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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg.

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga

de 450 kg.

Analyzed File: Puente grua con refuerzo anlisis Zona 1.iam

Autodesk Inventor Version: 2013 (Build 170138000, 138)
Creation Date: 07/06/2017, 08:19 p.m.
Simulation Author: C.Lovera/G.Patio/L.Buelvas

Project Info (iProperties)

Author C.Lovera

Part Number Puente grua con refuerzo 1
Designer C.Lovera
Cost Bs. F. 0,00
Date Created 19/05/2017

Design Status WorkInProgress

Mass 1614.38 kg
Area 39393400 mm^2
Volume 205401000 mm^3
x=2901.45 mm
Center of Gravity y=1894.55 mm
z=66.7595 mm
Note: Physical values could be different from Physical values used by FEA reported below.

Simulacin cond. diseo propio peso

General objective and settings:
Design Objective Single Point
Simulation Type Static Analysis
Last Modification Date 04/06/2017, 04:10 p.m.
Detect and Eliminate Rigid Body Modes No
Separate Stresses Across Contact Surfaces No

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 2 de 38

Motion Loads Analysis No

Mesh settings:
Avg. Element Size (fraction of model diameter) 0.5
Min. Element Size (fraction of avg. size) 0.1
Grading Factor 1.5
Max. Turn Angle 60 deg
Create Curved Mesh Elements No
Use part based measure for Assembly mesh Yes

Name Generic
Mass Density 1 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 0 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 0 MPa
Young's Modulus 0 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0 ul
Shear Modulus 0 GPa
Expansion Coefficient 0 ul/c
Stress Thermal Thermal Conductivity 0 W/( m K )
Specific Heat 0 J/( kg c )
Rieles y soportes
Part Name(s) Carro
Name Steel, Mild
Mass Density 7.86 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 207 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 345 MPa
Young's Modulus 220 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0.275 ul
Shear Modulus 86.2745 GPa
Expansion Coefficient 0.000012 ul/c
Stress Thermal Thermal Conductivity 56 W/( m K )
Specific Heat 460 J/( kg c )
Part Name(s) DIN L75x75x8 00000001
DIN L75x75x8 00000002
DIN L75x75x8 00000003
DIN U 100 00000004
DIN U 100 00000005
DIN L75x75x8 00000006
DIN L75x75x8 00000007
DIN L75x75x8 00000008
DIN L75x75x8 00000009
DIN L75x75x8 00000010
DIN L75x75x8 00000011
DIN L75x75x8 00000012
DIN L75x75x8 00000013
DIN L75x75x8 00000014
DIN L75x75x8 00000015
DIN L75x75x8 00000016
DIN L75x75x8 00000017

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 3 de 38

DIN L75x75x8 00000018

DIN L75x75x8 00000019
DIN L75x75x8 00000020
DIN L75x75x8 00000021
DIN L75x75x8 00000022
DIN L75x75x8 00000023
DIN L75x75x8 00000024
DIN L75x75x8 00000025
DIN L75x75x8 00000026
DIN L75x75x8 00000027
DIN L75x75x8 00000028
DIN L75x75x8 00000029
DIN L75x75x8 00000030
DIN L75x75x8 00000031
DIN L75x75x8 00000032
DIN L75x75x8 00000033
DIN L75x75x8 00000034
DIN L75x75x8 00000035
DIN L75x75x8 00000036
DIN L75x75x8 00000037
DIN L75x75x8 00000038
DIN L75x75x8 00000039
DIN L75x75x8 00000040
DIN L75x75x8 00000041
DIN L75x75x8 00000042
DIN L75x75x8 00000043
DIN L75x75x8 00000044
ANSI 1x1 00000045
DIN U 100 00000002
DIN U 100 00000005
DIN U 100 00000008
DIN U 100 00000009
DIN IPB 300 00000010
AISC - 1x1 - 234
Name Steel
Mass Density 7.85 g/cm^3
General Yield Strength 207 MPa
Ultimate Tensile Strength 345 MPa
Young's Modulus 210 GPa
Stress Poisson's Ratio 0.3 ul
Shear Modulus 80.7692 GPa
Expansion Coefficient 0.000012 ul/c
Stress Thermal Thermal Conductivity 56 W/( m K )
Specific Heat 460 J/( kg c )
Part Name(s) Roldana

Operating conditions
Load Type Gravity
Magnitude 9810.000 mm/s^2
Vector X 0.000 mm/s^2
Vector Y 0.000 mm/s^2
Vector Z -9810.000 mm/s^2

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 4 de 38

Selected Face(s)

Remote Force:3
Load Type Remote Force
Magnitude 4410.000 N
Vector X -0.000 N
Vector Y 0.000 N
Remote Point X 4391.087 mm
Remote Point Y 4575.048 mm
Remote Point Z 366.000 mm

Selected Face(s)

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 5 de 38

Fixed Constraint:1
Constraint Type Fixed Constraint

Selected Face(s)

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 6 de 38

Contacts (Bonded)
Name Part Name(s)
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000001:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000002:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000001:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000003:1
Bonded:3 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000001:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000011:1
Bonded:4 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000001:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000013:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000002:1
Bonded:5 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000003:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000002:1
Bonded:6 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000002:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000011:1

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Bonded:8 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000003:1

Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Bonded:10 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000021:1
Bonded:11 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000022:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Bonded:12 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000023:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Bonded:13 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000024:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000025:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000026:1
Bonded:16 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Bonded:17 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000040:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Bonded:18 Roldana:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000006:1
Bonded:21 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000008:1
Bonded:22 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000014:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:23 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000015:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:24 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000016:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000017:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000018:1
Bonded:27 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000019:1
Bonded:28 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000038:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:29 Roldana:3
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:30 Roldana:4
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000006:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000007:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000006:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000009:1
Bonded:33 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000007:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000009:1
Bonded:34 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000007:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000010:1

