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Criteria definition:
CRIT_001 Cost (as less as possible, with an upper limit as defined by REQ_008)
CRIT_002 Time effort for the watering process (as less as possible, with an upper limit as defined by REQ_003)
CRIT_003 Amount of water which can be applied in one workcycle (REQ003) (more is better, with limits as specified by REQ_003)
Appearance of the design (needs to be ranked on a subjective basis. Less is better, 0 The design integrates very good with its environment, 10
CRIT_004 The design is very obtrusive)
Robustness (more ist better, 0 the design needs maintainance after less than 30 times using it, 10
CRIT_005 The design is practically maintenance free (which means it can be expected that maintenance is not required before 1000 work cycles).

CRIT_001 CRIT_002 CRIT_003 CRIT_004 CRIT_005 Total Weight Rating scale Description
CRIT_001 1,00 3,00 3,00 3,00 0,33 10,33 0,31 1 A and B are equally important
CRIT_002 0,33 1,00 3,00 0,33 0,33 5,00 0,15 3 Some preference for A over B
CRIT_003 0,33 0,33 1,00 3,00 0,25 4,92 0,15 5 Strong preference for A over B
CRIT_004 0,33 0,33 0,33 1,00 0,25 2,25 0,07 7 Very strong preference for A over B (can prove it)
CRIT_005 3,00 3,00 0,33 4,00 1,00 11,33 0,33 9 Will always choose A over B no matter what
Total 5,00 7,67 7,67 11,33 2,17 33,83
Decision matrix
Definition of possible designs
Design_01 Trailer with water drum and water distribution using the potential energy of the water
Design_02 Trailer with water drum and gas driven water pump
Design_03 Stationary solution with water reservoir, gas driven water pump and manual watering using a hose
Design_04 Stationary solution with water reservoir, gas driven water pump and watering using a system of pipes and sprinklers which are located at the edges of the riding ground.
Design_05 Stationary solution with water reservoir, gas driven water pump and watering using a sprinkler which is pulled over the riding ground.

Rating scale 1 to 5 1 --> doesn't fill the criterion at all

3 --> meets the criterion pretty well (average)
5 --> fulfills and possibly exceeds that criterion

Design_01 Design_02 Design_03 Design_04 Design_05

Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
CRIT_001 0,31 4 1,22 3 0,92 3 0,92 2 0,61 3 0,92
CRIT_002 0,15 3 0,44 4 0,59 2 0,30 3 0,44 3 0,44
CRIT_003 0,15 3 0,44 3 0,44 2 0,29 4 0,58 4 0,58
CRIT_004 0,07 3 0,20 3 0,20 2 0,13 2 0,13 3 0,20
Crit_005 0,33 4 1,34 3 1,00 4 1,34 3 1,00 2 0,67
Total 3,64 3,15 2,98 2,77 2,81

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