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UPKAR'SE (UPKAR’S Jharkhand TER TNT I (Preliminary me wT ‘By Anil Kumar Garg & Dr. H.B. Pandey UPKAR PRAKASHAN, AGRA-2 © Publishers Publishers UPKAR PRAKASHAN 2/ILA, Swadeshi Bima Nagar, AGRA-282 002 Phone : 530966, 531 101, 602653, 602930 Fax : (0562) 531940 Branch Office 4840/24, Govind Lane, Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110 002 Phone : 3251844, 3251866 @ The publishers have taken all possible precautions in publishing this book, yet if any mistake has crept in. the publishers shall not be responsible forthe same. @ This book or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form by Photographic, Mechanical, or any other method, for any use, without written permission from the Publishers. © Only the courts at Agra shall have the jrisdiction for any legal dispute. Price : Rs. 440/- (Rs, Four Hundred Forty Only) ‘Code No. 949 Printed at : UPKAR PRAKASHAN (Printing Unit) Bye-pass. AGRA CONTENTS @ Model Paper Fully Solved Elements of Set Theory Relation and Function Number Theory Polynomials, Division Algorithm Theory of Equations Grou Ring, Integral Domain and Field REMAP Re 21-50 51-56 57-90 91-116 117-141 MATRICES & VECTOR SPACES] Section (1) : Matrices 1. Matrices (A 2. Matrices (B. 3._ Matrices (C) 4. Matrices (D) Section (II) : Vector Spaces 5._ Vector Spaces 6._Linear Transformations {CALCULUS} Section (I) : Differential Caleulus L_Eunction 2. Limit, Continuity and Differentiability 3. Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Valuc ‘Theorem. Taylor's Theorem Rates of Change . “Tangents and Normals Maxima and Minima Curvature Asymptotes Singular Points Curve Tracing Partial Differentiation . Section (II) : Sequences and Series 12. Sequences 13. Series Section (I11) : Integral Calculus 14, indefinite Integrals 15. Definite Integrals 16. Rectification, Quadrature, Volume and Surfaces Multiple Integration 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, MW 17. 142-153 154-163 164-177 178-204 205-215 216-223 224-235 236-272 273-286 287-290 291-308 309-322 323-335 336-350 351-365 366-381 382-414 415419 420-450 451-475 476-498, 499-525, 526-549 [ DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS BEER EEN LES eee NEY Differential Equations iG 1. 950-610 Section (I) : Analytic Plane Geometry 611-616 1, Fundamental Concepts of 2D. 617-624 2. Straight Lines 625-640 3. Pair of Straight Lines 641-649 4. The Circle 650-668 5. The Parabola 669-682 6. The Ellipse 683-701 7. The Hyperbola 702-718 8. Polar Equations 719-744 Section (II) : Analytic Solid Geometry 9, Fundamental Concepts of 3D 745-157 10. The Plane 758-768 11, The Straight Line 769-184 12. The Sphere 785-799 13. The Cone 800-310 14. The Cylinder 811-824 VECTORS 1. Vectors. 825-871 MECHANICS] Section (I) : Statics 1. Parallelogram of Forces, Equilibrium of Coplanar Forces, Moments and Couples 872-891 2. Friction 892-898 3. Centre of Gravity and Centre of Mass 899-911 Section (II): Dynamics 4. Motion of a Particle in a Straight Line 912-926 5. Newton's Laws of Motion 927-935 6. Motion in a Plane 936-944 7. Projectiles 945-954. 8. Simple Harmonic Motion 955-960 9. Circular Motion 961-972 10. Motion under Central Forces 973-978 @ Miscellaneous Exercise (Vector, Mechanics) 979-993 | ELEMENTS OF COMPU PROGRAMMIN Number System 994-1008 This one iui SYLLABUS : 1, Algebra—Elements of Set Theory; Algebra of Real and Complex numbers including Demovire's between Coefficients and Roots, symmetric functions of roots; Elements of Group Theory; Sub-Group, Cyclic groups, Permutation, Groups and their elementary properties. Rings, Integral Domains and Fields and their elementary properties. 2. Vector Spaces and Matrices—Vector Space, Linear Dependence and Independence. Subspaces, Basis and Dimensions, Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces. Linear Transformation of a Finite Dimensional Vector Space, Matrix Representation. Singular and Nonsingular ‘Transformations, Rank and Nullity. Matrices : Addition, Multiplication, Determinants of a Matrix, Properties of Determinants of order in, Inverse of a Matrix, Cramer's rule 3. Geometry and Vectors—Analytic Geometry of straight lines and conics in Cartesian and Polar coordinates; Three Dimensional geometry for planes, straight lines, sphere, cone and cylinder. Addition, Subtraction and Products of Vectors and Simple applications to Geometry. 4, Calculus—Functions, Sequénces, Series, Limits, Continuity, Derivatives. Application of Derivatives—Rates of change, Tangents, Normals, Maxima, Minima, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean Value Theorems of Lagrange and Cauchy, Asymptotes, Curvature. Methods of finding indefinite integrals, Definite Integrals, Fundamental Theorem of integrals Calculus. Application of definite integrals to area, Length of a plane curve, Volume and Surfaces of revolution. 5. Ordinary Differential Equations : Order and Degree of a Differential Equation, First order differential Equations, Singular solution, Geometrical interpretation, Second order equations with constant coefficients. 6. Mechanics—Concepts of particles-Lamina: Rigid Body; Displacements; force; Mass; weight; Motion; Velocity; Speed; Acceleration; Parallelogram of forces; Parallelogram of velocity, acceleration; resultant; equilibrium of coplanar forces; Moments; Couples; Friction; Centre of mass, Gravity; Laws of motion; Motion of particle in a straight line; simple Harmonic Motion; Motion under conservative forces; Motion under gravity; Projectile; Escape velocity; Motion of artificial satellites. 