T - Test Annova: For Gender

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Two questions categorical /single response

Cross Tabulation
Chi Square

For question 6 and 7

Two questions 1 categorical and 1 numerical/likert

Subgroup 1 Subgroup 2

Only 2 option in category like gender, yes/no Category 3 or more than 3 like position at bank

T Test Annova

For question 4 and 5 For question 2 and 3

Two likert scale questions


For question number 1 and 8

Single response > Bar graph (as per the eligibility and depends on importance)

For gender

Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Frequencies > Gender > charts > pie chart > percentage

Note : no mean/median can be derived for gender. Only for age, height, etc.

For position at the bank

Analyze > Descriptive statistics > Frequencies > Gender > charts > bar graph > frequency

For 4.3 Like the most

Analyze > Multiple response > Define Variable Set >

Select unbiased management, image of the institution, salary & bonuses, working environment

Dichotomies: Counted Value 1 (selected)

Name: Likethemost then add

Again, for Improvement

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