x 10 3 per ce
pensated neutron devices also measure counts per sec-
Pure water ond, but the data are converted and presented in porosity
so F, 14.7 psi 0.669 1 units equivalent to a particular lithology. Since water-
2ooF, 1,000 psi. 0.667 1
filled limestone of differing porosities is the basis for cal-
Sal! water, 200,000 ppm NaCI
60.F, 14.7 psi 0.614 0.92 ibration, the most accurate lithology porosity scaling is
2ooF, 7,000 psi 0.602 0.90 limestone porosity units (essentially a linear response
Methane CH4 from 1.9% to 100%).
60' F, 14.7 psi 0.0010 .0015
2oo F. 1,000 psi 0.329 0.49
EthaneC2H 6
60. F, 14.7 psi Three types of neutron logging instrumentation are used
0.0015 0.0023
2oo F, 1,000 psi 0.493 0.74 in the wireline industry:
Average natural gas
soF, 14.7 psi 0.0011 0.0017
2oo F, 1,000 psi 0.363 0.54 ( 1) Neutron-gamma ,
N-pentane C 5H 12
so F, 14.7 psi 0.627 0.94
2ooF, 1,000 psi 0.604 0.90
(2) Thermal-epither mal neutron, and
N-bexane C 6H 14
soF, 14.7 psi 0.645 0.96 (3) Thermal neutron (== 0.025 eV).
200' F, 7,000 psi 0.615 0.92
N-heptane C7H15
soF, 14.7 psi 0.658 0.99 The basic operating principie of each device is to slow
2ooF, 1,000 psi 0 .632 0.95 the neutrons by coll ision with the nuclei of other atoms.
N-octane C 6H 18
The number of slow neutrons in the vicinity of the detec-
60.F, 14.7 psi 0.667 1.00
2ooF, 1,000 psi 0.639 0.96 tor is determined by the composite hydrogen index of the
N-aocane C9H20 medium between the source and detector. Water and
soF, 14.7 psi 0.675 1.01 liquid hydrocarbons have approximately the same volu-
2ooF, 1,000 psi 0.645 0.97
N-decane C 10H 23
metric concentration of hydrogen, or hydrogen index. If
60' F, 14.7 psi 0.680 1.02 the rock type is well established and contains small quan-
2oo F, 1,000 psi 0.653 0.98 tities of hydrogen, and the pore space is filled only with
N-andecane C 11 H24
60'F, 14.7 psi liquid, porosity is determined with acceptable accuracy.
0.684 1.02
2oo F, 1,000 psi 0.662 0.99 However, if hydrocarbons are in a single-vapor phase or
Bituminous coal .8424 (C) .0555 (H) 0.442 0.66 dual-phase of gas-liquid, calculated porosities are pessi-
Limonite 0.369 0.55 mistic and represent only the liquid-filled fraction of pore
Gypsum 0.325 0.49 volume. Therefore, a neutron device cannot by itself
Trona 0.284 0.42
resolve porosity in gas-saturated intervals.
0.282 0.42
Anthracite coal 0.268 0.40
Kaolinite 0.250 0.37 Electrically, neutrons are neutral particles, each having a
Chlorite 0.213 0 .32 mass identical to the mass of a hydrogen atom. The neu-
Serpentine 0.192 0.29
tron source emits high-energy neutrons into the forma-
0.127 0.19
Polyhalite 0.111 0.17 tion where they collide with other nuclei, and with each
Muscovite 0.039 0 .13 collision, the neutron loses energy. The amou nt of loss is
lllite 0.059 0.09 a function of the nuclear mass with which it collides and
Biotite 0.041 0.06 the type of interaction. The greatest energy loss occurs
Comparison to fresh water (under equal pressure and temperatura in the case of
fluids when the neutron directly strikes a nucleus of similar
Remarks: The number of hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter of a substance may mass (such as hydrogen). This collision effect has been
be determinad as follows:
1) Determine the molecular weight of the substance
described as the billiard effect; when a neutron (or cue
2) Divide the molecular weight by the density ball) strikes hydrogen (colored ball), the neutron slows or
3) Divide Avogadro's Number (6.025x1023) by the above quotient stops (Fig. 4-14). If the neutron collides with a larger
4) Muttiply the above quotient by the number of hydrogen atoms per
molecule of the substance mass or indirectly strikes a similar nuclear mass, the
The density variation for "crude oils" w1th temperatura and pressure used above was interaction causes a partial energy loss. If hydrogen con-
estimated from charts published by D.L. Katz and M. Muskat (see references).
centration is large near the borehole, neutrons are cap-
tured near the borehole. Neutrons travel farther from the
borehole if a low hydrogen concentration exists near the
borehole. Count rates at the detector(s) increase when
hydrogen concentration is low and decrease when the
concentration is high.

- 151 -

150 500

Inciden! Neutron



Fig. 4-14 - Schematic diagram of a neutron-nucleus collision e

is the "scattering angle," and q> is the "recoil angle. " The energy
loss of the neutron on collision equals the recoil energy of the

As collisions slow the neutrons to thermal velocities

("' 0.025 eV), random diffusion occurs with essentially
no further energy loss until they are captured by the
nuclei of atoms similar in mass (silicon, chlorine, hydro-
gen). The nucleus that captures the neutron becomes Fig. 4-15- Neutron-gamma devices demonstrate increased
excited and emits a high-energy gamma ray of capture counts at low porosity.
(interactive gamma ray). Depending on the type of
logging device, either the interactive gamma ray or the affected by shaliness and gas than epithermal devices.
neutrons themselves are counted by the detection instru- Thermal-epithermal detection is preferred by sorne
mentation. This count rate can be related to fluid-filled analysts, but this technique has severa! measurement lim-
porosity. Compensated devices use a short- and long- itations related to statistical life span of thermal neutrons
spaced detector, and the ratio of their count rates can be and counter technology. Neutron log response is a func-
processed to produce a linear-scaled porosity index. tion of hydrogen nuclei concentration, regardless of the
molecules containing hydrogen atoms. A comparison of
Neutron-gamma devices measure the gamma rays given neutron energy loss and nuclei collision statistics for
off when neutrons are captured. High counts occur in important borehole elements is shown in Table 4-4.
low-porosity rocks and low counts occur in high-porosity Accordingly, the chemically bound waters of clays and
rocks (Fig. 4-15). These devices are sensitive to small gypsum affect neutron logs as if they existed as free
environmental changes in or immediately surrounding liquid in the pore space. As a result, optimistically high
the borehole, and porosity calculations are considered porosities result when hydrogen is present in rock matrix
approximations. or dispersed as sol ids in the pore throats. Shaly sands and
rocks containing gypsum severely limit the effectiveness
Epithermal neutron tools measure the number of of a neutron too! used alone, but these tools can be used
neutrons with an energy leve! slightly above thermal to great advantage in conjunction with other porosity
energy, a condition that minimizes chlorine affect tools.
because the measurement is less related to chlorine TABLE 4-4 - Neutron Energy Losses
affects on the neutron population density. Both sidewall
tools and compensated tools of this type are available. Maximum
Average Energy
The log is normally recorded in limestone porosity units, Number Loss/ Atomic Atomic
but it can be corrected or recorded for a different lithol- Element Collisions Collision Weight Number
ogy. The wall contact devices are not used in cased hole
Calcium 371 8% 40.1 20
but are quite useful in empty holes and very low porosity
Chlorine 316 10% 35.5 17
environments. Rugosity or washouts severely hamper Silicon 261 12% 28.1 14
sidewall tool response. Compensated devices correct for Oxygen 150 21% 16.0 8
rugosity and allow more reliable log measurements. Carbon 115 28% 12.0 6
Hydrogen 18 100% 1.0 1
Thermal-epithermal neutron tools are used in sorne com-
Hydrogen - Average loss due to angular collision is 63%.
pensated neutron systems, but they are generally more

Neutron logs have found wide application in carbonate significant in large holes - the change in hydrogen content
reservoirs because clay contamination is absent to mini- as seen by the instrument in the borehole fluid accounting
mal, gypsum is seldom found at much depth; e.g., for the discrepancy (Fig. 4-17). Oil-filled boreholes have
> 1,500 ft, and the log has more effective resolution at essentially the same response.
low porosities than most devices.
Effects of Mud Weight and Mudcake Thickness
The weight of the drilling fluid is a limited factor, but
Calibration of neutron devices is in count rates or appar- the hydrogen index of the mud is influential. Heavier
ent limestone units, but tool response must also be cor- muds add barite that displace hydrogen from the fluid.
rected for environmental conditions such as borehole However, only about 2 pu of correction is observed for
size, mud weight, mudcake thickness, mud salinity, for- 15-lbm/gal mud at 30% formation porosity, and 1 pu
mation water salinity, and temperature. Most corrections of correction is observed at 15% formation porosity
compensate for one another; the correction is usually (Fig. 4-18). Correction in 11-lbm/gal mud is slightly less.
small, but occasionally extreme effects do occur (e.g., Mudcake corrections are minimized by using a dual-
very high temperatures, unusually large boreholes). detector system. Logs recorded with a dual-detector
Computer applications relieve this laborious task, but any neutron too! require less mudcake corrections.
hand analysis requires a spot check to determine neces-
sary corrections. In freshwater-based muds (no barite), 30% apparent lime-
stone porosity requires == 2 pu of correction for 11-lbm/gal
SIDEWALL NEUTRON TOOL mud and == 1 pu of correction for 9-lbm/gal mud. At 15%
formation porosity, corrections are about I pu for 1 1-
Software associated with the sidewall epithermal neutron lbm/gal mud and 0.5 % for 9-lbm/gal mud.
too! processes the environmental corrections automati-
cally to the measured data. Mudcake thickness can Standoff Effects
increase the apparent porosity reading because of its
additional hydrogen concentration. Again, chart book If the too! is not eccentered properly, accuracy is severely
corrections can be made manually, but computer applica- affected and apparent porosity readings are too high.
tions simplify the task. Hydrogen between the formation and detectors causes an
increase in apparent porosity, and corrections can be
COMPENSATED NEUTRON TOOL made by chart (Fig. 4-19).

The compensated neutron too! was designed to reduce Correction for 2-in. (5-cm) standoff vares from as much
most environmental effects, and more importantly, to be as -8 pu in a 12-in. (30-cm) borehole to as little as -1 pu
run in combination with other devices. The tool is cali- in a 6-in. (15-cm) borehole.
brated in standard conditions of eccentering in a 7-7 /8-in.
(20-cm) borehole filled with fresh water, water-saturated Temperature and Pressure Effects
blocks, no mudcake or standoff, 75F (24C) tempera-
ture, and atmospheric pressure. Variations in the actual Increased temperature tends to decrease hydrogen con-
logging environment require corrections to the measure- centration, but increased pressure augments hydrogen
ments, but they are usually quite small. concentration. Test pit experiments have shown there is a
slight decrease in apparent porosity when temperature
Effects of Borehole Size and Borehole Salinity and pressure increase, and the magnitude becomes more
significant at higher porosities (Fig. 4-20). At 15% appar-
Borehole size corrections are applied from a test pit that ent limestone porosity and 300F ( l 50C), the correction
vares in diameter from 4-3/4 in. ( 12 cm) to 20 in. (51 cm) is slightly more than + 1 pu, but at 30%, the correction for
(Fig. 4-16). Correction charts are organized for borehole the same temperature is +3 pu. The 15% apparent lime-
salinities of O to 250,000 ppm NaCI equivalent in incre- stone porosity requires == -0.5 pu correction at 10,000 psi
mental stages of 50,000 ppm; six charts are given in both (== 70,000 kPa), while the correction for 30% is -1 pu.
English and metric. Apparent porosity is generally too
high in largerboreholes [>7-7/8 in. (>20cm)l and too low Lithology Effects
in smaller boreholes [== 6 to 7 in. (== 15 to 18 cm)]. Bore-
hole salinity is also very influential. As salinity increases, Lithology effects are extreme; therefore, any porosity
apparent porosity becomes increasingly optimistic. The estmate from neutron log data alone requires knowledge
error is approximately I porosity unit (pu) per inch of of formation lithology (Fig. 4-21 ). At 5% apparent lime-
change in hole diameter from the standard. Correction is stone porosity, the effect of lithology adds 4 pu if the

- 153-
100,000 ppm NaCI Equivalen! Borehole Fluid
~ ,t. ,.





e: 20
G) -
:.J 15 -
~ 10

o 1
-5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a(%)

- g 30 .i-r--..--l-r~:)f.l:ou4---h<JM-+-+++;+...,L_+,:J....-U:M~

-5W...'--'---L-'----'--'---'-'--...L..--'---............- ................._..._......_._,
-5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a(%)

Fig. 4-16- Neutron corrections for borehole size and salinity


150,000 ppm NaCI Equivalent Borehole Fluid

~7 ,/

!:., ,,

8 30
. "

e 25
e: 20
J 15
~ Ir
e 10

o -
- -
-5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a(%)

150,000 ppm NaCI Equivalen! Borehole Fluid

. .--.----.,---.- --.-.--rrt.--,...,...,.--,
45 r---r.-.---r----:--
- ~.

8 30

e: 20
E 15
e 10

-5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a(%)

Fig. 4-17 - Neutron corrections for borehole size and salinity

- 155 -

Freshwater Non-Barite Muds

1-++-+-+-+--1-1" .. +1""11-....+. -+-+-+-+-+-t-- 1- - - .. t-+-t-+-,H--+-+-++ .... . . 'I' 7 ;r
i i 1 1 9 lb/gal ~-i- /'i;,'/
~=:~'.=..:~1-.,-E-i;:;7~1ish +-1H-+-1r++-+-+-+-+-+-+-,r+ 1 : ' ~ l'v

r ~
:f] :
J- -::::= 11 lb/g~I ,-,- p~~

.1-.. . . t
... 1-..-;,..... ... "'+-t-i-+-+-+-t-i ~i=:r .. :~ ~:
, 1 .1 = 1 /v
. ~

~ 30 Water
8 1-r-1-+-+-+-H-t- -,-;-..-r-1--,.-,-~-1+1..+-+.-.H-+-r-1- t-:~
~ ~- - ---,,_,.--_,_>-..,'....,."'11,-..,..,.',-1,---
.. -t- . - -r-r-
i- 25
.... , ... +-lc-t--1-t-; -r1-t-MH-11o/>rt
a. , ..tH-t--t-i-Hh>'1V,.... t- Hr-t-+-t-MI-
::::i 15

o 10
(.) t-++-++-++. ; -r ... -~.1-t-t-+-l-+- ~- . . t-+-t-+-+-1-+ t j+T.
t-_~_-..,+_4,. ,_"'1.,._-~':;t tt>-1~ ;t-Hr-t-+-t
5 1
+-lf-+-i-r-+, t 1
-t ;.-. -r ~--t- t----r t 1t-'f-t--,--r-r-'f
~ ~ 1 - t - . - ' f t

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a (%)

Freshwater Non-Barite Muds



~ 30

i- 25
t t
o + j '
Q) T
E + r 1 ...
::::i 15
, , 1t
1, r
f !!' i:
~ 10

r r t,

t t t

o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a (%)

Fig. 4-18 - Neutron corrections for mud weight


Freshwater Borehole


" -6

o -8

~ -10
-12 t ._.__+

1' .J.--

t._.. __

o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Borehole Size (in.)

Freshwater Borehole
--_--...,.--_- ,._-.- _
-_ ...,--_...,.
""l'"____ __ - -_
: __: : ielric , - . :~~---
~ - - - ~ -mm . -_
- -

--~- --
. ..:~~:::-...,-~~""-.:.--
---.c.:_ -10 .;;;: - - -
-2~-+ --+--- +~~-c ----l-_---- -
:::--.... .:fl.ll~ +---+- -t

.. -
~ "-

.- ~ .-~<O.-,,,;;----- -- . . -
-4 ,___. ,___ _,_____--,_ "" l~,--- -?'r----:...:_. --->- -
- - e-~ - - - - .-. sf---'-~17,""--:, _~:"-+_-_
\-'<-"--',1\. J----~ _-,,:--.i:-~
- ---l
__ - --1
e -1---,+- --+----- --1----- \'(')~ , - ___ ..__
o -..:;:::
u _51--- i---+ ---+-_-_-_-_r~-- -~-~~~~~s,:~;==~~,t::=-.-+---t ----f
~ - ~\--' ~ . ~ --:::'":_:-::::-
l'~\- r"t- - ~;:;: ---
-8 - - -- - -"~-- - - ~
1--- - - t - - - - + - l.- ----- -- - _____,_\.,,___-+-......- + - - - - + -- .....
---+-- --+--- . . -- - - '\. '
' - - i - . -+----+ --.......- - -1--------
~tafldo~- . ~ 1 "r--;: . . - . - .
{ -10
_~: =.:.---__ ._: ~: ~ ---: s~~-
-~--- - :: : -~
-12i- ---- -"-- --'----- 't---+-- -+---+- ---'ll'\. ..---+-- --r- -r=~ --:
--:--: - . - l :._: J:
-- . - t - - - -l _-_-_
- ----
l - :-'. .
- - - ---
- -~ ~-""'-
. - . - - - - - - - - . --- - . . 1-----'- +---'l<,
c ' - ---I
-14 .....____-+-
_~~::::_~_-.----+--- +-::_:: : ~'=.:::-:::.-:;_:: :::-:;-.:=-.
.-.-...,...-+ - - - + ~_~~--.~
:~ ~ :~- f ~:~~=-
-16..__....._ __._ _..__ _._---+--- -
_ __._ _..__ _.__.....,____.__ _,
--+_,+-_-::_-_+:- . . . .
o 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Borehole Size (mm)

Fig. 4-19 - Neutron corrections for standoff

- 157 -
Temperatura Correction
-H+- -
. j' ' - t-
If r . _._
11 l 1
. ! 11212F ffl - ~/ /,,?~
(100"C) - ,- - - ~ - - II .11,1
1. t , ! T t , , , ,
--t- . / /
35 f-!--i-l .. ,_ . , , 1111 1 1 1 --H 1 -1/./..,,"++-+-+-+
i .__,_ __ ; l 300F (=150C) _ _ _ _..,,,, .,r_,r.,
1 t T 1- --t+1 ~ . i - ~~-, ... T. / ~/
~ 30
--11 t - -, -,-.- r; i ~ -+++---f t,.
f- f .... ~ - ~ -

s~,,, ; -- ' ,
1 ' 1 i
--- 400F ( = 200C) r t vv,1 / i
J --.- 1 fT +1-1 : i ~p

Tt - .-+-,e-+-,-,.'
~ t- =t=- 1 J -i---H- vl,1 t t t-- +

:t .. ~: ! n l=l-'
l --:==._i i
'~........1-.v .1.1
[, ,
,,,.1.1/lt.1"Y1H-+-~-+ 1 , 1 , , , T T-
1 1
75~F (24.C.. )- _C'

~(/) 20 M--+---+-<t-
_ .... --!-+-,.-+--1-4-...j.-"'4,,V,,l'+_+_t-,t- 1-+-._-,....,...
_...., ...\_ , ~,-__,-.. ;.-,
!___+ ..._- i-. :--:+::::::=:
Q) 1-- --t- - - Vfh1Li-t-+--t t t-: 1
: i t ! t; -t-
j ,. +41_rr~r+t-,-l-i~:++...1_~;+-....f+++
151-1-+....,..;,-1-+-1++-+4-cj~/~~~~+~+4t-+-+;,+-,_.- _ ,f -t-
r ....

:=:== -V~~~ t! !trt
t ;
1ij__ O-:
: ~~8J
1 ---

u 1 --- -
T ~-r
V -rr---
r j 1 1 t ,--
t' t t ' t --
.11 t1 . . -rl+ rt
1 f t 1
--,-- M 1 t~ + , , t --- j
, ,.-!-.- ~ 171 1 r rr- , , t t - - - +-1--+-r-
~ l ,..
5 ;; ~
; ~- 1 ; . r-~-+t r
: > trr-liii ~ l
O - 1 t 1 , t11 r+ 1 ' ,-
1 1 ' t
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Apparent Limestone Porosity, ~ (%)

Pressure Correction


~ - 30
-<>- "
~ 25
e 20
:.J 15

o 10

Apparent Limestone Porosity, ~ (%)

The above temperature and pressure corrections apply to ali compensated neutron tools.

Fig. 4-20 - Neutron corrections for temperature and pressure effects

- 158-
45 1..1
,.,. 1/
, 1/
1/ 11'
1..- 111'
/ 1/
40 , /
1..- 1/
/ 1..1 ,
1/ 1/ ,
35 17 ~
/ 1..1
30 /


8 e, 17 ~ 17
,~ 1/ j i,
-:, /
/ ., i,

& , ~17
a'! 1/
, .,
io /
20 / / vT
I/ /
/ 1..1
/ 1..1 ,
/ / ,
15 , / ,
, / /
1..1 /
., i,

i, /
10 ., 1/ I/
,, 1/ 1/

, 1.1 11'
5 ., / ....
1/ 1,
11 1/ 1/'
/ ,
' V
o '
" V 1,

-5 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Apparent Limestone Porosity, +a(%)

Fig. 4-21 - Series 2435 Compensated Neutron chart to corree! neutron porosity for lithology effects

formation is sandstone and subtracts 3 pu if it is dolo- counted. The weaker source minimizes the neutron popu-
mite. At 15% apparent limestone porosity, the effect adds lation effect in the air- or gas-filled borehole, and the
5 pu if the formation is sandstone and subtracts 6 pu if it single detector avoids an avalanche of counts on the
is dolomite. At 30% apparent limestone porosity, the detector system. An alternative method is to use a much
effect adds 5 pu if the formation is sandstone and sub- longer spacing between the 20 curie source and detector.
tracts 8 pu if it is dolomite. Porosity resolution is severely diminished in the air-filled
environment because of the increased number of neu-
The neutron lithology charts are derived from controlled trons in the borehole. The slow-down phenomenon of
laboratory rneasurements in pits of differing lithology epithermal neutrons in the formation is less apparent, and
and from empirical analyses of numerous field logs. as the borehole diameter increases, the phenomenon also
Sandstone and dolomite call for opposite lithology cor- increases. The too! is basically more sensitive to borehole
rections relative to lirnestone. Matrix effects are caused influence than the formation, and this sensitivity
by different neutron slowing properties of constituent increases with hole size. Sidewall neutron tools are more
elements; i.e., differences in thermal neutron scatter and applicable for logging in air-filled boreholes.
capture coefficients.
Casing and/or Cement Effects
A shale correction can be rnade with a chart (Fig. 4-22)
that also includes the corrections to sandstone or Iime- Compensated neutron Iogs are often recorded in cased
stone lithology. hole. The effect of casing and cement on an eccentered
instrument inside the well-cemented, centered casing of
Many sidewall and compensated neutron logs record an severa! test pit experiments indicates apparent porosity is
apparent limestone porosity trace. Neutron-gamma log high because of the large hydrogen index of the cement
readings are converted from count rates to a porosity and high capture cross section of steel. Thermal neutron
index assuming Iimestone matrix. If Iithology is known density encompassing the detector system is depressed
to be sand or dolomite, limestone porosity values deter- and causes the increased log value. This topic is covered
mined from any of the three neutron devices can be cor- more thoroughly in a cased-hole log evaluation course.
rected (Fig. 4-22). The neutron-gamma tool uses sidewall
neutron corrections. Effects of Hydrocarbons on Hydrogen Index

Formation Salinity Effects The dominant phenomenon of ali neutron log measure-
ments is the slow down of fast neutrons by hydrogen
Within a formation, hydrogen displacement by NaCI and nuclei. Response is primarily dueto the hydrogen index
thermal neutron absorption by chlorine affect neutron log of the formation, which is proportional to the quantity of
readings. Borehole salinity and formation salinity often hydrogen per unit volume offormation near the borehole.
differ. Borehole salinity results in too high an apparent Hydrogen index of fresh water is taken as unity. In clean
porosity as a result of increased absorption of thermal water-bearing horizons, the neutron logis directly related
neutrons by chlorine. Any increase in formation water to porosity, and for most oil reservoirs, the hydrogen
salinity reduces the hydrogen index; therefore, the only index is similar. Formations containing gas, liquid con-
effect on epithermal neutron tools is to decrease the densate, and very light crude oils (high API) have sub-
apparent porosity. However, increased salinity also dis- stantially lower hydrogen indices, and apparent porosity
proportionately increases the amount of salt and the cap- values are pessimistic. Dry gas substantially reduces the
ture cross section of the formation, an effect that causes apparent limestone porosity value.
capture gamma and thermal-epithermal detectors to yield
apparent porosity values that are too high. In openhole In homogeneous formations known to have fairly consis-
applications, invasion tends to normalize the borehole tent porosity, a gas/Iiquid interface can be identified by
and formation salinity effects and the net correction is the neutron log. A clearer definition of porosity and
virtually negligible. Charts are given for sandstone, lime- gas/liquid contacts is found when neutron data are com-
stone, and dolomite porosity to correct for formation pared to density and/or acoustic measurements.
salinity (Fig. 4-23), but this is not considered an environ-
mental correction. Gas in a formation causes an "excavation effect" in the
neutron log response. Significant separation exists
Compensated Neutron in Air-Filled Boreholes between gas molecules compared to liquid molecules,
and the neutrons therefore travel farther interact-
For work in air-filled environments, the neutron source ing with hydrogen. This results in a longer path, less neu-
can be changed from 20 curie to 5 curie, and only the tron energy reduction, and significantl y lower apparent
thermal-epithermal neutrons at the near detector are porosity recordings. This effect is called excavation.

- 160-

Series 2420 Series 2435

Sidewall Compensated Compensated
Neutron Neutron Log Neutron Log
Porosity (%) Porosity (%) Porosity (%)
Apparent Corrected Q) Q)

Limestone e e Q)
Limestone o 2 o 2 e
.E ~
Porosity, Porosity, ii ii .E ~ eo
u u u
+. e .2 e .2 e
+cor ctl
<J) o
o ctl
<J) o
o ctl o
1\ <J) 40

' \ 30
35 25
' 35 25
1\ 30
\ \ 35
\ \
' 30 20
,... 30 20
\ \ '\ 30
\ 1\ ' 20
\ \ \
\ \ \ 25 15
25 15
\ \ 1\
\ 20
\ \
\ ' 1\ 15

\ \ \ \
\ ,...
\ ' 1\ --., 20
20 10 10
\ \ \ \ 20
'\ 1\
\ 10
\ 1\
' 1\ 1\ 15 15
' 10
'\ 1\
\ \

1\ \ \ \
\ 1\ ' \ 10
1\ \ \ 10
1\ 10
11\ \ 1\ '
\ 1\ \ 1\
11\ \ \ \
\ \ 1\ 5 o
5 o 5 o
,... \ 1\. \
o o 3 3

V sh

Shale) 1

~/'" 1O 20 30 40 50


r 20 C:J~~e-

~!seor =h - Vsh X ~sh1s

Given: In limestone units, ~Is
(from Compensated Neutron Log) = 20%,
~Is in adjacent shale = 30%, Vsh = 20%

Determine: Shaliness-corrected sandstone porosity, ~ = 18% (for Series 2420 CN Log)

Fig. 4-22 - Compensated neutron and sidewall neutron log lithology and shaliness-corrected porosity

- 161-
Sandstone Formation Limestone Formation
35 35

30 30

25 25


10 10

5 5

o o
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Sandstone Porosity, +(%) Limestone Porosity, +(%)

Dolomita Formation

e 20

o 15
~ ~ ~


o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Dolomita Porosity, +(%)

Note: Forrnation salinity is not considered to be an environrnental correction. Rather, it should be used for
interpretive purposes along with Rw, Sw, lithology, etc:.

Fig. 4-23 - Neutron correction chart for formation salinity

- 162-
Neutron log response in hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs Problem 2
is expressed as
Circle the correct answer. Neutron logs "see" shale as -

(a) High porosity

where ll$Nhi = the hydrogen index effect, (b) Low porosity
(e) Negligible influence
and ll$Nex = the excavation effect.
Problem 3
VOLUME DETERM INATION A sidewall neutron log shows an apparent limestone
porosity of 13%, but the lithology is known to be sand-
Apparent neutron porosities are too optimistic when the stone. What should the porosity be in sandstone units?
formation contains shale. Shale effects can completely Circle the correct answer.
mask light hydrocarbons that cause a decreased value of
apparent neutron porosity. Porosity derived from the (a) 13%
neutron log will be greater than effective porosity (b) 16.5%
because the tool is responding to the hydrogen index of (e) 10%
the entire formation, which inc ludes bound waters in the (d) Unknown
clay portion. If it is assumed that adjacent shale beds
have similar characteristics to shales mixed in the reser- Problem 4
voir rock, an equation for water-bearing shaly formations
can be written as If a compensated neutron log shows 20% porosity on an
apparent sandstone scale, what is the porosity estmate
for limestone? Circle the correct answer.

where Vsh = representative of the shale volume, (a) 15%

(b) 23.5%
and $Nsh = the neutron response in adjacent shale (e) 14.2%
beds. (d) 24.1 %

The values of $Nsh are a function of the types of clay, What is the porosity estimate for dolomite? Circle the
temperature, and pressure and can range from 15% to correct answer.
beyond 45%. Lithology corrections for the apparent
limestone porosity should be performed first. Porosity (a) 20%
corrections for shale volume can then be made by using a (b) 10%
nomogram . Shale volume determined from neutron logs (c) 9%
in carbonate reservoirs is usually reliable. (d) 4%

The neutron response in a shaly, hydrocarbo n-bearing Problem S

formation is approximated as
Shale volume is estimated as 10% in a sandstone reser-
voir. The log data were recorded in limestone porosity
units. Correct the following compensated neutron values
The equation assumes the neutron log was corrected for for the shale affect and convert the value to sandstone
lithology and environmental conditions. porosity. Note: $1s in adjacent shale bed is 25%.


Compensat ed Compensated
Problem 1 Neutron $is Neutron $55

Circle the correct answer. Neutron logs "see" dry gas as- (a) 5%
(b) 10%
(a) High porosity (e) 15%
(b) Liquid (d) 20%
(e) Low porosity (e) 25%
(d) No influence (f) 30%

- 163-
Problem 6 systems, numerous cement evaluation devices, borehole
imaging devices, etc.
A 2435 Compensated Neutron Log shows 22% apparent
limestone porosity. Lithology is known to be sandstone. ACOUSTIC LOGGING SYSTEMS
Shale percentage is estimated from gamma ray and SP
data to be 20% with an average shale porosity estimated The first acoustic logging device was developed to com-
to be 30%. Formation temperature is estimated at 320F. pare borehole measured time and specific acoustic events
What is the corrected estmate of porosity in the reservoir in a borehole environment to the times and interpreted
following the necessary corrections for the above given events from surface seismic reflections. In other words,
data? _ _ _ _ _ __ seismic data have not always been as accurate as sorne
would prefer, but onc_e a borehole is available, time-to-
ESTIMATING POROSITY FROM ACOUSTIC depth correlations are possible. Seismic reflections occur
TRANSIT TIME at interfaces in the subsurface where a marked change in
acoustic impedance occurs, and the strength of that
Acoustic interval transit time (~t) is a recording of the change is directly related to the magnitude of change. In
simple terms,
time necessary for elastic sound waves to travel across
1 ft of formation. The term is specifica/ly described as
interval transit time between two ar more receivers (fixed Acoustic lmpedance =
interval) to distinguish it from other terms such as slow- Acoustic Velocity x Bulk Density
ness, single-receiver travel time, velocity, etc. The ~t
measurement is the reciproca! of the velocity of an acous- Acoustic velocity is the reciproca( of the interval transit
tic sound wave, and it is often integrated from total depth time (~t) measurement of acoustic logs. Acoustic veloc-
to the surface (or shallowest depth possible) for time ity (ft/sec) can be determined by
comparison to surface seismic records. Yelocity (v) is 6
normally measured in feet per second (meters per sec- 1O / ~/ (sec/ ft)
ond), while .1t is measured as microseconds per foot
(microseconds per meter). Therefore, Acoustic velocities vary from about 6,250 to about
25,000 ft/sec (corresponding ~t values are 160 to
40 usec/ft); a ratio of 4 from minimum to maximum that
~( = 1,000,000 / v.
is expected in the sedimentary rocks normally encoun-
tered in subsurface oil and gas exploration. Comparable
bulk density range is normally from 2 to 3 g/cm 3 from
minimum to maximum.
Today, conventional acoustic log data are useful in a
number of interpretations:
The principal cause of reflections is therefore due to
velocity changes because formation density normally
( 1) Determine porosity of reservoir rock increases as velocity increases (.1t decreases). This is not
always true, but covered in more detail in a more
(2) lmprove correlation and interpretation of seismic
advanced course. The important thing to recognize at this
point is the importance of the seismic role in developing
(3) ldentify zones with abnormally high pressures acoustic well logs.

(4) Resolve difficult correlation problems The First Acoustic Logging Tool
(5) Assist in identifying lithology
The first acoustic logging systems featured one transmit-
(6) Estmate secondary pore space ter and one receiver. A single-receiver system measures
only the time needed for a compressionaJ sound wave to
(7) Delineate regional tectonics from acoustic profiles travel from the transmitter (T) to the receiver (R).
Elapsed time includes the travel paths A, B, and C as
(8) Indicate mechanical integrity of reservoir rocks and
illustrated in Fig. 4-24. Paths A and C are through the
formations that surround them (in conjunction with borehole fluid . A rel iable interval transit time measure-
density data)
ment is difficull to obtain from the formation path B
(9) Estmate rock permeability because borehole size and/or tool tilt a lter the lengths of
the paths of A, B, and C. Also, the time length of path B
There are a number of specialized acoustic measuring vares as changes in formation velocity occur and alter
devices. These include array acoustic systems, dipole the refraction angle.

significant change in borehole diameter (Fig. 4-25B)
and/or the acoustic too! is tilted with respect to the bore-
hole wall (Fig. 4-25C), L1t is lengthened somewhat.

Borehole Compensa tion Devices

The borehole compensated devices (BHC) were intro-
duced to correct for borehole rugosity and too! tilt. These
devices have two transmitters, arranged symmetricaJly as
upper (Tl) and lower (T2), with the sound pulses alter-
nating. Two separate values of two-receiver, one-trans-
mitter interval transit times are provided, and an average
of the two effectively compensate for any problems. The
illustrated travel paths show that the averages of AA',
BB', and CC' are essentially equal (Fig. 4-26).

Another method of compensation, called depth-derived

compensation, uses time-delay circuitry with a single
transmitter and two (or more) receivers. Fig. 4-27 shows
this too! in three positions. The L1t symbol at position one
is the compensated measurement and was determined as

Fig. 4-24 - Single-transmitter, single-receiver acoustic system ( 1) At position three, the transmitter (T) is located at
the interval where the far receiver (R2) will be when
the too! is moved to position one. The interval tran-
sit time A (includes mud and formation signals) is
Devices with Two Receivers and One Transmitter recorded between the transmitter (T) and near
receiver (R 1) and delayed (memorized).
A second receiver was employed to cancel, or at least
reduce, the problems inherent with the original system (2) At position two, the transmitter (T) is located at the
(Fig. 4-25A). Interval transit time (L'.1t) was introduced same interval the far receiver (R2) will be when the
with this system and is defined as the time measurement too! moves to position one. The interval transit time
of interval D, which represents the acoustic signa! B is recorded between T and R2 and delayed.
refracted through the formation . The path from T through
A, B, and C to R 1 is treated as one time path, and the data (3) When the too! reaches position one, the two interval
transmitted from T through A, B, D, and E to R are transit times (A and B) are equal to the interval tran-
treated as a second time path. The difference between the sit time that would result if a second transmitter
two paths is designated as interval transit time. This mea- were located below the receivers.
surement is fixed between designated intervals of the
measuring system, which makes it different from the This is an application of the theory of reciprocity. The
direct travel time of the original system. The measure- correct compensated value of L1t is obtained by combin-
ment is also different frorn two-way seismic time at the ing the two delayed values of transit time (recorded at
surface, which is sometimes referred to as slowness positions two and three) with transit times C and D
rather than velocity. recorded at position one. Compensated transit time (L'.1t) is
then correctly represented by
The two-receiver, one-transmitter device also had its
shortcomings. In fact, during the sarne time period, the B-A+C -D)
Soviets modified their acoustic logging devices to two llt = (
transmitters and one receiver, a method that would have
had similar advantages and problems. When the two The algebra is performed by the instrumentation. Depth-
receivers (two transmitters in the case of the Soviet derived compensation is the only method used for long-
acoustic too!) are positioned on opposite sides of a spaced acoustic devices.




(A) (B) (C)

Fig. 4-25 - Single-transmitter, two-receiver configuration was developed to eliminate earlier problems with single-receiver

A T,


{ B

Fig. 4-26 - Two-transmitte r, two-receiver scheme used for Fig. 4-27 - Depth-derived compensation method
borehole compensation

- 166 -
Specifications of Most Conventional Acoustic Fig. 4-28) for the first negative arrival, an amplified noise
Log Systems spike may trigger the receiver and result in a short .1t mea-
surement. Most acoustic hardware switches off receiver
Hardware specifications, such as too! diameters, too!
circuits for a short duration to limit the possibility of spik-
type, transducer types, transmitter frequencies, pulse
ing, but this also makes the far receiver more susceptible
rates, etc. differ from system to system. Acoustic devices
to spiking. Most spikes can be identified as they move to
range from 3-3/8 to 4 in. (8.6 to 10.2 cm) in diameter, and
earlier times (to the right) on the transit time trace (Fig. 4-
transmitter frequencies are generally 20 kHz, but may be
29), and they should be edited prior to using the data for
as low as 15 kHz oras high as 30 kHz. Tools with smaller
log analysis or seismic comparisons. Today's digital
diameters are available for small boreholes or for hostile
acoustic logs use despiking circuitry to eliminate time
measurements that exhibit extreme variation.
Transducers used in conventional acoustic devices are
generally magnetostrictive or piezoelectric and vary in Cycle Skips
size and shape. Sorne are cylindrical in shape; others are
very small and are often referred to as point transducers. Sudden and unusual shifts to higher values of .1t are
caused by skipping beyond the first arrival where detec-
DISTURBING FACTORS WITH tion is intended. Weak, attenuated signals occur at receiv-
CONVENTION AL ACOUSTIC DEVICES ers, and if the threshold detection leve! is set too high,
detection is not triggered until a later arrival with sufficient
Acoustic tools and measurements have severa! draw-
amplitude (Fig. 4-30). Cycle skips normally occur in pre-
backs. Noise, cycle skips, .1t stretch, velocity inversion,
dictable increments of time, related to the timing circuitry
gas effect, and dip angle with respect to the borehole are
(e.g., increments of 1Oor 12.5 sec). Cycle skipping occa-
potential problems that deter effective acoustic transit
sionally results from amplitude reduction on a weak near
time measurements.
receiver and causes an early .1t measurement (Fig. 4-31 ).
Noise Digital acoustic circuitry effectively eliminates most
problems encountered with earlier tools.
Noise spikes are generally intermittent. A certain amount
of noise always occurs on the acoustic waveform. Cable
strum and other small electrical interferences cause sorne 6 16 140 90 40
noise, and telemetry circuitry must be trimmed to
accommodate the cable length; i.e., cables too short or too
long can create problems. Assuming that a logging engi-
neer sets the equipment detection leve) too low (A in t

Near Receiver
Signa!\ E1

--- ,--

Fig. 4-29 - Most noise spikes are toward lower transit time.

Signa! /l \

Far Receiver

Dueto Skip
Fig. 4-28 - Far receivers are more susceptible to noise.
Fig. 4-30 - Cycle skip

- 167 -
6....- - - - ~ 16 140 90 40 Signal
.:. Signal /
~ 1---------1--P--1-------I

--r-----4 - ---
Threshold \~, /
CYCLE Deteclion _ ~- E

in Time

Fig. 4-32 - Attenuated signals stretch time to detection

8 ~----~---_._-~

Fig. 4-31 - Cycle skips on an interval transit time recording Shallow Gas Zones -
A Special Case ofVelocity Inversion

MStretch Gas-bearing zones invaded by mud fi ltrate can create a

If signal through a formation is sufficiently attenuated to special case of velocity inversion. Acoustic logs measure
reduce amplitude but not eno ugh to cause skipping, the L1t in the flushed zone. If the formation has no relati ve per-
time of detection can be delayed 2 or 3 sec. This condi- meability to gas (gas saturatio n does not flush laterally
tion is referred to as L1t stretch (Fig. 4-32). Measured tran- from the borehole), gas in the flushed zone has a serious
sit times are too long as a result, and the error is not always effect on the transit time measurement.
clear on a log. However, a 3-sec error in transit time can
create a 2-pu error in porosity determination. A cumula- This shallow gas zone velocity inversion phenomenon is
tive error of 2 to 3 sec over severa( thousand feet of bore- not entirely understood. However, it has been
hole can create a serious error in the integrated travel time
posnllated22 7 that the magnitude of the effect requires
(multiplied by two and compared to seismic two-way the acoustic log to be gas corrected by a factorof0.7. Many
time). Again, downhole digital methods eliminate much acoustic logging experts agree that the gas effect is an "off
but not ali of the problem. and on" happening and that above a certain porosity value
(:: 28%), the gas effect occurs regardless of S8 or invasion.
Velocity Inversion Below this arbi trary porosity cutoff, gas effect does not oc-
cur. The postulations and q> values are admittedly rough
If a permeable zone is invaded and altered near the bore- estimates.
hole, L1t can be faster than it would be in the undisturbed
virgin zone. If both zones are fas ter than the dri lling fluid, An example log illustrates gas effect on density-neutron
the very best an acoustic tool can do is measure damage data above 9,448 ft, and the acoustic log displays a corre-
zone transit time. L1t is too short in such conditions. sponding shift in L1t at the same depth and above (Fig. 4-
33). The 0.7 factor would correct the acoustic log values
An example of such a situation is a mud filtrate more
from 140 to l 00 sec. Other more complex methods have
dense than the formation connate water, an inversion sit-
been suggested for correcting L1t measurements affected
uation restricted to consolidated formations where a
by gas, but these methods require a knowledge of forma-
linear porosity-velocity relationship is more likely to
tion modulus and computer processing is needed if large
exist. Such a condition is restricted to shallow depths
amounts of data are to be studied.
because fluid effects in formations are restricted by
depth. A flushed-zone transit time 5 sec/ft short of
virgin zone transit time in a zone with 20% porosity Dip Angle with Respect to the Borehole
would cause a 1-sec drift. Increased pore pressure in an
overbalanced mud system may have sorne affect, also. When the formation dip, relative to the borehole (appar-
Yelocity may increase as increased pore pressure ent dip), is steep, acoustic signals may travel along the
improves fluid-to-grain contact, grain-to-grain contact is refracted paths of dip planes rather than along the wall of
impaired, or fluid elasticity is improved. the borehole. The result is a short L1t measurement.

- 168-
, - . . . . . . , ~ ~ - ---
-, F" "--
9 13 S.P. RESISTIVITY 8 10 12
81--~'--'~-~-- ----r----.---- ~-----r.,..,----.- ----1

i en



Note that in shaly intervals the shorter distances read

velocities that are too low, but in sandy zones all agree.

Fig. 4-34 - Hicks observed that shale hydration effects dimin-

ished when longer transmitter-to-rece iver spans were used.90

Advantages of Long-Spaced Devices

Fig. 4-33 - Gas affects neutron-density and acoustic log data Dramatic differences were observed in L1t values recorded
above 9,448-ft depth. by conventionally spaced and the long-spaced instru-
ments, and the difference was commonly found in shale in-
tervals (Fig. 4-35). With the long-spaced devices, the fal-
lacy of simply making a linear correction to L1t values on
a conventional log was soon obvious because the degree of
Fast formations (high-velocity rocks, such as anhydrite, change seen in shales was not observed in sandy intervals
tight limestones, and dolomites) often appear thicker on (Fig. 4-36).
the acoustic log than they really are. The false thickness
indication is caused by the first arrivals from any side of Formation alteration occurs near the borehole wall and is
the borehole taking the fast path to the receivers. This can believed to be caused by mechanical damage, stress
occur when dip is very steep in a vertical borehole, or relaxation, and/or interaction between the drilling fluid
where dip is reasonably horizontal in a highly deviated and rock matrix material (clay hydration, etc.). This


ACOUSTIC LOGS 250 150 50

The difficulty involved in relating acoustic log time to
depth reference with surface seismic was discussed more
than 30 years ago. 90 Erroneously high L1t values in shal-
low, unconsolidated sand-shale sequences have been 1

attributed to both hydration and stress rel ief. Compara- ) LONG

tively, the time-depth problem is almost always /sPACED
more severe at shallow depths. Hicks observed that shale )
hydration affects diminished when longer transmitter-to-
receiver spacings were used (Fig. 4-34). The first long- 'l
spaced acoustic tools were developed in the early 1970s 1 ~
for use along the Louisiana gulf coast to prove conven-
tional-spaced recorded shale transit times were abnor- Fig. 4-35 - Differences between conventional and long-spaced
mally high. t.t recordings are attributed to shale alteration.

- 169 -
The three paths have been related mathematically by
Goetz, Dupa!, and Bowler78, who produced plotted data
250 150 50
relating the affects of forrnation alteration on acoustic
LONG recordings at different transrnitter-to-receiver spacings
SPACED (Figs. 4-38, 4-39). These plots can be considered a depth-
of-investigation experirnent in front of altered forma-
CONVENTIONAL tions; however, uniforrn step profiles are rare.
SPACED = 200
\ t.1=130
z0 = 4 in.
3 ft 5 ft
Fig. 4-36 - Alteration is seldom observed in sand intervals.
8 ft

alteration leads to higher .1t rneasurernents, which can be _30

explained by observing the three paths frorn transrnitter 1
to receivers using a simple one-transmitter, two-receiver <
setup and assurning an idealized step profile of invasion e
(Fig. 4-37), ~
Path is directly through the drilling fluid.

Refracted path in the altered zone. 5

Second refracted path penetrates deeper into the 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

forrnation. Alteration Depth (lnches from Borehole Wall)
(Step Profile)

Transmitter Fig. 4-38 - Alteration effects vary with transmitter-receiver

D spacings.78

3 fl- 5 ft 8ft-10ft
120 100 150

Refracted Signa! Path

Conventional Tool
Refracted Signa! Path < 30
Long-Spaced Tool "O

Near ,g 20
Receiver 2
wa11- 10 = 200
Receiver o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
122..+12:!..1 Alteration Depth (lnches from Borehole Wall)
Mud ~ (Step Profile)
Altered Zone
Near Borehole
Fig. 4-39 - Effects of formation alteration on different spaced
acoustic measurements.78
Fig. 4-37 - Theoretical differences in signa! paths when forma-
tion alteration occurs?

- 170-
Disadvantages of Long-Spaced Acoustic Devices Longer spacings require longer travel for the acoustic sig-
nal, and therefore, the time between switching the re-
Longer transmitter-to-receiver spans [7 and 9 ft (2.1 and ceiver circuitry "on" and "off' is more tenuous; incorrect
2.7 m) or more] cause the transmitted sound pulse to travel triggering can occasionally result. Improved transducers
farther, which attenuates the signal to a greater degree. and digital circuitry maintain more constant signa) levels
Signal-to-noise ratio is decreased, making the measure- and overcome most of these problems. Porosity derived
ment more susceptible to cycle skipping and noise. from conventional or long-spaced devices is similar be-
cause interval transit time is measured in sec/ft (usec/m).
Long-spaced devices are not immune to alteration effects
(Fig. 4-40). As shown, both the conventional BHC WYLLIE TIME AVERAGE EQUATION TO
Acoustilog device and a long-spaced device were run at DERIVE POROSITY FROM ACOUSTIC LOGS
1-week intervals over the same zone of a speci fic bore-
hole. Regardless of the spacing, an acoustic logging Wyllie's time average equation describes an average
device cannot measure formation transit time accurately response. Factors that contribute to substantial error are
if the following conditions exist. pressure differentials, lithology, pore geometry, and
Formation velocity is slower than velocity of the
drilling fluid (shallow depths in unconsolidated The relationship is expressed in the following equation
sediments). and is referred to as the Wyllie time average formula,
Formation velocity of the undisturbed matrix is I <j> ( 1 - <j>)
- = -+--~ ,
slower than the velocity of the flushed zone near V Vf V
the borehole (many shallow gas reservoirs). where <j> = fractional porosity of the rock,

Gas saturation in the flushed zone is greater than V = velocity of the formation (ft/sec),
the gas saturation in the virgin formation.
v = velocity of interstital fluids (ft/sec),
and v1110 = velocity of the rock matrix (ft/sec).

FORMATION ALTERATION The equation is rewritten to express porosity in log termi-

GAMMA IIAY nology (Llt),
- INff

fi.t- /)./11!0
<l> = -,-----
fi.t - fi.t
f ma
where Llt = acoustic transit time (sec/ft) ,

Llt1110 = acoustic transit time of the rock matrix


and Llt = acoustic transit time of interstitial fluids


Yelocities and transit times for different materials are

listed in Table 4-5. The value used for !!.t is usually
189 usec/ft (== 5,300 ft/sec fluid velocity) for relatively
fresh drilling fluids. In salt muds, a lower value
Effects of alteration on 3'-5' and 8'-10' Sanie tools, each run at (== 185 usec/ft) is often used. Because acoustic logs have
a one week interval in the same well. (After Goetz, et al. , 1979). a very shallow depth of investigation, filtrate generally
occupies the interstitial spaces measured in reservoir
rock. Fluid transit time is needed in order to perform the
Fig. 4-40 - Long-spaced acoustic devices are not immune to porosity estmate. Equivalent metric conversions are
alteration affects.78 used where required.

