1-Read and Answer The Questions (In Spanish) : Inglés II TP2

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Ingls II


1- Read and answer the questions (In Spanish)

Maglevs (Magnetically levitated trains)


The working principle of magnet trains is that they

float on a magnetic field and are propelled by a linear
induction motor, and that they follow guidance tracks
with magnets.

The big difference between a maglev train and a

conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an
engine - at least not the kind of engine used to pull
typical train cars along steel tracks. The engine for
maglev trains is rather inconspicuous. Instead of using fossil fuels, the magnetic field created by the electrified
coils in the guideway walls and the track combine to propel the train. Massive electrical induction coils are
placed along the track in order to produce the magnetic field necessary to propel the train.

Japan and Germany are active in maglev research, producing several different approaches and designs. In the
most popular design, the train can be levitated by the repulsive force of like poles or the attractive force of
opposite poles of magnets. The train can be propelled by a linear motor on the track or on the train, or both.

Maglev offer certain benefits over conventional steel rail on steel wheel railways. The primary advantage is
maintenance. Because the train floats along there is no contact with the ground and therefore no need for any
moving parts. As a result, there are no components that would wear out. This means in theory trains and track
would need no maintenance at all. The second advantage is that because maglev trains float, there is no friction.
A third advantage is less noise, because there are no wheels running along there is no wheel noise. The final
advantage is speed; maglev trains can travel extremely fast, at 500km/h or 300mph.

But there are also drawbacks. Maglev guide paths are bound to be more costly than conventional steel railways.
The other main disadvantage is lack of existing infrastructure; high-speed trains can run on normal railways that
branch off the principal line, but maglev trains cant use normal lines and special lines are costly.

1- How do maglev trains work? Which are their salient characteristics?

2- What is the meaning of:
massive in paragraph 2?
wear out in paragraph 4?
branch off in paragraph 5?
3- List the advantages of maglev trains.
4- Are there disadvantages? Explain two of them.

2- Search the web to find information about a maglev train and write 6 specifications. Copy
the link to the page.

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