7. Elements of Computer Programming—Binary system, Octal and Hexadecimal systems, Conversion to and from Decimal systems. Codes, Bits, Bytes and Words. Memory of acomputer, Arithmetic and Logical operations on numbers. Precision. AND, OR, XOR, NOT and ShivRotate operators, Algorithms and Flow Charts. Mathematics Solved Model Paper a eee eee aeenenrenneentaoes Mathematics a es fe 8 1. If Xa, converges, then li" = is equal at noo n wo ao B) 1 ©@-1 ©) 2. The series a 4 .is conver- gent, if— (A) Ixist (B) Ix1s2 (C) Ixl>2 (D) Ixl24 3. Which one of the following differential equa- tions is exact ? (A) Gx3 + 2y sin 2x) de+ (2 sin 2x + 39) dy=0 (B) yer de + (e* + 2y)dy =0 (C) (xy cos x2 + 2xy + 1) de + (sin x? -x2) dy=0 () r( +1) seosy+ (+ logr—rsiny) 2-0 4. The general solution of the differential equa- jon 2 24 ton? ie — tion =? + tan? is (A) yecxsinx ®) Y= sinx © sin @) ze (D) sin @) =csinx where ¢ is an arbitrary constant. 5. ‘The singular solution of the differential equa- tion (spy)? = p? - 1, where p=, i (A) 452 (©) 24+2y'=1 (D) 2x2+ y?: Bo dk 3x (A) yax3 (B) y=x 3 3 © y=5 ®) y=F . The orthogonal trajectories of the system of parabolas y? = 4a (x + a), a being the para- meter, is given by the system of curves— (A) =4a@+a) (B) = 4a(x-a) © ys4ax () 2 =4ay x dx + y dy +2 dz =O is the first-order differential equation of— (A) A sphere (B) Anellipsoid (©) A right circular cone (D) A hyperboloid . The solution of the equation ydx ~ 2xdy = 0 gives parabolas whose common axis and the tangent at the vertex, respectively, are— (A) x=cy20 (B) y=0,x=0 © x=0y=0 (D) x=ayee . The general solution of 2+ y= Ois— (A) ysexp wl +e Ale comet casin al 41 J. Math. (B) y=cy sin x + c2c08.x +3 sinhx +4 cosh x (©) yacyett eget + ye cye™ (D) y=cy sin 2x + ¢2 60s 2r + 5 sinh 2x + ¢4.cosh 2x 2, |. The solution of the equation $3 y= kk =a non-zero constant) which vanishes when x = 0 and which tends to finite limit as x tends to inf (A) yek(lte) @) y=k(ex-1) (©) yak (e+ et -2) @) y=k(e-1) ‘The number of linearly independent solutions of the differential equation dy By dy eR +s. 2y = 0 of the form 2 (ais area ube ie— (A) One (8) Two (©) Three (D) Four . IF the diagonals of the parallelogram formed by the straight lines V3x +y= A,x +V3y =B, V3 x+y=Candx+V3 y=D are perpendi- cular, then— (A) A+B=C+D (D) A-D=B+C l. The bisectors of angles between the pair of lines (VA +VK) 2? + 2VH xy + (VB + VK)y? =0; (A, K, H> 0) are given by— (A) TH@?+»*)=0A+\Byay 8) VHG?-y)= (A+B) (©) VH@?+ ¥)=VA-VB) ay ) VH(2-y)= VA-VB) xy 15. 20. If by any change of rectangular axes, without changing the origin, the quantity Ax? + 2Haxy + By? becomes Cx? + 2Gxny + Dy?, then— (A) B+C=A+D (B) A-B=D-C (C) A+B=C+D (D) A-D=B+C 5. Area of the triangle with angular points 5, 30°), (7, 150%), (11, 210°) is— 2iv3 svi a B) of gi IFPQRSiis a square of side $ (aking PQ and PS as axes), then the equation of the circle circumscribing the square is— (A) AG? + y) + UG@e-y) =O B) AG? + y)- Wie +y)= (©) WO? +?) -Ar-y) =O D) HO? + y)+Mx+y)=0 . The circle ax? + ay? + 2gx + Yy +0=0 touches the axis of provided— (A) Pi >ac @®) g?>ac © fac ©) g?=ac If the length of the tangent drawn from a variable point to one given circle is K(#1) times the length of the tangent from it to another circle, then the locus of the variable point is— (A) Anellipse (B) A parabola (©) Acircle (D) A hyperbola ‘Two circles x2 + y? + Jax + ¢ = Oand x2 + y2 + 2by +¢ = 0 touch each other externally 21. 23. 25. The equation of the family of circles having radical axis same as that of x2 + y? + 4x + 8y + 19 =Oand x? + y? + 8x+ 4y + 19=0is— (A) 2+ 52 + 8x4 dy-4 AG? -y) =0 B) 24524 8y4 194A ty) =O CO) 24 y? 44x + By 4194+ A(r-y) =0 D) 242 44x 4 8y4Ae-y) =0 The line £ = A cos @ + B sin @ touches the conic! = 1 + € 605 @ provided — (A) (A-e? +B?=1 (B) (A-e?-B?=1 (C) (A+e)?+B?=1 @) (A+e)?-B?=1 If two tangents to the parabola y? = 4kx make angles 0. and B with the axis of x such that (constant), then the locus of their intersection is— point (A) y=@-Btand B) y=@+hHtand (C) y=@-Hear @) y=@rhear Section of the surface Ax? + By’ + Cz? = 1, cut by the plane VL.x +VM.y + VN.z=K is a parabola provided — A,B,C ww Bete? LLM ® AtBtc7o LLM IN © xtptcr® A,B LC © f+atye? The cone ax? + by? + cz? + 2fyz + 2gex + 2hey = 0 shall have three mutually perpendi- cular generators, if — st. a,ayl Matern? Bztgt (C)atb+c=0 (D) f+gth=0 J. Math, 15 26. The surface x? ~ 2? = 1 represents— (A) Acircular cylinder (B) Abyperbolie cylinder (©) An clliptic cylinder (D) A parabolic cylinder 27. The enveloping cylinder whose gencrators touch the sphere x? + y? + 22 = | and are parallel to the line x= y= z, has equation— (A) P44 2erytyzter = (B) P4y2+2-ay-ye-w = (© P+yP+2eaytyztu = 3 2 3 2 2 3 (D) 2+ y? +22 -xy- yee 28. The unit vector perpendicular to both the vectors @ =3+) 42k and b =f-}+2k is— @ G4) ¢-3-2) ©* iit t4f-2) %B 29. Two forces, each equal to P, are acting at a point of a body. If the resultant is also P, then the angle between them will be— (A) 30° @®) 45° ©) 90° (D) 120° @) 30. IfM denotes the moment of a force AB about a point P (not on the line AB) and A denotes the area of the triangle PAB, then M is equal wo “} ©2 (8) 1 (@) 3 6 | J. Math. 31. A uniform rod weighs 500 N and cames a load of 100 N at one end. If it balances at a point 6-metres from the same end, then the length of the rod is— (A) 10 metre (B) 14-4 metre (© 44-1 metre (D) 50 metre 32. If a system of three forces acting on a rigid body is represented in magnitude, direction and line of action by the sides of a triangle, taken in order, then the body will— (A) Be in equilib () Move along the smallest side (©) Move along the largest side (D) Be acted upon by a couple 33. The velocity of a jet projected vertically upwards to reach a height of 4 km is (g = 9-8 mis?