- 171 -
TABLE 4-5 - Velocities and Transit Times
for Several Materials

v, 11.t ,
Fluid (ft/sec) (sec/ft) 50 v = 5,300 ft/sec /
Water with 20% NaCI 5,300 189 / /
Water with 15% NaCI 5,000 200 I
Water with 10% NaCI 4,800 208 , / /
Water (pure) 4,600 218
40 1.1/ /
/1.2 / /
Oil 4,200 238 , /
/ /1 3 / /
Methane 1,600 626 / / . ,/ /
/ ,1.4. /
Air 1,100 910 ~ 30
o. / / //1.5 /

eo 20
////;// t
/ / / / /1.6

Sandstone (l_
111111 Cp
17,000 58.8 '//////
orless ormore
Semi-consolidated 18,000 55.6
Consolidated 19,000 52.6
Limestone 21 ,000 47.6
Dolomite 23,000 43.5
Shale 6,000 167
to 16,000 to 62.5 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 O 120 130
Calcite 22,000
lnterval Transit Time, Lit (sec/ft)
Anhydrite 20,000 50.0
vma (ft/sec) tma (sec/ft)
Granite 20,000 50.0
Gypsum 19,000 52.6
Sandstones 18,000 19,500 55.5 - 51.3
Limestones 21 ,000 - 23,000 47.6 - 43.5
Quartz 18,000 55.6
Dolomites 23,000 - 26,000 43.5 38.5
Sal! 15,000 66.7

Fig. 4-41 - Porosity evaluation from Lit

The depth of investigation into the formation itself is
quite shallow. The dual-receiver acoustic systems essen-
tially measure the time it takes a refracted signa! to travel
within the formation between two receivers. Borehole- a result, L1t values are often much higher than in water-
compensated systems simply average inverted measure- saturated zones of the same formation. Also, if clay lami-
ments of L1t to correct for too! tilt, borehole enlargement, nae or dispersed and/or structural clays exist within the
bed boundary effects, etc. Investigated rock volume sand reservoir, L1t values are increased by an amount pro-
varies from 9 in. (22 cm) in soft formations to as much as portional to the bulk volume fraction of the clay. In such
3.75 ft (l. l m) in extremely hard formations. This is a high-porosity environments: L1tsh generally exceeds L1tma
function of elastic propagation wavelength, which is of the sand.
determined by wave frequency and formation velocity.
If the Wyllie equation is used in unconsolidated sands,
Acoustic travel time in rock matrix (L1tma) is influenced correction for compaction is necessary. Generally, such
considerably by rock type as chemical composition var- sands can be identified by observing L1t in adjoining shale
ies, but compaction and confining pore pressure are also beds. Formations not subjected to sufficient overburden
influential. Lithology identification is important in deter- pressure do not have enough compaction and rigidity for
mining porosity, and chart solutions are available to proper transmission of an acoustic wave, and as a result,
determine porosity (Fig. 4-41 ). However, the Wyllie with decreasing overburden pressure, L1t through uncon-
equation represents consolidated and compacted forma- solidated formations increases disproportionately. An
tions (generally <25% porosity in sands).
empirical equation can be used to calculate porosity in
unconsolidated sands,
Compaction Correction in Unconsolidated Sands

Unconsolidated, high-porosity sands (e.g., U.S. gulf

coast, Nigeria, Venezuela) often have much higher poros-
~ = ( :r:~ :;:~J ~J'
where the compaction correction factor is

ities ("' 28 to 50%). At shallow depths, these reservoirs

often have low water saturations, high residual hydro- tsh ( C)
carbon saturations, and extremely shallow invasion. As

- 172-
where L1t51, = specific acoustic transit time in adjacent
shales ( sec/ft), 120

and IO0 = specific acoustic transit time m com-

11 O
pacted shales ( sec/ft). Vf (tVsec)
The shale compaction coeffi cient (C) is a variable, ranges 100 6,300
from 0.8 to 1.3, and is applied onl y when ,1tsh is greater
than unity. Selection of the coefficient depends o n experi-
ence and the geographic a1 area. In the gulf coast region, 90 -
the coefficient ranges upward to about 1.3 and generally g
diminishes toward inland areas. The 1.3 value is often (.)

exceeded in shallow sands. 2, 80 -




Limestone, dolomite, highly compacted cherts, and 60

quarzites, occasionally with evaporite infilling, comprise
much of the rock constituents found in carbonate or com-
plex reservoirs. Such rocks generally have porosities 50
<15%, altho ugh higher porosities are fo und. Lack of
compaction is almost never substantial in these rock
40 '------'- -- -'------ '-- -~ - - ~
types, and invasio n is usuall y moderate to deep. Dis- o 10 20 30 40 50
persed shales and clay particles occur, but usually in such Porosity (%)
small amounts as to be considered negligible. Lithology
and porosity type beco me the major concern. Fig. 4-42 - Special empirical chart for determining acoustic
porosity in carbonates

Wyllie's time average equation adapts well to carbonates

with intergranular limesto ne porosity, but once dolomiti-
zation or other diagenetic influences occur, pore type and
distribution are changed significantl y. In short, sound
velocity in carbonates is related predominantly to the
sound path through p rimary intergranular porosity, and
seconda,y pares are often bypassed as matrix material.
Velocity Variation in Sandstones

Terms such as vugs, sucrosic, intercrystalline, fractures,

The highest velocities observed in sandstones approach
etc. should trigger precautiona ry steps. A special empri-
20,000 ft/sec (50 sec/ft), but most sandstones have a
ca! chart was created for determining porosity from L1t
lower matrix velocity. Adjacent shale velocities are used
through carbonates of this type (Fig. 4-42). A limited
to adj ust the matrix velocity for sands having velocities
range of fluid velocities (5,800 to 6,750 ft/sec) was
lower than 18,000 ft/sec. Guidelines are listed as
selected for the chart. Equivalent ,1t values are 172 and
148 sec/ft. Similar charts can be devised for metric
.1t5 1, (sec/ft) v1110 (ft/sec) ,1/ma (sec/ft)
measureme nts. Although the fl uid velocities used in the
chart are fictitious, experience indicates substituting a
70 - 80 20,000 50
higher velocity value (or a lower flu id ,11) than that
80- 90 19,000 52.5
known to exist results in a more acceptable porosity 90 - 100 18,000 55 .5
value. The chart is devised for a limestone and dolomite > 100 Use compaction correction (Cp)
composite onl y. The original Wyllie ti me average for-
adj ustments.
mula can also be modified empirically to achieve similar
results, but other logs may be better for determini ng When density and/or neutron logs are available, the
porosity in carbonate reservoirs. Acoustic log data are acoustic results should be cross-check ed in clean sands.
effective in deri ving a secondary porosity index in car- Porosiry calculations from densiry and neutron data are
bonates. This method is discussed in Chapter 5. not subject to compaction problems.

- 173 -
Problem 1
Clastic reservoir rocks, whether compacted or unconsoli-
dated, usually contain sorne amount of silt or clay parti-
The interval transit times (Llt) listed below were mea-
cles, and acoustic transit times are longer than expected
sured over severa] depth intervals in a sandstone reser-
in clean sandstone. Use of a conventional equation to
voir. Calculate the porosity (<l>ac) using Wyllie's time
determine effective porosity of the formation gives opti-
average equation and a matrix velocity (vmaJ of
mistic results; shale transit times from 62 to 167 sec/ft
l 8,000 ft/sec. Calculate porosities to the nearest 0.5%.
have been cataloged.
Tabulate the answers in the column provided.

<l>ac If no other "porosity logs" are available, fractional shale

volume can be estimated from other measurements
100 strongly affected by shale content (gamma ray or SP). If
both gamma ray and SP are used, select the shale value
that indicates the minimal volume.
Acoustic log measurements are affected by the amount of
76 shaliness and by the shale distribution. In sand reservoirs,
shale occurs in the form of laminae, as dispersed
67 particles, or as a structural part of the matrix. The type of
distribution defines limiting conditions, and a combina-
Problem 2
tion of types is often found. It is possible, however, to
calculate shale volume from acoustic data.
Log data indicated adjacent shale beds to have an interval
transit time of 125 sec/ft. Determine the sandstone Correcting Acoustic-Derived Porosity for
porosity for the following log values (M) using the equa-
Laminated Shales
tions. Tabulate the answers in the column provided.
lf laminated shales are assumed to have the same charac-
<l>ac ter as adjacent shale formations, shaly sand response is
therefore assumed to be dependent on the shale content
104 and properties. In well consolidated shaly sands, acoustic
porosity can be resolved as
= [ Llt - Mma )- V [Lltsh- Lltma)
<p Llt - Llt sh M - Llt .
J ma J ma
In unconsolidated shaly sands, the compaction correction
is introduced, and

:t~--:~J[ ~J- :t:;~::::)


76 <I> = [ Vsh[
A simplified approach to both equations is
Problem 3

Listed below are a few shale transit times. Assuming

each is adjacent to a sand reservoir, select appropriate where <l>ac(sh) = porosity calculated for shale by the time
matrix transit times for the sands. average equation.

Correcting Acoustic-Derived Porosity for

Dispersed Shales

95 When clays are dispersed in the interstitial pore spaces of

the sand matrix, the L1t response is similar to what it
80 would be if only water occupied the pores. The dispersed
clays act as a slurry if the clay volume does not exceed
120 40% of the total pore volume. Above 40% volume, the

- 174 -
rock is no longer considered commercial because of low DISTURBIN G FACTS WITH ACOUSTIC
permeability. Acoustic response in a shaly sand, when MEASUREM ENTS
only disseminated clays are present, is written as
Borehole diameter has little effect if it remains relatively
constant or does not become extremely large (size is
somewhat dependent on transmitter-to-receiver spac-
or ings). Signa! amplitude becomes attenuated in larger

4> = [:/~:;ia )-vsh

f ma
boreholes, and centralizers are necessary to obtain maxi-
mum signa) strength. However, in boreholes > 16 in.
(41 cm), the tool should be eccentered to allow it to travel
In unconsolidate d sands, the equation is modified by
introducing the compaction correction (Cp), the low side of the borehole.

4> =[:/~:;na)[~ )- Vsh'

f ma p
Cycle skipping tends to occur whenever the signa) ampli-
tude is greatly reduced - for whatever reason. Enlarged
hole, gas-cut mud, and unconsolidate d formations can ali
lead to cycle skips. Noise spikes can be caused mechani-
cally but are more often a result of insufficient signa!
measured at one of the receivers (usually a far receiver).
The fraction of total porosity occupied by dispersed clay
is called the "q" factor, where DETERMIN ING POROSITY BY DENSITY
q = <l>ac -<l>eff .
<l>ac Density measurement s have long been an effective
The q factor is called a producibility index in shaly reser- method for determining pore volume in rock and are used
voir rocks. A chart (Fig. 4-43), based on field data from the conventionall y in core anal ysis. Compensated density
gulf coast, New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming data from today's high-technolo gy logging devices are
(U.S.A.), is used for predicting the producibility of shaly extremely accurate and offer the best single solution
sands. Tentative permeability cutoffs, using q, are selected available for estimating porosity.
from local experience. Dispersed, Iaminated, and struc-
tural shales are identified with much more confidence and LOG MEASUREM ENTS OF DENSITY
probable accuracy when crossplot techniques are used.
Crossplot techniques are discussed in the next chapter. Density logging was introduced commercially in the late
1950s. The first tools were uncompensat ed and the skid
housing source and detector were eccentered by a spring.
Clay Motors and hydraulic systems were soon employed to
Point provide more reliable eccentering of the skid. The first
compensated systems were put into field use in 1963;
they employed two detectors. A lithology-sen sitive
11 . ,\ photoelectric display was added to the system in recent
.8 compacted
1 ,\1~~ u.s. Gulf Coast Area
1 years.
1Shales Tertiary Clastic Sediments
1 1 '1 \' \
Considering the physical aspects involved in acquiring
a 6 11Undercompact
1 ' "' \ '. \
bulk density measurement s in borehole environments , it
~ I_ \ \ \\\\'\
is remarkable that satisfactory results are now relatively
u.. Tight Non-Producible common.
0-.4 1 1 1
\ \ '

1 1 \
1 1 \ Uses of Density Log Data
.2 1 ~ The proportionali ty of weight is a direct method of deter-
l.~ mining reservoir rock porosity, but the matrix density
must be known. For example, a pure limestone with 2%
Sand oJ<o:::::.......1. _.J-_L___l._. J__~___c,~~ ___. Sand
Point O 1O 20
porosity will weigh about the same as a pure dolomite
30 40 Line
Effective Porosity, 4> e(%) with 10% porosity. Density tools are considered the most
reliable porosity-sens itive devices; their measurement s
Fig. 4-43 - Empirical correlation between q factor, effective and are more sensitive to porosity than to lithology. Neutron
total porosity, and production characteristics logs respond more to lithology change.

- 175 -
Density logs used with neutron and/or acoustic data satis- The relative importance of each phenomenon for increas-
factorily describe lithology most of the time, but cross- ing values of atomic number is plotted versus energy
plotting techniques are not foolproof. Data from density leve) expressed in Me V (Fig. 4-44).
logs are often combined with acoustic measurements to
compute rock strength, predict fracture gradients or sand- Pair production results when a high-energy photon is
ing problems in oil or gas wells, and to assist in under- absorbed by an atomic nucleus and its intrinsic energy is
ground mine design. This combination of data is also transformed into an electron-positron pair that move
used to resolve acoustic impedance problems when com- away from one another (Fig. 4-45). This is an example of
paring synthetic seismograms to surface seismic data. the creation of matter from energy, according to Ein-
stein's well known law: E = mc2 . In its rest state, an elec-
Many formations have different densities but similar tron contains the energy equivalent of 0.51 MeV. Genera-
tion of both particles at rest state requires 1.02 Me V.
acoustic velocities. Boundaries between anhydrite
Residual photon energy is distributed equally between
(50 sec/ft) and a tight, low-porosity limestone (48 to
the electron and positron as kinetic energy. Because of
50 sec/ft) are difficult to segregate by seismic or acous-
these energy requirements, pair production rarely occurs
tic logs, but the difference in densities (anhydrite ==
at energies below a few MeV and onl y becomes impor-
2.98 g/cm 3 and tight limestone == 2.70 g/cm3) egregates
tant above 1O Me V. Cesium-137 sources used for density
the two formations. Toe two sets of Iog data provide
log applications emit photons at 0.662 MeV; therefore,
acoustic impedance values (velocity multiplied by
pair production is essentially insignificant to the interpre-
tation of density Iogs.


Pair Production at a Nucleus

A dense, positively charged nucleus consisting of protons Electron

and neutrons is surrounded by orbiti ng, negatively e-
charged electrons. A photon, ata given energy level, will
interact with the atomic nucleus or the orbiting electrons
depending on the cross section of the target material. The
three phenomena that characterize gamma ray interac-
tions with matter are
Fig. 4-45 - Pair production at a nucleus

Pair production
Bulk Density (pb)

Compton scattering A focused cesium-137 chemical source emits medium-

energy gamma rays into the formation. These gamma
Photoelectric absorption rays collide with electrons in the formation, losing sorne
of their energy to the electro ns. Gamma energy continues
to diminish as more collisions occur. This interaction is
known as Compton scattering (Fig. 4-46). Two sodium
iodide scintillation detectors measure the scattering and
.....-PP = CE absorption effects that occurred. The two detectors are
100 located at fixed distances from the source, and the count
cii 80
Photoelectric rate is related directly to the electron density of the for-
.o Effect (PE)
(/) Dominan!
mation. Electron density is closely related to bulk density
.o 60 and easi ly corrected by instrumentation. Electron density
o 40 is the number of electrons per unit volume and given by
the equation

o ll e = NZ/Ap,
0.01 0.1 10 100
Gamma Ray Energy (MeV)
where lle = the number of electrons per unit volume,

N = Avogadro's number (6.026 x 1023),

Fig. 4-44 - Relative importance of gamma ray absorption
mechanisms z = the atomic number,

- 176-
channel spectrum, but a window of that spectrum encom-
Compton Scattering Process Scattered
Photon passes the portien where Compton events are counted.
Energy (hv') The counts (LS and SS), after correction for detector
characteristic s, represent the number of photons.

Spine and Ribs Corrections

Electron When ideal logging conditions exist (excellent pad con-
tact in boreholes of 6 to 9 in. ( 15 to 22.9 cm) , no mud-
Fig. 4-46 - Compton scattering process
cake, and no barite-weight ing materials in the drilling
fluid), the density correction curve should indicate zero
correction. Zero correction means that a crossplot of the
A = the atomic weight, logarithm of LS count rates vs. the logarithm of SS count
rates would fall along a straight line called the spine
and p = the density of the material. (Fig. 4-47). As conventional mudcake is encountered and
thickens, the crossplot of count rates should fall to the
Yalues of VA for severa! elements are compared, and right of the spine. Heavy muds weighted with barite
with the exception of hydrogen, are near 0.5 (Table 4-6). cause the crossplot data to fall to the left of the spine
Yalues show a slight decrease as elements become (Fig. 4-47). The ribs on the plot are derived from con-
heavier. Therefore, the values of electron density are rel- trolled laboratory experiments and demonstrate the
atively close to one-half of Avogadro's number multi- amount of shift necessary to correct the density measure-
plied by the actual density of the material. For practica] ment (Fig. 4-47). Actual formulae for determining the
purposes, a normalized "electronic density" is redefined bulk density and mud correction values are incorporated
by dividing lle by N/2, giving the equation in data-acquisiti on software; the coefficients are deter-
mined by the calibration procedure. Corrections are
Pe= 2Z/ Ap. applied to the bulk density in real time during the logging
operation. At the contractor's shop facilities, a calibration
Bulk density (Pb in grams per cubic centimeter) is a func- of count rates is made with the too! placed in large mag-
tion of the matrix density, porosity, and density of pore nesium and aluminum blocks of known density. The
fiuids. Count rate measurement s are made at both the spine is established from this calibration procedure. Mag-
long-spaced (LS) and short-spaced (SS) detectors. The nesium shims are used during the calibration procedure
spectrum at the SS detector is filtered to remove most of to simulate mudcake and determine calibration points for
the gamma photons in the energy range where photo- the ribs.
electric absorption occurs. The LS detector uses a 256-

TABLE 4-6 - Z/A Ratios of Common Earth Elements 10

Element Abundance Atomic Z/A

(ppm) Welght

Hydrogen 1,400

1.0079 0.9922 "'

Carbon 200 12.0010 0.4995 .,
Nitrogen 20 14.0067 0.4998 a:
Oxygen 466,000
16.0000 0.5000 o
Sodium 28,300 23.00 0.4785
Magnesium 20,900 24.305 0.4937 ~
0.4818 *.,
..- Aluminum
0.4985 (.) Calibration
Sulfur 260 32.06 0.4991 "'a.
C/J 103
Chlorine 130 o,
35.453 0.4795 e:
Potassium 25,900 39.098 0.4859 ..J

Calcium 36,300 40.08 0.4990

Titanium 4,400 47.9 0.4593
Manganesa 950 54.938 0.4551 4x1a2 ~ - - ' - - ~ - ' - - - ' - - ' - ' - - ' - - - - ~ - ~
lron 50,0000 55.847 0.4656 3x1a3 104
Barium 425 137.33 0.4078 Short-Spaced Detector Count Rate (e sec- 1)
Lead 13 207.2 0.3958
Fig. 4-47 - Spine and rib chart

Bulk Density Calibration Peak Monitoring and Full-Spectrum Recording

The primary calibration standard for Baker Atlas'

Surface computer facilities determine the position of the
Densilog and Z-Densilog instruments is a test pit consist-
cesium peak every 20 seconds during the logging opera-
ing of water-fi lled porous limestone, dolornite, and sand-
tion (Fig. 4-48). If the peak drifts more than 1.5 channels
stone that define the bulk density (pb) measured by the
from its previous position (20 seconds earlier), a gain
equipment. The following empirical relation has been
correction is sent to the downhole electronics. The cor-
established from the primary calibration procedure,
rection is applied as a high-voltage change at the detec-
pb = 1.0704 Pe-0.1883 . tor's photomultiplier tube.

Variations between actual densities and Pb values The entire gamma spectrum can be recorded asan option.
measured by the instrumentation are given in Table 4-7. Tape format is similar to that used for Spectralog data,
...(ZJM) and available Pe values are also given. Values in and both types of data can be recorded simultaneously.
the table are from severa] sources, and the * denotes Sampling rates are adjustable on request. The spectrum is
values determined experimentally. split into four energy windows, and the counts within
each window are summed under different curve names -

TABLE 4-7- SOFT (from 60 to l 00 ke V)

Charge-to-Mass Ratios, Mass Densities, Log Response
Densities, Photoelectric Absorption lndex Values
for Materials Commonly Found in Boreholes SFT2 (from 100 to 140 keV)
Material Chemical UILM p Pb Pe
Formula (charge/amu) (g cm-3) (g cm-3) (b/e)
HRDl (from 140 to 200 keV)
Quartz SiO2 0.499 2.65 2.64 1.806
Calcita CaCO3 0.500 2.71 2.71 5.084
Dolomita CaMg(CO:i)2 0.499 2.87 2.87 3.142 HRD2 (from 200 to 540 keV)
Montmorillonite (Na,Ca)0_33(AJ,Mg)2 0.502 2.06 2.02 2.04
(Smectite) Si 4O 10(OH)2nH2O
lllite KAl4(Si,Al)8O20 0.499 2.64 2.63 3.45 Only HRDl and HRD2 are recorded for Pb A curve,
(OH)4(O,OHJ,o SHR, represents the ratio of counts in the SOFT window
Kaolinite AL2O32SiO22H2O 0.504 2.59 2.61 1.83
to the counts in the HRD2 window.
Chlorite Mg5(Al,Fe)(OH)8 0.497 2.88 2.88 6.30
K-Feldspar KAISi3O8 0.496 2.56 2.53 2.86
Plagioclase (Na) NaAISi3O 8 0.496 2.62 2.59 1.68
Photoelectric Absorption <Pe)
Plagioclase (Ca) CaAl~i~8 0.496 2.76 2.74 3.13
Barite BaSO4 0.446 4.48 4.09 266.8
Siderita FeCO3 0.483 3.94 3.89 14.69
The Z-Densilog device records and presents a photoelec-
Pyrite FeS2 0.483 5.01 4.99 16.97 tric absorption coefficient in addition to Pb and the den-
Hematite FeS203 0.476 5.27 5.18 1.48 sity correction trace. Photons of relatively low energy
Anhydrite CaSO4 0.499 2.96 2.97 5.05
(< 0.2 MeV) are completely absorbed on impact with an
Gypsum CaSO42H2O 0.511 2.31 2.34 3.420
Halite NaCI 0.479 2.165 2.03 4.65
atom (Fig. 4-49). A photoelectron is ejected from the
Sylvite KCI 0.483 1.99 1.87 8.510 atom, and excess energy above the binding energy of the
Aluminum Al 0.482 2.702 2.60 2.5715 electron is transferred to the photoelectron as kinetic
Sulfur s 0.499 2.067 2.02 5.4304
energy. This is an oversimplified description of the inter-
Anthracite C720H2saNsO1s 0.513 1.60 1.57 0.161
action, but the ejected electron comes from an inner shell
Bituminous C532H418N8O41 0.527 1.35 1.33 0.180 and severa! stages of de-excitation and readjustment may
Lignite C4aoH412NJC101 0.500 1.10 0.99 take place within the atom. Pe data are actually calculated
Oil n(CH2) 0.570 0.80 0.79 0.125
from the normalized SOFT/HARD ratio (Fig. 4-50) using
(medium gravity)
Gas (160'F, CnH2n+2(n=1--6) 0.619 0.20 0.08 0.119
a relation derived from the Z-Densilog model. If the
5,000 psia) value for Pe from this method is larger than a specified
Formation water H2O (fresh) 0.555 1.00 1.00 0.358 cutoff value (26 barns/electron), Pe is recalculated by
120,000 ppm NaCI 0.546 1.086 1.081 0.807
replacing the HARD/SOFT ratio with the SFT2/HRD2
Berea sandstone 0.499 2.308 2.305 2.24()
Boise sandstone 2.46()
ratio using a different relation. Resolution corrections for
Vermont marble 4.84() the window counts are made by an iterative process, and
Lockport dolomrte 2.66() Pe is recalculated until the last term in the calculation is
(-) Experimentally measured values (Altman el al., 1987)
less than 0.01 barns/electron. Interpretative use of the
recorded Pe data is discussed in Chapter 5.

- 178 -

e 50
,,, 10-11 Spectrum Totals

a; Cs Peak from
::, Interna! Source
z 25

o L.-....L--.... .L----...L--- -_._____ __ _ _......._ _ _ _...1.._ _ _ __.__ _.....;-.,

o 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256
Channel Number

SFT2 Window Energies (keV)

60 100 140 200 500 keV

75 1 ! 1

t HRD2

,,, 140-ft Spectrum Totals

::, 25

o 32 64 96 128 160 192 224 256

Channel Number

Fig. 4-48 - Surface computer monitors the cesium peak during logging operations.

- 179 -
Density Log Units of Measurement
Photoelectric Absorption Process
Bulk density is scaled in grams per cubic centimeter. The
log is presented as bulk density (pb) and usually scaled 2
to 2.5 to 3 g/cm3 from left to right across Tracks II and
III. In many countries, the linear density scale is shifted
e to be compatible with linearly scaled porosity for lime-
Ejected stone or sandstone lithology (Fig. 4-51 ). The too! actually
measures electron density (Pe), a value that is, fortu-
nately, very simi lar to bulk density (Pb)- Electron density
Fig. 4-49 - Photoelectric absorption process is corrected to bulk density by the instrumentation. The
electron density (Pe) of a material consisting of a single
element is related to bulk density (Pb) as
20 Data ,,_
Theory e Pe = pb(2Z/ A),

where Pb = actual bulk density,

Z = the atomic number (electrons per atom),

A = the atomic weight,

and PblA is proportional to the number of atoms per

cubic centimeter of the material.

The convergence is more involved than the previous

equation, but it is sufficient to say that electron density is
converted within acceptable tolerance to bulk density.
o ___ ____ _ _....L_ _ _L __ ___,_ _......:::=i
0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 Interpretative Aspects of Density Logs

The common sedimentary rocks are known to have typi-

Fig. 4-50 - Pe as a function of soft-hard ratio (SHR) cal values of matrix density (p 1110) , many of which are
given in Table 4-7. Actual density, electron density, and
the most common response of density tools are often dif-
COMPENSATED NEUTRON ferent, and variations occur for each of the three mea-
FORMATION DENSITY surement types shown. The one rock type that shows
consistency and demonstrates little lithology variation is
1.95 Pb (g/cm3) 2.95 limestone. It is for this reason that the basic method to
<I> N (Limestone p.u.) calibrate density log data is in water-saturated limestone
_15 -----~ ------1f------ ~ ----- - blocks of known porosity. This allows the too! to be cali-
brated linearly from rocks of essentially zero porosity to
Limestone Compatible Scales
100% porosity in a large water-filled tank. Limestone
blocks with known porosities are used as intermediate
calibration points.

Each rock constituent contributes directly to the overall

FORMATION DENSITY bulk density as its percentage of bulk volume,

1.85 2.85
<1> N (Limestone p.u.)
where Pma = o/o contributed by the rock matrix,
45 30 O 15
-------1-------r------1------ -
Sandstone Compatible Scales Psh = o/o contributed by shale mixture in
the rock,

Fig. 4-51 - Density and neutron scales are often structured to and P = o/o contribution by the fluid-filled
suit local purposes. porosity.

- 180 -
Shale density (Ps1,) is usually close to the density of sand- While it can be said that Pb responds primarily to poros-
stone, and for semiquantitative purposes, Psh can be con- ity and secondarily to matrix and the fluids occupying the
sidered a part of the matrix. Shale is typically absent o r pores, Pe is primarily sensitive to matrix and secondaril y
present in such small percentages in carbonate reservoirs sensitive to porosity and the pore fluids. Severa! elements
that it is considered negl igible, and the calculated poros- and their correlation to the Pe absorption index are listed
ity is considered to be effective porosity. Compaction (Table 4-7) .
corrections are not needed with density logs. As a result,
the equation can be rewritten to solve for porosity, The Z-Densilog instrument utilizes two detectors posi-
tioned at different distances from the radiation source.
<j> = Pma-Pb The near or short-spaced detector (SS) filters the spectrum
Pma-P f to remove most of the gamma photons in the energy range
Tool Resolution where photoelectric absorption is important. The long-
spaced detector (LS) investigates a 256-channel nuclear
Depth of investigation vares with the density of the rock, spectrum, but these measurements are derived from a
but in general, it is accepted as being within the range of window of the spectrum that encompasses the Compton
3 to 6 in. (7.6 to 15 cm). Vertical resolution is considered scattering events. The parta! cross section resulting from
to be slightly greater than I ft ("' 0.3 m); it cannot be any Compton scattering determines the count rates and repre-
shorter than the source-to- detector spacing. sentative number of photons for both detectors.

Radiation tools are sensitive to logging speed and statisti- PRACTICAL WORK SESSION
cal variation. The logis usually recorded with tool move-
Problem 1
ment at 30 ft/min ("' 9 m/min) or 1,800 ft/hr ("' 550 m/hr).
In very low porosity rocks (usually carbonate reservoirs), Given the bulk density values below, calculate porosity
count rates fluctuate more and the log is often recorded at for sandstone, limestone, and dolomite matrices using
15 ft/min (4.5 m/min) or 900 ft/hr ("' 275 m/hr). both fresh mud ( 1.0 g/cm 3) and salt mud ( l . l g/cm3).

Influence of Fluids Fresh Mud

Pb Sandstone <j> Limestone <j> Dolomite <j>

The density of the fluids in reservoir rock is generally
accepted as that of the mud fil trate co1Tected to formation 2.50
temperature. Charts are provided for P= l g/cm 3 (fresh-
water filtrates) and P = 1.1 g/cm3 (saltwater mud fil- 2.63
trates). In gas-filled boreholes, pvalues of 0.2 to 0.3 are
commonl y used. 2.28

Salt Mud
None of these parameters are fixed values. They only
approximate a mud filtrate condition. At moderate to Pb Sandstone <j> Limestone <j> Dolomite <j>
deeper depths. fresh filtrates are usually a little above
1 g/cm 3 ; e.g., 1.0 1 to 1.04. Similarly, gas density also 2.50
vares with temperature and pressure. Salt muds are
known to approach densities of 1.2 at formation tempera-
ture. The type of salinity is not always NaCI; it may occa- 2.28
sionally be CaCl2 salts. CaCl 2 salts have an even greater
effect on neutron responses. Salt-mud charts that use P = Problem 2
1.1 g/cm3 are not always accurate.
The following Pe and Pb values were recorded in a well
Z-Density Values drilled with fresh mud. Calculate the porosity for each set
of figures.
The introduction of lithology-sensitive photoelectric
Pb <1>
recordings (Pe) <loes not preclude the interpretative data
previously discussed, but instead introduces another 1.8 2.25
curve that is often helpful in <j> determination from den-
sity data alone. In the preceding discussion, Pma had to be 4.3 2.50
provided from a known source (e.g., core) or assumed.
3. 1 2.60
The Pe recording provides a choice for matrix density
(Fig. 4-52 and 4-53). 4.8 2.54

- 18 1 -
Freshwater-filled Borehole, Pt = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg/m3
-~-' .... _ .... -- .....
L.. e, _

' 1,
r-.. ~
,~ '1

NK1 t

1 'I

' . ,_

--., - - - a,1' o ,,~,
'I l..,'
' I'- .... ~

2.1 'A
-- ..
30 'f
,. -i-.- 1 'I ,.,r

2.2 ,., 1
f'\ ~ .......
'-.'~ L.,
E !!
e .....
Q. t
~u I[ -... - -- ;,l

' - - _...,
111-' w
_ 1

E -,,.. " 'I '"'J
Q ;;; '\. D
2.4 ~ 1\.. ...
"'\. . ~" V

o 2.5
o 1
-- - I'\.
-" .. i-
-- u-

' 1\..
... "

'\. .....
.. ___ ...-
'\. I,"'
o -

' l'\.

---- - ...

,_ Note: . ""'
,_ Follow lines according to

rock mixture as defined by
Sandstone and Dolomite
'\ ... .,
.... 1/

Limestone and Dolomite
- - - - - - Sandstone and Limestone
'" ...,



o 2 3 4 5 6

Photoelectric Cross Sect ion, P8 (barns/electron)

Fig. 452 - Porosity and lithology determination from Compensated Z-Densilog (freshwater-filled borehole)

- 182-
Saltwater-filled Borehole, Pt = 1.1 g/cm3 or Mg/m3

.. -~- - - - -

- c:n

' ' _,,,,. ., .J< 1

' u


a alt
' -- -- .,.. ,n

2.1 ' ' '- .....


2 .2
... -~-~- - --- ,__
1, 1......
f\.. ...
' 1\. 1...... ;
E ,,..
o, 2 .3 ' .,,,, ~,.,, 1ull
.,__ -'
' 1, -- .. -.,,,, ,

' '-...
--- -' _
'\ ~
O 2 .5

- --
.>t: ~ .. ~

'" \. .,,,,
, J ...

2 .6 .,

-' 11>
- \.
,.; ,

- -a--1......
' I'\. ...... D

1-- Note: ./

2 .8

1 --


Follow lines according to
rock mixture as defined by
Sandstone and Dolomita
Limestone and Dolomita
' '~
.,,,, ...
.,. V

- - - - - - Sandstone and Limestone


o 2 3 4 5 6
Photoelectric Cross Section, P (barns/electron)

Fig. 4-53 - Porosity and lithology determination from Compensated Z-Densilog (saltwater-filled

- 183-
Problem 3 ally n, are performed on a very limited basis. The rela-
tions for sandstone and carbonate that were previously
Given the following Pe values, what lithology would be given are empirically derived from a large mix of data.
predicted? Although those general relations have stood up reason-
Apparent Lithology ably well over time, they seldom provide the accurate
results needed "to bank reserves."

3.1 Virtually ali basic logging literature refers to the m expo-

nent as the cementation factor. Cementation occurs at dif-
5.0 ferent stages after sediment deposition and burial. Early
cementation is often replaced or additional cementing
DEVELOPMENT OF THE POROSITY- TO- material is added after sediment burial and overburden
compaction occurs. Sandstone and carbonate diagenesis
are beyond the scope of this course, but both involve a
As discussed earlier, <I> can be equated to resistivity by
science within themselves. Cementation affects the shape
the formation factor relationships; the problem is the cor-
rect conversion factors, a and m . For the purposes of or geometry of pore throats, and the constrictions, chang-
basic log analysis training, the following relationship ing diameters, and shapes of pore tunnels ali relate to the
m factor.
should be committed to memory,
F = a/q> . Sorne of the literature describes the numerator a of the F
relationship to represent tortuosity. This remains an
The a and m parameters are typically used in log analysis
arguable area among many petrophysicists, many of
as follows,
whom think a should always represent unity.

F = l/ qi2 (in most carbonate reservoirs),

F = 0.62/qi2 15 (in most sandstone reser-
voirs), As discussed earl ier, Archie found that if R 0 could be
determined from F and Rw (R0 = F x Rw ), he could also
and F = 0.81/ qi 2 (often substituted in sands for
restate the resistivity index equation,

The appropriate relation from the previous expressions

Sn = Ro =
w R,
should be considered a preliminary approach if no addi-
tional information is available. The suggested values do
not typically cause an adverse effect on saturation results. The analyst must always remember that the Sw solution is
When additional petrophysical information is available, only as accurate as the input data. Val id Rw , R1, <I>, a, m,
it should be used if considered more accurate. The source and n values are necessary. Numerous charts and nomo-
of additional a and m data should also be a consideration.
grams have been published to resolve the previous equa-
tion, but accurate saturation results depend on accurate
Formationfactor is nota measured lag value. It is a link-
input. Charts, nomograms, and algorithms are only aids
ing mechanism between resistivity and formation fluid
in solving the saturation problem. Analysts must also
and rock properties. lt has been described as the ratio of
make a judgment to determine if borehole and formation
the resistivity of a rock with pare spaces containing only
conditions are such that the general formation factor
water to the resistivity of the water itself (F = R0 f Rw ).
equation will provide an acceptable answer. When perti-
nent petrophysical data are available, they should be
implemented, and the general equations found here and
in other literature should be modified as necessary.
The m exponent is very important in 1og analysis. Reser-
voir field studies are dependent on log analysis for the Crossplots utilizing two, three, or more measurements to
vast majority of the information used to characterize a determine total effective porosity, secondary porosity,
reservoir. Core data, when available, are usually limited lithology mix, gas effect, etc. are discussed in detai l in
to a few key wells at most. Special core analysis to deter- Chapter 5. Water saturation is discussed in more detail in
mine the petrophysical parameters, a, m, and occasion- Chapter 6.

Crossplot Methods for Porosity,
Lithology, and Gas Determination 5

With neutron logging already being available, the first rnade on linear, logarithrnic, sernilogarithrnic, or expo-
atternpts to more adequately quantify porosity and est- nential scales, and one axis of a plot can be a different
mate lithology rnix occurred when acoustic logs were scale type frorn the other axis. lnforrnation that relates
introduced, followed soon afterwards by the introduction log responses to prirnary and total porosity, secondary
of density logs. Comparing neutron data to the newer log porosity, grain-size estirnates in reservoir rock, and
rneasurernents yielded better differentiation of gas frorn rnatrix rnixes of clastics, carbonates, evaporites, or other
oil or water. In the early 1960s, neutron (often scaled in rock types can usually be inferred frorn the proper corn-
counts), acoustic .t, and density data (usually in sorne parison of log data.
forrn of counts) were ali available. Petrophysicists
quickly realized that different cornbinations of these logs No crossplot rnethod is completely accurate; every
could provide better estirnates of porosity. Rccognizing rnethod has advantages and weaknesses. Two or more
that different log responses occurred in different rock measurements can be used for plotting, and quite often,
matrices also led to lithology estirnations. Nevertheless, severa) two-way crossplots are required to obtain the
the lithology descriptions frorn logs did not gain reason- "best answer." Cornputer-proce ssing facilitates handling
able acceptability until about 1970 when cornputer-pro- of the data, but plotting by hand still offers an effective
cessed log analysis reached rnaturity. Borehole-cornpe n- cross-check of accuracy. Experienced log analysts con-
sated equiprnent was introduced in stages (acoustic, then sistently compare cornputer results to hand calculations
density, and finally neutron) during the 1960s, but ade- for quality control.
quate porosity/lithology results frorn log crossplot tech-
niques were still considered suspect. Much of the lt is irnperative that basic log response functions and their
groundwork for today's lithology/porosit y rnodels was relation to porosity and lithology be fully understood if
developed during this time. crossplotting techniques are to be intelligently evaluated.
Dual-mineral rnethods utilize two sets of log data to deter-
The rapid evolution of digital circuitry, rnicroelectronics, mine porosity anda rnix oftwo defined rocks or mineral s.
and telernetry has played a rnajor role in bringing forrna- A shale index can be inferred frorn the crossplot or inde-
tion evaluation to its current level. Data acquisition is at pendent shale index methods, but at rnost, only two types
least an order of rnagnitude more efficient than it was 15 of rock can be defined with two log rneasurernents.
years ago. Today, processing routines are quick, well
docurnented, visually appealing, and acceptable to the Acoustic, density, and neutron log rneasurernents are sen-
industry. That is the good news. The bad news is that sitive to porosity. Each of these logs can be converted to a
rnany fundamental considerations are overlooked in the porosity value; however, fluid and rnatrix values rnust be
quest to reach goals of speed, eye appeal, and a distorted known or assurned in order to sol ve the equation convert-
view of accuracy. By no accident, training has focused ing the raw rneasurernent to porosity. The use of two logs
more and more on direct cornputer rnethods, often elirninates sorne of the guesswork that rnight be neces-
bypassing analytical fundarnentals that provide insight sary when only one log is available. For exarnple, each of
into the functions of cornputer processing. This chapter is the three logs is known to have the following response to
dedicated to re-establishing basic rules of crossplotting sands and clays found in clastics,
data to determine what additional insights the results
offer and what crossplotted data do not describe. Those Pb = effective porosity clay effect + light
seriously interested in acquiring expertise in forrnation hydrocarbon (gas effect)
evaluation rnust develop a strong understanding of the
fundamentals, including crossplot rnethods. <l>N = effective porosity clay effect - light
hydrocarbon (gas effect) or + heavy oil
CROSSPLOTS .t = effective porosity + clay effect + corn-
paction + lig ht hydrocarbon (gas effect)
Assorted rneasurernents are available frorn a variety of
logging too Is. Individual cornparisons of any one of these A dual-mineral crossplot rnakes the assurnption that only
rneasurernents to the other rneasurernents often define two rocks/rninerals are present in the forrnation (or that
petrophysical or geological characteristics that are very those two rocks virtually dorninate the mixture). It has
irnportant to reservoir descriptions. Crossplots also pro- never been proven that lithology response is linear
vide a rnechanisrn to recognize log calibration problerns between two rnatrix lines, and ernpirically derived matrix
and to correct data not in significant error. Plots can be lines tend to indicate a certain degree of nonlinearity. If

- 185-
the initial assessment of matrix mix is wrong, the result- ments and the particular matrices selected. For example,
an! output is definitely wrong. Severa] log measurements if lithology is assumed to be limestone and dolomite and
are sensitive to lithology, porosity, or both, but the sensi- the two log measurements are bulk density (pb) and com-
tivity to each varies considerably depending on the type pensated neutron porosity <l>N (calculated for limestone
measurement. Protocol requires that the analyst be well matrix), the zero porosity values for limestone and dolo-
aware of the inherent traps that occupy the road from raw mite would likely be
data to a result. Competen! analytical or digital log analy- 3 3
sis requires an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses P b = 2.71 g/cm and 2.86 to 2.87 g/cm for
of different crossplot methods. each of the two rock types

Crossplots are the basis from which computed log inter-

<l>N = O and 0.02 lirnestone <1> units, respec-
pretation programs evolved. Sidesteppi ng such data prior
to computing log results is a guarantee of mistakes and Specific neutron devices can alter parameters slightly.
customer dissatisfaction. Fluid parameters are generall y selected as 1 g/cm3 (fresh
mud) or 1.1 g/cm3 (salt rnud) for the density and l for neu-
tron porosity (Fig. 5-1 ). Severa] log parameters for differ-
ent rocks and minerals are given in Table 5- l. Generally,
Ambiguity exists in most computerized solutions of crossplots are enlarged to show only the porosity and
lithology trends that occur below the 50% porosity values;
crossplotted log data because the formul ae generally
less than one-half the entire model is shown (Fig. 5-2). If
assume linearity. Individual log measurements were dis-
an acoustic log were used instead of the neutron log, the
cussed in detail previously, and it is obvious each logging
zero matrix points for limestone (flt= 47.6 sec/ft) and
device has unique responses to a number of physical,
petrophysical, and geological parameters such as: dolomite (flt= 43.5 sec/ft) would probably be selected,

Lithology 1.9 1
To Fluict/
Porosity (for Series 2435 CN Log) Point
2.0 >--
P = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg!m3
Drilling fluid salinity, weight, and other
Mud filtrate salinity and depth of invasion

Depth of investigation 2.2

Vertical resolution
0 2.3
Connate water salinity o,

Gas and/or ol effects on the measurements o 2.4

Te mperature and pressure i~..c2.5
Borehole size i,
e 2.6
Mudcake thickness o
Physical, chemical, geological, mechanical , and electri- 2.7
Pma= 2.71g/cm3
cal attributes are the readily identifiable roadblocks that
inhibit log-evaluation methods. ,<l>a 1 1
2.8 _s 1 1
Pma= 2.86 g/cm3
2.9 <l>a

Ali dual-mineral crossplot methods use a mnimum of 3.0

-10 O 1O 20 30 40 50
three anchor points to resol ve data from two log measure- Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)
ments. One point is always the 100% porosity or fluid
parameter. The other control points represent the predict- Fig. 5-1 - Zero porosity control points for two rock types plotted
able zero porosity value for each of the two measure- at their proper coordinates

- 186-
TABLE 5-1 - Logging Parameters for Sorne Common Rocks and Minerals

Pe Pb ; .1t <l>cN K u Th
(g/cc) (e.u.) (s/ft) (lime) (%) (ppm) (ppm)

Common Quartz 1.8 2.65 8.0-13.0 51.3- 55.5 -0.04 < 0.15 < 0.4 < 0.2
Sediment Calcite 5.1 2.71 8.0-10.0 47.6 0.00 < 0.40 1.5 - 15.0 <2.0
Dolomite 3.1 2.87 8.0-12.0 43.5 0.02 0.1 -0.3 1.5-10.0 <2.0
Shales 1.80-2.70 25.0-45.0 63.0 -170.0 0.09-0.45

Common Halite 4.7 2.04 748.0 67.0 -0.02-0.03 < 0.3 < 0.2
Evaporites Anhydrite 5.0 2.98 12.3 50.0 0.00 0.25- 0.43 < 0.2
Gypsum 4.0 2.35 18.8 52.5 O.SO- 0.60
Trona 0.7 2.10 18.5 65.0 0.42

Coals Lignite 0.16 1.05 12.8 140.0 0.60

Bituminous 0.17 1.33 16.4 120.0 0.60
Anthracite 0.20 1.57 10.5 105.0 0.40

lron Limonite 13.0 3.59 57.0

Minerals Pyrite 17.0 4.99 90.0 39.0
Siderite 14.7 3.94 52.3 48.0
Hematite 21.5 5.18 44.0

Micas Glauconite 5.5- 7.1 2.54 23.4 0.19 5.08- 5.30

Biotite 6.2- 6.4 2.99 30.0 51.0 0.06 6.7 - 8.3 <0.01
Muscovite 2.4 2.82 16.9 49.0 0.13 7.9-9.8 <0.01

Clays Kaolinite 2.61 12.8 0.37 0.42 1.5-3.0 6.0-19.0

Chlorite 2.88 25.3 0.32
lllite 2.63 15.5 0.09 4.50 1.0- 5.0 < 2.0
Smectite 2.02 14.5 0.17 0.16 2.0-5.0 6.0- 19.0

and fluid transit time might be selected as 189 sec/ft for the line connecting zero porosity limestone coordinates
fresh mud and l 85sec/ft for salt mud. Sandstone is also and the 100% <l>-coordinates could be used as the "clean
a common selection for one of the minerals, but other line." A point or general area representative of Pb and <l>N
rocks such as anhydrite, salt, or gypsum occasionally values selected from a nearby shale is then used to estab-
become important crossplot parameters. lish a" 100% shale line"; a line parallel to the clean line is
drawn through the 100% shale data (Fig. 5-5). The shale
Further construction of the density-neutron crossplot line is very near the dolomite matrix line, and assuming
entails plotting of points representative of numerous limestone is considered clean, a formation that is pure
values of porosity (5% limestone porosity, I 0% lime- dolomite will calculate as 80% shale. In such a circum-
stone porosity, etc. and 5% dolomite porosity, 10% dolo- stance, density-neutron crossplot data would not be a reli-
mite porosity, etc.). The numerous points for q> at the two able indicator of shale volume. As long as other shale
different lithologies are crossplotted for both Pb and <l>N indicators (gamma ray) show a lower percentage of shale,
(Fig. 5-3). the crossplot indication does not hinder the analysis.
The various Pb, <l>N porosity levels are connected from
one level to the next, and similar porosities for each Gas Correction on Density-Neutron Crossplots
Iithology are connected. The dolomite line in this illustra-
tion is not a straight line. Parameters for each of the logs If the neutron log is affected by gas, the apparent neutron
and other specific minerals might then be superimposed porosity will be undervalued. Density logs are also
on the crossplot. Similar methods are used to construct affected by gas on occasion, but not as severely as neu-
any lithology/porosity crossplot (Fig. 5-4). tron logs. For example, if Pb = 2.23 g/cm 3 and <l>Nts= 0.1 O,
the data wi ll plot above the empirically derived sand-
Shale Volume Determination stone line. (Salt and/or excessive hole signal cause simi-
lar responses on density and neutron logs, and caliper
The same crossplot can also be used to calculate a shale information therefore becomes important.) The conven-
volume (\"'.i-1,) because neutron logs are much more tional way to correct gas-effected crossplot data is to
affected by shale (hydrogen content) than density logs. adj ust the crossplotted point a 30 slope downward to the
Control points on the example just described can also be right; the corrected point will be on the clean sand line at
selected to describe a clean line (0% V51i)- For example, = 23.5% porosity (Fig. 5-6).

-187 -

P1 1.1 g/cm3 or Mg/m3

Pma = 2.65
40 Pma = 2.71

35 2.1
Pma = 2.86

25 e,' 2.3
30 O)
20 ::;;
20 E
_ 2.4
15 25 ~
.,_ .0

10 Q)
20 o 2.5
10 al

ta 10
o 2.7

ta Note:
LS Follow lines according to
rock mixture as defined by
Limestone and Dolomite
Sandstone and Limestone
- - - - - - Sandstone and Dolomite
+a 2.9

- 10 o 10 20 30 40 50
Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)

O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Compensated Neutron Apparent Sandstone Porosity (%)

Fig. 5-2 - Typically, chart book crossplots are scaled from O to 50% porosity.

- 188 -
1.9 1.9 , - - - - , - - - - . - - - - r - - - , - - - - , - - - - ,

(for Series 2435 CN Log)

2.0 - p = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg/m3
. .
. ,;,

.0, 2.3
:E -~ . . o,
o q_~ o
~ 2.4
, . (')

E 2.4
~ -9

".: 2.5
. a.
i, 2.5
~ 2.6
_o,(_ . . e

. :5

. 2.8

2.9 2.9

3.0 3.0
-1 O O 1O 20 30 40 50 -10 o 10 20 30 40 50
Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%) Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)

Fig. 5-3 - Crossplot construction requires that points be plotted Fig. 5-4 - The lines in a crossplot are connected between the
for severa! difieren! porosity values of the proposed lithologies. plotted points and labeled for porosity value and lithology, with
interpolation used between the two lithology lines to estmate
lithology mix and porosity values.

In sorne areas, gas correction is modified to fit local

emprica! evidence. Gas affects neutron, density, and
acoustic measurements differentl y and to different Comparing gas-effected log data to core data is often the
degrees depending on invasion. Neutron devices have best way to obtain estimatcs of total effective porosity.
slightly deeper depths of investigation and are more sus- Correcting a data point to a clean matrix line also
ceptible to gas effects. Density logs are affected by gas if requires another source of lithology reference.
invasion is very shallow, such as in the high-porosity,
high-permeab ility formations in the Gulf of Mcxico. DENSITY-N EUTRON CROSSPLO T
Acoustic log measurement s are made from such a shal- VERSATILI TY
low depth of investigation that gas seldom affects .t
measurement s, but when it does, the log often cycle
Virtually ali formation evaluation specialists agree that
skips. There are no sophisticated rules, but the following
the density-neutr on crossplot is the most accurate log
"rule-of-thum b" is suggested as a guide, or functional
analysis method for determining porosity. Both tools are
variable, depending on locality.
calibrated against a water-filled limestone basic calibra-
tion fixture. With respect to the limestone calibration
Porosity Range Gas Correction from Horizontal standard, sandstone and dolomite cause opposite
measurement responses. Gas effect also causes an oppo-
> 30% 45 slope to the clean matrix line site response, and although the neutron is usually more
affected by gas, emprica! corrections have found general
acceptability. The density log measurement is more sen-
13-29% 30 slope to the clean matrix line
sitive to pore space, and the neutron measurement is
more sensitive to lithology changes; these tendencies
< 12% 15 slope to the clea-n matrix line also balance out in crossplotted results.