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Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000011:1

Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000012:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000011:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000013:1
Bonded:37 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000028:1
Bonded:38 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000034:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Bonded:39 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Bonded:40 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Bonded:43 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Bonded:44 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000035:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000020:1
Bonded:45 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000021:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000029:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000021:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000034:1
Bonded:48 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000022:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000030:1
Bonded:49 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000023:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000031:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000024:1
Bonded:50 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000032:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000025:1
Bonded:51 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000033:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000026:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000027:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000034:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Bonded:54 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000034:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000037:1
Bonded:55 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000037:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Bonded:56 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000037:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Bonded:57 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000037:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000037:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000036:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000037:1
Bonded:60 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000039:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000040:1
Bonded:61 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000039:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000041:1

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Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000039:1

Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000042:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000039:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000043:1
Bonded:64 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000039:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000044:1
Bonded:65 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000040:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000041:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000040:1
Bonded:66 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000044:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000042:1
Bonded:67 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000043:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:70 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:71 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Bonded:72 Roldana:2
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:75 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:76 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000002:1
Bonded:77 Roldana:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:78 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:81 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:82 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:83 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:84 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:87 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
Bonded:88 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1

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Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1

Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:91 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:92 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Bonded:93 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Bonded:94 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:97 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000008:1
Bonded:98 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Bonded:99 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Bonded:102 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Bonded:103 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Bonded:104 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Bonded:105 Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN IPB 300 00000010:1
Carro:1/Frame0001:1/DIN U 100 00000009:1
Bonded:108 Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000004:1
Frame0002:1/ANSI 1x1 00000045:1
Bonded:109 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000023:1
Frame0002:1/ANSI 1x1 00000045:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000023:1
Bonded:110 Frame0002:1/ANSI 1x1 00000045:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000024:1
Bonded:111 Frame0002:1/ANSI 1x1 00000045:1
Frame0002:1/DIN U 100 00000005:1
AISC - 1x1 - 234:1
Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000018:1
AISC - 1x1 - 234:1
Bonded:114 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000018:1
AISC - 1x1 - 234:1
Bonded:115 Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000019:1
AISC - 1x1 - 234:1

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Frame0002:1/DIN L75x75x8 00000019:1

AISC - 1x1 - 234:1


Reaction Force and Moment on Constraints

Reaction Force Reaction Moment
Constraint Name
Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z) Magnitude Component (X,Y,Z)
0N 68119.9 N m
Fixed Constraint:1 20365.6 N 0 N 68150.9 N m 2055.11 N m
20365.6 N 0Nm

Result Summary
Name Minimum Maximum
Volume 205401000 mm^3
Mass 1614.38 kg
Von Mises Stress 0.00265804 MPa 148.575 MPa
1st Principal Stress -25.4116 MPa 74.9308 MPa
3rd Principal Stress -174.463 MPa 23.8849 MPa
Displacement 0 mm 1.50907 mm
Safety Factor 1.39324 ul 15 ul
Stress XX -53.153 MPa 51.1598 MPa
Stress XY -31.3637 MPa 27.0473 MPa
Stress XZ -29.2377 MPa 37.5635 MPa
Stress YY -129.598 MPa 44.3954 MPa
Stress YZ -45.596 MPa 63.9807 MPa
Stress ZZ -80.5818 MPa 74.66 MPa
X Displacement -0.139367 mm 0.0962097 mm
Y Displacement -0.112746 mm 0.188022 mm
Z Displacement -1.50892 mm 0.0730293 mm
Equivalent Strain 0.0000000113244 ul 0.000614143 ul
1st Principal Strain -0.0000163659 ul 0.000331047 ul
3rd Principal Strain -0.000728107 ul 0.00000865516 ul
Strain XX -0.000238434 ul 0.000230542 ul
Strain XY -0.000181767 ul 0.000156751 ul
Strain XZ -0.000169446 ul 0.000217698 ul
Strain YY -0.000496149 ul 0.000249544 ul
Strain YZ -0.00026425 ul 0.000370797 ul
Strain ZZ -0.00030814 ul 0.000277405 ul
Contact Pressure 0 MPa 502.772 MPa
Contact Pressure X -349.955 MPa 115.753 MPa
Contact Pressure Y -59.2498 MPa 66.7225 MPa
Contact Pressure Z -130.945 MPa 378.361 MPa


Von Mises Stress

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1st Principal Stress

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3rd Principal Stress

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Safety Factor

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Stress XX

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Stress XY

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Stress XZ

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Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 19 de 38

Stress YY

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 20 de 38

Stress YZ

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 21 de 38

Stress ZZ

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 22 de 38

X Displacement

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 23 de 38

Y Displacement

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 24 de 38

Z Displacement

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 25 de 38

Equivalent Strain

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 26 de 38

1st Principal Strain

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 27 de 38

3rd Principal Strain

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 28 de 38

Strain XX

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 29 de 38

Strain XY

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 30 de 38

Strain XZ

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 31 de 38

Strain YY

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 32 de 38

Strain YZ

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 33 de 38

Strain ZZ

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 34 de 38

Contact Pressure

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 35 de 38

Contact Pressure X

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 36 de 38

Contact Pressure Y

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 37 de 38

Contact Pressure Z

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017
Stress Analysis Report Estructura reforzada con carga de 450 kg. Pgina 38 de 38

C:\Users\DELL\Documents\Inventor\UNAL\Puente grua con refuerzo anlisis Zona 1.iam

file:///C:/Users/DELL/Documents/Inventor/UNAL/Puente%20grua%20con%20refuerzo... 07/06/2017

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