}— (A) 28-0 kms (B) 28 km/s (© 028 kms (D) 0028 knvs 34, A particle of mass m moves along the x-axis according to the equation x = c sin pt (cand p are constants). The force acting on the particle is— (A) op (B) ~cp** (© pimx D) ~p?mx 35. A body of mass 50 gm is acted upon by a constant force F = 100 dynes. The time Tequired to move the body through a distance 25 em from rest is— (A) 10sec. (B) 55 sec. © Ssec. (D) 35 sec. 36. A person having a mass of 98 kg is descen- ding in a lift with an acceleration of 2m/s?, The thrust of his feet on the lift while descen- ding is, nearly equal to (take g = 9-8 m/s?) (A) 76-4 x 108 dynes (B) 96.0 105 dynes (© 115-6 x 108 dynes (D) 196 x 105 dynes 37. A cyclist moving at a uniform speed of 7 km per hour inclines his cycle to the vertical so as to keep himself on a circular path of radius 38. 39. 41. 42. 43. 10 metre. The angle of inclination to the vertical is (g = 9-8 m/s?). wo © want (25 A particle is executing a Simple Harmonic Motion such that its period of oscillation is % seconds. If its maximum acceleration is 8 cm/s?, then its amplitude will be— (A) 2cm (B) 4em © 8em @) 16cm When a particle is projected at an anlge of 45° to the horizontal, then the maximum. horizontal range is— ) wn (75 © ww (FS 2 ay = B) 2, Ay @B) wg gz © ug oO: A particle is moving in a circle of radius r with uniform speed v. The acceleration directed towards the centre is— ¥ % W ®@ Ow 3 IF the position of a moving point at any time ¢ is given by x = a cos nt, y = a sin nt, then the acceleration of the point is— (A) na (8) na? © war @) ra If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface on the earth is g = 980 cm/s? and the radius of the earth R = 6400 km, then the escape velocity on the surface of the earth is— (B) 56V2 kms (©) 11-2 kms (D) 1-2) V2 kms ‘The decimal number corresponding to the binary number (1110000101), is— (A) (5-6312)10 B) (563125)i9 (C) (563-125)10 @) 6631-2)i0 (A) 112 kmis 45. 47. 48. |. The octal number corresponding to the deci- mal number (372-21875) io is— (A) (564-16)¢ B) (56-416)5 ©) (56416), (@) (56-641), Subtraction of (11101010); from (111010110101), gives— (A) (110111001010), ®) (110110001011), (©) (111001001011). @) (110111001011), . The product of the two numbers 0-3541.E 11 and 0-2672 E - 09 is— (A) 09460 E 02 (B) 0-9460E 01 (C) 0.9460 E - 99 (D) 0-9460 E 20 For AND operation, the distributive law a.b + acis expressed as— (A) a.(b+0e) (B) (a+b). (a+e) © (a+b).¢ (D) b.(ate) Directions—The following three (3) items consists of two statements, one labelled the ‘Assertion A’ and the other labelled the ‘Reason R’. You are to examine these two statements carefully and decide if the Assertion A and the Reason R are individually true and if so, whether the Reason is a correct explanation of the Asser- tion. Select your answer to these items using the codes given below. Codes : (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (B) Both A and R are true but R is NOT a correct explanation of A. (©) Ais truc but R is false (D) Ais false but R is true Assertion (A): I+ 2m 430 lim neo =a me) 49, 5 52. 53. J. Math. | 7 Reason (R) : ‘The above limit equals i) x de. 0 Assertion (A) : If the polynomial f{x) has two real roots ot and B such that o < B, then the polynomial J (2) has a root 5such that a<3< B. Reason (R) : Rolle's Theorem. Assertion (A) : The series $I converges. nai" Reason (R) : The series FS converges absolutely. n=l - Which one of the following statements is NOT correct ? (A) Every positive integer is either even or odd (B) No integer is both even and odd (©) For any integer a, a? is even if and only if, aiseven (D) No integer is both even and prime ‘The number having a recurring decimal re- presentation— (A) Real but irrational (B) Not real (©) Rational (D) Neither rational nor real Which one of the following is correct ? (A) Between any two rational numbers, there is an integer (B) Between any two irr there is a rational num! (C) Between any two irrational numbers, there is an integer (D) Sum of two irrational numbers is not always irrational Multiplication of a complex number z by (1 + #) rotates the radius vector to z in the complex plane by an angle— (A) 90° clockwise (B) 45° clockwise - al numbers, 8 1 J.Math. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 61. (C) 90° anticlockwise (D) 45° anticlockwise If the complex number z and its conjugate Z satisfy 2+ 2i (¢ + Z) = 12 + 8i, then the values of z are— (A) 242N2i © 24V2i @) 2431 ‘The G. C. D. of x3 - 3x2 + 3x - 1 and (x3) = Dis— (A) @4x41 @) x41 © x-3 (D) z-1 ‘The L. C. M. of the two polynomials (x2 - 3x +2) and (x? ~ 5x + 6) is— (A) &-1) @-2? @-3) @B) (= 1) @-2) («37 ©) &-1) &-2) @-3) @) (1? (x-2)(@-3) Irintegers a, b> 1; then the set of all integers of the form ma + nb (m,n integers) inclu- ) N2#2i B) Their g.c.d. but not L.c.m. (C) Their Le.m, but not g.c.d. (D) Neither their 1.c.m. nor g.c.d, A polynomial fix) is divisible by x—a if, and only, if— (A) f(a) =0 @) fla)=0 © fla)>0 @) flay<0 Six) and g(x) are two polynomials with real coefficients. If the degrees of fix) and g(x) be respectively 3 and 4, then the degree of the polynomial jx). g(2) is— (A) 12 @®) 4 ©3 @)7 If fx) =23 + 5x2 + Sx + 1 andar is a root of the equation f(x) = 0, then— (A) flo) #0and s(£) #0 62. 