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Name (optional): Section:


Part I. In this section the researcher will explore your manner of texting and its
frequency to identify your jejemon texting level. Any information disclosed
will be kept confidential.
(Check each statement once on the space provided.)

Statement Never Sometimes Always

1. I replace s with z.
Ex. wordz instead of words
2. I type ou instead of oo.

3. I put gM at the end so that

my friends know that it is a GM.
4. I exchange letters for numbers
as a can be 4. Ex. Sl4nted
5. I used Jajaja instead of
6. I type the word b4 instead of
7. I change the spelling of the
word from its original form.
Ex. hai instead of hi
8. I type the word poehwz
instead of po.
9. I used shortcut words in texting.
Ex. WUD?
(What you doing?)
10. I combined capital letters and
small letters in texting.
Ex. pReTTY
Part II. In this section the researcher would like to know the reasons why you are using
jejemon way of texting. Any information disclosed will be kept confidential.
(Put check in the box if it is your reason.)

I use jejemon because it is a trend.

I use jejemon because of my friends influence.
I use jejemon texting because its easy to type a message.
I use jejemon texting because its quick and fast.
I use jejemon because I want to be in a group.
Others (Please Specify):

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