Chem 309 Syllabus Fall 17

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Chemistry 309 - Physical Chemistry I

Fall 2017

Instructor: Dr. Samuel A. Abrash

C208 Gottwald Science Center
Work: 289-8248
Home: 323-7363
Cell: 363-2597

Office Hours: I am usually in my office by 9:00 A.M. and stay at least until 5:00. Please feel free
to stop by for help at any time. If you cant find me in my office, please check my
lab, C-205. If I cannot help you immediately, I will make an appointment for you
to come by later, on the same day if possible. If I am not in my office you can reach
me by e-mail or by phone for an appointment. E-mail is generally the best way to
reach me.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 141, Math 212 and Physics 132, 133 or 134. Chem 317, Math 235
(Calculus III) and Math 240 (Differential Equations), while not required, are
strongly recommended.

Peter Atkins and Julio DePaula, Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Structure
and Change, 10th Edition, W. H. Freeman, Inc. New York, 2014. ISBN 10 = 1-



Peter Atkins and Julio DePaula, Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics, Structure
and Change: Volume 1: Thermodynamics and Kinetics, 10th Edition, W. H.
Freeman, Inc., New York, 2014. ISBN 10 = 1-4641-2451-5

Recommended: Physical Chemistry requires a lot of mathematics. You should have a solid
command of your introductory calculus. Many of you will need to refer to your
calculus book for help with differentiation and integration. In addition, we will be
using mathematics beyond Math 211-212. In each case I will teach you the
necessary math, but many of you will find it useful to have a reference available.
The bookstore or online booksellers carry an inexpensive series that you may find
helpful. It is the Schaum Outline Series, which includes volumes on Calculus,
Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and
Advanced (Multivariable) Calculus. At the very least you should have either your
book from Mathematics 211-212 or the Schaum Outline volume on Calculus.
Tentative Course Schedule: During our two semesters, we will be attempting to answer two very
broad questions. The first is What controls a chemical reaction? This can
include such diverse questions as where an equilibrium lies and what happens to the
energy introduced into a molecule during a reaction. The second is What makes
some states of matter stable and others reactive? It subsumes other questions like,
What causes some reactions to occur while others don't? Alternatively, we could
ask What governs the stability of mixtures? As we explore these questions in the
course of our two semesters, we will be following a grand circle. We will begin
with macroscopic treatments of chemical phenomena, using the tools and postulates
of Equilibrium Thermodynamics. Toward the end of the semester we continue with
macroscopic physical chemistry, but will turn to matter in a state of change, the
study of Chemical Kinetics. At the beginning of the second semester we will turn
to the microscopic world of atomic particles, atoms and molecules, which is ruled
by Quantum Mechanics. We will then develop tools to take the results of Quantum
Mechanics and use them to understand molecular spectroscopy, the interaction of
molecules with light.

Our tentative course schedule for the first semester is:

Lecture Date Chapter Topic

1 8/28 Lecture Review Syllabus; General Description of Physical

Notes, Ch. Chemistry; Systems; Types of Variables

2 8/30 Lecture State Variables; Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics; Ideal

Notes, Ch. Gas Equation of State

3-4 9/1-9/4 Ch. 1C Real Gases; Critical Point; Equations of State for Real
Gases; Introduction to Math for P-Chem

5-6 9/6 - 9/8 Ch. B.1- Work; State Functions; Path Functions; Reversibility;
B.2; 2A.1- First Law of Thermodynamics

7-8 9/11-9/13 Lecture Heat; Non p-V work; Canonical Variables; Formal
Notes, Definition of State Functions; Perfect Differentials
2D.1, 2D.2

9 9/15 Lecture Calorimetry; Heat Capacity; Molecular Basis of Heat

Notes, Capacity
10 9/18 Ch. 2B.1, Enthalpy; Cp - Cv; Joule Experiment; Joule-Thompson
2B.2a, Experiment

11 9/20 2E Adiabatic Processes

9/22 No Class Rosh Hashana

12 9/25 Ch. 2C.1- Thermochemistry; Kirchoffs Law


9/27 Catch Up and Review

9/29 Test One

13 10/2 3A.3 Carnot Cycle; Discovery of Entropy

14-15 10/4-10/6 3A.1, 3A.2, Entropy; Entropy Calculations; Second Law of

3A.4 Thermodynamics; Temperature Dependence of Entropy;
Third Law of Thermodynamics; Debye Extrapolation;
Statistical Approaches to Entropy; Standard Third Law
Entropy; Entropy of Reaction

16 10/9 Ch. 3C Gibbs Energy; Hemholtz Energy; Physical Meaning of

Gibbs and Hemholtz Energies

17 10/11 Ch. 3D.1 Fundamental Equation of Thermodynamics; Maxwell

Relations; Thermodynamic Square

18 10/13 Ch. 3D.2, Thermodynamic Equations of State; Pressure

5A.1 Dependence of Free Energy; Chemical Potential

10/14- Fall Break


19 10/18 Lecture Reduction of Partial Derivatives


20 10/20 Ch. 3D.2d, Chemical Potentials of Real Gases - The Fugacity; Phase
4A Diagrams

21-22 10/23- Ch. 4B Thermodynamic Treatment of Phase Boundaries;

10/25 Derivation of the Clausius-Clapeyron Equation; First
and Second Order Phase Transitions