3. 67. (B) fla) =0 and, “() =0 (©) fla) = 0 and. is() #0 () flo) #0 ands) =0 Ifthe polynomial x2 +x + 1 is divided by xi over the complex field, then the remainder is (A) x4i B)i © -i myo The number of elementary symmetric func- tions in x1, xp, 35 and x, is— (A) 2 4 © 6 me . Which one of the following is an elementary symmetric function of x1, 12,3 and x4 ? (A) xp ap x3 4 a 5 (B) xy p43 +2235 (C) xy? 4x2? +9? 492 (D) xy xp 4 yay + apg taney + tg tH . If a, B, y and 8 are the roots of the equation 3x* - 40x? + 130x7 — 120x + 90 = 0, then the value of (0+ B) (y+ 8) + oB + 18is— a (©) 40 130 o> (D) 30 . If we add a fixed number h to the roots of the equation x! — 6x3 — 38x? - 3x +17 = 0, then the equation with new values as the roots is y*—22y5 + 130y? - 243y +61 = 0. The value of his— (AT (B)2 (©) 3 @)4 Ifa, 6, c are integers and 6? = 4(ac + 5d?) for some positive integer d, then the roots of the equation ax? + bx +c = 0 are— (A) Irrational (B) Rational but not equal 70. n. n. (C) Complex conjugates (D) Rational and equal If A and B are sets with 10 and 6 elements respectively with 4 common elements, then the number of elements in (A x B) A (Bx A) i (A) 60 @B) 36 ) 16 @)4 ). Which one of the following statements for sets A, B, Cis correct 7 (A) A-(BUC)=(A-B)U(A-C) @®) Av(B-C)=(AUB)-(AUC) () A-BaC)=(A-B)N(A-C) ©) A~-BUO=(A-B)N(A-O) Which one of the following relations defines Jas a function of x on the whole of IR ? (A) 2421 (B) x=siny © #-y=1 (@) x-y=0 Consider a mapping f from the set of natural numbers N to the set of integers Z defined by n=l q+ When nis odd So=) . ~y when nis even Then f:N— Zis— (A) One-one but not onto (B) Onto but not one-one (©) Both one-one and onto (D) Neither one-one nor onto Which one of the following is NOT an equivalence relation (~) ? (A) Congruence modulo relation in the set of all integers (B) Congrvence relation in the set of all triangles in a given plane (C) Similarity relation in the set of all triangles in a given plane (D) For all a, bEN, (N is a set of natural numbers), ~ is defined as a~b, iff a-b is a positive number 73. 14. 15. 6. 1B. J.Math. 1 9 If the set Z of integers is a group under the binary operation * definedas m* n=m-+n+l, Z, then the inverse of the element 5 is— ays (B)-5 © -6 (0) -7 In an Abelian group, the order of an element ais 4 and the order of an element b is 3, then (ab)'4 is equal to— (A) a! (B) (aby? OQ@ D) 6 ahg x Want naiee[i 6 f| and C=/y}, fe. then (ax? + by? + cz? + Yaxy + 2gzx + 2fyzl, can be expressed as— (A) BANC (B) (AB)C © (C)B (D) (AB) A If A and B are any two square matrices of order 2 2, then (A + B)? is equal to— (A) A242AB + B? (B) A2+2BA+B? (C) A?+ AB-BA+B? (D) A?+AB+BA +B? If any two rows (or two columns) of a deter- ‘minant are interchanged, then the value of the determinant is multiplied by— (Ayo () 1 (-1 (D) The order of the determinant ‘The value of the determinant abc a la 2b bea 2b 2c ec (A) (at b+ a+ +02) B) (a+b+o3 © atbte (D) a+ +3 is equal to— + 10 | J. Math, 79. If A is an invertible matrix whose inverse is the matrix E: 4. then A is the matrix— ws] fff] L 6 [Fa * ©]s5 3 2 80. The system of equations Ax, +m + 3x5—24=0 2x, + 3x; +.x5—5xq=0 xy — De, — 2s + 3Bxy =O has— (A) No solution (B) Only onc solution (0, 0, 0, 0) (C) Infinite number of solutions () Only two solutions (0, 0, 0, 0) and bad.) 81. Every non-empty subset of the real line R is— Gor (D) few Mae (A) Ordered as complete (B) Complete but not necessarily ordered (©) Ordered but not necessarily complete (D) Neither ordered nor complete 82. If 0, B are the roots of the equation ax? + bx +c¢=0, then 1 —cos (ax? + bx + 0), 0 Ga} ‘is equal to— @o (B) F@-B? 2 © -Fe-pr © Sa-pF am i 8. tof" Sy + X40 iscomtinuous at ae: x=0, then— (A) a<0 (B) a>0 85. & 86. 87. 88. (© a=0 (D) a may be positive, negative or zero Consider the following functions : Ly=ax sind, if.#0; and y= 2y =x? sin4, ifx #0; and y By=x? cos! if #0; and y=0, ifx=0 4.yax cos, if #0; and y=0, ifx=0 ‘The functions differentiable at x= 0 are— (A) Land 2 (B) 2and3 (© 3and4 (D) Land4 If sin"! (S32 log, a, then * is equal” to— z » as @% @—yy x Om OO, If y = flu), w = g(x), where f and g are dif- ferentiable functions, then, fog(x) at x= x9 is— (A) F'{8(x0))-8(40) B) F'{s(xo))-8'o) (©) Fo) a(x0) 48°00) flo) @) Ff Go)+8(%0) The derivative of Ve want x is— 32+) ‘Oat 32. 32 =1 ‘2g 3x afat 22 2 ir lim x(1 —cosx) ~ ax sinx: 190 * (A) () © @o exists and is finite, then the value of a must be— 1 @t ®)5 ©4 ©; 89. Consider the function f(x) = sin x in the interval (0, 2x]. The number of roots of the equation f (x) = 0 in the interval (0, 2x] is— (A) One ) Two (C) Three (D) Four 90. The difference between the maximum and minimum values of the function a sin x + b cos x is— (A) Va? + B) 2(@ +0) © Vat +o? (D) - Va? + 91. The maximum value of (1/x}* is equal to— (Aye @) 1 ee » CY 92. Which one of the following is the equation of the envelope for the family of curves x cos +y sin ap =0 (pis constant and p > 0)? (A) 2+ytapP. B) P= =p (©) x2 =py ©) P=pxr du, | du. 93. Hh ZO, then x E+ So is equal to— ai ®)u ©-u @)0 94. The points of inflexion of the curve yoxt 634 12x24 5x47 are— (A) (1, 19), 12) ®) (1, 19), 2,33) © (2,20 ) 1.2.6) 95. The following figure represents the curve given by— J.Math, | 11 A Y@+x)=2 @-2) @) y= (%-@) @-B)(e-C) 96. Using Riemann's definition of definite inte- lim r ee Bias gral, the sum of the series can be found to be— (A) log 2 (B) log V2 rn x Og M7 97. TEF(a)= f sin ? dt, then f (x) is equal to— (A) 2xsin x? (B) 2xcos x? (© cos x* (D) - sin? 98. The value of pte is equal to— wer ee ot © z 99. The arc of the parabola y? = 4ax bounded at both the ends by latus rectum is rotated about the latus rectum. The volume of the solid generated is— 16 22, A> 8) 7 ma? 16 32 © 757 ©) 757° 100. The area of the region enclosed between the curve y= 23 and the line y= x is— w} wt 1 1 Og Os Answers 1L@© 2(A) 3@) 4© 50) 6.