- 189-
1.9 ~ - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - ~ - - ~
(for Series 2435 CN Log) (for Series 2435 CN Log) 45
Pt = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg/m3 Pt = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg!m3
2.0 1----'=====,====,====,=='--+--+--IJL----I 2.0


1~ 2.3 t - - - - - + - - - t -- -+---.i'--t---++-H----t t
o ~
5 2.4 t------+---t------,11----1--,<-H---+----t ! 2.4 t----+----'-"'l>"---,'4---+-,'----+---I
~ E
.o O)
i, 2.5 t-----+---+#--+-----:~~--------1 D 2.5 1----.---,---+--r--+--~,t-+-----+- --1
;; a.
e .
Q) ;;
~ 2.6 >----+----+----++---+-Point -+------< ~ 2.61----+--+--+---+-,11'---t-----+---I
:i o o
a:, ~
a:, 2.7 ---------------+---<

2.9 t - - - - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - t - -- - - + ----t

3.0 - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - - ~ 3 . 0 - - ~ - - ~ - - ~ -- - - ~ - - ~
-10 o 10 20 30 40 50 -10 o 10 20 30 40 50
Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%) Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)

Fig. 5-5 - Average shale values can be determined and plotted Fig. 5-6 - Correction for gas effect on a known lithology
on the crossplot.

Density-neutron crossplot techniques have been the

preferred dual-mineral method in carbonate reservoir
rocks for nearly 30 years. Despite a few drawbacks, these
techniques usually provide satisfactory shale volume
estimates in sand-shale sequences and are the basis for
several commercial computed log analysis prograrns
(Fig. 5-7). The major handicaps for the crossplot models
in clastics are gas effects in shaly sands, admixtures of
carbonate or evaporite, borehole rugosity and washouts,
and resolution in low-porosity (<I> < 12%) rocks.

Sand-shale models of density and neutron data are

also used to determine the percentages of silt and clay
(commonly considered shale in log analyst terminology).
A clean sand line is typically established using the
common sandstone parameters for density (2.65 g/cm3) Q
and neutron (<l>Nts) "'-0.03 to -0.04); a clay line is estab-
lished from a dry colloid point (Pb "' 2.85 g/cm3, <l>Nls
"'O. l-0.30) to the 100% <I> fluid point (Fig. 5-8). The dry
clay band represents clay minerals that have been baked Quartz (Q), clay (C), and fluid (F) points for a triangle, the
dry in the laboratory and have average rneasurernents of building block for many computed log analysis programs.
2.85 g/cm 3 (-0.12% <l>sd)- Different clays exhibit different
neutron responses, and different neutron tools often Fig. 5-7 - Three control points for a shaly sand crossplot

p = 1.0 45
Pm= 2.65 1

1.4 35 2.1

9 oss(%)

15 2.4
2.0 10
.o 2 .5
2 .6
o o
2.4 2.7

2.8 Dry
2.6 .___ _ ___,_ Colloids

- Dry Colloids 3.0

-.2 o .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
-10 o 10
- 20
<l> N1s(%)
30 40 50

Fig. 5-9 - A silt index point is selected from a concentration of
crossplotted data that occurs between the wet clay line and zero
Fig. 5-8 - Sandstone-shale models utilize a statistically determined porosity.
clay line that extends from the fluid point to the dry clay line.
60~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~
respond differently to the same clay. A 100% silt point, or
index, is selected from data points that represent a high
apparent V51i and lie between the zero porosity sand point 50
and the c lay line (Fig. 5-9). Data that plot similar to the
indicated star (Fig. 5-1 O) would be construed by the com- 40
puter program as having an approxima te mix of 66%
sand, 25% silt, and 9% clay. Total porosity, including the
noneffective pore space, would be selected from the loca-
tion of that data point and corrected to effective porosity
(<l>e) using the mnimum Vsh value calculated at that 20
depth. Vsh is calculated by several methods, and the pro-
gram accepts the method that calculates the least shale.
Silt Point
Clays occur in three forms-struc tural, dispersed, and cbo= 0.125
9 N=0.25
laminated (Fig. 5-11 ). Empirical attempts to segregate o o
the effects on density-neutron measureme nts are
bracketed on the crossplot (Fig. 5-12). Dispersed clays -10
generally cause a considerably lower value of effective -10 o 10 20 30 40 50
porosity, but clay laminae do not appreciably lower total <l> Nss (%)

effective porosity because the porosity is restricted to the

Fig. 5-10 - Sil! coordinates permit a calculation of sand, sil!, and
sand laminae. Structural clays essentially fall into the clay proportions.
"unlikely area," the area where appreciable amounts of
questionable log data and bad hole data plot. related to structural clays (montmori llonite) and occur
more frequently within the higher porosity rocks (usually
Clay-typing with density-neutron data is arguably ambig- younger, less compacted shaly sand environs). Kaolinites
uous and subject to question and speculation. Neverthe- and mixed layer clays generally occur with laminar and
less, postulation s have been made that sorne smectites are silty fractions of shale. High-potassium illites relate more

-191 -

Clay dispersion 2.2

Clay lamination

~ 2.4
Structural clay Ql
Where: - Clay mineral J,,,,~,,.:<J Sand grams (quartz) 2.6 Kaolinite - Chlorite

Fig. 5-11 - Effects of clay distribution

_ _ _ _ _ _4.....0 -
2 8 '----'-0--------'20
Neutron Porosity, <PN (%)
Fluid Point
Fig. 5-13- General locations of clay types on a density vs.
neutron crossplot



It was discovered early that crossplots of density and

acoustic log data were very helpful in clarifying sand-
shale mixtures and determining more accurate water sat-
uration in shaly sands. Shales are considered loose,
earthy mixtures of clay and silt-sized particles that are
dominated mostly by clay minerals. The structural lattice
of clay minerals results in a highly negative electrical
charge, caused mostly by the substitution of Al+++ ions.
Electrical imbalance is compensated for by cations that
Neutron Porosity, <l>N ___.
attach to the surface of the c lay sheets. The positive sur-
Fig. 5-12 - Clay distribution patterns on a density vs. neutron
face charge, cal led the cation exchange coefficient
crossplot (CEC), is discussed in more detail later in the text.

The presence of shales (or clay) within a formation com-

plicates the definition of porosity because clay's bound
to the dispersed clays that are detrimental to reservoir surface waters often provide a significant amount of pore
quality (Fig. 5-13). space, albeit noneffective. Log measurements are affected
differently by the amounts and properties of particular
shales, and the way shale is distributed in the rock
Today, the density-neutron crossplot is the basic cross- becomes significant to log analysis. Many sand reservoirs
plot used in most log analysis routines. It has also been were created in conditions that cause layers of sand to be
used effectively to differentiate sand from shale where separated by layers of clay, and the sand laminae are
"radioactive sands" occur. Natural gamma ray counts in essentially unaffected by the clay laminae that separate
such sands may indicate high APl values indicative of the layers. Shale also occurs as a structural component of
the rock; the shale is part of the matrix and has mini mal
shale, whereas the crossplot data indicate relatively clean
effect on the porosity responses of logs. Clays are also dis-
sands. These "hot sands" are usually high in potassium or
persed in the pore throats of sorne sand bodies, partially
thorium and potassium content. Natural gamma ray spec- filling the interconnecting lattices, and thereby cause a
troscopy and/or z-axis plots play an important role 10 large reduction in permeability. Any combination of the
identifying these phenomena and are discussed later. three clay types can occur simultaneously.

- 192-

Laminar Sand-Shale Model

An acoustic-density crossplot was introduced as early as

1963. 2 159 The graphical solution was constructed from
the two linear response functions,

Pb = (<l>ss Pss P, Psh V5h), and

!:,,t = <<l>ss !:,,tss. /:,,t, !:,,tsh and vs/t),
<l>ss = porosity value calculated for sandstone
using the linear functions for each
respective device,
p = density values used respectively for
Acoustic Travel Time, t.t -
sandstone matrix, chosen from log data
in an adjacent shale anda value for fluid Fig. 5-14 - Crossplot concept for a laminated shaly sand
!:,,t = transit time values used respectively for aries as the clean sand portion of the laminar model and
sandstone matrix, chosen from log data is used for saturation determination in the laminar model.
in an adjacent shale anda value for fluid Resistivity of the clean sand laminae is calculated as
transit time, follows,
Vsh = shale volume determined from the
acoustic vs. density laminated sand-
Once the clean sand resistivity is determined and poros-
shale model.
ity is converted to formation factor by the proper rela-
Again, the crossplot is constructed from three control tionship, only connate water resistivity (Rw) is needed to
points that represent the 100% porosity fluid point, the calculate water saturation in the clean sand portion of the
zero porosity sandstone point, and the 100% shale point laminated reservoir rock. The apparent water saturation
(Fig. 5-14). Typically, the 0% point for sandstone or (Swa) is then found by
quartz (Q) is plotted at the point where Pb of 2.65 g/cm 3
and !:,,t of 55.6 sec/ft intersect (other parameters are Swa=~-
sometimes used for sandstone matrix). For fresh-mud
drilling fluids, pof 1 g/cm 3 and /:,,tof 189 sec/ft typi- Similar laminated models can be constructed with den-
cally represent the 100% porosity fluid point (F). The sity-neutron data. In laminated shaly gas sands, a com-
fluid point would be slightly different ("' l.l g/cm3 and parison of both models has often been employed success-
185 sec/ft) for salt muds. The shale point (S) is arbi- fully to determine more accurate and acceptable <l>e and
trarily chosen from reliable Pb values and !:,,t values Sw values.
observed in adjacent shale beds. This technique assumes
Dispersed Clay Model
the adjacent shale is similar to those within the sand
body. Lines are constructed between the points QS, QF, At the outset, a crossplot for sands and dispersed clays is
and SF. The line QF is linearly subdivided into percent- constructed in a fashion similar to that for other
ages of clean sand porosity. The line QS is linearly subdi- plots (control points Q, F, and C are plotted). The QF line
vided into percentages of Vsh. The FS line is also subdi- (Fig. 5-15) is again linearly subdivided into percentages
vided linearly, which allows lines parallel to QF to be of clean sand porosity. The term clay becomes very
constructed for apparent porosity (<l>a). Lines are also appropriate in this model, and assuming a 100% clay
constructed parallel to the clean sand line and segmented point (C) as illustrated, line QC is subdivided into per-
into linear percentages of sand/shale mixture out to the centages of dispersed clay. The points along the QC line
100% Vsh point. Log data plotted at any point on the are used to construct lines parallel to the QF line. The
crossplot then lead to an estmate of sand and shale per- concept of using acoustic and density data to evaluate
centages and total effective porosity (<l>e). This plot is sands with dispersed shales is based on the premise that
known as a laminated model. Dotted lines are con- !:,,t values are "seeing" the clays as a slurry, and the log
structed to fan out from the Vsh point to incremental value is accepted as total porosity (<1> 1). Pb values are
values of porosity along the clean sand line QF. Clean essentially unaffected by the dispersed clays and see only
sand porosity is interpreted within the dotted line bound- matrix and effective pore space. This is because the

Conventional chartbook crossplots of density vs. acoustic
data include matrix lines for limestone, dolomite, and
sandstone (Fig. 5-16). Matrix resolution between any two
of the three lines is poor, and density-acoustic crossplots
are therefore used more for evaluating sand-shale
sequences than for any porosity-lithology mix in carbon-
ate environments. Obviously, the two clastic models dis-
cussed are accurate only for the conditions described; the
laminated model yields inaccurate results for sand with
dispersed clays, and the dispersed clay model provides
inaccurate results if laminated sand-shales are the rock
characteristics. The two-way crossplots have limitations
and require known or assumed parameters to provide
accurate answers.

-10 ~-~o---_2._o___
.4._o_ _...,_6~0---.s-'-o--~1.oo
4>AC Construction of this crossplot also requires control
points. The acoustic-neutron crossplot closely resembles
Fig. 5-15 - Dispersed clay model
the density-neutron crossplot (Fig. 5-17) and is often sig-
nificant in differentiating radioactive or "hot" carbonates
difference in Pct and Pb values is relatively small. Later, from shales and evaluating tight shaly gas sands. It is
these concepts led to the conclusion often not a wise choice, however, for determining shale
volume. For example, !:,,tsh "" 100 sec and <l>Nsh"" 30%
are not unusual shale parameters in many geographical
areas, but these values plot at or near the clean sand line
where q is representative of the amount of dispersed clay. on the acoustic-neutron crossplot. In other words, when
Earlier work39 41 suggested water and dispersed shale using this plot for V511 calculations, shale beds may
conduct electrical current as a mixture of electrolytes, appear as clean sands.
resulting in a complex equation illustrating Sw to be the
water saturation of the true effective porosity fraction. In radioactive dolomites, natural gamma rays may cause
The value q leads to acceptable estimates of the dispersed high readings (high concentrations of uranium or potas-
clay fraction , but values for R51 were much more difficult sium), and the gamma ray measurement is therefore not a
to define. The simplified approach takes a resistivity realistic indicator of Vsh. Neutron and acoustic data gen-
value from the adjoining shale beds. This value is not erally provide reliable shale estimates because the dolo-
critica! if R 51 >>> Rw ,which is usually the case. The sim- mite line has ample resolution compared to the probable
plified form of the dispersed clay saturation model shale point. For example, !:,,tsh "" 80 sec and <!> Nsh values
became of "" 20% are typical shale values found near such
2 environs (typically complex supratidal and/or intertidal),
.._ FzRwl R 1 + q I 4 -q/2
Sw =- ~--------- , and they usually plot near the sandstone matrix line or
1-q between the sandstone and limestone line. This crossplot
where is often significant in the analysis of shallow, nearshore
reservoirs, but it typically gives optimistic estimates of
Sw = water saturation determined, porosity in shaly sand reservoirs because both logs are
influenced by shale content.
Fz = the formation factor determined from <l>a
and the appropriate transform, Gas Affect on Acoustic-Neutron Crossplots
Rw = the connate water resistivity,
Corrections for gas affects discussed for density-neutron
R, = the true formation resistivity, crossplotted data also apply here. Although acoustic data
are seldom affected by gas, the affects are usually
extreme when it occurs and cycle skips occur. In many
q = the estmate of pore space occupied by tight, shaly gas sands, density, neutron, and acoustic data
the dispersed clays. are necessary to effectively evaluate the reservoir.

Specific Acoustic Time, lit (s/m)
150 200 250 300 350
Pma = 2.65
p1 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg/m3
40 2.71
Pma 2.0
t.t1 = 189 s/ft or 620 s/m
---;--~ ___:-_;_;-:--,'",_-;...'-_:-_:-.;_;-_-c---:t--~_t_;::.-:;;:-'--r,-!~ . i, - - : - . ; - ' - ; - : -
Pma 2.86
35 40 ,~
..,, ,
30 ~
r:q:--, ~~~~:~+::~-~-~
~~-:--- .-.- --~-~- ; -~ ,~
-f--l--___._H,~-----1 r-J......

-------~_ _,_____,__ ~.....---+-

'~-,..-------r-:', - ~...,.~::;:-+,-'>.,J:_.,.,..__,,.,'--..,
' -,h-tt---t_._'+-t
30 , ,
35 2.2


30 2.3
<') 1
20 E
25 .9
, ,., ,7 "'
15 .o

; ,-,. ., J


.., 'J


I ' ,
:i 2.5 .L"' I

CD ,,.I ,., ..,.,,

7 1 -'

.,, '
, ,.,,,"'
t--++-_ .. ".._1-
._ .-,.
., "','l,.::!;j/'
.. "_..,._..,._-_-<,_-_-+1-_-'-_.+_.+_-:_~;....,_++.,.-+-_..,_;-_-_+-+-+-+-++..,....
_"""..,-,..e-,_i-._+-t-.+,.-+.... '-t-t--,_.......
, -t_r + -t-+-t-t
5 T I
., r ..,,
+a 10
SS 2.7

2.8 ,.

o N.

+. 2.9

40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Specific Acoustic Time, lit (s/ft)

Fig. 5-16 - Porosity and lithology determination from compensated density and BHC Acoustilog

- 195-
Alma= 55.5
110 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 360
40 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Alma = 47.5
Al1 = 189 s/ft or 620 s/m -.
Alma= 43.5 340
40 ~ e
100 r..
35 -1, 320
35 .

25 30 90
. 300

} ?
30 1(
20 25 "
g ~ 'I
25 (J)
.3, 80 r,
< \
cli cli
15 E E
20 F F
(J .... (J
~ f
20 :::, ' ' 240 ~
o o
;{ ;{
!E 70 (J
15 (J "
a. ' r, a.

en ' ~
220 en
10 200
10 . ~
' ~

o ()

+a 5 ' ~
'' ~

50 , Follow lines according to

rock mixture as defined by 160

o ~
Limestone and Dolomita ~

+a l Sandslone and Limestone

LS - - - - - - Sandstone and Dolomita
+a 140
DOL 40
Acouslic porosily -10 o 10 20 40 50
computad from
Compensated Neulron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)

O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Compensated Neutron Apparent Sandstone Porosity (%)

Fig. 5-17 - Porosity and lithology determination from BHC Acoustilog and Compensated Neutron Log

- 196 -
PRACTICA L WORK SESSION have shale values of approximately Psh "" 2.6 g/cm3 and
<l>Nsh"" 0.40 - plot these points.
Problem 1
Connect the three points with lines to form a triangle. At
On the linear graph, scale the y-axis to increase down- this time, you have established three coordinate points
ward (in Pb increments) and the x-axis to increase to the for a density-neutron crossplot. Along the matrix-to-fluid
right (in <l>Nis values). The scale should extend from about line, interpolate porosity segments in increments of 10%.
1 to 3 g/cm3 and from 0% to 100% apparent limestone When this is completed, you have established a dual-
porosity. The drilling fluid is fresh-mud gel - plot the mineral crossplot designed to solve for porosity and
100% porosity or fluid point. The given matrix is lime- limestone vs. shale lithology rnix.
stone - plot the zero porosity matrix point. Adjacent beds

- 197 -
Problem2 By plotting the log data from a shaly sand with the values
given below, porosity and sand-shale distribution can be
The working area of a crossplot is generally within 40% estimated.
to 50% porosity limits (occasionally higher). That is why Porosity Lithology Mixture
chart books generally show crossplots that do not extend
beyond 50% porosity values. The grid and lithology lines Pb = 2.40, <j)Na = 0.10
are given for a density-neutron crossplot that is designed
for sandstone, shale, and porosity estimates. You are Pb = 2.30, <j)Na = 0.20
given Psh ~ 2.5 g/cm 3 and <j)Nsh ~ 0.40 as values from
adjacent shale beds. First, construct the lines from the Pb = 2.20, <j)Na = 0.25
clean sand matrix point to the approximate 100% shale
point. Then, construct eight separate but equally spaced Pb= 2.20, <j)Na = 0.10
parallel lines (parallel to the sand matrix line) between
sandstone and shale. Pb = 2.15, <j)Na = 0.30

1.9 V

pf = 1.0 g/cm3

2.2 I i

o" -& 25-.. V

0~ /

2.4 15 7
si/ Shale Point
pb = 2.50
~Nsh = 0.4)




-10 o 10 20 30 40 50

- 198-
- ,,
Problem 3 total effective porosity, and porosity of the sand laminae
using the following input values.
A density-acoustic chart book crossplot for fresh mud is
given below. The lithology is sand-shale, and the sand- ~eff
stone line is constructed on the plot. Plot the shale values
[Psh =2.6 g/cm3 and /:;.tsh = 100 sec/ft (or 328 sec/m)]. Pb = 2.50, t:.t = 73
Then, connect a line from the zero porosity sand matrix
point to the shale point, and construct nine lines parallel Pb = 2.52, t:.t = 93
to the clean sand line, between the 0% shale and 100%
shale points, thus dividing Vsh incrementally between the Pb = 2.41 , t:.t = 80
two points. The next step is to construct dashed lines
from the sandstone porosity values (along the sand Pb = 2.54, t:.t = 74
matrix line) to the shale point. You now have a laminated
shale model for the reservoir. Determine percent shale, Pb =2.57, t:.t =72

Specific Acaustlc Time, 61 (,s/m)

150 200 250 300 350
. - ''r-t'r""

P.,. 2.65 ..,

Pr 1.0 g/cm 3 ar Mglm3
40 P.,. 2.71 2.0 ...
tt1 189 s/ft ar 620 s/m

:-++ t~ ~
P.,. 2.86
- .. .
..,.,-,- ~... ~---+---
35 40 ,f +t:
~t-t,- ~~ rr ,-
;---+,.t ;... ~
35 2.2
r' ..Y., ~H'i",'t-- .'
25 - ~ :-.
;__ ~ '14- ,
25 ...-,-,.
30 '"O>E 2.3
20 ::; -+-~ - r 'Y,t:,


.. D
---~ .-. <>Y
....,..._:H -+- f+...;- ..J..,E
"'= (!- _._ .

15 e:
o"' r
10 20 ><
ID :

,. ;'


o 2.7 ~


2.8 r

DOL 2.9

3 .0
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Specific Acaustic Time, 61 (,slft)

- 199-
Problem 4 Apparent Lithology
LogValues Lithology Porosity( % )
Given a neutron-density crossplot, and assuming it is the
correct chart for the log data provided, determine cross- (1) Pb =2.52, <l>NLs = 0.11 _ _ _ _ _ __
plot porosity and an estimate of the lithology mix for the
(2) Pb = 2.70, <l>NLs =0.05._ _ _ _ _ __
following given conditions:
(3) Pb = 2.15, <l>NLs =0.35_ _ _ _ _ __

(4) Pb = 2.20, <l>NLs = 0.24_ _ _ _ _ __

(5) Pb = 2.60, <l>Nts = 0.22._ _ _ _ _ __

Pma = 2.65
45 1.9
Pma 2.71
p1 1.0 glcm 3 or Mglm3
40 Pma = 2.86 2.0
40 45


35 2.1


30 2.2

3 2.3

15 0 2.4


10 20



o 2.7
Follow lines according to
rock mixture as defined by
Limestone and Dolomite
2.8 Sandstone and Limestone
----- Sandstone and Dolomita

DOL 2.9

-10 o 10 20 30 40 50
Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity (%)

O 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Compensated Neutron Apparent Sandstone Porosity (%)

Problem 5

Given a slightly different neutron-density chart with the

fluid, matrix, hard shale, and wet clay points defined, plot
the five data points from Problem 4 and define them as
shaly sands that have dispersed clay, laminated clay,
structural clay, or clean sand.







2 .1 /
/ /

// J'


/ /
/ / ' To / 1 I

2.2 / 3
/ Fluid// I

v-~ 0 ~ / ,'"/ /
/ I

e:,'lf ~ / /

2.3 'l>~ ,
00 O.<::l( v' /

'/ /


/ [/ I I
/ /
,_- _-


K~ -----
pb 2.5

/ G)
/ /
/ Wet Clay Point
/ / Pb= 2.48


/ l--7 //~ I
I <l> N=40

_ /

~ /
(5 ,:,.0
0 /
2.7 :-.. / / (._~ / ,I I'--- Hard Shale Point
,2./ / / ,
V / I Pb= 2.53
/ / / I q, N= 28
/ / / I
2.8 , ,
/ /
/ / I I
Dry Colloids

o 10 20 30 40 50 60

-20 1 -

Mineral identification from M and N data is not a 3-D

crossplot technique. A crossplot is nothing more than a
comparison of one type data (abscissa) to another type
data (ordinate). The M-N plot actually compares a mix of For fresh-mud drilling fluid, the chart book values are
acoustic and density data with a mix of density and neu- .t== 189, P == 1, and $N == l. The chart book values in
tron data. In M-N plots, ali three sets of log data (in two salt mud are .l == 185, P == 1.1 and $N == l. Fluid den-
forms) are used to crossplot the mixes from two differing sity is not a constant value, but vares somewhat with
data sets to achieve a "better idea" of the mineral mixture. temperature, pressure, and depth, and the multiplier for
Since the raw measurements from ali three logs are inter- the M solution is used for convenience to allow compati-
rnixed, the M and N values are essentially independent of ble scaling. The M and N plot is entered with calculated
porosity and therefore supply important lithology-sensi- values, whereas the rocks/minerals indicated in specific
tive information. M and N are defined as areas or at specific points on the plot represent empirical
and laboratory data (Fig. 5-18). M and N are no more
than terms to represent their individual mix of log data.

- t - .. +. . l j . ----i-l,
.' l + .
l . . + - - . + . . .
. + + : : ; : t : :- .+ .+t-, . __ ' J
. ' '.-t +--
+. +

, ~-1-...... .......... +

T t--- i- .
. +
.... tt +
1 1 IFt---t--t :.t:.:.:.:.t::.t-.::.-+------ir--"--+--i---t----+---+-,--+-...-----+--+--+--+---lr--"--i-+-----1
-+ ---t~
' :

11-+........-+--,-. -:__+. _ ....-......l_._~_,___ -+--~--+---+- -, - . !- : : +. --- 1 - t +. . 1

... ~ +- +-- - - ..,..... , + ... ---4 - t . ... . --+- t"7 ..---+---t--
:: - +1- -
+- ., - - - - -- .i,

tt t -,
t " " '. + - -1---- - ~ . " .+- .,.
j t . i .
h - t- ... ---- ; ..... .......... --....-----+-+-f--- l-- + T 1--- + .... -+---- _,. . _. . . ___
+ ' ' ' ..
-+ -
' . __:__:_
_ - ::___

- -
1 ,

1 ,O
-~ t-~+---~---+
~......._.... . : , - +
~+-+-----+---~ L
1 +
1' 1 .
". f , _.!,.._-_--+_,.u_'--
t-- - i- +---+ '

' ' + __--+-'---....;......+----+------! __ .! _ , . l-_- r- \

t ' - _ ' + 1 ! --~!-+---~- !- ' - ..... - t- -
, t
t i t t-
, - + +
+ + .- t
_----,_~+ t ++- 1- --
- --+
- ---t------+----+-~........
p.:_;_ i : - -- : :-:-:-f:: ~ i , t +1 _:: j.. 1
-1 . _." -T.. .. 1 - - -T - , - -
0.9 ,: 1--:-z:: _LJ --,-1- T- t . "='"rf~P . f.). _J. - f _, . 1- _::_:_

!- :!+"" .. , t
. , f-:: -l L. '. ' : _t_ . + , , .; 1 _3~ /V .; = 18 000 -tt__ r i ~ i ~-81IT/: u . --j _ --~-,....-
' t- -~- ~ r -":. eston,
,,., 1 { J.., 35%
1/ _,; ' t --
'F -~+-+--1--1---1 , , 1 t 1- ,

, t l. 1
-+--0o-I)10,";'.1,e -+ . e, :.: , -.,..,.,,,.
--.--+ 1,_. +- -H +- --, -ri
......-+-1--~~.._r~-t- ..1W--,--t--+
+--'-~+--..........---1~ t . - ~ ,i,'l . . _, ' ' t t ~ ' - f j
o.a LJ , 1-
, ,- , ~ + - ,.;, . ::-7-H _._ ~. -, 1 7 - 1. --
+ . ..
- -+'"i----r-
~ ' ' _: r - '"iW, P1 r . .u,l:.1'"'f' ,i~I~
t':.. .,. + ..
1 i +. IPtf .o-:Mgtb2;--~1/ = _p~QJ t!I!.l:
+- ~----+------+---
1 1 '
- + 5/ j . +/ +- ---i- ~ ~ -, _,__.__,__,__ __,_.---+-+--+ - J . _ ~ ~ _ _ . ; _ _ + .. . '

; : . , t-1 -W-1-1- , - , j --....... !- . ..... .L. .;...-+---,--- --1- ' t- -t-+

0.6 ~ ~ --,-
'..' j 11 . 1. t j7'- h- 1 ~1- . h -+... , ~ 1 1 1 1

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 o.a 0.9 1.0 1.1


l - $cN
English or metric (for Pr in g/cm3 or Mg/m3 ): N = - - --

Fig. 5-18- Mineral identification by M-N crossplot

Matrix parameters for given sedimentary rock/mineral and
types are seldom fixed values, and the values in Table 5-1
are approximations. In severa) cases, a plus or mjnus ).fmaa
spread in values is given for a mineral response on cer-
tai n log types. Data are presented for freshwater and salt-
water muds, but applicable responses differ in oil-based
muds, air-drilled holes, or mud systems such as those = bulk density value from density log,
using KCI drilling fluids.
).l = interval transit time from acoustic log,
If a mixture of three minerals is known, log data are accu-
rate, and a mud condition is given, the point on the plot P = density of the pore fluid,
resulting from crossplotting M and N should identify the
mineral mix with reasonable accuracy. For example, if f;.t = transit time of the pore fluid,
M = 0.76 and N = 0.55, the point will be within the dolo-
mite-quartz-anhydrite triangle and will indicate an equal and
mixture of the three minerals. However, if the three
known rock types are dolomite, quartz, and shale, a com- <i>a = apparent total porosity determined from
pletely different interpretation will result - a slightly the two crossplots previously described
shaly, sandy dolomite. The crossplot does not determine
the lithology mix; the analyst determines the lithology The two apparent matrix values are then used to enter the
mjx by relating the log responses to a known mix. matrix identification plot (Fig. 5-19). Again, the appro-
priate crossplot charts for the too! types and mud salinity
The apparent mineral mix from M-N plots can also be are necessary.
mjsieading if any of the three logging devices is affected
by gas, secondary porosity, shaliness, or unfavorable The MID plot differs from the M-N plot because of the
borehole conditions. Admixtures of other rock types such different too! mixtures used to determine the entry values
as gypsum or salt and heavy minerals such as pyrite for x and y coordinates. On M-N plots, the M value
(FeS 2) or siderite (FeCO3) can also distort M-N results. resulted from acoustic and density data and the N value
Use of M-N techniques therefore requires a comparison resulted from neutron and density data. Density and neu-
of ali the previously described crossplots to determjne if tron measurements are used to obtain one value for entry
any of the logs are affected by gas, secondary porosity, into the MID plot, but acoustic and neutron data are used
salt, gypsum, or other minerals. Combining ali the infor- (not density and acoustic) to obtain the other entry value.
mation available is necessary to achieve a satisfactory
interpretative estmate of porosity and lithology fractions. MID plot lithology definition is also hampered by the
affects of gas, secondary porosity, bad hole conditions,
MINERAL IDENTIFICAT ION (MID) PLOT shaliness, and the effects must be recognized by the user.
Nevertheless, MID plot resolution is superior to that of
The MID plot is another approach that essentially uses the M-N plot.
the three types of log data differently to provide more
sens11lv1ty to lithology, gas, and secondary porosity. Z-DENSITY DATA
Again, acoustic, density, and neutron data are required.
Two crossplot steps are required to determjne the values Pe data improve interpretation with the density log.
needed to enter the MID plot: Deriving a porosity value from Pb alone requires assump-
tions for Pma a bit of guesswork that can lead to consid-
Density and neutron data are plotted to determine erable error in the calculation. Photoelectric cross section
the total apparent porosity (<l>a). is a very lithology-sensitive parameter, and it can be used
to establish within reasonable tolerance whether a forma-
Acoustic and neutron data are plotted to determine tion is sand, limestone, doJomjte, or a mixture. Calcula-
a total apparent porosity (<l>a). tion of porosity from Pb requires a pararneter for matrix
density; not an absolute lithology description, but a rea-
Porosities from the two crossplot solutions virtually never sonably accurate value for matrix density. Z-density data
agree, but each of the individually determjned values is permit a dual-mineral solution to analyze the mixture of
used, respectively, in the solution for apparent matrix two mineral types for a more effective porosity estmate.
density (Pmaa) and apparent matrix transit time (f;.tmaa), Charts are provided for both freshwater and salt-based

Pmaa= ( 1 -q>a
pb - <l>aP
muds (Figs. 5-20, 5-21). The algorithms for resolving <l>a
from Pb and Pe are

- 203 -
41ma, (slm)

100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

;- ++ I+ <
H-i . o
2.1 1
11 1

H-t + 1

H:i+r -t " !++ :+ ++

2.2 1

H++' 7 -+t
' ' 1
' +H- f+ +r
2.3 1 1
+ -:+L
,-l-- -! t-
~::-H- t-H
-t . .
1 1

2.4 1 ' '

-- 1
:t.::::.~ j_
r 1+ ,-+f 1-' -
2.5 1 1 T
o +h ... __ + h
"'e ._
: t11eb --1.-
__ .
__ LL... :::t-:-1 +- f--- ...J.W-,
f - - ~ .. ..._
~ 2.6 1
---,. 1

., 9t

- 1------1 :im;;g;
Pr - t
4J- !+ -,--t:-4: ,+-
f--- ...J/r i-1;V 1-l 1

1--t-x-- ' ----r-


2.8 1 '+ _ ....J..._ l L

.:::-:T_r ~~ -~--~ /-+ -,- 17-
~t . '- ~- TTt -0:1~ .- - -.- 1 1~ --
, -1-

~ --Jt~-:1 --,- 7 ,

- H- --'-- +-
q:r.:: 1. )mi,'
: _.J..,.
L"- ~Ji. - ~ -~1:-t- 4-'--,,1~
_ .;..; !
H r+--
. ...~

$::l=-r-=: --. .~L1-H -~--~t: +--t

3.0 1

.-- ::r
C- - -
~ r
..-L.,..:.:_ +
1--l-+ -
_ __

-+ --f-t-'-
30 40 60 70

Piog - '1>01N Pr t1og - '1>AIN l>tr

1 -1)>D/N 1 -q>A/N


'1>otN = density/ neutron crossplot porosity

q> AI N = acoustic/neutron crossplot porosity

Fig. 5-19- Mineral identification plot

Pe = electron density index

(Pb + 0.1883)/1.0704,

1, 2 = density, U values, and bulk volume

values for minerals 1 and 2.
When Z-Densilog and neutron data are used, a more
Pb = log measured bulk density (g/cm3), accurate definition of lithology and a better estimare of
porosity are made available. A direct benefit is much
Pe = photoelectric cross section
(barns/electron), better distinction between oil and gas. If the predominant
mineral mix is two matrices, it is a relatively simple well-
Uf = U value of fluid (charts assume 0.398), site application.

- #

Freshwater-filled Borehole , Pt = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg/m3

' .... -- ..
'' ,. - 1
...... 1
L.. i-A

1.9 ' ' ~


1"'-~ t

,o .__ ,_ ' 1

-- - -
1\.. _.._ ..
1' ~~,

2.1 '' ., .... 1


~ -.. . -
2 .2
'- - - ... 1..-

,, ..... !!! .....
l..... ~ i..,.- !!: t'
' :: ~""
1;. 1, ~ t
e, 2.3
~ ./ --.
- -- - - "~ r,~

-- -
o l"'
!\. .., .
> - '"! :o
(/) "\. l .....
.2l 2.4 ,.
.Q ~ I"\.
Q. Q.
i'I.. .....
i!' .....
e ' ......
--' -



- - -

al A

~ ....
2.6 11.

' "\. .v

e ,loo,,_
i'I.. J,,

2.7 ' 11,.

' I"!\.
i- - -

--- - - ., L h
, ....
1-- Note:


Follow lines according to
rock mixture as defined by
Sandstone and Dolomite
Limestone and Dolomite

' ~


- - - - - - Sandstone and Limestone " L.,

2 .9

, ..... _J L~

3.0 1
o 2 3 4 5 6
Photoelect ric Cross Section, P {barns/electron)

Fig. 5-20 - Porosity and lithology determination from the Compensated Z-Densilog



Saltwater-filled Borehole, Pt = 1.1 g/cm3 or Mglm3





I- - -

., ,r:::n
""- .....
:u l
2.0 In
.. - - ... '
' 1\.
.. - ---
,. ~i,,it

2.1 ... ~

.... ~


o ... .
2.2 G) ...
-... -- -
1 "' 1\.
., l....... -
~ 11,. ........ ;
~' e
' ~- ....
..... -


IV ::
o u

' 1\.
... - -
... iu
.2l 2.4 \. t; 7
... .; -
' c. 1, ... "'

"' ~

\. -----1- ,,
-- ., .. 10

2.6 .... ...
.,. 1......
-' .. -,__, ....
IV ..... -~-
2 .7
- ~ 1
' 1\. ~

- Note: r.....-

- ...
,.._ Follow lines according to V
rock mixture as defined by "
Sandstone and Dolomite
Limestone and Dolomite

- - - - - - Sandstone and Limestone


- -
o 2 3 4 5 6

Photoelectric Cross Section , Pe (barns/electron)

Fig. 5-21 - Porosity and lithology determination from Compensated Z-Densilog measurement

- 206-
lf the solution of lithology, porosity, and gas affect from the Pe vs. Pb crossplot is often more reliable. Pe and
involves three or more minerals, more sophisticated com- Umaa values for severa! lithology and fluid types are
putations and crossplot analyses are required. Computer- given in Table 5-2.
processing techniques are almost prerequisite if such
complexity occurs. Bulk density and neutron data are TABLE 5-2
Typical Matrix Values for Commonly Encountered Materials
crossplotted in the conventional manner to determine <l>a
and Pmaa The apparent volumetric cross section (Umaa)
Pe Pmaa Umaa Pb u
is found by following the Pe data point vertically upward
to Pb, then horizontally across to <l>a, and downward verti- Dolomite 3.14 2.88 9.11 2.88 9.05
cally to determine Umaa (Fig. 5-22). Thc volumetric term Limestone 5.08 2.71 13.78 2.71 13.78
Sandstone 1.81 2.65 4.79
(bams/cm3) can also be calculated, 2.65 4.79
Magnesite 0.83 3.00 2.50 2.98 2.47
e e 't'a f
umaa =( 1-<l>a , Anhydrite
5.05 2.98 15.06 2.98 2.47
3.99 3.69 18.76 2.35 9.38
where Halite 4.65 2.36 12.44 2.04 9.49
Sylvite 8.51 2.25 23.08 1.86 15.83
Pe = photoelectric absorption cross section,
Chlorite* 6.30 3.39 23.63 2.76 17.39
Pe = electron density (Pb +0.1883/1.0704) . lllite* 3.45 2.92 10.97 2.52 8.69
Kaolinite* 1.83 2.96 6.14 2.41 4.41
<l>a = apparent total effective porosity, Montmorillonite* 2.04 2.89 7.28 2.12 4.32

and Muscovite 2.40 2.97 7.35 2.82 6.77

Uf = volumetric value for the fluid. Biotite * 6.27 3.10 19.80 2.99 18.75
Glauconite * 6.37 3.05 21.52 2.54 16.18
The two porosity values derived from the two crossplots
Coal, bituminous 0.17 1.99 0.87 1.24 0.21
are similar if the formation is fluid filled and borehole
conditions are tolerable, and the density-neutron solution Barite 267 4.09 1091 4.09 1091
is generally accepted. Gas-filled formations affect ne u- Hematite 21.5 5.27 113.5 5.18 111.3
tron logs more than density measurements; therefore,
porosity from the density-neutron crossplot is somewhat Fresh water 0.36 1.00 0.36
Salt water (330 ppk) 1.64 1.1 9 1.95
pessimistic if gas is present, whereas porosity derived
Oil 0.12 0.88 .11
* Typical values

(1) Enter from Pe value (4.8) to pb value (2.40)

(2) Extend a horizontal line from pb to <:>a value (.18)

Complex lithology is resolved somewhat by crossplot-
(3) Extend a vertical line down from <l> a toread Umaa (14) ting the U11100 value against the Pmaa value (Fig. 5-23).
The triangular points for quartz, calcite, and dolomite are
<!> a(%) configured from conventional matrix values for each

pb 2.5

l mineral, and the lines connecting points along the three
edges of the triangle denote the percentages of each min-
eral. For example, a point that falls at A is considered a
40 mixture of 40% limestone and 60% dolomite, whereas a
point that falls at B is considered a mixture of 20% sand,
20% Iimestone, and 60% dolomite. Triangles can also be
constructed for other mineral mixes such as salt, anhy-
drite, and dolomite (Fig. 5-24) or salt, dolomite, and
limestone (Fig. 5-25). Points for other minerals in rela-
6 5 4 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 tion to their response on ~ , Pb , and <l>N measurements
- --Pe--- - - - Umaa - ----+ can also be indicated (Fig. 5-26). However, gas affects
and borehole irregularities must still be considered, and
for accuracy, clays, shales, and additional rock types
must be estimated by other means. Accurate solutions
Fig. 5-22 - Chart determination of the apparent matrix volumetric require a sufficient number of measurements to solve for
cross section (Umaal the number of rocks and minerals present.

- 207-
13 14

8 Dolomite
10 ()
~ 2 '----'--.l......---'-- - ' - - - - ' - --'----'---'----'-....L..---'-
3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0

8 Fig. 5-24 - Triangles can be constructed for difieren! rock types.

7 18 -
16 -
6 14 >- Limestone

12 >-
5 ~
Ouartz 10 -
2.00 2.~ 2.00 2.~ 2.~ 8- Dolomite
Fig. 5-23 - Complex lithology is resolved somewhat by cross- 4
plotting the apparent matrix density vs. the apparent matrix
volumetric. 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0
Variations of lithology can lead to different triangular
Fig. 5-25 - Another lithology triangle concept
charts; e.g., gypsum-anhydrite-dolomite, salt-anhydrite-
dolomite, or limestone-dolomite-anhydrite, etc. Sorne
knowledge of lithology is required for input if adequate \ Biotite
results are to be obtained. 18 Pyrite Chlorite
Chlorite .
The concept of lithology triangles is built on the assump- 14 Calcita
tion that virtually ali the formation is a mixture of a
three- mineraJ group, and that points representing those
three minerals on the plot will encompass any log data
from that formation. Triangles representative of shale-

free carbonate and anhydrite zones demonstrate the Umaa Hal i t e -
hypothesis (Fig. 5-27).
Shale is a loose geological term that is generally accepted Kaolinite K-Feidsp;------_
as describing minerals or formations falling within a 6

certain distribution of grain size and made up mostly of
clastics. Ambiguity exists, but for the purposes of log 4
analysis, carbonate reservoir rock and evaporites are
generally shale free. The area marked as Shale Region on
Fig. 5-28 is below the anhydrite and silica points of 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4
the M-N plot. A unique shale point is not possible Pmaa
because of the variable characteristics of the bound water Fig. 5-26 - Points or general location of other rocks and
and material form. minerals can be placed on the crossplot.

No matter what vintage of density, neutron, or acoustic
log, a three-way crossplot does not totally resolve the
lithology dilemma.
1.Qt- Secondary porosity does not affect the calculation of N
Salt Mud on an M-N crossplot, but it does affect the M value as
secondary pore space increases. This is because the
0.9- acoustic transit time measurement does not typically
Limestone increase in the presence of vugs, fractures, or sucrosic
e ~ Sandstone pore space. Similar effects occur on the MID plot; Pmaa is
o.a ... unaffected by secondary porosity, but flt111aa reflects a
M lower value as the amount of secondary porosity
increases. A general attempt to define the percentage of
Anhydrite ali possible three-mineral sets would be futile, and
undoubtedly many exceptions would be noted. By care-
ful local study, however, analysts can determine prefer-
0.6- ential mineral groupings that lead to reasonable lithology
estimates. If local information is lacking, a "most likely"
combination is used, and that alone is the target of chart
0.5- book representations.
1 1 1 1
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

o.a Ali three-mineral plots discussed have applications, but

N artificial solutions from any of them are lirnited to the
three minerals that establish the triangle. They are not 3-
Fig. 5-27 - Limestone, dolomitic limestone, limey dolomite, and D; they are 2-D plots with lines connected between the
anhydrite are indicated from the location of plotted data. three control points that establish a linear mixture. Math-
ematical solutions can be used to resolve a matrix
1.1- mixture, but consider that math is a nearly perfect science
being applied to geology, an ambiguous and somewhat
unpredictable science far removed from the disciplinary
1.0- approaches of mathematics and computer science.
Fresh Mud
Numerous crossplot techniques can be used to manipu-
0.9 ,-. late the data. M can be plotted against GR, SP, Pb, <l>N, or
!J.t to verify selected control parameters. Neutron-density
Limestone crossplot porosity can be compared to acoustic porosity
0.8 ~~Sandst one to determine the effects of secondary pore space, shali-

Dolomltv V Shaly Saods ness, gas affects, etc. Density, neutron, and/or acoustic
data can be crossplotted against GR and/or SP data to dif-
0.7 - ferentiate the effects of natural radiation, shaliness, bore-
Anhy71 hole conditions, or lithology/porosity variances between

0.6 - u Shale Region

zones when the use of only one log might cause separate
depth intervals to appear similar.

0.5 -
1 1 1 1 1

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 o.a


Fig. 5-28 - Shale data are identified from the general area.

Linearity on any three-way plot is also affected by the

nature of the logging devices. For example, acoustic log
data indicate porosity type as well as amount, and neu-
tron measurements are distinctly nonlinear in dolornite.

- 209 -

Problem 1 M = 0.83, N = 0.57

Given the knowledge that anhydrite, salt, and dolomite M = 0.75, N = 0.54
are the probable rock types in particular depth intervals,
enter the M-N plot (salt mud) with the following values M =0.81 , N =0.57
and estimate the lithology mixture for each of the follow-
ing input M and N values: M = 0.72, N = 0.55

M = 0.86, N = 0.60

: -:-
1.3 r-.:-:.~;"":'~1-=- .'" : -:-.
: ;~ _"':-=-
: :-: ! .-.:-."'.:'"-i--:-:-""T"':'~':"T":~~~=~ ~==,i--.-.1-:,~..,...,.-:-,:-,~e,:--,-...,.._
~ , _,.....,.
'!""':"" :
_ ...,...,
, ..,...,. :"'=.""--:-~~-
t .. + -+---'--+-- --+-- t"" -
-, - ~-
' 1
. ,

. : r.::: _::: : :: ~----'----+--++---+,~ --..._~-.-.-~-----+-------;

- -- --... ..

....... ., +. ... ... 4 '

. -~
,. --t

' ,.-,-4-----
. . .

- to,to..----,
.... ----- -
o.7 F---
1 ..
-m,;hrr,.n,j,-,.---,----+.,....-----+ --~-n-:-=---bHll/fn-/t'T!Jf--M-:--=--f.A=,,,r1';1f,,n-----f
,. t
t ..... +
- ~ - + ,.- - ' ' . l
t . . . .1 + 1
' t 1 t . 1,

1 --+- _,
0 .3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

l - <l>cN
English or metric (for Pf in g/cm3 or Mg/m3 ): N =- -- -

- 210-

Problem 2

Given a MTD plot and the following input data, estmate

the lithology.


Pmaa =2.80 g/cm3, .t 11100 =48 sec/ft

Pmaa = 2.77 g/cm3, .lmaa =46 sec/ft
Pmaa = 2.62 g/cm3, .111100 = 59 sec/ft

Pmaa = 2.94 g/cm 3, .111100 = 48 sec/ft

Pmaa = 2. 16 g/cm 3, .111100 = 65 sec/ft


100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

1 1 1 1

2 .1



:;- 2.4
. 2.6

" 2.7




30 40 50 60 70

Piog - $otN Pf d10 g - Q>A/N tr

1 -.PotN
6tma.11 =
l -,PA/N


.PotN = density/neutron crossplot porosity

,P AI N = acoustic/neutron crossplo1 porosity

-2 11 -
Problem 3 Lithology Porosity

Pe = 3, Pb = 2.40
Frorn Z-Densilog data only, determine porosity frorn the
following rneasurernents using the freshwater mud chart Pe = 1.8, Pb = 2.36
Pe = 4.6, Pb = 2.48

Pe = 5, Pb = 2.65

Pe = 1.8, Pb = 2.17

Freshwater-filled Borehole, Pt = 1.0 g/cm3 or Mg/m3

- -- - - - .,,. --
"" ,

1.9 "' f'o.J...:

' --- 1 , _,
./ ..'o1
" "'

V 1
2 .1 ,,,
ho t
~ - - --- ---- T
, /
y ~ ,

' '" ,o.,


V t
1o, 2.3
e / !'. ,.
:e ~
-.. --- - 3C -~ ,v
.. ._
-~ 1

o "' ---
- ' "'.: ;o
::'. ' I'\.
.,,. /
a.. / 1
' I'\.

o -- --


--- 1/

1\. V
' I'\. V

- -...
o _,

---- -
I'\. - _,
,_ ,

- Note:
Follow lines according to
"\ V

2.8 lo- rock mixture as defined by
,__ - - - Sandstone and Dolomite
,__ - - - Limestone and Dolomite
~ 1,,-

,__ - - - - - - Sandstone and Limestone IV


o 2 3 4 5 6

Photoelectric Cross Section, P 8 (barns/electron)

- 212-
Problem 4
Pmaa q>a Lithology
Given the following log data, use the fresh mud density-
neutron chart below to determine Pmaa and effective Pb = 2.40, q>Nls = 0.23
porosity (q>e)- Also, indicate the apparent lithology and
note by ** if gas affect occurs. Pb = 2.36, q>Nls = 0.15

P/J = 2.48, q>NJs =0.19

Pb = 2.65, q>Nts = 0.06

1.9 .
. 45
P1 1.0 g/cm 3 or Mg/m3
2.0 :''l> <;:, 40
q <-,,'o
Salt .

35 " .
<v:., .
2.1 1_ ~
: "' 40



</ ,12
~u~ 25 .
'c,'l> ~ "T ~
2.3 ;n ....,
r,-~ 25
1 C>

;s ...
15 ~ ~5


. 15

; 2.5 20
.>: 10
al 5
. .
. . ~-



Anhyd rite
- 10 o 10 20 30 40 50
Compensated Neutron Apparent Limestone Porosity {%)

- 213 -
Problem 5

Using the Pb and Pe input values from Problem 3 and q>

values in Problem 4, determine an approximate matrix
volumetric (Umaa) using the chart below.


Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3


Zone 5

pb 2.5
20 4>a(%)

2.0 30


6 5 4 3 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
- -- - - - - Pe - - - - - - - - -- - Umaa - - - --

(1) Enterfrom Pe value (4.8) to pb value (2.40)

(2) Extend a horizontal line from Pb to <Pa value (.18)
(3) Extend a vertical line down from <Pato read Umaa (14)

-2 14-
Problem 6

Using the chart be low and considering no shale volume,

estimate the lithology by crossplotting the Umaa data
from Problem 5 and the Pmaa data from Problem 4 for
each of the 5 zones.

Apparent Lithology
Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 5


L1~, " \
16 .. E ar e

Lm s bne
(? 14


/ r't;f
e:' ~. J'- ',,

- I

1/ '

(1) I J
1/) 10
~ ~ e
I '
' '\ f .::,.,11
o Do or~it 4 V I '\ --, -
~ / ' f ', r
"'11.. o
E ~ ~ J
:, 8 e
~ " ' V \

'\ _( 1 ~~
e '5 ., "'11..

:oa. ~ "V ' ~

a. 'O V( .... f
<: 6
v.: ,11

' ....,
' 1 11,.


3.1 3.0 2 .9 2 .8 2.7 2 .6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2
Apparent Matrix Grain Density, Pmaa (g/cm3 or Mg/m 3)

-21 5 -

Within individual cells

Thus far, the discussion has been devoted to severa! average GR intensity increases
crossplot methods that use either two or three log mea- .40 with corresponding digit lncrease -~0

surements to solve for porosity and lithology. Shale,

from 1 to 9 0v
borehole rugosity, secondary porosity, and gas influenced ~~
.30 0,0
ali the crossplots to sorne degree. Ali the plots were 2-D,
and data were plotted in sorne form with an abscissa (x-
axis) and ordinate (y-axis). The crossplot coordinates of <I> Dss .20
two input data types resulted in an estmate of lithology.
General areas of the plots were designated as regions .10 Point
where gas, shale, or hole rugosity would cause crossplot-
ted data to fall. Computer processing of log data often
presents crossplotted data for selected depth intervals by o
frequency of occurrence at each cell or coordinate
(Fig. 5-29). The data can be overlaid with the familiar
lithology lines and permit an estmate of porosity and o .10 .20 .30 .40 .50
lithology to be made (Fig. 5-30). e, Nss

Fig. 5-30 - The eighteen data points of Fig. 5-29 appear to be

representative of dirty sands or silts in the shaly sand model.
Depth lnterval 2 ,500 - 2 ,800 ft
Frequency Plot
.50.---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 1
Dss vs. <i> Nss

Frequency Plot
.40 " 900 ft lnterval
2 t 51 1
2 1322 t 1 3
.30 A 1 t 15 11 g 3 2 1
2110 4 5 1 1 2

/ !1~!!~ ~2:;22
3 1 5 16 1 1 2 3 21
3 5 7 5 3 3 1 1 3 1 3 2 3
111'10 '<1 2 <1 S 4 5 2 3
5 5 110 1 2 5 7 3 t 1'19 1 7
/ . 1 7 5 11 t 1 11 13252711' 11 1
.10 3 3 1 1 S 7 t713 710 . 232310 7tt 5
3 3 1 5 115 , ,, 1'15l52028 2S t220 1 1
5 1020 1 1 111 14 12 1511 1920222311 5 1
, , , . 1 , 5 5 3117131<1 6 , ,o 4 ,
2 3 10 t 3 :t 311 1 4 311 5 3 7 2
.10 1 2 10 3 2 1 2s 3 s 1 , 5
5 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 11
o 1 11 2 2 2 3

o .10 .30 .40 .50

o .10 .30 .40 .50

Fig_ 5-29 - Eighteen data points from the selected depth interval
tell in the illustrated cell.
Fig. 5-31 - Frequency crossplot of density porosity vs. neutron

In 1970, with the efficiency of high-speed computer pro- imposed on a z-axis (Fig. 5-34). These plots were the first
cessing, a new concept was introduced to crossplotting - known log semblance to 3-D plotting, but remember that
the Z plot. Both gamma ray and SP data are influenced by the weighted average on the z-axis for a specific cell
shale or shaliness within an otherwise clean formation might occur where several data points fell. Sorne of the
(Chapter 4). Caliper information describes changes in depths related to those crossplotted points may have a
hole condition. Neutron measurements are often affected low gamma ray count ora gauge hole, while other points
by gas. The z-axis concept provides a weighted average that fall at the same coordinates may have higher gamma
for selected third data types that are imposed as a simula- ray values or sorne hole rugosity.
tion of the z-axis at any coordinate of a dual-log cross-
plot. If, for example, neutron and density data crossplot The plot program weights the z-axis value for each cell
at the designated coordinates A (Fig. 5-31 ), a gamma ray from I to 9; the lower values usually represent low GR
z-axis can be used to determine shaliness at that depth values or caliper measurements equivalent to gauge hole
(Fig. 5-32). Again, designated coordinates B (Fig. 5-33) conditions, etc. Provision is made to allow a second z-
could be better interpreted with caliper information plot to be made, dropping cells with high values; caliper


.5 0 r - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - .50
Average gamma ray intensity Salt Mud
Is represented on Z - axis increasing
.40 from 1 Thru 9 .40
Z - axis caliper data
lndicates the borehole to
High gamma ray intensity
.30 .30 be in gauge at cell B
represents data within

<l> oss .20 Q .20


.10 .10

o o o

-.10 o .10 .20 .30 .40 .50

o .10 .20 .30 .40 .50
<l>Nss <!>Nis

Fig. 5-32 - Crossplot of density porosity vs.neutron porosity with Fig. 5-34 - Low values for caliper on a z-axis indicated excellent
average gamma ray intensity shown as a z-axis representation borehole conditions.
(higher values = higher gamma ray)

.50 .50
Sal! Mud Ali Z - axis caliper data presented
for a selected depth interval
.40 .40

<l> oss
<1>01s .20 Frequency of Points
Cell B

Data remaining alter dropping
o bad hole data points
o .10 .20 .30 .40 .50
-.10 o .10 .20 .30 .40 .50
9Nls Fig. 5-35 - Comparison of z-data for ali crossplotted data to
z-data alter dropping cells with z values > 7
Fig. 5-33 - On the Fig. 5-32 crossplot data, Cell B would be
estimated as a 50-50 mixture of dolomite and limestone having
about 18% porosity. tal rock constituent to identify is shale. Among severa]
methods (GR, SP, neutron, resistivity, and various cross-
weights 7 through 9 might be considered representative plots), natural gamma ray spectroscopy provides one of
of depths that are predominantly shale as well as having the most reliable shale estimates. In the mid 1970s,
rugose hole. To avoid the clutter of bad hole data, the user Baker Atlas introduced the Spectralog service, a too]
could plot the data again, dropping those cells with the system that analyzes the entire gamma spectrum to deter-
higher z-axis caliper weights (Fig. 5-35). Other data can mine the contribution of severa! elements to the total
also be implemented on the z-axis to compare with data response. Natural gamma rays, of particular interest to
crossplotted from x and y coordinates. the petroleum industry, primarily result from the pres-
ence of these radioactive isotopes.
It has been well documented that total gamma ray counts
thorium 232
are related to the decay of the many long-lived natural
radioactive nuclides. In log analysis, the most fundamen- uranium 238

- 217 -
Potassium (K4 ) decays directly to stable argon with emis-
sion of a 1.46-MeV gamma ray. Uranium (U238) and tho- 2000 CPM 22 000
o %K

rium (Th 232) decay sequentially through severa! daughter

products until they achieve stabilization as lead isotopes.
The uranium series nuclide bismuth (Bi ) emits gamma
rays at 1.76 MeV and the thorium series nuclide thal-
lium208 emits gamma rays at 2.62 MeV (Fig. 5-36).
Assuming secular equilibrium, the daughter products
decay at about the same rate they are produced from the
parent isotope. Relative proportions in an elemental series
should remain essentially constant. Gamma ray popula-
tion in the specific windows of the spectrum should there- Fig. 5-37 - The common abundance of potassium with respect
fore indicate the population of the parent isotope. to thorium or uranium products forces it to have a different scale
value on log presentations.

Energy Window Calibration

200 211 nuclides, mode of integration, and half-life of members
173-- - - - - - - - - - - - , ( ' in the uraniu m and thorium series. Table 5-4 shows the
observed gamma ray lines of the important naturally
~ 139 - - - - - - - - - - - , r occurri ng radionuclides. Table 5-5 lists common rocks
and minerals and related KUTh data determined from
~ 100
113 K1 .46 field experience and literature search.
Q) 94 - - - - - - . , r
.e Clues as to c lay type, presence or absence of mica or

feldspar, evaporites, and/or presence of organic material
can be obtained if natural gamma spectroscopy devices
O ~-~~--~-~~~~--~-~~
are used effectively. Sorne knowledgeable input is
o 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Gamma Ray Energy - MeV required, however, if the proper minerals are to be esti-
mated. If parameters for feldspar, illite, anda second clay
Fig. 5-36 - Energy window for Spectralog calibration are input, the computer program will likely find sorne of
each mineral in a selected depth interval. Mica could be
present instead of feldspar, yet the program would iden-
The downhole too! assembly contains a high-resolution tify sorne of the nonexistent mineral and would not find
gamma ray spectrometer that consists of a thallium-acti- any of the available mineral. There are limits to the capa-
vated sodium iodide crystal optically coupled to a photo- bilities of artificial intelligence, and clay typing with log
multiplier tube. The scintillation detector is housed in a data is definitely a form of artificial intelligence.
vacuum-flasked pressure housing. Downhole digital
electronics and a sophisticated telemetry system are used Identifying the dominant clay type in the reservoir rock
to transmit the measured data to the surface where a mul- is an important consideration because it can affect not
tichannel analyzer identifies the energy wi ndows and cor- only estimates of reservoir productivity but also subse-
responding peak energy values. S low logging speeds are quent decisions about drilling fl uids, completion flu ids,
used to minimize statistical variations, and thorium data, etc. I I.I 3 Different clay types as well as certain types of
located at the high-energy end of the spectrum, are scaled feldspars, micas, and evaporite admixtures tend to have
and recorded directly. A special stripping technique preferable depositional and diagenetic environments.
removes downscattered gamma rays of thorium from the
uranium window, and downscattered gamma rays of tho- The potassium, thorium, and uranium elements have cer-
rium and uranium are stripped from the potassium tain characteristic occurrences, transport relationships,
window. and chemical properties that provide sorne evidence per-
tai ning to the depositio nal environment (Table 5-6).
The only unstable isotope of potassium is the nuclide Potas ium is encountered in many rocks and reservoir
K 4; it is also the main contributor and easily identified. fluids. Withi n the rock matrix, K is very sensitive to ero-
Because of its abundance in nature, K is presented as a sion, weathering, and diagenetic effects. These effects
percentage; uranium and thorium are presented in parts can change clays that swell to mixed layered clays or to
per millio n (Fig. 5-37). Total gamma rays measured can illite clays. Thorium compounds have extremely low sol-
be presented as counts/minute or API units. Ratio traces ubility and therefore exhibit very limited mobility during
are optional (K/Th, Th/K or Th/U). Table 5-3 lists weathering processes, a condition that limits them

-2 18-
TABLE 5-3- Natural Gamma Ray Emitters TABLE 5-3- Natural Gamma Ray Emitters
Uranium Series
Mode of Material Potassium Content by Weight (%)
Nuclide Disintegration Half Life (Average) (Range)

UI u238 (l 4.51 X 109 yr Sylvite 54

Potash 44.9
ux, 90Th234 B 24.1 d Langbeinite 20
UX2 91Pa234m B,IT 1.18 min Microcline 16
Kainite 15.1
uz 91Pa234 B 6.66 hr
Carnallite 14.1
UII u234 2.48 X 105 yr
92 (l Orthoclase 14
lo 90Th230 (l 8.0 X 104 yr Polyhalite 12.9
Muscovite 9.8
Ra 88Ra22a (l 1620 yr Biotite 8.7
Rn 8aEm222 (l 3.82 d lllite 5.2 3.51 - 8.31
84Po218 Arkose (sandstone) 4.6 4.4- 5.1
RaA a, B 3.05 min
Synite 4.53
RaA' 85At218 a, B 2 sec Glauconite 4.5 3.2-5.8
RaA" 8aEm218 (l 1.3 sec Granite 4.0 2.0-6.0
Norite 3.3
RaB 82Pb214 B 26.8 min Granodiorite 2.90
RaC 839214 a, B 19.7 min Shale 2.7 1.6-9.0
lgneous rock 2.6
RaC' 84Po214 (l 1.6 x 1o-4 sec
Grayrock (sandstone) 1.5 1.2-2.1
RaC" 81Tl210 B 1.32 min Diorite 1.66
RaD 82Pb210 B 19.4 yr Basal! 1.3
Sandstone 1.1 0-5.1
RaE 839210 a, B 5.01 d Gabbro 0.87
RaF 84Po210 (l 138.4 d Diabase 0.75
Kaolinite 0.63 0-1.49
RaE' 81 Tl206 B 4.2min
Limestone 0.27 O- 0.71
RaG 82Pb200 Stable Montmorillonite 0.22 0-0.60
Orthoquartzite 0.08 0-0.12
Thorium Series
Dolomite 0.07 0.03-0.1
Mode of Dunite 0.04
Nuclide Disintegration Half Life Sea Water 0.035

Th 90Th232 (l 1.42 X 1010 yr

MsTh1 88Ra228 B 6.7 yr
TABLE 5-4 - Gamma Ray Lines in the Spectra of the
MsTh2 8sAc228 B 6.13 hr lmportant, Naturally Occurring Radionuclides
RdTh 90Th228 (l 1.91 yr
Nuclide Gamma Ray Energy Number of Photons
ThX 88Ra224 (l 3.64 d
MeV per Disintegration
Tn 8aEm220 (l 51.5 sec in Equilibrium Mixture
ThA 84Po216 (l 0.16 sec
Bi214(Rac) 0.609 0.47
ThB 82Pb212 B 10.6 hr 0.769 o.os
ThC 83Bi212 a, B 60.5 min 1.120 0.17
1.238 0.06
ThC' 84Po212 (l 0.30 sec
1.379 O.OS
ThC " T208 B 3.10 min
81 1.764 0.16
ThD 82Pb208 Stable
2.204 o.os
Te28(ThC) 0.511 0.11
0.533 0.28
2.614 0.35

K40 1.46 0.11

With intensities greater than O.OS photons per disintegration

and energies greater than 100 keV .

-2 19-
TABLE 5-5 - Potassium (K), Uranium (U), and Thorium (Th) Distribution in Several Rock and Minerals
K(o/o) U (ppm) Th (ppm)
Accessory Minerals
Allanite 30- 700 500-5000
Apatite 5-150 20-150
Epidote 20-50 50-500
Monazite 500-3000 2, 5x1 o4 - 2ox1 o 4
Sphene 100- 700 100- 600
Xenotime 500 - 3, 4x104 Low
Zircon 300-3000 100- 2500
Range (average) O.O - 2.0 (0.3) 0.1 - 9.0 (2.2) 0.1 - 7.0 (1.7)
Calcite, chalk, limestone, dolomite (all pure) < 0.1 < 1.0 < 0.5
Dolomite, west Texas (clean) 0.1 -0.3 1.5- 10 <2.0
Limestone (clean)
Florida <0.4 2.0 1.5
Cretaceous Trend (Texas) < 0.3 1.5- 15 < 2.0
Hunton Lime (Oklahoma < 0.2 < 1.0 < 1.5
westTexas) < 0.3 < 1.5 < 1.5
Clay Minerals
Bauxite 3-30 10 -130
Glauconite 5.08-5.30
Bentonite < 0.5 1 -20 6 - 50
Montmorillonite 0.16 2-5 14-24
Kaolinite 0.42 1.5-3 6-19
lllite 4.5 1.5
Biotite 6.7 - 8.3 < 0.01
Muscovite 7.9-9.8 < 0.01
Plagioclase 0.54 <0.01
Orthoclase 11.8-14.0 < 0.01
Microcline 10.9 < 0.01
Sandstones, range (average) 0.7-3.8 (1.1) 0.2 - 0.6 (0.5) 0.7 -2.0 (1.7)
Silica, quartz, quartzite, (pure) < 0.15 <0.4 < 0.2
Beach sands (U.S. gulf coas!) < 1.2 0.84 2.8
Atlantic Coas! (Florida, North Carolina) 0.37 3.97 11.27
Atlantic Coas! (New Jersey, Massachusetts 0.3 0.8 2.07
"Common" Shales (range (average)) 1.6 - 4.2 (2.7) 1.5 - 5.5 (3.7) 8-18 (12.0)
Shales (200 samples) 2.0 6.0 12.0

TABLE 5-6 - Clues Relating KUTh to Particular Depositional Environments Might be Found
When KUTh Estimates are Compared to Particular Minerals 14

Chemical Properties Transport Occurrence

Potassium Valence 1+ Soluble In solution for large distances Detrital sediments

K40 Feldspars and micaceous In immature sediments such as feldspars
materials in suspension and micas
Only a small part of original K Clays in general (by absorption)
transported arrives at the sea In micaceous clays structurally chemical
K is extracted from seawater sediments
by algae Heaviest concentration in evaporites
In limestone originated from algae

Thorium Valence 4+ Insoluble Uniquely in suspension Only in detrital sediments

Th232 Usually in the silty fraction In clay minerals by absorption
of shale In heavy minerals (monazite, zircon, rutile)
Where heavy minerals are In volcanic ashes (tuff, tuffaceous sandstone)
more abundan! In residual sediments that remain alter K
and U are eliminated by erosion
Th has never been detected in pure limestone
or dolomite

Uranium By far the most soluble Detrital sediments

u238 Valence 4+ u 4+ is soluble Post-depositional transfers are In clay minerals by absorption (high content
Valence 6+ u 6+ is soluble common chiefly in solution may indicate high concentration of organic
Very soluble material that in turn may indicate a source
Very mobile bed)
In the complex form uo/+ In suspension In heavy minerals (zircon)
depending upon the pH and eH Migrates easily during leaching In volcanic ashes (tuff and tuffaceous
and dissolution of carbonates sandstone)
The ion uo2+ is combined Concentrates in styolites in Chemical sediments
with sulfates, carbonates, or animals that attach to uranium In carbonates (high in organic material)
organic materials In phosphates
uo2+ is precipitated with In organic materials

primarily to their original environmental setting - pre- SHALE, SILT, AND CLAY
dominantly marine. Uranium mobility and accumulation
in subsurface rocks are controlled mostly by physical, Log analysts often concern themselves with shale
chemical, biological, and hydrological factors whose volume CVsh) more than clay type or clay volume, but
interaction dictates how, what, and where uranium com- clay type and volume can be very important to reservoir
pounds will finally be deposited. Precipitation from sub- engineering. Remember that shale is generally consid-
surface waters is controlled for the most part by the Eh ered a rock type, whereas clays are generally considered
and pH redox potentials. These are the downward move- minerals. A fine and ambiguous line separates the differ-
ment or infiltration of meteoric waters along with oxygen ent terms, and many technical disciplines use or abuse
loss, bacteria! action, geochemical reactions, etc. that the terms in different ways. A rock is made up of frame-
cause Eh changes from positive (oxidizing conditions) to work grains that form a self-supporting frame at the time
negative (reducing conditions). of deposition. The matrix can consist of various grain
sizes and minerals that are interthreaded by pore tunnels
Matrix composition can be described when two or more (filled with fluids or gases). Matrix material is cemented
porosity/lithology-sensitive log measurements are avail- by precipitation of pore fluids, and cementing can take
able. The type and number of measurements available, as place severa! times after burial (Fig. 5-38). Diagenesis is
well as the complexity of the rock, are the inhibiting the term used to describe physical and chemical changes
factors in defining complex rock mixtures. Unfortu- that take place after deposition, including compaction,
nately, radioactive elements complicate the dual-mineral cementation, recrystallization , and mineral replacement.
protocol because concentrations of K , U. or Th occur in
clean rocks that might be designated prohibitive reser- Wentworth's grain-size classification is almost univer-
voirs when observing only total natural gamma ray Iogs. sally accepted as the scale for clastic sediments. Never-
KUTh measurements are therefore very necessary in theless, layman and sorne of the literature generalize
accurate log evaluations in complex reservoirs. clays as natural, earthy, fine-grained materia]s that

-22 1 -

Potassium and thorium are used in a variety of ways to

determine clay type and to estimate the percentages of
different clay mixtures within a reservoir rock. Although
the methods provide a quantitative estimate, the results
are approximations and other factors often influence the
different log responses used in a crossplotting technique.

Potassium is chiefly associated with shales but is also

found in evaporitic sequences and algal limestones. It is
most common in arenaceous rocks composed of terrige-
nous sediments, usually associated with chemically
unstable grains such as feldspars, micas, and alteration
products including kaolinite and chlorite. Potassium is
Fig. 5-38 - Albite overgrowth on a detrital feldspar grain considered an element that owes its origin to erosion; it is
(SEM photo)
often reworked and transported for long distances.

Thorium is associated only with detrital sediments, never

with purely chemical sediments (limestone, dolomite,
develop plasticity when mixed with water. Shale is also and aragonite). Therefore, in carbonate reservoirs, tho-
generally defined as an earthy, fine-grained (< 62 m) rium becomes a very important clay indicator. It is found
sedimentary rock with a specific laminated character that in mudstones where it is absorbed by clay minerals, and
includes both silt and clay-size particles. Clays, on the with heavy minerals such as zircon, monazite, and rutile,
other hand are < 4 m in grain size and are generally which are often abundant in the silty fractions. Thorium
composed of small crystalline particles that allow typing is also abundant in residual sediments formed from alter-
according to crystal structure. ation of volcanic ash and is common in tuffs and tuf-
faceous sandstones. The nature of the thorium habitat
Severa) specific groups of clay minerals are of interest to causes its presence to be a clue to the depositional set-
petroleum engineers and petroleum geologists, ting. Thorium is generally considered a marine element.

kaolinite Uranium is found in both detrital and chemical sediments

(shales, conglomerates, sandstones, and carbonates) and
smectite is also common in tuffs, tuffaceous sandstones, and phos-
phates. Carbonates rich in organic matter that forro under
reducing conditions are often very high in uranium, and
they can be easily misidentified as shale from total
gamma ray log data. These "radioactive carbonates" are
often productive reservoirs and occur as limestone and
dolomite or mixtures of the two rock types. Uranium
mixed-layer minerals nuclides are also absorbed by clay minerals. Associated
with organic matter and uranium-bearing heavy minerals,
Determination of Clay Type and Amount the Spectralog uranium measurement often indicates
sand and silt fractions of coastal carbonates (supratidal
Log analysts generally use crossplot techniques to rec- and intertidal environments) to be radioactive in the clas-
ognize dispersed, laminated, and structural clay. Neu- tic or evaporitic admixtures. Excessively high uranium
tron-density crossplots attempt to categorize clays as content in shales indicates source rock.
structural, dispersed, or laminated (Fig. 5-12), and empir-
ical approximations are also used to define clay type In general, subsurface precipitation of formation waters
(Fig. 5-13). Earlier in this text, methods were discussed is controlled by pH and Eh potentials. As meteoric waters
to determine porosity and v'.sh content with different infiltrate downward, a combination of oxygen loss, bac-
models (dispersed clays or laminated sand-shale series). teria] action, and geochemical reaction within the host
Log determination of clay type and amount is at best con- rock occurs and causes Eh changes from (+) oxidizing
troversia!. Comparison to SEM studies of core from the conditions to (-) reducing conditions (Fig. 5-39). Petro-
same horizon and wellbore is necessary at sorne point to leum reservoirs commonly demonstrate a negative redox
corroborate log-derived clay analysis. potential. The available uranium ions transported in

TABLE 5-7- Selley's Four Generic Classifications
Holloysite Marine Non marine
Allophone Montmorillonite Gtauconite No Glauconite
+ (1)
Kaolinite "O ::,
Eh 41 o Barrier
3:: 41
o u } Marine
e e Bar Shelf Eolian
ai eu
3: o
- Shoal

41 (1)
6 7 8 3:: ::,
o o41
e Turbidites Fluvial
e u Lacustrine
e Deep Sea Fans
>- .e
Fig. 5-39 - Generalized stability realms of clay minerals and -:
micas o ai
o (.)

migrating subsurface waters, on exposure to organic mat- ANALYZI NG COMPLE X LITHOLO GY WITH
ters, cause H2 S and SO2 , which precipitate as UO . This SPECTRA L GAMMA RAY, Z-DENSIT Y, ANO
precipitated uranium is often concentrate d in fracture and NEUTRO N DATA
fissure systems, along fault planes, and it may migrate
into any permeable clastic, carbonate, argillaceous, or Common sedimentary environmen ts can be segregated
igneous rock. into four main groups of rocks and minerals for log anal-
ysis purposes. Groupings can be made as follows:

Spectralog data utilize three energy windows (W , W , ( 1) Detrital minerals - These survived the vigors of
1 2
W 3) to evaluate the contribution of K, U, and Th. The erosion, transport, and reworking prior to burial.
preceding discussion addressed the petrological, mineral-
ogical, and environmen tal relationship s of these three (2) Seconda,y minerals - These formed during the
elements in nature. Minerals have characteris tic concen- transport and weathering process; the dominan!
trations of the measured spectra, which can be used to secondary minerals are clays.
indicate the occurrence probability of certain minerals.
(3) Precipitated nzinerals - These formed directly
Certain other lithologica l and fluid-sensitive measure-
from solution, either chemically or biochemica lly;
ments are excellent for comparison to the spectral data
carbonates are the dominant group of which ali
(Pe, neutron).
might be authigenic.

Numerous comparison s of petrophysical parameters have (4) Authigenic minerals - These formed in sediments
been published. Geologists can predict rocks that should d uring and after deposition. Evaporatio n of sea
occur in particular geological setti ngs and, in most water precipitates salt, whereas anhydrite is a
instances, can certify an e nvironment by recognition of buried evaporite that often occurs as a secondary
certain minerals, fossils, porosity/lithology relationships, mineral formed from primary gypsum.
etc. Input data of this type are not only desirable but nec-
essary if adequate mineral analyses from log data are For log analysis purposes, common minerals that occur in
expected. For example, if glauconite is identified in well sediments are convenientl y grouped into six categories:
cuttings (information often available from mud logs, ( 1) carbonates
sidewall cores, or full core), it is clear evidence that a
sediment was deposited in marine conditions (Table 5-7). (2) evaporites
Knowing this, it would be somewhat preposterou s to
(3) si1icates
consider that certain minerals of continental heritage
would be present in large amounts. The comparison of (4) clays
spectral (KUTh) data to other log data must be viewed as
a volumetric estmate at best because other minerals can (5) feldspars
exhibit similar, if not identical, log criteria fingerprints. (6) micas

Spectralog, Z-Densilog, and neutron log measurements The Th/K ratio is a function of the mineralogical compo-
provide a plausible approach to recognition of distinct sition of shale because of the ratio relation to illite per-
minerals from the previous categories. Spectralog mea- centage (Fig. 5-40); the Th/K ratio decreases as illite per-
surements of K, U, and Th can be used to estmate high- centage increases. Similar relations exist between the Thl
and low-potassium clays and either feldspar or mica (the K ratio and feldspars, micas, and other clay minerals.
wrong input will give the wrong answer). Z-Densilog and Potassium (K) concentrations by weight were obtained
neutron data are used to resolve the mixture of sand, from chemical analysis and used to develop a Th(ppm)
limestone, or dolomite, or other three-mineral combina- vs. K(%) chart for spectral estimates of radioactive min-
tions on a three-way crossplot. erals (Fig. 5-41 ). Interpretation models are based on this
chart or similar observations.
The models rely heavily on empirical observations;

(1) Spectralog measurements (K, U, Th) are affected

mostly by feldspars, micas, and the various clay
10 -
~ 8-
(2) Photoelectric, density, and neutron measurements
are capable of distinguishing limestone, dolomite,
~ 6-

.. ,

and silicates, and those rocks are distinguishable

from the various evaporites if the rocks are clean.
1- 4-


(3) Corrections to the Pe, Pb, and <l>N measurements for 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
the influence of feldspars, micas, or clays improve 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
the interpretative capability of differentiating car- Percent
bonates, silicates, and evaporites. Fig. 5-40 - Correlation of illite clay percentage in shale with
Th/K ratio
Spectralog Mineral Estimates

Spectralog data are used to estimate vol umetric fractions
of feldspar or mica and two clay types. Glauconite or ...- Muscovite
anhydrite can be substituted for the feldspar or mica
para meter.

Conventional gamma ray measurements are equivalen! to

the following weighted sum,

where the e values representa constant. Originally, Spec-

tralog data were used as a shale indicator. However, ura- Y100% Volume
2 50%
nium is associated with radioactive minerals other than 0%
those found within shales (organic minerals) and is nota Kaolinite Bentonite
Montmorillonite Bauxite
reliable shale indicator. As a result, it seemed sensible to
compute a "uranium-free" curve by subtracting the o 10 20 30 40 50
weighted value of uranium from the total gamma ray Thorium (Th), ppm
count. A combined ThK curve is often a good shale indi-
Fig. 5-41 - Typical potassium and thorium concentrations for
difieren! clay minerals and product index clay volume

The uranium-free ThK curve becomes an ineffective

shale indicator if potassium feldspars or micas (both high
in K) are present. When this occurs, sorne improvement X-ray diffraction data suggest most radiation originates
is often found by using a Th/K ratio to type clays in in feldspars and clays; micas are infrequent in most sedi-
shales or rocks expected to have high potassium concen- ments (the North Sea is an exception). In a specific case,
trations. natural radioactivity might be assumed to originate from

feldspar and one clay type. If a linear too! response is where The, Ke, Thc1, and Kc1 signify too! response in
assumed, the weighted percentage of each of the two "pure feldspar" or clay, respectively. The Wc1 equation
minerals can be estimated, demonstrat es constant weight fractions of clay corre-
spond to lines that parallel pure feldspar lines (Fig. 5-42).
If feldspar is suspected in the rock matrix, an appropriate
clay/shale indicator could be defined,


Th/Thfel -K/Kfel with e becoming a constant depending on clay type.

Thc/Th fe/- Kc/ K Je/
A more general situation might dictate that feldspar and
two clay types be modeled after observing the close

12 1
Potassium !..-Averag e Feldspar Line T 100% lllite
Evaporites / 1
!..-Averag e 100% Clay Line
10 '


K(%) 6 '

4 Smectites and
Mixed Layer Clays I'



2 I'

o 5 10 15 20 25 30
Th (ppm)

Fig. 5-42 - An interpretative model for spectral gamma ray mineral identification


proximity of the 100% points for kaolinite, chlorite, and Wc1 must be accepted as a function of Th and K. The
montmorillonite (Fig. 5-43). Suggested definitions for resultant model allows mineral weight fractions to be
points follow, convcrted to volume fraction s (Fig. 5-44). These data
vary with differences in natural gamma ray spectroscopy
(1) el 1, a low-potassium clay point instrumentation, but the information demonstrates how
Spectralog data can be used more effectively. Intelligent
(2) el2, a high-potassium clay point (generally consid- input controls are prerequisite to obtaining relatively
ered illite) accurate results; in areas where mica is common, it
would be substituted for feldspar, and a slightly different
model would result.
(3) fe/, a low-thorium, high-potassium point represent-
ing feldspar

(4) ma, representing the clean matrix point I

10 I I
10 I I
I I I r,">,/
r I ~---


, I
__ ,(
,f I
1:::::, I ~/
I v.~--
6 '
" I
,_.- I ,- Clay 2

_fo.1 ~
K(%) ~/
- \ '\ ~<~
Clay 2 4 \ v;~j/ / '-~lay<
4 ;'<"'
/ ,_.- ,'

__ .-, .f:tay< ,,

1........ ....... ........ ,c.:_

2 2 _,- /
Clay 1

o 5 10 15 20 25 Matrix --==--___JL___---'------'---- --'-----
0 5 10 15 20
Th (ppm) Th {ppm)

Fig. 5-43 - Modified model of feldspar and two clay types Fig. 5-44 - An empirical model to estmate proportions of
(approximations only) feldspar and two clay types

Z-Density and Neutron Estimates of Lithology

A line connecting el I and el2 is called the elay fine, and
the line from the o rigin through the fe! point is called the
The Pe and Pb measurements are sensitive to the presence
feldspar fine . The weighted fraction of clay (Wc1) is
of any of the six sedimentary categories described as car-
found by interpolating between the clay line and feldspar
bonates, evaporites, silicates, clays, micas, and feldspars.
line. A differcnt model and different lines would be con-
Apparent total porosity (<1>,a) calculated from a neutron-
structed for clays and mica, clays and anhydrite, or glau-
density crossplot can be corrected to water-filled porosity
conite and two clay types.
if required. The variables Pmaa and U11100 are used to con-
struct the three-way crossplots scaled with the appropri-
The proposed Spectralog interpretation model is then ate values, and the theoretical location of various miner-
als (based on chemical composition and calculated
porosity) can be imposed on the chart (Fig. 5-26).

lnformation derived from the chart typically provides

relatively accurate lithology analysis for clean sand and
carbonate rcservoirs. Nevertheless, the results can be
heavily biased if feldspars, micas, or clays are present.
/ = Wc1 1 + Wc12 + Wma + WeJ Spectralog data analysis techniques minimize the bias

- 226 -
effect; Pmaa and Umaa variables can be corrected for feld- The vector correction to the too! response (te) can be
spars, micas, or clays. Clay points can be established on a defined as
model by using predicted too! responses (e.g., typical
neutron clay response might be 40% porosity). P4P4 + P5Ps
p4 + P5
A fundamental problem with this technique, however, is
te = (3)
that evaporite corrections must be considered for U aa P4U4+P5 U5
and Pmaa values when used in the presence of feldspars, P4 + P5
micas, and clays. A chart for silica, limestone, and
dolomite with a second triangle for anhydrite, salt, and
dolomite is one method used to resolve the evaporite
problem. For illustrative purposes, assume the silica- The solution to the preceding system of equations ( 1, 2,
limestone-dolomite triangle has been accepted as appro- and 3) can then be written
priate, and the input variables Umaa and Pnwa are to be
corrected for the known presence of feldspar and clay. A
correction for mica proportions is required and can be
resolved by [: :] = M,- (P 4 +P5 )M"

M 1 vector represents a noncorrected three-mineral

estmate of proportions. M 1c vector represents the correc-
tion direction, and P4 + P5 represents the amount of
There should be little doubt that this method is more
Pmaa = apparent matrix density,
suited to computer processing, but it is instructional to
Umaa = apparent matrix volumetric cross section, apply the correction manually to crossplot data. The last
equation demonstrates that the correction for clay should
p numbers = densities of minerals I through 5, proceed along a line through both the data sample and the
clay point (Fig. 5-45). Assuming the silica-limestone-
P numbers = proportions of minerals I through 5, dolomite model is acceptable, the minimum amount of
and clay possible corresponds to that amounl found at the
intersection of the correction line and lithology triangle
U numbers = vol umetric cross sections of minerals at Point A (Fig. 5-46). The maximum amount possible
1 through 5. correspond s to the intersection of the correction line and
the lithology triangle at Point B (Fig. 5-46). The propor-
The indices numbered 1, 2, and 3 correspond to three tions are easily determined. The clay proportion (P )
mineral points of the triangle. The indices numbered 4 computed from Spectralog proportions of Th and K must
and 5 correspond respectivel y to the feldspar and clay be constrained by the triangular model.
corrections , while P4 and P5 were obtained from the Th
and K spectral gamma measurements as discussed previ- Ali the previous equations, including constraints on clay
ously. It is convenient to define the matri x (Ma- 1) as proportion, define the basic complex lithology model for
the circumstan ces in the above description. A check is
made to test for the presence of other minerals or rocks
depending on local geological conditions. In carbonate

rP, P2 P31
U U U ( 1)
locales, the evaporite model using anhydrite, salt, and
1 2 3 dolomitc is typically used as a cross-check. The probabil-
I I I ity of each model is then computed, and final estimates of
silica, limestone, dolomite, salt, and anhydrite are those
obtained from the two triangular models; the silica-lime-
The vector of the tool response (t) can be defined as
stone-dolomite model having been corrected for clay and
feldspar. Weighting must be in accordance with the prob-

t =
Pmaa1 .
u (2)
ability of the respective models.

[ maa
A logical flow path is implement ed, but detailed estima-
tion of probabilitie s is beyond the scope of this text

- 227-
(Fig. 5-47). As an example, it can be said that the proba-
22~-------------------, bility of anhydrite increasing occurs as a plotted data
point (Pmaa and Umaa) , diverges from the silica-lime-
20 stone-dolomite triangle toward the anhydrite point, and
$Nis decreases. However, the probability is for anhydrite
18 to decrease as clay estimates increase.

16 There are reasons for constructing such a complex

(1) The si lica-Jimestone-dolomite triangle frequently
12 results in erroneous interpretation of dolomite if
Umaa shales or clays are present.
(2) Spectralog data using Th vs. K frequently leads to
the misclassification of feldspar as mica, mica as
feldspar, or either as a clay.


2 L__...J...._ _L _ _ - - ' - - - L - - - - ' - - - - ' - - - - '

Begin interpretation
3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4
Fig. 5-45 - A line is first established through the data point and Spectralog analysis
the clay point. to estmate clay and
feldspars or micas

Z-density and neutron data
22r------------------, used to limit proportion
of clays and other minerals
18 Z-density and neutron corrected
tor clays and feldspars or micas


Determine proportions of quartz, calcite,
and dolomite and thei r probability

Determine mineral proportions and
10 probability of 2nd, 3rd, ... model

8 !
Select the most probable model
6 and its mineral estimates

2 ~ -........- - ' - - - ~ - - ' - - - ~ - - - ' - - - - ' Process results
3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4

Fig. 5-46 - Mnimum clay percentage should occur at point A, Fig. 5-47 - A logic path and procedure to resolve lithology and
and maximum clay percentage should occur al point B. best estmate of porosity

(3) The silica-limestone-dolomite triangle can miss shale point toward the clean value (Fig. 5-49). However,
evaporite zones, and quite often many are missed density and neutron data should be omitted as shale indi-
despite complex analysis routines if the depth cators when hole rugosity is a problem because both
intervals for zoning are not carefully selected measurem ents are adversely affected. M vs. SP and M vs.
(manual zoning becomes prerequisite). GR often define the clean and shale extremes of SP and/
or GR measurements.
(4) There is a need for an expert system that recog-
nizes the common sedimentary rocks and minerals. Secondary Porosity
0.9 + '
au:rtz Dolomite
The availability of severa! log measurem ents assists in
\ /. Anhydrite
formation evaluation, especially if computer facilities are
available to manipula te the data; i.e., plotting variable
M 0.7-

against variable to find the most distinct method of segre-
0.6 -
gating two minerals.

M-N products are easily accessible in computer-pro- 0.5 .___ _...__ _.....,_ __...__ __,__ _..._
, _ __,,
cessed interpretations of log data if the necessary mea- 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Bulk Density (g/cm3)
surements are available. Earlier, it was noted that M-N
crossplots are porosity independ ent and, for a given min- Fig. 5-49 - A plot of M vs. density data
eral combinat ion, yield a constant value. If the M-N prod-
uct is plotted vs. Pma, the four major reservoir constitu-
ents (sandstone, limestone , dolomite and anhydrite) will These types of crossplots are very useful in computer log
plot along a straight line (Fig. 5-48). By knowing Pma, an analysis and should be incorporated in the software pack-
accurate estmate of effective porosity is possible. ages of any computed log analysis program - They pro-
vide another view of the data to be analyze_d.

In most geographical areas, the methods previously

described provide acceptabl e answers. Nevertheless, the
location of plotted points on conventional crossplots can
be misleadin g for sorne unusual geological horizons.

Jurassic Sandston es, North Sea

Jurassic sandstone s in the North Sea often contain high
concentrations of micaceou s minerals (Pb"' 3.1 g/cm3 and
2 '------'' -----''--- --''--- - ' - - - - - - ' <l>N"' 0.3). Density-a coustic crossplot data identify the mi-
2.5 2.6 2~ 2.8 2.9 3.0 caceous trend (Fig. 5-50). Acoustic-neutron data also es-
Matrix Density (g/cm3)
tablish the mica trend (Fig. 5-51). Density-n eutron data
Fig. 5-48 - Plot of density data vs. the product from an M-N are also sensitive to the mica trend (Fig. 5-52). Similar
crossplot can help revea! lithology. problems occur with glauconit e (Nigeria) and iron-rich
minerals (North Slope of Alaska, South China Sea, etc.).
A plot of M-N vs. Pb also allows checking log calibration. As a result, local specialized crossplots are not unusual,
Sorne restrictions exist; shale pulls data to the southwest but special-application crossplots are not meant to be used
comer of the plot, and light hydrocarb ons and secondary universally. Although similar applications might be
porosity show M-N product values that are too high. needed elsewhere, the degree of implementation may vary
considera bly. A special factor (P) has been establishe d for
the North Sea Jurassic sands. Like M and N or MID plot
M can be plotted against Pb, !lt, or <l>N to define mineral
data, Pis essentially porosity independent. Pis defined as
trends including shale values, ali of which are important
in selecting the correct lithology model. A quality check 100 -<j>N
p = ---.
against calibration is also afforded. Data will extend from llt_r -!lt
the basic matrix material toward shale. With M on the y- Mica and clay have similar affects on most log
axis, the shale percentage will follow a trend from the measurem ents, partially because both minerals are in the

2.0 Point



2.3 .o
Gypsum i,
; Carbonates
E e
.9 2.4 o

a. .:.:.
~ :5
; 2.5

:5 2.6
e Mica
Neutron Porosity lndex, IP N __.,

2.9 Fig. 5-52 - Density vs. neutron modelled for micaceous Jurassic
sandstones of the North Sea.
3.0 o
40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Specific Acoustilog Time, t ( sec/ft) form of sheet-like silicas. Both mineral types are radio-
acti ve and affect gamma ray response significantly. ShaJe .
Fig. 5-50 - Typical crossplot of acoustic travel time and density points fall close to mica points on the density-neutron
crossplot (Fig. 5-52) and fall close to water line-mica
points on density-acoustic crossplots (Fig. 5-50). As a
result, conventional shale/clay indicators cannot be used
in the presence of mica. The range of shaJe values (North
Sea) for density is == 2.36 to 2.55 g/cm3, 4'Nsh == 35 to
45 pu, !:J.t sh == 97 to 110 sec/ft, and R sh == 3 ohm-m. A plot
of the calculated P value vs. GR data expands the ability
35 to segregate shales from micas (Fig. 5-53).
-e- 35
~ 30
c. 111Clay
Q) Micaceous
25 Shales
:.J 20
t /
E e
~ ::,
~ 15 a:
a. <(


z 5
cii C1l
E <D Carbonates Quartz
; o
o I
UJ o
-5 L..--'--....l....----'-----'--..L......- -'----'------J
40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 O
Specific Acoustilog Time, t (sec/ft) "P" - Factor ___.

Fig. 5-51 - Typical crossplot of acoustic travel time and neutron- Fig. 5-53 - P factor vs. GR for quartz/mica/clay model in
type data Jurassic sandstones, North Sea

- 230-
Given the chart below (Pe vs. Th/K), plot the following
values to estimate the apparent clay, mica, feldspar, etc.
The preceding description of crossplot methods does not
for each set of log data provided.
encompass the entire range of data manageme nt in the lit-
erature but does provide sufficient introduction to cross- Pe Th(ppm) K(o/o) Th/K Estmate of Mineral(s)
plotting advantages in log anal ysis. Computer processing
has led to an uncountable number of methods to help the 6.2 6 7
analyst determine the quality and usefulness of various
data types. Histograms are used in many complex com-
3.5 16 8
puted log analysis routines. Variations of the many mea- 2.5 12 <I
surements are crossplotte d against o ne another for spe-
cific purposes, occasionall y to resolve special problems 6.2 20 2
that occur locally (e.g., North Sea micas). Time and space
restrict the coverage of more techniques in this introduc- 2.0 25 2
tory material , but it is sufficient to say that data manage-
ment is not universally similar and instead adapts to local


Problem 1

Suppose you are given log data from a formation known Th/K

to be of mixed lithology (limesto ne, dolomite, sand, silt,

clay, and sorne anhydrite). The data include dual later-
olog-micro laterolog-G R, Z-Densilog , compensated neu-
tron, and acoustic measureme nts. Which of the interpre- ' Feldspars
tation models would you select first?

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Why?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Pe

Problem 3

What other logging service(s) might benefit the interpre- Describe in your own words the attributes of crossplots.
tati ve effort?

Why?_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Which crossplots are most useful for a quick manual

analysis of log data?

Assuming a computer analysis is to be performed, what

special crossplot would you want to use?
Which crossplots are complicate d enough to require
computer facilities to enable the analysis of severa) feet
(or meters) of reservoir data?
Why?_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __

- 231 -
Saturation Determination 6

One of the basic objectives of well log analysis is deter- Accurate determination s of R1 , Rxo,or R
mining the saturation percentages of oil, gas, and/or
water occupying the pare space of reservoir rocks. Reliable and accurate porosity determination
Although saturations can be determined by any number
of methods, most of which require similar log measure- Adequate formation factor to porosity relation
ments, specific circumstances affect or limit the accuracy
of each method, and it is crucial to use the appropriate Adequate exponentiaJ for saturation calculations
Adequate shale volume and resistivity determina-
Saturation is the calculated amount of fluid or gas that tion
occupies pare space and is a function of numerous physi-
cal, chemical, and biological factors. There are no magic Awareness of and corrections for any conductive
numbers for saturation values that definitely predict minerals in the formation
water-free production or water production only. Frac-
tional saturations are a function of: Other factors, many of which are possibly still
Type of pare space, connected or isolated
Most of the petrophysica l numbers (a,m,n) traditionally
Amount of pare space used in log analysis are derived empirically, usually from
core and log comparisons. Although core data remain the
Size of constituent grain structure bedrock of petrophysics, core analysis, as well as ali
other analyses and tech niques discussed previously in
Homogeneity or heterogeneity of the reservoir this text, also has its imperfection s.
matrix and pare avenues
Numerous advantages and disadvantages of log data
Relation of vertical permeability to horizontal have been discussed. Limitations of different measuring
permeability systems have been addressed, and the interpretative
efforts applied to many measurement s have been openly
In-situ pressures and temperatures discussed not only far applicability but also for their lim-
itations or inability to resolve certain formation evalua-
Capillarity functions tion problems. The Archie equation, at least three resis-
tivity ratio saturation methods, and two shaly-sand satu-
Wettability of the matri x ration techniques were discussed earlier. The test of time
has shown Archie's formula to stand up well against
Type of reservoir drive numerous assaults from the formation evaluation
Shape of reservoir
Severa! authors have suggested more laboratory model-
ling and less empirical content. Numerous technical
Size of reservoir
papers have addressed the problem of shaliness with
shaly-sand saturation equations (Table 6- 1), whereas
Structural/stratigraphic trap mechanism
only five of them are commonly addressed throughout
the industry. Ali revert back to Archie's relation when
Severa( measurement s and petrophysical parameters are
shale content is zero (Chapter 3). Attempts to character-
essential in deriving accurate saturation values from log
ize free and bound fluids to more accurately estmate
data: total effective porosity, and to get a quantitative estimate
of producible fluids or gases continue.
Reliable and accurate resistivity and temperature
values for formation water and drilling fluids Severa( methods of determining saturation from cross-
plots or quick-look methods are discussed in this chapter.
Resistivity values recorded by the appropriate These methods also have inherent problems and are
instrument for the salinities, porosities, bed thick- affected by d1fferent circumstances. Quick-look methods
nesses, etc. encountered of one type may work well in one area but fai l miserably

TABLE 6-1 -A Few of the Many Shaly Sand Saturation Equations

Simandoux e= 1for high s~

e< 1for low Sw.

Schlumberger 2 F relates to the free fluid porosity of the

total rock volume, inclusive of intra-
formational (laminated) shales.

Cw 2 (Cbw- CwvoOv)
Clavier et al. Ct =
+ - - - - - ,Fo
2 Dual-water model
F0 relates to total interconnected porosity.
Sw relates to the total interconnected
pore space.

Waxman and Smits 2 F * relates to total interconnected porosity.

Sw relates to total interconnected pore

Cw 2 ( Csh ) V sh<l>shSw 2 Normalized Waxman-Smits equation

Juhasz Ct=-Sw+ --Cw
F Fsh <p F=1A)>m where <l> is the porosity derived
from the density log and corrected for
hydrocarbon effects.