23 10/27 Ch. 5A.1a, Partial Molar Quantities; Thermodynamics of Mixing


24 10/30 Ch. 5A.3, Chemical Potential of Liquids; Chemical Potential of

5B.1 Ideal Liquid Mixtures; Henrys Law; Raoults Law;
Thermodynamics of Ideal Solutions

11/1 Test Two

25 11/3 Ch. 5E Chemical Potentials of Real Solutions; Activities

26 11/6 Ch. 5.F Ionic Activities; Mean Activity Coefficient; Debye-

Huckel Equation

27 11/8 Ch. 5B.2, Fractional Distillation; Boiling Point Elevation; Osmotic

5C.1, 5C.2 Pressure, Gibbs Phase Rule

28 11/10 Ch. 6A Reaction Gibbs Function; Extent of Reaction; Reaction

Gibbs Function and Equilibrium Constants

29-30 11/13- Ch. 6B Chemical Equilibria in Real Gases and Solutions;

11/15 Temperature Dependence of K; Pressure Dependence of
Equilibria; Le Chateliers Principle

31 11/17 Ch. 20A Introduction to Kinetics; Rate of Reaction; Simple Rate

Laws; Order of Reaction

32 - 33 11/20- Ch. 20B, Determination of Rate Laws; Integral Rate Equations;

11/27 20C Half Lives; Rate of Approach to Equilibrium

11/22- Happy Thanksgiving!


34-35 11/29 Lecture Chain Reactions


12/1 Test Three

36-37 11/4-12/6 Ch. 20E Mechanisms and Rate Laws

38 12/8 Ch. 20D Temperature Dependence of Reaction Rates

12/11 Final Exam

through 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon 12/11 or

12/19 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon 12/14 or

self-scheduled between December 11th and December
Next semester you will be covering atomic and molecular structure, spectroscopy, statistical
thermodynamics, and advanced topics in kinetics.

Tentative Test Schedule

There will be three hour exams and a final exam. The final exam can be taken at 9:00 A.M.
on Tuesday, December 12th, at 9:00 A.M. on Thursday, December 14th, or can be self scheduled
between December 11th and December 19th. Exams may be taken either at 9:00 A.M. or 2:00 P.M.
between these dates. The final exam will be cumulative. The three one hour exams are tentatively
scheduled for September 29th, November 1st and December 1st. Tests will cover all material up to
the day of the exam. Students who need extra time for tests due to LD should present me with the
appropriate documentation as early as possible so I can make arrangements for a space that meets
your needs and allows you the necessary time.

This semester you will be given the option of keeping a double entry notebook on your
reading. The notebook must be either a bound notebook, with each page divided vertically in half,
or a word document, with each page formatted with two columns. On the left-hand side you are to
summarize what you have read in a given section of the text, while on the right hand side you are to
write a response consisting of questions, comments or ideas that arise from the reading. The
summaries must be brief paragraphs, with one paragraph per section assigned in the textbook. The
notebook will be due at the beginning of your exam period. The notebook grade will be based on
completeness (did you do all the chapters?), on the accuracy and clarity of your summaries, and on
the thoughtfulness of your responses. Up to 3.5 points of extra credit added to your final grade can
be earned for completion of the notebook.

Homework, the one hour exams, and the final exam will be the basis for the course grade.
The weighting for each of these components is as follows:
Homework: 15%
Three One Hour Tests: 60%
Final Exam: 25%
The grades for each of the one hour exams and the final exam will be based on a modified curve.
This means that a traditional bell curve grading distribution will be my lower limit. If, for example,
on examining the papers which would correspond to a C on the traditional curve, I feel that they are
B work I will modify the curve to reflect this. I have no objection to assigning all A's if everyone
does excellent work.

Regular completion of homework problems is essential in mastering physical chemistry. This
is especially true since it will take time and practice for you to translate mathematical expressions
into physical and chemical intuition.
Each homework assignment will be a selection of problems from Atkins and DePaula. You
are to attempt to complete all problems. After you have completed a problem or worked until no
further progress is possible, having worked at least 20 minutes on the problem, compare your results
with at least one other person in the class, and try to work it out together. If this fails, look up the
answer in the solution manual on reserve in the reading room, or in the 2nd floor computer room.
Then mark on your homework report the problem number, the time spent, the person you consulted
with and whether the problem was worked correctly.
Homework reports and homework will be due each Monday at the beginning of class.
Everyone who attempts all problems for the week and turns in their homework report on time will
receive full credit. Late reports will not be accepted. It is particularly important that you be
completely frank about whether or not you have successfully completed a problem: it won't hurt
your grade and it may be my only clue that you need help.
Collaboration on the problems from Atkins and DePaula is strongly encouraged. A group of
three to four people working together and discussing both the lecture materials and the problems
together is often ideal. Talking through material is an excellent way to improve your comprehension
or to zero in on areas in need of clarification. However, each of you knows how she or he works
best and you should work in the way that you are most comfortable.

You are expected to attend class. You are responsible for all material covered in class. No
test makeups will be given. A missed test will count zero unless you are excused for a valid reason.
I will determine the validity of the excuse. If you miss a test but are excused, the rest of the course
material will count proportionally more. Please let me know if you have advance knowledge of
missing a test.

Honor Code
The Richmond College and Westhampton College Honor Codes are very special and have the
full support of this department. You will be expected to sign an honor pledge on each test. We
expect that behavior in this class will be consistent with this code. However, collaboration on
homework is allowed and encouraged.

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