(C) 7.(A) 8(A) 9.(B)_ 10.(A) 12 | J.Math, 11(B) 12,.@) 13.(A) 14.) 15.(C) . . @+2 1 16.(A) 17. (B) 18.(C) 19.(C) 20.(C) n * 21.(C) 22.(A) 23.(A) 24.(B) 25.(C) ~ tim |u| _ tim |e 4 26.(B) 27.(B) 28.(A) 29.(D) 30.(C) * 900 Lidnei| neon 31.(B) 32.(A) 33.(C) 34.(D) 35. (C) 36.(A) 37.(C) 38.(B) 39.(A) 40. (B) am FI 41D) 42.(C) 43.(B) 44.(A) 45.0) 46.(B) 47.(A) 48.(A) 49.0) 50.(C) ++ The given series is convergent, if [4[ > 1 51.(D) 52.(C) 53D) $4.) 55. (A) = 56.(D) 57.(C) 58.(8) 59.(B) 60.) be bic 61.(B) 62.(B) 63.(B) 64. (D) 65.(B) If x= 1, D' Alembert test fail, in this case by 66.(D) 67.(B) 68.(C) 69.(D) 70.) Comparison test 71.(A) 72.(D) 73.(D) 74.(A) 75. (B) 1 76.(D) 77.(C) 78.(B) 79.(C) 80.(C) nae) 81.(A) 82.(D) 83.(B) 84.(B) 85.(D) a 2 86.(B) 87.D) 88(B) 89.(B) 90.(C) take Auxiliary series vq = 75 91.(C) 92.(A) 93.8) 94.(B) 95. (A) . lim My tim gt 96.(B) 97.(D) 98.(C) 99.(C) 100. (A) © nde 7 rte ane I) 1 . = I (finite and non-zero) Hints ‘The Auniliary series, 1. If 5 ay is aconvergent, then Lv, = Ecbisa series, n=l ‘iis where p=2>1 neat = 0 Therefore, Ev, is convergent series. Hence uy is also convergent series. 2: When x= 1, the series is convergent ++ The given series is convergent, if Lx < 1. ‘The differential equation ¥(1+}) +005 +6 +logx-rsin yy 2-0 Written as {»(1+4) +cosy } ae ed nl + {x4 logx—xsiny} dy=0 41 = GEG G+) @+2) 1 te, Mea o(t+!) seas My x (nt +2) are Ces) ne and N= x+logx—xsiny Since, oe oy og 0 v2 7 + The equation is exact. |. The given differential equation BY stant wl) This is homogeneous defferential equation, put yer Berar From (1) a vex d= vetane tan or, Jordy = J# log sin v = logx +log e or, siny = cx ve or, siny = cx. }. The given differential equation is (p-yP = pad or, (x? 1) p?-2ypty?+1=0 which is quadratic in p, «+ Singular solution is given by [B?— 4AC 4x2 2-42 -1) G2 + 1) 20 or, 4x? y2— d(x - 92 +2? 1) =0 or, yaxt+1=0 o, 9 eyed 6. x J. Math, 113 ‘The given equation is ye 5e G3 (Ge) x9 y= 3ap-2p (: Zep) o, 2p 2xpty=0 which is quadratic in p, + Singular solution is or, gae42,y = 2H = yee and p= 2-F The value of y and p satisfy the given equation ++ Required singular solution is 2 ye For orthogonal trajectory, we have on differ- entiating y? = 4a(x+a) (1) we get 2yp = 4a (2) On eliminating a from (1) and (2), we get p=-ptlety ...B) ‘Changing p by — yp, we get =f = x4Vxt+y? Ge P= a+ y? Yew or, op ee or, = yp or, ypt+2xp-y= 0 4) is the differential equation of orthogonal trajectory, 14 2 1 J. Math, which is same as (3), hence its solution will be ys 4a(rta) The given first order differential equation is xdx+ydy+zde= 0 Integrating, we get o, = xt+yee = 2¢ which is equation of sphere. . The given equation is ydr-2edy = 0 ow. ae ys or, Integrating, 2log y = logx+loga logy? = log ax Yea which is the required equation of parabola. or, or, ‘The equation of axis y = O (i.e. x axis) and vertex (0, 0) the equ. of tangent at the vertex (0,0) of parabola. yi =al2 (x +x!) at (0, 0), y- O=al2 (x +0) =x =0. ++ Common axis and tangent at vertex of parabola are y= 0, x= 0. ). The given differential equation is Basu Here, Auxiliary equation is m+1=0 (n? +i) (m?-D= 0 m-i=0 ae 1 me si v2 ; 14 and m?+i=0 = m=—bait V2 v2 + General solution is z in yee (ercas ee essa r) x + etna e +e at . The given differential equation is Here, Auxiliary equation is given by m—-1=0 m=+!1 CR = cette PL= 5-7 = -(1-Dy!@® = -(14D2....) @ =-k General solution ys cpetteget—k i) Given that y =O when x=Oand,™_ y=0 O= c+ cgeo-k O= q+q-k =k atc, +2) ti IM (cr et +cpe*—h)=0 ug vu a=0 From (2) and (3) ask ys Oct thet k = k(e*=1) +B) 12. The given differential equation is fy Gy 3 Ph, 5H oy. Here, Auxiliary equation is sn m3 — 3rn2 + Sm—-2=0 => (m—1)8 (+2) =0 = M=I,1,1,-2 + Number of Linear independent solution is 4. 13, Solving the equation x + V3y = D V3x+y=A_ (." ADis diagonal) _N3a-p = 2 Ww V3p-A 2 1. Coordinate of A (24-2 0-4 Solving, V3x+y=Aandx+V3 y=B (. AB issside) YBA--B _V3B-A ~ 2 2 Via -B Las) ae ++ Coordinate of B ( 2 Solving, V3x+y=C andx+V3y=B V3c-B _V3p-c 2° 2 2: Coordinate of C (ee Gass) Solving, V3 x+y =C andx+V3 y=D _N3c-p ._V3p-c aE 2 +. Coordinate of D (5° ==s) J.Math, 115 Slope of AC Wap-c_ Vap- 2 ¥3c-B Y3a- 2 7 2 _ A-O- V3(0-B) V3(C-A)+(D-B) Slope of BD Vap-c Vana 2 2 . D VBA 2 leo ~ (A-O- ¥3(D-B) V3(C-A)+@-D) Given that diagonal are perpendicular mm; = -1 A-0-V30-B, V3D-B)+A-¢) V3(C-A)+(D-B) " ¥3(C-A)+@- D) =-1 = [(A-0?-3(0-By] = ~[3C-ay-(-By] = (A-C)= (D-B)? => A-C= +(D-B), taking only “+" sign, we get = A+B=C+D . The bisector of angles between the pair of lines (VA +VK) x2 + 2H ay + VB + VK)y2=0 is given by aah. (VA +VK)-(VB + VK) = Va 16 | J. Math. oy VA-¥B VH or, VH@2-y) = VA-VB).xy 15. The equation Ax? + Diy + By?