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<b>The Byzantines (476 to 1453)<b>

The Byzantines took their name from Byzantium, an ancient city on the Bosphorus,
the strategic waterway linking the Black Sea to the Aegean Sea. The Roman Emperor
Constantine had renamed this city Constantinople in the fourth century and made it
a sister capital of his empire. This eastern partition of the Roman Empire outlived
its western counterpart by a thousand years, defending Europe against invasions
from the east by Persians, Arabs, and Turks. The Byzantines persevered because
Constantinople was well defended by walls and the city could be supplied by sea. At
their zenith in the sixth century, the Byzantines covered much of the territories
of the original Roman Empire, lacking only the Iberian Peninsula (modern Spain and
Portugal), Gaul (modern France), and Britain. The Byzantines also held Syria,
Egypt, and Palestine, but by the middle of the seventh century they had lost them
to the Arabs. From then on their empire consisted mainly of the Balkans and modern

The first great Byzantine emperor was Justinian I (482 to 565). His ambition was to
restore the old Roman Empire and he nearly succeeded. His instrument was the
greatest general of the age, Belisarius, who crisscrossed the empire defeating
Persians to the East, Vandals in North Africa, Ostrogoths in Italy, and Bulgars and
Slavs in the Balkans. In addition to military campaigns, Justinian laid the
foundation for the future by establishing a strong legal and administrative system
and by defending the Christian Church.

The Byzantine economy was the richest in Europe for many centuries because
Constantinople was ideally sited on trade routes between Asia, Europe, the Black
Sea, and the Aegean Sea. It was an important destination point for the Silk Road
from China. The nomisma, the principal Byzantine gold coin, was the standard for
money throughout the Mediterranean for 800 years. Constantinople's strategic
position eventually attracted the envy and animosity of the Italian city-states.

A key strength of the Byzantine Empire was its generally superior army that drew on
the best elements of the Roman, Greek, Gothic, and Middle Eastern experience in
war. The core of the army was a shock force of heavy cavalry supported by both
light infantry (archers) and heavy infantry (armored swordsmen). The army was
organized into units and drilled in tactics and maneuvers. Officers received an
education in military history and theory. Although outnumbered usually by masses of
untrained warriors, it prevailed thanks to intelligent tactics and good discipline.
The army was backed by a network of spies and secret agents that provided
information about enemy plans and could be used to bribe or otherwise deflect

The Byzantine navy kept the sea-lanes open for trade and kept supply lines free so
the city could not be starved into submission when besieged. In the eighth century,
a land and sea attack by Arabs was defeated largely by a secret weapon, Greek fire.
This chemical weapon, its composition now unknown, was a sort of liquid napalm that
could be sprayed from a hose. The Arab navy was devastated at sea by Greek fire.

In the seventh and eighth centuries, the Arabs overran Egypt, the Middle East,
North Africa, and Spain, removing these areas permanently from Byzantine control. A
Turkish victory at Manzikert in 1071 led to the devastation of Asia Minor, the
empire's most important source of grain, cattle, horses, and soldiers. In 1204
Crusaders led by the Doge of Venice used treachery to sack and occupy

In the fourteenth century, the Turks invaded Europe, capturing Adrianople and
bypassing Constantinople. They settled the Balkans in large numbers and defeated a
large crusader army at Nicopolis in 1396. In May 1453, Turkish sultan Mehmet II
captured a weakly defended Constantinople with the aid of heavy cannon. The fall of
the city brought the Byzantine Empire to an end.

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