F sh = ~ where <l>sh is the shale

porosity derived from the density log.
Sw relates to total interconnected pore

Poupon and Leveaux

Poupon and Leveaux e1-- Cw 2 - / CwVshCsh

F Sw+2-\J F Sw2+Vsh2 c hsw2
3 sImpIIe 1ormua
11 d Ind onesIa < O5
1 1or Vsh-.

in another; in sorne cases, performance vares from reser- sorne statistical fluctuation. Vertical resolution and the
voir to reservoir. Again, knowledge of local conditions is horizontal investigation distance are somewhat different
important. for each resistivity device, and the tools are affected dif-
ferently by borehole size, borehole salinity, and severa!
Profiles compari ng flushed-zone saturation to virgin- rock characteristics. Nevertheless, valid log interpreta-
zone saturation are very effective in most cases, but their tions always reflect water saturations within acceptable
accuracy diminishes with decreasing fluid salinities. limits of I 00% in known water-bearing horizons. At the
Nevertheless, movable and residual oil volumes calcu- other extreme, water saturations are probably never at
lated from such methods have been amazingly accurate 0%; in fact, when Sw < 10%, and accurately determined,
in many controlled studies. the oil in place is virtually never producible by conven-
tional well extraction methods.
Accepting these premises, effective log analysis should
Log data has been conventionally calculated as a percent result in Sw of about 10% mnimum to 100% maximum.
water in the available pore space of a volume of rock. Later in this section, irreducible water saturation (mni-
Water saturation (Sw) is a convenient log calcu lation ma! Sw for a specific reservoir) and critica! water satura-
because resistivity devices respond primarily to the con- tion (lowest Sw at which water influx will occur) are dis-
ductive fluids (water) in pore space. Obviously, water sat- cussed. Each reservoir has its own unique identity and is
uration can never exceed 100%; however, the nature of affected by many of the variables listed earlier. It is true
different log responses used in the calculations causes that many reservoirs have identical characteristics, but

virtually no two reservoirs can be classified as identical Sorne pore throats may be more restrictive than others.
twins. For example, one shale-free carbonate reservoir Restrictions can be caused by clays, fines migration, or
may have porosity and permeability values similar to in-situ pressure differentials that, in turn, affect petro-
those of another shale-free carbonate rock, but the two physical pararneters. The a, m, and n values vary some-
reservoirs may have different irreducible water satura- what from leve! to leve! because of the heterogeneous
tions (S,.) because of differing Rw values or grain sizes. natu re of the rock.
The numerous variables that affect saturation make it vir-
tuall y impossible to have totally identical characteristics
Ali these irnportant imponderables cannot be accounted
in different reservoirs.
for with log analysis alo ne. The rnost sophisticated corn-
puter-processing routi nes do not normally attempt to
TAKING A CLOSER LOOK AT SATURATION cope with the petrophysical changes that occur within a
IMPONDERAB LES reservoir, but instead use average values to best estmate
saturation rcsults. Core analysis does not totally resolve
Data acquisitio n and the methods used to compile and the problem; plugs frorn a full core do not describe ali Lhe
eventually interpret the data are less than perfect. On the rock, but only the portion represented by the plug. Fur-
other hand, it is somewhat amazing that such measure- therrnore, the core is no longer part of Lhe reservoir.
ments can even be made in the subsurface. Recognize the Nevertheless, a piece of the rock and controllcd labora-
strength of the downhole information acq uired, but tory measurernents of it are the accepted benchmark of
always be aware that it is difficult to provide 100% quan- petrophysics. Heterogeneity in reservoir rocks is
titative interpretation accuracy. common and occurs laterally and vertically. A value for
m or n might vary from o ne depth level to the next and
The material in this text is purposely organized to build rnight have considerable variation in value, but most
gradually through interpretation steps that provide the analyses are based on an average value . The analyst rnust
data needed to calculate saturatio n. O f course, ali data be continually aware of such variables and how a change
must be relati vely accurate if accu rate saturation values in any of the terrns used in an equation wil l affect the
are to be determined. Commo n sense dictates that when a resultant saturation calculation.
log analysis is performed fro m acceptable data and sev-
era! depth levels are calculated at "" 120% S 11. , one or SATURATION IN CLEAN FORMATIONS
more of the terms in the saturation equation must be in
error. The anal yst must then backtrack and investigate the
Archie's fundamental satu ration experi rnents were dis-
accuracy of individual terms. For example, Rw may not
cussed previously. Development o the forrnation factor,
have been corrected to formation temperature, R1 value
the link between res istivity and rock porosity, was also
may be incorrect, or an assumed petrophysical exponent
discussed alo ng with the developrnent of the Humble
may be incorrect, etc.
relatio nship for sandstones. These fundamental re lations
generally hold true if the reservoir is shale free and con-
Another situation can occur when severa! depth levels
tains homogeneous intergranular porosity. However, ali
calculate as 70% Sw in known water-bearing horizons.
clean forrnatio ns are not ho rnogeneous, no r do ali clean
Once the sources of error are found and corrected, S 11 can
formations have intergranular porosity. This disturbs the
again be calculated.
sirnplicity of the basic relations; i.e., parameters do not
accurate ly fi t a set rule for calcul ating saturations. Never-
Saturation Behavior to Reservoir Variables theless, most log analysis uses pararneters generally
prescribed for sandstones or carbonates (Chapter 3), and
Most oil reservoirs are considered water wet; the surfaces saturation results are satisfactory in most cases.
of the rock grains are coated with a fi lm of water
although rnost pore throat volume is occupied by oil.
It is not quite accurate to say that unusual rock properties
Assurne the film of water is uniform in thickness
occasionally occur, because they probably occur more
throughout the o il-bearing portion of the reservoir. Satu-
often than not. A computed saturatio n profile that demon-
ration may still vary because of grain size changes, strates a sudden Sw change within a reservoir's productive
which, in turn, changes the arnount of surface area coated
zone is often shown little regard although it indicates
by the film of water.
changes in rcservoir characteristics (Fig. 6- 1). The anom-
alous behavior of the profile is often explained as a
Perhaps the fi lm of water and grain size rernain uniforrn change in the invasion profi le when it rnay be a change in
throughout the reservoir but sorne isolated pores occur. mor n caused by differences in grain size, sorting, lithol-
Those isolated pores rnay contain o nl y water because o il ogy mixtures, cementation, wettability, porosity type,
was never able to rnigrate into them. Again, Sw will vary. permeability, etc.

- 235-
<j> = determined porosity value,
100 O 25 O 100 O


m = representative of pore shape or

A similar saturation expression can be written for the

flushed zone,
S n = Fx Rmf
xo R
R mf = mud-filtrate resistivity at formation

Rxo = flushed-zone res1st1v1ty usually deter-

mined with a microresistivity device,

Sxo = water saturation of the flushed zone.
The accuracy of calculated saturation depends on the
legitimacy of Rw or R mf R 1 or R xo or R 0 , and F. For best
results, input values should be determined from data cor-
rected for borehole signal, bed thickness, invasion, etc. It
Fig 6-1 - Formation heterogeneity often affects saturation
is also important that the correct resistivity tool is used to
resolve saturation.
Archie's saturation equation is the basis for essentially all As a demonstration, if R 1 is near 2000 ohm-m, <j> < l %,
saturation determi nation methods, and F is assumed to be equal to llf,
water saturation can
FxR be calculated at J00% only if R w = 0.20 ohm-m at forma-
S n= w
w RI tion temperature. If Rw is given as any value < 0.2 ohm-
m, saturation will calculate at < 100% water. If Rw =
where 0.25 ohm-m, saturation will calculate at > 100% water
Sw = calculated water saturation percentage, (125%). Where is the most logical source of error? Was
R 1 determined from a laterolog or induction device? Was
n = saturation exponent, porosity determined from a single device, two devices,
Rw = formation water resistivity at formation three devices, or compared to core? Is R w accurate, and
temperature, what is the source of information? Are the correct a, m,
and n values imposed? Each input value is subject to
R, = the true formation resistivity, question.
R0 = representative of true resistivity if the
In this example, the accuracy of any resistivity measure-
formation is LOO% water bearing,
ment in the 2000 ohm-m range must be questioned.
and, Perhaps <j> was determined from /1t only, and in rocks of
this type, acoustic logs usually lose their ability to recog-
F = formation resistivity factor.
nize pore space unless it is primary. If < 1o/o pore space is
F is typically taken from calculated log values or mea- available, there is not much water to cause an accurate
sured core porosity and related to resistivity as follows, conductive response to deep-induction measurements. In
short, measurement accuracy deteriorates rapidly in these
F = al<j>m, conditions, and the analyst must recognize that insofar
as reserves are concerned, the result is possibly somewhat
insignificant. More porous intervals are the true quality
a = numerator (considered to be related to check on log analysis. The same parameters (Rw =
tortuosity by sorne whereas others 0.2 ohm-m and R 1 = 2000 ohm-m) with 10% pore space
believe it to represent a unit volume of available are more significant to reserve totals. Again,
rock and its constituent pore space), using a= 1 and m = 2, Sw = 1% water in the pore space.

Not being a likely number, the analyst should again ques- abscissa. For example, a !lt scale of 50 and 11 O (left to
tion the input terms. The deep laterolog device may have right) might be imposed on the x-axis to fit acoustic log
been a better choice for deep-resistivity determination , data, and the y-axis might be scaled from O upwards to
and density or density-neutr on porosity values may be 2000 mmhos conductivity on the left of the plot and from
more accurate for porosity determination . 00 upwards to 0.5 ohm-m
resistivity on the right of the
plot (y-axis).
Most reservoir rocks have resistivitie s less than
500 ohm-m when Sw is low, and it therefore makes sense On the U.S. gulf coast, the deep-inductio n measurement
to check log data at the low end of the resi stivity spec- is typically taken as R, and plotted against the data from
trum (R 0 ) if a water-wet zone is available . This opportu- the porosity-sensitive device. Sensitivity of the log data
nity is not always available, but use it when it presents (mnimum to maximum values of the different measure-
itself. Yerify input values in as many ways as possible, ments) is used to employ adequate scaling. Scales can be
and investigate other data that may provide information selected differently (Fig. 6-3) depending on locales. After
on the reservoir character. ensuring that two different sets of log data are on depth,
the analyst plots severa! data points from the zone of
interest. Data points from the water leg of a reservoir are
For many years, nomograms provided a graphic very important and should be plotted (Fig. 6-4). lf a large
approach to obtain a saturation value. Today, the use of number of points are plotted, a shotgun pattem usually
computers or hand calculators has ali but replaced the forms. If Archie's saturation equation is combined with
nomogram. Nevertheless, a quick check on log data can Archie's formation factor relationship, the saturation
be made using this simple graphic device (Fig. 6-2). If, equation can be written as
for example, the high-resistivity low-porosity problem aR w
had occurred below the ol-water contact in a thick reser-
s \V
11 =
voir section, it would be a simple exercise (if <j> and Rw
are correct) to work backwards from 100% Sw in the
nomogram and determine what R1 value would yield the
100% value. The nomogram can be used in severa! ways If m and n are equal to 2 and a = 1, then
to verify different values if other measured values are
accepted as valid. sw .A-.'1' = 'RIR.
,J" w' "t
This equation demonstrates that if Rw remains constant,
There are severa! methods for comparing resistivity to
porosity on crossplots; the two most common plots are
Sw <j> is proportional to 1/ Jiii
and Sw <j> is equivalent
to the bulk volume water per unit of measured volume.
the Hingle and Pickett plots. Both methods have versatil-
ity in that they not only eventually lead to a more accu-
When induction and acoustic data are used, the data plot-
rate Sw solution but also help resolve other parameters
ted (Fig. 6-4) can also be used to determine Rw and matrix
necessary to successful log evaluations. Many companies
vclocity, V,11a, if sufficient points are available and if
routinely use these methods to plot the necessary reser-
water-bearing intervals are included on the crossplot. A
voir data on each well and then use that data as a control
line is projected through the points found to the left and
on subsequent wells. The control may be to identify inac-
upper part of the pattern (NW points). The line is pre-
curate log measurement s, to recognize gradual changes
sumed to be R0 if a deep-resistivity device is used (e.g.,
from well to well, or to accumulate fieldwide statistical
deep induction). The projected line can be extended
data that can be molded into a uniform control for more
downward (SW direction) to the abscissa, and the point of
detailed field studies.
intersection will give an estimate of !ltma zero porosity.
Hingle Plot The llt scale across the x-axis can then be scaled in terms
of porosity for the lt 111a value determined from the Hingle
Originally, this was a plot of resistivity/conductivity vs. plot. This is a useful plot when ltmaor V,11c, are unknown;
acoustic !lt values.93 It was quickly applied to resistivity however, control points from the R 0 line should be defin-
vs. density data, resistivity vs. neutron data, resistivity vs. itive. This requires sorne spread in the plotted values of
crossplot porosity, and microresistivity (Rxo or R ) vs. res1st1v1ty and !lt. Obviously, difficulty will be
porosity sensitive devices. encountered if a water-wet zone (R0 ) was not available
from the logs. The plot remains useful if R0 control points
The basic premise is to plot data points of e ither resistiv- are not present. A knowledge of lithology allows the ana-
ity or conductivity on the ordinate vs. measurements lyst to assume !lt1110 or V,110 using conventional values for
from a porosity-sens itive device (such as M) on the sandstone, limestone, or dolomite.

Aw Ro Ro sw
(Qm) (Qm) (%)
0.01 100 0.001 100

0.02 Rt
F 0.002
50 (Qm)
1000 50
0.05 10,000
0.1 5000 0.005
200 n

0.2 100 2000 0.01
20 20
50 1000 2
20 0.02 o
500 8
10 10 5 10
5 200
2 0.05
100 1.0
5 50 5
5 0.1

10 20
20 2 5 2
50 2

Sw = (Ro IRt )11"
R0 = FRw

0.2 10



Given: Rw = 0.05 Q m; F = 20; Ri = lO Q m; n = 2.0

Determine: Sw; ~ = 1.0 Q m; ~/Ri = 0. l ; Sw = 32 %

Fig. 6-2 - Nomogram to determine saturation by Archie's equation

- 238-
If Rw is unknown, the Hingle plot can also be used to
Conductivity Resistivity determine connate water resistivity. If the NW line was
(mmho/m) (ohm-m)
2000 ..,.....,.-,-r-r-...,......,....,.........,....,.........,.....,...,.-,-............,.......,....,.........,.....,......, 0.5 projected through data points representative of R 0 , the
resistivity of any data point can be divided by the forma-
..1--l-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-++-i-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-t--+-H .6 tion factor value,
.,_.-+-+-+-+---+-+ -+-+-+--+--<>-+--+-- +-+-+-+-+---+-+-+-1 ---i O. 7
J-+-+-+-t--+-+- ++-i-+-+-t-+-+-+ -+-+-+-+-+-++- iH .8

1000 +-+-+---+-+-+-+-+-- +--<>-+--+--+-+-+-+ -+---+-+-+-+-+---+-- <f-i

-r+-+-+-t--+-+-+ +-i-+-+-t-+-+-+ -+-+-+-+-+-++- iH 1.2 The porosity is typically scaled using conventional values
for matrix, 11t111a = 55.6 sec/ft with acoustic data in sand-
1-++-i-+-+-t-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-1-+--l---l-+-+-+-+-+-+--11 .5
stone or Pma = 2.71 g/cm 3 for density data in limestone,
500 +--+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+--+---1---l-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-++-iH 2 etc. (Fig. 6-5). A grid scale for formation factor (F) can be
400 2.5 set up below the porosity scale utilizing the proper trans-
300 3 form, F = 1/q,2 or F = 0.62/q,2 15 (Fig. 6-5).
200 5
150t::t=t:::t::t:::::t:t:::!=t:::t::t:::::t::t:::!=t::t::t:::::t::t:::!=:::1 Saturation lines can also be drawn across the Hingle
:}--!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-i-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-t--+-H 15
plot after the R 0 line is established. For example, a 50%
~ ~
Sw line will have ordinate resistivity values four times
greater than ordinate resistivity values of the R0 line
20 50
10 100 (Fig. 6-6). When severa! Sw lines are constructed, Sw can
5 ~o be determined quickly for any data point on the plot.
o 1,000
o _ _'"'"
o _ _..._,6_0_ __._11_0_ _.....1a_o_ _ llt

50 160 170 [JO 190 ~ 00 11 0 llt

1 1
Conduclivity Resislivily
Fig. 6-3 - Hingle plot scale selection for llt, Pb, etc. can be (mmho/m) (ohm-m)
adjusted to fit specific reservoir conditions. 2000 T""T..,....,-,-....,......,....,........,.....,.....,.....,......,....,.-,-.....,....T""T..,....,......, 0.5

.1-+-+-l-+-+-++-+-+-l-+-++-+-+-+--+-++-+-l--+-l O.6
Conductivily -l--+-+-l-+-+-++-+-+-1-+++-+-+-+-1-+++-+-l--+-l O.7
(mmho/m) (ohm-m) .l-+-+-l-+-+-++-+-+-1-+++-+-+-+-1-+++-+-l--+-l O.8
100 10
80 -1-+-+-l-+-+-++-+-+-t-+-++-+-+-+--+-+-+-+-l--+-l 1.2
IR _B!J_11_
w- F -310-.039 /
t-+-+--+-+--<-+-+--+ --+-+-+->-+-+-+-+-+ -+--+-+-+--+-+--< 1.5
60 500 -t--+-+-<-+-+-+-+-+- +-t-+-+--+-+-+-+--+- +--+-+--+-<>-+-1 2
50 J 20 400 2.5
40 300 3
J ' 250~-+-l-+-++-+-+-+--+-++-+-l-+-+-++-+-+-l--+-l
30 30 200 5
Ro= F Rwl ' 15
20 / 50
100+= ~tii~~~~~tii~
t +:t=l=1!:1=t+:t=l=1!:1=tt+:t=l:::t:::=t+:t=l::1!:115

15 I
~ w
10 20 50

' I

o :t;;~~;~t**~~~~t***~~;~t**~~;~
5 ..........................................

s.s.[ o
60 70
90 100 61
30 9AC (61m=55.5)
1000 500 100 20 10
0.5 61 F = .62/q,2.15
/ 1 1 5000 1 1 1 1 1
45 1 50 55 60 65 ~
wilh 5
410 (p m =2.71)
o 5 10 pb 400 200
4> 1s 100 50
1 1 1 1 F =..!.
Fig. 6-4 - Hingle plots allow Rw and Vm to be determined from
Fig. 6-5 - Scales for porosity-sensit ive devices are selected to fit
adequate resistivity and acoustic data.
the sensitivity of reservoir parameters.

-239 -
Hingle plots are routinely constructed with data acquired
F- 0.62 from the zones of interest in discovery, appraisal, and
~ - cp2. 15 development wells. Such plots establish petrophysical
:~ markers from well to we!l and serve as a well-site guide
o::, RIND
"O to log quality. The plots can also be implemented in com-
o puter crossplot routines.
Rmt Rw =4.5
1,000 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - - f
Pickett Plot

Calculating water saturation involves severa! steps,

(1) Obtain a porosity value from log data or core

(2) Use an estimated or laboratory-determined m value

to establish a formation resistivity factor relation-

(3) Calculate a Resistivity Index (I) from the relation-

ship of R1/R0 or R/F R w

(4) Calculate Sw from the relationship sw-n = I

Despite the development of sophisticated Iogging tech-

10 100
nology, log analysts still face challenges in determining
accurate Sw values. Although errors can be caused by
O 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 t.t uncertainties in the knowledge of Rw ,determination of <p,
'o 10 20 30 40
cj>AC and correct determination of R 1 , incorrect m values can
"' 100 50 20 10 4.5 F also lead to significant error. Undoubtedly, the n expo-
nent also has significance in saturation results, and it is
Fig. 6-6 - Lines representing specific saturation values can be discussed later in this chapter.
established on the Hingle plot.
As previously discussed, one method of estimating
Resistivity Index utilizes a log-log plot of resistivity vs.
The proportionality between <I> and 1/ jR, can also be porosity. Crossplotted data points identify graphically the
written as
location of water-saturated zones 149 15 and data from
Av 1
hydrocarbon zones demonstrate departure away from the
water zones. The concept has been fundamental to log
sw jR, analysis for many years, but Pickett's intent was to con-
Based on the previous equation, if deep resistivity is rep- vert the amount of pattern distortion to accurate estimates
resentative of R0 , Sw = 1, and the ordinate becomes an of water saturation without knowing many parameters
inverse square root scale of resistivity vs. porosity, ali R0 (e.g., Rw or m) normally required. Hingle plots require a
points fall on a straight line defined by <I> = JR:I J"ifo . knowledge of the m exponent. Pickett's approach began
Points corresponding to other constant values of Sw will with consideration of the basic equation for true
also fall on a straight line (50% Sw line demonstrated ear- resistivity,
lier). The Hingle plot remains a functional part of log
analysis today because it is a convenient method to R1 = <l>-m aR \V
determine the necessary matrix parameter for converting
density, acoustic, and neutron data to porosity. The parameters are by now familiar with the exception of
the (-) superscripts and the Resistivity Index ([). l is
If a microresistivity (Rx0 ) device is available, the plot can related to Sw through the emprica! relation
be used in a similar manner to determine Sxo water satu-
ration of the flushed zone. The x and y coordinates do not I = S \V-n ,

change, and the same plot can be utilized. Rxo values are
plotted with the porosity-sensitive data using a different where n is the saturation exponent. Pickett took the loga-
code ( o ) for the data points. Sxo = 100% should be repre- rithm from both sides of the equation and converted it to
sented by a line projected through the points that fall in the linear relation,
the NW section of the plot. The Sxo = 100% line will
differ from the Sw = 100% line if Rw and R mf differ. = LogaR I - m log <I> .

On a log-log plot of R1 versus (j), this equation represents dinates and the logarithmic scale (y= mx + b is the equa-
a family of straight lines with slopes of -m, and inter- tion of a line). The negative sign (-) for m is normally
cepts of a R,J on the resistivity abscissa where (j) = 100% ignored in convention al log analysis.
on the ordinate. The equation for the water-beari ng zone
on the plot is Sw can be determined graphically by using an Rw index.
Water saturation charts for any given Rw and known m
log R0 = log aR,j - m log q>,
and n values are easily constructed. 15 The log-log plot
where R0 represents the resistivity of those sediments of porosity vs. resistivity is used as the basic crossplot. A
whose pares are 100% filled with water of resistivity Rw, "water scaler" overlay for known m and n values is then
and / = 1. Pickett's routine is important because it is not indexed. For demonstration purposes, m and n values of 2
necessary to know mor Rw in advance of estimating Sw. and Rw = 0.04 ohm-m are used. The chart is constructed
These equations demonstrate the crossplotted log data using the follow ing steps,
will exhibit a straight line for those data sets having the
same Rw and a constant l. A linear group of points should ()) Define the maximum and minimum Sw lines with
be found that represent 100% S11 Any points having the any four arbitrarily chosen points (Fig. 6-8). The
same porosity value but increasing resistivities will have 100% line is chosen using two (j) points ((j) = 10%
/ values equal to the ratio of their resistivities to the resis- with R0 =4 ohm-m and (j)=3% with R0 =44 ohm-m)
tivity of the water-beari ng line at that porosity. lf Rw is and a 10% Sw line is established using two other
known, and the Archie relationship a/q>m = R 1Rw is control points ((j) = 10%, R1 = 400 ohm-m and (j) =
acceptable, an R 0 line can be extrapolated through the 30%, R 1 = 45 ohm-m).
water-bearing data points of the log-log plot (Fig. 6-7). If
Rw is well documented, the a term can be defined by solv- (2) Place a logarithmic scaler (Fig. 6-9) between the
ing the R0 = aRwl equation (reading the value at the point minimum and maximum Sw lines and scale the
where the R0 line intersects the abscissa at the top of the intermediary Sw lines parallel to the mnimum and
chart). The slope of the R 0 line is representative of the m maximum Sw lines. The completed water scaler is
exponent, negative because of the slope direction. The then printed on transparent material for overlay
slope - m is easily resolved by utilizing the x and y coor- purposes.

0.1 10 100
100 100
E 1
'<t 11.1
11 '
~ -m =2.0
; 10

1.0 .___ _ _ _ _ _ _...___ _ _ _ _ _ _...___ _ _ _ _ _ _..,____ _ _ _

_ ___, 1.0
0.1 1.0 10 100 1,000
F = Ro = ~
Rw $m

-m= ~ =.!~=-1 .8
F 1.1
" = cp1.8

Fig. 6-7 - Pickett plots can be used to determine values of a, m, and formation factor.

-24 1 -
' r-..
r-,.. S.q1,

q, =30%

r------ - -- -- --- _,.. ...... ------
R1 =45Qm

..... '-
""""'---- --- -- - -- -

~ ~ t-(% ~
----- _J~3g~_
G- !'--..... i'----.. q, = 10%
10 ~----- -- ~ k --- - ----- --- ~ l.....R1=400 Qm

eo (j> = 10% ........ 3l% '

Q. Ro= 41nm ~

..... -,....'60;:-
~ ....
............... -.;:) ~;,o
5 -.;:: so;:
~ %
---- - ,..._ - ~- ... -- ~----- q,r..........
= 3% "*...::::_
_,__,..._ ---- --- -- - - ,_ -
R 0 = 44 Qm -....

m=2 l. .
n=2 I)
l o
Rw = 0 .04 Qm
1 'l
1 2 5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1,000

R1 ( Qm)

Fig. 6-8 - Pickett plot versatility permits rapid Sw determination by using an Rw index to construct a saturation scaler.

Fig. 6-9 - A completed transparent saturation scaler can be used as a quicklook overlay on Pickett plot data.

- 242-
(3) Using the example values, place the transparenc y
R"' = R/F== R/ F,
over the log-log grid with the index on the R =
4 ohm-m, (j> = 10% control point because Rw = where F is determine d from porosity-s e nsitive log
0.04 ohm-m (Fig. 6- 1O). The completed chart can data and the proper formation factor-to-p orosity rel a-
then be reproduced (Fig. 6-1 1). tionship. In sandstone reservoirs, the F = 0 .62/q, 2 15
(or F = 0.81/q,2 ) relatio nship is commonly input.
Separate charts can be constructed for different Rw values
Deep-indu ction values are general ly used as the
or for differing values of mor n.
apparent R1 value. Porosity is often determi ned from
QUICK-L OOK METHOD S TO DETERM INE acoustic tlt, density Pb, or density-ne utron crossplot

There are many quick-look methods for recognizmg An Rwa >> Rw indicates a water saturation less than
hydrocarbo n-bearing horizons and estimating their satu- 100%. Saturation can be calculated easily by using
ration. These methods are used mainly to provide reason-
ably accurate porosity and saturation data at the well site
to faci litate decisions on running casing and testing or
abandoning the well. Obviously, invasion must be sufficiently shallow such
that the deep-resist ivity measureme nt is not affected;
Today's well-site computers present quick-look logs with porosity determinat ion and the formation factor relation-
much less effort than required with earlier analog units. ship must be relatively accurate. In addition, the follow-
Sorne of the drawbacks to these methods are listed below. ing requiremen ts are necessary in order to successfull y
implement continuous ly recorded R"' techniques:
(] ) Experience and interpretative abilities of well-site
personnel ( 1) Rw must be relatively constant or vary in a consis-
tent and predictable manner over the interpreted
(2) Availability of necessary well-site computer capa-
depth intervals.
(2) Li thology should be consistent, predictable , and
(3) Availability of important and sometimes critica!
known (sand-shale sequences are best).
parameters needed for an accurate analysis

(4 ) (3) Permeable horizons should be essentially shale

Any combinatio n of the above
free, or at worst, have similar shaliness characteris -
Severa! older and relati vely simple interpretation meth- tics.
ods are still available in sorne form today. These include
simple resistivity overlay techniques (R,m, F R/FAC FR/ Quick estimates of saturation can usually be made if the
F0 ) and Rx0 IR1 methods. following Rw to Rwa comparative values are used,

Rwa Technique

A real-time Rwa curve has been available for more than Rwa 2 times the value of Rw: 71
25 years. Knowledge of Rw in certain reservoir rocks per-
mits a quick comparison of that value to the recorded R,rn 3 times the value of Rw: 57
Rwa When logging through a water-wet horizon, the Rwa
value should be similar to the known Rw. If Rw is not R,rn 4 times the value of Rw: 50
known, the Rwa c urve is often used to establish Rw for
specific horizons if sorne or ali the reservoir is believed to
Rwa 8 times the value of Rw: 35
be 100% water bearing. Rwa is simply a mathematical
rearranging of the Archie equation; i.e.,
Rwa 16 times the value of Rw: 25

Rwa 25 times the value of Rw: 20

11 =
,v ) = [a
__ R,_v )
, (j> . R,
Rwa 40 times the value of Rw: 16
If F = a!<j>m and R0 = F Rw, then Rw = R0 /F. If R > R , a
1 0
similar calculation can be made but an apparent Rw will A nomogram converting Rwa to Sw is also available
be calculated if the zone is not water bearing, (Fig. 6-12).

-243 -
70 1

40 1
30 1
20 1

ie 109 ------ --- E - l 1ndex

o 8
o.. 7 ~I
~ I
6 11

3: 1
a: 1
3 1
1 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 20 50 100 200 500 1,000

R1 (Qm)

Fig. 6-1 O - The overlay technique can be used to create a chart for specific reservoirs -
Example with Rw = 0.04 and q, = 10% as a control point. 105

100 ......... .......

90 ........__
1 1 -...... '
80 ........__ 1 1 't--... 1
70 ..........__ ' 1---..... i--. 1
60 '-.....
50 ~ ~ ~ 1
......._ -...... .......... l
'------...... '------ 1
.Joo I r----....

:::----................. '---- ~
<lo' ......
r---- t--...,_ -----~ 1

~ ~ r---... r----" r--.._ ~ r----... I'-- r----


t--... 1
20 .....
r---... r--t-- " I'--.. 1

r----r--. 1
~ r---...
. r--i--. '-......_ r-------.. t-,...._
~,~~ '-......_ 1

-~ 10
~~ t-,...._
p,,. t: ~ ~"'
:--.... ,.___ .... ,_,_
r-..1'--c - - -
._ __ ~ %
:g 9 ......... ........__ ........__ ......... ........__ -...__ ~
o 8 1 r----. ---- .... -
o.. 7 ...... ........__ ........__ .... ----
......... i--. ......... . r-.
1 i--..._..........__ ..........__ ---- .... ........__ ---- .... 't---.. "----
..........__ r--
6 t-----...........__ ........__
1 ~--------.....:
t-----. i--...._ .... ~ t-----...
1 r-..
4 1 ~ ~ r-...... r---- i--..._
............... t------.. ...____,------.:;.___
---- r----" t--...i--. ~
~ t------- ....
1 ------ t-,...._
t------.. ~ i% r--r--

1 't-,...._ ------ i--. i--.
r----" o r-----
1 r----"
1 r----- r--
~ ~~;
1 r----r-.i--.
1 n=2 r-----
1 r----- r----r-.
...... r--..
1 '
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 50 100 200 500 1,000
R1 (Qm)

Fig . 6-11 - A completed Sw chart for Rw = 0.04 ohm-m'

Rw Determination
+ Rw
Sands (Q m)



5 5 30

6 20
7 (%)
7 2000 10 100
8 8
1000 90
9 9 80
10 2 500 5 Aw 70
10 4 (Qm)
11 60
11 12 5 200 3 1.0
14 I
10 100
2 0.5
16 40
16 18
s 20 50 ~
u- a: 0.1 30
18 20 ?: 50 20 . 0.05
20 22 :~ 100 10
:~ 25
'O l
0 .4 0.02
e: 200 5 ., 0.3 0.01
30 2
28 "'2 500 2 >- 0.2 15
30 35 >-
34 40
38 2000 0.5 0 .1 10
5000 0.2
o.62+-2 ''=F+- 2 0.05
10,000 0.1 0.04

ConductivityDerived Porosity (CDP) 0.01

Determination R.,,...
CDP - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - (Q m)


A sandstone has a porosity of 24 % and

R, = 3.0 Qm; Rw = 0.02 Q m
Water Zones: Oil/ Gas Zones: Find: Rw, = 0.225 Q m

Note: Conductivity-derived porosity is valid

only when Rwa = Rw.

Fig. 6-12 - Chart for converting Rwa to Sw

Severa( years ago, R mfa traces were recorded with the ( 1) lf Rll'a == R 1110 or Rwa < R 1110 , shallow invasion
Rwa information. The R mfa trace was used as a check for occurred, and the Rwa estimates of producibility are
invasion, productivity index, and flushing, if the mud was probably accurate.
not salt-saturated. Apparent mud-filtra te resistivity (R ,J
is determine d by
(2) If R wa > 3 Rll'and R 111 0 > R111, this confirms the Rwa
indication of producibl e hydrocarbo ns.

(3) If R ,,,0 == R 111 and Rw < Rwa ~ R,,,, deep invasion

where Rxo values are from a microresistivity device. is suspected , and favorable Rwa values should be
However, many of the quick-loo k traces used are shal- further investigated.
low-resistivity measurements (e.g., short normal). Com-
parisons of the Rwa and R 11 ,a curves led to the fo llowing The Rwa method is considered an Archie approach to sat-
interpretative conclusions: uration because poros ity and resistivity values are used .

-245 -
The Rwa to R ,,10 comparison is comparable to the resistiv- The separation between the deep and shallow F curves is
ity ratio methods discussed previously (Chapte r 3). an index of movable hydrocarbons, whereas the separa-
tion between the shallow F and the porosity-derived F
(acoustic data in the example) represents residual hydro-
Formation Factor Ratios as a Quick-Look Technique
carbons. A logarithmic scaler can be used to quickly est-
mate Sw by fi xing the 100% grid on the porosity-derived
A continuous computed trace can also be made that com- F trace and reading the Sw value where the deep resistiv-
pares formation factor ratios of resistivity to porosity. ity-derived F trace crosses the scaler.
The deep-resistivity measure ment is converted to F along
with the formation factor conversion from a porosity
A different approach and presentation converts the poros-
device. The deep resistivity is considered an adequate R,
ity-derived F trace to an R0 trace. The deep-resistivity
measurement and is converted to water-filled porosity,
measurement (and microresistivity data, if available)
<l>w, which in turn, is converted to Fdeep Porosity deter-
re mains as recorded. The R 0 curve is created by shifting
mined from tH (or other porosity derivations) in the
the F curve along the logarithmic grid by an a mount of
accepted local manner is converted to formation factor.
resistivity equal to Rw, thus making it an R0 trace. In
Typically, Archie's F = llf
or the Humble or equivalent
water-bearing horizons, the deep resistivity and R0 trace
conversion is used to obtain formation factor. In areas
should overlay almost exactly. If Rw is not known, the
where invasion and flushing is sufficiently deep, a
deep-resistivity and R 0 curves can be normalized in
pseudomovable ol plot is often made using an F curve
known water-bearing horizons, and Rw can then be
converted from a shallow-resistivity device (Fig. 6- 13).
calculated by knowing the value of F at the point it over-
lays a deep-resistivity curve in the water-bearing zone,
Rw = Ro/F.
0.3 1.0 10 100 1000 EQUATION
Rmf = 0.8 at BHT F = Rmf
FAC POROSITY ACOUSTILOG Theories that clay conductivity must be considered in
0.3 1.0 10 100 1000 determining saturations in shaly sands were documented
- - - , - - 1 - - -1 - - - - - - r - - - - - -,- -
F=~2 30% 10% 3%
as early as 1950. Ali clays have a negative c harge
Fo EEP DEEP INDUCTION LOG because of the imbalanced electrostatic nature of their
0.3 1.0 10 100 1000
-- - --. - - - -, - - - -r - -RLD -- r--- - crystal lattices; i.e., broken bonds around the edges of
Rw= 0.03at BHT F = Rw
silica-alumina units. Partial balance is attempted by
i adsorption on the clay surface by ions of opposite charge,
. . - l ~~ ...;,
'' and additional amounts of these counte r-ions form in liq-
RESIDUAL OIL uids near the clay surfaces. Cations adsorbed o n the clay
111 11 , surfaces are easily exchanged for other cations in those
;- .
liquids. The amount of exchangeable ions is called the
cation exchange coefficient (CEC) and was first proposed
in 1956.92 It is typically measured in milliequivalents per
100 g of dry el ay. T he hig h conductivities of these el ay
surfaces are the result of high concentrations of counter-
ions on and near the clay surfaces. Total c harge and CEC
are independent of water salinity; however, in a highly
saline solution, the counte r-ion atmosphere is com-
,J .. pressed to the surface area of the clay lattice and causes
decreased mobility of counter-ions as well as less ability
Pseudo movable oil plot F-MOP to conduct electricity. The mechanics of CEC are respon-
Quicklock Sw scaler sible for the increased contribution of clays to conductiv-
f. f.
..,o o"-
o ity measurements in shaly reservoir rock, and this is par-
"'r-- "' "'

F Fixon J 1 1 1

Read Sw off FIL0 curve

1 1
ticularly the case in fresh or brackish connate waters.

AL curve The CEC correlation originally proposed was modified

by Waxman and Smits 2 1 in 1968 and again by Waxman
Fig. 6-13 - Pseudo-moveable oil plots can be constructed from and Thomas 2 11 in 1974 to extend the concept to hydrocar-
ratios of recorded or manually constructed F curves. bon-bearing shaly sand reservoirs. Waxman and Smits

compare d resistivity ratio to S,v, water conductivity, and
CEC per unit pore volume,
Qv =
l <j> - IJ /
8 wq> 1
l 0.084C 0
5 ) .

.-:::.s 2+ BQ
C Experimental data have shown that the CEC of clay is
C = __v S
t F w F w directly related to the clay's capacity to adsorb and hold
water. Montmorillonite clays have the highest CEC
where F and Sw are values related to total interconnected
values and the greatest capacity to adsorb water. Kaolinite
pore space.
and chlorite have very low CEC, and their capacity to
adsorb water is low. The Baker Atlas lag analysis soft-
The previous equation is included in many compute d log
ware uses these experimental relationships to resolve Sw
anaJysis programs today and is regarded by sorne as the
benchma rk saturation equation in shaly sand reservoirs.
from the Waxman-Smits equation.
Simply stated, the Waxman-Smits equation requires that
connate water resistivity be corrected for the contribution DUAL-WATER MODEL
to conductivity from clay (function of counter-ions in
contact with clays and equivalent conduct ance of clay Another common ly used saturation equation suggests
exchang e cations as a function of Rw) - that a water-saturated shaly sand formation behaves as
though it contains two types of water: water near the clay
Another term, Qv, was introduced as a value of reservoi r (bound water, Bw) and water removed from the clay sur-
rock representing CEC per pore volume, faces (free water, Fw)- Free and bound water are said to
behave as conducto rs in a parallel electrical circuit; 33
therefore, the true water conductivity is

CEC values are measured from core samples. Typically,

clastic reservoir rocks are heterogeneous and extensive
e w -- e Fw . 'l'eff ; ,1,'!' + e Bw -'l'Bw ; 'l't
,h ,1,

sampling for CEC and Qv analysis is required. It is time

consumi ng, tedious, and expensive. Severa! attempts The equation can also be written in terms of resistivity,
have been made to correlate CEC and Q" measurements
with specific (sometim es combine d) well logging param-
eters. The correlations are meant to provide a continuo us
computa tion of CEC and Q11 values in given horizons,
geological strata, or local areas. Freewater <Fw) resistivity is determined by conventional
methods in clean, water-bearing reservoirs. R w is more
difficult to determine because R , among other factors,
A number of attempts have aJso been made to estmate QJ.' 0

using the SP curve, 18898 gamma ray curve, io7 . io4 .9ls depends on Qv .lf selected R8 w values result in hydrocar-
dielectric constant, 104 reservoir~orosity, 100-99-98 , 104,95 . 114 bon saturations occurring in zones consider ed I 00%
gamma ray-reservoir porosity, 8 clay composition-reser- shale, R 8 w is probably too low. If Sw values exceed
voir porosity,31 clay properties-reservoir porosity,99 - 100 100%, R8 w is probably too high.
and natural gamma ray spectroscopy. 75 A proposed CEC
determination from laboratory measure ments of adsorbed From a practica) log analysis standpoint, there is little
water on shaly samples 28 established a correlation between argumen t that the influences of water conductivity in
CEC and the quantity of water adsorbed by the surface of shaly reservoi r rocks must be considered in saturation
clay minerals at 40% to 50% relative humidity. calculations.

Another experimental relationship between the amount Severa) years ago, salinity comparisons of interstitial
of bound water (Bw), equilibrium solution salinity, and water in shales and adjacent sands were made and typi-
CEC was developed in salinities ranging from 13 gal/liter cally demonst rated low salinity in the shale. 67 181 Severa)
NaCI to saturated solutions.92 Bw and CEC were linear at laboratory experiments showed that mineralization of
constant salinities, passed through the origin of the two- solutions expelled from shale decrease d progressively as
paramet er crossplot, and exhibited a slope egua! to overburden pressure increased. As a result, concentra-
0.084 c0 0 -5 + 0.22 . CEC can therefore be derived from tions of interstitial solutions from shales are expected to
the equation be lower than the free water around and between the sand
grains. Oil production from reservoirs surround ed by
CEC = B /0.084 C
w o
-O.\ 0.22 overpressured shale sequenc es has shown that produce d
waters demonst rate decreasi ng salinity with time. This
Qv, which represents CEC per total pore vol u me, can may be caused by an influx of fresher waters from the
then be calculated as shales.

INDONESIAN MODEL crosslinkage of the two networks, as suggested sorne 20
years earlier. 49 -50 A simplified version usually provides
This saturation model is not restricted to Indonesia but adequate Sw results if Vc1 does not exceed 50%,
acquired the name because of the geographical locale to
which it was first adapted. 163 At the time, Sw results in
Indonesian shaly sand reservoirs were often over- e 2+ [ 2
C = ____:!!_5 e w vsh esh )S 2+ V C S 2.
t F 11 F 1r sh sh w
estimated. lt was recognized that severa] parameters
affect true resistivity (R1) - total effective porosity (<l>e),
As with any saturation equation, the accuracy of input
connate water resistivity (R w), water saturation (Sw), clay
content (Vc1), and clay resistivity (Rc1) - Earlier laboratory values <!> , Vc1, Rc1, R, Rw ,a, m, and n must be within a cer-
tain tolerance.
efforts of severa] investigators had shown that R1 - Sw
relationships were affected mostly by the contribution of
clay. The conductive influence of the clay affected not SATURATION DETERMINATION IN
only Vc1 and Rc1 but also Sw. LOW-SALINITY RESERVOIRS

Severa! R1 - Sw equations were investigated by making Most reservoir rocks contain saline connate waters, and
frequency crossplots of Vc1 estimates and computed S 11, their saturations are determined with deep-resistivity
values. The quality of the Sw results was assumed satis- measurements that effectively segregate water-bearing
factory if water-bearing formations exhibited a concen- zones from those that contain oil or gas. When low-salin-
tration of Sw values near 100% (allowing slight, statisti- ity formation waters occur, the deep-resistivity device
cal scatter above and below the 100% value) over the begins to record high values because there are few, if any,
entire range of Vc1 values. Points corresponding to water- dissolved salts present, and water-bearing horizons
bearing formations should delineate a clear vertical trend appear similar to adjacent oil-bearing horizons on the
centered on 100% Sw (Fig. 6-14), and horizons contain- resistivity log.
ing hydrocarbons should exhibir data substantially lower
than 100% Sw.
Quite often, high- and low-salinity reservoirs are sand-
100.-------------.----------, wiched together. Even with a knowledge of Rw in many
of the zones, it remains difficult to segregate those hori-
zons that will produce oil from those that produce only
80 fresh water. In sorne areas, sands containing fresh water
70 are interspersed with sands containing highly saline
-60 water, and either may be intermixed with oil. In addition,
50 many older fields have undergone waterflood to enhance
~ 40 oil production, and the injected waters may have been of
30 low salinity.
10 A measuring method less dependent on water salinity
o.____,__,__.........__...._..........._-'-='-...._~....,___ _ _ _ __, was needed in order to reconcile the problem, and dielec-
O 15 30 45 60 75 90 100 % tric measurements were developed for this purpose.
Except for water, mosr of the components of sedimentary
rocks have very low dielectric constants (Table 6-2).
Fig. 6-14 - Crossplot of computed results demonstrates a clear
vertical trend at high Vclay content in water-bearing intervals. Fresh water and salt water also demonstrate large differ-
ences in permittivity (E). Electromagnetic waves propa-

gated through homogeneous media experience amplitude
The best results were obtained with a very complicated attenuation, and by comparing the amount of attenuation
to wave velocity, dielectric constant and conductivity can
equation, [ 2_ v
e e v ,,. e be determined. A long-spaced-to-short-spaced receiver
C = ____:!!_5 2+ 2 w sh sh S2+ V2 - 1-;,,C S2. amplitude ratio decreases as attenuation increases. The
1 F w F w sh sh w
phase angle shift (degrees) between two receivers
increases as propagation time increases and varies
The idea expressed is that conductivity of shaly forma- inversely with velocity. Atlas tools were modeled sepa-
tions depends on three terms, two of which are the con- rately, based on sonde frequency and transmitter-to-
ventional conductive network of clays (Ve/ - Rc1) and the receiver spacing. Both models arise from Maxwell's elec-
porosity-formation water network (R 1 - Rw)- The third tromagnetic equations ( 1873), modified for well logging
tenn represents the additional conductiviry resulting from environments. 155,97

TABLE 6-2 - Dielectric Constants and Propagation Times
for Several Commonly Encountered Materials

Propagation Time, tp1 (ns/m)

Dielectric Log
er 47MHz 200 MHz 47MHz Receiver
Gas 1.0 3.3 3.3
Oil 2.0-2.4 4.7- 5.2 4.7 - 5.2 Fresh Mud Borehole
20Q m Water 79.0 29.6 28.6
1 Q m Water 77.0 52.3 35.0
0.1 Q m Water 59.0 146.3 73.4
Sandstone 4.65 7.2 7.2
Limestone 7.5- 9.2 9.1 -10.2 9.1-10.2
Dolomite 6.8 8.7 8.7
Anhydrite 6.35 8.4 8.4
Shale 5.0-25.0 7.5- 16.7 7.5-16.7 Undisturbed
Frequency-dependent approximate values
Approximate values
Coil --..,.-.-;...++- +e:.~
... . .-,.. . . .. . .
where E0 =8.854x10-12 farads/m
E=dielectric constan! (farads/m) Electronics

Schematic diagram of 47 MHz dielectric

Baker Atlas offers dielectric logs at frequencies of 200 logging instrument in a wellbore.
and 47 MHz (Fig. 6-15). The 200-MHz pad device can be
run in highly conductive formations (= 3000 mmhos); it
has a vertical resolution of 3 in. (7 .6 cm) and a depth of
investigation of 5 in. ( 12.7 cm). The 47-MHz mandrel
device is restricted to formations having conductivities Dielectric Log
200 MHz
less than = 200 mmhos (> 5 ohm-m). It has a vertical res-
olution of 8 in. (20.3 cm) and depth of investigation of 5 Transmitter &
Decentralizer Receiver Electronics
to 10 in. ( 12.7 to 25.4 cm). The tool differences permit
the 200-MHz device to be used as a shallow-reading tool.
The 47-MHz device reads somewhat deeper, and a com-
bination of the two measurements allows estimates of lnvaded Zone
invasion and movable hydrocarbons. Investigation is
deep enough to minimize the affects of mudcake and
borehole signa! and to recognize sorne essential forma- primarily in
tion properties. Vertical resolution is excellent for both Receivers flushed zone
devices, allowing interpretative problems encountered in - {when deeply
thinly bedded reservoirs to be resolved. In addition, invaded

dielectric measurements can be performed in oil-based

mud, and the 200-MHz device is an effective indicator of
movable hydrocarbons (Rxo type measurement ) in wells
drilled with oil-based fluids.

Formation dielectric constant or permittivity (e) is influ-
enced by temperature and salinity, but in the ranges com-
monly encountered, the effects are not serious. The
dielectric constant (e) is a measure of a material's ability Schematic diagram of 200 MHz dielectric
to be polarized in an electric field. Resistivity values are logging instrument in a wellbore.
calculated from measurements of velocity and attenua-
tion of the high-frequency electromagnetic waves propa-
Flg. 6-15 - Baker Atlas Logging Services dielectric tools
gated through the formation.

The 47-MHz too! propagates its high-frequency waves Phase angle (0) is divided by a constant value of 3.384 to
through the formation where velocity alteration and determine the propagation time for the 47-MHz tool. The
attenuation occur. Wave velocity is found by measuring same method is used to determine propagation time (tp)
the phase difference between the signals at the tool's two for the 200-MHz too), but a constant of 5.486 is used.
receivers. Attenuation is determined from the ratio of far The different values are needed to correct for the differ-
and near receiver signa) amplitudes. A primary measure- ent too! configurations and were determined from
ment is propagation time (tp) , derived from the phase models. In addition to the dielectric constant (e), propa-
difference measurement and related inversely to the gation time and phase measurements can be used as an
velocity (Fig. 6-16). Log data are presented (labeled) as alternate method for distinguishing hydrocarbons from
ratio of voltage measured at the far receiver to voltage at fresh formation water.
the near receiver (R2AT), resistivity (R2SL), measured
propagation time (T2PL), computed dielectric constant Measuring the amplitude ratio and phase shift allows
(D2EC), and phase shift in degrees (P2HS). The number both dielectric constant and resistivity to be determined.
2 in labeled curves denotes 200-MHz data; the 2 is Instrumentation was numerically modeled, and those
replaced with a 4 when the data are from the 47-MHz charts are used by well-site computerized logging sys-
device. The equation used to calculate tpl is tems to process the dielectric constant (e) and resistivity
from the measured parameters (Figs. 6-17 and 6-18).
tpl = [0/ (360) (/) (L)] . 10 ,


f = transmitter frequency in GHz (either 0.2

or 0.047),

L = receiver spacing in meters (either

0.0762 m for the 200-MHz too) or 0.2 m
for the 47-MHz too!),

0 = phase difference measurement in


1.___..__~ - ~ -'--_..__...,.,._~~ -~-~
O 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150
Phase Degrees (47 MHz)
tpl = propagation time in nanoseconds/meter.

Fig. 6-17 - Transposed dielectric response chart (47 MHz)


. ,;,
~"r-, == > 80- Dielectrc
it:: s s: ~ Ratio Constan!
.e,,._ ~
1 1
' - e 1Fresh Water
"";; ;;:: -~ e 10
~ ~I>
~ -2.

=-- .. :i

-~ I:= >

~ 1.0
.... ?: 5
l<'.f -::: === -? ;
(Homogeneous Case)
,: i3 =;:~
I>- :i'.. 0.1
o 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
_, ,.._
> ,.j 11..,
Phase Fluid Degrees (200 MHz)
:. ::, ::
Fig. 6-16 - A typical presentation of a Baker Atlas Dielectric
Log Fig. 6-18- Dielectric fluid groups (200 MHz)

- 250 -
Porosity is calculated from dielectric measurements as For attenuation, it becomes

In either circumstance, the determined porosity (<!>) is

where water-fi lled pare space C<l>w)- Most Sw methods using
dielectric measurements assume the too! responds to
<I> DE = porosity derived from the dielectric log, hydrocarbons in the same way it responds to rock matrix.
Another assumption is that an insig nificant amount of
DEC1 = dielectric constant from the log, attenuation occurs in the matrix material.