=0 i) Let the origin be shifted at (0, 0) and axes be rotated through and angle 0, then x=X cos @-ysin@ y=X sin @ + Ycos 0 or, Putting x and y in (1), we get ‘A (X2 cos? @ + Y? sin? 6 - 2XY sin @cos 8) + 2H {(X? -Y?) sin ® cos @ + XY (cos? @—sin? @)) +B (X? sin? @ + Y? cos? @ + 2XY sin @ cos @)=0 or, (A cos? @ + B sin?@ + 2H sin @ cos @) X? -2(A-B)sin@ cos @XY + 2H (cos? @ — sin? ®) XY + (A sin? 0 + B cos? 6 —2H sin @ cos @) Y?=0 Comparing, CX? + 2GXY + DY?=0 A cos? 0 +B sin? 0+ 2H sin @ cos 0 =C A sin? © + B cos? @- 2H sin @ cos @= D Adding, we get A (sin? @ + cos? @) +B (sin? 6 +cos? @)=C +D A+B= C+D 16. The given points are (5, 30% (7, 150°) and (11, 210°) Area of a triangle =i { rry sin (@2 - ©) + rary sin (®3 - @2) rar; sin (8, -@2)} 5 {-35 sin 120° 77 sin 60°-55 sin (-180°)} Vas Ba 77 = (-35% 2 +77% 2 +550} . Let PQRS is a square and C be the centre of the circle Y e Q PR? = PQ?+QR? (-:Pa=QR=Rs=sP=$) = 2PQ? =28 pR= Vit pc = -E-(radius of the circle) V2a Centre of the circle are GA) c+ Equation of circle is (-5)'+ Ca) =e = Pty ary ted = AG +y%)—pety)=0 image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available J. Math. | 27 lim 1-2-2 3 Jpy2 f0-0) = 4, AO-A) “fo. sm -17)"?"7 01 119-139}, 2 lim 1 Rix? p50 -he0s (-£) 12 2 3 _ [oi 0 -32163 =] = Gifa>o 19 13/9, . G.>Ois correct answer. R,-R; 12 2 3 9 -13/9 . O oath ~ 9/63 84. Let oy = Hsin}, y=0,ifx=0,ifx40 Rio) = lim AO+ h-A0) = p90 hk ByRz>R; 1 1-2 2 3 ‘A? sin= - [a 1a -1] Z im— oo 1 -14 : 2 p(A) = rank of A=3.<4 = pmykesing = number of unknowns. =0 lim 1=cos(ax? + bx +e) 0 . 2 ee? Lp = jim f= — lim O+ sin (ax? + bx +0). 2ax+b it = x30 2 - a ciytsin (2) (Applied D'Hospital's Rule) 0s (ax? + bx + ¢).Qax + byt =0 + {sin (ax? + bx +c)} 2a 1 2 Similarly y = x? cos, ifx#0 andy=0 ifx = O is differentiable at x= 0 Iican be checked that y=xsin and yex cost are not differentiable at x =O. 85. Let 83. fO+0) = Am KO-+n) Then lim 1 = p90 M0085, Since, f is homogeneous function of degree = 0,ifa>0 ‘0 hence by Euler's Theorem, 28 | J. Math. _ lim sinz — a(x cos x +sin 2) a a * art ay = x90 at a _ lim (1=a)sinx-axcosx (0 a _y dy = x90 4p ( afm) “Of x dr . 5 _ lim (1.=a) cos x= a(-xsin x + 00s 2) = x90 128 wy lim (= =2aleos +arsinx ax 3 = 0 86. (fog) (x) = flg(x)} 12a).1+0 _ 9 = = = flu Gay) ° d da => l-2a=0 Soe) (o) = fw) : - wat “foe 2 89. (x) = sinx FY.SO) x At xX = X, we have FO) Se d f(®) = 0 = cosx=0 dx 98) ) = F 8 )}- 8%) 3x = x= 52% & (0,2m q © (0,2n) nia 87. The derivative of ++ 90. Let f(x) = a sinx+bcosx = Vata d 4 sin x + 4 — 008 » a” Na+? Na+? Moeaneay te = Va? +B? (sinx cos 6+ cos xsin$) ar = Va? +b? sin (x +6) We know that I $sinx $1 <. Maximum value of sin (x + 9) = 1 ~. Maximum value of fix) = Va? +2? sin (x +4) = Va2+b2 lim x (1 = cos.x) ~ ax? sin x s 90 = and minimum value = 0 88. *. Therefore, difference between maximum and minimum value = Va? + 6? lim (1 ssa) axsinx = 390 91. Let y = Cy =x Taking Logarithm, we get logy = -xlogx Differentiating, we get Lét «(a deres) = -y (1 +logx) Re = . = = - [darts 2] i 94. a [+a +loga).-y(1+ log.) ] - [>a +1og.7] ak | «i [« + log x5 For maxima and minima dy =o 1 = 35 (1 +logx) = 0 1 +logx logx x (B) are Tye = (€) -e) =<0 1 =e" guys yis maximum atx = Maximum value = 92. ‘The equation of given family of curve is xcosa+y sino = p Differentiating (1) partially ot, we get Al) 96. J. Math. | 29 =xsina+ycosa = 0 --(2) Eleminating «& from (1) and (2), we get enve- lope of the family of straight line (1), so squaring and adding (1) and (2), we get, ty? =p? . Given that eee x+y £. wis a homogeneous function in x and y of degree 1 « By Buler's theorem of f, we get au, au Fax tay y = 6341224 5x47 dy a 42 - 18x? + 24x45 ey = 12x? -36r+24 a = 24x-36 fy 9 2 Ge 7 OF 1262 -3x42)=0 > x= 1,2 = dy. At x= 1,2 $340 Points of inflexion (1, 19) (2, 33). . The given figure is a Leminiscate of Bemoulli, represented by the curve @,0) » y¥? @?+ x2) = 2 (@-*) clearly the point (a, 0) and (— a, 0) satisfy the equation. lim r co ae noe 2 ae _ imag G) ne) 3 a miis(5 n image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available 6 | MLAS. 10. Complement of a Set—Let U be an Uni- versal set and A be any element of it, then AS or Avis complement of A given by— AC = (xx @ A,r € U} Clearly (ASS = Aor, (AY =A. Let U = {1,2,3,4,5} and A= {1,4), then, A’ = {2,3,5} IL. Union of Sets—Let A and be two sets. A set consists of the elements of both A and B is called the union of A and B and is denoted by AUB. AUB = {x:x€ Aorxe B). Example—Let A= (a, b,c,d},B=(a,¢f), then AUB=(a,b,04¢f). 12, Interseetion of Sets—Let A and B be two sets, then the set which consists the common eléments of A and B is called the intersection of And B and it is denoted By A MB. AQB=#(x:xe Aandxe B} Example—If A =( a,b, ¢,d},B={a,ef}, then ANB = (a). 13. Disjoint Sets—Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint sets, if there is no common element in A and B. If A and B are disjoint sets, then A AB =@ Example—Let A = (a, b,c },B={x,y, 2}, then A and B are disjoint sets, because AB = 9. 14. Difference of Sets—Let A and B are two sets, then set of all those elements of A which are not in B is called difference set of A and B and denoted by A -B. ‘ A-B = (x:x€ A,x€ B} Also A-B # B-A Example—If A = (1,2, 3,4), B= (2,3,5)}, A-B = (1,4) andB-A=(5) o A-B #B-A 15. Venn diagram—Most of the relationship between the sets can be represented by diagrams known as venn diagrams. A universal set U is represented by points in the interior of a rectangle and any of its non empty subsets by points in the interior of closed curves. 16. Cartesian Product of Sets—Let A and B be two sets, then AxB = {(¢8):a€ AandbeB) A xB is called cartesian product of sets. then If A has m elements and B has n elements, then Ax B has mn elements. Example—Let A = (a, b }, B= {c, de}, then A x B = ((a, c), (a, d), (a, e), (6, c), (6, d), (b,e)} Here A xB has 2x 3 ie,, 6 elements. 17. Some Results— @ AUO=A i) ii), BUA ie., U is commutative, (iv) (AUB)UC = AUBUC) ie., U is associative, w AuU=U AUA =U wi) ANA=A ANA = 6 (wii) ANB = BOA ie., 0 is commutative, (iil) (ANB)AC = ANBaC) ie., Mis associative (ix) ANU=A &) ANO=9 (xi) = AN@UC) = (ANB)U(ANO Le., 0 is distributive over union. AUBNO = (AVB)A(AUC) i.e., U is distributive over intersection A-B = ANB’ BY-A’ ACB @ BCA AAB = (A-B)U(B-A) = (AUB)-(ANB) AB is called symmetric difference of AandB. (AUBY = A'oB (AnBy = A'UB' are known as De Morgan’s Law (xvii) (2) AAG = A, (e+) AAA=9 © AAB @ AAB= © AAB = AUBSANB=G (xviii) (@) AC BandCc D=»AxCC BxD (b) Ax BAC) = (AxB)A(AxC) (©) Ax@uC) = (AxB)U(AxC) (xii) iii) tun (xiv) (xv) (xvi) (d)Ax(B-C)=AxB-AxC (©) (AxB)n (CxD) =(ANOx(BnD) » ()(AXB)U(CxD) =(AUQx(BUD) (xix) (a) n(AUB) =n (A) +n (B)—n (ANB) (b) n(AUB UC) =n(A)+nB)+n(C) -2(ANB)-nBaC)-n(Cn A) +n(ANBNC) (©) n(A) =n U)—n(A) (@) n(AMB) =n (A)-n (ANB) ILLUSTRATIONS Example 1. If A = {a, 6, c}, then the number of proper subsets of A is— (A) 5 @)6 ©7 () 8 (LAS, 1996) Solution : In proper subsets of a set there is no set which is equal to the given set. If a set has n elements, then total number of Proper subsets are 2" — 1 Here n =3 Total number of proper subset of A are P-Lie,7 The correct answer is (C). Example 2. Which one of the following is false? (A) The set of natural numbers is an infinite set (B) If A = (x: x?—1= 0) and B=(1,x }, then A and B are equivalent sets (C) IfA=(x:27+4=Oand «xis real}. then Aisa null set (D) At least one of these is false Solution : (A) Since the set of natural numbers is Ne (2 Sic elements in A Nis an infinite set. +. Statement (A) is true. (B) Since A there is infinite and Be Since in A and B, cardinal number is equal. So A and B are equivalent sets «. Statement (B) is true. (©) A = (x:22+4=0 and xis real) =¢ MLAS. | 7 - Statement (C) is true. Since all the statements (A), (B) and (C) are true. So the statement (D) is false. ~*. The correct answer of this question is (D) Example 3. Consider the following state- ments, Assertion (A) : If A= (1, 2}, then P(A) = (6 (1},{2},(1,2)) where P (A) is the power set of A. Reason (R) : P (A) is the superset of its subsets Of these statements— (A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. (B) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A (C) Ais true but R is false (D) Ais false but R is true Solution : “7A = {1,2} Subsets of A are @(1) {2.1.2} Since the power set is the set of subsets of A ie, P(A)=(6,{1},{2},(1,2}) . Ais true. Since every set is the superset of subsets of itself. +» Ris also cue But R is not a correct explanation of A. .*, The correct answer is (B). Example 4. Match the list-I with List-I1 List-1 (Gtatements) (@) If sct A has 2 elements, then the total number of subsets of a power set of A are (b) Total number of elements in a disjoint set of two sets A and B which have 5 and 11 elements respectively (©) AandB have 5 and 11 elements respec- tively, then the minimum number of ele- ments in A UB. @d) IfA={1,2, 3} and B= {1,4}, then, n(A UB)is equal to 8 | MLAS. List-I (Results) (4 2) 0 @) 16 @®u ‘The correct match is ab e od @ 1 2 3 4 ® 4 3 2 1 © 3 2 4 1 © 3 4 2 1 Solution : @< n=2 :. Total number of elements in power set of As 2=4 .- Total number of subset of power set = 2=16 (b) Disjoint set of two sets has no element. (© IFAS B, then n(AVUB) = n(B)=11 (d) Here n (A) = 3, (B) =2 andn(ANB)=1 + n(AUB) = n(A)+n(B)—-n (ANB) = 34+2-1=4 +. The correct match is aobed 3924 1 +. The correct answer is (C). OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS Each of the following questions has four alternative answers, one of them is correct. Tick ‘mark the correct answer— 1. If X = (0, 1, 3, 5}, ¥ = (1, 2, 4, 7} and {1,2, 3, 5, 8} then (X 7 Y)U Z equal to— (A) {0,1,2,4,7, 5,8) (B) (1,2,3,4,5, 8} © {1,2,3,5,8} (D) {0,1,2,3,5,7, 8) (M.P. Forest Services, 1990) 2. If A,B,C be three sets, then (AB) (A -C) is equal to one of the following— (A) A-@acC) B)AYVBNC) (C) A-@vuCc) @) AUBuC) (RAS, 1994) * " 2 . If A={1,2, 3}, B= (3, 4, 5}, the symmetric difference of A and B is given by— (A) (12,3, 4) @®) {1,3,4,5} (©) {2,3,4,5} @) (1,2,4,5} (R.A.S., 1994) The number of non-empty subset of a set consisting of 8 elements is— (A) 256 (B) 255 (C) 128 () None of these (LAS., 1994) If A = (1,2, 3, 4, 5), then the number of subsets of A which contain 2 but not 4 is— (A) 2 (B) 4 © 6 (LAS. 1998) . Let A and B be two sets having 5 common elements. The numbers of elements common to A xB and Bx A is— (A) 0 B) Ss? © 2 (D) None of these (LAS., 1994) . LetU={1,2, } be a universal set and A= (1, 2,3, 4) and B = (2, 4, 5, 7) be subsets of U, then ACUBC is equal to— (A) (1,2,3,5,6,7,8) (B) (1,3,4,5,6,7,8) © (1,3,5,6,8) (@) {1,3,5, 6, 7,8) (LAS. 1997) . Which one of the following is false 7 _ (A) AN (B-C)=(ANB)-(ANC) (B) B-A#(ANB) (©) A-B'#(AnB) (D) A-(A-B)#AUB ). Which one of the following is false ? (A) AC BandCC D=AxCC BxD (B) AxBAC)=(&xB)U(AXC) (C) ANBUC)=(ANB)U(ANG) @) (AxB)N(CxD)=(ANO)xBND) ). If