DECma = dielectric constant of the matrix, If true porosity is compared to <l>oE, the water saturation
of the investigated zone should be given as

DECw = dielectric constant of the formation

water. In cases of extremely shallow invasion, the 47-MHz tool
may approach the depth of investigation needed to
tpl Saturation Technique provide a true calculation of Sw, but in most cases, its
measurement is affected by fluids in the transitional zone
Water saturation methods usi ng data from dielectric tools
encompass several formulae, but Atlas normally uses one
or both of two methods. One method is the lpt approach;
the t/J and attenuation measurements assume that a mate-
rial balance can be applied to the phase shift ancl/or atten-
uation measurements. The tpl saturation technique does 1,000,--..--- - - - - r - -- - - . - - - - - - - ,
not use porosity calculated from the dielectric log, but Dielectric Curve Fit Data
Phase Water vs. Rw
rather the porosity obtained from another source. The 200 MHz
phase-shift relationship is generally explained as

t pi = t pf . <p + ( 1 - <p) t pma , ;soo1 - -- --'<-- + - - - - - -+ - -- - - - 1
where Q.

tp = the propagation time from the log (ns/m),

'----- - - ~
0.01 0.1
-- - - - -'---- - ---'10
'Pf = total fluid propagation time (ns/m), and
Water Resistivity (ohm-m)

tpma = matrix propagation time (ns/m).

Water saturation may be calculated by 1,000, - --.-- - - - - .- - -- -- r - -- - - - ,

Dielectric Curve Fit Data

sw = (t pf - f
) / (t pw - t ph ) '
Phase Water vs. Rw

where t..
~5001 - - - -- - -- - ---+-------1
tp = total fluid propagation time (ns/m) .,

tph = hydrocarbon propagation time (ns/m),

O' - - - - - - - ~ - - - - --'--- - -- --'
0.01 0.1 10
Water Resistivity (ohm-m)
fpw = water propagation time (ns/m).

Water propagation time (ns/m) varies with frequency and

salinity. Fig. 6-19 - Curve-lit data

- 25 1-
o.a ---.----.--......--.-----.--......--r----,---r---r---r--.----.--,

Oielectric Constant
51 61


Dielectric Log
0.1 Homogeneous Case
No Lithology

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 11 O 120 130 140
Phase Angle ()

Fig. 6-20 - 47-MHz dielectric fluid groups

of invasion (RJ On the other hand, the 200-MHz device saturation and more hydrocarbon saturation as the dis-
is probably affected by flushed zone fluids (R 111) or tance frorn the water line increases. A crossplot of resis-
transition zone fluids (R:); this depends on the depth of tivity vs. phase angle can be rnodeled by transposing the
flushing. resistivity (conductivity) and arnplitude ratio curves
(Figs. 6-2 1 and 6-22).
Recall that both dielectric tools read frorn as little as 3 in.
(7 .6 cm) to as far as IO in. (25.4 cm) away frorn the bore- Cornbining both the resistivity and phase angle algo-
hole. Occasionally, the flushed zone (Rx0 ) is being rnea- rithrns for water salinity and ternperature suggests a rela-
sured, and the 200-MHz dielectric log can be said to pro- tionship between phase angle and water resistivity
vide a flushed zone saturation (Sx0 ). Sorne idea of the (Figs. 6-23 and 6-24). Curve-fitting techniques reduce
depth of invasion and invasion profile is necessary in slight errors that norrnally occur when cornbining two
order to ascertain the particular zone frorn which a satu- different algorithrns and give a one-to-one correspon-
ration value is obtained. In rnany cases, a pseudo-Sxo or dence between R11, and phase angle (Figs. 6-25 and 6-26).
pseudo-S11 , calculation is rnade. This is thc rnost disturb- A second polynomial curve fit has the forrn
ing factor of dielectric saturation calculations.
1/RII' = aP.} + bP1, , + e,
Calculation of Phase Water (P w) from Rw
If connate water resistivity (RII') is known, phase water
(?111) can be calculated frorn an ernpirical equation or R 111 is the connate water resistivity (ohrn-rn),
deterrnined by a chart (Fig. 6- 19). Plotting the hydro-
carbon, freshwater, and saltwater fluid groups on the P.., is the phase water value (degree),
rnodeled charts (Fig. 6-20) readily segregates ali three
groups. The curved line connecting the freshwater and and
saltwater fluid points forrns a water line; i.e., any water a, b, e are constants obtained separately for the 47-
points fall on that line regardless of salinity. Conversely, MHz and 200-MHz devices and provide high cor-
fluid points falling away frorn the line indicate less water relation coefficients (Table 6-3).

- 252-
Homogeneous Medium Dielectric

20 ~,
40 60 80 Dielectric Constan!

0.6 Amplitude Ratio t.- Temp F

.s '~, 300
1 1 ~5001 - - - -- -1_00_...,.._ _ _ _ _- + - - - -- - - ;
0.5 1

o.__ ______._______,_______ ~

15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 0.01 0.1 10

Phase Degrees (47 MHz) Water Resistivity (ohm-m)

Fig. 6-21 - Transposed dielectric response chart (47 MHz) Fig. 6-24 - Phase water values from Aw and temperature
(47 MHz)

1.000 ~ ~ -- -- ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - -~

Dietectric Curve Fil Data

Phase Water vs. Rw
200 MHz

101---jl--::--'lc-=i- -:--+--'=i--i,c:;1:::- + - -tt- + - - 1
2. :
f;;; ~ 5001 - - - - -->,--- + - - - - - - - + - - - - - - - - J
'; 1.01 - - t - - t - - t - - - t - - + --=,;...::""-ct:"-::f"'c"- 'ic-- - i ~
s Salina
: Water
(Homogeneous Case)

0.1 ' - - ~ - ~ - ~- ~ - ~ -~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
O 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
0.01 0.1
-- ---_,_-- - - -~ 10
Phase Fluid Degrees (200 MHz) Water Resistivity (ohm-m)

Fig. 6-22 - Dielectric fluid groups (200 MHz) Fig. 6-25 - Curve-lit data (200 MHz)

1,000 \1 1,000 ~ - - , - - - - - - , - - - - -- - ~ -- -----,

, 200 MHz Dielectric Curve Fit Data
Phase Water vs. R w
t,.. 47MHz

- \

~500 1-- - - - ----- - - - - -- + - - - - - -~

...... _. .__--=--======
O~ - - - - - ~ -- - - --_,_----- -~ O'------~ ---- - -_,_- - - - -~ 10
0.01 0.1 10 0.01 0.1
Water Resistivity (ohm-m) Water Resistiv,ty (ohm-m)

Fig. 6-23 - Phase water values from Aw and temperature Fig. 6-26 - Curve-fil data (47 MHz)
(200 MHz)

- 253 -
Phase Angle (<1>) and Sw Determination Method Combining the previous equations that solved for Pw
and/or Rw, phase material balance solution for Sw, and
The material balance equation relating phase angle to Archie Sw provides a method to crossplot phase fluid vs.
S11 is also used for pulsed neutron logs and for clean fluid resistivity. Use of 011/y the fluid values eliminares
formations; i.e., the effects of lithology and porosity. Excellent resolution
is provided at higher resistivities (]ow salinity), but the
P = Pma (l -<jl) + Pq>, usefulness of the charts diminishes at higher salinities.

where Empirical Fluid Resistivity vs. Phase Fluid Method

P = phase angle (degree), for Saturation Determination

P111a = phase matrix value (degree), Field experience with crossplotted data indicates less con-
vergence at higher salinities than originally expected anda
P = phase fluid value (degree), model was developed empirically (Fig. 6-27). Divergence
in the low-resistivity area of the chart is thought to be the
and resull of geometric spreading factors causing electromag-
<1> = porosity (%). netic waves to be less planar; i.e., pore geometry varia-
tions, dielectric loss in higher conductivity, etc.
In terms of water saturation (S11,), the equation becomes

P = P111a ( 1- q>) + P...,. Sw q> + Ph ( 1 - Sw) q>,

Pw = phase water value (degree)


P, = phase hydrocarbon (degree).

Phase Water vs. Water Resistivity Curve-Fit Constants

Constants 47MHz 200 MHz

200 PWLA = 283
Phase Fluid
a 4.0237 X 10-S 6.3926 X 1o-S

b 0.001232 0.004751
Fig. 6-27 - Dielectric empirical constan! exponen! model exam-
e -0.47696 -2.2677 ple (200 MHz)

Since the phase fluid value is A simplified calculation method uses fluid resislivity to
estmate an apparent phase-water (Pwa) line by rearrang-
P =[P - P111a(l-q>)]lq>, ing the P w equation given earlier,

the Sw solution can be simplified as

Pwla = { [b 2 - 4a (e - l!R)]112 - b) / 2a,
Sw = (P- P1,) / (Pw - P,).
Considering dielectric logs, the Archie Sw used with
resistivity logs can be applied as follows, Pwla = apparent phase water line calculated from
fluid resistivity, assuming the zone is wet.

The phase fluid-to-phase water line ratio, PI Pwla, pro-

where RoE is the dielectric resistivity. Dielectric fluid vides a saturation estmate,
resistivity (R) can be calculated from the relation
R= RoE / F, where F is the formation factor; therefore,
the Archie S11, is simplified for dielectric logs toread
where np is the empirical phase saturation exponent and
ranges from I to 3.

The 200-MHz tool example (Fig. 6-27) uses values of Shale compone nts are added as necessary . If S is
np = 2, R = 0.24, Pwla = 283, and P= 200, and yields
assumed to be 100%, the equation reduces to

Sw = (200/283) 2 = 50%. "'

'l'phs = (P-P ma )/(P w -P
) '

where the phs subscript is used only to distinguis h calcu-

If Papproa ches Pwla S,v approach es 100% . Field experi-
lated q> values and not to define true porosity values. ln a
ence indicates np values are > 2 in higher conductiv ity
hydrocarb on-bearin g interval, <l>ph~ will likely be less
zones. Compute r programs automatic ally compensa te for
changes in phase saturation compone nt as a function of than true porosity.
conductiv ity. Saturation charts for this method are also
available (Figs. 6-28 and 6-29). Data from actual field Therefore ,
results are shown in Figs. 6-30 and 6-31.

Salinity Determination
dcpendin g on the depth of investigat ion of the tool used
and depth of invasion. Typical phase values are listed in
Phase water value (P ,,) is determine d by rearrangin g the Table 6-4.
phase angle material balance equation and by using the
previousl y obtained empirical Sw data.

~ 1

; 0.1
0.01 '----'--'----'-_ _,__~...___J __,__ __,__ _..__..__~__,_ __,
100 200 300 400 500 o 100 200 300 400 500
Phase Fluid Degrees (47 MHz) Phase Fluid Degrees (200 MHz)

Fig. 6-28- Simplified empirical dielectric analysis (47 MHz)

Fig. 6-30 - Simplified dielectric analysis (200 MHz)

E 1O 30 50 70 90 100 Water Saturation (%)


~ lf--...\--Jl,-.\ -----'......,.A f--- - - 4 - - - - 1 - - - ~

8 ....
"'1 "'1
-~ z-
> :~
~ o.1t-- ---t- __c,.,-t-__::,......_-:::?-~2::"~~::::;;;::::::::---1
-~ 0 .1
a: Q)
5 ""
: :

0.01 L-----1--L--'- -'--...J._-"---' ----'---'--'--'- -..J...._J.._J, ___J'-----'

100 200 300 400 500 o 100 200 300 400 500
Phase Fluid Degrees (200 MHz) Phase Fluid Degrees (47 MHz)

Fig. 6-29 - Simplified empirical dielectric analysis (200 MHz)

Fig. 6-31 - Simplified dielectric analysis (47 MHz)

TABLE 6-4 - Phase Values for Sorne Common Materials The dielectric material balance equation can be rewritten
Typical Phase Values
Material (200 MHz) (47 MHz)

Air/Gas 12 6
Oil 26-37 16-22 Then an exponent w is introduced as w =m =n, and thus
Fresh Water (25C) 160 100 the material balance equation can be combined with an
Salt Water
Archie equation to become
Sand 25
Lime 52 32
Dolomite 48 30 SXOn MIi _ (S . ,.)w _ (t!. )w _
'I' - XO '!' - 't'phs -

Simplified Shale Corrections

Throw away the unnecessary parts, and it becomes

Obtaining effective Sw values in shaly reservoirs
requires a shale correction to dielectric logs. One method
is to provide a shale phase angle parameter to the mate-
rial balance equation,
The textura) parameter w is found by
P = Pns ( 1 - Vs,) + P sh Vsh ,

Again, assuming w =m =n, the Archie equation becomes
P = log phase value,

Psh = shale phase value from log,

P ns = phase value of ali components exclud- which means the same could be done with virgin zone
ing shale, data to provide

Vsh = shale volume fraction from GR or other

shale indicator. An example from the Wilcox formation in Louisiana
(U.S.A.) uses the following input data; <j) = 32%, P = 77,
Solving for P,w
R 111J = 0.5, R w = 0.04, R 1 = 7, and Rxo = 13 (from a MLL

P115 is the corrected phase value after removing shale Pw was calculated using R mf to be 224, and
effect and should be used for the P value in previous Sw
equations if shaly reservoirs are encountered. <Jlp1is =77-41 /224-41 =0.198.

Determining m and n from Dielectric Data The textura) parameter w becomes

Obtaining accurate input values to resolve saturation is w = Lag (0.5113) / Lag 0.198 = 2.01.
often complicated by the petrophysical parameters m and
n, and dielectric data can be used to improve the values. The Archie equation can then be used to calculate Sw as
Again, a look at Archie's Sw relations, follows,

Sw = (Rw Jf R1) 112 = (0.04 / 0.322 7) = 24%,

or and residual saturation can be calculated as

If a is assumed to be unity, then the equations can be

rewritten as
Micro Laterolog measurements provided the Rxo value.
Measurements from the two devices agree, and therefore,

or R mf IRxo -_ Sxon. ,.111

'!' movable hydrocarbon saturation = 61 - 24 = 37%

DETERMINATION OF POROSITY AND Sw is found by comparing FF! to<!>,
RESONANCE LOGS (MRL) S.., = 1 - (FF//<j>).

Since the late 1950s, measurements from magnetic reso- FF! can be compared to <l>e, and since it is not affected by
nance tools have been sought in order to resol ve reservoir water bound to matrix lattice, it is an effective <!> device in
parameters of Sw, <!>, residual oil saturation (S0 r), and hydrated minerals (gypsum, carnalite, polyhalite).
permeability (k). Such tools are one of severa! openhole
logging methods to estimate reservoir saturation. While other logs provide data from which to infer satura-
tion values, MRL devices directly sense S0 r and the logs
Magnetic resonance tools are designed to measure free do not rely on the accuracy of petrophysical parameters
movement of proton nuclear magnetic moments in the and other input to an equation. Until recently, magnetic
earth's magnetic field. A very strong DC polarizing mag- resonance tools required that drilling fluid be "doctored"
netic field (Hp) is directed into the formation and is with paramagnetic ions to ensure invading mud filtrate is
designed to aligo the spinning protons as nearly as possi- paramagnetic. This procedure reduces relaxation time so
ble to an axis perpendicular to the earth's magnetic field that FFI measurements respond only to the residual oil in
(HE)- A characteristic time constant for the spin polariza- the flushed zone (S0 r <j>). A newer version of the MRL
tion is called spin-lattice relaxation time (T 1). Full polar- too! does not require the drilling fluid to be "doctored"
ization requires about five times T 1 for the polarizing artificially. It is necessary, however, to displace high-
field to be affected. Following polarization, the too! is salinity drilling fluids with fresher mud prior to logging.
quickly turned off. Since the spins cannot follow such a
sudden change, the protons are momentarily abandoned MRL devices have been used effectively to identify
in a state of alignment (H- The Larmor frequency (f L = hcavy oil for more than 20 years. The instrument
y HE) describes the proton movement about the earth's responds to the heavy eructe as a solid (little to no FF! log
magnetic field, and y is the term describing the gyro- response), and any FF! signa! indicates free water in the
magnetic ratio of the proton (y = 4.2576 x I o3 Hz/G). formation because viscosity of water is < 1 cp, and the
Depending on the geographical location, Larmor fre- viscosity of the heavy eructes is severa) hundred centi-
quency vares from 1,300 to 2,600 Hz. A pickup coil with poise. Formations containing this eructe and demonstrat-
sinusoidal signa! frequency (f) is included in the spin ing any free water will probably produce water.
operation and has an amplitude proportional to the
number of protons in the formation. Lack of HE homoge-
neity causes the spins to dephase and result in an expo-
nential decaying sine wave with time constan! T2 and Until now, the saturation exponent n has been discussed
frequency f L only to the extent of Archie's original work more than 40
years ago. Archie relied on severa! sandstone core sam-
Measurements include evaluations of parameters of ples and four data sets to plot his saturation relationship
interest to formation evaluation specialists, including res- to resistivity (Fig. 6-32). The plot demonstrates why
ervoir engineers; i.e., Archie suggested that n was apparently near the value of
2. In general, the value of 2 has been reasonably well
Effective porosity, <l>e (%)
accepted, but criticism was heard early on, and it contin-
Irreducible water saturation, Sw (%) ues today.
Residual oi l saturation, S0 r (%)
Heavy oil recognition
Estimate of permeability, k

One of the principal measurements is free fluid index

(FF[), the volume of free fluid that is not bound electri-
cally or chemically to the clay lattice, to rock surfaces, or 0.1Q.___ _ _ __ _ _ j _ __ _ _ _ ___:.:,,,._:,-
to sorne other mineral lattice. This includes free oi l and 1 10 100
water but excludes irreducible water; therefore, R Resistivity of Oil or Gas Sand
Ro= Resistivity of Same Sand 100% Water-bearing
Relation of Sto Ro
or because Sxo + S0 ,. = 1,
Fig. 6-32 - Archie's data sets were used to construct his
saturation relationship.

-257 -
The first hint that n was more difficult to ascertain and
certainly not constant carne from work in the Soviet
Union that was reported by Hubert Guyod. Laboratory
results from severa! Baku sands showed n to vary from
1.64 to 4.2 (Fig. 6-33). Later, G. V. Keller investigated
rock wettability and found it to be a cause for variance in 10,000

n. 102 Keller's Bradford sand data (PA, U.S.A.) were plot-

ted as resistivity vs. water saturation and showed oil-wet
pores to exhibit completely different behavior from
water-wet pores (Fig. 6-34). Keller did find water-wet n
values to be near the value of 2.

'"O 10 20 50 100
z, Sw(%)
-~ 1O1 - - - - - 1 - - - - t - - - - - - - - t - + - - - - i Fig. 6-34 - Oil-wet and water-wet Bradford sands (PA. U.S.A.)
a: were found to have very difieren! saturation exponents (alter
Keller, 1953).

...... ......
'\ ._[1=8.0
'\ ...... _
50 i-....._
'\ ......
5 10
20 50 100 n = 2.0 '- ....... ...... ~
...... ...... ......
" '\ -
- ......
Fig. 6-33 - Results of laboratory saturation studies from the ...... ......
Soviet Union during the 1941 to 1948 era (reported by Guyod) '\
10 '\
- 1

After finding this disturbing difference, Keller and P.H. '\

Licastro made measurements on freshly drilled core 5
10 100 1,000
chips from the Bradford sand and found n results that Resistivity lndex
varied from 2 to 8 (Fig. 6-35). 116 These experiments
were not sophisticated by today's standards, but the basic Fig. 6-35 - Laboratory saturation measurements on Bradford
sand chips demonstrated the spread (alter Licastro and Keller,
results have never been questioned seriously because
time and further experiments have shown Keller's expla-
nation to be plausible for n variations in oil-wet and
water-wet rocks. Water coats the grains in water-wet res-
ervoirs, thereby providing a continuous path for ion con-
duction at any saturation. However, oil-coated grains trap
water in the middle of the pore and at low water satura-
tions; the water is separated from water in adjacent pores
(Fig. 6-36). The break in the conductive path will cause
resistivity to increase, resulting in a high value for n.


Further work in describing the affect of pore-size distri-

bution has been reported by K.M. Diederix a nd B.F.
Swanson.44 195 Capillary pressure data were used in both
experiments and the knees or bends of data are attributed
to grain coatings and microporosity (Fig. 6-38).

- _ .... --
.... '.:,.__:'-:.......
10L_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....L_ _ _ _ _,,,_:::.....J
Oil- 1 10 100
Wet Resistivity lndex
Fig. 638 - Data from Rotliegendes gas wells (North Sea) - SEM
inspection correlated the wells with the bend to be relatad to
microporosity (after Diederix, 1982 and Swanson, 1985).

Fig. 6-36 - Concept of water-wet and oil-wet grains As stated earlier, virtually all log evaluations are still per-
formed with n set at 2, while a few analysts believe n
should be set equal to m. The laboratory work with water-
wet and oil-wet samples effectively demonstrates that
Sweeney and Jennings performed experiments on water- oil-wet rocks often require n to be higher than 2 if more
wet and oil-wet carbonates. 196 While Kel ler's data showed accurate saturation and reserve calculations are to be
a sharp bend in data plots for both water-wet a nd oi l-wet obtained. The expense of special core analysis is war-
sand data, these carbonate experiments demonstrated a ranted for effective technical and economic decisions.
bend only with the oil-wet carbonate data (Fig. 6-37). The
oil-wet carbonate data al o bent in an opposite direction Close observation shows Archie made sorne implicit
from Keller's oil-wet data in sands. Sweeney and Jennings assumptions. 137
attributed the lack of a bend in the water-wet data to the
fact that their carbonate samples had large, well connected
( 1) The saturation-resist ivity relation is unique; there-
pores. The two groups of oil-wet data were interpreted to
fore, only one resistivity can be measured at a
be the result of pore-size distribution. given saturation.

(2) n is constant for a given porous medium.

Separate Oil-
Wet Trends
(3) Ali the brine contributes to the flow of electric
50 l------l-...,.,.r---1 1------.....:....:,i-. -..:E===--=----l curren t.

Nearly 50 years of experience and research have s hown

the rock-fluid relationship to pore saturation and resistiv-
ity is much more complicated. Few doubt that resistivity
is increased as hydrocarbon increases in comparison to
the conducti ve water in pores. Virtually ali electrical con-
\ duction relies on the transport of ions through the pore-
10L------ -'---~---' '---------' fi lling waters. Rocks with well-connected pore paths
1 10 100 1,000
Resistivity lndex filled with water allow the ions to flow easily, which
results in a low resistivity (R0 ). Rocks having sinuous
Fig. 6-37 - Laboratory saturation data on oil-wet and water-wet a nd constricted pore paths hinder the ion flow and result
carbonates (atter Sweeney and Jennings, 1956).
in a resistivity increase. Thus, conductivity is lessened. In
both cases, resistivity increases when nonconductive oil
or gas replaces sorne of the water.

- 259 -
The method in which fluids (or gases) are distributed in PRACTICAL WORK SESSION
pore space affects resistivity measuremenls. As a resull
Problem 1
of this conclusion, such factors as wettability, pore-size
distribution, and displacement history become importan!.
Given the values below, calculate water saturation,
Archie's assumptions are valid only whe11 the reservoir
assuming zero shale volume, and values of 11 = 2, m = 2,
a11d coreare strongly water wet.
and a = 1. Rw = 0.05 @ formation temperature.



Severa( complex saturation equations have been dis- ZoneA 55 22

cussed in detail. More than 30 saturation equations have
Zone B 20 12
been proposed and reported in the literature, and virtually
ali were targeted at resolving problems in shaly sand ZoneC 220 8
analyses. Perfection has not been achieved by any of the ZoneD 8 18
numerous equations. The complicated saturation equa-
Zone E 5 10
tions are not easily sol ved manually, but high-speed com-
puter processing makes efficient use of the complex algo-
rithms. The purpose here has been to expose the analyst Problem 2
to the more common methods and the philosophical
approach behind their origin and to provide insight as to Given the values below, calculate water saturation,
why certain relations are preferred by users of log data. assuming zero shale volume, and values of 11 = 2, m = 2.
amd a = 0.81 (the Ridgefield relation). Rw = 0.12 @ fo r-
For severa( years, it has been stressed that improvements mation temperature. Then, recalculate Sw changing m to
in rock physics are needed, and that more laboratory 2.15 anda to 0.62, (the Humble relation).
modeling and less emprica! content is required. Addi-
tionally, improved boreholes usually occur when oil- Ridgefield Humble
based muds are used, but that does not necessarily R1 <1> (%) Sw (%) Sw (%)
enhance the ability to acquire certain types of log data. In
fact, it inhibits the ability to acquire sorne types of infor- Zone A 20 28
mation. Highly deviated and horizontal wells with Zone B 30
extended reach of up to 6,000 ft ( 1830 m) present new
obstacles for the science of formation evaluation. Smaller ZoneC 15 15
boreholes are planned for exploration and possibly for ZoneD 12 12
development wells downstream, and they create another
barrier that must be transcended by logging companies.
Most purchasers of log measurements have little interest Problem 3
in the hardware requirements for data acquisition, but
they do require accurate saturation results. Given the following values for input as necessary, calcu-
late Sw using ( 1) a straight Archie relationship, and then
Since its inception, scientists have been seeking alterna- (2) using the Waxman-Smits equation.
tives to Archie's equation, and although the many
attempts have not resulted in a total success, it is impor- Given: a = 0.81, m = 2.0, 12 = 2.0
tant to continue research. Therefore, as the size and Vsh = 10%, Rsh = 5 ohm-m
number of new petroleum discoveries shrinks, the chal- Rw = 0.05 ohm-m @ l 80F
lenge to measurement technology and economic commit- B= 14
ment are: R 1 = 10 ohm-m
Resolving the problems of scale CEC= 16
QV = 1.27
Correlating different magnitudes of data
A generalized form of the Waxman-Smits saturation
equation is
Acquiring a better understanding of the heteroge- FxR w
neous and anisotropic nature of reservoir rocks
s \V
R1 [ ( 1 + R,) B Q) / S1/
*Use the Sw value calculated from the Archie relationship.

- 260-
100 o
tpf = tQI - tE!!!!8 (1 - +)
90 + 10

80 20
" 15

lpma 10 50 Sv,(%)

' 10

lp1 70
Sw = tQf - tQh
tpw - tph

t ph

o 10 20 30 40 50 100

Porosity, +(%)

Problem 4 Problem 5

Given the following 200-MHz log data, the necessary Given the following data, use the phase method to deter-
parameters, and the 200-MHz chart, determine tp and mine P 1.
pseudo-Sw (as the case may be).
Pma = 7.5 / 0.18227 =41
tpma = 7 .5 ns/m tpw = 85 ns/m p\V = 85 / 0.18227 =466
t pi = 17 .5 ns/m tph = 5 ns/m p
q, = 30% = 17 .5 / 0. 18227 =96
P1, = 510.1 8227 =0.3
Enter the left side of the chart with the ,,mw
value. Con- <I> = 30%
struct a straight line from tpma through the crossplot inter-
section of the q, and tpl values to find tp From the tp
value, project a line through the crossplot intersection of
lpw and lph to the right scale and read the saturation
Problem 6
Given the Problem 5 data and your answer for P,, deter-
= s\V = ___ _ _ mine saturation from the following phase equation.

-26 1 -
Problem 7

Given the following calculated results for q> and Sw,deter-

mine the depth intervals of water-free oil production, the
transition zone, and the oil-water contact. Indicate each
with brackets around those depth intervals.

Depth (m) <!> (%) Sw(%)

3000 23 43
3001 22 42
3002 24 38
3003 22 41
3004 24 38
3005 22 52
3006 20 58
3007 18 74
3008 19 83
3009 21 80
3010 22 78
3011 24 83
3012 23 93
3013 22 98
3014 23 101
3015 21 102
3016 23 100

Problem 8

A carbonate reservoir was drilled with salt-based rnud

(Rm= 0.06 ohrn-rn @ forrnation temperature) into a res-
ervoir that has an Rw = 0.04 ohm-m @ forrnation temper-
ature. Values of a = 1, m = 2, and n = 2 were used in the
calculations. Porosity was derived from cornpensated
density rneasurernents using a value of 2.79 for Pma
Deep induction resistivities rneasured across the reser-
voir interval range between 1O to 600 ohrn-rn. Satura-
tions from 9,810 through 9,818 feet are believed to be
transitional above an oil-water contact at 9,820 feet.
Given the following calculated results for <!> and Sw ,
describe why the Sw results rnight be in error.

Depth (ft) Apparent Re <!> (%) Sw (%)

9,800 200 10 14
9,802 600 8 10
9,804 600 6 14
9,806 100 12 17
9,808 150 10 16
9,810 500 9 10
9,812 120 8 23
9,814 15 9 57
9,816 10 10 63
9,818 9 12 56
9,820 8 10 71

- 262-
Analyzing Porosity/Saturation Results and
Estimating Permeability and Productivity 7

The saturation, porosity, and shale volume of reservoir The log of Rx0 /R1 can also be plotted against SP(Fig. 7-
rocks are the values typically used to decide if a well is 2). If SP = O, the ratio Rxo/R1 should equal zero, and
productive, what the production will be, and to estmate points reading less than the water line should define
how much permeability exists. These parameters are potential pay zones (S"' < 1). Properly scaled parallel Sw
used to calculate reserves in place, and with accurate res- lines can be constructed to allow quick Sw estimates.
ervoir data, can be extended to estmate reserves for a However, streaming potential on the SP can lead to
large geographical area. Cl ients buy logging and inter- overly optimistic estimates, and very deep invasion can
pretation services to answer these questions, and it is result in pessi mistic determinations. This is nothing more
extremely important that the answers they receive from than a ratio method for saturation determination; Rx0 IR1=
log analysts are correct. R,,,I Rw in water-bearing horizons, and the two data sets
will diverge in permeable oil or gas zones.

There are severa! cross checks available to ensure log

analyses are within acceptable tolerances. The most obvi-
ous is local knowledge of particular reservoirs. Industry
personnel familiar with a reservoir have a perception of cf
the porosity and saturation range that normally occurs a:
within that particular reservoir. Obviously, saturations .2 f?_ .. __
calculated much higher than !00% are an indication of
error. If saturations in known water zones do not
approach 100%, there is also something wrong. If poros-
ity is much higher or lower than normally encountered,
the log data merit further investigation. Most errors in a
log analysis are not so readily identifiable, and crossplot SP-
methods have been devised to check results for accuracy
Fig. 7-2 - Sw can also be determined from Rxo and Rt data that
and clarity. are crossplotted vs. SP, and the results can be compared to con-
ventional saturation results.
Rw and Sw Determination

In water-bearing horizons, Sw and S,w should always be Rwa versus Gamma Ray
equal to 100%; therefore, RmIRw = RxolR1 and a plot of
log R,w vs. log R1 allows calculation of a water line
(Fig. 7-1). Values that depart from 100% water should In many cases, a crossplot of computed Rwa values vs.
fall below the water line. This technique works best when gamma ray deflections will approximate the Rw value
R,,,> Rw and formation water salinity does not vary con- despite shaliness variations. The water line will extend
siderably with depth. Values less than the water line can from the "clean" gamma ray value and Rw through the
also be calibrated for Sw . shales (Fig. 7-3). Hydrocarbon-be aring intervals wi ll plot
above the line.

log Rwa versus SP

o / This technique defines the Rw value on either a straight
X /
a: line or curve. Curves are found in intervals where salinity
Cl / Assume: Sxo = Sw0.2
.2 / gradually vares with depth, such as encountered across
/ Then:
A RxofRt = (RmIRw) (SwlSxcl2
unconformities or in overpressured zones (Fig. 7-4).
/ < Sw = (Rmt/Rw) (Sw1 .6)
/ log <j> versus log R,
Archie's equation can be rewritten as
Fig. 7-1 - Sw can be determined from !he crossplot and com-
pared to conventional saturation results. R1 = function of 111, F, Rw, n, S11, .

- 263 -

"1-..e\ /
<1> =100% ....
~~/ j.

Hydrocarbon Sw= (Ro/Rt)n

l Effect


1 /
,,. ,,. Shaly Sands
log Rt ..

Rw Fig. 7-5 - Pickett plots are also useful in clarifying conventional

- an Sand (Sw = 1.0)
/ log analysis results.

GammaRay - Ringle Plots

Fig. 7-3 - Confirmation of Rw accuracy in shaly sands can be
made by crossplotting Rwa vs. gamma ray. The Hingle plot can be used in the same manner as the
Pickett plot to cross-check answers with the values used
in the original computation of log data.

Many companies use either Pickett or Hingle plots for

quality control. When a few sets of well data have estab-
lished a pattern (R 1 vs. <!>) in a given reservoir, a master
plot is used for comparison to the plotted data on new

l ~
wells as they are logged.

a: Movable Hydrocarbons
Archie's saturation equation applies to saturation deter-
mination in the flushed zone as well as the virgin reser-
voir. If the proper log measurements are available,
flushed zone saturation (S_w) can be determined. Cross-
plots of log Sw vs. log Sxo characterize the amount of
Positive o Negative
flushing from filtrate invasion (Fig. 7-6).
Basically, S_w = S1/ when x = l, and there has been no
Fig. 7-4 - A crossplot of log Rwa vs. SP can also be used to
confirm Rw values used in conventional analysis.
flushing of movable hydrocarbons. lf x = 0.15 to 0.2,
extensive flushing, high permeability, light ol, or an
overbalanced mud system can be the cause. Saturation
results of the movable ol plot (MOP) interpretation tech-
nique are known to be very sensitive to drilling mud, res-
ervoir rock characteristics, and Rxo Nevertheless, log
The log-log crossplot defines the water line (S11, = 1) by evaluation methods can be evaluated using the plot of
the lowest resistivity data if porosity and water salinity log Sxo vs. log Sw to check flushing efficiency. The
remain constant (Fig. 7-5). The slope of the water line importan! point of the plot "after processing" is that data
defines the m exponent, and the intersection of the line should fall within the limits illustrated (Fig. 7-6).
with 100% porosity defines Rw. Points plotting to the
right of the water line should be hydrocarbon bearing. Tabular Lists of the Processed Log Data
The plots can be made with acoustic, density, or density-
neutron crossplot data. This plot is simply a standard Whether log analysis is manual or computerized, a list of
Pickett plot being used to clarify the results. If a known the calculations should be made. Sw values should never
Rw is used, the water line should intersect at the proper exceed 100%, but sorne statistical limit (3% to 5%) can
value. The a and m values shou ld be approximately the be tolerated. Flushed zone saturation lists should also
same as those used in the original analysis. show a statistical limit within 3 to 5 percentage points of

- 264-
(2) What is the gross and net pay thickness?
Water Point

.... --- ---

--- ------
S)(o== Sw '.------

/ /

What is the average saturation and average poros-
ity of each potential pay zone?

Are the zones sufficiently permeable?


(5) What will the zones produce?

u:i:~;y /:: /

/ +-
/ 0~
/ //
/.+ Unfortunately, the numbers game is often implemented
in too many areas. As an example, Sw = 50% is often used
/ //
Ol as a cutoff value. The assumption is that any zone where
.2 / 0+
/ Sw>50% is water productive and any zone with Sw<50%
/ is hydrocarbon productive. Be suspicious of such home-
/ spun rules. Experience in many areas and particular res-
/ ervoirs may empirically define certain q> and Sw values as
cutoffs, but the source and validity of those numbers
logSw - - should always be suspect until proveo otherwise.
Fig. 7-6 - Crossplots of log Sw vs. log Sxo to determine flushing
efficiency as well as checking the accuracy of exponentials used Oil company management needs answers to the five
in saturation calculations questions in order to weigh technical positives and nega-
tives against economics. A simple quote of q>, Sw, and
ner thickness values is futile because the oil company
manager needs figures on reserves, potential recovery,
100% in porous and permeable water-bearing zones. In and the monetary value of porential production vs. cost
those water-bearing horizons, Sw == 100%; therefore, S.w es timates.
values should also approximate 100%.
Sw versus q> to Determine Sw
lf Rw , formation temperature, a, m, and n values, and q>
are accepted as accurate, the analyst should look else- Having determined and accepted values of q> and S 11, , rec-
where for error and determine if the correct deep resisti v- ognize that a reservoir at irreducible water saturation will
ity device was used. No too! truly measures R1 lf R,,, = produce no water, but zones in transition will produce
R11, or R,,,< Rw ,an induction device will virtually always sorne water (Fig. 7-7). The value of Sw and the volume of
be pessimistic because the tool is strongly influenced by pore space have a large effect on the amount of water
the conductive column of borehole fluid. Results might produced from transition zones.
be relatively accurate at 100% S11 ,,but they will be exces-
sively pessimistic in hydrocarbon- bearing ho1izons. lf a given rock type remains relatively consistent but
demonstrates a variation in porosity, a crossplot of S 11
On the other hand, if a laterolog device was used (same and q> data will form a hyperbola if the reservoir is at
R,,, and Rw conditions), it may be somewhat inaccurate irreducible conditions (Fig. 7-7), or data that fall within
in the water-bearing zones because the laterolog "seeks" tolerable limits of a hyperbola represent those depths that
resistive rather than conductive events. Below I ohm-m, are at S;w Log-derived S11, can be determined in granular
the laterolog measurement is often 0.1 to 0.2 ohm-m opti- rocks based on the relationship <!> S;w if the grain size is
mistic, and S11, values may have to be adjusted to force consistent. The hyperbola is defined by the hyperbolic
Sw = 1. This slight adjustment seldom causes any sub- equation,
stantial change in the pay zones (e.g., 30 ohm-m might be
adjusted to 30.2 ohm-m). C = function of (<!> S;w),


C = constant for a particular intergranular

Once satisfied that porosity and saturation of potentially
rock type and grain size.
productive intervals are adequately defined, other ques-
tions remain to be answered.
A geological horizon yielding <!> and S w data that fall
along such a hyperbolic pattern will produce no water,
( 1) Which zones will produce? only oil and/or gas.

-265 -


Water Cut= O
(Water Free Hydrocarbon
(/) 22
~ Above Transition
c.. 20
e'." Sw=Sw,
='= 1 18
g t 1
- 1;;::;::;i Sw > Sw,
Water Cut> O


Water Zone Sw = 1000/o 12

o 100
Water Saturation, Sw (%) 10

Water Cut> O

20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 7-8 - Comparison of Sw vs. Swc

Water Saturation, Sw (%)

irreducible conditions. An S11, of 25% might be the value
calculated at 15% porosity, whereas S;w may be consider-
Fig. 7-7 - Crossplots of computed porosity and saturation values ably less when porosity is 25%. Nevertheless, hyperbolas
are very importan! interpretive tools.
can be established for both S;w and Swc if one saturation
condition is known.

In transition zones, Sw wi ll begin to increase with depth

and the cross-plotted data points will not form a coherent This technique works within acceptable tolerances if
hyperbolic pattern. Although the data are below 100% grain size or rock type does not vary. Different grain sizes
Sw, the zone may produce more water than hydrocarbon. or lithologies tend to result in different hyperbolic data
Critica! water saturation, (SwJ, is the value that defines sets for S;w conditions (Fig. 7-9), and two or more S111
the point at which most, if not ali, the production will be hyperbolas might occur in such circumstances. Recogni-
water. Jf S111 is well defi ned, Swc can be e timated, tion of such changes becomes importan!, especially if
construction of a Swc hyperbola is also planned. Once
again, the importance of correlating certain log data to
other types of borehole information is prerequisite.
The "rule-of-thu mb" method can be reversed to estimate
S;w if a reasonable idea of Swc is available; i.e.,
The C value is representative of the hyperbola. An S;w of
25 % and q> of 20% would become a C of 0.05. At this
irreducible condition, if q> = 10%, S111 ,,, 50%, and where
For example, if S;w = 25 %, then S111c = 50% (Fig. 7-8). q> = 15%, S;w ,,, 33%. Most reservoirs have a relatively
The problem with such estimates is that porosity varia- constant C value, and the method just described works
tions change the saturation values for both critica! and well as long as reservoir porosity has sorne variation.

25 Production
Capillary Pressure Reservoir Behav1or
Coarse- Medium- Fine-
Grained Grained Grained

20 o:" Above Sw S1w Clean Oil
~ Transition No Water Cut
~ ------
- --Sw > S 1w - -
(but < 100%) pce8SiQ
15 '1 Aquifer S., 100% Water Only
O '' 50

q,(%) ----+-s..
s, ---t-
10 Relativa Permeabll1ty

A = lntersect1on of kro and kn,w curves. 011 and

water now al equal ease. Hence, watercut
5 is 50% . Position on capillary pressure
curve defines elevation (height) in reser-
voir above free water table.

B = Residual od saturatJon (nonmovable 01I).

1 50 Th1s oil cannot be recovered by water
20 40 ftood1ng, only by enhanced recovery.

60 80 100 s,-:::::=:.s.. C lrreducble, nonmovable water sa1uration
Frac1ional Flow characteristic for a specific reservolr rock.
Waterfree production from reservolr occurs
Fig. 7-9 - Effect of grain size on saturation results above elevation of point C, provided proper
zone isolation (cementat1on) is present.

Permeability Estimates

In many cases, values of porosity and permeability are so 100

s, ::::::::: s,.
related; in other situations, no relationship exists. A gen-
eral empirical relationship [k = Cq//(S,vf'], first proposed
by Wyllie and Rose, incorporates Siw The basis of the Fig. 7-10 - Basis of the Wyllie-Rose concept to determine per-
relationship was illustrated by comparing permeability to meability
Sw, which did not make permeability dependent on
porosity (Fig. 7- 1O). The general expression led to sev-
era] emprica] estimates of permeability by using Sw and
<j) values from well logs.

The hyperbolic equation C = <j) S"' permits an estmate

of Sw to be made over the entire zone of interest. As the 10.---------= ----------- -. k Permeability, md. for oil
Wyllie-Rose work demonstrated, e was related to perme- 0.1 For Gas, Permeability = k(0.1)
1.0 2.5
60 5 10
ability (k) as were <j) and Sw. For log analysis purposes, C
is used, but the relationship to permeability is clearly
related in the equation (although the dependency of per- J 50
meability on porosity was not discussed). o
~::, 40
Severa( investigators have presented emprica] relation- o

ships to estmate permeability from log data. Reliable Q)

log-derived Sw values permita more realistic estmate of ~Q)

formation permeability, and ali the log relationships find :o

their origins in the Wyllie-Rose concept. The two most 'O

commonly used equations are the Morris and Biggs ]

equation (Fig. 7-1 1) and the Ti mur equation (Fig. 7-12),

Morris and Biggs 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Porosity, +(%)

Use of either chart requires Sw and <j), and the permeabil- Fig. 7-11 - Morris and Biggs chart and equation to determine
ity result is read at the intersection of the crossplot point. permeability from log data

- 267-
determined from crossplots of Sw and <I> have been sug-
gested as

~ 'e
80 25 '"'>leq . and
50 '6,1
'Y,% kro = [(0.9 - S,)/(0.9 - Sw)f,
~ 70 100
c where
-~ k,w = relative permeability to water,
o 50
C/) and k,v = relative permeability to oil.
j 40
Based on laboratory data, the relationship for relative gas
:o permeability (krg) in a simultaneous gas-water flow may
be expressed as
krg = [l -(S111 -Sw) / (1 -Sw)l { 1 -

[(Sw - S;w) I (l - S;,)l 114 . s,/4 l i12_

Graphic solutions (Fig. 7-13) are available for these

Porosity, ,p (%)

Relative permeability for a fluid is the ratio of the effec-

Fig. 7-12 - Timur chart and equation to determine permeability
from log data (alter Timur, 1968). tive permeability for that fluid to the absolute permeabil-
ity. Therefore, the relative permeabilities for water, gas,
and oil are represented by

Severa! assumptions are built into the charts. The chart is

good only for the portion of a reservoir that is at irreduc- and
ible conditions, and the hydrocarbon is assumed to be
medium-gravity oil. A correction factor for the hydrocar-
bon can be used if necessary; i.e.,

C' = - 1 + 0.00083 Pc1. + 0.02 )
sin( Js; . . - 0.04) , k,w, k,.g, kro are the relative permeabilities for
water, gas, and oil,
Pe = capillary pressure (psi), k11. , k8 , and k0 are their respective effective per-
S;w = irreducible saturation at the Pe eleva-
tion, and the sin function is given in The ratio of relative permeabilities for any two fluids is
degrees. equal to the ratio of effective permeabi lity for those
Ali permeability equations have worked well in a given
reservoir or field , but ali have also failed to provide ade- After relative permeability values are calculated from the
quate answers in other fields or reservoirs. The perme- equations, the ratios of effective permeabilities for the
ability equations are often modified to yield values com- fluids are determined. The only additional data needed to
parable to core-derived permeabilities; i.e., log data are calculate the water-gas or water-ol ratio and the
calibrated to core data whenever possible. expected water cut are the specific fluid properties (reser-
voir volume factors for oil and/or gas and the oil-water
Water-Oil and Water-Gas Ratios and/or gas-water viscosity ratios). These properties
cannot be determined from well logs but are obtainable
Mathematical relationships between the relative perme- from produced samples, test samples, or empirical
ability values for water and oil as a function of Sw and S;w relationships.



k,0 =O


l c,f 70

c,f ,Q
,Q :,
1 ;
; ai
(/) ; 50
ai 3::
3:: ~
'6 V)
~ a:

krw = [(Sw - S,wl / (1 - S,w)]3 k,0 = [(0.9 - Sw) / (0.9 - S,w)) 2

o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Irreducible Water Saturation, S,w (%) Irreducible Water Saturation, S,w (%)



k,9 = [1 - (Sw - S,w) / (1 - S,wll

11 - [(Sw - S,w) / (1 - S,w)]' Sw' i '"

O 1O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Irreducible Water Saturation, S,w (%)

Fig. 7-13 - Charts and equations to estmate relative permeability to water, to oil, or gas

- 269 -
Yiscosity data for formation water and various eructes are A quick-look graphical estmate of water cut in reservoir
given in Figs. 7-14 and 7-1 5. Values for dry, wet, and rocks that contain either very light-, light-, medium-, or
very rich natural gases are also given Fig. 7- 16. From the low-gravity oil can be made from emprica! charts
given informatio n sources, the water-oil ratio (WOR) or (Fig. 7- 17).
water-gas ratio (WGR) can be calculated,

Salinity in ppm NaCI

where 0.8

80 , Bg = reservoir volume factors for oil and gas,

kw = effective permeability of water, a.

?:- 0.6
k0 effective permeability of oil, ;
kg = effective permeability of gas, >
ll,,v water viscosity at reservoir conditions, ~ 0.4

0 oil viscosity at reservoir conditions, 0.3

g = gas viscosity at reservoir conditions.
Water-Cut Estimates 0. 1

The anticipated water cut for any well test, completion, o..__..___ _..__ ___._______._ __.__ _....
68 100 150 200 250 300 350
and production attempt can be estimated by
Reservoir Temperature, F

WATER CUT= WGR/(l + WGR). Fig. 7-14 - Chart used to estmate vscosty of water

100. , . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,
- 80
~ 60 Gas-Saturated Crude
Gas-Free (STO) Crude ~ 40 al Reservoir Conditions
<O e 20

::, 10
~ a. ci 8
u. (J (/)
U) := -g
C) o"' 4
o ~ ~
~ ~ ci 2 ,~()
; 3 Q)
o(J ,-~(l
, ,,
"' a.
U) '.J? E
> U) Q)

"' 1-
C) ~
- o
o 2: 0.4 '
.., ...:OO Solution Gas-Oil
Ratio, cu ft/bbl
D -~ ~ -\,~oO
<{ U) Q)
8 a: 0.2
U) -
20 30 40 50 60 2

Crude Gravity, API (at 60 F and Atmospheric Pressure) Viscosity of Dead Oil, cp
(Al Reservoir Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure)

Fig. 7-15 - Charts used to estmate viscosity of difieren! crude oils

-270 -
Dry Gas Wet Gas Aich Gas
O.OS o.os

0.04 0.04

0.03 0.03

> 0.02 0.02 0.02

0 .015 0.01

Gravity = 0.6

100 200 300 400 500

Temperature , F Temperature, F Temperature, F

Fig. 7-16 - Charts used to estmate viscosity of different natural gases

DETERMINATION OF HYDROC ARBON TYPE <l>N) may be apparent across sand reservoirs, but it may or
may not be caused by gas affect. As much as 7 pu of
Identifying producible hydrocarbo ns and estimating their crossover can occur from the incompatible scaling; i.e.,
volume in place is relatively easy once the type of hydro- porosity was calculated on a limestone scale although the
carbon is known. Compressibility, temperature, pressure, reservoir is sandstone. Peculiarities such as these often
etc. ali become importan! to the petroleum engineer who arise in routine log analysis, and the purchasers of log
must determine productivity rates at surface conditons data are often unaware of such idiosyncrasies.
as well as downhole. The analyst must a lso become
familiar with reservoir decline curves because production
decline is very important in the analysis and manageme nt Hydrocarb on density can be estimated from neutron and
of hydrocarbo n reservoirs. It is imperative to determi ne density measureme nts that are corrected for temperatur e
hydrocarbo n type quickl y. and excavation effects (Fig. 7-18). Two charts are illus-
trated; one for compensat ed neutron devices and one for
Gas detection is usually not difficult. Quite often, mud sidewall neutron tools. The charts are relatively simple to
log analysis has given effective information (gas or use - values of <l>Nl<l>v define the entry point to intersect
liquid) prior to running wi reline logs. Crossover methods with the calculated hydrocarbo n saturation (1 - S"').
(<!>o or <l>Ac >> <l>N) often identify gas-bearing horizons Sorne apprehensi on may still remain after determinin g
promptly, but the analyst must be wary of the matrix hydrocarbo n density from the chart. An empirical chart
parameters and scaling compatibil ity used to calculate relating estimated gas pressure to estimated formation
and display those porosity values. temperatur e gives an approximat ion of the density of dry
gas in a particular reservoir (Fig. 7-19). In general, dry
Nevertheless, qualitative gas detection from logs can be gas is less than 0.3 g/cm 3 for most conditio ns. Oil densi-
difficult in sorne shaly sand reservoirs and is often con- ties as low as 0.55 g/cm 3 (high API) and as high as
fusing in mixed lithologies. For example, if log porosity 0.9 g/cm 3 (low API) occur. Liquid condensate should
is recorded from a computed limestone matrix value, and fall into the gray area separating dry gas (0.3 g/cm3 or
the true formation lithology is dolomite, the crossover or less) and ol (0.55 g/cm3 or greater). Reasonable esti-
reversal of the neutron and dens ity traces may not occur mates of the upper limit of Pg and the lower limit of p
because of lithology responses. In such a situation, are of great help in resolving the dilemma. Most conden-
although manual or computerized analysis determines sate tends to fall in the 0.45 to 0.55 range of the chart
accurate values of porosity and saturation, the user may (Fig. 7- l 8), leaving a questionab le prediction when
remain unsure of the hydrocarbo n type. values from 0.52 to 0.60 occur. The quality of log data
and proper corrections to the measureme nts are critica!.
Another example is the recording of density and neutron In the API range of 46 to 52, prediction of hydrocarbo n
logs with a limestone porosity display. Crossover (<j) >> type is also difficult, but liquid is predictable .

-271 -

Very Light Oil (65 API) Light Oil (35 API)

rif 50




o..__ __._____,,__.......,__.A-,,-_ ___,...,,...._ ___....,.__ _.

1O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Water Saturation, Sw (%) Water Saturation, Sw (%)

Medium Gravity Oil (27 API) Heavy Oil (19 API)



o..__ ___,,_________..__........__ __.___

1O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 1O 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Water Saturation, Sw (%) Water Saturation, Sw (%)

Fig. 7-17 - Charts used to estimate water cut in the transition zone of an oil reservoir


Problem 1 (a) True

Is it true that log derived values of porosity and water sat- (b) False
uration alone can differentiate between good and mar-
ginal production? Circle the appropriate answer. (e) Not enough inforrnation

Compensated Neutron Sidewall Neutron

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0 .8 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Hydrocarbon Density, ph
Hydrocarbon Density, p h

Fig. 7-18- Estimation of hydrocarbon density

o Problem 2
1 Circle the appropriate answer below. If the grain size or

~ 3
lithology change within a reservoir, then the constant "C'
of the Sw vs. <I> plot is

4 (a) Still valid
(/) 5 (b) Not valid
(.'.) (c) partially valid
ci 7
-,~ 8
Problem 3
9 In the following Sw and <I> values, calculations were above
10 the transition zone and can be assumed to be at irre-
0.1 0.2 ducible conditions (S;w) A permeability estimate can be
P (g/cm3)
made from the log data. Estimate the permeability in
Fig. 7-19 - Estimation of gas density at reservoir conditions each zone; first using the Morris and Biggs chart (or
equation), and second using the Timur chart (or equa-
<I> (%) S ;w (%) Morris/Biggs Timur
ZoneA 20 30
Zone B 25 20
ZoneC 12 40
Zone D 35 21
Zone E 18 35

Problem 4 Problem 7

What is the water viscosity for a 180,000-ppm NaCI Given the following sandstone porosity and saturation
solution at 200F? Circle the appropriate answer below. values, first determine the hydrocarbon density for each
zone and then predict the type of production to be
(a) 0.46 cp expected.
(b) 0.50 cp
(e) 0.32 cp Zone <l>cN <l>o Sw p, Type of Production Expected
(d) Not enough information
A 0.30 0.35 0.25
Problem 5
B 0.20 0.33 0.40
What is the relative permeability to oil in a zone with Sw
= 20% and Sw = 60%? Circle the correct answer below. e O.JO 0.17 0.50

D 0.18 0.23 0.40

(a) 0.18
(b) 0.10
E 0.30 0.33 0.30
(e) 0.14
(d) Not enough information
Problem 8

Problem 6 A formation 10,000 ft deep has an estimated reservoir

temperature of 220F. Estmate the pressure you would
What is the predicted water cut for a zone at Sw = 50% expect at that depth, and determine an estmate of p8 for
and Sw = 20% for a 35 APl oil? Circle the appropriate the reservoir.
answer below.

(a) 45%
(b) 15% Problem 9
(e) 25%
(d) Not enough information lf the estimated formation pressure is "" 3,000 psi and the
estimated formation temperature is "" l 60F, determine
In !he fo/lowing problems, you are given average density the expected p8 for the reservoir in question.
and neulron porosities (determined using !he given
matrix parameters) and average water saturation values
ar the following indicated zanes. Reservoir temperature
and pressure va/ues are also listed where necessary. Con-
sider that the proper corrections have been made to the
log data. Use !he previous charts (Figs. 7-18 and 7-19)
and record the answers determined from the charts.


BAKER ATLAS LOGGING SERVICES In general, wireline logging cable is the lifeline, a type of
DEPTH-CO NTROL SYSTEM elastic umbilical cord, that connects the downhole mea-
suring systems to surface systems where the measure-
Depth measurements are the most fu ndamental parameter ment data are processed into the log data that is used to
determincd during wireline logging operations. The abil- interpret reservoir petrophysical and geological attributes
ity to accurately measure and resol ve depth permits wire- of potential reservoirs. Simply put, the logging instru-
line loggi ng techniques to offer unique depth-related mentation is suspended at the end of the cable, often sev-
information. As in any measurement system, the depth- eral thousand feet or meters below the surface, and that
control system relies on calibration and verification. In cable will have sorne elastic slretch similar to that
openhole logging operations, the wireline cable is the observed with a strong rubber band at a more observable
only device that can be used to accurately determine depth scale. As long as tension and elastic coefficient of the
of the logging instruments. The depth calibration is based cable are known, the true length of the cable can be deter-
on known and measurable properties relating to cable mined. The stretch coefficient (K) of the cable is obtained
stretch characteristics, and the verification procedure by using an extensiomete r or "stretch meter" to measure
ensures accurate compensation for variations in the effec- its elongation when tension is varied at precise amounts,
tive length of the cable as a function of tension variations. and calculated as follows,

Using current technology, several assumptions are inte- K = !J.1./L X .T,

grated with a knowledge of known cable characteristics
to define both the accuracy and limitations of the system. where
Both cable characteristics and the method of measuring
cable length contribute to accurate depth measurement. M = change in length (ft),
An inelastic or permanent stretch will always occur with
L = sample length (ft),
new cable when it is first put into service. This permanent
e longation of the cable length generally occurs during the .T = change in tension (lbf),
first 30 logging runs (or less) for a well-designed cable.
Permanent stretch is approximately I ft (0.3 m) per and
1,000 ft (300 m) of cable. After "seasoning," the cable
will perform asan elastic member without further creep. K = stretch coefficient (ft/ft per lbf).
Factors effecting inelastic stretch are:
For example, values for K for the 7J46 cable are typically
Voids in cable armor 8 x 10- 7 ft/ft per lbf. Factors that can cause the stretch
coefficient to change are:
Embedment of armor into the core
Age of cable
lnner armor coverage
Hot pretensioning
Cable contractors provide catalogs that give the tempera-
Storage of cable tures at which a particular cable will perform satisfacto-
rily under normal operating conditions. The principal
Old cable may experience additio nal permanent elonga-
load carrying the cable is the cable weight, and under-
tion under certain conditions, such as:
standing that temperature gradually increases with depth,
cables can be expected to fail at temperatures less than
Excessive tension
their specified rating if there is low inner armor coverage
Exposure to excessive temperatures or excessive tension occurs.

Spudding Cable problems might also be encountered if a cable is

exposed to sour gas (H2S) or acid, but precautionary pro-
Low inner armor coverage cedures can generally reduce the effects of such hostile
fluids. Occasionally, water or gas permeates the cable
Storage of cable for long periods at low tension insulation, or the insulation is broken. Pull-out of the

cable head is another problem that will open electrical The tension developed by instrument weight and fric-
circuits. Cables with special insulation are used for par- tional drag during logging operations goes from zero at
ticular hostile environments. the bottom end of the system to those cumulative values
multiplied by cable length. The average tension is there-
fore one-half that value. Too! weight (W/) acts over the
To avoid cable crushing, it must be installed properly on
entire length of cable, which permits total cable sfretch
the spooling drum. Cables being used for very deep wells
(MT) to be computed,
may require a special high-strength drum. Cable must be
routinely inspected for loose or broken armor wire, cor-
rosion, and especially around splices. Electrical continu-
Af...,-= KL/j,T= KL [1/2 (w'+ j) L + WT1
ity and insulation tests should be performed on a regular
MT = KL/2 [(w'+ j)L + 2WT']

Af...r = KL/2 [Ts + W/]

where w' = effective weight per unit length of cable
It is necessary to know the tension distribution in the
cable before the stretch of the cable within a borehole can and f = frictionaldrag of cable at uphole log-
be determined. Severa! types of hydraulic and strain ging speed.
gauges are used to determine cable tension. These gauges
are usually attached to the upper sheave wheel (the turn- DEPTH-MEASURING SYSTEMS
around spool) in the derrick of the drilling rig (Fig. A 1),
or mounted to the spooling armor of the logging unit - There are two basic types of depth-measuring systems.
the derrick method is the more accurate. The device is
used to determine cable tension in a borehole as demon- Calibrated Wheel
strated (Fig. A-1 ).
Severa! types of wheel systems employed include:

Tension Wraparound wheel in the measuring head

Tangent wheel in the measuring head

Calibrated sheave wheel

Twin measuring wheels

However, to obtain accurate depth measurements with a

wheel, it is first necessary to have a perfect wheel and
also a memory to accumulate the tension history of the
cable as it is used periodically in boreholes. Problems in
obtaining accurate wheel measurements include:
Ts = w'L + fL + Wr'
Cable diameter
T5 = (w' + f) L + Wr '

Ts = Surface cable tension Cable condition

w' = Effective weight per unit
length of cable f Wheel slippage
f = Frictional drag of cable

at logging speed up hole L
Wr' = Effective tool weight
Worn gear effects

Wear of wheel surface

Taking these into consideration, it remains necessary to

know the tension history of the cable as it passes under
Fig. A-1 - Wireline rig-up diagram the wheel. It is not unusual to have an average tension

difference of 1,000 lbf bctwcen the "going in" and WIRELINE STRETCH CHARACTERISTICS
"coming out" of a well, and the perfecl wheel will mea-
sure eight additional ft on the ascent from a 10,000-ft The ability of the wireline to stretch and contract as a
borehole. function of tension is a mechanical function determined
by Hooke's law and the mechanical properties of thc
Calibrated Cable cable design. The behavioral characteristics of a cable are
influenced by the counter winding of the inner and outer
armor wires, the number and size of the king wires, and
This system requires that the cable be measured and
to a lesser extent, the behavior of the core-to-tension.
marked magnetically (or shimmed) while the cable is
There is no simple relationship between tension, length
under standard reference tension (T0 ), usually 1,000 lbf.
of cable, and the ensuing stretch. Furthermore, while the
True depth is obtained by locating a magnetic mark (or
cable is suspended in a borehole, cable tension is not uni-
shim) and making a differential stretch correction to the
form; i.e., tension decreases along the length of the cable
depth indicated by the mark. Differential stretch correc-
in the direction of the cablehead. Accounting for cable
tion is the difference in stretch (M0 ) the cable has when
stretch is an integral of individual stretch increments
it is marked at tension T0 and the total stretch of the cable
along the length of the cable from the drum to the cable-

Equations used to prepare stretch correction charts for Since the cable length is defined in units of 25 mor 100 ft
field use are at a constant 1,000-lbf tension, the accumulated stretch
over a suspended length of cable may be more or less
than the total stretch imparted on the cable at the constant
1,000-lbf tension when defining its length. The combined
length and tension that gives a net extension of the cable
M = KU2 [Ts + W/1 - KLT0 , and
equal to that at a constant 1,000-lbf tension defines the
"ZERO STRETCH" line of the stretch characteristics of
the cable (see Fig. A-2).

WIRELINE LENGTH CALIBRATION Increases in length and tension above the ZERO
STRETCH line will result in an overall increase in the
net stretch of the cable compared to that same length of
Periodically at shop faci lities, the wireline cable is accu-
cable at 1,000-lbf constant tension. This condition is
rately measured in set lengths ata defined horizontal ten-
referred to as "positive stretch. " Lesser lengths of cable
sion. Either metric or English measuring systems can be
and lower tensions will result in "negative stretch." Due
used; i.e., meters and kilograms in metric or feet and
to the asymmetric nature of the stretch lines, complex
pounds in English. Each length is "marked" on the cable
changes in the net stretch will occur as a cable changes
by locally magnetizing (or shimming) the steel armor
length by being moved along the wellbore. Consider the
wires. Typically, 25 m or 100 ft intervals are used, and
following cases:
the tension used for openholc logging cables is typically
1,000 lbf (300 lbf for small diameler cased hole cables).
Case I

The 25-m or 100-ft lengths are chosen because these As the cable length increases from point A I to point
intervals provide convenient benchmarks against which B 1 (Fig. A-2), the stretch of the cable relative to the
accurate subdivisions can be based, yet are sufficientl y 1,000-lbf constant tension elongation gradually increases
far aparl Lo retain individual identily. A 1,000-lbf tension from 0.3 to 6.2 m; i.e., over the length of borehole, the
can be accurately controlled and is a reasonable mni- total stretch undergone is 6.2 - 0.3 = 5.9 m.
mum Lension encountered in average logging operations.
This Lension is also consistent with the manufacturer's Case 2
definition in stretch-correction charts. The entire wire-
line, or that length of wireline that can reasonably be As the cable length increases from point A2 to point B2
expected to be used in any series of operations, is marked (Fig. A-2), the overall elongatio n of the cable increases
at these constant intervals while being subjected to the from - 0.5 to O m; i.e., O.O - (-0.5) = 0.5 m. This increase
constant tension. This marking procedure can either be in length is only effective beyond point C2 as between
conducted by hand (requiring stringent consistency, A2 and C2, the elongation of the cable is constant com-
accuracy, and quality control) or, as is now more wide- pared to the same length of cable subject to a constant
spread, using an automatic marking device. 1,000-lbf tension.

- 277 -
Depth, 100 (m)
~ 70 75 80 85 90
is o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 --
55 60
-- 65
' 1 1 '
11 ' ' ' ' ' 1 1
' ' 1 1
' ' 1 1 1
' ' 1 1
n 1 1 1 32 33,34 ......_
rr 29 3031......._r----...r----...--...,_
qj" 26 27 28...... t---....' r----.. . .
r----...r----... --...___
!!l. 10
ro 22 23,24~"1'---.l"--=::::~~----=:h:

=s- 20 21 '-.., --.._..__ ...........__ ' I"--~ ' r------......r---... r---..... r----......
18 19 ' ..... .....__ "'--- 1--.... r----... r---...." . . .
~ ~
;:: 16 1 7 ~ ""-~ ............ ............ r----..:: ......... --- . . . . .__ 4

~e,e\<:> 14 15 '- . " r----..."--l'---.r----,_1"--1'---~r----......~~~f<'.~

~\~ 13 'r-,..,. :'--.._ '---._r-,..,._ "-.1'---.r-,..,._ i"--1'---t---... ~ ~r-.... t>< t-----.
8 0

:-,.__ ---....... " ---
k - -<...
- -
c,\\~\C, 9.0,9.5""'-- '-..._
- 8 o8.5'' , i---...
'-.. 'r----......'---~r---...r----......r---.....r---.....k
,___ t----.. t-->-<'. --
--.._.___ ~

7.5 ' '- ~::-----C'--
i7 o r---..... r---~ r--- r-:::: k:" r-- '--
r----. r----....._...... t-----. V ~
3 o
1 't---=::r----.:::
5.5 6.0 6 -5 , ~ ~ ~r----.....r---... ~ C::::: r---.
, ' r-----:::
' r----. r---. N
r---- t>< l><r----..J r--- - --- k r--.
r--t---..t:>< --- r-- - i---::
5.0 t-... t---.... B 1--..... ....___ "--- .___, r--. r--1---._ -i
45 '---
~" -... i"-. -::::--......_'r--,,,,,~~--=:::::::><C--:::~-
, 4 :::,

:::, (/)
!!!. 4.0 . ' , l"--i'--...-. .. o
N o
'r---..."-- "'---......_~l."'- -R _ _ _:::,

~ r---.~~ s ~~~~~D ~ 1 Correction

-:i _=, 3.5 ......._
o 2.5
~~ 1-- ~ o
1 1 o
. ' ...
I " "

!'---. t-,....__
--. Case 4 ....._
r---.t:Y~ r---.
___ 1---
'-- t---
~ ,__- r--. ~~ r----r---.___
k::~ r-- r-----
t-- t---
_ t-- -
t--- -
1-- ~
Range - ~ i--- . _
-~ --~
- - ~

- -. . .__ ,.__ -. . . .__ r--...., ?'F---c: l:>-' ,~,a'D5

.- Z: B5- 1---::::-i---::--
_ 1 -=~ -=
1.0 ,r----.
'-- " A p r:::..__r--k._V?"'~~:::;[1"-case5::-

Case 1 ;,, " - -
'==: ~

,___ 41 - - V ,.- ... e;.. r_.......- C5-t--f-

.5...... i----1-7-l:::::__ V- ~ ..'!--- l+VE Stretch 1
_,. ~
..... A 41 ~
-i--,__""A ~" '1 1
..--- Bl 1 _ _ .. _ N.B. Between any two stretch ;.
o , 5
.__. _ _ .. --~- ... .. . _.... . . _. .- .... ,-. . ...., !Zero Stretch Lmel. -, -......... - .- .. - !mes 1s suff1c1ently accurate to e:
i '__. _____..- =
=---__- =---

e~-=- . -
Case 1 1 1 linearly interpolate to the nearest oil m

,..- ~ -r..-,-~ _ B3 - - 1-VE Stretchl == == == = == == M1

v A2
Case 3
----- - - - -
- - -
7 H4 CABLE f-

1/ V IJ- -5

A3 -1.0
-1.5 ......... -2.0/' - - - -
,_ - - -
(.464"0.D.) ( 11. 78 mm)
(453.6 KG) TENSION
1.........----- / 1 ,.,,.. 1 ..--- 1-2.5..---- .3_0_.-- CHART TO GIVE TRUE DEPTH
.........- - 1
o 1 l 1 1 T l 1 1 r J ,
o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
Depth, 100 (m)
Case 3 elongation at the same depth is 4.0 - 2.3 = 1.7 m at
4500 m, despite the net elongation being 4.7 - 0.3
As the cable length increases from point A3 to B3 (Fig. = 4.4 m across the interval AS to B5.
A-2), there is an overall elongation of the cable equal to
zero as points A3 and 8 3 lie on the same (negati ve The behavior of cable stretch within a wellbore for any
stretch) line corresponding to the overall elongation of given log is known as the "stretch regime," and it can be
the same lengths of cable subject to 1,000- lbf tension. In seen that it is essentially unique for each well, too! string,
this case, however, the cable behavior first displays and hence, each log. It is not often important to know the
increasing -VE stretch and then decreasing -VE stretch
absolute cable stretch over the entire length of the well.
as the length and tension move thro ugh point C3. The The effective stretch incurred from a known or tied-in
net movement from point A3 to point C3 is approxi- depth is usually more relevant. Hence, the concept of
mately -0.7 - (-0.5) = - 0.2 m. Likewise, from C3 to 83, "relative stretch" - the expression of the elongation of
the net elongation is -0.5 - (-0.7) = 0.2 m. cable from a known or defined depth compared to the
elongation of the cable subjected to a constant 1,000-lbf
Obviously, the same principies apply to a metric stretch tension is important.
table as to a stretch table given in feet. Note that Fig. A-2
is specific to a 7H4 cable calibrated at 1,000 lbf, and it
In cases I through 5, if points A are defined as known or
gives the true depth. This is important as each type of
fixed definition depths (e.g., a previous GR log depth,
cable will have its own characteristics since no two types
casing shoe, etc.), then ali points deeper than points A
of cable behave in the same way.
represent stretches greater (or less in case 3) than that at
points A. Point A may also be at the surface, in which
case, the relative stretch corresponds to the absolute
The exact stretch of the cable is thus a function of its
length and the tension applied to it. Variations in the
stretch will be determined by variations in length and ten- DEPTH DETERMINATION
sion. In the same way that no two wells are ever exactly
the same, the behavior of the stretch of a cable as a func- The determination of well depth is subject to the follow-
tion of depth will a lso be unique to each well . This ing prerequisites,
applies likewise to the types of wireline too! string run;
e.g., a smooth tool string may have a movement along a Definition of a depth reference point, or "tie-in"
wellbore characterized by a lower tension whereas a tool point - This may be ORT, SFL, CSG, or a depth
string (of the same, or even less weight) using strong cal- definition determined by a previous loggingjob.
iper or centralizers may induce a significantly higher
overall tension over the same length of wellbore.
Knowledge of the number of 25 m (or 100 ft)
marked lengths of cable below the tie-in point

A tool string is run with a net tension increase of Knowledge of the tension at the tie-in point and at
1,000 lbf in the wireline compared to that represented in the point of interest
Case 1 (Fig. A-2). The overall stretch is increased from
5.9 m in Case I to 8.6 - 1.4 = 7.2 m. The number of marks having passed after the tie-in point
defines the increase in the length of cable in the hole. The
Cases I through 4 are based on the assumption of a difference in tension between the tie-in point and that at
straight-line relationship between points A and B. This is any point further down the well defines the relative
usually not the case in real boreholes, however. Changes stretch.
in borehole geometry and geology cause major depar-
tures from the projected lines on the chart. Doglegs, devi- The summation of the number of marked lengths of cable
ation, rugosity, sloughing, or sticking shales can ali cause and the relative stretch defines the effective length of
deviations from the assumed straight-line relationship. cable at each cable mark. As the marked lengths are at
constant intervals (given 1,000-lbf linear tension), each
Case 5 mark represents a defined length of cable subject to a
known differential tension, and hence, relative stretch.
Two opposing situations are portrayed in this example Thus, each mark represents a depth comprised of the tie-
(Fig. A-2). C5 and D5 represent differing tensions for the in point, the integral number of marks to that point, and
same net length of cable. The difference in the cable the corresponding relative stretch.


Consider Case 1 for example - After correlating the log trary, the mark defines the depth together with the
depth to a previous log, a mark was noted at 2550.0 m at stretch correction. The line measurement device
2,500 lbf. Near TD, approximately 5000 m and 5,000 lbf, provides an indication of cable length that is usu-
the mark nearest TD will represent the lowest effective ally used to help determine the exact depth repre-
measure point now being at sented by a mark; e.g., the TO mark representing
4980.9 m may have been indicated at 4986.6 m.
2550 + n.25 + RS, The mark still represents 4980.9 m irrespective of
the actual value indicated by the line measurement
where n = number of marks to the last mark from 2550 device. Hence, the indicated value is adjusted to
=97 read that depth the mark represents, in this case,
RS = relative stretch 5.7 m less.
= 6.2 - 0.3
=5.9 m 3. While logging, the marks and the tension define the
depth logged, and the line measurement-derived
2550 + (97 X 25) + 5.9 = 4980.9 m depth is adjusted as is necessary such that the line-
measured depth tracks the mark and tension-
In other words, irrespective of the depth indicated on any defined depth. Each mark on the cable will repre-
type of depth measurement system, the mark on the cable senta calibrated length of cable, and the line-mea-
before TO represents an effective depth of 4980.9 m. sured depth must continually conform to this.

Subsequent marks further up the cable represent depths As the logging progresses, it may become apparent that
with corresponding decreases in relative stretch. Near the the initially presumed stretch regime is incorrect, and
tie-in point, the relative stretch decreases to zero, and the instead of a straight-line relationship existing between
last few marks will represent depths being an exact mul- points A I and B 1 (Fig A-2), there is actually sorne sort of
tiple of 25.0 m beyond the tie-in mark depth. progression that implies a slower initial los:s of tension
(e.g., Case 5, AS to B5 vs. AS to B5 by means of D5). If
Because each mark represents a defined length of cable, this is the case, only minor adjustments have to be made
and the behavior of the cable is known for given tensions, to the figures in the relative stretch.
the depth definition is based on the calculation of the
stretch and the length of cable each mark represents. As Consider Case 1,
such, it is possible to predetermine, assuming a given
stretch regime, the effective depths each mark represents. Mark Projected Projected Real True
Number Relative True Depth Relative Depth
Consider Case 1 again, Stretch Stretch

Tie-in mark @ 2550.0 m @ 2,500 lbf 97 5.9m 4980.9 m 5.9 m 4980.9 m

TD@ 5000 m@ 5,000 lbf 96 5.7 m 4955.7 m 5.8 m 4955.8 m
95 5.5 m 4930.5 m 5.7 m 5930.7 m
Mark number 97 = 2550 + (97 X 25.0) + 5.9 =4980.9 m 94 5.3 m 4905.3 m 5.6m 4905.6 m
96 = + (96 X 25.0) + 5.7 = 4955.7 m 93 5.2m 4880.2 m 5.5 m 4880.5 m
95 = + (95 X 25.0) + 5.5 = 4930.5 m
94 = + (94 X 25.0) + 5.3 =4905.3 m The incremental differences are small, but cumulatively,
93 = + (93 X 25.0) + 5.2 =4880.2 m they can show a significant departure of the true depth
etc. from the projected depth. It is particularly prudent, if
05 =2550 + (5 X 25.) + 0.2 = 2675.2 m long intervals or crooked holes are to be surveyed, to
04 =+ (4 X 25.0) + 0.2 = 2650.2 m check the tension at a number of intervals (e.g., every
03 =+ (3 X 25.0) + .l = 2625.1 m 500 m) while descending into the borehole. This permits
02 =+ (2 X 25.) + . = 2600.0 m a prognosis of the stretch regime that is to be encountered
01 = + (1 x 25.0) +O.O= 2575.0 m prior to the commencement of logging operations.

l. Linear interpolation between absolute stretch lines After the depth of the lowest mark has been calculated,
usually provides ample accuracy in the determina- the incremental distance between the mark depth and too!
tion of the relative stretch. pick-up off bottom can be ignored in terms of further
adjustments for stretch. The pick-up depth, and hence,
2. The role of the line measurement device is not in total-measured depth, can be directly read off of the
determining the depth of each mark; on the con- adjusted line-measured depth.

DEPTH ACCURACY "adding" or "subtracting," whether caused by
stretch adjustment or mechanical line-measure-
Using the previously described method, the absolute ment error, an automatic "add" or "subtract" can be
determination of measured depth becomes a reasonably engaged, leaving the engineer free for other tasks.
accurate process. lt can be easily seen that an accuracy of Manual adjustments to this automatic process can
l m in 3000 m or 3 ft in 10,000 ft should be attainable in still be made as necessary.
good conditions. The depth accuracy from one log to
another should be subject to similar criteria, and it should 6. As logging progresses, the stretch regime develops,
be quite possible without active correlation to be within and the prognosis is adjusted to fit actual logged
0.2 m. The accuracy of depth intervals; e.g., bed bound- tension. Minor adjustments are made to the mark
aries and ol/water contacts or gas/water contacts, identi- depths as necessary. Further mark depths can be
fied from logs should have similar accuracy. calculated as the logging progresses, based on
returning to the mark immediately below the tie-in
PROCEDURES WHILE LOGGING point. Usually, once the first few marks are on
depth, marks every 100 m or 500 ft suffice in
1. A defined tie-in point is selected suitable to the log- ensuring accurate depth control.
ging (e.g., CSG, previous GR log, geological
marker bed). Tools are lowered below a mark 7. It is required that each step in the depth-control
underneath the tie-in point, and then a tie-in log is procedure be carefully noted. Should an error
made over the mark and the tie-in point. While log- develop, it can then be traced to a point of origin,
ging, the indicated mark depth and tension must be allowing accurate correction to be made to the log
accurately noted. depth after logging.

2. The tie-in recording is compared to the defined

depth, and the difference between the tie-in depth
and the definition depth is determined. This differ-
Severa) factors limit the accuracy of depth determination
ence is appl ied to the indicated mark depth to give
using a calibrated cable.
an accurate position of the mark nearest to the def-
inition-depth reference.
1. Should the cable tension not be evenl y distributed
3. As is necessary, an approximate depth/tension rela- along the length of the cable, an artificially high
tionship is established for the well, giving a pro- tension will be used for the calculation of the rela-
jected tension regime while descending the bore- tive stretch.
hole. Note that it is necessary to determine cable
tension as the tool ascends the wellbore. In terms of 2. Instantaneous rises in tension due to tool sticking
accuracy, it is not usually necessary to have the cal- can give major movements of apparent depth that
iper arms open when determining these guideline mayor may not be worked out of the stretch regime
tensions. before the next magnetic mark. These inaccuracies
are difficult to quantify.
4. Near TO, an apparent mark depth and the cable
tension are noted. The relative stretch can be calcu- 3. The depth accuracy can only be as accurate as the
lated. Knowing the initial tie-in mark, this mark marking of the cable. Loss of marks through aging
near TO represents the summation of the initial tie- or magnetic disturbances in the casing, or the
in mark, n, times the number of marks and the rela- "movement" of marks through permanent cable
tive stretch. Correction is made at TO for the differ- tension effects obviously cause serious compro-
ence between the apparent mark depth and the true mises to the accuracy of the system.
depth the mark represents. Any stretch differential
over the ensuing interval can be ignored. 4. The stretch charts are designed to work for a partic-
ular type of cable. New cables have quite different
5. Using a prognosis for the stretch regime for that characteristics compared to old cables that lose
well, the first four or five mark depths are calcu- their e lasticity with age. For that reason, stretch
lated. Using the SRP, the logged depth is fitted to charts representa compromise between practicality
the mark depth by incrementally "adding" or "sub- and accuracy.
tracting" depth. This is performed in increments of
0.1 m per 5.0 m or 1/2 ft per 25 ft. Should these 5. No account is taken of hydrostatic forces and their
incremental adjustments represent a constant effect on the buoyancy of the cable.

- 281 -
6. The stretch charts assume a geothermal gradient of 8. Add this difference to the initial apparent pickup
l 0F/lOO ft to allow for the thermal expansion of depth.
steel. Severely high- or low-geothermal gradients 9. Add the tool dead end to the true pickup depth to
may be a minor source of inaccuracy. determine the calibrated TD.

7. Individual stick and pull movements of the tool 10. Using the prognosis of the stretch regime, deter-
string are not accounted for in cable measurement. mine the first four mark depths above the lowest
The tool string may be moving quite differently mark.
along the borehole than is indicated by the cable 11. What are the apparent mark depths at 100-m nter-
movement at the surface. vals thereafter to the casing shoe mark, assuming
the prognosis of the stretch regime is correct?
Until real-time depth definition is achieved downhole, 12. While logging, the tension initially drops off more
depth measurement using the cable will in ali likelihood quickly than expected. At about 3250 m and 3,000
remain the basis of depth measurement. Irrespective of lbf, this trend stops, and the tension decreases more
which system is used to determine the line measurement, slowly. How does this affect the values obtained in
these principies will remain in force. question 11?

The data below are provided as a guide through a typical l. True casing shoe mark depth = 2589.3 + 2.3 m
depth control exercise. = 2591.6 m
2. Absolute stretch = 0.5 m
3. Absolute stretch = 0.9 m
Driller's casing shoe 9 in. @ 2576.8 m (Relative stretch = 0.9 - 0.5 = 0.4 m)
Driller's OH TD 8-1/2 in. @ 3796.0 m 4. Absolute stretch = 2.9 m
Tie-in lnterval (previous GR log) 2550 m and 2475 m (Relative stretch = 2.9 - 0.5 = 2.4 m)
RIH 2589.3 m @ 2,700 lbf
(mark beneath casing noted at) 5. Mark nearTD = 2591.6 + (n x 25.0) m + RS
= (3791.6 - 25.0) m + RS
Tie-in film was recorded 2.3 m shallow; i.e., recorded
= 3766.6 m + RS
depth 2.3 m less than the previous GR depth. 6. Effective depth of the mark near TD = 3766.6 + 2.4
= 3769.0
RIH, tension 3.000 lbf @ 3000 m 7. Line-measured depth = 3764.9 m
RIH, mark above TD noted at 4,000 lbf @ 3764.9 m Effective TD mark depth = 3769.0 m
RIH, initial pickup noted at 4,400 lbf @ 3790.3 m Depth difference = 4.1 m
8. Calibrated pickup 3790.3 + 4.1 = 3794.4 m
From the too! measure point to the too! dead end is 1.8 m
9. Calibrated TD = 3794.4 + 1.8 m
Problems to be resolved: = 3796.2 m
1O. Relative stretch @ TD = 2.4 m
l. Locate the true casing shoe mark depth. RS @ 3600 m = 2.0 m
2. Establish the absolute stretch by plotting the casing Mark @ TD = 3766.6 + 2.4 =3769.0 m
shoe mark. -1 = 3741.6 + 2.3 = 3743.9 m
-2 = 3716.6 + 2.2 = 3718.8 m
3. Plot the approximate intermediate tension. -3 = 3691.6 + 2.1 = 3693.7 m
4. Determine the relative stretch immediately above -4 = 3666.6 + 2.0 = 3668.0 m
5. Determine the depth represented by the mark near
TD before allowing for the relative stretch.
6. Determine the effective depth of the mark near TD.
7. Note the difference between the noted depth and
the effective depth identified in step 6.

1 l. Mark Depth RS True Depth

3766.6 2.4 3769.0

3666.6 2.0 3668.6
3566.6 1.7 3568.4
3466.6 1.4 3468.0
3366.6 1.2 3367.8
3266.6 1.0 3267.6
3 166.6 0.7 3 167.3
3066.6 0.5 3067.1
2966.6 0.4 2967.0
2866.6 0.3 2866.9
2766.6 0.2 2766.8
2666.6 0. 1 2666.7

12. Mark Depth RS True Depth

3766.6 2.4 3769.0

3666.6 2.0 3668.6
3566.6 1.5 3568. 1
3466.6 1.0 3467.6
3366.6 0.7 3367.3
3266.6 0.5 3267. 1
3 166.6 0.4 3167.0
3066.6 0.3 3066.9
2966.6 0.2 2966.3
2866.6 0.2 2866.8
2766.6 0.1 2766.7
2666.6 O.O 2666.6

Work Session Solutions

CHAPTER 1 WORK SESSION (page 41) A clastic reservoir is generally considered as one made
of sandstone, shaly sand, or dominantly sandy-type sedi-
Problem 1 ment, but includes silts and c lays. Clastics are materials
that have been transported to the deposit site prior to
Porosity is simply the percent of rock volume that is void burial and preservation.
of matrix material. In practice, severa( dcscriptions of
porosity (<l>) and porosity type cxist but for the present, Problem4
the previous statement is an adequate perception.
The general responsibiliti es of a reservoir engineer
Problem 2 include the characterizat ion of a reservoir including
reserve cstimates, reservoir maintenance, simulation
Permeability is a measure of a rock's ability to allow studies of reservoir performance under differing circum-
fluids or gases to move through its pore avenues. Perme- s tances, and often reservoir management.
abi lity is one of the most important petrophysical param-
eters required by reservoir engineers. An exploration geologist is generally regarded as a geol-
ogist whose primary goal is to locate the best geographi-
cal areas to dril! wildcat wells; i.e., he or she is responsi-
Problem 3
ble for studying the geophysical, geological, and other
pertinent data that relate to the geology of their assigned
Appraisal or confirmation wells are drilled to establish area. It is their responsibility to recommend the best drill-
the areal extent or peripheral margins of a reservoir. The
ing prospects to oil company management.
purpose of the exercise is to define or refine the reserves
and economics to determine if the reservoir should be
A production geologist is generally assigned geological
responsibiliti es for field development. Persons having
this title have very specific or very diversified responsi-
An exploration well can be described as one dril led into bilities but in general, they work closely with a reservoir
any new geological structure or st ratigraphic trap, sorne- engineer in developing a field. In sorne companies, this
times including a test of deeper horizons beneath estab- person may serve as the reservoir manager. Exploitation
lished production. or development geologi sts might also be production
Afrollfier wildcat is a well being drilled in a remote geo-
graphical area; e .g., a geological basin or geographical A drilling superintendent is usually a "company man ;"
area that does not have a history of oil or gas production. i.e., an oil company employee who represents the drilling
Frontier wi ldcats are also exploration wells. department. In sorne instanccs, a dri1ling engineer or both
cngineer and superintende nt are present on location.
A rotary drilling rig is one that bores a hole by applying
force (or weight) downward as the drillpipe is rotated A toolpusher is usually in charge of a drilling contractor's
from the surface. This rotating action allows the bit to dig rig, but is often responsible for more than one rig. All the
into the subs urface formations as a continua! circulation drilling c rews that work his rig are under his command.
of drilling fluid passes down through the pipe and back Generally, the driller from each tour (pronounced
up around the pipe periphery. The circulating fluid acts as "tower") reports to the toolpusher.
a coolant and lubricant to the bit, and also cleans the cut-
tings from the hole by carrying them to thc surface on the
A rouglmeck is a member of the drilling crew. The size of
outer periphery of the drillpipe.
the rig determines the number of crew members. Onc
roughneck works in the derrick when a pipe trip or pipe
A carbonate reservoir is gcnerally considered to be connection is being performed, whereas the other rough-
limestone, dolomite, or a mi xture of limestone and dolo- necks work on the derrick floor and make the connections
mite (aragonite is not generally recognizable from logs). (or disconnection ) of the drillpipe as necessary. Each
Many carbonate reservoirs also contain mixtures of clas- roughneck is typically assigned additio nal chores, and ali
tics and/or evaporites. The material that forms carbonate report to the drillcr. Drilling personnel are usually
rock is typically formed in the locale of the deposit site. employees of a drilling contractor, but occasionally oil
Chalk and marls are also carbonate rocks. companies own and maintain their own rigs.

-285 -
A mud /ogging engineer is generally an on-site represen- in drilling, labor costs, weather conditions, political
tativc of the mud logging contractor, and provides a ser- requirements, environmental considerations, etc.
vice that monitors the mud returns as they reach the sur-
face. Samples are also collected and described by mud Problem 9
loggers. The mud logging engineer is responsible for the
mud log, which includes gas detection measurements, a Filter cake builds up on the wall of a borehole as mud
description of the rock cuttings, pe netration rate, etc. solids are filtered out of the rnud during the invasion pro-
cess. Where targeted reservoirs are encountered, it is
A mud engineer is a representative of the contractor who important that muds be treated to keep cake permeability
provides the additives to drilling fluid , and periodically low, to rnaintain a stable borehole, and to minirni ze fil-
checks the mud mixtures in addition to reporting the con- trate invasion and possible formation damage. Mud cake
tents. Their most recent mud reporl is usually posted near should effectively prohibir filtrare particle invasion.
the driller's table in the doghouse.
Problem 10
pH is irnportant to mud quality and to rock cuttings, and
The most common use of log data by geologists is to iden- it can definitely affect the wall of the borehole in either a
tify the depth and apparent thickness ofspecific geological positive or adverse manner. Adverse affects to the
formations. Secondly, those forrnations are correlated borehole wall can cause difficulty in obtaining valid log
from well to well and used to construct cross sections, measurements.
fence diagrams, isopach rnaps, structure maps, and to
determine preferential directions ofthickening or thinning Problem 11
for reservoir rocks. The typical geologist uses multiwell
log data mostly for geological purposes, not fo r petro- The color of shales is informative, especially to those
physical use. The base log (usually a resistivity device) is interested in defining source rock, depositional settings,
often the only well record that provides continuous overall reservoir drainage patterns, and the most efficient and
coverage of the entire le ngth/depth of the well. economic means of exploiting a reservoir. The colors of
shale and the rneaning of those colors are:
Problem 6
Yellow or brown are low in iron and organic material.
Reservoir engineers are also interested in depth, thick- Green or red are high in iron and Jow in organic
ness, and the well-to-well cornparisons. Specific petro- material.
physical parameters such as porosity (q> ), hydrocarbon
saturation (S,), type of hydrocarbon, and most impor- Black or gray owe their color mostly to organic
tantly permeability (k), are essential to his work. Temper- content.
ature, pressure, viscosity, reservoir limits, etc. also play
an important role in the volumetric determinations they
must perform.

Problem 7
Various types of core acquisition and core analysis pro-
vide data that are important to both geological and petro- Problem 1
physical studies. Drillstem tests, mud logs, measurement-
while-dri lling (MWD), sample descriptions, seismic Circulated mud samples are preferred because they
data, etc. are ali utilized with, or in lieu of, wireline logs. should be representative of the fluids used in the drilling
operation just prior to logging.
Problem 8
Problem 2
The costs of casing, cement, tubing, and other parapher-
nalia to lift the oil to the surface may adversely affect the Representative mud samples are important to log analy-
return on investment in the 10,000 ft well. Less expense sis because the measured resisti vities of the mud and mud
is usually required for a 1,000 ft well; therefore, it offers filtrate are used to determine invasion profiles, depth of
a greater chance of profitable return. But, there are many invasion, to make borehole corrections to Jog measure-
othe r factors than depth to consider in the economics of ments, to calculate severa! important parameters, and
well cornpletions; e.g., geographical location, difficulty often dictare the type of resistivity log that should be run.

Problem 3 (2) Log data are generally the only permanent record
of ali the formations traversed in a wellbore.
The time that mud and mud ji/trate temperature measure-
ments are made is important because resistivity changcs (3) Caliper data provide a record of the borchole size
with temperatur e. Resistivity decreases as temperatur e and in sorne cases, its geometrica l shape; informa-
increases and vice versa. Formation temperatur e is typi- tion that is often important throughout the life of a
cally much higher than surface temperatur e. Ali resi stiv- well.
ity values (mud measureme nts at the surface and log
measureme nts downhole) must be converted to a Problem 9
common temperatur e value for interpretati ve purposes.
Typically, formation temperatur e is the focus of log anal- It is very importan! that log headers be filled out as com-
ysis, and that temperatur e is used. pletely as possible. Much of the information contained on
logs is considered a legal record and must therefore be
Problem 4 accurate. Equipment numbers can be uscd for numerous
tool maintenanc e queries. Depths, casing data, bit size
The SP is a natural occurring poten tia/. Electroche mical, data, and mud information are ali important to log analy-
and to a lesser degrcc electroki netic forces. originate in sis. Names of the logging engineer(s) and witnesses are
the borehole due to potential differences that occur also very important criteria.
between drilling fluid, permeable and impermeab le
rocks, or an electrol yte movement through the rock. The Problem 10
borehole fluid is generally accepted as the catalyst that
If a well is drilled with salt base mud (R111 = 0.03 ohm-m
causes the chemical reactions to occur.
@ formation temperatur e) and the reservoir connate
water (R 11 , = 0.03 ohm-m @ formation temperatur e), the
Problem S
Dual Laterolog and Micro Laterolog are the proper resis-
High gamma ray coums are usually, but not always, rep- tivity devices that should be recorded. An induction
resentative of sha/e zones. Other rock types can contain dcvice wou ld read pessimistic ally low values of resistiv-
highly radioactive minerals, but shales are the most ity in pay zones. In water-saturated zones, ali three of the
common sediment to be hi gh in radiation content. Dolo- lateral resistivity devices should read essentially the
mite, limestone, a nd sandstone can be radioactive dueto same resistivity val ues. However. sorne minor variations
certain deposit site or diagenetic conditions. can be expected due to the different spacings and depths
of investigation of the three measuring devices. Remem-
Problem 6 ber that hole size can have an effect on the measurc-
ments, and the hole is filled with very conductive drilling
The para/le/ circuir of the induction measuring system is fluid.
mostly influenced by conductive features of the rock
and/or borehole fluid. The series circuir of laterolog mea- Problem 11
surements is more attracted to resistive properties in the
With the same conditions and Problem 10 logs, the three
rock or borehole fluid. lnduction logs can operate in gas,
log traces should react in the following manner across an
air, o l-base fluid, or any type of water-base fluid Later-
oil zone with 35% water saturation:
ologs require water-base drilling fluid.
The Micro Laterolog should read the lowcst resis-
Problem 7
tivity because it is reading the flushed zone (R.w),
mostly saturated with the conductive mud filtratc.
Fresh mud is generally much less saline than salt mud,
but in the jargon of well Iog analysis, fresh mud is gener- The Laterolog Shallow trace should read somewhat
ally considered the mud type when R,,,is > 3.5 times Rw higher resistivity than the Micro Laterolog because
it is most li kely obtaining most of its measured
Problem 8 signa! from the transition zone where a mixture of
native fluids and mud filtrate occupy the pore
The most basic uses of wire line logs are:
( 1) Depth measureme nts to geological formations of The Laterolog Deep trace should record the highest
interest and the thickness of those specific horizons. resistivity of the three curves across the pay inter-
Such strata are correlated from well to well to val. Most of its measured signa! comes from the
delineate structure, stratigraphy , and the geometry undisturbed virgin zone where only o il and the
of reservoirs. native connate water (Rw) exist.

- 287 -
These considerations assurne that sorne porosity siderably less than it was in the water-wet condi-
developrnent exists across the interval, invasion is not tion of Problem 12. Porosity and permeability are
extrernely deep, and the hole size is not abnorrnally large important functions of what would happen, assum-
(< 12-1 /4 in. or 30.8 cm). ing that borehole size, bed thickness, and invasion
are in the realm of normal circumstance.
Problem 12
Problem 14
Fresh mud conditions (R,)Rw = 20) exist in this example
problem. The induction devices are more suited for use in This exarnple problem is an unusual situation, but is
these conditions as the laterolog devices would have a known to occur in sorne geographical areas. Salt mud
tendency to measure the more resistive mud signal, (Rm = 0.03 ohm-m @ formation temperature) and con-
whereas the induction measurements tend to be attracted nate water (Rw = 0.30 ohm-m @ forrnation temperature)
to the more conductive events that must occur in the for- creates a super-saturated salt mud condition insofar as
mation. Assuming that borehole size, bed thickness, and well log interpretation is concerned. The ratio of Rm to
invasion depth are normal or corrected for those effects, Rw is 0.1, an extremely saline condition for logging
the Dual Induction-Focused Log should typically record devices. Induction devices are extremely pessimistic
the following traces in relation to one another across a under such diverse conditions, and are severely affected
porous and permeable water saturated zone: by the highly conductive borehole signal. In an oil-bear-
ing reservoir (Sw = 30%), the DIFL would likely lead to a
The deep-induction trace (RLLo) should read the log analysis that condemned the zone with water satura-
lowest resistivity value because it is essentially tions of 60 to 80%. The dual laterolog and microlaterolog
unaffected by the higher resistivity rnud (R111 = are the only logical choices in such extreme conditions of
1.0 ohm-m) and mud fil trate; i .e., it read the virgin mud salinity vs. formation salinity. DLL-MLL resistivity
reservoir conditions that are saturated with very responses could be expected across this zone as follows:
conductive formation water (Rw = O.OS ohrn-m).
The Micro Laterolog wou ld read the lowest resis-
The medium-induction trace (RLLM) should read a tivity because it is mostly responding to the very
slightly higher value of resistivity compared to the saline mud filtrare.
deep induction because it will probably be some-
what affected by mud filtrate invasion. However, if The Laterolog Shallow would likely read a some-
invasion is shallow, it may read essentially the what higher value than the microlaterolog because
same value as the deep. Keep in rnind that the of the mixture of filtrare and connate fluids that
medium-induction curve is more severely affected occupy the rock it receives most of its signa! from.
by borehole size, and that standoffs are essential
for this measurement. The Laterolog Deep would read the highest resis-
tivity value across the zone because it is most
The shallow focused curve (a laterolog eight affected by virgin zone conditions.
device) should read the highest resistivity value
under the stated conditions because of the three The same log would occur in porous and permeable
measurements, it is the most affected by the inva- water-saturated horizons except that the spread between
sion of the higher resistivity mud filtrate. With a each of the curves would be considerably less than the
20: 1 ratio of mud-to-connate water resistivity, R FOC spread observed in the oil-bearing zone.
would probably read considerably higher than RnD

Problem 13

Assuming the same conditions as Problem 12, with the

exception of a 25% Sw, the DIFL curves should react as CHAPTER 3 WORK SESSION (page 91)
Problem 1
Ali three curves could essentially read the same
value if circumstances were just right. RLLD might The SP and Dual Induction-Focused Log both indicate
read the hi ghest resistivity value in sorne cases, but permeable zones as follows,
considering the 20: 1 ratio of mud-to-connate water,
RLLD would likely read less than RFoc; however, 10060 - 10106 101 37 - 10160
the spread between RLLD and RFOC would be con- 1O163 - 10170

- 288 -

Problem 2 borehole. Computer software should handle the depth
measurements more easily since most log depths are neg-
The separation between Deep Laterolog (labeled DLL), ative (-); i.e., below sea level.
Shallow Laterolog (labeled SLL), and Micro Laterolog
(MLL) indicates permeable zones at the following depth This is a confusing problem to many young logging engi-
intervals, neers, and if they perform their algebra poorly, the error
in depth measurements can easily be twice the difference
3888 - 3912 and 3922 - 3931 between the ground leve! and the KB. Most oil compa-
nies use the KB, rotary table (RT), or sorne such visible
The zone from 3912 to 3915 is possibly permeable, also. value to zero log measurements, drilling measurements,
Note that the gamma ray reads high in the 3888 - 3912 etc. There are few who choose to zero logs at ground
and 3912 - 3915 zones. The high radioactivity is proba- leve!, sea leve!, sea floor, etc., but the infrequency of
bly caused by high-uranium or high-potassium content; doing so often leads to serious depth errors. Visual zero
i.e., the rock is probably not shale. Spectralog data would points above the surface still permit accurate subsea ele-
clarify the issue. vations (i.e., formation tops, bottoms, etc.) to be made.

Problem 3 Problem3

The caliper indicates a gauge borehole throughout the The top of the sand was selected at a depth of 8,935 ft,
interval shown. "Positive separation" (the micronormal and the bottom of that permeable zone is 8,966 ft, an
reads higher resistivity values than the microinverse) is apparent sand thickness of 31 ft. However, the shaly
observed at the following depth intervals, streak from 8,950 ft to 8,953 ft is probably impermeable;
therefore, the net permeable sand thickness is ""43 ft.
3900-3912 3914-3916 3925-3927 3930-3948

3986-3992 3994-4001 4002-4011 4026-4030

lt is important to recognize thecaliper readings where the

microresistivity traces indicate permeability. Positive CHAPTER 3 WORK SESSION (page 121)
separation is only valid as a permeability index when the
hole is in gauge, and sorne indication of mudcake is Problem 1
apparent. The other intervals where separation occurs
appear to be "negative separation" and are not indicative Using the temperature of 210F (99 C) and 292, 196 mg/1
of permeability. NaCI equivalent, the resistivity of the in-situ connate
water should be approximately 0.015 ohm-meters.