Z denotes the set of integers and A, B, C are its subsets given by— A= (x Z: xis divisable by 2} B= (xe Z: xis divisable by 4} C= (xe Z: xis divisable by 6} Then AMBOC is— (A) (xe Z:xis divisible by 4} (B) {xe Z:xis divisible by 12) (©) {xe Z:4 is divisible by 24} (D) The empty set (UP. P.CS., 1998) . Which one of the following is false ? (A) If A and B have n elements in common, then A x B and B x A will have n? ele- ments in common (B) If set A have 5 elements, then the number of subsets of A will be 32. (C) IfSet A = (4, {9}}, then the power set is {6,0}, ({O)} 1 (OH) (D) Atleast one of the above is false . Which one of the following is false ? (A) AO B = ¢ = there is no element common to both (B) AUB=A>BCA (C) AC BandBC A>A=B (D) IfA contains 5 elements, then power set contains 25 elements. . Which one of the following is false ? (A) Every subset of finite set is finite (B) A subset of an infinite set may be finite (C) {0} #0 (D) {9} isa null set . Which one of the following is false ? (A) Ifn (A) = 20, n (B) = 25 and n (A B) = 10, then n (A UB)=35 (B) Ifn(A)=15,n(B)=20,n (AUB) =30, then n (AMB')= 10 (©) n(ANB)=n(A)-n (ANB) (D) Atleast one of the above is false . Let A and B have 3 and 6 elements respec- tively. What can be the maximum and mini- mum number of elements in A UB ? (A) 9and6 (B) Gand 3 (C) 9and3 @) 6 and 12 . Let A and B have 2 and 5 elements respec- tively. What can be the maximum and mini- mum number of elements in A.B ? (A) Sand2 (B) Sand0 (©) 25and4 (@D) 2ando MIAS. | 9 17. Ina survey of 200 students of a school, it was found that 120 study mathematics, 90 study physics and 70 study chemistry. 40 study mathematics and physics, 30 study physics and chemistry, 50 study chemistry and mathematics and 20 none of these subjects. Find the number of student who study all the three subjects. (A) 580 ®) 340 (© 2 ©) 10 18. In a survey 60% of those surveyed owned a car and 80% of those surveyed who owned a T.V. If 55% owned both a car and a T.V., then percentage of those surveyed who owned a car or a T.V. but not both will be— (A) 30% B) 5% (C) 25% (D) 15% (LA.S., 1998) 19. Ina group of 1000 people, there are 750 who can speak Hindi and 400 can speak English. How many can speak Hindi only ? (A) 750 B) 150 (©) 350 (D) 600 ‘Note—Questions 20 to 22 are based on the following— Out of a total of 130 students appearing in a exam at a center, 60 had computer science as one of the subjects at degree level, 51 had mathematics and 30 had both Computer Science and Mathematics. Out of the 54 students who had physics as one the subjects, 26 had Computer Science, 21 had Maths and 12 had both Computer Science and Mathe- matics. Every one who had neither Computer Science nor Mathematics had Chemistry as ‘one of the subject— 20. How many students had Chemistry as one of the subjects ? (A) 16 (B) 8 © 56 @) 49 = How many had Computer Science but neither Mathematics nor physics as one of the subjects ? (A) 16 @B) 44 © 56 (D) 42 22, How many students did not have Computer Science, Mathematics or physics as one of the subject ? (A) 4 @) 12 © 16 () 30 image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available image not available 24, 25. 26. 2. 28. 29. 30. Ss 3 Congruence 33x = 22 (mod 11) has— (A) 3 solutions (B) 2 solutions (C) Msolutions — (D) No solution [28 +233 = 0 (mod 2) (A) 599 (B) 699 (©) 799 (D) 899 For every integer n, the expression n(n? - 1) Gn + 2)is divided by— (A) 13 (B) 15 (C) 24 (D) 25 (M.P. P.S.C,, 1998) ‘The product of two prime numbers is— (A) Always prime (B) Sometimes prime (©) Composite (D) Always an even number Let x, y,z € I, the set of integers. Consider the following statements with regard to some properties associated with the Set I. 1. Either x= y orxy Dacysxtzcytz B.xcysxzsyz On these statements— (A) Land 2 are correct (B) 1 and 3 are correct (C) 2and 3 are correct (D) 1,2 and 3 are correct (LAS, 1994) If b/a and c/a, and (b, ¢) = 1, then— (A) b/ac (B) be/a ©) ach (D) abe If (858, 325) = d and d = 858 m + 325 n, then— Which one of the following is not true? (A) a: (b+c)=a-b+a-cVabceZ (B) (-a)(-b)=a'bVa,beZ (C) - a=a forat least one element in Z (D) Atleast one of the above is not true MLAS. | 27 32. If m and x be positive integers and a, b be integers such that a = b (mod m), then consider the following statements— La+x =b+x(modm) 2.a—x =b—x (mod m) 3. ax = bx (mod m) 4. a = B* (mod m) Of these statements— (A) Only one of the statement is correct (B) Only two of the statements are correct (C) Only three of the statements are correct (@) All the statements are true (LAS., 1997) 33. What is the greatest number which satisfy the equation 5x < 37? (A) 2 @)3 (5 (D) 7 34. Ifwy, wz Vx, y, 2€ Z, then— (A) 242 (B) wert P+ Zz (C) xllyte41)? (D) ale ty)? +2 35. (5+ 6+ 7 + 8)! = 51 + G1! +7101 4 B10l + M(), then M(p) is divisible by— (A) 336 @) 101 © 91 (D) None of these 30. The congruence 51x = 32 (mod 7) has the solution— (A) © 37. The equation in the set of integers 2x = 3(Modulo 20) has— (A) A unique solution (B) No solution (C) Infinite number of solutions (D) Only 2 solutions (LAS., 1997) 38. 3x+2=0 (mod 7) has the solution— (A) x=4 (mod 7) (B) x=2 (mod 7) (C) x=3(mod7) (D) None of these 39. x2 =— 1 (mod 365) has— (A) Unique solution (B) 4 solutions (C) 6solutions —_(D) No solution 40. Which one of the following is a perfect num- ber? (A) 256 (©) 78 (B) 143 (D) 28

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