Problem 2

A R 0 value of 5 ohm-m (or 200 mmhos) was selected

CHAPTER 3 WORK SESSION (page 107) from Zone C on the log. This assumes that Zone C is
l 00% water saturated, a reasonable assumption consider-
Problem 1 ing the resistivity profile. Using a given porosity of 14%,
and the 1/<t, 2 formation factor relation, the resultant Rw
The kelly bushing (KB) elevation is given as 82 ft above calculation should be 0.098 ohm-m.
sea level. The subsea top would be the top of the sand
(8,935 ft) minus the KB elevation, or 8,935 ft - 82 ft = Problem 3
8,853 ft.
Using the same R0 and F values but a formation factor
Problem 2 relation of 0.62/<t,2 15 , the resultant Rw calculation should
be 0.117 ohm-m.
Ground leve] (GL) is given as 39 .5 ft, or 42.5 ft below
KB. The simplest method is to set the depth odometer at Problem 4
42.5 less than the zero value. On analog logging units,
this might caJl for a 9,957.5 ft reading, which is 42.5 ft Again, using the same R0 , but a porosity value of 17%,
less than the zero reading that the odometer should read and formatio n factor relation of l/cjl2, the calculated Rw
as the too] passes ground leve] on its descent into the value should be 0.145 ohm-m.

- 289 -
Comparing these values for Rw illustrates how different CHAPTER 4 WORK SESSION (page 146)
formation factor relations or different porosities affect Rw
calculations, and demonstrate the irnportance of obtain- Problem 1
ing accurate porosity and petrophysical parameters.
A linear calculation, l cR, could be made as follows,
GR-G Rcn 40-15
1GR = GR sh -
GR = 90- 15 = 33 %
However, the linear result should be corrected by use of
the empirical c hart (Fig. 4-9). Assu ming the Tertiary age
CHAPTER 3 WORK SESSION (page 136) is correct for this formation, the most correct choice of
answers would be
Problem 1
(d) 11 % - ora similar value ( 12%) if it was calculated .
Using the given data, the resultant Sw values should be
close to or the same values as the following, Problem 2

Resistivity Index Sw = 79% Yirtually every depth leve! is somewhat shaly in depth
intervals that encompass shaly-sand horizons. The clean
Flushed-Zone Method S1v = 10%
line should be selected at the cleanest point. It was
Resistivity ratios remain very useful, although the Sw chosen as 20 API. The value for pure shale was selected
accuracy is often questionable. Recognizing different as 96 API. Using the Problem I equation and empirical
values of resistivity infers the invasion profile, that per- chart to resolve the data given in the example log, the fol-
meability exists, and the relation of one trace to the othe r lowing should resemble your answers
trace(s) can lead to a quic k qualitative determination of
hydrocarbon presence. A comparison of ratio Sws to the Zone GR (API) vsh (%)
more conventional Archie-porosity solutions permits a
more accurate determination of saturation values. A 88 76
B 100 100
Problem 2 e 40 10
D 26 2
Using the tornado c hart (Fig . 3-52), the followi ng values E 22 1
were deterrnined. F 26 2
G 28 4
R/Rxo = 8.0 d == 16 in. R1 = 82.6 H 39 10
53 19
and Sw == 35%, as determined by resisti vity ratios.
Problem 3
Problem 3
These pre-Tertiary carbonates and shales should be inter-
preted with the same equation a nd chart as the previous
Using the tornado chart (Fig. 3-53), the following values
problems, but in this case, the empirical line of the c hart
were de termined.
would differ. As stated in the text, carbonate rocks are
generally clean, and selecting GR values for clean points
d == 53 in. R1 IRw==0.9 R, = 9.0 RXOIR, = 2.0 should encompass most of the low GR response. The
clean value was selected as 25 API, which is probably
Rm= 0.45 @ 180F (82C)
pessi mistic. The pure shale value was selected as
100 API, but mj ght be slightly higher. Nevertheless, your
Given l 0% V fh Sw from the nomogram == 36%. answers should be similar to the following:

Given a shal y sand and porosity value of 16%, the Zone GR (API) vsh (%)
Humble Relation (F = 0.62/qi2 15) is used to determine
Formation Factor as 31.9. Using the conventional Archie A 22 o
relation to determine S1v, B 28 3
e 32 5
S 2 = 31.9 x0.08 = 53 % . D 23 o
\V 9
E 22 o
F 21 1.6


CHAPTER 4 WORK SESSION (page 149) Problem 3

A sidewall neutron log with an apparent limestone poros-

Problem 1
ity of 13% would convert to an apparent sandstone
porosity of 16.5%.
The SP trace would not develop sufficiently to be usedfor
shale indication if Rmf"" Rw at formation temperature. Problem 4
The log curve would show little, if any, deflection from
A compensated neutron log that shows 20% apparent po-
the shale baseline.
rosity on a sandstone scale would be estimated as 16% po-
rosity if the rock were limestone, and 10% if the rock were
Problem 2 dolomite. NOTE: The important points to recognize from
this and the previous exercise are that apparent neutron
If the resistivity of a permeable formation is 80 ohm-m, porosity increases if converted from a limestone to a sand-
and the mud resistivity at formation temperature is stone matrix, and decreases if converted from sandstone
1.05 ohm-m, it is questionable if the SP would serve as a to limestone, limestone to dolomite, or from sandstone to
reliable shale indicator. The 80: 1 ratio will tend to round dolomite. lt is not recommended that logs be recorded in
off the SP at bed boundaries, but if the formation is suffi- dolomite porosity units because (1 ) pure dolomite is rare
ciently thick, an inflection point should be readily identi- in nature and (2) the dolomite line on log interpretation
fied at the bed boundaries. However, the 80 ohm-m resis- charts is empirically derived. lt is important to recognize
tivity could be the result of bracki sh-to-fresh formation that neutron logs are no/ only sensitive to pare space, but
water; i.e., Rw >> Rm at formation temperature. The they are also very sensitive to lithology and gas.
higher formation resistivity could also be due to a hydro-
Problem 5
carbons, in which case, the SP may be suppressed.
There is more than one approach to solvi ng this problem,
so the answers given should not be considered absolute;
however, your answers should be approximately the
same as those given below.

Considering a sandstone to have an average of 10% shale

CHAPTER 4 WORK SESSION (page 163) volume, the following results were determined consider-
ing 2435 Compensated Neutron Log data recorded in
porosity units calculated using a limestone matrix param-
NOTE: The following exercises were given and the solu- eter. Shale porosity was estimated to be 30% for the
tions determined as they are often approached in the real purpose of arriving at solutions. The following values
world, i.e., much of the information is not available, and represent the porosity estmate for sandstone, if the above
as a result, many of the corrections for salinity, tempera- conditions were reasonable.
ture, borehole size, tool type, shale values, etc. are not
made. Rational assumptions can sometimes be made $Nis $Nss
(usually requiring sorne local interpretative know ledge). (corrected for 10% V5 1,)
Whenever the proper information is available, it should
be utilized, and neutron data should be properly corrected. (a) 5% 5.5%
(b) 10% 11.5%
(e) 15% 17%
Problem 1 (d) 20% 22.5%
(e) 25% 28%
Neutron logs "see" dry gas as low porosity. Remember (f) 30% 32.5%
that the log measurement responds to hydrogen, and dry
gas contains little orno hydrogen. This exercise was meant to serve three purposes:

(1) Recognize that it is important to accumulate ali the

Problem 2 necessary info rmation for input including too] type.

(2) Recognize the effects of both shale volume and

Neutron logs "see" shale as high porosity in most cases conversion from limestone to sandstone units.
because shales contain a great deal of bound water in the
isolated pore spaces; therefore, the hydrogen index is (3) Demonstrate that the conversion amount is not
high. linear over normally encountered porosity ranges.

- 29 1 -
Problem 6 lated using a ! of 50.0 ( 18.7). Recognize the significant
errors in porosity calculations.
Assuming other effects such as salinity and borehole size
to be compromised, the temperature correction raises the The purpose in discussing this is that acoustic data are
22% Cf!N!s value to 24.5% Cf!N!s A 2435 series neutron roulinely computed using compaction corrections
device and an apparent shale porosity of 30% (after cor- derivedfrom adjacent shale data, although the sandstone
recting for 20% Vsh and converting to sandstone units of formation itself may be well consolidated. Do not blindly
porosity) would be 23.5% Cf!Nss execute equations, especially computer programs, with-
out thoroughly analyzing the raw data beforehand. When
possible, porosity calculations from density or density-
neutron crossplots should be compared to acoustic-
derived porosities to determine the accuracy of the acous-
tic calculation. Density and neutron devices are not sub-
CHAPTER 4 WORK SESSION (page 174) ject to compaction corrections.

Problem 1 Problem 3

The fol lowing suggested answers were calculated using a The appropriate matrix transit times to calculate porosity,
Vm = 18,000 ft/sec ( = 55.6 sec/ft) and the Wyllie consideri ng the given shale values, are
time average equation. Fluid transit time of 189 sec/ft
was assumed and used. No value of Vsh was provided; Afsh (s/ft) Af,n (s/ft)
therefore, the formation must be assumed as clean. As al!
the given !:.t values are 100 or less, the formation can be 95 55.6
accepted as consolidated sandstone.
80 52.5
Af(s/ft) Cf!Ac(o/o)
120 55 .6 with c/J = 1.20
100 33.3
94 28.8
82 19.8
76 15.3
67 8.5

Problem 2 CHAPTER 4 WORK SESSION (page 181)

Given a !:.tsh value of 125 sec/ft , and assuming Problem 1

189 sec/ft for salt-based fluid transit time, the following
Wyllie time average calculations were made using a com- Assuming a fluid density of 1.0 g/cm3 for fresh drilling
paction correction (Cp) of 1.25 (see Fig. 4-4 1). fluid and a fluid density of 1.1 g/cm3 for salt-based fluid,
the given Pb values were calculated for the three rock
Af (s/ft) Cf!AC (%) types and both fluid cases as follows,

104 29 Fresh mud - 1.0 g/cm 3

98 26 Pb Cf!ss Cf!Ls Cf!dol
94 23.5
82 16 2.50 0.09 0.123 0.198
76 12 .5 2.63 0.012 0.046 0 .128
2.28 0.224 0.251 0.316
As menti oned in the text, ! and CP should be applied
following sorne empirically derived rules. Accepting Salt mud - 1.1 g/cm3
that, CP should not be applied to four of the five values Pb Cf!ss Cf!ts Cf!dol
given, and the values of 94 and 98 should be calculated
using a 55.6 ! (yielding porosity values of 31.8 and 2.50 0.095 0.13 0.201
28.8 respectively), the value of 82 should be calcul ated 2.63 0.013 0.05 0.136
using a 52.5 ! ( 19.3), and the value 76 should be calcu- 2.28 0.238 ' 0.267 0.333

- 292 -
Problem 2 Porosity Lithology Mixture

Given as fresh mud, the following porosity values were Pb = 2.40, <l>Na = 0.10 15% Sandstone
calculated from the given input data of Pe and pb:
Pb = 2.30, <l>Na =0.20 22% 90% sand, 10% shale
Pe Pb <I> Pb = 2.20, <l>Na = 0.25 28% 90% sand, l 0% shale
1.8 2.25 0.24 Pb = 2.20, <l>Na = 0.10 24% Corrected gas-affected
4.3 2.50 0.145 data (using 15 slope
3.1 2.60 0.14 from the horizontal)
4.8 2.54 0.10
Pb= 2.15, <l>Na = 0.30 31 % 85% sand, 15% shale
Problem 3
1 9 ~ -- - - ~ - - ~ - ~ - - 4~5- - ~
Given as salt mud, the following Pe values apparently p = 1.0g/cm3
relate to the lithology indicated:

Apparent Lithology

1.8 Sandstone
3.1 Dolomite
5.0 Limestone


Problem 1

The charted graph is filled in below. Shaly limestones are

generally laminated shales that are sandwiched between
the cleaner carbonate rock; therefore, a laminated model
was sketched.



1.40 2.9 1------1-----1---- -+-------,f----+-- ~

3.0 .___ __,__ __..__ _..,___ ___._ __,___ _____,
1.80 -10 o 10 30 40 50

Problem 3

2.80 The plotted points (pagel99) should result in the follow-

ing approximations of the given data:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
~N (%)
<l>eff vsh <l>1am
Pb = 2.50, t.t =73 8% 15% 10%
Problem 2 Pb = 2.52, t.t =93 6% 70% 17%
Pb = 2.41, t.t = 80 14% 15% 16%
Using the established Vsh lines on the next chart, the fol-
lowing porosity and lithology mixtures were estimated Pb = 2.54, t.t =74 5.5% 25% 7.5%
from the chart: Pb = 2.57, t.t =72 4% 25 % 5%

- 293-
Problem 4 CHAPTER 5 WORK SESSION (page 210)

The following values of porosity and lithology mix were Problem 1

determined from the neutron-de nsity crossplot:
Using the salt mud lithology points on the M-N crossplot
Apparent (2435 series neutron tool), the following lithologies
Log Values Lithology Porosity should be anticipated:

(1) Pb =2.52, <l>Nls = 0.11 Limestone 11 % Apparent Lithology

(2) Pb =2.70, <l>N!s =0.05 50-50 Limestone 3.5% M = 0.83, N = 0.57 50-50 mix of dolomite and
and Dolomite limestone

(3) Pb =2.15, <l>Nls =0.35 Dolomitic lime 33.5% M =0.75, N = 0.54 Dolomitic anhydrite mixture

M = 0.81, N = 0.57 Sandy dolomite or dolomite

(4) Pb =2.20, <l>Nls =0.24 Limey sand 22.5% with gas affect or rugose hole
affecting log response
(5) Pb =2.60, <l>N!s = 0.22 Dolomite 14%
M = 0.72, N = 0.55 anhydrite
The lithology mixture could be different from that sug-
gested. For example, (3) could easily be a dolomitic sand, M =0.86, N =0.60 Limestone or slightly
but <I> would still be about 34 %, only slightly different dolomitic limestone
than the result. This points out the attributes of the neu-
tron-density crossplot value; i.e. , porosity sol utions The above answers should support earlier statements that
remain reasonably accurate, despite gross error in lithol- lithology is an approximation, and that other evidence
ogy estimate. must be included to determine the correct answer.

Problem 5 Problem 2

The predictions made below are based on probabilities of Using the given data, the following litho logy estimates
certain minerals and clay types clustering in certain areas could be made:
of the chart.
Apparent Lithology
Data clustered near the ( 1) are probably dispersed
clays that reduced porosity and permeability (illite Pmaa = 2.80, /j,fmaa = 48 A mixture of limestone and
or mi xed !ayer clays are the probable clay types). anhydrite, or gas affected
dolomite, borehole rugosity
Data clustered near the (2) fall below the shale line
effect on dolomite, or sandy
at very low apparent porosity, a subtle hint that
dolomite are ali possibilities.
these data are most likely representative of a tight
lime or anhydri tic streak.
Pmaa = 2.77, /j,fmaa = 46 50-50 mix of limestone and
Data clustered near the (3) are very porous and dolomite
slightl y shaly; the shales are perhaps representative
of laminae or structural clay mixture. Clay type is Pmaa = 2.62, /j,fmaa =59 Gas affect in a sandstone or
most li kely montmorillonite. perhaps rugose borehole
The data represented by (4) demonstrate a slight
gas affect or perhaps clean sand. Remember, statis- P maa = 2.94, /j,tmaa = 48 Mostly anhydrite, possibly
tical fluctuations occur with nuclear tools. mixed with sorne dolomite

Statistical variation could affect data near (5) also. Pmaa = 2. 16, /j,fmaa = 65 Mostly salt
The arbitrary shale line might be constructed a
little high for the overall data. The data would It should be obvious that MID plot data have better reso-
be classified as 100% shale and could consist of lution than the M-N crossplot, but the results still remain
illite, mixed layers, chlorite, kaolinite, or any ambiguous in many circumstances. Other information is
combination. needed to determine which answer is most probable.

- 294 -
Problem 3 Problem 6

Using the Z-density data below, the followrng results Using the given chart, and considering no shale volume,
were determined: the following lithology was estimated using the results of
Problems 4 and 5:
Lithology Porosity
Apparent Lithology
Zone 1: Pe = 3.0, Pb =2.40 Dolomite 24.5%
Zone 1: Umaa = 8.0, Pmaa = 2.77 Slightly sandy, very
Zone 2: Pe= 1.8, Pb = 2.36 Sandstone 18%
limey dolomite
Zone 3: Pe= 4.6, Pb =2.48 Limestone 14%
Zone 2: Umaa = 5.0, Pmaa = 2.67 Sandstone or quartz-
Zone 4: Pe= 5.0, Pb =2.65 Limestone 3.5% dorninated rock type

Zone 5: Pe = 1.8, Pb =2.17 Sandstone 29% Zone 3: Umaa = 13.0, Pmaa = 2.79 Dolomitic limestone,
possibly anhydritic
Problem 4
Zone 4: Umaa = 14.0, Pmaa = 2.74 Limestone
Using the Problem 3 density data along with neutron
porosity (lime), the following apparent porosity (<l>app) Zone 5: Umaa =4.5, Pmaa =2.59 Sandstone or quartz-
and Pmaa were determined: dominated rock type
with sorne possible
<l>app Pmaa gas effect

Zone 1 Pb =2.40, <l>N = 0.23 20.5% 2.77 lt should be apparent that lithology accuracy increases
Dolomitic limestone with more data; however, with the abundance of informa-
tion acquired, questions still arise in regard to lithology
Zone 2: Pb =2.36, <l>N =0.15 18.5% 2.67 accuracy.
Slightly shaly sand

Zone 3: Pb = 2.48, <l>N = 0.19 16% 2.79

50-50 Dolomite and
Zone 4: Pb =2.65, <l>N = 0.06 5% 2.74
Dolomitic limestone Problem 1

28%** 2.59 Given a known lithology mixture of limestone, dolomite,

Sandstone with gas sand, silt, clay, and sorne anhydrite (probably from
effects sample description), and log data that includes DLL,
MLL, GR, ZDL, CN, and acoustic data, the following
Problem 5 interpretation models would probably be selected.

Using the Pmaa values determined in Problem 4 and the Calcite-Dolomite Quartz Model and anhydrite-Calcite-
<l>a values determined in Problem 3, along with the given Dolomite
Pb values in both those problems, an approximate matrix
volumetric (Umaa) was determined from the chart as fol- The presence of anhydrite may be mini mal, but to verify
lows: it, the second model should be entertained to determine
its effect on log responses. With gamma ray only, clay
Umaa typing is made more difficult.

Zone 1 9.5 A natural gamma spectroscopy log would enhance the

Zone 2 6.0 determination of shale volume and clay typing.
Zone 3 13.0
Zone4 13.5 Acoustic data can help determine sorne petrology-miner-
Zone 5 6.4 alogy content by using it to perform a MID plot analysis

- 295 -
(w ith density and neutron data included), and also to Most crossplots are more easily utili zed with computer
create a shaly sand plot. Comparisons of the MID plot facilities. The complex M-N, MIO plot, Umaa vs. Pmaa
li thology and the complex lithology plot should improve along with Spectralog KUTh data are almost unmanage-
the lithology description. able by manual interpretation methods. The crossplots
used to verify the accuracy of log computation results are
Problem 2 also more adaptable to computer faci lities.

From the Pe vs. Th/K chart provided, the following min-

eral estimates were made.
Pe Th/K ratio Estimate of Minerals
Problem 1
6.2 0.86 Glauconite
3.5 2.0 lllite
Given values of 0.05 for Rw @ formation temperature,
2.5 >12.0 Mixed layer clays
6.2 m = 2 , n = 2, and a = 1, the following Sw values were
10.0 Chlorite
2.0 12.5 Kaolinite

Problem 3 Ri $(%) Sw(%)

Crossplots have severa} attributes, including ZoneA 55 22 14

Zone B 20 12 42
lmproved porosity values from log measurements ZoneC 220 8 19
Zone D 8 18 44
Improved concept of lithology mi x, including sha- Zone E 5 10 100
Problem 2
Methods to judge log quality from well to well
during development drilling Given R..,= 0.12 @ formation temperature, the following
Sw values were calcul ated from the g iven data for each
De termination of a, m, Rw, !:i.t,m Pm, Sw, Sxo etc. zone; first with the Ridgefield relation and second with
with the proper crossplot and circumstances the Humble relation:

The most useful crossplots for quick-look, well -site eval- Ridgefield Humble
uations are R, $(%) Sw(%) Sw(o/o)

Density vs. neutron for porosity, gas detection, and ZoneA 20 28 25 24

lithology mix
Zone B 30 103 LOO
ZoneC 15 15 54 54
Acoustic vs. densi ty for shale volume determina-
Zone D 12 12 75 77
tion and effective porosity in shal y sand e nviron-
me nts
Problem 3
Acoustic vs. neutron for porosity, gas detection,
and lithology mix especially in radioactive dolo- Given values of a = 0.8 1, m = 2, n = 2, Rw = 0.05 @ for-
mites mation temperature, q> = 25%, R 1 = l O ohm-m, B = 16,
and Qv = 1.27, the fo llowing Sw values were determined
Hing le or Pickett plots for well-to-well quality con- using a conventional Archie relation and the Wax ma n-
trol, quick estimates of Sw, matrix type, q>, Rw, etc. Smits equation:

M-N and/or MID plots can be used to spot-check Archie Sw Waxman-Smits Sw

lithology mix when acoustic, neutron, and density
are all available 25% 9%

Pe vs. Pb for more acc urate matrix determination to The above exercise should also demonstrate the conve-
calculate porosity from density data nie nce of using computers to process complex data.

- 296 -
Problem 4 (1) Porosity was determined from density only; the
2.79 matrix value being equivalent to a 50-50 mix-
Given a 200 MHz Dielectric too!, <I> = 30%, tpma = ture of limestone and dolomite. Porosity values
7.5 ns/m, tpw = 85 ns/m, tpl = 17.5 ns/m, and tph = 5 ns/m, could be pessimistic in depth intervals where the
the following values were determined from the chart, lithology is mostly dolornite.

(2) The Archie relation F = llf is a reasonable starting

point for log calculations in carbonates, but most
dolomites, and zones with sucrosic, oomoldic,
Problem 5
and/or vuggy porosity are often found to have m
values > 2, and the saturation exponent n is often
Given Pma = 41 , Pw = 466, P = 96, and Ph = 0.3, the fol- > 2 if oil-wet conditions exist in the pore throats.
lowing value was calculated,
(3) Connate water resistivity (Rw) could also be erro-
Ptf = 224 neous. Ali other parameters being acceptable, an
Rw value near 0.08 ohm-m would be needed to
Problem 6 raise Sw to 100%.

The induction resistivity is more likely pessimistic than

Given Ph = 0.3, Pw = 466, and the 224 value calculated optimistic; i.e., its measurements are affected by very
for Pf in Problem 5, the following saturation resulted, conductive borehole fluids. A laterolog device would be
more suitable for the fluid parameters given, and would
Sw=48% lead to more accurate Sws in the pay zone.

Problem 7

Depth (m) <I> (%) Sw (%)

3000 23 43
3001 22 42 Problem 1
3002 24 38 Should produce water-
3003 22 41 free oil More information is needed before a realistic answer can
3004 24 38 be provided, but if the porosity values vary somewhat,
3005 22 52 and grain size/lithology is fairly homogeneous, the Sw vs.
3006 20 58 <I> plot will usually provide good information.
3007 18 74
3008 19 83 Transition zone Problem 2
3009 21 80
3010 If grain size or lithology vary within the reservoir, the
22 78
plot of Sw vs. <I> can still provide valid information, but
3011 24 83
different grain sizes or differing lithologies will have dif-
3012 23 93
ferent hyperbol as that represent Sw for that particular
3013 22 98
segment of the reservoir.
3014 23 101 Ali water
3015 21 102 Problem 3
3016 23 100
The following permeability values were determined by
Sorne of the transitional interval may produce essentially chart, but should also represent the approximate value of
water-free for sorne period of time before water influx those calculated by the equations:
Morris-Biggs Timor
k (md) k (md)
Problem 8
ZoneA 45 80
Assuming that the ol-water contact is actually at the ZoneB 400 550
9,820 ft depth, Sws from that point downward should be ZoneC 1.2 4.2
100%. The reasons for not calculating as high a value are ZoneD 3000 4000
probably one or more of the following: ZoneE 18 38

- 297 -
Problem 4

From the chart, a 180,000 ppm solution @ 200F should

equate to
0.46 cp viscosity

Problem 5

In a zone with Sw =60% and Sw = 20%, the relative per-

meability to oil should be approximately

Problem 6

A zone containing 35 API oil, and having a Sw = 50%

and S;w = 20%, should have a
WATER CUT "" 45%

Problem 7

Given saturation and density-neutron porosity val ues for

each of the following zones, the fo llowi ng hydrocarbon
densities and predictions of production could be made:

P11 Predicted Production

ZoneA 0.70 Medium-gravity oil

Zone B 0.53 Liquid condensate or high-gravity

oil with a high GOR

ZoneC 0.49 Liquid condensate or high-gravity

oil with a high GOR

ZoneD 0.64 Medium gravity oil with a high

GOR or low-gravity oil

Zone E 0.73 Medium-gravity oil

Obviously, the above answers need sorne added informa-

tion to interpret the relationship of Ph more precisely.

Problem 8

A well l 0,000 ft deep could be estimated to have about

5,000 psi , and coupled with 200F temperature, gas den-
sity would be estimated at

Pg= 0.19 g/cm3

Problem 9

With an estimated 3,000 psi pressure and l 60F forma-

tion temperature, gas density would be estimated at

Pg = 0.15 g/cm 3

-298 -

1. Anderson, G. V.: "Wettability Literature Survey - 14. Bigelow, E. L.: "Making More Intelligent Use of
Part 3: The Effects of Wettability on the Electrical Log-Derived Dip Information, Part V: Strati-
Properties of Porous Media," JPT (December graphic Interpretation, The Log Analyst (Septem-
1986). ber-October 1985).

2. Alger, R. P.: "Formation Density Log Applications 15. Bigelow, E. L.: " Integrating The Earth Sciences,"
in Liquid Filled Holes," JPT (March, 1963). Trans., SPWLA 27th Annual Logging Symposium,
Houston, TX ( 1986).
3. Ali, S. A.: "Sandstone Diagenesis Applications to
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production," Gulf 16. Bigelow, E. L.: " Reservoir Field Studies: Purpose,
Science & Technology Company (December 1981 ). Methodology, and Results," Trans., SPWLA Elev-
enth European Formation Evaluation Symposium,
4. Archie, G. E.: "The Electrical Resistivity Log asan Oslo, Norway ( 1989).
Aid in Determining Sorne Reservoir Characteris-
tics," Trans. , SPE ( 194 l), 146. 17. Bigelow, E. L. and Stinco, L.: "A Look at Misuse
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5. Archie, G. E.: "Electrical Resistivity an Aid in Core mation," Trans. , Beijing Well Logging Sympo-
Analysis Determination,'" AAPG Bulletin (1947). sium, Society of Professional Well Log Analysts,
Beijing, China ( 1989).
6. Archie, G. E.: "Tntroduction to Petrophysics,"
AAPG Bulletin (1950). 18. Bigelow, E. L.: "Ten Steps to Successful Dip Anal-
ysis," Trans. , SPWLA Thirteenth European For-
7. Archie, G. E.: "Classification of Carbonate Reser- mation Evaluation Symposium (1990).
voir Rocks and Petrophysical Considerations,"
AAPG Bulletin (1952). 19. Bigelow, E. L.: " Log-Derived Dip Data Success-
fully Delineates East Texas Paluxy Reservoirs,"
8. Bateman, R. M. and Hepp, V. R.: "Application of Trans. , SPWLA Thirty-second Annual Logging
True Vertical Depth, True Stratigraphic Thickness Symposium, Midland, TX ( 1991).
and True Vertical Thickness Log Displays," Trans.,
SPWLA Twenty-Second Annual Logging Sympo- 20. Bigelow, E. L.: "Geological Log Analysis of a Car-
sium, Mexico City ( 1981 ). bonate Reservoir," Trans., SPWLA Fourteenth
European Fmmation Evaluation Symposium,
9. Bigelow, E. L., "High Resolution Dipmeter Uses in London, England ( 1991 ).
Michigan's Niagaran Reefs," Oi/ & Gas J. (Sep-
tember 1973). 2 1. Blum, H. A. and Martn, J. L.: " Log Interpretation
Problems in Low Resistivity Sands," JPT (August
10. Bigelow, E. L.: "Logging Deep We lls in the Rock- 1955).
ies," paper presented at the RMAG Annual Meet-
ing, Steamboat Springs, CO ( 1975). 22. Bowsky, N. C.: "The Effect of Mud Resistivities on
the Intensities of Electrical Logs," Geophysics
11. Bigelow, E. L.: "Application of Dip-Related Mea- (Jan uary 1942).
surements to a Complex Carbonate-Clastic Deposi-
tional Environment," The Log Analyst (March- 23. Brannon, H. R. and Osoba, J. S.: "Spectral Gamma
April 1982). Ray Logging," JPT (February 1956).

12. Bigelow, E. L.: " Making More Intelligent Use of 24. Breck, H. R. , Schoellhorn, S. W., and Baum, R. B.:
Log-Derived Dip lnformation, Part II: Wellsite "Acoustic Logging and its Geophysical and Geo-
Data Gathering Considerations," The Log Analyst log ical Applications," paper presented at the SEG
(March-Apri l 1985). Meeting, New York ( 1955).

13. Bigelow, E. L.: " Making More lntelligent Use of 25. Brown, R. J. S. and Neuman, C. H.: "Processing
Log-Derived Dip lnformation, Part IV: Structural and Display of Nuclear Magnetism Logging Sys-
Interpretation," The Log Ana/yst (July-August tems," Trans. , SPWLA Twenty-First Annual Log-
1985). ging Symposium, Lafayette, LA ( 1980).

- 299 -
26. Burke, J. A., Curts, M. , and Cox, J.: "Computer 38. de Waal, J. A.: "The Influence of Clay Distribution
Processing of Log Data Enables Better Production on Shaly Sand Conductivity," Trans., SPE Annual
in the Chaveroo Field," JPT (July 1967). Technical Conference & Exhibition, Dallas, TX
( 1987).
27. Burke, J. A., Campbell, R. L., Jr., and Schmidt, A.
W.: "The Litho-Porosity Cross Plot," Trans., 39. de Witte, A. J.: "Saturation and Porosity from Elec-
SPWLA Tenth Annual Logging Symposium tric Logs in Shaly Sands," Oi/ & Gas J. (March 4-
( 1969). April 1957).

28. Bush, D. C. and Jenkins, R. E.: "CEC Determina- 40. de Witte, L.: "Resistivity and Saturation Distribu-
tions by Correlations with Adsorbed Water," tion in Infiltrated Zones of Porous Formations, Oi/
Trans., SPWLA Eighteenth Annual Logging Sym- & Gas J. (July 1950).
posium, Houston, TX ( 1977)
41. de Witte, L.: "Relations Between Resistivities and
29. Calvert, T.J., Rau, R. N., and Wells, L. E.: "Electro- Fluid Contents of Porous Rocks," Oi/ & Gas J.
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teristics of the Electrochemical Potential Encoun-
30. Chambliss, G. F.: "Devonian Lithology ldentifica- tered in Drill Holes," paper presented at the AIME
tion Utilizing Porosity Logs," paper presented at Meeting, Los Angeles, CA ( 1950).
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cal Society, Moab, UT ( 1960). 43. de Witte, L.: "A Study of Electric Log Interpreta-
tion Methods in Shaly Formations," Petroleum
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44. Diederix, K. M.: "Anomalous Relationships
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the Rotliegend Sandstone (The Netherlands),"
32. Clavier, C. and Rust, D. H.: "Mid Plot: A New
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Lithology Technique," The Log Analyst (Novem-
Corpus Christi, TX (1982).
ber-December 1976).

33. Clavier, C., Coates, G., and Dumanoir, J.: "The 45. Doll, H. G., Legrand, J. C., and Stratton, E. F.:
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Water' Model for the lnterpretation of Shaly Application to Log Analysis," Oi/ & Gas J. (I 947).
Sands," Trans., SPE Annual Fall Technical Confer-
ence and Exhibition, Denver, CO ( 1977). 46. Doll, H. G., "The SP Log: Theoretical Analysis and
Principies of Interpretation," Trans. , SPE ( 1948).
34. Coates, G. R. and Dumanoir, J. L.: "A New
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The Log Analyst (January-February 1974). SPE (1949).

35. Dahlberg, K. E. and Ference, M. V.: "A Quantita- 48. Doll, H. G.: "Introduction to lnduction Logging
tive Test of Electromagnetic Propagation Log for and Application to Logging of Wells Drilled with
Residual Oil Determination," Trans., SPWLA Oil-Base Mud," JPT (1949).
Twenty-Fifth Annual Logging Symposium, New
Orleans, LA (1984). 49. Doll, H. G.: "The Microlog - A New Electrical
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Impairment by Mud Solids, Pet. Eng. Intl. (1975)
102-110. 50. Doll, H. G.: "The SP Log in Shaly Sands," JPT
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Logs," Trans., SPE Annual Technical Conference Logging Method with Electrodes Using an Auto-
& Exhibition, Dallas, TX (1984). matic Focusing System," JPT (November 1951 ).

- 300-
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54. Donaldson, E. C. and Siddiqui, T. K.: "Relation-
ship Between the Archie Saturation Exponent and
Wettability," Trans., SPE Annual Technical Con-
ference & Exhibition, Dallas, TX ( 1987). 67. Fertl, W. H. and Timko, D. J.: "Association of
Salinity Variations and Geopressures in Soft and
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55. From an Idea to an lndustry: Fifty Years With Logging Symposium, Los Angeles, CA ( 1970).
Dresser Atlas, Dresser Atlas, Dresser Industries,
Inc. (1982).
68. Fertl, W. H. and Timko, D. J.: "How Downhole
Temperature, Pressures Affect Drilling," (Ten-Part
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" Interpretation of the lnduction-Electrical Log in
Fresh Mud," JPT (July 1957). 69. Fertl, W. H., and Hammack, G. W.: "Solid Particle
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Bailey, C. R.: "The Relation Between Electrical SPWLA Well Logging Symposium, (1976).
Resistivity and Brine Saturation in Reservoir
Rocks," IPT (October 1949). 70. Fertl, W. H. and Wichmann, P. A.: "Static Forma-
ti on Temperature from Well Logs," Dresser Atlas
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58. Dunlap, H. F. and Hawthome, H. R.: "The Calcula-
tion of Water Resistivities from Chemical Analy-
sis," JPT(March 1951). 7 1. Fertl , W. H.: " Gamma Ray Spectral Data Assists in
Complex Formation Evaluation," Trans., SPWLA
Sixth European Formation Evaluation Symposium
59. Edmondson, H. and Ray mer, L. L.: Trans., London, England (1979).
SPWLA 20th Annual Well Logging Symposium,
Tulsa, OK ( 1979).
72. Fertl, W. H.: "Openhole Crossplot Concepts - A
Powerful Technique in Well Log Analysis," IPT
60. Ellis, D. Y.: Well Logging for Earth Scientists, (March 1981 ).
Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc. , New York,
Amsterdam, and London ( 1987). 73. Fertl, W. H.: "Gamma Ray Spectral Logging: A
New Evaluation Frontier," World Oil (1983).
61. Faraguna, J. K., Chace, D.M. , and Schmidt, M. G.:
"An Improved Borehole Televiewer System: 74. Fertl, W. H.: "Log-Derived Evaluation of Shaly
Image Acquisition, Analysis and Integration," Clastic Reservoirs," I PT (February 1987).
Trans., SPWLA 30th Annual Logging Symposium,
Denver, CO (1989). 75. Fertl, W. H. and Frost, E., Jr.: "Evaluation of Shaly
Clastic Reservoir Rocks ," JPT (September 1980).
62. Faul , H. and Tittle, C. W.: "Logging of Drill Holes
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63. Ferguson, C. K. and Klotz, J. A.: " Filtration from
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-301 -
Seismic Check Shot Surveys," The Log Analyst 92. Hill, H. J. and Milburn, J. D., "Effect of Clay and
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79. Gondouin, M., Tixier, M. P. , and Simard, G. L.:
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80. Gondouin, M. and Scala, C.: "Streaming Potential 94. Howell, L. G. and Frosch, A.: "Gamma Ray Well
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81. Graton, L. C. and Fraser, H. J.: "Systematic Pack- 95. Howells, H. M. and Wilkinson, J. R.: "Petrophysi-
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and Permeability," Journal ofGeology (1935) 785- voirs, Mackenzie Delta," Trans., 6th Fonnation
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82. Gray, G. R., Darley, H. C., and Rogers, W. F.: Com-
position and Properties of Oil Well Drilling Fluids
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83. Green, W. G. and Fearon, R. E.: "Well Logging by

97. Janes, T. A. , Hilliker, D. J. , and Carville, C. L.:
Radioactivity," Geophysics (July 1940).
"200 MHz Dielectric Logging System," Trans.,
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84. Griffiths, J. C.: "Grain Size Distribution and Reser-
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ruary 1952).
98. Johnson, W.: "Effect of Shaliness on Log
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85. Grosmangin, M. and Walker, E. B.: "Gas Detection
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cina Area, Venezuela," JPT (May 1957). 99. Juhasz, I.: "Normalized Qv, The Key to Shaly Sand
Evaluation Using the Waxman-Smits Equation in
86. Guyod, H.: "Electric Log Interpretation," Oi/ the Absence of Core Data," Trans., SPWLA
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87. Guyod, H.: "Electrical Logging Developments in
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88. Guyod, H.: "Electric Analogue of Resistivity Log- tions ," Trans., SPWLA Twentieth Annual Logging
ging," Geophysics (July 1955). Symposium, Tulsa, OK ( 1979).

89. Haldorsen, H. H. and MacDonald, C. J.: "Stochas- 101. Jones, E. C. and McBride, E. F.: Diagenesis of
tic Modeling of Underground Reservoir Facies Sandstone and Shale: Application to Exploration
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90. Hicks, W. G. and Berry, J. E.: "Application of Con- 102. Keller, G. V.: "Effect of Wettability on the Electri-
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103. Kenyon, W. E. and Baker, P. L.: "EPT Interpreta-
91. Hilchie, Douglas W.: Applied Openhole log lnter- tion in Carbonates Drilled with Salt Muds," Trans.,
pretation for Geologists and Engineers, Depart- 59th Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition
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- 302 -

104. Kem, J. W., Hoyer, W. A., and Spann, M. M.: "Low 117. Link, Peter K.: Basic Petroleum Geology, OGCI
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118. Lloyd, P.M., Dahan, C., and Hutin, R.: "Formation
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111. Labo, J. A.: "Interpreting Silurian Niagaran Reefs 123. Martn, M. and Kunz, K. S.: "A Tentative Explana-
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127. Meador, R. A. and Cox, P. T.: " Dielectric Constant
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- 303-
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-304 -
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160. Poupon, A., Loy, M. E. and Tixier, M. P.: "A Con- 172. Richardson, J. G., Sangree, J. B., and Sneider, R.
tribution to Electric Log Interpretation in Shaly M.: "Applications of Geophysics to Geologic
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175. Rust, C. F.: " Electrical Resi stivity Measurements
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-305 -
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December 1983).
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186. Smith, G. H. and Atkins, E. R. , Jr.: "The Contribu-
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les, CA (1954). 1982).

187. Smith, H. D. and Blum, H. A.: "Microlaterolog vs. 199. Timur, A.: "An lnvestigation of Permeability,
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188. Smits, L. J. M .: "SP Log Interpretation in Shaly 200. Tittle, C. W. , Faul, H. , and Goodman, C.: " Neutron
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190. Sprunt, E. S., Hensel, W. M., Jr., York, C. E., and

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-306 -

207. Tixier, M. P.; "Porosity Balance Verifies Water Sat- 219. Worthington, P. F.: "The Evolution of Shaly-Sand
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lysl (January-February 1985).
208. Von Englehardt, W. and Gaida, K. H.: "Concentra-
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SPWLA 28th Annual Logging Symposium, Electrochemical Component of the SP Curve,"
London, England ( 1987). Trans., SPE (l 948).

210. Waxman, M. H. and Smits, L. J. M.: "Electrical 222. Wyllie, M. R. J.: "A Statistical Study of the Accu-
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211. Waxman, M. H. and Thomas, E. C.: "Electrical
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224. Wyllie, M. R. J.: "Clay Technology in Well Log
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213. Williams, D.M. , Zemanek, J., and Angona, F. A.:
225. Wyllie, M. R. J.: "Procedure for the Direct
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226. Wyllie, M. R. J. and Gregory, A. R.: "Formation

214. Williams, R. D. and Ewing, S. P. , Jr.: 'Jmproved
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227. Wyllie, M. R. J. and Southwick, P. F.: "An Experi-
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Porous Media," Geophysics (January 1956).
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Sands in Relation to Pore Geometry," AAPG Bulle- 229. Wyllie, M. R. J., Gregory, A. R., and Gardner, G.
tin (February 1952). H. F.: "An Experimental Investigation of Factors
Affecting Elastic Wave Velocities in Porous
217. Winsauer, W. O. and McCardell, W. M.: "Ionic Media," Trans., SEG 27th Annual Meeting, Dallas,
Double Layer Conductivity in Reservoir Rocks," TX (1957).
JPT (May 1953).
230. Wyllie, M. R. J. and Rose, W. D.: "Sorne Theoreti-
218. Worthington, P. F.: "The Influence of Formation cal Considerations Related to the Quantitative
Anisotropy Upon Resistivity - Porosity Relation- Evaluation of the Physical Characteristics of Res-
ships," Trans. SPWLA Twenty-Second Annual ervoir Rock from Electrical Log Data," JPT (April
Logging Symposium, Mexico City ( 1981 ). 1950).

- 307 -
231. Zernanek, J.: "The Borehole Televiewer - A New
Logging Concept for Fracture Location and Other
Types of Borehole Inspection," Trans., SPE Annual
Technical Conference & Exhibition, Houston, TX

232. Zernanek, J., Strozeski, B. , and Wang, Z.: "The

Operational Characteristics of a 250 kHz Focused
Borehole Imaging Device," Trans., SPWLA 3 1st
Annual Logging Symposiurn, Lafayette, LA

233. Zinszer, R. H.: "The Use of Electrode Spacing in

Well Logging," Petroleum Technology (March

- 308 -

A conductivity correction charts 60-68

absolute permeability 6 confirmation wells 24
acoustic Iogs, connate water resistivity 108-119
clay effects 185 coring 38-41
long-spaced 169-17 l core data 31, 38-41
measurements 78-79, 81, 101 , 103-104, 164-171 critica! water saturation 265-266
porosity 171-175 crossplots,
compaction correction 172-173 construction 186-196, 21
aerial surveys 23-24 gas detection 187, 189-190
air-drilled holes 19 lithology estimates 187-209, 216-231
API test facility 140-142, 149-150 porosity determination 187-196
appraisal wells 24 saturation determination 189-194
Archie, shale/clay determination 187-196
formation factor relationship 117, 124, 184 special (mica) 229-230
saturationequation 123, 125,135,184 cycle skipping, acoustics 167-168

bacteria, drilling fluid 19-20 d'A rcy Law 5
bed boundaiies 92-98 delta t (!:.t) stretch, acoustics 168
bed thickness 92-98 density,
borehole compensation, acoustic d evices 165-167 clay effects 185
bulk density (Pb) 176-181 measurements 78, 81, 101-102, 105-107, 175-183
porosity 180-183
depth control 7, 43-44, 275-283
e depth measurement 7, 43-44, 275-283
cable too! rigs 1O development wells 26
caliper measurements 52-56 dielectric
carbonate rocks 36-38 measurements 80, 82, 99
cation exchange coefficient (CEC) 246-247 saturation methods 248-256
cementation exponent 184 dip measurements 81, 83
checking the results 263-267 dispersed clay model 193-194
chemical weathering 3 dispersed shale correction, acoustic logs 174-175
chert 36 disposal wells 27
clastics 31-36 directional drilling 20
Clavier-Coates saturation (dual water model) drillers measurements 44-46
equation 234 drilling,
clay analysis 217-226 engineer 8-9
compaction correction, acoustic logs 172-173 fluids 9, 15-21
compensated objectives 8-9
acoustic (see acoustic) rigs 8-15
density (see density) superintendent 8-9
neutron (see neutron) dual induction 57-59
Compton scattering 176-177 dual laterolog 58-60
conductivity 52, 57-59 dual-phase induction 95-96

- 309-
E hydrocarbon type 271-273
effective porosity 4 hydrogen sulfide (H2S) 19-20
effective perrneability 6
electrofacies 43-44
Electrolog 53 I
electron density 176, 178, 180 irnaging 81-83
elevations 44-45 induction rneasurements 57-59
evaporites 36 induction electric resistivity ratio method 129
exploration wells 23-24 injection wells 26-27
interpretation of resul ts 264-273
irreducible water saturation 265-266
filtercake 17,33,35
fluid loss 18 J
fluid sampling 80, 82 Juhasz saturation equation 234
flushed zone saturation method 125, 128-129
formaldehyde 20
Formation Multi-Tester (FMT) 80, 82 K
formation resistivity factor (F) 123-124. 184 KCI drilling fluid 19
Free Fluid Index 257
freshwater-based drilling fluids 18
frontier wildcats 23 L
laminar sand-shale model 193
laminated shale correction, acoustic logs 174
G laterolog 58-60
gamma ray, lithology analysis 102, 106-107, 185, 217-230
measurements 76-77, 99- IO l long-spaced acoustic logs 169-171
calibration pit (U. of Houston) 140- 142
shale volu me determination 137-146
spectroscopy 76, 78, 100- 103, 217-226 M
spectroscopy, shale volurne determination 137- 143 magnetic resonance,
gas detection methods I O1, 105 measurements 257
gas-drilled holes 19 analysis 257
gas storage wells 28 magnetics surveys 23-25
geological traps 29 marker beds 36
geology 21 measured thickness 7-8
geophysics 21, 23-26 measurement-while-drilling (MWD) 20-2 1
geothermal energy wells 29 mechanical weathering 3
global tectonics 3 microlog 96-97
gravity surveys 23-25 microlaterolog 96-97, 99
Micro Laterolog 96-97, 99
Mineral Identification Plot (MIO Plot) 203-204
H Minilog 96-97
header information 44-46 mining exploration wells 28
Hingle plot 237-240 M-N Crossplot 202-203
Horner plot 53 Morris-Biggs perrneability equation 267
Humble relationship 117 movable hydrocarbons 236, 245, 256, 264

- 3 10-
mud, porosity, neutron l 49
additives 9, l 6-19 potassium chloride drilling fluid 19
measure ments 49-52 pore shape 4
scavengers 19-20 pore size 4
weight 9, 16-17 porosity 3-5
weighting agents 19-20 Poupon and Leveaux saturation equation 234
mud cup princ ipie 47-52 pressure maintenance 26-27
mud logging 20-22 pressure measurements 80, 82
mud return logs 20-22 proximity log 96, 98-99

natural gamma ray (see gamma ray) radar imagery 24
natural gamma ray spectroscopy re lative permeability 6
(see gamma ray spectroscopy) relief wells 26
neutron , remarks section , header 26
calibration 153 reserve estimates 8
calibration pit (U. of Houston) 149-150 reservoir,
clay effects 185 geometry 7
correction charts 153- 163 rock properties 3-7
measurements 79-82, 1O1, 105-106, 149-163 thickness 7
porosity determination 149 residua l ol saturation 236, 245,257,264
sha le volume determination 163 resistivity
noise, acoustic 167 defined 52, 58-60
concept 46-47
correction c harts 60-68
o fo rmation water 108- 1 19
oil-based drilling fluids 18 invasion profiles 65, 67, 69-75
oil-wet grains 258-259 measurements 52-53
overbalanced, drilling 9 tornado charts 7 1-74, 130- 135
Resistivity Index 123- 124
Ridgefield relationship 1 17
p rig time 9
pair production 176 Rocky Mt. saturation method 125- 127
permeab i li ty 4-7, 25 7 rotary drilling ri gs 9, 11-16
permeability concept, Wyllie-Rose 265 rotary rig components 9, 11 - 12, 14-16
permeability estimates 257, 267-268 roughnecks 8-9
permeable bed identification 87-9 l , 257
petrophysical parameters 184
pH 18 s
phosphates 36 salt-based drilling fluids 18- 19
photoelectric absorption 176, 178, 180 salt formations 36
Pickett plot 240-244 satellite reconnaissance 23
pore geometry exponent 184 saturation,
porosityanalysis 102, 105 , 107, 149, 171 - 175, defi ned 6-7, 233-260,
180- 183, 185, 257 critica] 265-266
porosity, acoustic 171-175 dual water model 234 , 247
porosity, density 180- 183 exponent(n) 123,257-259

-3 11 -
F overlay method 246 w
flushed zone 236, 256 waste disposal wells 27
Hingle plot 237-240 water-wet grains 258-259
Indonesian (Poupon-Leveaux) 234, 248 waterflood 27
irreducible 265-266 water loss 18
low salinity reservoirs 248-256 water supply wells 28
magnetic resonance 257 Wentworth's Grain Size Scales 138
Pickett plot 240-244 Waxman and Smits saturation equation 234
Rwa method 243, 245-246 wettability 258-259
resistivity ratio methods 124-129 wildcat wells 23-24
Waxman-Smits 246-247 wireline depth control 7, 275-283
sedimentary rocks 3 Wyllie-Rose permeability concept 265
sedimentation 31 Wyllie Time Average Equation 17 l
seismic 23-24, 26
Self Potential 75-76
shale correction, acoustic logs 174-175 z
shale volume calculation 137-163, 174-175, Z-Densilog (see density)
sidewall neutron (see neutron)
Simandoux saturation equation 234
spherically focused logs 94-95
spine and ribs correction, density 177
Spontaneous Potential 75-76
SP curve 75-76
SP shale volume determination 147- 149
static formation temperature 50, 53
stratigraphy 31
structural geology 29-30

temperature effects 47-53
TBRT (thin bed resistivity too!) 96, 98
Timur permeability equation 267-268
toolpushers 8-9
true formation resistivity (R 1) 121-123, 130- 135
true stratigraphic thickness 7 -8
true vertical thickness 7-8

underground storage wells 28

velocity inversion, acoustic 168
viscosity 17-18
vugs 36-37

- 312 -

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